#don't mind that i cant draw cakes
belovedstilldear · 8 months
It's for my birthday
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borzoilover69 · 1 year
YOOOOOO whenever i see your meta posts or analysis or posts i go fucking wild. Youare like Tomatograter's type of successor u just rose from the deep darks of the fandom and decided it was ur turn . i mean this, of course, in a psotiive way
I love your writing so much, you get their points so right and also you feed the pumpkin patch fandom very well and we really appreciate it, sheesh!!!!!
i would love to say more about how i love ur thinking but thats the thing, cant put it in words!!!
since im here already, i was wondering, do you think they would ever marry ? (and/or divorce lmao)
Thankyou!!! I had to sit down for a moment.. being compared to such a legend.. *shakes my head* my ego has been stroked, the fire is blazing, and ten children have died in the blaze.
At least i hope i am. I'm touched, i just suddenly appeared and started talking and all you funny people crawled out of the woodworks and started following me like little pikmin. That's a funny image in my head. Ok i took a break to draw it out and it is funny. It is really funny haha.
Tbh i just talk a lot to myself and i decided to put it somewhere other than the walls of my own room for once and captchalogue the lot because i talk a lot. To myself. Most of the time i look back and i think to myself "what was even the point i didnt even make a conclusion im going to fail my english major" but then i remember im not in school anymore so teachers can shove it.
I love dirkjake i'm actually pretty insane about it but i think that's obvious. I'm one snickers away from insane posting about them conciously and only the influx of voices i get about it staves me from putting it on my keyboard. I so get the feeling of not being able to put it in words. But anyways I've talked enough and i drew all of you guys as pikmin so as i was saying.
The only marriage i can see for Dirkjake is either one where they buy rings and then have icecream in 7/11 and then immediately forget about it until sometime they laugh about how they had that nonlegal marriage that one time. Maybe an exchange of vows but they really don't seem like wedding guys. The other option is one where one of them tricks the other into signing marriage nuptials which is really funny to me.
HOWEVER WITH THAT IN MIND. Im a BIG fan of them divorcing as many times per their whims. I think it should be a fucking bit. Like the divorce office has an entire department because they're like regulars at a goddamn bar they can't stop divorcing each other. Addiction is a terrible thing.
dirk texts roxy "Jake and I are eloping to the Bahamas." and then approximately ten minutes later "Jake and I are getting divorced in the Bahamas."
the way their friends know theyve divorced again is when dirk starts posting grindr screenshots making fun of the ppl he talks to on there. He has a priv account and he meets trashy guys and posts their credit card info on his priv for jane and roxy to freely use.
jane and roxy are out for brunch and jane gets a message asking about commissioning a cake and jane excitedly opens it, then loudly sighs and puts her phone screen-down on the table and roxy goes "divorce again?" and jane says "divorce again."
every time they get a cake from jane they ask her to write some funny joke about divorce on it but eventually she starts writing "get your shit together" instead.
jake says something kinda stupid and dirk says "i want a divorce" and everyone in the room laughs but dirk is dead fucking serious.
They're this one video from danny gonzalez. Holy shit do i have so much to say about divorce. Take a photo of me and my boyfriend.
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daydreamteardrop · 7 months
*hisses and throws self indulgent Jack Rose X Reader Fluff at you, that is 100% sleep deprived and Im too tired to remove the ao3 html formatting*
The stage was alight, gold shimmers all over, no fans awaiting him and cheering. Night swan has fled, afterall. The floor was so clean, Jack Rose could see his reflection in it and saw how the sounds of his steps synchronized with his mirror image. The red suit he adored, resting upon himself in a high manner, the only thing that stung in his eyes however was the batch of feathers, decorating his shoulder.His hand reached up, grabbing them and bunching them up in his hand, clutching tightly.
The image of his mother scrutinizing him. She's standing miles above him, laughing as she holds her hand in front of a condescending smirk, feathers falling all around.
Teeth grit, he was about to rip the bush of pink off of his jacket, when he heard heels echoing through the space. He tensed, and stood as he did, hand still in the feathers. The sound got closer and closer, he <em> recognised</em> the sound, not in a negative way.
Eyes averting to the ground he saw the familiar shape of someone he had come to adore, mirror image slightly warped, gold striken, yet nothing - no gold, no glitter, no otherworldly shine, could ever enhance the sun that she already was.
"You look tense…", she started, yet trailed off and he could feel it melt him. The sweet light tone in her voice entered through his ear and reached his heart. He let go of the feathers, hand sinking to his side, no words leaving his mouth. She stood next him, followed his gaze to their mirror images on the shiny golden floor.
It's been over five weeks since Night Swan had fled. The tower was as empty as it could be, yet people…visited him. He wasn't lonely, though he preferred to visit the others. The woman next to him, Y/N, she and Sara were from a different universe altogether, yet unlike Sara, Y/N didn't like to leave the danceverse. Always saying she preferred it here, she had nothing to lose. Sara also loved the danceverse, yet was more prone to frequent visits, than basically almost living here. Jack wished Y/N just lived here fully.
She started swaying a little and her frilly and upbeat skirt flowed with her. He swallowed hard. Finally, he opened his mouth to speak.
"What brings you here?", he tried to sound suave, his voice almost never betrayed him. He was a born performer afterall.
"I was just wondering how you're doing."
"How so?"
They were still looking at each other's reflections.
"Brezzianas beach party…you missed it."
"Right." He forgot. Too occupied in his own sorrow, perhaps.
"Is there a reason you didn't go?"
"No, to be completely honest with you, I merely forgot."
She giggled a bit at that. He raised his eyebrow and snickered. "You're not there either."
"Well…it felt off without you."
<em>Felt off without you.</em>
It rang in his head, like a loud BANG that you would hear from a large bell falling. Gut churning and butterflies rising. How can he help it though? When he first saw her, stood next to the others of the crew, a little shy and timid, yet when she had started dancing, there was an energy to her, drawing him in.
Maybe you could call it love at first dance. At least he did so in his head.
Only laughing at her statement, she lightly shoved her elbow against his. "What's so funny?"she was smiling at herself.
"Nothing, it's just…I'm so important that I'd be missed at a party?"
"I was hoping we could dance together."
"Her dances are a lot more workout than a typical waltz."
"I cant waltz, I don't mind doing workout dancing. And with you there it's like icing on the cake."
"Not in this suit."
She laughed again and that's when he finally averted his eyes and looked at her. Her eyes were squinted due to her smile, her pretty face a little reddened in a blush and he did his best to not turn red himself.Their gazes met and her expression did not change.
“You can't waltz? He asked, sounding appalled.
“No, not really, might sound off, but I have two left feet when it comes to dances like waltz.”
“I don't believe that.”
“Well, you have to.”, Y/N giggled.
Dark gloves suddenly meet a pale one and Y/N looks down. Jack grabbed her hand and pulled her closer. They have touched hands before, several high fives exchanged, why did she look startled? Why was his heart beating faster?
“No…no no no no…”, she laughed nervously, “...you're not gonna teach me that now.”
“And why won't I?”, his hands have already claimed positions, one at her waist the other one holding her hand.
"Because I don't want to miserably fail in front of you and on a stage!", she laughed, a nervous tone clearly visible and Jack laughed.
"What do you mean, "and on a stage"? There is now audience."
"But its still on a stage, you know?!"
They both laughed, Y/Ns nervousness was clear, but Jack somehow found it adorable. She was still in his hold and despite the hesitance to learn that traditional dance. He got an idea.
"Stand on my feet."
"Huh?? But-...your shoes!"
"Come on, just stand on them.", after saying that he pulled her a bit closer, trying to get her on his feet himself. But with a nervous laugh she did as he asked, and her shoes atop of his and Jack now in control of their movement. After making sure he was steadily holding her up, he started with the simple stepping pattern of the waltz. Box step being as far as he could go with her on his feet she slowly started to giggle. He continued swaying them like that for a while, observing her. Y/N looked down at their feet basically the whole time, sometimes her lips would purse in concentration despirte him doing all the work, her lashes were so long, he didn't notice it before. Being this close to her gave him that chance, to get another good look at the woman who stole his heart.
As if moving on their own, his feet broke the step pattern and started to just spin them around. Effectively creating a freestyle that would definitely look weird to outsiders looking in, but how good there weren't any. This tickled all the gorgeous laughs out of her.
"Is this still waltzing?" she almost shouted that laughter talking mix. A deep chuckle left his own lips, but he didnt awnser, merely getting caught up in the moment, gloved hands grasped her tightly and lifted her into a princess carry to then freely spin her around.
"Ja-hahaha!! Jack!!", her cheeks were blossoming with color besides the glowing white, he could feel his own do the same.
When he finally slowed down with a small stumble, he still held Y/N, both still laughing. His hand felt warm on Y/Ns back and one of hers was braced against his chest, the other one around his neck. She was the first to regulate her breathing, having done less work after all, and she thought about changing the placement of her hands, despite knowing she wouldn't be able to bring herself to, maybe she could indulge in the moment for a while longer.
He was still panting a little when looking down at her, realizing his cheeks hurt from smiling. That was an odd feeling to him. Of course he has felt it more often since he has made his new friends, but this smile here, with her, it felt even wider. “So? Can't waltz, huh?”
“You did all the work.”
He merely shrugged and let out a breathy laugh. Y/N couldn't help but giggle too.
“I should probably put you down.”
“Oh…right.”, but at that moment she decided she was stubborn. Her arms wrapped around his neck, heat rising to his cheeks, but he quickly startled all together, because she suddenly made herself feel very heavy. Like a toddler during some sort of protest. Holding onto her, he struggled a little to stay upright on his legs.
“Wh-what is this you're doing?”
Y/N only laughed and after another minute of just feeling him struggle, she lifted the weight from his arms and stopped challenging gravity. “Sorry.”, it was sheepish, she enjoyed this too much. And Jack set her down, shaking his arms as if to wake them up.
“Thats how you repay me for teaching you how to waltz?”
She belted a laugh. “You can see it like one of those trust fall tests?”
“Right.”, he laughed himself, his arms might have a burden less on them, but they missed how they perfectly fit against her body, like puzzle pieces. Sudden emptiness washing over both limbs. But her own smile hardened a little, turned serious.
“So…why did you really not come to the party?”
And his eyes widened. Was he always an open book? No, only to her. Her gaze pierced right through that performer persona, seeing the weeping traumatized boy beneath it. Lips pressed into a thin line, he first tried to think of a lie but knew it was pointless.
“...I was too busy moping, I suppose.”
Her face changed again, the hardened smile turning into sympathy.
“And I think you can guess because of what.”
She hummed in response to that, looking a bit lost in thought, as to what to do? To say? He didn't know either, only that he was embarrassed about still being hung up on his mother having fled after a raging defeat. But she remembered what he seemed to almost do before she arrived and moved to complete the job. Or she at least tried. Naturally shaky hands gripped the suspenders that held the array of feathers against his shoulders and Jack's eyes widened in shock, though she quickly figured out that she was somehow not able to pry the button and buckle apart and only grew frustrated. Jack smiled at her puffed cheeks and placed his hand over hers, undoing the suspenders with no issues. The feathers almost fell, but Y/N caught them and pulled them off his shoulder herself.
As soft as the feathers were, she only let herself marvel at the feel for a second before throwing it onto the empty space where a crowd would be.
“A fan of yours would have died to catch this just now!”, she laughed.
“Yeah, yeah. I'll probably pick it up later.”
“I guessed as much. I would have too.”
“My outfit looks empty now.”, his hand unconsciously met his shoulder, not used to there being nothing. And Y/N looked dumbstruck at that.
“uhm…we can trade jackets?”
“I doubt your short cut cardigan will fit me, but I suppose…”, he did think taking his suit jacket off might help the outfit. Having always had to keep an eye on his appearance he's quick to pick apart his outfit, knowing he needed to look presentable. When he shrugged the jacket off, he was left in his dark purple dress shirt whose sleeves were folded neatly barely above his elbow, the satin shined in the lighting. Looking up at Y/N he found her eyeing him, especially the tattoo on his right arm.
“I've had this since a rebellious phase in my teen years.”
“Oh! Uh…”, that snapped her out of the trance that seeing him shrug the jacket off put her in. <em>Was she…enjoying the view?</em> “So? Do you feel lighter? How is Jack Rose?”
“I do feel lighter, but what do you mean with, how “Jack Rose” is?”
“Well, I'm asking Jack Rose how he's feeling. Not Jack Swan.”
She said it so nonchalantly. So calmly. The gentle smile gracing her face again, and god, how can one person have so many different smiles? His facade broke down more. “Jack Rose is…happy to be where he is right now.”, he pretended to ignore the way his voice cracked.
“I'm glad.”, stepping closer, Y/N pressed him into a quick hug and released him again. Then she spoke again. “We're all super excited to have you with us. Who knows what would've happened, had you not joined our side. Never are we gonna condemn you for your past, it happened already afterall!”
She gestured a little wildly with her arms, to put even more emphasis on her statements, their gazes locked. “What counts is now and if I'm gonna be honest, I couldn't be happier to know this present Jack Rose.”
His head screamed at him to not act irrational, yet this was his last straw in a way. His heart was filled to the brim - more than that - it was overflowing, bursting, cracking and leaking all at once. Jack's hands reached out to cup her cheeks, as he pressed their lips together in a chaste kiss. His hold loosened and then tightened again when she reciprocated afterall. And so they stood there, kissing, on a brightly lit stage, their only audience being each other and their hearts pounding out of their chests. When they finally pulled apart, he whispered an I love you, and she teared up.
“I love you too.”, she whispered back.
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prettyflyshyguy · 2 months
Alright Season 3 lets give it up for season 3 everyone.
Cannot believe this show left me on "How do you know what you brought back it 100% pure Sam?" and I just said to myself
and then just didn't watch S3E1 for three days
Anyway. Liveblogging spn while I work tonight. We're bringing back the old days where I did this with x files if any of you remember that LMAO
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Kicking things off with a bang (and me trying to not post too many rambles about a stupid tv show, so I'm conglomerating my thoughts into big posts instead)
we have S3E1 - The Magnificent Seven
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Love this show's deep appreciation for full black contact lenses MWAH
cheffs kiss
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Sorry I know I should be focusing on the evil demon smoke going to infect whatever city this is but like. Do you guys actually genuinely have flags out the front of your houses like this for real
Like really. Do your houses really have flags like that.
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He is SO concerned
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No one is giving me practical effects like this show is and I'm living for this
I WISH there was more of a scene in australia cause god I'd work as a prop maker for a living if it was a viable career to do more horror aligned stuff here.
They've spiced up the camera work this season and it is FUN!!!!
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These two are great I hope they're gonna be regular supporting characters PLEASE
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Highly entertaining seeing Dean's superpower of "Flirt with woman successfully" actually used as a utility (bonus points because it's making him uncomfortable)
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Absolutely visceral death, but a real damn shame because these two were cool :(
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This show has no right just putting jokes like this right after a scene like THAT.
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These dickheads are far too fun to be a one off PLEASE
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Australian chanting
Alright that was a fun way to start a season. Nice recap. I get it. It'dved been a while since it last aired. I like shitty pissed off Sam a LOT.
Are you tired of being nice Sam? Don't you just want to go apeshit?
Round 2 Electric Boogaloo with S3E2 - The Kids are Alright
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Starting strong once again with a callback to Victorian worksafe ads!!
(Victorians know.)
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Love that Sam inherited NONE of the lying genes in the family
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I'm sorry you cant make the comment "as many as I can squeeze out" (EUPHAMISM) and then immediately smack me in the face with a fucking GUMBY REFERENCE?????!!!!!!!!!
Fuck off I hate this show. Fuck you dean you stupid piece of shit
GUMBY REFERENCE (how many of you know what that is LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOO)
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Look I get it, I do, but c'mon he looks so fucking awkward getting cake while these two women are talking about the explicit details of his prior intimate experience with Lisa from 8 years ago
Like what the fuck did they DO to illicit a reaction as intense as these two women are giving
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No I will not suspend my disbelief for the running gag No I'm not taking this too literally NO i don't have a problem with interpreting jokes
The closeup of Dean's face as his brain was doing the dialup tone killed me, then immediately PANIC but don't drop the cake (SAME)
Anyway. Lisa I love you. You're amazing. Please be done justice by this show. Please.
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Need you all to know I go through hell (HAR HAR) to watch this show
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And I thought my conversations in cafes sounded unhinged to bystanders (LITERALLY had some old dude tell me and a friend we were weirdos as we minded our own business drawing horror art in a cafe hgakjrhgkagh)
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HATE that my brain just went "NOT THE SARAN WRAP SKIN" (we don't call it that. Next I'll start pronouncing things more wrong than I already do)
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Not the white DS Lite!!!!!!!!
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Remember this kid you bullied in highschool? This is them now
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Oh this show doesn't pull punches and it has some NICE shots
Anyway bye Lisa I love you I hope you come back soon :(
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the running gag of bizarre interior décor hotel room never ceases to entertain me, I'm like a small child
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ran out of room for more images on this post so. Who knows maybe I'll fuck off or I'll do a part 2 tonight we'll see
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oflgtfol · 4 days
Ive never read venom 2003 before https://oflgtfol.tumblr.com/post/751671883581325312/nvm-about-the-comments-people-are-unironically#notes and bc of this post i looked it up for the art style and. I like personally just barely tolerate it tho im somebody whose just Immune to this point to ugly art styles ive seen em all they cant hurt me anymore but my thing is like. Isnt venom 2003 a thing spoof? Like based off the thing??? Why did they get a hyper cartoony guy for this…. Like… huh… isnt it meant to be scary i heard???
ok so a few things
regarding the art style first:
venom comics are quite frankly full of ugly fucking art styles so i too am kind of immune to them. just like, any of the mid to late 90s venom solo comics were butt fucking ugly. HOWEVER. venom 2003 is a specific king of ugly that is particularly atrocious to me. just something about the noses, the lips, the jawlines, it's basically just the caricature art style??? but like, in a comic for some reason??? and i also really hate the caricature art style so much i don't understand why people A. make art in that style and B. pay others to make art of them in that style
but whatever. ugly art is very common in comics of all walks of life. it's fine. but the real kicker, and the real thing i was talking about that prompted me to make that specific post, is this fucking page:
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i have such beef with this man over how he draws female characters. it is so needlessly objectifying and dehumanizing. like, the male characters get to just exist, but oh god, how dare a woman wake up from her slumber, we must must must depict her languid curves and the rotundity of her breasts !!! combine this very deliberate objectification with the stupid fucking pouty lips choice behind the art style in general, it's just so gross
and then, the icing on the cake was the comments on readcomiconline about that specific page from venom 2003:
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(how dare you put the good name of sleeper symbiote to shame like this!!!!!!!!)
anyway, and moving onto The Thing spoof:
yeah so the "shiver" arc of venom 2003 (because this god forsaken comic run is separated into arcs for some fucking reason) was a riff on The Thing (1982). which, how dare you put the good name of The Thing to shame like this.
and like, i do really think that a symbiotes x thing crossover idea could work. a symbiote who goes rogue, who has no qualms with killing anyone around and doesn't care about its hosts, absolutely would basically be like The Thing and as a fan of body horror i'd love to see a take on symbiotes like that. instead of just oh big claw monster kills people, what about big goo alien assimilates you and rends you apart atom by atom !?!?!?!!? just wish it wasn't in the image of Venom Symbiote, my beloved babygirl who has never done anything wrong ever in its entire life
and yes, the body horror aspect of symbiotes x thing doesn't even hit correctly because the art style is just so atrocious. like, the body horror itself isn't grotesque because the art itself is grotesque, and not in any meaningful way. like Venom: The Hunger (1996) is also quite fucking ugly with its art style but its purposefully ugly - the muted, putrid colors with the heavy black shading are meant to be off-putting, to visually echo the frame of mind that symby, and by extension eddie, is in. because the whole story is about how symby is sick, so a putrid color palette feels sickly, and the grotesque shading makes every character look monstrous, because the sickness is warping their sense of reality and genuinely making them feel like they're surrounded by monsters. IT WORKS FOR THE STORY!!!! but venom 2003 it's just, plain bad art. it's cartoony, it's like a caricature, it does not lend itself to body horror on par with The Thing. caricature art styles are great for like, an uncanny valley feel, but that's not what venom 2003 is going for. it has the chutzpah to show rooms littered with dead bodies, but the art style is so fucking messy and chaotic that i literally cannot make sense of what i'm looking at, so therefore the horror of it doesn't hit me. there is no visual clarity or purpose and worst of all IT'S SEXIST and i hate it
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starkiller-009 · 11 months
Hello!! I love love love your arts. I feel like a lot of them have a sense of 'movement' which contrasts a lot of very polished artworks.
I love works with meticulously planned composition, layers, highlights, etc. I love works with a certain kind of loose yet purposeful application of value and colors. (The Two Cakes thing in the fandom). And I noticed that your arts belong to the latter category which I can rarely find!
If you don't mind me asking, do you have any artists or artworks that you're heavily inspired from? Do you draw on a pen-tablet, IPad, or other media? What application are you using? I feel like three questions are already too much for one ask so you don't need to answer them if you don't want to. I enjoy scrolling through your blog either way!
Hiiiiiiiiii dear anon!!! thank you soo much for sending this message! it made my day 🧡🧡🧡 Loose but thoughtful art is what im striving for so its really make me happy to hear that i have some success in that Answering your question i draw using some cheap old model of genius pen-tablet. Bought it 10 years ago as my first device. Still running. Heard a lot of shitty comments about quality of genius tablets at that time, but even more only about Wacom in recent years i think (fuck them. Wtf with pen's tips that are constanty erasing. For who this product is made for. Ew). as for the apps, i use clip paint studio, for studies - heavypaint (great thing). There are AMAZING artists on tumblr who inspire me heavily with their works. like. i follow ~400 ppl here. because i like to stare at art. so. im gonna talk about my favorites! @crowthis - king. queen. i dont know the pronounces sorry. they draw magnificent things i love their style SO much, its such an inspiration. sometimes i just visit their blog to go through art tag and experience all that beauty. (half of their wrks i have downloaded on my desktop) It's loose, quite 'chaotic', but SO atmospheric. The mood, composition, texture, everything. Themes. I like black and white drawings as much as the ones with colours, it so bright and blatant\bold in a way, but it works perfectly, it gives your the right sense of the work. Even tho usually i prefer more calm colours, it makes me go 'wow!' And their works looks really simple and intuitive but as an artist you know that haha no its fcking hard to do things like that. it takes skill and knowledge. loose work is tricky
@frozensoba - idk how much time i could stare at their recent fish drawings like jesus christ. i wish i could do that. i want to be able to do that. my ass is ready to work every time i see it and drawings like these really inspire me to draw simple things and non-humans bc i feel like you can draw beautifully everything that exists. you just need to know how. Colours, texture, rhytm, lines... everything on its place. I love colours especially. Its very gentle kind of harmony going on there, and the palette is huge, intricate.
@nerdyhideoutphilosopher-2 - going crazy over their works. honesty dont know what to say. go look and see. unique voice Artists id like to mention as well: @dynasoar5 - i mean. just go and look at that. i love how loose and messy kind of rendering is but it looks amazing. and overall. simply amazing drawings fuck yes @jadenvargen - just go and look at his works. i see no point in talking. simply beautiful. looks easy but also hard as fuck. the colours are so bright and rich and very bold but somehow everything is right on its place. it leads you where it should. just wow. the skill i respect @snippit-crickit - once again. beautiful. i really love their studies and how they render things, the colours. @sen-art-acc - LINE WORK. LINE WORK. go check it out. LINE WORK!!!! and i simply like how tidy and clean the drawings look like with colours. i cant do stuff like this. i have zero patience to be this accurate and precise. Also if you love loose artwork i should recommend you those artists for sure @shican, @dude-standin i love as well @wuntrum and @cordspaghetti works a lot. I followed both of them because mcr fanart i guess? tho never was into mcr and stayed for the drawings alone Also, if we're speaking about more "pro" (dont like this term either, forgive me) kind of artists i have some huge inspirations as well (tho my art not in any way reminds of them im afraid lmao. but i hope maybe in ten or ok 30 years or more ill be somewhere). There are a ton of artists i like, but its for another post i guess. To much talk. So here we go Sergio Toppi - he's an amazing at working with lines and composition. I have his comic books on my bookshelf. I open it everytime i want to get energy to draw. You cant look at his drawings and NOT to get inspired. He's incredible. The rhytm, the shapes... damn. i can look at his drawings for hours. And he was the main inspiration to work with lines and composition more, to play with it more. I dont have a lot of line-work on this acc (last quiobi drawing, some year\two-old dghda drawings, eugene one) but i actually exercise it a lot. Lines are extremely powerful tool. And as for composition... The shapes, negative spaces, love it. And he's extremely good at working with colour too.
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Francis Vallejo - he's illustrations are so good... he's incredible with composition and rhytm his drawings have. Negative spaces, one again.
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Anders Zorn - i adore his black and white graphic drawings. Angles, framing, line work. Spent a lot of time looking at his works. Cant get enough of it. The way he draws people, the plot, themes. What he chooses to portray, the way people look, what they do. There is such a special mood to his drawings, there is something extremely psychological about it, isn't there? he's a master im mesmerized by
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Bernie Fuchs - composition, rhytm, once again. I love it when you want to look at something for more then 2 seconds, because the rhytm of the drawings leads you into different places and opens its plot in parts. No matter where you look u'll find something interesting and even though there is lot of going on its still not a mess and looks and feels fucking awesome. And i love his colour palettes too. He's very good at setting the mood (check out his less commercial works)
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As for the colour here's a few i love. (Though they're still extremely good with everything else)
Hovsep Pushman - the man is a mystery. His work with colours, light and texture is beyond me. Also it has disco elysium vibe to it. I dream of being capable of something like this when im sixty or so (im not gonna be)
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Mead Schaeffer - simple but powerful. Looking at his works like eating a tasty ice cream.
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same goes to Dean Cornwell - though its a bit more complex, his composing. You need to pay more attention
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I'd like to mention one other artist - Jamie Wyeth. his works are something else entirely, i dream of drawing like this one day. Loosiness, themes, mood. Ill probably cry if i see those ones in real life one day, somehow special to my heart, relates
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He has these series - "Seven deadly sins". Ive been in love for some time
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As for the inspiration drawings on itself - thinking about it im coming back to dragon age tarot cards. Not all of them, but i still go 'jesus i want to draw like this' at some, through years. This one especially.
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Soooo Thats it i guess! I mean. I love to talk and talk about art especially. I probably could write ten more posts like this no problem. I actually heavily into landscape painters since... Well. Nature. Ice, oceans, sky. I sadly havent really tried to get into the genre myself, i do not draw lots of backgrounds as you can see. Should work on this probably, life's short. But im always happy to share my fav artists! So hit me up whenever. dm or send an ask! And a beautiful work for the ending
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ninja-gay-go · 3 years
this might be weird but uhhh acronix meeting cryptor for the first time? and being impressed by him? (romantic) if you cant write that can i request a "midnight snack" glaciershipping thing? ^^
this is for @jaymi-and-their-shit, I really wanted to make this ficlet too!
Midnight Snack (Glaciershipping)
"Say ahhh-" Cole didn't mind the way his android boyfriend babied him. He opened his mouth to let the delicious forkful of chocolate cake in. He chewed with a slow take, savoring the flavor.
"Is it good?" "The best."
Cole swallowed his bite, watching as Zane went to scoop another bite. "Ah ah- you haven't gotten a bite yet!"
Zane stopped as Cole stole the fork. "But... I don't need to eat."
"Pfft- Eat. Don't eat. You made this," and holy crap was is delicious. "You deserve to indulge too, Pinky."
Zane's cheeks glowed a polite blue as Cole held up the fork to his mouth. "Plus I know you steal Kai's flame chips when he's not home."
Zane's face glowed brighter. "He shouldn't leave the bag open when he's not eating them. They get stale."
A mouthful of cake is then placed to his lips.
The surprise of it takes a second to register for the android, a second more to taste his wonderful work.
He draws away, eyes closed, and chews. Never pondering the melting sensation on his lips.
He knew it was the frosting on the cake, feeling the Earth ninja's lips on his own.
Midnight Delights.
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lazzledazzler · 3 years
What's each RF5 bachelor like? I don't mind spoilers! From what I've heard, Cecil = Kiel; Martin = Forte (loves his lil bro <3); Reinhard = Forte again (not sure how he's different from Martin?); Ryker = Doug + Raven (they're opposites i know sksksksk, slacker boi who tries to act cool = Doug, cold and blunt but shy = Raven); Lucas = Arthur + Gaius (polite, proper speaking style = Arthur, witty in a calm way = Gaius); Murakumo = Volkanon. Big thanks for getting through this messy list!
mmm if u wanna draw comparisons to previous characters you're not far off with most of them...lucas isnt like gaius tho imo and murakumo is only similar to volkanon in that hes also loud sometimes. he's actually more like vishnal. Cecil: very similar to kiel in that he's energetic, naive, gossips, and is a twink obvs. backstory also involves his parents just like with Kiel and Forte. He also mentions he enjoys reading but I don't think he's as smart as Kiel is though despite the whole detective trope. Martin: v serious. obsessed with forging. overworks himself due to it. in that way he's similar to Gaius. As you say he's very protective over Cecil just like Forte is with Kiel. Favorite dish is fruit sandwich just like his brother but he is slightly embarrassed about it (in the same way Kiel and Forte both love choco cake but forte tries to hide it). tbh theyre almost exactly like Kiel and Forte it's uncanny... Reinhardt: Calm natured and kind. He's sorta like Forte + Sofia? He's bad at cooking but good at sewing. my favorite to have in my party. He eats failed dishes bc he cant recognize bad tasting food as bad?? He's not at all like Martin imo... Ryuka: he's a chuuni. obsessed with darkness, treasure, and napping. sees Palmo as a father figure. he's also kind of an idiot. and childish. and he has a bad attitude but is caring deep down. so really he's like doug and dylas's love child... Lucas: He's also kind of an idiot but the clueless kind. He does speak v formally. Because he is quite literally 'God', he can pretty much do anything with his powers and can make things disappear and reappear elsewhere. He does so often for the children in town bc he loves kids and making people smile. has an unhealthy obsession with udon. Murakumo: another idiot....town is full of morons so i hope ur a morosexual sksksk he's bad at like, everything lmao. He wants to make his inn famous after his parents' inn went under due to his mistakes prior to the game. however he often breaks furniture in his current Inn bc he cant control his own strength. basically the genki boy of the group. loud and like the big teddy bear/uncle. endearing.
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chikkou · 3 years
This is bizarre, I know, but I don't know what else to do. You honestly seem like my best bet. I bought a cake, and the eyes on it are so familiar. I've seen these eyes in a Tumblr post, a cartoon man. The image drawn is my best attempt to recreate the man in my minds eye. It's been weeks and I haven't found what I'm looking for, nor can my brain recall anything else about it. It's on the tip of my tongue and it's driving me crazy. Have You Seen This Man?
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ok ive had this message in my inbox for a few days and ive literally been sitting here tryna figure out what this could be cause it looks SO familiar... and after careful deliberation i have 2 theories
1) this looks like the artwork of "mysillycomics" which tends to be like this:
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2) i literally cant find the drawings rn but there were those old 90s posters that every classroom had where everything in the drawing was smiling the EXACT SAME SMILE and it looked very similar to the drawing u did! i wish i could show u what i mean but i cant find it cause i dont know the name of the artist LMAO
if anyone else has any ideas pls supply them.. these are my best educated guesses
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Hi hi!!
May I have cake please, if you don't mind :)
Sooo I'm sorta tall, maybe about 5'9, and my zodiac sign is an Aries.
And I have an undercut?? Short wolfcut hair but it's sorta like bed hair now-
I mostly sleep a lot, I'm pretty lazy, and I game a lot.
Im quiet and awkward at first but when it comes to my friends that's when I am loud.
I often tease them but not to much of course.
I'm also very clingy, like.. The touchy clingy.. Idk-
But I'm very clingy to those very close to me
And I'm basically short tempered so I either go through my phone or eat something.
Oh, and I also enjoy experimenting with my clothes, it's mostly alt aesthetic but I can experiment on other aesthetics.
I also like to draw, but if I have the motivation to do so.
Romantic Matchup
Suna Rintarou
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How Y’all Met
You two have been friends since you were little
Like you two practically grew up together
But when he moved to go to Inarizaki
You two lost touch for a little bit :(
But fate must’ve had different plans for you two
Cause you transferred to Inarizaki one year later :D
You we’re walking down the halls trying to find your class
When suddenly you hear a “y/n?”
You turned around to see the one and only
Suna Rintarou!!!!
Omg when I say you TACKLED him for a hug
Like mans fell over
But he didn’t care
He was really happy to see you two
But your little moment was interrupted by a certain blonde...
“Damn Suna I didn’t know ya were such a lady’s man”
Suna rolled his eyes before standing up and introducing you to his twin teammates
You all were talking for a little bit when the bell rang and it was time to go to class
Suna asked you what class you had
And apparently you both had the same class 👀
So you both went to class together
In fact you two spent the rest of the day together
And the next day...
And the day after that...
You two were attached at the hip at this point
So when Suna finally asked you to be his s/o
Of course you said yes!
What They Love About You
He loves that your kinda lazy
Because now he doesn’t have to be worried about being lazy himself 😃
Lazy Suna + Lazy Y/n = Many naps and cuddles ❤️
Omg he DOES NOT mind that your clingy AT ALL
He’s a little protective himself
So whenever you two are out in public expect a hand around your waist
Or his hand in yours
He loves your alt aesthetic
Of course
But he doesn’t mind that you change it up every now and then
But his favorite one will forever be alt 🖤
Favorite Things To Do Together
Naps of course
But but but
He has a thing where he can’t sleep without some background noise
So y’all will get all cozy on the couch
Put on a movie
THEN pass out 😌
You’ll stay awake while he falls asleep in your lap 🥺
Random Hc
There was a point in time where Atsumu was trying to get with you
Suna put a end to that REAL quick
That’s also when he realized he had feelings for you
this mf records you when you get mad
He’s the type of guy that goes
“Your so cute when your mad babe”
Annoying mf
But whateva 🙄✋
There was a show you REALLY wanted Suna to watch
But he passed out 💀
And when you asked him about it
He just acted like he knew what you were talking about 🤷‍♀️
In Sunas head: I haven’t a clue what’s going on here...but I’ll act like a do 😀
When Aries and Aquarius come together in a love match, the combination of Aquarius vision and Aries action makes them a highly creative pair.
Their relationship is anything but static; they can be competitive, but life with these two is never dull!
Zodiac Signs that are two apart tend to have a special connection, and these are no exception.
They are great friends as they communicate really well.
They have a special understanding of one another’s idealistic, enthusiastic outlook on life.
They both crave excitement and new experiences — the wilder and stranger, the better.
They’re both into thrills and showing off.
Many Aries-Aquarius relationships are based on mutual admiration.
Aries loves how unique Aquarius is, their inventive vision of the world; Aquarius loves Aries for their energy and initiative — Aquarius gets new ideas all the time but sometimes finds it hard to carry them out.
Since both Signs prize independence, Aries’s tendency toward possessiveness can push Aquarius to become aloof or detached as a self-preservation tactic.
Though they have that special connection, they do see the world in very different lights, which they both need to understand.
Aries can be too involved for Aquarius’s taste, and Aquarius in turn may be too unpredictable for Aries.
As it turns out, Aquarius is the one Sign that has Aries beat when it comes to spontaneity!
As long as both partners reassure each other that the relationship is important and secure, things will be just fine.
Their ability to achieve so much when they work together.
Cardinal Fire and Fixed Air cover all the bases.
Theirs is a relationship of vision as well as practice.
Overall Aesthetic
Lazy Days 😴
Lazy Song - Bruno Mars
Cant Sleep Love - Pentatonix
Loves gonna get you killed - Samtozi
In my head - Bedroom
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tigerdrop · 4 years
Okay, I'm gonna adress the elephant in the room, ya all folks like to draw each other's Benrys hanging with their Benreys or doing nasty together so don't tell me some of you folks have not discussed or at least thought about a free for all Freeman gangbang with them all. (Gonna admit I make this sound so hardcore when in my mind they actually all play nice for Gordon just cuz they don't quite know if this Gordon has the same limits as "their" Gordon so they gotta make sure at first at least)
i got to thinking about this and your brain is very huge, and wrinkled, for this. here are those thoughts (also they ended up turning into “okay but what if HL gordon ended up in the hlvrai universe and cucked the unholy hell out of hlvrai gordon” at the end. please do not fucking observe me)
can u imagine. 3 gordons powertripping so hard over finally being able to overpower benrey that it sets off fucking geiger counters. and gordons not a weak guy as it is! hes strong enough to catch benrey in his arms when he jumps, so, 3 of him? Hello
c.an you imagine the- what if one or all of them just, yknow. let out a really nasty evil laugh a little bit. or more than a little. i mean. the sheer concentrated satisfaction 
"haha, oh man. you actually like this, dont you?"
benrey, flushed and sweating and hard as a rock: "uhhh, what? no,"
"okay. fine. say it again and we'll let you go."
benrey: (utter fucking silence while trying not to meet any of their eyes)
and. you know. double.....penetration......if anybody can take it its fuckin benrey. mans bein sandwiched between two gordons while a 3rd jerks off over him and fingerfucks his mouth? On Fucking God. if i didnt have like 3 art commissions i still gotta finish i would be dropping everything to draw this but for now you will just have to envision it yourself. minds eye
but also another vaguely-related thought i had was: HL gordon cucking hlvrai gordon. okay, goodbye 
all of that effortless, silent confidence.......hlvrai gordon seeing how its winning benrey over (and, you know, the later HEV suits being a lot more visually flattering than HL1 gordons not helping matters) and being insanely fucking jealous for reasons he does not want to interrogate 
but like......what the hell can he do about it without admitting that he feels jealous that benreys clearly attracted to this version of him that, in his eyes, is like, better in every possible way? thats fuckin embarrassing, man. so instead he just sits there stewing in it and making it incredibly obvious to everyone (except benrey, who is not terribly perceptive of "feelings") that hes jealous 
and the whole time benreys fuckin thought process is just "two cakes! except one of them gets mad when i say his ass looks nice and the other one doesnt". and if hlvrai gordons not interested, then, well, whats the problem? b/c hes not interested, right. he doesnt care if benreys makin eyes at HL gordon, right 
at the same time, consider: hlvrai gordon bitching out loud about how unfair it is that this alternate universe version of him is so capable and intelligent and cool and collected and his fucking cheekbones, man, and its not fair how much more flattering his HEV suit and his haircut are and-- and bubby interrupts him like "for gods sake, do you want to fuck him?"
anyway all im getting at is that what i really want in life is for hlvrai gordon to be watching benrey and HL gordon make out and fuck and just be seething from how fucking turned on he is by it 
[[rubs my damn temples thinking about how i also feel like HL gordon wouldnt exactly think the world of himself either he just does what he has to do and is really reserved about it, so if someone told him all of that shit about how hot he is he would be almost just as flustered and confused]]
he doesnt fully understand why benrey is hitting on him so hes like flushed and a little embarrassed by it but hes so much more receptive to it than hlvrai gordon is b/c they dont have that antagonistic history........
and. you know. benrey does kind of look like barney. lil bit of feelings-transferral there, too
thinking HL gordon is just as interested in the novelty of benrey being so much more uninhibited than his universes' version of barney. it's jarring at first but. u know
thinks about. HL gordon railing him into the fucking ground and benreys getting Loud and he starts saying gordons name out loud but the whole time hes doing it hes got his head turned to look straight at hlvrai gordon. direct eye contact
you just know this motherfucker is thinking about hlvrai gordon joining in and fucking him just like that but he doesnt. he cant bring himself to move b/c this already feels like an insanely weird situation. just sits there feeling frustrated and horny but not even sure if he should be jerking off right now, even though they literally asked him if he wanted to watch and he sure as shit didnt walk away
does he want to the one fucking benrey right now? does he want to be the one getting fucked by HL gordon??? who knows!!! he doesnt, and he is so very pissed off about it.  if he just got over himself and talked about even just one of his feelings, maybe he could be getting both of these things right now! but you know. hes stubborn
i also had more thoughts about HL gordon/hlvrai gordon stuff but i will save those for a later post i think. this is already embarrassing enough as-is
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maxanite · 4 years
From the way this will sound and for those that know me, this might sound like a bit of a late realization. But they always say that it's never too late to learn something new right? I've been drawing my entire life. Digitally for only about five or six years now. There's a lot of reasons I draw, and more will come and go. I like to think I have a very active imagination, one that's helped me grow ideas and concepts for a lot of projects and people. It's a gift, as well as a burden sometimes. But at the end of the day I never take for granted the skill I've gained over years of practice. Of course I still have a very long way to go, as I am only 17. And at this age I am constantly hearing "what are you gonna do with your life?" and variations of said question. It was only recently I had realized I wanted to keep doing art as a career because...well I cant see myself doing anything else. I love technology and computers, but the profession intimidates me with the kind of people that dominate it. There's other things I could do but...art stands out as something I am known for. I'm the art friend in most of my friend groups. I'm the person that talks more in art channels than in general chats. I flock to other artists and others flock to me. I crave validation for my work, a small side-effect of the internet of course. But it was only today I realized something. When I sat down at my desk, turned on my drawing tablet whose screen had become blurry with pen scratches, whose buttons had a bit of sweat and oil caked into them, I realized I loved doing this. Theres a feeling I get when I draw, even when Im just sketching or even thinking about drawing, that I dont get anywhere else from anything else. There's a sense of joy, of inspiration, of....pride, maybe? That comes from doing what I do best. I'm not sure why and I can't believe it took me this long to acknowledge that I love to draw. I always say this, of course, but I really do mean it. No matter how much I complain or how much I talk about the trials and tribulations of being an artist- it really is such an amazing thing to be. To look down on any peace of work, no matter how much I hate it, and be able to say that i made this. I put in the work, the hours, the sweat and oil just to make this fictional character exist. It's something thousands, even millions of people do. But not a single brushstroke in the universe is the same. And yeah, being an artist DOES suck sometimes. Especially when you put all this work out and are given nothing in return. But I think now I'm realizing I don't need anything in return. It's like a high. When I start to draw with an idea in mind, with anything at all, I just cant put the pen down. There will be days I will have to, of course, but the days where I can draw on end and pump out piece after piece...those are the days I feel the happiest. Those are the days I truly feel satisfied with my craft. I'm an artist whether I like it or not. I like to think I'm living through my Great Grandma's eyes. She was an artist too. Her paintings are hung up around our home. I still have her old tacklebox full of paintbrushes that I'll probably never use. But I still feel like art is my calling and I can't ever stop. Maybe one day when I make something amazing, that it'll be hung up in my grandchildren's home too. Maybe it'll skip a generation again and they'll be artists just like me. And be able to get the same indescribable feeling I get when I make something that is wholly, uniquely, and completely me.
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raptorflower · 4 years
I used to love making. Used to love creating and just spurring forth anything from my mind. Now its just... tiring. Sad. Depressing. It brings me down. So much i once loved tainted and had great weight and importance into every single thing i made, every mistake beaten upon with a lead hammer. I used to love baking and cooking, i loved making cakes, baking bread, i used to look forward to making dinner, until everyone in my life put unreachable standards upon me. Pressured and pushed me into making it my lifes meaning. My future. My career. Talked down about hardships and ridiculed my personal disabilities and harped on how much harder itd make such a choice in life, and tried to use that to hold me into that.
I used to love drawing. I loved art and creation the ability to will my ideas onto some paper whenever i pleased, until people made fun of how much i created. Said i could never live off it and id end up in ruins, all while putting immense pressure on me pursuing this as a life career, telling me the schooling is grueling and unforgiving, that all it will do is hurt and if your lucky "hand you a job youll hate" i look around and my freinds and peers, they've advanced far past me. I used to be on even grounds and now i feel like my own makings are pitiful and dont deserve to defile thier vision, and others point it out. And use it to press harder and harder for me to catch up, to live off of a dead passion theyve all but murdered. Ideas run through and i pass them away. I know itll be done far better by another. Its nothing. Its trash.
I used to love sculpting. I loved to build and create, no hard rules, no set standards to compete with, everyone makes, and its all unique, all different all beautiful, some fine and delicate, others thick and sturdy. Big, small, in between. Youd see it all. I was told its got no career paths. Thats itd just be a waste to pursue. They prompted me to sell every piece i loved and made, hands that have never seen clay demanding i make for them what i do not want to. Demands demands demands. I just wanted something to bring me joy again. Something without stress and immense pain ... i had to stop because it was starting to cause heavy strains on both my wrists.
I started making earrings. I liked it, it was small, personal, just for me and those i cared for. Something for me to love again. Something to make others happy. A means to experiment with a means of creation that was useful and wouldnt just sit and take space. They urged me to make it a career. To start a shop, to pour everything i ever was into these little earrings and nothing else, urged to work through pain of crippling mental illness. Urged and berated for not charging for every piece i made no matter if it was a gift or friendly request i was happy to accept because i just wanted to CREATE
I used to love sewing. I loved fashion i loved making dresses and small felt plushies, delicate intricate stitching no one dared to interrupt. Little plush buddies and toys given life and form for the sake of joy for happiness and laughter. Once more. I was urged to pour my life my very being everything i was into making and selling no matter how much i insisted against. Urged and urged endlessly to make this my life, all i wanted was a break, a means to soothe nd smile.
I never liked painting. I was fine at it, and i showed talent. I was pushed to pursue painting from as young as 6 else id just be useless.
I don't enjoy it anymore. I want to stop but i cant
Every fiber of my being every idle thought I want nothing more than to create to return to that idle joy to love and be amazed at how such simple items acts and ingredients could make great things in any hand could bring such grand joy and happiness
I used to love it. It just hurts now. I try and try and try so hard to get back to it to return and let old loved tasks spark joy
And it just sparks pain
Everything i loved has been marred and poisoned. Tainted by the ones meant to protect me when i was small and vulnerable. All i loved,all that brought me joy torn apart and thrown back with the demands i "make it profitable" when ive never wanted that from my joys
I just wanted to be happy. To make people smile. I never wanted to look at my works and then at others and find myself thinking ill never be good enough "its not worthy"
But everything i loved has been tainted.
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alkhale · 5 years
Hello hello miss!... Uh, I think that's how you identify??? If not, please tell me!!! I don't wanna misgender you on accident or something Q-Q Anyways, I've been reading Memo, and I! Really love Hoku, and the way she interacts with the world, and her relationships with everyone, it's just really well written. Plus, she sounds REALLY pretty and I'm weak for that. That aside, are you up for getting ideas for Memo!AUs people've had, or headcanons? If not it's cool, just wanted to ask :> ~ Vira
omg u good, dw anon. 
I’m guilty of already having a lot of AU ideas for Memos and I might just start a story on AO3 for a collection of them so they don’t clutter the actual story or I can go more in depth or explore some other things hahaha. I’ll start putting them in little omakes and stuff, but Memos chapters have been hella long so I’m worried about overbogging stuff but y’all seem chill with these crazy counts so i hope u don’t mind
- School AU, this one’s just fun shenanigans and I love modern AUs. School Council President Sabo, Ace being Ace, Hot teacher Shanks, for some reason Kid and Hoku both have the same art class in basic architecture and metal welding because he’s a grease monkey and Hoku likes designs. Straw Hat crew in school, Brook’s a popular soul musician. Franky and Robin are teachers. 
- MODERN AU. I have so many ideas i wanna hash out for different Modern AUs, hahaha, i’m so attracted to these and was this close to writing it out instead as its own kind of story but Memos won over. 
ASL+Hoku living together and their daily life (together its HASL like hassle and that’s exactly what it’s like with these idiots)
Started to live together once Ace and Sabo were in their third year of high school, it’s been awhile now. (Hoku’s family passed away when she was young, Garp was doing marine work stationed in Hawaii and took an interest in her but before he could find her, she went to live with ‘someone else’ until he managed to shove her in with Luffy, she’s technically an emancipated minor)
Ace is a construction worker/part time fire fighter and picks up all sorts of odd jobs and errand runs.
Whitebeard took him in on several occasions when stuff happened. Ace is super close to the group even though they’re lowkey high profile crime bosses. Marco’s a doctor underground and professional, Thatch is a chef (whitebeard’s crew always sends gifts and visits and hooks them up with deals at random places)
“Ace! Can you call Marco? I think Hoku’s anemic again.”
“I swear to god, put down that phone he’s going to give me all those pills and I don’t wanna pay the hospital bill–”
“But it’s free.”
“God damn it.”
Sabo works for a high fashion brand design/political activist group (somehow these two meshed and Dragon runs both so)
Hoku and Luffy are students almost finishing up with high school. 
Sabo is designated most put-together-has-his-shit-ready, if you can’t find your paint brushes Hoku, ask Sabo. Ace, Sabo put ur laundry away already. He’s usually in charge of meals and making sure the bills get paid. (Their apartment is spacious but a little dingy and random stuff breaks or falls apart but Ace and Hoku are really handy and always fixing shit)
Ace can only make pasta and grilled foods. He’s great with the barbecue. Luffy can’t cook. Hoku cooks pretty damn well but she’s clumsy in the kitchen so she tries to cook before Sabo or Ace get home and they scream something about her cutting off a finger and needing stitches again
House is always decorated with flowers or something nice like a painting or photos or tapestries. Hoku always does that.
They have a small garden plot by the apartment complex. Hoku and Sabo take care of it. Ace and Luffy eat from it a lot and run out animals trying to steal the tangerines from the tree Nami’s adopted mom gave them as a house warming gift.
The three of them fill out a lot of her pages in her sketchbooks and easels. “Is that Sabo again?” “Yeah, he fell asleep reading and he looks too perfect so I wanted to draw it.” “That kinda pisses me off.” “Me too, we’ll do something about it when I finishl.”
Her art classmates are always super eager to see her stuff and ask about the hot older guys in her drawings and please ask them to model. Hoku relents. Ace comes in to model because he gets paid. That’s a story for another day.
Hoku has regular poker nights for awhile now with a group of people Ace and Sabo didn’t think about (they always thought it was the girls or some friends like their friend group) until one night Luffy goes to hang out with the others and they’re like?? Hoku??? and Luffy’s like?? Hoku doesn’t do poker nights with us you dummies.
This sends them into a panic attack and Sabo has Hoku’s location at all times because he did something permanent to her phone (Hoku does not know this) and they visit (stalk) her at one of her poker nights. Find out its in some weirdly shady fancy club body guarded by a bunch of ridiculously macho looking guys (it’s actually Daz, Vergo and some others) They stake out and froth at the mouth, nearly dying when they see Hoku walk out surrounded by GIANT MEN DOUBLE HER SIZE AND AGE, HOKU HONEY, WHAT? It’s Crocodile and Doflamingo, usually Mihawk, and sometimes Jimbei comes.
Hoku’s like ?? I’ve played poker with these guys for forever. (They’re big crime syndicates and totally into illegal business and Sabo knows this and Ace is ready to murder) but apparently Hoku weaseled her way in and she’s a good player so they have fun and like gambling with her. They always suggest taking her to Vegas with them because they’re high rollers but Hoku’s always like nah i got school and work.
Sabo and Ace after herding her home try to convince her to stop meeting with them and Hoku’s just like lmao no and takes out huge wads of cash from her pockets. “They’re ridiculously rich and I win a lot.” They also pay for a lot of good food and Hoku’s not about to pass that up. (She sneaks leftovers for Luffy all the time ((but the older men already know and usually just have shit boxed up for her anyway))) 
“But they’re older men and dangerous!”
“It’s not like I’m going on a date with them. It’s just gambling.”
“You like older men!”
“Oh, yeah, huh.”
Law and Kid are classmates and Luffy and Hoku hang out with them a lot when its not with their crew and Ace and Sabo are always like cant you hang out with better people. Kid and Law never feel welcome in their house but Hoku’s just like dw if they bother u i won’t talk to them and then they get upset and yada yada. Doesn’t stop Ace and Sabo from being super mean looking and scary. Kid and Law are hard to ward off, unfortunately.
Law’s studying to be a doctor, well on the way. Kid’s a mechanic and works at a shop and does street racing. Hoku wants to design a car interior for him.
People always say Sabo seems like the prim and perfect gentlemen of the three and he’ll make a good husband and they just laugh and Hoku tells Koala and she laughs because they always wave their hands and say nah nah, Sabo’s secretly the most sneaky and lowkey scary/sadistic/a tease out of all of them, don’t let the pretty face fool you
(and he really is, sometimes he makes Hoku beg for the pretty cakes he brings home from work from clients because he thinks its cute when she’s trying to reach them over his head)
Shanks is a famous traveler/explorer, always known for doing crazy stuff and his team of explorers climb mountains, explore caves, travel all around the world and take beautiful shots and Hoku and Luffy always tune in. Shanks saved Luffy once from a freak accident and he’s his hero and Hoku has such a hopeless crush on him.
Modern AU where Law is Luffy’s partner in college for a project and he goes to Luffy’s house. Hoku’s a TA for Shanks and stupidly stupid for him and Law meets her and feels things.
Modern AU where Strawhat crew goes on a road trip.
Monsters AU. Hoku’s a ghost.
Hanahaki AU. Red flowers.
Marines AU.
Genderbent AU.
Some other ones but i gotta go finish that essay i mentioned hahaha, hope these were fun! the modern HASL one ran away with me
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sweetkiwi-vt · 5 years
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Creepypasta OC
Pablo and Lilly #digitalart #creepypasta
About the characters:
Both are related.
The man in the chair is called Pablo...
No wait.
I'll just let them speak.
My name is Lilly Ork and I'm 4 years old.
I like pandas and bears, because they are really cute!
I also like listening to my papa. He always gives me something fun to do!
I don't like lemons. They make me want to throw up, also I don’t like chilies, but I like cakes! Papa doesn’t let me to eat them so much though.
I don’t have a mama or grandpa and grandma. I saw papa kill them.
I don’t go to school either. Papa said that that's a bad idea.
Daddy told me that when I was little I met my grandma and grandpa once. They didn’t like me, when I asked about my mommy he said she didn’t like me either!
I didn’t mind it though. As long as papa gives me Pat's on the head and buys me new toys every time an old one gets dirty I don’t mind!
I have long brown hair made in pigtails, with such cute pink ribbons I took from a girlie I saw on the street. She got really mad at me, her mommy too. So papa took her out that night! Then he gave me the ribbons!
I wear a really pretty one piece dress with paws print on it! Papa bought me that dress recently, but from being nice white color it turned red, the brown. When I asked my papa about it, he told me that red color changes to brown when dry. I think I missed a part then.
One day I got really sick, my eye was really itchy, so papa and I went to see a doctor.
Papa then told me that I had Heterochromia. I'm not sure what that means. He gave me an eyepatch to hide one of my eyes.
I have a story on that too. Little while ago I got lost in a supermarket. Papa and I were out shopping for trash bags and something to eat. An old lady found me there. She told me I have beautiful eyes. Apparently I have one green and one blue eye.
Papa was mad at me for going off on my own, but he praised me for finding another annoying victim.
I don’t speak much, papa doesn’t like noise, so I'm quiet. I don’t really like to speak either. Now that I think about it, I don’t like hearing other people talk. Papa always talks to me and with me but I don’t hate it. Because its papa.
When I'm alone with papa and not haunting annoying people, we usually draw and collect things. I like doing that!
It's really fun to collect rocks and then draw on them!
What I dislike to do is talking with older men. They always look weirdly at me. My papa too dislikes them.
I cant read or write but papa is teaching me!
I can now read headlines of newspapers alone!
I really like my teddy bear. This is 3rd one already.
I like to give poison to people my papa points out to me.
I usually walk to a person papa doesn’t like and then lead them astray!
Then my papa strangles them!
If not that, then I put white poisonous powder I have in my teddy bear.
People don’t suspect anything. That's weird.
Well it was nice talking to you!
Papa is behind you though. His eyes are telling me that both of us were quiet annoying and noisy just now!
Good bye! It was nice talking to you!
My name is Eren Ork. I am 24 years old, a collage drop out and orphan.
Well not to then full extent, as you will hear later on, I killed my mother, father and step brother.
Because I was bored and they were all annoying.
That's what I hate the most, annoying people.
This is my story. It's not short but well, listen to it while you still can.
I've been alone since I can remember.
I grew up in a rich family.
"Next heir of our cooperation"
"He is so smart he can do anything."
Well, I would've stayed if my mother wasn’t a cunt like she was.
She would force me to study and made me spend my hours watching my father work.
Maybe because she wasn't even sure if I was my father's child.
As far as I know, I'm a single child. An only son of the CEO, and like I said only one who can actually take over the company.
So I was adored and respected to some point.
I learned how to act.
How to play a piano.
And how to hate my family.
I never went to actual school. Other then my mother's abuse in a way, I was always alone. So when I turned 12.
I discovered something really amusing.
"We are reporting. The several killings that have been going on. As the reporters from the scene are reporting. In this small house, like you can see. We found multiple bodies. Their skin was used as a canvas, is what the policeman are stating. It is still..."
My face was glued to the screen.
The fact, that someone could do something like that, amused me. It seemed interasting. I wanted to try it.
"What are you doing?! Aren’t you supposed to study?!" My mother was screaming at me from the door to my room. She's so loud and annoying.
"Get away from that. Damien! Take that thing out of my son's room!" So loud.
"You move away from that thing!" She stomped next to me, and grabbed me for my arm and pulled me up.
"Let me go, you loud hag." Is what I told her.
She just frowned and slapped me.
I felt it, I wanted to return her the same favor. But my father was behind her.
"Just what do you think you are doing?!"
That night, they fought through the whole night.
I just thought.
"Oh. This is fun"
For the 1st time in my whole life I found something fun. Yes, the 1st time.
Due to my actions and absence, my father bought me a cat. It was loud so I killed it. Then the dog, then the hamster, then they just gave up on buying me pets. I would always think of some reason on how they died. I couldn't tell them I liked how when they kinda screamed.
So, when the tutors would come in...
I would make them turn away.
Leaving my father and mother the only other option to educate me.
Boarding school.
When I was 15. I got sent into the boarding school. It was a private school, which are usually boarding schools. Unlike other rich boys I was thrilled to get sent into one.
I was away from that annoying mother. But...
Now there were some adults with no real status giving me orders...
So annoying.
It wasn't an only boys school so.
"Hey Pablo is kind of handsome?"
"I know right. His brown hair and eyes are so special!"
To let you know. I have dark brown hair and green eyes. I was told a lot that my Emerald like eyes resemble my mother's, never saw her in color, and my hair kind of resembles my father's. That's why they probably suspect me not being an true Ork, but a bastard child of some sort. And my build, well it was normal. I had height, but I wasn't anything special really. So...
"Ahhh. I wonder how would be to date him." "His family cant reach mine though" I never understand those girls.
So they are annoying.
I want them to go away.
"Hey" I spoke in a normal tone. I didn't want to let them know I'm pissed off. More like "They are giving me a headache."
"Oh sorry." The girls looked at me surprised. Only one of them spoke.
They had sad faces on. I couldn't care less. I would like to see them all cry. Maybe I could mess with them for a bit.
I could only grin on that idea. The fact I didn't think of something like that for so long....
So by the time I was about to graduate. I was considered popular in my school.
People would want to talk to me.
For the first time in my whole life, what my bitch of mother thought me paid off.
I was popular, I had fun ruining people's lives.
Until I mention the rest. For the whole 4 years I haven't visited my mother or father. I couldn't stand idea of them.
I haven't seen them or talked to them for 3 or 4 years. My boarding school didn’t allow parent visits, so I saw them at the day of graduation for the 1st time after 3 years.
"God. You've grown so much Pablo." My mother was standing in front of me. When I was 14 I was still looking up at her, now I have to look down to be able to follow her. She had her hand on my cheek. She was crying. I still didn’t understand it. She was also annoying. But during my time here. Other then good grades and popularity. I gained ability to fake my feelings quiet easily.
Not that I felt any.
I just smiled at my mother. "You've gotten older mother.".
"Well aren’t you mister obvious."
My father was staring at me from the side. He had a grown on his face.
You asshole.
What so I don't take after you anymore so you get all cold with me.
After the graduation ceremony. I returned home. And started collage.
In collage it was the same as high school. This time it wasn't a private school. My father's business was falling apart.
He also held a grudge against me never visiting home.
Like I care.
In collage, I met an interesting girl.
She was from a poor family and liked me.
So we started dating.
It was a good way for me to try out discovering "love".
Since it seems like my mother is planning something. Just to be ready.
One day, she called me drunk and came to visit her.
And we slept together.
And then, the bitch disappeared.
She dare disappear after using my body.
And year later, she appeared. But this time she had a baby with her.
An ugly worm.
Annoying. Annoying.
They are all annoying.
She gave the brat to me and left again. Like hell.
"What the hell?! Just what do you think you just did?!" Screamed my mother at me as I was left in a hallway, door just closed with 2 month old baby in my hands.
"Now no one would want to wed you! You idiot chil--" next thing I knew was that my grip was on my mother's neck. "You are so annoying and loud. Another word and Ill snap that God damn neck of yours." I let her down.
Baby was just looking at me, she didn't cry. Just stared. That took my interest.
"I will be in my room."
"Pablo! Get back here!" I walked away listening to my mother scream my name as I went up the stairs to my room.
I was 20 when I got my daughter in my hands.
Pretty young.
She was the only quiet one. She cried first few months until she turned one. After that she didn't cry almost at all.
My father and mother didn’t like Lilly one bit. So when she turned one I dropped out of collage and was kicked out of my house.
I saved money over the course of my birthdays from age 18 to 20 and had enough money to get myself a apartment and small job.
You think that's the end of my story?
Of course not.
When Lilly turned 2.
I went back to my house. Just to show Lilly her family.
There I met, a boy. He was around 10 years old. Heh. My parents adopted another child. To rise him as their company's successor.
Apparently, my father's company got big after I left.
They didn't even bother to tell me, to visit their only son.
I put Lilly down and snapped.
I killed my whole family that night. Oh how?
Simply by strangling them all to death, wouldn't be enough? Well that’s right.
Despite them being worse the horse crap. They did let me in the house.
We were invited to dinner every weekend. So I thought of a better way to kill my family.
I purchased a slow killing poison, I made Lilly put some in my father's tea when he was playing with her. For my mother, when I was showing her off my cooking skills, I cur her wrist open. I could just grin as she bled out. How did I not get found out? Because I had Lilly with me. I would go out of the kitchen "to fetch something" while Lilly would be in kitchen for a little while then start crying or scream. My plan went just as expected.
My father collapsed after being drugged for weeks on the poison, and my mother would be killed in a matter of hour.
All that was left was to get rid of evidence and then act as if I know nothing.
That day staff was out of the house. So Lilly didn’t have to scream or cry. There was a main butler and maid, but they didn't really care, being occupied in their own business.
So I just gave my mother sleeping pills. She probably overdosed. And the fiasco with my father went as planned.
So my dirty Step Brother, he too was a sleep. All that was left was to...
Bam. Put the house on fire. That's what I did. And...
"The big cooperation of the Ork family has fell under, due to the whole family's death. The whole house was burned to the ground by, how it seems, a mistake from one of maids. She used the fire lamp trying to light the rock over in the kitchen, burning the whole house down. Fire started in the kitchen  making the staff fall unconscious due to the smoke. When the family noticed the fire it was already too late."
I was staring at the screen with grin on my face. Lilly in my lap looking at the screen. Lilly was smiling,
The first words she every said were papa.
After that she never spoke again.
She was smiling this time and seemed really exited. "Papa! We do that again?!" Didn’t expect her to react that way.
"Did you find that fun?"
Lilly nodded at my question.
She is truly my daughter.
I put my hand on her head.
"Of course, well kill lots and lots of annoying people again."
And so
My killing spree as a Black Demon began. Yes. My nickname is only black. I wonder who is the worst in our duo? I gave my precious angel a teddy bear, in teddy bear there was poison. Every time we go to kill.... We are always ready.
Hope you liked them. I'm planning on changing their names , but I don’t now in what.
If you have a suggestion please do tell me.
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Hii! May i ask for a slice of cake? (If you can ofc)
So im a INFP-T virgo im also 4"11 i have dark brown hair it because wayy lighter near the sun. Also dark brown eyes my hair is cut kinda like a shag like the front is cut but the back isn't (bc of my parents) my style is grunge ig? Im very inlove with fairy style Smm but because im broke i cant really fulfil my love for that style (also probably because of my parents). My body is???? Okay my boobies are medium size and no unfortunately I don't have a fat ass 😕 im not chubby but at the same time im not skinny. Like the most fat goes to my tummy I get rolls when I sit down bath blah you get my point (im pretty insecure about it lolol). One of my two main dreams is to study abroad and become an interior decorator.
I dont know how to describe my personality but I will try. My best friend always tells me that my sense of humour is downhill BAD. I would laugh at the dumbest shit ever for example i laughed one of those pixilated bugs pics with random names on the bottom 💀 also I laugh at my own trauma and stuff that shouldn't be laughed at. I kinda have anger issues 😕 I get unmotivated pretty easily. I rant to my best friend alot and she says that im ✨depressed✨ and have ✨anxiety✨ and that i need therapy. Im scared to rant to my parents because im "too young and its just my hormones". Something that I found out about myself this year is i have chill tics 😦 (from anxiety). Outside im nice and sweet but on the inside my mind is just saying other things. Im SOMETIMES cold and say what's on my mind but thats to my close ones like my mom dad or friends. I dont lie going Outside alot I think school is kinda useless. I like to draw and listen to music my fav artist are mother mother and mitski.
I hope i didn't say TOO much anyway thank youu I hope you have/had a great day :)
🍰 for @shotosimp2
Romantic Matchup
Oikawa Tooru
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How yall met
Ok im ngl
Y'all had know clue who each other were
Well that's a lie
Of course you knew who Oikawa was
But you just didn't care
Now Oikawa always saw you around school
You know...in the school uniform
But one day
He saw you outside of school in all of your grunge glory
And apart of him was like bitch wtf
And the other was like ok queen i see you 😗
So he approached you and complimented your outfit
And you said thanks and then ran off to wherever you were heading
You just said thanks???
No fan girling????
Not even a blush??????
Ok he would understand that reaction if you were just a stranger on the street
But you went to school with him?
So you had to know who he was right?
Yeah my mans had a whole ass crisis because you didn't have a bigger reaction
The next day he went to Iwa and told him about his interaction with you
And he was just like not everyone was to like you ya know
Oikawa: >:o
Then Iwa had a brilliant idea
Get this
Oikawa should BEFRIEND you before expecting you to want to talk to him
Wild theory I know
So now Oikawa had a new goal
Befriending you
It actually wasn't that hard since you both had a lot of classes together
Soon enough you guys became close friends
And oikawa was happy with just being your friend
At least...he thought he was
But everything changed when you told him you were going to study abroad for 3 months
And even though you had each others numbers
Everything without you just seemed so dull
Did he really have feelings for you?
The more time that passed by the more he was sure that he liked you
Like LIKED liked you
So the day you came back to Japan is when he confessed to you
And well you'd be lying if you said you hadn't caught feelings for him too
So you said yes
What they love about you
He loves how normal you treat him
Now hell admit when he first met you he kinda wanted you to treat him like a celebrity
Expected it even
But the more time he spent around you
The more he realized how much he liked being treated normally
Ok screw what your friend says
He loves your humor!
Yall will laugh at the dumbest shit
If we were to look at you and Oikawa's messages
85% of it would be dumb ass memes
And honestly
This boy makes jokes about his trauma too
“Hey Y/N you wanna hear a joke?”
“My existence”
He loves how easy it is to talk to you
Like he's told you things he hasn't even told Iwa before
So yeah
Trust between you two
What you love about them
You love how supportive he is
If you say you wanna do something
He is right behind you cheering you on
You could tell him you want to commit arson
And he'd just be like
Period queen ill bring the gasoline 💅
You can always count on this man to be in your corner
Speaking of
You can always count on oikawa period
Which is another thing that you love about him
If oikawa is anything
He is a man of his word
If he says hes gonna do something
You know he's gonna do it
He's just overall a really reliable person
You love how he just seems to motivate you to do better
Fr after you guys started dating your grades went
Partly because you felt like you needed to compete with him
But mostly because he just motivates and pushes you to do better
And if you do improve on something
He is HYPING you up
“That's my baby! I knew you could do it!”
Favorite things to do together
Yall love to just go to the store and window shop
Im sorry but yall are some broke hoes
So most of the time it's just you guys trying on clothes in the dressing room
Taking pictures of your outfits
Then leaving
Yeah the store employees kinda hate you…
But who cares what they think
And if you two do have some pocket cash you'll buy one or two things
Then blow the rest of your money on that good mall food
Cause why not
Random Hc
He makes fun of your guys height difference ALL THE TIME
But like, can you blame him????
You're not even 5 feet tall!!!
“Imagine being the size of a 10 year old, couldn't be me”
Imagine being taller than the national average height 😐, couldn't be me”
He let you dress him up as an E-Boy ONCE
Ngl tho he dug the eyeliner look 😗
He called you every day while you were studying abroad
He even sent you a oikawa plushie
You may or may not have sent him a video of you drowning it
When you came back to Japan he legit TACKLED you in the middle of the airport
Virgo + Cancer
Compatibility 80%
Cancer and Virgo can have a wonderful connection and are usually brought together by sexual understanding.
The main problem of their relationship is in the possible conflict between emotional Cancer and reasonable Virgo.
If they manage to overcome this, accepting each other’s shortcomings and learning to incorporate some rationality or some emotion into their lives, they could end up in an inspiring relationship that will last for a very long time.
In a way, they complement each other as much as the heart complements the mind.
If they share a spark of love, it would be a shame to miss the opportunity for happiness just because of someone’s irrational expectations or someone’s closed heart.
If someone can help Virgo build their trust, it is their Cancer partner.
Although Cancer is a cardinal sign, they are stable by nature, especially when it comes to emotional decisions they have made.
If they have chosen Virgo to be their loving partner, they will have no reason to lie or cheat.
This behavior would only endanger their vision of a shared life and a loving family they want with the partner they chose.
This is also a reason why Cancer won’t have an initial problem with trusting Virgo.
Their convictions are stronger than their doubt.
Overall Aesthetic
Grunge Glamour ✨
Songs -
Tia tamera (Doja Cat)
Verbratem (mother mother
Literal Legend (Ayesha Erotica)
Hayloft (mother mother)
Stupid (ashnikko)
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