#do i tag this as. the arm instead....
fevertwo · 5 months
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im kasens right hand arm man im kasen everything im her confidant her best friend her silly oni
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fxllingout · 6 months
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cross stitched chopper on 14 count aida cloth with dmc threads. this ended up being 8439 stitches + the outlines!
for my first piece of fanart ever i am really really happy with how this turned out :]
screenshot of chopper i was.... re-cross stitching???? is below the cut
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intotheelliwoods · 2 months
I have one more thing I want to work on before I get back into updating 2AL regularly, but until then......
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kinnbig · 8 months
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💖 romcom night 💖
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kindahoping4forever · 10 months
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AshtonIrwin: 5 minutes till stage-time
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mylonelydreaming · 11 months
I get polyamory is popular these days and all, and I've been in one of those relationships before myself, but I just can't see Zelda as a character being okay with that? and I'm not a fan of the concept of breaking Zelda's heart and betraying her trust and loyalty that she believed in so much that her sacrifice hinged on it.
Link's arm also reminds me of the start of the game. He only has the arm at all because he was protecting her and failed to catch her. If I was Link, that arm would be nothing but a constant reminder of that moment.
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dailykeiji · 7 months
thoughts on the yttd musical? personally i love repeating keijis intro part to myself. vocal stim
I LOVE THE MUSICAL i think about 'the laughing doll/your turn to die' every day of my life. and majority....... extremely good
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but better late than never RIIIIGHT??? so mu qing with cats. bc he deserves. ALLL OF THE CATS ;A;
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thresholdbb · 8 months
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guideaus · 5 months
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youreaclownnow · 3 months
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The desperation to make "canon" content knows no bounds. Editing random screenshots together and using them like a base helps me achieve my dreams
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reel-fear · 9 months
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You must tell 👀
*rubs my little hands together* sorry for taking a bit on answering this! My brain has not been braining lately but your ask couldn't have come at a better time bc Grant has been on the mind as of late and I am hyped at the excuse to infodump abt him- [this is gonna be long I am so sorry-]
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now for quick disclaimers for anyone reading this that isnt the asker or me- we're not discussing canon Grant Cohen, we're talking my Grant, this black haired dude, that guy. Another fun disclaimer, I was HEAVILY, inspired by Grant's role/character in abomination for my Grant. Taking time to awknowledge every part of his character or story that was inspired by it would make this 10x longer so if similarities are spotted know its very likely I did that on purpose bc I just really love abomination KJHFSDGKJDHGSD-
Alright with that outta the way I'ma talk a lot abt what happens to Grant in the canon of Showtime to explain what I meant and also maybe a bit of me rambling about aus that explore Grants relationship with Sammy n Joey under a more romantic lens. Should be obvious but spoilers for It's Showtime down below~
So Grant in Showtime after he dies ends up joining the ink demon cult, becoming a lost one and earning the title of The Priest.
When the cult was all together him and Sammy worked together to run it. Sammy used his connection to the ink demon to recieve messages and learn more on how to survive in this new situation and Grant made sure the lost ones acted accordingly. [A role not so far off from the one he was forced to take when the studio started facing troubles before his death] Grant also took the job of dealing with sacrificing souls and sending them back to the dark puddles, which sometimes was members of the following chosen at random and sometimes whatever poor soul found themselves captured by them.
However when Malice rose from the puddles and made a deal with the Projectionist to seize a considerable amount of the studio as theirs, the cult was split up, Sammy and Jack forced to flee to the music department and Grant with the rest of the following being down in the area of Chapter 4. This put Grant in a very bad spot, the lost ones were very shaken by this event and since then Grant worries their faith in him has wavered.
An important thing with the ink demon cult was that it is meant to be a more realistic take on how a cult works. The Ink Demon runs the cult, he is the most powerful figure in it and yet the hardest to contact, so Grant and Sammy are little more than middlemen tasked with keeping things running or else they face the ink demon's wrath. Sammy is sadly very aware that the ink demon is not as benevolent as he or the lost ones would like the believe. Grant likes to think being the Priest will at the very least protect him if things go wrong, but he is sadly mistaken.
Grant is in a very dangerous spot, he knows the lost ones beneath him are getting angsty and worried about just how truthfully safe the cult is or if they should believe in the power of the ink demon. But he also knows if things fall apart the lost ones will come to tear him apart long before they go for the ink demon. Despite him merely being a puppet for their lord. A role Grant is not ready to acknowledge, not because he isn't smart enough to see he is just a pawn, but because he chooses not to think about it, less his paranoia eat him alive yet again... A very important thing to keep in mind with Grants character.
Grant did in fact play this role in life as well however, when things started going wrong in the studio, Joey was very quick to turn away from what was going on and continue asserting everything would be fine. Which while a lie he himself believed was a lie nonetheless. However Grant quickly became his right hand man as people like Thomas and Wally started noticing cracks forming all through out the studio. Staff going missing, the ink changing in the way it behaved and an eerie feeling the machine created in both of them.
Grant despite deep down being smart enough to know things were going poorly, parroted Joey's words, hanging off of them himself and doing whatever he could to shut down any attempts to bring to light the things going wrong. Of course, him and Joey both ended up paying the price for their lies, but so did everyone else around them. But unlike Sammy, Grant barely even seemed shaken to see that, like a conspiracy theorist seeing evidence their theory isn't true only makes them double down harder, Grant only seemed to double down on the idea that if he followed every order he was given. Surely things would turn out better this time.
So that's canon to the story of Showtime, but I do want to take a second to get some AU non canon ideas out of my brain centering around Grant and his relationship to both Joey n Sammy. In canon Grant's only romantic interest is Thomas, his literal husband and there is a lot of interesting conflict there, but I fucking love shipping so of course I have a million aus merely indulging in ships I think would also be interesting to explore in their own contexts. In this case, I'm gonna ramble a bit about Sammy x Grant and Grant x Joey and the interesting things I think there are to explore in their relationships in Showtime.
So you might've noticed that while not literally [as saying the ink demon is Joey in Showtime, while somewhat true, is not the entire truth of the situation and simplifies it quite a bit] Grant did end up following Joey to the grave... And then kept following him beyond it. Something that is objectively~ very queer of him.
There's just something so compelling about the idea of Grant yearning for Joey so much, being so close yet so far as his right hand man but not being brave enough to become his lover eventually drove Grant's love for Joey to become an outright obsession. The idea that Grant's feelings for Joey became so intense from how hard he pushed them down it blinded him from seeing the truth of the situation outside of the way Joey painted it. Then dying and his obsession turning into an outright worship of him.
The idea of Grant settling for just being Joey's favorite lackey, his most loyal pet and knowing that's his role but not caring bc at least it makes him stay by Joey's side. Ohh it's an interesting one to say the least. I even did a few sketches of them u can see-
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They are doomed by the narrative to me and have been on my mind a lot lately can ya tell? KJDHSFGKJHDFSGKJHDFGSD
However when it comes to Sammy and Grant, I think there is a lot of interesting potential between them too. After all they share being the Ink Demon's henchmen in all of this and to see them both come to terms with that and try to find comfort in each other is such a fun idea to me.
An au where they both decide to ditch the cult and the ink demon and on their own try to figure out what happened to Joey and how to fix things is very compelling to me. I could see their relationship starting out as doing all these things for each other under the excuse they just need comfort until it starts to turn to actual feelings for each other. Both of them coming to terms with the fact Joey was not in fact a perfect person and maybe didn't even know how bad things were getting deep down himself but also finally letting themselves hold him accountable for the lies he told... It's a very fun healing narrative and very in line with a lot of the themes It's Showtime deals with.
Either way, I just really love what I've done with Grant's character in It's Showtime, he's for sure one of the most fascinating to me and the themes his story explores are ones that are important to the story as a whole and by extension me. Umm this turned out very long but I hope u enjoyed the read! Tysm for the excuse to infodump abt him, I was itching for one as u can see KDJHGKJDHFGKJDHFGSD.
#ramblez#dont think Ill main tag this since its very rambley and contains spoilers for its showtime-#but its okay to reblog n such#esp since I dont care tooooo much for spoiling my own stories#for me my stories should hold up regardless of whether or not youre surprised by what happens in em#but if anyone does care abt spoiling Showtime for themselves if or when I make it an actual fan game/story#do beware of this post KDJHFSGKJFGHJSD#sammy x grant#grant x joey#grammy#death and taxes#Music Multiplied#I think those are the ship names?#mostly for blacklisting reasons on here but if I can feed those crackships at least a little with this rant hey good for them <3#anyways fun tag secrets Ill put some fun trivia abt my grant in here#he uses the tommy gun instead of alice in showtime its joeys gun but he has it after everything goes to crap he mostly only uses it#just to keep norman away from the cult tho just know he is armed and dangerous and feral and unhinged and-#the cages in the chapter 4 area are used by grant as punishment for those who speak out or for people who havent yet come around to#worshipping the ink demon. obviously people in cages take priority as sacrifice options#my grant might struggle from a paranoia disorder I based him more off my own expierences and a bit off of research on ppl with OCD#Im not confident enough in my understanding of OCD to diagnose him with it straight up but he does almost for sure struggle with some sort#of paranoia disorder#anyways thats it tyty for the ask again and sorry for writing#five hundred paragraphs in response-
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sciralta · 1 year
So...the book cover for Kindred was just leaked. It's a multiple MC book yet they still managed to make all three playable characters gender-locked. Are we surprised, though? PB gender-locking a witchcraft book for no reason is such a PB thing to do. This means that there'll be no new GOC books until the back half of 2023 since Rommates with Benefits, First Comes Love and The Duchess Affair are all going to "fEaTuRe a hErOiNe mC". Why does PB hate MLM and enby players so much? 😩
Well, the book hasn’t come out yet, so we don’t actually know if there’s “no reason” to genderlock the book. I feel like some people have a misconception that I think genderlocking full stop is bad. I don’t and it’s not. There are stories where anything other than a female protagonist would be to the story’s detriment. Stories like ACoR, MoTY etc. Where I draw issue (again, stemming from a desperate desire to see gay stories) is when stories are genderlocked for no discernible narrative reason. The Choices VN format is one without a fixed protagonist so like… come on, give the f-words something to eat we’re starving over here. It’s for this same reason I’m really not at all interested in male genderlocked books unless they’re also locked gay. I mean yes my unwillingness to acknowledge straight men is part of this, but also I genuinely can’t think of any story suitable or worth telling in the Choices VN format that isn’t from the perspective of a gay man. There just isn’t one.
So no, at the moment we can’t say there’s no reason. Do I suspect we’ll see there was no reason, once the book is released? Yes, absolutely; it’s why I responded in gay annoyance when I first realised they were probably gonna genderlock the witch book. But we can’t exactly say for now with certainty there is none when all we’ve got to go off is a cover and the fact that it’s supposed to be about witches.
Look we all know witchcraft and the occult is a girls gays and theys thing and it’s disappointing PB didn’t lean into that. Yeah they could’ve made one of the playable characters not a woman, in that case. We can call it a missed opportunity and move on to bigger fish like WHY did they schedule no GoC books until fucking July, instead of the specifics of an individual book.
I’m just going to end with this because something in your tone reminded me of it, and this isn’t meant to shame you anon, but still. I know there are people here who, um… will show their ass and frankly be homophobic about and around queer men and the discussion over GoC versus genderlocking, but even still, some people here are putting to much energy into responding to it. Some of you are doing to much. There’s a lot of heat there. Calm down.
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paradife-loft · 1 year
Knight Artorias continues to be one of my absolute favorite boss fights
"victim of the Abyss" is the sexiest description one can read on a soul in this entire game by far
decided midway through fighting him that I wanted to go for a no-healing kill, mostly to prolong the experience and see if I could, and: success!! I can and did!
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stereax · 3 months
woohoo spiraling out of control right now (what else is new really I've been fucked up and spiraling for weeks now) and trying to figure out reasons not to delete my tumblr and discord and myself along the way
but you know. talking about myself on my blog automatically means I'm attention seeking and fishing for pity right? should just shut up and stick to the news eh, it's all I'm good for :D
anyway if you need me I'll be in the corner reliving the past, coming to terms with reality, and trying to convince myself I'm not the problem despite every indication to the contrary ✌︎︎
#sterechats :)#09:58 pm - this is a bad idea but scheduling it anyway#what's the worst that can happen really? everyone leaves again? nobody talks to me again?#probably gonna delete this in the morning so. meh. not like it matters not like I matter :D#10:29 pm - wow it feels like my head is on fire#like my brain is actually burning and I can't do a damn thing about it#I should be happy right now! the devils are winning! my favorite guys are scoring!#but no! I'm barely keeping it together around my family and praying I don't wake up tomorrow <3#11:00 pm - I need to get out of here#I need to get out of here out of here out of here I can't stay here any more this is killing me#everyone hates me and I need to chew my arms open maybe then everything will make sense#why am I even writing these tags what does it matter#I was so much more in control of myself when I was sh-ing#maybe I should get back to that maybe it'll help I don't know anymore#I just want my friends back but they hate me hahahaha#11:24 pm - wonder how many people are gonna block me after this one#how many people will finally be fed up and leave for good#everyone leaves and I should be used to this by now#here's a truck stop instead of saint peter's (yeah yeah yeah yeah)#11:41 pm - it's friday afternoon/there goes antigone to be buried alive#in the next world I want to be something useful/like a staple gun/or in love#I would fall off a cliff for you/a thousand times and call it a good day#maybe I'm just incapable of being human! maybe that's it!#maybe I'm not even human at all... but something worse instead...#1:22 am - moving the posting of this back from 3 to 6 am#not that that matters and not that I matter but I don't think I'll sleep#and I don't want this to post when I'm awake#I know I'm just going to get unfollowed and blocked and left behind as always#because happiness and good things and friendships just aren't things I get to have really#I just wish people would stop lying and telling me they're different and they'll stay when they're not different and won't stay
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tommo-draws · 10 months
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"Two tickets for the Barbie movie, please!"
Uwahaaaaaa I've spent so long on this that my shoulders hurt. ;^; Anyways, I've been planning on seeing the Barbie movie for a long while since it's been announced. And what better way than glamming up some handsome goofballs!? On the left is Robbie Robs, from @clownsuu ! On the right is Colt Cattlemen, from @thelone-copper !
I'll be putting more tidbits and stuff below a cut since I don't want to make this too long. I fear the images are rather large and I am not helping with blocks of text. ^^;;
Here are the references for their outfits! I already knew the perfect dress for Robbie before I even started. Though Colt's outfit was mostly just me having to struggle, Ken does not get good outfits all the time. ;n; vvvv
Robbie is based on the Barbie fashionista doll from 2009. This is the one! Colt is very, and I mean verrrry loosely, based on this Ken fashionista doll from 2010. Here he is! Not as stylish as I wanted so I dyed it pink, lol. :0]
Anyway, I thought that for the funnsies they went together late, and Robbie—stole—borrowed the dress from Lovelie! But I also like to think perhaps the two had a small spat as to who would be Ken and who would be Barbie. Robbie won.
I think that will be it! I don't know how the end this off other than have a lovely and wonderful week!!!! :D <3
#welcome home#welcome home oc#robbie robs#colt cattlemen#barbie movie#art#ahhh what else do I tag? I don't really like to post often so I don't know ;-;#I suppose I could just ramble instead and let it free into the world with the few tags above. ^^^^ rest are personal vvvv#organizing my thoughts is tough and I just want another frozen push-pop#wh robbie robs#wh colt cattlemen#art.media#tommo.art#tommo.txt#funfacts: I started this about a week ago. only at the last minute did I pick it back up yesterday. and only barely finished today#colt's lineart kicked my ass longer than robbie's ever could. And half the time I messed up robbie's horns! >:[#oh and robbie has a hidden clutch behind colt's arm! it isn't too important I suppose! but it's there!!#uhh this is being made around 6 am my time. and will not be posted soon.#this is queued to the time the movie I am watching starts! at 3:30 pm!#another funfact is that I will also finally catch up and watch spider-man across the spiderverse after barbie!!!!#I will be able to see the film without it getting cancelled on me!! hopefully. I will cross my fingers and hope. <3#I will see the miles. the mayday. the Miguel. I will judge the Miguel in the terms my sibling would not be proud of.#speaking of which I'm not going alone. I have managed to snag one of my siblings to go with me! we will enjoy the experience so much!!! :D#so premptive. hello sib. I know you are there. watching. waiting. 👁👁#wawawawawa I'm being silly. And those who read all the tags. I am sorry. I hope you will have a lovely week. drink water :)#last funfacts with me: This canvas got so filled up with things the little bar krita uses to warn about space went red.#ah poohie. my computer almost died. :[ and I couldn't add the trim I just spent another 30 minutes making ]:<#tumblr you are no fun! >:[ how else will the people know of the pink trim I wanted to add?! D:<#oh well. last time this crashed on me but I'm thankful that it got saved. Fingers crossed on it not absolutely going wrong when it posts. :
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