#did any of u guys do scouts and have camping trips?
nihilismtrcit · 1 year
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scout camping trip 
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incendiobrock · 3 years
The Witches Forest
Request: heyy idk if u do requests but if u aree then can you do one where the reader is a witch and is dating colby so she goes on one of the haunted trips w them and does some reading idkk you can end it however you like <33 tyy! 
A/N: Thank you to the lovely anon who requested this! I loosely based this imagine off the witches forest video on the Sam and Colby channel but instead of the witch from the video giving the reading it was y/n, and instead of Colby getting lost in the forest it was y/n. Hope you enjoy! Also this was loosely inspired by an imagine I read by @annab-nana you can read it here!
Warnings: sexual joke (I think that’s it)
It was a typical day with the trap boys. Your boyfriend Colby had finally convinced you to go on a haunted trip with them. The only reason you had agreed was because he had promised you, and Corey, that there wouldn’t be any seances. You would all be going to just spend the night there, not summon anything.
In fact, Sam was planning on doing a cleansing ritual that he had done some research on. So, you agreed. You were always super worried about the boys and the trouble that they would find themselves in, especially with demonic entities and spirits. 
One of the other reasons you had agreed to do the video with them was because you knew that the fans have been begging for you to make an appearance. Colby got tweets and comments daily about his “witchy girlfriend” joining in on a haunted overnight video. All the fans knew that you were super into crystals, and tarot cards, and different herbs, and just about anything that you believed would help protect you and connect you to the world of spirituality.
So here you were, sitting in front of the camera, Colby right by your side, his ring clad hand holding onto your thigh, as the rest of the guys surrounded the table. “Okay, who’s ready for the reading?” You questioned, looking around the table. Everyone nodded and agreed to begin. You passed the tarot deck to each of the boys, instructing them to shuffle the deck while thinking of their intention for the trip to The Witches Forest. Everyone did as told and passed the deck back to you, you were the last to shuffle.
“Alright, so I’m going to pick the top three cards and then we can go over what they each mean for us, and for the trip we are about to go on.” You stated, gently flipping over the top three cards, The Tower, The Nine of Swords, and the card of Death.
You felt the room tense as they all read the cards chosen. “It’s not bad.” You said, trying to calm everyone’s nerves. “Uh- I don’t know about you but a card that says death seems pretty bad to me.” Corey said, laughing out of fear.
“Yeah babe, what does that mean besides ‘we are going to die?’” Colby air quoted the last part. “Will you guys just give me a minute to explain it?” You laughed at your boyfriends face as his eyebrows remained scrunched on his forehead, looking desperately at you for answers. You went on to explain that death could signify the “death” of an era and the beginning of something new. The Nine of Swords means that their own thoughts can weigh them down, or cause a feeling of darkness, and The Tower means danger, chaos, but also liberation. 
“See, so nothing is necessarily bad. It actually seems like this might be good for you guys, especially since we are planning on doing the fire ritual too. That way you can begin a new journey and have a nice cleansed path before the next moon cycle begins.” You stated, leaning your head on Colby’s shoulder and cuddling into his side. He placed a short kiss onto your forehead taking hold of your hand, “Alright so let’s get on the road we don’t want it to get too dark before we set up the tent, plus it’s about an hour drive.” Colby said to the group, still holding your hand as you both stood up to go get into the car.
About an hour later you had all arrived at the forest. Colby had parked the car a little off the dirt path in a small clearing between the trees. You were happy to get out of the car to stretch after having to sit between Jake and Corey in the backseat. You brought along a small backpack of stuff like a water, first aid kit, a flashlight, and most importantly some crystals that offer protection. You took out the small ziploc with the crystal and began to give one to each of the boys, telling them to keep their crystal in their pockets for protection. 
Sam had asked you to explain to the camera what all you had brought so you showed him the black tourmaline, amethyst, and the obsidian, saying that they each offered protection and grounding properties. “Alright, now that we got our protection rocks let’s go pitch the tent we will be staying in all night.” Sam said, shutting off the camera. You all stood around trying to help as Colby did most of the work putting the tent together. You were impressed with his skills, never knowing that he could set up a tent with little to no instruction.
“Dang brother, those Cub Scout skills are really showing right now.” Jake joked, sticking the last spoke into the dirt. “Thanks brother, you know I’m skilled with these hands.” Colby responded, sending a wink in your direction. Your cheeks heated up as a small laugh escaped from your mouth. Leave it to Colby to make a sexual joke that makes the guys cringe. 
After a little exploring all together, and almost losing the location of the tent, you had all decided it was time to start the fire ritual. You were glued closely to Colby’s side, hearing a lot of motion within the trees. “Once we get the fire going maybe we will feel better, the light and heat should scare off any animals that are near.” Sam said grabbing the fire bucket that he had brought for this ritual.
Colby lit the fire and you all sat around in camping chairs. “We should’ve brought s’mores bro.” Corey said, trying to alleviate some of his fear. You agreed with him because you knew you felt the same fear as him at the moment. Sam explained what was going to happen with the fire ritual and passed out the objects that everyone was going to be throwing into the fire, in hopes to release any possible spirits that were attached to them. As soon as you guys started to watch the stuff burn Colby flew back, falling with his camping chair.
“Did you guys see that! Right there! Right behind Jake! Sam? Did you see it, it was like a shadow and it moved super fast right behind Jake’s head.” Colby yelled, standing quickly off the ground and shining a flashlight in that direction. “I saw that too!” You said, abandoning your camping chair as well. Colby took hold of the camera and began walking away from the fire and towards the trail. “Colby! Wait for us bro you can’t go alone!” Sam yelled out, chasing after him. “I have to go, I know I saw something I need to see where it’s going before it gets away, I wanna capture it on camera!” Colby said.
“Someone has to stay by the fire we can’t all leave! Jake you stay here with Corey and we will go investigate.” Sam instructed, but Jake hesitated wanting to go too. Corey ended up agreeing on staying by the fire so you three could keep up with Colby who was still walking quickly away from the group. You thanked Corey, worried that your boyfriend would get too far ahead of everyone. You began to jog to the path, already extremely behind the others because of the sudden panic. 
You turned onto the dirt path and didn’t see any of the three boys, but could barely make out their voices in the distance. You began to jog down the path, heading to the left. You had felt like you were getting closer to them but their voices still remained faint and incoherent. You knew that Sam had yelled for everyone to stay on the path in order to avoid getting lost so you kept jogging further and further into the forest, away from the fire where Corey sat.
You slowed to a walk, shining your flashlight all around, hearing tons of branches snapping and rustling. You suddenly felt very alert, almost as if something was watching you. You felt the panic really set in as it became harder and harder for you to catch your breath. “Colby!” You yelled. “Colby! Sam! Jake! Corey!”  You knew you had made a mistake going this far down the path. “Hello?! Can anyone hear me!” You heard a scream off in the distance making your eyes basically bulge out of your head. You turned sharply towards the direction of the noise, shining your flashlight out in front of your face. Your hands were trembling, shaking the light violently. Not only was it freezing out, but you were terrified of what was out there.
You began running back the opposite direction of the trail, your breath almost nonexistent at this point, but you were determined to make it back to the tent. You heaved, feet stomping away at the dirt path beneath. After what felt like a century, you saw the distant glow of the fire. You ran, the victory of reuniting with the boys fueling your return. The fire was now in clear sight as well as the figures of the four boys you were so anxious to see. The noise of you approaching causing them all to turn and look at you. 
You practically leapt into Colby’s arms, tears pouring down your face as you wrapped tightly around his torso. His hand found its way straight to your hair, pulling you as close as he could to his body, swaying you side to side. “Oh my god, baby. Where were you? I was so worried! I thought I had lost you.” He said quietly, running his fingers through your hair trying to soothe your crying. “I-I was running after you a-and then I got lost. I heard a s-scream, I’m so scared.” You sobbed, never wanting Colby to let go of you.
“We looked all over, we were calling your name like crazy but Jake said we should come and wait by the fire incase you came back. We didn’t want to keep moving further away from you on accident.” Sam said, standing closely near you and Colby. 
“Can we please go? I don’t think I want to be here anymore.” You pleaded, looking into Colby’s eyes as his delicate fingers helped to wipe away your tears. “Yes, of course. I love you, I’m so glad you’re safe. Let’s head to the back up plan, the cabin.” Colby said, directing the last sentence to the boys. You nodded gratefully, making your way into Colby’s car while Jake, Corey, and Sam packed up the mess. 
The night was getting foggier as you pulled into the driveway of Jenna’s cabin. You felt relief rush over you, knowing that you wouldn’t have to spend another second in the Witches Forest. You all got out of the car and huddled by the front door, rain beginning to pour down. Sam took off his backpack digging through it to find the spare key Jenna had lent him. “Uh, Colby did I give you the key earlier?” Sam asked. Colby let go of your hand and patted his pockets down, “No I don’t think I have it. Is it in your pockets?” He responded, recapturing your hand in his, knowing that you were still shaken up about getting lost. Sam flipped his jean pockets inside out, no key to be found. He began pulling everything out of his backpack, searching deep into the bag for the key.
“Let’s go back into the car maybe I left it in there.” Sam said, heading straight back to Colby’s car. You all got back in as the rain continued to pour, Sam searching every inch of the vehicle. “I can’t believe you lost the key Sam, first Y/n goes missing and now this?” Jake says from the backseat, obviously frustrated. “It’s not all my fault okay? You think I meant to lose the key?” Sam snapped back, the tension in the car rising. 
After a lot of searching, the key was no where to be found. Much to your dismay, you had to go back to the tent in the depths of the forest. You all huddle into the blue tent, slipping into your sleeping bags. It was only a few more hours until daylight, a few more hours before the suffering would end.
“I’m not going to let anything hurt you. I lost you once tonight and it was the scariest moment of my life. It’s not going to happen again, I promise.” Colby vowed, pulling you into his chest. You smiled at his kind words, despite how scared you were he always knew how to make you feel safe. “Thank you Colby, I love you so much.” You responded, nuzzling further into his chest. “I love you, to new beginnings.” He chuckled, referencing the tarot reading from earlier. “To new beginnings.” You agreed, sealing the deal with a kiss on the lips.
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svtegg · 4 years
constellations (SVT apocalypse!au)
♡ wordcount: 2,7k ♡ chapter 19/?
(ch.1, ch.2, ch.3, ch.4, ch.5, ch.6, ch.7, ch.8 ch.9 ch.10 ch.11 ch.12 ch.13 ch.14 ch.15 ch.16 ch.17 ch.18)
♡ this won’t make any sense if you haven’t read the last part so make sure to catch up on those before reading! they’re all linked above!
♡ rating: PG-13 death/violence, language, gore themes, descriptions and  mentions of murder, voilence, bodily harm and blood, mentions of pregnancy.
♡ warning: this part involves parts of very descriptive violence, mentions of murder, blood, bodily harm, death, sexual themes and vauge hints to planned/atempted assault! be careful and stay safe! love u
♡ pairing: svt (soonyoung) x reader)
Both me and Seungcheol where momentarily blinded by a bright light and as I squinted against the flash, Seungcheol groaned and lifted a hand up to shield his eyes. “Y/n?!” Soonyoung almost barked, both surprise and worry dripping from the way he pronounced my name. I blinked a few times to adjust to the darkness again as both Soonyoung and Jihoon lowered their girthy flashlights towards the dewy grass beneath us. Seungcheol walked over to the only car left and I could hear him talking to Jihoon by the luggage hatch of the car. The grass rustled slightly as Soonyoung strode over to me, a hand quickly reaching out to touch the now dried and coagulated blood that streaked my neck and shoulder. “What happened to you?” the male whispered; his eyebrows furrowed over his worried eyes as his irises flickered between my face and my neck and torn up clothes. 
Even in the darkness I could see how his eyes gleamed with a slight sheen of anger, or maybe it was fierce worry. The want for revenge glinting in his eyes as he looked between the ripped fabric of my shirt to the wound on my neck, the splattered blood along my torso and then eventually back to my eyes. His hand fell from my shoulder to his side as he gave me another once over. “They’re dead, don’t worry about it.” I whispered as I turned to walk over to the car. “Jihoon got one of them in the back of the head and I planted another bullet right between the other guys eyes. Easy.” I chuckled, brushing it off slightly but mostly so he would stop worrying too much. Soonyoung followed right behind me, probably deciding to let it be for a while, and as I got in the car I noticed Vernon sleeping peacefully against the window in the backseat.
The trip back to camp consisted mostly of silence. Soonyoung had gently grasped my hand in the backseat and was slowly running his thumb across the back of my hand while Seungcheol drove. Jihoon had originally took the driver seat but we had to stop halfway because he got sleepy. The other guys had decided to leave with the first half of the group in the first car because they wanted to get the people who where already out back safe. Especially seeing as the young girl was only two years old and needed to be brought to a safe environment. And Jangmi, the lady who was pregnant, had fallen unconscious after they got her out so they had decided it would just be better for everyone to get out of there as quick as possible. I zoned out during Soonyoung and Seungcheol’s casual back and forth as I thought back to the image of Haru, Jihoon had told me that was the young girl’s name. How she had been giggling and laughing while playing with a bunched-up rag, and how she seemed so accustomed to all the horrors of this reality.
It only dawned on me right then how she had never known anything other than this. She had only been alive for two years; how could she fear situations like these if this is all she ever knew. As I sat completely drowned in my own thoughts, I felt a shoulder bump mine gently. I looked over at Soonyoung and only then did I realize I was barely holding back tears. He smiled gently at me before leaning his head into mine and letting me rest against his shoulder. And that is how I fell asleep. It had been an extremely long day, and I finally felt how tired I was, how exhausted and heavy my body felt. My limbs ached, I was in pain and my body had been ravaged by an unusual amount of adrenaline. And as I slowly fell asleep I felt Soonyoung gently envelop my hand with both his and the warmth felt so nice in that moment that if I wasn’t half asleep by then I swear I would have cried.
“Which one’s that?” Junghyun softly asked, a tiny hand pointed up towards the blacked-out sky. It was illuminated by thousands upon thousands of white glowing stars. “That’s orions belt, see how they’re all lined up perfectly?” I answered, my voice barely above a whisper as I looked over at the tiny boy. He continued to stare up at the sky, his eyes blown wide as he discovered more and more stars. I let my fingers drag over the dark blue fleece blanket cushioning the two of us from the hard concrete of the roof we where laying on as I absentmindedly stared off behind Junghyun. Eunju was sleeping a few meters away and Jicheol was sitting against the edge of the roof, leaning over and watching the darkened city. Everything was quiet. So, so quiet and dark. “Look, that one looks like a heart shape!” Junghyun mused, his tiny voice floating through the cold midnight air. I let out a soft chuckle, but it sounded more like a harsh breath. The sound of a few doves landing on a rusted antenna snapped me out of the half asleep state I had lulled myself into and I looked over at Jicheol who was still sitting in the same corner as before, now running his dull pocket knife along the edge of one of his frayed and tattered backpack straps. Everything seemed so still, almost normal for a few seconds and I found myself bittersweetly nostalgic as I remembered a time before all of this and how badly I wished I could have seen Junghyun grow up in the world I had experienced so many years ago.
I thought about how he would have run around, how he would have loved football and how he would have been a boy scout. Exploring nature and learning about space and stars and planets. Learning languages and multiplying and science instead of learning first aid, how to collect water from soil and how to load a gun. I let one of my hands stretch out to move some of the stray black hairs that had now fallen over his closed eyes. He needed a haircut; his hair was getting long. His cheeks where dotted with dirt and tiny scratches that almost looked like the constellations on the sky he adored so much. He looked so peaceful like this, sleeping without a single worry, resting. This was how I wanted to remember him as he grew up, I thought to myself. This is how he’ll live in my mind forever.
“Y/n?” a soft voice said, I could feel someone softly grasp my upper arm but I was so sleepy. I couldn’t tell where the voice came from or who it was, but somehow it didn’t scare me. The comfortable blanket around me and the warmth from Junghyun was way too comfortable. I was so tired too, I just wanted to rest. Just for one second. The doves above cooed, and the slight sound of the gentle wind blowing past the buildings and the rustle nature that was slowly overgrowing the concrete and asphalt of the city just lured me further into sleep.
The next time I opened my eyes there was a low sound of water running. A slow stream. Over me there was a strong light, almost completely white for a few seconds before my eyes could adjust. The sky above was blue, without a single cloud in sight. I could feel the grass sway softly with the breeze all around me. It was warm, but not hot. The wind felt amazing against my skin as it drifted past and lightly danced through my hair, which wasn’t tied up as usual. It flowed down along my shoulders and I could feel the tips of the strands tickle my exposed shoulders. The buzzing of a fly was suddenly audible on the left side of my head and I quickly stood up as I waved my hand around gently to shoo the insect away. I was surrounded by vast woods, tall pine trees and fresh green grass that tickled my shins as I took a few steps away from the position I had woken up in. There was a tiny stream cutting through the middle of the field but other than that there where just woods and mountains all around. I looked down on myself, unsure if I was dreaming or not. Was this real? Where was I? Am I dead? Is this heaven?
I was barefoot, the dampness of the soil beneath pressing against the soles of my feet. And I was wearing a familiar dress. A white one with a tiny blue ribbon tied around the waist. It was the same dress I had worn in my parents wedding when I was four. Except much bigger, and as I realized that fact, I knew I had to be dreaming. Or dead. I quickly looked up again. If I was dead, why was I alone? Where was Junghyun and Eunju? Dahye? My parents? Was I supposed to be alone even after dying? “Hello?” I tried, my voice raspy and hoarse. I cleared it slightly and tried again. No answer. Only the deafening sound of the water, and the occasional fly buzzing past my face. I stood for a few seconds, letting myself stand in the silence. I felt someone take my hand, first the left one and then the right. And just as I was about to turn around to face the person who had so gently held my hands my eyes opened, for real this time.
“Hi. Good morning.” Mingyu gently smiled as I met eyes with him. His large hand was clutching mine, while the other disappeared out of my line of sight towards my neck. I groaned as I felt a slight sting on the skin where his hand was. “Sorry. It’s antiseptic.” He whispered, looking at me with an apologetic smile. I rolled my neck as gently as I could, so I didn’t disturb whatever it was he was doing, and my entire spine cracked one joint after the other. The room was familiar, just like every other of the motel rooms of the camp. It wasn’t the same room as Seokmin had stayed in because the beds where placed differently. There where two beds on each side of the room here, and the identical dresser had been pushed in-between. “How’s everyone?” I asked, looking back at Mingyu as soon as I had oriented myself a little. He glanced between my eyes and my neck, skipping a couple beats before he answered. “Well, you’re the person in second worst shape and I guess that’s a pretty good starting point.” He hoarsely whispered back with a playful smile slightly tugging at the corners of his lips, before focusing completely on bandaging up my neck.
“You got five stitches and a good night’s sleep; you’ll definitely manage. Jangmi has pneumonia and is about 8 months along, Chan also suspects she might have preeclampsia but there is basically no way to be certain of that in this situation. It’s not looking too good.” He solemnly explained, his coffee colored eyes downcast as he put the final bandage over the stitches on my neck. I sighed, turning to look over at the other bed that was placed under the dusty window on the wall diagonal to where my bed was. “That’s Seungkwan.” Mingyu whispered as he got up to put the rest of the supplies away. “He’s just malnourished and tired. Vernon too, he’s in a bit more of a shock and doesn’t really say much but he asked about you. Jeonghan was covered in infected cuts but he’ll manage. Haru was in next to perfect health, but I think we’re seeing some separation anxiety symptoms. It’s not that bad but we’ll have to be proactive about it.” The tall man murmured as he turned his back to the beds to dispose of the used cottonpads and the bandage wrapper. He was wearing a burgundy hoodie that was way to small for him, so he couldn’t zip it up. “I’ll have Wonwoo bring you two some food, Chan will be by to check on your stitches a little later. We have to disinfect it three times a day because according to Jihoon whatever knife those guys used on you, it was rusty and dirtied up pretty badly.” The hoodie clad man moved over to the door, his voice still barely above a whisper as Seungkwan was still completely passed out in the bed beside mine. Mingyu stilled for a while, his hand holding the doorknob but not moving. I could hear faint talking and the sound of footsteps on the gravel outside. Mingyu turned to look over his shoulders, our eyes locking for the first time today. Had we stared at each other in silence for even a split second longer I would have busted out in an awkward laugh but just as I was about to look away, he smiled gently, his dark eyes looking so extremely sincerely apologetic. “Good to have you back, Y/n.”
I had been ordered to stay on bed rest for the day by both Mingyu and Chan, but after about 40 minutes of laying and listening to people go about their day outside and nearly praying that Seungkwan would wake up just so I could have someone to talk to, I took my chances and left the tray of half eaten food Wonwoo had brought earlier on the dresser and walked out onto the porch. The sun was shining, barely a cloud in the sky and I could hear Sun barking and the sound of a child laughing so happily it almost came out as a scream. There was a shadowed figure in the watchtower, and I recognized it as Minghao right away, the way his long hair fell over his eyes and into his face not hiding his identity very well. Not that hiding your identity was necessary right now anyway. The wind blew past, it was a little stronger today and I could feel slight goosebumps rise on my arms as I leaned onto the wooden bannister.
The wind took ahold of the treetops and swayed them gently. The sound of the leaves rustling, and the tall grass being tousled was oddly calming. It was warm for an autumn morning, but not hot. I looked over at the sound of a door opening and was politely greeted by Seokmin and a man I recognized as Jeonghan supporting the latter. “Morning!” Seokmin smiled, staggering slightly as he moved out on the porch. Jeonghan helped Seokmin waddle over to the bannister for support and as the younger boy assumed almost the same position as me, Jeonghan moved to stand in between the two of us. There was a beat of silence, the wind once again taking another hold of the very tops of the pine trees all around the camp. “I don’t think we got to formally introduce ourselves, I’m Jeonghan.” the man smiled, the previous bandages I had seen him with was gone now, replaced by some new, clean ones while some of the smaller cuts on his face had been smeared with ointment. He looked tired and unusually pale, but his smile and eyes read happy, almost thankful. I offered him a smile before gently responding with “Pleased to meet you. I’m Y/n.”
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itshardcandy · 4 years
Kim Seokjin x Reader
(Originally written for and posted by @letsgetitinbusan for a writing game but I chose to also post it on this blog now)
8806 Words
Genre: Fluff, Friends to lovers, Smut, Crack,
Warnings: Alcohol consumption, dirty talk, fingering, outdoor sex, unprotected sex (wrap it before u tap it, kids), Jimin’s cakes
Summary: Camping with your friends was supposed to be fun- you could only agree, now that Jin had made camping even funner.
You mumbled with a full mouth,
You said and Jimin smiled proudly. Jin watched the interaction quietly from his seat. Damn, he thought, he should have remembered to bring some rice cakes for you. He wasn’t really jealous of Jimin and his cakes. Really, he wasn’t. He was convinced that little crush of yours was completely food related, so he didn’t really think there was anything more to it. All he wanted was for that interaction to have taken place with him and also, for you to give all your attention to him and not Jimin. That seems like a reasonable mindset, right?
“Yikes, I wouldn’t wanna be her right now”
Said the bus boy standing next to you, crossing his arms as he watched the restaurant manager approach the newest addition to the waiter team, who was currently involved in a rather heated discussion with a guest,
“It’s a shame she’s gonna have to leave, she was nice…” 
You added and both of you sighed heavily and returned to your duties while the poor girl was being fired for standing her ground. She was the third one this month alone. To be fair, your manager was not an easy man to please, so it only made sense that new additions to the tea would be examined even more closely than you and the others, who had worked here for longer. The only thing keeping you safe from the manager’s wrath was your natural ability to fake-smile for hours on end. It was a gift as much as it was a curse but it had secured your job in the customer service sector so far.
And soon you will have survived another painful day of serving bitchy, rude and entitled Karen’s and Chad’s for the sake of financing your studies. At least they tipped well if you smiled hard enough.
This was your last day of work before you could look forward to two weeks of uninterrupted relaxation time. You handed in your last paper for this semester last week, so all of the work for university was also done and nothing would interfere with your plans to sleep for three days straight and then spend the rest of the time at the beach, cooking in the sun.
 “See you guys in a few weeks”
You yelled into the kitchen after you gathered your things and clocked out for the night. A few hurried goodbyes reached your ears before you exited through the back door of the restaurant and finally breathed in the fresh air, smelling of freedom and definitely not the burger grease stench coming from the kitchen AC vent.
No, it was definitely freedom and it was glorious.
After a hot shower and big glass of wine you were slumped on your couch, ready to pass out any second now, when your phone went off and almost gave you a heart-attack.
You took a deep breath and checked the caller ID to see your friend Seokjin calling,
“What is it?”
Normally, Jin calling was a thing you were happy about, however, being interrupted while passing out after a 10-hour shift at your job, was not a happy occasion and you couldn’t mask the annoyance in your voice,
“Whoa, what’s got your panties in a twist? Did that guy at work steal your tips again?”
He asked and you breathed a heavy sigh,
“No, I think he learnt his lesson after I cut out the butt on all his work pants…
You answered, slowly sitting up and reaching for your wine glass to empty it with a last few sips before continuing the conversation
“Why are you calling so late? I was about to fall asleep…”,
“I just wanted to remind you to pack if you haven’t done it already. Which you probably haven’t. Case in point”
Pack? You creased your brows. Pack for what?
“YN? You still there?”,
“Uhh, yeah I am I just… can you remind me what I’m supposed to be packing for?”
If you weren’t so tired, you’d probably be a little more embarrassed,
“Seriously? It’s that time of the year, YN! It’s blackout week! Joon send everyone reminders months ago! And then weeks ago! And then again 2 days ago! How could you forget the most magical event of the year?”  
You needed to hold the phone at a slight distance as to not go deaf at the sound of Seokjin’s friendly reminder. He was right, though, how could you forget? Blackout Week was the one week that you and your group of friends all looked forward to collectively every year. A whole week of camping in the mountains near a beautiful lake and no one was allowed to bring any kind of electronic devices, unless it was absolutely necessary for survival. A flashlight would be an exception but other than that you guys were pretty adapt at reverting your way of life back to the good old dark ages. You were lucky that Jungkook and Hoseok had been part of a group of boy scouts or else blackout week would have ended in a disaster each time. Yeah well, maybe you had exaggerated when you said that all of you were pretty adapt at this stuff… But nevertheless, you were all very determined, which was just as important,
“Shit, you’re right, I completely forgot…”
You ran your hand across your face and sighed,
“Of course, you forgot, why am I even surprised…”
Jin sounded more upset that he actually was, you knew him by now. You just needed to work him a little bit,
“How early are we leaving tomorrow? Can I do it in the morning? I’m so tired…”
You probably sounded a little whiney but that usually did the trick with Jin,
“I told you to be ready at 5, you know how long the drive is. Ah YN, I still can’t believe it, you’re so careless sometimes…”
He already sounded a little softer,
“I’m sorry, I’ll start packing right now, ok?”,
You made sure to sound like the helpless damsel in distress you wanted Jin to believe you were and you were sure you had cracked him. You heard him sigh heavily on the other end of the line,
“Do you need help packing? I’ll come over and help you, it’ll be quicker and you can get more sleep”,
“Are you sure? It’s late already…”,
“Just stay awake for the next fifteen minutes and open the door when I knock, ok? I’ll be right there”,
He hung up and you smiled to yourself. There were a few advantages to knowing how Jin’s mind worked. And knowing Jin, he would never not come and help you out and you were grateful to have such a selfless friend. He knew you were an absolute mess and he didn’t mind picking up your slack once in a while because you took care of him in turn. It wasn’t like you turned up whenever he called, like he usually did for you but you were the type of friend to think of things he forgot to do for himself. You had been friends for so long, that he had given you a key to his apartment a while back and you used it to make sure his fridge was always stocked, and his plants were taken care of. He worked a lot. Way more than you and the little things like self-care and chores sometimes got put on the back burner. Since you had a little more time on your hands you would take care of these things once in a while. Before you got up off the couch to put on some comfy pants, you stretched your tired limbs and pressed play again to let Netflix run in the background. Jin knocked right as you finished pouring two mugs of coffee, which both of you would probably need to undertake the monumental task of packing your camping bag. You opened the door and let him inside, handing him the mug right away and watching a smile creep onto his face,
“Coffee was a good idea”
He said and slurped loudly after he closed the door,
“Thought it would make me feel less dead. I have yet to see that theory proven”
You sipped on your coffee, too,
“Thank you for helping me, though, I completely forgot about the trip”
Jin waved you off,
“At this point I’d be surprised if you actually remembered to take a shower after work. I know I’m usually the busy one but this semester you’ve had so much stuff to do, that I can’t even be mad you forgot everything not related to uni”
You smiled at him. Even though Jin loved to get his Dad mode on and get all red-faced and out of breath from all the scolding, he was a softie at heart and everyone knew, no matter how hard he puffed up his chest, he never really meant any harm. He was all bark and no bite and none of your friends took anything he said seriously,
“Let’s get started then”
He said and put down the mug in your sink before waltzing off towards your bedroom and digging around in your closet until he emerged with your suitcase. You watched him zoom around the place for a second until you joined him, sitting down on the bedroom floor and grabbing some clothes to roll up and place in the case,
“You want any snacks?”
You asked Jin in case he wanted some food in addition to the great entertainment you provided with Netflix in the background, your loud combined breathing and the rustling of useless stuff around you as you moved it around to find viable things to pack,
“I’m good, thanks, though”
He said and dived head first into a pile of clothes to look for your warmer sweatshirts. The end of summer was in sight and you would be staying pretty high up the mountains, so better be prepared,
“Although… do you still have some of those mini pretzels?”,
“Yeah, sure”
You got up and got him the bag of his beloved snack and then it was time to get some real work done.
“Thank GOD we finally made it!”
Jin jumped out of the car and went to kneel down to kiss the ground but you stopped him before things could get ugly. What a baby, you thought to yourself… so what if you sang along to Cotton Eyed Joe for three hours straight? It’s a timeless masterpiece,
“So what if I sang along to Cotton Eyed Joe for three hours straight, it’s a timeless masterpiece!”
You argued and Jin’s eyes almost bulged out of his head,
“A timeless- can you even comprehend the unspeakable agony I was in? It felt like my soul left my mortal body and only the haunting of Cotton Eyed Joe remained…”
He could be such a drama queen sometimes. You rolled your eyes and sighed; deciding to be the bigger person really should be considered a virtue,
“Anyway, we made it here on time, didn’t we? You sure know how to burn some rubber when you don’t like the music I play…”
Jin pulled himself off the ground, holding onto the car door. His joints weakly cracked while he got up,
“I aged like 30 years during this trip and it’s only just starting…”
He mumbled to himself, shaking his head and making his neck crack in addition to everything else,
“What was that?”
You asked and Jin quickly went to unload the trunk,
“Nothing, nothing”
He answered, avoiding an even longer discussion about Cotton Eyed Joe.
You quickly joined him and had your bags unloaded in no time.
It seemed like you were the first ones to arrive at the camping site and when you informed Jin of that, his mood immediately shifted,
“We get to choose our spot?”
He looked at you in disbelief,
“Seems like it…”,
“Finally, we don’t have to sleep next to the dumpster!”
You never got to choose your spot because you had never been the first ones to arrive,
“Jin, there isn’t even a dumpster here, were in the middle of literal nowhere, nothing but lake, mountains and forest for miles”,
“True but somehow, the garbage always ended up being next to our tent because it was the only space left”
Ok, well, you guessed that was kinda true. You didn’t mind it though, you were a heavy sleeper,
“Ok, so let’s pick a good spot this time, hm?”
You said, clapped your hands together and looked around to assess the available spots,
“How about over there?”
You pointed to the edge of the clearing, where the trees began to grow thicker and taller. Jin squinted and pursed his lips,
He hummed and you guessed you wouldn’t be setting up there,
“What do you think about setting up here?”
You walked into the middle of the clearing, near the stump where the campfire would be set up later and Jin immediately pursed his lips even harder and hummed louder and you quickly suggested more,
“Ok, so near the lake then? Work with me here, Jin”
You walked down to the soft grass near the shore and presented it as appealingly as possible and Jin lips formed a smile. He nodded, finally. He walked towards you with the rolled-up tent under his arm and you planted it firmly in the ground. Not a second to soon, too because right after you set it down, another car approached and parked right beside Jin’s,
“Ah, the cavalry arrives”
You commented and just as you and Jin had planted the last fixture and the tent was stable, the car doors opened and the three Musketeers exited the vehicle in style.
Yoongi, sporting his usual urban-grandpa-couture, adjusted his tinted glasses and ran a hand through the hair that stuck out from his headband, before he casually nodded at you and Jin in greeting. Hoseok and his brother Taehyung waved at you enthusiastically in their brightly coloured jackets and each held up a bag filled with goodies that looked extremely promising,
“Woooow! You’re here early!”
Hoseok could barely believe it,
“And you even grabbed the best spot, well done guys!”
He congratulated you, genuinely surprised that you made it here before anyone else for the first time,
“be honest, did you ever expect this to happen?”
You asked him as he came over to hug you and Jin simultaneously,
“Not in a million years”,
“But we’ve been rooting for you guys ever since we started this tradition”
Tae said as he leisurely strolled over and hugged you tightly,
“Thanks, it only took us almost 10 years to get here, so we’re gonna make sure to rub it in your faces whenever possible”
Jin piped up and you chuckled to yourself,
“If you got here so early you could have prepared the fire already instead of being lazy”
Yoongi grumbled and trudged over, as well,
“Missed you too, boo bear”
You cooed at him and went to pinch his cheeks,
“Goochie goo, look at you, you put on weight”
You loved treating him like a baby. He also loved it when you did it but he would sooner die than ever admit to that,
“Ugh, don’t touch me”
He weakly tried to wiggle out of your grip on his pinchable cheeks and after they presented all the goodies, they brought with them, you helped the guys set up their tent. Then you actually did prepare the fire. The last of your friends to arrive were Namjoon, his baby cousin Jungkook and Jimin. Even more pinchable cheeks for you to victimize, you thought, rubbing your hands together evilly. When they arrived, the rest of you were sitting around the fire and you only noticed their arrival when you heard their voices approach through the trees. Apparently, they had chosen to hike here,
“I’m never listening to you again… hiking here, for fuck’s sake! I can’t believe I thought this was a good idea”
Joon said, sounding somewhat out of breath as he and Jungkook stepped into the clearing. He dropped his bags and drew in a long breath,
“Come on, it wasn’t that bad! And it’s not like you couldn’t use a little more exercise…”
Jungkook said, mumbling the last part of the sentence,
“What was that?”,
“Nothing, nothing…”
Jungkook picked up Joon’s bags in addition to his and marched on towards you guys, sitting by the fire. Jimin stepped out of the woods last and looked just as ethereal as everyone remembered. As he ran a hand through his hair, the sun immediately took a step back to let him take the place in the spotlight. A collective sigh ran through your group and a couple of awkward glances and coughs were exchanged before you all got your bearings back. He smiled when he saw you and gave a little wave that made you giggle like a little girl when you waved back. Jin could only shake his head in disbelief. Sure, Jimin was hot. Even he could admit to that; but surely you thought Jin was handsome, too, right?
“Sorry we’re late, guys!”
Jungkook said as he reached you and set the bags down,
“Don’t worry about it”
Hoseok got up first and hugged the younger boy tightly before the rest of you got up and said hi. Joon and Jimin walked over, too and the hugging continued for a little longer than usual hugging because everyone took a little more time to get an extended hug with Jimin. It was honestly ridiculous how thirsty all of you were for him. And the poor guy had no idea.
After all the tents had been set up, everything was prepared and all of you had settled back around the fire, you watched Yoongi and Jimin prepare dinner, while Hoseok and Taehyung played UNO and Jungkook was scribbling something in a notebook. Jin was sitting next to you and reading through the gas grill’s user manual, Jimin and Yoongi were currently trying t get to work,
“Are you sure, you’re not holding it upside down?”
You asked him and reached out to grab it from him but he held it out of your reach and sighed,
“YN, I know how to read a damn…- hold on, it’s actually upside down”,
“Wait, really?
You were only joking about the upside-down thing,
“NO, of course not! How incapable do you think I am?”
Jin slapped your shoulder with the papers and you laughed as you tried to lean away far enough,
“Very, and I’m not even sorry for it”
you said and Jin’s mouth dropped open and he coughed out a laugh,
“With a friend like you, I really don’t need any enemies”
He said and you leaned back in to look up at him and channel your cutest pout,
“This is why you love me, though”
You were right, he thought, no one could make him feel so dumb, yet so happy at the same time. Especially with an annoyingly cute pouty face like yours,
“You’re lucky, that’s true”
He continued flipping through the manual and soon, the grill was working and he saved Yoongi and Jimin from their misery. Just in time, too because Tae was getting hungry and no one wanted to deal with that.
“Aw man, that was so good!”
Jungkook said, stuffing the last food from his bowl into his mouth, chewing loudly,
“You want the rest of mine?”
You asked him, holding your bowl in his direction and he nodded eagerly, big eyes getting even bigger,
“There you go, big boy”
You smiled to yourself and handed him your bowl,
“God, where is all that food even going?”
Yoongi said, as he watched Jungkook devour the additional food he had just received,
“Shhh, let him eat”
You shushed Yoongi with a pat to his leg and watched Jungkook munch happily,
“Anyone want some rice cakes?”
Jimin piped up and opened up a Tupperware filled with the juicy looking sweet treats,
“Oooooh, Jimin, they look amazing!”
You couldn’t believe your eyes; they were your favourite,
“I knew you’d like them”
Jimin said as he watched your eyes and smile grow bigger,
“Have some”
He added and held the box your way,
“Oh yes! Thank you”
You got up and tiptoed around the fire to kneel in front of him to munch on his cakes. You looked at him with glossy eyes, happy that he remembered your favourite treat. And they were good, too. So good, that you had to close your eyes as you had the first bite,
You mumbled with a full mouth,
You said and Jimin smiled proudly. Jin watched the interaction quietly from his seat. Damn, he thought, he should have remembered to bring some rice cakes for you. He wasn’t really jealous of Jimin and his cakes. Really, he wasn’t. He was convinced that little crush of yours was completely food related, so he didn’t really think there was anything more to it. All he wanted was for that interaction to have taken place with him and also, for you to give all your attention to him and not Jimin. That seems like a reasonable mindset, right? So, in conclusion, he wasn’t jealous, at all. However, when Jimin took a second rice cake out of the box and held it to your lips, time seemed to slow down for Jin and not in the good, romantic way he would have preferred it. Jimin gently placed the cake in your mouth and your lips closed around his finger for a second before he slowly pulled away. You moaned in pleasure as you started chewing and Jin had to bite down on his tongue to not lose his mind. To the others this was a completely normal and innocent thing to witness; just two friends sharing some food, what’s wrong with that? Everything, according to the way Jin was currently staring Jimin down and tried to telepathically communicate his disdain for the way he fed you food in the most erotic way possible. Ok, maybe he was a little jealous, after all. Why was this suddenly getting to him? He knows that the relationship you have with him isn’t purely based on friendship, since the both of you had had some ambiguous moments of will they, won’t they before but it was never really anything you acted upon or even talked about. Nothing to take seriously. Maybe, by watching you and Jimin flirt so innocently, he had just realized now, how precious you really were to him and that he wanted to try and incorporate a romantic aspect into your relationship. Or maybe, he just never felt threatened before. Never felt like his place in your life was about to be taken away from him by a guy with sweet, juicy and delicious cakes. Damn Jimin’s cakes! Jin got up and started collecting everyone’s dishes. He didn’t want to continue watching you basically crawling in Jimin’s lap and sucking the cakes off his fingers. Maybe he went a little too hard with the whole dish collecting thing because as he ripped Jungkook’s bowl from his hands, the younger hadn’t completely finished I and yelled after Jin, as he went down to the lake and started vigorously scrubbing everything. However, Jin didn’t know that he had absolutely nothing to be jealous of because as soon as he had left the circle, Tae, who was sat next to Jimin, made him feed him cakes, as well. Let’s just say that even someone as oblivious as you knew when some actual sexual tension was developing. You decided it was time to awkwardly retreat to your seat now, before you were sandwiched in between the two boys. Only now did you notice that Jin had left the comfort of his camping chair,
“Hey, where did he go?”
You asked Joon, who was wrapped in a thick jacket with his hands around a warm cup of tea. While someone outside of your circle might be a little confused at the sight of someone with such a warm jacket on in this warm weather, you had stopped wondering about his weird habits a while ago. He slurped his tea and pointed down to the shore where, if you squinted heavily, you could faintly recognise the outline of Jin’s body in the dark. You excused yourself from the others and walked the short distance to join Jin in washing the dishes. He was slumped over, kneeling at the shore and, apparently, hadn’t noticed you approaching. So you yelled and gripped his shoulders from behind:
The high-pitched scream he let out almost burst your eardrums but it was definitely worth it to see him almost jump into the water in shock,
“What the hell, YN? Why would you do that?”
He was clearly very upset about the whole thing but you only snickered like a mean little kid and kneeled down next to him,
“I’m sorry, I just couldn’t resist”
You said and took the knife he was scrubbing out of his hands. Safer this way. Even in the dark you could see his eyes, big as saucers and it only made you laugh more. You took his hand in yours in apology and Jin didn’t resist, he just yelled louder like he usually did,
“You’re such a brat! I volunteer to do the dishes and what do you do? Wow, the disrespect is off the charts!”
His yelling was like an affectionate pat on the back by now because you knew he would never actually yell at you in anger. He knew you loved it because you always laughed even harder when he started ranting. And when you squeezed his hand a little tighter, he was sure there was nothing he enjoyed more than making you laugh by making an ass of himself,
“I’ll stop, I promise!”
You bowed your head and clutched his hand to your chest, still smiling,
“Tsk, empty promises”
He shook his head and you looked up at him,
“I’ll make it up to you, I’ll help you with the dishes”
You said eagerly,
“And also, I snagged one of the rice cakes for you”
Jin listened up,
“I know you love these things even more than I do”
He heard some shuffling and then you held your hand up in front of his face, a tiny cake sitting in your palm,
“Open up”
You said, taking the treat between two fingers and holding it up for Jin,
“For me?”
He asked, just to make sure he wasn’t imagining this,
“Of course, for you, you genius”
 Jin slowly opened his mouth and you gently placed the treat in it, like Jimin did with you. However, Jin didn’t think of Jimin in this moment, he only thought about the way your thumb lingered on his lower lip for a few seconds before you pulled your hand back. He felt his affection for you stir in his heart again. He also felt something else stir in a different bodily region at the feeling of your fingers on his lips. He quickly turned away and swallowed the sweet cake before clearing his throat, 
He managed to mumble and went right back to washing dishing and willing away the growing problem you were responsible for,    
“Move over, I’ll help”
You said and crowded his space again to help him with the dishes and then a comfortable silence set in, only interrupted by the occasional loud laughter from the rest of the guys.
The last night approached quicker than all of you would have liked. After all of the days spent on the lakeshore, basking in the sun and eating smores at night around the campfire, it was finally time to return to your normal life. You and Jin had gotten used to the tent situation quickly, even though it wasn’t the most comfortable or convenient. Well, for Jin at least. After the you had gone to sleep on the first night, Jin lay awake for a while longer, not being able to get your small fingers and your gentle touch out of his mind and it didn’t help that you were right here next to him, bodies only separated by a thin sheet you used as blanket.
And it had only gotten worse.
Tonight, the silhouette of your body, illuminated by the dying light of the fire outside, made Jin especially weak. He, like you and the others, had a few drinks to celebrate your trip and commemorate your friendship and, surprisingly, alcohol didn’t do a lot to enhance his self -control. More like the opposite,
“You good? Are you comfortable?”, 
You and Jin had finally arranged yourselves into the bed rolls and were about to go to sleep. You were turned away from him with not a lot of distance between your bodies. It had been an especially hot day and even though it was already dark, the air and the ground hadn’t begun to cool down, yet. Jin was uncomfortable in the heat and he had already stripped down to his briefs; just being in the tent, next to you, not even a sheet over your bodies, to avoid even more heat, he felt like his body was heating up even more. He heard you shuffle around a little and then your thin top was flying over his face and you wore nothing but your underwear,
“I’m sorry if this makes you uncomfortable but I feel like I’m melting”
You said and fanned your face to feel even the slightest relief from the heat. Jin didn’t say anything for a few seconds, too caught up in the realisation that you were in nothing but your underwear, right next to him,
“It’s fine”
His voice betrayed him, sounding breathy and thin. He cleared his throat,
“Don’t worry about it”  
There, he sounded super manly again,
“I’m dying over here… it was nice when we were in the water but now? I’m not made for this weather”
You lamented and turned to Jin, tucking your hands under your head to be comfortable. He was glad that it was so dark because if there were even a little bit more light coming in from the outside you would have seen him staring shamelessly at your tits, pushed together between your arms,
“Yeah it’s uh… really bad”
Very smooth, Jin, managing to answer even though his briefs were getting uncomfortably tight, he thought to himself. The fire outside finally went out completely and the clinking of glasses and the sound of another tent zipper let you know that the last of your friends were about to hit the hay, as well,
“Do you mind if I open the zipper? Let some more air in?”
You asked and sat up already,
“No, go ahead, can’t be worse than this, anyway”  
You felt around for the zipper and dragged it down until the flaps of the tent opened and a slight breeze greeted you from outside,
“Well, it’s not much but I can breathe a little better”,
You fell back into the bed roll with a sigh and Jin suddenly had an idea,
“Hey, YN”,
“How about we just go down to the lake? Put our feet in the water, cool down a little, you know?”,
“Mhmh, I guess”,
“It’s probably more effective than just opening the zipper”,
“Yeah, you’re right”
You sighed again and sat up in the tent,
“Ok then, let’s go. We gotta be quiet though, I think everyone’s sleeping already” 
You said and Jin sat up, too, to crawl out of the tent and help you stand up after you crawled out, too. He grabbed your hand and slowly you navigated the dark clearing in the full moon light down to the soft grass around the lake shore until you felt the water gently lap on your feet. Both of you sat down on the grass and let the waves envelope your feet on their way up,
“Ugh, I already feel so much better”
You relaxed and lay back on the grass, stretching your overheated and tired limbs,
Jin stretched his legs, tapping and tickling your smaller feet with his and making you giggle,
“Jin, that tickles”
You tried to wiggle away, and escape his big gorilla feet,
“Is this an unexplored fetish of yours?”  
you asked, making Jin laugh and trying to not be too loud,
“The tickling or the feet?”,
“Oh my god is it both?”,
“Are you kink-shaming me?”
“Definitely! Feet are gross”
You smiled and pushed yourself off the grass back into a sitting position,
“I don’t have a weird kink, calm down”
Jin loved riling you up, just as much as you did it to him,
“Anyway, I’m gonna go in, I think”
He announced after he was done teasing you and slowly waded into the shallow water,
“you coming?”
You looked up at him, shaking your head,
“I don’t think so, I don’t have my bathing suit. Don’t wanna sleep in wet undies”
“Suit yourself. But don’t complain about the heat”
He simply said and turned around, walking until water reached up to his ribs. It probably wouldn’t be so bad to get your underwear wet; in this heat they would be dry in no time anyway. But another thought crossed your mind and you contemplated just going commando. Even though yours and Jin’s relationship had never been anything more that friendly, except for a little flirting here and there, you felt like it could be more. There could be more to the flirting and the innocent hand touching. And times like these made you want to just cross the line. Despite Jin thinking he was pretty subtle about everything, you had noticed how, during the trip, he eyed you and Jimin curiously whenever you were talking. You had also noticed how he tried to put as much distance between you as possible in the tent as to not push his very obvious hard on anywhere near you. By now you just wanted to see if he would cross the line first. Watching him, you unclipped your bra and slipped your panties down your legs, before you also let the cool waves roll against your body. He had already made his way a little farther out and you stopped where your feet could still feel the ground and the water just reached around your clavicle,
“Guess the heat finally got to you, hm?”
Jin said, as he noticed you approaching,
“Right, the heat”
You mumbled and he swam closer, back to you,
“Not worried about the clothes anymore?”
You shook your head and smiled,
“What clothes?”,
“Your under- Oh”
Jin stopped in the middle of the sentence after he had realised what you meant. His mouth fell open as his eyes took in the naked line of your shoulders, no straps in sight,
“I didn’t wanna get them wet”
You said and Jin has to swallow hard. You’re naked under the blurry sheen of the water and he doesn’t know how to handle the situation,
“Yeah, no, I get it, convenience and all that, right?”
He laughs awkwardly and tries and fails to cover up his sudden insecurity about your naked boobs just a few inches away from his face,
“Yeah, I just thought I’d let the girls breathe, you know?”
You looked down and Jin could see your hands covering your boobs right under the surface,
“Yeah, yeah, no big deal, just let the… the girls out”
He took a deep breath and tried to look anywhere but your hands encasing your tits. The trees were pretty in the dark, so out there. And their crowns looked so big and full and round in the moonlight. They were probably very soft if he were to submerge his face between them.
Yeah, trees really were something; He had always been a tree guy.
And he probably should take a step back so he wouldn’t accidentally poke you in the stomach,
“Are you ok? Am I making you uncomfortable?”
You asked, your voice sounding all soft an innocent,
“Do you want me to put it all back on?”
Jin whipped his head around at that and held his hands up,
“No! No, I mean…”
More awkward coughing,
“Don’t bother, you’re comfortable. I’m completely fine”
You giggled cutely and Jin felt his self-control pack its bags and jump out of the window,
“Are you sure? You seem kinda bothered…”
You took a step forward and Jin escaped immediately,
“I think I’m gonna go back out, it’s freezing in here, don’t you think?”
He stuttered and rushed through the water so fast that I splashed you in the face. You smiled to yourself, fully aware that Jin was definitely not unbothered by your boobs. A fact, that you would use to your advantage.
And Entertainment.
You also swam back to the shore, where Jin was already standing on the grass again, his back turned to the water. When the water wasn’t high enough to cover up your nakedness anymore you wanted to get Jin’s attention again. You slowly exited the water and walked towards Jin, who was currently picking up your underwear carefully. You noticed him stalling a moment and feeling the soft fabric of your panties between his fingers before he spoke up,
“YN, I’ll leave your stuff closer to the water, ok?”
He said, thinking you were still swimming around without a care in the world,
“No need”
You said from behind him and he jumped, dropping your things, then tripped and landed on his ass, as he tried to put some more distance between you again,  
“Ah… you scared me again
He said, sitting on the floor and covering his eyes with his fingers immediately. He was only able to see your face through the gaps between his fingers. You didn’t say anything; you just stood there for a few seconds, making Jin suffer even more,
“I uh, do you wanna go back by any chance? I’m kinda tired”
He tried to find an excuse to flee again but you weren’t having it. You knelt down and placed your self firmly in his lap, straddling him,
“I don’t wanna go back, yet”
You mumbled and gently wrapped your small fingers around the wrist of Jin’s hand, trying to get him to uncover his eyes and look at you. He resisted. Not at all cost but it was enough to give you pause and make you doubt your intentions,
“Jin, it’s ok, you can look”
You tried to soothe him a little but he didn’t relent,
“YN, please, I’m trying so hard”
He whispered, hoping you would get the message.
It wasn’t like he didn’t want to look, he definitely wanted to. He was sure, the hard dick poking you in the thighs told you so very clearly. It was just that he wasn’t sure what would happen, if he gave in. Your friendship was something he treasured and was thankful for every day, no matter how annoying you could be at times,
“Would it be so bad? We’ve been friends for so long, have you never thought about it?”
Your soft voice slowly but surely worked on dismantling his determination,
“Of course, I thought about it. Multiple times, actually. Especially this week”
Jin answered and he felt you shift slightly above him,
“So, if you thought about it, does that mean… you just don’t want to?”
He thought he heard something like disappointment in your voice and he was never good at ignoring when you felt down,
“Are you kidding? You think I’d be this hard if I didn’t want to?”
He tried to lighten the mood and let his free hand move up and down your thigh,
“I’ve been wanting to do this forever, YN, I just don’t know if this is a good idea”, 
“Jin, please…”
He swallowed as he felt you move again, this time you were pushing down on him, grinding against him and he had a hard time to keep his eyes covered,
He cursed at the feeling of you grinding on him and you moved his hand higher from your thigh while you tried again to remove his hand from his face. He slowly let you but he kept his eyes closed,
“Jin, look at me”
You now held both of his hands in yours and you slowly moved the up your body until they cupped your breasts. You sighed and squeezed Jin’s hands around them making him moan and his head fell forward, against your shoulder,
“YN, fuck, you need to stop… I’m a weak man and your tits feel amazing”
He started squeezing on his own and slowly rubbed his thumbs on your nipples,
“Touch me, baby, please”
Your pleas were making him so weak and he knew there was no way he would stop now, that he felt your soft skin under his hands. He turned his head just a little, placing his lips against your neck and kissing you gently. He listened to your moans and let you move against him, rub yourself against his dick in his briefs and it made him so hard; shit, you just felt so good against him, warm and soft and your tits were so fucking nice he couldn’t form a coherent thought anymore. He wanted more, needed more, needed to touch more and taste more of you, so he quickly spun you around and pushed your body back into the soft grass and hovered above you,
“Kiss me”
You whine and he wants nothing more than to kiss every inch of your skin. Starting with your pretty lips; you pretty lips which were always pouting smiling, making him crazy and making him wish he knew what the felt like around his dick. He leans down and they’re so soft. So damn soft like your beautiful tits, which he went right back to squeezing and massaging, making you moan into his mouth. Then it’s wet; tongues finding each other, wet bodies grinding together and your wet pussy rubbing against him. God, you’re so wet. He even feels it through his boxer briefs. He never thought he’d be able to get you this wet. When you lift your legs and wrap them around his hips, he can’t hold back any longer,
“Shit, you feel so good, YN, so fucking soft”
He starts kissing your neck again, moving along the smooth skin down to your collarbone and then further down to suck one of your nipples into his mouth. You moaned and ran your hands through his hair, tugging slightly and running your nails along his scalp,
“Feel good, baby?”
He asked, voice rough as he switched sides,  
“So good…”
You managed to answer through your bliss-clouded mind,
“Want more”
You added and weakly grabbed one of Jin’s hands to move it lower, between your legs,
“More? Want me here? Want me to touch your pussy?”
You never would have guessed Jin would be so vocal during sex, you always thought he’d be the sweet and vanilla type of guy but you weren’t about to complain when his fingers felt so good rubbing your lower lips,
“Yes, touch me, please, want you so much”
you pulled his face back down to yours to kiss him as he let his fingers slide through your wetness and moaned into the kiss at how fucking good it felt,
“Shit, you’re so wet… so fucking warm, fuck”
He started rubbing your clit lightly and you broke the kiss to bury your face in his neck and muffle your moans,
“Ah, Jin…”,
“Like this?”,
“Fuck, yes”
He made you feel so good, you wanted to do the same. You worked your hand between your bodies, too and started rubbing Jin through the fabric of his briefs. The feeling of his hard dick in your hands made you want more and you slipped your hand inside, wrapping it around him for real and gently moving it until you felt his fingers lose their rhythm on your clit and all you could hear were the pleasured moans he failed to hold in,
“Am I doing it right?”
You knew you were doing it right but you also knew Jin loved it when you acted helpless and cute. Could only apply even more in this situation,
“Yeah, you are… So right, so good, shit”
He sucked on the skin of your neck and slid his finger from your clit down and slowly, gently slipped it inside of you, moaning at the warm wet feeling that greeted him. You couldn’t find any words that would accurately express your thoughts at this moment; you could just tighten your legs around him and try not to be so loud you’d wake the others,
“You like that, hm? Feel so tight, baby, can’t wait to fuck you”
Jin moaned in your ear and you felt a heatwave run through your body,
“Jin, fuck me, plea- Ah…”
right as you begged him, he slid in a second finger,
“That what you want? Want me to fuck you?”
He pushed his fingers in deeper and you tried to not lose the rhythm you had going on with your hand around his dick,
You couldn’t form a decent answer at this point,
“You sure, baby? I could make you come like this and then fuck you; make you come again”
He kissed you slow and deep this time, moving his fingers in tandem with his tongue. You shook your head, tightening your legs again, pushing his fingers even deeper,
“No? You want it now? Want me to fuck that tight little pussy?”
Jesus, you thought, you never knew words could turn you on so much,
“Then you’ll get it, baby”
He pulled his fingers out slowly and you watched as he stuck them in his mouth to suck them clean,
“Mhm, fuck, I’ll eat you next time, don’t even try to stop me”
You spread your legs as he sat back on his haunches and pushed his briefs down, finally. You couldn’t make out his size in the dark but you had already felt that it was a little bigger than what you were used to.
Jin gripped himself, moving his hand along his dick and sighing,
“Can’t believe this is happening…”
He said and leaning back down, hovering over your body,
“Wanted this for so long”
He continued and you let your hand travel over his naked chest as he guided his dick to slide through your wetness. You watched him shudder and a breath hitched in his throat as his dick made contact with your wet, warm centre,
“God, feels so good already, Jin, don’t tease me”
He bent down and kissed you,
“I won’t, I just…”
He hesitated for a second and took a deep breath,
“I don’t have any condoms with me, I wasn’t really planning on this to happen”
You smiled at the sudden insecurity in his voice and gently ran a hand through his dishevelled hair,
“It’s fine, I have an IUD, you don’t have to worry”,
“I can come inside you? You sure?”,
“I want you to”,
Jin went right back to kissing and sucking on your neck,
“Please, Jin, just fuck me… want you so bad”
The way you sounded so fucking whiney and sweet; he moaned into your skin and rubbed his dick along your pussy before he slowly pushed the head inside. Unprepared for the incredible feeling of your wet, tight pussy around his dick, he pushed in even more, swallowing all your moans and pleas. Never had he felt this good before, literally never. Your pussy felt so damn good around him, he wasn’t even completely sure this was real,
“Ah, Jin!”
He could tell you tried to be quiet,
“Shit, it’s so big…”,
“You ok? Want me to go slow?”
He asked for your comfort, yet he wasn’t sure he could do anything about it because his dick was definitely pushing itself deeper inside you of its own accord. He probably couldn’t stop, even if he wanted to,
“No, I’m fine, it feels amazing”
You threw your head back into the grass and Jin bent a little to suck your nipple back into his mouth, adding to your pleasure even more. He pushed in deeper and deeper, moving his hips until they wouldn’t go any further and he was balls deep inside you. Even if you didn’t, he needed a moment to come back to reality and not finish before he had even started. You held him so tightly and he squeezed every bit of skin he could reach as your hips moved against his, stealing his breath and making him feel so fucking good,
“You feel so good, YN, so fucking good”
He closed his eyes and let himself get lost in the feeling of your body against his, 
“So wet, so tight- this pussy’s made for me”
He mumbled against your skin and kissed and sucked what his lips could find. He wanted to be more in control, wanted to be more focused on your pleasure but it just felt so good. He could only hope he was making you feel as good as he possibly could,
“Jin, touch me…”
He heard you sigh and he placed one last kiss to your lips before he pushed himself up to sit back, so he could bring his fingers back to your clit,
“Like this?”
He asked as he rubbed you and immediately felt you clench around him,
“Yes, ah… like that”,
He lifted your leg onto his shoulder with his other hand, spreading you even more for him. This new angle had him hitting you deeper and Jin did his very best to hit all the right places. He already felt his end approaching and he knew he couldn’t hold it off for long,
“Jin, fuck, I’m close, don’t stop”
Your words were music to his ears. He held your leg tightly to his chest, fucking you deeper and harder, working his fingers as close to the rhythm his hips were setting as possible,
“That’s it, baby, come for me”
He ben forward slightly, wanting to be closer to you, wanting to see your face when you came,
“Come all over my dick”
His words made you feel hot all over and you felt your muscles contracting, bringing you closer to your end,
“Ahh, I’m gonna come”
Your voice was strained and you put both of your hands over your mouth, knowing this was gonna be a loud one. Jin was captivated by the pure look of pleasure on your face and devoted all of his movements to making you come, desperate to see your face and feel you clench around his dick,
“Gonna come for me? I can feel it, baby, tell me what to do”,
“Just like that, don’t stop”,
“You’re so beautiful… look so good like this; I want you so much”
He told you all the things he always wanted you to know and more until he felt your pussy tighten around him and your leg spasm in his grip while you moaned through your hands in a desperate attempt to deafen the noise as you came around him. He pushed in so deep, revelling in the feeling of your orgasm and letting his own take over. He bent down, pushing your hands out of your face and capturing your lips in a slow, deep kiss that made your toes curl like that orgasm just did. He came so deep inside you, filling you up so good and holding you so tight and close, you never wanted him to let you go. As your muscles relaxed and your breathing evened out again, just like Jin’s, he took your hands in his and kissed them before intertwining your fingers and pressing another long, deep kiss to your lips,
“Jeesus, Jin, I never would have thought you’d be so uh... vocal”
Was the first thing that came to your mind as he slipped out of you and lay down next to you. He let out a hearty laugh and ran a hand over his face,
“I don’t know what came over me”
He said and you smiled,
“I just bring out the best in you, don’t I?”
He squeezed your hand lovingly,
“My best is definitely in you, yes”
He snickered and you slapped his shoulder,
“You’re so nasty”
You both giggled as suddenly a loud voice rang through your post-orgasmic bliss,
“You’re both nasty! Fucking like horny teenagers while all your friends are trying to sleep? What are you, 16? Get a damn room next time, fuck!”
Both of you recognized Yoongi’s voice. You probably woke him up or kept him from sleeping,
You said, hiding your face in Jin’s neck,
“You should be happy it’s only happened now! Otherwise you wouldn’t have gotten any sleep at all!”  
Jin yelled back and you laughed even harder.
He had exactly zero shame and that was probably why you worked so well together. And you continued to work well together two more times that night. And then you continued to work even better together for a lot more years to come.
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freejaybird · 4 years
hi!! i saw you opening requests for rdr2 hcs?? i was wondering if you'd write about how the gang members react when you gift them something out of the blue????? no limits to whoever it is.. just write whoever you like bcs i love them all!! thank u so much!!! stay safe 💜💜
this is such a MF CUTE IDEA!!! Thank you so much for requesting, I really hope I did your request justice! It was genuinely so much fun to create. I just did the boys on this one because I didn’t want it to be too long, however, if you’d like one including the girls too don’t be afraid to ask <3 stay safe!! 
Arthur Morgan 
You decided it’d be best to give him your gift outside of camp. You both had just finished scouting out a job, the sun resting high in the afternoon sky. It’s rays melted through your clothing, coating your skin in a growing layer of sweat. With a sigh, you look longingly at Flat Iron Lake, whose water you could see gleaming through the trees.
It’s on account of your invitation to go cool off at the shore of the lake, and you’re not surprised that the bulky cowboy next to you agreed almost immediately. He adjusted his gamblers hat, spurring his horse through a nebulous trail through the brush. You followed his lead, as you usually did.
Soon enough, you’re both chilling on the shore, boots long ago kicked off and pants rolled up. The water lapped up at your legs, creating a chill that rolled from your feet all the way up to your shoulders. A wonderful breeze kicks through the air, and it's now when you’re both in pure bliss to give him his gift. Your hand fumbled in your pant pocket, fingers squeezing around the object in an act to reassure yourself before you presented it to him with a smile. 
 “So- I thought you’d like this”
The first thing he utters is, “Darlin’, are you- you sure you meant this for me?” 
A blush coats your cheeks, the warmth a wonderful opposite to the cool water that swallowed your legs. You nod assuredly, pushing the gift towards him more to convince him to take it from you.
He’ll hold the gift extremely gently, fingers carefully wrapping around it as he turns it in his large hand. His silence worries you for just a second, and you’re just about getting ready to regret every single action in your life leading up to this moment. In reality, though, Arthur’s still reeling in the fact that out of everyone in the goddamn camp, you decided to give him a gift.
You shift your posture to divert your gaze to the water in front of you. The sun glistened off the lake, light rolling in symphony with the rhythm of the waves. The shaded spot you two were sat together in provided a wonderful paradise from the rest of the world, and, as you take a deep breath, you relish in the feeling. You shift your eyes to his again, delighted to see that he met your gaze this time.
His eyes almost seem to twinkle when his gaze falls into yours, and his hesitant, heavy hand comes to rest on your shoulder gently, as if he was afraid that if he rested the full weight of his hand on you you’d sink into the ground. He then proceeds with the goofiest, most sweet smile on his face to say,
 “I.. well this is beautiful, Y/N. Thank you.” 
You don’t think you’ve smiled so hard in your life. 
After that encounter, Arthur will absolutely agonize over what to get you back. Every time he rides out of camp, his mind is extremely distracted by what to give you. He cherishes your gift nearly every day, so he wants to get you something you’ll like nearly as much.
Oh, and he’d definitely sketch your gift in his journal too, with a typical Arthur™ caption that’d say something along the lines of, “So, Y/N gifted me something today. Still making up my mind about what to gift her back”
When he finally does get you something, you can tell he put a lot of thought into it. It’s most likely something that no one else would think to get you, such as a secret hobby you divulge in or something you’ve secretly been yearning to buy for yourself for a while. 
Whenever he sees you using what he got for you, it’s insanely difficult to hide the proud smile and blush that coats his features. You both will definitely tease each other about your reactions. 
Dutch Van Der Linde 
It’s a relatively cool evening when you decide that the moment is right to give Dutch your gift. You had chosen it out for him very carefully, and now that it was time to actually give it to him, your heart hammered painfully against your rib cage. Whenever your eyes drifted to his encapsulating figure by the docks a wildfire erupted on your cheeks, which very quickly spread to your ears.
“You fool..” You whisper to yourself, kicking your boot into the ground before making your way over to the man. Your balance teetered a bit, as if even your body considered this action a bad idea.
When you first appear next to him, he doesn’t think much of it. It was almost routine for you both to stand on the docks of Clemens Point, basked in the moonlight, thoughts silently being swallowed by the lake. However, what he didn’t expect was for you to hold out a gift and, very adorably, go into a ramble about it.
Oh boy, without a doubt this is an ego boost for him. However, don’t think for a second that he doesn’t genuinely appreciate your efforts.
He’ll hold your gift in his hands with remarkable thoughtfulness, a ghost of a smile passing his lips. His eyes are uncharacteristically soft, and it reminds you of the way you catch him looking at Hosea from time to time. 
That softness, though it was a treasure to see, is only there for a passing second though. Almost immediately, he’ll get the most shit-eating grin on his face and purr, “Well… ain’t this fine.” 
Goosebumps almost immediately raise on your skin, sending a shiver through your bones. Instinctively, you clasp your hands behind your back, tipping back on the heel of your boots to take a step back from his looming presence. 
“It’s okay, Dutch? I just- I know you do so much and…” The shaky, undecided sentence you started trails off almost as soon as his deep, commanding eyes make eye contact with you. Your hands tighten around each other, as if that will provide any comfort for your nervousness in the moment. 
Whilst maintaining eye contact, he plucks your arm from your side, running his hand down your arm to your slightly shaky hand before taking it into his and very gently raising it to brush his lips past your knuckles. His mustache tickled the skin there, sending flashes of what felt like lightning where the bristles of hair touched. The smooth fucker.
Heartily chuckling, he encapsulates his hand over yours in an instant. The size difference alone is enough to get you shifting in your boots. “Of course, Y/N. I appreciate… the faith you’ve kept in me. This…” With his other hand he holds up your gift to eye level, momentarily drifting his eyes to it as if it was a prized jewel. “This is magnificent, my dear.” 
He’s definitely going to get you some type of jewelry or at least something that you’d be able to wear. He loves seeing you walk past him to get something, only to freeze and almost proudly look into his eyes when he points out that you’re wearing his gift. 
Javier Escuella
When you pop up by his side one night at the campfire, he’s not too surprised. Although you two didn’t talk too much, there’s always been a silent agreement that you guys sit at the campfire together. Whether it be to listen to him play guitar, or to sit silently whilst lounging in the fire’s warmth, the comfort of on another was always something to look forward to at the end of a long day.
When you present it to him his lips immediately shift into a smile, and he looks up into your eyes with such a soft expression. The orange hues of the fire light danced along the features of his face, adding to the warmth of the occasion. 
“For me, hermosa? You’re too kind.” 
He’ll look over what you gave him for a few seconds, his smile never leaving his face as he takes it into his hands. He shifts his sitting position in order to get a better look at what you gave him, his eyes dancing over it as if it was the most beautiful object in the world.
Tentatively, you ask if he likes it. Your hands fidget a little bit, and ever so slightly you shift so that you’re a little farther apart. If he didn’t like it, your plan was to wither into the dirt. 
“Do I like it? Querida... I love it! Thank you, mi pájaro cantor.” 
He sets your gift down very carefully beside himself to lean over and hug you, closing the distance that separated your bodies. His scent, a mixture of gunpowder, cigarette smoke, and sweat, engulfs you, and for a moment it's hard to focus on anything else other than the comfort of his arms around you. 
Following this occasion, you can definitely expect a gift in return. In fact, the morning after you gave him yours he’ll have placed a beautifully crafted knife next to your bedroll. There’s nothing discerning that the knife is from him, but just the vibe surrounding the item screams Javier. 
Later in the day, when you both share the warmth of the campfire again, he presents a beautiful selection of wild flowers to you, tied carefully with a satin ribbon. He’ll look at you with an expression that’s absolutely dripping in honey seeing you take the flowers he picked for you. Everyone is absolutely convinced you’re both sweet on one another.
The girls will definitely tease you for the rest of eternity for that stunt.
However, any embarrassment you felt would dissipate as soon as you see Javier smile upon seeing you use the knife he got you, as well as the gentleness of any interactions you share following this event. 
Charles Smith
It was routine for both you and Charles to go on hunting trips together. Your strategies and general vibe complimented each other so well that whenever Pearson mentioned that he needed meat for the next stew, you both just assumed you were going to be hunting together. You’d never felt more comfortable with another person, and you cherished his presence. 
You two are finishing up your most recent hunting trip when you pull his gift out of your saddlebag. The sun is just setting, casting a purple glow across the scenery that surrounded you both. A soft wind rustles the leaves of the trees, and in the distance a pack of coyotes bark and yip. 
As soon as he turns around, you’re holding your hands out with his gift. His gaze shifts from the gift and then to you, his lips parting. 
You fumbled with your words explaining yourself to the man, very slightly gesturing with your free hand to his body.“It’s for you. I- well I thought you’d like it.” 
The softest of smiles graces his features as he takes the gift from you. His eyes seem to waltz along the features of your gift, his head just slightly tilting. 
“This is such a thoughtful gift, Y/N. Thank you.” 
The eye contact he makes with you after he utters that sentence nearly sends you into cardiac arrest.
For the next coming days, expect him to be really sweet with you. If he’s ever on guard duty, or you’re returning from a task together, he’ll help you off of your horse and make sure you know that you did an absolutely amazing job that day. You’re absolutely swimming in compliments from the man.
It’s during a hunting trip a lot like the one you two shared a few days ago that he gives you a handmade bow. It reminded you a lot of the one he often carried on his back, and your entire chest swelled with pride when you looked over the engravings intricately entwined in the wood. How long did it take him to make this? Your eyes nearly bugged out of your head at the thought.
“So you like it then?” His voice, tinted with amusement, interrupts the silence you created entirely by accident. This man was gonna kill you, you were sure of it.
“I- Charles of course I do! This- how…” Your breath escapes you, almost as if your lungs just decided to forget how to intake air.
It’s hard to ignore the way he looks at you whenever you use that bow (which is quite often might I add). You can’t completely discern the emotion he’s conveying, but all you know is that you’re absolutely enamored by his gaze.
Sean Macguire 
Oh, this is a silly interaction all around. In fact, even when you were even picking out a gift for him, you were almost positive he’d find a way to make the occasion goofy as hell. 
You give the gift to him whilst in camp, snatching the opportunity whilst he was on a break from guard duty.
“Oh my… love. Is this a present for good ol’ Macguire here?”
He has almost a puppy-like expression on his face, and the man doesn’t even let a second go by before he’s taking it out of your hands. A giggle slips through your lips at the child-like grin on his face, I mean, come on, he’s holding this gift as if it’s the secret to life.
“I take that you like it?” You tease, taking the time to lean against a tree. Your body felt light with fondness for the man. 
He wildly gestures with his gift, taking a step closer to you as he tilts his head, “My da always used to say tat’ when a lady gifts y’something it’s a sign, y’know.” His eyebrows raise expectantly, as if you knew the context of whatever he was talking about.
You teetered on the edge of asking ‘a sign for what??’ but decided against it. This grand advice from his da will be listened to vehemently by you, a special occasion reserved only for today.
The sight of his eyes absolutely gleaming with joy as he recounts one of his da’s life advice™ is almost enough to melt you on the spot. 
He’ll definitely give the most bone-crushing hug imaginable to show how appreciative he is for your gift. He smells absolutely terrible, but you can overlook that so long as he continues to smile like he is right now. 
Look, afterwards he’ll try his best to get you a meaningful gift, but it will most likely be something along the lines of whiskey or some type of treat front the general store. He’ll genuinely be so excited for you to react to it, he’ll give it to you almost as soon as he gets back to camp. It most likely happens around the campfire too, with a few gang members watching this interaction unfold like 👀
Bill Williamson 
You surprise him with his gift at the scout campfire. He’s just finished his guard duty, and before he starts his evening alcoholism™ you pounced on the opportunity to give him the item. You call his name once you decide you're close enough, a slight smile turning at your lips as you present it to him.
Once he realizes that what you’re holding out to him is supposed to be for him, he’ll look at you with such a mean scowl that you falter in your next step towards him, causing you to nearly fall face first into the dirt below.
“I ain’t in the mood for your goddamn jokes, Y/N.” He growls, prodding at the fire with the tip of his boot. He glances at you with brief concern as you regain your composure, his posture tightening as he decides on what exactly he wants to do, but he doesn’t threaten to check if you’re alright. He’s still bent on you playing a joke on him, after all. 
“I’m gonna be in a worse mood if you don’t take th’ gift I chose for you, fool.” You tilt your head, a friendly yet threatening smile blessing your features as you lean down to his level, placing the gift in his open lap. The bear of a man glances at you, a huff escaping him. He found it hard to keep his guard up with you looking so intently at him, as well as when he finally studied the object that was placed on his lap.
“Well, thank you very much, Y/N. Don’t know why you’d even think to get me somethin’ like this.” There’s still an ounce of bitterness in his gruff voice, as if he was still expecting you to snatch the item out of his grasp and taunt him. 
Your smile absolutely melts away any doubt lingering within him, though.
In fact, he feels an unfamiliar warmth fill his chest as you sit down next to him with a slight sigh, your head turning to look him in the eyes once again. “Yeah? I thought you’d like it.”
When your shoulders brush, he has to look at the gift again to hide any sign of a blush appearing on his cheeks. He was sure his beard would hide it, but he didn’t want to risk you seeing him in such a vulnerable state. 
“Sorry for…” He makes an awkward gesture towards himself, and he fumbles with the item in his hands before continuing his attempt to converse with you. “This is… This is fine, Miss/Sir.”
You hummed, assuring him with a smile. 
Afterwards, the man is so unsure of what to do with himself around you. Does he get you a gift back? Does he strike up more conversation with you? He’s at a loss. It’s been so long since someone at camp was so genuinely nice to him he doesn’t want to mess up anything. 
If he does decide to get you a gift back, don’t expect anything gaudy. Honestly, it’s most likely something he stole off of someone or a bottle of your preferred alcoholic beverage. He’s really shy when he presents it to you, but upon seeing your true, unadulterated happiness that he even thought to get you something back is enough to get him smiling. 
You two spend a lot more evenings together after this, filled with hearty laughs, Pearson’s stew, and a few beers.
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getitinbusan · 4 years
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Jinnuendo Submitted by @befriendswithj​ is the first fic for our Campfire writing game. Jungkook, Jimin And Yoongi coming soon. Taehyung, Namjoon and J Hope are still open!
Camping with your friends was supposed to be fun- you could only agree, now that Jin had made camping even funner. 
 Jin x Reader
8806 Words
Genre: Fluff, Friends to lovers, Smut, Crack,
Warnings: Alcohol consumption, dirty talk, fingering, outdoor sex, unprotected sex (wrap it before u tap it, kids), Jimin’s cakes, The title… Well, there’s no excuse for that, sorry
I think that’s it?
“Yikes, I wouldn’t wanna be her right now”
Said the bus boy standing next to you, crossing his arms as he watched the restaurant manager approach the newest addition to the waiter team, who was currently involved in a rather heated discussion with a guest,
“It’s a shame she’s gonna have to leave, she was nice…”
You added and both of you sighed heavily and returned to your duties while the poor girl was being fired for standing her ground. She was the third one this month alone. To be fair, your manager was not an easy man to please, so it only made sense that new additions to the tea would be examined even more closely than you and the others, who had worked here for longer. The only thing keeping you safe from the manager’s wrath was your natural ability to fake-smile for hours on end. It was a gift as much as it was a curse but it had secured your job in the customer service sector so far.
And soon you will have survived another painful day of serving bitchy, rude and entitled Karen’s and Chad’s for the sake of financing your studies. At least they tipped well if you smiled hard enough.
This was your last day of work before you could look forward to two weeks of uninterrupted relaxation time. You handed in your last paper for this semester last week, so all of the work for university was also
done and nothing would interfere with your plans to sleep for three days straight and then spend the rest of the time at the beach, cooking in the sun.
“See you guys in a few weeks”
You yelled into the kitchen after you gathered your things and clocked out for the night. A few hurried goodbyes reached your ears before you exited through the back door of the restaurant and finally breathed in the fresh air, smelling of freedom and definitely not the burger grease stench coming from the kitchen AC vent.
No, it was definitely freedom and it was glorious.
After a hot shower and big glass of wine you were slumped on your couch, ready to pass out any second now, when your phone went off and almost gave you a heart-attack.
You took a deep breath and checked the caller ID to see your friend Seokjin calling,
“What is it?”
Normally, Jin calling was a thing you were happy about, however, being interrupted while passing out after a 10-hour shift at your job, was not a happy occasion and you couldn’t mask the annoyance in your voice,
“Whoa, what’s got your panties in a twist? Did that guy at work steal your tips again?”
He asked and you breathed a heavy sigh,
“No, I think he learnt his lesson after I cut out the butt on all his work pants…
You answered, slowly sitting up and reaching for your wine glass to empty it with a last few sips before continuing the conversation
“Why are you calling so late? I was about to fall asleep…”,
“I just wanted to remind you to pack if you haven’t done it already. Which you probably haven’t. Case in point”
Pack? You creased your brows. Pack for what?
“YN? You still there?”,
“Uhh, yeah I am I just… can you remind me what I’m supposed to be packing for?”
If you weren’t so tired, you’d probably be a little more embarrassed,
“Seriously? It’s that time of the year, YN! It’s blackout week! Joon send everyone reminders months ago! And then weeks ago! And then again 2 days ago! How could you forget the most magical event of the year?”
You needed to hold the phone at a slight distance as to not go deaf at the sound of Seokjin’s friendly reminder. He was right, though, how could you forget? Blackout Week was the one week that you and your group of friends all looked forward to collectively every year. A whole week of camping in the mountains near a beautiful lake and no one was allowed to bring any kind of electronic devices, unless it was absolutely necessary for survival. A flashlight would be an exception but other than that you guys were pretty adapt at reverting your way of life back to the good old dark ages.
You were lucky that Jungkook and Hoseok had been part of a group of boy scouts or else blackout week would have ended in a disaster each time. Yeah well, maybe you had exaggerated when you said that all of you were pretty adapt at this stuff… But nevertheless, you were all very determined, which was just as important,
“Shit, you’re right, I completely forgot…”
You ran your hand across your face and sighed,
“Of course, you forgot, why am I even surprised…”
Jin sounded more upset that he actually was, you knew him by now. You just needed to work him a little bit,
“How early are we leaving tomorrow? Can I do it in the morning? I’m so tired…”
You probably sounded a little whiney but that usually did the trick with Jin,
“I told you to be ready at 5, you know how long the drive is. Ah YN, I still can’t believe it, you’re so careless sometimes…”
He already sounded a little softer,
“I’m sorry, I’ll start packing right now, ok?”,
You made sure to sound like the helpless damsel in distress you wanted Jin to believe you were and you were sure you had cracked him. You heard him sigh heavily on the other end of the line,
“Do you need help packing? I’ll come over and help you, it’ll be quicker and you can get more sleep”,
“Are you sure? It’s late already…”,
“Just stay awake for the next fifteen minutes and open the door when I knock, ok? I’ll be right there”,
He hung up and you smiled to yourself. There were a few advantages to knowing how Jin’s mind worked. And knowing Jin, he would never not come and help you out and you were grateful to have such a selfless friend. He knew you were an absolute mess and he didn’t mind picking up your slack once in a while because you took care of him in turn. It wasn’t like you turned up whenever he called, like he usually did for you but you were the type of friend to think of things he forgot to do for himself. You had been friends for so long, that he had given you a key to his apartment a while back and you used it to make sure his fridge was always stocked, and his plants were taken care of. He worked a lot. Way more than you and the little things like self-care and chores sometimes got put on the back burner. Since you had a little more time on your hands you would take care of these things once in a while.
Before you got up off the couch to put on some comfy pants, you stretched your tired limbs and pressed play again to let Netflix run in the background.
Jin knocked right as you finished pouring two mugs of coffee, which both of you would probably need to undertake the monumental task of packing your camping bag. You opened the door and let him inside, handing him the mug right away and watching a smile creep onto his face,
“Coffee was a good idea”
He said and slurped loudly after he closed the door,
“Thought it would make me feel less dead. I have yet to see that theory proven”
You sipped on your coffee, too,
“Thank you for helping me, though, I completely forgot about the trip”
Jin waved you off,
“At this point I’d be surprised if you actually had remembered it. I know I’m usually the busy one but this semester you’ve had so much stuff to do, that I can’t even be mad you forgot everything not related to uni”
You smiled at him. Even though Jin loved to get his Dad mode on and get all red-faced and out of breath from all the scolding, he was a softie at heart and everyone knew, no matter how hard he puffed up his chest, he never really meant any harm. He was all bark and no bite and none of your friends took anything he said seriously,
“Let’s get started then”
He said and put down the mug in your sink before waltzing off towards your bedroom and digging around in your closet until he emerged with your suitcase. You watched him zoom around the place for a second until you joined him, sitting down on the bedroom floor and grabbing some clothes to roll up and place in the case,
“You want some snacks?”
You asked Jin in case he wanted some food in addition to the great entertainment you provided with Netflix in the background, your loud combined breathing and the rustling of useless stuff around you as you moved it around to find viable things to pack,
“I’m good, thanks, though”
He said and dived head first into a pile of clothes to look for your warmer sweatshirts. The end of summer was in sight and you would be staying pretty high up the mountains, so better be prepared,
“Although… do you still have some of those mini pretzels?”,
“Yeah, sure”
You got up and got him the bag of his beloved snack and then it was time to get some real work done.
“Thank GOD we finally made it!”
Jin jumped out of the car and went to kneel down to kiss the ground but you stopped him before things could get ugly. What a baby, you thought to yourself… so what if you sang along to Cotton Eyed Joe for three hours straight? It’s a timeless masterpiece,
“So what if I sang along to Cotton Eyed Joe for three hours straight, it’s a timeless masterpiece!”
You argued and Jin’s eyes almost bulged out of his head,
“A timeless- can you even comprehend the unspeakable agony I was in? It felt like my soul left my mortal body and only the haunting of Cotton Eyed Joe remained…”
He could be such a drama queen sometimes. You rolled your eyes and sighed; deciding to be the bigger person really should be considered a virtue,
“Anyway, we made it here on time, didn’t we? You sure know how to burn some rubber when you don’t like the music I play…”
Jin pulled himself off the ground, holding onto the car door. His joints weakly cracked while he got up,
“I aged like 30 years during this trip and it’s only just starting…”
He mumbled to himself, shaking his head and making his neck crack in addition to everything else,
“What was that?”
You asked and Jin quickly went to unload the trunk,
“Nothing, nothing”
He answered, avoiding an even longer discussion about Cotton Eyed Joe.
You quickly joined him and had your bags unloaded in no time.
It seemed like you were the first ones to arrive at the camping site and when you informed Jin of that, his mood immediately shifted,
“We get to choose our spot?”
He looked at you in disbelief,
“Seems like it…”,
“Finally, we don’t have to sleep next to the dumpster!”
You never got to choose your spot because you had never been the first ones to arrive,
“Jin, there isn’t even a dumpster here, were in the middle of literal nowhere, nothing but lake, mountains and forest for miles”,
“True but somehow, the garbage always ended up being next to our tent because it was the only space left”
Ok, well, you guessed that was kinda true. You didn’t mind it though, you were a heavy sleeper,
“Ok, so let’s pick a good spot this time, hm?”
You said, clapped your hands together and looked around to assess the available spots,
“How about over there?”
You pointed to the edge of the clearing, where the trees began to grow thicker and taller. Jin squinted and pursed his lips,
He hummed and you guessed you wouldn’t be setting up there,
“What do you think about setting up here?”
You walked into the middle of the clearing, near the stump where the campfire would be set up later and Jin immediately pursed his lips even harder and hummed louder and you quickly suggested more,
“Ok, so near the lake then? Work with me here, Jin”
You walked down to the soft grass near the shore and presented it as appealingly as possible and Jin lips formed a smile. He nodded, finally. He walked towards you with the rolled-up tent under his arm and you planted it firmly in the ground. Not a second to soon, too because right after you set it down, another car approached and parked right beside Jin’s,
“Ah, the cavalry arrives”
You commented and just as you and Jin had planted the last fixture and the tent was stable, the car doors opened and the three Musketeers exited the vehicle in style.
Yoongi, sporting his usual urban-grandpa-couture, adjusted his tinted glasses and ran a hand through the hair that stuck out from his
headband, before he casually nodded at you and Jin in greeting. Hoseok and his brother Taehyung waved at you enthusiastically in their brightly coloured jackets and each held up a bag filled with goodies that looked extremely promising,
“Woooow! You’re here early!”
Hoseok could barely believe it,
“And you even grabbed the best spot, well done guys!”
He congratulated you, genuinely surprised that you made it here before anyone else for the first time,
“be honest, did you ever expect this to happen?”
You asked him as he came over to hug you and Jin simultaneously,
“Not in a million years”,
“But we’ve been rooting for you guys ever since we started this tradition”
Tae said as he leisurely strolled over and hugged you tightly,
“Thanks, it only took us almost 10 years to get here, so we’re gonna make sure to rub it in your faces whenever possible”
Jin piped up and you chuckled to yourself,
“If you got here so early you could have prepared the fire already instead of being lazy”
Yoongi grumbled and trudged over, as well,
“Missed you too, boo bear”
You cooed at him and went to pinch his cheeks,
“Goochie goo, look at you, you put on weight”
You loved treating him like a baby. He also loved it when you did it but he would sooner die than ever admit to that,
“Ugh, don’t touch me”
He weakly tried to wiggle out of your grip on his pinchable cheeks and after they presented all the goodies, they brought with them, you helped the guys set up their tent. Then you actually did prepare the fire.
The last of your friends to arrive were Namjoon, his baby cousin Jungkook and Jimin. Even more pinchable cheeks for you to victimize, you thought, rubbing your hands together evilly.
When they arrived, the rest of you were sitting around the fire and you only noticed their arrival when you heard their voices approach through the trees. Apparently, they had chosen to hike here,
“I’m never listening to you again… hiking here, I can’t believe I thought this was a good idea”
Joon said, sounding somewhat out of breath as he and Jungkook stepped into the clearing. He dropped his bags and drew in a long breath,
“Come on, it wasn’t that bad! And it’s not like you couldn’t use a little more exercise…”
Jungkook said, mumbling the last part of the sentence,
“What was that?”,
“Nothing, nothing…”
Jungkook picked up Joon’s bags in addition to his and marched on towards you guys, sitting by the fire. Jimin stepped out of the woods last and looked just as ethereal as everyone remembered. As he ran a hand through his hair, the sun immediately took a step back to let him take the place in the spotlight.
A collective sigh ran through your group and a couple of awkward glances and coughs were exchanged before you all got your bearings back. He smiled when he saw you and gave a little wave that made you giggle like a little girl when you waved back. Jin could only shake his head in disbelief. Sure, Jimin was hot. Even he could admit to that; but surely you thought Jin was handsome, too, right?
“Sorry we’re late, guys!”
Jungkook said as he reached you and set the bags down,
“Don’t worry about it”
Hoseok got up first and hugged the younger boy tightly before the rest of you got up and said hi. Joon and Jimin walked over, too and the hugging continued for a little longer than usual hugging because everyone took a little more time to get an extended hug with Jimin. It was honestly ridiculous how thirsty all of you were for him. And the poor guy had no idea.
After all the tents had been set up, everything was prepared and all of you had settled back around the fire, you watched Yoongi and Jimin prepare dinner, while Hoseok and Taehyung played UNO and Jungkook was scribbling something in a notebook. Jin was sitting next to you and reading through the gas grill’s user manual, Jimin and Yoongi were currently trying t get to work,
“Are you sure, you’re not holding it upside down?”
You asked him and reached out to grab it from him but he held it out of your reach and sighed,
“YN, I know how to read a damn…- hold on, it’s actually upside down”,
“Wait, really?
You were only joking about the upside-down thing,
“NO, of course not! How incapable do you think I am?”
Jin slapped your shoulder with the papers and you laughed as you tried to lean away far enough,
“Very, and I’m not even sorry for it”
you said and Jin’s mouth dropped open and he coughed out a laugh,
“With a friend like you, I really don’t need any enemies”
He said and you leaned back in to look up at him and channel your cutest pout,
“This is why you love me, though”
You were right, he thought, no one could make him feel so dumb, yet so happy at the same time. Especially with an annoyingly cute pouty face like yours,
“You’re lucky, that’s true”
He continued flipping through the manual and soon, the grill was working and he saved Yoongi and Jimin from their misery. Just in time, too because Tae was getting hungry and no one wanted to deal with that.
“Aw man, that was so good!”
Jungkook said, stuffing the last food from his bowl into his mouth, chewing loudly,
“You want the rest of mine?”
You asked him, holding your bowl in his direction and he nodded eagerly, big eyes getting even bigger,
“There you go, big boy”
You smiled to yourself and handed him your bowl,
“God, where is all that food even going?”
Yoongi said, as he watched Jungkook devour the additional food he had just received,
“Shhh, let him eat”
You shushed Yoongi with a pat to his leg and watched Jungkook munch happily,
“Anyone want some rice cakes?”
Jimin piped up and opened up a Tupperware filled with the juicy looking sweet treats,
“Oooooh, Jimin, they look amazing!”
You couldn’t believe your eyes; they were your favourite,
“I knew you’d like them”
Jimin said as he watched your eyes and smile grow bigger,
“Have some”
He added and held the box your way,
“Oh yes! Thank you”
You got up and tiptoed around the fire to kneel in front of him to munch on his cakes.
You looked at him with glossy eyes, happy that he remembered your favourite treat. And they were good, too. So good, that you had to close your eyes as you had the first bite,
You mumbled with a full mouth,
You said and Jimin smiled proudly. Jin watched the interaction quietly from his seat.
Damn, he thought, he should have remembered to bring some rice cakes for you. He wasn’t really jealous of Jimin and his cakes. Really, he wasn’t. He was convinced that little crush of yours was completely food related, so he didn’t really think there was anything more to it. All he wanted was for that interaction to have taken place with him and also, for you to give all your attention to him and not Jimin. That seems like a reasonable mindset, right? So, in conclusion, he wasn’t jealous, at all.
However, when Jimin took a second rice cake out of the box and held it to your lips, time seemed to slow down for Jin and not in the good, romantic way he would have preferred it. Jimin gently placed the cake in your mouth and your lips closed around his finger for a second before he slowly pulled away. You moaned in pleasure as you started chewing and Jin had to bite down on his tongue to not lose his mind. To the others this was a completely normal and innocent thing to witness; just two friends sharing some food, what’s wrong with that? Everything, according to the way Jin was currently staring Jimin down and tried to telepathically communicate his disdain for the way he fed you food in the most erotic way possible. Ok, maybe he was a little jealous, after all.
Why was this suddenly getting to him? He knows that the relationship you have with him isn’t purely based on friendship, since the both of you had had some ambiguous moments of will they, won’t they before but it was never really anything you acted upon or even talked about. Nothing to take seriously.
Maybe, by watching you and Jimin flirt so innocently, he had just realized now, how precious you really were to him and that he wanted to try and incorporate a romantic aspect into your relationship.
Or maybe, he just never felt threatened before. Never felt like his place in your life was about to be taken away from him by a guy with sweet, juicy and delicious cakes.
Damn Jimin’s cakes! Jin got up and started collecting everyone’s dishes. He didn’t want to continue watching you basically crawling in Jimin’s lap and sucking the cakes off his fingers.
Maybe he went a little too hard with the whole dish collecting thing because as he ripped Jungkook’s bowl from his hands, the younger hadn’t completely finished I and yelled after Jin, as he went down to the lake and started vigorously scrubbing everything.
However, Jin didn’t know that he had absolutely nothing to be jealous of because as soon as he had left the circle, Tae, who was sat next to Jimin, made him feed him cakes, as well.
Let’s just say that even someone as oblivious as you knew when some actual sexual tension was developing. You decided it was time to awkwardly retreat to your seat now, before you were sandwiched in between the two boys. Only now did you notice that Jin had left the comfort of his camping chair,
“Hey, were did he go?”
You asked Joon, who was wrapped in a thick jacket with his hands around a warm cup of tea. While someone outside of your circle might be a little confused at the sight of someone with such a warm jacket on in this warm weather, you had stopped wondering about his weird habits a while ago. He slurped his tea and pointed down to the shore where, if you squinted heavily, you could faintly recognise the outline of Jin’s body in the dark. You excused yourself from the others and walked the short distance to join Jin in washing the dishes. He was slumped over, kneeling at the shore and, apparently, hadn’t noticed you approaching. So you yelled and gripped his shoulders from behind:
The high-pitched scream he let out almost burst your eardrums but it was definitely worth it to see him almost jump into the water in shock,
“What the hell, YN? Why would you do that?”
He was clearly very upset about the whole thing but you only snickered like a mean little kid and kneeled down next to him,
“I’m sorry, I just couldn’t resist”
You said and took the knife he was scrubbing out of his hands. Safer this way. Even in the dark you could see his eyes, big as saucers and it only made you laugh more. You took his hand in yours in apology and Jin didn’t resist, he just yelled louder like he usually did,
“You’re such a brat! I volunteer to do the dishes and what do you do? Wow, the disrespect is off the charts!”
His yelling was like an affectionate pat on the back by now because you knew he would never actually yell at you in anger. He knew you loved it because you always laughed even harder when he started ranting. And when you squeezed his hand a little tighter, he was sure there was nothing he enjoyed more than making you laugh by making an ass of himself,
“I’ll stop, I promise!”
You bowed your head and clutched his hand to your chest, still smiling,
“Tsk, empty promises”
He shook his head and you looked up at him,
“I’ll make it up to you, I’ll help you with the dishes”
You said eagerly,
“And also, I snagged one of the rice cakes for you”
Jin listened up,
“I know you love these things even more than I do”
He heard some shuffling and then you held your hand up in front of his face, a tiny cake sitting in your palm,
“Open up”
You said, taking the cake between two fingers and holding it up for Jin,
“For me?”
He asked, just to make sure he wasn’t imagining this,
“Of course, for you, you genius”
Jin slowly opened his mouth and you gently placed the treat in it, like Jimin did with you. However, Jin didn’t think of Jimin in this moment, he only thought about the way your thumb lingered on his lower lip for a few seconds before you pulled your hand back. He felt his affection for you stir in his heart again.
He also felt something else stir in a different bodily region at the feeling of your fingers on his lips.
He quickly turned away and swallowed the sweet cake before clearing his throat,
He managed to mumble and went right back to washing dishing and willing away the growing problem you were responsible for,
“Move over, I’ll help”
You said and crowded his space again to help him with the dishes and then a comfortable silence set in, only interrupted by the occasional loud laughter from the rest of the guys.
The last night approached quicker than all of you would have liked. After all of the days spent on the lakeshore, basking in the sun and eating smores at night around the campfire, it was finally time to return to your normal life. You and Jin had gotten used to the tent situation quickly, even though it wasn’t the most comfortable or convenient.
Well, for Jin at least. After the you had gone to sleep on the first night, Jin lay awake for a while longer, not being able to get your small fingers and your gentle touch out of his mind and it didn’t help that you were right here next to him, bodies only separated by a thin sheet you used as blanket.
And it had only gotten worse.
Tonight, the silhouette of your body, illuminated by the dying light of the fire outside, made Jin especially weak. He, like you and the others, had a few drinks to celebrate your trip and commemorate your friendship and, surprisingly, alcohol didn’t do a lot to enhance his self -control. More like the opposite,
“You good? Are you comfortable?”,
You and Jin had finally arranged yourselves into the bed rolls and were about to go to sleep. You were turned away from him with not a lot of distance between your bodies. It had been an especially hot day and even though it was already dark, the air and the ground hadn’t begun to cool down, yet. Jin was uncomfortable in the heat and he had already stripped down to his briefs; just being in the tent, next to you, not even a sheet over your bodies, to avoid even more heat, he felt like his body was heating up even more. He heard you shuffle around a little and then your thin top was flying over his face and you wore nothing but your underwear,
“I’m sorry if this makes you uncomfortable but I feel like I’m melting”
You said and fanned your face to feel even the slightest relief from the heat. Jin didn’t say anything for a few seconds, too caught up in the realisation that you were in nothing but your underwear, right next to him,
“It’s fine”
His voice betrayed him, sounding breathy and thin. He cleared his throat,
“Don’t worry about it”
There, he sounded super manly again,
“I’m dying over here… it was nice when we were in the water but now? I’m not made for this weather”
You lamented and turned to Jin, tucking your hands under your head to be comfortable. He was glad that it was so dark because if there were even a little bit more light coming in from the outside you would have seen him staring shamelessly at your tits, pushed together between your arms,
“Yeah it’s uh… really bad”
Very smooth, Jin, managing to answer even though his briefs were getting uncomfortably tight, he thought to himself. The fire outside finally went out completely and the clinking of glasses and the sound of another tent zipper let you know that the last of your friends were about to hit the hay, as well,
“Do you mind if I open the zipper? Let some more air in?”
You asked and sat up already,
“No, go ahead, can’t be worse than this, anyway”
You felt around for the zipper and dragged it down until the flaps of the tent opened and a slight breeze greeted you from outside,
“Well, it’s not much but I can breathe a little better”,
You fell back into the bed roll with a sigh and Jin suddenly had an idea,
“Hey, YN”,
“How about we just go down to the lake? Put our feet in the water, cool down a little, you know?”,
“Mhmh, I guess”,
“It’s probably more effective than just opening the zipper”,
“Yeah, you’re right”
You sighed again and sat up in the tent,
“Ok then, let’s go. We gotta be quiet though, I think everyone’s sleeping already”
You said and Jin sat up, too, to crawl out of the tent and help you stand up after you crawled out, too. He grabbed your hand and slowly you navigated the dark clearing in the full moon light down to the soft grass around the lake shore until you felt the water gently lap on your feet.
Both of you sat down on the grass and let the waves envelope your feet on their way up,
“Ugh, I already feel so much better”
You relaxed and lay back on the grass, stretching your overheated and tired limbs,
Jin stretched his legs, tapping and tickling your smaller feet with his and making you giggle,
“Jin, that tickles”
You tried to wiggle away, and escape his big gorilla feet,
“Is this an unexplored fetish of yours?”
you asked, making Jin laugh and trying to not be too loud,
“The tickling or the feet?”,
“Oh my god is it both?”,
“Are you kink-shaming me?”
“Definitely! Feet are gross”
You smiled and pushed yourself off the grass back into a sitting position,
“I don’t have a weird kink, calm down”
Jin loved riling you up, just as much as you did it to him,
“Anyway, I’m gonna go in, I think.”
He announced after he was done teasing you and slowly waded into the shallow water,
“you coming?”
You looked up at him, shaking your head,
“I don’t think so, I don’t have my bathing suit. Don’t wanna sleep in wet undies”
“Suit yourself. But don’t complain about the heat”
He simply said and turned around, walking until water reached up to his ribs.
It probably wouldn’t be so bad to get your underwear wet; in this heat they would be dry in no time anyway. But another thought crossed your mind and you contemplated just going commando. Even though yours and Jin’s relationship had never been anything more that friendly, except for a little flirting here and there, you felt like it could be more. There could be more to the flirting and the innocent hand touching. And times like these made you want to just cross the line. Despite Jin thinking he was pretty subtle about everything, you had noticed how, during the trip, he eyed you and Jimin curiously whenever you were talking. You had also noticed how he tried to put as much distance between you as possible in the tent as to not push his very obvious hard on anywhere near you. By now you just wanted to see if he would cross the line first.
Watching him, you unclipped your bra and slipped your panties down your legs, before you also let the cool waves roll against your body. He had already made his way a little farther out and you stopped where your feet could still feel the ground and the water just reached around your clavicle,
“Guess the heat finally got to you, hm?”
Jin said, as he noticed you approaching,
“Right, the heat”
You mumbled and he swam closer, back to your,
“Not worried about the clothes anymore?”
You shook your head and smiled,
“What clothes?”,
“Your under- Oh”
Jin stopped in the middle of the sentence after he had realised what you meant. His mouth fell open as his eyes took in the naked line of your shoulders, no straps in sight,
“I didn’t wanna get them wet”
You said and Jin has to swallow hard. You’re naked under the blurry sheen of the water and he doesn’t know how to handle the situation,
“Yeah, no, I get it, convenience and all that, right?”
He laughs awkwardly and tries and fails to cover up his sudden insecurity about your naked boobs just a few inches away from his face,
“Yeah, I just thought I’d let the girls breathe, you know?”
You looked down and Jin could see your hands covering your boobs right under the surface,
“Yeah, yeah, no big deal, just let the… the girls out”
He took a deep breath and tried to look anywhere but your hands encasing your tits. The trees were pretty in the dark, so out there. And their crowns looked so big and full and round in the moonlight. They were probably very soft if he were to submerge his face between them.
Yeah, trees really were something; He had always been a tree guy.
And he probably should take a step back so he wouldn’t accidentally poke you in the stomach,
“Are you ok? Am I making you uncomfortable?”
You asked, your voice sounding all soft an innocent,
“Do you want me to put it all back on?”
Jin whipped his head around at that and held his hands up,
“No! No, I mean…”
More awkward coughing,
“Don’t bother, you’re comfortable. I’m completely fine”
You giggled cutely and Jin felt his self-control pack its bags and jump out of the window,
“Are you sure? You seem kinda bothered…”
You took a step forward and Jin escaped immediately,
“I think I’m gonna go back out, it’s freezing in here, don’t you think?”
He stuttered and rushed through the water so fast that I splashed you in the face. You smiled to yourself, fully aware that Jin was definitely not unbothered by your boobs. A fact, that you would use to your advantage.
And Entertainment.
You also swam back to the shore, where Jin was already standing on the grass again, his back turned to the water. When the water wasn’t high enough to cover up your nakedness anymore you wanted to get Jin’s attention again. You slowly exited the water and walked towards Jin, who was currently picking up your underwear carefully. You noticed him stalling a moment and feeling the soft fabric of your panties between his fingers before he spoke up,
“YN, I’ll leave your stuff closer to the water, ok?”
He said, thinking you were still swimming around without a care in the world,
“No need”
You said from behind him and he jumped, dropping your things, then tripped and landed on his ass, as he tried to put some more distance between you again,
“Ah… you scared me again”
He said, sitting on the floor and covering his eyes with his fingers immediately. He was only able to see your face through the gaps between his fingers. You didn’t say anything; you just stood there for a few seconds, making Jin suffer even more,
“I uh, do you wanna go back by any chance? I’m kinda tired”
He tried to find an excuse to flee again but you weren’t having it. You knelt down and placed your self firmly in his lap, straddling him,
“I don’t wanna go back, yet”
You mumbled and gently wrapped your small fingers around the wrist of Jin’s hand, trying to get him to uncover his eyes and look at you. He resisted. Not at all cost but it was enough to give you pause and make you doubt your intentions,
“Jin, it’s ok, you can look”
You tried to soothe him a little but he didn’t relent,
“YN, please, I’m trying so hard”
He whispered, hoping you would get the message.
It wasn’t like he didn’t want to look, he definitely wanted to. He was sure, the hard dick poking you in the thighs told you so very clearly. It was just that he wasn’t sure what would happen, if he gave in. Your friendship was something he treasured and was thankful for every day, no matter how annoying you could be at times,
“Would it be so bad? We’ve been friends for so long, have you never thought about it?”
Your soft voice slowly but surely worked on dismantling his determination,
“Of course, I thought about it. Multiple times, actually. Especially this week”
Jin answered and he felt you shift slightly above him,
“So, if you thought about it, does that mean… you don’t want to?”
He thought he heard something like disappointment in your voice and he was never good at ignoring when you felt down,
“Are you kidding? You think I’d be this hard if I didn’t want to?”
He tried to lighten the mood and let his free hand move up and down your thigh,
“I’ve been wanting to do this for ever, YN, I just don’t know if this is a good idea”,
“Jin, please…”
He swallowed as he felt you move again, this time you were pushing down on him, grinding against him and he had a hard time to keep his eyes covered,
He cursed at the feeling of you grinding on him and you moved his hand higher from your thigh while you tried again to remove his hand from his face. He slowly let you but he kept his eyes closed,
“Jin, look at me”
You now held both of his hands in yours and you slowly moved the up your body until they cupped your breasts. You sighed and squeezed Jin’s hands around them making him moan and his head fell forward, against your shoulder,
“YN, fuck, you need to stop… I’m a weak man and your tits feel amazing”
He started squeezing on his own and slowly rubbed his thumbs on your nipples,
“Touch me, baby, please”
Your pleas were making him so weak and he knew there was no way he would stop now, that he felt your soft skin under his hands. He turned his head just a little, placing his lips against your neck and kissing you gently. He listened to your moans and let you move against him, rub yourself against his dick in his briefs and it made him so hard; shit, you just felt so good against him, warm and soft and your tits were so fucking nice he couldn’t form a coherent thought anymore. He wanted more, needed more, needed to touch more and taste more of you, so he quickly spun you around and pushed your body back into the soft grass and hovered above you,
“Kiss me”
You whine and he wants nothing more than to kiss every inch of your skin. Starting with your pretty lips; you pretty lips which were always pouting smiling, making him crazy and making him wish he knew what the felt like around his dick. He leans down and they’re so soft. So damn soft like your beautiful tits, which he went right back to squeezing and massaging, making you moan into his mouth. Then it’s wet; tongues finding each other, wet bodies grinding together and your wet pussy rubbing against him. God, you’re so wet. He even feels it through his boxer briefs. He never thought he’d be able to get you this wet. When you lift your legs and wrap them around his hips, he can’t hold back any longer,
“Shit, you feel so good, YN, so fucking soft”
He starts kissing your neck again, moving along the smooth skin down to your collarbone and then further down to suck one of your nipples into his mouth. You moaned and ran your hands through his hair, tugging slightly and running your nails along his scalp,
“Feel good, baby?”
He asked, voice rough as he switched sides,
“So good…”
You managed to answer through your bliss-clouded mind,
“Want more”
You added and weakly grabbed one of Jin’s hands to move it lower, between your legs,
“More? Want me here? Want me to touch your pussy?”
You never would have guessed Jin would be so vocal during sex, you always thought he’d be the sweet and vanilla type of guy but you weren’t about to complain when his fingers felt so good rubbing your lower lips,
“Yes, touch me, please, want you so much”
you pulled his face back down to yours to kiss him as he let his fingers slide through your wetness and moaned into the kiss at how fucking good it felt,
“Shit, you’re so wet… so fucking warm, fuck”
He started rubbing your clit lightly and you broke the kiss to bury your face in his neck and muffle your moans,
“Ah, Jin…”,
“Like this?”,
“Fuck, yes”
He made you feel so good, you wanted to do the same. You worked your hand between your bodies, too and started rubbing Jin through the fabric of his briefs. The feeling of his hard dick in your hands made you want more and you slipped your hand inside, wrapping it around him for real and gently moving it until you felt his fingers lose their rhythm on your clit and all you could hear were the pleasured moans he failed to hold in,
“Am I doing it right?”
You knew you were doing it right but you also knew Jin loved it when you acted helpless and cute. Could only apply even more in this situation,
“Yeah, you are… So right, so good, shit”
He sucked on the skin of your neck and slid his finger from your clit down and slowly, gently slipped it inside of you, moaning at the warm wet feeling that greeted him. You couldn’t find any words that would accurately express your thoughts at this moment; you could just tighten your legs around him and try not to be so loud you’d wake the others,
“You like that, hm? Feel so tight, baby, can’t wait to fuck you”
Jin moaned in your ear and you felt a heatwave run through your body,
“Jin, fuck me, plea- Ah…”
right as you begged him, he slid in a second finger,
“That what you want? Want me to fuck you?”
He pushed his fingers in deeper and you tried to not lose the rhythm you had going on with your hand around his dick,
You couldn’t form a decent answer at this point,
“You sure, baby? I could make you come like this and then fuck you; make you come again”
He kissed you slow and deep this time, moving his fingers in tandem with his tongue. You shook your head, tightening your legs again, pushing his fingers even deeper,
“No? You want it now? Want me to fuck that tight little pussy?”
Jesus, you thought, you never knew words could turn you on so much,
“Then you’ll get it, baby”
He pulled his fingers out slowly and you watched as he stuck them in his mouth to suck them clean,
“Mhm, fuck, I’ll eat you next time, don’t even try to stop me”
You spread your legs as he sat back on his haunches and pushed his briefs down, finally. You couldn’t make out his size in the dark but you had already felt that it was a little bigger than what you were used to.
Jin gripped himself, moving his hand along his dick and sighing,
“Can’t believe this is happening…”
He said and leaning back down, hovering over your body,
“Wanted this for so long”
He continued and you let your hand travel over his naked chest as he guided his dick to slide through your wetness. You watched him shudder and a breath hitched in his throat as his dick made contact with your wet, warm centre,
“God, feels so good already, Jin, don’t tease me”
He bent down and kissed you,
“I won’t, I just…”
He hesitated for a second and took a deep breath,
“I don’t have any condoms with me, I wasn’t really planning on this to happen”
You smiled at the sudden insecurity in his voice and gently ran a hand through his dishevelled hair,
“It’s fine, I have an IUD, you don’t have to worry”,
“I can come inside you? You sure?”,
“I want you to”,
Jin went right back to kissing and sucking on your neck,
“Please, Jin, fuck me, come inside me… want you so bad”
The way you sounded so fucking whiney and sweet; he moaned into your skin and rubbed his dick along your pussy before he slowly pushed the head inside. Unprepared for the incredible feeling of your wet, tight pussy around his dick, he pushed in even more, swallowing all your moans and pleas. Never had he felt this good before, literally never. Your pussy felt so damn good around him, he wasn’t even completely sure this was real,
“Ah, Jin!”
He could tell you tried to be quiet,
“Shit, it’s so big…”,
“You ok? Want me to go slow?”
He asked for your comfort, yet he wasn’t sure he could do anything about it because his dick was definitely pushing itself deeper inside you of its own accord. He probably couldn’t stop, even if he wanted to,
“No, I’m fine, it feels amazing”
You threw your head back into the grass and Jin bent a little to suck your nipple back into his mouth, adding to your pleasure even more.
He pushed in deeper and deeper, moving his hips until they wouldn’t go any further and he was balls deep inside you. Even if you didn’t, he needed a moment to come back to reality and not finish before he had even started. You held him so tightly and he squeezed every bit of skin he could reach as your hips moved against his, stealing his breath and making him feel so fucking good,
“You feel so good, YN, so fucking good”
He closed his eyes and let himself get lost in the feeling of your body against his,
“So wet, so tight- this pussy’s made for me”
He mumbled against your skin and kissed and sucked what his lips could find. He wanted to be more in control, wanted to be more focused on your pleasure but it just felt so good. He could only hope he was making you feel as good as he possibly could,
“Jin, touch me…”
He heard you sigh and he placed one last kiss to your lips before he pushed himself up to sit back, so he could bring his fingers back to your clit,
“Like this?”
He asked as he rubbed you and immediately felt you clench around him,
“Yes, ah… like that”,
He lifted your leg onto his shoulder with his other hand, spreading you even more for him. This new angle had him hitting you deeper and Jin did his very best to hit all the right places. He already felt his end approaching and he knew he couldn’t hold it off for long,
“Jin, fuck, I’m close, don’t stop”
Your words were music to his ears. He held your leg tightly to his chest, fucking you deeper and harder, working his fingers as close to the rhythm his hips were setting as possible,
“That’s it, baby, come for me”
He ben forward slightly, wanting to be closer to you, wanting to see your face when you came,
“Come all over my dick”
His words made you feel hot all over and you felt your muscles contracting, bringing you closer to your end,
“Ahh, I’m gonna come”
Your voice was strained and you put both of your hands over your mouth, knowing this was gonna be a loud one. Jin was captivated by the pure look of pleasure on your face and devoted all of his movements to making you come, desperate to see your face and feel you clench around his dick,
“Gonna come for me? I can feel it, baby, tell me what to do”,
“Just like that, don’t stop”,
“You’re so beautiful… look so good like this; I want you so much”
He told you all the things he always wanted you to know and more until he felt your pussy tighten around him and your leg spasm in his grip while you moaned through your hands in a desperate attempt to deafen the noise as you came around him. He pushed in so deep, revelling in the feeling of your orgasm and letting his own take over.
He bent down, pushing your hands out of your face and capturing your lips in a slow, deep kiss that made your toes curl like that orgasm just did. He came so deep inside you, filling you up so good and holding you so tight and close, you never wanted him to let you go.
As your muscles relaxed and your breathing evened out again, just like Jin’s, he took your hands in his and kissed them before intertwining your fingers and pressing another long, deep kiss to your lips,
“Jeesus, Jin, I never would have thought you’d talk so dirty to me”
Was the first thing that came to your mind as he slipped out of you and lay down next to you. He let out a hearty laugh and ran a hand over his face,
“I don’t know what came over me”
He said and you smiled,
“I just bring out the best in you, don’t I?”
He squeezed your hand lovingly,
“My best is definitely in you, yes”
He snickered and you slapped his shoulder,
“You’re so nasty, Jin!”
You both giggled as suddenly a loud voice rang through your post-orgasmic bliss,
“You’re both nasty! Fucking like horny teenagers while all your friends are trying to sleep? What are you, 16? Get a damn room next time, fuck!”
Both of you recognized Yoongi’s voice. You probably woke him up or kept him from sleeping,
You said, hiding your face in Jin’s neck,
“You should be happy it’s only happened now! Otherwise you wouldn’t have gotten any sleep at all!”
Jin yelled back and you laughed even harder.
He had exactly zero shame and that was probably why you worked so well together. And you continued to work well together two more times that  night. And then you continued to work even better together for a lot more years to come.
Submitted by @befriendswithj​
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bloopbloopsworld · 4 years
Merry Christmas @elizabethtaylor9!!
I was your secret santa! You gave me a lot of creative freedom with your gift and I noticed that you liked Danse, MacCready, and Deacon, so I decided to cook up a fic starting them! Enjoy!!
Summary: Sole sends Danse, MacCready, and Deacon to run some errands in Diamond City. If they don't kill each other first.
"For the record, I never agreed to any of this. It's Sole's fault."
"Pussy. C'mon! What, don't you want to spend some quality time with me?"
“Fuck... Shut up Deacon." 
"Soldiers," Danse whispered, his brows furrowed with disapproval, "quiet."
"We're not soldiers, tin-can." Deacon said, rolling his eyes. Danse flinched at that comment. "... Sorry."
"I told Sole, I said to them, "hey, it's alright, I can do this run by myself," but noooo, they had to force me to drag you..." MacCready looked at his companions. "... You idiots."
"Still too scared to curse? It's good for the soul McCready." 
"I am going to shoot those glasses off your face Deacon, then, I'm going to do the same to that stupid grin on your mouth!" It too all of Danse's might to pry off the sniper from Deacon side as he attempted to tackle him to the ground.
"What the hell's the matter with you two? Can't you act like adults?!" MacCready muttered and recollected himself while Deacon shrugged. "Let's focus on the task at hand, shall we? Before one of you kill the other." They continued down the road in silence for a moment before Deacon spoke again.
"Gotta say, I'm surprised Danse," he said, his arms up and behind his head. "I thought you hated me--thought you would be the first one to crack." 
Danse shouldered his laser rifle and grunted. "Believe me,” he said, "I'm nearing that point."
They arrived to Diamond City before noon, though barely. MacCready had to do everything in his willpower not to snap again while he and Danse argued about directions constantly--MacCready would point out a shortcut and Danse would stubbornly say that they needed to keep to the roads. It always escalated into arguments. When they would finally quit, Deacon filled the silent points in their journey with whatever he could to annoy them both. Danse even at one point told him to "shut the hell up" before he "fed him to a mirelurk" and Deacon had asked who then, would fill their empty lives like him? 
MacCready told him to put a sock in it.
At the entrance of the city, Danse gave them each a list from Sole and instructions.
"Don't take too long with your lists. We'll meet back here at three. If you can't find something on the list, mark it, and we'll make sure to get it next time. Five-hundred caps each. Do not spend them all. Understood?"
"Yeah, yeah, you're not my mom," MacCready muttered shoving him aside. He watched as he ventured down the stairs in a huff and fought off the urge to yell for him to get back in position.
"Careful around here," Deacon said, appearing next to him. "Folks don't take too kindly to synths." Danse looked at him in surprise. Deacon's voice sounded genuine.  
"Thank you. I can take care of myself."
Deacon patted his shoulder. "Alright big guy, good luck." He jogged down the stairs after MacCready and Danse let out a small ‘hm.’
It took Deacon three hours to meet back with the others. He decided to use the excuse of him trying to find a bathroom if they asked (and they most certainly would) and trotted back towards the entrance of the city, his findings in tow. He mentally ran through the list once more and remembered Danse’s warning of not going over the budget and also remembered the pack of cigarettes he bought. Maybe MacCready would ask him for some. 
MacCready. He frowned. The guy had been pissy since they left Sanctuary. God knew what was up with him. Hopefully he’d get over it.
He hiked through a small alleyway, passing the Valentine Detective Agency and thought about popping in to see if Nick was there, but decided against it. He was probably on a case, or maybe he’d gone to visit Sole, or maybe he was asleep. 
‘Can synths sleep…?’ He’d seen Danse sleep before--and Glory. But Nick… 
He’d have to ask next time he saw him, he decided. Well, not now. He was too lazy to turn around and tonight, he was in the mood for some noodles.
Danse paced anxiously near the entrance of Diamond City while MacCready smoked a cigarette and leaned against the wall of the baseball stadium. He stopped pacing every once in a while to look up to see if he’d arrived and then cursed and then looked back down and continued pacing. 
MacCready was getting annoyed.
“Give it a rest, will you? He’s probably at Home-Plate with some hooker or eating noodles or something.”
Danse gave him a look and glanced back up to the entrance. “That first accusation doesn’t seem like him. He’s careless but he cares.” MacCready ‘hmphed’ at him and took a drag.
“I know his type.” Said one guard to Danse, suddenly impeding on the conversation. “Acts like he cares then turns around and sells your sister to a raider.” Danse raised a brow at him. “Okay, that last bit might’ve been a bit specific, but you get my drift.” He grunted once more and looked back to the entrance. 
“Listen, Danse,” MacCready flicked his cigarette to the ground and crushed the butt with his heel. “Deacon’ll find his way back. He’s crafty like that. Let’s just go before it gets any more dark.” Danse looked one more time before turning back to MacCready. 
“Okay. Let’s go.” 
“Hey!” The two turned around and there was Deacon, booking it up the stairs and to the entrance. He stopped for a minute, wheezing, before taking a breath and jogging the rest of the way to them. When he reached the two, he stopped once more, hands clutching his knees, gasping for breath, before looking up at them. His glasses were crooked and he let a lopsided grin spread across his face. “Sorry I’m late… Couldn’t find the fucking bathroom.” 
Danse stared at him for a minute before kneeling down to his level. “Do you need me to carry your load?”
Deacon coughed and smiled. “Yeah, sure. Don’t worry, I won’t treat you like a pack brahmin.”
They had to make camp for the night, as per Deacon’s request and Danse’s agreement, stating it would be too dangerous to make the trip at night. MacCready called them sissies but helped Deacon set up their tents while Danse went to chop some firewood. MacCready grunted in frustration, attempting to unbuckle his pack. Deacon watch from afar in amusement, almost thinking of helping, but decided to set up his tent instead. 
“Stupid piece of junk…!” MacCready hissed before finally unbuckling it and throwing it to the ground.
“Careful with that,” Deacon called. “Wouldn’t want to break Sole’s…” he quickly took the crumpled list from his pocket and scanned it. “... fertilizer. Why the hell do they need fertilizer?” 
“Deacon, shut up.” He said. The spy huffed but did so, continuing with his tent. They were both silent for a moment before the snapping of branches was heard in one direction. Both snapped their heads up and grabbed their guns and aimed towards the noise. From the brambles emerged Danse, hauling multiple logs. He stopped for a minute, looking confused.
“Oh, it’s you.” Deacon said, lowering his weapon. MacCready did the same. “Thought you were a raider or something.”
“No raiders in this area, but I have yet to scout,” Danse said lumbering forward and dropping the wood on the ground. “And I appreciate the attentiveness--both of you.” He wiped his hands off on his pants and looked to MacCready. “MacCready, start the fire. Deacon, finish setting up the tents. I’ll go sweep the area, I’ll be back soon.” He hiked off back into the woods, leaving his companions alone with one another. Deacon cleared his throat. 
“You heard the man, Mr. Mayor.” 
MacCready whipped his head in his direction. “Who told you about that?! Sole?”
Deacon just smiled and began on Danse’s tent. “I’m a spy, Mr. Mayor. I see everything. 
“Deacon, I swear to God…!”
Danse had taken first watch that night. In his tent, MacCready could hear Deacon snoring peacefully, the crackling of the fire, and the light glow of fungi in the distance.
He had been trying to sleep for about an hour now and had, so far, failed miserably. He’d tried to counting sheep, reciting the alphabet, even just squeezing his eyes shut, but nothing. He was tired and annoyed and just wanted to sleep, but he just couldn’t. MacCready flipped to his side and look out. The fire allowed him to see Danse’s shadow, still and somber, reflecting on his tent. In another hour, it would be Deacon’s turn, then his, and he hadn’t even slept a wink.
‘Stupid,’ he thought grouchily. ‘Just go to sleep.’ He turned again and put his hands under his head. He shut his eyes for a moment before reopening them. He couldn’t. 
With much loathing in his bones, he rose out of his sheets and crawled out from his tent. He exited to find Danse looking at him, a brow raised.
“MacCready, it’s not your turn yet. Go back to bed.” MacCready gave him a yawn before reaching for his satchel and pulling out a hip-flask. 
“Can’t sleep. Figured I might as well look at the scenery.” 
Danse looked at him for a moment before turning his gaze away. 
“Fine. Just don’t make too much noise. And keep the drinking to a minimum.”
“Roger that, Paladin,” he muttered. He expected Danse to shoot him a dirty look but instead, he just sighed. MacCready tensed slightly. Shit. 
He took a drink and sat in the quiet for a moment, the awkward tension only growing, despite his hopes for it to maybe go away.
“Hey,” he began, “sorry about that Paladin comment. I thought maybe you had thicker skin.” Danse now tensed. Shit, shit, shit.
“It’s fine.” He finally said, shifting his weight. “Throw another log in the fire, will you?�� MacCready obeyed and kneeled down, grabbing a piece of wood from the pile nearby. He’d made things worse, he could feel it. 
“Look,” he said, throwing the log in. “I’m not the best at this stuff, but Sole’s helping me with it.” He went back to his seat and turned to Danse. “Sorry. Sorry for making you feel uncomfortable, or whatever.” Danse took that in for a moment, looking up at the sky before turning back to MacCready. 
“I’m not the best with it either. Apology accepted. Though there really wasn’t any need for it. I know you probably didn;’t mean any of that--”
“Danse, just, shut up, okay? No one gives a crap about your “high-and-mighty-act, okay? So just drop it.” He’d said it before he could even think about what he was saying. It was only until the words were floating in the air and had passed through both their ears until he realized what they meant. “Shi--shoot, sorry. I’m so sorry, Danse. I don’t know where that came from--” Danse stood abruptly and held his rifle. 
“It’s okay. But I think you should head back to sleep.” MacCready almost did. He hung his head and was about to get up when another sentence spewed from his mouth, breaking the silence.
“I used to hate you.” MacCready said, looking down. His hands were clasped together. “I made the excuse that every Brotherhood of Steel soldier was just a hardass… a stubborn person who refused to look at things any other way other than what the big man told him to.” He chuckled dryly. “But not really.” He looked up at him. “I hated you because you were so much better than me. You’re brave, you’re strong, you protect people.” He glanced back towards the fire. “You don’t run away from things. You’re everything I’m not, Danse. I ran from Duncan, from my wife. Because I was scared. I was a fucking coward--I am. I am a fucking coward.” He swallowed back the lump beginning to form in his throat. “Geez. Sorry. I’m sorry for being a bitch… a jerk this whole trip. I’ve just been… intimidated, I guess. Deacon’s a spy, a great one, he saves lives. You? You’re a soldier who doesn’t leave anyone behind. You’re fearless, Danse. Me? I’m just a hired gun Sole picked up in a bar.” 
MacCready coughed again and just stared at his boots. Danse sighed deeply, sat back down, and took the sniper’s shoulders. “You’re wrong.” He looked up. “I’m not brave. I’m not fearless. When the Brotherhood found out I was a synth, I ran. I ran as fast I could. I hid, Robert. I didn’t confront them like I should have. I hid, like a coward.” MacCready looked at him. “I’m not fearless, Robert, I’m terrified. Every waking moment, because…” He hesitated for a moment before swallowing his nerve. “I’m human--we’re human. And human’s make mistakes.” 
MacCready was quiet for a moment before nodding.
Danse nodded.
“Okay.” Danse let go of his shoulders and they sat in silence once more, it being a lot more comfortable. Danse looked back up at him from the fire. “You know, I think Deacon has a heart too. He told me to be careful in Diamond City before I went in. Hardly anyone tells me to be careful. I watch out for others, not the other way around.” MacCready laughed.
“No way, Deacon? Caring about someone else besides himself?”
“And his disguises.”
“Right, those too.” He laughed again. “Dang, I really have been a jerk, haven’t I?” Danse nodded.
MacCready gave him a look. “Well, you’re not supposed to agree with me.” Danse chuckled. 
“But there's time for growth. The Commonwealth's safe. And we have at least a day until we make it back to Sanctuary.”
“I don;’t think I’ll make it.” MacCready joked. “If Deacon lets anymore garbage out of his mouth.”
“My jokes aren’t that awful.” Startled, they both looked up to see Deacon standing near his tent, coffee tin in hand and glasses still on. “Admit it, you love them.”
“I hate them.”
“You love them.”
“Deacon,” Danse said, “we don’t hate them, we despise them.” 
Deacon scoffed. “Whatever. I’ll make you both fall in love with my comedy routine. We still have, what, a day left until we reach Sanctuary? You two will love it by then.”
“Not gonna happen.”
“We’ll see,” Deacon said, wiggling his brow. “Go to sleep, both of you. It’s my turn.” Both nodded and stood, walking back to their tents.
“Night, Danse.”
“Goodnight, MacCready.”
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spectraspecs-writes · 4 years
Kashyyyk - Chapter 70
Link to the masterpost. Chapter 69. Chapter 71.
@averruncusho @ceruleanrainblues @chubbsmomma thank u for reading you get a tag. @skelelexiunderlord thank u for support you get a tag
A/N: Okay, one more complete chapter to type before I drift into the abyss for another week or so.
I think it is! It’s green, and it flashes quickly, accompanied by sounds of the beasts. Four at once, and they aren’t backing down. But before I get close enough to help, he takes out all four himself. Cool.
He turns and sees me. “Ah, the damnable racket of battle!” he swears. He sounds crotchety, but he’s got the same kind of attitude I have, which I love. “Watch yourself, even more of these crawling beasts are hiding in the underbrush.”
“Who are you?” I ask, “You’re not Czerka, are you?” He certainly doesn’t look like Czerka.
“I'm Jolee. Jolee Bindo,” he says, “Follow me to my camp and we'll talk a bit.”
“You use a lightsaber in battle,” Bastila asks him as he starts to head back to his camp, “Are you a Jedi?”
“Ah, don't start fawning just yet, I'm too old for it,” he complains, and then he sighs, “I…I know a few things, but we can talk about it at my camp. Keep close. It's nearby under a log.” He scoffs. “Yeah, I live like some burrowing rodent. I fought the Sith… now look at me. Hmph!”
We follow where he leads. He has a charming little hut-house, and he’s kinds enough to let us in as it starts to rain a little. The rain exacerbates my allergies, so I inject another of Canderous’s stim packs. Jolee huffs a little at that. “Well, welcome to my home,” he says, “such as it is. Pull up a stump and be comfortable. We should discuss a few things.” He offers us some fruit, being a kind host. 
Bastila and Canderous both take the offer in earnest, but I’ve got business on my mind. “No offense,” I say, “I’m sure you know a lot, but I don’t have much time.”
“You'll have nothing but time if you don't take what help you can,” he says gruffly, “I've been here for many years. I know things. Remember that.” He shakes his head and sits down. “My days of glory are behind me, but… perhaps there is something I can do for you. You must have questions.”
“I would like to ask about you,” Bastila asks, “If that’s all right.”
“Ah, what is there to tell?” he says simply, “Jolee Bindo is the crazy old man in the dangerous woods. I'm content with the impression I give.” My kind of guy.
“But you use a lightsaber in battle. You are a Jedi,” Bastila says.
Jolee sighs. “I follow the Jedi Way and I command the Force, yes, and I suppose that makes me as much a Jedi as anyone,” he says, sounding almost a little reluctant to admit as much, “… but what of it? Why should being what I am compel me to entertain others with tales of the 'good old days' huh?” Bastia doesn’t quite like his gruff manner. I like it, personally. “I've seen my share of the dark and the light. And frankly, both extremes annoy me. Of course… I have felt the rumblings of change… “
Bastila gets a small smug look on her face. “I can feel the power of the Force within you, old man,” she says - is she… trying to tease him? - “but I do not sense the taint of the Dark Side. I think you are a servant of the light, despite what you claim.”
While Jolee would certainly be understood if he gave her a talking-to, he doesn’t. “Well, I assure you, I see more grey than dark or light. I'm just a stubborn old man, tired of the foolishness of others.” I certainly agree there.
I’m here for a reason, though, and if he knows the area, I’m going to try to get the information I need to finish what I came here to do. “Chuundar, the Wookiee chieftain from R… Ruh-wook…”
“Rwookrroro,” Jolee finishes for me.
“Right, yes, thank you. He sent us after a crazed Wookiee,” I say, “Do you know anything about this Wookiee? Have you seen him?”
“Crazed? Maddened with grief, perhaps, but not crazed,” Jolee says. See, I didn’t think he was crazed, exactly. “I helped him pass to the lower forests where only a Wookiee could follow. Some other matters will determine if you can follow. There is a barrier that… well, we'll talk of that more in a moment.”
He’s a cool dude and everything, but the less time I spend on Kashyyyk the better. “I’m looking for a Star Map, mainly,” I say, “Do you know anything about it?”
He grins. “Now why would you be asking about that, hmm? Don't answer. I knew that had to be why you were here. The problems of a few Wookiees don't amount to anything before the concerns of the Jedi.” Now, that’s not fair. If I wasn’t allergic to this planet I would do everything I could to help the Wookiees. I’m just in mild agony and have been for several hours. “No,” he finishes, “you are here for the map.
“Kashyyyk is an interesting place, more so than anyone suspects. If Czerka Corporation knew,” he says with an ironic laugh, “the planet would be a strip mine.” Doubtless. Czerka is willing to destroy anything if it gets them a few more credits. “The Wookiees have their legends that they were not always here, but it is more than that. The trees themselves are strangers.”
Uh… what? “That sounds fascinating,” I say, “and I would love to hear more, but I’m confused.”
“What I'm saying is that there are literally walls in your way,” he says - and I don’t exactly see how that relates to the trees being strangers, but okay, “and you won't find what you need without my help. And my help has a price.” Of course it does. “You must do a task for me, and then allow me to join with you. I will then remove certain barriers in your path.”
“Oh, hell, no,” Canderous protests, “The port quarters are crowded enough as it is. You want to add a cryptic old man to your current entourage of a Wookiee, a Mandalorian, and your Republic boyfriend?”
“Canderous, Carth is not my boyfriend.”
He laughs. “You know what they say about people who protest too much.”
“Leave her alone, Canderous,” Bastila says, gently smacking him. She smiles at him but she doesn't like his suggestion any more than I do. “I’m sure we can accommodate you, Jolee.”
“Glad to have you aboard,” I say, “So what’s the task?”
“I’m glad you asked,” Jolee says, “Since they began expanding in the Shadowlands, the Czerka have left me alone, for the most part. Until recently, anyway. A group of them set up camp not far from here.” He scoffs. “Poachers, is all they are. I'd like them removed from this place.”
And this is supposed to be a difficult task? I’d chase the Czerka away for fun. “So you want me to get some kids off your lawn,” I say teasingly.
He takes the joke and returns it. “Yes, yes, I’m an old man that’s getting fussy,” he says, “Call me foolish if you will, I don’t care.”
“Perish the thought,” I say, “I’d do this just for fun. Czerka has absolutely no respect for the native environment or animals, I‘m sure they’re threatening the wildlife and the ecosystem balance, and I know some of the Wookiees hate the idea of them being down here.” Gorwooken expressed as much, and I get the impression he’s not alone. “Out of idle curiosity, though, if you want them gone so badly, why haven’t you gotten rid of them yourself?”
“Don't talk back to your elders, child,” he says, teasing a bit, “Look, they know me quite well, and are always on alert when I approach. The only way I could get rid of them would be violence, which would eventually lead to trouble for the Wookiees.” I can see that. The Wookiees know he’s down here. If he removes Czerka, Czerka may ask why they haven’t removed him. Any hint of conflict could exacerbate this whole situation. “I want them gone,” Jolee continues, “but with as little fuss as possible. They have already caused enough trouble as it is.
“Their camp is in the far northeast,” he says, “And remember, if I wanted them dead, I'd have done it myself. Find a better way.”
“Gladly,” I say, “I don’t like Czerka any more than you do. I’d love nothing more than to get them all off this planet.”
“Well, you can start with the poachers,” he says with a smile, “Go on, now. Shoo! Shoo!”
Ah, he’s not so tough as all that. Despite the rain picking up, I still head out. Bastila and Canderous reluctantly follow me out into the wet. The moss glows brighter in the rain, and helps guide me close to where the Czerka poachers are hanging out. It’s dark, but my eyes adjust quickly to the low light. And I’m honestly enjoying myself. This is the closest I’ve gotten to my old scouting lifestyle in months, and I was starting to miss it. The days when water was scarce so the closest you got to a shower were rain storms like this one. When you kept lights low at night so as not to disturb the local environment too much, and to keep unwanted attention away from you. When what you ate was what you could kill, harvest, salvage, or store for months at a time, and you never took more than you needed. You were only a guest. You lived off the land, surveyed, gathered information, traded with any locals you found, learned their methods for surviving. I was with a Republic-aligned corps - not in the same field as the soldiers but I followed some of the same rules - but when we met up with Mandalorian squads, Hutt-funded expeditions, or even Sith corps, there was never much conflict between us. It wasn’t worth it. We were all at the mercy of the planet, the changing conditions. Would we ever keep information to ourselves? Yeah, of course, but nothing that would risk anyone’s lives. We’d keep shortcuts, or secluded resources to ourselves - I know about a hot spring on Utapau I’ve only told a few people about - but if my group ever came across another, we’d trade stories and tips, advice about where to camp, what to eat, who the natives were. Much as I hate Czera, their scouts were even tolerable. For them, Czerka was just an employer, not a way of life. Czerka may have funded their trips and asked for reports, but their reports were no different than mine. They may have had Czerka gear, but when it broke down they made do and improvised the same as I did. They were there to explore, provide reconnaissance for whoever paid the bills, just like me. I tried not to think about the fact that their information would lead to the leeching of a planet. 
But Czerka scouts and Czerka yes-men are two different types of people. It’s not hard to find the camp of these Czerka poachers. All the light hurts my eyes. The moss doesn’t glow. It looks a bit sickly. There are no tachs here, no beasts of any kind. When an animal starts to approach, it shrieks painfully and runs away. And for any that aren’t deterred, there are mines. They have tarps set up over some of their equipment, keeping it dry. And beyond the small camp, I can make out… something. A massive force field. Must be the barrier Jolee was talking about.
Something hurts my ears. Gives me a headache. Not the allergies, but I can ignore it well enough. There are four Czerka grunts and one with a hat - only bosses get the hats. And the boss comes up to me with his blaster. “Who are you, another civil merchant like that core-slime up on the docking ring?” he asks derisively. Rude-ass bitch. “This is my territory. I don't make deals and I don't persuade easily, so go back topside. Mess with my profits and I'll see you dead.”
What a jerk. Is a poacher incapable of being a nice person? “Are you going to stop me? You’ll need more than a blaster to do that.”
He rolls his eyes. “Look, I don't care if you want to play tourist down here, but you behave yourself or we'll have a problem. I've got a job to do, and I won't be gentle if you get in my way, understand?”
Geez, okay, fine. I’ll get out of your way. I’m not going to get anywhere with him. And I don’t want to. He moves away and I go past him, further into the camp. I hunker down under one of the tarps set up. (There’s an open plasteel cylinder with only one thing in it, some animal organs. I have to assume they’re tach glands. It doesn’t smell, so I reach in and grab it before anyone notices. There we go, I got the tach gland for Griff and possibly inconvenienced some Czerka asshole. All in a day’s work.)
Under the tarp is a piece of equipment with a slowly rotating head. Weird, wonder what it does. I would start messing with it, but one of the Czerka grunts is standing close to it, I don’t want to tip him off. I try to read him, see what I can see. There’s a patch on his jacket, or rather a spot where a patch has been removed. The shape is distinctive, because I’ve seen it so many times before. That’s the shape of the patch Czerka scouts wear. Which means I’m cut from the same cloth as this guy. “Hey,” I say to him, “you a scout?”
He seems surprised to see me or hear me. “Used to be,” he says, “But then Czerka decided my skills would be more valuable here.” He scoffs at that. Yeah, you can’t get rid of the scouting bug. We’re not happy sitting still. “You?”
“Yeah,” I say, “Republic corps. They called me in to the fleet, put me on a ship. I hated it.”
“Not on that ship anymore.”
“Yeah, Sith blew it up,” I say, “But then I met a Jedi, one thing led to another, and here I am.”
He looks impressed. “How’s Jedi life treating you?” he asks, “I bet you don’t miss roughing it.”
“I do sometimes,” I tell him honestly, ”Jedi aren’t really explorers. I miss exploring. Dropping down on a planet and going where the wind takes me. How about you?”
He drops his blaster to his side, relaxed. “I wish I could be here as a scout, honestly,” he says, “I’d love to explore down here, see what’s hiding in these trees, Can I tell you something? Scout to scout?” I nod, and he comes close. “I hate what Commander Dern has us doing. He’s in the tach harvesting business, selling their glands to make stims.”
“You could put in for a transfer,” I suggest.
“Yeah, sure,” he says sarcastically, “And risk them sending me to one of their corporate offices? No way. At least here I get fresh air in my lungs.”
“Maybe you could ask about being stationed to the docks,” I say, “Out of the Shadowlands.”
“That’d be a lot easier if there weren’t operations down here,” he says, “I wouldn’t say this to anyone else, they wouldn’t get it, but these emitters take all the fun out of being down here.”
“Yeah,” he says, tapping the spinning-head device with his foot, “this stupid thing. This and those other three generate a sonic barrier that allows us to stay down here. It keeps the big predators away, mostly katarns.” Must be those big things Jolee was fighting earlier. “I don’t know how it works, really. I just know that if they go down, the camp would be overrun. They’re permanent, too - these things will run for years. They say it makes harvesting easier. Personally, I think they should just equip it with a blaster and station us all somewhere else.”
“Hang on, let me get this straight,” I say, “The emitters keep you safe down here. What would happen if someone… shut it down? Theoretically speaking, of course.”
He gets a little grin on his face, and reaches discreetly into his pocket. Then he says, a little louder, “These emitters can only be programmed with a special code, specific to each emitter. I would never share my emitter’s code.” He says, while handing me a small programming strip. Then he whispers, “Thanks,” and turns away from me. With that strip, shutting the emitter off is simple. Now my headache lessens - it must be these emitters that are hurting me.
“Well done, Rena,” Bastila says, “How did you know he was a scout?”
“I recognized a patch spot on his jacket,” I say, “Czerka makes all their scouts wear a certain patch. I got to know that patch pretty well after all the years I spent scouting.”
It doesn’t take much persuasion to get one of the other guards to give me his code, too (admittedly for different reasons - this one just really didn’t like waking up every morning to find a tach in his tent), and with just two emitters down, the field deactivates. It doesn’t hurt my ears anymore. Shouldn’t take too long before…
“Run! Run!” the commander shouts, as a small group of katarns overtakes the camp. And just like that, the poachers are gone.
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kevnus · 5 years
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       ⎿  MUSE 14  :  KJ APA, CIS MALE, HE/HIM ⏋  oh look,  KEANU BOURNE  is back, the TWENTY TWO  year old  HEAD OF SPORTS  at camp otenaw. looks like it’s their  FOURTH  year as a staff member. rumour has it, they tend to be  ROGUISH  and  ENIGMATIC , but hopefully we’ll get to see their  VENTURESOME  and  DAUNTLESS  side too. I heard they  LOST HIS SPORTS SCHOLARSHIP DUE TO A FAILED DRUG TEST ; let’s hope this will be an epic summer ! 
       yo yoo what’s good fam i’m cj, 22 y/o, living it up in the ast part of the planet  ( canada to be exact so i’m pretty pumped for this rp woO )  and this here idiot boy is keanu  ( @ his parents: named after the actor?? ...,,,.. maybe asdfsd )  i have a pinterest board for him  HERE  , his stats page set up  HERE  , and a wanted connections page set up  HERE  with some suggestions so if y’all would like to plot don’t be afraid to hmu !! below the cut lies some shitty general info on this guy :~)
one of the few scrawny ginger kids at his elementary school, he was picked on a lot as a kid, which is the main root source of his boisterous personality now. keanu learned to stick up for himself at a young age, his parents even going so far as registering him for karate lessons after he begged them for nearly two years.
through playing vigorous sports constantly, and just being an overall active kid, once he hit puberty? it was game over. his scrawny bod filled out with muscle and his boyish features were given a more chiselled touch, leading him to become one of the more popular dudes all through high school.
he played every sport he could possibly handle as a kid and through his teens, but eventually favoured three: baseball, basketball, and football. he was actually awarded a sports scholarship to his first choice college thanks to his stellar academics and excelling promise on the field(s).
after studying for three years at said college, a surprise ( but routine ) drug test was failed on his part and his scholarship was taken from him, leaving keanu struggling to come up with the funds to continue his studies. however it pretty much dashed his hope at joining the major leagues, thanks to this stigma reputation he received once rumours spread. 
everyone back home is talking a bunch of shit about him doing hardcore party drugs or steroids but really..........all he did was smoke some weed and got caught rip
ok SO AS FOR HIS CAMP LIFE; keanu first started going to camp when he was just nine years old. as a proud boy scout, he loved ( and still loves ) exploring the great outdoors, learning about the wildlife, going into survival mode, etc. hunting frogs and snakes was prob his fav thing to do, but participating in outdoor activities and playing sports weren’t far behind on his list.
he was somewhat of a little prankster, he loved spooking his fellow campers with ghost stories and later jumping out at them when they least expected it ( or were already on the verge of pissing themselves lmao ). kind of a little shit, keanu also snuck frogs and bugs into the girls’ cabins to later laugh his head off at them shreiking in discovery.
like honestly his fondest memories all come from camp otenaw :’)
sO that’s the main reason why he converted from camper to counsellor?? he just loves the camp so much tbh
he the first year he spent as a sports counsellor, but was promoted to head of sports once the former head worked their last summer in that position. he loves every bit of it. keanu has a very Cool Dad relationship with the kids at camp; he jokes around with them and leaves the harsh scoldings to other counsellors bc he just ..... can’t bring himself to be mean to any of them sdfhgjks
he also makes a point to join in on some of the games they play but he obvi doesn’t go full throttle & demolish them lmao. he’ll be dramatic and throw his ass to the ground by ‘tripping’ over his feet, do some 007 james bond stunts u know bUT he still gently pushes them to do their best and really get into whatever sport they’re playing g bless his kind soul
as for his relationship with most of the counsellors, keanu loves to have a good time ok. after hours, when the kiddies are all in bed, he’s 100% down to have a little party of their own, maybe sneak in some beer from town to drink, sit around a fire jamming on his guitar, take a boat out on the lake, go skinny dipping, go for long as walks on the trails - literally anything. he feels so relieved / free from the stress and responsibilities at home while at otenaw camp so ... hit up this wild child for a fun time!!!
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18tpaz · 7 years
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@damereyevents summer exchange: for @strong-bottle-of-jyn 
Aaaaand here it is!!!! Yoooo damerey buddy!!!!
You asked for a fic about scavenger!poe and pilot!rey (ooooohh)! lol and because I love all my damerey and my damerey buddies I also made a little gifset to go with it :D
I have to admit, it’s been years since I last wrote a serious fanfic so forgive me if my writing’s a bit rusty (and if the style feels childish it must be because while making the fic, I was reading the young kids’ version of ROTJ by Tom Angleberger — I highly recommend, it’s fun! hahaha). And this story has no title yet...hmm, would you like to do the honors? :) Hoping to hear from ya soon!!!
Summary: Poe Dameron has made a decent living as a scavenger on Yavin 4, but a chance encounter with two Resistance fighters may finally bring him to his destiny to fly with the greatest heroes of the galaxy. Maybe dreams do come true.
Words: 4,903 ( i kno it’s short :( )
Edit: the title for this fic is "You Need a Scavenger" lol!
“Oh no. Oh no. Oh no,” Finn gaped at the mess of a ship he just came out of, “This is bad. Real bad.”
 “Damage report?” Rey, still stuck in her blue jumpsuit-sans-helmet, peered at the smoking wishbone ship before sharing a wince with her best friend.
 Ordinary people would have accepted their death at the hands of an endless jungle.
 But Rey and Finn weren't ordinary beings.
 Running on instinct, the duo scouted the area for something useful (that wasn't another gigantic tree). Finding nothing but endless greens, they decided to to immediately set up camp by their downed vehicle.
 “Another dinner of tasty rations,” Rey grumbled at her veg-meat as Finn chuckled, opting instead to take a nap on his sleeping mat.
 “Good night, peanut.”
 “Sleep tight, Finn.”
 - -
 The fourth moon of Yavin wasn't particularly a competitive market for junk and it suited Poe perfectly fine. Besides, the farm being tended by his father could sufficiently feed them both; his scavenging was nothing more than a hobby that happened to bring extra credits to the table.
 After setting up his father’s breakfast, Poe and his droid BB-8, headed off on his self-constructed landspeeder for their next salvaging adventure.
 “So, where are we off to today?” Poe turned to his round companion who beeped and chirped animatedly, “Hmm… yeah buddy maybe we should take a break from scouring the abandoned Rebel base and try our luck on something else. Scan around for unusual readings.”
 The droid responded by making annoyed noises, “Yeah yeah, I know I'm too obsessed.”
 Dee-deet! Dee-deet! Poe’s scanners were picking up a mass of potential scrap  ahead of him. Slowing down his speeder, he pulled out his quadnocs to take a peek. He could see smoke lightly dissipating from a hidden cockpit. The magnified image made his heart leap. It was a real, functional Y-wing!
 Never in his life did Poe drive his speeder with utmost urgency. It was one thing to stare at holoimages of fancy ships or pick around distended parts for selling. But to catch a whole, real (REAL!) starfighter? He felt like the luckiest man in history since Han Solo's legendary win in a game of Sabacc (of course Poe knows about Han Solo! Poe’s probably a walking encyclopedia of the Galactic Civil War). His mind raced with possibilities and ideas.
 I should try the sublights on this thing.
 Maybe I could bring home a nice helmet from this too.
 Will BB-8 fit the astromech slot?
 I can finally know the feeling of flying a bomber!
 His imagination was cut short by a blaster bolt that almost singed his favorite jacket. Filled with panic, he didn’t realize that the pilot might still be alive!
 “Who's there?!” screamed a bold, male voice. Poe could hear the rifle being prepped for another shot.
 “I mean you no harm!” Poe quickly answered, hands up in the air,  “I… uh… saw your ship! And I uh… came to offer my services!” His mind was nimbly threading a legitimate excuse, “You see, I run a small business of fixing stuff and selling parts. My house is just a few klicks away.”
 The pilot must have been a little desperate as he lowered his blaster and moved closer to Poe's position.
 Dark complexion, clean haircut, and very determined eyes. Complete trooping gear and a classy flight jacket.
 The man, bearing a brawny build and an equally assertive stance, inspected Poe to ensure that he wasn't hiding any weapons. But what he wasn't counting on was the stinging electric shock delivered by BB-8 on his ankle, “Ow!” he stumbled and grunted.
 “Hey buddy, it’s okay. I was about to score a job,” Poe intervened before his loyal companion could send another shock current on the man. The reassurance caused BB-8 to roll backwards and bow his domed head in apology, a light ‘dwoooo’ sound echoing his speakers.
 Deciding to play friendly, Poe helped the stranger up, “I'm Poe. Poe Dameron.”
 “Finn,” he responded, “You said you could fix our ship?” the man inquired.
 “I gotta take a look at it first, of course,” Poe replied. True, he had to assess the damage. But his true motivation was the chance to see and touch a real Alliance vehicle. He just had to pull out all his tricks for this chance!
 Finn, Poe, and BB-8 approached the Y-wing in haste. And as Poe was about to get his first touch of the ship, a gloved hand grabbed his forearm.
 “What do you think you're doing?” growled a female voice this time, mezzo-soprano, (and obviously very angry).  
 Her air of authority placed Poe in a state of partial paralysis. He slowly looked up to see a fair and regal face, sprinkled with dust and slightly tanned. The upper part of her blue flightsuit was unzipped to reveal a worn, sleeveless, gray undershirt (and immaculately toned arms). Poe dared to look into her hazel eyes and gulped. If Finn felt like dealing with an elite shocktrooper, the girl was probably Lady Vader.
 Nevermind that the girl’s gauntlets were dripping grease on his favorite jacket.
 “I'm uh, Poe. Poe Dameron?”
 “He wants to help fix the ship,” Finn intervened, hoping to defuse his friend’s aggression.
  “As you can see, I can handle it myself,” the girl replied, oozing with sass. She pointed a Pilex driver at Poe, “And no offense, but you look like a scruffy scavenger about to steal my ship.”
 Damn, caught so fast. Maybe I should have listened to Dad and shaved.
 “You'll need parts though,” Poe adroitly picked himself up from the girl’s tripping wits, “I sell! And, I can see that your coolant’s leaking. We could work on that.”
 The scavenger’s right. She huffed, “I do need some more bonding tape.”
 “Hey, I can get you some new parts for that instead!” Poe exclaimed, “My finds will fit well with an Alliance classic like your bomber.”
 Of course the girl had her doubts, but after a silent deliberation within herself (actually, it was just one long sigh), she relented.
 And they all got to work.
 - -
 For the next few days, Poe learned a couple of things from his new customers.
 1.    The girl's name was Rey - and she was probably ranked as high as Captain, based on how Finn addressed her.
2.    Rey and Finn were probably Resistance agents, scouting around the sector until they got hit and landed here.
3.    They were in a hurry to fix their long range comms. But so far, no luck.
4.    Kes Dameron, Poe’s dad, came down to see what they were up to and offered some koyo melons from their homely ranch. A warm, ambient environment ensued.
5.    Finn did most of the talking (he was a very friendly chap when you got to know him). Captain Rey on the other hand, was a quiet sort of buddy.
6.    But Rey has a very special heart for machines. She bonded with BB-8 instantly while making a lot of technical remarks about Poe’s landspeeder. (Of course Poe took lots of notes! Had to learn more about this girl - I MEAN LEARN FROM A REAL PROFESSIONAL STARFIGHTER PILOT).
7.    Also, this meant that Poe's sly attempts to sell his worthless junk (as he usually did with unknowing offworlders) didn't succeed under Rey’s watchful eye.
8.    Nope, a shaved face didn't help his cause either.
 “25,000 credits?! This is a rusty 30-year-old U-wing thrust engine!,” Rey frowned at the chunk of metal being put down by Finn and Poe from the landspeeder.
 “On the contrary,” Poe began, shifting his gears into salesman-slash-Galactic Civil War expert mode, “I believe this lovely piece of vintage was part of Operation Fracture, which — ”
 “ — was the mission to uncover and stop the Death Star,” Rey supplied, “and if my memory is intact, most of Blue Squadron’s U-wings met their grave on Scarif.”
 Poe was flabbergasted. It was perhaps, the first time he was caught spindling a lie about history. Finn simply chuckled and patted BB-8, “Sorry Poe-my-good-man, but Rey is a hardcore geek when it comes to these things. Girl knows her stuff.”
 “Look Poe, we’re not museum collectors. I need functional thrusters if we are to make it as far as Mandalore,” Rey explained.
 BB-8 chirped something in response.
 “You need the money for what?” Rey raised her eyebrows and began crossing her arms.  
 “Don't listen to him,” Poe panicked, realizing what his droid had just said, “Okay...look...we can go to my usual hauling areas and find another thrust engine.”
 “You know if you were so bent on signing up for the New Republic Starfighter Corps, you could join us in the Resistance! I can gun for you if you like! I'm actually a big deal in the Resistance and I am pretty damn sure that I am one of the best gunners out there,” Finn grinned, pumped up with excitement.
 But Poe nervously chuckled and cleared his throat, “Let's not get carried away guys. Now wanna go check out that old Rebel base?”
 - -
 Many would have thought that the Rebels took everything with them when they evacuated the Massassi temples on Yavin 4, and that graverobbers would have nothing left to salvage from the ancient rocks.
 But Poe Dameron was a persistent one.
 Driven by his deep desires to rediscover his deceased mother, an ace of the Rebel Alliance, he poured all his efforts on uncovering concealed caches, cracking codes, and absorbing whatever intel was left behind. What lacking information he needed, he sought through Holonet searches when he visited the main town. Sometimes a family friend, a retired veteran Duros pilot he fondly called Uncle L’ulo, shared what he could to the eager boy. Along with Kes Dameron, they reminisced Green Squadron’s finest moments when Lieutenant Shara Bey, Poe’s mom, did the wildest heroics in the name of freedom and justice.
 The secret outposts found by Poe were stashed with enough supplies and parts to sustain a lost platoon for 5 standard years. Though they couldn’t find a good set of thrusters, Rey and Finn were admittedly impressed. BB-8 also helped set up temporary long range communications through an old terminal, so that Finn can report to Resistance High Command.
 Meanwhile, Rey and Poe decided that they could build their own thrust engines from the spares. The two tinkerers were quiet for the duration of their work — Poe was determined to help his new friends get going while Rey began contemplating on the idea of acquiring another useful recruit. She knew that the Resistance needed more manpower, but at the same time their job required a deep sense of commitment and utmost loyalty, qualities Rey wasn't sure that Poe had (For one, Rey knew a lot of skilled people who were nothing more than mercenaries). Still, she decided that a little probing might help around.
 “Why do you want to be a starfighter pilot?” Rey inquired while fiddling with her toolkit.
 She could sense the emotions brewing beneath the scavenger.
 Poe tilted his head, scrunching up his face a bit as he continued to work, “Mostly because of my Ma, I guess,” he picked up a hydrospanner and inserted it into a damaged slot, “She flew for Green Squadron while my Dad served under the Pathfinders.”
 Rey nodded in understanding. She also began installing some bolts.
 “How ’bout you, Captain... uh, why did you want to be a Jedi?”
 If Rey was surprised, she didn't show it. (Actually, she was. But of course she's better than that.)
 “What makes you think I’m a Jedi?” she calmly challenged his query.
 Poe shrugged, still engrossed in his work, “I saw your lightsaber clipped next to your belt. The only time I saw that kind of thing was on a holo of Luke Skywalker in his X-wing attire.”
 Rey couldn't help but grin. He's an observant one. Good. “Let’s just say it's also tied to family.”
 Poe nodded.
 Silence ensued. But, it was comfortable kind, knowing that they stood on the same ground and were somehow, drawn to the same endless stars above them (How did assembling thrusters become such a dreamy setting?). Before they knew it, only a few couplings were left to be installed.
 “Finn’s not done yet, is he?” Poe mused.
 “I’ll tell you a secret — that boy has a rather colorful love life,” Rey mischievously replied and they shared laugh, “If I have to place a bet, it’ll be on one of those sisters he befriended on the maintenance crew…”
 “Must be tough love.”
 “Maybe if you join our ranks you'll give him some competition,” Rey joked.
 “Nah. My old man needs me here,” Poe shook his head.
 Rey was about to respond when Finn came back with BB-8. He seemed more relaxed after that long chat with the base.
 “Hey Rey, General Organa wants to talk to you,” Finn bent down, positioning himself to take over her work. The captain quietly stood up and accompanied BB-8 back to the terminal.
 “General,” Rey curtly greeted Leia Organa with a nod.
 Leia on the other hand, continued to stare dotingly at Rey, as though her compassion could be transmitted all the way from D’Qar to Yavin 4.
 “Rey, I wish I could tell you to take your time but — ”
 “Time is of the essence, I know,” Rey sighed, rubbing her forehead, “I'm doing my best to fix the ship and I swear we’ll be on track to Mandalore before you know it.”
 “No, that's not it,” Leia explained, “We're picking up First Order transmissions. They're in your area, trying to find a Force-sensitive tree. Several TIEs have been dispatched. They might also be the group who shot you down.”
 “A Force-sensitive tree?”
 “I know Luke had given one to the Dameron family. Finn says you've made contact with their son?” Leia asked.
 “Make sure the First Order doesn't find it,” came Leia's swift order.
 “But what about the emissary to Mandalore? We have to coordinate with them soon,” Rey frowned, unconvinced by the tree’s importance.
 “Finn says that Poe Dameron is seeking enlistment with us. And I know his parents well, especially his mother. Recruiting him is as good as finding our contact in Mandalore,” Leia replied, her voice driven by conviction. Rey could feel ripples of the Force flowing between them. Leia's natural intensity as a commander not only made her an effective leader, but also an undeniably strong presence in the Force.
 Like Master Luke. Like Ben. And all those lost Jedi.
 Memories of pain flushed her into a deep silence.
 And Leia of course, was able to pick up on it, “I know it's so hard to place trust on people. Especially after what happened to your father…” her voice began drifting, her own emotional struggles reflecting that of Rey’s.
 But unlike an amateur such as Rey, Leia was firm in resisting her grief. Decades of experience brought her that ability to endure, “I had once entrusted my life to Shara Bey and I did not regret it. And if Poe is anything like his mother — or even his father, you will not hesitate to seek his help.”
  “Yes ma’am.” Rey, suddenly stoic, affirmed.
 Leia sighed. At least she is trying, “May the Force be with you.”
 - -
 “So, you like our little scoundrel of a princess?” Finn jabbed at Poe.
 “Wh-what?” Poe stuttered.
 “Oh come on! The only time I saw that kind of look was when Rey got to fly the Falcon!” Finn continued to tease, “And believe me, I’ve been through a lot of fodder with that gruffy girl and it's definitely been an adventure of a lifetime.”
 Poe frowned. They began to tow the newly-constructed thrusters back into the speeder.
 “I know she likes to look tough. Have you seen how she likes to be scruffy and show off her guns and all? She wants folks to respect her. And I guess I can't blame her for trying to live up to an inherited reputation…” Finn began rambling, immersed in his discourse of his best friend.
 “But I know, deep in my gut, that you’ll be good for her,” Finn continued, “I've seen her rip a gundark with her bare, muddy hands and I was there when she wore silvery garments and stole glances from everyone in a senator’s party. Of course the other pilots like Jess and Karé love her with all their being. But she needs another kind of friend, a relatable one. Someone who also memorizes all the skirmishes after the Battle of Hoth. And can re-wire a navicomputer with eyes closed. Someone who knows what it’s like to be a child of a legend. And if these docs are right, your Mama was one helluva pilot,” Finn wriggled his eyebrows, waving a datapad in front of Poe.
 The scavenger just gaped at him. Somehow, Finn’s datapad had just downloaded all of Lieutenant Shara Bey’s Alliance records. Not just Shara’s but Kes Dameron’s files too.
 “You know when Leia treats us all Resistance babies like her own children you get access to many amazing things,” Finn winked.
 “Now if you’re trying to lure me to join — ” Poe began shaking his head.
 “I don't know what’s stopping you either.”
 “Dameron!” shouted Rey's voice. The young Jedi was jogging towards them with BB-8 rolling in the same quickened pace.
 “The tree. Where is it?” Rey grabbed Poe’s collar.
 That gesture must have terrified him because he froze in place.
 “Whoa, calm down Cap. What did the General say?” Finn patted Rey’s shoulder.
 “The First Order is here, looking for a tree that Master Luke gave to Shara Bey. We need to protect it at all costs,” Poe and Finn could feel the panic seeping among them.
 The tree. From Luke Skywalker himself.
 Poe's mind was running in circles, remembering how his parents revered the damn plant. How he was made to personally care for it when he accidentally burned it in a hurry to finish his chores, many years back.
 He flicked his comlink, contacting his father.
 Shhhhhhssssshhhh. Static.
 If his comm was jammed, that meant the First Order was here. On this moon. On their backyard.
 The trio (plus BB-8) hurried back to the homestead.
 - -
 Kes knew that he'd never outgrow the instincts he’d bred as a SpecForce soldier. So, when he saw an indiscriminate man heading straight for the Force-sensitive tree, he immediately grabbed his old blaster from a hidden compartment. Setting up for a snipe shot, he quietly aimed at the thief.
 Ah, that satisfying hit meant that he was still a true Pathfinder.
 Kes slowly moved towards the incapacitated man, inspecting the thief's gear. There were network sensor jammers in one pocket and other tools similar to former Imperial Security Bureau agents. He could also hear at least two speeders within his area, one he identified as Poe's and another that was probably the burglar’s reinforcements. Making a wild guess, he ducked before a second thief tried to shoot him, and then fired back.
 He missed. And the second man accelerated his vehicle, retreating back into the forest.
 “Dad!” Poe, along with BB-8, hurriedly approached his father.
 Kes raised his thumb up before gesturing to Rey and Finn to catch the escaping intruder.
 Rey immediately took over the controls of Poe's ride while Finn readied his rifle.
 Poe glanced back at them, hoping that Rey would take care of his baby.
 “I’m okay, son. I’m okay,” Kes grinned cockily. Sometimes his boy was such a worrier, like Shara secretly was back years ago.
 “Was it the First Order, Dad?” Poe peered at the dead body.
 “Definitely,” Kes nodded, “I knew they'd be after the tree one day. It was Skywalker’s last request from our family to keep it safe.”
 Kes couldn't help but give his son a rather wrinkly smile. He could read Poe and all his hopes and fears like plain Aurebesh.
 And he knew exactly what he had to say to give his kid a final push. “Destiny calls us. The Force, even. That's why I wounded up serving under General Solo back on Endor, why your mother flew alongside Luke and Leia. We decided that we couldn't allow innocents to suffer. Now you have to make your choice. Will you help them too?”
 “But what about you? Who's going to take care of you?”
 Kes boisterous laughter filled the air, “I'm tougher than I look, son. Your old man still has that Pathfinder spirit,” he pounded his chest proudly. He shifted gears and mellowed the mood, “Poe, I know you’re worried for me but I'll be fine here. Shara used to think that way, too. Afraid that she couldn't stop flying once she got into her green flightsuit and left you behind.”
 He held his son's face, looking into his eyes that was so much like his wife's — that same soul yearning to explore the heavens, “You'll know when to fight and you'll know when to back down. We've raised you to be smarter and tougher so that one day you could take your place in this universe,” he slipped a data chip into Poe's hand.
 The launch codes for Shara’s old A-wing. An old ship, long hidden beneath a tarp, parked half a klick away.
 A beauty waiting for its reawakening.
 “I give you my blessing, son. It's been a long damn time and now you should quit holding yourself back!” Kes laughed again, “Who knows our small family might get one helluva pilot as daughter-in-law again!”  
 Poe palmed his face, recently cleaned of facial hair (also done to secretly impress the Y-wing captain). His dad was too quick of a thinker sometimes.
 - -
 With the infinite obstacle of trees, Rey can only steer the speeder so much. That was probably the seventh time she had to avoid the blaster bolts from hitting their borrowed ride.
 “Are you ever going to fire back, peanut?!” Rey exasperatedly whined at Finn.
 “I'm trying!” Finn grumbled back.
 “What ever happened to the Resistance’s best gunner…” Rey muttered, slipping a grumpy joke as she usually did during troublesome times like this.
 “I heard that!” Finn shot back, simultaneously hitting the thief's motivators.
 The speeder in front of them was yanked out of the route, but the man luckily escaped. He continued running towards a pair of strange-looking TIE fighters (probably modified).
 “He's going to fly out!” Finn pointed at him.
 “I know that!” Rey screamed back. With a blink of an eye, she stopped the speeder and leapt in the air with her activated lightsaber.
 Finn shook his head, but realizing that their Y-wing was only a junction away, he drove back to their campsite to re-install the new thrusters and maybe, get going.
 He’d seen Rey make miracles and hopefully, they wouldn't need their dysfunctional ship to take chase on those pristine TIEs.
 But being not much of a mechanic himself, he was probably the one who needed to make a miracle.
 - -
 Rey effortlessly deflected the blaster shots from the thief, who was backing away and nearing his ship.
 This agent is crippled by his fear.
 Rey threw her saber at his ship's twin ion engines, a smirk forming on her face.
 You’ve got no escape this time.
 Catching back her blade like a boomerang, she Force-pushed the thief into a tree, knocking him unconscious.
 She turned to the other TIE fighter, not realizing that the pilot inside had prepped his ship for take-off and had began gunning her. She continued to deflect its strong bolts until one blast hit an enormous branch, which was about to topple her. Rey rolled out of the way and unfortunately, it allowed the TIE to escape.
 Panting, she regretted her failure immediately.
 Luckily though, Finn was able to pull a bit of a miracle. Their battered Y-wing was floating in front of her, cockpit opened.
 “Let's test-ride this new thing!!!” Finn cheered. Rey smiled back and gracefully jumped to her seat. Following the TIE ahead of them, the Y-wing began to hit the skies.
 Apparently, it was going to be harder than expected.
 “You did not recalibrate this thing, did you?!” Rey groaned, the wishbone-shaped fighter jerking despite her focused controls. The TIE was now flying farther away.
 “Well we were in a bit of a situation. I had to hurry!” Finn retorted.
 Rey muttered a few things before resetting the guns and cannons. Finn, working in tandem, immediately tested his aim.
 Well, at least their guns are working.
 Now it was a matter of reaching their target. But the TIE suddenly tumbled itself backwards.
 “It’s behind us!” Finn warned.
 “Deflector shields up!!!” Rey flicked a few buttons, wanting to pivot her stubborn fighter around to hit it and end the day.
 The Y-wing whined in protest. Rey was trying her best to stabilize the gyroscopes. Finn knew that if she didn't do it fast enough, they'd be dead toast.
 But suddenly, the sensors showed another ship approaching, hitting the TIE on their tail!
 “Wooohooo!!!” Poe whooped, opening the comm channel to the Y-wing.
 “Poe!!!” Rey and Finn exclaimed in relief. BB-8 was also beeping happily in the background. The droid was excited to be part of the adventure.
 “I'll get him off your backs. And prepare to fire! His shield’s too strong for an old A-wing gun,” Poe advised.
 The A-wing began baiting the TIE to follow him.
 Poe yanked the controls and the old ship yielded to his maneuvers smoothly. A-wings were extremely nimble, and the TIE fighter (an unusually different model, Poe mused) had a hard time catching up with his swoops and barrel rolls. He dropped his ship too sharply, feeling the wild rush turning his insides. And then, he suddenly pushed his stick the opposite way.
 No way could the jerk follow that crazy path.
 Rey had somehow anticipated the path and soon, the Y-wing was onto the TIE’s trajectory.
 “Clear shot, Finn!” Rey queued.
 Her friend carried out the orders suavely and the TIE was swiftly blown to pieces.
 The new friends hollered together. It was a memorable first victory.
 “Now what?” Rey grinned at the comm, still hearing Poe’s laughter.
 “I’ve brought some cargo with me and we can do repairs when we land on Mandalore,” Poe suggested.
 “You sure?” Finn gasped excitedly, enjoying that their mission was going to proceed so instantly.
 “Alright, sending coordinates to you,” Rey smiled to herself. Maybe the three of them were complete adrenaline junkies, after all.
 The two rebel ships zoomed into hyperspace.
 - -
 The Resistance transport was up in their sights, already beginning its landing cycle.
 “Hey, don't be nervous,” Finn patted Poe on the back.
 How could he not be nervous?! Poe was finally meeting Leia Organa in the flesh. The Princess of Alderaan was a living legend among young dreamers like him. And Poe wanted to leave the best first impression for his long-time idol.
 “Don’t worry. General Organa is like a mother to all of us,” Rey winked and Finn just rolled his eyes.
 The door opened and the refined woman, despite wearing practical work clothes, was as elegant as the holoimages Poe had seen back home. The troops escorting her dispersed, giving the trio enough leeway to approach the General.
 Poe finally understood what it was like to face an icon that seemed to innately exude strength from her mere appearance. It was a familiar feeling, one he had encountered back a few days ago when he tried to steal a Y-wing from a powerful Jedi and her fierce friend.
 Leia immediately met eyes with Rey and embraced her warmly. Letting go, Leia looked at Finn and firmly gripped his arms with the same tenderness.  
 The duo ushered Poe towards Leia and the formerly confident junk dealer turned into a bashful boy.
 Leia understood, gently placing her hands on his shoulders (and perhaps imparting some of her fortitude on the newcomer), “Welcome to the Resistance, Poe Dameron. I see that you take after your mother.”
 She turned to her followers and said, “Now we have a lot to talk about and we already have jobs lined up.” Resistance personnel and other delegates began following General Organa towards the Sundari city proper.
 And that left Rey and Poe alone. (For some reason, Finn was inside the empty transport, probably having his own errands to do with BB-8. )
 Maybe Finn’s comming his girlfriend again, Rey thought to herself.
 Poe was looking at his old, black-brown boots. The poor guy must still be in shock after meeting Leia. It wasn't uncommon for people to be starstruck after meeting the Princess-turned-General.
 Rey grinned, deciding to do something. Besides, she hadn’t thank Dameron for saving their skins back in Yavin.
 She slowly wrapped her arms around him. It still startled Poe, since he reflexively lifted his arms in defense. But he slowly relaxed when reality sank in.
 Oh, but he's definitely blushing too.
 Sometimes even Rey surprises herself (by tuning down her sulky attitude from time to time).
 “I think your mom would have been proud of you,” she whispered softly.
 A small smile formed on Poe’s lips.
 And inside the Resistance transport’s compartments, Finn and BB-8 secretly shared a thumbs up.
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