#duncan lennox
forensicated · 5 months
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Oh Cass! 💔
The Cop Idol Storyline/Cass' murder was one of those rare PM storylines that was properly paced and shocking - not least given the time of the year (Christmas) and the light hearted fun of the Cop Idol/Christmas party in contrast with Cass' kidnap attack, the girls getting annoyed at Cass for not turning up and what was actually happening to her at time. Poor Cass being tied up, literally waiting and even begging to know why she was going to die. Poor poor girl 😭😭 (Could have done without even more of the Carl/Craig/Luke/Kerry rubbish during it though!)
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augustusaugustus · 5 months
9.104 Bright Lights
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MEADOWS: It’s a good system, isn’t it? We bang them up and the shrinks let them go.
Quite nuanced for the early nineties, really, with the ‘criminally insane’ character being neither an angel or the devil. George Rossi in a small pre-Duncan Lennox role.
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merciless-macdonwald · 7 months
macbeth superpower AU plot points/details:
macbeth plugs his ears so that duncan's powers won't affect him. but he STILL hears the "Glamis hath murdered sleep, and therefore Cawdor shall sleep no more. Macbeth shall sleep no more." (and it's like... is that someone's thoughts he's reading??? is it all in his head??? who knows)
when malcolm flees to england, he cuts his hair and tries to assume a new identity. siward and aelflaed find them like this and take them in, not knowing his real identity
yeah cawdor and macdonwald aren't executed for treason in this. they're executed for the uh. (gestures to the people cawdor killed & ate)
so who IS the traitor? suspects include: the minor thanes (Ross, Angus, Lennox, Menteith, Caithness), Aberdeen, Sutherland, Seyton, etc etc. basically anyone else. no spoilers though.
when banquo gets attacked before the banquet, he hops out of his own body, and while his body gets murderized, he helps fleance escape (even going so far as to possess one of the murderers)
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butchhamlet · 8 months
a scene-by-scene playlist for macbeth--one song for each scene. you know the drill by now. track list with rationale under the cut; special thanks to @blackcatarts for help with the selection :3 happy halloween season, y'all.
track list + rationale
act one
1.1 (the witches enter) - Everybody Wants to Rule the World (Lorde Cover) (feels self-explanatory, plus the vibe of it feels like panning in over a foggy battlefield)
1.2 (duncan finds out macbeth slayed) - Aneurysm by Nirvana (found this one on this macbeth playlist a while back and it has remained a macbeth song to me forever and ever; the manic energy fits the battlefield fervor here)
1.3 (macbeth and banquo meet the witches) - They by Jem (“and it’s ironic too // ‘cause what we tend to do // is act on what they say // and then it is that way… who are they? where are they? how can they possibly know all this?”)
1.4 (duncan names malcolm his successor) - Money Money Money by ABBA (he’s plotting! he’s planning! stars, hide your fires! look just trust me on this one)
1.5 (lady macbeth reads the letter & reunites with macbeth) - She’s Kerosene by the Interrupters (every lyric of this song is about lady macbeth.)
1.6 (lady macbeth welcomes duncan to her castle) - Silver Platters by Les Gold (“no need to be cordial // you could be immortal // if you take the risk // could you take the risk?” + “step out on the dance floor // this is what you asked for // such a pretty face // what was it underneath the mask for?”)
1.7 (the macbeths argue) - Fight For Me by AlicebanD (macbeths song of all time!!!)
act two
2.1 (dagger scene) - Disturbia by Rihanna (the supernatural begins to bleed into the world! will someone please direct a macbeth where this comes on during this scene) 
2.2 (post-murder argument) - Prowl Great Cain by The Mountain Goats (very macbeth song. placed here for “and i feel guilty, but i can’t feel ashamed!” & mention of sleepwalking & betrayal & prowling [cf. his line about tarquin in 2.1])
2.3 (porter scene, duncan’s death comes out) - Daniel in the Den by Bastille (“felled in the night by the ones you think you love // they will come for you” + “and for every king that died // they would crown another”)
2.4 (hey. don’t cry. duncan’s horses ate each other) - When He Died by Lemon Demon (literally a song about the world getting fucked up after a guy dies what can i say)
act three
3.1 (banquo gets suspicious) - Aha! by Imogen Heap (entire song about people pretending to be better than they are, including an actual serial killer. + “cost you to keep me quiet” with banquo…)
3.2 (the macbeths are fracturing) - The Horror of Our Love by Ludo (EXTREMELY MACBETHS SONG. here because this is the scene where they start to switch places, with him the one buying into violence as the answer & telling her not to worry about gory details)
3.3 (banquodeath) - Bury A Friend by Billie Eilish (rdj meme voice: he has murdered his friend)
3.4 (banquet scene) - Bird Song by Florence + the Machine (song about killing the witness and then being haunted by that witness and completely losing your shit trying to shut their ghost up…)
3.5 (hecate) - Hecate by Wendy Rule (i don’t give a shit about this scene i’m sorry. interpolation boooooo)
3.6 (lennox talks politics) - Dark Doo Wop by MS MR (foggy apocalyptic ones. “it’s all gone to shit // it’s out of our hands”)
act four
4.1 (double double toil & trouble) - Hot Knife by Fiona Apple (i’m a hot knife i’mmmm a hot knife i’m a hot knife he’s a pat of butter… you’re just gonna have to trust me on this one. my school’s macbeth had heavy drumming all through this scene and it’s associated with this song to me forever)
4.2 (macduff’s family is murdered) - Pretty Little Things by the Crane Wives (songs about pretty/fragile things being destroyed because of men’s betrayal… thinking about how lady macduff blames her husband for abandoning her to the wolves :( )
4.3 (malcolm and macduff) - All or Nothing by the Dream Masons (songs that are about both malcolm and macduff. the first verse especially is very malcolm, as a young prince stranded among enemies; the chorus is especially macduff-deciding-to-kill-macbeth-or-die-trying)
act five
5.1 (lady macbeth sleepwalks) - Tymps (The Sick in the Head Song) by Fiona Apple (LADY MACBETH GUILT SONG! “those boon times went bust // my feet of clay, they dried to dust // the red isn’t the red we painted, it’s just rust” w her imaginary bloodstains, + “i’m either so sick in the head i need to be bled dry to quit // or i just really used to love him // i sure hope that’s it”)
5.2 (the scots and english gather) - Marked Man by Mieka Pauley (songs i considered for 4.3 as well. they are coming to Get His Ass)
5.3 (macbeth preparing to fight) - For the Departed by Shayfer James (songs about knowing you’re about to get got but what does it matter when you’re already damned)
5.4 (the fucking wood is moving guys) - Kingdom Fall by Claire Wyndham (songs i almost put on the prior scene, for “i’d rather watch my kingdom fall // i want it all or not at all,” but eventually i placed it here because… well, we are watching the kingdom fall, my guy)
5.5 (tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow) - Drowning in the Sound by Amanda Palmer (okay, this is kind of because of “sound and fury,” but also it’s soooo macbeth act 5. “and the body is a temple but the temple is a prison and the prison’s overcrowded and the inmates know it’s flooded and the body politic is getting sicker by the second” + “do you ever feel like this should be officially the end? // and that you should be the one to do the ending, but you can’t?” + the inevitability…)
5.6 (scots + english arrive) - Lion’s Teeth by the Mountain Goats (song about trying to kill a powerful and tyrannical figure. also sounds like a fight scene)
5.7 (macduff and macbeth come face to face) - Bury Me Face Down by grandson (so obsessed with how firmly this guy would rather go down fighting than do literally anything easier)
5.8 (macbeth’s head presented, malcolm crowned) - King of the World by WAR*HALL (a new king is crowned after one dies by violence. fleance is still out there somewhere. the cycle of violence continues. this one doesn’t work unless you imagine the witches watching pityingly/sinisterly in the background)
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Lennox’s Ambiguous Loyalties
I CAN’T GET THIS OUT OF MY HEAD so here’s a post about it! (Special thanks to the Hamlet Discord Server folks for sticking with me on this one!)
I remember vividly that the first time I read this play, one of our study questions was “what do Ross and Lennox respectively represent as characters?” and that it was the only question I couldn’t quite answer.
Ross seems fairly easy to understand. He’s sort of a Horatio-figure, a “narrator” in a play that isn’t his (to a lesser extent than Horatio, of course. No one beats Horatio in that regard.) He witnesses most of the play’s major events and comments on them (and it makes him fascinating as well as really sad). His loyalties seem to lie clearly on the side of goodness and justice. He’s relatively quick to turn on Macbeth once he realizes that he is guilty and seems to spearhead the rebel cause.
Lennox is an enigma in comparison! It’s entirely unclear where his loyalties lie and what his motives are. Most people (including my English teacher who wrote that study question) seem to view him as a foil to Ross—someone who stays loyal to Macbeth rather than rebelling, but I think it’s much more complex than that.
The only way I can think to explain this is to go through his appearances in order and try to glean what exactly his deal is and where his loyalties lie throughout the play.
1. Act 1 Scene 2
Lennox appears to announce Ross’ arrival. He notes the Ross looks in haste (which he probably does. When is he not in haste to deliver news to someone?)
This is his only line in the scene and it doesn’t tell us much about him. All we get from this is that he seems interested in whatever it is Ross has to say.
(2. Act 1 Scene 4)
Lennox doesn’t even speak in this scene, but his presence means that he overhears Malcolm’s haunting description of the execution of Cawdor (BUT GIVEN HIS LATER ACTIONS, IT MUST NOT STICK WITH HIM? He becomes a traitor in MULTIPLE DIRECTIONS!)
(3. Act 1 Scene 6)
Again, he says nothing but is among the party arriving at Inverness with Duncan.
4. Act 2 Scene 3
This is the first of Lennox’s significant appearances. He’s with Macduff when they’re harassed by the Porter but says nothing to him. His first line in this scene is in greeting to Macbeth. He proceeds to give a very Ross-like little speech regarding the strange occurrences of the night. I don’t read this as him being actively suspicious of Macbeth—I think it’s too early for suspicions. At this point, Macduff hasn’t even returned to report the murder. It seems Lennox is reporting on the facts of the night, maybe slightly shaken by what he saw (and presumably sleep-deprived like everybody in this scene). He tells us that he is young (“my young remembrance”), seems horrified when Macduff reports on the murder of Duncan, and is quick to accuse the guardsmen who Macbeth framed. He notes that they “stared and were distracted,” but seems to assume that their behavior was a result of their guilty consciences and not an altered state that would’ve left them unable to commit the crime.
What I take from this is that at this point, Lennox is fairly neutral. He’s quicker to blame the guards than most of the other Thanes (especially Macduff, of course), but I wouldn’t chalk that up to an active loyalty to Macbeth just yet. The fact that he doesn’t speak when Macbeth says he killed the guards in a fury is interesting, but I assume that’s because Macduff is easily doing ALL of the talking at that point (and perhaps because Lennox doesn’t want to publicly quarrel with the person whose house he’s staying in at the moment?)
(5. Act 3 Scene 1)
Lennox is present along with the other Thanes as Macbeth speaks to Banquo and begins his anti-Malcolm & Donalbain propaganda campaign (“bloody cousins”). Lennox seems to notice this language in particular because he will echo it later.
6. Act 3 Scene 4
Lennox attends the disaster banquet and is utterly confused by Macbeth’s behavior along with everyone else. He seems unsettled but unlike Ross, he seems to figure out when it’s time to stop asking questions and simply wishes Macbeth better health in the future.
I’ve always viewed this scene as a turning point for Ross in which he realizes that Macbeth is either personally behind the murder of Duncan or played some hand in it and follows his conscience by shifting his loyalties. Lennox seems to go a different direction. I’m not sure how, having attended the banquet, he could possibly be unaware of Macbeth’s suspiciousness or why he’d choose to overlook it in the long run. More on this later.
7. Act 3 Scene 6
THIS IS THE SCENE THAT DRIVES ME NUTS. I do not understand what is going on here or why (or if these lines are even supposed to be Lennox’s! For our purposes, I’m going to assume they are.)
Lennox enters mid-way through a conversation with an unnamed lord. He seems to be choosing his words carefully, saying far more between his lines than on them. He uses Macbeth’s language of propaganda to an exaggerated extent, accusing Fleance of murdering Banquo and Malcolm and Donalbain of killing Duncan.
Initially, he plausibly believes what he’s saying and has given in to the propaganda but it quickly becomes apparent that this is not the case. He gives a quick and ambiguous line about Fleance, Malc, and Don that seems to imply he’s glad Macbeth doesn’t have them in his grasps:
And I do think
That had he Duncan's sons under his key
(As, an 't please heaven, he shall not) they should find
What 'twere to kill a father. So should Fleance.
But peace.
Perhaps this means “he doesn’t have them because that’s not God’s plan,” but I read it as something more like “and, pray God, he never will have them.” If this is the case, everything he’s said previously is a sarcastic exaggeration and not an actual reflection of his beliefs.
He goes on to question the lord about Macduff’s whereabouts specifically, seemingly out of concern for a friend(?). It is implied that Macbeth already knows this information (WHICH IS WEIRD! But I won’t get ahead of myself!)
Lennox leaves us with his hopes that Macduff will be smart and stay far from Scotland for his own safety and wishes that an angel deliver to Malcolm Macduff’s report before he even arrives to haste them to free Scotland from Macbeth’s grasp.
As of this scene, Lennox seems to be acting just like Ross (if not even more extremely against Macbeth). He calls Macbeth “a hand accursed” and remarks that Scotland is suffering. It seems like he’s on the rebels’ side! But THEN THE NEXT SCENE HAPPENS AND TURNS THIS ON ITS HEAD???
8. Act 4 Scene 1
After Macbeth meets with the witches again, Lennox appears, apparently not heeding his own advice to Macduff about staying far from the Scottish court. He’s confused by Macbeth’s inquiries about the witches (who he either didn’t see or pretends not to have seen? Normally, I’d lean towards the former but given his history, WHO THE HELL KNOWS?!)
And THEN! He straight-up tells Macbeth that Macduff has fled to England which SEEMS TO SURPRISE HIM despite the fact that we learned in the last scene that learning of Macduff’s flight put him into a rage! And to further confuse matters, Lennox lies about the circumstances of his discovery of this information saying “'Tis two or three, my lord, that bring you word / Macduff is fled to England.” Assuming he’s talking about the previous scene (and what else would he be talking about unless there is a scene missing?), this is blatantly untrue! One guy came by and Lennox had a weirdly manipulative discussion with him in order to get Macduff’s location out of him. There were not “two or three” people and the one guy who did come certainly didn’t seem to be there to tell Macbeth (who he personally called a tyrant) about the whereabouts of his enemies.
Either this is a major editorial error or Lennox is playing some very weird game of shifty loyalties. The former interpretation may well be true given this play’s oddities (it’s strangely short and has some obvious non-Shakespeare additions like the Hecate/witch song scene which was added (probably) by Middleton), but that’s not very fun, so let’s go with the latter.
I think the best way to call everything we’ve learned in these scenes canon AND not directly contradictory is to say that what Macbeth was initially angry about was Malcolm’s flight to England, not Macduff’s. There is really no way to reconcile the idea that Macbeth has sent for Macduff to return from England with the idea that he is just finding out about his flight in the next scene. The only way I can make sense of this is that these scenes have been reversed or otherwise edited (perhaps 3.6’s Lennox is meant to be Ross, perhaps there is text missing that changes the meaning… WHO KNOWS.) but if we’re going to call it canon, I guess the best thing we can do to make this series of events make any sense without completely changing every line spoken is to say that Macbeth knows that Malcolm has fled to England and is upset and that he knows that Macduff did not attend the banquet and therefore sent to him to return, to which Macduff sent back the 1060 equivalent of “fuck off” and ran off to England.
(PLEASE tell me if I’m missing something here. This is driving me UP THE WALL and it seems nobody else has questioned it??)
Anyway, with this messy attempt to make the given canon make any sense, the implication is then that Lennox manipulated Unnamed Lord into giving him the information he wanted about Macduff’s whereabouts by pretending to be on the side of the rebels. He then double-crosses them by informing Macbeth and doesn’t argue in the slightest when Macbeth declares (in what is shockingly not an aside, at least in my text) that he’s going to murder Macduff’s entire family. Maybe he’s afraid to speak up, maybe this is where he changes his mind about Macbeth… but if that’s the case, why would hearing Macbeth’s propaganda—which he seems to know is wrong per the last scene—not be enough for him? Why can he recognize that Macbeth is a tyrant but only while trying to squeeze information out of someone? What does he want? I think the only reasonable explanation (beyond “this text is corrupt”) is that Lennox wants power and sides with whoever seems to be winning at the moment—and at this point, that’s Macbeth.
9. Act 5 Scene 2
To make everything a little extra confusing, the next time Lennox appears, he has suddenly joined the rebel army and seems to have a position of rank among them (he has a “file / Of all the gentry” in Malcolm’s army SOMEHOW—something that no one else seems to have).
The only way I can think to explain this is that EITHER hearing Macbeth declare his plans to murder a woman and her children or realizing that Malcolm has become the most likely victor in the battle caused him to switch sides. That, or he was pretending to be on Macbeth’s side and therefore double-crossing Macbeth by pretending to double-cross the rebels (but if that was the case, why give him accurate intelligence?!)
With how incredibly wishy-washy Lennox’s loyalties (and, honestly, morals) have been up to this point, I think I interpret his joining of the rebel cause as a risk/gains assessment in which he decided he’s more likely to come out on top if he sides with Malcolm. Maybe my view is overly cynical, but I think Lennox is a character who is motivated by ambition just like Macbeth and will side with whoever seems to have power in the moment. He knows how to use rhetoric to his advantage and absolutely does so, regardless of morality.
10. (Later scenes in Act 5)
Depending on the editor, sometimes Lennox silently appears with the other Thanes in various scenes in act 5, but Folger does not include him, so I won’t cover this. It isn’t very important other than to confirm he survives the battle, which seems reasonably safe to assume either way.
Overall, I’m not sure I answered any of my questions. I’m curious to see what others think about the 3.6/4.1 inconsistencies—is it an editorial error? Have I completely missed something obvious that makes it consistent somehow?
If I had to say what I think Lennox’s deal is at this point, I’d say he’s an ambitious young Thane who takes the side of the powerful for his own advancement but is shaken by Macbeth’s brutality which may turn him prematurely to the side of the rebels before their victory is quite secured.
If we are meant to take this scene ordering and allocation of lines as canon, I don’t think Lennox is faking his loyalty to Macbeth—why would he give up seemingly valuable information and put Macduff’s entire household in danger if that were the case? I think he is loyal, probably for his own sake (he seems to know that Macbeth is dangerous and disregards it), but doesn’t realize just how far Macbeth is willing to go for power. I imagine his role in the murders of Macduff’s family upsets him deeply and perhaps causes him to turn his back on Macbeth and join the rebels by act 5. He’s young, naive, and ambitious, clever with his use of rhetoric (see: 3.6 manipulation tactics), but inexperienced, leading him to underestimate Macbeth and try to justify his own loyalty by pretending he doesn’t suspect that Macbeth played a hand in Duncan and Banquo’s murders.
Aaaaand I wrote a whole fanfiction about this if you’d like a narrative version rather than this analytic one! Here’s a link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/54264247
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1000-year-old-virgin · 5 months
200 Best Songs of 2023
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ILIRA - Work of Art
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PinkPantheress & Ice Spice – Boy's a liar Pt. 2
Ryan Destiny - Lie Like That
Latto ft. LU KALA - Lottery
Chrissy Chlapecka - I'm So Hot
Ashnikko - Don't Look at It
serpentwithfeet - Gonna Go
Don Toliver ft. Lil Durk & GloRilla- Leave The Club
Don Toliver ft. James Blake - Let Her Go
Miley Cyrus - Flowers
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Meghan Trainor - Mother
Ice Spice & Nicki Minaj - Princess Diana (Remix)
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Astrid S - Come First
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Katie Belle - The Best You'll Ever Have
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Jeremy Zucker - OK
CXLOE - Flight Risk
Josh Levi - See Low
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Chappell Roan - HOT TO GO!
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GAYLE - Leave Me For Dead
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COBRAH - 10/10
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Megan Thee Stallion - Cobra
Nick Wilson - For You It Was Him
Nick Wilson - Way Back
Ice Spice - Deli
Enchanting - Needy
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Kylie Minogue - Padam Padam
Summer Walker - Girls Need Love (Girls Mix) ft. Tyla / Victoria Monet / Tink
Tate McRae - exes
Tove Lo - I like u
Kim Petras - Je T'Adore
Doechii - Booty Drop
Kim Petras - Claws
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Kim Petras - uhoh
Borgore x Cupcakke x Chase Icon - Abracadabra
Clinton Kane - DISAPPEAR
Nicki Minaj - Big Difference
Nicki Minaj - Pink Friday Girls
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Flo Milli - Never Lose Me
Kim Petras - Thousand Pieces
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The Last Dinner Party - My Lady of Mercy
Shania Twain - Waking Up Dreaming
Nicki Minaj - Fallin 4 U
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Nicki Minaj - FTCU
Madison Rose - Girls Girls Girls
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Miley Cyrus - Violet Chemistry
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Maiya The Don - Luv U Better
The Last Dinner Party - Nothing Matters
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Nicki Minaj - Beep Beep
Nicki Minaj - Pink Birthday
Duckwrth - Big Bewts
Nicki Minaj - My Life
Trippie Redd & BANKS - Saint Michael Myers
Tamera - Frozen
Shygirl & CoSha - Thicc
Ari Lennox - Get Close
Flo Milli - Fruit Loop
Mette - For The People
Amaarae - Angels in Tibet
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The OMG Girlz - Lover Boy
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2022's List
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pureanonofficial · 1 year
The Secret Garden (2018 Pre-Broadway Lab): Friday, March 3, 2023, 10 p.m EST
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Now that the hopefully Pre-Broadway run of The Secret Garden has officially begun its run in L.A., it is the perfect time to stream the The Secret Garden (2018 Pre-Broadway lab) starring Sierra Boggess, Clifton Duncan, and Drew Gehling again! Back in 2021, the proshot workshop of the current Broadway-hopeful production of this show was streamed. Thus we now have a very interesting look at this production in process! 
This is so cool to me because this is so incredibly rare!! To see a potential Broadway production in rehearsal, sans costumes and sets?? That’s such a fascinating look into the process!
Also, this show is one of the most beautiful shows in general I have ever seen. Whether it is fully-staged, a concert, or even a rehearsal, the heart of this show shines through. It is a story about Mary Lennox, a sullen young girl who moves to Yorkshire after her parents die of cholera.  She is sent to stay with her uncle, who has wallowed in his grief over the death of his wife for ten years. Throughout the course of the story, Mary, and the people around her grow and change. It is a beautiful story about grief, healing, ghosts, and the power of gardens. It also has some of the most beautiful music I have ever heard in a musical (Lily’s Eyes is from this show.)
I cannot possibly recommend this show enough. It is a must-see, and if you can, I hope you come see it! If nothing else, come catch a glimpse at this production that now has Broadway hopes!
Link and password will be posted at 9:45.
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beardedmrbean · 2 months
DUNCAN, S.C. (FOX Carolina) - The South Carolina Law Enforcement Division said three family members have been charged in connection to the disturbing death of a special needs 13-year-old from Spartanburg County.
An investigation was launched into the death of Robert Blake Fish, who passed away on Oct. 8, 2022. He was diagnosed with Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome earlier in life, a severe medical condition that causes epilepsy and other developmental delays.
When first responders were called to his home in the fall of 2022, investigators said they found Fish left out on the porch. The teen was only 47 pounds when he died, officials said.
After an autopsy was completed, the coroner’s office listed Fish’s death as malnutrition and dehydration. Other significant conditions included withholding seizure medication, the coroner reported.
The teen was supposed to be on multiple different medications according to authorities, but he was not being given them by his mother, Hope Fish. Investigators said they found a bottle of seizure medicine for Fish at the home that had been filled five months earlier - and still had 85 pills inside.
After a lengthy investigation, Hope Fish, Freddie Fish II and Freddie Fish Senior were all charged and booked into the Spartanburg County Detention Center on April 24.
Hope Fish has been charged with murder, felony child abuse and unlawful neglect towards a child.
Freddie Fish II, the victim’s uncle, is facing accessory to murder and unlawful neglect towards a child charges.
Freddie Fish Sr., his grandfather, has been charged with unlawful neglect towards a child.
Hope Fish, Freddie Fish II and Freddie Fish Senior were all charged and booked into the Spartanburg County Detention Center
When Hope Fish was working, Freddie Fish Sr. was the boy’s primary caretaker. Officials said Freddie Fish II was also a trained caretaker and did not help him.
During a bond hearing on Thursday afternoon, Hope Fish and Freddie Fish II were denied bond. Freddie Fish Sr. was given a $5,000 bond.
According to an obituary for the 13-year-old he “never met a stranger” and was “always smiling and making those around him laugh.” He loved Mickey Mouse, Christmas and milkshakes from Cookout.
“Robert was the definition of an angel on earth,” his obituary says.
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brilledcheese · 10 months
The REAL M*cb*th!!!!!
M*cb*th: A man so cursed you cannot even say his name in a theater, lest all hell breaks loose. Has the most obscure weaknesses.
Lady M*cb*th: The Ultimate Girlboss™. A total badass. Has given suck.
Banquo: The sexiest man in the whole show (aka the ONLY smart one). Gets ALL the witches.
The Witches: Chaos incarnate. Create an environment that is so toxic.
Fleance: (*flees*)
Seyton: Sounds awfully similar to Satan for some reason. Coincidence???
Ross: Knows everything for some reason. “That’s why their hair is so big; it’s full of secrets.” 🤫
Lennox: “The Earth was feverish and did…shake…shake shake senora”
Angus: Beef with beef.
Macduff: Hello. My name is Macduff. You killed my family. Prepare to die.
Duncan: Way too trusting. Gets backstabbed twice because of it.
Malcolm: (*Also Flees*)
Porter: Doorman of Hell and King of Knock-Knock Jokes.
Bloody Captain: Some guy you see for five minutes at the beginning and never hear from again. Probably dead.
Lady Macduff: Mom of the Year™
Young Macduff: A child. Egg🥚. That’s it.
Siward: The one you can count on to hype up a crowd. Especially an army to usurp the tyrannical King of Scotland.
Young Siward: ���I have the power of god and anime on my side!”
Gentlewoman: (*whatthefuckisgoingon?!*)
Doctor: Gives serious “F*ck this sh*t, I’m out!” vibes. Brooklyn accent. Probably a nerd.
Murderers: What, you egg?? (*stabs him*)
***Note: This is based on my college’s production of M*cb*th. Some characters were cut to shorten the show as we had a run at a different theater for high schoolers.
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scotianostra · 1 year
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On May 21st 1424 James I was eventually crowned King at Moot Hill, Scone.I 
 say eventually because by time his father Robert III died, James was a prisoner of the English, his Uncle, The Duke of Albany quite liked being the ruler, in all but name and was in no hurry to even negotiate to bring his nephew home, and so it took 18 years for his coronation to take place.
James had scores to settle, and here is a wee rundown of the events on and around this day back then.
The 21 of Maij, 1424, K. James the First, with his Queine, Jeane, wer solemly crouned at Scone.
The 26 of this same mounthe, K. James the 1. called a parliament of his estaits at Perth; and one the 9 day of the said parliament, he caussed arrest Murdack, Duck of Albaney, Earle of Fyffe and Menteith, with his 2d sone, Sr Alexander Steuarte, quhom he had knighted the day of his coronatione at Scone, and with them 26 others, viz.
Archbald, Earle of Douglas,
Will: Douglas, Earle of Angus,
George Dumbar, Earle of Marche,
Sr Adam Hepburne of Hailles,
Sr Thomas Hay of Zester,
Valter Halyburtone,
Valter Ogluey,
Dauid Steuarte of Rassythe,
Alex: Settone of Gordon,
Will: Erskyne of Kinoule,
Alex: Earle of Craufurd,
Patrick Ogiluey of Ochterhousse,
Jhone Steuarte of Dundonald,
Dauid Murray of Gaske,
Jo: Steuarte of Cardine,
William, Lord Hay, Grate Constable,
Jo: Scrymgeour of Didope,
Alex: Irwin of Drum,
Herbert Maxwoll of Carlauerock,
Herbert Harries of Terregils,
Androw Gray of Fouills,
Robert Cuninghame of Kilmuers,
Will: Crighton of the same,
Alex: Ramsay of Dalhousey.
This same day he arrest, lykwayes, Sr Johne Montgomerey of the same, and Allane Otterburne, secretarey to the Duck of Albaney; and they too wer releassed within three dayes.
This same zeire, James Steuarte, the Duck of Albaneys youngest sone, quho had escaped the Kings hands wnpprehendit, raisses such forces as he could, burns the toune of Dunbritton, kills Johne Steuarte, (called the Read) of Dundonald, and 32 more, and then, with his fathers old secretarey, Finlaw, Bis: of Argyle, fleis to Irland.
And the following year…..
This zeire, 1425, the Lordes of Montgomery and Kilauers, with Sr Humfrey Cuninghame, are sent by the King with ane armey to beseidge the castell of Kilmauerrin, now Loche Lomond, keipt aganist authority by the partey of James Steuarte, the youngest sone of Murdack, Duck of Albaney.
Justice  seems to have been quite slow back then, two years on from his coronation we have…….
The 18 day of Maij, this zeire, 1426, the King adiorned his parliament to Streueling from Perth, till the 24 day of the said mounthe; befor quhom wes accussid Walter Steuart, eldest sone to Murdack, Duck of Albaney, quho receuid sentence of death, and lost his head this same day, befor the castell one a litell rocke; and one the morrow, lykwayes, Murdack, Duck of Albane, with his 2d sone, Alexander Steuarte, and hes father in law, Duncane, Earle of Lennox, being accusid, wer all 4 forfaulted, and condemned to losse ther heades, by an assise of ther peirs. The assierrs wer:-
Walter, Earle of Athole,
Archbald, 3d of that name, E. of Douglas,
Alex: Earle of Ross, Lord of the Iles,
Alex: Steuarte, Earle of Mar,
Will: Douglas, Earle of Angus,
Will: St. Clair, Earle of Orknay,
George Dumbar, Earle of Marche,
James Douglas, Lord Balueney,
Gilbert Hay, Lord of Erole, Grate Constable,
Robert Steuarte, Lord Lorne,
Sr Jo: Montgomerey of the same,
Sr Thomas Somerwaill of the same,
Sr Herbert Harries of Terregills,
James Douglas, L. Dalkeith,
Robert Cuninghame, L. Kilmauers,
Sr Alex: Leuingston of Calender,
Sr Thomas Hay of Locharret,
Sr Will: Borthwick of the same,
Sr Patrick Ogiluey, Shriffe of Angus,
Sr Jo: Forrester of Corstorphin,
Sr Walter Ogiluey of Lintrathen.
By thir assisers they wer forfaulted, and sentenced to losse ther heads; wiche was put to executione one a litle rocke be east Streuelin castle, this same monithe. After wich forfaultrey, the King seassed ther haill estaits in his hands, and caussed, in this same parliament, annex the earledome of Fyffe to the croune.
With all these executions James made enemies and had a busy time quelling rebellions throughout the rest of his reign until……
One the 21 day of Februarij, in the zeire 1437, was the noble King James the 1. killed at the abbey of the Dominicans, in the toune of Perth, by Robert Steuarte and Robert Grhame, at the instigatione of Walter Steuarte, Earle of Athole, his wnckell, in the 13 zeire of his rainge. His corpes wer solemly interrid in a magnificent monument erected by himselue, (quhill he liued,) in his lait foundit monastarey of the Carthusians, in the subvrbs of Perth.
This zeire are the parrcidall traitourts led lyke doges, in halters, to Edinbrughe, quher Walter, Earle of Athole, the cheiffe actor of this woefull tragidey, was tortured one ane ingyne made for the purpois; and with a croune of hote burning irone, was crouned at the crosse of Edinbrugh; and therafter his heart was pulled out of his breast, and rost in a fyre befor his eyes, by the executioner, then cast to the doges to eat; then was his head cutt offe, and hes bodey dewydit in 4 quarters, and sent to the 4 quarters of the realme, and ther hunge vpe one irone gibetts.
Robert Steuart was riuen assunder betuix four horses, and his head sent to Perth, and fixed one ane iron pin aboue the toune gail.
Robert Grhame was tayed with ropes in a cairte, quherin wes a heigh loge of wood, quherone wes nailled that hand that strake the King, with a naile of burning hote iron; the quhole musckells of hes bodey being cut in longe slitts, was fristed with flaming hote irone pincetts, by tuo executioners; and after the lyffe was quyte out of him, his bodey was dewydit in 4 quarters, and erected one gibetts at the end of the 4 most publick wayes of the kingdome; and his head was sett ouer the west port of Edinbrugh.
So although his reign is officially just short of 31 years he actually ruled for around 13 years before his murder, he was 42 years old.
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duncankinnie · 2 years
hello lgbtd community. everyone has their hcs for the names of every contestant but here are mine. almost every name has a meaning or reason, see if u can figure them all out (under the cut bc long)
Alejandro Burromuerto Amelia "Amy" & Samantha "Sammy" Baines Anne Maria Campana B Thompson James "Beardo" Davis Elizabeth "Beth" Young Mildred "Blaineley" O'Halloran Brick McArthur Bridgette Warren Brody Valiente Cameron Wilkins Carissa "Carrie" Deering Chet Ramsey Cody Anderson Courtney Rosales-Ortiz Rachel "Crimson" Aston Dakota Milton David "Dave" Mishra Dawn Lennox Devin Phan Devon Joseph "DJ" Daniels Jacob Duncan (known by his last name) Dwayne Tate Sr. & Dwayne Tate Jr. (known as Junior) Eleanor "Ella" Yukimura Ellody Joshi Emma & Katherine "Kitty" Guo Rhys "Ennui" Harlan Eva Kovalenko Ezekiel Durand Geoff Whitney Gerald "Gerry" Lister Gwendolyn "Gwen" Sawyer Harold McGrady V Heather Arashi Isabella "Izzy" Barrett Jacques Duchamps Jasmine Irving Jason "Jay" & Michael "Mickey" Kemp Jennifer "Jen" Prescott Joanne "Jo" Farran Josee Gagnon Justin Keawe Katrina "Katie" Ibarra Kelly Cochrane-Frost (maiden name is Cochrane) & Taylor Frost Laurie Everett Leonard Alvey Leshawna Harris Rudolph "Lightning" Jackson Lindsay Pearce Lorenzo Milano Valentina "MacArthur" Escobar Mary Spurling Maximillian "Max" Clemens Michael "Mike" Guerra, Chester Confortola, Svetlana Lebedev, Vito Valentini, Manitoba Smith, & Malatesta "Mal" Scordato Miles Sharpe Noah Mudaliar Owen Foster Diego "Pete" Montero Jonas "Rock" Carlson Rodney Turnbull Ryan Robinson Sarah "Sadie" Im Samuel "Sam" Rosenberg Imani Sanders Scarlett Flannery Scott Yates Shawn Alamilla Sierra Klossner Sky Sun Dustin "Spud" Belcher Staci Mallory Stephanie Jefferson Sugar Boyle Tamara "Tammy" Blythe Tom McConnell Christopher "Topher" Townsend Trent Hedley Tyler Anderson Zoey Hope
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forensicated · 4 months
Found a rather long list of quotes on an external HD whilst sorting. I assume it's from Sierra-Oscar as otherwise I don't remember compiling it, especially as they're not all the fun ones! So below - the first two pages! Will add more here and there.
*Mickey and Duncan are going to see Santa, who is now rehearsing for Panto* Mickey: "He's behind you!" Duncan: "Oh, no he's not!" Mickey: Tell you what - it is a right laugh at murder….gallous humour me governor calls it Mickey: Good old Debbie with that big fat mouth of hers. Mickey: He held me in his arms…the grumpy old DCI….gruff Jack Meadows the guv’nor….he let me hug him…. Andrea: Really? Tell me more? Mickey: I could tell you loads girl, but I’d have to shoot ya! Andrea: What about Inspector Gold, she’s a right character! Mickey: Well she is a bit of an old dragon…..rumour has it that her and Okaro had an affair….in about 1922… Andrea: *laughs* come off it….she’s not that old….*drinks* Her and Okaro were a couple?! Eva: *walks up behind and slams the evidence bag on the table* CCTV Footage….Alan Shields office… Andrea: I….I better be going…. Mickey: Yeah….see you later…. Andrea: See you later….. *walks off* Mickey: timing….I was in there! Eva: I’ll buy a hat for the wedding….come on….. Debbie: She’s going to MIT? Jack: Do you have a problem with that? Debbie: No - I just…err… Mickey: Don’t kid yourself Debbie….please!!! Debbie: *Scottish accent* Something about the crime scene just didn’t add up, so I thought I’d flutter my incredibly long eyelashes at the DI…I mean I’m so clever! Mickey: Debbie… *Debbie looks round and sees Andrea stood behind her* Mickey: You sticking around? Andrea: Well, I’d love to….but I’ve gotta be somewhere else… Kerry: Oooh - a man!? Andrea: Just a friend! *walks off* Mickey: I thought I was in there! Kerry: You and every man in the place…..where’s my drink? Mickey: So - you’re gonna be training with my squad for 6 months….you reckon you can handle it? Eva: I’ll be showing you up mate! Mickey: Ooh come and have a go girl if you think you’re hard enough!
Smithy: The lido? Reg: Yeah - open air swimming pool….actually that one’s the scene of my triumph as a young man….. Smithy: What triumph? *Reg beckons him on, Smithy sighs and follows* Mr Hipkiss: It’s kids….they get in via the broken security grills…. Smithy: Well perhaps you need to replace the broken security grills…. Smithy: Alright every one, listen up, we’re all really pleased that Des has been nicked, and by us, not MIT….but we need to decide how we’re gonna handle him…so…off the record, no rank *sits down* Phil: Who’s on custody? June: I am Phil: Can you sort out the CCTV? June: Why? Phil: Cos some of us might like to pay Des a visit….you know what I mean… Tony: Well forget it….you heard what the Super said…anything happened to Des while he’s here, and his brief will have a field day! Phil: He killed 6 coppers Tony! Tony: Yeah – and they were my friends – not yours! Nick: And mine….you saying I shouldn’t spit in his food? Tony: Well if you do that Nick, where we gonna draw the line? Nick: *looks at Smithy* Speak freely right? Cool….well personally Tony I’d like to kick his head in….are you telling me that you wouldn’t? Tony: Yes I am…. Nick: Right…. Smithy: Ok…let’s calm down…now Des has made fools out of us for a long time….and I know we’d like to pay him back for that…and we are gonna get our chance…. Nick: Yes we will…. Smithy: Yeah – in a court of law Tony: Hear hear… Smithy: What if Des stands up in court and says we intimidated him? Who knows….he might even walk free…..what would the families of the people who died think of us then? Gary: Scum…. Smithy: Let’s not give him a glimmer of hope…. Phil: Oh come on! Smithy: Nobody touches him, nobody spits in his food….no-one even looks at him funny….while he’s in this nick, we treat him like royalty! Phil: Royalty! Are you taking the mick? June: Well I agree with Smithy….show him we’ve got a bit of bloody dignity – even if he hasn’t…..*all stand up and leave* Polly: Well said Tone…. Tony: Cheers Pol…I’m not too sure Nick isn’t right though! Smithy "But if I am right, and he was raped, he'll need support won't he?" Debbie (under her breath) "Lucky him!"
Smithy - 'But our clubs just a bit of a laugh, that's all.' Gina - 'Not if Gabriel Kent's behind it all.' Smithy - 'What's your problem with Gabriel?' Gina - 'Cos he's bad news. And you'll find that out in your own sweet time.' Gina: I quoted him word for word. He said you're a homophobe... Smithy: Not at all Gina: ...that you're a disgrace on the service... Smithy: That's not right Gina: ...and - and this is the part I particularly like - that you're probably just trying to hide your own side underneath it all! Gina: *To Smithy* "You've got a couple of keen officers. *Smithy looks puzzled.* Beauty and the Beast?" Smithy: "Sorry Ma'am?" Gina: "PC's Young and Taviner."
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dear-indies · 3 months
Hello Cat and Mouse! If it's possible can I get some alts for Hel*n Mi**en? I had her as a proud matriarch of a family of druids but now I need someone else that can give off the same vibes. Not Susan Sarandon, she's a queen but I'm already using her. Thanks in advance!
Judi Dench (1934)
Vanessa Redgrave (1937) - is pro Palestine!
Lily Tomlin (1939) - is a lesbian.
Blythe Danner (1943)
Youn Yuh Jung (1947) Chinese.
Glenn Close (1947)
Jacki Weaver (1947)
Kathy Bates (1948)
Phylicia Rashad (1948) African-American.
Loretta Devine (1949) African-American.
Jessica Lange (1949)
Sigourney Weaver (1949)
Julie Walters (1950)
Lindsay Duncan (1950)
Shabana Azmi (1950) Indian.
Lillias White (1951) African-American.
Shohreh Aghdashloo (1952) Iranian.
Annie Lennox (1954) - is pro Palestine!
Hope this helps!
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merciless-macdonwald · 7 months
more under the cut but it's got powers, how ppl are related, and their general vibes.
warning: EXTREMELY long post. if i messed up somewhere (rip) it's because this is so long lmao
noncanon characters: Lulach, Gillecomgain, Suthen, Malmuire, Galloway, Atholl, Lewis, Aberdeen, Sutherland, Aelflaed
Bethad mac Findláech (Macbeth) (he/him)
Power: Very strong telepathy and telekinesis.
Relationships: Married to Gruoch. Foster-father of Lulach. Cousin of Gillecomgain.
Vibes: Ambitious. Very good at taking orders. (Not so good at being allowed to do his own thing.) Literally a weapon. Loyal as a dog, but if he thinks he might be betrayed, he’ll strike first.
Gruoch (Lady Macbeth) (she/her)
Power: Can manipulate blood (her own as well as others’).
Relationships: Married to Bethad but was once married to Gillecomgain. Mother of Lulach.
Vibes: Extremely analytical. Manufactures a lot about her appearance/vibes to manipulate others. She knows how to navigate the world, and she’s well aware of what she can and can’t do.
Lulach mac Gillecomgain (he/him)
Power: Can control plants.
Relationships: Son of Gillecomgain and Gruoch. Foster son of Bethad.
Vibes: Baby. Honestly about 9 years old though. Looks up to his mom and dad, but is still generally timid. Afraid of any fire larger than a candle flame.
Gillecomgain mac Máel Brigte (he/him)
Power: Can control plants.
Relationships: Was married to Gruoch. Father of Lulach. Cousin of Bethad.
Vibes: Ambitious (it runs in the family) but a lot worse at keeping his own secrets.
Dàibhidh mac Duff (Macduff) (he/him)
Power: Has the power to summon a spectral weapon, which he can shape into a sword, a greataxe, or a shield (only one at a time). In its latent form, it appears as a ring with an obsidian set in it.
Relationships: Married to Mairead. Father of Tàmhas and Eilidh.
Vibes: Tries to play it cool but if someone he cares about gets hurt he will have a panic attack.
Mairead (Lady Macduff) (she/her)
Power: Can heal wounds.
Relationships: Married to Dàibhidh but like. could also be gay for Gruoch. Mother of Tàmhas and Eilidh.
Vibes: Will offer to heal your wounds. Will slap your hand lightly with a wooden spoon if you try to take a bread roll without washing your hands.
Banquo mac Cináeda (he/him)
Power: Can leave his own body to possess the bodies of others. Doing so leaves his body in a catatonic state. He can choose to make himself visible as a spirit, but it takes a great deal of effort.
Relationships: Father of Fleance. Was married to Caitriona.
Vibes: Protective of Fleance, sometimes to a fault. Far more perceptive than Macbeth, though he doesn’t like rushing in without knowing all the details.
Fleance mac Banquo (he/him)
Power: Can read the minds of others.
Relationships: Son of Banquo and Caitriona.
Vibes: Going through his rebellious phase but trying to be polite about it. Likes how Uncle Bethad will let him get away with things his dad won’t.
Duncan mac Crinain (he/him)
Power: Can command others with his voice.
Relationships: Husband of Suthen and father of Malcolm, Donalbain, and Malmuire.
Vibes: Plain as white bread. Finds comfort in convention and routine, to the extent that he forces his subjects to take part in the same.
Suthen (she/her)
Power: Half-dragon. Can shapeshift her body to manifest dragon-like features, such as a tail, wings, or claws. Can also breathe fire.
Relationships: Wife of Duncan and mother of Malcolm, Donalbain, and Malmuire. Sister of Siward.
Vibes: Tries to see how much she can get away with behind Duncan’s back. Not immune to a little Silly™ now and again.
Malcolm mac Donnchada (he/they)
Power: Can see into the past and future. Can be struck by visions involuntarily.
Relationships: Oldest child of Duncan and Suthen. Sibling of Donalbain and Malmuire.
Vibes: Many thoughts head full (negative). Definitely feeling a lot of that Prince of Cumberland pressure.
Donalbain mac Donnchada (he/him)
Power: Can command people through song, with lyrics determining the intended effect.
Relationships: Middle child of Duncan and Suthen. Brother of Malcolm and Malmuire.
Vibes: Not super talkative. Struggles with an inferiority complex but tries not to take it out on Malcolm. Definitely not the favourite child and he knows it.
Malmuire mac Donnchada (she/they)
Power: Can create illusions in great detail.
Relationships: Youngest child of Duncan and Suthen. Sister of Malcolm and Donalbain.
Vibes: Third in line for the throne let’s gooooo (airhorn). Definitely acts as her siblings’ “they asked for no pickles” voice.
Rothach (Ross) (he/they)
Power: Can shapeshift into other people.
Relationships: In a poly relationship with Angus, Lennox, Menteith, and Caithness.
Vibes: Sly, sneaky, silly little guy. If he and the other thanes were to play D&D, this man would be a rogue. Stealth archer.
Ronan Bearach (Angus) (he/him)
Power: Can manipulate gold, silver, and bronze.
Relationships: In a poly relationship with Ross, Lennox, Menteith, and Caithness. Older brother of Charles (Galloway).
Vibes: Slow to trust and extremely protective of those he loves. Very much a “fool me twice, shame on me” kind of person.
Fionnlagh (Lennox) (they/them)
Power: Can manipulate and channel electricity.
Relationships: In a poly relationship with Ross, Angus, Menteith, and Caithness.
Vibes: Pleasant and generally optimistic. Has the kind of personality that makes you want to edit them with a flower crown. Sensitive to others’ emotions.
Floireans (Menteith) (she/they)
Power: Can charm/pacify the feelings of others with any instrument. (She favours the lute and the flute.)
Relationships: In a poly relationship with Ross, Angus, Lennox, and Caithness.
Vibes: Just wants everyone to sit down and chill a little. Not afraid to yell at people for yelling at her family and friends.
Teàrlaidh (Caithness) (he/him)
Power: Can manipulate dirt, stone, and clay.
Relationships: In a poly relationship with Ross, Angus, Lennox, and Menteith.
Vibes: The one who tries to keep everyone in line. Also the quietest of the minor thanes.
Maolsneachda (Cawdor) (he/him)
Power: Super strength that can only be accessed via cannibalism.
Relationships: In a relationship with Macdonwald. Keeps flirting with + killing and eating other people though. Macdonwald’s fine with it because he also eats people.
Vibes: Capable of long-term manipulation. However, he’s also notoriously impatient and tends to act in his own interest.
Macdonwald mac Ruaidhrí (he/him)
Power: Can alter the memories (and therefore opinions) of others with his words.
Relationships: In a relationship with Maolsneachda (Cawdor).
Vibes: Enjoys saying what’s on his mind but knows when to stay quiet. Generally works in the interest of self-preservation (except for everything with Cawdor, I guess).
Charles (Galloway) (he/him)
Power: Can manipulate glass.
Relationships: Brother of Ronan Bearach (Angus). Got romanced, killed, and eaten by Cawdor.
Vibes: Has big cottagecore cow energy. Pleasant and agreeable, and a bit too trusting. Easily scared into silence, however.
Taran (Atholl) (he/they)
Power: Can transform into different animals.
Relationships: Got romanced, killed, and eaten by Cawdor. 
Vibes: Very rowdy and free-spirited. Never one to back down from a challenge (for better or for worse). 
Kenna (Lewis) (he/she/they)
Power: Can grow or shrink in size (up to 2x or 0.25x their height).
Relationships: Got romanced, killed, and eaten by Cawdor. 
Vibes: Generally shy and insecure. Doesn’t like loud noises or crowded places. Thinks snowy winter mornings are the best kind.
Luc (Aberdeen) (he/him)
Power: Can manipulate the emotions of others with his voice. 
Relationships: Brother of Seyton. Close friends with Sutherland. 
Vibes: Charismatic, though that might just be his power forcing everyone to think so. Majored in being condescendingly suave. 
Artair (Sutherland) (he/him)
Power: Can put other people to sleep. 
Relationships: Close friends with Aberdeen. 
Vibes: Extremely unbothered. Like “stack 12 pieces of bread on him” unbothered. He tries not to get involved with things that are too much for him to handle. 
Seyton (he/him)
Power: Can form bargains with others (much like fey or demons) and can even agree to trade intangible things/concepts.
Relationships: Brother of Luc (Aberdeen).
Vibes: Keeps his true motives extremely secret. Definitely not doing anything to get Macbeth to like him, but Macbeth knows he needs Seyton around.
Siward (he/him)
Power: Half-dragon. Can shapeshift his body to manifest dragon-like features, such as a tail, wings, or claws. Can also breathe fire.
Relationships: Suthen’s sibling. Married to Aelflaed. Father of Osbjorn.
Vibes: Chaos. Ambitious but in a funny way.
Aelflaed (she/her)
Power: Can alter people’s visual and emotional perceptions of her. Can also mimic voices with ease.
Relationships: Married to Siward. Mother of Osbjorn. 
Vibes: Very sweet but also capable of using her powers to cause mischief. Definitely gets along with Ross. 
Osbjorn (he/him)
Power: Can transform into animals. Can also breathe fire. 
Relationships: Son of Siward and Aelflaed. 
Vibes: Chaos incarnate. Takes after his dad. 
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bonitamusic · 1 year
Tracklist : 
Asal Hazel - About it (ruff)
Jayd Ink - Stuck on earth
Iaingotacluebruh - Playing games
Jordan Ward, Joyce Wrice - Sidekick
Amaka - Cruisin'
wntr. - Blind
Terri Walker - Finally over you
Full Crate - The Blk Lt$ - The river
Kennedy Rd. - Do it
Enny - 2am in Central
Enny - U shld Heal
Bri Steves - GAF ft. Guapdad 4000
FTP - Snooze in the rain (SZA edit)
King sis - Day 1
Jaz Karis - Therapy
Duncan Gerow - Ari Lennox + South Circle = Waste my time
Kiezin - Heyyy Tems
Jean Deaux - Comin over
Jean Deaux - When I dip
Jaz Karis - Side of you (Soulchyld edit)
Ginge - Sololove
Hunter Rose - What you wanna do? (Remix)
Tayah - Hotel suite 31
Sholah Ama - Not us
Kaisha - Crossroads
Kaisha - Back to me
Enchantée Julia, Astronne - J'apaise
Ntjam Rosie - Space of you
Peter Somuah, Latanya Alberto - Moonlight
Merges - Cool
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kwebtv · 9 months
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Big Breadwinner Hog  -  ITV  -  April 11, 1969  -  May 30, 1969
Thriller (8 episodes)
Running Time:  50 minutes
Peter Egan as Hogarth
 Rosemary McHale as Edge
Godfrey Quigley as Ryan
Neil Freeman as Pritchard
Barry Linehan as Spicer
Tony Steedman as Singleton
Timothy West as Lennox
Hamilton Dyce as Gould
Priscilla Morgan as Moira
Donald Burton as Ackerman
Brian McDermott as Greenwood
Alan Browning as Izzard
David Leland as Grange
James Hunter as Raymond
Frederick Hall as Croxted
Sandra Duncan as Prudence
Tenniel Evans as Nicholson
Arthur Pentelow as Walker
John Horsley as Parker
Peter Thomas as Raspberry
John Challis as Operative
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