#david's contact lenses
fuckyeahgoodomens · 4 months
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Michael: There are what people like to call Easter Eggs hidden around in most scenes.
David: Yes.
Michael: And one of the things that I take a lot of enjoyment out of is seeing if David can pick up on what they are in any particular given scene. And I'll say to him, 'So in this café, there is a very obvious reference to... whatever.'
David: You should remember I have contact lenses and sunglasses on, I can't... I see very little.
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noodles-07 · 9 months
the things I would do to see the good omens blooper reel
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fellshish · 10 months
I can’t stop thinking about this tiktok i saw of a girl who was an extra in the good omens s2 bar scene and at one point david tennant just SMASHED into a wall and she was like omg are you alright and he said yeah he could just barely see with the snake eye contact lenses and the sunglasses and now i think about it every time i rewatch the confession scene like man walked off turned back around and pin-the-tail-on-the-donkeyed michael sheen’s pursed lips
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neil-gaiman · 1 year
Hi Neil,
I dont know if anyones asked yet, but in GO season 1 was Crowleys snake eyes CGI or contacts?
Ive been wondering for a while, and this picture i stumbled across only makes me wonder further. These are clearly selfies, and it just makes me wonder if he had to send off that picture so somebody could edit his eyes, which is rather silly.
Also, if they are contacts, did David have trouble seeing?
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They were contact lenses, in Season 1 and Season 2.
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azirafuck · 10 months
angel crowley wasn't that happy actually. that's just david tennant enjoying not having to wear contact lenses
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nightgoodomens · 10 months
A moment of appreciation for David Tennant’s acting. He is pretty much working blind since he can barely see because of the contact lenses, he often has sunglasses on that cover his eyes which are very impactful and important when acting.
Look how much Michael can do just with his eyes.
David’s are often covered.
And he still gives performance like nobody else.
We can see all the emotions in his face and body language, his voice, that we don’t realise his eyes are covered.
Well until they aren’t and he wrecks us.
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pizza-with-death-blog · 4 months
Finding out that DT struggled to see out of Crowleys contact lenses is hilarious to me because he's wearing them CONSTANTLY so one of the stars of the show just. Didn't see any of the scenes.
Was Michael Sheen mouthing his lines along with him? No idea
Was Neil Gaiman in the background moving things around? Clueless
Was John Hamm naked from the waist down for every scene? Who knows, not David Tennant that's for sure.
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queenofthedisneyverse · 3 months
Technology from 1870-1899 (For Encanto fic writers)
So, A mutual of mine @miracles-and-butterfliess pointed out that everyone (including me) tends to forget that Encanto was literally made when the triplets were born. Which is literally 1900 or 1901. Regardless, it was the very beginning of the 19th century so let me tell you about the technology/things they would/wouldn’t have. (And please keep in mind that most of these may or may not have been imported into Colombia yet.) 
1870 - 1879
1872—A.M. Ward creates the first mail-order catalog. NO
1873—Joseph Glidden invented barbed wire. NO
1876—Alexander Graham Bell patents the telephone. NO
1876—Nicolaus August Otto invents the first practical four-stroke internal combustion engine. NO
1876—Melville Bissell patents the carpet sweeper. NO?
1878—Thomas Edison invents the cylinder phonograph (known then as the tin foil phonograph). MAYBE
1878—Eadweard Muybridge invents moving pictures. NO?
1878—Sir Joseph Wilson Swan invents the prototype for a practical electric lightbulb. YES? 
1879—Thomas Edison invented the first commercially viable incandescent electric light bulb. NO?
1880 - 1889
1880—The British Perforated Paper Company debuts toilet paper. YES
1880—English inventor John Milne creates the modern seismograph. NO
1881—David Houston patents camera film in roll format. NO?
1884—Lewis Edson Waterman invents the first practical fountain pen. YES
1884—L. A. Thompson built and opened the first roller coaster in the United States at a site on Coney Island, New York. NO
1884—James Ritty invents a functional mechanical cash register. YES?
1884—Charles Parson patents the steam turbine. NO
1885—Karl Benz invented the first practical automobile powered by an internal-combustion engine. NO (even before Encanto, Alma’s town looked rural so I doubt the automobile reached them yet.)
1885—Gottlieb Daimler invented the first gas-engine motorcycle. NO
1886—John Pemberton introduces Coca-Cola. NO
1886—Gottlieb Daimler designs and builds the world's first four-wheeled automobile. NO
1887—Heinrich Hertz invents radar. NO
1887—Emile Berliner invented the gramophone. YES
1887—F.E. Muller and Adolph Fick invented the first wearable contact lenses. NO
1888—Nikola Tesla invents the alternating current motor and transformer. NO
1890 - 1899
1891—Jesse W. Reno invents the escalator. NO
1892—Rudolf Diesel invents the diesel-fueled internal combustion engine, which he patents six years later. NO
1892—Sir James Dewar invents the Dewar vacuum flask. NO
1893—W.L. Judson invents the zipper. NO (zippers didn’t become popular globally until a little bit later; buttons, ribbons/laces and whatever else were still the norm/in fashion for fastening and tying (which is still the case in some places today)
1895—Brothers Auguste and Louis Lumière invent a portable motion-picture camera that doubles as a film-processing unit and projector. The invention is called the Cinematographe and using it, the Lumières project the motion picture for an audience. NO?
1899—J.S. Thurman patents the motor-driven vacuum cleaner. NO (if you're running from being killed, the last thing you're going to bring is a vacuum cleaner) 
I remember a post listing the sort of jobs there would be in Encanto but I forgot so I’ll just list the ones I know (let me know if I need to add anything.): 
Field worker 
Teacher (of any kind; music, dance, art, etc)
Woodworker - wood carver
Toy maker
Construction worker
Joining a Local band/ Orchestra - being apart of a choir 
Metal worker 
Jeweler (though I’m not sure if Jewelery of the diamond/gem kind is common in Encanto)
bladesmith/ knifemaker 
Inventor? (Inventors should exist in Encanto by now…just one other genius besides Mirabel?)
I know some of these are very obvious but I’m just giving people options okay? 
@miracles-and-butterflies you seem to know a lot more about this kind of stuff so if you have anything to add/take away or me to fix please let me know. I tried to search up “When was X invention imported into Colombia” and literally nothing of use comes up. 
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fuckyeahgoodomens · 1 year
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From the DVD commentary, episode 1:
Neil: We had to do a certain amount of [CGI] work on his eyes, because this was more than any other scene the one where his eyes kept twisting, or one of his eyes
Douglas: You mean the contact lenses?
Neil: The contact lenses, yes.
Douglas: Yeah, we had that as a problem because generally David actually wears contact lenses for real but what we had was it a smaller contact lense than our kind of stunt contact lense. And they would float around on occasion.
Neil: Yeah. I mean, it's weighted, so it's always meant to go down. But sometimes it didn't. And on this scene, it didn't. So we had to sort of nip in with CGI and make the eyes work .
Douglas: Which we probably should never tell David Tennant about. Because if there was a chance to do CGI on all his eyes, he would grab it.
Neil: He would.
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enthusiasteditor · 4 months
"The face is a picture of the mind with the eyes as its interpreter."
- Marcus Tullius Cicero
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Michael and David did an incredible job. Throughout the series they act not only with their lines, but with their bodies, their hands and, above all, their eyes (and David even had contact lenses). Neil's words are certainly masterpieces, but these two impressive actors brought the story to an even higher level
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David Tennant being blinded by the contact lenses and sunglasses really forces his performance as Crowley into being more physical, broad stroke, often disconnected (glasses on when things get sad!) while Michael Sheen as Aziraphale is all glassy eyes and longing and crying constantly. Really differentiates their characters even just by those acting choices alone based on real life physical obstacles, love that shit
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copsecore · 11 months
15 Young!David Shaw Headcanons
(because me and @epsi-l0n cant stop talking about it)
he was a chubby baby. that’s all there is to say
his first word was “fuck” and that was frank talbot’s fault - he literally sat with davey for hours tryna make him say it and finally caught it on video tape right as gabe walked in
did ballet classes at the age of three coz gabe thought it would be funny
used to want to be a power ranger when he grew up - he, ash, milo and amanda used to play it together in davids back yard (how do you think ash broke his arm?)
gabe was a big fan of home videos so after he died (david doesn’t know this), frank, colm and marie got together and make a big movie of all the VHS tapes gabe made of david’s childhood - they plan to give it to him as a wedding present
he was homeschooled with the other pups but his favourite topic was always history, david was (and remains to be) a massive history nerd
used to hate spicy food - all the way up until he was 17
had that resting bitch face that a lot of young kids and babies have - gabe used to fake squaring up to him - the baby side-eye was Insane
a Feral Child - he once bit asher because he had a toy david wanted (they were two and ash still brings it up from time to time)
got prescribed glasses at 10 years old but switched to contacts when he was 19 because it was “embarrassing” that the lenses were so Thiccc
his first childhood crush was Simon from the original Wiggles (no, he can’t explain why, and no, he doesnt want to talk about it)
punched the guy dressed as santa in the dahlia mall in the face when he was six - gabe spent 25 minutes apologising
his favourite childhood movie was the Titanic because he liked the boat and didn’t give a flying fuck about anything else
a regular fight-starter, thank god he didn’t go to school otherwise he would’ve been kicked out of so many
he and ash used to scrap a lot, and they both have scars to prove it
maybe i’ll add more? who knows! not me!
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fellshish · 7 months
‘David tennant was acting basically blind because of the snake contact lenses’ is the good omens fandom’s ‘viggo mortensen broke his toe’
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neil-gaiman · 1 year
Hello, Mr. Gaiman!
I was wondering about Crowley's pupil effect going in season 2.
Will it be a combo of David wearing the silt contacts and then fixed with CGI or will it be all CGI now?
Thank you!!
Whenever it's David Tennant acting it's contact lenses. The Fennec Foxes didn't like wearing the contact lenses, so they are always CGId. Raoul could go both ways.
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ingravinoveritas · 8 months
(Putting this in a separate post because I sort of scattered my thoughts across two different posts last night.)
So by now we've all probably seen the Ask that Neil answered saying that the kissing scene in GO 2 required only one take. There were a couple of things that came to my mind when I read this, and perhaps the most immediate was that the OP asked how many times the scene had to be filmed, and that means the scene entire--the confession, the pleading, everything--not necessarily just the kiss itself. To that end, I wonder how Neil was answering--i.e., referring to the entire scene, or just the kiss. Because as it stands, the question (and answer) are a bit ambiguous/confusing, and lend themselves to greater discussion.
Assuming that this is all true, however, and that the kiss/scene was filmed in one take (though I'm not sure I believe this was actually the case, given the multitude of camera angles and other cinematographic necessities), I'd like to share a few thoughts. I keep seeing people say that Michael and David are actors, consummate professionals, and how could one underestimate their abilities so as to think they would need more than one take. The thing is, we do know that they are actors. Two of the finest this world has ever seen, even. But it is also abundantly clear that if the kiss was achieved in one take, it was not simply because they are actors, but because it was Michael and David. Together.
To stand across from someone and give/react to such an emotional performance involves so much intimacy and trust, in a way not many of us can understand. If we draw a comparison to OFMD, Rhys Darby and Taika Waititi talked about their kiss in season 1 being awkward, even though they have been friends for a long time. Michael and David, by contrast, have been close friends (if not more) for only a few years, yet there was not a moment's hesitation in that kiss. David, who was nearly blind in that scene from the combination of contact lenses and sunglasses, found his way to Michael's lips with a practiced ease, an approach borne of both skill and familiarity. And Michael trusted David so fully in that moment--trusted him enough to be vulnerable, to let himself be kissed and give up control to David.
The gasp when their mouths met. The hands coming to rest on David's back. The way Michael seemingly leans up partway through, leans into David while expertly conveying the myriad of emotions Aziraphale is experiencing. Could it all have been done in one take? Perhaps. But that still doesn't mean there wasn't more to it. The accumulation of so much that had built between Michael and David over the intervening years between season 1 and season 2, further adding to their already incredible on-screen chemistry. All there for us to see, to make us want more. To make us ache.
Whatever the case may be--whether the kiss truly was accomplished in one take, or was the result of countless rehearsals between Michael and David in the days/weeks/months beforehand (be it at the S2 table read, while working on scene blocking, or the two of them "rehearsing" on their own) we are beyond fortunate to have witnessed something so precious and rare. And hopefully we'll soon get to hear Michael and David themselves telling us all about what it was like...
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