#dishonor on your streamer
caesurah-tblr · 7 months
Q!BBH enjoyers… This is war.
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twistedapple · 4 months
OK so I need to get it out of my chest somehow, because I've been a bit displeased ever since I read that post. Not gonna tag or link because I don't want to cause trouble for OP.
But I saw a post regarding the way some people engage with Baldur's Gate 3 content, and how it was frowned upon to have opinions without playing the game. I didn't exactly take that post well in part because I saw a lot of people from the Raphael Corner nodding in agreement with what I consider a short-sighted opinion piece.
I kind of disagree with the base statement that one's opinions aren't valid if one hasn't played the game for the following reasons:
1. It honestly sounds a lot like actual DnD players complaining that new players who got on board thanks to BG3 expect the game's rules to be the same in DnD, and I consider that gatekeepy when one could be eased into the tabletop version in a more welcoming manner;
2. It's very easy to scroll past what one considers a bad take. It's even easier to block people and even tags on Tumblr, if there's a type of content one doesn't wish to see (inb4 tag your shit properly please);
3. It can quickly come off as classist because what if one's only way to enjoy the game is to live it vicariously through other people's content because say, they can't afford it (either too young and their family won't invest in the game and the gear to run it for whatever reason, or simply someone who generally can't afford it? Like idk what's the price of a PS5 in some of y'all's country, but in my country it's almost 800€. That's a lot of money just for a console. Don't get me started on gaming laptops and desktops, the only way to hace something decent is to slowly build it yourself with some clever part hunting for something that won't literally cost you a month-worth salary);
4. Having been in that exact position of having to live videogames vicariously through other people myself, for the longest time, and still having trouble sharing my own stuff now because I don't feel at my place in the gaming community simply because I couldn't afford it for so long, this post hits close to home in an unpleasant manner. Sure, Tiktok isn't a reference (like, generally speaking. Don't go on Tiktok if you really want to learn about stuff and build informed opinions/media literacy), but following streamers on Twitch for example is very helpful in that regard because it's raw footage and one can actually learn from it (on top of having fun in the chat if the community is cool). Checking quality gaming/analysis channels on YT can also help acquire enough knowledge to build a solid opinion.
5. This is literally a game with a fuckton of options for the storyline. No matter how much you'll play it, there will always be someone else, somewhere else, who'll figure out something you've never picked up. It's a very common occurrence on the subreddit. So judging people because they don't play the game kinda misses the mark even in that aspect. Instead of criticising people for getting their informations from Tiktok, I think it'd be more productive to either simply ignore these people, or engage with them in a manner that makes them want to dig further and learn more through other, more interesting/reliable sources.
Now mind you, my own opinion on that matter is very likely colored by the fact I'm a TTRPG player IRL, I've literally had experiences of one DM animating a one-shot with different groups and everybody getting to discuss all of the outcomes afterwards (it's an interesting thing to experience, highly recommend it) - it's very similar to games like BG3 where one has multiple paths depending on one's decisions for the storyline, or more generally games with multiples endings (like my beloved Dishonored and Bloodborne, for example). There's also the fact that I simply avoid what I consider bad takes, I literally don't interact with it, I block if necessary to curate my feed. So maybe I'm just like "ok some people build bad takes from Tiktok instead of getting into the game proper, I'll just steer clear of them" in term of stance, which makes me much more moderate in my opinion of these people - I actively make the choice to ignore them and vibe in my corner.
I'm just sad to see many people I know from the Raphael Corner agree with that initial opinion piece so eagerly.
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WIDOJEST WEEK!!!! Much excitement! Here's my contribution for the prompt dance.
I had the song 'Sadie Hawkin's Dance' by Reliant K stuck in my head the whole time I worked on this one. Go listen to it so I'm not alone in my suffering.
Anyways, here’s ‘Sadie Hawkin’s Dance’.
Caleb groaned to himself for the 347th time that evening. He deeply and fully regretted agreeing to manning the punch table at the Sadie Hawkins Dance. It was just winter prom, but the girls asking out the boys. True, he was getting paid to chaperone, but that didn't mean that was obligated to like it. But it wasn't the worst responsibility of the dance. That dishonor went to Mr. Tough, who was going around the dark corners and halls making sure there were no make outs going on. So Caleb was fine with making sure that no one was spiking the punch.
Though he had to be impressed by the gall of the kids who tried to spike it right in front of him. It was a little of the insulting side that they thought he didn't know what alcohol smelled like. Caleb could manage it with one thought though. Ms. Lavorre was going to be there that night. Ms. Lavorre being the art teacher and the one in charge of the dance. She had taken care of getting everything and leading the decorating. Caleb never had an eye for coordinating colors or decorations, so he just stood on the ladder and taped the streamers where Ms. Lavorre told him to.
The whole evening he scanned the crowds for her, but Caleb never managed to catch a glimpse of her. She wouldn't have missed the dance for anything, but maybe an emergency came up or she was busy outside of the gym. He just wanted to see the dress she was wearing. While they were decorating, she teased him about it saying that it was the best dress ever and he was certain that Ms. Lavorre would look beautiful in anything. Meanwhile, Caleb was in one of his typical brown suit coats and matching slacks, but he wore a bright blue tie since this was a special occasion (and maybe because Ms. Lavorre told him that it was a good color for him).
Caleb kept glancing at the clock even though he knew perfectly well the exact time at any given moment. There was less than 10 minutes left of the dance, and they had just ran out of punch. There was no point in refilling it and there wasn't any point in staying by the empty bowl. But he kept hoping to see Ms. Lavorre. He found himself sighing again. Maybe he should just give it up and treat the evening a loss where it came to Ms. Lavorre.
He had just turned away from the table when someone tapped his shoulder. "Mr. Widogast?" Caleb turned to see Ms. Lavorre standing there. His jaw dropped. The tight silver dress wrapped around her could in no way be considered school appropriate. Not with all that cleavage. A bright hotness rushed over Caleb's face.
"Ms. Lavorre," Claeb managed to sputtered. "It's good to see you."
She smiled widely at him. "It's nice to see you too! I had to show you my dress!" Ms. Lavorre twirled around to show him the full effect. And just when he thought she could not be more beautiful, the dress proved him wrong. "You're looking very handsome today. I'm glad you went with the blue tie."
"A very wise woman recommended it to me," Caleb said.
"She must be very smart then," Ms. Lavorre said, "you should pay her back with a dance."
Caleb coughed. "I'm not very good at dancing. I haven't danced in years."
"Come on, we're at a school dance. No one's good at dancing at these. You just need to know how to sway." Without giving him another chance to argue, Ms. Lavorre grabbed his hand. "It will be fun."
"Oh, fine," Caleb said trying to recall his old lessons. This was sure to be a disaster, but he didn't want to pass up the chance to hold her in his arms even for just a few minutes. It wouldn't mean anything real, yet it would be enough to last him a year of daydreams.
Just as they got to the floor, the DJ announced the final dance. "Great timing," Ms. Lavorre said.
"Ja." It was a slow song, they always ending these things with a slow song. The song was singing about being in love and that sort of thing, but Caleb couldn't tell if it was one that all the students would know or just some random song the DJ liked. Ms. Lavorre fit into his arms perfectly and Caleb took the lead. It was close enough to a waltz for him to manage.
Ms. Lavorre gasped. "You know how to dance!" One of her brilliant smiles made an appearance.
"I used to take ballroom lessons in my youth," Caleb said. "I guess I haven't forgot them all."
"I never pictured you as the ballroom type. You were more of the um-"
"Type that sits next to the door with a book? A wallflower?”
Ms. Lavorre nodded. "Exactly, so I was super surprised when you volunteered to help with the dance."
"It pays extra and it beats having to coach a sport," Caleb said. He lowered her into a dip in time with the music.
"Oh!" she gasped.
Caleb righted Ms. Lavorre. "Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you."
"No, it's fine. I just, you have very blue eyes," Ms. Lavorre said.
"Thank you?"
"You're welcome." She laughed. He didn't know why she laughed, but Caleb wanted more than anything to hear her laugh again. It was a fact that he didn’t have a chance with her. Everyone knew about her crush on Fjord Tough, the gym teacher. "You know Mr. Widogast, you are full of all sorts of surprises."
Caleb shrugged. "Aren't most people?"
"Yeah, I guess, but not in the way that I expected from you, I mean. Cause like, I thought you were all stinky and stuff and that you were the type of person that just wanted to be alone all the time and didn't like people and preferred books."
"I do prefer books," Caleb pointed out.
Jester rolled her eyes. "Kind of, but you're actually nice to Mrs. Brenatto from the PTA and your students like you a lot. And I didn't expect that. So, I guess what I wanted to say was sorry."
"Ms. Lavorre you don't have to apologize for anything to me. I'm well aware of my reputation, and I must admit that it is well deserved," Caleb said.
Ms. Lavorre shook her head fiercely. "No, you don't! I thought you'd be mean and that's not a nice thing to do. You actually have a sense of humor and you even put up with me."
"Put up with you?' Who would ever call getting to spend time with you 'putting up with you'? You're a delight."
This time it was Ms. Lavorre's turn to blush. "Thanks." Her voice became small and meek. "It's nice of you to say that, but you don't have too. I mean when it comes to art and teaching I'm the best, but when it comes to being with other teachers and stuff, I can come off as being a little annoying."
"Who ever told you that is lying," Caleb said more forcefully than he had intended.
"You really think so? Thanks," Ms. Lavorre said. "I just wish that some of the other teachers thought the same way you do." She was looking away from him, but Caleb could tell even in the faded lighting that she didn't have her usual cheer.
"Is this about Fjord? Cause if he doesn't see how special you are, he's a bigger idiot than I had thought."
"It's not like that. I was the stupid one," Ms. Lavorre said. "He's just nice to everyone, and I thought it meant something more, you know?"
Caleb frowned. "Did something happen?"
Ms. Lavorre shrugged. "It's nothing for you to worry about. I just can't read the room I guess."
"You thought there was something there that wasn't. It happens to the best of us."
"Not really. I mean you wouldn't be that stupid, would you?" Ms. Lavorre asked.
"You mean like propose to my high school girlfriend in front of everyone at graduation and then get dumped?"
A gasp mixed with a laugh came out of Ms. Lavorre. "You didn't?"
Caleb nodded. "Not my most shining of moments, but when it comes to romance I don't think anyone is a genius."
"Well, for what it counts, I think that she was the stupid one for turning you down."
The song came to an end and with that the dance as well. Caleb had a hard time convincing his arms to let go of Ms. Lavorre though, but he managed to somehow.
"Thank you for the dance, Ms. Lavorre."
"I should be the one thanking you, Mr. Widogast. Thanks for listening to me and my silly problems."
Caleb shook his head. "They’re not silly at all. I could listen to your problems all night."
"Thanks." She duck her head away bashifully. Part of him wanted to catch her up in his arms and kiss her or sweep her off her feet or do some daring romantic move, but instead Caleb just smiled at her. "Ha!" Ms. Lavorre pointed at him with a look of triumph.
"Ha?" Caleb asked with confusion.
"I got you to smile! You know you can be very handsome when you smile."
Caleb could feel another blush crossing his face. "I can?"
Ms. Lavorre nodded with a big grin. "I feel lucky every time I see your smile."
"Well, maybe I should smile less to keep it lucky."
"What? No!" Ms. Lavorre pouted. "It's a nice smile. I want to see it more."
"Well, maybe can join me for coffee then? That might make me smile more," Caleb said with more nerve than he had realized he had.
Ms. Lavoore smiled coyly. "Well, if it gets me another smile, how can I say no?"
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superfluouskeys · 5 years
Stream Update!
Thank you all SO much for bearing with me as I adjust to actually keeping a schedule, and for participating in my surveys--I do love my surveys!!
Twitch: twitch.tv/superfluouskeys Discord: https://discordapp.com/invite/8KP7Xzb
The results were pretty evenly split, with a full Mass Effect trilogy playthrough, Dishonored 2, and AC: Odyssey tied for first place, ME: Andromeda and DA: Inquisition tied for 2nd, and Destiny 2 in third!  I’m leaning towards doing DH2 first, as I’ve only barreled tragically through it once.  I’m both excited to see how much better it runs on my new computer and nervous about showing you how bad I am at playing it!  How long before the entire city is after me???  There WILL be bets taken.
I’ll be starting Life is Strange: Before the Storm tomorrow (Thursday the 15th), and that should take us through to next Thursday (the 22nd), when I’ll be looking at a fan-made dating sim called Love is Strange!  Depending on how into that we get, I’ll either keep playing it on Saturday (the 24th) or play some Overwatch on Saturday and move onto DH2 on Monday (the 26th)!
I did hesitantly hint at some OW after LIS this Saturday (the 17th) but I sold my Sunday morning to the doges so I’ll have to sleep unfortunately!  The longer I wait the more I’ll have shaken off the rust of the month hiatus hopefully LOL.  How many times will I walk into my own pulse bomb???  There WILL be bets taken.
I LOVED doing live reading a few months back and would like to do it again!  Stay tuned for another surveyyyyy!  That will occur on a Saturday afternoon in the next few weeks.
If you enjoy my nonsense, I encourage you to use the Twitch clip feature!  I’ll be making monthly recaps from now on, and use of your clip will result in loyalty points and a credit in the video!
Starting probably next week I’ll be running a giveaway for a handful of channel subscriptions!  Perks include no Twitch ads, a fun little key icon by your name in chat, and my eternal* love.  (*valid only thru end of subscription) ((that was a joke))  (((probably)))  Once there are a few more of us, I’ll do more things!  Survey anyone???
Several people have expressed interest in joining me for games, so I’m thinking I’ll take a page out of the book of like actual streamers and have a "community night” after my live read (Saturday evening in the next few weeks).  The game will be Overwatch, but I’m open to other game suggestions in the future!
If all of this is new to you, or you don’t know anything about games or Twitch but want to, please feel free to stop by and say hi!  I’m always happy to walk you through the basics of any game and to give rambling recaps of what’s happened so far!  I’m already pretty vocal when I play Overwatch, but am happy to get hyper-descriptive if that helps you get a sense for what’s going on!
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thek1ngtalks · 2 years
Remember that one Disney song "a dream is a wish your heart makes" or whatever the fuck
I'm considering it today and honestly it's really fucking weird for my heart to want to slap various students and popular Twitch streamer tommyinnit with raw beef and then get my shit spooked by the cow's father saying I dishonored their family and killed their son
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astralnexus · 6 years
all the meme questions
1. What’s your favourite band? - oh Christ I have to choose? P!ATD, MCR, Biffy Clyro or Green Day.
2. What’s your sexuality? - Asexual!
3. What’s your gender identity? - non-binary (she/they pronouns)
4. What’s your favourite book series? - the Raven’s Shadow book series by Anthony Ryan
5. What’s your favourite holiday? - HALLOWEEN BOIS
6. What’s your favourite style of fashion? - whatever makes me look the most gender-neutral as possible tbh. bonus points if it’s remotely emo, goth or punk
7. What are some hobbies of yours? - this blog, playing video games and reading. also screaming about the egos.
8. What’s your dream career? - not joking when I say YouTuber or Twitch streamer. 
9. What fandoms are you in? - yer bois Jack & Mark’s communities, DW, Dead By Daylight and a few others
10. What are your favourite video games? - Skyrim, Dead By Daylight, Fortnite, Dragon Age: Inquisition, both of the Legend of Grimrock games, both of the Styx games, the entire Dishonored series, and many more...
11. What are your favourite anime/shows/cartoons? - eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh, I only ever really turn on the TV to watch Doctor Who or Sherlock these days and even then the latter’s lowkey losing my interest...
12. What’s your favourite music genre? - impossible to pick one genre tbh. but the fact that I like jazz, electronic music, house music, the aforementioned bands should be enough
13. Tell us about your crush. - I’m dating her.
14. Tell us a bad memory. - I’m gonna be vague and say that my entire college experience from January this year until I quit in May of this year is bad enough.
15. Tell us a good memory. - I can’t exactly remember when it happened 2 years ago but I think the moment that @emifucksshitup and I realised that we had a lot in common sticks in my mind a lot. I couldn’t ask for a better best friend haha
16. What’s your favourite beverage? - literally either Coca Cola or Pepsi. I can go between both. or any drink that’s peach flavoured.
17. What’s your favourite food? - pizza, mostly. or anything w/cheese or chocolate
18. Tell us something you hate about yourself. - the fact that I’m human. like no pls. I wan be a Syraxian byeeeeeeeeeeeeee
19. Tell us something you like about yourself. - my creativity.
20. What’s your favourite season? - Autumn!
21. Tell us about your family. - they’re mostly a bunch of overwhelmingly supportive dorks, haha
22. What’s your biggest fear? - death.
23. Where would you like to travel? - literally everywhere
24. What’s your favourite time of day? - anytime after the sun has set. preferably during Autumn.
25. What’s your favourite colour? - Purple!
26. Tell us a secret. - I honestly didn’t expect to live to 20 years old. At all.
27. Out of the 7 deadly sins, which affects you most? - Wrath.
28. What’s your worst habit? - existing? jk, it’s biting my nails and procrastinating.
29. What are some of your likes? - gonna be real specific. the smell of lavender while the sun is setting, staring out of my window at any time of the day and losing all sense of reality. also my dogs & cat lmao. and reading, writing, all that jazz.
30. What are some of your dislikes? - humanity as it is right now, mostly. also people who just assume things from what you tell them (*insert complaint about being looked at differently bc I tell people I have Aspergers*)
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How To Redeem A Steam Key Without Adding To Library
For really some time the only way to activate solution keys on the Steam service was by downloading the desktop client and activating it via that. If you purchased from one more retailer, the important will either be in your account at that shop, or have been emailed to you. Moskowsky says that under normal circumstances when he attempted to retrieve CD keys for games he didn't personal, Steam's API gave him an error, which is what is supposed to take place. In spite of what quite a few http://quintana330key.westbluestudio.com/shadow-of-wars-steam-key-generator feel, developers do not just have a stash of keys” they can conveniently send us. In 2017, Steam stopped automatically fulfilling essential requests to combat game sales outside of Steam.
Tumblr media Tumblr media
A: You can request as numerous keys as you want, but your request will be reviewed on a case by case basis by Valve employees to make positive Steam clients are being treated relatively and keys are not becoming abused. This is exceptionally unlikely thinking about the fact that ASF is getting made use of on a lot more than half a million of Steam accounts, but still a possibility, regardless of actual probability.
Nonetheless, Valve could nevertheless ban you from Steam in the future. You can buy Steam Games Sekiro Shadows Die Twice Steam Important EU with the cheapest price on the marketplace, and obtain the Steam Games Sekiro Shadows Die Twice Steam Key EU quickly. If you want to get somebody a game who does not have a Steam account, they will have to set up a new account and download the Steam client.
Back in May, Valve mentioned it didn't want to go as far as putting limitations on issuing Steam keys, saying, We hate to degrade tools that genuine developers are making use of to make their players pleased.” But it seems that Valve's other options haven't worked as well as the corporation had hoped, which is forcing its hand in taking this further step.
Steam network did not respond in given time, we never know if the essential was redeemed, or not (most most likely was, but you can try once again). Downgrading your Steam client won't assistance you get free of charge games. We can permanently deactivate your account for you, remove any stored payment data and clear your Steam games profile. Steam doesn't resell keys.
The core problem with crucial resellers, such as G2A and Kunguin, is that these web pages typically use fraudulently-obtained payment details. If you are confident that you have never registered this important successfully, you will want to speak to the retailer where the game was bought to obtain a new copy of the game. If you are playing the game by means of Steam, ideal-click on the game in your library.
Whether or not you're going to comply with this rule or not is your option, ASF as a tool will not go against your own will, even if it'll result in your Steam accounts getting suspended for doing so. Hence, ASF will show you a warning if you are going to go above what we recommend, but nevertheless allow you to run anything you want at your personal threat and lack of our support.
Developers sell their games directly to purchasers on Steam, so you can get a game on Steam with no fearing that the key may possibly be stolen or fraudulent. A similar system would be presented for giveaway keys, although a potential seller wouldn't be banned unless they tried to sell more than 3 listed codes. There are a lot of games that I will miss out on simply because I don't want to purchase from Steam any longer.
Persons will impersonate massive YouTube or twitch streamers promising reviews and so on in exchange for keys e.g. on as soon as they have their keys they right away sell them on g2a. You do not have the appropriate to own a stolen game crucial — even if you purchased the essential without having being aware of its origin. In order to play the Dishonored essential (above), a user would have to have to download the reseller's VPN client, which for this vendor is in the kind of a Microsoft phonebook file (.pbk) filled with VPN connection info for various nations.
0 notes
jupiterrjazz · 7 years
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"Your life has taken a turn, has it not?" Can't wait to finish Death of the Outsider this weekend! --- #dishonored #dishonored2 #cosplayer #outsider #deathoftheoutsider #twitch #cosplayer #choker #mark #soedgy #outsidersmark #twitchtv #streamer #girlstreamer #twitchgirls #gaming #ps4 #bethesda #girlgamer #streaming
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nancydhooper · 4 years
The Fourth of July [rerun]
[I've re-posted this many times, because it's fundamental to what it means to me to be an American.]
In the hot summer of 1992, I was working for Judge Ronald S.W. Lew, a federal judge in Los Angeles. One July morning he abruptly walked into my office and said without preamble "Get your coat." Somewhat concerned that I was about to be shown the door, I grabbed my blazer and followed him out of chambers into the hallway. I saw he had already assembled his two law clerks and his other summer extern there. Exchanging puzzled glances, we followed him into the art-deco judge's elevator of the old Spring Street, then into the cavernous judicial parking garage. He piled us into his spotless Cadillac and drove out of the garage without another word.
Within ten awkward, quiet minutes we arrived at one of the largest VFW posts in Los Angeles. Great throngs of people, dressed in Sunday best, were filing into the building. It was clear that they were families — babes in arms, small children running about, young and middle-aged parents. And in each family group there was a man — an elderly man, dressed in a military uniform, many stooped with age but all with the bearing of men who belonged in that VFW hall. They were all, I would learn later, Filipinos. Their children and grandchildren were Filipino-American; they were not. Yet.
Judge Lew — the first Chinese-American district court judge in the continental United States — grabbed his robe from the trunk and walked briskly into the VFW hall with his externs and clerks trailing behind him. We paused in the foyer and he introduced us to some of the VFW officers, who greeted him warmly. He donned his robe and peered through a window in a door to see hundreds of people sitting in the main hall, talking excitedly, the children waving small American flags and streamers about. One of the VFW officers whispered in his ear, and he nodded and said "I'll see them first." The clerks and my fellow extern were chatting to some INS officials, and so he beckoned me. I followed him through a doorway to a small anteroom.
There, in a dark and baroquely decorated room, we found eight elderly men. These were too infirm to stand. Three were on stretchers, several were in wheelchairs, two had oxygen tanks. One had an empty sleeve instead of a right arm. A few relatives, beaming, stood near each one. One by one, Judge Lew administered the naturalization oath to them — closely, sometimes touching their hands, speaking loudly so they could hear him, like a priest administering extreme unction. They smiled, grasped his hand, spoke the oath as loudly as they could with evident pride. Some wept. I may have as well. One said, not with anger but with the tone of a dream finally realized, "We've waited so long for this."
And oh, how they had waited. These men, born Filipinos, answered America's call in World War II and fought for us. President Franklin D. Roosevelt asked the men of the Philippines to fight, promising them United States citizenship and veterans benefits in return. 200,000 fought. Tens of thousands died. They weathered the brutal conditions under Japanese occupation, fought a valiant guerrilla war, and in some cases survived the Bataan death march.
In 1946, Congress reneged on FDR's promise. Filipino solders who fought for us and their families were not given their promised citizenship, let alone benefits. Many came here anyway, had children who were born U.S. citizens, and some even became citizens through the process available to any immigrant. But many others, remembering the promise, asked that it be kept. And they waited.
They waited 54 years, until after most of them were dead. It was not until 1990 that Congress finally addressed this particular stain on our honor and granted them citizenship. (Their promised benefits were not even brought to a vote until 2008, when most of the happy men I saw that day were dead.)
Hence this July naturalization ceremony. After Judge Lew naturalized the veterans who were too ill or infirm to stand in the main ceremony, he quickly took the stage in the main room. A frantic, joyous hush descended, and the dozens of veterans stood up and took the oath. Many wept. I kept getting something in my goddamned eye. And when Judge Lew declared them citizens, the families whooped and hugged their fathers and grandfathers and the children waved the little flags like maniacs.
I had the opportunity to congratulate a number of families and hear them greet Judge Lew. I heard expressions of great satisfaction. I heard more comments about how long they had waited. But I did not hear bitterness on this day. These men and their children had good cause to be bitter, and perhaps on other days they indulged in it. On this day they were proud to be Americans at last. Without forgetting the wrongs that had been done to them, they believed in an America that was more of the sum of its wrongs. Without forgetting more than 40 years of injustice, they believed in an America that had the potential to transcend its injustices. I don't know if these men forgave the Congress that betrayed them and dishonored their service in 1946, or the subsequent Congresses and administrations to weak or indifferent to remedy that wrong. I don't think that I could expect them to do so. But whether or not they forgave the sins of America, they loved the sinner, and were obviously enormously proud to become her citizens.
I am tremendously grateful to Judge Lew for taking me to that ceremony, and count myself privileged to have seen it. I think about it every Fourth of July, and more often than that. It reminds me that people have experienced far greater injustice than I ever will at this country's hands, and yet are proud of it and determined to be part of it. They are moved by what Lincoln called the better angels of our nature to believe in the shared idea of what America should be without abandoning the struggle to right its wrongs. I want to be one of them.
Copyright 2017 by the named Popehat author. from RSSMix.com Mix ID 8247012 https://www.popehat.com/2020/07/04/the-fourth-of-july-rerun/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
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mattiehendon5-blog · 6 years
Finding "Spin End" Tale Anthologies.
Can you guys advise any sort of short story compendiums whose concept is spin endings? To the point where he was like, 'This is therefore mad that I don't understand that I can do this, however I'll do that.' And also Taissa Farmiga is actually going back for the very first time since Coven, in I presume a truly, actually fantastic component and also our experts like her. Merely look at what you like to read as well as write about, and put a brand-new angle, or twist on it, and afterwards go for it.
__ 3. The story has rising activity, which indicates the issue maintains worsening and much worse for the major personality, till something takes place (the orgasm) that makes it possible for the primary character to fix or even solve the issue. As soon as you've thought of a tip for a twist, you'll must start to develop an account around this. This training seems as several of the methods you can possibly do this. Or even maybe United States Horror Tale gets back at creepier, and has a difficult left into the indescribable. Therefore it was actually with much trepidation that I headed to watch this paddling fresh version from the Oliver Twist motion picture and luckily I was certainly not miserable. This is actually also exceptional if you want to mix your passion from past along with your version boat building capacity. For instance as opposed to the 3 Little Porkers" he will inform the tale from the 3 Little bit of Sows". Most of us knew the boat would sink, our company would certainly all observed that numerous opportunities before, however our experts still gathered to the movie theater, bewitched by Cameron's extremely believable personalities, Rose and Port, and their moving however quick resided romance. Whatever emotional defect you provide her, make certain she skips one thing that you can expose in the twist. Many times social accounts are actually composed along with the childs' name as the title of the individual in the story. Not merely does this success tale illustrate the applicant's potential to deal with troubles, yet it reveals job interviewers the applicant's understanding of interoffice national politics and the individual side of operations. A personality is actually discovered to have an unanticipated youngster they didn't know about - one they hid - which obstructs every person's plans. Properly there you possess this folks Santa clam's Leading 10 Primary school Teacher Edible Christmas Gift Ideas. The Mexicans enjoy to prepare fresh food items naturally but with an emphasis on diversity, flavor, color and also flavor. The middle is your outline or even plot, and completion is actually where your story ends. Precisely, this is actually setting things for the large show in Phase 6." Ryan Murphy has been actually teasing a game-changing twist in Incident 6 considering that the season started, and our company are actually suspecting it possesses something to do along with Jackson's personality. The audience and also your editor will certainly find the ending arriving unless you are actually really really good at masquerading the fact if you carry out leave clues. Best yet, this Story Say to, Tale Market technique work with purchases, monitoring, experts, appointment planners, solopreneurs as well as political leaders. Almost all authors (including me) are in love with their own voices, but that could receive very mundane for the viewers. Adhering to the magazine from Pictures in the Post a primary children's program in the UK: - Blue Peter featured the story and also to the amazement of everyone individuals began to call the program to claim that they too had emphasized characters off Kaka. This nearly split them apart but with treatment and also exercising to adore each other they rekindled their lovemaking and soon as that occurred, they achieved success in raising two pair from twins, quadruplets. He is dedicated to ending shadiness, as well as does such an outstanding project that the President offers him a special task - rooting out Nigerians with top secret Swiss accounts. My goal is actually regularly to present the spin at the final achievable second - in the last sentence as well as a lot better, in the last handful of phrases of the last paragraph. The twist needs to never ever occur in a manner that creates them think misleaded, tricked, or even dishonored. The Twist Business has actually revolutionized the banner wait utilizing a cutting-edge as well as adaptable style that is light in weight and effortless to set up. I'm sure everyone possesses a favorite Dickens story I carry out: A Christmas Carol, it educates 2 from lifespan's crucial courses: that friends and family are more vital than funds as well as possessions as well as to treat folks as you wish to become handled yourself. The objective right here is not to generate excessive of wound as well as blood stream yet fasten a perfect harmony between both who falls in passion and also interweave it in to the subplot. The book Love Naked, created by Nick Hornby has an impressive variation when amazingly, she obtains an e-mail off Tucker Crowe themselves, and also while that comes as a shock for Annie, the readers are zero less surprised. Yet if you foreshadow imaginary tendencies in your tale, The Hallucinator can easily assist you pull off a strong story twist. And in this particular situation, Love Aaj Kal brokens safe and will definitely confirm its own really worth on package workplace. Initial Twist Streamer stands up: These are the heart from the system as well as offer lots of assortment of setup. Wildlife and also scenery dive away from the web pages and also Kaka's affection of untamed life brings a amazing and also remote globe to lifestyle in an enchanting manner. This notification exists in Appearance, however this's hidden under wider story actions, significant drama, and also much more noticeable Hollywood layers. Extremely short stories are actually a bit like jokes: they accumulate to a punchline or even a twist. Just know that as you utilize this process when creating a tale, you are going to compose a dynamic tale of wonderful mental vibration, and also in so doing, you will be actually unconsciously teaching yourself to experience this adventure in your very own life. If a personality is actually murdered in a story with five massacres, the feeling from unpleasant surprise is actually gone, and also of a routine sets in. Currently brainstorm actions as well as circumstances about the characters as well as just how they clash into the plot. Sure, I could solve this issue through prolonging the short story into a novella or even book. Therefore, he decided to compose as well as illustrate characters as well as cards to every from his four grandchildren each week in exactly what has been actually referred to as a enchanting and also genuinely unique articulation of passion through a grand daddy for his grandchildren. A more accurate, even more highly effective phrase of love could possibly possess been actually the generous act from Jim surviving on his own because her future. Tokyo is actually a great urban area to live in; that possesses one thing for everybody with a specific Oriental twist to this. However often you merely need to have a little bit of property, as well as this is actually where Boudoir comes in for those expat ladies that occasionally wish to leave" Japan for a few hrs and submerse on their own in an indulgent spoiling treatment. Harsh - Biting or even sharp feeling felt at the back of the tongue commonly the outcome from over roasting the coffee bean. To see more info about yellow pages online free (click the up coming site) look into the web-page. I generally invest more time developing the presentation from the twist in comparison to I perform creating the rest of the part. Listen to this lesson or read the overview of submitting your short story or even novel to a editor, publisher or even agent .
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