#debbie mcallister
forensicated · 4 months
Found a rather long list of quotes on an external HD whilst sorting. I assume it's from Sierra-Oscar as otherwise I don't remember compiling it, especially as they're not all the fun ones! So below - the first two pages! Will add more here and there.
*Mickey and Duncan are going to see Santa, who is now rehearsing for Panto* Mickey: "He's behind you!" Duncan: "Oh, no he's not!" Mickey: Tell you what - it is a right laugh at murder….gallous humour me governor calls it Mickey: Good old Debbie with that big fat mouth of hers. Mickey: He held me in his arms…the grumpy old DCI….gruff Jack Meadows the guv’nor….he let me hug him…. Andrea: Really? Tell me more? Mickey: I could tell you loads girl, but I’d have to shoot ya! Andrea: What about Inspector Gold, she’s a right character! Mickey: Well she is a bit of an old dragon…..rumour has it that her and Okaro had an affair….in about 1922… Andrea: *laughs* come off it….she’s not that old….*drinks* Her and Okaro were a couple?! Eva: *walks up behind and slams the evidence bag on the table* CCTV Footage….Alan Shields office… Andrea: I….I better be going…. Mickey: Yeah….see you later…. Andrea: See you later….. *walks off* Mickey: timing….I was in there! Eva: I’ll buy a hat for the wedding….come on….. Debbie: She’s going to MIT? Jack: Do you have a problem with that? Debbie: No - I just…err… Mickey: Don’t kid yourself Debbie….please!!! Debbie: *Scottish accent* Something about the crime scene just didn’t add up, so I thought I’d flutter my incredibly long eyelashes at the DI…I mean I’m so clever! Mickey: Debbie… *Debbie looks round and sees Andrea stood behind her* Mickey: You sticking around? Andrea: Well, I’d love to….but I’ve gotta be somewhere else… Kerry: Oooh - a man!? Andrea: Just a friend! *walks off* Mickey: I thought I was in there! Kerry: You and every man in the place…..where’s my drink? Mickey: So - you’re gonna be training with my squad for 6 months….you reckon you can handle it? Eva: I’ll be showing you up mate! Mickey: Ooh come and have a go girl if you think you’re hard enough!
Smithy: The lido? Reg: Yeah - open air swimming pool….actually that one’s the scene of my triumph as a young man….. Smithy: What triumph? *Reg beckons him on, Smithy sighs and follows* Mr Hipkiss: It’s kids….they get in via the broken security grills…. Smithy: Well perhaps you need to replace the broken security grills…. Smithy: Alright every one, listen up, we’re all really pleased that Des has been nicked, and by us, not MIT….but we need to decide how we’re gonna handle him…so…off the record, no rank *sits down* Phil: Who’s on custody? June: I am Phil: Can you sort out the CCTV? June: Why? Phil: Cos some of us might like to pay Des a visit….you know what I mean… Tony: Well forget it….you heard what the Super said…anything happened to Des while he’s here, and his brief will have a field day! Phil: He killed 6 coppers Tony! Tony: Yeah – and they were my friends – not yours! Nick: And mine….you saying I shouldn’t spit in his food? Tony: Well if you do that Nick, where we gonna draw the line? Nick: *looks at Smithy* Speak freely right? Cool….well personally Tony I’d like to kick his head in….are you telling me that you wouldn’t? Tony: Yes I am…. Nick: Right…. Smithy: Ok…let’s calm down…now Des has made fools out of us for a long time….and I know we’d like to pay him back for that…and we are gonna get our chance…. Nick: Yes we will…. Smithy: Yeah – in a court of law Tony: Hear hear… Smithy: What if Des stands up in court and says we intimidated him? Who knows….he might even walk free…..what would the families of the people who died think of us then? Gary: Scum…. Smithy: Let’s not give him a glimmer of hope…. Phil: Oh come on! Smithy: Nobody touches him, nobody spits in his food….no-one even looks at him funny….while he’s in this nick, we treat him like royalty! Phil: Royalty! Are you taking the mick? June: Well I agree with Smithy….show him we’ve got a bit of bloody dignity – even if he hasn’t…..*all stand up and leave* Polly: Well said Tone…. Tony: Cheers Pol…I’m not too sure Nick isn’t right though! Smithy "But if I am right, and he was raped, he'll need support won't he?" Debbie (under her breath) "Lucky him!"
Smithy - 'But our clubs just a bit of a laugh, that's all.' Gina - 'Not if Gabriel Kent's behind it all.' Smithy - 'What's your problem with Gabriel?' Gina - 'Cos he's bad news. And you'll find that out in your own sweet time.' Gina: I quoted him word for word. He said you're a homophobe... Smithy: Not at all Gina: ...that you're a disgrace on the service... Smithy: That's not right Gina: ...and - and this is the part I particularly like - that you're probably just trying to hide your own side underneath it all! Gina: *To Smithy* "You've got a couple of keen officers. *Smithy looks puzzled.* Beauty and the Beast?" Smithy: "Sorry Ma'am?" Gina: "PC's Young and Taviner."
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augustusaugustus · 6 months
9.45 Cat and Mouse
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Two episodes in a row with future CID folk is a fun coincidence. This time it’s Natalie Roles not playing Debbie McAllister. The short haircut really suits her.
The “maybe I prefer my men a little older” line is amusing, all things considered ;)
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glimglamglimmer · 2 years
Been thinking about supermansion again, rewatching my amv’s and debating on making a new one soon - but ANYWAY
I remember a plot I detailed in an older post, where the league & injustice club are mysteriously taken to another timeline where Devizo had become a hero with subtopian-like powers because of an accident that Rex caused, which also caused their friendship to fracture and this Rex to become a gadget-using villain (because according to early s1, Rex had been getting weak from being on the surface 👀)
Alternatively, I really want to add on an idea where thid timeline’s Devizo and Debbie are still together and happy. Which makes canon Devizo and Debbie reevaluate their past mistakes and slowly get back together.
Or, if all that’s too complicated, we could think of something else plotwise where Devizo and Debbie get back together. I just want some debvizo content, tbh. I want them to make up, and be toxic villains together. Or just be sweethearts.
I’m obviouspy always interested in blackgroans and robolex as well. My discord is tobey mcallister#6863 if any of this sounds interesting and you want to roleplay!
I’m dying for supermansion content, this fandom dies with me!
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Basic info for mobile users!
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Full name: Jennifer Sarah-Monique Blake.  Sarah Monique Miller (Winchester). Nickname(s): Marah.  Claims it’s the name of her twin sister who no one’s ever met or even seen. Age: 18-30s, thread dependent. Birth date: October 5th, 1982. Birth place: Providence, Rhode Island. Ethnicity: White. Nationality: American. Gender: Cisgender female. Pronouns: She/her. Sexuality: Bisexual/biromantic. Current location: All over the place.  Hunters never really stop moving. Zodiac/astrological signs: Libra. Blood type: O. Social class: Middle. Religious values: Agnostic atheist. Occupation: Owner of, chef and waitress for Sarah’s Spot.  A restaurant dedicated to giving hunters everywhere the energy they need to, well, hunt.  Info here!  When she’s not running Sarah’s Spot, she’s either out hunting or teaching the younger hunters the ins and outs of social media.  Busy schedule, folks!
Height: 5'0. Weight: 121 lbs. Body type: Athletic. Species: Human. Eye color: Blue. Glasses/Contacts?: No, no. Hair color and style: Brunette, typically wears it down.  A little wavy at the bottom! Face claim: Victoria Pedretti. Tattoos: None. Piercings: Both ears. Clothing style: Her style’s all over the place, really.  It’s literally anything that pops out at her. Usual expression: Neutral. Distinguishing features: An anti demon possession charm bracelet she got from Dean when they were teenagers.  She never goes anywhere without it.
Weather: She says it’s cloudy and rainy but REALLY she loves sunny weather. Color: Purple. Music: Rock.  Pop. Movies: Horror.  Romance.  Comedy. Sport: Soccer. Beverage: Diet Coke. Food: Pizza. Animal: Dogs.
Father: Matthew Blake, human.  Deceased. Mother: Wendy Blake, human.  Deceased. Sibling(s): A younger brother named Phillip.  They became estranged after everything with their parents went down. Children: One daughter named Jami and two stepdaughters named Lily and Emma. Pet(s): Miracle, Dean and Sam’s dog who’s actually Sarah’s. Family’s Financial Status: Middle class. Relationship status: Dating Dean Winchester.
FBI badges: Maureen Wilson, Laurie McAllister, Debbie Meredith, Marie St. Jacques & Candice Night.
Unlike most hunters, Sarah came from a happy and healthy background with two parents who loved her dearly and a brother who could stand to be around her for five minutes at a time.  (Y'know, the typical sibling relationship).  They did everything together, from family picnics to Christmas tree shopping– every single year without fail, right up until Sarah left for college at 18.  Even there though she stayed in nearly CONSTANT contact with the three of them, letting them in on almost every single thing she was doing at Stanford.  INCLUDING meeting and eventually dating Dean Winchester, the one man in all those eighteen years who made her feel beautiful— inside and out.
At this point their relationship only lasted two weeks, Dean leaving soon after to rejoin his father for another hunt.  Word got out quickly that he bailed because his night with Sarah fucking sucked, and she believed those rumors for a LONG time.  She had no idea Dean was a hunter OR that the supernatural world actually existed, which was why the charm bracelet he gave her right before he left came in handy.  According to Dean, it wasn’t JUST a charm bracelet– it also protected her from demon possession.  He was gone the next morning, never to be heard from again, and Sarah’s heart broke.  Jeffrey, a supposed friend of hers, swooped in at the right time and convinced her to take the charm bracelet off as a sign of defiance against the hateful rumors AND Dean.  You don’t care that he bailed, Sarah!  A few weeks from now you’re gonna graduate and you’ll forget all about Mr. Stupid Impala Guy!  It’s gonna be great!  Realizing he was right, she gave into the idea and took the bracelet off.  Leaving herself vulnerable once more to demons.  Demons who waited to strike ‘til graduation night.
It was supposed to be a beautiful ceremony.  All the students were dressed to the nines in these beautiful gowns, MORE THAN READY to move onto the next phase of their lives and Sarah was right there with them.  Even after all the drama with Dean, the charm bracelet now tucked safely away in her pocket because she wasn’t ready to let go of it completely, she couldn’t wait to get her diploma!  Everything was going wonderfully… and then her name was called.  Something happened when she reached the stage.  One second everything was fine and the next she was a prisoner in her own mind, forced to watch herself cause chaos in the worst ways possible, forced… to watch her own hands… murder her parents.  She remembered hearing herself laughing the entire time, remembered feeling WAY too happy about the life draining from two all-too-familiar pairs of eyes.  It went on for hours, the thing that wasn’t her that was holding her hostage in her body taking its sweet time with those two brutal deaths.  The last thing Matthew and Wendy saw before everything came to an end was their daughter smirking in their scared faces.  Cue another blackout.  When she woke up she was herself again.  The room was red.  Everyone was staring at her, frozen in shock– all except her brother.  Phillip stared with a hatred in his eyes and Sarah knew, knew, he would kill her one day.  “I’m…”  She got slowly to her feet, shaking.  “I-I’m sorry…..”  She turned for the door, ran and just… kept running.
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bobbie-robron · 2 years
Classic ED schedule week 42 (2022)
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16-Oct-2002 (Sunday):
6:00pm: ED: 50 Unforgettable Years - 1 hour
17-Oct-2022 (Monday):
1:40pm: 26-Sep-2002 (3274) Viv gives Katie a job at the cafe. Zoe offers Chris support with riding
2:15pm: 27-Sep-2002 (3275) Glynis lures Eric to hotel and he succumbs to her; Mack & Syd bet on who will bed Angie!
10:00pm: 16-Oct-1972 (0001) Meet the ORIGINAL LEGACY FAMILY - the Sugdens. There’s also the Skilbecks along with Amos & Mr. Wilks!
10:30pm: 13-Jan-1972 (0288) At the Woolpack, news of a train accident is announced!
11:00pm: 16-Mar-1978 (0434) As Ruth Helton & Joe Sugden walk towards the mine, an explosion ensues!
11:30pm: 21-Mar-1978 (0435) Rescue efforts at the mine.
18-Oct-2022 (Tuesday):
1:40pm: 30-Sep-2002 (3276) Laurel agrees to continue staying (and pay her way) with Betty & Seth; the results of the nude calendar are in
2:15pm: 01-Oct-2002 (3277) Announcing he’s pulling out of the campaign, Pollard comes clean to Gloria about his affair with Glynis and gets hit (rightly so)
10:00pm: 26-Aug-1986 (1078) Robert’s birth mum, Pat, dies in a auto accident swerving to miss a flock of sheep
10:30pm: 18-May-1988 (1249) Crossgill Farm (home of Matt Skilbeck) goes aflame due to a rag on the stove
11:00pm: 19-May-1988 (1250) The Crossgill fire continues as Annie is saved by Phil Pearce
11:30pm: 28-Dec-1993 (1828a) Christmas 1993 with the Sugdens, Tates & McAllisters
19-Oct-2022 (Wednesday):
1:40pm: 02-Oct-2002 (3278) Gloria tells Eric to continue his affair with Glynis. Zoe is feeling under the weather/dizzy
2:15pm: 03-Oct-2002 (3279) Brian and Andy worry about Katie suggesting counseling which she refuses. Dizziness persists with Zoe
10:00pm: 30-Dec-1993 (1829) A plane crashes into the village; final appearances for Elizabeth Pollard and Archie Brooks
10:30pm: 24-Dec-1996 (2144) Biff & Linda’s wedding; Home Farm in flames; final appearance for Tina Dingle - 1 hour episode
11:30pm: 26-Dec-1996 (2145) Dave Glover’s final appearance; the Sugdens officially can foster Andy
20-Oct-2022 (Thursday):
1:40pm: 04-Oct-2002 (3280) Zoe collapses and Edna and Betty bicker whether she’s fit to be in the community
2:15pm: 07-Oct-2002** (3281) Katie finally breaks down over the miscarriage. Charity’s proud of Zoe taught Chris to ride
10:00pm: 01-Jan-2004 (3623/3624) A storm devastates the village; Tricia is critically injured (dying on 08-Jan-2004) - 1 hour episode
11:00pm: 22-Sep-2005 (4159/4160) Zoe Tate’s exit (along with her daughter Jean, Joseph Tate and Callum Rennie) - 1 hour episode
21-Oct-2022 (Friday):
1:40pm: 08-Oct-2002 (3282) Andy proposes to Katie. Zoe fears she’s having a relapse. Louise has a secret admirer
2:15pm: 09-Oct-2002 (3283) Zoe getting impossible news - she’s pregnant! Brian & Jack give their blessing to the teens
10:00pm: 17-Oct-2012 (6371/6372) Live 40th Anniversary - Katie & Declan’s wedding; the death of Carl King (with Cameron & CHEATER Chas) - 1 hour episode
11:00pm: 04-Aug-2015 (7252/7253) Debbie & Pete’s wedding; Chrissie’s revenge at Robert leads to the devastating helicopter crash - 1 hour episode
12:00am: 05-Aug-2015 (7254) The aftermath of the helicopter crash; final appearance for Ruby Haswell
12:30am: 06-Aug-2015 (7255) The final appearance (and wrongly killed off) of Val Pollard
**Robert appears in the episode (excludes evening airings); note, for Oct-2002, wiki shows only (4) appearances on the 7th, 11 & 28th and 29th
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roleplayallday · 2 years
I would kill for a Debbie redemption and having her make up with Devizo as the two rekindle their romance.
I had an idea awhile ago, and if you haven’t seen that plot idea, I can always link it to you! But hopefully it sounds fun! We can definitely add blackgroans to the mix too if you want.
My discord is tobey mcallister#6863 if you’re interested in roleplaying!
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likeafolkssong · 5 months
Books Read in 2023
1. The Last Thing He Told Me - Laura Dave
2. No Further Questions - Gillian McAllister
3. The Final Gambit - Jennifer Lynn Barnes
4. The Two Lives of Lydia Bird - Josie Silver
5. The Covert Passive Aggressive Narcissist - Debbie Mirza
6. Lessons in Chemistry - Bonnie Garmus
7. Killers of a Certain Age - Deanna Raybourn
8. We Were Never Here - Andrea Bartz
9. We Should All be Feminists - Chimamanda Ngozi Adiche
10. The Paris Library - Janet Skeslien Charles
11. The House in the Pines - Ana Reyes
12. The Rose Code - Kate Quinn
13. To Raise a Boy - Emma Brown
14. Rock Paper Scissors - Alice Feeney
15. Friends, Lovers, and the Big Terrible Thing - Matthew Perry
16. One Night on the Island - Josie Silver
17. Mad Honey - Jodi Picoult and Jennifer Finney Boylan
18. The Marlow Murder Club - Robert Thorogood
19. The Invisible Husband of Frick Island - Colleen Oakley
20. I Don’t Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist - Norman L. Geisler and Frank Turek
21. The Cliff House - Chris Brookmyre
22. The It Girl - Ruth Ware
23. Ten Arguments for Deleting Your Social Media Accounts Right Now - Jaron Lanier
24. The Grace Year - Kim Liggett
25. The Better Sister - Alafair Burke
26. Blood Sugar - Sascha Rothchild
27. You Were There Too - Colleen Oakley
28. Meet Me at the Lake - Carley Fortune
29. The Bondage Breaker - Neil T. Anderson
30. The Maid - Nita Prose
31. The Magician’s Nephew - C.S. Lewis (reread)
32. The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe - C.S. Lewis (reread)
33. The Horse and His Boy - C.S. Lewis (reread)
34. Prince Caspian - C.S. Lewis (reread)
35. The Christmas Murder Game - Alexandra Benedict
36. The Voyage of the Dawn Treader - C.S. Lewis (reread)
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Part of the Network’s “Christmas in July” Programming Event
STUDIO CITY, CA – July 12, 2022 – Vanessa Lengies (“Turner & Hooch,” Stick It) and Jesse Hutch (“Batwoman,” “Debbie Macomber’s Cedar Cove”) star in “Christmas in Toyland,” a new, original movie premiering Saturday, July 23 (8 p.m. ET/PT), on Hallmark Channel, as part of the network’s “Christmas in July” programming event.
When Charlie (Lengies), a data analyst at a large toy store chain, learns the company is planning to transition the business exclusively online, she discovers one of their brick-and-mortar stores is outperforming the rest, and is sent to investigate why. If she can figure out what's so special about this location, she might be able to save hundreds of jobs and keep the magic of the toy store experience alive. At the location, Charlie meets convivial, yet stubborn, store manager Grant (Hutch), whose secret to success is the welcoming atmosphere he creates, making his store a popular destination for the community. When she first arrives, Charlie's analytical approach doesn’t sit well with Grant, who has a chip on his shoulder about corporate’s way of running things. As they bond over their shared goal of keeping the store open, Grant soon discovers Charlie has a secret creative side – designing holiday toys. With Christmas approaching, Charlie and Grant's time together reminds them of the simple joys of the business they both love. Astheir feelings for each other grow, they are reminded that growing up doesn’t mean losing your dreams.
“Christmas in Toyland” is from Vortex Media. Bill Marks, Justin Rebelo and Sally Karam are executive producers. Jesse Ikeman and Christopher Giroux are producers. Bill Corcoran directed from a script by Courtney McAllister and Kate Pragnell.
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alyafae-a · 3 years
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when the last drink hits you...
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thedreamingdinosaur · 7 years
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Sherlocked Convention 2017/ Sunday 29th October Photo Shoots Part 2
Part 1 Here!
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Full name: Jennifer Sarah-Monique Blake.  Sarah Monique Miller. Nickname(s): Marah.  Claims it’s the name of her twin sister who no one’s ever met or even seen. Age: 18-30s, thread dependent. Birth date: October 5th, 1982. Birth place: Providence, Rhode Island. Ethnicity: White. Nationality: American. Gender: Cisgender female. Pronouns: She/her. Sexuality: Bisexual/biromantic. Current location: All over the place.  Hunters never really stop moving. Zodiac/astrological signs: Libra. Blood type: O. Social class: Middle. Religious values: Agnostic atheist. Occupation: Owner of, chef and waitress for Sarah’s Spot.  A restaurant dedicated to giving hunters everywhere the energy they need to, well, hunt.  Info here!  When she’s not running Sarah’s Spot, she’s either out hunting or teaching the younger hunters the ins and outs of social media.  Busy schedule, folks!
Height: 5'0. Weight: 121 lbs. Body type: Athletic. Species: Human. Eye color: Blue. Glasses/Contacts?: No, no. Hair color and style: Brunette, typically wears it down.  A little wavy at the bottom! Face claim: Victoria Pedretti. Tattoos: None. Piercings: Both ears. Clothing style: Her style’s all over the place, really.  It’s literally anything that pops out at her. Usual expression: Neutral. Distinguishing features: An anti demon possession charm bracelet she got from Dean when they were teenagers.  She never goes anywhere without it.
Weather: She says it’s cloudy and rainy but REALLY she loves sunny weather. Color: Purple. Music: Rock.  Pop. Movies: Horror.  Romance.  Comedy. Sport: Soccer. Beverage: Diet Coke. Food: Pizza. Animal: Dogs.
Father: Matthew Blake, human.  Deceased. Mother: Wendy Blake, human.  Deceased. Sibling(s): A younger brother named Phillip.  They became estranged after everything with their parents went down. Children: None. Pet(s): Miracle, Dean and Sam’s dog who’s actually Sarah’s. Family’s Financial Status: Middle class. Relationship status: Dating Dean Winchester / otherwise it depends on the thread!
FBI badges: Maureen Wilson, Laurie McAllister, Debbie Meredith, Marie St. Jacques & Candice Night.
Unlike most hunters, Sarah came from a happy and healthy background with two parents who loved her dearly and a brother who could stand to be around her for five minutes at a time.  (Y'know, the typical sibling relationship).  They did everything together, from family picnics to Christmas tree shopping– every single year without fail, right up until Sarah left for college at 18.  Even there though she stayed in nearly CONSTANT contact with the three of them, letting them in on almost every single thing she was doing at Stanford.  INCLUDING meeting and eventually dating Dean Winchester, the one man in all those eighteen years who made her feel beautiful— inside and out.
At this point their relationship only lasted two weeks, Dean leaving soon after to rejoin his father for another hunt.  Word got out quickly that he bailed because his night with Sarah fucking sucked, and she believed those rumors for a LONG time.  She had no idea Dean was a hunter OR that the supernatural world actually existed, which was why the charm bracelet he gave her right before he left came in handy.  According to Dean, it wasn’t JUST a charm bracelet– it also protected her from demon possession.  He was gone the next morning, never to be heard from again, and Sarah’s heart broke.  Jeffrey, a supposed friend of hers, swooped in at the right time and convinced her to take the charm bracelet off as a sign of defiance against the hateful rumors AND Dean.  You don’t care that he bailed, Sarah!  A few weeks from now you’re gonna graduate and you’ll forget all about Mr. Stupid Impala Guy!  It’s gonna be great!  Realizing he was right, she gave into the idea and took the bracelet off.  Leaving herself vulnerable once more to demons.  Demons who waited to strike ‘til graduation night.
It was supposed to be a beautiful ceremony.  All the students were dressed to the nines in these beautiful gowns, MORE THAN READY to move onto the next phase of their lives and Sarah was right there with them.  Even after all the drama with Dean, the charm bracelet now tucked safely away in her pocket because she wasn’t ready to let go of it completely, she couldn’t wait to get her diploma!  Everything was going wonderfully… and then her name was called.  Something happened when she reached the stage.  One second everything was fine and the next she was a prisoner in her own mind, forced to watch herself cause chaos in the worst ways possible, forced… to watch her own hands… murder her parents.  She remembered hearing herself laughing the entire time, remembered feeling WAY too happy about the life draining from two all-too-familiar pairs of eyes.  It went on for hours, the thing that wasn’t her that was holding her hostage in her body taking its sweet time with those two brutal deaths.  The last thing Matthew and Wendy saw before everything came to an end was their daughter smirking in their scared faces.  Cue another blackout.  When she woke up she was herself again.  The room was red.  Everyone was staring at her, frozen in shock– all except her brother.  Phillip stared with a hatred in his eyes and Sarah knew, knew, he would kill her one day.  “I’m…”  She got slowly to her feet, shaking.  “I-I’m sorry…..”  She turned for the door, ran and just… kept running.
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forensicated · 3 months
Ginathon Episodes: Episode 213
More detailed Smiffina based recap here
Smithy is annoyed at being confined to Custody as he feels it's a push out of the way whilst the unofficial allegation is still hanging over his head. Gina tells him she's fully behind him and knows he has nothing to hide but until there's an official allegation her hands are tied. Smithy's upset he hasn't got a proper chance to clear his name. He's innocent and wants everyone to know it. Jonathan has been watching them talk and tells Gina that if he was Smithy he'd be glad to have her as his boss. "Well you're not. Thank you very much." She says cooly, making a very quick exit.
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Jonathan knocks on Gina's door and asks her who agreed to let Kerry work a rape case when she's dealing with the pressure of her own allegation. Gina points out that she hasn't yet made the allegation official and Jonathan insists that's just semantics and she's not the right person for the job. Gina explains she's a trained SOIT officer and "that's what they do." "Well, you know best I suppose." "Oh I'm so glad you noticed." Gina retorts. With classic timing, Debbie arrives behind Jonathan. He returns to his office and Debbie asks Gina how the harmonious relationship with the CPS is going. "Who's bright idea was it to have a resident solicitor anyway? It's a waste of resources!" Debbie smirks, telling Gina that Jonathan clearly gets under her skin. "What?!" Gina looks up sharply. "Oh don't be ridiculous!"
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In the meantime Kerry goes to speak to Gina and explains that she isn't going to make the allegation official because she knows Smithy, she knows how he acted towards her before everything kicked off and, despite things getting messed up and confused by outside sources (namely Gabriel!), she knows he didn't and wouldn't rape her.
Jonathan approaches Gina after hearing an update on the case that Kerry is working on and tells her she was right, Kerry is working it properly. Gina tells him Kerry is now saying that Smithy didn't rape her. "It takes guts to admit you've made a mistake. Especially to you." He says gently. "I'll let her know she's got a new admirer." she murmurs, trying to walk off. "Kerry?" Jonathan chuckles. "No, she's not my type." "I don't think I want to know, thank you!" Gina replies.
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augustusaugustus · 2 months
Past Tense
I found some old character/pairing lists on my long-defunct journal and they amused me so I am reposting them here.
Main thoughts: I have no idea why I thought I was most like Vicky, I like June a lot now, and 2024 me really wishes that there was way more Jim/Anyone than there is.
2011 Fandom Survey
Favourite male: Rod Skase. Always. He had so much innate ability, but he always cocked things up because he was too busy trying to look good. Favourite female: Viv Martella. She was such a brilliant character. She was in the show back when female officers were still a rarity and she dealt with the male characters' doubt in her abilities by showing, time and time again, that she could cope with anything the job threw at her while retaining her sense of humour and ability to care. Least favourite: Ugh, so many of the post-shark-jumping characters and the awful changes made to formerly-good characters. I'm going to run with the changed version of John Boulton, though, because the proper John Boulton was one of my absolute favourites and they absolutely ruined his character by making him into something else entirely. In a way, it was good that they killed him off (although HOW they killed him off was also ridiculous), because it hurt to watch such a fantastic character being so utterly ruined. Thank goodness Rod went out in a way that was perfect for who he was, staying in character from beginning to end. Who resembles me: Vicky Hagen. Three more characters that I like: Frank Burnside, Cass Rickman, Roy Galloway. SO MANY MORE. Favourite ship: Skase/Boulton. Pre-ruining of Boulton, thankyouverymuch.
2009 Favourite Characters List
CID * Rod Skase (duh) * John Boulton * Roy Galloway * Tom Proctor * Frank Burnside * Jack Meadows * Ted Roach * Alan Woods * Liz Rawton * Viv Martella * Alistair Grieg Uniform * Taffy Edwards * Matt Boyden * Steve Loxton * Reg Hollis * Yorkie Smith * Cass Rickman * Vicky Hagen * Nick Klein * Dale Smith (as he was the first time around) * Andrew Monroe * Gina Gold * Sam Harker * Bob Cryer * Derek Conway * Gary Best * Jim Carver (as in old-time Jim, not drunk!Jim)
2006 Fandom Survey
Favorite "Characters": Rod Skase, John Boulton, Tom Proctor, Gary Best, Frank Burnside, Mike Dashwood, Reg Hollis Least Favorite "Characters": June Ackland, Debbie McAllister, a large proportion of the cast that came in the couple of years following the Great Sun Hill Barbeque Favorite Ships: Rod/John, Rod/Tom, Des/Reg, Nick/Smiffy, Cass/Vicky Ships that make me nauseous: Oh God, the Dave/Jenny/George rubbish. Also anything that paired together people who had worked together for years without showing any interest in each other. Names commonly involved with this? Jim, June, Tony & Polly.
2002 Fandom Survey
Favorite Pairings: Skase/Boulton Skase/Proctor Boulton/Proctor Meadows/Monroe Stamp/Ashton Klein/Smith Hagan/Boyden Pairings I’m dying to write: Klein/Smith Pairings I’m not keen on reading: Jim/Anyone
6 notes · View notes
todaysdocument · 3 years
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Ratified Indian Treaty 301: Stockbridge and Munsee, signed at Stockbridge, Wisconsin, February 5, 1856 [first and last pages shown]
Series: Indian Treaties, 1789 - 1869
Record Group 11: General Records of the United States Government, 1778 - 2006
Whereas by Senate amendment to the
treaty with Menomonees of February eighth
one thousand eight hundred and thirty one two
townships of land on the east side of Winnebago
Lake, Territory of Wisconsin, were set aside for
the use the Stockbridge and Munsee tribes of
Indians, all formerly of the State of New York,
but a part of whom had already removed to
Wisconsin; and
     Whereas said Indians took possession
of said lands, but dissentions existing among them
led to the treaty of September third one thousand
eight hundred and thirty nine, by which the
east half of said two townships was retroceded
to the United States, and in comformity to which
a part of said Stockbridges and Munsees emigrated west of the Mississippi; and
     Whereas to relieve them for dissentions
still existing by "An Act for the relief of the
Stockbridge Tribe of Indians in the Territory of
Wisconsin," approved March third one thousand
eight hundred and fourty three, it was provided,
that the remaining township of land should be
divided into lots and allotted between the individual members of said tribe; and
     Whereas a part of said tribe refused
to be governed by the provisions of said Act, and
a subsequent Act was passed on the sixth day
of August one thousand eight hundred and fourty six, repealing the aforementioned Act, but
without making provision for bona fide purchasers
of lots in the township subdivided in conformity
to the said first named Act; and
     Whereas it was found impracticable
to carry into effect the provisions of the last
mentioned Act, and to remedy all difficulties, a
treaty was entered into on the twenty fourth of
November one thousand eight hundred and fourty
[last page]
Mary Eliza Butler [her x mark]
Thomas Fousey
Chester  Fousey
Daniel Fousey
Sarah Fousey [her x mark]
Philena Pye [her x mark] /ss
Luncinda Quincey [her x mark]
Sally Schanandoah [her x mark]
Mary McAllister [her x mark]
Hope Welch [her x mark]
Catharine Mills [her x mark]
Nancy Horn [her x mark]
Margaret Bobrew [?] [her x mark]
Eliza Franks [her x mark]
Lucinda Gardner [her x mark]
Mary Jane Boman [her x mark]
Debby Baldwin [her x mark]
Edward Boman [his x mark]
Hannah Smith [her x mark]
Moses Smith [his x mark]
Betsey Mantegue [her x mark]
Dolly Doxtator [her x mark]
Aaron Smith [his x mark]
Polly Smith [her x mark]
Mary Thibeaut [her x mark]
Jacob Moore
Abagail Moon
Clarissa Miller [her x mark]
Polly Koukapot [?] [her x mark]
John Lewis [his x mark]
James Chicks [his x mark]
Signed and
Sealed in presence
of -
Theodore Koven
Secretary to Commissioner
Saml W Beall
Adam Sisserff [?]
James Christie
Leonard Goodell
Enos McKenzie
Olam [?] C. Pease
60 notes · View notes
materialwoman · 3 years
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▌     𝐀  𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐋𝐄𝐓𝐄  𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐄  𝐄𝐗𝐏𝐋𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆    key - points  of  tammy’s  life,  ranging  from  her  family  ties  and  professional  aspirations  to  her  involvement  with  crime.   it’s  a  rather  long  and  rambly  collection  of  thoughts,  so  sadly  i’ll  have  to  keep  most  of  it  under  a  read  more.   this  covers  all  of  the  main  arcs  i  write  on  this  blog  :
[    ♡    ]      arc  i   ,     youth   /   teen   /   young  adult  years
[    ♡    ]      arc  ii   ,     adult   /   pre  -  canon
[    ♡    ]      arc  iii   ,     adult   /   canon
[    ♡    ]      arc  iv   ,     adult   /   post  -  canon
▌    1974     -     birth  ,    
 december  16,  1974.  circa  7am.  tamasin  sinclair,  the  second  daughter  of  the  ferguson-sinclair  family,  is  born.  she’s  a  giggly  baby  girl,  but  often  cries  when  far  from  her  mother,  veronique.  her  favorite  people  to  be  around  are  her  big  sister,  olivia,  and  katherine,  her  grandmother.
▌    1980     -     age   six  ,    
 a  six  years  old  tammy  travels  overseas  for  the  first  time,  having  europe  as  a  destination.  she’s  taken  to  london,  for  a  fun  week  under  the  cares  of  her  favorite  grandmother,  while  her  father  attends  a  law  conference  in  the  city.  for  the  first  time,  she  sees  the  world  beyond  her  mother’s  eyes,  following  katherine  around  events,  fun  sleepover  nights  and  even  her  day-to-day  life  at  the  dance  academy’s  office    -    with  an  outrageous  amount  of  a  new  discovered  common  obsession:  british  vogue.
▌    1983     -     age  nine  ,    
 she’s  nine  years  old  when  her  younger  sister  is  born.  louisa  is  bubbly;  a  funny  little  child  that  amused  tammy  in  every  way.  olivia  and  herself  would  spend  hours  around  the  crib,  even  more  than  their  own  mother,  who  would  often  be  off  working  or  dealing  with  her  own  set  of  concerns.  the  sisters  would  take  care  of  lulu,  as  they  called  her,  whenever  they  could;  she  was  their  new  favorite  little  person.
▌    1990     -     age  sixteen  ,    
tammy  reaches  the  age  of  sixteen,  and  as  a  gift  from  her  other  grandmother,  virginie,  is  invited  to  spend  a  couple  of  weeks  with  her  in  paris.  the  woman,  a  strict  and  straightforward  art  curator,  has  no  doubts  a  young  lady  such  as  tamasin  could  use  a  little  time  with  her  to  learn  new  things  about  modern  womanhood.  the  visit  went  well,  although  tammy  did  spend  more  time  trying  to  convince  virginie  to  take  her  to  one  of  her  fancy  events  or  a  fashion  week  than  listening  to  her  grandma’s  teachings.  virginie  was  not  very  pleased.
 tammy’s  aunt,  uma  sinclair,  has  her  own  idea  of  a  gift  for  the  soon  to  be  young  woman  in  the  family    --    one  the  girl  would  enjoy  much  more,  as  well.  the  blond  ambition  world  tour  reaches  new  jersey,  the  closest  to  tammy’s  home.  she  hears  as  madonna  sings  about  love,  friendship,  fashion,  and  some  much  better  takes  on  modern  womanhood.  she  would  never  be  the  same.
▌    1992     -     age  eighteen  ,    
at  age  eighteen,  tamasin  graduates  from  high  school.  her  biggest  interests  during  the  previous  years  were  fashion,  creative  writing  and  the  influence  of  women  in  culture  and  society.  her  main  graduation  choices  were  psychology  and  journalism,  where  she  hoped  to  discuss  some  of  her  passions  through  the  gift  of  writing.    [  ...  ]   against  all  of  her  efforts,  tammy  has  no  support  from  her  parents  to  follow  any  of  her  careers  of  choice.  she’s  advised  (  although  practically  induced  )  to  follow  the  path  of  those  before  her,  and  very  much  like  her  parents  and  her  older  sister,  ends  up  enrolling  into  pre-law  school.  it  was  the  one  moment  when  tammy  got  the  closest  to  being  the  daughter  veronique  ever  dreamed  of  having.  
▌    1993     -     age  nineteen  ,    
 despite  veronique  and  laurent’s  attempts  to  keep  their  daughter  under  their  watch,  tamasin  decides  to  move  out  of  the  family  house  and  start  over,  this  time  making  things  her  way.  she  moves  into  an  apartment  in  the  big  city,  alongside  with  olivia,  and  no  longer  having  financial  support  from  her  parents,  starts  working  at  a  diner  in  new  york  city.  she  drops  out  of  pre-law  school  after  one  semester.
 as  louisa,  her  little  sister,  reaches  the  age  of  ten,  olivia  and  tamasin  notice  there’s  something  wrong.  the  little  girl  that  once  was  a  wild  spirit  started  to  seem  less  and  less  bright,  and  their  mother  seemed  to  be  the  reason  of  such  change.  they’ve  been  there  before:  they  knew  what  she  does.  tammy  goes  to  their  grandmother,  which  intervenes  and  asks  veronique  to  let  the  sisters  take  care  of  lulu  for  some  time.  she’d  be  constantly  helping  when  needed,  as  well,  while  veronique  took  some  time  to  take  care  of  herself.  although  not  content,  the  mother  agrees.  the  older  sisters  take  lulu  to  their  apartment  in  nyc,  and  keep  raising  a  strong,  bright  little  girl  for  the  next  many  years.  
 1993     -     1997  .     tamasin,  olivia  and  louisa  carry  a  light,  fun  day-to-day  life  in  their  apartment  in  nyc.  the  three  of  them  have  their  own  studies  and  personal  matters,  as  the  eldest  finishes  law  and  looks  forward  to  building  a  family  already,  tammy  studied  and  explored  her  ambition,  while  both  raised  a  much  more  hopeful  little  lulu.
▌    1994     -     age  twenty  ,    
 noticing  tammy’s  resilience  and  quick  wits,  tammy’s  coworker  invites  her  to  take  a  small  part  on  a  con  one  night.  her  sense  of  adventure,  ambition  and  the  undeniable  need  for  extra  cash  in  order  to  get  into  college  again  are  decision  makers:  call  her  the  newest  fence  in  the  business.  well,  figuratively.  she  didn’t  truly  know  what  that  meant:  only  that  she  was  good  at  it.    [  ...  ]   one  day,  working  at  the  diner,  tammy  catches  a  young  woman  trying  to  pickpocket  one  of  the  clients  from  behind  the  counter.  enter  debbie  ocean  -  and  tamasin  doesn’t  stop  her,  much  on  the  contrary.  she’s  proud  to  quietly  announce  she’s  done  things  of  that  sort,  too.  it’s  a  match  made  in  heaven:  if  not  even  deborah  had  the  eye  to  catch  her  as  the  type  to  con,  who  could  ever  suspect?
▌    1995     -     age  twenty - one  ,    
 tammy  is  introduced  to  lou  miller,  an  australian  con  artist  that  soon  became  her  other  partner  in  crime.  together,  the  three  ladies  take  part  on  small  cons,  such  as  movie  theater  tickets,  amusement  parks,  retail  and  similar.  with  them,  tammy  makes  the  extra  money  needed  to  start  studying  again.  this  time,  she  goes  with  journalism.   [  ...  ]   tammy  gets  her  first  ever  tattoo,   a  delicate  little  rose  now  marked  onto  the  side  of  her  ribcage.  she  tells  everyone  it  was  her  choice  because  it  was  cute,  but  secretly  likes  to  think  of  the  strength  of  her  delicacy  represented  in  it.
▌    1996     -     age  twenty - two  ,    
 as  a  birthday  gift,  louisa  and  olivia  give  tammy  a  pet  bunny.  she  calls  him  cherry.  
 tammy  is  introduced  to  danny  ocean  and  his  partner  in  crime,  rusty  ryan.  it’s  when  debbie,  lou  and  herself  get  the  perspective  of  expanding  the  cons  they’ve  been  working  on.  small  casinos  and  events  become  their  new  target.
▌    1997     -     age  twenty - three  ,    
 as  olivia  graduates  law  and  starts  working  at  the  family  office,  along  come  the  news  of  the  newest  baby  in  the  family.  she  gets  married  shortly  after,  moving  out  of  the  sisters’  apartment  and  into  her  own  household.    [  ...  ]   tamasin  graduates  from  college,  finally  having  her  journalism  degree.  
▌    1999     -     age  twenty - five  ,    
as  grandmother  virginie  brings  an  art  exhibit  to  new  york,  a  twenty  five  years  old  tamasin  is  invited  to  attend  the  event.  debbie,  lou  and  tammy  take  advantage  of  her  position  and  steal  a  piece  from  an  adjacent  exposition  during  the  party.  they  go  unnoticed,  making  thousands  of  dollars  each.   [  ...  ]   having  her  degree,  tammy  tries  to  get  a  job  position  at  vogue  magazine,  as  well  as  paper  and  vanity  fair.  she  doesn’t  get  a  call  back  after  her  interviews.  
▌    2000     -     age  twenty - six  ,    
 tammy  gets  a  new  day  job,  at  a  flower  shop.  she  works  there  for  a  few  years,  deeply  resenting  not  being  able  to  work  on  her  dream  field  after  finally  being  able  to,  and  takes  it  out  writing  independent  articles  for  her  portfolio  and  shopping  for  designer  clothes  rather  inconsequently  at  times.
▌    2002     -     age  twenty - eight  ,    
 tamasin  gets  a  job  at  paper  magazine,  writing  a  monthly  column  about  the  representation  of  fashion  in  the  media  and  exploring  its  influence  in  storytelling.  finally,  she’s  able  to  work  with  her  passions  combined.
▌    2003     -     age  twenty - nine  ,    
 at  age  twenty,  louisa  moves  out  of  the  apartment,  having  recently  graduated  from  the  juilliard  dance  intensive  program.
 tammy  continues  to  live  in  the  apartment  in  nyc,  where  herself  and  the  girls  can  meet  up  to  plan  future  heists.  even  at  this  point,  crime  represents  her  main  source  of  income,  as  her  day  job  doesn’t  pay  quite  as  well  as  stolen  goods  and  jewels.  however,  it’s  not  only  for  the  money;  tammy  finds  being  a  fence  allows  her  to  explore  her  ambition  and  sense  of  adventure,  things  long  repressed  after  years  being  controlled  by  her  parents’  will.  surprisingly  enough,  she’s  happier  than  ever.
▌    2005     -     age  thirty - one  ,    
 cherry,  tammy’s  pet  bunny,  passes  away  after  nine  years.     [  ...  ]   after  three  years,  tamasin  leaves  her  job  at  paper  magazine  as  she’s  offered  a  position  at  W  magazine,  where  she’s  handed  a  column  on  the  beauty  section.    [  ...  ]    following  her  acceptance  into  the  royal  ballet  company,  louisa  makes  the  decision  of  moving  to  the  united  kingdom.
▌    2007     -     age  thirty - three  ,    
 tamasin  is  invited  to  the  inauguration  dinner  party  of  olivia’s  very  own  law  office.  at  the  event,  she’s  introduced  to  nicholas  mcallister,  a  colleague  lawyer  to  liv.
 1998     -     2008  .     tammy’s  golden  age  of  crime;  acting  as  a  fence,  constantly  developing  her  skills  as  a  con  artist.  after  years  acting  on  unrelated  events,  casinos  and  parties,  she  develops  a  system  of  hijacking  equipments  trucks  crossing  the  border  from  canada  and  reselling  the  goods  on  the  black  market.  it  lasts  for  years  and  grants  her  certain  status  on  the  underworld  of  crime  as  an  experient,  trustworthy  fence  in  the  business.
▌    2008     -     age  thirty - four  ,    
one  night,  tammy  receives  the  new  that  her  younger  sister,  louisa,  had  been  involved  in  a  car  accident  and  seriously  injured  her  knee,  compromising  her  debut  on  the  royal  company  as  a  lead  and,  in  a  long  term  matter,  her  dancing  career.  tamasin  travels  to  london  immediately,  offering  her  baby  sister  support  and  inevitably  reconnecting  with  her  parents.   [  ...  ]   her  sister’s  injury  was  an  undeniable  step  back  on  tammy’s  life,  and  reconnecting  with  her  mother  due  to  the  intense  family  trauma  was  a  decisive  point  on  the  decisions  she’d  make  from  then  on;  being  heavily  criticized  for  not  yet  having  a  family  in  her  mid  30s,  unlike  her  older  sister,  who  had  perfectly  built  a  family  of  her  own  while  finishing  law  school,  tammy  finds  herself  deeply  torn  between  the  duality  of  her  desires  --  to  stay  in  the  city,  investing  on  her  career  as  a  journalist  and  continue  to  explore  how  happy  crime  made  her,  or  to  finally  settle  down  and  think  of  building  a  family,  bringing  the  life-long  dream  of  motherhood  to  reality.  finally,  she  decides  it  is  time  to  take  a  step  back,  and  chooses  to  retire  from  her  career  as  a  fence.
▌    2009     -     age  thirty - five  ,    
 as  a  consequence  of  laying  low  and  removing  herself  from  the  crime  scene,  tammy  grows  lonelier  every  day.  despite  believing  she  could  remain  friends  with  debbie,  lou,  and  all  of  her  former  con  acquaintances,  tammy  came  to  realize  it’d  be  harder  than  she  thought  to  stay  in  touch  while  keeping  a  distance  from  crime.  she  agrees  to  go  on  a  date  with  olivia’s  fellow  lawyer,  nicholas,  and  a  few  weeks  later,  starts  dating  him.
▌    2010     -     age  thirty - six  ,    
 as  of  august  2010,  during  dinner,  tamasin  and  nicholas  get  engaged.  tammy  grabs  onto  the  planning  of  her  wedding  almost  fiercely,  and  with  the  help  of  olivia,  uma  and  katherine,  builds  a  dream-like  event  to  celebrate  her  union  with  nick.
▌    2011     -     age  thirty - seven  ,    
 save  the  date:  tammy  and  nick’s  wedding  happens  during  spring,  on  a  beautiful  vineyard,  and  she’s  as  happy  as  one  can  be.  the  couple  signs  a  prenup,  and  despite  tammy’s  absolute  devotion  to  her  relationship,  she  does  not  change  her  last  name.  she  tells  nick  there’s  no  way  she’d  ever  stop  being  a  sinclair  woman;  that  was  something  she  hardly  considered  back  then.  the  couple  moves  to  a  house  in  the  suburbs  outside  of  new  york,  where  they  plan  to  build  a  family  together.  she  does  not  get  rid  of  the  sisters’  apartment.
▌    2012     -     age  thirty - eight  ,    
 tammy  and  nick  have  many  attempts,  but  still  find  themselves  unable  to  conceive  a  child.    [  ...  ]   to  better  use  her  time,  tamasin  decides  to  enroll  into  univertity  once  again.  she  goes  for  marketing  courses,  knowing  it  can  be  of  good  use  when  working  on  her  dream  field,  with  critical  and  commercial  writing.
▌    2013     -     age  thirty - nine  ,    
 on  the  first  days  of  the  year  and  after  many  attempts,  tamasin  discovers  she’s  pregnant.  it’s  a  very  calm  pregnancy,  and  tammy  has  no  trouble  working  from  home  for  the  same  w  magazine  column  on  beauty.  during  her  pregnancy  as  well,  tammy  graduates  from  marketing  school,  studying  from  home.  through  a  c-section,  she  gives  birth  to  twins,  and  calls  them  beatrice  and  benjamin.
▌    2015     -     age  fourty  -  one  ,    
 having  the  twins,  tammy  knows  she  wants  more  babies.  nicholas  and  her  decide  there  will  be  no  other  time  to  give  that  a  try,  and  attempt  to  get  pregnant  once  again.  differently  from  the  first  time,  this  pregnancy  happens  easily,  but  definitely  takes  its  toll  on  tamasin’s  health  and  body.  she  decides  to  let  go  of  her  position  at  W  magazine,  dedicating  her  time  to  taking  care  of  the  twins  as  well  as  herself.  during  the  months  following  august’s  birth,  tammy  experiences  postpartum  depression.
▌    2016     -     age  fourty  -  two  ,    
 after  years  distanced  from  crime,  and  having  plenty  of  time  in  her  hands  as  an  unemployed  housewife,  tammy  falls  into  temptation
 and  reconnects  with  a  former  provider.  she  starts  gathering  goods  stolen  directly  from  fabric  on  her  garage,  and  reselling  such  items  to  the  black  market.  if  you  ask  her  about  crime,  she’ll  say  she’s  retired.     [  ...  ]   tammy  gets  her  second  tattoo,  this  time,  even  more  discreet  --   three  little  dots  on  the  back  of  her  neck,  one  for  each  of  her  children.
▌    2018     -     age  fourty  -  four  ,    
 despite  making  it  clear  that  she’s  out  of  the  crime  business,  tammy  gets  a  surprise  visit  from  an  old  friend.  debbie  ocean  makes  a  rather  undeniable  proposal:  to  join  her  and  lou  in  a  millionaire  heist.  she  leaves  for  the  big  city  in  a  matter  of  days,  asking  her  sisters  to  keep  an  extra  eye  on  the  kids  as  she’s  gone.  she  acts  as  a  fence  in  the  met  gala  heist  of  2018  and  goes  unnoticed  as  the  seven  other  members  of  her  crew.  once  the  heist  is  done,  and  after  having  another  taste  of  just  how  exciting  her  life  can  be  when  she  explores  her  greedy  side,  tammy  realizes  she  does  not  want  to  go  back  to  her  life  in  the  suburbs.  it  only  adds  up  to  the  fact  that  she  was  no  longer  happy  in  her  married  life.  as  of  the  end  of  the  year,  tammy  and  nick  file  a  divorce.
▌    2019     -     age  fourty  -  five  ,    
after  working  for  the  met  staff  in  2018,  tammy  interviewed  for  a  position  at  the  vogue  office.  this  time,  she  gets  a  call  back,  and  is  made  a  collaborator  of  vogue  online,  writing  articles  for  the  vogue.com  website  and  supervising  content  creation  for  vogue  america’s  social  media.
at  the  end  of  the  year,  she’s  made  one  of  the  editors  of  vogue  online,  coordinating  the  creation  of  editorials  and  videos  for  vogue’s  youtube  channel.
for  the  first  time,  she  covers  new  york  fashion  week  and  writes  two  articles  analyzing  chanel  and  ellie  saab’s  show.  her  work  is  vastly  recognized  by  the  industry  and  well  received  by  the  public.
▌    2020     -     age  fourty  -  six  ,    
 proving  to  be  a  skilled  writer  and  creative  director,  tammy  takes  a  long  shot  and  asks  for  a  chance  to  act  as  a  collaborator  to  vogue  magazine,  the  print.  such  position  is  ultimately  granted,  and  tamasin  continues  to  coordinate  vogue  online’s  content  as  well  as  occasionally  collaborate  to  print  articles  for  the  magazine.
▌    2021     -     age  fourty  -  seven  ,    
 after  being  granted  her  first  chance  at  completely  handling  her  previous  position  at  the  fashion  print,  tammy  is  named  editor  of  vogue  magazine.  she  mainly  coordinates  and  keeps  contacts  for  photoshoots,  interviews,  articles  and  columns.  she  occasionally  acts  as  a  collaborator  as  well,  and  is  released  from  her  position  at  vogue  online.
 2018     -    future  .     tammy  lives  in  a  house  in  new  york  city  with  her  three  kids,  benjamin,  beatrice  and  august,  and  has  finally  been  hired  at  the  job  of  her  dreams:  vogue  magazine.  she  continues  to  work  on  cons  with  her  crew  heist,  and  her  career  as  a  journalist  only  seems  to  be  growing.  keep  an  eye  on  that  one:  who  knows  when  vogue  might  announce  a  new  editor  in  chief?
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Happy International Women’s Day
to all the female-identifying people! 
As we could not put everyone on the gifset, we also want to shout out to all the woman inside and outside the show
Character in the show: Callie, Camille, Carol, Cindy Gaines, Copy Girl, Crying Woman, Dr. Jennifer London, Dragon, Emily Greenstreet, Etta, Eve, Female Professor, Fray, Genji, Gretchen, Harriet, Healer Faye, Hedge #1,  Homicide Detective  #1, Irene McAllistair, Iris, Kimber D'Antoni, Kira, Lia, Librarian Rona, Mackenzie, Old Woman, Orgy Girl #1, Orgy Girl #2, Phyllis, Prof. Pearl Sunderland, Poppy, Professor Bigby, Psychic Girl #2, Rainbow Girl, Receptionist, Sam Cunningham, Shelia, Stone Queen, Sylvia, The Prophet, The White Lady, Whitley, Young Hedge, AD, Arielle, Arleen, Ashley the Bookie, Baba Yaga (and the girl she posess), Beatrice McAllister,Beatrix, Becky, Dana, Doctor Meers, Dr. Higgins, Evelyn,Fairy Queen, Fillorian Mother, Goldie, Hanna, Harriet, Healer Tara, Heloise,Homeless Lady, Jane Chatwin,Marina Andrieski,Mellony, Napster, Natural Student #1,Nurse#1, Nurse#2, Persephone, Physical Kid #1, Poppy, Professor Lipson, Prudence Plover, Quentin's Mother, Rhona, Scared Woman 36,Shara,Shoshana, Silver, Skye, Sonia 36, Spectre, Stephanie Quinn, Stephanie's Friend, Suzie, TV Crew, Victoria, Water Dragon,Zal, Zelda and all uncredited characters!
off cameras woman : Adela Baborova, Aeryn Gray, Alexandra Rojek, Allison Gordin, Alma Kuttruff, Alyssa Jacobson, Amber Crombach, Amber Waters, Ana Lossada, Ana Lossada, Angie Kennedy, Anna Register, Annalese Tilling, Anne Grennan, Ashley Biggs, Ashley Mason, Athena Wong,Audrey Himmer-Jude, Aylwin Fernando, Barbara Jansen, Beth Williams, Blair Richmond, Blythe Bickham, Breanna Watkins, Bree Brincat, Briana Skye, Brittney Diez, Caitlin Groves, Candice Harvey, Cara Doell, Carmen Lavender, Carole Appleby, Caroline Milliard, Carolyn McCauley, Carolyn Williams,Carrie Audino ,Cassandra Parigian, Cathy Darby, Chere Theriot, Cherie Bessette, Cherie Smid, Cheryl Callihoo, Christina Nakhvat, Clara George, Clarinda Wong, Coreen Mayrs, Crystal Mudry, Danielle White, Debbie Douglas, Deborah Burns, Deborah Burns, Deneen McArthur, Denya McLean-Adhya, Desiree J. Cadena, Donna Stocker, Elie Smolkin, Elizabeth Rainey, Elle Lipson, Emily Nomland, Emily Upham, Emily Weston, Emmanuelle Charlier, Errin Clutton, Eunice Yeung, Eva Abramycheva, Gilda Longoria, Ginge Cox, Grace Delahanty, Heike Brandstatter, Helen Geier, Irina Berdyanskaya, Irwin Figuera, Janene Carleton, Janet D. Munro, Janice MacIsaac,Janice Williams, Jayne Dancose, Jenni Macdonald, Jennifer Gilevich, Jennifer Kaminski, Jennifer Machnee, Jennifer Nelson, Jesse Toves, Jessica Goodwin, Jessica Williams, Juli Van Brown, Julia Holt, June E. Watson, Justin Coulter, Kai Lesack, Kara Bowman, Karen Lorena Parker, Karina Partington, Karley Stroscher, Karly Paranich, Kate Marshall, katerina Motylova, Kathie Singh, Katie Letien,  Katrissa 'Kat' Peterson, Kelli Dunsmore, Kendelle Elliott, Kristy Jelinek, Kyla Rose Tremblay, Kyle Landry, Laura Dickinson, Laura Schiff, Lauren Aspden, Lauren Beason, Laurie Lieser, Leslie Cairns, Lisa Blaxley, Lisa Chandler, Lisa Godwin, Lisa Pouliot, Lisa Pouliot, Lisle Fehlauer, Liz Goldwyn, Lucie Elwes, Luisa Abuchaibe, Lyne Talbot, Lynn Werner, Madeline Jensen, Madison Mah, Madison Penland, Magali Guidasci, Maisie Lucas, Margot Ready, Maria Gleeson, Marie Marolle, Marijke Richman, Martha Dietsche, Mary Hubert, Meghan Kelly, Michelle Kabatoff, Michelle Kee, Michelle Yu, Miluette Nalin, Mimi Dejene, Nadia Alaskari, Natasha Wehn, Nicole Bivens, Nina Göldner, Patricia Jagger, Patti Henderson, Paula Antil, Polina Nikolai, Pricilla Rodgers,Priya Ayengar, Rachel O'Toole,Rita K. Sanders, Rudy Jones, Sam Ochotta, Sarah McLauchlan, Sera Gamble, Shae Salmon, Shae Salmon, Shailey Horton, Shannon Courte, Shannon Kohli, Shannon McArthur, Sharon Dever, Shelly Goldsack, Shelly Shaw, Sina Nazarian, Sondra Durkse, Sonia V. Torres, Sophia Delgiglio, Stephane Bourgeault, Stephanie Plett, Sue Blainey, Sumner Boissiere III, Sunil Pant, Taja Perkins, Tamara Daroshin, Teresa Brauer, Tracey McLean,Tracie Hansen, Tracie Leaphart, Tracy Craigen, Vanja Cernjul, Wendy Foster, Wendy Snowdon, Wendy Talley 
(Source IMDB) 
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