tibusse-world · 9 months
Samedi 9 septembre 2023 - départ pour Bali! Voyage 3 semaines, en backpack avec Tom 🌏
Ca y est, enfin, le jour tant attendu est arrivé! Après plus de 4 ans d'attente!
Eh oui notre départ prévu en mai- juin 2020 a été repoussé à bien plus tard avec le covid.
Mais voilà nous y sommes arrivés avec de la patiente même si ce n'est pas mon fort 😊
Nous avons trouvé des billets à un prix très corrects pour l'Asie alors go c'est parti pour 3 semaines! ✈
Au programme : le sud-ouest de Bali, un peu le nord dans les terres avec les rizières et un peu la côte ouest avant d'aller sur les Iles Gili et un bout de Lombok 🌴🌼
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suleal-real · 9 months
GOD I love this littles guys, ALSO THIS WAS SO FUN TO DRAW
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@onionninjasstuff dtirs challenge was really Fun :D
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wilcze-kudly · 1 month
Call me an idiot for just recently having been hit with how horrific Aang's situation is.
Like, watching the show as a kid, I understood superficially that the airbender genocide was bad and very sad because lots of people died. And Aang being sad about it makes sense because like. All his friends are dead.
But now the gravity of it just sunk into me.
Like, to Aang, this all happened so quickly too.
Everything is as it should be and then one storm later, your entire life is just. Gone.
Your home is in ruins, your people are gone. Air Nomad foods, customs, cultures, stories, music... everything is just gone. And sure you can try to rebuild it but it'll never be the same.
You're alone. You can make all the friends in the world but they'll never replace the feeling of belonging and familiarity you used to take for granted.
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cosmicdraghon · 2 years
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bookscorpion73 · 14 days
bruh my sister just said she listens to Chappell roan like it makes her special bruh me and all of tumblr already stan her
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pokegalla · 2 years
More fluff coming your way!!! But first a quick note!
A shoutout for @theneurodivergentdummy
They always give me new ideas, they are a talented artist and they deserve some follows!
Also! If y’all love learning about new Undertale AUs, I have an AU I’m creating called Unitytale! I’m working on a fanfic that already has two chapters up and an ask blog just for it! Come on by to ask more questions about the characters, story, or just pop in to say hi! Link to account right below:
Sorry for the long intro! Let’s get right back to it! (Little warning for a little NSFW. Nothing crazy just….Y’know how Red is.)
Underfell bros’ First Time Sleeping over at S/o’s home.
* MAN was he PUMPED. He played it cool though. Like oh sleep over at your place? What are we, kids? Sure let’s have a little pillow fort set up and make s’mores while we’re at it. Mind you he is mentally fist bumping in the air.
* Bake together before heading to bed! He actually knows how to bake so it would be fun! (Bonus points if it’s super late and y’all just say fuck it I wanna make some cookies-). You’d probably fool around and get into a messy battle of flour and batter.
* After a messy battle and cleaning up, you guys probably just wanna head to bed. He was a little nervous at first but tried to deny it but with your reassurance, he gets the confidence he needs and turns into a huge cuddly teddy bear!
* Though he does get a little….TOO confident if you get what I mean. Expect a firm grip on your tush or as a girl, on your chest. And a cheeky little smile from him if you point it out. (Lil shit-)
* And in the morning you can bet on lazy cuddles and kisses. He would be at his softest and sweetest. Please take advantage and make him blush with compliments and sweet words. He’ll love it and even be just as mushy.
Mini Story Time!!!
You stretched and snuggled more into the blanket. You should probably get up….you had a guest after all. You giggled as you looked up to see your bone-friend slightly snoring as he had an arm around your shoulders. You slowly tried to get up but Red quickly pulled you closer.
“C’mon! I need to make breakfast!”
“Five more minutes….,” He mumbled.
He opened his eye sockets and stared down softly at you, moving your hair out of your face and rubbing it between his fingers. The gesture was so gentle and loving….you smile and cup his cheek bones.
“You’re so adorable when you wake up. Teehee, it’s almost like we’re married,” You said.
You notice his face turns into a brilliant shade of his namesake but smiles before quietly saying, “If I get to see you every morning like this, I wouldn’t mind tying the knot.”
His smile widens as your face flushes up. He kisses you right on the lips. You kiss back, both of you giggling in between and finally ending it with a big hug.
“I love you,” You say happily.
Red kisses your forehead, “Love yah too sweetheart~”
* He probably has been waiting AGES for you to ask him. Even setting up minor inconveniences to try and get you to invite him inside. (He was too embarrassed to ask you personally.)
* But when you asked him (or probably figured out his plan) he was estatic!!! He’ll be sure to be making dinner that night! And you can bet he made it elegant AND romantic!
* He even set up a romantic candle lit bubble bath! It comes with wine! (Don’t worry wine doesn’t have to have alcohol in it).
* Once you guys hop into you sleepwear, he low key was nervous. He’s excited to cuddle with you but he was calculating how his tall ass was gonna fit-
* You guys manage though! And in the morning you wake up to a breakfast in bed!
Mini Story Time!!!
You woke up to a lovely smell of coffee and pancakes, making your stomach rumble. You sat up right when Boss had entered the room.
“Ah! You’re Awake. Excellent. I Made Something For You,” He walked over and carefully placed a tray of food over your lap, “There! Now Eat Up! I Want You To Start Your Day With A Nutritious Breakfast!”
You giggle, “Aw you didn’t have to!”
“Of Course I Did! You Are My Date Mate! I Must Tend To You! What Kind Of Monster Would I Be If I Didn’t,” He proudly states.
“That or you’re showing off that your cooking is getting better?” You said.
He blushes, “Well That Too! Look! It’s Not Burned At All!!!”
You laugh and pat the bed beside you, “I’m proud of you. But you did make a bit too much food. I simply can’t eat this myself. Come eat with me! Pleeeeeeease?”
He chuckles softly, “Oh….Alright.”
You both enjoy the food together.
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uselessmicrowave · 1 year
Dragonformers steelhoof (Steeljaw x thunderhoof) with a predator and prey kind of thing Primus PLEASE
Thunderhoof sprints through the woods, narrowly dodging trees and branches. Even though this was an act for Steeljaw, he felt like he was running for his life.
Steeljaw snarls, swiping at Thunderhoof’s back plating, which is covered in small scratches now. Thunderhoof knew that this was just role play, an act, but Primus, Steeljaw could not get more scary.
Finally, when Steeljaw crashes into Thunderhoof, holding him in place by his horns, he keeps Thunderhoof’s faceplates shoved against the ground with a clawed servo.
Heavy panting comes from the crazed bot, he bares his denta. Thunderhoof is still squirming under the sharp servos, a glance back at the bot turned him on as much as it frightened him.
Oral lubricant drips from Steeljaw’s open intake, his pointy denta showing. His tail lashes from side to side behind him. Through the mech’s vents, growling surfaces.
Steeljaw knows he isn’t supposed to play with his food, but…
He couldn’t wait to tear his prey apart.
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pizzapasta23045 · 1 year
Knights of favonious ranked on how likely they'd be to wear a dress:
Klee: Wears a dress in canon. She seems like the kind of child to wear those poofy little dresses even if she's going to run around in grass the whole day. Albedo has so many skirts to clean because they're covedered in dust or stained with grass.
Noelle: Also wears a dress in canon, but it's an uniform so idk. Cannot imagine her in normal clothes tbh...
Sucrose: I guess it's a dress??? Does not fit her at all, in my dreams she's dressed like Albedo with pants, a labcoat and everything. Hoyo L imo.
Lisa: Technically it's not really a dress? It's more like booty short and two pieces of cloth in the front and back. Would definitely wear a dress though, like almost everyday.
Kaeya: Same as Lisa. He'd wear a dress willingly, maybe not like every day but that's definitely a thing he's done, just, you know? bisexual guy shit.
Amber: Does not wear dresses on a regular basis, more of a sporty girl than anything. Does own one that fits her though, but she only pulls it out on special ocassions.
Albedo: I... I feel like he would.... Maybe.... Can't explain. But either way has definitely worn a dress because Klee wanted to match and he couldn't say no to her.
Jean: Same as Albedo but with Lisa. Mostly wears sutis though.
Eula: Would not wear a dress in most circomstances. She strikes me as that girl who would just show up in suit and tie if she was ever asked to dress formally. Probably was forced to wear dresses as a child, doesn't like to now, the only dresses she owns don't fit her anymore.
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istherewifiinhell · 1 year
Also crazy lol. Draw while watching streams huh. Anyone else heard abt this?
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ask-seer · 2 years
Does Poppo ever go in to goblin mode?
"hmmm...Goblin mode?"
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"Do you mean like agressive in a way? If so then not entirely. Sure she has her times where she gets rather cranky, but not enough for her to be completely out of control."
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"I'm glad that she doesn't have a Goblin mode since that doesn't sound fun to be around with."
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reaphantom · 11 months
mystery heroes is always fun until u get jumpscared by a doomfist in the backlines LMAO
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amyreadsandstresses · 10 months
After careful consideration I have decided that Sherlock does, in fact, listen to Taylor Swift but would NEVER admit to it. Ever.
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kewmsishere · 1 year
Playing Pokémon Violet after not playing a mainline Pokémon game since Sun and Moon is wild. I see a new Pokémon and I’m like shit that’s cool/weird they just added that? Then I look it up and see it’s in a video from 3 years ago.
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cimmerianbaby · 2 years
128. Smoky (CloudMokuPatch)
What is this Bruh?
Oh no... You discorved... Say GoodBye friend🔪💀
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dexaroth · 1 year
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baarishgf · 2 years
used blinkit for the first time this is like . magic wow
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