#dental aid
karekuat · 3 months
help me get my tooth fixed maybee <3
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So, around last week one of my molars split in half and it's been causing me a lot of pain every day. Unfortunately I don't have the finances to get it treated right now, so if anyone is interesting in commissioning me or even just helping out, I would greatly appreciate it !!
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Commission T.O.S and Order Information
[I also take Venmo and Cashapp !!]
Please rb signal boost is appreciated <33
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notacyborg · 3 months
Sorry I tagged my fandoms but if you folks could share this to get more eyes on it.
I have an infection in my gums and need some teeth extracted and either a bridge or implants put in, as I grind my teeth, and have a tooth that has been missing for 25 years in my mouth there is a lot of work that needs to be done.
The teen grinding and a few of the other things that need to be done are not covered by my dental insurance because they are considered, cosmetic.
I have a dental appointment tomorrow to get and Idea of the total cost, the 6000 is an estimate on how much the surgery for the infection in my gum will cost, and after this, I will be save to cover all future maintenance.
I am partly in the hole right now, because I have been flying back and forth between here and Vegas as my mother is in end of life hospice care, and I have been taking time off to help my family care for her and say my good byes.
If you can't donate sharing this would be wonderful, and every little bit helps. I would just like to be able to get caught up on my oral health, because while un / under insured I had to put my psych meds first at all time.
But now it's time to catch up on my physical and oral health.
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nettleofthedead · 3 months
Hello everyone. I feel very embarrassed to have to make a post, but I’m dealing with some urgent dental issues that need to be treated ASAP.
I have two teeth that need root canals. The molar tooth might need to be extracted and done as an implant, but I won’t know until they look at it. I also have a bad cavity that formed last night (exposing some of my dentin) next to the other tooth that needs a root canal. Infection is starting to form bad in there, as well. I’m not currently in any pain, but I’ve been getting sick lately because of it.
Using the cost estimator for my dental insurance, the total [estimated] portion of my half for my treatments is going to be $1,455. This is including the two root canal costs, and the new cavity that formed. I’m going to see my dentist ASAP, so the total cost may be adjusted after he checks it out. That said, I believe that my estimate should be accurate.
I’m in a very bad financial situation where I can’t save up the money for the treatment. I’m almost $4,000 in debt, and struggling to crawl myself out of it while barely being able to pay for rent and bills. I’m not asking for assistance on that mess though.
I have a scheduled appointment on my birthday, on April 1st. However, I’m only going to be able to reschedule the appointment back by another month. I really don’t want to, though, because of my health being affected.
I’ll be updating this once a day, apologizing for the spam.
Goal: $20/$1,455
Cashapp: $deadnettled
I don’t have other payment methods yet, but I can look into them if needed. Even if you can’t donate, I have very little of a following, so reblogging would be extremely appreciated. If anyone knows of other resources for me to look into (I can’t do CareCredit), I would appreciate it also.
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tasia-reader · 4 months
If you’re looking for something to do for Black History Month, consider supporting any Black person crowdfunding. I myself am aiming to cover a month or two of dental insurance
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Any donations are desperately needed and very appreciated. They can be made via etransfer or paypal
If you’re Black feel free to reblog with links to your own posts 💕
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llyfrenfys · 4 months
Plîs help me not lose my teeth
I never thought I'd have to make one of these, but I'm genuinely really struggling financially right now and will swallow my pride about asking for help.
As some of you may know, the NHS has been slowly gutted by the Tories, meaning that medical interventions which were formerly free/low cost and readily available are no longer available. As a result I'm having to pay £250 out of pocket for a mouth guard to protect my teeth from tooth grinding. I fell out of the NHS system a while ago when I became estranged, so have to go private.
I suffer from a tight tempomandibular joint (the muscles in my jaw) which causes teeth grinding (bruxism) at night. Stress and anxiety also worsen this. It's gotten to the point where it can hurt to talk or eat and the tooth grinding triggers my migraines due to the pressure caused by my jaw. My gums are also very sensitive and thin due to another medical condition and the grinding is making my teeth loose and gums bleed. I have no other option other than getting a mouth guard fitted - the cheapest option of which is £250.
So I'm creating a $1 Patreon tier for anyone who can spare it to help me cover the cost of my mouth guard. If you do donate, I really, really cannot thank you enough - losing my teeth is one of my biggest fears and I need to prevent that from happening, so thank you again if you can spare anything! If you would prefer, I also have tumblr tips enabled. If you cannot donate, please consider reblogging!
Diolch mawr for reading and thank you so much to everyone who has supported me - now or in the past.
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moiderahart · 5 months
haha hi! money!
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d20system · 5 months
Hey all- We know life's rough and money's tight for a lot of us but if y'all can help us share this gofundme for our friends and/or donate what you can, we'd really appreciate it. They've explicitly consented to having it shared on social media and directly so if any of you guys feel comfy doing so, please share on your social medias! The link is here-
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bunnihearted · 2 months
#damn my teeth on my left side reallyyyyy fkn hurt#last night it started hurting so bad i couldnt fall asleep#i took some regular over the counter pain pills nd they brought down the pain a bit#so it at least didnt hurt as bad as it did first#but now after sleeping a few hours it still hurts ://#idk what to do... bc i've googled but it is like impossible for me to know what this is. could be anything rlly#nd w physical health stuff im not as terrified bc i can just go to the ER. when i was there it only cost $15 lol#but dental care is so fkn expensive i dont even have that in my account#anyway. i could get an 'urgent appointment' which i get financial aid for... probably. thats the thing. it's not 100% certain#idk what i should do bc like i could wait it out nd see if it'll pass nd then wait on my appt the 6th may#or maybe i should call my dentists nd ask them what they think nd if they can give me an urgent appt..#i hate calling tho. i know that sounds ridiculous esp when im dealing w pain but my avpd makes it so so hard for me. i'd almost rather not#if i was smart nd normal thats what i would do. just call them nd see what they decide for me. maybe i'll wait nd see nd call tmrw....#nd idk abt the pain. like it rlly hurts but it isnt extreme i think.. but when i press one tooth it hurts a lot nd makes me worried it's#dying 💀 nd like u can actually die from teeth pain nd complications... nd infections nd stuff. it's scary af 😭#idk if my tooth is dying nd i need to contact a dentist rn or if its smth that can wait for a bit#i mean if i had a job nd a salary i'd book an appt for tmrw nd get it checked but i have to discuss w myself bc i cant afford lol#ugh this is the reason im terrified of dental problems. the pain is awful nd theres nothing u can do if you're poor#my head keeps spinning idk what i should do abt this 😭 i csnt make up my mind. just want it to go away on its own but i know it wont#nd it hurts so that i can barely sleep or eat or concentrate. so i rlly dont know.....#oh if only things were easy
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I need medical help ASAP
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I have an aggressive tumor-like cyst (Odontogenic keratocyst) in my jaw that needs to be removed as soon as possible. I would use the money to help cover the medical expenses. The removal and recovery procedures will cost over 7,000 dollars.
Any bone that has made contact with the growth must be removed; I will already be losing 4 teeth because they came into contact with the cyst.
Likewise, I want to have this surgery in the next 6 months or, preferably, less so the growth has minimal time to expand (and potentially infect more jaw bone and teeth).
It's difficult to save money for the procedure because I'm only 20 and have been living alone since age 17. Any money I make goes towards living expenses.
I also don't have an extensive credit history due to my age, and likewise am ineligible for most loans. I've genuinely tried everything; e-begging is my last resort.
Any amount helps or simply sharing so others may see.
I don't know what else to do, and I'm so scared of what's to come if I can't save up money in a timely manner.
Update: October 2023, help would still be appreciated. I'm still financially unstable.
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burningcarousel · 1 year
Hi everyone, my lovely and dear friend Keshia (@keshianash) needs to reach her goal for necessary emergency dental work. Any and all donations are welcome! Thank you.
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aphrodijin · 2 years
urgent help needed for dental care
hello, everyone!
so sorry that this is probably my nth post asking for help because the others lost traction (i promise i will stick to this)
i'm cher - a bi filipina writer who's a college dropout so it's hard for me to get a job even if it's a simple one - and i'm trying to raise at least Php 30k (approximately $525 depending on the exchange rate) for my dental procedures (like teeth extraction including the wisdom tooth, pasta filling, and a couple of dental crown at the front).
i've been in pain since march now and even though i've had one of my tooth extracted and another tooth fixed by filling last july, i'm still in pain as i have a lot of broken teeth that needs urgent care.
as i said, i don't have a job and i'm only relying on my parents for my basic needs but even them can't afford to help with my dental care as we're only getting by paycheck to paycheck and i also have 3 younger siblings that they send to school.
i'm so sorry to ask any of you for money, but if you have some spare change to share, my pay/pal is [email protected] and i also have a ko/fi account where you can see my goal and donate, it's aphrodijin.
i'm also accepting writing fic commissions for bts and txt to help raise funds. i haven't set up a post for the commission yet but please do message me if you're interested. my rate ranges from $3 - $12.
i already have $140, so i just need $385 more. please, help me as i can't live like this anymore.
also, please, if you're gonna tag this, i would prefer if you put "commissions open", "bts commission", "writing commission" those kind of tags. thank youuu x
goal: 0/$385
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sweeet-pea · 6 months
seeking help if you can / dental
moved back home, im broke and sharing a room with my little sister again. I’m having terrible tooth pain and can’t afford to visit the dentist to get it pulled, i need 200 out of pocket. truly anything helps.
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tasia-reader · 8 months
Oct 27
two days after disability payments and I have one bill this month I can't cover on my own, my monthly debt repayment plan. It's $220 and if I don't repay within 10 business days the consolidation agreement gets cancelled. Other than that, just the usual debt chipping. Food would be a huge help too, I've really only been eating tim horton's chili for the past two weeks. I've put cans of those top of list, plus vitamins for balance.
I also placed a winter jacket, and boots at the top of the list. Due to my size and fatphobia, 2x-4x clothing is very expensive but if there is some generous deep pocketed people out there who are looking for a good deed this holiday season, there's one for you.
I wanted to get dental insurance starting this month but it wasn't in the cards financially. It's $117/month with 2 months paid upfront. I plan to pay next cheque day a full month from now, but any donations sent to paypal will be rounded to the nearest whole dollar and anything over will be saved for dental and winter clothes. If someone purchases winter clothes for me it'll all go to dental insurance.
I make these posts just to direct people to my pinned post without making it super long, as well as to pop up in the tags after it gets buried. You can reblog or queue this, but I always prefer interactions with my pinned post. For more information please read my full gfm post
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leumasthespaceranger · 4 months
Howdy everyone. So food is looking okay currently, but I'm still struggling to save up the $2000 needed to get my infected teeth pulled out, especially as I am now alone with no regular help. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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nariwalsh · 11 months
Guess what time it is?
Tooth hurty.
Horrible puns aside, my housing fund has turned into my emergency dental fund. My infected tooth needs pulling and my broken tooth needs to be filled before it becomes infected, too.
��️PLEASE please share! I am in a LOT of pain and would like not to be! ✨️
Help out at my Ko-Fi here:
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bunnihearted · 2 months
#it went!!! idk lately my pain treshhold has been so low bc im in pain all the time#so i just dont wnna be in pain anymore... he said that now it'll still hurt for a few days T-T#but he wasnt exactly sure what it was but i had.. a cavity??#im not rlly sure abt the english terms for all of this but the tooth is dying lol#but instead of immediately killing it nd getting a root fill he said that we should give the tooth a chance#so he fixed what he could fix#i hate dentist treatments bc of all the air nd water nd my anxiety i need to swallow constantly#but this time i actually told them abt it nd he was very helpful sksks#he even said 'ok now take a break nd swallow' so i didnt need to be so anxious#nd it was a relief bc he wasnt bad at all. he was actually rlly nice nd easy to talk to phewww#it cost abt $80 so i can manage to be without that until next week!!!!#so yeah it went much better than i had anticipated so im happy abt that#but yeah the problem still isnt 100% fixed yet so im still not relieved#he said i had a cavity in my other tooth as well but that we needed to check that at another time#im so frustrated bc i brush my teeth 2/day i use mouthwash i floss....#and for the last 7 months i havent even had any sugar!!!!! like why did this still happen.. o.o#oh nd he also said that i probably clench my teeth nd yeah i do that a lot more than i've realized#your teeth arent supposed to be touching!! never!! only when u eat#my teeth.... are touching pretty much all day omg. bc im so tense nd anxious#he said that he couldnt be sure bc he didnt have enough info to go on but that could have contributed to this#well well... i did it nd went even if i didnt want to#hopefully my tooth will be better now. nd i have another appt in may to see what i could get done further#if financial aid for it gets approved tho it might not#but yeah.. god dental pain nd issues is my no. 1 fear bc im poor nd i cant afford it
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