#crosshair is still here
illustratingari · 10 months
Rewatching The Bad Batch is the best thing ever and the worst thing ever. I miss them but also because I’m delusional and I want to believe everyone is alive and well 😍
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emmasbadbatch · 8 months
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The rain doesn't seem so bad nowadays...
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dolleyedolly · 3 months
Echo mentioning that "there was no blood this time" means Crosshair and Hunter have fist fought before. And if they weren't interrupted by the wyrm, Hunter was straight up going to threw the first punch.
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heyclickadee · 1 year
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I was going to add a few more panels and clean this up a little more, buuuut time is kind of getting away from me again, so I’m going to leave it like this for now.
(Small request, but could y’all not tag this as a ship, please? It sort of really squicks me out.)
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phantom-of-the-501st · 3 months
Let's Talk About Tech (Or Not)
Tags for people who I feel like would have some interesting thoughts about this: @eriexplosion @nobody-expects-the-inquisitorius @inkstainedhandswithrings @saturn-sends-hugs @the-bi-space-ace
One of the most frequent comments I see about season 3 so far is the lack of discussion surrounding Tech and what happened, and I want to look at this from two angles: the personal aspect and the context within its position in the show. Because while we're all getting frustrated about it, I think it's something that definitely deserves a closer look.
The Personal Side
One of the biggest questions people have so far is why are the Batch not talking about Tech? Losing a brother is very significant for them and it seems like it would be something that they would talk about more. They discussed the issues they were having following Echo's departure from the group, so why are they not talking about Tech?
I think one of the key things to consider here is time. When we see the Batch talking about Echo, it is only a matter of hours if not days after he went. It would make sense for them to be getting to grips with the situation because they haven't really had time to process it. On the flip side, at the point when we see Wrecker and Hunter, it has been at least 150 rotations from Omega's capture and therefore around 3 months from Tech's fall. A lot of the discussions that they would probably be having about it have likely already happened.
3 months isn't really that long, but in the context of losing someone, and in the context of the lives of these characters specifically, it can be enough time to start moving on. Not to forget it, or to not have it affect them, but to not really discuss it anymore. While I've never lost a sibling, I have lost family members on more than one occasion, and it surprises me how little time it can take for things to go back to "normal". Not to not be thinking about it, or to be 100% okay, but to be able to live life without ever discussing it. This happens particularly when something else significant is going on.
When you have another goal to focus on (in this case, rescuing Omega), you can't always focus on the loss. It sounds stupidly harsh and very much like an arsehole thing to say, but realistically, that is what happens. When you lose someone, you want life to stop, you want everything to pause so that you have time to grieve before you go back to living again. But life doesn't work like that. Things keep moving and sometimes the only thing you can do is focus on the events happening now, not the ones that you have no control over.
I don't think the Batch are ignoring it, or have forgotten about it. I think they've simply started focusing on what they need to be doing: rescuing the people who are still here. They can't get Tech back (as far as they are aware), they can't change anything and so at some point they just have to accept it. They probably did talk about it, did cry about it, but we're 3 months along at this point and they've probably said all they can. And Wrecker and Hunter have only just reunited with Crosshair and Omega. They're not going to instantly jump on that discussion again.
And we don't necessarily need to see the discussions to see how it's affecting them either. Tech's death and Omega's capture have made Hunter more impulsive and reckless. He isn't thinking as clearly as he should and now Wrecker is having to step in as the mediator. Wrecker, who was always the one to jump into a mission and ignore the plan, is having to hold Hunter back from running headfirst into things without thinking. The situation has affected them and is still having lasting effects. Even if they aren't talking about it, it isn't like it's just been totally ignored in the show. Of course we'll have to see if this changes now that most of the Batch are together again, but this is already more than we got with a lot of the other clones (Fives never seeming any different following Echo's "death" for example).
And then there's the matter of Crosshair never questioning why Omega only talks about Wrecker and Hunter. This may be because he already knows about Tech. If Omega has been talking to him on Tantiss, he may already know that his brother is gone. But once again, we are watching the events happening 3 months on at this point. He may have had to compartmentalise that fact the same way that everyone else has. We're saw him and Omega briefly discussing Tech and how he made sure Omega memorised all of the plans. Sure, there was more softness there than sadness, but that's what happens sometimes. Sometimes reminiscing about someone that you lost doesn't make you cry, it makes you smile, because you're remembering the little quirks about them that you love. So no, Omega and Cross haven't been shown talking about Tech's death, but I wouldn't be surprised if he already knows.
In the Context of TV
And now onto the other matter. The fact that all of this is happening as part of a narrative.
I think this is where the lack of conversation about it becomes frustrating: not because it doesn't make sense in the context of the characters themselves, but the fact that we are watching this as part of a show. It doesn't feel right to have something that significant happen only for it to never be mentioned again. We can't really ignore the fact that that happened and move on because while the characters have had time to process things, we haven't seen that. That chunk of the story is missing to us and so it feels unfulfilling to have that turn of events not have enough closure.
Imagine if you lost someone in your life and then you automatically skipped to the point where you were starting to feel somewhat okay again, while removing the entire chunk in the middle where you actually processed things. That is effectively what has happened to us as an audience. Yes, we've had months between seasons, but we have this gap of narrative nothingness between the season 2 finale and the beginning of season 3 where the actual processing would have happened.
So our frustration is justified. Not because it doesn't make sense narratively, or that it doesn't seem right for the characters to be acting the way they are, but because we haven't been able to process the events in the same way that the characters have. The characters aren't discussing it because they don't necessarily need to at this point in time. But we need them to discuss it because that part is missing for us. We haven't seen that bit so we can't fully compute the events.
Yes, it's annoying. Not because it doesn't make sense in the story, but because it doesn't make sense to us. Because as an audience the context is different to that of the characters within the story we are watching.
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sanshinexx · 1 year
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Family portrait with the Dad Bad Batch
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alabyte · 11 months
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«The lost one.»
Lyrics: Kanaya - "Little hero".
An illustration for one of the RP arcs that still rips my soul. One abandoned, frightened cadet.
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archivistofnerddom · 9 months
Bad Batch Headcanons — Moving Omega into her college dorm room
Because it’s that time of year again in the US, so why not.
Look, this man got hit with the Dad genes hard when Omega came into his life. If you think he isn’t going to be the most emotional parent moving their kid into college, you’d be wrong. He hates that Omega is leaving home, but he’s also so excited about seeing her take her first steps into her adult life. Guess who is going to be taking the most pictures of Omega in her new dorm room and with her new roommates and floor mates?
He will be the first “parent” to make friends with the RA. He didn’t plan on it. It just sort of happened. Hunter became the RA’s go-to counselor whenever the dorm gets chaotic and they need advice.
Hunter is also the one most likely to teach a few self-defense classes for everyone on Omega’s floor. Safety is a big must for him. His overprotective instincts extend beyond Omega very quickly.
He’s also becomes friends with all of Omega’s floormates’ parents. They have an ongoing text message thread. (Their kids don’t know that fact. Neither do the rest of the Batch.)
Hunter will also be the one who sends the best care packages. (The entire Batch help, of course, but Hunter takes point on making sure that Omega gets care package from her brothers.)
He is a man of few words, but he is the first person to clock every annoying punk kid who might give Omega a hard time. Crosshair is the one who nips that in the bud before it becomes a problem. He might not be the obviously overprotective big brother, but he is still protective.
Crosshair parks it in the common room if anyone needs him. Just poke him if you need help moving stuff. (He’s probably taking a nap, so be careful.)
He’s also the one who just so happens to leave alcohol under Omega’s bed. Don’t worry. Crosshair trusts her to be relatively responsible, but he also knows what’s up in college. Just don’t tell Hunter about that.
Weirdly, he gets along with all the younger siblings who got dragged in to help their older siblings move into college. Crosshair won’t entertain them, but he’ll be the adult in the common room when they need a break. Kids love that he’s a little shit.
He won’t admit that he’ll miss Omega now that she’s in college and out of the house, but he does.
He figured out how bad the firewalls at Omega’s college were before she moved in. He found them to be laughable. He also built her a laptop with ridiculously good protection and storage space. Tech is not going to let his little sister have a computer that would be open to any number of virus due to bad college firewalls.
Tech won’t admit to hacking into the registrar’s office to make sure that Omega gets her preferred classes (and the ideal class schedule). No one can prove that he didn’t though.
He’s also made sure she’s got a perfectly serviceable college-appropriate car. The amount of safety features are clearly post-market though. Tech won’t sacrifice Omega’s safety for anything. (He also included a few fun upgrades that he definitely didn’t tell Hunter about.)
Tech established a secure chat room and Discord channel for Omega and her friends. He sometimes pops in to offer computer support.
Omega gets a customized gaming set-up courtesy of Tech. He schedules hang-out time around her schedule where they game together.
Wrecker basically moves everyone into Omega’s dorm. Once he gets going, there’s no stopping him. Every single dad appreciates that he’s there to do the heavy lifting.
After Hunter, he’s the second most emotional person about moving Omega into her college dorm. Wrecker can’t believe how big she’s gotten.
He leaves Lula on her bed when the Batch finally leaves campus. Omega is going to need that familiar comfort when she’s finally alone. He feels better about leaving her there with the knowledge that she has Lula with her.
Wrecker is responsible for Omega’s dorm room decor. He makes her room feel like home, complete with twinkle lights and calming colors.
He’s absolutely the one rocking all of the college swag. Wrecker raided the college store and made sure the entire Batch is geared up appropriately. (His brothers appreciate him doing that. It’s debatable if Omega does as well.)
Guess who is Mr. Snack and Supply King? Yeah, this guy. He’s the one to make sure that Omega is stocked up on everything she needs to get started at college. Hunter may be the care package dad, but Echo will always do the grocery store run.
He is also the one who finds the best deals on all her books. (Echo and Tech collaborate on that front.) Word quietly goes around the floor that Echo knows things, so he gets hit up by cash-strapped students. (He always does what he can to help.)
Wrecker stuck a college-branded baseball cap on his head shortly after they arrived to move Omega into her dorm room. Echo didn’t take it off. He’s so proud of Omega.
He also makes friends with Omega’s RA. Echo is the one who can help with dealing with stupid shenanigans that college kids get up to when left unsupervised.
Echo is also the one who gets called when Omega and her friends get into trouble during orientation weekend. He’s the one who will definitely bail them out with minimal questions asked. (That conversation will happen with Omega one-on-one later.)
She’s super excited about taking these next steps into her adult life. It’s a big move for her. That doesn’t mean that she won’t miss her brothers though.
Omega appreciates that they all moved her into her dorm room. Having their support means a lot to her.
She had scheduled calls with all of them set up before she even moved into her dorm room.
Omega has no trouble making friends in her dorm and on campus. She’s also going to be bringing friends who don’t have family nearby home on school breaks. She doesn’t want anyone to miss out on being around family, even if it’s just her weird family.
Even though she’s excited about this new stage in her life, she also gets sad when her brothers leave. She’s grateful that she has Lula. (Omega snuck a plushie from the college store into the car for Wrecker to find to replace Lula.)
Somehow, he got roped into moving Omega into her college dorm room. He’s not sure how that happened. It just did, and here he is. So, he makes the best of the situation.
All of the moms love him.
Rex is a very handy guy. He gets all the beds lofted in a timely fashion.
Everyone thinks that he’s Omega’s dad. (He gets a kick out of it, especially since Hunter gets increasingly annoyed by that fact.)
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lovelytech9902 · 1 month
• not them all immediately knowing that omega freed the zillo beast, such a “that’s my kid and I’m proud” moment
• the fucking HEART ATTACK i was having every time wrecker struggled bc of his injury
• imagine having another HEART ATTACK thinking crosshair was going to go full “plan 99”
• “change of plans”
• “she needs you”
• while the zillo beast didn’t eat rampart or hemlock, it did fuck up tantiss so ITS A WIN
• let me pretend to be shocked over rampart
• nala se the queen that you are
• echo and omega speeches!!!!!
• rampart the piece of shit that you are
• dancing on hemlocks grave
• all the clones willing to fight one last time even tho they were free 😭😭
• all the cx clones being activated had me fucking TERRIFIED
• “clone force 99 died with tech” SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP
• echo and emerie!!
• all the kiddos making it out, brave babies
• project stardust
• crosshair trying to be a fucking martyr
• crosshair scared to take the shot, thinking he’ll miss and hit her. you know he has major ptsd after missing the tracker shot on pabu
• “she knows what to do”
• crosshair not missing the most important shot of their lives, even with a missing hand (the one he pew pews with)
• “we’ve all fought enough battle for one lifetime”
“now we get to choose who we want to be”
• living out their lives on pabu!!!
• tech is actually dead and we’ve been clowns this whole time
• bummed we didn’t get to see older wrecker and crosshair at the end
• omega joining up with echo and rex??
• omega taking a piece of tech with her everywhere she goes 😭😭
Out of all the possible outcomes I conjured up over the last couple weeks, this is by far the best one.
This show has been EVERYTHING to me, and will continue to be. I will think about this show, these characters and that ending for the rest of my life.
I’ll have more to say and process once I have more than an hour of sleep
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zaptrapp · 2 months
Uhhh so in the next ep they’re going to pull a “Somehow Tech returned” right?
This is getting tiring, I want my man Tech out of the cage and thriving.
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Three very serious complaints about "Flash Strike":
2. I'm one of those who has gotten to the end of every episode this season and thought "Okay, that was EXCELLENT... But what about Tech??"
3. The havoc this show wreaks on my heart rate and blood pressure will be the cause for any heart-related issues I develop down the road.
In the meantime, I tend to write a plethora of overly analytical essays when I'm stressed out about a show, so be prepared for a possible influx of detailed posts over this next week 😂
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therealcalrissian · 2 months
for anyone who’s feeling sad about the recent episodes of the tbb, here’s domicile typed out 99 times:
domicile domicile domicile domicile domicile domicile domicile domicile domicile domicile domicile domicile domicile domicile domicile domicile domicile domicile domicile domicile domicile domicile domicile domicile domicile domicile domicile domicile domicile domicile domicile domicile domicile domicile domicile domicile domicile domicile domicile domicile domicile domicile domicile domicile domicile domicile domicile domicile domicile domicile domicile domicile domicile domicile domicile domicile domicile domicile domicile domicile domicile domicile domicile domicile domicile domicile domicile domicile domicile domicile domicile domicile domicile domicile domicile domicile domicile domicile domicile domicile domicile domicile domicile domicile domicile domicile domicile domicile domicile domicile domicile domicile domicile domicile domicile domicile domicile domicile domicile
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echojedis · 1 year
It still does not compute in my head that they killed off Tech
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thecoffeelorian · 3 months
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robotsandramblings · 2 months
i am so very extremely curious and super duper nervous as to how Hunter is going to handle the news about Omega turning herself over and Crosshair letting her and Crosshair failing to get a tracker on the ship to boot
is Hunter going to finally snap? is this the last straw that makes him completely lose his shit? i kinda wanna see that ngl
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lazinesswrites · 4 months
I read this amazing Cody-centric wing-fic by @meebles, so now I'm thinking about Clones with wings, and - because I'm me - specifically the Bad Batch with wings.
What would their wings look like? The regs' wings would all be identical/very similar, of course, with the individuality mostly showing in dyes and so on. But the Batch with their mutations will likely have different wings too.
I want Crosshair's wings to be similar to the ice vultures', for obvious thematic reasons, but also because vultures tend to hang around in high places, whether that's sitting in a tree somewhere or circling high up in the air, waiting and watching. Good sniper traits. I don't think we really get to see the vultures in the show, but I assume they're white/grey, to blend in against the snow and ice and white/grey skies. Good colors for Crosshair.
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The rest will be under the cut because this got away from me a little (a lot).
For Tech, I'm thinking common kestrel wings. I don't know if kestrels have any particular behavioral traits that would fit Tech, I mostly just like their colors for him. I did read a little bit, though, and what stood out to me was that the kestrel has multiple hunting methods - it does the usual bird of prey thing, of circling around on an updraft over open land and diving for its prey, or sitting on a fence pole or in a tree or even a bush and jumping on a mouse or whatever that gets too close. The thing it does that's maybe less common is that it will also skim across fields, very close to the ground, to pounce on anything small enough for it to eat. And maybe I'm reaching a little here, but that seems to me like a very resourceful bird which is also a very competent flier, and I figure that does fit our Tech very nicely.
I do kind of want to pick vulture for Tech too, if just to match his twin, but. I like the kestrel better. I mean, just look at it:
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For Wrecker... Maybe something like a white-tailed eagle? Because. Big. And good at fishing. On a more angsty note, I'm thinking whatever happened to give Wrecker his iconic scar/cost him his eye, it probably also damaged his left wing. Maybe not enough to ground him fully, but enough that flying/steering would be harder for him, which is at least part of the reason he's still scared of heights.
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Hunter's wings would probably be pretty similar to the regs', maybe a tiny bit smaller. I'm thinking something like the New Zealand falcon, or kārearea. Bird of prey, dark brown, fairly simple coloring (though still very pretty). According to the NZ Department of Conservation, there are three ecological forms of the kārearea: A large, pale 'eastern' falcon; a smaller, darker 'Bush' falcon, and a 'southern' falcon that's somewhere inbetween in both size and color. Perhaps the regs' wings are more like the eastern/southern ones (left image, I think), while Hunter's are more like those of the bush falcon (right image)?
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Disclaimer: I actually know fuck-all about these birds, only what I've just read - if I'm mistaken about the identity of these birds, I blame the sources, which should all be linked in the images, though tumblr is tumblr.
Echo doesn't get his own picture (sorry, Echo) because he's a reg, technically, so he has wings like the left one above. I... am not sure what happened to them in that explosion, or his time on Skako Minor. Probably not very good things. Maybe his wings are just heavily scarred/damaged, maybe they're gone completely. Maybe he's got prosthetics for one or both of them?
(I'm just now realizing that the Clones having wings would mean some things on that mission to Skako Minor - namely, the escape from the techno Union's facility - would turn out slightly different, since they don't need those flying reptiles to get away when they have their own wings. Though maybe they still do if at least one (Skywalker), and maybe two or three of the people on that team can't fly (Echo, Wrecker). I'm well aware them having wings would completely change the mission to Eriadu in the TBB s2 finale, what with them being able to just. fly over there. and away again. Even if they do use the sky-rail or whatever, for Wrecker and/or Echo's sake, Tech would still have his wings, so... All's good.)
Omega also doesn't get her own image (sorry, Omega) because while she's not a reg, exactly, she's an unaltered Clone, which means... Well. I'm not actually sure what that means. I suppose that depends on whether Fett had wings, or that's something the Kaminoan's added? I'm gonna go with the first one, because I like that better. The Kaminoans may have changed things about the wings, but Omega will still have wings, because Fett did too. But that also means she'll have wings identical, or at least very similar to the regs' (left img. above), though maybe she'll have lighter feathers, to match her lighter hair. Also, since she's still (physically) a child, she'll have wings that look more like the immature/juvenile falcons', which means... less spots and stripes? I think? I'm not sure.
I'm also not sure when this whole thing changed from 'idle musings' to 'full-blown headcanons' but it certainly happened. Let me just go back and add a read-more somewhere. Alright, that's done. I'm not really sure if I'm actually gonna... do anything with these headcanons. I do really like the concept of meebles' fic, though - showing different relationships through the grooming and preening of wings - so maybe I'll write something a la that at some point, just for the Batch instead of Cody. Maybe some hurt/comfort about what the Empire does to Crosshair's wings while he's a prisoner? And how he has to learn to trust people near him/his wings again, and how his brothers help him heal, both physically and mentally.
If I do ever write something about all this, I'll make sure to link back to meebles's fic as the inspiration - and in case you missed it up top, or just don't wanna scroll all the way back up again (that's fair, this got rather long), here it is again: and the stars, like a loved one by firelord_zutara on Ao3, also known as meebles here on tumblr. Go read it, you won't regret it.
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