sunshades Β· 1 year
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was filling these out with friends a while ago... dnd losers πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ
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sunshades Β· 1 year
πŸ† for vivi and tiare beloveds… πŸ₯¦πŸ‹ for joy cuz i think it will be fun :3 πŸ’ FOR HONEY!!
also ily =3=
[oc asks]
πŸ† How are they used by others? How easily are they tricked into things? + πŸ“œ
lord. what if you were born in a family of backstabbers. what if you knew from the moment you could make sense of it that the lady of the house wanted you dead. what if you knew it's always only a matter of circumstance, of you being at the right place at the right time, and then they could do it. viadera is never gonna be trusting.
+ πŸ‘‘
THE THING WITH THEM HAS ALWAYS BEEN. THEY JUST SUCCUMB TO PEER PRESSURE SOOOO EASILY. if something is up They'll Know It. what they do about it depends on how it will affect their public image whether it's as resident hotgirl or coolest punk in school or ice hearted genius fencer lately. this has led to unnumerable bad decisions the best of which is acting as though they don't need friends (they do πŸ‘)
πŸ’ Who is your OC’s perfect companion? + 🍯
both of the people she's been/about to be in a long relationship with are prettyboys with long pointy ears.... and adding two other people she liked that's 3/4 that had long flowing hair... but u__u one thing i've thought about before is she really can't handle people that are too pensive and melancholic. she needs NOISE and CHATTER and LAUGHTER back in her lifeβ€Όβ€Όβ€Όβ€Όβ€Ό
πŸ‹ What is their kryptonite/ultimate weakness? + 🦒
was actually thinking about this this morning but. that soft spot for kids really is there. It's something I'm not sure she realizes but it definitely is a thing and will def affect her actions going forward in this arc... if we end up choosing between making sure all the disappeared children are returned safely or like, giving chase to the knights? it might be a hard choice. For something lighter: she's a night owl and hates getting sunlight in her eyes, and most importantly having to wake up early.
πŸ₯¦ What do they hate about humanity/their species?
DAMNNN well πŸ—ΏπŸ—ΏπŸ—Ώ... I dont think shes ever minded looking Strange, which is the thing that shows the most... it's all about having powers that could be exploited by others. It's why I think in the end cleric works much better than warlock for her- it's about there not being any expectation of having to give something back.
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sunshades Β· 1 year
πŸŒπŸ†honey for that oc ask post perhaps?
[oc asks] + 🍯
OMG 😳 these are powerful let's see
🍌 Have parts of your OC been lost to time (in-universe)? What do they wish they could lose from themselves?
hilariously enough like. everything, most of her memories ended up getting locked out as a trauma response (yay for survivor's guilt!) and she's just starting to get some back veeery slowly. i joked before that even her stats and skills are... more fitting for a warlock than a druid, some kind of muscle memory of being a craftier, a bit more shadowy person. NOW we're about to have a time reset thing happening in the campaign and for once she'll actually be the one remembering some stuff while the others will forget, but all in all even with how bad some memories she got back are u__u.. i don't think she'd give em up now
πŸ† How are they used by others? How easily are they tricked into things?
well she's <:3c she's actually pretty perceptive but. isn't really the kind to assume the worst in people, and she likes helping whenever possible. would probably fall for a tumblr scam if left unchecked in a modern au). but on the other hand she's also the type that Hates being tricked so afterwards she'd send her psionic warriors (followers to her potionmaking blog) after the scammer. this would happen several times a year.
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sunshades Β· 1 year
Oh dnd was so so fun today btw. Has my druid been using several spellslots healing NPCs that would probably be fine anyway just because it's in character. Yes. Will it come back to bite me in the ass. Absolutely. Will I keep doing it until i actually get killed. You got it baby.
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sunshades Β· 2 years
Hey! Tell me about your favorite dnd character please :]
OH ANON... thank u for objectively one of the best questions to receive & sorry because this means u saw me rambling on ur dash way too often 🀐 lets go
I HAVE A COUPLE from games i've been playing... both around 2yrs now! i also keep little tags for aesthetic for em so honey, tiare!
miss honeywort..... lvl 5 wildfire druid aasimar! i'd love to share more cleaner art but! i have this lil old art and more recent doodle of her as well as beloved dm iggy's art they made for my bday πŸ₯°πŸ’žπŸ’ž!!!
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conceptualized while i was listening to six the musical too often, then vibe wise she went more on a victorian novel side-- i went with the (YEAH ITS CLICHE I KNOW) memory loss plot but tried making up for it by giving a lot of Vibes about this... murky past, i thought a lot about stuff like bronte novels and frankenstein... betrayed by her bethroted and separated from divinity and the memories of her past, POSSIBLY DROWNED AND KILLED, ready to do Anything to get revenge and all of her life back, and then... SHE ACTUALLY BECAME REALLY NICE AND CARING JUST KIND OF A #WEIRDWOMAN? not really the reasonable one of the party but... well sometimes she has to be EJDKKS she also became the team healer since she's the only spellcaster, and she's not very good at it but >:) i think thematically it's very nice as it leans in the fire druid vibe of like... the cycle of death and rebirth πŸ€” we still get by okay since it's a homebrew rp heavy campaign, we solve lots of mysteries and fun sidequests so i get to use a lot of spells which is (chefs kiss) especially since druid is one of my favorite classes..! the main plot is super fun as well it plays with the party starting off as like. VARIOUS PETTY LITTLE CRIMINALS and then discovering they're prophetized heroes, and slowly learning how to be good people... starting with trying to save a little girl. which is still a work in progress but. dm immediately got me very attached to all npcs involved both in and out of character SO we gotta make it now. no way around it!!
THEN ME BOY tiare.... lvl 6 elf (half eladrin half... miscellaneous) blood hunter (lycan)!! double whammy, messy older and messy more recent art GDHBNJKFS
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w them i started like... i wanna do the tough guy with a heart of gold trope, and itd show with GYHDSF dyeing naturally pink hair from a fey bloodline into black. was in the middle of watching the witcher and fresh off an fma reread so it was already taking a certain direction... then my friends went and made em some family drama WHILE I SLEPT which ended up making em more of an ed elric and gerome firedemblem kinnie than previously planned complete with "parent dead b4 the start of the game wont stop haunting your narrative" and "depressed father is such a miserable little man"- the fall out w said father ended up being part of why they started hiding being half eladrin, cut any ties with their family and changing their hair and name (from mithra and its GDHJFG kind of a pun cuz thats close to the roman miter and tiarella flowers are called false miterworts... 😐) as well as hm kinda their whole personality like he used to be a populargirl cheerleader and now acts like he hates friendship so JDJDKSK the camp he's in is another hb one where we're working as adventures trying to become heroes so theres hm... a lot of the theme of being true to urself which πŸ₯Ί makes interactions w other pcs and npcs get very interesting and cute... im looking forward to getting em to open up more and get pink and appreciative of their heritage especially since i myself am very fond of their story since it was done together w some of my dearest friends πŸ«‚
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i do make a bunch of new guys all the time for oneshots or just for fun but these are my blorbos..... im glad they ended up in the campaigns and with the dms they did because rly nothing makes u get attached and ready to write lots like other lovly people who want to join u and do the same so i'm really thankful for them... anyway!! ty for the ask and for reading this far if u did it's always fun to share this kinda stuff!! πŸ˜ŠπŸ’•
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