#danny watches fear the walking dead
spockvarietyhour · 7 months
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Yeah took me a second but it is indeed the guy who got an ice cream scoop (or some kind of kitchen instrument) to his eye in s3.
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evilminji · 6 months
You know how... world leaders can't just? SAY stuff? Because when they DO it's the Offical Stance(tm) of their Country?
That makes their Fuck Ups(tm) all the more serious. It's WHY they have press teams.
They said something, PUBLICLY, on LIVE TELEVISION, that? Can not be taken back? Full on "masks off, behold the horrors you have payed for" moment?
Sure, they could SAY "that wasn't me" and "I was brainwashed" etc etc. But? If it's BIG enough? UGLY enough? TRUE??? People WILL find it. Dig and dig and dig like termites in the walls. Hunt like bloodhounds.
Riot in the streets.
Because? All it would TAKE? Is ONE half ghost, a few too many long nights trying to balance college classes and his internship, a bigotry filled call from back home, and staring down that empty fridge with just one box of moldering take out, because he's been too busy and stressed to remember to get GROCERIES AND-
So this is what "so stressed you feel calm, I have run out of Fucks too give" feels like. Neat. *picks up phone* Hey, Sam? You still at that protest? Outside the presidential speech? Neat. Don't move.
One Phone Line Express later. SAM is telling him to breathe. Maybe... maybe calm down. Think about this. Others around her can see the same "spark of madness" glint in his almost zen like smile.
It Fiiiiine, Sam.
He's just here to Talk.
He disappears. Sam's freaking out. President stumbles but catches himself on the way to the mike. Up in the watch tower, various Magic users choke on their lunches, because a ghost just possessed the United States President.
He taps the Mike, smile, leans in real close like he's gonna Tell You Folks A Secret.... Aaaaand~
"The second you Die, you no longer have human rights. Doesn't matter how brief. Heart stops? You're sub-human scum! Non-sentient by American law. We here in the United Stares PROUDLY desecrate the bodies and graves of the dead. Tear apart the immortal souls of the innocent. And condemn you to oblivion crying, begging, and screaming for mercy! Why, obviously, is an act. Because souls don't have the RIGHT to feel fear or pain!
And YES. We do mean EVERYONE'S. Atlantian, Kryptonian, Martian. Canadian, Mexican, Russian, AND Chinese! I could keep going! Once you die? You belong to the United States to experiment on as we see fit! You're PROPERT now! So turn your nonrights having, nonsentient self in to the nearest GIW! For the good of AMERICA. Ectoplasmic Scum!"
*drops mic*
Jaws are on the floor. This was VETERANS DAY. Dead military Heros and smile for the cameras. A cake walk. Do a patriotism, rah rah. There.... there are DIPLOMATS in the crowd. Sure as SHIT, were more then a few foreign nationals WATCHING. Religious leaders looking on in fury, grief, and horror.
Reporters. Oh sweet Jesus the reporters.
The press secretary faints.
PANDEMONIUM. The president, still dazed and confused from being possessed, gets PUNCHED on live television be his VP, a deeply religious if moderately shady man. Take bribes? VP is cool with that. Bootstraps, peasants, and all that. But how DARE you fuck with the Souls of the dead. How DARE you!
Phones are blowing up, questions are being shouted, the JLA Dark FEEL like they should tell somebody about the ghost kid... but also this feels VERY "Call for help-y" so they might throw their weight around instead and pretend they know nothing. World leader are meaningfully staring at their Dear Beloved Dead Grandmother's photos as they send LIVID assistants to hound the American into answering the DAMN PHONE-!
And Danny?
Danny feels calmer now. He has stolen like....700 bucks from secret security's various wallets. He's going to buy himself BOUGIE groceries. Some...some NICE take out. Maybe a little cake. Yeah~ Cake for Danny~
If anyone needs him? No you don't. He needs to go do some shopping, eat, lie on the floor of his shower and just... vibe for a bit under the spray. In the dark maybe. Sleep for a week. Have his food. Yummy little treats.
Or he's gonna fuckin LOSE IT, man.
(Tucker is actively hacking his college schedule as they speak. He KNEW it. Called it! Too many classes! But does Mr "I can handle it" listen? Noooooooo! Now look what happened! Holy SHIT, Danny!)
@hypewinter @hdgnj @ailithnight @nerdpoe @the-witchhunter
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ew-selfish-art · 9 months
DP x DC AU: Bruce is the one to invite Constantine over, and no, it's not to improve his tenuous working relationship with the asshole. It's the opposite of that.
Danny had become a frequent visitor of Wayne Manor in the last few months, and Bruce had to admit that while the kid was certainly a bit ominous for his liking for a partner to Tim, he was a generally kind and happy soul. They'd been dating for a lot longer than the Bats knew of- Kon had been the one to let it slip to Jon who told Damian and so on- and since the relationship was no longer secret, Tim brings him to family functions.
The thing about Danny is... He's dead. More than half of the time. Which again, is not Ideal for Bruce's wishes for Tim's future husband, but it also means that he reviles in being alive. Danny is downright joyous about using his time left on earth properly. He makes Tim eat real food, enjoy real sleep and generally live a more fulfilled life than he had been. The whole family noticed the changes in Tim, and it made them like Danny even more.
So after a particularly grueling day of dealing with Trigon and therefore the JLD's lack of coordination and sensible planning- Bruce gets the idea. John couldn't fucking contain himself admonishing Bruce, and perhaps it was vindictive, but Bruce figures that John should meet Danny. Sans context of course.
John is really over dealing with Batman's prissy, over complicated and perfectionist attitude. Come to the Cave he'd demanded, as though John didn't have a favorite bar to get back to, deal with a ghost he ordered like John didn't have other priorities than some random shade.
When walking into the space however, the second his teleportation portal closed, John knew something was deeply, deeply fucked. The shadows were growing longer, the second hand on his watch ticked slower, the air smelled of sulfur and... Red Robin was sitting working at the computer like nothing was wrong. But what was wrong, was the kid was marked by The End. Marked by The Infinite. FUCK.
John knew Death, the Endless, and knew she could pick favorites just like her siblings (Dream's immortal drinking buddy comes to mind). But this wasn't her work, this was something other.
"Mate- the Bat said there was a ghost?" John feels like he might throw up, the eerie atmosphere complicating what should have been a simple request.
"Uh, obviously." The kid didn't even look over from his screen or pause his typing.
John slowly approached, looking over each shoulder a few times, turning in a few circles as the shadows appeared to dance and echo within the cave. He could see his breath, the air became so cold so suddenly. And then, with the gentleness of a pin drop, a new agonizing sound appeared with a Kid walking down the cave stairs. The aura of the room turned dark, every cell in John's body screaming to run, that this was basically the little girl from the ring crawling through the TV as the young man walked down the steps.
"Babe, your grampa says that dinners going to be ready in a second. Oh, uh, hey dude." The creature speaks, turning his eyes to John for only a moment to study him. It feels equivalent to a butterfly being pinned by its wings.
"Y-y-you, you're, you're one of the Endless?" John stutters, his body reacting in fear despite the nonchalant posture of the Beast. The young man rolls his eyes.
"Nah, one of the Ancients but like uh, I'm new in town. And hon seriously don't be late, A made tiramisu for dessert and you're not allowed to have any if you're late and I don't want to deal with you pouting."
"You had me at Tiramisu!" Red stands up from his computer and then turns, "John, what are you doing here again?" Red Robin finally looks over at him, completely confused.
"Just leaving." John mutters, his eyes still trained on the ANCIENT.
Bruce could barely hide his laugh when Tim reported the Magician meeting Danny in the cave.
That'll show the asshole to question Batman's knowledge of the occult.
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deadsetobsessions · 5 months
Tim Drake, Danny’s human identity in this universe, is a boy trapped in an empty manor with absentee parents a low socialization.
Danny Phantom, on the other hand, is Gotham City himself. He could fly, he could interact, he could be the heart of his city like he needs to be. From the lowest of the lows to the highest of the highs, Danny loved the people that were his. Well, most of them. Child molesters often found themselves crossing paths with a vengeful, mostly recovered Robin.
He is the city, he is Gotham. And with his status came more changes, ones he welcomes more readily that the changes that came with his title of Ghost King.
Being a city couldn’t change him as much as it would have, had he gained the title before becoming King. But now, his shadows are dark, curling around his shoulders and curling away what little light he allowed into his city. His skin, having once glittered green with stars and galaxies and black holes, clouds over just a bit. It gives him a misty quality. His hands become sharper, stronger. Gargoyle-like. He wonders what he looked like to Batman, holding his broken son cradled safely to himself. He’s crueler, now, but that’s easily balanced by his years of being a vigilante himself.
He loves these changes. They are loved in a way changing into Dead Danny Phantom and Ghost King Danny Phantom will never be loved. And even though his human features are different in a way he never had to deal with as Danny Fenton, because it was his body that he died in, Danny finds himself enjoying the distinction. And he enjoys when they combine, because in the end, they’re just facets of who he is, now.
Gotham flies through his city, and enjoys it as a whole. A bigger picture.
Tim Drake walks through his city, and enjoys it as an individual. The smaller picture.
Being Gotham reminds him of what he had to protect as a whole. A duty he gladly bears.
Being Tim reminds him of the people he’s meant to help, the stories he doesn’t get as Danny. A connection he gladly encouraged.
Gotham is power. He is duty, he is fierce love. But for the good of the whole.
Tim is kindness. He is choice, he is gentle devotion. But for the good of the individual.
He’s both.
Danny. Danny Phantom.
Phantom glides through the smog.
The ebb and flow of people is his life blood, the thrumming of life and death and fear and hate and love and everything the city is sung through him and Danny sung back with everything he had. Danny is the gargoyles perched high, watching everything. He’s the stone curves of the sewers, sheltering his rats and mutant murderous crocodile man. The is no love comparable to a city’s mutant rats and their sewers. Ancients, he loves his city.
It would be nice, Danny thinks wryly, if they’d love me enough to stop blowing up buildings.
The sting of destruction to his city would hurt much more, had he not also been King. Regardless, every time there’s an explosion or general large scale property damage, he feels a stab of mild pain. Catching sight of his Bats, Danny stays invisible while following them. He wills the shadows to cradle them, to hide them further. He softens the stone, the mortar, the steel, just a hint. Their footsteps, silent and aided by the city himself. The wind steal away the noise of the grappling guns, so when Danny’s favorite vigilante duo (a fascination he shared with original text!Tim) broke into the building, not a single soul aside them are aware of the intrusion.
Batman skulks across the support beams, Robin following with an anticipatory grin. Danny floats, invisible, undetectable, besides them.
“C’mon!” A goon grunts beneath them. Danny tilts his head. A… Dresden Aberthy. Wow. That’s one hell of a name.
“Hurry it up! Boss said Batman’s going to get here soon!” Another goon- Robbert- said, waving around a gun like a moron at the terrified hostages. Danny could tell half of them were part of a tour bus, mostly because the other half were his Gothamites, bored and unfairly used to this kind of thing. The tourists… He’s fond of them, having kept track of their progress through his city. He doesn’t care for intruders on his haunt, but tourists like to appreciate his city and its doubtlessly Sam-approved architecture. Most of them. Rude tourists get pigeon shit on their heads and food stolen by his lovely rats.
He’ll have to make sure none of the bullets hit the tourists. He likes this group, even if he has enough awareness to question their sanity in choosing his city to sightsee. He knows it’s a mess. It’s Danny’s mess though, so whatever.
All said and done, Batman whoops ass and Robin rescues the hostages just fine. Danny grins proudly as Robin knees a guy in the crotch and punches a lady’s throat in order to incapacitate them.
After they tied the goons up, and interrogated them for Two Face’s plans- explode a quarter of Gotham to distract the Bats from his diabolical plan to murder half of Gotham’s judges and lawyers that have been going after him and his people- the duo retreats to the rooftop.
“Didja think Gotham saw that?”
Batman goes to reply, but Danny beats him to it, coming back to visibility with a wind touched laugh.
“I did, little Robin.” Danny smiles, fangs and shadows on display as his vigilantes startles and whips around to face him. “You did well.”
Robin- Jason!- gapes at him.
“I see you’ve recovered, little bird.”
“Gotham! Oh. Wow. People always said Gotham was a lady, but you’re a guy!”
“It was a Lady,” Danny confirmed. “It’s complicated, little bird.”
“So, you’re really… you’re really Gotham? The city?”
Danny looks at Robin with the weight of the city behind his gaze.
“I think you know the answer to that. But yes, I am your city.”
“Constantine,” Batman starts. “He said that city spirits only appear in times of grave danger.”
There is deference in his words. Batman is Batman for Gotham, after all. Danny just wishes he could… well, be friendlier with his knights. May this is a good place to start.
Are you in danger? What threats do we need to handle? How can I help? How can I protect? Please, let me help.
His Knight always felt more than he ever says. Danny smiles.
“Was Robin’s wellbeing not in grave danger?” Danny floats closer. “I am your city. You protect me, it is only right that I protect you, no?”
“Thank you for saving me, Gotham!” Robin’s grin is a touch more sincere than usual.
“Of course, Robin. You are loved.”
“Is there… a reason you’ve shown yourself today? Gotham.”
Danny chuckles, understanding the awkwardness that was Batman addressing someone with deference.
“I wanted to tell you that you did well tonight. Those tourists weren’t harmed in the slightest. Well done.” Danny gave Robin a playful but sincere thumbs up.
“They weren’t a match for us!”
“No, they weren’t.” Danny ruffles Robin’s hair, noticing how still he grew at it. “Robin was too fast for them. That maneuver at the end was masterfully executed.”
Batman clears his throat and Danny resists the urge to laugh at him. It would be mean.
“Thank you, for the… praise.”
Fuck it. He’s played well behaved for too long.
“Yes. I read in child rearing books that positive reinforcement is necessary for healthy development. You did well, Batman.”
Despite trolling Batman- and somehow holding a straight (and hopefully wise face)- he meant every word.
Allowing a small smile to slip at Robin’s chortles and Batman’s quiet sputtering, Danny moves on.
“Where is Nightwing, Batman?”
“He’s still on a mission...”
“If it is awkward to refer to me as Gotham, Phantom will do.”
Batman dips his head once. “In space, with the Teen Titans.”
“I see. Please tell him I request his presence,” Danny barely waits for Batman’s oddly acquiescing agreement before summoning a pigeon.
“Follow her,” Danny instructs the duo. “She’ll lead you to the places with explosives. I will guide you through her, to Harvey Dent.”
Danny winces as another explosion rings out.
“Your face is cracking!” Robin exclaimed, worried. He surged forward to stare at the hairline cracks appearing on Danny’s jaw.
“That would be the explosives. Any damage to the city will be shown on me.”
“Well take care of it.” Batman growled, shoulders straightening once more into an imposing symbol.
“I know you will. Stay safe.” Danny disappears, spreading his awareness and directing his Birds to the explosives that will go off the fastest.
Batman and Robin share a glance and leaps off the roof, ready to save their city once more.
Tim Drake wanders around Crime Alley, and meets a blonde nine year old trying to throw hands at her absentee Riddler knockoff of a dad. He dodges the brick en route to his face and kicks the guy’s knees out.
“You okay?”
The girl blinks. She stares at her dad, groaning on the dirty street of crime alley, and flicks her gaze back up to Tim, who waits casually.
“Yep. I’m Stephanie. We’re gonna be friends now!”
She grins at him, a baby tooth missing, and Danny melts.
“Heck yeah. Tim!” He introduces himself for the first time in a long time.
Maybe with Stephanie around, he’ll finally use the name Tim? Maybe he’ll get used to it, finally!
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sereneabyyss · 6 months
Ouija Board At Bat Gas (Dead On Main)
Bat Gas was an unfortunate little, dingy, abandoned gas station situated just outside of Crime Alley in an area where it couldn't be said to be part of The Alley, but was close enough that anyone not from there would never dare to fill up their tanks there in fear of getting mugged and none of the residents of Crime Alley ever bothered filling their tanks, if the car they were using ran out, most just simply jumped at the opportunity to steal another. Safe to say, the gas station hadn't lasted long in the business world.
Thus, it sat there, vines overgrowing the concrete flooring and winding up the empty fuel pumps. Like all abandoned things in Gotham, stories of ghosts haunting and wails of grief filled any conversation about Bat Gas. Many of the street kids liked to make dares out of venturing into the den and going so far as to touch one of the pumps. Risks of rubber bound vipers striking out, possessed by a vengeful spirit, only seemed to fill them with determination to complete the dares of their friends.
Perhaps those stories were what brought Jason Todd out at bat gas on December 25th, a Ouija Board in hand. The original plans to spend the holidays at the Wayne Manor had been scrapped with the raging of pits and glow of green eyes leaving every other member of his family walking on tip toes around him. Normally that would mean ditching Jason Todd for the comfort of Red Hood, except there were no issues in Crime Alley for Hood to take care of. Every bastard seemed to have scampered into hiding in time for the New Year. So, he was left as he was, a lost Jason Todd just looking for some way to ignore the mess of his life on Christmas Day.
So. He was going to use a Ouija Board to see if Bat Gas was actually haunted. What could he lose? His dignity if anyone stumbled upon him? He forsook that years ago.
Walking onto the cracked concrete, it was like an icy wave of contentment washed over him. Any lingering Pit Rage simmered beneath the surface before mellowing out completely. The knots in his chest unwrapped themselves and all that seemed left within him was a feeling of light-weightiness. Like the feeling when he was grappling between buildings and he was falling falling falling until the hook's line tightened and he was flying back up. He wasn't sure he had felt this way since the day he awoke half alive half monster.
(There was definitely something dead here. It was just so familiar. He would never be able to explain the feeling, but it was as if he was bathing in less angry Lazarus Pits.)
Danny perked up as the presence of a halfa (liminal? halfa? he couldn't tell exactly, something seemed off with both descriptions, but halfa was definitely the closest between them) entered the neat little gas station he had decided to make his temporary haunt.
He had decided to haunt the abandoned Bat Gas he had heard others talking about during Christmas, not wanting to deal with questions on why he didn't celebrate. (Seriously, after all the arguments every year and that one time with the possessed candy cane, he had given up any sort of Christmas Spirit he may have had before.) After visiting Mars last year on Christmas Day, he family had given up all hope of trying to get in contact with him for the entire day. So, he knew he would be free to haunt the cool looking gas station with no one hunting him down and trying to stick him in front of a tree with too many blinking lights and gaudy paper wrapping unnecessary trinkets he'll lose between his ribs after like three days.
But! There was a halfa entering his new haunt! And they were maybe ill! He had to see what that was about!
Peeking over the roof he was situated on, he watched as someone continued walking, something weird and rectangular looking in their arms. Tilting his head to the side, he slowly floated down, staying invisible as he took a peak at the stranger.
His eyes narrowed in on the rectangle object in the halfas arms. They placed it on the concrete, giving Danny room to finally look and- ohmygodwasthataouijaboard?! HE WAS GETTING OUIJA BOARDED! HE WAS SO GOING TO SHOVE THIS IN SKULKER'S FACE THE NEXT TIME THEY FOUGHT! THIS WAS EONS WORTH OF BRAGGING RIGHTS! HE WAS GETTING OUIJA BOARDED!
Silently clearing his throat, he sat in front of the halfa, allowing him to get a good look and... fuck, he was hot. Like, thighs that could absolutely crush a watermelon hot. Hair wind swept back with a little white etched into the front hot. A boyish, smugish, hottish face that just screamed danger hot. Hot enough this man could probably melt his ghost ice hot. Did Danny mention he was hot?
Maybe if his Christmases were always spent getting Ouija boarded by incredibly hot maybe halfas he'd have more Christmas Spirit. Santa, he knows you're real, send him this halfa again next Christmas and maybe he'll actually respect you.
The new halfa furrowed his eyebrows as he concentrated setting up the Ouija board properly and Danny almost fainted from how hot he was. Patting his cheeks sharply, he concentrated on the fact that he was getting to do his first Ouija Board! He had to look cool! He had to be smooth! This halfa was hot and Danny couldn't blow it!
"Oh Ghost who haunts this gas station, can you hear my voice?" The halfa called out and Danny had to hold himself together from freaking out over the man's voice. It was just perfect. It wasn't too harsh nor did it have the silken smooth feeling most liars had. It was gruff but in an experienced shit way. Oh my Ancients he could absolutely die once more and be the happiest ghost!
He giddily grabbed the little wood whatever-it-was-called in the halfas hand and slid it towards the YES option.
Jason blinked in shock as the planchette in his hand began moving without him forcing it. He had known something not quite alive was here in the gas station, but he hadn't expected it to actually be able to communicate. "I'm Jason, do you have a name?" Slowly, it began moving once more, spelling out P-H-A-N-T-O-M. Which, he wasn't necessarily expecting such a cheesy name, but it could have been worse... probably. "Nice to meet you Phantom. Why are you haunting Bat Gas? I don't recall there being any deaths here."
I-M B-O-R-E-D.
Yeah that was actually a fair enough reason in his books.
"Is there a reason you haven't passed on? Is something tethering you here?"
Shit? There was paperwork in the afterlife? Maybe that was why he decided to come crawling back after getting dumped in the pits. Unfortunate that being a crime lord actually had more paperwork than being a Robin ever did.
Danny was vibrating so fast it looked like that time he ate lithium batteries (it was for science!). The halfa was still talking to him! He was keeping up an interesting conversation! Ouija boarding was so much fun!
"Can you turn visible? Or is that just something movies make up?" He wanted to see Danny! He was interested in what Danny looked like! Dropping his invisibility, Jason visibly startled taking in the sudden appearance before him.
"Hello! I'm Phantom!"
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mokulule · 4 months
The Number You Have Called Cannot Be Reached - part 11
First | Masterlist
Ship: Dead on Main (Danny/Jason) Fandom: DP x DC Summary:
Danny is just trying to build a portal home, becoming a thief was just an unfortunate side effect of that goal. Now if only this vigilante family would just leave him alone. Especially Red Hood - the semi retired crime lord whose ghost-like presence keeps drawing Danny to him.
Part 11:
Danny took a running leap and landed lightly on the next shoddily tiled rooftop. He’d lost the midget in the Southside factory district and now he was in some sketchy neighborhood with smaller buildings. It was on ground level, but it seemed almost like it was sunken into a hole as the rest of the city had grown up around it and swallowed it - one of the main highways even went plain over it. 
Danny stopped for a moment catching his breath. The roll of heavy duty cable slung over his shoulder was… well heavy. He looked out over the mishmash of old neon lights and newer LED signs for bars, nightclubs and little kiosks. In the alley next to Danny’s building money was exchanged for services Danny was not sticking around to watch. Blushing, he skipped to the next roof, taking care to land silently. 
He should just disappear, he was far enough away from his own hidey hole and he was tired. He was always so freaking tired.
Well, first off he wasn’t phasing through a night club to go underground. 
And secondly…
Red Helmet hadn’t showed up. 
That was a good thing, Danny told himself frowning, as he walked along the spine of the newest roof, dodging around chimneys. The past weeks had been torture. 
Every time the Red Helmet had shown up it had been so hard not to go to him. He’d wanted so bad to give in, to just for moment heed the call of his core, the promise of companionship, comfort. Refusing that instinct was agony. And Ancients, Danny remembered how he’d looked in civilian dress, in that well worn henley, broad chested and with those big arms, he probably gave great hugs - if only he wasn’t one of the vigilantes trying to capture him… And if he wasn’t absolutely terrifying.
Danny shuddered, remembering how angry he’d been last time, yelling for him to stop. Yeah… Red Helmet was… He was an anglerfish, a lure, a treacherous light in the dark, that he had to resist, and last time he’d shown his teeth. 
Red Helmet not showing up was a good thing. 
Danny stopped and looked up to the cloudy night sky, jaw tight. It was a good thing. Why did he still feel so bereft?
He pulled the goggles down around his neck and rubbed his wet eyes angrily. Fuck it all, he just wanted to go home already!
His only warning was an electrical bzzt and he threw himself to the side instinctively. His eyes widened in fear as he only barely dodged two sticks sparking with arcing lines of electricity. Every hair on his body stood on end. The entire world narrowed in on those two weapons. He jumped backwards, uncaring where it took him he just needed to get away. 
Something hit his back and stopped him. His hands touched brick: wall. One of the sparking weapons was swung in lazy swirls as the dark shape attached to it bent down to pick up the roll of cable that had caught on a small chimney. Danny touched his shoulder, finding it bare of its earlier cargo. His hand tightened into a fist angrily and he cursed himself for not paying better attention. 
The shape got up and while half Danny’s attention was on the electrified weapon, he could now see it was Blue Bird. Danny had encountered him before, though only a couple of times. He’d been the bantering, good natured sort next to the angry midget, and he hadn’t known those sticks he used for weapons could do that.  
Realization ran cold down Danny’s back; Blue Bird hadn’t thought he needed the electricity before, but he did now.
Blue Bird moved and Danny ripped himself free of his petrification. Casting around he realized the wall was not a wall, but a pillar and most importantly neither was a thing that could stop him. It was only at the last second he went intangible and stepped backwards. The metal sticks clanged against the bricks where he’d stood. 
The sound of Blue Bird cursing, was a dull far away sound, as Danny started shaking. He kept a tight desperate hold on his intangibility but still felt himself losing focus. He quickly had to go somewhere. 
He dropped down until he found one of the many flood pipes that handled overflow if the sewers couldn’t handle the pressure. Something that seemingly didn’t happen too often judging by the dry debris left here. You could say what you wanted about this city, but the web of underground channels and tunnels was impressive, and the city was if nothing else prepared. 
He set down carefully and then let go of his intangibility. He was still shaking. His heart was pounding too fast. He wrapped arms around himself and took careful deep breaths even as his body told him he wasn’t getting enough air. But he was, he knew that was the panic speaking. 
He fucking hated electricity. 
Hated it. Hated it. 
You would think he’d be used to it by now. When he died, all the times Vlad shocked him, Vortex, that time Valerie tortured him in a basement, the- He forcefully shut down the thought. 
He should be fucking used to it by now!
But he was not. Especially not when it came out of nowhere like this. He’d frozen. They could have caught him. Danny could not be caught. Could not. Could not. Could not. 
Shakily he breathed in slowly through his nose and let it out. 
They were going to use electricity again. There was no way they wouldn’t take advantage of a weakness like that. 
He’d lost the cable.
Red Helmet hadn’t shown.
And why did he keep coming back to that! Of all things that should be the least of his worries. It was a good thing. It was. 
It just didn’t feel like it.
Oo o oO
Tim didn’t blame Bruce for letting him take point on this. 
After Jason had pointed a gun at him, he was rightfully shaken. Oh, he pretended not to be, but anyone who knew him could tell. There was a furrow edged on his brow even when he played Brucie whenever someone wasn’t directly interacting with him. He was worried and afraid.
And Tim got it. He had been there for everything. He understood how terrified Bruce was of losing Jason again, just as things had been slowly looking up. Bruce was drawing back, which was for the better. The alternative, that Bruce might come to a point where he thought something needed to be done about Jason, was too terrible to imagine. He would do it too, set aside his emotions, and do something, if he thought it was for the best. None of them needed the fallout of a Bruce who’d convinced himself Jason was too dangerous.
He was dangerous. But, thinking of the broken mirror, bleeding feet and tired eyes, Tim thought he was more dangerous to himself. 
It had been a painful realization to make. Tim had gone to Jason, with the mission in mind, only to find that maybe Jason had needed someone to check up on him for him. But even worse, Tim couldn’t be that person, because they didn’t have that kind of relationship. 
It wasn’t fair.
In an ideal world Tim got to be Jason’s annoying little brother. In an ideal world Tim wouldn’t be afraid of Jason. 
 What Tim could do was solve this issue. He took a deep breath and put all his emotions aside, they could wait. He was a plans guy and they needed a plan.
Tim surveyed the mess of papers he’d made of the table, as he’d pulled everything off the evidence board. It was time to start from the beginning. 
He sorted through and found the “meta?” sign, crossed out the question mark, and hung it in the center of the board. 
In the beginning they’d thought primarily that the Ghost used cloaking tech, but the phasing had made that very unlikely, and Duke had all but confirmed the meta theory when he told them he sorta glowed to his senses. He sorted through the papers and trashed those old theories. 
He put the known powers back up, then paused when he found the little scrap with a silly cartoon ghost Dick had drawn and put up in the corner of the original board. It had eventually gotten covered with something else and Tim hadn’t seen it when he took things down.
Now he considered it with a sigh, and pinned it next to the powers. Ghost was as good a codename as any and Tim suspected it was only Barbara who still refused to use it because Dick was obnoxious about it. And, Tim moved on to the picture of the phone to pin it back up, there was the fact that the recovered messages said nothing but “ghost”. So there was some connection. He marked that connection with a piece of string to the cartoon ghost.
The short contact list went up with the phone picture. 
At some point when this was all over Tim needed to take a closer look at that phone. He had no idea how that brick managed to get any signal, much less how all the contacts were out of service when called from that phone, despite some of them actually being in service. Yet, it could somehow call other existing numbers fine, both local, out of state and international. 
It made no logical sense!
He rubbed the bridge of his nose and let it go. 
Danny Fenton? went up above meta, they were reasonably sure that was his name. Next Tim took the list of known thefts and dates and hung it up on the left side of the board. Then added Star Lab break in a bit higher up. There was about three weeks in between the Star Lab break in and their first recorded sighting. It could mean anything. He could have stolen numerous things in the mean time without being discovered, or only just gotten to Gotham. 
Tim had scoured crime reports of Metropolis and other nearby cities for thefts that fitted Ghost’s MO, but had found none, so for better or worse he seemed to be sticking to Gotham for now. 
He put up buyer? And building? Underneath. Tim still had the terrible hunch he was building a portal that would end up destabilizing reality, but since he had nothing but his gut feeling to build that on he couldn’t put it on the board - not the board in the cave anyways.
He trashed a few dead end theories, found a scrap of paper that simply said “electromagnetic interference”. He held it in his hand for a moment, something niggling in his brain, but it was only half formed, he turned around and pinned it under powers and let it go.
Next he pinned up the “weaknesses”. Finally, thanks to Dick’s temper, they had something. He’d not been pleased to come home from his mission to the state of things being even worse so he’d gotten serious and treated the Ghost as an actual threat. 
Tim wrote electricity on a new scrap of paper and then put it under weaknesses. He tapped his chin with the capped marker. The Ghost’s behavior was odd. With the abilities he had, why even play chase with them?
He didn’t use the phasing to escape them early on. It was only when Jason entered the picture that began. Was it because the ability had a limit? Did it cost him to use it? Also what prompted the odd reaction to Jason that first night? And what about it made the Ghost so desperate he’d disappeared on them as soon as Jason was in sight?
Tim grabbed a new scrap of paper and pulled off the cap on the marker. He had to resist the urge to write “Jason” on the scrap, he’d keep that thought to himself, and instead wrote “limit?” And hung it under weaknesses with electricity.
There were more papers on the table. An analysis of the electromagnetic signal he gave off, that Tim had used to reduce noice in their visuals and audio. Pictures of the protein bars and the backpack. A map with every place the thief had disappeared on them marked: aka basically spread all over Gotham. A blood sample readout that was too degenerated for a useable DNA sample. These things didn’t go in the trash, but they weren’t important for capturing the Ghost, instead they went into a folder and put to the side.
Table now clear, Tim noticed his favorite mug full of steaming coffee and a plate of cookies set near the edge. He smiled and rubbed a hand through his hair self consciously. He hadn’t even noticed Alfred had been by, but he was a lifesaver. He would have to thank him later. 
He took the mug and a cookie and sat himself on the table, surveying the evidence board. He sipped the mug savoring the good coffee. It went perfect with the chocolate chip cookie. 
His eyes rested on “electromagnetic signals” again. It had been one of Dick’s early “proofs” that their thief was a ghost - if you subscribed to Ghostbusters lore at least. Tim rolled his eyes. The real reason the ghost couldn’t be a real ghost was that he was visible at all. Only magic users could see ghosts without a spell to make them visible (Something Tim was pretty sure Dick knew). He didn’t actually know whether the electromagnetic disturbance was a real ghost thing, the JLD didn’t need such tools after all when they could see them just fine. And besides if it was it probably wasn’t to the degree the Ghost gave it off. 
Would an EMP do anything? Probably not, since they were convinced the Ghost wasn’t using technology at this point, but a small localized pulse couldn’t hurt to try.
He took another sip of his coffee, contemplating, he needed something better. They could run the Ghost around all they wanted, but unless they stopped that phasing, he would get away every time. 
Jason couldn’t continue staying out of it like this. They’d chased the Ghost once without him and he was worse than a tiger in a cage, and twice as vicious. Tim scoffed, if only they could put the Ghost in a cage-
Tim’s thoughts crashed to a halt. 
No, they couldn’t- it’d never work- but if they- 
He jumped off the table, took three steps, then turned back to put down his mug and cookie. Then hurried over to the where they had the maps. With nimble fingers he sorted through the rolls only barely skimming the tags before discarding and moving to the next. They had to have- Got it! A utility map of the industrial area in Southside Gotham. He grabbed it and hurried back to the table. Unrolling it he placed the mug and the plate to hold down the corners even as he was already scanning the map looking for-
It may be a while until the Ghost hit the area again. And they would need all hands on deck for this and preparations had to be made. But…
Tim smiled. They had a plan.
So we've gotten to this point :D Hope you enjoyed it! Comments will keep me warm on my night shift tonight <3
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Update: Next
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rainybyday · 2 years
Flower shop au continues 
Gotham, usurpingly, had a lot of crime. Already he can hear an explosion down a couple blocks away and tripped a pocket picker from trying to rob him. It was sort of nostalgic to hear the chaos of destruction again and had to restrain himself from trying to transform and see who is causing such chaos. 
He reassured himself that once he manages to set shop, a peace can come. 
It didn't take long for him gain a property near the Gotham graveyard, an old, abandoned thing that no one used. Walls still intact but wallpaper pilling off with creaking stairs and holes in the floorboard. Furniture in pieces and a smell of decay wafted all over the building. 
The graveyard was even worse with rusty metal fences and broken-down gravestones with dried up weeds and dying willow trees. Only a few of the hundreds of graves were well kept and clean 
For a place that has such a high death rate, they really never took great care of their deceased. 
But Danny sighed and got to work. 
In a week he managed to clean his two-story shop with the help of his ghost abilities. He managed to work through a couple of nights to not only replace all of the flooring and walls, but he managed to repaint and clean the whole first floor. He decided that the second room should be an actual green garden room and replaced the roof and wall with screens. There were rows of beds filled with soil, growing vines wrapped by his hands on wooden pillars and many pots of baby seedlings yet to uncover themselves from the blanket of rich soil they are buried in. 
It took two months to finally finish his new shop and another few weeks before the scent of flora wafted through the building. The store front wasn’t bright, dark tones of green and gray that seemed to fit the Gotham esthetic were painted on instead. The inside, however, was filled with shelves of flowers and vines crawling the walls and bean bags and chairs that were scatted all over. There was writing on the walls of names of people with markers near them. Then in the back there sat a counter with bags of dried flowers and scented candle sticks. If you look to your right, you can see the open stair way that will lead you to a jungle of greenery and peace. 
Danny’s store was complete, and he was happy with it. 
The first few weeks not many people came, in fact, no one came but that didn’t bother him. Instead, he filled his day with a schedule of sorts. In the morning he would clean and care for his plants around the store before weeding and picking flower petals to create dry flowers for teas. He would spend his late afternoons expanding his garden outside his shop for more flowers to grow before closing shop once the sun sets. It was at night did he grabbed on a hoodie and as many flowers he can carry and walk towards the graveyard leaving tokens for the dead. 
Danny can tell that the dead, that Gotham, was suspicious of his attention to give a token to each and every grave. In fact, he can feel the creeping sensation of fear trying to use intimidation on him to get out plenty of times from the aura of death that surrounded the graveyard. But it felt like mere child play for him, and he kept coming back to leave tokens of flowers to those who pass. 
By the time he met someone on his daily rounds towards the graveyard, the sensation of death and fear lessened, and the suspicion turned to a curious cautious feeling instead. He wasn’t welcome, not yet, but he was no longer pushed away. He didn’t think he was at the point of being allowed to meet one of Gotham's people, but he didn’t show his surprised when a man in a suit was watching him place flowers from the well-kept grave he was standing next to. Danny gave him a single glance before looking away and continuing his work elsewhere. He learned from experience not everyone wants someone around them when they are visiting their loved ones, so Dany respected the man by giving him space. 
It was when Danny was walking back to that again place, he first spotted a bundle of flowers near the grave the man once stood. When he got there, he breathes in deeply at the choice of flowers before place one of his own and walking away. 
(Louts flowers, Lewisia's, and Hyacinths.)
(Resurrection, new beginnings and rebirth, regret and sorrow)
(Maybe that's why the grave felt so empty, he thought distantly.)
Surprisingly, the next day, he saw the same man again out in front of his shop. Danny invited him in and ask what he would like. 
And the man only said he was visiting his son. 
So, Danny gathered a bundle of Primroses, Crocuses, Hyacinths, Forget-me-nots, and Buttercups.
(Primroses for youth and new life. Crocuses for children. Hyacinths for playfulness and energy. Buttercups for childness and youthful joy. Forget-me-nots for remembrance.)
The man walked off and Danny enjoyed the sensation of having a new customer. 
Slowly more people came, mothers and fathers and grandparents and siblings and families and lovers. Slowly they all came in his shop and were blanketed by the scent of flowers. Most would ask for a bundle of flowers before leaving for the graveyard, but a few would come back and stay in the shop and take in the peace of it all. He would usually offer them tea (which no one has yet to refuse after taking their first sip) and leave them to thoughtlessly wonder through his store. Once a customer asked why he had names written on the walls which he replied they are the names of people that passed away and their loved ones left behind a message for them on his walls. 
(It wasn’t a lie since Danny did have a message for each of his ghost friends he left behind at Amity and the Ghost Zone.)
The customer asked if they could leave a message as well and Danny replied by handing them a marker. It soon became a trend that spread throughout all his customers who would now ask for a marker first instead of him taking their order. 
Slowly, Danny was fitting in with the eyes of Gotham no longer cautious but inviting, even soothing in a way. And slowly, so ever so slowly, if you listen just right you can hear that the screaming of the city became just a tab bit silent. 
Danny was, ever so slowly, bring peace to Gotham’s land. Not a lot, mind you, but enough to know that one day the land can breathe again. 
Then one night, when he was just about to close shop, the bell of his shop’s door rang as some opened the door late at night. 
Another continuation later one: Pt3
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home-of-renn · 1 year
Can you imagine if Amity Park were a place that got a lil messed up from the effects of the portal and the land itself became liminal?
The animals become far more in tune with ghosts and thus have less fear of humans. Now they tend to wander into town and people have to watch out for deer that wander across the roads and birds that nest low to the ground and way too close to the footpath. Cats no longer hiss at passing shadows or wandering spirits, and dogs no longer bark nor growl at passing strangers - only those who come from out of town.
The flowers grow curious and wild. Larger and thornier and wholly untamed. Abandoned buildings are quickly overrun by trailing vines, vibrant moss, and the expanding fringes of the untameable wilds that surround the town. The most beautiful blossoms bloom in the presence of shuffling mourners and weeping widows. Petals scatter the surface of freshly unearthed soil and the air is filled with an intoxicating fragrance that carries on the wind, laced with a siren's call. The cemeteries of Amity have never been so inviting.
After all, death cannot exist without an abundance of life.
Shadows flicker and move when they shouldn't. Alleyways lead to abrupt dead ends and sudden curves. An evening stroll can take you down winding labyrinths that'l lead you to the other side of town despite having walked in the opposite direction.
Something's made it's home in the woods surrounding Amity and no one knows what it is, only that it shouldn't be disturbed. Sometimes you can hear it in the dead of night, but only if you close your eyes and strain your ears. Sometimes the only thing you can hear is the screech of birds and the silence that follows.
The street lamps have all been powered with ectoplasm so they wont go out during ghost fights or disasters, and when it gets dark the streets are bathed in an eerie green glow. The shadows they cast are misshapen and flawed. It's always best to avoid those who linger beneath them.
Amity park evolves over time. The place gradually becomes influenced by Danny's Obsession as the contamination seeps into every crack and crevice. As the town becomes more and more apart of Phantom's lair it becomes more isolated. People who end up lost or in need of help in the surrounding areas somehow always stumble their way into Amity park, guided by some unknown force that pulls them towards this unearthly safe haven. Amity becomes more and more like a spider's web as Danny continues to grow, the strands of his Obsession being spun through the air and through the ground, extending beyond the borders of his lair and into the surrounding land.
Despite the dangers of living in Amity, the people who live there feel this inexplicable sense of safety. The residents insist that they've simply gotten used to the ghosts and all the little quirks that have popped up over the years. But people are more passionate than they used to be, more livelier and spirited. They say that growing up in a place like Amity builds character.
No one ever leaves Amity Park. And if anyone ever dared to ask, they'd only ever receive one answer,
There's just no place like home
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imtooscaredforthis · 5 months
Chapter Twenty Five: Claimed
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Mentions of : Heavy Dubcon/Noncon themes, NSFW Content, Fingering, Intercourse, Choking, Cutting, and Past Injury, etc.
A/N: Happy Holidays!! Danny is a nasty asshole 🫶🎁 Enjoy!!
Tags: @dead-bxxxtch-walking @mama-miya @moonshineinasippycup @vandeaad @the-fandoms-georgie
“And that’s it. Seems like we’re finally done for the day.” Jed said with a grin. You plastered on a smile in return. “Yeah.”
You haven’t been feeling well lately. Not since your last encounter with Ghostface. Now, you weren’t going to give up. You refused to. But things were starting to take a mental toll. You couldn’t be close with anyone. Not if you wanted them to live.
The guilt, fear, and disgust of knowing he was watching you..waiting to do such perverse things had your stomach churning. You felt like you were losing control of your life, like you were just a marionette, waiting for him to pull the strings. Sometimes, you wish he would quit toying with you and just get it over with already. But you were in for this long game and you wanted to win.
“Hey, is everything okay?” Jed asked, his voice soft and soothing, a look of concern on his face. You felt comfort in that, a small smile crossing your lips.
“Yeah, I just want to finish this paper. I mean, all of these murders have been awful, but this one is really gruesome.” And you also felt guilty. Maybe if you were paying more attention instead of fooling around, you could’ve been able to figure this out and stop him.
He moved a hand over your shoulder, caressing it gently. “I know, I’m sorry. Writing about this kinda thing
is difficult. It’s affected me a lot too. If it ever gets too much, just let me know, okay?”
“Okay.” You nodded, before switching off your monitor. You got to your feet, grabbing your jacket and slipping it on, preparing to walk out into the cool winter night.
Jed followed close behind, grabbing his coat too. He touched your shoulder again, turning you to face him. “Maybe I could help you relax and get your mind off of things..”
You felt yourself grow hot from his touch and the intense look in his eyes. Granted, it had been a while since the two of you had slept together, but you couldn’t..even if you wanted to.
The scar Ghostface left on your stomach was still there and noticeable. If Jed saw, you knew he would have questions. And the last thing you need is for him to get hurt too.
“Oh, I’m sorry..I’m just not in the mood right now. Maybe another time.” You put your hand over his, patting it softly. “Oh, okay. No worries. Want me to walk you to your car?”
While you didn’t want to sleep with anyone tonight, Danny had other plans.
After a nice shower, you walked out to your bedroom, wanting to relax for the night. Things changed when you walked out to the living room area, finding Ghostface sitting on your couch, watching TV.
“Hey there, gorgeous.” He greeted, and you felt yourself instantly tense up. Of course he was here when you were in nothing but a towel, vulnerable and at his mercy. You should’ve known changing your locks wouldn’t do anything.
He grabbed the remote, turning it off and getting to his feet, and sauntering over to you. You stepped back, cautious, but not afraid. You shouldn’t show him fear. You couldn’t. That was just what he wanted.
“Oh relax, will you? I’m not going to hurt you. Not yet, anyway.” He reached a glove hand over, playing with a wet strand of hair. “Look at you, rejecting all of your little boyfriend’s advances and then prancing around your apartment in a skimpy little towel. Such a tease.”
“Last time I was a slut, and now I’m a tease? Which is it?” You hissed.
He tilted his head, and if you could see his face right now, he’d probably be wearing an entertained expression. “Mouthy today, are we? It doesn’t matter what you are…because you’re mine. Now, drop the towel.”
“What?” You were shocked by his words, processing what he just said. But he was far too impatient.
He pulled out his knife, raising it to your throat, his voice turning murderous and stern. “I said drop the towel, or else I hurt you, Nate, and your little boyfriend.”
You knew that you had no other choice, your lip wobbled slightly in fear and humiliation as you dropped the towel to the floor, revealing your bare figure to him.
“Good girl.” He purred, before turning you around and walking you back to your bedroom, shutting and locking the door behind you. He caressed your ass as you walked in front of him, making you bite back a whimper and a shiver going down your spine.
He sat on the bed, slipping his boots off, and gesturing for you to sit on his lap. You did so, feeling his hardness pressing against your lower back. There was something about his clothed body pressed against your bare one that made you feel powerless and embarrassed.
“Such a soft, pretty little thing. Like a doll.” He held a knife to your throat with one hand, while the other caressed your thighs, and then your stomach, rubbing a finger over your scar, before he groped your breasts.
You quivered slightly in his hold, causing him to hiss in annoyance and nick your side with his knife, drawing blood. “Don’t move.”
You stilled in his hold, and he moved his legs between your legs, spreading them wide open. You let out a noise of displeasure, which he ignored, resting his masked chin over the crook of your neck, gazing down at your cunt.
“What a pretty pussy. And it’s nice and soaked for me too..Seems like you like this.” He reached a gloved hand down, and spread your lower lips, eyeing it even more, as you felt him hold a breath against you. He ran his fingers up and down your folds, before he started to rub at your clit.
You arched in his hold, immediately sensitive and biting back a moan. He tsked, reaching down and cutting your left thigh, punishing you again. “Don’t hide back those moans, doll. I want everyone to hear what a slut you are for me.”
He played with your clit faster, rubbing at it with two fingers, and you groaned in response. The next thing you knew, he was shoving those same two fingers into your pussy, curling them and finding just the right spot on the first try.
“Oh fuck-” You gasped, your eyes fluttering. You reached around to grab something to hold onto, and took purchase in your sheets. He continued to hit that spot over and over again, rubbing his palm against your clit. Growing more needy, you found yourself grinding against his hand.
“There you go..good girl..that’s it.” He watched as you reached your peak, moaning and tensing up as he worked you through it, before your body melted against his, becoming completely boneless.
He pulled his fingers out and moved them under his mask, sucking on them. You couldn’t help but watch as he did so, feeling your clit jolt slightly in arousal and sensitivity.
“Turn around and get on all fours.” You did as told, hating how obedient you’ve become, hating what he’s turned you into. You heard the clinking of his belt becoming undone, and the next thing you knew, the head of his cock was grinding against your folds, before pushing inside.
You winced at the stretch but quickly became accustomed to it, listening to his grunts, and slight groans. “Oh fuck, squeezing me so tight.”
He starts with slow thrusts, before he moves faster. You grabbed white white knuckles, unable to help the moans falling from your lips. “How does it feel to be fucking a serial killer, baby? You like it? Knowing that someone who’s killed nnocent people is fucking this pussy?”
Apparently, your body did, because your cunt clenched around him, making him groan in approval. “Yeah, I knew you would..See? I told you we’d have fun together.”
“F-fuck you- oh god.” You moaned as he pounded into you, unable to try to protest or be angry, not when he was this deep inside, not when he moved a hand down to rub at your clit. “Ghostface- oh shit-”
You reached your peak, milking his cock and he groaned, giving your ass a smack, watching as it pounced with every roll of his hips. He followed suit, cumming deep inside of you and filling you up.
Panting softly, you let your body go limp once again, thinking it was finally done. He grabbed you by the hair, pulling your head back and having your back rest against his chest.
“Oh, you really thought it was over? Just like that? I’m not done yet.” He growled into your ear, as he pushed himself inside, making you moan, your legs shaking.
“I- I can’t.” You whimpered. “Oh, but you have to. I get to use this sweet cunt as much as I want, or else everyone you love and care about will die.”
He fucked you even harder this time, and didn’t bother to go slow. His dropped the knife on the sheets, wrapping his hand around your throat and squeezing. As he went faster, he squeezed your throat harder, limiting the amount of air, and making you see stars.
“Look at this, cute little journalist girl all fucked out on my cock. What happened to the strong independent woman we saw before? All ambitious, daring and smart. But now you’re just a fucked out slut. This is perfect. I need to get a picture.” The next thing you knew, he was slowing slightly, and forcing your head to face his camera, his hand still around your throat. “Say cheese.”
Then there was a bright flash, and you heard the camera fall to the floor as he went hard again, rubbing at your throat. “You belong to me. Understand? I own you. This body, mind, and this sweet little pussy all belongs to me. Not Jed or anyone else, just me. Now say it.”
“I- I belong to you.” Your voice was hoarse from moaning and being choked. He slapped your clit, making you jolt. “Who do you belong to?”
“I belong to you, Ghostface.” He rubbed at your clit with four fingers, pushing you over the edge and making you cum all over his cock, making a mess on him and your sheets.
“Yeah, that’s it. Good girl, good fucking girl. My good girl.” He kept going until he reached his peak, pulling out and finally finishing.
Exhausted and done, you felt him lay you back on the sheets. There was another flash, and then a slight searing pain on your side as you felt a blade carve something into you. You were too tired to care.
Then, you felt him stroke your hair softly and whisper in your ear. “Don’t worry, sweetheart. You and I will have a lot more fun from now on.”
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Holiday Truce
@ectopal so fucking sorry for the lateness!!! it has been a little wild in my life lately but i did get it done!!! i picked your prompt of dash finds out danny's secret in micromanagement. very sorry if this is not what you were hoping for, but here's what happened :D
“So,” Dash said.
“Uh,” Fenton said.
Dash looked at the shaking nerd in front of him. Fear, he recognized. Fear, he knew. He used it as a weapon, knew how to loom, how to make himself larger and intimidating. Hell, he’d seen it on Fenton plenty of time before.
Except this time Fenton wasn’t afraid of his fists.
“You’re—you’re he? Him?”
“Are you lying?”
“... No?”
Dash reached out with a finger and poked Fenton in the shoulder. It was solid. Squishy, but he thought that had more to do with Fenton not being muscular than with him being a ghost. Still, he knew what he saw. This whole time, he’d been shrunk down with Phantom, the cool, brave, awesome hero of Amity Park, the guy he had a poster of in his locker. Then they get unshrunk and Phantom is gone. In his place: Fenton.
Dash wasn’t the best at math, but even he could add this up.
There were thousands of things he could have asked in that moment. Things he’d wanted to say to his hero for years. Thanks for saving us or Can you take me flying? or Can I have your autograph? Instead, what came out was: “So, are you dead?”
Fenton flinched. “No, I—it doesn’t matter. Just—just be quiet, okay?”
“It doesn’t matter?” Dash wanted to thwack himself in the head. He didn’t want to be continuing this line of questioning. Why was his mouth saying this shit?
“Not to you, anyway.” Fenton spoke with such vehemence that all at once Dash was reminded that Fenton being Phantom also meant that Phantom was Fenton. His hero was the same nerd he’d been shoving in lockers since middle school.
“Look. Just don’t tell anyone, okay? No one would believe you anyway, so just don’t tell anyone.”
“Okay,” Dash said, voice thready and small. What else could he say? Fenton could’ve been kicking his ass all this time, but instead he’d been saving it. If nothing else, Dash could keep a secret.
“Good,” Fenton said, turning to leave.
Fenton stopped without turning around. “Why what?”
“Why don’t you tell people?”
Fenton’s voice was nasal through his sneer. “Try thinking about it. I’m sure the answer will come to you.”
The answer did not come to him.
He watched Fenton from a distance, noticed all the signs he dismissed before. Constant bathroom breaks. Bruises in the morning that were gone by the afternoon. Gasps of blue air that always preceded a ghost.
But he never saw why Fenton kept it quiet.
Teachers yelled at him for being late. Other students laughed behind their hands when he fell asleep at his desk. Paulina watched him rush out of class to the “bathroom” and whispered, “He should start wearing a diaper to school if he goes so much.” He tried to chuckle, but all he could manage was the slight curling of his mouth, and even that was strained. Paulina would never say something like that if she knew the truth. Fenton would have so much support from everyone in the school if he would just tell them the truth.
So, yeah. He didn’t get the secrecy.
Fenton, though, had avoided Dash like the plague. He’d never sought Dash’s company out before, but now the sight of Dash’s shadow was enough to have him scampering away. He tried to corner Fenton once, in the janitor’s closet, but forgot about the whole ghost thing. Since there was no one else around to see, Fenton just walked through the back wall, leaving Dash alone with the mops.
What was he supposed to do?
It felt like a secret of this magnitude should change things more. True, he couldn’t bring himself to shove people around anymore (what if some of them were secret heroes, too?) but otherwise, life went on. He went to football practice. He failed his math test. He laughed when Kwan made fun of Lancer’s pants falling down (again).
He stared at Danny Fenton across the cafeteria.
Danny Fenton did not look back.
No one in Amity Park liked the Guys in White. They only ever got in the way of Phantom trying to do his job, while being utterly ineffective. Even the Fentons did more to keep the city safe from dangerous ghosts—mostly through supplying anti-ghost tech and not through actual hunting, but it was still more than the GIW ever did.
So when the GIW locked down the school, most everyone rolled their eyes in disgust.
Every once in a while, the GIW had one of these sessions. He wasn’t entirely sure what the point of them was, but it usually involved a bunch of dumb questions about whether they’d talked to any ghosts. Like they were all conspiring against the government with the ghosts, or something.
(Well, he probably would, given the opportunity, but he hadn’t exactly talked to a lot of ghosts who weren’t trying to kill him. The only ghost he knew personally hated being in the same room as him.)
“Have you had any contact with the ghost masquerading as a musician, known as Ember McClain?” The agent in white drummed his fingers on the desk. Dash had the sudden urge to bite his pinky.
Dash furrowed his brow. “I think she is actually a musician, though?”
“Ember. She does, actually, like, play guitar and sing. So I think she’s a real musician? Just. You know. A ghostly one.”
The agent leaned into his face. “So you have had contact with her.”
Dash leaned back. “Uh, no? Not since the time she mind controlled a bunch of us. Which I don’t think is my fault.”
“And you haven’t sought her out since?”
“Uh, no. I don’t actually enjoy being mind controlled.”
“Hm. And the menace known as Phantom?”
Dash barely kept his shoulders from tensing. “What about Phantom?”
“Have you contacted him?”
“I mean, he’s saved me a couple times. But he saves everyone.”
The agent snorted. “That’s what the ghosts want you to think, kid. Make no mistake: all ghosts are the same: evil, greedy, and power-hungry. We don’t yet know what Phantom’s true intentions are. It’s our job to get that creature off the streets and into containment, where he belongs.”
Dash was never the smartest person, but sometimes, when all the pieces were in front of him, he could add two and two and get four. He remembered the Fentons echoing the agent in front of him almost word-for-word. Or maybe this agent was echoing them.
Either way, Dash finally knew why Danny Fenton had a secret.
Dash curled his hands into fists. Fenton didn’t want to talk to him; that much was abundantly clear. But Fenton had still saved his life, saved the lives of everyone in the town, the world even. He could do this much for him.
“Look, dude, you think what you want,” Dash said. “I can’t exactly change your mind. Never been good at persuasion. But,” he said, and he stood up, crossing his arms and hooding his eyes, “no one else here believes your bullshit, dude. We know the truth, no matter what you say.”
“Mr. Baxter, the science—”
“I don’t care what studies you’ve faked. I’m telling you right now that if you seriously go after Phantom like you would any other ghost, you’re going to have to go through the whole town first,”
And Dash wasn’t very smart. And he wasn’t persuasive. But he knew fear. He was 16. This agent was probably somewhere in his thirties. By no means should the man be afraid of him. But Dash knew how to make himself bigger. Dash knew just where to strike someone, just what made them scared. This man was only as brave as his badge. A whole insurrection? One aimed at him? That thought terrified him.
The man was silent.
Dash smiled a shark’s smile. “Do yourselves a favor and leave Amity Park alone. We’ve got it handled from here.”
The door swung shut behind him as he left the agent alone in a dark room, still stuttering for a response.
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lowkeyrobin · 4 months
EVIL DEAD RISE ; you can revive them
summary ; you're able to revive them from deadite-ism like the 2013 evil dead
includes ; danny, bridget, kassie (platonic), ellie, & beth
warnings ; language, demon stuff, blood, drugs/od'ing, horrible doctor explanation, I'm no doctor so ignore my horrible descriptions of this stuff LMAOOO
request from ; @acidthecorvid ; thank you for requesting!!
AN ; I got a little like basic idea of how the reviving works so I apologize if anything is incorrect, for some reason my brain couldn't process all the lore into how this worked lmaooo. I stuck with mias revival kinda thing w the defibrillator and fear streets od'ing and revival thing so hopefully this is good 😭😭
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bringing him back scared the shit out of you
basically had to bury him in his bedsheets and somehow in some way, Beth got her hands on a defibrillator
she said something about it being in Fonda's room but you had no time to think
beth was over losing her family and you were too
danny wasn't meant to die, your straight hope of him surviving and not giving up on him is the only thing that saved him
kind of like that fear street scene of Sam dying and being brought back but with a fucking defibrillator instead of straight adrenaline shots and overdosing
restarting his heart and not being met with a deadite actually scared the hell out of you
he's knocked down for a while but he's able to escape the monde
you were able to shove ellies medication into her mouth while she was knocked out after the first fight
maybe having her unconsciously od could possibly save her? who knows
you watched a couple movies of this kind of thing working, just having to restart her heart and hope the demon wouldn't be there
although it took a painfully long time, you were able to save her with epipens
a lot of them
from Gabriel's fridge
for a little while she's basically a walking corpse but she's able to survive
holy shit seeing her dead killed you inside
anger and sadness just took over and you manually brought her back to life
lots of cpr and epipens involved
but she ended up living
you gave up after a solid 10 minutes thinking she was dead but she was just knocked out cold by that point
I'd be surprised if her brain wasn't bleeding by then bc wtf
girly pop saved!
bad news about you tho.... /j /j
she's thrown into a wall, knocking her dead while fighting the abomination monster thing
you're able to kill it before saving Beth
she was on hella drugs already, so epipens and said drugs literally saved her
kassie crying while watching you try to save her aunt
shit she barely even knows you and she's crying into your chest
she takes a while to open her eyes but she's okay
"told you drugs are cool"
you wonder if she planned this out or not cause like??
you single handedly stop the deadite spread
you're op as shit wth
you're able to knock her down, use fondas defibrillator that he just has laying around (????), and revive her
basically restart her heart
she was dead for like 5 minutes solid before Beth calls the police from a landline on the street
"how the hell did you do that????"
"I don't even fucking know"
yall never talk about it again
you and danny hide the book back down under the parking garage and never speak of it again
just one of those family secrets ig
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spockvarietyhour · 11 months
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This message is for Rick Grimes...
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jakeysbuttsheeks · 8 months
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Warnings: none , fluff , soft Jake
Parings: Jake X female reader
word count: 900
A\n:first time posting here . I don't really know how it works but anyways
"Shit it's been 20 minutes" sam sucks in a sharp breath of air , his eyebrows pinched in worry. 
"WHAT!?" Josh yells , mortified.
"AND HOW MUCH AIR DOES HE HAVE!?" you yell , equally as mortified as you grab the edge of the boat , looking over into the water to see any signs of Jake .
"Enough to last him a little more an 15 minutes" danny says . The four of you equally worried and panicked .
"Shit where the fuck is he !?" You scream , the stillness of the water made it the air tense .
"Calm down Jake can take care of himself" danny tried to reassure eveyone but you could hear the worry in his voice.
You started thinking of the worst possible things that could've happen to him , tears starting to swell your eyes as you eagerly watched the water , hoping Jake came up .
Tears began streaming down your face when you imagined the thought of something horrible happening to Jake because of this . When everyone told him not to dive when he didn't have enough air . The thought of  having to pull him out , his funeral . You couldn't. You couldn't do it .
"THERE HE IS!" Josh squealed, pointing at a dark shadow in the water , making the rest of you exclaim in relief, going up to the end of the boat to help Jake out the water .
He tiredly pulled himself onto the boat and took his mouth piece off in relief as he gasped for air .
"You fucking bastard you scared us!" Josh helped Jake off the floor .
"Haha!" Jake broke into a wicked smile through his tiredness.
It made you furious how Jake had the audacity to find this funny when you were literally in tears . But you couldn't say anything.
You weren't Jake's girlfriend but you were on the verge of it . You and Jake had a love hate relationship where the both of you pretended to despise eachother, when it was obvious how much y'all cared for eachother. Being mean to eachother was your love language. It was just a matter of time till he asked you to date him .
"Aw did i scare you sweetheart?" Jake teased with a laugh , when he noticed your mortified pale face , leaning in to peck your cheek before walking past you to Danny .
The day went by and all you could think of was the thought of losing Jake . It made you feel horrible. Even tho the others had forgotten about it and continued back to the shore and enjoy their day at the beach house , you just couldn't digest the fear you felt .
You walked into Jake's room . He had a towel around his waist and was drying his hair right out of the shower and barely acknowledged your presence.
You walked over to his dressing table and figited with his necklaces and rings , admiring his earring hoops and other accessories while waiting for him to dress.
"Gave you quite the scare huh? You've barely spoken anything since we got off the boat" jake says as he adjusted the clothes he just put on , walking over to you .
"It's not funny Jake" you swallow, trying to hold back your tears as you rubbed your thumb over one of his pendents.
"It is a little" he giggled as he wrapped his arms around your waist and hooked his neck over your shoulder.
"No! You really scared me!" You yell as your voice cracked , breaking down into tears.
"Hey-" jake's face dropped dead serious as he turned you around to face him . 
But you couldn't let him see you cry , your hands immediately covered your face as you cried into them .
Jake pulled you into his chest and patted your head as you cried into your palms .
"I'm right here love , it's alright" Jake spoke , his voice serious for once , and weirdly comforting.
"Don't ever fucking do anything like that again" you warn as you broke away from him , wiping your face and trying to contain yourself but you couldn't help but pathetically cry .
You wrapped your arms around him and mentally thanked the starts you had him standing in front of you .
"I'm sorry" Jake caressed your back , placing a kiss at the top of your head.
He held you in his embrace for a moment, saying nothing to let you calm down . And once you did he broke the hug slightly to look at your face .
"Hey y|n?" Jake asked , taking your hand between both his hands . You have him a question mark look for him to continue what he had to say .
"Look , I have something to say about us , besides all fun and games and whatever this teasing and roasting eachother thing we got going on, I think- i might be- I'm in love with you" he stutters nervously , your eyes widened. You'd never seen Jake so serious about anything. You never expect him to say something like this. It had to be a joke .
"seriously?!" You gasp as you stare at him in shock . He nods with a bright cheesy smile .
"God- I love you Jake. Especially today when I thought you died! And I thought I was being stupid but I really can't deal with the thought of losing you" You yap in excitement and he couldn't help but let out a giggle. A genuine giggle of happiness.
"I don't wanna lose you either y|n" Jake said , cupping your face while leaning in to kiss you . You could feel him smiling widely through the kiss , and so were you .
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percervall · 1 year
give me love and compassion
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Pairing: Daniel Ricciardo x fem!reader Words: 986 Warnings: Fluff, mentions of Danny's mental health struggles (minor and no details) Request: FaceTime A/N: been calling this the hoodie fic of dreams because I literally dreamt this scenario lol
title from First Aid Kit's Angel
She was trying her hardest to stay awake. It had been a long week in a row of long weeks dealing with rich people's problems and she was exhausted. Her phone buzzed on the couch, and she looked away from the cooking show to look at the notification.
Watcha doin? 
She smiled at the message from her boyfriend and typed a quick reply. He was currently in Austin for work and she missed him terribly. She lowered the phone but it immediately started buzzing again with an incoming facetime call.
“Hey baby,” Daniel said with a smile.
“Hey you,” she replied, snuggling into the pillows on the couch and pulling the blanket even further up.
“How was work?” he asked and she saw him moving to a quiet area of the garden he was in. She pulled the hood of her hoodie over her eyes and groaned.
“Rich people are just the absolute worst sometimes,” she muttered. Daniel laughed at that. He allowed her to rant about how it had been non-stop dealing with entitlement today and how her colleagues were sometimes just as bad as her clients because they had grown up in similar circles. When she brought up the almost daily urge to quit her job, he was quick to reassure her he would support her no matter what she decided. It was one of the things she loved about Daniel: he would always offer her support but ultimately left her to make her own decisions. 
She watched him interact with some of his friends off camera. Seeing him so free and with a constant smile made her heart so very happy. The last two years had been tough on him and there was a moment where she feared she’d lose him to the darkness of his thoughts for good. But no matter how deep he had sunk, she’d never considered walking away. It wasn’t in either of their natures to give up when things got tough. Instead she’d been there, always just a phone or facetime call away to push the clouds away and let in some sun for him. And she knew that he would do the same for her in a heartbeat.
“You look cosy, babe,” he commented as he redirected his attention to her, smiling this loving smile that always gave her butterflies. 
“I am. This hoodie is so soft and warm. My boyfriend designs great merch,” she replied. 
“He sounds like a real catch.”
“Eh, he’s alright.” She laughed when she saw him pout. “Just kidding, he really is. I think you’d like him.” 
“Would I now?” There was a twinkle in his eye and she could hear the laughter in his voice.
“Mmhmm, he’s also Australian, has these stunning brown eyes and soft curly hair; perfect to run my fingers through when we watch films together. People always think he’s an extrovert, but he’s just the gentlest soul,” she rambled, feeling her lips tug up in a smile. “I love him a lot.” 
“I think he loves you just as much if not more,” Daniel replied, voice quieter so only she could hear him, a softness in his eyes that conveyed just how true that statement was. 
“I miss you,” she all but whispered after they were quiet for a moment.
“Miss you too, baby. But we’ll see each other soon. You’re still coming to the next race, right?” She nodded in reply. Daniel looked away as one of his friends called out to him.
“Have you had dinner yet?” he changed the subject as he walked over to where his friends were sitting.
“No, was too brain dead when I got home. Think I might just prepare Italian tapas and have that for dinner,” she said, groaning as she got up from the couch and made her way over to the kitchen. Daniel laughed at that and sat down at a picnic table. She rested her phone against a vase on the kitchen island and opened the fridge. 
“Don’t let Carlos hear you! Hey, wanna have company for dinner? Eddie is just about finished grilling some burgers on the BBQ for lunch,” he suggested. 
“That sounds great,” she said and pulled out some of the packets of cured meats and cheeses they always had on hand. Daniel chatted to his friends as she prepared herself a platter of fresh fruits and antipasto, including her in the conversation as much as possible. It had become a kind of ritual when he was away where they’d facetime and have food together, even if the time zone difference made it nearly impossible at times. More often than not it would just be one of them having breakfast or dinner while the other drank coffee or had a snack. At the time it had been to make sure he wouldn’t let the negativity of the press consume him, but today she was the one who needed someone to push clouds away. 
She had carried her food out to the balcony and ate while the sun slowly set. From their apartment they had a great view of the Mediterranean Sea and the both of them loved to just sit here and watch the sunset. 
“You look much happier, babe,” Daniel commented as he took a drink from his water. His friends had left them alone so Daniel could say goodbye before they’d go do something Texan. 
“Mm, I feel much happier too. Thanks Danny,” she replied. It wasn’t a lie, she felt much lighter than when she’d just come home. 
“I love you,” Daniel said, blowing her a kiss.
“Love you too, babe. See you soon.” Daniel kept making kissy faces at the camera, making her chuckle, until she disconnected the call. Putting the phone down, she sighed contently and let the last rays of sunshine warm her face in the same way the call with her boyfriend had warmed her soul.
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soulariarym · 2 years
Gf x dom anon again, that’s kinda long I’m just gonna call myself Fero anon cause I’ll definitely request more in the future. Anyways Hey! It’s time to share my fantasies to the world lol
I was thinking of something like this: you come home after a long day of work to your wife dead on the kitchen floor. Danny is there of course—he was waiting for you to come home. Originally he closes in to kill you too thinking he had the upper hand, but the way he talks so desperately about wanting this turns you on. He sees your arousal, and puts his knife away temporarily so that you can plow him on that kitchen counter. Whether he kills the reader in the end can be up to you, Idm. Also please include breeding in this (No mpreg) that shit is godsent. Also also, Danny wearing lace panties would also be appreciated. I hope this was enough detail!
A/N: Hello again Fero! Sorry I’ve taken so long to write this you must’ve been impatient and I do apologize. I did get Covid and still have it but for some reason I have motivation to write. Hope the wait was worth it :) I won’t necessarily add “breeding kink”in this as it makes me uncomfortable but I hope cumin in Danny will work
Danny Johnson // Dom Male Reader
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Keys jingling could be heard in your ears, unlocking the door to your apartment.
You honestly just wanted to go to bed and get some rest from your long hours of work.
You were about to just head to your bedroom and collapse on the bed, assuming your wife would be waiting for you. You sigh as you walk in the bedroom realizing she was nowhere to be seen.
“Honey?” You called out, no answer. “Honey I’m home” still no response. You instinctively got worried, she’s always home when you arrive. Late night walk? No no she wouldn’t go out this late.
You put a hand on your chin as your thoughts clouded your mind, maybe she’s just taking a bath or grabbing some late night snacks? You should check either way.
You walked to the bathroom as you opened the door, noticing the light was off. Turning it on you didn’t see your wife, you figured so as the light was off.
Turning the light back off you walked back to the hallway, heading for the kitchen.
“Honey? Are you ok?-“
Your breath hitched in your chest as a feeling of pure adrenaline and fear filled your body.
There she was, your wife bleeding out on the floor unconscious and probably dead.
You froze not knowing what to do, your mind going blank
“Hi hun glad you could make it back… safely~”
You heard a voice as you looked to your side you noticed a man in a mask with a robe-like outfit. His voice wasn’t his real voice and you could tell by the voice changer he had in his tone.
“W-what do you want from me?! Get away from me you bastard!”
Danny sighed as he walked closer “isn’t it obvious? I want to kill you, I’ve been watching you, following you, stalking you, I need you so bad~ you’re absolutely perfect~ please please let me kill you, your blood would look so pretty on my knife. I can’t take it anymore, I need you”
The way this man talked to you had pure hot lust flooding your mind. What was wrong with you? Why was this turning you on?
Those thoughts quickly faded away as you slightly bit your lip, uniting your tie as you looked at him.
Danny giggled a little noticing your actions, he placed his knife behind him on the counter as he walked up to you.
You immediately felt yourself getting hard and the man began unbuckling your belt, looking up at you.
“I think we can have some…other types of fun for now… what do you say? Handsome?”
All Danny heard was a low groan come from you before you spoke, your lust moving your mouth for you.
“Bend over the counter right now”
Ghostface immediately listened, bending over as he rested his head in his arms.
“How naughty, came here to kill me now you wanna be fucked? That’s very naughty Ghostface”
Danny chuckled as he pressed his ass against your buldge and he wiggled around on it a bit.
“Cmon don’t act like you don’t wanna fuck me, my ass is so prepared for you, please please fuck me”
You chuckled as you undid your belt, one hand pulling your pants and boxers to your ankles while the other on Danny’s hip.
Once you pulled up his outfit you noticed what he was wearing.
“Well look at you, it’s almost like you were waiting for me” you said in a stern voice.
“Maybe…I was..like I said tonight would be the night you take me…and I take you~”
The way he said that last line had your heart pounding. From fear? Lust? Desire? You weren’t sure but the position you were in quickly fogged your thoughts of any hesitation.
You softly traced the designs and skin revealed through his lingerie, in almost a teasing manner.
All that could be heard was Danny cute sighs and breaths.
You gently uncovered his sensitive spot, wanting so bad to just rip his lace off but you didn’t wanna make him change his mind and kill you on the spot so you kept it soft.
You gently pushed a finger in him as you heard Danny’s moan almost immediately, not only that but the feeling of him being a little loose already.
He’s been touching himself.
“I ah~ sorry if I-I’m a little lose I c-can’t help but touch myself around you mm~”
All you could do is smile at him as you knew, you didn’t need to prep him at all. He’s been so needy for you he’s already ready.
With that you harshly held his head against the countertop as you shoved yourself inside him with no warning.
The moan that followed sent chills down your stomach… so High in pitch…Godamn he sounded like a bitch in heat.
“I ah, mm sorry I can’t help it shit~”
You grabbed his throat, squeezing it a bit but not too tight to suffocate him.
“Shut the hell up”
Danny listens immediately, legs already trembling as you manage to hit all his sensitive spots with no issue.
“I uh~ hah~ you feel so good please don’t stop, don’t ever stop~”
Never in your sex life have you ever heard someone so needy and desperate to be fucked. Not even your wife was this submissive to you.
However the sweets cries and moans he released only fueled you to keep going, tightening your grip on his waist as you fucked him faster and relentless.
Danny’s masked slipped of a little during the movement of getting fucked out, his mouth was revealed to you.
Danny didn’t seem to mind. But you? You felt the butterflies swarm in your stomach from the view.
His mouth was open, drooling and smiling, his sharp canines biting his bottom lip a few times.
You felt that feeling of wanting to cum swarm your groin and you lifted up his legs with your arms, releasing his neck.
“I~ gah~ I’m gonna cum so hard against your country mm~ you want me to hmm?~ I’m gonna coat this counter in my cum~”
Danny said, nails scratching at the marble counter, not doing any damage but he still tried anyway
You continued fucking him, as your dick shot out cum into him. Danny took in a deep breath as he felt you cum into him, the feeling making him cum as well.
You both were trying to catch your breaths as you let go of his legs, sitting on your couch as you continued to take deep breaths.
Danny chuckled, pulling his mask and robe back to how they originally were.
“Yknow~ I wouldn’t mind doing this again~” he said, walking over to you.
You grinned at him, smiling before looking at the kitchen again.
Danny sat on your lap, mask fixed as he stared at you.
You felt panic rush through your ribs and chest when you noticed the knife he had set on the counter was gone.
Your eyes widened as you looked at him in panic, sure enough there he was, holding the knife in hand.
You couldn’t scream, not even a yelp came out before he waved goodbye, plunging the knife in your heart.
“I’ll make sure you’ll be in the newspaper for weeks~”
Your vision went black as a click of a camera could be heard.
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mokulule · 1 year
The Number You Have Called Cannot Be Reached 2
Part 1
Ship: Dead on Main (Danny/Jason) Warnings: angst/depression and canon typical violence
Jason stared. He stared at the spot where the Ghost had literally sunk through the roof - and would Dick just be unbearable when he heard that, how the name he’d given their thief was even more fitting, but this was just the sort of stray thought a person had because their head was filled with other things that they couldn’t as easily understand.
Absently he registered the demon brat scolding him haughtily for letting the villain get away and how he would never have allowed such a thing had he been the one to capture him, tt.
Jason didn’t pay it any mind, knew Damian was just as confounded by the Ghost getting away like a literal ghost, as he was. The Batclan had been hunting this guy for weeks and for all that time, he’d only shown invisibility as a power, something that was easily countered by the thermal filters in their masks.
Absently he touched his chest, where just a moment ago, the guy had snuggled up to him, and… and purred?! It was the only word he had for it. How else could he explain that humming sound at the edge of his hearing. Guy had been so overwhelmingly happy, and for a moment Jason had been shrouded in those feelings again. There’d been something like a questioning tilt to the humming, but Jason didn’t know how to respond, didn’t know why the guy had been so loopy. Had followed him up desperately like a man drowning, headbutted himself into his chest and snuggled up, so happy.
And then the spell had broken, as suddenly as it had appeared.
The guy, deeply embarrassed, had sunk into the rooftop, but that was not what Jason had noticed. It was not what had his mind chasing its own tail. No, it was the way that call, those foreign feelings, cried out in sorrow and such soul crushing loneliness as he disappeared. Jason felt hollowed out from the whiplash.
Bruce stood up from where he was crouched by the spot Jason had initially tackled the ghost, instantly commanding attention in the way only Batman could.
“Hood, debrief back at the cave.”
It was testament to how out of it Jason was that he just nodded with a quiet yeah. A large black gloved hand set down on his shoulder squeezing for a moment. Jay looked up and met the white-out lenses of the cowl. He shrugged off the worry and stepped back defensively, “I’m fine.”
Bruce watched him for a moment before nodding and moving across the roof, Robin at his heels. He jumped down but Robin paused and looked back and now Jay was even worrying the brat. He sighed and waved him on, he really had to get his head back on straight.
Anger come on, he could always count on that, he was always some level of angry, the pits made sure of it, he had it under control but that didn’t make it gone. He waited for that familiar angry bubble in his chest… nothing. Bruce! Bruce patronizing him, replacing him… nothing! Just sadness, longing to belong again - his shoulder burned where Bruce had touched him to make sure he was okay - he shook his head, this wasn’t working. Leaving the Joker alive! That was better but, there was only the most sluggish bubble at that like a sleeping dragon huffing at him as it turned over to continue sleeping.
Jason walked backwards until he hit the ledge. He had his helmet off and in his hands before he knew it. He needed to breathe. Heavily, he sank to the ledge, his gloves creaked as he clutched the helmet.
The pits were quiet, for the first time since he came back to life he was alone in his head. Fear clutched his heart, because what was he supposed to do with that?
Answers, he needed answers. One step at a time, he berated himself, taking slow breaths. To get answers he needed to find the Ghost. To find the Ghost he needed intel, intel the others had. The Ghost hadn’t operated anywhere in Crime Alley and hadn’t been Jason’s problem, until tonight when the chase had gotten near enough to his territory that he’d bothered to come back-up the brat instead of just mocking the rest of the clan’s inability to catch a simple thief. There wasn’t anything simple about Ghost, he thought, remembering those piercing glowing green eyes. He had to have something to do with the Lazarus pits it was the only thing that made sense. And he realized, he’d deliberately been hiding the extent of his powers. They’d been trying to catch him for weeks and he’d never phase shifted before.
His thoughts were going in circles again. It was no use staying here. Time to go to the cave and see what the others had - he stood up and braced himself for the whisper: the ever present distrusting voice berating him for being a fool for following Bruce’s orders, for letting himself be drawn back into the fold. He had all his arguments ready to convince himself that he was going for his own sake.
Silence. There was no whisper.
He shuddered, deeply unsettled and pulled his helmet back on. The faster he figured this out the better.
Oo o oO
Danny entered his temporary haunt, a long abandoned subway rail yard, dragging his feet after him, and sank down in front of the still mostly bare frame of the portal in the central open space. He rested his head on the cool metal. It hurt to breathe, particularly slumped like this, but he didn’t have the energy to move.
Slowly he rubbed a hand across his face, gingerly touching the bump on his forehead. He couldn’t believe he was so starved for company that he had somehow interpreted getting bowled over as a hug, and yet the ghost of the touch still lingered. His core ached in outrage over loosing that closeness. Well, his core was stupid anyway - he was stupid.
He’d dropped the spectral calibrator too, this entire evening was a waste. It had only left him hollow and hurting, and no closer to getting home.
Slowly his eyes, tracked over to his worn blue backpack all of six feet away from him, where his dwindling supply of dry granola bars was. He wouldn’t have much choice but to go out again soon. At least nicking food usually didn’t get him the attention of the local “heroes”. He’d had enough of those for a while.
He should eat something now. But it was too far too reach and he didn’t feel like moving.
The ambient ectoplasm of this city really wasn’t enough to keep him running at full strength and he knew, in theory that he should make up for it by eating more.
It was the pro of being a halfa that he could transform food into energy for both his forms, the con was that he was terrible at being a halfa and he just wasn’t hungry. Just tired, always tired.
He longed for home, for Jazz and Sam and Tucker - heck he would take Valerie hunting him down in another dimension to shoot at him over this. He felt himself fraying at the edges and now apparently because he had no one, he’d latched on to the first random person who felt like a ghost, like some kind of weirdo. The man probably wasn’t even a ghost, he hadn’t responded at all like one. He doesn’t know how he could have been so fooled.
He let his head rest on his knees, closing his eyes. The ghost of a warm body surrounding him taunted him. He gasped down a sob, then gasped again because that hurt like a kick to his ribs. He pressed his eyes shut around pained tears. His ribs were definitely broken. At least the pain brought him back to the present. He breathed shallowly, considered just stopping, but he had lungs in his body and there was something about how it was best to use them so he didn’t get pneumonia. They’d been through that debacle once before. Besides usually breathing was nice.
Before all this falling into a portal to a crappy dimension he would have healed by now. Another point in the should-eat-more column.
A small squeaky noise drew his attention back to his bag. Just as he blinked to clear his blurry eyes a rat exited his bag with a granola bar and sprinted across the floor into the shadows.
Danny sighed - and now he had rats.
Yeah, so these snippets aren't going to be overly long, because it's going to be faster updating this way, but once I'm more into the story I will probably compile them more before starting to post to Ao3.
Edited with link to next part: next Masterpost where you can subscribe: link
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