#devil may cry 5 v
icycoldninja · 2 months
the DMC boys (Dante, Vergil, Nero, V) finding out reader is pregnant???
Sparda boys + V x Pregnant!Fem!Reader headcannons
¤ Dante ¤
-Freaks the hell out--not out of disappointment or anger or anything like that, but out of excitement.
-Immediately starts researching dad jokes so he and Vergil can have a "dad-off" to see who can be cornier.
-Also helps you decorate and stuff, giggling and laughing the entire time.
-Talks a lot about his plans for the baby; how he wants to be a better dad than his was, how he wants to prepare it for demon hunting, and how he wants to train it to insult Vergil on sight.
-He's also got a whole-ass list of pranks to pull with the baby prepared, from chucking water balloons at your unsuspecting neighbors to TP-ing the neighborhood houses.
-Other than that clearly childish mischief, Dante's already rocking the "middle aged dad" vibes so he'll do fine.
■ Vergil ■
-His first thought was: "Oh no, not again."
-Vergil was legitimately afraid of having another child after what happened with Nero and his unknown mother, however, you managed to convince him that this would be different and that you wouldn't be going anywhere.
-Vergil had a lot of nightmares and troubled dreams the next few weeks. Though his heart wanted to believe you, his damaged mind had other plans, which it revealed to him in the form of horrible visions.
-With your help, and a lot of time, he got over these dark thoughts and began to see the light in having another child.
-Though he wouldn't dare speak it aloud, Vergil was convinced that the baby would reunite the Sparda family once and for all: Nero would finally have a sibling whom he'd want to visit, allowing Vergil to spend more time with his son, and since he, Nero, and the new baby would all be together, Dante would naturally join in and the boys could be bros again.
-After having that revelation, Vergil became noticeably more excited for the baby's birth.
□ Nero □
-Nero is excited but terrified.
-He's more than happy to learn you're expecting, but since he's so young, he's worried he won't make a good dad. You'd think he'd ask his parents for help, but no...he never knew his mom and his dad is less than pleasant.
-So, what does he do? Nothing. He puts his hood up and sits on the couch, doing nothing in tense silence.
-After an hour or so of brooding, he decides, fuck it, he's gonna wing it and be the best dad the Sparda bloodline will ever see.
-He proudly announces this fact over dinner at Devil May Cry, eliciting mixed responses, particularly from the soon-to-be-grandpa.
-You and Nero will be excellent parents who raise a happy, healthy child, he'll see to that.
● V ●
-Doesn't even know what being pregnant means, and can you really blame him? The only piece of literature he's ever read is William Blake's poetry, it's a miracle he can tie his shoes. Oh wait, he wears sandals.
-Griffon knows, somehow, and explains what it is. The minute the realization dawns upon him is the minute his eyes widen, his mouth drops open, and he nearly passes out.
-A baby, a real life baby is brewing gestating in your tummy and it's his?! He helped make life!? What?!
-V is ecstatic! He can't wait to read this baby bedtime stories, sing it lullabies, and rock it to sleep.
-Even his familiars are preparing; Griffon is ready to give it a light show with his magic and Shadow keeps bringing dead birds as gifts.
-V might be a complete noob when it comes to living life, but hey, so is your baby, so they can figure things out together.
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lilykim523 · 6 months
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Time to draw V
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0hopelessprince0 · 3 days
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i may have gotten into another franchise............
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angelcupidzz · 9 days
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a quick sketch for y'all while i work on wips !! >_<
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cheesmato · 16 days
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My study on V
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vergil-my-husband · 9 months
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someone help me get over him
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barlydoodles · 1 year
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bitterlycursedstars · 6 months
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tiny-chubby-bird · 6 months
I'm maybe only an hour into DMC5 but good god I can't get over how everyone's so cheesy and putting their cool act up to 110%. Nero won't stop throwing one liners at everything and everyone and V looks like he's 19 yet he talks like an old goth man who is super into Edgar Allan Poe and aspires to be Dream of the Endless.
I love them.
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elizaviento · 15 hours
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icycoldninja · 1 month
hi, Yandere headcannon on the dmc boys with a shy reader
Ayo! Sure thing!
Yandere!Sparda boys + V x Shy!Reader headcannons
Warning: Disturbing and/or dark content incoming, if you are uncomfortable with these themes, DNI!
¤ Dante ¤
-Dante is an eliminating yandere.
-He will attack anyone, literally anyone, even a small child, if they so much as look at you in the wrong way.
-This leads to him keeping you from going outside, as he doesn't want anyone to "try and take you away."
-But that's fine, considering you're shy and quiet, and would rather stay inside and spend time with him. As long as you aren't "threatened" by others, Dante is as sweet and loving as he possibly can be.
-He truly does care for you, it's just, his trauma and emotional issues keep him from expressing his feelings in a healthy way. As a result, he gets very angry and overprotective over you towards strangers.
-Fortunately, Dante is a yandere that can be healed, with time and care.
■ Vergil ■
-Vergil is an isolating yandere.
-He will do everything in his power to keep you close to him for as long as possible, even if that means he has to cut off all contact with the world and keep you trapped in his home.
-He tries to answer the phone and door on your behalf, in the hopes that he can scare off any friends or family come to visit.
-Though that's quite annoying, the rest of his behavior is tolerable given your shyness. If he keeps you away from people, then you have nothing to fear, right?
-It's not really his fault, though. Deep down, Vergil's little more than a scared child who just wants someone to stay with him forever; never leaving his side and always being there for him. It's what happens when you think your family abandoned you.
-Unfortunately, there's no curing Vergil's yanderish behavior; it's rooted too deep into his mind. What you can do, however, is take good care of him and treat him well; as a result, he might lax his overprotective measures.
□ Nero □
-Nero is a submissive yandere, though not in the sense that the term implies.
-He will do anything you ask, but he's not a doormat; he has his own beliefs and opinions that cannot be changed no matter what you say or do.
-However, should you assign him a task, however trivial it may be, Nero will carry it out like a command. He is completely and utterly yours; anyone who tries to change that will meet a gruesome end.
-You are blissfully unaware of this fact, (until now) however, so life with Nero is as peaceful and happy as it would be between any healthy couple.
-The reason Nero acts like this is because he lacks a way to express his deep feelings for you. Since violence is all he has known, violence is how he will show his emotions.
-Thankfully, Nero can be cured, if he is taught to express himself in a more humane and less violent way.
● V ●
-V is a delusional yandere.
-He is solidly convinced thar you are as in love with him as he is with you, and no matter what people tell him, he will not listen.
-In fact, he will go so far as to harm those who dare to attempt to convince him otherwise.
-V is so certain you have feelings for him, he tries to keep you from initiating contact with potential romantic interests, however he might need to do so.
-Even if you tell him to stop yourself, he will insist he's doing what he's doing for "your sake".
-The reason he acts like this is a mystery, though it is possible he truly needs someone to love him--to the point that he grows delusional towards his crush.
-By making his delusions a reality, you can cure him, but beware. There's no telling if he'll develop another kind of mental issue after a relationship has been established.
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jesikapliskova · 1 year
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"I have no name... I am but two days old... Just kidding... You can call me V."
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Quick question: where did the name “Vitale” for V (Devil May Cry) come from exactly? Is it a fan nickname? A fake name he used in Visions of V? Was that going to be the initial name for him before they settled on “V” in Devil May Cry 5?
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devilmayfamily · 2 years
Just Thinking About...
Sitting on the couch curled up with Shadow on your lap, V next to you reading. Despite the big cat form Shadow takes, she is actually quite light and only really applies pressure when you ask. You have your head laying on V's shoulder, the man having his arm wrapped around your shoulders since he doesn't really need it to turn the pages. You've been subconsciously running your hand through Shadow's fur which has intern been putting her to sleep. Your cups of tea sitting on the coffee table, almost completely forgotten about as the two of you read.
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ceruleandeath · 2 years
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For some who was close to beating BP with him, I barely draw V
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V: Nero just walked in, told Shadow how cute he is, and how much he loves him. Held his face in his hands, stared into his eyes and gave him forehead kisses, then left the room.
V:... I'm sitting right next to Shadow
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