#corvidforest art
thecorvidforest · 3 months
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(my art. do not re-upload)
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corvidforestart · 1 month
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[Image description: digital art in a cartoon-ish, flat-colored style of a bust of a freckled, light-skinned, blue-eyed person looking at the viewer with a slight smile. star has long blond ringlets with pink tips held in a ponytail with a pink scrunchy. ze has thick eyeliner, pink lip gloss, and heavy blush. sol is wearing a light blue tank top, a heart-shaped ear cuff, and a thin black choker. from the choker hangs a pendant made of three glass circles. one is light blue, one is pink, and one is dark purple. the background is blue with a lighter blue border. text in the top left corner reads “Avian - 04/30/24.” text in the top right corner reads “thecorvidforest.” end ID]
self portrait one of our headmates did last night
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thecorvidforest · 6 months
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drew a lil scene of our OC schmitty (the one crouching) and our dear friend @angelpuns OC Melvin (the one speaking). context is uhh complicated lmao but they’re basically having a conversation where melvin is speaking and schmitty is communicating with facial expressions & body language. ugh i love my lil blorbos
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thecorvidforest · 9 months
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a piece we made to visualize being co-conscious
[Image description: a digital painting of the reflection of a light skinned person’s face in a round mirror. the mirror is cracked into four pieces, and each piece shows a part of a different person. one piece has two eyes on the left side of the nose. one piece has dark brown eyes and hair and shows the majority of the face. the two other pieces show ginger hair and freckles.]
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thecorvidforest · 9 months
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lil character design from today! one of us did the lineart ages ago and i finished it today. yes the scarf is meant to look like the snake from the rhyme (red touches yellow, you’re a dead fellow, red touches black, you’re okay jack)
[ID: a digital drawing of a straight size, androgynous person standing in a casual pose looking at the viewer with their hands in their pockets and a serious expression. they have dark brown skin and cream-white locs in a high ponytail with a few beads in different shades of green. they are wearing a red, black, and yellow striped scarf over a dark green sweater and tan overcoat. they are wearing dark brown pants with differently colored patches, and green and brown converse. end ID]
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thecorvidforest · 6 months
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(image description: three portrait ink drawings in a sketchbook of the WWE wrestler Seth Rollins showing his face at different angles. he looks neutral in one, irritated in another and angry in the third. a yellow scrap of paper says “@ thecorvidforest.” end ID)
i’ve been getting back into WWE after 5ish years not actively watching. i forgot what an absolute icon Seth Freakin’ Rollins is and i had to do some quick inks
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thecorvidforest · 7 months
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some quick vent art. something something, christian religious trauma, i don’t want to be like this anymore. i’m tired of being like this. i wonder sometimes if i will ever be free.
how to deconstruct being raised in a christian cult send tweet
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thecorvidforest · 8 months
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incredibly self-indulgent art we made for our love @sparrowamongthecrows birthday. basically him and us in a good omens AU (we’re on the right. yknow…crow. corvid.). i mostly just wanted to share cause it’s pretty and i’m proud of how it turned out
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thecorvidforest · 4 months
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did a self-portrait for how i look in-system, image description in alt text
the choker was referenced from a design by @genderpunks. ze has a shop with super cool designs and is in urgent need of financial help, so please go check it out!
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thecorvidforest · 5 months
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artistic rendition of me coming out of dormancy yesterday
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thecorvidforest · 6 months
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just realized i don’t think we ever posted the full version of our blog header! basically we love crows and wanted to try to represent plurality in our art. the program we used is Photoshop with a 250 x 300 pixel canvas. we used reference but couldn’t find any link to the original photographer, so here’s the image itself.
(image description: pixel art of a crow with five visible eyes with its head turned to the right, looking vaguely towards the camera. it’s sitting on a branch attached to a stump. the background is a blurry tangle of greenery with blue sky poking through. end ID)
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thecorvidforest · 10 months
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can’t remember if i ever posted these here but here’s some fashionable fall turtles i drew last year
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thecorvidforest · 4 months
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we’ve been learning embroidery the last few days and this is our first proper piece! it’s supposed to be bleeding hearts and dandelions in a flower pot with some other plants. it’s on an old denim scrap because we’re hidden-homeless and can’t afford fabric (feel free to help us out here btw, hem hem). for a first piece i think it turned out really well!
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thecorvidforest · 1 month
okay update for the like 3 of y’all that followed us for our art: turns out Cara (explicitly anti-generative AI art portfolio app we were hoping to use) doesn’t currently have an alternate text function and isn’t formatted well for image descriptions. Cara’s still excellent and i’m very glad it exists but it is less accessible than tumblr currently is, so for now we’ve made a dedicated side blog ( @corvidforestart )to put our art if you want to follow us there
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thecorvidforest · 3 months
hey all! given that tumblr has decided to fuck over artists, we’ve joined Cara. it’s sort of a cross between twitter and deviantart, and they have a very strong stance against unethical generative AI, with an AI image detector built into the app and the option to use Glaze if your computer can’t run it. it’s still in development so we’ll see what happens, but i’m hopeful about it!
we’ll still post non-art things here, but our art will probably mostly be on Cara (here) going forward. fuck you tumblr
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corvidforestart · 16 days
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[Image description: digital art. a stone statue of a nude, straight-size person with short wavy hair sits bent over on the ground facing the left. their eyes are closed and their expression is mournful. a top surgery scar in bright red is partially visible on their chest. one leg is pointed straight out in front of them while the other is bent underneath them. a red stake is driven through the extended foot. one elbow is on the ground with palm facing upwards, with a red rope beginning at the palm and going straight up. the other arm is pulled back and upwards behind them. another red rope extends from the palm upwards off screen, then back down as if hung from something. the other end of the rope is tied to a heavy wooden cross. drops of blood fall from the palms, foot, and eyes. end ID]
i was going to explain this one but it’s pretty heavy handed (no pun intended) so i’m not gonna bother. suffice it to say, i listened to The Devil And God Are Raging Inside Me by Brand New today. good album
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