#couldn’t resist drawing this scene from jungkook’s mv
smolmilkyways · 9 months
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cyno: how do we know death is a man? because he always comes quicker than expected.
everyone: ……
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iblamebighit · 7 years
interrupted (M) part IV
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pairing: reader x ???
genre: angst, fluff, smut? idefk
summary: part 4 of this trash ass fic. also heavily based in the run mv
word count: 2.3k (specifics 2,328)
warnings/triggers: fighting, swearing etc...
No, no, no… please. It’s not true… It can’t be…
A frenzy of emotions took over you as you barged past the barricade of frozen bodies in the doorway, and stormed up the stairs. This isn’t happening. You pleaded to yourself as you thoughtlessly approached his door with what felt like a withering body.  A mix of music and muffled moans filled the air and with every step, grew louder, almost ringing and echoing throughout your numb mind.
“fuck-Jungkook-yes.” Minah whined behind the wood, but it was Jungkook’s muffled grunts making your stomach twist, and your heart stop. You wanted to sink to the floor, you were visibly shaking.
This couldn’t be Jungkook. Not after last night. He confessed, he kissed you… he… he… He played you like a bitch.
Anger seethed through your bones; you grit your teeth marching to Jimin’s room, and grabbing his box of condoms from his dresser. Returning with no hesitation, you kicked open the door; greeted by Minah’s bare back making your stomach coil. Mustering all the fading strength you could, you launched the box against the wall above the busy bed, the condoms spilling out like rain onto them. Screams of them jumping apart and finding refuge under sex-ridden sheets, filled the hot and heavy air of the room.  
You laughed cynically, and their shaken eyes landed on your shaking hysterical figure, you sounded as if someone should have you locked in a mental hospital, at this point you were so blind with anger, you weren’t thinking as rage clouded your mind and judgement,
“I DON’T THINK STD’s COUNTS AS BEING SICK! SO USE THOSE IF THAT’S YOUR FUCKING EXCUSE!” You seethed, finally reaching their blown out eyes. As your eyes landed on the boy you loved, you no longer saw red. This wasn’t you.
You turned, caught off guard by the rest of the boys who had now gathered at on the landing, mouths agape and eyes wide as to what they had just witnessed. They were all speechless.  
You tilted your head up, to hold back the tears that were starting to blur your vision. All the anger had boiled away, leaving you a numb weak shell of a person.
“y/n…” hoseok spoke out of the silence.
“Thanks for tonight guys...really.” you barely got out, more sounding like a strangled choke than a coherent sentence.
Before any of them could respond, and before you knew it your legs broke out into a run, almost stumbling in your heels down the stairs. you just wanted to get far away from here as quick as you could.
“y/n wait!” Jimin called after you, making you break into a violent sob. As his footsteps broke into a run behind you, your heart beated faster with every step you heard, though your body was resisting; with your muscles becoming stiff, legs growing weak and feet stinging in painfully high heels, you forced yourself to run.
Jimin cried out your name, his distant voice echoing and ringing clear in the crisp air, as he chased after you in the street. But you couldn’t stop. You needed out of there.
Jimin breathlessly stopped losing you at a red light, watching your figure disappear into the dark busy cityscape.
Back at the dorm, Jungkook came rushing out of his room, stopping as his hyungs stood stoic and silent on the landing.
“Shit” he spat realising she had left. A tense silent atmosphere engulfed the landing and all eyes bore deep into the maknae.
“That was fucking low Jungkook.” Taehyung scoffed, before walking off to his room.
“It was her birthday.” Hoseok added, truly disgusted by the youngest’s actions and followed V but into his own room.
Yoongi and Seokjin vanished without a word; they didn’t have to even say anything, they didn’t want to. Disgust and disappointment was evident in their expression especially when they couldn’t look at him any longer; not only did he lie to y/n, he lied to them too.
“How could you do this?” Namjoon snapped. “Not only to us, but especially to y/n… I can’t believe you had it in you to do this.” He mumbled as he too, left Jungkook alone.
All Jungkook did was bite the inside of his cheek, he couldn’t do anything, he knew he was in the wrong here. he fucked up everything. he fucked up the party, he fucked up the trust with his brothers… and worst of all… he fucked up the chance he had with you.
You collapsed at the door of your apartment, falling against the wood. It hurt to breathe, with every sharp painful gasp of air, you choked at the shallow nature of your lungs. You couldn’t feel your legs, you reached down your throbbing stiff legs and finally slipped off your heels. You winced at the pain as cuts, bruises and blisters that met the cold air. But it didn’t hurt anyway near as much as the way Jungkook played you.
You broke into a violent sob on the floor, curling up into a ball. Your mind and your body ached, you didn’t even bother moving onto the sofa or your bed, or even turning the lights on. Instead you lay limp at your doorway, shuddering and sobbing in the silence and darkness.
Jimin huffed breathlessly, watching his pissed sighs and mutters condense and float in the cold night air. He coughed and sniffed from running against the harsh and painful cold to try catch you; but he couldn’t keep up. He knew you wouldn’t pick up but he aimlessly called and texted you.
To y/n:
i know you’re upset.
i know you don’t want to talk.
but please just text me or call so i know you made it home safe.
He wanted to throw his phone. A sudden rush of anger flooded Jimin’s senses. Jungkook broke your heart. Fuelled by this overwhelming feeling, Jimin broke off into a sprint for the house.
“I SAID GET THE FUCK OUT!” Jungkook spat from the doorway, as Minah desperately tried to cling onto him. Jimin slowed, watching the unfolding scene in the dim lighting of the streetlamps.
“You didn’t say that when you were moaning under me.” She coyly teased, her lips scraping his neck and her slender arms snaking around his torso.
“GET OFF ME!” He grunted, struggling and breaking off her vice-like grip. “IT’S ALL YOUR FUCKING FAULT.” Jungkook screamed, throwing her shoes out onto the drive and without thinking, pushed her backward.
Jimin’s instincts shot out like a gun, darting forward just in time to catch Minah from falling onto the brickwork of their drive.
“Are you okay?” he asked, catching his breath. Minah nodded, too in shock to form words. Jimin set her down, as Jungkook came racing.
“I’m sorry Minah I-”
“You’ve done enough.” Jimin growled, his muscles getting tense as he stared the younger one down.
“You lied to us. You fucked Minah. and worst of all… You broke y/n’s heart.”
Jimin grabbed Jungkook by the shoulders, violently throwing him back into the house, Jungkook stumbling backward as the back of his feet hit the doorway.
“What the fuck Jimin.” Jungkook hissed, blood boiling as he stood up.
“You’re not even worth a hit.” Jimin scoffed as he turned away.
Failing to tame the growing anger that heated in Jungkook stomach; he seized the elder by the shoulders, shoving him against the stairs “Shut the fuck up.” He spat, hooking a punch that landed roughly on Jimin’s stiff jaw.
Jimin grit his teeth, tasting the bitter metallic blood drawing from the corners of his mouth; Jimin took Jungkook by the throat, throwing him onto the living room floor. A cry fell from Jungkook’s lips as his ribs hit against the edge of the sofa; wincing in pain and dodging Jimin’s punch he stood up, an arm clutching his side whilst the other tried to land a hit on older boy. Jimin seized Jungkook’s wrist, as Jungkook’s incoming punch narrowly missed him. Jimin swung the youngest round; knocking over the coffee table and all that was on top, with a huge crash. Jungkook charged at Jimin, tackling him, causing them both to stumble over the flipped table, into a heap on the floor of frantic hits and punches. The pair, breathlessly fought, anger and adrenaline racing through their systems. Both blind with anger.
Minah had ran upstairs as soon as the fight broke out, too scared to break them apart on their own. They all ignored her helpless cries, thinking it was just ‘Minah seeking attention again’ but the members all sprung out of their rooms upon hearing the commotion of loud bangs, agonising screams and furniture crashing. They boys met with Minah on the landing, their movements quick as they followed her down the stairs,
“What the fuck is going on?” Namjoon questioned, as they ran down the stairs. The noises growing louder as they headed and burst through the living room door. All eyes landed on the pair wrestling on the floor, Taehyung and Seokjin quickly reacted seizing the pair away from each other, struggling to do so at Jungkook and Jimin scratched and grabbed onto each other, refusing to back down.
“Stop it!” Hoseok ordered, as the rest of the group helped to separate them.
Jimin shoved off Seokjin and Namjoon, who were restraining him. He heaved heavily, catching his breath.
“I’m fine. I’m. Fine.” He reassured, as Jungkook scoffed at him. “I’m leaving.”
“To where?” Yoongi asked. Jimin looked Jungkook dead in the eye before replying:
“To y/n.”
Jimin ran up the stairs to your apartment.
“Y/N!” He called, banging his fist on your door, the sound echoing throughout the silent hallway.
You pathetically reached up  -not even bothering to collect yourself off the floor- and turned the handle.
Jimin hurriedly pulled open the door, about to rush in when he spotted your hunched figure perched on the floor, surrounded by the darkness.
You pitifully hid behind your hair, avoiding any eye contact with him. You had no strength to move. No strength to respond. No strength to react.
He sank down to his knees, speechless… he had never seen you this broken. All for a boy that didn’t deserve you. He gently tucked the hair that fell in front of your face, behind your ears, revealing the face of the girl he fell for, albeit with puffy eyes, swollen cheeks and a reddened nose; he couldn’t stand to see you like this.
The fact you couldn’t look at him, drove you insane. You knew one comforting look and you would’ve burst into tears again. You knew Jimin, in the fact that he knows just what to do to make you happy when any time you were feeling terrible.
“y/n…” he whispered, barely audible, and from that one sound; the sound of your name in that comforting deep raspy voice of his, you couldn’t control the tears. Your hand flew to your face, as if you could hide yourself. He guided your hands to his back and cradled the back of your head, guiding it to the crook in his neck. You melted into his embrace, spilling your choked sobs into his hoodie and his arms provided you with warmth and his hands grazing the back of your head.
“I’m- s-so-sorry-J-Jimin.” You choked out between sobs.
“Shhh-shhh.” he hushed gruffly. “I don’t want to hear about any of that right now… for now, I just want you to be okay again.”
You didn’t deserve him,
“Let’s get you to bed…”, he carefully unravelled himself from you, switching on the lights, making you cower slightly. His eyes fell to the scattered heels, then your freshly scarred feet. “y/n…” he gasped, you didn’t have to look at him to know he was talking about all the new cuts, bruises and blisters, that adorned your skin. 
He bent down, hooking his arm behind your knees and his other arm around your back, lifting you and carrying you to your bathroom. He set you down on the edge of your bathtub, you flinched as your feet came into contact with the cold porcelain. He ran the water, rolling up the ends of your skinny jeans, you hissed as water pooled around the fresh cuts on your skin. He reached down, gently washing all the blood away, it was then when you finally looked at him. He had bruises and cuts on him too… your eyes widened to a cut dangerously close to his eye, without thinking, you reached out to touch it. He winced as your fingertips brushed against it.
“What happened…” you rasped, finding your voice again, but he just guided your arm away.
“Not a priority right now…” he whispered, getting back to cleansing your feet.
You reached your hand down to the water, taking it and swiping your thumb across the graze on his cheek, mirroring what he was doing with you.
The edges of his mouth raised slightly, as did yours, but he cleared his throat, got up and returned with towels. He switched the tap off, taking your feet into the towel and lightly blotted them dry, before carrying you to your room.
He set you down on the edge of the bed, grabbing a long t-shirt from your closet and slipping it over you. You undid your bralette under your shirt, and left him to innocently remove your skinny jeans.
He turned off the lights and tucked you into your sheets,
“I guess i’ll- er -you’ll be okay right.. y/n?”
“Wait… Jimin…”
He hummed,
“Stay.” you whispered. You felt his slight hesitation, and so you begged “Please.”
He slowly slipped himself next to you, under the sheets. You buried your head in his chest, and his arms instinctively held you close. You took comfort in his chest, listening to his heartbeat. It was in that moment, you knew it. It was in that moment you had to say something…
“I love you.”
a/n: i was listening to run throughout writing this and now i have orange jimin feels fml.
shoutout to bae: @bts-sexy-reads who helped so much with this <3
sorry this took so long to post. i honestly have so much workload i want to cry almost everyday.
I love you guys and thank you so much for your love, partience and notes, and of course stay horny, stay shook and stay safe ;)
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