#dgm spoilers
vitamiiiiins · 14 days
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fanarchoslashivist · 10 days
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Okay but we're all seeing this right? because I desperately need to talk about THIS reveal.
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allenwalkerbitch · 9 days
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Hey good news! Turns out the lamb you were raising for the slaughter found out you raised it just to die and be consumed, and it's decided it loves you anyway 🥰.
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lovelypup25 · 11 days
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gaywizardzone · 6 months
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in april 2023 immediately after chapter 247 i was like oh they're splitting up? kanda's going to get a taste of his own dramatic thank you medicine. then i drew this just for fun sketch with that in mind and immediately forgot about it for the next six months. imagine my surprise and delight last week at 249
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arimiaromage · 8 days
thoughts about dgm chapter 251
gonna throw my thoughts about these new revelations here.
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bookman jr or past!allen?
she got us good! I was in shock when I first read it (all my headcanons about pasta, out the window! thrown! chunked!) but now I'm more fine with it.
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I believe what happened was that hoshino drew the bookman jr in those flashbacks with nea on purpose - she wanted us to think that was allen and bookman jr. the flashbacks aren't past!allen with longer hair, this is definitely the bookman jr, as we can tell now.
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it also makes more sense now why "allen" was talking about high concepts like the spiral being the force for life - it really was a bookman!
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I fully think she did this switcharoo on purpose. if we look at her most recent livestream (translated by ponkotsubluuues), someone comments that they were shocked past!allen and bookman jr weren't the same person. her response is basically "yes, I know". she's not surprised people would think that, this was probably deliberately on purpose.
bookman jr & past!allen
okay, now on to some thoughts on who they actually are. I won't stick long here as we'll probably find out in just a few months and we don't have much to go on right now.
personally, I don't really care to ever meet allen's blood relatives. it's never interested me who he's "actually" related to and I always felt it would add even more complicated feelings for him and even more complexity to an already messy as hell family & relationship tree.
that being said, I wouldn't be surprised if bookman jr and allen are some kind of family unit, be it blood related or not. when they begin talking about the two of them as separate people, lucia refers to them as "two young men". so they're probably not father and son, but I could see them as brothers or some sort of brotherhood if they're not blood related.
maybe past!allen is a traveling clown who toured the world with bookman jr LOL.....?
either way, bookman jr was so compelled to protect allen & nea that he gave his life for them. I'm so, so eager to see their bond.
cross marian
who the hell is cross marian in all of this?
we know the cross has been around since almost adam's time, having been with mana and nea since they were children-
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so we know that regardless of who is he, he's known about and visited the campbell manor for decades.
in this chapter, they even bring him up by name.
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not only does allen ask about him, but lucia talks a bit about him as well.
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and note that they're not saying something like "my master left a message for me" and lucia just goes along with it- allen says "my master cross" and lucia continues by saying his full name. she knows exactly who he's talking about.
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(allen specifically says "cross shishou" = "master cross" but lucia called him "cross marian")
to me, this is one of the main reasons I don't believe cross is bookman jr. I believe he's somehow tied to the bookman, but I don't think he's the missing jr. if he was, why does lucia refer to him as cross here but not later? she clearly knows who allen is referring to, so wouldn't the bookman have searched for cross and found him with relative ease, given he was at the order for quite a while with bookman & lavi up until apocryphos attacked him?
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lucia and the master only refer to bookman jr as "junior", not cross marian. if you're desperately looking for cross marian and are fully aware allen knows who that is, then why not call him that? what do you have to lose at this point?
and furthermore, if cross was this bookman jr, how did he forget who HE made the host? how did he lose allen? redarm!allen looks a lot more like this new past!allen and they both have redish brown hair - if you were traveling with this guy, you should be able to recognize him even if he's de-aged like 8 years, ESPECIALLY once mana takes him in and his hair becomes styled the exact same way.
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I know we always have the deus ex machina of apocryphos' memory changing but I really don't want that to be the case for every character, the more you do it the more it becomes a contrivance.
cross definitely has SOME connection to the bookman, I don't feel like his mask and knowledge of bookman things is entirely a red herring. lucia makes it sound like cross reached out to them regarding the campbell manor, but I'll get to that in a bit.
the other leading theory is that cross is cyrus campbell, katerina's brother and head of the family. I feel like this holds a bit more water than him being a bookman, as it'd explain why he was the campbell manor when mana and nea were so young (and presumably before nea became a noah) and why he has worked so tirelessly for both of them.
remember, his innocence maria greatly resembles katerina. it's possible this is katerina's corpse, being infested by innocence. maybe this is from innocence cross was carrying finding its way to her corpse or maybe it was a failed attempt to save her, we don't really know yet.
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(I'm not fully convinced about the cyrus theory either though, as why does nea refer to cross as cross instead of cyrus or uncle? how would the order not know about his family and how obviously tied to the noah he is? how could he not recognize allen, his nephew's most trusted friend?)
there have been some theories that maybe the campbells are a bookman family, which may be the case and would help explain why cross has a connection to both, but the way lucia words this part makes me think otherwise.
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she makes it sound like the campbell manor wasn't always under their jurisdiction, that it came to be that way but wasn't always. but that might be pulling at straws. I just don't think she'd word it this way if cross = bookman jr.
I'm not fully convinced about either theory about cross as I see holes in both of them. just have to wait and see~
personally I'd still like it if cross was just a childhood friend who got way too attached but we'll see 😂 or maybe he was just pining for katerina from afar....
crown clown
I feel pretty confident now that this is past!allen being hugged by bookman jr, possibly for the last time / as bookman jr's way to protect him.
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but I also can't help but feel.... it reminds me of crowned clown, you know? the way it wraps around allen, covering him in an attempt to protect him. even the cut off tips. it really reminds me of that.
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the bookman are no stranger to innocence. we also don't know when allen acquired his innocence- did past!allen have it? or...... did bookman jr give it to him as he was dying? did he think it would protect him and nea (and why would he give a noah innocence)?
I would not be surprised if there was some connection between bookman jr and allen's innocence.
I absolutely loved this part.
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the pure conviction in his face. no regrets. he finally has a chance to clear up his mind, to cast away the fear he's dealt with for so long about who he actually is. so, so good.
but........ WHO IS ALLEN WALKER????? the burning question. who knows at this point.
I'm very excited to see the next parts, even if it apparently isn't the 35 year flashback (her own words, from the aforementioned livestream) - I assume it'll be a flashback to past!allen meeting nea possibly, or them finding out nea isn't a typical noah, or some major event that happened before shit went down.
yeah that's about it, see yall next time ✌️
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yullen · 7 months
D.Gray-man c249 p19-27
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SPOILERS FOLLOW + some translations of what I could gather. Parts, I’m unsure about.
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再び無事に会おう Let’s (all) meet again safely.
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神田ぁッ  Kanda!!
オレをアレンのもとまで届けてくれてありがとうー Thank you for sending me to Allen’s side--!!
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アレンを絶対支えるよ   そしていつか一緒に教団に帰るから! I’ll definitely support Allen, and then eventually we’ll return to the Order together! (lit. “one day”)
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はっ  そうやって夢ばっかほざいてろよ Ha.  Just keep prattling on about your dreams like that.
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...おまえら科学班にはそれが似合ってる ...it suits you Science Department guys.
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行けよ  Let’s go.
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出発しましょうウォーカー  Let us depart, Walker.
あ  うん... Ah, yeah...
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これで本当いいんだね?クロス  Is this really okay? Cross.
本当にこれで...Really, just like this...
あの子は行ってしまったよ  That child is really gone.
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アレン・ウォーカー...  Allen Walker...
おそらくこれがあの子との...That child is probably already...
神田  Kanda.
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あ? Hm?  (lit. Ah?)
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行ってきますね  I’m off. (I’ll go and come back.) 僕を追いかけてくれてありがとう  Thank you for chasing after me. (くれて means “for me”, so ‘thank you for coming after me for my sake’)
もし... 僕が... ネアの言う通り作り変えられていて 本当の「アレン」がいるとしたら   僕は僕でいられるんだろうか If... I’ve been remade as Nea says, and there exists the real “Allen”, I wonder if I can remain as myself. (lit. Can I remain/exist as me? --I think.)
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神よ  Oh, God もしおわすならば どうかこの老婆にもクロス・マリアンと同じ罰をお与えください If you’re there, then please grant this old woman the same punishment as Cross Marian.
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あの子はもう帰ってはこまい...... That child can no longer return...... ...さようなら......  Goodbye...
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さようなら...アレン・カー...ウォー... Farewell...  Allen Walker...
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自身への疑念を抱きながら  アレン・ウォーカーは一路ズーグル古書店へ向かう待ち受ける真実ははたして何を代償とし誰を救うのか While carrying self-doubt,  Allen Walker heads directly to Zoogle Antiquarian Bookstore. What will be the cost of the truth that awaits him, and who will be saved?
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真実への最短距離(郷里)は果た一て...!?  The shortest path (furigana: Nea’s birthplace) to the truth is...?!
だがネアも  まだ真実には至っていない...!! However, Nea also has yet to reach the truth...!!
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green-ame · 6 days
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fylavi · 6 months
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katsura_5600: Dグレ夜会にて書き下ろしたサイン用イラストです。Dグレ夜会2023
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looniecartooni · 17 days
Regarding the reveal in Chapter 251 in D Gray Man...
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Anybody remember when back in Zone- the main character Robin had a sister who looked like who we thought Past!Allen was?
Allen and Past!Bookman Jr. were planned to be two separate people since before the beginning of the series. If I recall correctly, Robin became an akuma of the two of them, but this adds the extra factor that perhaps they were siblings. One who had red hair, and the one with silver hair...?
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This also begs the question- was true Past!Allen a real sibling of who we suspected who Past!Allen was- and if so, why would his sibling become Nea? Was true Past!Allen even a Bookman?
This reveal is not blind sighted, but it does ask a lot of questions that I hope will get answered next chapter. But we may end up getting a heck of a lot more flashback arcs so... good luck out there, fellow DGM Fans.
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pastaallen14 · 17 days
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This had me roaring with laughter! Hoshino is so real for her response 😂
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cinammonelles · 9 days
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I want to talk about this page in particular because the implications here are so riveting.
Lavi is currently 19. Allen is believed to be 16.
Which means that either
The Bookmen are lying
Bookman Jr. did die then and Allen either didn't age the first few years or his age got fucked up multiple times before he met Mana
The first seems highly improbable at this point tbh. If the Bookmen were planning to make Allen take the poison to make him remember his past then lying about when Past!Junior (presumably) died seems counterintuitive and would only make Allen mistrust them more once he was in full possession of his memories.
It doesn't seem like Allen de-aged to an infant. He says his earliest memories are from when he was in the circus. Even if he did age back to an infant, he would've needed caretakers and nothing in the story suggests he had any.
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(Note how little Allen doesn't have his Innocence in the last panel. What the fuck does this mean Hoshino.)
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Allen looks perhaps 4-5 in both of these panels. If Past!Junior died over 19 years ago and Allen aged linearly since then, then he would have to be 23+ by now. Even considering the possibility that he aged back to an infant, he he should be 19+ by now and he looks barely over 17.
We can assume that he must've aged in a somewhat even fashion once he joined the circus because otherwise the performers would've commented on it at some point of time.
What happened in the years between Junior dying and little Allen getting into the circus? Was he in a child's body till he acquired his Innocence? How did he even acquire his Innocence in the first place?
There's also a final possibility that came to me while I was writing this post— Lavi was born while Past!Junior was still alive. He was born with the 'mark' because Past!Junior was no longer fit to be a Junior. I genuinely have no idea how Hoshino will explain this. Will it be some sort of corruption? Memory loss? Chronic illness?
All of them seem equally unlikely options at this point. But so did the possibility of Allen and Bookman Jr. being different people before this chapter :)
Either ways, this was a very intriguing chapter and I'm looking forward to whatever Hoshino has in store for us.
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amipenthe · 19 days
New chapter has me going feral because for years I’ve seen people theorize that past Allen was past book man junior and babes you were half right lmao. Hoshino is the embodiment of never let them know your next move.
I will say I’m on board with the theory that apo merged those two since he seems so attached to Allen. Also, this means the Allen we just met (the real pasta lmao) must have had a serious connection with mana at the very least, because why would mana have named his dog Allen? Also….does nea think he’s in bookman jr.’s—not pasta’s—body??? He seemed upset at the host he was in then remembered bookman jr and said goodbye to him all sad like. Did he even like pasta?? Why was he the chosen host? What is going on?!?
All that to say neah is as canonically confused as the rest of us
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allenwalkerbitch · 11 months
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I cannot believe Hoshino has me so utterly charmed by a man whose biggest character trait is "undying loyalty to Malcolm C. Levellier," but 247 really was one of the Link chapters of all time huh
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shimmeringweeds · 7 months
There’s something incredibly tragic about about Nea and Allen both declaring that the only ally they need in trying times is Timcanpy, moments before they learn he is gone.
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x x x x x x
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There’s something incredibly tragic in knowing that Tim loves them both, equally.
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There’s something incredibly tragic when you realize that Tim’s destruction will serve as a necessary sacrifice for their growths.
There is something so incredibly tragic about Timcanpy, who has seen it all.
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fruitsjellies · 5 months
my first dgm animatic
its been years since ive done one of these
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