#doctor who fan show
doctorwhocreations · 1 year
You tolerate it.
A/N: hello!! Well it certainly has been a while since I have created any form of fan fic like this! However me and my bestie @whodoyoudo just exploded with idea’s one day and together we have co-written this piece! So please do enjoy! ✨
Warnings: mentions of heart failure, angst! Lots of angst, feeling unwanted, mentions of near death?? I guess? (I think that’s all! I do hope, I am uploading this at 23:48 with very tired eyes so please correct me if I should add more warnings) happy ending, fluffy end 💕
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I was sitting underneath the control room of the TARDIS. Knees tucked into the chest, hands completely covering my face as I cry into them. Hiding away in the tiniest nook I could find (and get myself into) of this somewhat secret little compartment of the room.
I knew I couldn't hide forever, like a child avoiding a sibling or parent after an argument. It felt like he hadn't even noticed my absence, I immediately got up once the Doctor retreated to his room. My mind was swimming with thoughts as I packed my bags. "He doesn't care. He is going to ask you to leave, so leave before he has the chance."
My heart hurt in my chest, why did I have to care? Why did I have to fall in love with him? I was an idiot, clearly he would never feel the same.
I knew we still hadn't taken off yet, we were parked not far from Cardiff (the Doctor always seemed to like it there). So I walked out the TARDIS doors and didn't look back… well at least that was the plan, until I heard footsteps and my name being called
in the distance.
"Y/N!!!" A familiar voice echoed.
I kept my back turned. I didn't want him to see me cry, so I wiped my eyes quickly. But the tears just kept coming out.
Words I couldn’t form, only stifled silent cries. So quiet the Doctor didn’t even notice.
What he did notice when he finally entered the room though was all of the bags I had packed to take with me the very first day he asked me to become his companion. (I always hated being called that though, because I always saw him as so much more than just his companion.) Snapping out of his flashback the Doctor asked in a very serious voice, his eyes laid on me.
“What’re you doing?” Raising an eyebrow as all I could do was face away from him, while continuing to now frantically pack. He continued with the questions, “Do you want to leave? Is that why you’re packing?” The Doctor now asks in a more upset manor. Building up some form of courage I finally respond back, “Well.. I can just tell.. you don’t want me to be here anymore” Looking over my shoulder ever so slightly only to look at the Doctor’s converse shoes, the glossy eyes and tears evident on my face as I continue, “Because…why would you?”
Those words cut through the Doctor like a knife. His eyebrows knitting together in complete confusion, he responds “Why wouldn’t I want you to be here?”
I build up enough courage now to finally get my words out. I now fully turn to face him and say “Isn’t it obvious? You never look at me, we haven't had a proper conversation for days! Even when we’re on adventures together, lately it’s like being with a tour guide rather than with-” I paused as I hated to say the word but I say it anyway “...with a companion. You can’t even bare to touch my hand."
My face began to blush, I smiled sadly, "Like I remember how your hand would brush over mine when you taught me how to use the control panel. But now.."
I sighed, "But now you avoid me like you’re allergic to me.. So I thought I best just go, it saved me giving an explanation, since it was, and still is too painful. So I saved you the time, so you wouldn't need to ask me to leave, I got the message crystal clear.”
His eyes now locked with mine, my heart sank. To see him standing there with so much confusion in his eyes like he doesn’t even know But I know he does. I know he just doesn’t like me anymore and he is too polite to admit I’ve overstayed my welcome.
He just stands there and says “What!?” He shakes his head slightly, baffled by what I had just told him. Though I thought it was the reality of what was happening.
The Doctor walks a little closer to me, but not very much.
“I just..can’t believe you would even think that I don’t want to look at you!” He was clearly deflecting having to finally explain his true feelings and the truth. Getting very irritated by him in my mind denying the obvious I loudly erupt with “Oh Doctor just admit it, will you!!” Tears now streaming from my eyes, a snotty tearful and emotional mess standing before him. It was so frustrating that I had to spell it out to him, the so-called ever so intelligent Doctor, he knows everything about everything. Except THIS. “You’re so much older and wiser and I…” I look down as if to be ashamed of myself, for even thinking that he would even like me back, let alone LOVE.. The same way I love him.
“I’m always taking up too much space or time.. So I’ll just go.” I tell him in a stern tone. I frantically continue to pack my things, wiping my nose with my sleeve as I do.
“It's okay, I'd rather know where I stand, then have you keep putting up with me. I know you’ve just been tolerating me.” I say crying a little harder than I wanted too whilst saying that. This is exactly why I wanted to sneak off without confronting the Doctor, I knew I'd be a weepy mess.
The Doctor just stayed frozen still. Tears now forming in his eyes, I am slightly taken back, I had never seen the Doctor like this before. He gently touches my arm to pull me to face him, as things now get heated up with emotion. I look up at him now with the tears still streaming, “You’re wrong. So.. SO wrong. I couldn't bring myself to tell you the truth. About how you can spend the rest of your life with me, but I can’t spend the rest of mine with you. That’s the curse of the Time Lords, Y/N.”
I look at him baffled. “What do you mean, Doctor?”
“You grow old Y/N, you wither and you die! Imagine seeing that happen to someone you…” He paused. Bringing himself to say the words he so desperately tried to suppress.
My heart throbbed, “What Doctor?”
"...Someone you love. Someone I love! I wasn’t looking away from you or avoiding you because I didn't want you around anymore. It's quite the opposite." He ruffled his hair, I had never seen him so open and honest before, I noticed his face turn a rosey shade of pink, "I have been suppressing my feelings for you, failing to stop them from becoming any deeper because I can’t bare to see you hurt because of me.. I can't stand the thought of watching the woman I love wither and perish.”
The Doctor now in floods of tears, he didn’t even expect to be telling you all this. But it had to come out, for he couldn't stand by and watch you leave with those very same bags, of things you brought along on a day with so much happiness. Now reminding the Doctor of that hurt look on your face that has been burnt into his memory.
I stare as one final tear falls down my cheek and crash lands on the tip of the Doctor’s converse. I am speechless, I drop my packed bag and fling my arms round him, holding him close, we stand embraced in silence for a little while.
"I love you too, Doctor." I finally confess, he squeezes me a little tighter.
We finally wiped our tears and sit at the end of the bed together. He placed his hand in mine, the other gently caressing my cheek. "So are you going to stay?"
My heart sings with joy and I can't help but find myself kissing his lips.
I smile playfully, "Does that answer your question, Doctor?"
The Doctor winks at me and with a smirk answers “Yeah, I suppose it does.”Only seconds after the moment of pure bliss shared between me and the doctor, my heart begins to race. A sensation I have never experienced before.
I stop, frozen in the one spot as the sensation continues. The Doctor is in a sudden panic. “Y/N what is it?? What’s wrong!? What’s going on!?”
"Something doesn't feel right, my heart beats.." The Doctor placed my head between his hands and looked me in the eyes. "It's okay, just take deep breaths."
He walked away to grab a stethoscope, he placed it on my chest, he was suddenly very quiet. “Doctor, what is it? You scare me when you go quiet.”
He looks at me with a face I have never seen before. A look of fear that he has never expressed to me. “Well…y-you’re.. You’re going into cardiac arrest."
"WHAT?! Doctor! You're scaring me! Am I dying??" My eyes begin to cloud with tears. "No well.. maybe.."
He rushed over to the control panel and to check the monitor, "Just scanning your antibodies now for any anomalies."
As the scan was completed, "No that can't be possible." The Doctor quickly runs his hands through his hair. Unable to take in what he is seeing on the monitor screen. Images flashed through my mind, I felt slightly out of breath. Sparks began to shoot into the air from my body and a gold mist floated from my mouth. The Doctor quickly kissed me, as the energy surged through my body, it suddenly died down and my heart beat returned back to normal. I felt slightly weak and fell into the Doctor's arms.
"Y/N! Stay with me, are you okay?"
I was in a slight daze, "What.. What just happened?"
The Doctor sits me up not letting go of me until he knows I am fully capable of supporting my body. When he does he gets up and rushes back over to the monitor and begins to unbeknownst to me run a plethora of tests and scans on my body that thankfully the TARDIS can undertake in less than a minute. The Doctor smiled towards the console, "She’s great isn’t she, old girl!”
He turned to me, “I’m just running a few scans and tests, you okay? How’re you feeling?”
I gently rub the side of my head and wait a minute as I slowly regain my vision after it became blurry.
“I-I think I’m alright actually, what’re you running scans and tests for exactly?” I look up at the Doctor with a slightly scrunched up, confused expression. The TARDIS monitor then makes a ding noise. “Ahh! Here we go!” The Doctor quickly exclaimed before he began quickly reading out what it says. His smile drops as a blank yet serious expression crosses his face, he gets out his sonic screwdriver and slowly begins to circle round to scan me.
“Doctor?! Please tell me what is going on!? What just happened to me?!” I half shout out of frustration and fear. Watching as he scans me all over with that bloody annoying screwdriver! The noise only heightens my anxiety.
“Well…” He begins as he holds up the sonic screwdriver to his eye level. “It appears you have just experienced..Something I can’t quite believe to be real. As it is impossible.”
I folded my arms, “Are you quite done yet?”
“Oh sorry,” He lowered his sonic screwdriver and put it back in his jacket, “Your body cells have rejuvenated from spending so much time (he winks at you because of the pun) in the TARDIS.. So basically that means, somehow you’ve become part Galifreyan.”My mouth hung open, “I.. I.. I what?? I didn’t know that was a thing.”
“Neither did I until now.” The Doctor broke into a grin and picked me up into his arms, “You really are something!” At the sudden swiftness of the Doctor lifting me up, spinning me around once into my arms it was as if all my fears and worries just evaporated. I smile and hold onto him like I’d never let go. “So now that I’m part Galifreyan does this mean I can regenerate?” Thinking about it for a split second I quickly answered myself with “Ah yes but only if necessary it would seem.” The doctor cheekily smirks as he places you back on your two feet. “It looks like you get twice as smart too” ;) I playfully shake my head at his remark with a matching cheeky grin.
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grandadtwelve · 1 year
watching someone else watch the dw movie for the first time is sooooo…. here’s my favorite thing…. please keep your expectations so incredibly low….
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mizgnomer · 7 months
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David Tennant and Steffan Powell from Doctor Who Unleashed (behind the scenes of the Children in Need special - 2023)
Happy 60th Anniversary Doctor Who!
Happy Doctor Who Day!
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nat-20s · 6 months
Pitching Red Dwarf to people as "it's like if Doctor Who was exclusively about roughly the same four people all of whom fucking suck. It is one of the best sci-fi shows in existence. So much of it is so so bad."
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rose tyler will always have such a special place in my heart. it's not even like i've got a crush on her (though she is beautiful); there's just something so undeniably wonderful about her. she's half the reason i started watching doctor who to begin with.
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winternaut · 3 months
I miss you filler episodes i miss you 20 episode seasons i miss you monster of the week format i miss you character development i miss you self contained episodes i miss you tv that isn't a long chopped up movie
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camellcat · 2 months
some doctor who cyanotypes I made for my photography class that I just realized I never shared
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minimoefoe · 7 months
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this annoys me so much icl like.. why
I'm begging they just mean they are referring to it as season one (like how jodie sometimes referred to s11 as s1 bc it was their first season) and officially it will still be s14 bc if not rtd I hate you actually. so fuckin unnecessary idc
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i love doctor who this is such bullshit
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doctorwhocreations · 2 years
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More photos from todays visit lots of monsters of course, back into the Tardis again! ✨🛸👽👹 and yes I got my fringe back lol
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picnokinesis · 1 year
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Seen a lot of discourse going around about these two at the moment, so I thought I’d draw them and throw some positivity into the void because I love them both so much! They’re absolutely wonderful characters, and also you cannot tell me that  Rose “what’s your name, your pronouns and are you in a union” Tyler and Dan “I don’t need anything so long as other people around me are alright” Lewis wouldn’t be the best of friends, like just imagine it. They’re running through space and time to stand up to injustice and also offer you some soup (and maybe a bad pun or two), and they’ll make sure each other are okay whilst they’re at it. I love them.
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mizgnomer · 7 months
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Behind the Scenes of Army of Ghosts/Doomsday (Part 19)  
Excerpts from TV Week’s interview with Tracy-Ann Oberman [who plays Yvonne Hartman, head of Torchwood]:
“Yvonne’s not so much evil as obsessed with Torchwood,” says Oberman.  “The organisation is good unless you’re an alien and, in Yvonne’s eyes, the Doctor is an alien.”
But he’s not the only fly in Yvonne’s ointment, as the Cybermen are on the rampage again.  “They are really scary,” she says about coming face-to-face with them on set.
“The blokes who play them are gorgeous-male specimens to die for. You can be having a good old chat with them, but the moment they’re clipped into those metal suits with the helmets, they are terrifying. And if they tread on your feet it’s really painful!”
She admits that getting the part in Doctor Who was a dream come true.  “I’ve always been one of that rare breed of women who are massive sci-fi fans and I’m obsessed with Doctor Who,” she says.  “David Tennant and I sat talking about sonic screwdrivers and our favorite Doctors. It was a special moment when I saw the Tardis for the first time - brilliant.”
Link to [ part one ] of the Army of Ghosts/Doomsday Behind-the-scenes posts or click the #whoBtsDoom tag, or the full episode list [ here ]
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Doctor Who is a story where humans make themselves gods, become myths staining the tapestries of the universe, and the last member of a race of gods is made human, cowardly and vulnerable and kind in a way no other god would dare make themselves and this is the very thing that allows the god-made-human to survive and even win at the end of the day (and the very thing that often dooms the humans-made-gods)
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not-xpr-art · 1 year
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Martha Jones - digital painting ~
the next art in my celebration of the 60th anniversary of doctor who! and of course for my birthday month I had to draw my absolute favourite companion, martha <3
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variousqueerthings · 6 months
just think even if one isn't a big fan of dt's doctor, i can't imagine not being happy for him for his journey with the show. he's just a very nice man/good actor who loves this story so much and puts his all into it every time he's on it. he runs around the tardis and presses buttons and reminisces about watching the show as a kid and getting the role on the show as an adult and being on the show and returning to the show again. it's really lovely seeing someone who's a big nerd getting to do that professionally really well with something that they're so passionate about, youknow. he's living the dream, and it happened to someone who's clearly very sweet and intelligent and kind. I also think dt being such a defining feature of nu!who was very lucky, as no matter how out of control it occasionally spiralled there was a core ideal to it that came from especially his portrayal and open excitement about its existence. not to say that the other doctor actors didn't/don't care or weren't able to expand into new areas (big fan especially of eccleston talking about feminism in the show and capaldi pointing to death as theme and ncuti discussing the doctor as refugee and black), but dt was there from almost the beginning and has cheered on everyone since. it's not a perfect show, but it is a very passionate show, and nobody is quite as passionate about it in quite the same way as dt, and that carries through. heck, that's what brought me back for the specials and led me to rewatch the whole thing these last few months. every time i think about dt i just think "aw, it's so nice that a fellow nerd got to have so much fun" and I'm enjoying watching someone have that fun
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butchthirteen · 6 months
fifteen's sonic definitely uses the fan-made sherman gallifreyan script by the way which has appeared in comics but never the show before as far as i know
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