byeoltan · 2 years
Its nice seeing you on my dash again ^^
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byeoltan · 3 years
omg you're back o-o
n-not really;; 
but like #Butter9thNo1OnHot100 ??? ?who’s doing like us
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byeoltan · 5 years
I find myself drawn towards the way you describe bangtan's work. In your words, how would you describe the way rapline write their lyrics - how they structure their words together, how they convey emotion. Of course there's the widely accepted opinion that joon is poetic and loves his wordplay, yoongi goes direct for emotional impact while hobi is the happy medium between the two. But what are your thoughts? How would you describe it?
they’re storytellers that’s what they all are ;)
anyone can write a song and sing about it, but not a lot of ppl can tell their story through a song as if they’re speaking to the listeners, i think that’s what makes the rapline a whole love, the way they tell their stories is not just.. linear? they weave them lines in such pretty patterns that you can’t help but grasp these grasp these words as well cos they don’t just touch you, you know? iike they kind of decorated your whole embodiment and then you felt it too, and that inadvertently changed your whole mood and its always good? they always make me feel good so i guess, i guess, htat’s why they’re just love.
and all of them are poetic in essence but i guess yoongi and namjoon they both play around with words a lot more than hoseok, maybe? namjoon’s lyrics have always been ‘figure of speech’ kind although he can be direct if he wants to, he just likes to include them words and rhymes that carry actual meaning and not merely the sake of rhyming and they are mAJESTIC whereas yoongi, yoongis play on words is more a direct kiss? like he says it as it is, but he does include beuatiful metaphors in his lyrics too, remember in haruman, he said ‘our bgm is the sound of breathing, your voice when you call out my name’ in korean it sounds even prettier because the sentences rhyme, he emphasized ‘your voice’ and made the sentence structure delicate it just sounds poetic T^T hoseok is simple yet contain intricate words sometimes they rhyme sometimes they don’t but they always complement the before and after i think that’s beautiful hoseok has this distinct tone in his lines that is casual and he likes to emphasize the things he say and takes time with it he certainly has his own style that other rappers might not agree with it hink but he fits perfectly with namjoon and yoongi and the rest of the members, he fits perfectly with their bangtan style and that’s all that matters♡
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byeoltan · 5 years
Hi! Hope everything's great for you dear~ I've been following you for quite a while now your blog is one of my favourites all time! ;D Whenever you're free can you please answer my questions~? So I saw a few different translations on BTS latest tweet the Nammin on twitter, I was wondering if you can maybe explain a little? ^^;; I'm just curious why a simple short sentence can have different way of translating it's fascinating~ Thank you! God bless you, love!
awhh hiii ;DD
so i’ll break it down to make it easier, yeah^^
오랜만에 지미니랑  #RM #JIMIN after a long time (since we last 🚲 together), with Jimin #RM #JIMIN 
오랜만에 = it’s been a long time (after not having doing it) | 오랜 means ‘a long time’, so 오랜만에 means ‘to do something that you haven’t done for a long time’
지미니랑 = with jimin | (이)랑 means ‘and’/‘with’ depending on context, it’s casual/colloquial word, not commonly used in formal settings~
형이랑 3년만에~#JIMIN#RMwith hyung for the first time in 3 years~ #JIMIN #RM
i don’t think there’s much difference in the other translations but hope this helps! :))
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byeoltan · 5 years
Can you please please plse translate what the host said at the end after their speech? thank you so much!😭💜
song joongki was reaaallly suprised like he didn’t expect the members to be so emotional he even wondered what kind of hardships that bts had to go trhough for them to be this happy for winning :’(
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byeoltan · 5 years
Bangtan's rumored to have a comeback in April, will you be around then? Miss your translations and rants😭😭 I remember your Baebsae post turn me into ARMY since so one made explanation about it before, all your Did you know? posts are gems, even if there are a lot of translators now and like that DKDKTV youtube, noe one explain it well like you do, please do more😭💜💜💜
omg you
re so sweet thank you!!!
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byeoltan · 5 years
hi! i'm new to your blog so sorry if youve answered this before :( i was curious as to how you learnt korean and your general language learning journey, since you have a lot of knowledge to be able to translate such complex songs :)
hi hii ;)) 
i used to stan dbsk in a time where subs were soooo hard to find like you’d have to wait months and if you’re lucky weeks and i had no patience been in my teens lol i learned through watching their broadcasts without eng subs, the korean movies/dramas, so i picked up phrases and words from there, eventually i learned hangeul on the internet cos i was so frustrated with the korean subtitles that weren’t translated and i wanted to know the inside jokes everytHINGG hahaH
i think what really made me take to korean seriously was during dbsk breakup period and there were so many rumors and stuff, also thats around when jaebum left 2PM and being international fan then you don’t really get the real tea unless you join the knetz community it was hard at first but prob cos the korean language structure and nuances are similar to my other mother tongue bahasa with some of the cultural contexts pretty similar too, i kind of got the hang of it hee
so if you’re learning korean bby fightinggggg ;DD it might feel hard at first but you’ll make ittt just try to memorize a lot of vocab it will be easier for you to make out what they’re saying ;DD
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byeoltan · 6 years
BTS is really getting thenselves out there it feels like idk i’m scared they’re going to fit themselves with american standards in music in order to be more succesful and ‘forget’ their korean root :/
i understand where you’re coming from bby but you know what? bangtan never had plans to advance in american music, their market has always been for korean, japanese, and chinese (in their early days) music industry, it’s their amazing and relatable music and global popularity with fans around the world that made their name out there. bangtan never thought they’d make it to american music market the billboards/amas because that was never their intention, and that’s what make it so special, because they made it up there just by making quality music and staying true to themselves. and even with their outstanding success, they are still those humble boys we’ve known since 2013 adn still continue to deliver heartwarming and beautiful messages through their music. 
i get why you feel scared but this what a lot of ppl don’t understand, bts never promoted or said in any of their interviews, that they wanna be successful in america or other english speaking countries, they just happen to be loved by everyone regardless, and the boys are thankful for that, the rapline especially namjoon has mentioned again and again, that they don’t have plans to make english albums or even an english song! yoongi has emphasized so many times that they only wanna be honest and tell stories through their songs whether it be from personal experience or from a friend’s, it’s always gonna be something close to heart, that everyone can relate, they wanna tell as it is, from a heart to another 
so even if they do decide to make an english song/album in the future, there’s nothing to worry about really, as long as they write it themselves. i personally don’t want an english album/song but only because the boys aren’t fluent in english (except namjoon), i feel like if they were to write songs in a language they’re not fluent in, they wouldn’t be comfortable enough to play around with lyrics or song interpretation and the delivery wouldn’t be as beautiful and impactful as it would be in their mothertongue korean
i just wanna say that bangtan’s an example of how language truly transcends music, and that ‘english’ is not a measurement for music to be considered important or accomplished, so pls don’t be scared of our boys getting more recognized globally, it’s amazinggg because think about it, what if they do make it even more successful than they are now, and have their music played all over the world imagien the positivity they could install in ppl of different backgrounds.. ain’t that phenomenal. and we are a part of it♡
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byeoltan · 6 years
Hey, just wanted to let you know kpopidolaegyooo stole your Jimin gif, /post/154651169752
why would ppl do this\
pls help report the post or comment there or just idk..let them know this is the original post
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byeoltan · 6 years
What is the difference between ‘blue’ in j-hope’s blue side and ‘blue’ in serendipity? The korean words are different and I was wondering if you explain a little, thanks a lot! And btw you’re a gem i hope you know that, and that a lot of us really appreciate your translation and explanation on lyrics/korean cultural and political background, it’s okay if you’re not online on the time, your life and personal time matters more than anything!😙❤️
okayy just so that everyone’s in the same page, ‘blue’ used in
blue side = 파란 (paran) = blueserendipity = 푸른 (buren) = bluish
basically both have similar meanings it’s just that 파란 holds the meaning color as it is, a concrete image that is blue. another example where you can use 파란 is for sky and the sea. 푸른 on the other hand, describes the feeling/mood, the expression that reflects the color that is bluish/greenish, something more of an abstract image. 푸른 actually comes from the word 풀 = grass, which is why if you wanna describe the forest, or mountain, you’d use 푸른 to describe the color. of course, there is more to the meaning for colors in korean, like how the blue house is called 청와대 (cheong woa dae) sino korean 청 (cheong) is used for ‘blue’, and how 파란 is used for the traffic green light, but in general, 파란 is more associated with blue while 푸른 is more associated with green.
in korean literature though, the nuances are a little different in both words: 파란 is usually used to describe something with a sense of hope, the mood is brighter, young, bold. 푸른 carries a deeper, mature expression, a melancholic vibe, that quiet sound of the rain falling, innocence
i’ve mentioned before how blue side is my favourite track in hoseok’s mixtape, and lemme t ell you w hy it is not just because of its beautiful lyrics and sounddd the other tracks are explicit and not hard to understand, blue side, on the hand, is kinda ambiguous imo, complex, there are different layers and the structure goes against the original nuance. when i first heard it, i had no idea what blue dream isㅠㅠ but then again, did you know? that 파란 also means hardship, or going through difficulties.. if you think about it, it kinda makes sense now cos hoseok probably sees his blue dream so vividly that even in difficult times he still treasures and show loveㅠㅠㅠㅠ in ‘blue dream’ hoseok uses an active tense, informal/intimate speech, his feelings are strongly conveyed to ‘you’, which makes me think how much emotion he is carrying insideㅠㅜㅠㅠ
also thank youu for showing loveㅜㅜ and being so undersatnding really appreciate itㅜㅠ♡♡
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byeoltan · 6 years
Thanks for breaking down the Arabic translation in that "when I was a stranger you took me in" post! I've been thinking about it a lot lately. Do you happen to know anywhere I could read more about those types of Biblical translation errors?
ohh love i didn’t mean it as an error i am noo expert in biblical texts ohmygoshh i just thought to break down the words since the english sounds simple yet the arabic has a lot more profound meaning to it;;_;;
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byeoltan · 6 years
why do u even have a blog if ur not on regularly?
cos its my coping sweetheart i didn’t make one for you
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byeoltan · 6 years
I'm wondering if the did you know series will continue with some songs from hixtape 👀
mhhmm tbh his mixtape is fairly straight forward you can understand what he’s trying to convey or the messgaes he’s trying to deliver through english translations that are already avaible, there are a few metaphors here and there but overall his lyrics are easy going just like how he is ^^ 
i will though want to say just how muchh i love blue side (also p.o.p out of all tracks), just because i can feel ssso muchh like
in my blue dreamsi’m going to keep you ineven if you say that’s not itin my eyes (you are)in my blue dreamsi’m going to hold youeven if you say that can’t be itin my arms (you are)
the words are so beautiful and sad at the same time like i like you even when you say you don’t i do anyway, i want us to be together even when you said that it’d be difficult in my world you are. say whatever you want to say fall however deep you will, i’ll hold you anyway i’ll keep you safe 
anyways i love the wind chimes in the beginning omg AND TEH BASS??? I LOVE the person who arranged the guitar and bass and i love everything by slow rabbit sigh
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byeoltan · 6 years
Hello~~ so you’re like a long time army, right? ^^ About the members I know Yoonmin are super close but who do you think Yoongi’s closest next? And thanks so much for your Korean explanation, I never got to properly thank you, they were super helpful, especially the one about how to read Hangeul
awhh thanks bby thanks for reading and showing love
mhmm i’d say namjoon just cos they were the first two members that got together for awhile before bangtan existed, before hoseok and everybody else came, they also work together in a lot songs (with hoseok too ofc), but since yoongi and namjoon go wayyyyyy back i think there’s merit there to being the closest
also your question kinda got me thinking for a bit cos you know how yoongi is super super soft for jimin i CAN T EMPHSASIS ENUOGHH but like if you ask me who’s yoongi’s brat i would say jungkook, jungkook is a brat to both yoongi and seokjin loll jimin is namjoon’s brat and tae is hoseoks but tae is also seokjins original brat if you know what i mean hehe i don’t know how to explain it’s just the way the three talk to their hyungs you can tell how they always try to get the other flustered? lol like to joke around either by complimenting or being annoying and actually gets away with everything they say or do ;p
but then we all know how really really soft namjoon seokjin yoongi and hoseok are to maknaes sobs 
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byeoltan · 6 years
hopefullyseok replied to your post “oh god i just realize bangtan’s comeback is when i’ll be in makkah for...”
Ahhh so happy for you.. Alhamdulillah Barakallah.. take care of yourself 🙏🙏 wish everything went smooth and nice ❤
im soo nervouss but like so excited but awhh thank youuu♡♡
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byeoltan · 6 years
quartzky reblogged your post: mjalti: personally I think it’s really natural and...
#yes to this #but then again i have a friend who hasnt spoken to our group in over a yr since she got a bf :( #id never completely abandon my friends ya know
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