#don’t tell me Nuru wouldn’t agree to this
withoutcontxt · 1 year
Yong said the fuck word once around team Radical (one time, that’s right, one singular time), and was immediately grounded by Varian, Nuru, and Hugo.
He’s a baby, he’s not allowed to swear till he’s committed his first crime. That’s the rule.
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mrwinterr · 4 years
Slippery, Smooth
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female Reader 
Summary: Bucky gets a different kind of massage.
Warnings: Smut 18+ (consensual but still unprotected sex, vaginal penetration, oral [male receiving], thigh riding, titty fuck, cum play).
Disclaimer: I want to put it out there that while nuru massages aren’t legal in the vast majority of the U.S. or the world, I’m not condoning the underlying motive of selling sex and/or prostitution. I apologize if this may offend anyone or the culture. I did my best to read about the origins and some modern experiences. A girl just watched porn and wrote this – that’s it.
** Author’s Note (8/13/20): Read a snippet of Part 2! **
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“We’ll just need you both to fill out the paperwork for some information. Please check any of the services we offer then sign the waiver on the back and when you’re both done, we’ll show you to your rooms,” the young female receptionist answered with a friendly smile on her face.
Sam returns the gesture with a smile of his own and grabs the two white clipboards with the paperwork attached to them, carefully balancing the pens placed on top so they don’t roll off. On his left, was Bucky sporting a resting bitch face, clearly showing he was dragged into this before heading to a pair of unoccupied seats. The woman unbothered by his sour demeanor pays no offense believing he’s come to the right place to relieve the stress he isn’t aware he’s been harboring.
Except Bucky really doesn’t want to be here at the spa. He just happened to be caught while walking by some of his colleagues and apparently, Sam had been asking around for someone to check out the raving massage parlor on the market with him, but mostly because it was much more of a discount to book for two than one.
With some convincing from his more levelheaded companions, suggesting Bucky continue to go out and experience more modern things while also participating in the act of self-care, he begrudgingly agreed.
“Man, hurry up. Did you forget how to spell your name?” Sam nudged at him seeing as Bucky hadn’t even filled out the first line before putting the cap back on his pen, signaling he had completed his paperwork.
“Shut up. I don’t even want to be here.” Bucky mumbled enough just for Sam to hear. It wasn’t the establishment’s fault that he felt bothered.
He let out a big sigh, filled out the basic information and skimmed at the options of the services provided. His face scrunched. There were all kinds of massages that he hadn’t heard of and some were even in different languages. Luckily, this place offered a brief description of each type.
“Barnes!” Sam, who was standing in front of the receptionist desk again, said with a now firmer tone and sending Bucky a hard look. He was getting impatient. Bucky shook his head and looked back down at the paper. Try something new. He reminded himself.
Feeling slight pressure and the practical idea of the sooner he got through with this part of the process the sooner he’d be out of this place, Bucky hastily checks off something near the middle, a different type of massage he thought sounded nice. They all sounded nice, but there were so many, he didn’t bother to finish reading through or retain any significant aspects on each of them as they all became a jumbled mess of terms in his brain. Afterall, a massage is designed to make one feel good anyways. How far south could the option he selected go?
A few more minutes went by until another woman from behind the desk emerges and calls for the two men. The receptionist bids them a good time and carries on with the next guest. To both of their relief, Bucky and Sam are placed in separate rooms.
Guess he picked a different massage. Bucky thought to himself and looked around the dim lit room. Its walls adorned with tasteful foreign artwork, different sized candles and infused with a refreshed yet soothing scent that began overtaking his senses. The place was pristine.
The employee who escorted him to this room sets the clipboard on the nearby table and instructs Bucky to prep himself with a shower that was located in the corner. Before he could ask why that was a significant part of the massage, she told him once he was done washing himself, to lie on the massage table with only his towel on and to wait for his actual masseuse, who would arrive shortly, then she left closing the door behind her.
Not wanting to think too much into it, believing perhaps it was part of the experience or this place was just super hygienic, Bucky doesn’t waste time. The masseuse could walk in any moment, so he proceeds to undress, open the clear shower door and step in.
A few months ago, aside from the people he worked with or the ones he fought against, no one would be caught alone with Bucky – especially in a vulnerable state such as being half naked and with his metal arm on display. It took a lot of self-therapy and confidence and just plain not giving a fuck anymore mindset, but now here he was letting a complete stranger touch him and take more than a peek and gander at his body. If the doctors could see him now. On top of that, there had to be a level of professionalism here anyways, he was in good hands.
Once he’s thoroughly clean, he wraps the white, fluffy towel around his waist before hopping onto the massage bed. It was big, almost like it was built for two. That was a strange thought, but nonetheless he chose to also not dwell on that and was grateful it was big enough for his burly body. He scoots around a bit to find the center and lies down, trying to relax.
He turned his head to the side, eyes wandering at the counter full of supplies – massage oils, rocks, towels, soap, a box of condoms, gloves, more towels…wait. A box of condoms? What the hell? Bucky thought now a little puzzled before turning his head back to stare at the ceiling in front of him. He closes his eyes and tries to calm his nerves once more.
Just before Bucky dozed off, as if on cue, he hears the door open and quietly close with an extra click. You finally arrived. He peeks an eye open to see the back of your figure, hair tied loosely and in a short white robe. It clung on your body different, it had to be of silk. He opens both eyes just as you turn around.
You quickly glance at his clipboard before finally fixing your eyes on your next client. His metal arm certainly didn’t go unnoticed, but that wouldn’t be a problem at all. It might sound mean, but it was one less limb to work on. All that shoved aside, he was athletically built and geez, was he a sight. Keep it together. You began telling yourself over and over. You’re a professional.
It wasn’t likely you did these kinds of massages, nor did you partake in paid sexual services just strictly intent on the art of touch and healing, but this type paid handsomely, and the lights didn’t have to be on all the way to let you see that handsome was indeed right in front of you too. You introduced yourself to the man on the massage bed but got no response.
A quiet one. You thought, but quickly shrugged it off and decided to get right to it by pulling at the end of a tassel in the knot tied around your waist to begin disrobing.
Bucky, not anticipating interacting or to be touched intimately by someone so pretty was gravely distracted, it wasn’t until he saw the skin of your cleavage that he snapped out of it.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa!” Bucky exclaims sitting up, “what are you doing?”
With a confused expression, you simply replied, “disrobing?” Then wearily proceeded to part the material to the side, but before you could reveal anything else, you heard another plea to stop.
“Wh-why?” Bucky was having a hard time trying to formulate words with the swell of your breasts peeking from behind your robe now in his view.
You turned and cocked your head a bit, still perplexed by his questions, “because it’s part of the massage.”
“Wha…what? Isn’t the person getting the massage supposed to be the one that’s…naked?” His mind was in a frenzy and that was kind of annoying you.  
“For a simple massage, yes.”
“What are we doing then?” He asked incredulously.
“A nuru massage.”
“Nuru massage?”
“Yes. A nuru massage is when one massages the other person’s body with their own.” You explained as calmly as you could. He was getting increasingly agitated and your job was to help others relax not add onto the stress.
Bucky shook his head frantically and looked away from you to stop his eyes from wandering too long on your body. He could tell you didn’t have anything else underneath. “This has to be a mistake. You must have the wrong room.”
You scoffed, covering yourself up again and snatching the clipboard on the nearby counter. “Aren’t you…James B. Barnes?” You skim over it before asking and turning the clipboard to prove to him that you were in the right room assigned to him.
He craned his neck forward to inspect the piece of paper he held not too long ago, his messy handwriting complete with his illegible signature staring right back at him.
“Well, yeah…”
“Then I have the right room and you checked off for a nuru massage.” You say crossing your arms as he took the clipboard from your hands to read more about what the massage actually entails.
“This-this can’t be legal though.” He said shaking his head and thinking about how it could even be acceptable for this kind of service without eliciting some sort of sexual stimulation from the other party. Bodies gliding against each other? It just couldn’t possibly go smooth or well…work.
“It’s not…” you replied like it’s a known fact but then were quick to respond seeing his eyes widening in overreaction, “in most areas of the world but it’s absolutely legal here!”
“But it’s basically pros-“ he didn’t even finish that last sentence catching himself when he saw your now offended expression.
Does this asshole really think he is going to just sit there and get away with downright calling you a prostitute?
“You don’t know shit about me,” you spat. Handsome or not, deciding he wasn’t as openminded as most people and harshly tied a new knot to the robe you were still wearing signaling you were about to walk out. He wasn’t worth the few extra digits to your paycheck.
“No! Wait!” He pleaded; guilt ridden. As he let out a deep sigh, you stayed put to hear him out, “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to say that. You’re right! I don’t know shit about you, but I also don’t know what a nuru massage is. I came here with a friend to help him get a good deal and I clearly wasn’t paying attention to what I signed up for.”
You nodded and decided to be civil since he was owning up to his mistake. “Okay. Apology accepted. I see why you freaked out, but you’re clearly not comfortable with the idea of this,” you responded while your hands helped convey your words, “so I can see what I can do to get you a refund,” and walked over to him to retrieve the clipboard.  
It would’ve taken a significant blow to your pay – losing a client for the day – but you weren’t going to put anyone in a situation they weren’t familiar or comfortable with.
“Well…” He spoke up, placing his right hand on top of yours causing you to look up at him.  
Wow, his eyes. They held the same color that reminded you of the kind water in a pool could reflect. The soothing kind of blue. You felt like you were glued to the spot, almost hypnotized.
“I mean I’m already here. I don’t want to take any business away from you. Again, I’m sorry I overreacted. What’s life without experience, right?”
And that deep voice... Shit, snap out of it! Remember, you’re a professional.
You gave him a small smile for his change of heart and willingness to try something new.
“Right,” you said forcing yourself to look away. Fuck, I hope I wasn’t staring for too long, “but I’m letting you know now, this isn’t a normal massage,” daring to look back at him for reassurance, “if at any moment you’re uncomfortable, we can change things up. Afterall, I’m very good with my hands.” You hoped to regain your composure with that last line. It wasn’t a lie though.
Bucky sends you a smile of his own before letting you go to lie back down properly, waiting for the next move. You cautiously disrobed without any protest from him. You noticed Bucky visibly swallowed the thick lump in his throat now that you were completely nude in front of him.
“Are you okay?” You were going to have to be patient with this one. He wasn’t going to be like any other you treated. It was easy for you to just stand there naked and you weren’t bothered by nudity at all, but that doesn’t mean everyone else is.
With a nod of his head, you reached for the towel to untuck the bunched-up portion at the side of his waist, mindful to not expose him of the slightest to spare him some modesty, while asking him to move just enough to let it rest on his body and cover his lower half like a blanket would.
You decided to let him keep his towel on for the time being and focus on his upper body. Next, you instructed him to turn and lie on his stomach, you’d start with his back first. You lifted the towel in a modest manner like you would for anyone so he could maneuver with ease. Once he settled in a comfortable position, you began the treatment.
“The word nuru stems from the Japanese term for slippery or smooth.” Talking to your clients was a technique most in your line of profession use to help distract or relax them to get the job done – that and it’s just good customer service showing that you care and know just what the fuck you’re doing.
You expertly jumped up onto the small space left on the bed to get into a straddling position on your knees hovering just over the small of his back and covered ass. Judging by the hump, it kind of looked nice to sit on.
“I’m going to start by applying nuru gel all over your body and mine, but we’ll start small, alright.” You carefully poured a generous amount of the warm massage gel in the palm of your hand lathering up your arms, chest, torso, thighs and fortunately you were flexible enough to reach parts of your back, but for parts you couldn’t, would transfer off his body to yours later on.
Scooping up a bit more, you watched as the gel dropped in a fine line and pool onto his back before beginning to spread it all over the expanse of his toned body in soothing motions. You started to gently press with your knuckles on the surface his muscles.
“The gel is actually made out of natural Nori seaweed,” you started explaining the colorless and odorless substance while progressing lower on his back with both hands, digging your thumbs near the lumbar region and compressing some of your weight down. You paid attention to specific areas of the body that draws the most tension. His body became visibly lax and less strained the more you worked your magic; soon enough Bucky was sure he would be putty in your hands.
Still perched up on your knees and not wanting to slip, you took initiative and just plopped down onto his plush yet firm backside. Even if a towel remained as a barrier between you both, you felt his glutes tense up underneath you, most likely having startled him. Trying to find a way to help him relax again, you tried to comfort him with more facts.
“It has other healthful benefits such as providing great moisturization to the skin,” you leaned down on your forearms and started an up and down repetition.
Your hands then travelled to his sides and you hoped he wasn’t ticklish before they met at the back of his neck to perform the simplest of massages ever. However basic as it might’ve seemed, felt like Heaven’s touch on Bucky’s end as he couldn’t help but let out a moan of satisfaction.
You were so good at it, working out all the kinks in his neck using your skilled fingers, he had to let out an approving moan after moan with each touch that hit the spot. The elicited sound racked through his body that you felt it reverberate all the way down to your core. You were crossing over a forbidden line, but that wasn’t letting you up. You had wanted to hear and feel that again.
“You’re really tense aren’t, you?” You comment continuing your handy work into the knots around his lower neck, slowly adding more pressure and testing his limits. His response was an even louder and deeper moan. Unknowingly, it caused you to shift, more like ground, your hips against his lower body. You mentally patted yourself on the back for keeping the towel there to absorb your juices. He didn’t need to try and figure out if it was the nuru gel or the sudden wetness pooling in you that his skin was swimming in.  
Then you lowered your entire body, your chest now pressed against his back. Your head was close to his, you could smell the scent of the soap the facility provided for the massage prep mixed with his own and you swore he smelled more relaxing than any stress-free candle or burning incense ever could.
Due to the close proximity, you spoke even softer right next to his ear, “the combination of the nuru gel and full body contact or the touch of another human help to release toxins from the body and boost the feelgood chemicals in the brain.”
You paired that piece of knowledge with sliding up and down his back, your hands trailing up his arms that were bent but sprawled above his hand, grasping at the front of his hands to briefly interlock them before letting them go to repeat the actions.
Deciding enough time was spent on the upper area, you carefully swung around, gathered a bit more gel and snuck your hands underneath the towel to glide up the hill of his ass. Without protest, you seized the moment and experimentally grabbed a handful of each cheek before releasing the flesh and sail further down to his muscular thighs. Oh, you wish you could see them, but reminded yourself to approach each step with caution with him.  
The towel still restricted you from attending to his calves, so you pulled your hands back out and scooted up to pull the towel up from the other end and treat them with the same amount of attention. After that treatment was done, you had him revert to his original position on his back.
As he settled, you reached over to pour some more gel and help slicken his front half.
“Interesting fact, nuru massages originated in Japan as a disguise to pay for sexual services,” you say as your hands spanned across the planes of his pecs, “but nuru massages are much more than an erotic massage.”
“How so?” Bucky asked genuinely curious because he was having a hard time trying to strain his cock from hardening. Thankfully for him, you were seated on his lower abdomen and barely inches away from his member.
“Think of them as more so sensual than sexual.”
Accepting that outlook, Bucky had to ask, “how did you get into…this?”
You knew he meant performing nuru massages and not your career in general, “I took a trip to Japan during a break from studying,” you replied and now tracing the lines of his abs. That sort of action, so close to his dick, created a ghostly tingle to run down Bucky’s lower region.
Counting each one of his abs to help distract you from the twitch of his cock that he thought you probably didn’t feel hit you, you continued your story, “like you, I also didn’t know what I signed up for either.”
With your breasts out in front of him squished between your upper arms as you continued to rub him and all slick from the gel, your skin seemed ever so inviting for him to touch, but he refrained from doing so. There was really no way to avoid getting aroused with this kind of massage. He was about to give up the fight. He needed to relax, right?
“Um, how-how was…he?” He asked trying to not ask awkwardly. You smiled noting he was having a hard time trying to look at your face and not your boobs. A guy like this at your fingertips? What woman’s ego wouldn’t be boosted? You had control.
Keeping in mind he is new to this, but also that the vitality of full body contact in this massage, you treated his front half to the same tactic you used on his back by laying your body flat on his.
“She was amazing,” you answered, your face now close to his you could feel the warmth of his breath puff out as he tried to regulate his breathing. The close proximity allowing you to feel the beat of his heart. You noticed the bob of his throat to that reveal, two women all oiled up.  
“She taught me a lot of moves actually.” An innocent anecdote produced a whine from Bucky that he felt ashamed of slip out. Okay, maybe you got to bring it back down. “The first time I ever performed a nuru massage, I almost slipped off the massage table!”
What you hoped for was to lighten the mood, you didn’t expect was for him to bust out laughing at you. The sudden outburst took you by surprise that you almost reenacted the shared memory, but Bucky was quick to catch you with his left arm before you fell. His arms encased around you as he turned on his back with you now lying parallel, legs between his now parted ones underneath the towel that still managed to stay on.
“Oh my God,” you said burying your face into the crook of his neck, not giving a damn that the massage gel would get on your face. That first fall from your past was one of the most embarrassing moments of your career and here you were about to relive it or perhaps create one that would top it.
“Hey, it’s okay,” Bucky said tucking you in his arms as his flesh hand ran up and down the curves of your slick back, the metal one resting just above the curve of your ass. “I’m sorry I scared you. I didn’t mean to laugh. It’s just that you’re so poised and professional, having to imagine you being that clumsy took me off guard.”
Your eyes drifted down and noticed the scarred tissue of his skin that divided the metal from him. He probably ached there sometimes. You made a mental note to fit his arm somewhere in your routine.
“I’ve never told anyone that story before,” you admitted looking at him. Your eyes lingering at his pink lips that were parted. He brushed a strand of your hair away and cupped your face. You leaned into his hand and if he didn’t know it, you were the one that was putty in his hands.
Earning yourself another beautiful smile from him you got back into position. “Do you mind?” You ask referring to the towel. Having spent some time with you and seeing a more vulnerable side, he shook his head and let you rip the towel from beneath you and drop it to the floor.
“It’s okay to get hard,” you said trying to address the elephant in the room. You watched him stammer with his words, “it’s perfectly natural. Remember, this massage is designed to tease your senses and bring your body to full ecstasy.” Your now pressed against him again, rubbing your body up and down, hands trailing upwards to let your fingers intertwine with his again.
Feeling your breasts glide up just enough to stop under his chin, he kept tilting his head back as if he was neck deep in water, but if he was being honest, he would rather just drown in them at this point. Bucky tries to remain calm even if you assured him that getting aroused during a massage was a common occurrence.
“Relax, James,” you said releasing one of his hands to cradle his head and set it in a regular position. You just made it a point to not practically motorboat the poor guy.
“It’s Bucky,” he said, “please just call me Bucky. James is too formal.”
“Okay, Bucky,” you confirm by pressing your forehead against his.  
Not taking your eyes off each other, you glided down a few inches so you’re face-to-face with the junction of the skin and metal and began leaving light feather kisses to the sensitive area. Adding a little squeeze to the flesh hand that was still in your grasp, Bucky felt his heart soar a bit. You, so unperturbed by the once traitorous appendage, were so gentle and the level of intimacy you carried, he wondered if you were like this to your other clients. He felt like a damn fool for falling for your every move.
“Are most of your clients men?” Bucky wondered.
“No. I don’t limit my services to just men. Most times, my favorite are the women. Nuru is open for anyone of any gender or sexual orientation.”
You slithered down again until you trapped one of his thighs between your legs. Lord, give me the strength to not cum. You prayed and begun rocking your hips almost sinfully.
Fuck, was this part of her normal routine? Bucky asked himself but wouldn’t deny the combination of her wet pussy and its soft lips gliding along his thighs felt good. Not to mention the way your hands grip at the grooves of his Adonis belt, nails slightly digging into his skin, watching your hips move. He didn’t miss the look on your face, eyebrows knitted in concentration and your plump bottom lip trapped between your teeth.  
“Do you enjoy this too?”
You knew what he was going for. Did you get a rise out of this? You regained control of your body and shrugged, “I mean, touch is therapeutic in some cases, but if you’re wondering, most places or depending on the masseuse have modified nuru massages.”
“What do you mean by that?”
“Not everyone gets a happy ending.” You were a masseuse specialist and not in a line of sex. It was the most misconstrued thing about it. Noticing the look on his face, you concluded that he must’ve not known the term “happy ending.”
“Sex. A happy ending is what usually culminates from a nuru massage,” you cleared the air. It was adorable to see the surprised look on his face. Yet, underneath the sheen line of sweat that had built up on his forehead, Bucky was internally relieved to hear that you didn’t actually partake in any sexual penetration or acts from this type of massage.
Okay, maybe that number on his thigh wasn’t part of your routine. You’d never been that needy. Before you could fly off the edge, you didn’t even peg yourself to be a sadist and actually edge yourself. You wondered if you could fully set ethical standards aside and go through it.
You set that same leg between your breasts and strategically slid from up his thigh before stopping just below the waist to keep his rather endowed member confined.
“You know, it’s a shame the reputation that nuru massages have,” you started, pushing your boobs together with your hands. You felt his cock jolt at the contact, “the first thing that comes to people’s minds in terms of nuru is fucking porn, but nuru has its benefits.”  
“Like what?” Bucky asks breathily as you started practically titty fucking him. Is she serious? Are we in a porno? He thought seeing as there’s no way he was going to not cum any second.
“Yeah. Believe it or not, it’s proven to help couples spice up their love lives and even repair them.”
“H-how?” He tried to keep up with conversation, but it was so hard, he was so hard, as he watched his cock disappear and reappear from between the depths of your breasts. He hoped you hadn’t noticed that his pre-cum had been aiding in the slickness as it mixed in with the nuru gel. You were warm and soft and slick…and he wasn’t even buried deep in your pussy.
“I think you can guess one of the factors, but it’s more than just a physical connection, really,” you explain and release him. You move back up, body once more parallel to his, your hands smearing more of the gel around his chest, “it allows for one to feel more comfortable in their own skin and even create new sensations.”  
“Almost sounds like a spiritual journey,” he said with seriousness his eyes meeting yours.
“It can be,” you responded with. You were so close to his face again. Not sure how long you sat there staring at him, but as ironic as it was, the setting in a massage parlor, one with a purpose to help the other, you both seemed to create a new kind of tension. A tension that was almost too thick you feared it wasn’t something your hands could resolve.
You stared down at his enchanting features, soft, pink lips that were parted, cute nose, the half-lidded eyes but that still shone from the blue that managed to peek out. Your hands trailed up to touch his face. He was so tempting.
Fuck it. All caution thrown out the window, your lips crashed against his. It wasn’t bruising nor soft, but enough to cut the tension that had built up in the room. To your astonishment, he didn’t object to your advances and pressed his lips back to yours and opening up wider to let you slip your tongue in. He caught your tongue in his mouth with his lips and enclosed around the muscle, sucking on it, causing you to gasp and pull away breathlessly.
You push yourself up just enough to get a full look at him with your hands on his chest. A slight nod of his head was all you needed to dive back in. Your lips massaged against his as you both kissed with such fervor, your hands threading into the short locks of his hair slightly pulling at what you could grasp in your fingers. The echoes of his moans and the light tap of his cock that had twitched in response against your lower abdomen was a dead giveaway sign that he liked that.  
However, the continue rocking of your body against his, wasn’t going to help alleviate his raging hard on. It was pressed so hard in between you, it almost felt embedded into your skin. You slithered back down, leaving a trail of kisses from the column of his neck, chest – even managing to teeth at one of his nipples tauntingly – the line between his abs until you were met with the tip of his cock, which was unashamedly leaking.
You jeered around his head, placing lightweight kisses down the side of his cock, purposely avoiding the large vein on the underside, to his balls. Your eyes never leaving Bucky’s, who had his head propped under his flesh arm to watch you. Your hands still slick with the gel, you started to fondle him before taking them, one at a time, in your warm, wet mouth to gently suck on.
You weren’t sure who lost the staring contest this time between you two, but his head lulled back at the sensation and yours closed shut, full of him and savoring the taste of his skin. Pulling away with a pop, you wrapped a hand around his shaft to let his cock stand at full attention.
Bucky finally opened his eyes and picked his head back up to look at you just in time to watch you smear his pre-cum all over your lips and swallow him. You downed as much of his cock as you could before hollowing your cheeks and coming back up with your tongue dragging across the underside of him, bobbing up and down.
Without a warning, you pull away for a brief moment, a string of mixed fluids leave a web trail from him to you, “It’s okay to touch me, Bucky,” you say stroking his cock but also noticing his hands had been gripping onto the edge of the bed and hoping to encourage him to fully give in to his desires.
Bucky didn’t need to be told twice as his hands found purchase in your hair pushing you back down his cock. He let out a loud groan when he felt the tip of your nose bury in the soft hairs of his happy trail. You weren’t expecting that kind of aggression from him, it caused you to involuntarily gag around him. Your throat constricting around his cock only caused him more indisputable pleasure he jut his hips up, lodging himself even further.
When you pulled away again, this time with your own saliva and his cum dribbling down your chin, your eyes were slightly red and tearstained. Your ragged breathing, lips glistening and swollen, hair matted against your face. You looked so fucked, so raw.
He pulled you up to him once more, your legs instinctively setting on either side of him, your dripping cunt hovering just over his cock that lied resting on his stomach. He wiped at your chin before kissing you, his tongue darting all around the wet cavern of your mouth and tasting himself. Something about that was so filthy yet so erotic.
Your legs spread further apart, and you pressed yourself against his cock. The contact causing you both to draw out loud moans. You did your best to drag your sopping folds along his stiff member, but the bed had become so slippery, you were finding it hard to pull yourself back up on your knees. Bucky must’ve picked up on the small struggle as he grabbed handfuls of your ass to help aid you in sliding your pussy up and down his cock.
You could feel just how hard he was and the underside and ridges of the head of his cock scraping against your clit, pulled all sorts of tremors from your body. You were a whimpering mess, clinging onto Bucky’s body trying to find your footing, but your senses were on overdrive.
“I know, it’s your job to make me feel good,” he said continuing to rut up against you, “but go ahead…just let go.” Oh, how he would love to watch you unravel and you weren’t one to deny him. You wildly came undone, from the buildup of riding his thigh and now this, you gushed all over his cock.
Wrecked, you knew this was far from over. Once you reclaimed control of your senses, Bucky at your full attention, you snaked a hand between your bodies and lifted yourself up to position his eager cock at your entrance.
“Tell me, Bucky,” you said trying your best to dominate the situation and started teasing yourself, “…do you want a happy ending,” you asked seductively, licking his lips and your eyes never leaving his.
His heartbeat accelerated with each running pass of the tip of his cock made through your folds. If his ending was right here on this massage bed, he’d take it because you were a fucking tease. The string of curses that flowed out his mouth caused a smirk to form on your lips.
You felt his metal hand grab yours shoving it away, enough of your teasing, he repositioned himself at your hole, gripped your hips and slid right in you with ease. You internally applauded the designers of the building for making each room soundproof because let’s face it, no one wants to hear how good the person next door is feeling – especially not like this, not the sounds you and Bucky were producing.
Each slide up and down his thick length, Bucky found himself almost fully engulfed by your breasts again. He stopped you for a moment so he could finally get his mouth on them, but you weren’t about to catch a break. No. Bucky instead planted his feet on the bed and began thrusting up into you almost too vigorously, but you sucked it up. Letting him use you to work out his frustrations.
Then you sat up, hands sprawled on his chest and started grounding your hips. The way his cock swiveled with each rotation you made, had you reeling as the tip just barely kept hitting that spot.
Bucky straightened out his legs from behind you and managed to sit up, cradling the small of your back and gently laying you down.
“Slow down, baby,” he says trying to contain the relentlessness drive you had on fucking him by keeping your hips at bay, so he pulled out resulting in a displeased noise to come out of you.
He just needed to get into a new position, on his knees, your right leg hoisted up on his shoulder while he pushed down on the other to spread your legs further apart, just for him to easily plunge back into your wet heat and drawing out long and satisfied moans from you both.  
“Fuck, it feels so good. You’re so good, Bucky,” you whined.
“I’m supposed to be saying that to you,” he chuckled almost breathlessly, coming down and placing his lips on yours with a kiss that had your head swimming. He pulled back to take a look down, loving the sight of him snug inside your warm walls. With his flesh hand, he pressed his fingers onto your clit, rubbing harsh circles, you grabbed and clawed at his forearm at the immense pleasure, eyes widening because it was proving to be too much.
The twisting coil that was settling in you suddenly snapped. With a loud rough moan, you were uncontrollably quaking beneath him, you knew Bucky couldn’t be far away from you. His bruising grip on your thighs and the faltering thrusts of his hips from your walls squeezing at him repetitively, he finally let go, emptying himself until he was sure he was completely spent. Fuck, and you loved feeling his cum shoot deep in you.
Watching his abdominal muscles contract with every breath, he pulled out and tried to regain his breathing, but before he could collapse, he used his last remaining ounce of strength to pull you up and back down with him on the other end of the massage bed.  
“Are you okay?” Bucky asks you this time short of breath. You managed to let out a tiresome laugh and pathetically slapped his chest, but knew it was to no avail with what little energy you had left.  
Several moments later, you both had calmed down and were prolonging the inevitable end. Bucky watched as you absentmindedly traced the outline of his metal arm. He longed for someone that was raw in nature, confident and there you were – walking into his life by mistake. He wasn’t sure where you stood aside from a physical standpoint, but he strangely craved for more.
You managed to stand back up on your own feet and drag Bucky back into the shower to clean off. You helped each other wash off the gel and mixed juices, with a few kisses shared here and there riddled along with soft sweet praises.
After helping you wipe down the bed and tidy up the room, Bucky couldn’t help but realize he felt good. Gone was the grumpy man that came against his own will. He definitely felt refreshed and his body felt great. This place really was all that it cracked up to be and he was just lucky enough to be assigned to you.  
“What?” You asked catching him starting just as you slipped your robe back on.  
“I want to see you again,” he says getting up from the bed.
You smiled at that. No one has ever made you feel that good. Your bodies seemed to be in sync with one another. Plus, during that last shower, you deduced that he could be a big softie when he wanted to be.
You wanted to see him again too and you would let him.
Once Bucky stepped back into the lobby, his peace of mind was shattered when he heard Sam yell. “Finally!” He watched as his friend threw the magazine he wasn’t really reading aside and stand up with a loose smile on his face. “How do you feel, man?”
“Amazing.” Bucky’s tone was audibly smoother and calm as opposed to earlier.  
“Good! You were in there for a long time. I don’t know what massage you chose, but whatever they did on you...I’m glad it knocked out that attitude of yours,” he says as if he didn’t have one before his massage.  
“Whatever. You’re exaggerating.”
“I even left to get something to eat and you were still in there!”
Shit. Were you both really that long? Was that normal? To Bucky it didn’t seem so. In fact, he wanted more time with you.
They both approach the same receptionist from earlier, who now donned a subtle smug disposition seeing the change in complexion on Bucky.  
“Would you like to leave a tip?” She asked Bucky politely and just before he could say yes, he was interrupted.
“Oh, he’s good! He’s all taken care of,” you quickly interjected, popping out of nowhere and effectively grabbing Bucky’s attention one more time with a sweet smile. You wanted to be the last thing he saw when he walked out that door. Bucky didn’t even hear Sam ask how in the world he got you as his masseuse.
Your co-worker nodded understandingly before turning to Sam to ask if he’d like to book another visit.
“Yeah…when is she next available?” Sam asks the receptionist while looking at you. You hadn’t managed to only grab Bucky’s attention, but also his friend.
How Bucky hadn’t noticed it before everything was beyond him. You had a certain glow that was very alluring. He wondered if it was possible for anyone to look away from you or not smile in your presence.
Something Bucky failed to conceal was the rising discomfort he was feeling hearing the suggestive tone in Sam’s voice when speaking about you mixed with a small bubble of anxiety on if there was a possibility that he’d get to be alone in a room with you.  
Before Sam could get a definite answer, you looked to your co-worker at the front desk, grinned at each other and then back over at the two men.
“I’m sorry, sir, but I’m booked,” sending a wink towards Bucky and disappearing to the back.  
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A/N: I work in digital marketing and what with all the searching I did I’m now paranoid that I’ll be targeted for a massage…even though I could use one. I did my best to proofread. Let me know if you liked it! 
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sonicgetsrawed · 4 years
Love is Love
All I gotta say is fuck homophobes!!! 💁🏻‍♀️ warnings for homophobia!! Enjoy!!!
Rapunzel’s squeal could be heard from a mile away, the blonde quickly scooping up the two younger boys in a fierce hug. “You guys look adorable!”
“Thanks, but I’d like to be able to, you know, breathe.” Hugo grumbled, trying and failing to get out of Rapunzel’s grip.
“At this point you should just accept it.” Varian laughed, bringing his arms up to return the hug as best he could.
“You know, Sunshine, ponytail is right, they do need to breathe.” Eugene said, patting Rapunzel’s shoulder gently telling her to let go of her victims.
“Right, sorry!” Rapunzel laughed, finally releasing the two boys. “But you do look adorable.”
Varian beamed, placing a kiss to Hugo’s cheek before the older spun him in a little circle. Hugo smiled down at his boyfriend, Varian wearing a pair of cuffed jean shorts, knee high rainbow socks, a grey tank top with the sleeves tied up with blue, purple, and pink ribbons that read ‘bi disaster- stay clear’ in bold print, his cheeks sporting small painted bi flags on them. Hugo was dressed similarly with the same shorts and socks, but his shirt was a grey crop top with pink, yellow, and blue ribbons on the sleeves which read ‘pantastic’ across the front, his cheeks sporting the pan flag on them, his hair tied up in colorful ribbons.
“Thanks! It was hell getting this one into anything that wasn’t a flannel.” Hugo said, slipping his hand into the back pocket of Varian’s jeans as Varian stuck his tongue out at him.
“Believe me, I know.” Eugene said, rolling his eyes as he pulled Rapunzel to his side.
“This is honestly so rude, I feel so attacked right now.” Varian teased, Eugene reaching forward to ruffle his hair.
“You know we love you.” Rapunzel said, trying and failing to hide her laugh behind her hand. “But we can’t show our pride on an empty stomach! Let’s go get some breakfast!”
Rapunzel ran ahead, Varian following quickly behind her, they did have the biggest appetites of the small group so Hugo wasn’t particularly surprised. He was surprised, however when Eugene placed a hand on his shoulder, a questioning look on his face. He couldn’t help the small swell of panic in his gut, he’d gotten more than one shovel talk from the man already and he didn’t expect them to stop anytime soon. “Hey, kid, you think you could paint those little flags on our faces too?”
Hugo smiled brightly, it seemed the holiday of sorts brought out the best in even Eugene. “Does Rapunzel have a makeup palette I can borrow?”
“Hell, I got my own.” Eugene said, clapping Hugo’s back and sending the young man pitching forward as he tossed a small makeup palette into the air. Hugo barely caught it, shooting a glare at Eugene’s back as he sauntered into the restaurant. Hugo took a deep breath, he wasn’t going to let anything ruin his mood today, and followed the group inside.
The diner was one they’d been to numerous times before, a quiet little place on the side of the road, not many people paid it much mind, but it was one of his favorite places. The worn out leather seats and the outdated tables have it a certain charm, and he had spent many nights both alone and with Varian in those booths. It held many special memories and now there’d be another, their first pride festival. Hugo had been many times in the past, but this was the first time he’d get to go with Varian and their friends. He slid into the booth next to Varian, his hand finding a spot on Varian’s thigh as soon as he was settled. Varian smiled at him, his hand resting on Hugo’s knee. Hugo returned the smile, rubbing their noses together.
“Gay.” A group of people snickered from a few tables over, the tone harsh and demeaning. Hugo shot them a glare over his shoulder, Varian giving his knee a light squeeze and shaking his head.
“Ignore them.” Varian said, placing a soft kiss to Hugo’s lips. More snickers sounded behind them.
“They’ve been doing that since we walked in.” Rapunzel said, angrily dumping an insane amount of sugar into her coffee.
Eugene pried the sugar out of Rapunzel’s hands. “It’s not worth it, Sunshine. Besides, Hugo agreed to give us little flags.”
“Really?” Rapunzel beamed, already sliding over to Hugo and Varian’s side of the booth. “Me first.”
“I’ll leave you to it.” Varian laughed, moving over to sit by Eugene as Hugo pulled out the makeup palette. He made quick work of adding their respective flags to their cheeks, almost wishing he’d used makeup instead of face paint for him and Varian solely for the fact that Rapunzel and Eugene’s flags had a slight hint of glitter to them. By the time he’d finished their order had been taken and Varian was back at his side where he belonged.
“So what do we do when we get there?” Varian asked, spooning more whipped cream into his hot chocolate.
“Have fun.” Hugo said with a wiggle of his eyebrows. He intended to say more, but another snicker caught his attention.
“I bet it’s real fun giving it to him up the ass.” One of the girls at the table said.
Hugo was seeing red at this point, those insensitive assholes kept making jabs the whole time they were there. Varian placed a hand on his cheek, lightly shaking his head. “Ignore them, they’re not worth it.”
“I bet you wish your guy gave it to you up the ass!” Eugene yelled across the dining room, standing up in his seat.
“Eugene.” Rapunzel hissed, pulling him back down. “Don’t give them the satisfaction. Let’s just go.”
The group slid out of the booth, not wanting to waste any more time there. They could always grab breakfast somewhere else, somewhere less hostile. They were almost to the exit when another voice echoed behind them. “Ah, I guess we know who wears the pants in the relationship, and I bet you let her peg you too, Eugene.”
Rapunzel froze, a look of anger crossing her face like Hugo had never seen before, her hand twitching at her side. “On second thought-“
Rapunzel moved quickly, spinning around and picking up a frying pan that just so happened to be sitting in the middle of the counter, sending it flying through the air. There was a brief moment of silence, an odd second where the pan seemed to be moving in slow motion as it soared through the air, and then it hit its target. The poor unfortunate, well not unfortunate in Hugo’s opinion, the idiot more than deserved it, sap at the center of the table of homophobes got hit square in the forehead with the pan, sending him flying back, his chair tipping over. There was another moment of silence and then all hell broke loose.
“You little bitch!” One of the girls yelled, lunging at Rapunzel, Eugene putting himself between the two. The girl had a smug look on her face, her voice mocking. “You wouldn’t hit a girl.”
“I’m an equal opportunist, cunt.” Eugene said, kicking the girls legs out from underneath her.
Hugo watched the situation unfold with a shocked expression, he hadn’t expected Rapunzel of all people to start a fight and yet here they were. He hadn’t even noticed another one of those sorry excuses for a decent human being sneaking up behind him until the sound of a plate breaking reached his ears. He turned to see Varian with the broken remains of a plate in his hands, the food on the floor with the person, a proud smirk on Varian’s face. It didn’t last long, the boy being tackled to the floor by another assailant. Hugo wasted no time jumping onto that person’s back and wrapping his arms around their throat. He didn’t know where Eugene and Rapunzel were, but given the sounds of the frying pan swinging through the air it couldn’t be far.
“Duck!” Rapunzel yelled, Hugo barely having time to follow the instruction before the frying pan collided with the person’s head, sending them pitching forward. Hugo rolled off their back, his head spinning as he hit the ground. He quickly pulled Varian to his feet, the younger looking a little dazed and sporting a freshly spilt lip, but otherwise in one piece.
“Are you okay?” Hugo asked, cupping Varian’s face as he checked for any more injuries. Varian hummed, nodding his head as he did so. Hugo placed a soft kiss to his forehead, opening his mouth to say more, but Rapunzel interrupted them.
“Well, I think that’s the last of them.” She said, dusting off her hands and tucking her frying pan underneath her arm.
“You did amazing, Sunshine.” Eugene said, wrapping his arm around his wife as they admired their handy work. Hugo and Varian joined them. The group shared a look, each of them knowing exactly what they meant.
“On the count of three?” Varian asked, a smirk already working its way onto his lips. “One, two, three!”
“Fuck you, homophobes!” The group shouted, each sticking up their middle fingers. The small diner erupted into applause. Their victory was short lived as the sounds of sirens reached their ears.
“How the fuck did I know you all would be at the bottom of this?” Cassandra said, pulling her sunglasses off, her arms crossed over her chest as she stared down the group, her badge glinting in the sunlight.
“Yeah, yeah I know the drill.” Eugene said, leading Rapunzel away from the scene and into the cop car. Hugo smiled widely as they left the diner, they’d probably never be allowed back but it was so worth it.
Twelve hours later they all sat in a holding cell. After hours of processing and three failed phone calls to Nuru, they finally had a moment to relax. Rapunzel was on the women’s side, a line formed around her as she chatted to the other women and braided their hair. Eugene was currently playing a harmonica he’d taped to the underside of the bench a while ago. Varian rested his head on Hugo’s shoulder, their hands linked together.
After what seemed like an eternity Nuru burst through the door. Her sparkly rainbow skirt doing nothing to dim the petite girls fury. “I swear if I have to bail you guys out one more time-“
“I’ll buy you ice cream.” Hugo cut her off, a wide smile splitting her features, the small bi and trans flags crinkling on her cheeks.
“And Amber too?”
“Sure.” Hugo agreed with a tired sigh.
“Great she’s in the car.” Nuru said, stepping to the side so the guard could let them out.
The car ride was silent, Rapunzel and Eugene chatting quietly in the back, while Varian rested his head on Hugo’s shoulder. Hugo placed a soft kiss on top of his head, Varian turning to look up at him, a goofy smile on his face despite the tiredness that lingered in his eyes. “I’m sorry you didn’t get to go to your first pride festival.” Hugo whispered, Varian gently brushing Hugo’s stray hairs out of his eyes.
“It’s okay, I still had fun. Nothing better than telling off a bunch of assholes, right?” Varian said, yawning as he returned his head to its previous position. “Besides, there’s always next year.”
“Yeah, and it’ll be the best year ever.” Hugo said, kissing Varian’s head again as they slowly drifted off to sleep.
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alkae · 4 years
Mood Swings
It was an accident. Allegedly.
It started one cold, early morning when Varian found time to be alone with his alchemy set. He hadn’t been able to spare some time away from the others and, as much as he loved them (even Hugo), he valued his solitude just as much. During that early morning, Varian was playing with the mood potion Xavier spared him right before he left on his adventure.
Varian had wanted some more of the potion to make another truth serum after a certain someone used up all of his. But after making his truth serum, he had some of the mood potion left over. And, being a curious alchemist, he wanted to see what more he can do with a mood potion. That’s what he was doing that morning, hidden in the trees.
Well, not that hidden.
Varian looked up, annoyed and surprised, to see Hugo, hair tousled and eyes sleepy. How had he found him? “Hugo! W-what are you doing up… so soon?” he asked, cursing himself for his stutter.
Hugo combed through his pale hair. “How can I sleep when there’s an explosion coming from you every 5 seconds?” he grumbled.
Varian could feel his cheeks redden. “Excuse you, Hugo, but there haven’t been any explosions in at least…” He quickly did the math in his head. “10 minutes and 32.34 seconds.”
Hugo looked unimpressed as he sat across from Varian. Varian felt his annoyance rise. He had wanted some alone time, but sure, Hugo, make yourself at home. “Impressive. Did you do the math by yourself?”
For some reason, that was the breaking point. “You know what, Hugo? Why don’t you just leave me alone? All this trip, you’ve been… harassing me and taunting me and I’ve gotten pretty sick of it. Don’t you have anything nice to say?”
Hugo gasped. “I have plenty nice to say.”
“Oh really?” Varian asked skeptically. “Like what?” Hugo opened his mouth but Varian stopped him. “That isn’t a pickup line of some sort.”
Hugo grumbled. “You’re no fun, you know that? All work and no play. You take everything so seriously.”
Now Varian gasped. “I do not!” he said defensively.
Hugo stood and slid his goggles over his glasses. “Hi,” he said, making his voice higher, “I-I’m Varian and you’re not allowed to touch a-anything I make because everything I create explodes!”
Varian stood too. “I-I do not sound like that!” he stuttered. “Plus, I have every right to be concerned.”
“Of course you do. Everything you make explodes. Now if you actually listened to me, maybe you’ll be successful.”
Varian scowled. “Why do you always have to be so nasty?”
“Why can’t you take just a bit of criticism? You never learn from any of your mistakes.”
“I do!”
“Right. Which is why all your experiments explode.”
To prove him wrong, Varian picked up his latest experiment that was glowing a faint turquoise color. “This hasn’t exploded yet,” Varian said. “So ha.”
Hugo raised a brow at him. “Give it time.”
Varian thrust the beaker at him. “I will. And in time, it will become an actual successful serum that will be beneficial to us… in some way.”
Hugo reached for the beaker and his hands closed over it, right above Varian’s. “It will help us if you let me fix it. It’s clearly not stable.”
Varian tugged it away but Hugo’s hands remained firm. “Just trust me, Hugo, it’s fine!”
“It’s not fine! Admit it, you need my help.” Hugo tugged the beaker back towards him so forcefully that Varian stumbled forward.
“I don’t need your help. I’ve got it.” Varian tugged the beaker back, Hugo coming with it.
“Like you got the other experiments that quite literally blew up in our faces?” Hugo tugged at the beaker, harder.
“That was twice!” Varian tugged the beaker just as hard. “Would you just… leave me…” He didn’t finish the sentence as Hugo suddenly let go of the beaker at the same time Varian tugged and he fell backward, dropping the beaker. The two boys watched as it fell and smashed, spreading a cloudy turquoise smoke over them.
They coughed as it spread and slowly, it thinned out. Varian blinked as a feeling of confidence washed over him. Is that what his serum did? Fill the user with confidence? Great, now Hugo was going to be even more insufferable. He stood and wiped off his pants.
“Wow,” he heard Hugo say. “That was weird. Are you okay, Varian?”
What? Since when did Hugo call him by his actual name? And since when did he care about his well being? “I’m fine. Did you hit your head or something, Glasses?”
And since when did Varian call Hugo by anything other than his name?
Footsteps approached the two and Varian looked over Hugo’s shoulder to see Nuru and Yong running up to them. “Are you two okay?” Yong asked. “Varian, are you alright?”
Varian huffed. “You just asked that, Firecracker. Chill out.”
Yong’s face fell. Hugo made a noise. “Don’t be rude, Varian. Yong, we’re fine.”
Nuru looked from Hugo to Varian, confusion on her face. “Are you two feeling okay?”
Varian wiped some dirt off his face. “Firecracker just asked that, Princess Starmap. It’s not like we exploded or anything.”
He could practically hear the surprise from Yong and Nuru. “Varian, are you sure you’re alright? You’re behaving strangely,” Nuru said.
“Princess, I’m feeling completely fine. It’s Glasses you should worry about. But honestly, what’s new?”
Hugo turned to glare at him. “Do you have anything nice to say ever?” he asked. Huh. That sounded familiar.
“When I have something nice to say, pretty boy, I’ll say it.” It was strangely delightful to see Hugo’s face pink up.
Nuru sighed. “Okay, since Hugo seems like the more cooperative one today, I’ll ask him. Hugo, what happened? We saw smoke and we thought that someone had gotten hurt.”
“The only thing that was hurt was my self esteem,” Varian said as he picked up the broken glass. Nuru snorted.
Hugo rolled his eyes. “Varian made some kind of serum and I think we were arguing over it? Well, all I know is that I let go of it and Varian dropped it and it shattered.” He watched as Varian slid the broken pieces into his pocket. “Do you think i-it changed our personalities?”
“Your stutter sure thinks so,” Varian quipped immediately.
Yong gasped. “So that means that Varian and Hugo switched personalities?” he asked, mostly to Nuru.
Nuru turned to face both Varian and Hugo. “Do you guys think you can make a cure?”
Hugo shrugged. “I don’t know. This was Varian’s creation. And honestly, it was pretty impressive. I mean, he managed to switch the personalities of two insanely different people, by my standards. And supposedly he did all of this in his free time, which he, admittedly, didn’t have. Then by those standards, he did this in the morning. As much as I’d hate to say because we all know his head can’t get bigger, it’s mighty impressive and should we change the formula slightly, it might be a great use to us somehow.”
The three of them blinked at him. Varian whistled. “Got any air left for the rest of us, Ponytail?”
Hugo gave him a look. “I’m just saying that you’re the only one who can possibly create an antidote of some kind. I mean, it’s your formula.”
“Yes it was. And you say that it was impressive?”
“Please don’t agree, Hugo,” Nuru interrupted. “We don’t need his head to expand. If he’s anything like how you used to be, if you give him an inch, he’ll take a mile.”
Varian smirked. “You pick up fast, princess.” He kicked at a shard of glass. “Well, I’m hungry. I would make food but as you said, pretty boy, I have been making a new serum all day and I have chemicals on my hands. Starmap, why don’t you make us food, huh?”
Nuru made a face. “Why can’t you take off your gloves?”
“Why would I?”
Before Nuru could do anything that might hurt her or Varian, Hugo stepped in. “It’s okay. I’ll do the cooking.”
She looked over at Hugo in surprise. “You cook?”
“Yeah. Since when did you cook?” Yong asked. Varian simply looked on in silence.
“Well, I haven’t cooked before, but it can’t be much different than alchemy, right?” The group followed Hugo back to their campsite where he began to prepare the food. “Now let’s see… how does Varian do this normally?”
Varian leaned against a tree. “Don’t you spend all your time watching me, pretty boy?” He could tell Hugo’s face was red, even though his back was to him. “I’m flattered, trust me, but you’d think you’d pick something up with all the stalking.”
Hugo turned, his pretty pale face a nice shade of crimson. “It’s not…I’m not stalking you. We’re in the same place, I’d have to follow you around constantly to stalk you.”
Varian rose a brow. A very Hugo move but he guessed that he was technically “Hugo” now. “Oh? Didn’t you follow me this morning? It’s not like I was in the most obvious place in the woods.”
If possible, Hugo’s face turned more red. “I saw smoke. I was worried. I had every right to be.” He turned back around quickly.
Varian placed a hand on his heart. “Aw, you were worried for me? How sweet. I’m flattered.”
“No need to sound so sarcastic,” Hugo muttered.
“I’m not being sarcastic, pretty boy. Honest.”
“That, uh, that sounded pretty sarcastic.” A pop came from the fire. Varian looked slightly over Hugo’s shoulder to try and see what he was doing. Unfortunately, being shorter, he could barely make it out.
“Whatcha making there, pretty boy?”
“First of all, I wouldn’t mind if you’d call me Hugo every once in a while.” As if Varian normally called Hugo pretty boy. “And secondly, it’s what we eat everyday. So.”
Varian leaned back against the tree. “Excuse me for trying to strike up a conversation.”
Hugo didn’t reply. The fire popped again, this time louder. Hugo grumbled to himself, soft enough that Varian couldn’t make out the words. Varian tilted his head. Just because their personalities changed didn’t mean their abilities did. Hugo never cooked and even though he was incredibly lazy and gifted that didn’t mean he actually knew how to cook. And of course, being the kind, helpful person he was, decided to pitch in.
“I don’t think you’re doing that right.”
Hugo threw his hands up in the air in frustration. “Alright, Varian. Fine. I don’t know how to cook. Would you mind helping me?”
“I don’t know. What’s in it for me?”
“Um, food? Y’know, what you need to survive?”
Varian snapped his fingers and pointed at Hugo. “You make a fair point, Glasses. Okay. I’ll help you.” He sauntered over, still a little unused to this sudden wave of confidence. He knelt next to Hugo and looked over at the rations Hugo was attempting to cook. “Right. Now, these don’t look too bad.”
“So what am I doing wrong?” Hugo asked.
“Honestly, I’m not sure. It’s pretty hard to fuck up cooking rations. But the popping noise shouldn’t happen.”
Hugo rolled his eyes. “You said that.”
“Unless you’re making popcorn, then it’s probably the wood.”
“So I was doing it right.”
“I never said that.”
“So what are you saying?”
“I’m saying,” Varian replied, “that your grumbles of frustration imply that you haven’t cooked before in your life.”
Hugo shrugged. “I mostly stole to get by when I was a child. Most of my food was well… it was pre-cooked. So I just never had to learn.”
Varian’s brows raised, this time in surprise. “You’ve never been this open before, Glasses. What changed?”
“I guess your serum did. I’m guessing you were pretty open with people.”
Varian shook his head. “Not really. Not with anyone but my dad and I’m guessing I don’t look a thing like your dad.”
Hugo snorted. “No, you don’t.” He looked back at the rations. “Sh-should we like, take these off? They’re starting to get burned.”
Varian looked at the rations too. “That seems wise. The last thing we need today is more smoke.”
Hugo laughed and it was music to Varian’s ears. Soon, they had Nuru and Yong gathered around the fire too, all eating in silence. Varian wondered what this serum did exactly. Nuru and Yong thought it switched their personalities but he wasn’t so sure. He wasn’t very open about his past to the group. He wasn’t exactly jumping at the opportunity to tell them that he committed treason twice, went to jail at 14 after kidnapping Queen Ariana, trying to crush her and his friend Cass, trying to take over Corona with an army of automatons and then actually taking over the kingdom with a man with a manbun.
Anyway, Hugo’s openness that day was out of character for both boys. What Varian guessed was that, while they had several traits of the other person, the original mood potion also kicked in and caused the two to simply be the opposite of themselves.
How to fix it was the real question. Would it wear off in a few days? Or was an antidote necessary? The two were dosed in the serum. They must need an antidote. But how to make one…
He snapped out of his thoughts and looked up to see Nuru glaring at him. “Are you listening to me?”
“No,” he said simply.
Nuru huffed. “I was asking if you knew how to reverse this. I would like our helpful Varain back.”
“Why? You’ve got a helpful Hugo. That’s a fair trade in my opinion.”
She looked over at Hugo briefly before looking back at Varian. “I would like to know if there’s a way to reverse this, Varian.”
He picked at his rations. “Well, most likely there’s a way. But I’m not sure how to make one. And even if I did, Princess, I would need more supplies. Thankfully, I still have some of the mood potion left so I could very well use that as a base.”
“What else do you need?” Hugo asked. “I could help you.”
Varian gestured at Hugo and locked eyes with Nuru. “See? Helpful!”
Nuru shook her head as Yong shoved the rest of his rations in his mouth. “There’s a small village nearby. We can try that,” he said.
“And how do you know that?” Nuru asked him.
His eyes darted away from her. “I, uh, took the map while you weren’t looking.” He pulled it out his pocket. There was a hole in the corner of it. “Sorry.”
“That’s our cue to dip,” Varian interceded as Nuru’s face grew red. He stood and Hugo followed him quickly. “Well, since you’re so insistent on helping me, why don’t you accompany me to my forest spot?”
Hugo nodded in agreement and the two walked back to where they had been just an hour ago. Varian sat himself down in front of his open journal and began to skim his notes on the serum he was making. Hugo sat across from him. “Do you have any idea how to fix this?”
“If I got paid everytime someone asked me that today, I’d be rich enough to buy the totems.” He stopped on the first page he made on the mood potion. Xavier had told him, well warned him, about the effects and gave him the antidote in case they needed it. At the time, he had assured Xavier that they would never need the antidote and that it was unnecessary.
He was mentally laughing at his past self.
“Well, pretty boy, I think I have an idea. It’s for a different serum or shall I say potion but it’s almost the same thing. I just need to switch a few ingredients. Like the 3 leaf plant. We’re not going off the trail to pick flowers.”
Hugo leaned forward and tugged the journal to him. “We are if it’s going to help us. Unless this’ll wear off in a few days.”
Varian tugged the journal back. “Let me look and be patient, pretty boy.”
Hugo leaned back and huffed, cheeks red. Varian smirked and continued to look through his notes. He stopped on the last page he made and read it through. “Curse me for my awful handwriting,” he muttered. He scanned the page and stopped at a note he had circled and highlighted, both it bold red ink. “Note: because of the compounds added to this serum, there is a possibility that the effects will become permanent if not undone in…” He squinted. He had decided to do the math on the same paper and had poorly erased it. “2 days? 3 days? Whatever, it doesn’t matter.” To Hugo, he said, “We have to get the antidote before we’re stuck like this.”
Hugo’s green eyes widened. Varian found himself admiring the color. “Then we have to hurry.” He stood. “We have to get to town, get you your supplies and make that antidote before we’re stuck like this forever.”
Varian began to scoop his stuff in his bag. “I don’t know. It won’t be the worst thing to be stuck like this. I mean sure, Princess Starmap might be annoyed but if we have opposite personalities, it’s really just the same person in a different body.”
Hugo glared at him. “Come on, Varian. You know we have to fix this.”
Varian shrugged. “Perhaps. But, I mean, I’d be fine like this. It’s just you that’s freaking out.”
Hugo sighed. “What if I give you something? Something small,” he clarified quickly.
Varian grinned. “How about a kiss?”
That triggered the exact response Varian was hoping for. Hugo began to stammer and blush, his face as red as a cherry. Finally, he seemed to pull himself together enough for him to reply coherently. “Fine. If you manage to fix us, I’ll give you a kiss.” He only sounded somewhat sarcastic.
Varian’s grin broadened. “Perfect!” He slid the rest of his stuff in his already overstuffed bag and slipped it over his shoulders. “Let’s go, shall we?”
Luckily for them, and for Yong, the map wasn’t that damaged and they were able to get to the town in no time.
Nuru took (dragged) Yong away so they could find a replacement map while Hugo and Varian walked around town, searching for what Varian needed. “Okay,” Varian said, “why don’t we stop at the flower shop?”
“Why?” Hugo asked skeptically.
Varian looked over at him and pretended to be offended. “Pretty boy! Do you think I have some kind of ulterior motive? I simply want to get the plant I need to fix my mistake. Unless you want to be stuck like this forever.”
“No, no!”
They entered the shop where Varian easily found the plant. On his way to pay for it, he snuck another flower into his pocket while both the shopkeeper and Hugo weren’t looking. No harm in a little theft, right?
Outside the shop, Varian pulled it out and handed it to Hugo, who just stared. “What? It’s a gift for you.”
“You stole a flower?” Hugo asked in disbelief.
“You’re rejecting my gift?”
“You stole something!”
“What are you, a broken record?” Before Hugo could protest again, Varian reached up and tucked the flower, a green carnation, into Hugo’s hair. “See? It fits with your outfit.”
It was so nice to see the slight pink of Hugo’s cheeks. “You shouldn’t steal, Varian,” he said but it came out weakly.
Varian shrugged it off and started walking again. Hugo hurried after him. “I paid them a little extra just in case. They won’t notice. Now come on. There is more to get.”
A few hours later, the two found themselves in a bakery.
The reason they were there was because Varian had gotten hungry shortly after they got the second to last supply. He’d spotted a bakery and coaxed Hugo into going in with him. Varian got a cupcake while Hugo got some kind of pastry. They sat outside the shop on the ground to eat.
“It’s no Corona cupcake,” Varian said, voice muffled from the frosting, “but it’ll do.”
Hugo glanced up from his pastry, the carnation bright against his pale hair. “You’ve talked about Corona cupcakes a lot.” He laughed. “Like, a lot a lot.”
Varian set the cupcake down on the wrapper, licking the frosting off of his fingers and revelling in the redness that appeared on Hugo’s cheeks for like the fiftieth time that day. “Why wouldn’t I talk about them? They’re good.”
Hugo shoved the rest of the pastry into his mouth, which shouldn’t have been as cute as it was. “I know that,” he said, mouth still chewing. “But you bring them up whenever we go to a bakery.”
He did. It was mostly out of homesickness. Even though he’s enjoyed his adventure so far, he can’t help the biting feelings that happen to him at night while he’s trying to sleep. Sometimes, he looks at Ruddiger and he’s hit by a sudden feeling of missing his father. He’d see an apple and think of Max and, consequently, think of Eugene and then, again consequently, think of Rapunzel and Cass. He hasn’t seen Cass in nearly three years, since she didn’t go to Rapunzel and Eugene’s wedding.
So of course something as simple as cupcakes would set him off into missing Corona and his friends. He didn’t even realize that he was doing it until Hugo said something.
But, because he was Hugo today, he wasn’t going to just tell him about it.
“I’m just comparing the great with the mediocre, pretty boy. Calling it as it is. It’s really nothing.”
Because Hugo was smart, he clearly didn’t believe him and instead just looked at him in suspicion. Varian picked at his cupcake. “Does it matter, really?”
“Yes it does. Varian, if there’s something wrong, you can’t just bottle it up.”
“Says you.”
“What does that mean?”
“I mean that you’re not exactly the touchy feeling kind of guy. I mean, on days other than today. If I’m acting exactly like you do normally, then this is what you’re like. Bottling things up constantly without a second thought.”
Hugo went quiet and Varian followed suit, finishing off his cupcake. They weren’t the best communicators, especially with each other. Most of their reactions consisted of them either yelling at each other or Hugo saying something flirty and Varian getting flustered and trying (and failing) to ignore him. They could never be upfront with each other. It was as they didn’t know how to be anything but unamiable. Even kindness was usually followed by some quip.
“I have never been a good communicator,” Hugo said suddenly. Varian looked up from his cupcake wrapper. “I grew up alone and only knew how to work by myself. So when I was suddenly thrust into a position where I had to get along with others, I didn’t know how to deal with it. I got by with sarcastic remarks and flirting and hiding all my feelings for…” He looked up and Varian and then quickly looked back down. “Certain people. And I know that once you formulate the antidote, this new openness will be gone and I’ll be back to being a guy with the inability to let anyone know how I’m feeling.”
Varian leaned back on his hands. “Well, might as well make the most of it. Anything you want to get off your chest?” He roved his eyes over Hugo.
Hugo glared at him. “I’m not letting you finish whatever thought you just had.”
Varian smirked and shrugged. “Suit yourself.”
Hugo huffed a laugh. “Anyway, I just wanted to say that…” He took a deep breath. “That while I never say it and I hardly act like it, I really do appreciate you. You’re a good friend and person and insanely smart. I just wish that you weren’t so stubborn all the time.”
What was this Varian was feeling? Warmth? Comradery? Gratefulness? He could feel himself smile, genuinely smile. “Ditto from me, pretty boy. Me being you right now, I can’t say much but I can say that you’re rather intelligent and actually a huge help to us. And attractive, so that helps a lot.”
“Always coming back to my looks, huh.”
“Hey, I never said you looked bad.” Varian felt his face fall and fiddled with his gloves. “In all seriousness, Glasses, I… think you’re a pretty cool guy. And I’m glad you joined our group.”
He looked up to see Hugo smiling brightly at him. “Wow. Thanks, Varian.” He chuckled. “Man. I can’t believe it took a mood potion to get us to open up to each other.” Hugo stood, easily dwarfing Varian, even as Varian joined him. He stuck his hand out to Varian. “Promise me that, even after you fix this, we won’t forget this chat.”
Varian stared at the hand. Then at Hugo and his bright face, the carnation practically glowing in his pale hair, the color making his green eyes seem even more prominent. His smile, his genuine smile, returned. “It’s a deal.”
Back at the campsite, Hugo and Varian sat in their normal spots, Hugo watching as Varian mixed up the ingredients for the antidote.
“Should we like, drop it again?” Hugo asked.
Varian laughed. “If you want. But I think it’s smarter for us to make it into a gas. I don’t like the idea of picking up more broken glass.”
“Oh, right. Yes. That’s a uh, that’s a good idea.”
Varian couldn’t help but smirk as he heated up the serum to turn it to a gas. While he did that, Hugo messed with a blade of grass. “Do you think we’re going to remember our promise?”
“You made it, pretty boy. Do you remember our first promise?”
There appeared the blush. “Yes.”
“Well then you’ll remember this one.” Varian put the gas into one of his glass balls and closed it. “Alright. Gather close.”
Hugo scooted forward eagerly. “It’s finished?”
“No, I just wanted to cuddle. Come on.”
The two stood and Varian held the gas in front of him, in position to drop it. He looked over at Hugo. “Are you ready?”
Hugo grinned. “As I’ll ever be.”
Varian looked at Hugo, this Hugo, the one who was apparently him. A kind, stuttering boy who was open and honest. But according to Hugo, also stubborn and harbored a refusal to be helped. All of this happened because of him, because he didn’t want Hugo to help him with the serum.
After the talk he had with Hugo, though, maybe something like this wouldn’t happen again. Varian grinned back at Hugo and dropped the ball. The gas, again a turquoise color, surrounded them and on instinct, they coughed. Soon, it dissipated, clearing Varian’s vision and leaving just Hugo. Varian blinked. “Did-did it work?”
Hugo grinned cheekily at him. “Your stutter sure thinks so.”
Varian couldn’t help it. He reached up and hugged Hugo. After everything today, he really needed it. Hugo seemed surprised but returned the hug quickly. They pulled away but just as fast, Hugo leaned forward again and kissed him. Varian was just as surprised as Hugo was with the hug, yet responded in the same way. He returned it. Soon, Hugo was pulling back and staring into Varian’s eyes. “Just paying back my promise,” he said in a hushed, smug voice.
Varian smiled broadly. “I don’t know if that was enough,” he replied.
Hugo smiled back and kissed him again.
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fletchphoenix · 4 years
What I’ve Been Looking For
Hey Gamers! Here’s Chapter 8 of the Varigo Coffee Shop AU and I’m gonna be honest - I think this is my favourite chapter yet! It’s certainly the longest so I hope you all enjoy it as much as I did!! Thank you for your support and ON WITH THE CHAPTER!
Word Count - 4853
A week had passed and it was finally Christmas - aka Hugo’s least favourite day of the year. Passing through his lips was a groan as he turned to his side on his bed, which was only a few bad days away from giving up on him completely. He felt around on the bedside table for his glasses, placing them on his face and laying back again, his head resting against the moss green pillows. Picking his phone up, he smiled at his phone screen - a photo of Varian at the library which was almost completely covered by the wall of text messages from said boyfriend. He let out a small sigh - his boyfriend absolutely adored Christmas, but...he didn’t get the appeal.
  At the orphanage, Christmas wasn’t really celebrated at all, it being far too expensive to buy presents for all the kids there. The only real indication he’d had that it was the streets being decorated by a ridiculous amount of lights, a giant pine tree placed in the centre of town with a mass of baubles scattered amongst the branches. Ever after he’d left, living on the streets for a while and after Donella took him in, she’d never been caring enough to celebrate the holiday. In her eyes, it was a ‘useless, excessively capitalised holiday used to manipulate the poor into spending a mass of money at one time’ and ‘a waste of money’. It wasn’t that he didn’t agree, the holiday was vastly overrated and had turned into a way to swindle money from the poor, manipulating the true meaning, but it wouldn’t hurt to get him a gift one year. It could’ve been a small one or something work-related, he wouldn’t have minded, but he never got one. 
  But that was the kind of woman Donella was, always cold and unfeeling towards everyone, including her son. Kind of. Did she even see him as her son? I mean-he’d always seen her as a mother to him, since she was the one to take him in, give him a home and a purpose...but that was because, in her eyes, he was a valuable asset. She’d only taken care of him, because she could get money from his skills. He knew that - she’d always been transparent about that fact with him - but there were plenty of instances where she’d contradicted herself. Where she’d actually cared. For example, when she’d brought him his jacket.
  She’d initially shoved it into his chest, wrapped in a plastic bag with her usual scowl and folded arms greeting him as his eyes met hers in confusion. Her grey hair was perfectly kept, behind her back in a braid which left the scar on her chin on full display as it jolted up towards her lip. She’d never told him how she’d got it, but he had his theories. One of his most outlandish scenarios was trying to trap her old research partner in a magical library, her partner using magic and a knife to scar the skin (11-year-old him had a wild imagination, okay?). Her sickly green eyes held annoyance in every last nook and cranny as she examined the boy in front of her’s confused expression at the package that was thrust towards his chest. “Well, aren’t you going to see what’s inside? I don’t have all day to be standing around waiting for you, Hugo.”
  “Yes ma’am.” He replied hastily, hands fumbling as he unwrapped the bag and took out the cargo. It was a green jacket, a grey hood at the top of it. He raised it to his eyes and tilted his head quietly. It was a little bit, but he’d grow into it. The second thing he’d noticed was that it was really, really soft, like..absolutely amazingly soft. Like fur! He pulled the jacket’s sleeves over his arms, noting how they covered his hands completely, before he rolled the sleeves up to his elbows. It was comfy - a childish grin covering his face as he looked up at his mentor, grateful for his gift.
  “Your clothes looked ratty,” she said, looking away and trying to suppress her soft smile with a hardened expression. “I got you new ones. Maybe now you’ll look even slightly presentable.” she slowly walked away, Hugo knowing her true intentions behind the present. He let out a small yet happy sigh, his hand trailing through his hair as he walked down the hall towards his workshop again. He’d have to thank her later, he noted as he pushed open the door. He guessed that all the thanks he could give would be finishing off this commission they’d been working on for the past week...that would satisfy her more than a gift or hug or anything. He hung the jacket up on a peg, sitting down on the leather stool by his desk before leaning over and getting to work. 
  Hugo sat up in bed, finally deciding to get up on this cursed day and standing. He stretched his legs and arms, walking to his desk to give Olivia her daily helping of sunflower seeds, which the mouse graciously accepted with a happy squeak. He yawned and grabbed some clothes from the closet, heading down the hall towards the bathroom for a shower, passing framed photos of him, his boyfriend and their friends along the way. They all got along just fine - them being Hugo, Varian, Nuru and Yong, however him and Nuru did have the occasional sarcastic quip aimed at each other, much to Varian’s annoyance. Despite the playful banter though, they got along well considering the short amount of time they’d known each other, with Varian always taking pictures so Hugo would have to ‘frame his memories’ and place them on the wall. It was sweet, especially how he’d exclusively picked frames that were painted green - a nice little detail that didn’t go unnoticed by Hugo. Still, it felt strange. He thought Varian’s dad had grounded him, so why was he allowed out so frequently to meet up? The thought weighed heavy in his mind, although it disappeared as he arrived at his final destination.
  Varian sat up in his bed as soon as he’d woken up, a large smile on his face as he realised the day. “It's Christmas...It’s Christmas!” He yelled as he jumped up, startling the obese cat who was sleeping quite satisfied on his legs, curled up in a ball. The cat mewled and batted at Varian’s arms in response, the teen too excited to care as he threw open his door and sprinted down the stairs. He must’ve moved at the speed of sound, because he swore it only took him a few seconds to arrive in the kitchen, where his father stood preparing some hot chocolate and pancakes. He felt out of place in his teal pyjamas, but nonetheless he still took a seat at the table. “Good morning, Dad. Hey, that smells great!”
  “Good morning to you too, son. And thank you.” he replied, placing the pancakes on a plate, picking it up in one hand and the hot chocolate in the other before setting it in front of his son. Varian wasted no time, swallowing it all down so fast, Quirin could’ve sworn he’d just inhaled the things. Chuckling at the thought, he moved and sat down beside his son. “So, we’re stopping off at Rapunzel’s for Christmas dinner aren’t we?” A nod of confirmation came from his son, who was sipping his hot chocolate. “Okay, will we be picking up your boyfriend on the way?”
  Varian spat his hot chocolate out in shock at his father’s latter question. What? How did he know about Hugo? He’d never told him about the other boy before...maybe Rapunzel had told his father? No, she wouldn’t do that to him. Eugene? He scrapped that thought as soon as it came. Those two would never do that to him...would they? “No Varian. You need to trust them.” his inner voice reminded him. He composed himself as his eyes met his dad’s, who was quite obviously holding back his laughter. “I...how do you..know about him?”
  “Remember the night I grounded you? Last thursday? Yeah, that's how I know.” He explained nonchalantly, leaning back in his chair and sipping his hot chocolate quietly. “I went upstairs with the intent to apologise and saw you two fast asleep and cuddling. You both looked so peaceful that I didn’t want to intrude on your moment, so I left you be and wanted to wait until you were ready to tell me.” He suddenly leaned forward, taking his son’s hands in his own with a serious expression on his face. “Son, you know I love you no matter who you’re attracted to, whether it be boys or girls. You’re still my son and I love you unconditionally. So will your Aunt Adira and Uncle Hector. And we’ll support you no matter what. Although...it would have been nice to have a formal introduction with the boy, he seems very nice.”
  A smile crept onto Varian’s face as he rose to his feet, moving around the titular table to embrace his father. “Thank you so much, dad. And yes, we will have to pick him up. I want him to celebrate Christmas - it’ll be his first time celebrating too, which makes it even more special!” he paused. “I’ll let you know where his apartment is. I have a present that I...desperately wanna give him.”
  “Speaking of presents..” Quirin began, rising from his chair to look down at his son. “I haven’t given you yours yet. So, follow me.” He declared, leading the way towards the basement door. They hadn’t been down there since his mother left - it used to be her old workspace for anything science related. Varian used to love going down there and watching as Ulla would experiment, combining different elements in processes he didn’t even understand. Their son would watch in wonder as, with one ribbon of metal being added, an acid would change colour, and he’d cheer so loud with the biggest smile on his face whenever Ulla let him act as her ‘lab assistant’ and let him perform his own experiments (supervised, of course). 
  He did miss the woman and her presence in the house. She brought so much joy to everything she passed, making even the worst of days become one of the best. It was because of her that they even celebrated Christmas, her introducing the holiday to him and the various traditions that came along with it. She really was a loving and caring woman in every way there possibly was - Varian taking after her in that department. She’d sing to their son to help him sleep as a newborn and sit by his crib all night in case he woke up in the night and needed her for anything. But they never saw the stress wearing her down, causing her to become more and more confrontational as the days went on. Hell, the divorce came out of nowhere, Ulla one day stating that she wanted one and was leaving. Nonetheless, Quirin had supported her and let her go, because she was the woman he loved. If that’s what she wanted then fine, he’d let her leave. He bit the inside on his cheek. No time to think of that - it was Christmas and by god, he was gonna enjoy himself.
  The door to the basement opened and Quirin gestured for his son to go down the steps before him. Varian obliged, walking down the steps that threatened to break. They’d have to get them replaced one day, he thought as he reached the floor below and flicked on the lights. He was met with the sight of a truly magnificent sight. Tables were pushed up against the walls, a wheeled office chair placed under one. Beakers and a Bunsen burner sat on the side, beside a large stack of drawers that, upon closer inspection, were labelled and filled with all the equipment he needed, such as burets, test tubes, pipettes and micropipettes...it was simply breathtaking. He travelled further around the home lab, a coat peg in the corner with a single, white lab coat hanging from it. He immediately knew it was his mother’s from the small blue patch on the elbow of the left sleeve - a hole caused by 7-year-old him accidentally changing the Bunsen burner from the safety flame to the blue flame, his mom lunging over it to stop him from burning himself. After that, he was terrified of the burner for years after that. 
  “Dad, this is...this is amazing!” he gasped, running over and giving him a tight hug. “Wow! I love it so much!” he cried as he moved away and excitedly explored the room even more. Pulling on the lab coat, he flattened the creases of the lab coat. A perfect fit, he thought, before he turned to his dad with a smile. “How is it? Do I look alright?”
  “You look great son, but go upstairs and get dressed. We need to pick up your boyfriend and drive over to Rapunzel and Eugene’s house, okay?” He commented, watching his son’s excitement as he placed the lab coat back on the bed and sprinted upstairs. Quirin’s gaze drifted to the lab coat. He looked just like his mother in that lab coat, it was almost uncanny. He always thought about her this time of year and how much different life was without Ulla’s constant presence in the house. Nevermind,he muttered as he walked to the stairs, flicking off the lights and travelling up the stairs. It was in the past. Now, time to prepare himself to meet his son’s boyfriend.
  Hugo sat on the couch, his arms folded and pouting. There was nothing on but stupid goddamn Christmas movies! He hated them! All they did was brag that they had everything he didn’t have, like a family or gifts..it sucked. He especially hated them as a kid, wishing every year that he’d get adopted and have that one day. He’d always imagined his mom being a tall, gentle woman, who’d pick him up and put him on the counter if he’d fallen over while playing, placing a gentle kiss to his wounds before covering them with a bandaid, giving him a hug and sending him off to play. He’d also imagined his dad - a stern, blonde haired man with a soft side, who would always make time for him and show him what he did for work. They’d have good paying jobs too - his dad being a mechanic for some high-class company and his mom being a nurse. He’d had it all planned out. Especially Christmas, where he’d run down the stairs to be greeted with the sight of endless towers of presents, hugging and kissing his parents on the cheek after each one. Instead, he’d been ‘blessed’ with Donella, who couldn’t care less about him or Christmas. No parents, no luxury life, no Christmas. She snuffed out his dream on the final one really quick, being the one to tell him Santa wasn’t real (even though he already knew that, but the confirmation hurt).
  He was so lost in thought that he almost missed the sound of frantic knocking at the door to his apartment. “Who the hell is that?” he muttered under his breath as he sauntered down the hall. He ran his hands over his clothes, trying to flatten any creases that might be seen before opening the door. Varian stood, his hand raised as though he was about to knock the door again, with a goliath of a man behind him, causing Hugo to swallow thickly. Oh fuck was that man large. He could probably snap Hugo in half over his knee if he felt like it. ‘Please don’t call him dad, please don’t call him dad…’ Hugo found himself praying.
  “Hugh!” his boyfriend cried as he lunged forward and wrapped his arms round the blonde’s neck, who was still in shock at the sight of the man accompanying the titular teen. “Dad, this is my boyfriend, Hugo! Hugo, this is my dad!” he explained. Brilliant. Now he knew if he ever broke up with Varian (“Pfft, as if that’s gonna happen.” his inner voice reminded him, yet again butting in rudely.), he’d be assured a quick death at the hands of this titan of a man crushing his skull.
  “It's a uh-a pleasure to finally meet you, sir.” he finally stuttered out, trying to uphold his usual relaxed attitude, however judging by the crack in his voice, he’d failed miserably. He held out his hand, the older man exchanging his greeting and virtually concealing Hugo’s hand in his own, it being barely visible as it was shaken before being mercifully let go. “Why are you two here, by the way. In like-the politest way possible.”
  “You’re spending Christmas with us! Speaking of which, we’re meant to be at my sister’s like-right now! So! Let’s go!” he grabbed his boyfriend’s arm, only giving him enough time to grasp his coat, which had Varian’s present concealed in it, and scarf before pulling him out of the apartment and down the stairwell to the street below. Hugo listened to Varian’s rambling about their christmas traditions which didn’t seem to stop even as they got to the car and were heading towards Rapunzel and Fitzherbert’s house. Speaking of which, he’d never seen it, the only conversation he’d had with them being the...rather awkward one the day he’d asked Varian out. What a wild day that had been...it felt like forever ago, if he was being honest. It didn’t seem real that they were together at all. He gave the raven haired boy’s hand a gentle squeeze, his thumb rubbing circles into the back of his hand with a smile tugging at his lips again. He really was helpless for this boy.
  The car came to a halt outside a small cottage, very different to the one he had imagined the couple would live in. It was a surprise, albeit a pleasant one - what, a cottage out here in the middle of the countryside seemed like the best place to settle down. He just couldn’t believe someone like Fitzherbert would’ve settled for that. It admittedly looked kind of cute though, lights hung from the roof carefully and around the gate. Varian, however, gave him no time to admire the beauty of the cottage, grabbing his hand and pulling him through the white-painted fence and rushing up the steps before opening the front door. “We’re here, guys!” he declared and almost immediately they were swarmed by a mass of people.
  The only four people he’d noticed were Rapunzel, Eugene, Cassandra and Irene, pulling them into hugs and exchanging Christmas greetings with each other. The other three he’d recognised as Kiera, Catalina and Lance from all of the stories Varian would tell him randomly during their dates, such as how Lance had adopted them after they were orphaned (“Lucky kids.” Hugo had muttered to himself bitterly before turning away and staring out the window again). Hugo winced and grimaced at the exchanges, awkwardly returning them before heading towards where he thought the living room was. 
  Luckily, he was right, and he moved quickly to sit on the couch, immediately cringing at the sight of an excessively decorated and obviously fake Christmas tree sitting against the wall with a mass of presents underneath it. More reminders of the things he’d lacked all his life, he thought bitterly, before a warmth beside him broke him out of his thoughts. Varian cuddled into his boyfriend’s side, kissing his cheek gently with a soft, loving smile on his face. “Hey there, sweetheart..you enjoying yourself?” he asked, an eyebrow raised.
  “Yeah, definitely. Don’t you worry your pretty little head over it.” he lied over his teeth, praying his boyfriend didn’t notice his discomfort. It must’ve been his lucky day as, other than a concerned noise, Varian seemed to take this answer as gospel and just cuddled into his side further. Hugo thrived in their moment of peace amongst the madness of Christmas, almost like the week before where they sat in the park at almost midnight just cuddling on the park bench. This only lasted a moment, however, as Rapunzel called them all in for dinner as she placed various dishes onto the table. 
  Everyone crowded around it, Varian holding Hugo’s hand under the table as they sat side by side (the fact that Varian was left handed helped tremendously, considering Hugo was right handed and both could hold each other’s less dominant hand) with a shy smile on his face as he, once again, answered the numerous questions on how they met. All the while, Hugo sat uncomfortably. It was all too much for him - the family, the food, the absolute love...he couldn’t take him. “Give me a minute.” he muttered as he let go of Varian’s hand, standing up and excusing himself. Hurriedly, he left the room and sat outside on the steps up to the house. 
  He didn’t get it. How did he deserve any of this? He was a bad person and didn’t see how someone like Varian could look at him and think that he warranted any of this. He was a thief and a liar and messed up everything good in his life. Varian would realise that one day and leave him, just like everyone else in his life did. He didn’t want to admit it but..he knew he wasn’t good enough for someone like Varian. Someone so sweet despite everything he did in his past - someone so forgiving...he didn’t deserve that. The door opened behind him, quickly shutting before footsteps stopped beside him and none other than Fitzherbert sat down beside him. “What. You come to laugh at me or something?”
  “Nope. I don’t know why you’d think that.” Fitzherbert commented, looking at the troubled teen and sighing, seeing himself in the boy. He took a deep breath and looked directly ahead as he continued to talk. “I know how you’re feeling. I was an orphan too. You feel as though you don’t belong - like you don’t deserve any of this and you never will. But you do, Hugo. I know I don’t really know you that well, but I’ve been in your boat before and I know Varian well enough to know he adores you. Varian thinks the world of you and looks as though you put the stars in the sky. I’m not trying to invalidate your feelings - you deserve to feel however you want and that's okay, but you need to know that we all care about you so much and...for the record, Rapunzel was really excited to meet you again. Just letting you know, she literally texted Varian asking everything about you like your favourite flavours, colors..hell, even smells!” He let out a laugh, and so did Hugo, albeit a little weak. “You don’t have to come back in..but you can if you want.”
  Hugo bit the inside of his cheek before leaning and resting his head on Eugene’s arm, letting the older man put his arm around him before bringing him into a long embrace. One that he didn’t know he needed, especially from someone like Eugene. He let out a breathy chuckle before standing up with Eugene, making their way inside and sitting beside his boyfriend again. Varian gave him a concerned look, Hugo nodding in reassurance and raising his boyfriend’s hand to his lips, kissing the back of his hand before they smiled and continued to eat.
  As soon as dinner was over, Hugo found himself sitting down beside Varian on the couch yet again as the others exchanged presents. Eugene had got Rapunzel a purple frying pan (he didn’t question why, the woman seemed eccentric enough to adore the gift, gifting her boyfriend with a mass of kisses), Rapunzel bought Eugene a small ring to match her engagement ring, Irene gave Cassandra a leather jacket and Cassandra gave Irene a pink helmet to wear on the motorbike, Lance got the girls MANY presents that Hugo didn’t have the energy to remember. And that left him and Varian to exchange gifts.
  Carefully they both took out their boxes for each other, trading them and opening them at the same time. Both gasped when they saw they’d both bought each other a pair of goggles! Hugo gazed at the goggles Varian had bought for him. They were circular - big enough to fit over his glasses - with orange lenses and spikes around the rim, being painted grey all over. A leather strap connected them at the back, him placing them round his neck. Varian, on the other hand, stared at his in disbelief. A small, extra magnifier was attached to the left eye of the goggles, the rims painted bronze and gold with clear, colourless lenses. They were perfect, he silently decided, leaning in closer to Hugo to place a gentle kiss to his jaw.
  “These are perfect, Hugo..I..thank you so much!” he said with love and affection dripping through his words as he put the goggles on top of his head, his hands drifting to the vial around his neck and fiddling with it. It illuminated, shining a soft light across his chest and hands as he gazed down at it in wonder. He looked up at the blonde again, who looked at him with the utmost affection and a dorkish smile on his face. “Anyway, we should be heading back. It’s kinda late and I need my beauty sleep!” he joked, standing and pulling Hugo and Quirin along with him. They bid their farewells, Rapunzel extremely reluctant to let Hugo leave as she hadn’t learnt absolutely everything about him, but she let them leave after a while. They all got into the car and drove back towards Hugo’s apartment complex.
  After Hugo left the car, Varian walked beside him hand in hand up to his apartment. “Hey, look at this.” Varian said as they got to the door, bringing a piece of branch out of his pocket and raising it above his head. He raised an eyebrow in confusion, looking down at his boyfriend who quickly elaborated. “It’s mistletoe so you have to kiss me!” he declared, raising himself onto his tiptoes and puckering his lips. His eyes shut and Hugo’s face took on a grin, leaning down to kiss the boy in a long, sweet kiss, pouring every bit of affection they had for each other into it. 
  The kiss eventually broke and Varian headed down the hall and away from Hugo for the night, the blonde sighing. He pushed open the door, however it stopped part way due to a weight in front of the door. “Huh? Weird.” he muttered, sliding in through the thin gap between the door as his eyes met a package at the door. It was green and moderately large and, after Hugo had kicked the door shut, he crouched down and reached out to read the tag on the box. 
  ‘Merry Christmas - Donella’
  Huh. That was weird. Donella ACTUALLY getting him a Christmas gift? That was unheard of in his world up until now, but he still picked it up and carried it into the living room before placing it on the glass coffee table. He slowly untied the bow and raised the lid, noticing what was inside the box. It was a new laptop - one he had been working to try and get for months now. He didn’t think she’d actually listened to him when he talked to her about it. “Well, that’s a welcome surprise.” he whispered under his breath, lifting it out to see something else tucked at the bottom of the box. Setting the laptop aside, he raised it to see another jacket - this one he immediately recognised. She’d worn it all the time when he was younger and he’d always loved it, but now..she was actually giving it to him. 
  This one was a dark green with a few gold and grey accents across it, the crest of her company embroidered onto the arm only as big as his thumb. He smiled happily, his fingers tracing over the material as he carried both the laptop and the jacket upstairs to his room. He’d always loved the jacket, and usually Donella was overly possessive about her property, so the fact that she was willingly giving it up for him...it was a large statement for a woman like her. 
  He pushed open the door and placed the two items onto his desk, changing into his pyjamas and laying down on his bed. He took off his glasses and set them aside onto his bedside table, moving to hug his pillow close to his chest and imagining it was his boyfriend. He’d have to thank them both for their gifts when he had the time.
  “Y’know...maybe Christmas isn’t so bad after all.” he whispered to himself before letting himself fall asleep, a smile still plastered on his face.
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honeyxmonkey · 4 years
Flooded and Frozen
All of Corona watched in horror as the gigantic wave got closer and closer. Soon it would swallow them whole, leaving nothing behind.
The wind picked up, rushing ahead of the wave as if to only remind everyone of their doom.
Hugo and Varian stood next to each other, hands held tight.
Rapunzel was trying to come up with ways to stop the flood but there were none. The situation seemed hopeless.
Hugo looked at Milly who was tying her hair up, a determined look on her face.
"Milly, what are you doing?"
She looked at him apologetically. "I'm sorry you had to find out this way."
And with that she started sprinting towards the beach as if to meet the wave halfway. It got closer, nearly crashing down on the city when Milly thrust her arms out and a stream of white magic burst from her hands. It washed over the black wave of unforgiving water, turning it to solid ice. A shock wave of cold air blasted through Corona, although it only lasted a second.
The sound of the ice crackling across and throughout the wave echoed through the streets. All that was left of the terrifying eagre was a very tall sheet of ice. The frozen water stretched very far out across the fjord. Everyone was safe.
Snow gently drifted down from the sky, the people of Corona laughing in relief.
Hugo raced down to the beach, his heart pounding. What had just happened? Was that Milly?
He spotted his sister a few meters away, collapsed on her knees in front of the frozen tsunami.
"Milly!" He ran to her, dropping to his knees. He turned her face towards him, eyes scared and desperate. "Are you okay? What happened?"
She smiled weakly, worn from her recent burst of magic. "I'm fine."
"What happened? How did you do that?"
She lifted her hand and a small swirl of snowflakes appeared. They dissipated just as quickly and she dropped her hand into her lap again. "Surprise."
Hugo couldn't decide on being impressed, angry, or relieved. He decided on relieved.
"You're... you're okay and that's all that matters." He hugged her for the first time since they were twelve and she stiffened. She hadn't been expecting that but after a minute she relaxed and returned it.
"You're not mad?"
"Oh, I'm mad. Mad that you didn't tell me atleast."
She pursed her lips and looked away. "You knew once."
He stared at her quizzically. "What... what do you mean by that? I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have forgotten something like this."
Milly shook her head. "When we were kids, I hurt you with my powers. I thought you were going to die. When Mo-... when Donella got you help, she also took away your memories of my powers and told me never to tell you. I agreed because I didn't want to hurt you again."
Hugo bit back anger at his adopted mother. That sounded exactly like something she would do.
"And that's why you shut me out."
She nodded. "I was terrified of myself."
"And here I thought that you hated me or something."
Milly laughed a little and shook her head. "I could never. Telling myself to be angry at you was a way for me to not get close again. Worst mistake of my life."
"I sure hope it would be, Half-pint. Can't handle two prissy princesses hating me."
"Rapunzel doesn't hate you."
"I was talking about Nuru."
She laughed a little more at that. "You're welcome by the way."
"For what?"
"Are you kidding me?" She hit him on the shoulder. "I just saved your life!"
Hugo laughed and swatted her hand away. "I'm kidding, I'm kidding. Calm down Rice Grain."
They heard the sound of alot of feet running towards them. They turned and saw almost all of Corona coming down the beach, staring in awe at the wave of ice.
"Who did this?" Monty asked.
Hugo helped Milly up.
"It was me." She said quietly.
They stared at her.
"How? How did you do this?"
She sighed but waved her hand. Snow and ice swirled across the beach collecting in a pile of soft, white powder a few feet away.
Yong grinned and immediately jumped on it.
Hugo smiled at the boy.
The crowd of Coronans gasped. Nigel pushed Rapunzel behind him.
"Sorcery. Your highness, I told you that girl was dangerous. Look she just proved me right!"
"Calm down Nigel." Rapunzel ordered. "She didn't do anything to harm us."
Milly looked appalled. "A-are you serious! I just saved your life and you have the gall to accuse me of sorcery!"
"Look at what you did! You froze that wave using magic! That's sorcery!"
"I did it to save Corona!" She yelled.
Everyone backed away at how her eyes glowed dangerously. The wind picked up once more and snow started to swirl roughly around the group with a vengeance.
Even Hugo who had been standing close was now backing away a little. Varian had been approaching them but he motioned for his boyfriend to stay back.
"Mills, calm down." He said gently. "You don't want to do anything you'll regret."
"Regret?" She growled out. "Are you afraid of me now? Are you scared I'll hurt you?"
"No. I'm not scared you'll hurt me."
She looked at the way he was standing protectively in front of Varian.
"You're afraid I'll hurt everyone else..."
"No, Milly. I didn't say that."
"You don't have to say it, Hugo. Look at them!" She pointed to the Coronans who were still standing there, looking nervous and afraid. "They're scared of me."
Hugo reached for her but she pulled roughly away from him. The action caused a beam of magic to shoot from her hand, creating a line of ice spikes.
Nigel pointed at her in accusation. "Monster! She nearly killed me!"
Millicent backed away from the crowd, her hands shaking. She looked at her brother, tears forming in her eyes before turning and running into the snow.
"Milly!" Hugo started running too before Varian grabbed his hand.
"No, don't!" Varian begged, tightening his hold on Hugo's hand. "Don't."
Hugo looked back to where his sister had run and knew he was too late to follow her.
It started to snow more which was concerning because it was the middle of July.
Hugo glared angrily at Nigel who shrunk under his stare. As the blond stalked towards him Nigel scrambled away from, hiding behind two guards.
"Do you have magic too? Are you a monster too?"
"What? No. No I don't have magic and my sister is not a monster."
Varian nodded. "She was just scared and angry because you started another rumor."
Nigel shrunk further under Varian's glare. "She tried to kill us."
"Oh shut your mouth, Nigel." Varian snapped and turned to Rapunzel who looked surprised he'd just yelled at her advisor. "Raps, none of this was her fault."
"Do for her what you should've done for me. Help her."
Rapunzel nodded, trying to not let his words cut too deep. She knew he was right. He often was.
"Okay. We'll go look for her. We won't let this get bad, I promise."
Oh, how very, very wrong Rapunzel will be.
Rapunzel needs to learn not to make promises she can't keep.
And yes, I did take some lines from Frozen because that movie and the musical was such a big inspiration for this story.
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A Very Important Day
Word Count: 1,097
Warning; Cursing, Alcohol Reference
Thank you @princess-pathetic-112898​ for the idea inspiration
Varian, after quickly cleaning up the broken glass and spilled beakers, sat down next to Rapunzel and wiped his tears from his eyes. Dammit, he practiced so hard and in front of everyone...
Raps patted his shoulder, murmuring to him in comfort, “It’s fine, Var...”
Eugene stood up to deliver his speech, but everyone had already started to talk amongst themselves. He groaned and tried to grab everyone’s attention.
Varian pulled his goggles over his eyes while Eugene managed to grab everyone’s attention. “ATTENTION, EVERYONE!”
All the guests turned his way as he said, “As you know, our lovely princess Rapunzel will become queen next week. I am very proud of her, and I know she will do great...” He trailed off. He forgot most of his speech. HE FORGOT MOST OF HIS SPEECH?!
He cleared his throat and quickly sat down. “King Frederic!”
King Frederic has a speech prepared, but all that came out was a simple dad joke.
Queen Arianna tried to pick up where her husband left off. “Well, our dear Rapunzel has been here for... some time. But I am well prepared for her to finally become queen,” she announced, smiling towards her daughter. “I trust her.”
Jokes on the [redacted], Arianna was good at improvisation!
She sat down, and the chair collapsed on her. DAMMIT, [REDACTED].
She blew a piece of hair out of her face as the guests laughed. She stood up and held up her glass. “A toast! To Soon-To-Be Queen Rapunzel!”
The guests cheered, and Arianna said, “Now, she’ll say her part.”
Raps stood up, her glass in hand. “I can’t thank you all enough for this. I arrived in Corona 5 years ago, after meeting my husband, Eugene.”
Eugene smiled at her, and she continued. “I’ve encountered many ups and downs in my life, from being kidnapped, to cursed, and the adventure may not be over, but I can’t wait to be queen- Hic!” Her hiccups kicked in, and she knew she had to cut this short.
“A toast to all of you- HIC!”
She covered her mouth as everyone toasted (again.)
Everyone settled down and got up to talk and mingle. Raps and Eugene went to talk with her parents, and Varian walked over to his group of friends, trying not to show any emotion.
They looked at him, worried, and Nuru, trying to lighten his spirits, said, “You did fine, no one cared or noticed.”
Hugo smiled weakly and added, “Yeah, listen to Sparkle, Goggles.”
Nuru elbowed him over the nickname, and he tried not to laugh.
Yong asked quietly, “Could you maybe removed the goggles?”
Varian shook his head and held up his hands. “Guys, I’m fine-“
A random guest passed him and told him loud enough, “Good job dropping everything!” Varian trembled a little, and the rest of them looked at them, outraged.
“Hugo, comfort him, and me and Yong,” she whispered and pointed to the person, making a crush gesture.
Hugo nodded, Nuru and Yong were off.
Hugo pulled his friend into a hug, and Varian sniffled. “There, there, buddy...”
Screaming was heard in the background (and the sound of flames), but they ignored that. Hugo patted his friend’s head, and Varian muttered, voice breaking, “Hugo, I told you I’m fine...”
Hugo shushed him lightly, and Varian hugged him back. “You don’t have to pretend to be fine,” he whispered.
After a few moments of hugging, they simultaneously pulled away. “Okay, too much hugging.”
Varian moved his goggles to wipe his eyes. “Yeah.”
A guard dragged Nuru and Yong over, not a scratch on them. “Are these two your friends?”
Hugo and Varian nodded, and the guard groaned. “Kid, you have violent friends. They almost mauled that guy.”
Yong muttered something about doing worse, and the guard dropped them. “Keep an eye,” he said and walked off.
Varian laughed and thanked them. Yong smiled proudly and glared back at the beat up royal. Nuru smiled at him before saying, “HAH! YOU HAD TO HUG VARIAN!”
Hugo rolled his eyes, as did Varian.
They started talking about something science-y, and the scene panned over to Raps, Eugene and their parents. Frederic and Arianna were having a normal conversation, here and there telling her how proud they were, while Edmund, bless his soul, got... sloppy drunk and was babbling to Eugene about how proud he was. Goddamnit...
Eugene held his father up to make sure he didn’t fall. “Okay Dad, you’ve had a bit too much to drink, we should get you to a bed in the castle.”
Eugene tried to push him towards the door. “Yup.. Gah, you are HEAVY.”
Still slumped over, Edmund said, “Oh, please son! I can walk mmmmmmmyself!”
Eugene groaned and-
He turned around quickly as did Edmund (not as quickly.)
Everyone stared at the door in shocked; it had been blasted inward. A few helped up the guests who got hit by the crash and picked up the door’s spare pieces.
The party were in the main hall, surrounded by guards, no one could’ve blown the door in without... It already being planted there.
Everyone looked around murmuring worriedly, and Rapunzel looked around, concerned. Who would want the door broken in?
Then the lights began to flicker, and more started panicking. Rapunzel tried to calm everyone down, but the more she tried, the louder they got.
Then the accusing started, everyone around each other started accusing one another of who had done it, what they stole or their plan. Next, they started throwing food, and Rapunzel tried to climb up onto something.
All in the room shut up instinctively and looked to her for guidance. Before she could say a word, the lights went out completely.
Rapunzel sighed in disappointment as everyone screamed louder.
They came back on, and everyone shouted. “THIS CASTLE IS CURSED!” One yelled, and some murmured in agreement.
Varian called up with his friends behind him. “RAPUNZEL!”
She climbed down, and Varian told her, “I think there is something wrong with the castle, something doesn’t feel right.”
A red tinted mist began to swirl in Hugo’s eye as he smirked and commented, “No, there isn’t.”
Varian looked at him, confused. “What? We all agreed-“
Hugo pulled him into a cruel hug. “Careful, you wouldn’t want to embarrass yourself again.”
Varian’s eyes widened and he growled, breaking from Hugo’s ‘hug.’
“What the fuck, Hugo?!”
They yelled at each other; Nuru and Yong tried to get them to calm down.
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im-a-cat-with-a-bat · 4 years
Here’s the next fic:
The Snow Day (Angst with a lot of fluff too.) Find it here on AO3
It was so goddamn cold. The only snow storm Varian had ever seen happened the day of the amber incident, and at that point he hadn’t really cared about the wind, snowflakes, and ice.
“Varian, we have to hurry! Every second we waste, is another second an avalanche could block the cave!” Nuru’s voice shook him from his thoughts. The past day or so, they’d been taking shelter in a small cave in the mountains. Everyone was packed in, because Nuru said the smaller the cave, the warmer it would be. Varian had gone out with the princess to gather some food and supplies.
“Okay!” Varian had to sprint a bit to catch up, but finally, they were almost back to warmth and safety. He could see Yong and Hugo in the distance. The red and green blended with the icy winds to create a Christmas themed blizzard. As they got closer, Varian couldn’t help but stare at the taller man. Hugo was wearing his dark green shirt that made his eyes pop. Accompanied by his amber googles that somehow managed to pull the outfit together, instead of clashing with the Slytherin palette, his boyfriend was the most attractive person he knew.
“Hey cutie! How’d the mission go?” Hugo asked him, pulling him in for a hug. Nuru grumbled.
“Sorry. Hello cutie AND Nuru,”. Hugo corrected.
“It went okay. We brought more firewood, but we couldn’t find anything to eat,” Varian answered the original question.
“It’s okay, we’re not desperate yet, we can try again tomorrow. But just you and I? Maybe I could help warm you up,” The older alchemist said with a wink.
“Can you two cut the flirting? We have a child here!” Nuru snapped, covering Yong’s ears.
“What’s the point of having the cutest boyfriend ever if I don’t get to flirt with him every second?” Hugo replied.
“Maybe we should head inside, it’s freezing out here!” Yong shivered as he spoke. Everyone nodded, and and started to head towards the cave, but Hugo grabbed Varian’s arm.
“Can I talk to you for a second?” Hugo gave Varian a suggestive look as he spoke. Varian kissed him and pulled him a nearby rock that jutted out from the mountain, for privacy.
Not a second later, the mountains started to grumble and shake.
“I swear! Can we go one minute without a disaster?” Varian asked before a falling rock hit him. He lost his balance, and fell towards the edge of the rocky ledge they had been standing on. The fall wasn’t too long, only about 10 feet. Still, it wouldn’t be easy to get him back up if he fell. Sliding towards his partner, he grabbed for Varian, and just managed to grab his wrists. Varian was still conscious, and desperately tried to pull himself back up. The younger man slipped, and gravity took hold, dragging them both down off the ledge.
Blinking off the sleep in his eyes, Hugo swore loudly. He looked around for Varian, who was still unconscious a few feet away. He frantically crawled over, searching for a pulse on his unmoving lover. He quickly found one, and let out a sigh of relief.
“What the actual hell just happened?” Varian croaked out, awake at last.
“A rock hit you, and we fell off a cliff,” Hugo said, “We should try to find a way back up to the cave, I’m sure the others are worried.” The pair helped each other up, and started off into the trees to look for a way back.
After about 3 hours of searching, Hugo was ready to make a shelter, cuddle his boyfriend, and go to sleep.
“Maybe we should make a shelter now? It’s been dark for a while, and we’ll have better luck in the morning,” Hugo told Varian.
“Fine. I’m about a half degree away from turning into an icicle”. Shivering and cold, they began to stack some sticks against a tree for the night. The wove leaves through the branches for insulation and cover, and then climbed into the makeshift shelter.
Varian was huddled against Hugo’s chest, his breaths getting slower and slower as the night progressed. It had started out fine, they had cuddled, kissed, then done a bit more than kissing. After a while, they tried to sleep. But it was too cold, and even lying pressed against each other wasn’t helping anymore.
“Hey baby?” Hugo murmured to the sleepy alchemist, and Varian squirmed closer to tell Hugo he was listening, “Can you wake up for a sec?”.
“What’s up?” Varian replied.
“I just want to tell you something.”
“So tell me.”
“I’m really scared right now. It’s too cold, and Nuru and Yong don’t know where we are. I just want to say, I love you.”
“I love you too!” Varian was too out of it to recognize the danger they were in. He was concussed, tired, and probably a little hypoglycemic. If they didn’t make it out, Varian would never know what happened. He’d die naîve to what would happen. Hugo let out a sob at the realization.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” Varian asked, his blue eyes tinged with innocence and his eyelashes were covered in ice and snow.
“It’s nothing, just go to sleep. I love you so much. I love you more than words can tell,” Hugo stammered our, holding back tears. This could be goodbye. Varian looked so small against Hugo’s chest. He shouldn’t be searching for totems in the woods, close to dying of hypothermia. He should be at school, or at the palace, working with Rapunzel and the rest of his friends. Varian never responded to the second “I love you”, he’d fallen asleep, snoring softly. Staring at the man he loved, the only person he’d ever loved, Hugo gently kissed Varian’s forehead, closed his eyes and slept, accepting his fate.
“They’ve got to be around here somewhere. If they wanted to sneak away to make out, you think they could’ve done it without getting lost!” Nuru’s voice filled the clearing, shaking Hugo awake.
“This is even more a disaster than my water-proof fireworks!” Yong was here too!
“We’re over here, can you guys help me with Varian?” Hugo shouted.
“I swear to God, you two are the dumbest geniuses I’ve ever met!” Nuru told him, hugging him before dragging Varian out of the hut.
“Wait, Nuru! I think Hugo’s hurt! He’s got all these red marks on his neck!” Yong shouted, “Oh man, Varian has them too!”. Nuru stifled a giggle. Hugo blushed, unsure of how to proceed without making things more awkward. Varian was going to kill him when he woke up.
“Can we agree never to sneak off like that again?” Varian asked Hugo.
“I don’t know, how else am I going to show you how much I love you?” Hugo replied.
“By not almost getting us both killed in a snowstorm?”
“You ruin all of my fun.” Varian laughed melodically. Hugo thought this moment was perfect. Yong and Nuru has gone out to look for food, leaving the two of them alone, and they were snuggled against each other.
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blazardragon · 6 years
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English Translation of Korotan B: Chapter 2 - Mistake Time
Here’s chapter 2! In this chapter, Class E meets the mysterious boy, so we get some dialogue from several students. Though, Maehara, Isogai, Terasaka, and, as before, Kurahashi seem to make up the core of this chapter. Alongside Korosensei, of course. The dialogue in bold was bold in the original text.
Chapter 2: Mistake Time
“I kinda got caught~”
She blithely informed the students who came to search for her from inside the net. The sight shocked Nagisa. Kurahashi was caught inside a roughly-made net hanging from a sawtooth oak tree. She was holding a Caucasus beetle in her hands. Right beside her, an unfamiliar boy was sitting on a branch, shouting something incomprehensible as he brandished a bamboo knife. The other students were also baffled by the sight as they caught up.
“Who’s the brat?”
“Looks like a foreigner.”
“What language does he speak?”
“We’re in a bit of a pinch, aren’t we?”
While several students talked among themselves, Kurahashi introduced the class to the boy.
“Umm, the boy said something like ‘I return the hostages to assassination, they will be killed calmly.’~”
This only confused Class E.
“The hell does that even mean, Kurahashi!?”
“I’m just saying, that’s what he said.”
Korosensei finally arrived after following his students. Upon hearing Kurahashi’s and Terasaka’s conversation, he clasped two of his tentacles together and nodded.
“I see. So that’s how it is. You’re not hurt, are you, Kurahashi-san?”
“Then, rest assured, I’ll free you soon.”
Seeing Korosensei and Kurahashi interact so nonchalantly, the boy got angry and bared his teeth. He held his bamboo knife to Kurahashi’s throat.
“Shit! This guy’s serious!”
They had Kurahashi and the boy surrounded, but still, tension ran through the class.
“I return the hostages to assassination, they will be killed calmly.”
After the boy made this declaration, he said something else, this time in an unfamiliar language.
“Like I said before, we have no clue what the hell you’re saying! Try saying something we can actually understand!”
As though Maehara’s shouting got through to him, the boy pulled out another knife while keeping his bamboo knife against Kurahashi’s throat, one familiar to Class E, an anti-sensei knife. He pointed it at Korosensei.
“Are you an assassin, too?”
With Okajima’s conjecture, everyone else in 3-E began to understand the situation, but the tension didn’t disappear.
“Hey, release her!”
Upon Isogai’s request, which he made in English, the boy replied,
“If I let this go, you die.”
Impatient with the way things were going, Maehara took a step forward, causing the boy to move his knife toward Kurahashi’s throat. In that moment, Korosensei moved at mach 20 speed. He sneaked behind the boy in an instant, brushed away the bamboo knife, and freed Kurahashi from her net.
“Thank you, Korosensei~”
Korosensei lowered Kurahashi to the ground.
“Nuru-fufufu, a blade of that degree won’t reach me nor my students!”
Seeing this display of composure, the boy cut a vine that was clinging to the sawtooth oak tree. Suddenly, the ground collapsed and Korosensei fell with the dirt and debris.
Korosensei stretched his tentacles and stuck them to the walls of the pitfall.
“Phew, I’m saved.”
As he was wiping off his cold sweat, the boy jumped off his tree and attacked.  
The boy attacked him with a rush from his two blades, cutting the tentacles Korosensei was using to hold himself up.
Korosensei tried to escape from the pitfall in a panic, but he ended up tangling his tentacles together. With his movements dulled, the boy roared as he thrusted his knife toward Korosensei’s eye. However, Korosensei was able to just barely dodge the attack, causing the boy to lose his balance.
The boy began to fall into the hole. He grabbed some strands of grass growing on the edge of the pit, just barely preventing his fall. The students of Class E rushed around the hole as they watched everything unfold. They saw a number of anti-sensei knives tied to bamboo spears sticking out from the bottom of the hole.
“Hey, are you okay!?”
Isogai reached his hand out to the boy, but the boy only clenched his teeth as he clung desperately, ignoring Isogai’s help. The grass gradually began to tear under the boy’s weight.
“It’s futile, Isogai-kun. If the person you’re trying to help doesn’t want to be saved, then they won’t take your hand even if you offer it.”
“But, at this rate, he’ll die……”
While the boy was clinging to the grass, he screamed a few words in his native language. Korosensei responded using the same language,
“You can’t assassinate me with your level of skill. Now then, you will die if you’re left alone. I don’t intend to save you. If you want to be saved, you need to tell that to everyone in a language they understand. So, what will you do?”
Class E watched the two of them interact, completely breathless. With the boy’s reply, Korosensei turned around and began to return to the class.
The boy shouted at Korosensei, but, realizing the position he was in, quietly murmured,
“Help me…”
Isogai and Maehara quicky grabbed his arms and pulled him up. His eyes were wild, glaring at Korosensei without letting up. Korosensei spoke in the boy’s language once more,
“You sure are lucky my students know English. If you came to a foreign country without at least knowing English, let alone the local language, then successfully carrying out an assassination would’ve been impossible.”
“What did you say just now, Korosensei?”
“I was teaching him about the difficulties of language, Isogai-kun. Even if your weapons are poor, if you’re in a life-or-death situation, you must wield them. I think you all understand after interacting with him just now, but even if you know a little English like this boy, misunderstandings will arise if you fail to connect with each other. After taking such great pains to obtain the weapon known as ‘English’, it would be a waste if you didn’t know how to use it, wouldn’t you agree? How about you all try assassinating me while learning English with him starting tomorrow?”
“You’re makin’ it all about studyin’ again? Hey brat, he’s totally got ya wrapped around his tentacle.”
Terasaka told the boy as he cleaned his ear.
“Well, we have no choice. Once Korosensei says so, there’s no turning back. Hey, you, what’s your name? ……Umm, what’s your name?”  
Sugino asked in English. The boy proudly puffed out his chest as he answered,
“It’s Pui!”
“Nice to meet you, Pui~”
With an innocent smile, Kurahashi held out her hand for a handshake. Pui stared at the hand offered to him, completely unmoving.
“Ah ha ha, I guess he’s nervous~”
Shocked by Kurahashi’s innocence, Maehara held his hand to his head.
“Geez, you’re such a softie, Kurahashi. He just held you hostage but you want to shake hands with him?”
“It wasn’t that bad, y’know?”
Maehara didn’t feel like he could push any further in response to Kurahashi’s luxuriant, angelic smile.
“This looks like fun, doesn’t it, Nagisa?”
Kayano said to Nagisa with a carefree grin.
Korosensei has a habit of caring for any killer who comes to assassinate him with a rusty blade. This boy had set a trap, but he fell straight into his target’s trap instead.
Nagisa secretly pitied the young killer.
I tried looking up Pui’s name in an attempt to determine his origin. When I search プイ, I get the Bouyei people, an ethnic group living in southern mainland China and parts of Vietnam. Weblio also suggests that Pui can be Romanized as “Puey”, which pulls up some Thai and Filipino people. Basically, I can’t pinpoint where he’s supposed to come from, but he’s probably supposed to be of Southeast Asian descent. Maybe we’ll be able to figure it out as we go along.
Sometimes, I forget that Korosensei can be a bit brutal when he wants someone to learn something ^^;
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alkae · 4 years
They were Roommates
Chapter Five
Months passed and Varian and Hugo settled into a comfortable friendship.
Despite Professor Xavier’s better judgement, the two remained lab partners although Professor Xavier did keep a close eye on them. Hugo now read the packet front and back after he and Varian were told that every piece of equipment they wrecked would be replaced by them and come out of their own pocket.
Hugo had complained about that for nearly 2 weeks. “I don’t even have a job!” he had groaned one night to Varian. He was sprawled out on his bed, long limbs covering the entire perimeter. Varian had been at his desk, trying (and failing) to pointedly ignore him.
“Then get one,” Varian had said. In response, Hugo had groaned louder.
Needless to say, not a single piece of equipment had been damaged since that first incident. Hugo and Varian were good, obedient students.
Except for the times when Hugo didn’t come back to the room until extremely late. Varian would stay up those nights, waiting for him. He’d come in at 2 or 3am and the two would do homework until 4 and then pass out on the floor or with Hugo on the bed and Varian halfway on the bed with his legs on the ground.
“That’s sweet,” Nuru said when the two met up again in the library. They were bent over their computer science homework. At least Varian was. Nuru was doodling something in her notebook. Some girl she had a crush on. Probably her new roommate. Anyway. “So you’ve been getting along a lot better I see.”
Varian nodded. He couldn’t believe he was saying that he and Hugo McCoy were friends but things changed he guessed. “It’s been… nice,” he admitted. “He’s gotten slightly less annoying.” Hugo still made comments about his height but it stung less now that they were friends and constantly insulted each other. When Hugo called him Shrimpy, Varian called him Beanpole.
It was a beautiful friendship.
Nuru leaned back in her seat and tilted it as far as it could go without falling over. “I’m glad, V.” She smirked. “I’m so glad you have other friends besides me.”
Varian shoved her and her chair fell over. She shrieked and the librarian shushed her. Varian put his head down and couldn’t stop laughing until Nuru stood again and hit him.
It was going to be another late night for them when Varian saw Hugo pulling out his nice shirt from his closet. He suppressed a groan as he collapsed onto his bed. “Hugo, it is a Thursday.”
Hugo pulled out some jeans from his drawer. “So?”
“So we have school tomorrow. Do you really want to push this again?”
This time, Varian let his groan loose. Hugo threw a pair of socks at him. “It’s just a party, Ruddiger. Don’t worry, I won’t be stumbling home drunk tonight.”
“What makes you think I’ll believe that?” Varian asked skeptically. Even though Hugo had never come home drunk since they met officially.
Hugo turned to him and grinned. “Because you’re coming with me!”
That one statement had Varian choking on air and nearly rolling off his bed. When he collected himself, he saw Hugo rolling his eyes at him. “Jesus and you call me overdramatic.”
“Hugo,” Varian said slowly. “You know me. I can barely stand being in a crowded cafeteria. What makes you think I’ll be able to stand a party.”
“Because you’ll be with me,” Hugo answered simply. Varian leveled him with a glare before rolling over onto his stomach. Hugo huffed. “Seriously, Ruddiger. It’ll be fine. I’ll know everyone there and trust me, nobody I know are creepy perverts or creepy drunk perverts.”
“Besides you,” Varian muttered.
“I’m going to pretend I didn’t hear that.” There were footsteps and suddenly a weight on Varian’s lower back.
Varian grunted. “Hugo, get off.”
“I won’t get off until you agree to go to the party with me.”
“Why do you want me to go so bad?”
There was a pause. Then, “Because we’re friends. And friends go places together.”
That made Varian freeze. It was the first time either had acknowledged that they were friends. Admittedly that was strange but that was how their relationship worked. And now Hugo said it himself. Varian could sense him fiddling with his fingers. He hated to say it but a part of him started to soften.
“We’ll stay there,” he said slowly, “for one hour.”
Hugo cheered and Varian shushed him. “One hour. I will set a timer. If we stay a minute longer, I won’t tutor you for a week.”
“Deal!” The weight on Varian’s lower back disappeared. He turned onto his back and watched Hugo start to dig through Varian’s closet.
“What are you doing?” Varian asked.
“We’re going to a party and you certainly aren’t wearing that.” Hugo gestured to Varian’s outfit: a blue sweater and jeans. Varian looked down at it.
“What’s wrong with my outfit?”
“Uh, Ruddiger, you look like a nerd.” Hugo snorted. “I mean, you are a nerd but the least we can do is make sure you don’t dress like one.” He ignored Varian’s death glare and continued to rifle through his closet. “Don’t you have anything trendy?”
Varian slid off his bed and stood, joining Hugo at his closet. “Trendy?”
Hugo pulled out a different sweater. “Something not like this.” Varian hit his arm. “Sorry, sorry.” He dug through the back and then pulled out a dark blue button up. “Got any slacks?”
Varian nodded and Hugo pushed the button up into Varian’s arms. “Alright then! You can just wear sneakers. And also, do something with your hair.”
Subconsciously, Varian scrubbed a hand through his hair. He never really thought about it that much besides the morning when he brushed it. “Don’t talk about hair to me, Undercut,” he snapped back instinctively.
Hugo put a hand to his heart. “You strike me to the core, Hairstripe.” He smirked and clapped a hand on Varian’s shoulder. “Now get dressed, Party Boy!”
Varian groaned and pulled away from Hugo’s grasp. He headed to the bathroom and changed quickly. He brought the button up along in case he had a job interview or something. He never thought he’d ever go to a college party but here he was. It was form fitting and a plain dark blue color. It was a bit small on him and he left the top button open so he could breath. The pants fit just fine and he slipped his worn out gym shoes back on.
When he got out of the stall, he checked his hair in the mirror. His hair was slightly ruffled but didn’t look that bad. He combed through it with his fingers and prayed it passed Hugo’s approval.
Not like he cared.
He returned to the room and saw Hugo with a white shirt, gray jacket, crisp jeans and boots. He stopped in his tracks. Hugo was always good looking but somehow, someway, he looked better. More handsome. He wore the same ponytail and Varian was, for some reason, grateful.
Hugo was zipping his jacket up halfway when Varian entered the room. “Ah Ruddiger! You’re-” He stopped mid sentence as he and Varian locked eyes. “Oh.”
Varian cocked his head. “Oh what?” He felt himself grow insecure. Did he look bad? “Should I change?”
Hugo shook his head a little too quickly. “No no no! You look fine. I’m just…” He hesitated. “Surprised a little nerd like you could clean up so nice.” He muttered the last part.
“How nice.” Varian rolled his eyes. “Now can we go? I have a test tomorrow.”
“Fine. Jesus, Ruddiger, you’re so impatient.” Hugo grabbed his room key from off his desk and soon the two were walking in the chilly autumn air. Varian wished he’d brought a coat or something with him. He caught Hugo’s eye and Hugo took off his jacket and handed it to him.
“Hugo, that’s not necessary,” Varian said.
“I insist.”
It made Varian’s face warm but he put on the jacket and zipped it up all the way. Since Hugo had about 6 inches on him, the jacket was a little large. But it smelled nice. Like apples. It kind of reminded Varian of the first time they met when Hugo spilled the coffee on him.
Ah memories.
They got to the house in no time and Hugo banged on the door. Varian swatted his hand away. “Don’t bang, Hugo, we’re guests. Be polite,” Varian chided.
Hugo didn’t answer as soon a boy with curly black hair and gray eyes was opening the door. “McCoy! My man!” His dark eyes landed on Varian. He felt himself shrink a little behind Hugo. “And who’s this?”
Being the unhelpful boy he was, Hugo pushed Varian in front of him. “This is my roommate, Varian Ruddiger.”
“Hey,” Varian said, trying to keep his voice calm. On the inside, he was screaming.
The boy waved. “Hey.” He stuck his hand out to Varian. “I’m the host dude. Name’s Tyler. Hugo and I were in computer science together last year.”
This made Varian frown and turn to Hugo. “Last year?”
For some reason, Hugo refused to make eye contact with Varian. Tyler was oblivious. “Yeah man! When we were freshman.” Now Tyler frowned. “Didn’t you tell him you were a sophomore?”
Hugo coughed into his fist. “It never came up in conversation.”
Before Varian could say anything, Hugo pulled Varian inside and Tyler closed the door. “Well anyway, my dudes, enjoy the party! Drinks in the kitchen. Hugo, you know who is in the living room.”
Varian thought saw Hugo’s face redden slightly. He couldn’t tell, since the lights in the apartment were dim. “Good to know. Come on, Ruddiger.” As Hugo led Varian further into the house, he heard Tyler say, “Nice to meet you, Var!”
The second they were out of earshot, Varian pulled Hugo down to his level. “Why didn’t you tell me you were a sophomore?” he asked. He wasn’t angry. This wasn’t going to change anything between them. But then… why were they in the same class?
Hugo shrugged, still not looking at Varian. “Never came up in conversation.” Now he looked over, gaze slightly hesitant. “Is there something wrong with that?”
Varian shook his head. “No. I don’t care. But why are we in the same chemistry?”
“I forgot to take it last year. Stupid I know,” he said quickly before Varian could intervene. “But hey, good thing I did because then we wouldn’t be lab partners.”
“Oh however could I cope with that?” Varian drawled. Hugo nudged him and soon they were in the kitchen.
“Punch, Ruddiger?” he asked.
It was probably spiked and Varian hated being drunk with a burning passion. He got drunk a total of one time and it ended with him throwing up in the bathtub of his friend’s house. He remembered nothing else from that night. Or the morning after. And that frightened him. So he declined at the risk of Hugo scoffing and screaming, “Nerd!”
Luckily, that didn’t happen. Hugo just shrugged and said, “Kay. Suit yourself.” before pouring himself a glass. “It’s really good though. Tyler’s boyfriend makes it.”
“Yeah, I’ll still pass.”
The two went into the living room where everyone else seemed to be. There were college students everywhere, some on the couch, some on the ground, some standing around in groups of 3 or 4. He caught a few people making out and he blushed at the sight. He shoved himself against the wall, acting as if he wanted to sink into it and disappear. Hugo looked at him disapprovingly. “Are you going to stand there all night?”
“For one hour.” Varian pulled out his phone and set a timer. “When this goes off, we’re leaving.”
Hugo closed his eyes and sighed. “Alright. Geez you’re so strict.” He looked out at the crowd of people. He seemed to be scanning for someone, Varian noticed. He recalled what Tyler said.
“Looking for you know who?” Varian asked calmly. He ignored the sharp stab of jealousy that reared its ugly head at the question. Just because Tyler said you know who, it didn’t mean it was a romantic interest. It could just be an ex friend. Or an ex partner.
Hugo flinched. “No,” he said too quickly. His face looked guilty and Varian felt himself mirror the feeling. He shouldn’t keep Hugo to himself when a possible friend could be waiting for him. That was selfish.
“If you want to talk to them, go ahead.” Inwardly, he was wincing.
Hugo seemed surprised. “Really? You sure?”
Varian shrugged. “I’ll just be here. You know where to find me.” His face grew serious. “You have-”
“One hour, I know.” Hugo smiled a smile at him that, for once, wasn’t a smirk. Whoever he was looking for must be special to him. Varian smiled back on instinct. “Thanks Ruddiger.” He patted Varian’s head before disappearing into the crowd of people. Varian leaned further into the wall and exhaled loudly.
Okay. He was going to be okay. He just had to stay here and ignore everyone else.
That worked for a bit. He stared into the crowd, eyes glazed over, as party music flooded into his ears. He kept his mind going to keep him occupied. The homework answers, the chemistry lab they had today… who Hugo was going to meet.
He shook his head. He had no right to be jealous. Sure they almost kissed but that could’ve just meant nothing. And whoever this was must be close to Hugo or else he wouldn’t have wanted to meet them that urgently.
“Hey handsome.”
Someone was speaking to him. Who was this? He jerked his eyes away from the crowd to see a girl with dirty blonde hair grinning at him. He already felt wary. “What brings you here?” she continued.
Was this flirting? He was used to Hugo flirting but not other people. He shuffled his feet uncomfortably. “Uh, my friend,” he said. “He begged me to come with.”
“Thank god he did,” the girl replied unashamedly. “Where is he?”
“Oh uh.” Varian glanced around the room. He didn’t see Hugo anywhere. “I’m not sure. He disappeared a while ago.” How long ago was it? He wanted to take out his phone to check the time but he didn’t want to be rude. Although he wasn’t very comfortable here. He felt even more so when the girl cuddled in close to him, wrapping her arms around his and leaning in so their cheeks were almost touching.
“Good. I’d hate to have an audience,” she purred.
That was it. Varian squirmed out of her grip and backed up so quickly he nearly tripped. “I uh I uh I need to uh.” He pointed around nonsensically before he dashed into the crowd. He looked around as he walked, eyes searching for a blonde undercut in a ponytail. After searching the living room, he wandered around into the kitchen and stopped short. He found Hugo…
Pressed against the counter kissing a dark haired girl who’s back was to him.
Varian’s stomach clenched and he felt like he was going to vomit. He couldn’t move. He felt frozen in place as Hugo’s arm came around the girl’s waist, pulling her closer. So this must be you know who. Varian backed up slowly, head blank, feelings a jumbled mess. Somehow he found himself at the front door and then on the walkway back to his room. He didn’t know how he got there.
He was stupid. He felt stupid. The incident in the bathroom probably was just that. Stupid. Stupid stupid. He blinked away stubborn tears and bowed his head.
He never should’ve gone to the party. He never should’ve let Hugo talk him into it.
And why did he talk Varian into it at all? Because they were friends?
They were. Friends. His heart hurt.
When he got back to his room, he sat himself right at his desk, not bothering to even take off his shoes. He busied himself with his homework, head spinning.
Who was she? Did Hugo meet her last year? Why didn’t he hear about her ever? He searched his brain for any mention of a girl’s name and came up with nothing.
He put his head on the desk, tears swimming in his eyes. He wiped at them with his sleeve and then looked down. This night had been so hectic that he completely forgot he was wearing Hugo’s jacket.
A part of him felt smug because that girl wasn’t going to get Hugo’s jacket tonight. He instantly smacked himself for thinking that. If Hugo was happy, then Varian shouldn’t be upset. Hugo was his friend and despite everything, he cared for him. Friends cared about each other. And that’s what they were. Varian closed his eyes as tears spilled. Friends.
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fletchphoenix · 4 years
I Wish I Were Heather
Hello! Another varigo fanfiction! And it’s a songfic too ( Heather - Conan Gray). I’m kinda nervous to post this one because its got the first ever kiss scene I’ve written in it and I didn’t have time to edit it, sadly. But here!
Also can I just say I’m really grateful for the reception of my first one? Thank you so so much! 
  Once you get to know him, Hugo isn’t so bad. At least that’s what Varian thinks. He knows there would be countless protests from Nuru about how “people like him never change” and that “he’s just conning us” but...Varian neglected to believe them. He trusted Hugo more than anything, especially after the blonde saved him during the trial in the Earth kingdom. 
  He should have listened to Nuru’s concerns. “It’s not safe.” she’d said. “There’s another way round, this way just isn’t safe!”, but he ignorantly brushed her worries aside. After all, the totem was right there. If he could just reach out and-
  He felt himself stumble forward. His feet lost their grip on the floor. Falling. Once solid ground had seemingly disappeared from under him and he began his descent. Gloved hands reached out desperately for something, anything, to hold onto. And they found something.
  Hugo’s worried face stared back at him, a previously unseen determination in his eyes as he gripped onto Varian’s arms with urgency and pulled him up as fast as he could. Varian steadied himself to stand on the platform after the ordeal. “That was close-” he began to say before his words were cut short. He was pulled into a tight embrace by Hugo, who was still unresponsive. It ended as quickly as it was initiated (much to Varian’s disappointment) as the older teen stood up and extended his arm, grabbing the totem and wordlessly turning away to leave. 
  Yong ran into his arms and held onto him, a steady flow of tears trailing down his cheeks as he gripped to Varian’s shirt so tightly as if he thought he’d magically disappear if he let go. He prepared himself for a scolding as Nuru made her way over, however all he received was a tight embrace from the princess. All he could focus on, however, was his saviour. Hugo looked down at him and gave a small reassuring smile. It was so much different from his usual smiles...it felt softer. With more meaning. Affectionate. Hugo then turned away, and Varian could feel his cheeks heat up in embarrassment. 
  “Okay, time to go. Hopefully goggles won’t decide to have another near death experience on the way to Lunaris.” The blonde called out smugly, heading to the exit of the trial. Huh. So back to normal it was, then. The others seemed to agree too, all breaking their embrace and following behind the older teen.
  “Hey Nuru, are we gonna be there soon?” Yong complained from the back of Prometheus, Ruddiger curled up in his lap asleep. He usually rode on Prometheus with the others on foot, constantly complaining about his legs hurting or ankles hurting..not that it bothered anyone, of course. He was a joy to have around - always working on his fireworks and assisting Varian with his projects. Full of wonder and excitement. Just like he was before...well, everything.
  “Yes Yong, we’ll be there in a few minutes!” the princess replied from where she was leading the group. Nuru, in many ways, was an extremely valuable member to their team, acting as the navigator and the diplomat to them. The only downside was she wasn’t too trusting, specifically of..
  “Finally. You have no idea how much my legs are killing!” Hugo’s voice rang through his ears as he began to walk forward. Ah yes. Hugo. He was certainly a...character. Sure, he was rude, sarcastic and generally saw people as a way to get what he wants, but something about him made Varian feel all bubbly and flustered. It wasn’t that he was ugly either, with his undercut and sharp features and beautiful, emerald eyes...
  “Earth to Hairstripe?” Hugo called out, waving a hand in front of his face. Varian flinched backwards with his face reddening and heating up upon realising he was staring. “Damn, get someone to paint a portrait of me. It’ll last longer and be marginally less creepy.” The blonde laughed, a wide smirk on his face. Yet again, Varian felt his face heat up (but from anger! DEFINITELY not from embarrassment!) and he rolled his eyes. “You wish I was staring at you. Cmon, let's just go.” He mumbled and picked up his pace, trying to distance himself from Hugo.
  Within 10 minutes, they were in the city. Streets were bustling with carts set up akin to a makeshift market, with people weaving in and out of the streets. Children ran and played amongst themselves, Yong looking down on them from Prometheus’ back and desperate to join them. As they ventured further into the city, the number of people died out and allowed them a moment of silence amongst the chaos they’d arrived at. Varian tied up Prometheus in the town’s stables, setting down some apples for him to eat, with Ruddiger crawling onto his shoulders as they headed to the inn where the others were waiting.
  What he was greeted with was...surprising to say the least.
  Leaning against the counter was Hugo, seemingly small talking to a raven haired girl standing behind a counter. Her blue eyes shut and her head tilted back as she laughed at whatever he’d just said, a smile creeping onto the blonde’s face. Anger bubbled at the bottom of his stomach as he made his way over to the pair, a frown covering his features. Who even was this girl? 
  “Ah, goggles. Pleasure to finally see you show up.” Hugo started, smirking down at Varian. Varian raised his eyebrow and gestured to the girl on the other side of the counter. “This is Heather. She’s the owner of this fine establishment, and she’s invited us for a tour of town AND to see the fireworks celebrating the king’s birthday with her tomorrow. Amazing, right?” the other finished, resting his hand on top of Heather’s gently. 
  Heather nodded quickly and intertwined her fingers with Hugo’s. Varian bit the inside of his cheek, cringing at the metallic taste of blood quickly filling his mouth. “Oh yeah, definitely. Sounds..perfect.” he muttered before heading back over to sit with Nuru and Yong. As the two younger teens chattered, his gaze met Hugo and Heather again. They looked so happy..just those two talking. Hugo threw his head back in laughter and Varian felt his heart soar, but drop immediately after. It wasn’t fair. Why couldn’t he make Hugo react like that? Wait-why was he even feeling this way? What even WAS this feeling? 
  Varian groaned and stood up. “I’m going to my room.” he declared, taking his key from Nuru before she could protest and making his way past the seating area in the tavern to the dark oak stairs. Trekking up them, he walked down the hall to his room and immediately after unlocking it, he flopped back onto his bed. What was happening to him? Why was he so upset? Hugo was happy, and he should be too, so why did it feel like he was dying?
  His mind drifted to Hugo and Heather. He had no reason to hate her - for all he knew, she’d done nothing wrong at all. He pulled a pillow close to his chest and curled up slightly, hugging it as tight as he could. Heather...she was beautiful. More beautiful than he was handsome. The kind of beautiful that only came about in a lifetime. Hugo deserved someone like her - someone just as beautiful as he was. Wait- since when did he think Hugo was beautiful? Varian shoved his face into the pillow and screamed into it in frustration and anger. When did he even think like this? 
  “I’m staying. This is my family. I want to stay here.” he’d addressed the group in the living room of his cousin’s shack as they all prepared to depart and begin to head to Lunaris. His uncle placed a hand on his shoulder, a slight smile on his face. But of course Hugo was the first to speak up.
  “Really, Varian? You’re just gonna toss us aside like we don’t matter? What about your mother? Does that not matter to you either?” He spat, his anger and betrayal obvious on his face, his voice echoing off the thin, wooden walls. “After everything we’ve all done, you’re just leaving us? Yknow what- forget it. Yong, Nuru. Cmon. We have some trials to finish. Unlike some.” he added spitefully, turning on his heel and heading out of the door. 
  “What about us? Aren’t we your family?” Nuru asked, searching his eyes for something he couldn’t quite understand before she sighed and nodded, taking Yong’s hand. “I see how it is. Goodbye Varian.” she sighed and followed in Hugo’s footsteps, leaving the shack and pulling Yong along beside her.
  He didn’t understand. He was with his family again. He could be happy. He belonged here. Why did he feel so empty? So alone? He finally found somewhere that appreciated and needed his skills so why did he feel more isolated and hurt than ever? His uncle’s voice broke his thoughts and he turned his head to look at him. 
  “You don’t have to choose. We’re always going to be here when you get back. But those friends of yours? You can tell that they love you. As much as they don’t want to admit it, they need you there with you. Whatever you choose, we’ll support you but..we’re always going to be here.” 
  Varian’s eyebrows furrowed in thought, at war with himself. Hugo’s face wouldn’t leave his mind - looking as though Varian had stabbed him and proceeded to twist the knife. It didn’t look right for Hugo to be sad. He was too beautiful to be sad. Nuru and Yong’s reaction didn’t make it any easier either...Varian paused for a second before making his final decision. Hastily, he picked his bag up from the floor along with Ruddiger, pausing only to look up at his uncle. “I’ll come back soon. I promise.” He swore, smiling and running across the creaking floor to the crunching dirt outside. If he ran fast enough, he could catch up with the others. Hopefully they’d let him join them again. He prayed they would. 
  Ah. So that’s when. Varian groaned and shoved the pillow back into its original place on the bed, his eyes fixated on the ceiling in silence. Stupid Hugo making him feel stupid feelings towards him. It wasn’t fair. An exhausted sigh left his lips as he lay back on the bed. Maybe it’d be different tomorrow? 
  Tomorrow, as it turns out, was not different. At all.
  Their tour started off fun - Heather showing them landmarks in the city and talking about the history of the town. Varian tried to pay attention, he really did, but it was a strenuous task when all he could focus on was the way Hugo’s arm was around her. How he laughed when she made a joke and added the occasional quip here and there. It was a beautiful display to any outside, but to Varian…
It was suffocating.
  It continued like that throughout the day. Hugo and Heather being all lovey-dovey while Varian felt himself slowly dying. She really did have him mesmerised, didn’t she? Another laugh sounded out from her, as he glanced over in their direction. “Hey, how about we go watch the fireworks?” Heather questioned, the others agreeing in unison. Slowly, they began the journey to Lachlan’s Hill.
The hill in question was on the outskirts of town, but it was apparently the best place to watch the fireworks from according to Heather. In all fairness, the view was stunning. The whole town was illuminated by lanterns and street lights. All he could focus on was the way Hugo and Heather cuddled and stayed close to each other, preparing for the fireworks display. It hurt Varian to no end. He let out another sigh, tears welling in his eyes as Hugo wrapped his jacket around her. 
  That was the final straw.
  Varian stood up, tears now rolling down his cheeks as he grabbed his things and stormed away. He didn’t bother to pay attention as the others told him to come back. He just wanted to go home. He couldn’t sit there and watch it anymore. He didn’t understand. It’s just polyester, he kept repeating to himself. It’s just polyester so why are you so upset? He slumped down by a tree, sliding to the floor with his back pressed against it. Only then did he let himself truly cry. 
  “Okay, what’s going on in that head of yours?” Hugo’s voice asked, low and dripping with concern as he sat beside the raven haired boy on the floor. Varian couldn’t even bring himself to look at the blonde, tears still running down his cheeks. “Varian please, talk to me-”
  “Don’t you see what you’re doing to me, Hugo? How much it’s killing me to see you and her together?” He finally yelled out, interrupting the blonde mid-sentence. “My god, Hugo! To see her laughing and smiling with your arm around her and not a care in the world..it hurts! Seeing you two together feels like a- a stab to the gut! And it sucks because I can’t even hate her! She’s too perfect! She’s everything you deserve, because even though you’re a fucking asshole most of the time, you deserve the best girl in the world!” 
  “Varian-” Hugo tried to interject, but he kept on going. Days of pent up jealousy and anger rearing its ugly head.
“I see why as well! I see why you love her so much and why she loves you so much! She’s so much prettier than me. I don’t even see why you’d ever kiss me, because I’m not even half as beautiful as she is. I just- I WISH I WERE HEATHER!” He yelled out in Hugo’s face, finishing his rambling. 
  Hugo and Varian sat in a shocked silence, their eyes locked before Hugo reached out and intertwined their fingers silently. Gently, he pulled Varian closer to him and raised his hand to his lips before pressing a kiss to his knuckles gently. “I wish you were Heather too.” he whispered under his breath as Varian stared at him with wide eyes. 
  “I..what?” Varian questioned, moving closer to Hugo with his eyes still fixated on the taller male. He was lost for words - how could Hugo feel the same as he did? It just-didn’t make any sense to him at all. He let himself be pulled closer still by Hugo, their chests flush against each other as they looked into each other’s eyes again in silence. Hugo hesitantly broke the silence.
  “I love you, Varian. I really do, but I didn’t think you’d like me back. So I met Heather and she just...she reminded me so much of you. The black hair, blue eyes...tiny build-” He laughed slightly as Varian punched his arm. “What I mean to say is...I was trying to pretend that she was you this whole time. And that I love you.” 
  “I love you too, Hugo.” Varian said with a wide smile, tilting his chin up with his tears stopping. Hugo gently tilted Varian’s chin up, leaning in quietly. Finally their lips met and....nothing Varian had ever experienced could come close to the sensation. They moved against each other like it was just meant to be, in sync and in harmony. Hugo’s hand snaked around his waist as Varian’s arms wrapped around his neck slowly to pull each of them even closer than they were before.
  Eventually, Hugo broke the kiss to take in a breath. “Well, hairstripe. How about we head back and watch the fireworks?” He held out his hand, which he graciously took and let Hugo guide him back to the blanket. After taking a seat on the blanket they’d laid out prior, Hugo put his arm around Varian and pulled him closer. 
  And for the first time in forever...Varian was content to live in the moment.
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