mistress-light · 5 months
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Forspoken • Frey's hair physics appreciation
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flyingwide · 6 months
Hmmmm.... "permission," "violent," and "scoffed."
all from the canon compliant scrivener doc...
“If you’re so certain, then you won’t mind being proved right,” Frey said. She took his silence as permission.
"What you call 'panic' is an echo of violent desperation, throwing myself at the walls that held me until I could stand it no longer."
"You think I like watching you get pawed at by an overeager boy?" He scoffed. "That was nearly as painful for me as I imagine it was for you."
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zigmatism · 8 months
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I don't usually do sketches on the weekend but I had to wish @cruelfeline a happy birthday! Thanks for making me feel less insane about liking Forspoken lmao.
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lordcaptains · 10 months
@cruelfeline replied to your post “it birf”:
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phoenixiancrystallist · 8 months
Me: *has an existential crisis about a blorbo*
Me: *has a bathtub soak and a lil cry about it*
Me: *comes away with a more ironed-out plot for the sequel to a fic that's still being written*
Why am I like this
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monsternobility · 24 days
like maybe im just a bitch cuz i dont care about starscream hardly ever but goddamn
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bornt-urnge · 1 month
I'm petitioning @cruelfeline and @phoenixiancrystallist and @mistress-light to play Immortals of Aveum purely because I need more analysis of stuff and visibility of it on Tumblr.
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pantherpilz · 4 months
@cruelfeline I think new content could work in the form of DLC, not necessarily a sequel. but the chances of that happening hmm slim
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imperfectmazen · 1 year
For @cruelfeline
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Ended up with a lot of text - sorry!
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spacebatisluvd · 1 year
There's this comic called Sweary She-Ra, and it's a really good rewrite of the original. But I've sort of been avoiding the asks that the creator gets for a (seemingly) petty reason: most fans of the comic seem to sympathize only with Catra and Glimmer, not Hordak. For instance, they will talk about Horde Prime's behavior towards Catra and Glimmer, and how horrible it is, which, sure, but his behavior towards Hordak is arguably worse, and yet... nothing.
Ah, yeah. I think a large chunk of the fanbase for the show is more inclined to sympathize with Catra and Glimmer. For many reasons, but I think most people find them more relatable and/or more "attractive". That isn't necessarily a bad thing--everyone fixates on their own comfort characters for their own reasons--but I can very much understand your frustration with people not seeming to see or acknowledge the abuse Hordak suffers. I don't believe that comic is being made by someone within the Hordak circle of the fandom, so it makes sense that they attract more folks from the fandom at large and those folks will be less Hordak- and clone-minded than we are over in this corner of the fandom.
I haven't been keeping up with the comic personally, but I've had similar experiences in the past, where the rest of a fandom doesn't really seem to be engaging with a piece of fandom content I vibe with in the same way I would prefer. (Or, worse, sometimes I'm in the creator's position and have to field asks/comments from folks who seem to be pressuring me to change the course of my story to suit their character preferences. Not something I've dealt with in this fandom, but it's happened to me in the past.) In any case, I understand your frustration, Anon. Or maybe bafflement. Personally, I don't really see how anyone can ignore what's been done to Hordak, but I am obviously very biased.
Anyway, I recommend that you engage with the content you enjoy, and don't engage with asks, fans, or content that doesn't spark joy for you. I really do find that's the best way to stay happy and mentally healthy within a fandom. And I also try to remember that everyone is going to vibe with different characters and different themes, for different reasons and in different ways than I am. Sometimes those differences can feel isolating, but I think the Hordak community has a pretty active fanbase still. Poke around in these parts for a bit, and that will probably make you feel better overall. ^_^ @cruelfeline has some literal essays about Hordak that can feel very validating to read or re-read in their Masterlist, if you ever start to feel like you're the only one seeing these things.
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mistress-light · 4 months
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Forspoken • Gracious cloak retexture - Gold & Silver
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flyingwide · 5 months
18. Current number of WIPs?
starting off with the hardest question ;__;
by fandom, we have:
Dragon Age -Age of Icons (Solavellan epic, currently 210k and counting) -second chapter of Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
Arcane -brothel au (it even has a title already!!) -Stars Claim Them Both chapters 2, 3, and short epilogue (2 is 90% complete, epilogue is written, just need 3)
Willow -The Empress chapter 3 -sex pollen (again, 90% done)
Found -not noncon, not dubcon, but definitely weirdcon
Forspoken -post-canon long fic -urban fantasy au -at least 3 more chapters of ferrets!verse, likely 4
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zigmatism · 2 months
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I got inspired by @phoenixiancrystallist and @cruelfeline to draw a bit more Forspoken! This is another AU design that popped into my head where Susurrus was better contained and Frey was born and raised in Athia. She actually pulls his consciousness out of Cinta when she's born, but is still more naturally adapted to containing him.
In this setting she obviously learns more from her mother, gaining better swordfighting ability and the Junoon royal fashion.
She does eventually (willingly) reabsorb all of his pieces when she becomes an adult. Until then, the newly-freed Cinta helps the other Tantas manage their piece of Cuff, a nickname Frey now gives him after seeing his more artificial forms on her aunties :>
And yes Bird!Cuff is still around. Because of course he is.
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lordcaptains · 3 months
i really like the relationship heinrix and idira develop throughout the game.
both of them are psykers, but they view their abilities completely differently - idira sees them as a blessing, a gift she's strong enough to use, while heinrix sees them as a curse. and idira is an unsanctioned psyker, while heinrix is an agent of the inquisition. 
but on rykad minoris, if the rogue trader isn't a psyker, heinrix reaches out to idira to help her, even as he's suffering under the same onslaught of warp energies that's afflicting her.
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when talking to hieronymus on footfall, heinrix offers to help idira again.
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(argenta, another loyal servant of the imperium like heinrix…doesn't.)
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it's in the small things, too. when she loses her flask on the bridge, he reminds her where she left it. (next to vigdis!) and he rarely (not never, but rarely) calls her 'witch', choosing to refer to her as 'lady tlass' or 'mistress tlass' instead.
and when the time comes for idira to choose whether to use the druhkari device to control her powers, heinrix tells her not to.
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even as a high ranking member of the inquisition, it's not as though he has to relentlessly pursue every infraction of imperial dogma. calcazar, for instance, also knows full well about the existence of an unsanctioned psyker in the rogue trader's retinue. he just doesn't care.
when duty allows, heinrix certainly does care.
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Hey, just finished the story of In Tanta We Trust. In my mind, Frey is still in regular contact with the four other Tantas of Anthia and has to explain to them the events of ITWT. As if that wasn't enough, then she'll have to tell them about what Rheddiah's Tanta told her(and the fact that Rheddiah even has Tantas in the first place) and that she has to go to that place to meet with her. That conversation isn't going to go over well, is it?
Tumblr is a perfectly functioning website with a perfectly functioning app and absolutely did not eat my response to this ask SIX GODDAMN TIMES (three before I got smart and wrote all this out in my notes app so I could just copy/paste until it stopped arguing with me).
I honestly don't think Frey would be the one who initiates those conversations. She grew up bouncing from foster home to foster home, aged out of the foster system, and essentially had no one but herself to rely on for her whole life. And then she gets dropped into Athia with no one but herself and Cuff to rely on, and it took her a long time to actually rely on him.
So, I don't think she has the instinct to seek out advice—and to make matters worse, she also sorta kinda murdered the Tantas a little bit. Yes, it was the right thing to do, and no, they're not mad or upset about it, but I'd imagine she's still carrying some guilt around because of it (guilt that Cuff would absolutely prey upon, too). That's not exactly the kind of thing you can just get over, you know? It takes a lot of therapy and there's not a whole lot of that to go around in Athia.
Besides, the moment she starts thinking "maybe I should ask my predecessors for advice," you know Cuff is going to pull some "oh yes, let's go talk to the women I drove insane and manipulated you into murdering. That'll go swell" bullshit, or otherwise try to talk her out of it. She might decide to go talk to them anyway out of spite, or she might think he has a point.
But it does happen, one way or another—either of Frey's own free will or because Cinta's Momma Senses are tingling and she finds a way to yoink Frey into Svargana from beyond the grave. Say Frey does ask their advice and tells them a Tanta of Rheddah showed her the Gloaming and asked to meet her. Well, what I wouldn't give to be a light jellyfish hanging in the air for that conversation!
Sila I can see being all for letting Frey go, but cautions Frey that talking may not get the results she hopes for, and that she had better be prepared for a battle to the death if things don't go well.
Prav would be tentatively amenable to the idea of Frey going to Rheddah to speak with the Rheddig Tantas. She'd emphasize a need for diplomacy and compromise. Her ideal outcome would be a peace treaty between the two nations, or some other formal agreement that Rheddah will no longer seek Athia's destruction.
Olas... could go either way. Of all of them, I think she would be the most familiar with the Tantas of Rheddah, if only through her studies of history. (I also think she's the most likely to have spies set up in Rheddah, but that's neither here nor there.) She'd know better than any of them if the Rheddig Tantas are likely to kill Frey the second she steps on shore, or if they'd try to manipulate her and turn her against Athia, or even if they're completely benevolent and trustworthy. Depending on what she knows of them, she could be all for Frey meeting with them, cautiously for it, cautiously against it, or vehemently against it.
Cinta would be against it. As Frey's mother, her instinct is to keep Frey safe. As Tanta, she cannot recommend any course of action that leaves Athia defenseless—and as it stands, Frey is Athia's only defense. She is the only one capable of protecting the citizens of Cipal from the Break, and she is the only one who has any hope of standing a chance against another Rheddig invasion. What if this is a diversion, meant to remove Athia's only protector so the Rheddig can finally complete their mission of eradicating Athia? She can't accept that risk.
Ultimately, after a lot of heated debate where Frey loses her temper at the pointless bickering at least twice, and Cuff is spiritually eating popcorn and doing a one-wrist-idiot Statler and Waldorf bit the whole time, the consensus they finally arrive to is the Tanta equivalent of "ho don't do it."
So, naturally, Frey does it. How else would we have a story for the sequel we're never going to get?
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hirazuki · 10 days
5 tracks
Thanks for the tag, @mirkwood-hr-department!
Rules: put in 5 tracks you listen to, then tag ten/five some people
Senya - Naruto Shippuden OST 2
Closer - Joe Inoue (Naruto Shippuden OP)
River - Anonymouz (Vinland Saga OP)
The Sea and a Pearl - JUNNA (Kaizoku Oujo OP)
Michi ~ to you all -- Aluto (Naruto Shippuden ED)
No pressure tagging: @celebbun, @cruelfeline, @baked-hylian, @errantgoat, @general-illyrin
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