#cr 1 episode 43
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thecreaturecodex · 2 months
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Image accessed from the Ultraman Wiki here
[Terochilus is a monster that makes a big impression in Return of Ultraman (being the star of a two-part episode), but with very little impact on the franchise outside of it. Which is a shame. It feels like Ultraman's Rodan the way that Arstron feels like its Godzilla. It has a weirder power set than Rodan, though, with its toxic webbing and shooting lasers from its nose. It kind of reminds me of The Giant Claw, in the sense of being a superficially simple flying kaiju that is totally bizarre on closer inspection, and I designed its stats intentionally to be a counterpart to my cacagnea.
In the show, its webs emit toxic gas on exposure to automobile exhaust, making Terochilus another pollution-themed kaiju. Since cars don't exist in Pathfinder, I changed the trigger to the webs getting extra dangerous to fire, which is the typical adventurer solution to webbing. That, and it makes the Terochilus' lairing in volcanoes synergistic, and very dangerous.
Also, I can't prove it, but I suspect that Terochilus' pterosaur with feathers look inspired the winged fakeosaur that came in the same set as the ones that inspired the rust monster and bulette]
CR 19 LN Magical Beast
This creature resembles a strange cross between bird and pterosaur. It walks on two elephantine legs, and has membranous wings growing like a cape from its human-like arms. It has a head and neck covered with feathers, and a long straight bill.
A terochilus is a bestial, vaguely avian predator, something like a roc writ even larger. They are found lairing on volcanic islands and are extremely territorial—a terochilus patrols the water near the island for whales, large fish and the occasional sea monster to eat, and drives away anything else entering its hunting grounds. This territoriality extends to their volcanic lairs as well. A terochilus usually lives near the caldera and lines its nest with thick ashy webbing. This webbing is flammable, but burning it produces a highly potent toxic gas that causes immediate unconsciousness followed by systematic organ failure. The terochiluses are immune to these noxious fumes, and encourage periodic fires to burn the webbing and fumigate their lairs.
Terochiluses usually do not see creatures of human size and shape as prey. The danger comes from their territorial instinct—they attack boats that steer too close to their hunting grounds. If forced from their lairs by a stronger monster, they may settle closer to inhabited areas and wreak havoc enforcing their new territorial boundaries. In combat, a terochilus usually opens by spraying opponents with webbing, and then closing to melee with entangled enemies. A terochilus possesses a powerful breath weapon, which manifests as beams of deadly force fired from its nostrils. This breath weapon does not recharge quickly, and most terochiluses use it as a weapon of last resort only.
Terochilus CR 19
XP 204,800
LN Colossal magical beast
Init +9; Senses darkvision 120 ft., low-light vision, Perception +22, tremorsense 30 ft.
AC 34, touch 12, flat-footed 24 (-8 size, +9 Dex, +1 dodge, +22 natural)
hp 346 (21d10+231)
Fort +23, Ref +21, Will +12
DR 20/magic; Immune poison; Resist fire 30, force 30; SR 30
Speed 40 ft., fly 150 ft. (average)
Melee bite +27 (4d6+14/19-20 plus grab), 2 claws +27 (2d8+14), 2 wings +22 (2d8+7)
Space 30 ft.; Reach 30 ft.
Special Attacks breath weapon (150 ft. line, 1 minute, 19d10 force damage),hurricane hover,swallow whole(AC 21, 34 hp, 4d8+21 bludgeoning),toxic webbing, webs (+22 ranged, range increment 30 ft., 150 ft. range, DR 10/-, 21 hp, DC 31)
Str 39, Dex 28, Con 32, Int 4, Wis 21, Cha 15
Base Atk +21; CMB +43 (+47 grapple); CMD 63
Feats Acrobatic,Blind-Fight, Combat Reflexes,Dodge, Flyby Attack, Greater Vital Strike, Hover (B), Improved Critical (bite), Improved Vital Strike, Mobility, Power Attack, Vital Strike
Skills Acrobatics +21 (+25 when jumping), Climb +26, Fly +13, Perception +22; Racial Modifiers +8 Perception
Languages Ignan (cannot speak)
Environment warm land
Organization solitary or pair
Treasure incidental
Special Abilities
Hurricane Hover (Ex) A terochilus gains Hover as a bonus feat. When it uses the Hover feat, it creates hurricane force winds in a 60-foot radius, regardless of its distance from the surface.
Toxic Webbing (Ex) A terochilus’ webs release toxic gas when they take fire damage. This gas fills a 30 foot radius from the webbing, and lingers for 1d4+1 rounds before dissipating. This toxin has the following properties
Web fumes—inhaled; duration 1/round for 4 rounds; save Fort DC 31; initial effect unconsciousness 1 minute; secondary effect 1d6 Con damage and unconsciousness 10 minutes; cure 1 save. The save DC is Constitution based.
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samuraiko · 10 months
More CR musings... another moment of awe for Liam and Marisha acting off each other...
Was rewatching certain episodes to get footage for a video I want to make, and found myself utterly spellbound by Liam and Marisha as Caleb and Beau in this scene.
(video should start at 1:43:46)
The entirety of Beau's quiet but frank concerns about Caleb's mental health if they end up having to deal with Trent Ikithon...
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And Caleb's tormented mixture of defensiveness, vulnerability, anger, and guilt...
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Liam's facial expressions are EVERYTHING, and Marisha's soft-spoken deliberate gentling of her tone so he KNOWS she's serious...
I absolutely LOVE these two so much.
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leetol progress update: I have barely been watching CR lately (c3 is making me spiral, c1 is just kind of boring to me rn, and also College so I have no time) but here’s where we’re at
campaign 1: just finished episode 50!
campaign 2: took a break at episode 31
campaign 3: halfway through episode 34*
* but also I missed half of 32 and never went back
by episode count, I’m 43% done with c1, and only 22% done with c2. I’ve got a LOT to catch up on still.
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stardustsunny · 2 years
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I posted 223 times in 2022
That's 223 more posts than 2021!
95 posts created (43%)
128 posts reblogged (57%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 178 of my posts in 2022
Only 20% of my posts had no tags
#sunny.talk☁️ - 120 posts
#txt - 12 posts
#txt scenarios - 11 posts
#srb - 10 posts
#txt x reader - 8 posts
#txt imagines - 7 posts
#fic recs📨 - 6 posts
#txt drabbles - 5 posts
#txt fluff - 5 posts
#k-labels - 5 posts
Longest Tag: 93 characters
#so now i might be less active w postings but i will try to prepare something reaaallyy good!!
My Top Posts in 2022:
slow love;
words count: 781
pairing: soobin x gn!reader
genre: established relationships, fluff, just a tiinyyy bit suggestive (if you squint)
warnings: bad writing, lots of kisses, light makeout session
song rec.: tender - slow love;
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120 notes - Posted November 16, 2022
{01:43 am}
words count: 657 pairing: beomgyu x gn!reader genre: strangers to ??, fluff
song rec.: chase atlantic - moonlight
a/n: it is supposed to be shorter but idk what happened to me lmao
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148 notes - Posted November 25, 2022
{ 08:17 pm. }
w: poorly written??
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178 notes - Posted October 5, 2022
{ 1:15 am. }
you laid on your bed crying because of the recent fight with your parents. it's not your first one, and definitely not the last but still it hurts you everytime. suddenly you feel your phone buzzed with new message, you unlocked it and saw that it was beomgyu.
gyu♡: come outside
you:  ???
gyu♡: I'm at your front door c'mere
you didn't question him anymore and quickly grab your hoodie from the chair and put it on you. it was kinda hard but you managed to sneak out of your room silently and get out of the door.
"gyu, what the hell are you doing here at this hour?" you asked him while wrapping your arms around yourself cause you shivered from the colder temperature. "I came to see you" he smiled at you. "wait, did you cry? your eyes so red that they can light the street" he chuckled but still worried about you. you shoved his shoulder snorted at his stupid joke. "kinda...again fought with parents, nothing new" he took your hand in his and squeezed it lightly to show his support "it will be okay. do you wanna come grab some shitty burgers in that cafe at the end of the street to lighten your mood up?" you nodded and smiled at him. he always had his ways of showing you his support and make things better "thank you, gyu"
219 notes - Posted September 15, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
My comfort is you;
Words count: 658
Pairing: bf!beomgyu x gn!reader
Genre: fluff
a/n: the last talk x today episode with Beomgyu inspired me on writing something sweet and cute about Gyu at camping. I hope that this work won't disappoint you!! <;3
Song recommendation: Cafuné - Tek it
cr. for img. - @ filmsoftxt
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272 notes - Posted September 14, 2022
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tchaikovskym · 2 years
Judging random outfits from The Untamed part 7
1.Episode eight after Wei Wuxian's time in Cloud Recesses
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I kind of forgot what was the purpose and where they were going, it was after wwx was done with cr and before they found out Chang clan massacre. Anyway! My boy in blue!!!!! Love this 10/10. The most color you'll see this guy wearing, not the regular mourning white, but blue!!! Still carries all the Lan grace but also? So cute! Bonus look at wwx in his element (bothering lwj)
2. Episode twelve in the Wen sect
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Ohhhh ohhh this boy does not have the cloud pattern anymore! And his outer robe is sheer! Something has happened (his whole sect was burned down by the Wens) and it shows! 9/10 only because this is not who my boy is. Also look at him refusing to read the Wen rules. The guy really is boiling in rage. (also look at Jin Zixuan, pretty nice sleeves huh. like compare them to Jiang Cheng's. Love a character whose only purpose in the story is to be a problematic love interest and look pretty (so far))
Jiang Yanli ep17-20, ep24-30, ep30-32
Jiang Cheng ep1-2, ep14-19, ep23-28, ep30-45
Jin Ling ep34-37, ep45-46
Jin Zixuan ep6-18, ep31
Lan Wangji ep1-3, ep8-12, ep18-25, ep30-45, ep50
Lan Xichen ep3-23, ep23-41, ep47
Nie Huaisang ep8-35, ep40-50, ep50
Nie Mingjue ep10-23, ep26-41
Wei Wuxian ep1, ep2-8, ep9-11, ep13-17, ep19-20, ep25-28, ep31-32, ep42-43, ep45-50, ep50
Wen Ning ep4-30, ep31-44, ep45
Wen Qing ep3-8, ep12-25, ep27-31
(part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35)
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llycaons · 8 months
ep43 (3/3): you already know who tf it is!!!! single surviving female character of cql 2019!!!
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I can't believe that's their hiding place. I mean, it worked, but it seems kind of flimsy
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wwx being sleepy is another piece of evidence people like to point to and while I don't think they slept together I can't think of a good reason for him to be so sleep either. maybe he was just making talismans or talking or something
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I wonder if it galls wwx a little that nobody will ever suspect lwj the way they suspect wwx. nah, he loves it. no envies
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so this is kind of foolish of jgy no? if he knows that wwx is hiding here, and he accuses wwx of doing something he couldn't do from CR, then obviously lxc will know it was jgy and not wwx who is a liar. then again I suppose it's not like jgy has much of a choice. if lxc is on wwx's side, he's on wwx's side
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yeah lxc is a little disturbed by the time jgy leaves. hmm was that a threat, jgy?
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the hanshi is so well decorated wow gorgeous
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I sincerely hope he didn't keep her harnessed and saddled this entire time
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lwj so gentle with the rabbits and wwx shoving his fingers in and making 5-year-old noises. sir
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I never liked the readings that wwx is oblivious but it's like, really? you have NO idea why you're not afraid? well, I suppose he's not the most introspective guy
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he does envy lwj one thing, it seems...
this is such a charming aspect of lwj's character. small animals love him and he is gentle with children
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this is so classic for wangxian. ugh. donkey trip >>>>
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ohhhh wwx getting closer!
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lwj letting slip 1 (one) piece of information about The Song in 20 years: I've said too much
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now THIS is cute. wwx suggesting silly romantic names after they get together was a thing in the book that I liked a lot. it could function the same way here, but I like it more as a confession mechanism, at least initially. that seems to be more of its role
anyway YOU KNOW WHO'S HERE!!!! MISS LUO QINGYANG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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aww baby mm is cute. actually I've never looked closely at mr. mm and he's kind of hot. good for her! I liked wq/mm in theory but I am fond of her normie husband
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this might be a heavy-handed and clumsy plot point, but seeing wwx and lwj nod in approval of a five-year old is kind of funny
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hiiii mianmian 😍
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oh, you idiot
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sheeeeee 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
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in fairness he's only met her like once but this line is so funny. sir you threw yourself in front of a branding iron for her
personal highlights: where to start? this episode felt like a present just for me. I've been a little worried that my lack of interest in some of the recent episodes indicated I'm fully over it, but this one proved me wrong. it's powerful stuff, 43. and lbr some of the postres episodes ARE duds
lxc's description of jgy. he just sounds really great
the crickets around the jingshi
jgy's evil little over-the-shoulder jab at lwj. oohh that got me good
everything about the punishment scene 😍 peak romance
little lwj kneeling in the snow because he doesn't understand the only adult who ever gave him unconditional love is dead and he'll never see her again
'waiting for the one to open the door'
the entire domestic scene in the jingshi when lwj has his hair down and wwx is so reluctant to come inside and then talks through some things and then hears wuji and comes inside...the symbolism is so good
wwx suggesting he could name The Song
lxc's alarmed look after jgy's subtle threat
mm's hot husband
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party-with-books · 1 year
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I posted 1,339 times in 2022
26 posts created (2%)
1,313 posts reblogged (98%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 132 of my posts in 2022
#critical role - 69 posts
#cr spoilers - 43 posts
#xd - 20 posts
#exandria unlimited - 10 posts
#the legend of vox machina - 10 posts
#critter art - 9 posts
#a bookdragon rambles - 9 posts
#exu spoilers - 9 posts
#exu calamity - 9 posts
#campaign 3 - 7 posts
Longest Tag: 136 characters
#and it's just really nice to see them showing care for something that was arguably one of their most successful movies to come from them
My Top Posts in 2022:
I'm still crying dudes.
Cerrit kept his promise, he made it home to his family.
Even if he and his family doesn't live to see the Calamity's end, in that moment him returning was all I wanted by the curtain closing. And beating a DC 30 by ONE is some form of poetic cinema you can't make up.
39 notes - Posted June 17, 2022
Thoughts spiraling before heading to bed. That was a helluva episode, I'm still in shock and shaking.
I gotta believe--like with the Iron Shepherds--this was a fight they were meant to lose. Not for the same reasons, but same outcome was meant to be met.
Otahan was supposed to be that much more op than Bells Hells. My thought is there's no way they could have all made it out, even if they hightailed it out earlier.
Matt's reasons are his to reveal in due time, like he always does, and the fact he was never stressed or worried at Orym and Ferne dying (see: Mollymauk's death, it was the dice not being in the groups favor and their choice to stay that brought them to Molly dying) makes me believe there's SOMETHING more coming.
Only the cost for them coming back may be in Imogen "giving in".
Leaving off with Matt's tweet cause he really cares and we should be respectful no matter what.
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42 notes - Posted September 8, 2022
43 notes - Posted May 12, 2022
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Laura Bailey, queen of double entendres, breaker of DM and PCs
46 notes - Posted September 22, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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‪"Dorian is, for all intents and purposes, a normal bard." ‬
Dorian Storm of Bell's Hells, Brontë Wyvernwind of the Silken Squall, silver tongue and bard extraordinaire... 💙💙
‪(I tried, I failed, but) I wanted to show my thanks for this wonderful character, played by the INCREDIBLE Robbie Daymond!
‪Above is a Spiced Rum Cake with rum soak, topped with Blackberry Frosting, sugar pearls & white chocolate deco.‬
I can't draw/paint/write very well and cosplaying is a thing I'm still improving on, but I CAN bake. So I've had in my head for a while doing a series of character themed cupcakes, and Dorian's departure seemed like the perfect opportunity to start!
Every second having Dorian Storm was a genuine delight, and saying goodbye was so much harder than I thought it'd be. So it felt only right to try showing my appreciation for the last 12 episodes! Thank you Robbie for sharing your wonderful bard with us, and I hope to see him again.
51 notes - Posted February 25, 2022
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If the greatest enemy of Bell’s hells isnt windows i will be mad
Vox Machina has doors
Mighty nein has chairs
Bells hells has ______
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boomerang109 · 2 years
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ace-of-games · 4 years
50 Critter Asks
Send me a number to answer, or reblog to invite your followers to ask you!
1. How did you first discover Critical Role?
2. Do you prefer the livestreams, VODs/posts, or podcasts?
3. What was the first CR episode you watched/listened to?
4. What episode have you reached in each CR campaign, or how many times have you watched/listened to each campaign?
5. What has been your biggest CR binge?
6. Do you play in a D&D campaign inspired by CR or the Tal'Dorei/Wildemount guides?
7. Do you have any official CR merch?
8. Have you ever been to a CR liveshow?
9. Do you participate in any CR fan celebrations (Essek Week, Critmas, etc.)?
10. Have you ever spotted a fellow Critter out in the wild (via merch, cosplay, etc.)?
11. Have you become friends with any other Critters?
12. Do you watch/listen to CR alone or with others?
13. Do you do anything else while watching/listening to CR?
14. How do you cope with high tension in CR (stress-snacks, screaming into the chat void, skipping it, etc.)?
15. Are there any loose threads in any campaigns or one-shots/miniseries that you desperately wish would be resolved/addressed?
16. Have you picked up any mannerisms/sayings/speech from the CR cast or their characters (the Marisha perch, "toothy maw", Jester's accent, etc.)?
17. Has CR helped you get through any tough times (loss of a loved one, quarantine, etc.)?
18. What life lessons have you learned from CR?
19. Who's your favorite CR cast member (Matt, Laura, etc.)?
20. Who's your favorite CR crew member (Dani, Maxwell, etc.)?
21. Who's your favorite CR1 PC?
22. Who's your favorite CR2 PC?
23. Who's your favorite CR1 NPC?
24. Who's your favorite CR2 NPC?
25. Who's your favorite CR1 villain?
26. Who's your favorite CR2 villain?
27. What's your favorite “How do you want to do this?” moment?
28. What's the most satisfying CR enemy defeat/death?
29. What's the most devastating CR PC defeat/death?
30. What's your favorite CR romantic/sexual relationship?
31. What's your favorite CR platonic/friendly relationship?
32. What's your favorite CR rivalry?
33. What's your favorite CR familial (sibling, parent/child, etc.) relationship?
34. What's your favorite CR downtime episode/scene?
35. What's your favorite CR fight?
36. What's your favorite CR group/organization (Darrington Brigade, Cerberus Assembly, etc.)?
37. What's your favorite CR magic item?
38. What's your favorite CR homebrew spell/reflavor (Wristpocket, Fortune's Favor, Cat's Ire, etc.)?
39. What's the coolest CR sound effect (the cork pop, monster sounds, etc.)?
40. What's your favorite CR quote?
41. Who are all your favorite active Critters (artists, writers/meta analysts, cosplayers, gif makers, memers, livebloggers, community organizers, timestamp posters, stat trackers, etc.)?
42. What's your favorite critrolestats statistic or other lore/fun fact?
43. What's your favorite Sam ad?
44. What's your favorite CR one-shot or miniseries (Honey Heist, Cinderbrush, etc.)?
45. What's your favorite non-campaign CR content (All Work No Play, Handbooker Helper, etc.)?
46. What's your favorite CR location (Vasselheim, the Lavish Chateau, etc.)?
47. Who's your favorite CR companion (Doty, Frumpkin, etc.)?
48. What's your favorite CR signature move (Bigby's Hand, pop pop, etc.)?
49. What's your favorite CR motif (chest stabs, seducing shopkeepers, etc.)?
50. What CR backstory/arc/moment resonates with you the most?
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timestamp-heaven · 3 years
Girl From Nowhere - SEASON 1 - Timestamps
this show is a Thai anthology series that’s basically about a girl (nanno) transferring to different schools and revealing corruption and hypocrisy within the various students and staff of these schools. in the show’s words, it’s “where the victim becomes the victor”. i enjoy it a lot. nanno my beloved. 
in almost every episode, there are scenes with blood and gore. a few also deal with very heavy subjects including but not limited to: sexual assault, ab*se, physical violence and sui.  the timestamps are here for those subjects, but pls keep this in mind and don’t watch it if you feel you’ll get upset by the topics brought up in the show.
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Episode 1
(WARNING: this episode has imagery of r*pe, sexual assault, and p*dophilia scattered throughout it; so if those subjects greatly upset you, i suggest you skip this episode. along with that, the character mainly focused on in this episode has a wife and a kid; so anyone that has cheating as a trigger probably shouldn’t watch this one either. y’know. since almost all the tags here are also cheating.) 0:45-1:39 || medical setting + flash warning
11:07-12:49 || p*dophilia/cheating
14:01-15:34 || mentions of underage pregnancy and abortions
17:11-19:27 || sexual assault/cheating
27:13-27:25 || medical setting + abortion implication
30:28-20:38 || p*dophilia/cheating shown on monitor 
31:36-32:02 || sexual assault
34:08-34:11 || sexual assault (on a huge screen)
34:22-34:29 || sexual assault (on screen in bg)
35:38-35:42 || sexual assault (on screen in bg)
36:09-36:15 || sexual assault (on screen in bg)
36:38-36:47 || sexual assault + r*pe/cheating
37:23-37:29 || r*pe/cheating
38:46-38:50 || child ab*se 
39:03-39:55 || car accident + blood (accident is offscreen; but you do see the aftermath and hear the impact)
41:12-41:18 || sexual assault/cheating (shown on a screen)
Episode 2
(WARNING: this episode depicts drugging and r*pe at a certain point, so watch at your own discretion if these subjects upset you)
00:00-1:00 || burial of a corpse
8:04-8:09 || fat joke
9:50-9:54 || mention of drugging
17:57-20:04 || underage drinking + drugging
20:44-24:20 || r*pe + choking
24:26-24:29 || dead body  (bottom half of the body is seen from 24:37-25:41)
26:19-26:29 || dead body
26:48-27:14 || burial
27:33-28:09 || burying someone alive 
36:39-36:46 || smothering someone with a pillow
36:56-37:20 || burial
37:32-37:41 || bludgeoning someone (no blood)
37:56-38:02 || bludgeoning someone (no blood)
Episode 3
19:56-20:03 || flashing images
31:14-31:44 || self harm via breaking bones 
Episode 4
32:22-32:35 || underage drinking
33:21-34:18 || underage drug use
37:11-40:16 || gun + russian roulette; tagged the whole scene in case this would stress anyone out (no one gets hurt)
41:16-41:28 || blood seen in the bg + gun
41:36-41:43 || blood in bg + gun
42:05-42:11 || blood 
42:11-42:20 || gun in view
44:45-45:05 || blood
Episode 5
25:45-26:05 || flash warning
30:28-31:23 || blood/gore
32:25-32:27 || blood/gore
32:29-32:39 || blood + sui 
33:57-35:38 || hospital
35:47-end credits || blood + sui
Episode 6
19:25-20:01 || slight nosebleed
20:18-20:28 || slight nosebleed
28:02-28:45 || bullying (not really seen onscreen, but heard)
37:36-37:43 || hanging
Episode 7
4:54-4:59 || hanging
5:21-5:27 || sui ment.
5:46-5:49 || sui ment.
9:59-10:03 || hanging ment.
12:11-12:15 || sui ment.
15:13-15:16 || sui (it happens rlly quickly; visual cue would be when a girl is seen walking behind bam)
15:25-15:31 || dead body + blood
16:02-16:06 || //sui ment.// a message telling someone to k*ll themselves
19:38-19:51 || ambulance 
19:51-19:56 || fat shaming 
20:19-20:21 || bullying ment.
21:26-21:31 || use of the word cr*pple
Episode 8
00:13-00:31 || light thunder 
41:05-41:07 || thunder
Episode 9
13:47-14:02 || box cutter
14:52-15:02 || box cutter
15:07-15:11 || box cutter
20:33-20:42 || box cutter
36:06-37:11 || box cutter
38:12-38:28 || box cutter
42:09-42:11 || gore
42:16-42:26 || gore
43:46-43:50 || gore
43:55-43:59 || gore
44:04-44:08 || gore
Episode 10
(WARNING: this episode shows a school shooting and depicts hallucinations/delusions.  cheating is also brought up a lot, as the character mainly focused on was a victim of it.  the entire end sequence is the aftermath of the shooting, so there are still disturbing things seen in the background.  there is also a high pitched noise that comes up in many sequences, along with shakey cam so viewer discretion is advised)
1:26-Opening || shooting
11:55-12:03 || cheating ment.
13:14-13:20 || pills
14:11-14:30 || cheating + seperation between two parents
14:31-14:35 || pills
19:10-20:01 || child abuse + cheating ment.
21:28-21:56 || cheating ment. + divorce ment.
27:20-27:23 || cheating ment.
27:23-27:26 || sui ment.
27:35-28:07 || cheating + ment.
28:09-28:24 || stabbing (no blood)
31:04-31:09 || stabbing (no blood)
31:11-31:12 || cheating ment.
32:02-32:51 || child abuse + child death
35:05-36:50 || shooting
38:11-38:17 || visible aftermath of shooting (blood)
39:44-39:47 || sui (happens quickly; skip to end credits once nanno starts walking away from the scene)
Episode 11
(WARNING: this episode’s theme is centred around beauty standards for girls, and the lengths they will go to achieve them in order to be “ranked” higher.  no one in the episode deals with an eating disorder or body dysmorphia but there is diet talk at an early point. along with that, general fatphobia warning for this episode as there’s a fat girl that is treated in a pitiful manner at the start due to her looks and is then considered the prettiest girl at school, revealing a miraculous weight loss at the end)
0:43-0:53 || eyestrain warning
9:28-9:33 || diet talk
13:48-13:57 || (not even a tw just kinda nasty yknow) popping a pimple
17:41-17:45 || spitting 
17:51-17:53 || housefly
27:43-27:46 || ants
32:24-32:31 || spitting
Episode 12
(WARNING: casual warning for alcohol use through the first half of the episode since it’s set in a high school reunion. the second half tho yeesh so many topics so many mentions)
3:26-3:32 || drinking
5:00-5:04 || drinking
6:34-6:38 || flicker warning
7:58-8:06 || drinking
8:49-8:57 || drinking
9:21-9:23 || worms
9:28-9:31 || worms
11:18-11:35 || flash warning
12:18-12:27 || drinking
14:14-14:22 || usage of pills
26:04-27:44 || bullying + ableist speech + blood
28:14-28:19 || ableist speech + mental hospital ment.
31:42-32:31 || p*dophilia ment. + csa
33:56-34:07 || hospital ment.
34:46-34:48 || ableist speech (use of the word “psycho”)
35:30-35:47 || implied ab*se ment. + divorce ment.
36:09-36:34 || spousal ab*se + bruises + divorce ment.
37:41-37:47 || ableist speech (use of the word “psycho”)
38:02-38:07 || meds ment.
38:22-38:37 || implied s/h ment. + s/h scars
38:43-end credits || cheating
Episode 13
WARNING: ....oh lord this one. there’s so much to unpack like first of all, in the middle portion of this episode, it’s revealed everyone in the group was poisoned and there’s only one syringe filled with the antidote; leading to everyone fighting for it. i made timestamps for when it’s actually inserted, but keep in mind that the syringe is in view for a good majority of the dialogue in this part. along with that, there’s a recap to past episodes at the end and in general there is A LOT of blood in this episode, so watch at your own discretion if you think you’ll be fine. otherwise, i recommend not to watch this episode if you’re uncomfortable with many of the topics brought up in it.
1:18-1:28 || bullying + ableist speech + blood 
4:25-5:06 || cheating
6:39-6:59 || cheating ment.
7:54-8:30 || bullying
8:50-9:14 || blood (mostly obscured)
10:10-10:37 || self harm + sound of boxcutter
10:47-11:18 || blood
11:23-11:35 || self harm ment.
12:21-14:33 || cheating
15:21-15:58 || drinking
15:59-16:23 || spousal abuse; after finding out she had been cheated on, a woman attacks her husband with a knife. after injuring him, he pushes her to the ground.
16:48-18:09 || pregnancy ment. + miscarriage
19:48-19:56 || drinking
20:05-20:13 || vomit
21:05-21:08 || syringe in skin
21:56-22:01 || choking
22:11-22:15 || blood and all kinds of violence i- 
22:47-22:52 || syringe in skin
23:00-23:07 || stabbing
23:14-23:55 || choking + blood/gore
24:01-24:42 || cannibalism (oh yes person, you read that right) + blood
25:50-26:04 || blood
26:07-26:34 || blood (flashback to that weird bloody montage from 22:11-22:15)
26:41-27:15 || bullying + blood
28:47-28:50 || ableist speech
29:38-29:48 || lowkey blood
31:30-31:40 || flash warning (glitch effects)
32:42-32:54 || p*dophilia/cheating
32:54-32:57 || burial
33:00-33:04 || burial
33:09-33:11 || flashing images
33:28-33:29 || ants
33:39-33:48 || gun (in view) + blood in bg
33:56-33:58 || hanging
33:59-34:05 || blood/gore
34:19-34:22 || blood
34:22-34:29 || self harm via breaking bones
34:32-34:36 || gore
34:49-34:59 || hospital
35:08-35:28 || shooting + sui
well thats season 1. i’ll get through season 2 when i’m motivated but this is it for now. hope it helped. 
- mel
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tracer85s · 4 years
translations of videos/audios.
cr. to translators in the links
are you going to protect me?
are you human wang yibo?
are you not accompanying me to run?
are you wrong?
bazaar interview (1)
bazaar interview (2)
bichen bts
chenqing bts
chocolate bar bts
come find me in the room later
cql episode 9
cql episode 14
cql episode 32
cql episode 34 (1)
cql episode 34 (2)
cql episode 42
cql episode 43
cql episode 46: xz laying on yb’s lap (1)
cql episode 46: xz laying on yb’s lap (2)
does your heart ache for me?
ddu ddu ddu bts
do you know how dangerous it was for you just now?
everyday is everyday
finger guns bts
gg on wwx + wq scenes
give me a break today / be nice to me
give me a kiss, is it okay?
have you heard this one before?
he flung dirt on my face
hotel room bts
how are you this short?
how many have you eaten?
i can help you design a wyb logo
i can’t even laugh?
i didn’t see wangji the whole day
idol wang yibo / actor xiao zhan
if you love me then don’t leave me
i just said i looked it up
i’m like a fragile girl in front of him
i’m setting this as our wechat background
i’m sorry, zhan ge
in library pavilion (2)
it’s not ticklish?
i was wrong zhan ge
kawaii (1)
kawaii (2)
lan wangji is perfect
lan zhan, don’t you want to drink with me?
love you bts
lwj and wwx embrace
mosquito bites bts
motorcycle bts (1)
motorcycle bts (2)
my suibian really is too erotic
oh this was you with that person right?
okay fine!
our hearts are in sync, okay?
sleep with me
spread/split your legs
super adorable lan zhan
talking about games
talking about spiderman
the ‘91 / ‘97 saga (1)
the ‘91 / ‘97 saga (2)
the ‘91 / ‘97 saga (3)
the ‘91 / ‘97 saga (4)
the fan saga
the forehead ribbon is sacred
the look in your eyes as you watch me walk away
the makeup room bts: xz complimenting yb
the makeup room bts: yb asking what xz ate
the makeup room bts: yb filming xz
then i’ll stop looking at you
vip bts (1)
vip bts (2)
wang laoshi’s eye makeup is the best
wang yibo is super pretty today
watching the golden core scene
wei ying, lan zhan
what did you eat yesterday?
what was your first impression like?
what? super handsome
why do you smile once you look at each other?
wyb let me go
why won’t you look at me?
why won’t wang laoshi pay attention to me?
xz accidentally cuts his foot on a rock
xz complimenting yb
xz playing with suibian
yb reaches his hand out to xz
yb’s birthday bts (1)
yb’s birthday bts (2)
yizhan playfighting
you are really photogenic
your face is so small
your top is inside out
you should avoid cold air
you want it?
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bimney424 · 3 years
Which episodes are the Clue references in CR? I can't find them :(
11 – Zemnian Nights (1:14:56)
43 – In Hot Water (56:21)
89 – Lingering Wounds (4:17:48)
111 – New Home and Old Friends (3:10:16)
125- The Neverending Day (3:23:58)
137 – Welcome to Cognouza (39:57)
There are only two that are usually mentioned. The “One plus two, plus one” & “Flames on the side of my face…” Thanks to Crit Role Stats & transcripts I found a few of them. These are all from C2.
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imalsoscarlet · 2 years
(FINALLY!) My Tumblr Year In Review
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I posted 519 times in 2021
Interesting tidbits and reactions are all in italics
187 posts created (36%)
332 posts reblogged (64%) Not surprised really, I think the majority of my experience with social media is wanting people to see what I think is interesting. Maybe I should focus on more og posts and less reblogs. 🤔
For every post I created, I reblogged 1.8 posts.
I added 988 tags in 2021
#reblog - 292 posts
#critical role - 170 posts
#imalsoscarlet - 97 posts
#cr spoilers - 94 posts
#campaign 2 - 90 posts
#essek thelyss - 64 posts I'm surprised this number isn't higher lol
#c2e140 - 60 posts I posted that much about the second to last episode? Holy Essek's soup, that episode did a NUMBER on me
#dice - 43 posts Next year, this number will be higher, just you watch. 🥰
#shadowgast - 41 posts
#taylor swift - 37 posts
Longest Tag: 134 characters
Here's the post if you're interested lol
#also caleb's backstory is just *slaps caleb on the back* so full of tramua and hate but then trent gets locked up and caleb finds love
My Top Posts in 2021
Episode 140 In Pictures [No Spoilers]
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Episodes 140 and 141 were ROLLERCOASTERS. Sometimes I STILL cry about them. I don't know if I can rewatch them lol.
94 notes • Posted 2021-05-28 16:11:48 GMT
Critters I am once again asking for help identifying the artist to a fanart.
Who made this lovely work?
Edit: thank you @paichan13 for finding the artist for me. Check out the work (and aryist) on Twitter!
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I love this fandom so much. I'm glad that I can find the person who make the fanart I randomly save to my phone. Look, I'm a simple person. I see Hot Boi, I like. Lol.
99 notes • Posted 2021-11-04 04:17:22 GMT
Someone on Twitter saw this and now we're Twitter moots who have hilarious interactions like this one.
I miss Essek so much that my only desire in life is going to a con that the cast of CR is at, handing Matthew Mercer a Tupperware container of soup and saying, "this is for Essek."
108 notes • Posted 2021-08-06 20:02:14 GMT
I Wish You Would
Title is a Taylor Swift song. Enjoy. This is part 1.
The night prior, Caleb slept in his bed. No, not in the way Jester would suggest in their casual conversations. Not in the way Essek had begun to fear thinking about, after realizing he was attracted to Caleb.
It took him a while, to figure that out. Or maybe it took him a while to become attracted to Caleb. Perhaps Essek grew closer to him in the cold, barren city of Aeor. Perhaps it happened in distance, when Essek was stuck at the outpost in Eisselcross, fearing for his life, far removed from his friends'.
You can find the rest of this cheesy mess here. I'm sorry.
140 notes • Posted 2021-08-28 03:14:23 GMT
Does Essek know that they used the beacon for a drinking contest? Because I feel like he should be told. Like imagine his reaction.
"I'm sorry you used the beacon to do what?"
159 notes • Posted 2021-05-31 09:28:28 GMT
Really? REALLY? A random, silly thought I posted got that much attention? Sigh. The internet everyone.
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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shadowkupkake · 3 years
Tumblr media
I posted 6,068 times in 2021
39 posts created (1%)
6029 posts reblogged (99%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 154.6 posts.
I added 83 tags in 2021
#critical role - 26 posts
#cr spoilers - 11 posts
#cr2 - 9 posts
#veth brenatto - 6 posts
#jester lavorre - 6 posts
#caduceus clay - 6 posts
#caleb widogast - 6 posts
#destiny 2 - 5 posts
#cr beauregard - 4 posts
#critical role lucien - 4 posts
Longest Tag: 45 characters
#plus the human races arent overly sexualized!
My Top Posts in 2021
I kinda had this weird idea since body horror has been the theme the past few episodes.
What if Lucien gets pissed off enough/the M9 get through to Molly that...
Molly gets thrown up
Molly claws his way out
When Lucien dies, its back to “empty” molly and the M9 have a BIG decision to make
57 notes • Posted 2021-05-21 04:31:41 GMT
I hope in Witch Queen, Savathuun takes away everyones Jotuun.
Just a thought Bungie.
67 notes • Posted 2021-04-02 19:19:46 GMT
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105 notes • Posted 2021-04-04 07:43:31 GMT
Imagine you’re the Gentleman though.
Your (secret) daughter calls you saying she and her friends are dropping by cause they need help. Thats cool.
Shes bringing your estranged Fiance(you havent seen her in easily 20 years) with her, who is a very classy and well known performer/courtesan.
What do you do?
You make all your goons/associates clean the damn bar thats what!
108 notes • Posted 2021-03-12 06:38:42 GMT
Asher Mir:Bastard Man(affectionate)
Clovis Bray:Bastard Man(derogatory)
391 notes • Posted 2021-01-14 00:59:01 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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