sunshades · 1 year
🍆 for vivi and tiare beloveds… 🥦🍋 for joy cuz i think it will be fun :3 🍒 FOR HONEY!!
also ily =3=
[oc asks]
🍆 How are they used by others? How easily are they tricked into things? + 📜
lord. what if you were born in a family of backstabbers. what if you knew from the moment you could make sense of it that the lady of the house wanted you dead. what if you knew it's always only a matter of circumstance, of you being at the right place at the right time, and then they could do it. viadera is never gonna be trusting.
+ 👑
THE THING WITH THEM HAS ALWAYS BEEN. THEY JUST SUCCUMB TO PEER PRESSURE SOOOO EASILY. if something is up They'll Know It. what they do about it depends on how it will affect their public image whether it's as resident hotgirl or coolest punk in school or ice hearted genius fencer lately. this has led to unnumerable bad decisions the best of which is acting as though they don't need friends (they do 👍)
🍒 Who is your OC’s perfect companion? + 🍯
both of the people she's been/about to be in a long relationship with are prettyboys with long pointy ears.... and adding two other people she liked that's 3/4 that had long flowing hair... but u__u one thing i've thought about before is she really can't handle people that are too pensive and melancholic. she needs NOISE and CHATTER and LAUGHTER back in her life‼‼‼‼‼
🍋 What is their kryptonite/ultimate weakness? + 🦢
was actually thinking about this this morning but. that soft spot for kids really is there. It's something I'm not sure she realizes but it definitely is a thing and will def affect her actions going forward in this arc... if we end up choosing between making sure all the disappeared children are returned safely or like, giving chase to the knights? it might be a hard choice. For something lighter: she's a night owl and hates getting sunlight in her eyes, and most importantly having to wake up early.
🥦 What do they hate about humanity/their species?
DAMNNN well 🗿🗿🗿... I dont think shes ever minded looking Strange, which is the thing that shows the most... it's all about having powers that could be exploited by others. It's why I think in the end cleric works much better than warlock for her- it's about there not being any expectation of having to give something back.
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sydmarch · 1 year
89. Cards or  chess?
no idea how to play chess lol
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lunian · 30 days
Gale origin with Bloodweave is so funny (part 193276)
when Astarion complains about Araj Oblodra's blood being vile and disgusting just by her smell, but then right in front of her Gale is telling Astarion "You can feed on me tonight"
and, of course, this goof just goes with "Ah I thought you would never ask✨️💕🌺💓🍆❤️"
and we continued our day as if it wasn't the dumbest thing in the world
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poppy-purpura · 1 year
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fictionadventurer · 4 months
The BBC lady blowing my mind by pointing out the parallels between the endings of North and South and Jane Eyre (man brought low after losing his fortune, woman has gained wealth and comes to his rescue so they're now on equal footing).
She also pointed out that North and South is a continuation of issues Bronte explored in Shirley (to the point that Helstone is named after a character there), so I guess I may have to read that book one day.
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sabotourist · 28 days
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the hour of reckoning draws ever-nearer
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shredsandpatches · 2 months
Yesterday I learned that the 1663 quarto of Doctor Faustus is revised enough that scholars sometimes refer to it as the C-text.
I bring that up because one of the new passages is this:
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Just thought I'd drop that on my blog.
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millerflintstone · 7 months
Gigabyte gets her blood pressure medication in a flavored liquid. I've been ordering different flavors but none have been a hit. So far she's had bacon and chicken and just chicken. I saw they had triple fish for a flavor and got that for the recent bottle. I was really hoping it would be a winner. Nope.I think this one is the worst.
She gets so offended. She has to leave the bed and sit by her scratcher for a bit every single time I dose her.
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lovingsylvia · 11 months
”And like a cat I have nine times to die."
–Sylvia Plath, from "Lady Lazarus", 23-29 October 1962
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glamfellens · 7 months
hello! thank you for introducing me to PoE, i really enjoyed the story and also played a pale elf, a cipher, in fact, so i'm interested how u find playing as one bc i thought it was extra juicy to play story wise! Also, have u shared more details about Tarren? I'd love read more about her! <3 I'd never played this type of game b4 and it resulted in funny moments like not realising that looking at the map/inventory doesn't automatically pause the game until "aloth" rudely urged we get a move on(and we were in Dyrford - not exactly early on!!). So, it turns out I recruited Aloth after staring into space for days :)) My background was philosopher so it checks out i guess XD
im so glad you enjoyed it!! GLAMFELLEN NATION RISE... pale elves are so cool .... im really enjoying cipher!!!! i picked ranger for my first run because i thought it would be easier to ease myself into a new game with new mechanics with a more straight forward class. but now i have my head wrapped around the game as a whole i think cipher will be tarren's official class! idk how this will work with multi-classing as priest in deadfire but we'll see im still figuring things out for tarren but ive settled on a backstory :) she is from old vailia with the gentry background (thank u console commands lol) she isn't of noble stock herself but her mother worked as a land agent/steward/game warden for a minor landed vailian family and so as thanks for her hard work and dedication decided to take on the cost of tarren's education and general welfare as a ward of the family. but because it's old vailia there was some level of political intrigue that involved everything going to shit to the level that tarren had to escape to the dyrwood. i dont think her parents were alive when this happened for simplicity's sake (it wasnt tragic it was just like. old age . i think they had her pretty late but im not 100% on elven longevity in the eora setting.) LMFAO. okay but if this makes you feel better the first time i played i think it took me about 60 hours to realise that you could manage keep restoration from anywhere in the world by just clicking on the keep icon in the ui. i kept travelling back to caed nua to arrange everything with the steward 🧍 aloth has that big ass grimoire to read anyway idk why hes complaining. your watcher has plenty of things to think about, yknow? just little things like the souls and ghosts you can now interact with, the fact that your awakening is a race against time to keep ur sanity... just normal things. regular. yep but yeah im really glad you enjoyed it!! thank you for the ask :) deadfire is also a great time if you havent gotten there yet 👀
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lacebird · 9 months
i've reached the point in my librarian career where patrons decide to give me gifts after helping them 😭💜
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subjectsix · 30 days
in lieu of doing my homework that is due tonight (i will still do it) i have instead invented three cowboy bebop ocs
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poppy-purpura · 1 year
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dimitrscu · 1 year
You know how mad people get when Malenia says “I am Malenia, blade of Miquella” every time she kills you, well can you imagine how mad they’d get if her original line was left in?
What was it again? “Now do you understand? I am Malenia, blade of Miquella” I would pay someone to edit that back into the game. That “now do you understand who you’re messing with” kind of line would have had people crying and screaming and punching the wall more than they already do lmao
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keepthemacramesecret · 10 months
ough chair motif in the secret of sherlock holmes (1989, jeremy paul and jeremy brett) u will b in my brain forever now
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mintjeru · 2 years
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chiluc angel au my beloved
open for better quality | no reposts | ID under the cut
[Image description: Two pages of traditional sketches. One page is of angel Diluc's design and the other is of civilian Childe's design. Diluc's halos, shirt cuffs, and veil are drawn in further detail. Childe's outfit under his jacket is shown. Both pages show front and back views of the characters' designs.]
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