#date night series
dira333 · 6 months
Date Nights - Sero Hanta
Requested by @fuzztacular - for my Date Night Series
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“So all I do is spin this thing?” Sero asks, eyeing the ball of wool in his hand.
“Well, you can try your hand on something yourself, I’m not stopping you.” You laugh, eyes on your project as you crochet another line.
“Sure, sure, but like… I have no idea how to do it.”
“I could show you.” You offer without looking up. This is a particularly hard line.
“Are you sure? You look kinda focused there.” There’s something in his voice that has you looking up. Your eyes catch his, somewhat of a lost look in them, before he realizes he’s been caught and drops his gaze to the ball of wool in his hand.
“Alright.” You drop your project on the table next to you and pull out a different ball of wool and a needle. “I’ll teach you the different stitches first. Gimme your hands.”
His hands are nice. Big and warm, with long fingers and smooth skin.
“Do you use hand cream?” You ask absentmindedly as you thread the wool around his fingers and catch a whiff of something… flowery?
Sero blushes next to you, rubs his neck with his free hand.
“I… My hands are pretty rough from work. Iida’s girlfriend recommended me something?”
“Oh? Well, I’m always in need of some recommendations, you know?”
“You? Nah. Your hands are too soft already. You’d slide off everything.”
You laugh. “I don’t think that’s true, but thanks. Some wools can really dig into your skin though, so it’s better to be prepared.”
Sero is, to put it frankly, terrible at crocheting. 
He would be a lot better if he kept looking at what he was doing, but for every second his eyes were on his own project, he stared at you for at least three until you caught him.
“Is this like me watching you read Manga?” You ask, curious and a little daring.
He blushes a feverish red. “It’s not… I don’t… wait? What?”
It’s your turn now to avoid his eyes, your courage suddenly nowhere to be found.
“When we sit together to read Manga. I always take so long… because I… you look really cute when you’re reading…” When you sneak a peak at Sero, his mouth is wide open.
“I’m sorry!” You defend yourself, words rushing out of you. “It’s just that… It’s the only time you don’t notice! Oh god, that sounds so bad!”
“I’m going to stare at you so much now!” He declares, fist pumping as his grin almost separates his face. “Equal rights!”
“What?” You squeak, but Sero’s crocheting project is already forgotten, as he picks up the wool you’d been using for your project, his eyes zeroed in on you.
“Come on pretty, crochet for me.”
His words have barely left your mouth before he turns an unflattering shade of red and you wheeze, breath catching in your throat.
“Next time…” You manage to get out between coughs. “We go out on a date. No staring. We could do ice cream?”
Sero nods feverishly.
It’s only when the two of you have calmed down that he mumbles: “Can’t believe I scored a second date by being an idiot.”
It’s already past lunch by the time Hanta appears, hair disheveled, pajama top on backward. You’re on the Couch, too focused on your newest project to pay him much attention as he yawns. That is, until he flops down on you, burying his head in your stomach.
“Don’t ignore me.” He huffs into your shirt.
“Sorry.” You put your crocheting to the side to drag your hands through his hair, giggling at the groan it pulls from him.
“I hate nightshifts.” He mumbles.
“I know.”
“I missed our date.”
“It’s not your fault Sato got sick.” You scratch his back with one hand and he sighs deeply into the motion.
“Don’t fall asleep on me again.” You warn him. “You won’t be able to sleep tonight if you do.”
“But I wanna cuddle with you. I missed our date!” He does sound upset, even if muffled through the fabric of your shirt. You lean down to press a kiss to the top of his head.
“I know and I love you, but you stink.”
“I do not.”
“Do too.” You nudge his side when he falls silent, knowing full well he’s on his way to fall asleep again.
“Get up. Take a shower. I’ll set up everything for a coffee date.”
It’s quiet for a moment before you feel him press a kiss against your stomach. Hanta pulls himself up, yawns own more time, and leans into you to kiss you on the mouth.
It’s sweet, even with his terrible morning breath.
When he moves back, something changes in his eyes, jolts him the way Kaminari does sometimes to mess with him.
“What?” You ask but he grins, suddenly wide awake.
“Nothing. Just remembered I have a surprise for you.”
You narrow your eyes at him. “Go shower.”
“Yessir!” He salutes, laughing as he shuffles off towards the bathroom.
You use the fancy plates his mother gifted you a year before, just because you can. There’s still some of the cake left that Sato made before he fell sick and you fry some rice, knowing full well that Hanta’s going to be starving by the time he makes it out of the shower. 
Speaking of which.
He thinks he’s subtle, hiding behind the corner.
“I’ve already spotted you.” You point out as you wait for the milk to foam. Hanta will never admit it, but he likes his coffee fancy when he’s at home.
Hanta giggles and you turn to look at him, unable to keep the grin of your face when you see what he’s up to.
He’s pulled one of the more hideous Hawaiian shirts out of the closet, wears it unbuttoned over a wife beater like the detective from your new favorite Manga. In his mouth, he holds one single rose from the bouquet on the living room table.
He winks at you, one foot resting on a chair as he stands in the most ridiculous pose you’ve ever seen.
“What?” You wheeze. “Are you doing?”
“Flirting!” He takes the rose out of his mouth and points it at you like it’s a sword. “I need to show the prettiest girl in the world some love.”
“You’re ridiculous!” You laugh, taking the necessary steps closer to wrap your arms around his neck and kiss him.
It wouldn’t be your classical weekend date without the two of you ending up on the Couch again. Hanta, tired after all the good food, is sitting up to keep himself from falling asleep again, diligently working at the crochet project he started months ago. It’s been a slow going progress, but he’s almost finished the head of the stuffed Octopus he’s making.
Your head is resting on his stomach, your arms on his legs on either side of your body as you catch up on your reading.
“Baby?” Hanta asks from above. “Is that correct?”
You lower your book to peer up at his work. When you nod, he grins, proud of himself.
“By the way, do I get to know more about my surprise?”
“Surprise?” Hanta asks, clearly confused for a second before he catches on.
“Oh, that. God, I’m so tired, I already forgot a gain. We stopped a robbery yesterday. You wouldn’t believe who they tried to rob.”
“I’m giving you a hint. They’re amazing, you’re a big fan, and you want nothing more than to get a tattoo by them.”
“What?!” You turn around to look at him.
 Sero grins so wide, there’s a dimple showing. “And you don’t even know the best thing?”
“What’s the best thing?”
“I told them you’re a fan and showed them pictures of your tattoos. I got their mobile phone number. Whatever you want, you can get it now.”
“Are you for real?” You ask, voice shaking with disbelief. “If you’re joking…”
“Never.” He leans forward to kiss you softly, giggling when your brows are still furrowed.
“Only the best for my baby.”
Requests for the Date Night Series are always open. All I need is a character name (and a kind of date if you want to add that)
My Kofi if you want to tip me
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theviridianbunny · 1 year
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Date night: Lizzie's bar 💚💚💚
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@ad-astrah i have excellent news for you in that the next date night is in the works rn lmao
here’s a snip to carry you through ;)
Sighing, Murdoc pushes away from Mac’s bedroom wall, a small smile coming to his face. “I went to go see my bestie, of course.” Walking up to the bed, ignoring the way that Mac scuttles to the far side, Murdoc continues, “Although by now I do hope you consider us more than just that.”
“I consider you a psychopath.”
“Those two titles are not mutually exclusive, cupcake.”
“If you call me that again I’ll-”
“Do what?” Murdoc asks, kneeling on Mac’s bed, leaning forward. “Hurt me? Kill me?” Inch by inch, Murdoc moves closer to the large blade, until he rests his chin on the point. “I dare you.”
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hopeymchope · 1 year
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sharkrocket · 1 month
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Such a romantic rendezvous
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caroandcats · 5 months
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Buddie + ao3 tags || 6x13
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Rick leaned so hard into the incest for the first few books. There’s so many of these scattered throughout the books, causally mentioning that all of the campers share facial features and the traits their godly parents like the most. Not to mention calling each other by familial names (cousin, sister, uncle, etc…).
He should have just leaned into it instead of trying to retcon it and then retconning his retcon in the same paragraph.
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“But the thing is, the godly side of your family doesn’t count, genetically speaking, since gods don’t have DNA.”
Well, that’s not what the other four books say but alright. We can pretend that this is what Rick meant all along. Problem solved. oh wait, there’s more…
“A demigod would never think about dating someone who had the same godly parent. Like two kids from Athena cabin? No way.”
But they’re not related. You just said they aren’t related. Most of the campers are also only there for summer, so they aren’t “like siblings” or “raised together as siblings” and they aren’t adopted. Why wouldn’t they date if they wanted to?
“But a daughter of Aphrodite and a son of Hephaestus? They’re not related. So it’s no problem.”
Yes, we know they aren’t related because gods don’t have DNA and because they aren’t “like siblings” or “raised together as siblings” or adopted. Kind of like how Annabeth and Malcolm aren’t related, aren’t like siblings, weren’t raised together as siblings, and aren’t adopted. So there’s no problem with Annabeth and Malcolm dating.
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gorephlegm · 11 months
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Toy chica can't help but fall inlove with all the cute security guards! Toy Bonnie enjoys the gossip, but really just wants to jam out. Toy Freddy finally got his pizza!
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ghostlyarchaeologist · 6 months
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Christian Kane twirling props: a series. Part 7/?
Leverage Redemption Season 2
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vvienne · 6 months
I literally woke up in the middle of the night like God will dark rise is so fucking screwed. The line that’s like. “Everyone wanted to kill the Dark King.” What’s the part where he looks at Violet helplessly, haunted, almost pleading for mercy? But of course he reveals nothing of substance to anyone. Elizabeth is too young to understand but the reader knows what “Her relationship with that boy was…unnatural” can mean. Tying him to bedposts? Failing to strangle him? What else? Never not even once seeing beyond a mythological identity Will himself didn’t know he had? What did he think was the reason? That he was just intrinsically hateful? Of course he says nothing. Of course Violet can’t trust him- he’s given her nothing as painfully real as what she’s given him. So he gives her the sword hoping at least he can die at the hands of someone he loved, but even that doesn’t work out - she gives the sword to a Visander still furious at SARCEAN. The pattern continues; no one looks at Will, who vomits when he realizes what’s happened to James, Will who is much of a liar and killer and sneak as Elizabeth accuses but nonetheless wants to be different. Even when he doesn’t remember his own past. There’s no way out for him that doesn’t hurt. Hope this obsession passes soon given the one and a half years of waiting required for book 3
#dark rise series#dark heir#rarely does a cliffhanger pain me so much#bc rarely am I ever THAT invested in a plot I am sad to say#nona the ninth was so cathartic in of itself I’m content marinating before alecto#BUT PACAT ONLY EVER GIVES EMOTIONAL CRUMBS#have any of these bitches ever known peace fr#maybe this is what reading princes gambit and not immediately having the follow up might’ve been like#honestly it’s possibly damen and Lauren just generally had less problems tho#more than his relationship even with James. will/Violet is perhaps the genuine source of like. I WISH HED GIVEN HER A REASON.#the narration that describes Violet as Will’s star in the night…….. like fuck fine#will can’t reach any level of genuine intimacy with James bc the mess of fraught noncon dynamics is this massive unspoken horrible thing#wills identity is personal w James in a way it is with no one else but James is so fucking oblivious of undercurrents it comes unbalanced#and will knows it. but (as far as we know) violet isn’t reborn has no history with sarcean the dark king she’s literallt just Some Guy#and that almost makes it worse???????? that they are so loyal to each other even as he’s keeping a massive secret?#they weren’t dated or destined to entangle the way will is w characters like James and Katherine#and I think that makes his rship with Violet possibly the realest and truest experience of trust and love will has ever had#like it’s nothing bro. truly she knows nothing about him other than his lies of omission and her faith in him goodness which may or may not#beiltimately justified. but that was probably as honest and close will ever got to anyone. and him to her.
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varibean · 1 year
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I did this so fast and sloppy I prommy I’ll actually draw it later but anyways
Never gotten caught vs has a bunk with his name on it and at least 20 different escape routes
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chainedupgirlsblog · 6 months
Night when a beautiful pregnant woman start flirting with him:
I’m ready to be a dad now.
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theviridianbunny · 1 year
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Date night day - kompeki's spa / pool <3
< a few other shots...from my favourite shoot I have done this year (well so far... it's only January lol) >
happy shippy saturday ^_^
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hehe new date night go brrrrrrrrr
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chrrywvea · 6 months
a serotonin boost for today:
✨️imagine married lokius at a christmas market✨️
(or: my brain going haywire at 4 am for these two idiots & leaving me with this half fic half imagine-ramble-story thing)
mobius obsessing over all the little trinket shops
like immediately upon their arrival, he's over the moon
loki detests all the masses of people but nearly melts when he sees how mobius lights up
he does enjoy it later on as well, very much even
sharing mulled wine
butterfly kisses & red cheeks (loki i'm looking at you)
mobius wears the scarf loki made for him for his birthday (personal hc of mine: loki can crochet & knit insanely well)
mistletoes, so many mistletoes
snowflakes in loki's curls make him look even more mesmerising (mobius stop staring please)
mobius gets fairy lights for their apartment
loki shields his tiny husband from all the people bumping into everyone (inspo from the cutest gay couple i saw at the christmas market yesterday thanks guys♡)
they try out all the different food stands together
(since christmas markets tend to have lots of nordic food loki gets to teach mobius about his favourite dishes at home when he was a child)
mobius loves listening to loki anyway, no matter the topic, but hearing him speak so freely of the good aspects of his childhood always warms his heart
they search more quiet spots for breaks when they both get a little overwhelmed
loki sings (though this time only for his husband)
holding hands in each others coat pockets & hand kisses to warm cold skin up
they try on all the beanies in the whole market (mobius puts them on loki who eventually just surrenders to it)
in the end loki buys them real silly, matching ones (if any artists want to draw this, by all means, go ahead! i'd love that so much but i have zero talent when it comes to drawing)
loki drags mobius to the ice rink, the only thing he's weary of since he's never been ice skating before - but loki is there to help!
he's a pro at it, frosty heritage and stuff
yes i believe frost giants can ice skate really well shush
lots of laughter and banter ensue with mobius attempting to stay upright
the waist hold™ is now reversed to prevent mobius from falling on his butt
but honestly they were gonna be close anyway so
touchy touchy
mobius gets the hang of the whole ice skating ordeal and loki cheers him on when he manages one round around the rink on his own
though he completely rams into loki's back upon his return
when they tire out after a while they get more food, sit around one of the nearby bonfires and cuddle
star gazing when it gets dark & planning for christmas eve
they both sneakily buy gifts for one another when the other's busy with something
mobius gets a little tipsy
too many samples at the liquor shops oops
+ i might add more if anyone likes this but this is what came out for now, enjoy :-D
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starry-miki · 3 months
So this thought has been bother me for a couple of days…
Is Satan a hopeless romantic??
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