#curry everyday
mumblelard · 1 month
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and that would fix everything or gratuitous picture of mumblelard wuersday
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abrahamvanhelsings · 30 days
me: i admire the pro-palestine protests at the university of amsterdam bc it takes a lot of bravery to have the police clean you out violently day after day but it is not a good call on the part of the protestors to use violence and destruction themselves, bc i understand the impulse, but this will only hurt your movement an your cause bc the media will portray you like criminals and give no attention to what you're actually there for (university breaking all bonds w/ israel)
someeone else, in response: yes the violence is really coming from both sides equally
me: bootlicker spotted 🫵🏻
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karpasan · 2 years
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Signal when you can't breath no more.
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f-rg-tmigej · 5 months
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Den här gången gjorde jag det efter mors recept, ”på riktigt” som jag kallade det. Kokade min egna buljong som jag gjorde en curry-sås på, asså 🤌🏼👅
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dorkofclanlavellan · 9 months
Really inspired to write for Snyderverse right now and after another day of catching up on sleep...
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forffax · 2 years
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end of chapter illustrations for volume 6!
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curries for lunch =)
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prof-layton · 11 months
I was once again reminded me of kj and i’m afraid it might awake something in me
my kj mutuals should i rewatch. do y’all remember how i was about it
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enuicooks · 2 years
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Wednesday lunch on Tuesday evening:
Wagamama's chicken katsu curry, with a side of lettuce.
The parts are going to in the fridge separately and will be assembled in the morning. The metal container (where the curry sauce is) is part of an electric heated lunchbox, which works best if there's liquid. So the sauce goes in first, then meat, then rice on top.
Katsu curry sauce recipe:
It freezes ok, so I doubled it and made it a gift to future me. It took about half an hour to make, I didn't time it exactly but I started taking out the ingredients at the same time as I was preheating the toaster oven to cook the breaded cutlet (shop bought) and by the time the meat was done, the sauce also was.
I improvised a salad dressing, since I was missing some ingredients for wagamama's recipe
So mine was:
- 4 tbsp peanut oil
- about one heaped tablespoon of gari picked ginger
- a splash rice vinegar since the gari was a bit dry
- 1 clove of garlic confit
- 1 tbsp soy sauce
- tamarind sauce
All blitzed together until the chunks were small.
Yes, I didn't have ketchup in the fridge but I have tamarind sauce 🤷
Actually I do have ketchup, but it's the spicy one, and since the curry sauce is spicy already I didn't want to overdo it.
Garlic confit is a bit of a project to make, but it lasts a long time, it's more gentle on the stomach, and you have perfectly cooked garlic on hand at any time, without getting you hands dirty. It's the gift that keeps on giving for your future self.
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mumblelard · 2 years
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i wanna rock and roll all night and curry every day
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mirillel · 2 years
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Pumpkin potato soup with some grilled cheese :)
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bluebellswood · 8 months
i kinda miss reading a3! everything feels so warm and comforting with how supportive the casts are. the theatre found family friendship stuff
the younger members having the older members looking out and guiding them but also the older ones learning from the younger ones
i’ve only read 2017-2018 stories and its not a lot with the amount there are now but i get a feeling of happiness from reading those uuuu
wild stuff and pain here and there exist but overall, at the end, but its still a rlly nice feeling
found family troupe is real strong and i love it so much. everyone has a place in mankai…
like even the fan content… the amt of fic i read about chikage and hisoka with how they found their place in mankai and how everyone treated them with warmth without fully knowing their backstory bc it’s okay. it doesn’t matter to them. what matters is theyre both there and urg bro
if i had to pick any universe to isekai in… i want it to be in mankai. i used to think about it often like that connect and supportive environment.. how no one is left out.. i want to something like that too
i get warmth from mhyk, i7, and prsk too but two of them gives me a number of emotions i cant name along with it (screaming… tsm sensei is responsible for them.) and the other is proud of those kids kind of feeling, of them figuring their life out.
for a3!, some are adults, some are still in school and i guess that what makes the whole thing. so warm and wholesome because no matter the age, they come together with that shared passion of theatre and grow together
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wallacelondon · 9 months
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Vegetarian - Campfire Curried Vegetable Packs In these inventive vegetarian camping packs, vegetables and chickpeas are seasoned with curry, wrapped in foil, and cooked over the campfire.
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screeching-bunny · 1 year
Yandere! Concubine Harem
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Warnings: Obsessive Behavior, Yandere Thoughts, Bad Writing, Stalking, Possessive Behavior, Reader is Referred as ‘You’
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Many people would call you crazy or insane but you didn’t care. You absolutely hated your life and the god forsaken family you were born into. If you could choose, you would have been born into a lesser family. It wasn’t always like this, in fact when you were younger you were last in line for the throne. It was due to the sabotage of greedy and jealous mothers that got all your half siblings and full blooded siblings murdered. Unfortunately, that meant that you were forced into the position of being the next heir and eventually the new ruler.
You could remember the moment you became heir, you were immediately bombarded with people trying to curry up your favor. You honestly hated it, everyone just felt superficial and it didn’t help that as you grew, so did your power. Even your childhood friends were not immune to this. Imagine your shock when your closest friend got up on one knee and asked for the chance to court you. Then your classmate, then your former brother’s friend, and etc.
You had barely even had a concept of what love was. From a very young age your mother was murdered and your father hardly ever paid that much attention to you as well. You were mostly alone in your own little world and you absolutely loved that. People always just seemed so annoying to you that you did the bare minimum in communicating with others.
You tried to remain single as long as possible but your father did not agree with this decision of yours. He’s always seen relationships and marriage as a way to get more influence from around the world. So at the age of twenty, you were officially given a concubine, a foreign princess from the East. She was clingy and whenever you talked to other people she seemed to always want to monopolize your attention. This behavior only seemed to get worse when your father caused you to take in concubines to gain various alliances.
Within your harem there was competition daily. Sons of generals who tried to show off with their strengths, princesses who tried to get your attention with their singing abilities, princes who would try to show off their archery, scholars who showed off their intelligence, etc. The list goes on and on. There was so much jealousy in your harem that it was unbelievable. It also didn’t help that everyone was always trying to kill each other. You were so sick and tired of it. All you wanted was some peace and quiet.
There were daily assassination attempts on concubines, poised drinks to make someone infertile, constant fake crying so that you could favor someone, and etc. Every single time you take in a new concubine you could always feel them seething but you always ignored it. You didn’t know why they loved you so much, hell you even told them if they ever wanted a divorce you would give it to them. Yet, no one has ever left willingly. It was as if they looked up to you as a god or something it was just so strange.
You’re favored concubines were of course, always thrilled to have your attention on them. They were usually the ones who got to sleep with you at night. Seems as a privilege as only the most loved got to do that. You, however, had to be careful sometimes because unwanted sexual advances could happen anytime in the bedroom.
If you feel in a particularly good mood that day however, you may even let one of them bathe with you. “Your majesty, your skin is silky smooth. I wish to do this with you forever. No words can express how I feel and how much I love you. Won’t you allow me to be your first husband?” Yeah, this was basically how most of your conversations went. Everyone wanted to have the first slot at being your husband or wife. It was the ultimate showcase to prove you loved them the most and was a definite power trip for those in the harem.
Going to bed everyday was like a minefield. You just don’t know who’s going to show up in your chambers. Most of the time it’s one of your concubines, that you allowed to sleep with you for the night, in provocative attire. “Your majesty, I’ve been feeling a little lonely lately. Won’t you please pay some attention to me?” It’s honestly crazy how there is no limit of what these guys wouldn’t do for you. They just seem so overly infatuated and obsessive.
No matter what you did to them, they would always seem to look at you with love and admiration. You could basically insult all of them and they would accept it with a ‘thank you’. Nothing you did, could ever make them hate you.
Bullying was an extreme issue in your harem. No matter where you went there were always green tea bitches, white lotuses, and cunning foxes trying to bring someone down in your eyes. It’s even worse if they're new, having barely any awareness of what is happening, they definitely need to be more careful. No matter where you go at least three of them are stuck to your side. You’re alone time is basically nonexistent and extinct.
With teary eyes one of your concubines shout, “My lord, please help me! I’m being bullied by the others in the harem!” If you were being honest, you absolutely did not care about what was going on and one hundred percent knew that she was just using a manipulation tactic. However, to avoid the incoming headache you begin to console her and tell her that you’ll have a talk with everyone. You then decide to give her what she wanted and guide her towards your bedroom chambers. As you both leave she quickly looks at the faces of the others and sticks her tounge out. There was a look of absolute rage on their faces and with that they all had the same unanimous thought in their head.
“I’m totally going to get that bitch back for this!!!”
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itmocca · 2 years
Nadiya’s Everyday Baking episode 3
Nadiya’s Everyday Baking episode 3: Nadiya offers up her favourite go-to roasts. She kicks off with her take on a British favourite: an epic roast chicken packed with punchy kimchi under a super crispy skin #cooking #food #recipes #nadiya
Nadiya’s Everyday Baking episode 3: Nadiya offers up her favourite go-to roasts. She kicks off with her take on a British favourite: an epic roast chicken packed with punchy kimchi under a super crispy skin, nestled on a bed of buttery miso leeks and served with sticky honey and soy-infused sushi rice. Offering maximum taste for minimum effort, it’s a one-tray wonder to return to again and again.…
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nyxakhlys · 2 years
i tried cooking chicken curry....
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