#dawn is the kind of person who constantly forget to introduce herself and to greet others. going straight for what she want to say first.
sualne · 1 year
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their first meeting.
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nsfwflint · 3 years
Office Politics: Team Dinner
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After two months, I return! Finally finished a new piece and chapter 3 of Office Politics. Sorry that it took so long guys. But hey, I’m sort of on schedule with there being three months between each chapter LOL. Anyway I hope you enjoy and thank you all for being patient and waiting for me. <3
Read on AFF
“Hi there. Welcome to the acting department. I’m Han Bo Reum and I’ll be in charge of your training. I look forward to getting to know you.”
 As soon as the words leave them, Bo Reum’s plump lips turn into a welcoming smile. You haven’t even stepped off the elevator and the team leader is greeting you personally. Entranced by everything about her, you can’t stop your eyes from wandering up and down her body. The way her outfit flaunts her curves amazes you. Your eyes slowly devour every inch of her body, stopping to marvel at her sizable chest. Continuing the journey, the next thing you end up staring at is her full lips. Finally, you end up meeting her warm friendly eyes and blush slightly. If Bo Reum feels anything about you admiring her body, she doesn’t show it. She turns around and starts walking towards the bullpen.
 “This way. I’ll introduce you to the rest of the team.” Bo Reum says as you trail behind her.
 Following her into the office space, you’re pleasantly surprised at the difference in atmosphere. While the idol division had separated cubicles, the acting division has all the desks pushed together without any walls between them. As soon as you see the other team member, you have no idea how you’re going to be able to stop looking at them long enough to get any work done. They see you approaching with Bo Reum and stand to greet you.
 “This is the new rookie who is being transferred here temporarily for training,” Bo Reum gestures to you vaguely. “Make sure to get along. I’ve got to join a call with some higher-ups, so I’ll let you introduce yourselves.”
 As if something is just now dawning on her, she looks around the office.
“Chae Soo Bin, why are you the only one here right now?” Bo Reum frowns.
“Sun Young and Sung Hee are out of the office today. You said you wanted them to do some sort of client meeting, remember?” Soo Bin replies.
“Oh. Right. I forgot that was today. Well I guess it’s up to you to start training the rookie.” 
Bo Reum quickly walks back towards her office, and you watch her pick up her phone as she sits down. Turning back to your new coworker, you attempt to stifle a quiet sigh; desperately trying not to show how overwhelmed you are by her beauty. You shift uncomfortably as Chae Soo Bin looks you up and down, silently evaluating your worth. Suddenly, she gives you a beaming smile so warm it could melt the ice caps. Your face grows hot as you attempt to smile back, although you’re not sure if your face is able to move properly. 
“You’ll fit right in here! Glad to meet you!” Soo Bin says cheerily. 
“You as well,” You bow politely. “So who else is normally here?”
“Well we normally have Ko Sung Hee here at this desk.” 
Soo Bin points towards a desk covered with various notepads and sticky notes, seemingly having a note for everything she does. Looking to the desk next to it, you chuckle at the puppy shaped trash can sitting underneath a much more organized table. A notepad, calendar, and pencil cup surround an open space where you assume a laptop would normally be.
“Who sits there?” 
“Ah, that’s Sun Young’s desk. She went by Abel Ryu for a while, but she’s gone back to her birth name since retiring. So now she’s Ryu Sun Young again.”’
“Abel Ryu works here?” You blurt out, noticing the excitement in your voice just a little too late.
“Oh ho. Guess I’ll need to tell her that she has a fan.” Soo Bin teases.
You feel your face growing hot again as she giggles at you.
“This one is yours, so make yourself at home. Let’s get right into things.” She says as she points towards the one empty table.
Giggling as she sits at her desk, you notice that Soo Bin’s desk looks exactly as cheery as you expected it to. Bright pink and yellow papers and folders cover her desk. A small yellow flower sits on the corner. She begins to walk you through some of the basic duties of the department. It’s not too long before she leaves you to your own devices and gets into her own work. Every once in a while you see her look at the flower and smile. As you wonder if it’s from a lover, you quickly look down at your laptop when you see Soo Bin noticing you staring.
 Most of the day flies by as you quickly find yourself swamped in work. Finally, you’re able to take a quick rest for your lunch break. As you scoot your seat out and get ready to leave, Bo Reum emerges from her office for the first time since she left you to meet Soo Bin..
 “All right guys, don’t forget. In order to properly welcome the rookie, we’ll be having a team dinner at my place tonight. Make sure you all show up. I just texted you the address, rookie.” Bo Reum says before heading back into her office.
 Confused by what just happened, you check your phone. Sure enough, there’s a text message with an address sitting in your inbox.
 “Is it just me, or is it weird that Team Leader Han wants to have a team dinner at her apartment?” You ask, warily looking up from the text message.
 “Not particularly. We all go over to her apartment all the time. Despite being our boss, we’re pretty close friends. Bo Reum loves to host, so she invites us over all the time.” Soo Bin responds absentmindedly as she continues typing up her report.
 “I see. Well, I’m going to get lunch. Be back in a bit.” You say, trying to distract yourself from the weirdness of it all.
 “Pick me up some Subway on your way back.” Soo Bin calls out as you round the corner to the elevator.
 Hours later, you find yourself ringing the doorbell to your new Team Leader’s apartment. Millions of thoughts are racing through your mind. You weren’t sure of the dress code, so you’re dressed in your usual jeans and t-shirt, with a fleece zip-up that remains unzipped. A nervous knot builds in your stomach as you think of all the ways this could go horribly wrong. Thankfully before you manage to get too far down that particular rabbit hole, the apartment door swings open. Han Bo Reum stands there and greets you with a bright smile. You glance down at her oversized tan sweater to see the words “Feel The Wind Ride Me” and wonder if she stole that from her drama set or ordered one herself. Between her sweater being so big and her shorts being too small, it looks like she isn’t wearing any pants. With an anxious gulp, you struggle to force yourself to not stare at her shapely legs.
 “Welcome! Hope it wasn’t too hard to find. Come on in!” Bo Reum pulls you inside.
 “Nah, it wasn’t bad at all. I don’t live too far away actually,” You reply, looking around inside as you kick off your shoes. “Where is everyone else?”
 “Oh really? That’s good to know. And nobody else is here yet. You’re a little early so we’ve got some time to kill.”
 “Oh, I’m sorry. I tend to be early a lot since I’m nervous about being late.”
 “That’s fine. It’s a good habit honestly.”
 “What should we do until then?” You ask.
 “I have an idea. I hope you’re ready to sweat.” Bo Reum smiles.
 After a few hours, beads of sweat drip down your forehead as your breathing grows ragged. You find yourself quickly reaching your limit. A passionate fire burns inside you, knowing that the end is here and yours for the taking. With an intense look in your eyes, you prepare to finish; trying to exert even more of your strength.
 “And this, is to go, even further beyond!” You yell before releasing a loud grunt.
 “You lose again,” Bo Reum laughs as she dangles a controller off her wrist. “How are you so bad at Wii tennis? And what’s up with the yelling?”
 “Cut me some slack, I never played on a Wii. And I don’t know, it just makes it more fun.” You sigh as you slip your hand out of the wrist strap.
 Bo Reum giggles some more as you both collapse on the couch. Turning towards her, you end up staring deeply into her eyes. After a few seconds, you realize how dangerous it is and look away.
 “So, when is everyone else going to get here? It’s starting to get kind of late.” You say as you nervously clear your throat.
 “Oh, they’re not.”
 “What do you mean?”
 “I told them all I was sick, so nobody is coming.”  She says, slowly scooting closer to you.
 “Wh-why would you do that?” You swallow anxiously.
 “Because, I wanted some time alone with you. We’re not all like Seungyeon and want to constantly fuck in the office.”
 Blinking in confusion, you begin to wonder how many people knew about the work hour escapades. You guess you weren’t being as discreet as you thought. Before you open your mouth, Bo Reum slowly takes off her sweater; revealing her giant breasts snuggled tightly into a black bra.
 “Besides, I know you want some alone time too. You’ve been staring at these all day.” Bo Reum says, her honey-like voice suddenly dripping with seduction.
 “Can you blame me? They’re really, really nice.” You gulp as you feel your pants slowly start to get tighter.
 “And they can be all yours if you want them,” Bo Reum gently places her hand on your thigh, slowly inching it closer and closer to your dick. “Do you want them? Do you want me?”
 “I really do.” You nod, your cock now fully erect and throbbing in your jeans.
 “Good. I’m happy to hear that.”
 Bo Reum leans in and pushes her lips against yours. Plump and sweet, it doesn’t take any time before you’re sucking and nibbling on her lips, sneaking your tongue in every once in a while. Muffled moans escape both your mouths as you fall deeper and deeper into the kiss. Turning fully towards her, she quickly presses against your chest. You wrap your arms around her slender body. The sensation of her sizable breasts pushing against you builds your lust for her body even more. Both of your tongues swirl around rapidly and aggressively. More moans begin to fill the room as your tongues continue to massage each other. You don’t know how much time has passed as you continue to savor the taste of her delicious lips. Your cock throbs crazily in your pants as you finally pull away from the intense kiss.
 “I want you to fuck me with your tits.” You pant heavily.
 Giving you one last quick kiss, Bo Reum slowly slips down onto the floor. Kneeling between your knees, she gives you an alluring smile and reaches behind her back with one hand. She teasingly unclasps her bra, the black straps slowly sliding down her slender arms. Apparently deciding to tease you, she stops taking her bra off and instead pulls down your pants. Determined to torture you, she takes her sweet time pulling down your boxers as well. After a few eternal seconds, she rips down your boxers and your erect cock springs out.
Biting her lip, Bo Reum relishes your facial expressions as she teases you. Finally, the large cupped bra releases from her skin and her heavenly breasts now fully bare for you to see. With a playful smile she tosses the bra across the room. You lick your lips at the sight of her giant tits as she slowly wraps them around your cock. Her stiff nipples beg for you to tease them, but what catches your eye is a small beauty mark near her right nipple.
“I didn’t know you had a beauty mark.” You say, moaning softly as she squeezes her breasts tighter around your shaft.
 “The things we could do with what you don’t know about me. But don’t worry, that won’t be for too much longer. By the end of the night, we’ll have learned so much about each other.” Bo Reum says with a seductive wink.
 “God, I want to learn everything about you right now.” You groan.
With another smile, Bo Reum starts stroking her breasts up and down your shaft. The soft pressure of being between her tits quickly fills you with pleasure. You drink in the sight before you, a fantasy you’ve played in your head so many times finally come to fruition. The sensation of your dick buried in her heavenly flesh, your tip peeking out of her deep cleavage. Her silken skin clings to your cock as she sandwiches your cock even tighter between her chest. As much as you want to keep your eyes burned onto this scene, the pleasure proves to be too much and you lean your head backwards in ecstasy. A plethora of moans escape your lips as she picks up the pace, furiously jerking you off with her immaculate breasts. 
“Fuck. Fuck, you’re so good baby.” You grunt.
“You haven’t seen anything yet hun.” Bo Reum smirks before leaning down.
Without even half a second to wonder what she’s doing, Bo Reum takes your tip into her mouth. Whatever pleasure you felt before is nothing compared to the incredible feeling you’re experiencing as she rapidly swirls her tongue around your tip. You can’t even begin to describe the noises of lust you’re making anymore. Her soft tongue rubs and massages your dick, masterfully flowing against the curves and crevices of your tip. Warm saliva slickens your cock as she continues to stroke you with her breasts.
“God, this is fucking amazing. You’re so fucking incredible.” You groan.
You feel Bo Reum’s lips smile against your shaft. Her big eyes look up at you as she slurps on your tip. Suddenly, she starts to suck your dick with an intensity you’ve never experienced. Her head rapidly bobs up and down on your cock, the warmth of her mouth constricting you. The weight of her breasts against your dick increases as she squeezes them even closer together. As she continues to suck on your dick, her soft tongue circles around your tip. Moans make their way out of you, the pleasure so intense you struggle to keep your eyes open.
Her breasts continue to rapidly rub up and down your shaft, the friction of her soft skin tugging on your dick. Bo Reum continues to alternate between pooling her saliva around your cock and sucking it dry every few minutes. The tightness of her cheeks eagerly constricts your tip as they vibrate every time she sucks. Her soft lips freely glide up and down your cock. It doesn’t take long before the extraordinary pleasure betrays you. Your cock throbs violently and you both know you’re almost there.
“Fuck. I’m going to cum, Bo Reum.”
Bo Reum looks up at you again with an expression that seems to say “let it all out.” The soft valley of her breasts pressures your shaft while her tongue swirls and slurps your tip. Suddenly you reach down, pushing her head onto your cock. Without any conscious control over your own body, you start thrusting upwards. Your tip slams into the back of her throat as the wet chasm of her mouth drowns you in ecstasy. The heavenly weight of her tits against your dick is even more exhilarating, her skin briskly rubbing against you. Her tender lips sliding up and down your cock, quickly driving you to the edge.
After a few more thrusts, your dick throbs inside her mouth again. Your tip swelling with cum, you manage to muster one final slam before reaching your limit. You time your last thrust carefully; pushing as deep into her mouth as you can as a thick blast of semen erupts from your cock. Bo Reum swallows as your cum continues to pour into the back of her throat. The friction of her cheeks swallowing against your tip only heightens your pleasure. As one last rope of semen shoots into her mouth, you finally remove your hands from head.  Lifting her head off your cock, she gives you a lustful smile as she swallows the last bit of your load. 
“Sorry about being sort of rough. It felt so good that I just couldn’t control myself.” You pant.
“It’s fine, I like it a little rough. Hope that isn’t all you got though.” Bo Reum winks.
As she stands back up and straddles your lap, her pussy rubs against your dick and you realize for the first time tonight that she actually isn’t wearing any shorts.
“Have you not had pants on all night?” You ask, surprised.
“I guess I should call you a gentleman for not looking enough to notice.”
“Well you won’t be calling me a gentleman for long with what I want to do to you.”
“I would hope so. You’re not here for romance after all, you’re here to fuck my brains out and fill me with cum.”
Bo Reum’s brutal honesty arouses you, your cock fully erect again and throbbing against the lips of her pussy. The sensation of your dick twitching against her lips apparently excites her as much as it excites you, as her fluids leak onto your shaft. She slowly grinds against your cock. After a few seconds, Bo Reum licks her lips and sits up, hovering over your erect dick. Without any warning, she mounts you; immediately slamming herself onto your cock. A mixture of loud moans fills the apartment as your tip pushes into her depths. You quickly find yourself wondering what’s with the women at this office, why does nobody ever want to let you take time to adjust to them?
“Holy shit you’re so tight, Bo Reum.” You groan.
“We’re just getting started, big boy.” Bo Reum says with a flirty wink.
Not wasting any time, she starts grinding on your dick. You can’t stop the countless moans from leaving your mouth and Bo Reum sees it as an opening; immediately leaning over and darting her tongue into your mouth. Her tongue gleefully rubs and massages yours as the warmth of her cunt pressures your shaft. Enjoying the sweet taste of her lips against yours again, you start to lose yourself in the experience that is Han Bo Reum. Your hands travel down and squeeze her soft ass roughly. Her flesh ripples against your fingertips as she continues to grind on you. After a few minutes, she places her hands on your chest and pushes; separating from the kiss as a strand of saliva breaks between you. Straightening her back, she starts rapidly bouncing on your cock.
Your brain freezes temporarily, struggling to decide if you want to watch her breasts bounce wildly as you already are or worship them with your hands. Thankfully you don’t have to waste time thinking; because in the split second of hesitation, Bo Reum grabs your hands and pushes them onto her chest. No longer wasting any time, you aggressively knead her breasts in your hands. Worship ends up being the correct word you’d use after all. You quickly find yourself addicted to the sensation of her bountiful breasts in your palms. The soft elasticity of her tits practically melts in your hands, her silken flesh pouring through your fingers with every rough squeeze. As you continue caressing her chest, she grabs your shoulders tightly.
“Yes, squeeze them just like that baby. Love my breasts just like you’ve always wanted.” Bo Reum screams, lustfully squeezing your dick.
It doesn’t take long for you to realize how perfect of a sexual partner Bo Reum is for you. The more you fondle and massage her breasts, the tighter she gets. The heat of her soft walls intensifies as you begin to pinch her nipples as well. Soon, her quiet groans become full screams of pleasure. She bounces aggressively on your dick, her creamy thighs slapping against your own. Her soft ass ripples against you as you start to meet her halfway; thrusting upwards. Into her. You quickly grow drunk on the sensation of her pillowy breasts heaving and jiggling in your palms. Bo Reum slowly slides her hands behind your neck and stares into your eyes.
“Go on, taste them. I know you want to.” She moans
You lean in and quickly attach your lips to her left breast. As you lick and slurp on her nipple, Bo Reum clenches her cunt again. She squeezes your collarbone, digging her nails into you so hard that she draws blood. Powering through the pain, the only thing you focus on is the delicious taste of her tits as you suck on her stiff nipples. The sweet flavor of her nipples flows into your mouth as your tongue thoroughly soaks her breasts with your saliva. Furiously riding you, her velvety pussy clings greedily to your cock. Your tip slams against her depths as she continues to bounce on your dick. Her creamy legs rippling against yours, you take her nipple between your teeth and start lightly nibbling on them. 
“Fuck baby. Just like that.” Bo Reum screams.
Your teeth nibble slightly harder onto her nipple as your tongue rubs against the small part it can. Bo Reum’s moans grow increasingly louder. Her hands move up to the back of your head, grabbing your hair as she pushes you into her breast. You quickly move your other hand down to her nipple, pinching it with your fingers as you continue to squeeze her tits. Pulling on her nipples with both your fingers and your teeth,you feel her silky cavern constrict again. Although she’s still riding you with an intense speed, you can feel her pace slowly start to drop. With how sensitive her breasts are, you realize that she must be nearing her own orgasm. 
Suddenly feeling aggressive, you go into overdrive with your attack on her breasts. Your fingertips sink into her soft flesh, the sizable weight of her tits heaving in your hands. As you continue to fondle her breasts, your tongue rapidly swirls against her stiff nipple. Pinching the other nipple with your free hand, you harshly suck on her tits; pushing and pulling them as her hot walls consume your cock. With one final slam, Bo Reum’s intense riding comes to a halting stop. 
Her body twitches, shuddering violently as you feel an unfamiliar sensation. As Bo Reum’s body continues to tremble, an immense amount of fluids gushes out of her pussy. Sticky juices flood past your cock, drenching your shaft before pouring onto your thighs. Releasing her breasts from your mouth with an audible pop, you look down in shock; completely astonished that Bo Reum just squirted all over you. Your thighs are now soaked with her sticky fluids. Bo Reum gives you a shaky smile as you meet her eyes. 
“I didn’t realize you were a squirter.” You admit.
“What, like I should have a neon sign that says “I squirt from breast play” flashing on my forehead?” Bo Reum laughs. 
“That’s a fair point.” You blush from your stupid statement.
Wrapping her arms around your neck, she leans in and presses her lips against yours. Your dick throbs in her pussy and you quickly find a new determination in you. 
“Well since you just had your orgasm, now it’s my turn.”
Bo Reum squeals in surprise as you stand up with your cock still inside her. You grip the underside of her thighs, your palms pushing against her milky thighs. Having never done this before, you briefly wonder if you should do a different position than you had in mind. But as if reading your mind, Bo Reum quickly locks her legs around your waist and starts grinding on your cock again. Her velvety cunt grips your shaft as she squirms against you. You start thrusting upwards while she clenches her pussy around your dick. 
After a few thrusts, it’s clear that you’re not able to get as deep as you’d like. Settling into a shallow squat and thrusting up, Bo Reum’s moans quickly tell you that this is a better position. Driving into her from below, you sink your hands into the silky skin of her delicious thighs. Bo Reum stares into your eyes as you both indulge in your every lust for each other. She presses her body against yours, getting close enough to slip her tongue into your mouth again. 
“Don’t stop. I’m begging you, please don’t stop.” She whimpers, her voice muffled from the kiss.
Your tongues sloppily swirl around each other, entwining with your need for each other. Her giant breasts heave and ripple against your chest as you continue to ram into her cunt from below. With every thrust, your cock craves the velvety heat of her pussy more and more. Moans vibrate your tongue as you continue to rub and massage Bo Reum’s tongue with your own. As you aggressively thrust into her, you feel your knees start to strain from this position. You pull away from the kiss, immediately missing the warmth of her tongue inside your mouth and the softness of her lips. Desperately craving the lustful high you’re both acquiring from each other, you quickly change positions.
You lay Bo Reum down so she’s resting on the back of her shoulders while the rest of her body sticks straight in the air with your dick still inside her. Not letting either of you rest, you thrust mercilessly into her cunt; almost piledriving your cock into her. Staring into her eyes, you feel a different kind of satisfaction than earlier. While you loved sucking and playing with Bo Reum’s tits, it was very clear that she was the one in control. But now as you slam into her from above, you’re the one in control of things. 
“Oh my god. Fuck me just like this. Don’t stop fucking me like this.” Bo Reum moans at the top of her lungs, her voice bouncing off the walls of her apartment.
Moans escape from both of you, mingling in the air to form an erotic harmony as they join the sounds of your dick slamming against Bo Reum’s pussy. Her tight walls hungrily tug on your cock. The velvety heat clings to your shaft, her depths eagerly accommodating your throbbing dick. Your tip slams into her depths, her pussy completely at your mercy as you piston inside her. With every thrust, her giant tits ripple and bounce wildly. 
“Bo Reum. Bo Reum.” 
Not able to focus on anything besides the mounting ecstasy from her hot cunt, the only thing you manage to moan is her name over and over. Bo Reum’s lustful screams fill your ears and you briefly wonder if her neighbors can hear anything. Any idle thoughts you have are quickly pushed away as her velvety walls clamp around your dick again. You burn this image to your brain so you’ll never forget it. One of your biggest fantasies is unfolding right in front of you as you stare at her breasts bouncing and heaving in an almost hypnotic rhythm. The sensation of her entire body rippling against yours becomes too overwhelming to bear.
As you begin to approach the end, something about this position is speaking to you on a primal level and you realize why. In this position, you’ll be able to release everything inside of Bo Reum as deep as you can. The realization triggers something in you, a hunger you didn’t know you had. Her ass ripples against your thighs as you aggressively thrust into her. Even more of her heavenly moans flow into your ears. The sight of her amazing figure jiggling and bouncing as you pound away at her cunt is the nail in the coffin.
“I’m going to cum inside you.” You grunt.
There is no asking for permission, or seeing if she was okay with it. It’s a declaration. And the look in her eyes screams that she wants it just as bad as you do. 
“Yes.” She moans.
One word is the only response Bo Reum can muster. You ram your dick into her as deep as you can, your thrusts becoming wild and almost violent. Pounding away at her depths, her soft cunt clamps around your shaft; the heat of her walls enveloping your dick. Her receptive womb eagerly awaits the load about to emerge from your tip. With one final slam, a primal grunt leaves your throat as your tip twitches into the deepest parts of her cunt. Your cock erupts and a torrent of cum floods Bo Reum’s pussy. Her body trembles against yours as your semen surges into her. One last spurt shoots out of you as both of your orgasms reach a silent finality. After one of the most intense orgasms of your life, you stay inside her; your cock remaining in her soft embrace as your cum pours down into her depths.
Pulling your dick out of her, you collapse; sitting onto the floor in front of her. Sitting up, Bo Reum looks into your eyes. Her chest rises and falls heavily as she attempts to regain her breathing.
“Are you still okay?” You ask.
Despite the two of you being completely out of breath and panting, Bo Reum nods.
“Good. Because we’re not done yet.”
Bo Reum gives you a smile as the two of you slowly stand up. With no other words said, you both quickly race to her bedroom.
Several hours and multiple orgasms later, the two of you are stretched across opposite sides of Bo Reum’s bed. Her thin white sheets are strewn about and now stained with sweat and cum. You’ve never been more exhausted in your life as you struggle to catch your breath. Bo Reum moves over and lays next to you. She gives you a satisfied smile as she stares into your eyes.
“So. How long have you wanted to fill me like that for?” She asks.
You hesitate for a second before answering.
“Honestly.” Bo Reum nods.
“A long time.”
“And was it as good as you thought it would be?”
“Even better.” You chuckle.
“Good. I’m glad you liked it.”
With another smile, Bo Reum leans in and gives you a gentle kiss. Her soft lips against yours are the last thing you remember before you pass out from exhaustion.
Bright sunlight streams through a nearby window as you groggily open your eyes. As you try to get up, a heavy weight pulls on your arm. You look down to see Bo Reum cuddled up next to you, tightly hugging your arm. The two of you still naked from the night before, a smile creeps across your face knowing that it wasn’t just a dream. Glancing over to the clock, you notice the time and panic quietly. While you’re not technically late for work, you wanted to be there early to get work done and give a good impression to the rest of the team members. You gently remove your arm from Bo Reum’s grasp and quickly get dressed. Trying not to wake her, you leave quickly; shutting the apartment door behind you as softly as you can.
After running home for a quick shower and change of clothes, you step into the elevator. Smiling to yourself about the events of last night, you’re thankful nobody else is in the elevator to wonder how weird you are. With a soft ding, the elevator door slides open and you step through the office with a fresh determination to get work done. Despite being earlier than you’re supposed to be, you realize that more people are already in the office than you thought there would be. As you round the corner, you’re surprised to notice that only one person is in the office besides you. Approaching the collection of desks, you quickly realize that it’s one of the team members that was out of the office yesterday. You bow politely as you set your backpack down at your new desk.
“You must be the new guy. I’m Ryu Sun Young.” She says, looking up from her keyboard.
“Ah, You’re Abel Ryu. I mean Ryu Sun Young now, sorry. I’m the rookie, here for temporary training.”
“Good to meet you, rookie. Don’t worry about it, I know it takes some time to get used to it.” She smiles.
“Um, excuse me? Is Team Leader Han in yet?” A voice asks behind you.
Turning to see who it is, you’re greeted by the most beautiful woman you’ve ever laid eyes on. Staring at her incredible figure and gorgeous face, you forget how to breathe for a few seconds. 
“Uhhhh.” Is the only sound you’re able to get out of your mouth.
Sun Young tries to hide her laughter and you feel your face go red.
“Sorry, this is the rookie. Team Leader Han isn’t here yet, what do you need?” Sun Young asks.
“Oh, that’s fine. Corporate wants to bring in another transfer. Some sort of liaison between the acting and idol divisions? I’ll just come back and drop off the paper work later.” She says, tilting to her head slightly as if she’s thinking.
Looking at you again, the busty brunette bows and gives you a friendly smile before walking away.
“That was Park Min Young.” You say, turning to Sun Young with your mouth open in surprise.
“Yeah. Sorry to burst your bubble though, it’s not going to happen. She’s been happily married to her husband for like forever now, I don’t remember how many years. Always talking about their ‘infinite love stories.’ Whatever that means. She retired as an actress, but she always talks like she’s playing a role. I don’t quite understand her.” Sun Young shakes her head as she looks back down at her work.
Before you have time to think about that revelation, you hear someone clear their throat behind you.
“Hi, sorry to interrupt, but I’m the new liaison between acting and idol divisions, Im Jin Ah reporting. ” A familiar voice says behind you.
You turn around and forget how to breathe again. Long gorgeous brown hair tumbles down her shoulders and her white button up. Greeting you with a small bow, a beautiful and warm smile graces her lips. Her employee ID lanyard sits atop her chest; her breasts not as large as some of your other coworkers but definitely sizable. A professional black skirt hugs her hips and hides her thighs; but it doesn’t matter.  You’ve seen them countless times in music videos. Standing before you is one of your earliest K-pop biases, After School’s Nana.
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arysafics · 4 years
Running Into You
Summary:  Clarke’s new year resolution of picking up running is made a LOT easier by her constantly running into this really hot runner who always greets her with a smile when they meet. Because she’s awkward, she has to come up with contrived circumstances to introduce herself.
Rated T, ~2.6k words
for @ragingserenity and @bellarkebingo (for the strangers to lovers trope)
Clarke doesn’t normally make New Year’s resolutions. She thinks they’re stupid. If she wanted to make some dramatic change in her life, she could just do it any time of the year. The fact that people wait until New Year to do these things only proves to Clarke that they really have no intention of seeing them through, and she can’t roll her eyes enough at all the Instagram posts tagged #newyearnewme.
She only made a resolution this year because Monty was having a New Year’s Eve party where he forced everyone to write down a resolution and put it in a jar, which he’s now keeping on the bookshelf in his living room, where it glares at anyone who goes to visit him, reminding them of the promise they made but probably won’t keep. He says anyone who keeps their resolution by next year’s New Year’s Eve party will get free alcohol from him at said party.
Truthfully, Clarke had a million things she could write down, things she wants to achieve, not necessarily this year, but just in general. She even considered writing find someone to date me, but that just felt pathetic, and also a little too out of her control.
In the end, with Monty rushing her, and all rational thought leaving her brain, Clarke had scribbled down take up running. A decision she’d sincerely regretted on New Year’s Day when she woke up with a raging hangover, her head pounding.
Still, she kept her promise, if only for two reasons – the promise of free alcohol, and all her friends telling her that she would absolutely fail to keep her resolution. She’s nothing if not stubborn, and she’s going to make it to Monty’s New Year’s Eve party at the end of the year as somebody who runs.
Except it’s day three, and she’s already ready to give up. She’s up at the crack of dawn, because she actually has to go back to work today, and she knows she absolutely will not do it if she doesn’t do it now.
She grumbles to herself as she pulls on her workout pants, and pulls a large t-shirt and a hoodie over her sports bra. There are people who actually do this for fun. People who like running are definitely psychopaths.
She’d run in the afternoon yesterday and the day before, when the park near her house had been full of people, and dogs, and children. At this time of day, there aren’t many other people around, and there’s this kind of soothing silence, the only sounds she can hear are birds and a distant hum of traffic. It’s also nice that there are less people to see her looking like a sweating, panting, mess. She’s far from in shape.
She does a lap of the lake, which is more like a pond, actually, and isn’t really that far, but Clarke already feels like she’s dying. She pulls her hoodie off as she approaches the drinking fountain, where a man is filling up his water bottle, and she’s not so fatigued not to notice how attractive he is. She notices his ass first, and it’s probably the nicest ass she’s seen in a while, maybe even ever. The kind of firm, round, ass she’d like to sink her teeth into. Which is not a thought she’s had before.
She finds herself turning red as she realises she’s ogling the stranger’s ass, and quickly raises her eyes, only to set her sights on his massive biceps that his shirt does nothing to hide. She’d been parched before, but now her mouth is watering.
He switches off the water, and turns around, putting the lid back on his bottle. He must notice her staring, or perhaps he’s just being polite, because he gives her a smile as he passes her, and Clarke feels like she might faint. She feels like one of those girls in Beauty and the Beast who fawn over Gaston.
Face still burning, she steps up to the drinking fountain and splashes water over her cheeks, though it’s absolutely freezing. It does the job though, and she feels a little less flushed as she gears up for her second lap around the pond. She’s half hoping she’ll see him again as she runs, but he must have left already. It’s probably for the best. Knowing her, she’d just manage to make a fool of herself in front of him.
 She gets up even earlier the next day, and it’s not even a chore. She also maybe puts just a teensy bit of make-up on, just in case hot water fountain guy happens to be there again. She’s not going specifically because she’s hoping to run into him again, but it is an extra motivator.
She looks around as she stretches by a park bench, her imagination conjuring up a scenario where he shows up and joins her and they run together, and then he asks her on a date. That doesn’t happen, obviously, because when have things ever worked out the way Clarke wants them to?
She assumes yesterday was a one off for him, or maybe she’s missed him, or maybe he’s coming later. So she starts her run, and she doesn’t exactly forget about him, but neither is she actively looking out for him. Which is why she doesn’t notice him running towards her until he’s right in front of her face, and he smiles at her, and she almost trips over her own feet.
She doesn’t think he notices her stumble, since he’s already passed her by then, but she stops and turns to watch him go, checking out his ass again in the process.
He smiled at her. Does that he means he remembers her from yesterday? But he smiled at her yesterday too. So maybe he thinks she’s hot. Or maybe he’s just polite and smiles at everyone he passes. Or maybe he thinks she runs funny, or he’s laughing at the way her hair sticks to her sweat-covered forehead.
She takes a deep breath, and starts running again. She’s overthinking this.
She passes him again on her second lap, and he smiles again, wider this time, and Clarke doesn’t smile back, mostly because she’s puffing too hard, and running is the worst, and she couldn’t smile about this god-awful experience if her life depended on it. But she does like seeing his smile, so she does another lap, even though she’s dying, and sure enough, she’s treated to another of his breathtaking smiles.
She’s still thinking about it as she trudges home, wishing she brought her car so she didn’t have to walk the three blocks back to her apartment.
 The logical thing would be to just walk up to him and introduce herself. Even if he’s not into her the way she’s into him, she could at least make a friend out of it. She’s fairly confident he recognises her by now, after five days in a row of casually running past him, or standing near him, or watching him pet an old man’s dog. And he always smiles when he sees her. Still possible it’s just because he thinks she’s weird, or he’s noticed her staring at him every chance he gets, but she’s done enough staring to know he doesn’t smile for everyone. For the old man and his dog, yes, but not for every random person running through the park at six in the morning. Just Clarke. And the old man and his dog.
But somehow, in Clarke’s mind, it’s past the acceptable point where she can just introduce herself out of nowhere. It would have been fine on the second day, or third day. But the sixth day? That’s out of the question.
“You’re being ridiculous,” Monty tells her, after she’s explained to him her current predicament, and informed him she’s in dire need of his help. “Why is there a time limit on when you can introduce yourself to a hot runner in the park?”
“There just is.”
“You’ve never had trouble introducing yourself to people before,” Monty points out. “He’s not going to think it’s weird.”
“Monty, you haven’t seen this guy. He’s so hot, okay? He’s so hot I want to die, and I just know he probably has girls fawning over him all the time, introducing themselves to him out of nowhere and trying to flirt with him. He’s probably sick of it. And if I just walk up to him and go hey, I’m Clarke, he’ll know that I’m just another one of those mindless bimbos who wants to get into his pants.”
“So much for feminism,” Monty mutters. Clarke ignores him.
“And that’s why I need your help, because I need to look like I don’t want to lick his balls, okay? Or at least look like it’s not the first thing I want to do.”
“Gross, Clarke.”
“This is what I’m reduced to.”
Monty sighs. “So you want me to what? Write you a list of conversation topics?”
“No,” Clarke says. She looks to the fat, golden Labrador laying at their feet, who immediately starts wagging his tail as soon as he realises Clarke’s attention is on him. “I want to borrow your dog.”
 The plan is simple. Hot running guy clearly likes dogs, right? Clarke had watched him as he’d literally changed course as soon as he spotted that old man and his dog. And then he spent like five minutes gushing over the mutt. Not that Clarke can blame him, it was a pretty cute dog. But Monty’s dog, Einstein, is even cuter. And the Labrador could do with a workout just as much as Clarke.
She starts her run around the pond, which is even slower than usual because Einstein isn’t really capable of keeping up with her usual pace. She hasn’t seen the hot runner yet, but she’s still hopeful.
She makes it a lap and a half before Einstein has had enough. The Labrador stops mid run, almost pulling Clarke’s arm off as she tries to keep running, still holding the leash. She stops, panting, tilting her head at the dog.
“You’re worse than me,” she mutters. Einstein ignores her, and instead starts making his way towards the pond. “You’re thirsty, okay, fair enough.” Clarke follows him to the edge of the pond, but instead of taking a drink like she expected him to, Einstein keeps walking, straight into the pond.
“Einstein, no!” Clarke yells, but the dog keeps going, pulling on the leash, which Clarke hastily lets go of, lest she be pulled into the freezing water too. “Great, just great,” she huffs, watching Einstein wade through the water, gathering mud and reeds on his fur. “Einstein!” she calls. “Here, Einstein!” He continues to ignore her.
“Need some help?”
Clarke whips her head to the left, heart pounding, because she already knows it’s him, because his voice happens to be just as hot as the rest of him.
“Oh,” is Clarke’s intelligent response.
“Is that a yes or a no?” He looks vaguely amused by her situation. He’s obviously paused mid-run to help her, because he’s covered in sweat, and Clarke has never found sweat so attractive. Licking the sweat off a stranger’s body is a normal thought to have, right?
“I’m not sure you can help,” Clarke says, finally managing to find her voice. “Unless you want jump into a freezing pond to pull out my friend’s dog.”
He grins. “I don’t think we know each other well enough for that yet,” he says. “And it’s not even your dog?”
“I was borrowing him,” Clarke says. The hot stranger raises an eyebrow, and Clarke realises her mistake. “I mean, I was looking after him. As a favour to my friend.”
“His name is Einstein?” Clarke nods. “And yours is…?”
Clarke almost laughs. She ducks her head to hide her smile. So maybe her plan hadn’t worked out exactly like she rehearsed it, but he’s talking to her, and asking her name, so it kind of worked, right?
“I’m Clarke,” she says.
“Bellamy,” he returns, and then she knows his name.
“Pretty name,” she says. He laughs, and her heart squeezes. God, he’s adorable and hot. She’s so screwed.
“Yours too,” he says. “Glad I finally know it. I’ve seen you around a bit here recently.”
“Why’d it take you so long to introduce yourself then?” Clarke teases, as if she hasn’t just manufactured an excuse to talk to him so she wouldn’t have to do the same thing she’s admonishing him for not doing.
Bellamy shrugs. “Thought it might be weird. I didn’t know if you’d taken any notice of me.”
Clarke’s eyes bulge. Is he serious? “You literally smile at me every day,” she points out. “How could I not notice you?”
“You never smile back!” Bellamy says defensively. Oh. Is it possible she’s accidentally been putting out please don’t talk to me vibes?
“That’s because running is the worst,” Clarke says. “I promise if I had the ability to smile while running, I would have smiled back.”
Bellamy beams, and true to her word, Clarke smiles back.
“Okay,” he says.
“Okay,” Clarke agrees, and she feels like she may have accidentally let on that she likes him. But seeing as he seems like he might like her too, it’s not the worst thing in the world. She’s just not sure what happens next.
Einstein makes his way back towards them then, clumsily dragging himself out of the pond, wet and muddy. Monty is going to kill her. Einstein looks very pleased with himself, tail wagging, dripping with water. And then he gives himself a good shake, sending water droplets and mud splattering all over Clarke, and to her dismay, Bellamy as well.
She grimaces. “Oh god,” she says. “I’m really sorry.” She quickly picks up Einstein’s soggy leash before he can run off on her again.
“It’s okay,” Bellamy laughs. “I have to shower anyway.”
“Me too,” Clarke agrees. “We should probably do that.” They meet eyes for a moment, and she realises she’s inadvertently implied that they should shower together. Which she does want to do, but it might be a bit much to admit to him when she doesn’t even know his last name. “Oh my god,” she says hurriedly. “I didn’t mean, you know—together.”
“I mean, we should probably at least have coffee together or something first, you know?” Bellamy says, rubbing the back of his neck with a nervous chuckle.
“Like a date?”
“Exactly like a date.”
“Okay,” Clarke says, not caring anymore if she sounds too eager.
“Maybe not today though,” Bellamy says, looking down at his mud-stained shirt.
“Agreed,” Clarke says. “I have to get Einstein home to Monty anyway… he’s going to be so annoyed I let his dog get all muddy.”
“Tell him it was my fault.”
“He already knows it’s your fault. I may have—borrowed this dog so I could get you to come and talk to me,” Clarke admits. To her relief, Bellamy is amused by her confession, rather than scared off.
He hands her his phone and she puts her number in, and Clarke tries to tone down her giddy happiness when he immediately texts her that he’ll see her at the park tomorrow.
One year later, Clarke is wishing she had written find someone to date me as her New Year’s Resolution—even Bellamy couldn’t motivate her to keep running for an entire year. He does, however help her write her new resolution, something a little more realistic – get a dog of their own.
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acabloe · 6 years
Soon Goodbye, Now Love: chapter four
chapter one 
chapter two
chapter three
new ppl who r just seeing this it’s a guardian angel A/U find pt 1 n two  here ☟
Ao3   ff.net
tw’s: swearing, mentions on depression
still based on this song lol
a/n: is It copyright if I include lines word for word from the movies also is it weird lol too late. 
Chapter four: Make a Wave
Chloe had sat awake all night at her kitchen counter where she had a clear view of the living room and the small sleeping girl on her couch. Paranoia had led to the performance of unnecessary extra work while she waited with a small bath of coffee and her laptop, constantly visually and audibly aware of the situation if anything arose. 
Certain that she would be able to leave her job four or five hours early the next day because of the extra labor, she thought of what the girl- Beca, would do after carrying out the medial plans Chloe had made. They were, now that she thought about it, of a very impractical a nature and it had only just dawned on her how unrealistic they were. Granted, Beca seemed like she wasn’t completely hopeless. Although Chloe was not sure if she believed everything about her story, she knew that the girl wasn’t without resources; She said she’d lived in the city beforehand and she had to have paid some money to travel all the way from Massachusetts to New York.  She considered maybe meeting her again after work since she would be getting off so early, but she was still wary of the entire situation and how rash she was being. The thought that she had so expeditiously befriended this stranger she had found wandering alone in the middle of a field with no shoes or clothes and a long and kind-of gap-filled story was making her brain hurt.
After an extremely uneventful evening, the early hours of the morning dawned and Chloe threw together a small breakfast for herself and began to prepare for the day ahead. She found an old Barden school-sweatshirt in her closet to give to Beca and a pair of trainers she no longer wore, assuming for the time being that the girl truly didn’t own a pair of shoes.
After a brief interval of hesitation, she gently nudged her sleeping guest and murmured a cheerful greeting upon the girl’s stirring. Beca dressed in her newly-cleaned clothes, ate the cereal Chloe gave her in groggy gratitude and at the turn of the hour just as Chloe had promised, they left for the city in her red 90′s Nissan pulsar. 
 The conversation shared hitherto had been sparse and for the most part admitted on Chloe’s initiative, but after ten still fairly uneasy minutes of driving, Chloe found herself want of a more social reciprocity from her apologetic and rather acquiescent companion. 
“Do you mind if I turn on the radio?” Chloe glanced at the girl who was gloomily hunched in on herself, eyes flickering over the passing architectural and natural parade of suburban New York.
“Sure.” She shifted and smiled faintly in response. 
“Do you care what I play? I have a Sia CD in the glovebox there.” Beca dutifully withdrew the black and white cased CD and handed it to Chloe. 
“I didn’t even know they made CD’s anymore.” The jesting comment was thrown quietly but it had not gone unnoticed. Chloe chuckled as she placed the disc in the thin slot of the dashboard.
“She’s a comedian! Well, well, well, a real spokesperson for our generation, aren’t you? Don’t appliance-shame me­, this car is too old for an AUX chord.”
“If you say so, grandma.” Chloe was enjoying this new-found charismatic confidence of the stranger she had only met a few hours ago. As the first song began she hummed along to the all-too familiar melody. She had maintained a sort of comfortable fondness for the artist, as her acapella group had sung a few of her songs in concert when they had been together and listening to the album made her feel melancholic, but peaceful. Even though she didn’t really keep in touch with the girls, she still held them all very dear and her sense of pride for everything they had done together was still running strong. 
“Do you sing?” Beca’s voice was soft and monotone as though she didn’t want to ask the question.
“Funny you should ask, I used to sing in college. I mean, I don’t make a habit of boasting, but our acapella group performed at the Kennedy center with one of the songs on this album!” She smiled through recollection.
“Your A Capella group? oh my God, you are old…that’s nice though, I guess. Congrats.”
“See? I’m a cool grandma.” She increased the volume on the controls and instinctively jumped into the harmonies. The conversation dwindled yet again and she struggled desperately for another topic of conversation.
“Do you?” In Chloe’s side-view she saw Beca’s head turn toward her in confusion.
“Do you sing?” 
“Oh. Haha. In your dreams.” Her laugh resonated in a somewhat forced manner as if the subject had affected a sore spot and she became sullen within seconds, returning to the window. This unusual air made Chloe question whether Beca’s statement was true, and if it was perhaps more of a self-deprecating comment. After the first song ended and the second followed suit, Chloe’s doubts were confirmed (admittedly to her delight) as Beca quietly began humming the melody underneath Chloe’s higher intervals. A few words through she softly joined in with the lyrics and Chloe was taken aback by a pleasing (if a little rough) voice, harmonizing in absolute-pitch beneath her own. Their tones blended well, and though Beca was singing softly and with little motivation, their phrasing synced well, Chloe thought. They sung past the chorus and as the bridge began, she addressed Beca with amusement and determination.
“You Can sing! You liar!” 
“Dude, shut up. Just ‘cause I do doesn’t mean I can.”
“What the hell? Your voice is great! You know this song so well, it’s actually almost like you’re singing the arrangement we did for the president.” Chloe smiled when she observed she was making Beca blush. 
“Wait, you’re in the Bellas? Wow. I um…I saw that performance online actually. It’s, like, viral, you know that, right? Also, ever since that David Guetta song I’ve been really into Sia.”
“Oh, God, yeah of course I know, that perforamance almost got us disqualified. Wait, you know David Guetta?”
“Dude, I fucking love David Guetta. Titanium?”
“What a a BOP! Are you kidding me?” 
The last chorus came in and the two girls sang and with a litte more vitality than they had been doing so, especially Chloe. As the last chorus faded into the quiet between songs, Chloe was nearing the end of the highway and the toll booths signifying the entrance to the city could be seen on the horizon.
“So, where are you thinking I should drop you off?” 
“Oh, um…I guess the bank on 15th, if that’s cool? I can make my way from there.”
“Gotcha.” Chloe was unsure how to approach the next subject. 
“You know...if you need anything I’ll be there to help you get back on your feet? You can spend another few nights at my place until you have somewhere to go. Also, I can speak to that friend about the job, I think she’d really appreciate someone else at her café and I’m sure it pays well. Now that I think about it, she’s just around the corner from 15th, I’m going to be early for work anyways, I could introduce you two. If it’s too soon to think about work I totally understand.”
“No, yeah, um, wow, that’s so kind of you. I…I’ve already taken so much of your hospitality, um, I can’t thank you enough for what you’ve done, you must think I’m so awful. I owe you so much, dude. If it’s not, like, encumbering you that would be so great.”
“Really, it’s nothing I swear. You’re a friend now, I’m here to help. Her name is Flo, she was in the Bella’s with me! She’s super sweet, I promise.”
Beca passionately inhaled the perfect euphoria of stepping inside Flo’s coffee shop. She had spent so much time in this building her last year on earth. Nothing had changed except for the fact her favorite latte was not on the large chalkboard Manu above the counter, which she didn’t blame Flo for; she doubted very many people ever ordered a sage latte. This recollection made her again dismal when she was reminded that not only Chloe had been made to forget her existence, but also the entire earth and all those she held near. 
The café was small but well and minimally decorated. The floor dipped into the ground as opposed to a raised platform and the ceiling was low with old, dark beams stretched across, between white plaster and strings of tiny warm white string-lights. The counter in the corner was short and littered with large glass bell-jars filled with assortment upon assortment of scones, muffins, donuts, cakes, and cookies. 
The tables surrounding Beca and Chloe were packed with well-dressed people sipping drinks and typing loudly on their laptops and as the two girls gingerly navigated through the labyrinth of perfumed hipsters. Beca finally spotted a very frazzled and frayed variation of her tiny happy friend busily flitting around the tiny kitchen and she smiled in excitement. They finally reached the counter and when Chloe shouted her name Flo turned with a disgruntled looked which quick turned to ease when she saw who had called. 
In Beca’s timeline, the Bella’s intimacy had grown only stronger after their acapella careers had come to a close. Most of them had lived together in some variations of two or three, and they met up often and spoke regularly. Beca had dwelled constantly while she was in the Higher City on whether, if in the universe that had come of Beca’s death, the Bellas had still stayed close or simply grown apart. She had immediately noticed when she met Chloe, how much more subdued and almost depressed the inner layer of personality had been. The thought of living a life away from some of the most amazing people she had ever met, and missing what had been such a huge part of her day-to-day was gut-wrenching to consider, she felt deeply guilty and sympathetic for Chloe.
As she watched the two of them converse, she noted that they still clearly maintained a pretty cordial, if a little formal, relationship with one another. They greeted each other familiarly and then Chloe pulled Beca forward for an introduction. 
“So, Flo, This is Beca! she just got here from Massachusetts and she’s looking for a job, I know you’re a little strapped here so I thought you could maybe use an extra hand and interview her? Or whatever you do when you hire someone in this industry?” Chloe passed her arm around Beca’s shoulders warmly.  Flo sighed and reached out her arms to Chloe in a gesture of gratitude. “You are my savior, Chloe. Work has been like an old man throwing dead-weights into basketball hoops. All these rich people care about is what kind of non-dairy, dairy product they ask for and if you do not get it right they ask for your manager. Which is me. Obviously. I would hire you right now if I had the time. I’m closing the register in fifteen minutes if you want to wait in the back? I’ll be right there.” She gestured to a small hallway in the back of the room and turned to return to her work. Chloe faced Beca with a grin. 
“So, I’m gonna leave you here, but here’s my number. Don’t hesitate if you need anything at all. I work about fifteen minutes walk from here. Text me, keep me updated. I’ll keep in touch, okay?” Chloe wrapped her arms around Beca and hugged her tightly. Beca was unsure how she could respond appropriately other than simply apologizing and thanking her profusely. So, that’s what she did, and then Chloe was gone, out the door and around the corner, bright red hair fluttering behind her in the bitter city wind. 
She had just made herself comfortable on the couch when Flo breezed through the door, still in her apron and lightly dusted with flour. Beca knew the moment she stepped in the café what she would have to do and say. She knew that Flo would sympathize and that she could trust her. Flo sat own at a desk adjacent to the couch and brought out a plaque with a few papers Beca assumed were applications, but Beca scooted to the edge of her seat and placed her palm on the wooden surface before Flo could speak.
“Flo, wait, um...just stop for a sec’...how do I do this? Okay, this is going to seem like a very odd request but can I hold your hand, just, for, like, a millisecond?” Flo’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion but she complied hesitantly, reaching her hand to touch Beca’s.
“Um, sure. Do you want some water or something? Are you feeling okay?”
“Yeah, Yeah I’m fine, just...give me a second.” Beca took her hand and held it securely. She needed just the right amount of contact. She closed her eyes and within less than a split second, Flo withdrew her hand with a gasp.
“Beca Mitchel?! Bitch ass hoe, what are you doing here?!”
a/n: sorry this chapter took so long kids! If anyone cares, I was in New York with my chorus performing at carnegie hall, also if Anna wasn't there at the performance imma b hella pissed bc not only does she a) have an obligation to attend acapella and Choral performances, now that she holds the face of acapella in her palm, but she was also b) in NY at the time and I c) tweeted her twice.
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