#desserts around nyc
a-casual-kpopfan · 7 months
It's a Date. - Karina
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Shoutout to @capslocked for the little beta read. <3
I'm starting to get back into the writing groove, dropping small fics here and there. This was fairly short and sweet, I hope you all enjoy as usual. :)
You were one of the hosts to take Aespa around New York while they’re on tour; today was an off day and you were with the group and their managers going out to several shopping districts and trying desserts throughout the day. 
“Oppa, how come you’re not looking around for things?” Little Winter walking along next to you like a puppy, if a puppy can carry like 5 shopping bags with their paws.
“I live in the city Winter; this is my lifestyle.” You look around the shopping centre, it’s bustling and hustling as NYC would be normally. “Oh, come on oppa, there’s got to be something for you to do too, what about a girlfriend?” You had to think about it, it’s been a while since you were out with someone, let alone had a long-term relationship. “Ah, the last time I dated someone was back in college.” You gave a little smile to Winter as the two of you walked just behind the main group of members and managers.
Karina who’s walking along the main group takes a glance behind, seeing you and Winter laughing through your conversation. She excuses herself from the main group and slows down to the pace of you and Winter. “Ahh, what’s so funny?” Karina may be one of the most visually appealing idols and one of the most captivating people to ever walk this planet. But her looks don’t define who she is; Karina is actually a walking toddler.
Her cheeks are puffed up and lips in a pout. “Winter here is calling me a fossil, calling me old because I haven’t dated since college!” You were playing along with the act, acting a little whiny and childish which was alright, you’ve been with the girls a couple days already, they’re really playful and outgoing which is something you really appreciate seeing in Korean idols compared to a lot of Western stars you’ve hosted around every once in awhile.
Winter laughs uncontrollably on your left side, and is holding onto your arm, Karina is happy to see that there’s someone to trust outside of their group. “How old are you then oppa?” Karina tilts her head like a puppy, it really seems like Aespa as a group is a bunch of little puppies. “I’m 26 years old.” Winter pretends to be super shocked, exaggerating a dropped jaw. “Oh, my goodness, you’re a grandpa!”
“Yah, I’m only 3 years older than Karina.” Trying to defend yourself from Winter, but on the other side Karina is laughing at Winter’s reaction. “Oh, you’re not that old oppa, I just see the little white hairs appearing on your head.” Karina jokes around but catches you off guard making your jaw genuinely drop. “Ms. Karina!” Your jaw stays open but with a smile, you are putting your hand over your heart as if you got shot, but what really shot you is Karina’s smile and laughter.
Your walk through the mall was fun, it was all smooth going until…
“Oppa! Let’s go get you some clothes!” Giselle, the most fluent in English, pulls you into a local clothing shop. “Giselle!” The idol continued pulling your arm, you really didn’t have a choice. “Please, just call me Aeri.” With a reassuring smile that it’s okay to be on a first name basis at this point. “I feel like we’ll know each other a lot more after today.” Aeri with an excited smile, confuses you but you just go with the vibe.
“Oo, you'd be good with this… And this… We should try this too…” Aeri is picking out several pieces of clothing, going through different kinds of pants, looking at the blazers and some tops. “Giselle.” Aeri looks at you with a glare. “Aeri…” The glare changed to a smile, relieving you of possible stress. “Oppa, just try these on, okay?” Dumping a small pile of clothes into your arms, all you could do is sigh and accept it.
You went through multiple variations of outfits from all the clothes that Aeri has chosen for you. After spending about a half hour trying on clothes, there was a set that both you and Aeri found fond of. “Wah, oppa! You look so handsome!” You were wearing a short sleeve dark blue blazer, though worn open and on the inside, a nice grey, almost a salt & pepper style t-shirt, a black jean, complemented with a very dark brown leather shoe. “Wow, I have to hand it to you; you have great style Aeri.”
“Perks of being an idol~” You look through the mirror and watch Aeri pose with a V sign, making you laugh.
“That decides it, let’s go buy them!” You shook your head and looked at Aeri through the mirror. “I may be making decent money but buying all this is too expensive for me.” Your little shopping companion comes up to the mirror and looks you in the eye. “Oppa, who said you were going to pay?” And out of her pocket is her credit card from the company. “Yah, wouldn’t they be mad if you bought something not for you with this card?”
“This is the least that I can do being such a great host for us the last couple days.” You turn around to see a sincere smile and it doesn’t seem like she would take ‘No’ as an answer. “Okay, you win this round.” Aeri clapping her hands and you shrug in defeat as you make yourself to a change room with your original clothing.
Aeri kept to her word, now you’re walking along with Ningning and holding quite a lot of clothing. “Are you having fun with us, oppa?” It’s almost like each member is having their turn with you throughout the day. “Sure, I am Ningning, I get to spend time with very famous idols.” Ningning wasn’t satisfied with that answer. “What do you really like to do for fun?” You were confused as to why the idols are being really personal with you lately.
“Hmm, I’m originally from South Korea, but after moving here I really grew into North American culture. Watching basketball games, going out for bar food like wings and burgers with friends late at night. I do enjoy playing billiards, I’m always open to trying new activities.” Ningning now seems to be happy with that answer. “It seems that you’re very active.” You and Ningning kept the conversation going with each other, more and more you’re finding out the girls like to drink and eat a lot in the dorm, yet they seem so fit for the amount of food they consume and more Ningning is finding out your habits here in New York.
Once finding a restaurant to have a late lunch, you and the group were seated but you offered to sit separately as you would like to give the girls and managers their privacy.
“Nonsense! You’re sitting with us!” Karina was not happy with your suggestion. “You’re a part of us and you’re sitting with us.” The leader was standing firm, and wouldn't budge for anything. “Because you’re trying to bail on us, I’m making you sit next to me to keep an eye on you.” Karina poking your chest with her finger, you were given no choice. You couldn’t help but smile about it and shrugged. “Good, let’s go.” Karina grabbed your hand and dragged you in.
You were led to a large table fitting for 8 near the back of the restaurant, not completely private but obscure enough to eat comfortably. Karina sat on a bench with Winter and a manager beside her, one seat was left, and you were going to offer it to Ningning or Giselle, but you watch them already sit on the other side of the table with their other managers. “Nope, with me oppa.” Karina was sitting down, looking up to you with a smile.
“I really can’t get away from you, can I?” You finally gave up and sat down to the group’s leader. “Looks like someone has a liking for him.” Winter nudges Karina, shortly getting a slap to the leg to deny the teasing. “Yah…” You couldn’t hear the little whispers, you tried to ignore everything so the members can have a sense of comfortability and privacy, but then Karina can easily notice that you’re feeling uncomfortable.
“Hey… It’s okay.” Karina lays her palm on top of your hand and pats it. “Just be yourself, that’s all I ask for.” Her head is on a tilt, her smile, sincere. You nod your head and try your best to follow Karina’s asking. She’s always tried to make sure that her members were comfortable, that her manager was okay, but you being an outsider only have been with them for a short amount of time, Karina had always made sure that everyone was alright, she’s a great leader.
Lunch went smoothly, you and the managers had some good laughs, the members were having a good time, but alas all things must come to an end. The shopping is done, lunch is over, now you’re walking the girls and managers back to the hotel.
You bid your farewells, but Karina comes running back to you before you have the chance to leave the premises. “Oppa, I have a favour to ask you.” Karina's demeanour is off, hands behind her back, one foot balance on her toes, her eyes facing the ground, avoiding your gaze. “What is it, Karina?” You were curious, it’s not everyday you have a beautiful woman in front of you acting like a fool.
“I... Uh… Have this friend who’s coming to the city later tonight… I was hoping you could tour her around, like you did with us?”
“Oh… What could I have hoped for?”
“Sure, what time should I meet her?” You accepted without an issue, you wanted to be a good guy, you just spent a few days with the group and why should you decline? It’s not like you have a date to attend to.
“Yay! Thank you oppa, here’s her number, meet her here at 8pm!” Karina hands you a paper with an unusual phone number, not an area code you’re familiar with but you took in anyways. “Thank you oppa.” Karina bowed in respect before running back inside the hotel.
You would be a little disappointed, but this is a favour.
You make it back to the hotel at the time Karina told you to be there by, you texted the phone number that you arrived in the front. Good thing Aeri took you to go shopping for new clothes, you must dress up a little for the New York nightlife.
You: Hey, I’m in front of the lobby.
Unknown: I’ll be right there!
That reply came quickly, you were on a look out for someone outside the hotel, but the results would surprise you.
“Good evening oppa.”
You spin around to Karina, a different outfit from this afternoon. Instead of a white sweater and a long skirt, the Aespa leader is changed into a thin back long sleeve, mesh-like material being near fully see-through, a black bandeau underneath, complimenting her large bust and curves, paired with blue jeans and to finish with black boots.
Shocked to see the leader alone, no supervision, not even anyone watching from the entrance. “I hope you don’t mind me taking off my extensions, I felt like the short hair for our date.” Karina plays with her hair then smiles at you, she has somewhat of a gummy smile.
“Wait, I’m sorry, our date?” You were extremely caught off guard, Karina? Aespa’s leader? A kpop idol? A date? With you? “You could have better options than this old man.” The idol slowly walked towards you, grabbing your hand with both of hers, it’s now you really took the time to see, Karina has baby hands. “Why not? You treated us well, made sure we were comfortable, this is the least I could do… And I want to get to know you more.”
“But I live here, you need to go back to South Korea soon.” The idol was only giggling, she probably has already thought about it, otherwise you wouldn’t think she would go through the trouble of setting up a date with you. “We can cross that bridge when we get to it. There is a lot of tour guides in South Korea that would like a bilingual tour guide.”
With Karina’s amazing smile looking at you the way it is, how could you deny her?
“Okay Karina.”
“Please, my name is Yu Jimin.”
You smile and chuckle.
“Okay Jimin, what would you like to do tonight?”
She pulled away one hand, but still held yours with one. “Hmmm…” Her facial expression turned to a pout, playfully laying a finger on her chin, exaggerating the fact she’s thinking. “How about we go to a bar, get some wings and maybe watch a basketball game if there’s any?” Your jaw was left open, how could she have known?
“Mhmm.” With a cute nod.
How would you survive spending the night with Kar- Jimin?
The two of you walked off in a direction where you heard was a good restaurant that had some of the best wings and flavours, Jimin couldn’t let go of your hand, she was basically latched on your arm at this point.
“Oppa, are the New York Knicks any good?”
“Oh man… Don’t get me started…”
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samiwife · 8 months
Hi again can you do Headcanons and Preferences for Julian Casablancas ? I never found nothing about him, I would really love + the way you think and write it's perfect!
Of course! I love doing these. By far my favorite things to write! Also thanks for the support and request!!!! <3
Headcanon and Preferences 𓆩⟡𓆪 (Ft: Julian Casablancas)
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𓆩♡𓆪= Smut
ੈ✩‧₊˚= Fluff
⋆ ★= Angst
𓆩⟡𓆪 = Headcanons
Always sings for you
Tries to take you on tour but you always say no
Playing with his hair is a constant
You wear his leather jackets
He always wraps his arms around you
He's unbelievably funny
He's also very wise and mindful
You could talk to him for HOURS
Sleeps face down like a corpse (haha, I'M SORRY)
He's insecure about his lips (thinks they're too thin)
He always snuggles his head in your chest
You make fun of his style a lot
Gets jealous easily
Pouts when he's jealous
He doesn't know it but he has MUSCLES
Radiates gentlemen vibes
Does everything for you like opening car doors, carrying you to bed, etc
He makes funny faces when alone with him
Speaks so many languages
Loves touring
Eats so little (it concerns you)
He drinks and smokes (which you hate)
Wears nice black boots with tank tops
When he wears belts, it kills you
Chugs energy drinks
Draws a lot but also writes song lyrics a lot
His smile is everything
Flirts with his fans
Has the funniest stares when he looks at you
You sometimes help dye his hair
Very medium-sounding moans during sex
HOWEVER, he is very good at doing oral
His tongue is a skill
Him fingering you drives you crazy ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
He sings when he's alone
Gets slightly embarrassed when you hear him sing
Has a lot of vintage music stuff like a CD player and records
Would wear fake mustaches to make you laugh
He loves to make you smile or laugh
Holds your hand when you're scared
Piggyback rides are common
He may be insecure about his lips but he is a good kisser
Loves eating dessert
Would choose sweets rather than an actual meal
Loves comedy films and watches them with you all the time
Hates studying and books (thinks they're for nerds)
Also hates going shopping but does it for you
He can be very mean sometimes
He makes fun of you like how you make fun of him
Playfully pushes you and hits you
Always fake cry when you slightly hit him
He always wears funny T-shirts
Also loves Disney movies
Has an undying love for Mickey Mouse (LMAO)
Makes his own loom bracelets
You mock him for having a shirt that looks like a mechanic would wear
His morning voice is so hot
Rides his bike but he sometimes falls off it
Great with babies but terrible with kids
He tries to act like an older brother in front of kids
He acts like a father with babies
Overpacks while traveling
His nails are always clean and neat
Has crooked teeth but it's okay
For some odd reason, he loves playing golf
Hates cold weather
Always looks like a grandma when the weather is cold
He gets sick easily
You steal his necklaces and bracelets
His favorite vacation spot is NYC
Speaks fluent French
Speaks French to confuse you
He's kinda dumb but you always teach him
He loves music class
Has strong political views
Loves learning about philosophy
Loves learning about space and planets
Has glow in the dark stars around his bedroom
Has the weirdest decorations in his room like a rocksalt lamp and stalker-like pictures of you
His favorite animals are lizards
He tries to skateboard but he keeps falling
Lastly, he kisses you a lot on the lips, cheek, chest, and much more. He also tries his best to make a better life for you. He talks about marriage a lot with you.
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november-rising · 8 months
The Bear: Season Two, Episode Nine - Omelette
This not-fully-plotted-or-planned post is the fruit of a conversation between myself and @unladyboss (including their observations of Carmy). We were supposed to rewatch THE SCENE from that episode to share our interpretations.
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But I tend to do too much which means I watched the whole episode.
It’s been months since I’ve seen Omelette. I certainly remember the significant moments. But, seeing the whole story, allowed me to gain more appreciation for this episode and the show in total.
The driving force – the theme of this episode was focus and unfocus. The writers beat us over the head with the amount of times the word ‘focus’ was said. Yes, I knew this was a crucial arc of the season but watching this play out was fascinating.
We, the audience, are not just told about focus but are also shown how the characters have become streamlined, honing their skills and talents - becoming focused.
In no particular order:
Ebra working on his Serve Safe Certification during prep.
Tina leading the other chefs with precision.
Natalie reviewing the upcoming weeks to keep revenue coming.
Richie commanding the pre-dinner staffing.
Gary and Fak stepping up to be the informants of customer experience/enjoyment.
Marcus using his creativity to craft new desserts.
Uncle Cicero supporting Carmen in those moments leading up to the soft open.
Sydney utilizing her voice to demand respect and to be vulnerable.
Carmen realizing that there is something so important in his life.
Each character was finding purpose, embracing it, and owning their worth. To me, they felt solid and assured. That is everyone except Carmy whose focus wavered throughout.
And that is his greatest fear. Consistency…calm – a focus of his own choosing.
He knows chaos. That’s what his brain and body have become accustomed to due to years and years of childhood abuse and the verbal abuse of that one NYC Chef. Frenzy, hecticness, hypervigilance, planning ten steps ahead, anxiety, disappointment, shame, guilt, anger…so much anger…
These are emotions and “coping skills” that Carmy has depended on his whole life. He tries to mask them, burying or transforming them into his culinary expertise. But here, at The Bear – back home, Carmen is faced with too much stability. He doesn’t know what to do with it.
The expectations that have been placed upon him (internally and externally) are a lot, sure. But he seems to roll with those punches. And he has managed to trust in those around him. That is overwhelming. Things are going fairly well in his life. That is overwhelming. He's dating and taking some semblance of control of his life. That's overwhelming. His vision for the restaurant he wanted to start with his brother is coming true. That’s overwhelming. He has a trusted person standing side-by-side with him in the BOH. That’s overwhelming.
Though Mikey is the catalyst to opening a new restaurant, it’s all the people who are here now that have made it work.
I don’t think Carmy can manage that knowledge. He’s so okay with being alone and driven and self-harming himself in the sense of constant work, lack of self-care, not eating properly, pushing passed exhaustion – you get the picture. He’s not okay in knowing that there are people who genuinely care about him and his dreams; and they have stayed.
People stay.
Sydney stayed.
I believe that’s why he thought of her during his panic attack. Being near her allowed the conversation about Sydney’s mom to happen. He can focus when she’s around. That’s why, when Syd corrected Nat that the fridge guy’s name was Tony, Carmy was in perfect sync. When watching that moment, I thought: “Jinx! You owe her soda!” LOL!
Then there’s the table scene which was utterly glorious. It highlighted his vulnerability concerning his fear dating Claire who was “great”. Carmen doesn't believe he deserves greatness. It's not for him. It's for everyone else.
Under that dang table, he showed his hesitations all the while noticing Sydney. He values her. He made sure she knew.  Towards the end of that scene, the way he looks at her before turning away to go get THE gift, was wow. To me, it seemed like a lightbulb clicked in his heart and soul.
Sydney matters so much to him. He doesn’t want to fuck up for her. But he knows he will. He always does.
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equallyshaw · 2 years
revelations in hawaii - jack hughes.
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Warnings: talks of racism. swearing.
Word Count: 2.6k +
daphne landeskog is the adopted younger sister of colorado captain, gabriel landeksog. and after his relocation to the us, she decided she would go to school in nyc. so she accepted her acceptance at columbia university and was majoring in political science, with a minor in journalism. she had hopes of either returning to europe and settling in london or make the big decision of staying in new york or moving to washington dc. she knew that either way, she would be happy. however, she was more drawn to staying in new york because of her boyfriend of 3 years. she met jack at a party in new jersey one weekend, visiting some friends of her roommates. they have been dating since 2019, the year he came into the league. though they were extremely young - they knew they were the one's for one another.
despite them being together for 3 years almost, she had yet to tell her brother. in particular, who he was. yet, nobody really knew besides jack's sibiling/parents and some of his friends and hers. he wanted to protect what they had, especially against ignorant and close minded people. besides, the two had barely met up with one another anyways so it wasn't that difficult. mel had somewhat of an idea of who it might be, because of how secretive she always was when gabe came to town to play the devils. though daphne never gave any verbal confirmation, mel saw the subtle glances and texts that she sent when they watched the game together. it was a standing tradition for mel to fly to watch the new york games and new jersey game, when the avalanche came to town. mel didn't know who, but she would figure it out soon enough.
daphne was laying on her and jacks' hotel room couch in hawaii. it was now by week and the two had jetted of to the state of coconuts and the disney hotel. though jack joked he couldn't be caught dead there. she was on her phone, waiting for jack to finish up with his hair, which was taking longer than usual. "ugh come on dude." she yelled jokingly to which jack responded with, "im coming bro." as he walked out. she took a double take at the custom made suit, and walked over to smooth it out. "not bad jacky." she smiled wrapping her arms around his neck. he laid his hands on her lower back, admiring her effortless yet chic dress. "looking beautiful as always." he smirked pecking her lips quickly. "lets get a move on chief." he smiled pulling her along out the hotel room door. they took a slow stroll towards the restaraunt on the property. taking in the warm, dusk breeze that was rolling on through. they walked towards the hostess, and was seated not a moment later. where they spent the next two hours enjoying carribean food and yummy dessert.
it was 9 am the next morning when gabe was taking a stroll with mel on the beach. they walked along the shores of maui, taking in the morning sun. they were walking along the beach facetiming gabes' mom when he heard a familiar voice. he looked to his left, searching for the voice. "gabe?" his mom asked, trying to regain his attention. mel followed the voice and she immeditely starting freaking out. "hun - look!" she said pointing towards the voice. daphne yelled for jack to come back to put some more sunscreen on his face. "jack rowden!" she said playfully, giving him a mocking glare. he grinned, jogging back up to the girl and allowing her to spray his face. "there, now you may go swim." she mused, pushing him away. he winked at her before setting back off for the water. gabe stood their, looking dumfounded while mel smiled widely and took the phone from gabe. "we found your daughter." she mused, flipping the camera to show daphne. "oh yes! she said something about taking a girls trip to hawaii for the weekend." she said matter of factly. "oh well, it doesn't look like one." mel responded giggling. "wait what?" her mom asked, and mel grabbed gabe's hand. "no, it look's like she's with a boy." she mused, as she flipped the camera back to them. gabe was still watching the scene unfold. "did you know about this mama?" he asked. his mom didn't speak for a few seconds, "she told me awhile back she was seeing somebody but didn't tell me who." she responded and gabe seemed like he was gonna burst. "Oh gabriel, don't make that face. it's not the end of the world." she said and that's when gabe figured out who the guy was. "jack hughes?" he said confused. "that name sounds familiar." his mom said, "what do you mean?" gabe asked looking down. "she said something when she was here during the summer. it was on her phone, when i was passing her room one day. and i recgonized that she was in new jersey alot though she said her friend had friends there." their mom explained and gabe nodded. "ill talk to you late mama, im gonna go say something." he said and they said goodbye.
daphne sat down on the beach lounger and fixed her sunhat before leaning back and picked up her book for the weekend. she looked up as she saw somebody or somebodies standing in front of her. her eyes went wide with shock for a moment before shutting her book, "oh hey guys. what are you guys doing here?" she questioned. "its by week, so we took the trip just the two of us." mel responded quickly. she smiled widely, "can we pleae meet the boy?" she questioned excitdely. to which gabe rolled his eyes, and looked back to find jack. daphne shot up, "uh, im here with some friends actually." she said trying to get gabe to turn around. too late. jack was walking back up the beach and caught the glare of gabe. he continued to walk up, and then past them to grab his towel. "hey gabe." he said nervously, as he ran the towel through his hair a few times. "jack." gabe said giving him a curt nod. "hi! im melissa, but you can call me mel." mel said putting her hand out for the young boy. he smiled politely, "hi mel, im jack." he said. ofcourse jack was calm and collected, daphne thought. she smiled when he pressed a kiss to her cheek and stated that he was going to get some iced coffee and that he'd be back. as soon as he was out of ear shot, daphne looked nervously to gabe. "i-" daphne was cut off by gabe. "please tell me this is new." he said. she swallowed and looked down. gabe breathed in a huge breath. "how. long." he stated. she looked at mel before responding, "um- three years this weekend actually." she confessed. gabe ran a hand through his hair. "three years daphne? three fucking years and nothing?!" he said frustrated. "im sorry." she said, trying to hold back tears. "no! sorry wont cut it." he said before walking off. "ill talk to him." mel said hugging her quickly and then walking off to follow him.
daphne sat back on the beach chair and rubbed her eyes. "daph?" jack said as soon as he sat down. he was very concerned as he saw her body language. "darling are you okay?" he questioned pulling her into his chest. she sniffled as she shook her head no. "he's mad." she said before sobbing. her only sibiling was mad at her, she just didn't understand. "im gonna go back to the room." she said a few minutes later, beginning to pull away from jack. "i'll go with you." he said and she nodded, thankful. they walked back to their hotel room, and headed towards the elevator. as soon as they walked out of their room, they saw mel down the hall. she caught sight of the two and walked towards them. they stopped at their room, "he's walking it off. so dramatic for no reason." mel explained and the two nodded. "i shouldn't even have to explain why i've kept it to myself these past few years. why we don't post on social media. he should already know." she said and mel nodded. she understood. jack walked in leaving mel and daphne alone. "let's grab lunch at 3?" mel offered and daphne nodded, and the leaned in for a hug. "talk to you later." daphne said before walking in the room.
daphne sat down at the table waiting for mel, but that wasn't mel's plan. gabe walked into the french restaurant and spoke to the hostess and then she led the way to daphne. daphne looked up and saw gabe, and as soon as she was about to get up, gabe put his hand up. he sat down across from her, and daphne shifted in her seat. "don't go." he said softly. she looked up from her plate, catching his eye. she nodded, before sipping her water. gabe ordered his go to drink, and daphne ordered an arnold palmer. they ordered a charcuterie board and some bread. they thanked the waiter and they sat in silence for a few minutes. "im sorry." gabe started, startling the girl. she cocked her head to the side, furrowing her eyebrows a bit. "i over reacted and im sorry for that. i understand why you haven't said anything privatley and publicly. im not naive, and i apologize for making you uncomfortable or upset." he finished. she nodded, swallowing. "thankyou gabe. even though i felt the need to 'hide' my relationship, i didn't need to hide from you or mel. you guys deserve that respect. i've kept mama and papa in the dark for almost three years as well and that was wrong of me. it honestly made things easier, when i didn't go home during the summer or atleast didn't have extended periods there." she paused as the waiter came back up with the food. "however, i was terrified. our relationship hasn't been easy when we are in public. so i didn't want to let people in, especially via instagram and twitter. we've been heckled and talked to when we go out places. or if i leave to use the washroom or something, people have come up and told jack that he shouldn't be with somebody that wasn't white." she paused sniffling and gabe reached across and grabbed her hand. "i wanted to tell you guys so badly, i really did." she added. "but after we told some people in jacks life just because somebody told somebody in a groupchat and like, he had to drop those people because they said rude things about me and our relationship. and so after that, i decided to keep things private. because i was afraid somebody might say something on the avalanche. i didn't want it spreading." she finished. he shook his head, "dont apologize, no explanation needed. i appreciate your honesty though, ill need that list so i can take care of things on the ice though." he said half joking at the end. she grinned before shaking her head.
the sibilings spent the next two hours talking, catching up, talking about jack and his family. "dude, i seariously think jack is the one though." she said towards the end of the lunch. gabe took a double look at his younger sister before smiling. "really?" he questioned, a look of pure awe. she nodded, "yeah, i don't see myself with anybody else. and even though we are young we talk about it a ton." she mused. gabe smiled, smiling widely. "his family loves me and i adore them. and i know everybody will love him. ive decided to bring him home for a month this summer. the minute i told him, he immeditely booked our flights." she said laughing. "and actually, jack really wants to meet with you. he wants to talk, hang and get to know you. and if you can, that would mean so much." she added. gabe nodded, "ofcourse, how about we all meet up for dinner at the mexican restaurant at 8? and then jack and i can meet at the hotel bar at 6:30?" he said typing away on his phone. she nodded, and they walked out of the restaurant.
the time was 8:15 pm and the guys in question had yet to arrive to dinner. mel and daphne, ordered appetizers and some drinks, waiting for them. "gabe told me, that you said he was the one." mel smirked sipping her vodka cranberry. daphne blushed as she sipper her spiked arnold palmer. "yeah..." she mused. "love that. im so excited to talk to him!" mel said giddily. daphne playfully rolled her eyes, "go figure! you literally would of figured out things if we weren't having this, somehow someway." daphne laughed and mel gave her a knowing look before winking. a second later they heard two guys laughing and they were drawn to the sound. they saw jack and gabe laughig about something. the two were definetly intoxicated, but at the point where they could still hold a conversation. but they looked relaxed and looked like they were having a good time. "hi guys!" mel said smiling, trying to stifle he laugh. gabe leaned down and pecked mel. jack did the same once he sat down. he grabbed ahold her hand and brought it to his lap. "have fun?" she asked leaning closer. he smirked, "you had not reason to be nervous." he smirked before pecking her again. they pulled apart, as the waitress came back up to get the two guys' drinks. "stick with water, this round." mel cut in and the two playfully leand back and pouted. "yeah, we don't need any chaos." daphne joked to which mel pointed at her. "well, dig in. we didn't order this many appetizers for them to go to waist." daphne said taking a tortilla chip biting a piece off. "yes, please!" mel added and the two hockey players dug in.
the dinner went smoothly and the four got on very very well. which meant that ej and his fiance had some rivals in the dinner date department. jack and daphne walked back into their room, and she quickly tore off her heels. she adjusted back to her usual 5'4 height and headed straight for the bathroom to wash her makeup off. "hey hun!" she called out, and a minute later he walked in ready to help her. "can you grab my zipper?" she questioned and he nodded unzipping her dress. she smiled thankfully, about to reach over for the robe. he wrapped his arms around her from behind and looked at her through the mirror. she smiled placing her hands on his, "hi honey- everything ok?" she questioned and he nodded smiling. "yeah, yes. everything is good, just admiring my girl." he said before placing a kiss on her shoulder. "i love you so so much, today just confirmed it once more." he mused and she nodded unsurely. "don't get sappy on me right now, i need to take my makeup off first." she joked and he chuckled a bit. he untied his arms and began to walk into the master room, but before he did he turned around at the door. she quickly tore off her dress and put on the hotel robe. he turned around as she wrapped tied it. "im gonna marry you someday, y'know that right?" he asked startling her. she froze, and looked towards the man grinning. she slowly smiled before nodding. "uh huh." she stated before going to grab her double cleanser. "well- expect something to happen. soon." he said non chalantly before walking out. daphne's eyes went wide, "jack rowden hughes- you can't say things like that and just walk away!" she playfully screamed, going after him.
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@daphnelandy: loml - happy 3 years Jacky
455 likes, 89 comments
@trevorzegras: finally omg
@trevorzegras: also when’s the wedding??
↳ @daphnelqndy: 🫶🏻 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
↳ @jackhughes: ;)
@jackhughes: love you sweet girl, so thankful for these 3 years 🤍
↳ @lhughes_6: 🥹🥹🥹🥹
↳ @quinnhughes: Jacky the sap
@lhughes_6: best sis ever !
↳ @daphnelandy: luv u lukey!!!!!
@gabelandeskog: happy for you two. Can’t wait for this summer! 🥳
↳ @jackhughes: can’t wait !!!!!
@mellandeskog: ahhhh love you both sm☺️
↳ @daphnelandy: love youuuuuu sissy
@subbanator: congrats in order for lil daph and lil jizzy
↳ @daphnelandy: 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
@elblue6: love you two!! So glad to have you in our lives, Daphne
@elblue6: also missed those curls
↳ @dapnhelandy: Thankyou Ellen! So grateful for you ❤️ and yes— been teaching him well lol
@calemakar: congrats guys!!
@e6johnson: congrats miss Landy!
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@jackhughes: 3 amazing years with this one 🫶🏻
34.9k likes, 99 comments + comments limited
@daphnelandy: best bf in the world :)
@daphnelandy: yur stuck w me for life🤞🏻
↳ @jackhughes: can’t wait 🤍
@lhughes_6: where can I sign up for this ??
↳ @dylanduke: hahahhahaha
↳ @ethanedwards: bahahaa
@tysmith: 🥳🥳
@quinnhughes: lil bro ain’t so lil anymore 🥹
↳ @elblue6: no he’s not :(
@trevorzegras: simp simp
@alexturcotte: congrats mate! Glad somebody else puts up with ur bs
↳ @daphnelandy: bahahha love u
aaaaand i hope you guys enjoyed, i think im gonna do a pt 2 but it could also be read as a standalone. im excited! also, please reblog and like- vv appreciative !
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bluecoolr · 6 months
4, 19, 26 and 49 for Cheryl
8, 12, 17 and 46 for Susannah
Please and thank you :3
Sol, my love! 🥹🥹💕 Thank you for sending asks for my lil girlies!! These got a bit too long but I loved writing them!
4. Breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert, snacks - which do they look forward to the most?
Once she’s sent to the reform school, all her meals become one mushy blur. Just shoved through a slot in her door. But when she was released from solitary confinement and allowed to have lunch in the mess hall with the other teens, she looked forward to them. Usually, the portions were bigger and warmer.
Before the reform school though, she frequented diners, and she usually ordered lunch food. Sandwiches and fries, or a variety of. She likes to take trips from her town to NYC or even Canada. She rides a bus (sometimes hitchhikes) and walks around, checking out stores and diners. You’ll often find her tucked away in a booth, sometimes with one foot on the bench, completely in her own world.
9. What position do they like to sleep in?
On her side! Curled up like a C while hugging a pillow. She kind of looks like a child, and in the short while that she’s asleep is the only time you can really see her at peace.
26. Surprise birthday party! How do they react?
She steps through the door, the lights switch on, everybody shouts “Surprise!”, and there’s this genuine look of fear on her face. She’s already stepped back. Then, she looks around, sees all the smiling, caring people, the candles on the birthday cake, and more importantly the name on the banner and the fear gives way to confusion and finally tears. Someone cared enough. Someone liked her enough to throw her a real party. She’s never been so happy in so long.
49. Do they have any scars? How did they get them?
She does, but nothing remarkable. She has scrapes and deep cuts that have scarred over. Nothing iodine or laceration glue couldn’t fix (Yes, including the wounds she got from getting beat up). Cheryl likes the sting of alcohol and iodine on her wounds. Hates gauze. Does not like it when it sticks to the skin 😬
8. What do they wear to bed?
Ruffly nightdresses she makes herself. The designs are reminiscent of the Regency Era. If Odile or “Alice” or Ophelia ever ended up staying with the Todds at their farm, Susannah’s going to gift her some of these 🥹💕 She knows they aren’t Ophelia’s style but she’ll assure her they’re very comfy.
12. It’s a rainy day, what will they do cooped up inside all day?
She’s rushing out to take the laundry off the line, and then settles on cleaning indoors. Once her usual chores are done, she’ll find time to mend her siblings clothes while listening to the radio. If Darrell or Judah are around, she’ll watch a movie with them. Their choices are always full of romance and incredibly melodramatic. Of course, she grabs the remote to skip the kissing/intimate scenes for Judah’s sake.
17. What’s their favorite time of the year and why?
Spring! Around the time for Easter. She finds everything so symbolic and beautiful, with all the flowers blooming again. She usually goes all out on Easter Sunday. The meals are more extravagant than on Thanksgiving or Christmas, and the house is decorated with flowers, chocolate/painted eggs, and little banners Salome made!
46. Do they have a sweet tooth?
Oh, she loves cakes and pies! But she’s careful not to eat too much because she’s very conscious about her weight.
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rockshrimp1989 · 1 year
So Boogie just went live, with Betty and her friend Harper taking over the livestream, and here's the recap:
- They're currently in NYC!🤩
- Boogie, Betty, and Betty's friend Harper were having dessert at a restaurant, minus Trey.
- Betty and Cleo will be doing voices in the upcoming season!
- Someone asked what their favorite foods are, and Betty said that Trey's tacos are her fave😊
- Someone asked "What's the most annoying thing Trey does?" Betty's answer: "When he starts pacing around the room"😂
- Someone asked what they all did today. Harper answered that they first went to McDonald's, and then Boogie told them not to mention some of the stuff they did today, and she paused the live video for a good 2 minutes before ending the livestream. Boogie's phone was on low battery as well, so that could've been another possibility.
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may-25 · 2 years
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One Night In NYC (Smut One Shot)
Jesse 4Town x Fem Reader NSFW
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆   。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆
The first stop of our honeymoon, I can't wait.
Jesse and I recently got married, and we had a huge wedding. It was the greatest wedding I've ever witnessed in my life. I reckon it's better than the most recent royal weddings! Jesse planned out the wedding so well, I'm super impressed by his skills. His two kids were the bridesmaids, and it was super cute. His kids and I, have bonded super close ever since he first introduced me to them. They are the nicest kids, and are super well behaved. Better than any other kid I know. Jesse is just so good at raising kids properly, as well as handling them with lots of care. That's one of the many traits I love about him.
After our wedding, we had planned many stops around the world. We got married in my home city, so our plan is to make two stops to the USA, and then a few stops around Asia. Our first stop is NYC, which I am super excited about. We plan to do a lot there. One activity is flying around the statue of liberty in a helicopter, and making stops to amazing dessert places. Jesse and I love desserts so much, so we are both particularly excited for what sweets NYC has to offer.
At the moment, we are both in first class, enjoying some fine alcohol and listening to music together. We land in about an hour, so we are calming down on the binge eating. It's been a long flight, and we are super exhausted. Our plan for today is to get back to our hotel, and then just rest and take it easy for the day. A thing we are not excited about, is jet lag. How fun!
☆.。.:* END OF POV. 。.:*☆
Y/n and Jesse's flight had landed an hour later. They got all of their luggage out and hopped into their rented Rolls-Royce. The drive from the air port to the hotel took a while, because of the major traffic there is. Once they got back, they had a shower and changed into some comfortable clothes. Jesse and y/n decided to play some Pokemon on their switches together, and then they headed off to the restaurant in the hotel.
The restaurant had amazing food, it was better than most of the hotel food Jesse had eaten before. They were pleased with how much they ate there. They went to the spa, and got a massage together, after dinner. Sitting in the hot springs together, they chatted about things they wanted to do the next day. A few people recognised Jesse but they left just in time for the word to not be spread across the hotel. If people were to find out Jesse is here, then his stalkers will come out to play. He has had many major incidences with stalkers over his career. One being a girl who stole his clothes and spam called him countlessly.
They had returned to their hotel room, and rested until the following day.
☆.。.:* Jesse POV☆.。.:*  
Y/n and I got ready to head off to get early dessert, because why not. I found an amazing place that serves a giant Nutella filled chocolate heart, and I bet she will love it. Ever since we got married, I have never felt more secure with her. I know her love for me is genuine, and I am so grateful for that. She's not like the other women who used me for my money, & my fame.
When we had arrived at the place, y/n's face lit up ever so brightly. The sight of the oozing Nutella, like a waterfall, coming out of the Hollow chocolate heart mould, what an amazing show it put on for us. After y/n had grabbed sight of the dessert, she immediately bought it and stuffed her face into it. Oh how cute she is! And then I also stuffed my face in it, along with her.#
After trying out a couple more places, our stomachs were filled to the brim of sugar. We decided to head to a shopping centre, to look around for some new clothes.
As we were walking around the shopping centre, a lingerie store fell into my field of view. I swiftly grabbed a hold of y/n's hand, and dragged her into the store. My mind was only set on one thing at that moment, and it was buying her some of this beautiful fashion. Truth is, I've never seen her with lingerie on, and I've never seen her fully naked before. We've had sex, but she's never allowed me to take all of her clothes off, so I left it like that. But it's different, now. We're married and there's absolutely no reason for her to be ashamed of herself for just, well, being herself!
J-Jesse, what are you doing, we can't go in here!
Oh, yes we can, y/n. We are now married, and I am buying this for you as a gift. No need to try them on, I have your full measurements already, babe.
After that, I had bought y/n 4 pairs of sexy, black lingerie. I know how to dress people, so obviously I know what lingerie would suit her best. I can't wait to see her in this, just thinking about it makes me go insane. Never being able to see her fully naked, but getting to see her in lingerie, is the best thing that could ever happen to me at this point. Plus, it will help her get fully used to not wearing so much clothing during sex.
After that, I immediately organised a ride back to the hotel, and I dragged her up to the room.
☆.。.:* END OF POV☆.。.:*  
Y/n and Jesse had arrived to their room. Y/n was struggling to break free of Jesse's grip, but he wasn't letting go of her. He pushed y/n against the wall of the hotel, and looked her deeply in the eyes. He bit his lip, and then said this.
Y/n, please, will you wear this for me.
Y/n tried to argue against it, but
No buts, you will go into the bathroom and try it on for me, please.
Y/n walked slowly to the bathroom, grabbing the lingerie out of Jesse's hand. The look on her face shows nervousness, but Jesse insisted. It took her a while to come out, but when she finally did, he put his hand over his mouth in shock.
Jesse has never seen anyone as beautiful as her, in this very moment. Her beautiful figure graced his eyes, he had never seen her like this before. Jesse couldn't resist himself, and he launched towards her. Y/n let out a loud shriek.
Jesse, p-please don't look at me. I look bad, I don't want you to see me right now!
And after that, she pushed him away, and ran into the bathroom, locking the door behind her. Jesse repeatedly tried to unlock it, but to no avail, there was no way he could. He sighs and leans his back against the door. Desperately waiting for her to come out, he decides he will wait as long as he can.
Babe, please come out. You look beautiful, and I mean it. I will prove to you how beautiful you are, if you come out for me.
Jesse, I just can't! I can't stand looking at myself in the mirror like this, so how could you? This is why I have never taken my clothes off, and why I have never let you see me like this before. I can't deal with myself being fully naked. It just, makes me worry about what you think.
Y/n, let me tell you. When you stepped out of this bathroom just then, I thought I just laid my eyes on a goddess. The lingerie looks amazing on you, and it even looks better than on models for Victoria's secret. Please, will you just, let me admire you.
I- I can't...
I understand.
Jesse gets up, and he walks over to the bed. He turns the TV on, and starts to scroll through his phone. Y/n looks at herself in the mirror one last time, and walks towards the door. Jesse then hears a click, and he turns the TV off. He stands up, and looks towards the door, to see y/n, standing there. She still has the lingerie on, which Jesse realises she's ready.
Jesse runs towards y/n, and hugs her tightly.
You are beautiful.
He bites her ear, and pushes her on the counter. One leg around his waist, he pushes his hips into her, feeling each other collide. Y/n lets out a soft gasp, and Jesse kisses on her neck. Small purple dots are left on her, but that's just his way of saying, 'you're mine'. He grabs a vibrator he bought for her, as a gift for their marriage. Y/n is shocked to see it, but she wants to give it a try. He turns it on and lowers it to her quivering bottom half. Y/n can feel the intense vibrations, pulsate throughout her area. The feeling is too good, she moans aloud. By this time, Jesse had undressed himself, and he begins to grind against her backside. He is softly moaning in her ear, and he is loving the sight and state she is in right now. He bites her ear once more, and licks it.
Y/n is shocked by this sudden movement, and she tenses up. Jesse giggles softly,
I love seeing you like this.
As y/n's moaning is growing louder, and louder, Jesse pulls out his package and grabs the lube. Suddenly, he ripped off the lingerie she is wearing, and shoves his shaft inside quickly, with the vibrator still pulsating on her clit. Jesse can feel the vibrations, and it makes him tense up a lot. He groans hard, and y/n moans louder from the pain, and pleasure. Jesse digs his fingernails into her butt, and he groans into her neck. Thrusting so passionately, he slows down, and throws her onto the bed. He launches himself onto her, and brings her ass up into the air, and her legs over her head. He thrusts into her very roughly, and smashes her into the mattress. Jesse is enjoying the sight of how helpless she is right now. As their moans and groans filled the room louder, and louder, y/n starts to shake. Her insides are gripping onto Jesses cock, very tightly. Her moans, turning into screams, from how intense her orgasm is. Never feeling this amount of pleasure before, and it's her first time receiving an orgasm from Jesse without her own help.
Jesse can't take it. He holds onto lasting, like its his life about to end. At this point, he's shaking like a seizure. He just wants to keep feeling this pleasure. Jesse then picks her up, and opens the balcony door, placing her onto the hand railing. Thrusting so hard, and fast.
Moan, moan for me y/n. Let the whole world see how beautiful and helpless you look right now under me. Let everyone know how lucky I am to have you!
She moans, and he moans. His thrusting going to the speed of light, they continue like this for one more minute. People walk out to see them, passionately having sex on the balcony. People are in shock, but Jesse could not care one bit. Who cares if he is caught by the paparazzi, right? But he picks her up and lays her back down on the edge of the bed, just in case. He brings out the vibrator again, and places it between her clit and his cock. The euphoria, the plain euphoria he is in right now. It's everything he's ever needed. He can feel the end edging closer and closer, while he has no awareness that people have just witnessed this whole situation. He thrusts harder, and harder, yet again smashing y/n into the bed.
I- I can feel it coming, ah, ah, ah , Oh my god, fuck!
The seed had sprouted. He releases all of it inside of her, feeling an amazing connection. Jesse is literally shaking, his cock is throbbing inside of her. He fills her insides, and they both quiver. Jesse slides off of her, in exhaustion. They are both puffed out from what just occurred. He gets up, and hugs y/n tightly.
Hey, I'm sorry I went all out. I couldn't help myself. Can I make it up to you, please?
He looks down to a y/n covered in smudged makeup, tears, bites, and hickeys. Jesse's eyes open wide, realising how much pain he had just caused. He hadn't shown his rough side to her yet, but y/n grinned, surprisingly. She liked his rough side, and that was the best sex she'd ever had. He's relieved to see it's all good, and he helps her up to the bathroom to get themselves tidy.
Jesse runs the bath, and helps her into it. He sits behind her and they both cuddle for a while, just relaxing after what happened. He caresses her hair, and washes the scratches he made. He's quite impressed by how much damage he did, though. They sat in the bath for 1 hour and just talked to each other about random things, until Jesse got a phone call from Aaron T.
Oh my god. That was the only words they thought in their heads, after hearing Aaron say that. They both fucked up, badly. But thankfully for them, the video wasn't clear enough to determine it was him, so they were all good after that. But one thing they forgot, was to put a condom on.
☆.。.:* END☆.。.:*。☆✼★━━━━━━━━━━━━★✼☆。
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olderthannetfic · 2 years
Hey! I seem to remember you talking about Greek coffee shops in NYC. I'm at a place in a fic where that seems like an ideal setting for the next scene, but I've only ever been to Greek pizzerias and diners. I was wondering if you remember what the atmosphere was like, or maybe if you had any favorite places I could look up and browse menus? No worries if this is too big an ask!
Not at all!
I lived in the area around 2006-2011. I was in Astoria, which is the old Greek neighborhood in Queens. Even by the time I lived there, a lot of the Greek residents were moving further out but still owned the businesses. The waitstaff were often fresh arrivals from the Balkans.
(So, you know, keep in mind that neighborhoods turn over if you're trying to write something set in 2022 that New Yorkers think sounds right. And also, if you want to set it in one of these cafes, your characters are going to Queens specifically.)
One of the cafes I used to frequent had a disco ball and a DJ playing eurodance for Sunday brunch. It had no dance floor. It just looked like a sketchy nightclub at 10 a.m. while serving halloumi sandwiches and iced coffees. Because Astoria.
Many of them had fancy TV subscriptions so they could play no good local soccer from Greece. All of them had a lot of sidewalk tables where people would sit nursing the same frappé for hours. Many had full bars despite mostly being coffee places with sandwiches.
The one all the tourists liked was Omonia. I thought it was absolutely disgusting. One of the desserts I got there had filling that tasted like it was full of tarry chemical sludge.
I'm pretty sure I used to go to Ovelia a lot, but they're more of a restaurant. A lot of the places I remember that are still there are expensive seafood restaurants. I can't figure out what most of the cafes were called, and I think they've closed or moved by now...
And as I type that, I suddenly remember that all of the actually good Greek cafes were not on yelp back when I lived there. We, in fact, chose where to go based on lack of yelp presence...
Here's one I think I went to. They'd have been serving more things like the lountza halloumi sandwich when I was in the neighborhood and fewer of the non-Greek things. The big thing they all served was the classic Greek frappé. Most of them also served some Greek sour cherry soda.
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lobotomizedlady · 6 months
I'm gonna be in Chicago for a couple days soon what do you recommend I eat ? Preferably foods/restaurants I can't get elsewhere but can be anything
Oh gosh ok honestly when I thought of my favorite dishes the first to come to mind were ones I had in NYC and London (single best thing I've ever eaten is a fried maitake bun in Manhatten) but not to worry bc Chicago is an amazing food city too! I don't exactly have the most refined pallet I honestly eat like a 12 yr old & I also dunno how I exclusively Chicago they are but some of my fave dishes & restaurants:
-chicken gyoza ramen at ramen kameya on belmont (I always get the cheese balls too they're like crab rangoons but different. sooo good)
-the bourgeois pig, get the Gatsby. quite literally my favorite sandwich on earth
-gnocchi a la vodka at volare
-spaghetti cacio e pepe at eataly (usually alongside a good ol pizza margarita)
-miso ramen at daifuku ramen in chinatown
-also in chinatown there's minghin cuisine, massive menu of everything from all your usual americanized chinese food to really interesting authentic stuff that I am too much of a pansy to try but you might not be lol . I just love Chinatown in general it's my fave neighborhood in the city I highly recommend spending an afternoon there and wandering around, so much cool stuff to see there!
-anything at yellowtail in lakeview is good
-you probably won't have a reason to go all the way to Arlington heights but if you do be sure to stop at mitsuwa market! It's a giant asian grocery store with a cafeteria that has amazing Japanese food.
-virtually anywhere in pilsen for mexican food, I can't think of a specific spot but thats where you'll find the most authentic mexican food in the entire country aside from maybe socal and border towns.
-if you wanna try proper chicago deep dish most ppl will recommend pequods but I think lou malnatis is very solid. their thin crust is very delicious too
-portillos is still my best pick for chicago dogs, get a jumbo (very important) everything without sport peppers, no one likes sport peppers
-blackened chicken cajun pasta at fireside inn that I just had this thanksgiving, my god it was good
-if a macncheese filled grilled cheese appeals to you as it does to me go to cheesies pub. insanely good
-spinning J bakery for all your dessert needs. their pies are absolutely insane esp key lime
-any pastries from kasama but they sell out fast
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laurenairay · 2 years
Anthony Beauvillier and date night in NYC??
Oh man anon, I got massively carried away with this one (just spent 20 minutes researching date night ideas lol) but I have many thoughts about a date night with Tito:
Tito is a romantic. Hands down. I'd bet a hefty chunk of change on that. Definitely the kind of guy to go all out on a date night, and he seems like the kind of guy who would want to try new things outside of the classics.
Like sure, he'd want to start with the classic date night staple of dinner, but maybe somewhere that he's secretly sought out on a food blogger recommendation. A little hole in the wall somewhere, tiny and out of the tourist way, or even as simple as a cuisine that the two of you wouldn't usually eat on a day to day. He seems like the kind of guy who want to try lots of different dishes, so maybe the two of you get a sharing platter or a bunch of small plates to share.
I'm picturing the two of you feeding each other, eyes wild, a promise for later.
But like I said, dinner is just the start. Tito would definitely have an 'activity' planned for after, like a late-night opening at the Planetarium, or a comedy club show, or even a burlesque show. But this particular date night, let's say he wants to take you to Chelsea Market. Here you'd grab a drink or dessert to wander around with, definitely picking up more of both as you go around, browsing through the arts and the shops, hand in hand all the way.
The two of you would never stop talking, laughing, just genuinely enjoying each other's company. How could you do anything but that? He's a sweet romantic guy and he's yours, so of course you're going to bask in it.
At the end of the night, the two of you would make your way home, whether it's by public transport or a cab or a combination of both (I know nothing about NYC modes of transport lol), still holding hands but definitely sharing soft sweet kisses. The perfect end to a perfect date night.
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iero · 2 years
Tagged by @ghostlyvalour to do this get to know me tag game! Thank you Briar, my beloved, for the tag! ❤️
Favorite time of year: October in general because Halloween and perfect fall weather! Soon! 
Comfort food: Pizza and/or Taco Bell. I’ll take either.
Favorite dessert: I am NOT a desserts person... :( 
Things you collect: Beanies, enamel pins/pins in general, trying to collect vinyl but expensive... 
Favorite drink: Nothing wrong with a classic Coke.
Favorite musical artist: Of all time? My Chem. Right now? Djo. 
Last song you listened to: Wash Off by Foals
Last movie you watched: Wow, it’s been a while... I literally don’t remember. I’ve been meaning to watch Do Revenge since I keep seeing stuff about it, but haven’t gotten around to it. 
Last series you watched: Friends LMAO. 
Series you’re currently watching: Nothing currently. I only turned on Friends to watch something today. 
Current obsession: Still a combo of Stranger Things and My Chem... When will it end? 
Dream place to visit: Italy! 
A place you’ve been to that you want to go back to: I had to cut my time in NYC short last week, so I guess that. 
Something you want: I never know what to say for this question LMAO. A good night’s sleep? Financial security? A significant other? I don’t know. 
Currently working on: Nothing currently.. I’m sure I’ll crack out another gifset soon and dream of working on the AU’s I have in my head, but never actually write them LMAO. 
Tagging @revengeera, @ofalltheginjoints, @mrsinistertype, @dangerlemon, @noisejam and anyone else who wants to do this! :) 
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purplegirl20 · 1 year
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I posted 18,164 times in 2022
108 posts created (1%)
18,056 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 106 of my posts in 2022
#damian priest - 67 posts
#puerto rican papi - 65 posts
#wwe fanfiction - 39 posts
#wwe oneshot - 39 posts
#damian priest oneshot - 35 posts
#damian priest imagine - 35 posts
#wwe edge - 21 posts
#the judgement day - 16 posts
#monday night raw - 16 posts
#the owl house - 12 posts
Longest Tag: 26 characters
#wwe friday night smackdown
My Top Posts in 2022:
Wednesday Night....You know what That means.
Pairing: Damian Priest x Self-Insert (Me)x Edge
Summary: Damian and Edge decides to have some fun with me on a Wednesday night
Tagging: @ghoulsister1 @omg-im-such-a-masochist @babiidee28 @sparkleva25 @alicejoaquin1990 @vintage-pvssy @ashkrystal @theworldofotps @nyc-kyra-93 @ziasaph @priestparty @queenzay @sultryfandoms @auburnwrites @windhamsrotunda @sinnerchaosqueen
A/N: This story is very long and detailed. I hope you enjoy.
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It was a quiet Wednesday night. I returned home from spending the whole day, driving around town, making deliveries.
Shaynell:(sighs) What a day. These gas prices are killing me right now. almost 5 dollars per gallon. Unbelievable!
I slump down on the floor and lay my back against the wall. I quickly pulls up my phone to order something to eat.
Shaynell:(sighs) I'm gonna order some McDonald's and watch some Dynamite to relax.
Before I could make my phone, my phone starts ringing and I saw Damian's name on my phone.
Shaynell: Hello?
Damian: Hey Mija. How are you?
Shaynell: I'm ok. I just got home.
Damian: You busy?
Shaynell: Not really. Just trying to relax.
Damian: I hope I'm not bothering you, but can you come to my house? I have to show you something.
Shaynell: Um Ok? I'll come by.
Damian: See you there.
He let out an evil chuckle quickly hang up his phone.
Shaynell:(sighs) Well. I'm guess McDonald's and AEW is going have to wait.
I quickly get up from the floor and quickly left the house to drive off to Damian's house.
After 10 minutes, I finally arrived to his house.
Shaynell: Alright. I'm here.
I get out of the car and lock the door. I went to the door to ring at the doorbell.
(Doorbell ring)
Shaynell: Hello? Damian?
I ring on the doorbell again. Then I noticed that the door was slightly open.
Shaynell: What the hell? The door has been unlocked this whole time? Well I guess I can go in.
I went inside his house and lock the door behind me. The whole house was dark, except for a room that was emitting a dark purple light, giving it an eerie feel.
See the full post
54 notes - Posted April 21, 2022
Dark Pleasure
Pairing: Damian Priest x Self-Insert (Me)x Edge Summary: Damian decides to surprise me with a little gift. Warning: SMUT (+18) Tagging: @babiidee28 @omg-im-such-a-masochist @ghoulsister1 @sparkleva25 @alicejoaquin1990 @vintage-pvssy @ashkrystal @theworldofotps @ziasaph @priestparty @queenzay @sultryfandoms @nyc-kyra-93 Note: This story is very long and detailed. I hope you still enjoy the story.
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April 4th…
It was a quiet Monday night at the hotel. I was alone at a local hotel bar, lounging and enjoying some virgin cocktails and having some chocolate cake.
Shaynell:(sighs) This is the life. Having drinks and desserts. I deserve this.
As I was watching the rest of Monday Night Raw, I felt a small tap on my shoulders. I turn around and saw a man, wearing an all black- suit.
Man: Excuse ma'am, are you Shaynell.
Shaynell: Yea. That me.
Man: I have a messenger and a package from a Mr. Damian Priest.
Shaynell: I see. Thank you.
I quickly took my envelope and package.
Man:(clears throat) AHEM!
Shaynell: Oh right!
I quickly pulls out a 20-dollar bill from my wallet and give it to the messenger as tip.
Shaynell: Your pay, my good sir.
Man:(chuckling) Thank you and have a good night.
He smiles and left the scene. I quickly open the envelope and saw the messsage.
"My dear Shaynell, I hope you have a great tonight at the hotel bar, enjoying yourself, but I'm going to make your night even more exciting. In this box contains an outfit, appropriate for this location. A car will be waiting outside of the bar to take you to your destination. See you then."
Sincerly yours,
Damian Priest.
I quickly opens the box, I saw a black latex bodycon dress, along with a pair of matching black pumps.
Shaynell: Fancy.
I grabs my things and went to the restroom to change my clothes and left the hotel bar to wait outside for my ride. After several minutes, a black Cadillac escalade pulled up. The driver get out of the door and open the door for me.
Shaynell: Thank you.
He smiles as she leads me inside the car. He get inside and drive away to the destination.
After 20 minutes of dealing with traffic, I finally arrived to my destination. It was a non-descript building located on the outskirts of Dallas.
Shaynell: Thank for the ride.
I quickly got out of the car and the drive drove away.
Shaynell: Ethereal Delight? I'm in the right address?
I quickly look at the message with the address on it to verify.
See the full post
56 notes - Posted April 7, 2022
Tranquil Love
Pairing: Damian Priest X (Female Reader)
Requested by: @itsjuanke
Summary: Damian want to make Y/N's first time memorable.
Tagging: @ghoulsister1 @omg-im-such-a-masochist @babiidee28 @sparkleva25 @alicejoaquin1990 @vintage-pvssy @nyc-kyra-93 @queenzay @ashkrystal @theworldofotps @ziasaph @priestparty @sultryfandoms @auburnwrites @sinnerchaosqueen @windhamsrotunda
Note: Sorry it took me so long to write this request. I hope you enjoy this story.
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See the full post
66 notes - Posted May 11, 2022
If Odalia get killed off in the season 2 finale or in the season 3 specials because of her psychotic BS....
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215 notes - Posted May 21, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
To kikimora
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373 notes - Posted March 19, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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pedropascalito · 1 year
So I was studying at the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile
Do you like
Mote con huesillo
Pastel de choclo
Porotos granados
Pan de Pascua
crudo alemán
Empanadas de manzana
Panqueques verdes
My absolute faves are pastel de choclo, empanadas de pino, humitas, and ensalada chilena. And of course a big bowl of pebre on the table. We ALWAYS have pebre on the table, no matter what we are eating. I will rarely drink mote con huesillo because I am too lazy to make it, but it's good. I like eating with my drinking, hahaha.
I don't care for manjar or most Chilean desserts- far too sweet for me. But my mom and sis love them so we often had them around. Sopaipillas are delicious and my preferred dessert.
I don't cook all these foods as well as my mom so I get takeout at my fave Chilean restaurant in Queens, La Roja de Todos. If you are in NYC, I highly recommend it! I will legit take a backpack and order empanadas, pastel de choclo, and humitas to bring home and freeze. But when I am home, my mom feeds me my faves and I eat non-stop while I am there. Christmas, here I come! So I especially get these foods in Jan because I have been spoiled over Christmas :)
I hope you enjoyed your time at University in Chile!
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1863-project · 2 years
How much do you and your ocs like cheese cake? or any kind of cake?
A lot of them are from around the greater NYC area, so like me, they're fond of cheesecake. I personally love it and consider it my favorite dessert - snagging Junior's is an especially great treat, when I can get my hands on it.
[OC ask]
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90363462 · 2 years
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9 Erotic Bucket List Adventures That Aren't Sex
Sex sells and that's on Little Bo Peep.
Kiarra Sylvester
Jul. 12, 2022 07:00AM EST
Sex sells! That’s on Little Bo Peep, Mary and her little lamb, and whoever else. We see it all over the television and even outside of it. These days, novelty experiences are on the rise and are no longer reserved for bachelor and bachelorette parties! Folks can enjoy erotic outings and ideas any time, any place. And social media is making it easier than ever to sell these products and experiences in new and intriguing ways. Seriously, do phallic- and p*ssy-shaped desserts not make for Instagram-worthy content? 
Is it not aesthetically eye-catching to add those things to our Instagram Stories and feeds? It’s very similar to the popularization of selfie museums, in my opinion. They were popular by themselves but because of the new influencer agenda on social media – everyone can be someone – it makes specific experiences appear to be richer. Leave it to someone like myself, a sexuality enthusiast, if you will – the person whose friends send all the raunchy, wild content to because in their mind there’s no limit – to find a good sex novelty experience.
My documentation of my trip to New York’s Museum of Sex was followed by my TikTok algorithm recommending a bakery in NYC that sells vulva pastries. It made me wonder how many other fun places like these existed in the world. Though there are many, I compiled a list of 9 novelty sex experiences that would make the teenaged version of you that used to frequent Spencer's blush.
Kinky's Dessert Bar
New York, New York
Black-owned and specializing in tasty goodies that are as sweet as they are sexy, Kinky’s Dessert Bar comes in at the top of the list! This adorable little pink shop is vibrant and fun-looking with a name to match it – who wouldn’t want to stop by? Alas, those under 18 aren’t allowed inside, and for good reason. However, if you are old enough to ride this ride, don’t leave feeling teased – try one of their explicit waffles, cupcakes, or cookies. 
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Booze and Nudes 
Dallas, Texas
Booze and Nudes used to be a whole movement that began in Atlanta, however, it seems the OG promoters stopped doing this event. It garnered so much traction in ATL that they took this act on the road (trust me, I know). I’ve been pressed to find another one ever since but only recently found this new one based in Dallas. By far one of the most fun girls' night out experiences I had – dick swinging and all – it was like a less intense strip club (which is welcomed) combined with a sip and paint. The dates here are limited, so try it out while tickets last.
Museum of Sex
New York, New York
​This museum covers a wide variety of sexuality-related topics rather than finding any one niche. And, the Museum of Sex also doubles as a novelty store as well making for a one-stop-shop. My favorite part about this museum is they switch out their funtivity every now and then, at one point there was a booby bounce house. I’m keeping my fingers crossed that they will run it back!
Members Only Waffle House 
Toronto, Canada
If you’re a U.S. resident looking for an excuse outside of Carabana to visit Toronto, here it goes! Similar to Kinky’s Dessert Bar, Members Only brings all the boys and girls to the yard with their phallic-shaped waffles. However, they have also expanded into making other NSFW treats, most notably ones featuring female genitalia, because balance.
Red Light Secrets 
Antique Vibrator Museum
San Francisco, California
I would love to make a trip to visit the Antique Vibrator Museum, as masturbation via sex toys is one of my favorite topics. This museum is run by Good Vibrations and in all fairness, it’s just one small room so it’s probably best to plan this trip around other things to do if you are ever in San Fran. However, it’s still worth visiting to be able to see up close and personal the transition of vibrators along with the sexist history that they harbor.
Philly Naked Bike Ride
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
​Though the Naked Bike Ride occurs in multiple cities and countries, I first discovered this event living in Philadelphia. As much as I love riding bikes and being naked, I’ll be the first to admit this isn’t my forte as a combined act. Bike seats are already so comfortable so just imagine. Nevertheless, I’ve heard it’s nothing less than an experience. Plus, the purpose is to advocate for body positivity and eco-efficient options, and who doesn’t like nudity for a good cause?
Leather Archives and Museum 
Chicago, Illinois
Leather Archives and Museum is committed to highlighting the leather, kink, fetish, and BDSM history through their exhibits. Not only is this a fun stop to make if you’re ever in the Chicago area, but it also brings better understanding to a community that is often misunderstood.
Amsterdam, Netherlands
In addition to its architecture and canals, Amsterdam is most known for its liberal attitude towards sex and drugs. Their wild nightlife scene points to them being a city that is forever young, wild, and free. But specific to sex, they are known for legalized sex work which occurs in the Red Light District. Red Light Secrets in particular talks about the history of sex work which I think is great considering how stigmatized it is, despite the whole sex sells bit. But, the most fun part about this experience is that it’s located in an old brothel! 
Seattle Erotic Art Festival 
Seattle, Washington
This is a multimedia art festival showcasing the erotic via visual arts, performance, film, and literary art. Though the time to attend for 2022 has come and gone, the festival has already released dates for 2023. If all goes well with the world, you can expect to attend on April 21-23. This event has a minimum age of 21, so be sure to leave the kiddos behind for this sweet getaway.
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Kiarra Sylvester
Motor City native, Atlanta living. Sagittarius. Writer. Sexpert. Into all things magical, mystical, and unknown. I'll try anything at least once but you knew that the moment I revealed that I was a Sag.
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Bianca Kathryn Is Making A Bold Statement And Building Inclusivity With Yo Soy AfroLatina
Bold statements allow us, as Black women, to affirm ourselves, be sure we are heard, and let the world know we are to be loved and acknowledged. They unite us, spark healthy discourse, and allow us to build community in a way only we can. 
"I'm Black and I'm proud."
"Reclaiming my time." 
"My Black is beautiful." 
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mominul99 · 19 days
Touring NYC: New York City Adventures
New York City, the Big Apple, the City That Never Sleeps – it goes by many names, each capturing a facet of its vibrant, dynamic character. For those seeking an adventure like no other, there's perhaps no better destination than NYC. From iconic landmarks to hidden gems, cultural experiences to culinary delights, the city offers an endless array of possibilities for exploration and discovery. Let's embark on a journey through the streets of New York and uncover some of the most thrilling adventures it has to offer.
Exploring Iconic Landmarks
No visit to New York City is complete without paying homage to its iconic landmarks. Start your adventure by taking in the breathtaking skyline from atop the Empire State Building or the One World Observatory. Feel the pulse of the city in Times Square, where the neon lights and bustling crowds create an electrifying atmosphere. Walk across the Brooklyn Bridge for panoramic views of the cityscape and the Statue of Liberty standing tall in the distance. And don't forget to wander through Central Park, an urban oasis offering respite from the hustle and bustle of the city streets.
Cultural Immersion
Touring NYCNew York City Adventures: New York City is a melting pot of cultures, each contributing to its rich tapestry of diversity. Immerse yourself in this cultural mosaic by exploring neighborhoods like Chinatown, Little Italy, and Harlem, each offering its own unique atmosphere and culinary delights. Visit world-class museums such as the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Museum of Modern Art, and the American Museum of Natural History to marvel at timeless works of art and artifacts from around the globe. Catch a Broadway show in the Theater District or experience the vibrant street art scene in neighborhoods like Bushwick and Williamsburg in Brooklyn.
Culinary Delights
New York City is a food lover's paradise, with a culinary scene that spans the globe. Indulge your taste buds with a slice of New York-style pizza or a classic bagel with lox and cream cheese from a local deli. Sample authentic ethnic cuisines from around the world in neighborhoods like Queens, home to some of the city's best ethnic eateries. Treat yourself to a fine dining experience at one of the city's Michelin-starred restaurants or satisfy your sweet tooth with a decadent dessert from one of NYC's famous bakeries.
Outdoor Adventures
Despite being a concrete jungle, New York City offers plenty of opportunities for outdoor adventure. Rent a bike and explore the scenic pathways of Central Park or take a leisurely stroll along the High Line, a unique elevated park built on a historic freight rail line. Escape the city hustle with a ferry ride to Governors Island or Staten Island, where you can enjoy picnicking, biking, and breathtaking views of the Statue of Liberty and the Manhattan skyline.
Off-the-Beaten-Path Gems
While iconic landmarks and tourist attractions abound, some of the most memorable adventures in New York City can be found off the beaten path. Explore hidden speakeasies and rooftop bars tucked away in the city's alleys and skyscrapers, where you can sip craft cocktails while taking in panoramic views of the city. Discover hidden green spaces like the Conservatory Garden in Central Park or the Cloisters nestled in Fort Tryon Park, where you can escape the crowds and enjoy moments of tranquility amid nature's beauty.
New York City is a city of endless possibilities, where every street corner offers a new adventure waiting to be discovered. Whether you're exploring iconic landmarks, immersing yourself in the city's diverse cultures, indulging in culinary delights, embarking on outdoor adventures, or uncovering hidden gems, NYC never fails to captivate and inspire. So, lace up your walking shoes, grab a MetroCard, and prepare for the adventure of a lifetime in the city that never sleeps.
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