#dolph sweet
cineclub84 · 1 month
Sisters, 1972
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Danièle Breton rencontre Phillip à un jeu télévisé. Elle le séduit, le ramène chez elle puis couche avec lui. Le lendemain, l'amant entend une dispute entre Danièle et sa soeur jumelle. De sa fenêtre, la journaliste Grace Collier voit Danièle l'assassiner sauvagement. Elle... ou sa soeur jumelle ? Grace appelle la police, qui ne la croit pas, et décide donc de mener sa propre enquête. Seulement, derrière ce meurtre se cache une incroyable et monstrueuse histoire d'amour qui va vite se transformer en cauchemar pour la journaliste...
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Brian De Palma est un réalisateur surprenant car il peut autant vous délivrer un cinéma fascinant qu'un navet autrement dit il est instable. Toujours est-il que celui-ci appartient à la première catégorie. Oscillant entre Hitchcock et Argento, Brian De Palma rédige et signe un thriller effroyable, possédant un scénario de très grande qualité et qui plus est regorge de rebondissements. Le film relate l'histoire de deux soeurs siamoises, l'une agréable et l'autre agressive. Sans vous dévoiler le fin mot de l'histoire, il faut vraiment saluer le travail de mise en scène du réalisateur américain. S'appuyant sur une musique terrifiante de Bernard Herrman, Brian De Palma instaure une ambiance malsaine et délivre des plans étonnants ce qui a fait sa réputation de plus grand cadreur de tous les temps, inventant l'image coupée en deux afin de suivre simultanément deux scènes ou évènements. Un film qui débuta le domaine du cinéma d'horreur aux Etats-Unis. Si le film a aussi bien vieilli, c'est parce que le film ne possède aucun temps mort et que le réalisateur allait s'affirmer comme l'un des réalisateurs les plus efficaces de tous les temps. Traduisant le malaise entre deux soeurs siamoises, le film est un formidable témoignage pour défendre cette catégorie de personnes qui appartient à la rareté. Mettons-nous à leur place. Est-il facile déjà d'avoir un jumeau ? Et est-il encore plus facile pour une personne d'être condamnée à rester collée à elle pour le reste de leur vie ? La chirurgie moderne permet aujourd'hui que ce problème génétique soit bien traité mais uniquement dans certains cas! Imaginons que deux frères jumeaux soient collés au cerveau, peut-on leur apporter cette aide précieuse qui est basique pour nous qu'est l'intimité ? Thriller virtuose, réalisation parfaite, sujet rarement abordé dans l'histoire du septième art, ce film permet au spectateur de penser qu'il peut se sentir heureux d'être seul et de ne pas souffrir de schizophrénie. Un excellent long-métrage !
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Official Trailer - SISTERS (1973, Brian De Palma, Margot Kidder, Charles Durning)
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letterboxd-loggd · 5 months
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Sisters (1972) Brian De Palma
January 14th 2024
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filmpalette · 2 years
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Sisters (1972) dir. Brian De Palma
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mariocki · 1 year
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The New Centurions (1972)
"You're just having a wonderful time. You like it! You like being a cop."
"Well, of course I like it! It doesn't mean I'm not working my ass off."
"I don't give a damn how hard you work, you like it, and I don't wanna spend the rest of my life being a cop's wife!"
"Then you'd better get married to somebody else."
#the new centurions#american cinema#1972#crime film#joseph wambaugh#richard fleischer#stirling silliphant#george c. scott#stacy keach#jane alexander#scott wilson#rosalind cash#erik estrada#clifton james#richard e. kalk#ed lauter#quincy jones#dolph sweet#peter de anda#bea thompkins#gloomy police procedural which develops in episodic form to show the lives and careers of a couple of lapd new recruits#the execution and the production are above average; this is a finely made‚ well performed film which benefits from the casting#of heavyweights Keach and Scott in lead roles‚ but the form is deceptively traditional: it's hard being a cop‚ and all the book smarts and#good intentions in the world mean nothing when you're bleeding in a gutter. more than other contemporary copaganda films (and the#early 70s were very much the golden age of the genre) this at least pokes a stick at societal failings‚ the spectres of race and gender and#sexuality‚ but the interrogation is toothless and the status quo remains the same: it's hard to be a cop but somebody's gotta do it#a difficult to reconcile with film for that reason‚ but the sense of fatalistic dread that permeates the latter half of the film isn't#unaffecting‚ and i appreciate a strong performance (and Keach was always strong). a solid and interesting film but a (necessarily)#politically iffy one. it's hard to be a cop and lose your family and abandon school bc you just love policing so much?#not the most sympathetic of character motivations for me tbh. the Qunicy Jones score slaps tho
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georgybutt · 2 years
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Gimme a Break 2x7 “The Chief’s Gay Evening”
Dolph Sweet as the bigoted police chief and Eugene Roche as the gay detective who who changes his mind a bit. Both so hot.
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clemsfilmdiary · 10 months
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Go Tell the Spartans (1978, Ted Post)
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mimi-0007 · 2 years
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Gimme a break..
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Episode 99: Sobbing women and females
Episode 99: Sobbing women and females
This is the fourth episode credited to writer Ron Sproat. Sproat is making an inventory of the narrative elements available to him, and labeling each one with his plans for it. In his first episode, #94, Sproat put two of Dark Shadows’ original storylines into a box marked “To Be Discarded.” Those were the quest well-meaning governess Vicki is on to discover her birth family and the relationship…
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b0tsbby · 7 months
No cause I feel like the Ghosts were definitely killed off too fast (and I mean mmm, with that 6 episode limit, I kiiiiinda wanna blame big corpo for that writing fault of CL but anyway) and should have had more time together but what actually chokes me up is that DESPITE THAT, despite Dolph knowing these people for a maximum of like 10 days they’re all a part of what he’d consider his dream life and I just think that- *crumbles to the floor*
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captdolphlaserhawk · 1 month
— "¿Did you like the cat I gave you? It was me who did it, I couldn't have any more cats. "
I do. I named her Lucy.
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cineclub84 · 1 month
#5 Sisters, 1972 💿
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djsherriff-responses · 2 months
The more I think on it , the more I’m convinced that if Dolph meets Pey’J in whatever afterlife situation is going on, that Pey’J is going to be a source of conflict in season two
His facial beard being almost identical to Alex’s among other similar character design elements (older men with large builds), Jade and Dolph being the ones to take care of their respective old creep, Alex and Pey’J being father figures who end up betraying the trust of someone in their care and the fact they died by gun shots to the chest on the same night
That can’t be a coincidence, right? Those similarities have to be intentional to some degree
When I first saw that confession I thought like everyone else it was just a badly written joke, and chances are it probably is, but I actually think it was foreshadowing the two having an uncomfortable plot thread in season two
It would make sense , the show is about abuse and exploitation after all
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komotionlessqueenmm · 2 years
Would you ever consider another part to the sick fic with Ivan Drago and the reader? Only this time he’s the one to fall ill and the reader takes care of him? Curiosity gets to the best of me whilst wondering what Ivan would be like when he’s in a more weaker state. (Completely ignoring the match with Rocky when I say that lol) but yeah! I think it would be cool to see what would happen and how the reader would deal with all of his excuses like “I’m fine,” but fails to justify that when he bursts into a round of coughs or sneezes. Anyway, I think it would be rather cool to see what you could do! You’re fanfics have been a blast to read lately!! :D
Honey you just made my day! Normally I don't really do requests, because I suck at fulfilling them. HOWEVER I fucking LOVE this idea!
So here ya go sweetness for making me so ridiculously happy, this is part 2 of Imagine # 1,006. Where Ivan gets sick from nursing the sick reader.
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Imagine # 1,006 (Part 2)
Gif NOT mine. (Found on Pinterest.)
If this gif is yours (or you know who's it is) please let me, so I can give you/them credit.
Gif credit goes to - Unknown.
Year posted - 2022
*Part 1 linked up top.
Tags - @wafners-eternity-serum - @80s4life @tonyestarque
Also I was listening to this playlist on Spotify while I wrote this. ╮(╯▽╰)╭ I reference a few songs on this playlist in the story so that's why I linked it. And the links in the story are to a post with the translations of the bits written in Russian.
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"Oh Ivan I knew this would happen." (Y/n) sighed as she pressed her palm to her lovers forehead, frowning at how hot his clammy skin felt. "I'm fine." Ivan tried to wave off her worries, only for a fit of coughs to prove him wrong. "You silly man." She mused softly, pressing her lips to his temple. "Stay here my love, I'll go make you some soup." (Y/n) offered, rising to her feet before he could even contemplate refusing her offer. Putting on a record to play softly in the background as she cooked, (Y/n) hummed along with Elvis as he sang his sad melody, Are You Lonesome Tonight? The kitchen filling with the wonderful aroma of chicken soup, and making (Y/n) feel exuberant to have the chance, to nurse Ivan back to health the way he had nursed her just a few days prior.
"Ivan!" (Y/n) gasped in fear, her heart hammering the moment he wrapped his arms around her hips. "You scared me half to death!" She scolded her lover, who nuzzled his face into her neck. "Sorry." He sniffled a little, the large duvet still wrapped around his shoulders. "Missed you принцесса." He whispered, practically squishing her within his hold, making her giggle softly. "Oh Ivan you goof, I've only been away for five minutes." (Y/n) grinned, leaning into his hold. "To long." He huffed with a smile of his own, kissing her neck affectionately. "You're ridiculous, but I still love you." (Y/n) mused as Ivan raised his head from the crook of her neck, resting her forehead against the side of his jaw.
"I love you more." Ivan whispered, wrapping the duvet around her shoulders so he could pull her even further into his hold. "Not possible." (Y/n) giggled as she tilted her head back, planting a kiss against the underside of his jaw. "Now go lay back down, I'll be in there in just a minute." She insisted, smiling when Ivan only squeezed her tighter. "Not without you." He argued like a child, making (Y/n) smile. "I'll be there in just a minute, go rest my sweet." She urged giving him a small nudge, her smile growing when he pulled away, doing as she said. Finishing up in the kitchen as quickly as she could, (Y/n) gathered up the wooden tray, and walked to the bedroom. Her heart fluttering at the endearing sight of Ivan nestled in their shared bed. "That was three minutes." Ivan deadpanned, making (Y/n) snort as she approached the bed.
Placing the tray on the nightstand she shook her head with a grin. "Stop counting the seconds." She teased, a squeak escaping her when Ivan swiftly pulled her down and into the bed with him, trapping her within the blankets and his arms. "Ivan!" She gasped through her fit of giggles, hiding her face into his chest as she tried calming her thundering heart. "That's better." He hummed softly, nuzzling his face into her hair. Elvis's Can't Help Falling In Love, playing softly from the living room record player, making the moment feel surreal and perfect in so many ways. "Your soup is gonna get cold." (Y/n) mumbled against his chest, her fingers idly tracing patterns along his skin.
"I don't care right now." Ivan admitted, making (Y/n) chuckle. "Well I do Mr." She pulled herself away from his hold, sitting cross legged beside him, she reached for the bowl. "Open." She instructed as she held a spoonful in front of his face, Ivan rolled his eyes with a grin, doing as she said regardless. "Good boy." (Y/n) teased playfully, continuing to spoon feed him with a content smile. From the living room came the song And I Love You So by Perry Como, making butterflies flutter in (Y/n)'s stomach, realizing just how deep her love for Ivan ran. "You treat me like a child принцесса." Ivan teased after she offered him the last spoonful. "I treat you like my Настоящая любовь." She argued with a sincere smile.
Ivan had froze upon her declaration, before practically melting into the bed, pulling her back into his hold once more. "You are my Настоящая любовь as well." Ivan cooed softly, kissing the crown of her head, the both of them feeling more loved then they ever had before. "Maybe you should get sick more often, you're so soft on me when you're sick." (Y/n) joked with a grin. "I am always soft with you принцесса." Ivan argued, gently pulling (Y/n) up to look into her eyes, smiling at her adoringly. "Mm perhaps." She teased with a grin, giggling when Ivan quickly turned them around, so he now lay atop her.
"Would you rather I be hard?" He wondered aloud rather suggestively, laughing when (Y/n) blushed at his words. "Don't ruin the moment my Король." She shook her head, laughing when Ivan nuzzled back into her neck, peppering her skin with sloppy wet kisses. "Ivan that tickles!" She snickered, her arms wrapped around his broad shoulders. "Good." He muttered against her skin, fighting the urge to cough by distracting himself with kissing (Y/n)'s warm skin. When he finally let up on his playful assault, he sat up peering down into her eyes.
"Are you feeling any better Ivan?" She asked as she held his face between her hands. "With you in my arms, yes I feel much better." He brushed his knuckles across her cheekbone. "You're so cheesy." (Y/n) mumbled with a grin, sighing happily when Ivan rest his forehead against her own, his skin actually feeling a little lest clammy. "It is your fault." Ivan whispered. "Probably." (Y/n) agreed before pulling him down for a proper kiss, not caring if she ended up sick all over again.
But when they pulled apart, Ivan quickly turned away, falling into a sneezing fit. "Oh my sweet." (Y/n) cooed as she rubbed his shoulder gently, finding his sneezes quite cute. "Ready to take some medicine?" She asked after Ivan finished sneezing. "Нет никогда." Ivan shook his head, burying it into the crook of her neck again, his words making (Y/n) snicker. "I'm afraid my love, that you are in fact a child when you are sick." (Y/n) taunted playfully, as she stroked his messy hair back, grinning when he only grunted in response.
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*Gods this one was so tooth rottingly sweet, I was feeling so soft while writing this. (I blame the music lol) This one also ended up much longer than the first part, but to be fair, I originally wanted the first part to be much longer anyhow. I really hope you enjoyed it my lovelies! 💚
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foxwithapen · 11 months
Just watched the new camp camp episode. I don't know how I feel
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salty-croissants · 6 months
Heya! Just hear me out:
When their s/o buys matching hoodies (w/ Bullfrog & Rayman/Ramon)
Thank you for the request ! 
This is a really wholesome and original idea of a prompt , I really enjoyed writing it :D
I apologize for the long wait , but it’s been a very , very busy week , and I’ve been feeling a bit too tired to write anything the past days … sorry about that ;( 
Anyway , I hope this turned out okay ! 
Details : use of gender neutral reader ; 
established relationships ; 
no warnings needed 
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Bullfrog 💚
When you come back home and show him the matching hoodies you got while you were outside , Bullfrog is definitely very surprised : 
I honestly don’t think he has ever received something like this as a gift , so expect him to be especially enthusiastic .
< Merci beaucoup my dear , it looks so nice ! > 
< Haha , you’re welcome sweetie ! 
I just couldn’t help myself : the idea of sharing some matching clothing with you sounded amazing to be honest ~ > 
This frog will have the brightest smile on his face when you’re both wearing the matching hoodies … 
He just can’t stop gushing about how much he likes his and just how cute you look in yours , it never fails to make you smile ://)
The other Ghosts have seen you two with the matching hoodies occasionally , and while Dolph thinks it’s … well , maybe a bit too cheesy , Jade definitely supports you both , even suggesting more matching clothing you could get … 
< Oh - you guys should definitely try wearing these ! 
I think you’d look super cute in them ! > 
< *sigh* … please don’t encourage this . > 
It’s especially nice when you’re in the safety of your home , cuddling under the comforting warmth of the hoodies and just enjoying each other’s company …
< y/n , thanks again for this hoodie … I just love it ! >
< Don’t mention it … I just really wanted to do something nice for you , y’know ?
If anyone deserves that , it’s you . >
< Aw , venez ici mon amour ~ > 
< Heyy - hahah , that tickles honey ! ~ > 
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Rayman 🧡
To say that Rayman is happy about your gift would be an understatement : 
the fact that you decided to surprise him with a matching hoodie just to see him smile is enough to make his daily stress caused by his job disappear for a few precious minutes … 
< So uh , do you like it ? I wasn’t sure about the color at first , I thought it might be a bit too much , but these were the last matching hoodies they had left , and - > 
< Like it ? 
y/n , I love it ! You couldn’t have chosen better ! > 
Rayman is already a big fan of spoiling you , so as soon as he understands that you’re into matching clothing you better believe that he’s going to buy you a lot more of them in the future … maybe exaggerating a little sometimes , but he just wants to do all he can to make you feel loved and appreciated .
< Woah - Ray what happened ? You look like you just bought an entire store ! > 
< Uff - it’s okay ,  I just gotta carry these inside … gimme a second … > 
< Hold on , let me help you …
I really appreciate you getting me all these gifts honey , but maybe don’t get so many next time : I don’t want you to hurt yourself carrying them around ! > 
< Heh … you’re right , you’re right …
I just couldn’t help myself : you deserve all the best things I could possibly give you . > 
< Pfft … you’re always so sweet , thank you ~ > 
< Anything for you , y/n ~ > 
When you’re separated during the day , Rayman likes to carry his hoodie with him and keep it by his side when he’s at work : just looking at it makes him feel so happy to have a loving partner like you , you truly are the best thing that’s ever happened to him ❤️
He loves it whenever the two of you are outside wearing the matching hoodies , it’s like a nice little way of showing to everyone around that his heart belongs to you and you alone … 
Also if you ever feel worried about him getting embarrassed by it , Rayman is quick to make your anxiety go away . 
< That’s nonsense darling … this isn’t just any hoodie , it’s a gift from you , and that makes it all the more special : I could never get embarrassed by it ! > 
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Ramon 🖤
Okay , so Ramon might get … pretty worried at the thought that you went to buy something , especially without him : 
he’s the one who is supposed to watch over you , plus Eden knows who you are … they could’ve taken the opportunity to capture you and do horrible things to you .
… however , he can’t bring himself to be actually angry . 
< I’m sorry Ram … I just wanted to do something nice for you , you’ve been looking down lately and I thought … > 
< No - no no , I like the hoodie y/n , I do … it was very sweet of you to do this for me .
Still , please remember that Eden is on the hunt for us , you can’t just go outside without a way to protect yourself . 
Just … be more careful next time , okay ? 
I love you , and I can’t bare the thought of you getting hurt … > 
< I love you too , sweetie … I’ll be more careful , I promise . > 
Sometimes , Ramon is going to hold the hoodie and just … stare at it , quietly reflecting to himself : 
you put your life on the line to get it for him … you risked getting hurt , all to give him a gift that could make him happy … 
While that thought worries him , he just can’t help but smile a little in front of your sheer dedication to make him smile .
It can get very cold in the hiding place you’re both staying in , so you and Ramon definitely cuddle while wearing the hoodies : 
they’re so warm and cozy … they really make those little moments of affection even better . 
< Are you comfortable like this , y/n ? >
< Mhm … couldn’t be better ~ >
It’s not rare for you to stumble upon a sleeping Ramon using the hoodie as a blanket , and he just looks … so cute ;//; 
He often has trouble sleeping , so having your gift so close to him definitely helps him relax … not as much as actually holding you , of course , but it’s still nice ! 
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georgybutt · 2 years
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Gimme a Break 2x7 “The Chiefs Gay Evening”
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