#donghan fluff
chaeinedup · 1 year
WEi ·˖✶
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★. WEi as roommates;
★. Date night with WEi;
★. WEi getting jealous (hyung line);
★. WEi getting jealous (maknae line);
☆. WEi "if I was a worm";
★. WEi when they have a crush on you;
★. WEi members as your boyfriend;
★. WEi as your best friends;
★. WEi reacting to you giving them their sweater back just to take it again;
★. WEi napping with you;
✮. Making out with WEi;
★. WEi going to their idol s/o concert;
★. WEi when you're mad at them;
★. WEi when you fall asleep on another member;
★. Domestic WEi;
☆. WEi reacting to them not being your bias;
☆. WEi drunk texting;
☆. Reacting to WEi teaser photos (hyung line);
☆. Reacting to WEi teaser photos (maknae line);
★. WEi as songs;
★. WEi sends you a selfie;
☆. Sentimental WEi;
✮. WEi kinks;
★. WEi and book reader y/n;
★. WEi and PDA;
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★. Innocently in love
★. Monday morning
★/✮. Devilish grin
✮. Shameless
★. Sleepless nights
★/✮. Random texts
✮. Pretty please
★. Will you hold me ?
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★. Last minute sleepover
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★. Puppy love
✧. Through thick and thin
★. Cool with you;
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seokmattchuus · 2 years
Wei as long-distance idol boyfriends
A/n: I remember I did one for Ateez way back when and I thought I'd do it for other groups, too. This is also my trial run to see if y'all would be okay with Wei content. I know there's Yohan content on my blog but like, Wei as a whole. Anyways, yeah. Enjoy if you want? P.s. I don't know if I proof read, my bad.
Daehyeon: Likes to have over-the-camera dates when it's late at night and he's in the studio because it's afternoon for you and he knows he won't be disrupting anything. Asks for your opinion on whatever he's working on and really considers any feedback you provide.
"Babe, stop stressing and go to sleep." You said softly as you watched him pout. "Or at least let's plan out what to do when you come over?"
"Don't even worry about that." He smiled. "I already have some stuff planned." He paused as he realized he said too much. "Pretend you didn't hear that."
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Donghan: Clears most of his schedule when you visit so he can take you out with him when he's supposed to be shooting vlogs because he can use it as an excuse for dates. Tries not to get distracted but can't help but look at you every now and then since he hasn't seen you in so long.
"This strawberry lemonade is the best thing I've ever had." You said out loud before putting a hand over your mouth, Donghan looking at you with wide eyes.
*A few moments later.*
"Okay, but this new cake they have is incredible, isn't it?" He smiled as he turned to you, a choke following when he realized he had to refilm that. "Whoever's editing this, I'm sorry."
"Should we just start over at a different café?"
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Yongha: Always tells you when he's planning on doing a vlive so you can get a heads up on being able to send in requests. Treats these the way he treats any other over-the-camera date and replies mostly to you. He knows he's being obvious by giving you extra attention, but he really doesn't care. (little lovesick puppy god I love him)
"Can you do the ottoke song?" He laughed as he read the comment aloud, his face reddening as he started the song. "Maybe I should do more songs. Any other recommendations?"
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Yohan: Always the first person you see outside the airport since he's adamant on picking you up. Doesn't let you touch your bags. Or the door handle. Has your favorite food ready at the dorm along with a bunch of new movies and a full schedule for your stay.
"I also got us tickets to a standup show tomorrow night," He smiled excitedly. "So, we can watch all of these and sleep in tomorrow."
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Seokhwa: Refuses to do any skin-ship in front of the guys because he's still shy about it. So when the guys are around, he just sits and watches as you guys talk. He'll get jealous when they get a bit too playful and he'll make little remarks, especially when you get playful back.
"At least threaten me with a better member." He cleared his throat as he watched you and Yongha laugh over the show you were watching. "He's pretty boring, y'know."
"At least he spends time with me." You huffed. "Unless you wanna join?"
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Junseo: Tries his hardest to plan any phone dates because he swears the boys are trying to steal whatever time he manages to get from you, even going as far as locking the door to his room. It never lasts because someone always has to interrupt.
"I can't wait to see yo-"
"Is that y/n?!" Donghan cut you off with a yell as he overheard the conversation, taking it as a 'yes' when he didn't get an answer. "Hi y/n!!"
"Will I ever get you to myself?" Junseo laughed as he shook his head.
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slytherinshua · 3 months
   wei masterlist ⟡₊ ⊹
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⋆˙⟡ = author's pick !
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nothing yet . . .
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nothing yet . . .
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velvet and silk
genre: assassin au. fluff. | wc: 1k.
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nothing yet . . .
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nothing yet . . .
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nothing yet . . .
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leejeongz · 2 years
Can i request wei's love language?
WEI’s love languages
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pairing: boyf!wei x gn!reader
genre: fluff
warnings: mentions of food (donghan, seokhwa)
summary: their love languages and things they do show love
daehyeon ・:,。★゚
♡ words of affirmation
♡ i think it’s pretty evident when watching wei’s content that daehyeon is always the first to congratulate someone when they’ve done well, shout words of encouragement and tell people when they’re doing things right
♡ your relationship is no different.
♡ telling you that you look breathtaking, complimenting your cooking skills, letting you know how proud he is that you managed to complete a piece of work ahead of schedule
♡ despite his own hectic schedule, he never misses a chance to tell you how proud he is to be able to call you his.
other members below the cut
donghan ・:,。★゚
♡ acts of service
♡ as much as he loves teasing you and doing things to inconvenience you as a joke, he actually loves making life easy for you.
♡ the second you ask for a pen or some paper to scribble something important down, he’s got it for you. you need something from the shops, he’ll go straight away and pick up some comfy socks for you too. something needs cleaning in your flat, he’ll complain but he was already on his way to get the mop.
♡ although, he’s always gonna benefit, eg breaking a piece off the chocolate bar for you but giving himself 2 pieces as a reward
yongha ・:,。★゚
♡ quality time
♡ the introvert that loves spending time with you and only you. the only person who doesn’t drain his social battery, the one he can be around for days without getting tired or bored. the only guy who looks forward to rainy days because he gets to spend them with you.
♡ napping together, scrolling through tiktok together (but eventually just ends up watching yours because you send them all to him anyway), watching a cartoon together because “his brain has already done enough today.”
♡ even the smallest things that you do together without even realising he cherishes :(
yohan ・:,。★゚
♡ physical touch (stay with me on this one okay?)
♡ he may not be touchy feely with his other friends, but that’s probably because he’s saving all the hugs, kisses and cuddles just for you!
♡ cupping your face in his hands each time you meet up, giving you huge kisses that last a little too long just because it’s funny, letting you rest your head in his lap even when people are around and absentmindedly playing with your hair or stroking your cheek, squeezing you so SO TIGHTLY when you hug.
♡ honestly, it shocks people around you that he can be so cuddly and gentle with you, they’re hella jealous lol.
seokhwa ・:,。★゚
♡ acts of service
♡ he’s such a kind and gentle boy, i do think he shows his love using all 5 love languages, but this one in particular makes your day a lot easier, so he focuses on getting stuff done for you, even if he doesn’t realise.
♡ rushing around to make your meals before you get home, shopping for you when you don’t have the time and knowing your likes and dislikes better than his own, applying your skincare for you while you lay in bed after a hard day.
♡ just to see a smile on your face, a sigh of relief that that’s one less thing you have to worry about 🥺 he’s the sweetest boy fr
junseo ・:,。★゚
♡ physical touch
♡ he feels lonely when he’s not got his hands on you in the most innocent of ways. he knows you find his touch comforting and calming so he soon becomes a lover of physical touch to the point where it’s his favourite way to show you that he loves you.
♡ holds your hand and squeezes it super tight when you’re in busy places, kisses your forehead whilst you're concentrating on something, a hand on your waist while you’re walking, letting you cuddle into his side before you sleep while he strokes your hair.
♡ he’s straight up obsessed with you <3
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minjiwritesstuff · 8 months
First Kiss
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Pairing: Donghan x reader
Genre: fluff
Words: 1198
You and Donghan have been dating for a few weeks already, he asked you out after the two of you went to see a movie you both were excited for. Those few weeks have been truly great, Donghan was sweet and caring, always asking if you drank or ate. It sometimes was excessive but you knew he only meant good so you didn't mind it. He also gave you a few small gifts already which you felt bad because you didn't want him to spend all of his money of you. But he was happy to do so, and so you let him. Because even if you didn't like him spending so much on you already you couldn't lie.. you liked the gifts a lot. It was nice to have a boyfriend like Donghan. You never really had anyone that cared as much as him before. Of course you had family and friends but it just wasn't the same.
But despite all of the gifts and all the caring, there was something else you wanted. A kiss. That's right, even after almost 3 months of dating, Donghan didn't kiss you. Not even a quick peck. His lips never touched yours and you were eager to feel his kisses. Now of course you were too shy to ask or do the first move yourself but that was something else. We didn't talk about it. But every time an evening ended and that he was about to leave you stood there waiting but he only ever hugged you. And you secretly always hoped for more.
Today Donghan told you that he'd take you out for a movie date as he hasn't been able to see you for a week and missed you. You were of course excited because you missed him too, and seeing movies with Donghan was always a fun time. It was your thing, going out for movies. To Donghan it only felt right to go on movie dates often as that's where your relationship started. To surprise him, you decided to wear the outfit you wore when he asked you out. So when Donghan pulled up to your apartment and saw you he was surprised and happy, the reaction you expected and hoped.
``Looking pretty`` he said on a shy voice.
``Thanks, you too`` you answered on the same tone.
Donghan smiled and took your hand. Then you two were on your way to the movie theater, which wasn't really far from your house. After a few minutes you got there and walked inside to the ticket counter. Donghan paid for the tickets, to which you said you could've paid but he shushed you by dragging you to the snacks counter. You chuckled and followed him. Of course he paid again, grabbing so many things his hands were full and he barely could his feet. You helped him walk to the screening room as he insisted on carrying everything.
``Such a gentleman you are`` you said with a laugh.
``Well of course, I have to be`` he answered with a smile.
``But you can't even see where you're going Donghan`` you said again with a laugh ``You could trip over your feet and spill all of your precious snacks``
``Which is why you're here`` he said jokingly before chuckling.
You chuckled too and kept walking with him. When you both reached the room you sat down in the upper rows and in the middle to be perfectly centered with the screen.
''It's oddly empty'' Donghan commented after placing the snacks on the seat next to him.
''Yeah, it's weird don't you think?''
He nodded and offered you some popcorn, to which you agreed by grabbing a handful. The two of you talked for about 20 minutes until the movie started. You were silent as the movie played, only chuckling or laughing at certain scenes. Donghan smiled each of those times but you never noticed. About halfway through the movie he grabbed your hand and you smiled. You spent the rest of the movie holding hands silently, apart from the occasional chuckles.
When the movie ended the both of you got up and left the theater, of course bringing the left over snacks with you as Donghan bought enough to feed an army. You looked at your boyfriend and smiled to yourself. You hated that in a few minutes he was gonna go back to his place, you wished he could stay. You were shy to ask but for some reason you gathered the courage.
''I was wondering… Do you want to stay the night?''
You swore he blushed for a second. But even if he did he would never admit to it.
''Y-Yeah sure'' he stuttered.
''Only if you want'' you then said as you felt like he was unsure.
''Of course I want'' he said with a shy smile.
You nodded and smiled too.
When you got to your apartment you unlocked the door and stepped inside. Donghan followed behind you and you then closed and locked the door. There was a small silence. It wasn't awkward but with the two of you being shy, no one could get a word out. Until he did.
''Maybe we can watch more movies to finish those?'' he asked while holding the snacks.
You agreed with a nod and walked to the couch. You pulled the coffee table closer and Donghan set the snacks down. He sat down to get comfortable and you sat beside him. He shyly pulled you close and you blushed as you grabbed the remote to look for a movie. After finding one you put it and watched it. The snacks came in handy and were tasty. A lot of them were your favorite and you ate them faster than Donghan, which made him laugh when he realized. You hid shyly and he only laughed more at how cute you were.
After he finished laughing at you, he pulled you even closer and wrapped his arm around your waist. That made you blush but you ignored it as you figured that if you ignored it, he would too. Luckily for you it worked. Until he called your name. You looked up at him and before you even knew it, his lips were on yours. The blush came back and 100 times harder. You kissed him back as you thought of how soft his lips were. You couldn't notice Donghan's cheeks getting pinker by the second as your eyes were closed.
The kiss seemed to last forever but truly only lasted a few seconds. But those were the best seconds. After breaking the kiss Donghan looked at you and that's when you noticed the blush on his cheeks. Which for some reasons made you blush more. Donghan smiled and kissed you again. The butterflies in your stomach were flying freely and you wished you could stop time.
''The wait was worth it'' Donghan said against your lips with a smile.
You could only nod in agreement. Donghan chuckled and quickly pecked your lips.
''Now that I started I won't be able to stop'' he said.
''Good, because I don't want you to'' you answered.
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kpophoneybunny · 1 year
Reactions - WEi When Jealous (WEi x Gender Neutral Reader)
Request: Anonymous. I’m assuming you meant jealous over a s/o so that’s what I went with. If you want me to do it again with a more general jealousy, I can do that too.
Genre: Fluff, some angst. Jealous boyfriends, so there will be some possessiveness.
Disclaimer: None of these images are mine. All of them were found on Pinterest because I was struggling to find fitting gifs through the tumblr gif search.
This work in no way reflects the true personalities, characters, or actions of the WEi members.
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Daehyeon noticed you kept looking at your phone and smiling, your fingers flying across the keyboard to respond to someone. He couldn’t help but be a bit paranoid. Were you talking to someone else? After a few hours of giving you the silent treatment and you not seeming to notice, he’d peer over your shoulder to see you’d actually been posting to a secret fan account you had for him, raving to RUi about the latest comeback. “Is this what you’ve been doing all day?” He laughed in sweet relief, feeling dumb for internalizing his jealousy all day when a quick question would have cleared that up in seconds. “Baby, I thought you were talking to another guy.”
“Why on earth would I do that?” You scrunched your nose.
“Dunno. Maybe you got tired of me.”
“Never.” You turned your head to give him a quick kiss.
“Promise you’ll only post about me?”
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Donghan didn’t like that you were starting in a drama as a main love interest. Whenever you watched the show together and the romantic scenes came up or if you’re co-star so much as looked at you, his grip on your hand would tighten. When you looked at him, his jaw would be clenched and his eyes filled with hurt. “Baby?” You tilted your head, trying to get his attention. He only squeezed tighter when you kissed your co-star. “Babe.” You laughed, realizing why he was jealous. “Look at me.” As soon as he did, you gave him a kiss, lingering longer than usual to remind him that he was the only one for you.
“Maybe I should start acting and try to get casted as your love-interest. Those lips are mine.”
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Yongha had been awfully clingy since you started your new job. Whenever you were both in the same place at the same time, he was clinging to your arm, kissing your hand or cheek and placing his hands in your pockets to tug you closer whenever you wandered out of arm’s reach.
“Baby.” You laughed as he tugged you back against his side. “Don’t get me wrong, I like the affection. But why are you being so needy?” You cupped his cheeks and met his gaze.
“Your boss gets all your time lately. At least I can get something he can’t.” He grinned triumphantly. At your quizzical brow, he continued, “Your love.”
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Yohan was usually pretty confident in your relationship but he’d brought you along to a celebrity party for the first time and something about the dazzled look in your eyes as you scanned the crowd made him insecure. “Yeah, these parties are pretty cool, huh?” He looked you over, biting his tongue to allow a pause for you to answer.
“Yeah. So many idols I’ve only dreamt of meeting.” Your eyes lingered CIX’s Jinyoung, starry with awe.
“Hey.” He grabbed your chin and turned your head to look at him. “I’m better than those other guys. Don’t look at anyone else like that.”
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Seokhwa couldn’t help it. He kept staring at you fluffed Yongha’s hair, your lips dabbing gloss onto his lips. He knew it was your job but he thought you could maybe do it without being so close to his members all the time. He grabbed your wrist suddenly and tugged you out into the hall. “What are you doing?” He hissed. “Why do you keep touching him and smiling like that?”
“Baby, I’m just doing my job.” You rolled your eyes. “
“We’ll, at least stop smiling at him so much.” He frowned. “From now on, only smile at me.”
“Don’t be ridiculous. I’m friends with all the members. I practically live at the dorms lately.” You crossed your arms. “Do you want me to scowl at them all the time?”
“We’ll, it’d make me feel better.”
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“Why can’t I dance with Y/N?” Junseo pouted. “We have better chemistry.”
“We’re a better height match.” Seokhwa shrugged. “It’s not about chemistry for this kind of dance.”
“Well, then stop touching them so much.” Junseo huffed, rubbing the back of his neck. “It’s unnecessary.”
“It’s a partner dance.” Seokhwa raised a brow. “Are you okay?”
“Fine.” He grumbled, making you realize just how bothered he was getting.
“You’re jealous.” You teased. His cheeks reddened in response and he looked down at his feet. “Oh my god, you are.” You laughed and walked up to him, kissing his cheek. “Do you wanna choreograph our own dance at home? I’ll let you lift me.”
“You don’t let anyone lift you.”
“Just for you, babe.” You smiled gently. “I’ll make an exception just for you.”
“Well, now I feel special.”
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feelings are temporary
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/ZnURLKD
by donghan
Kokichi has a panic attack.
Kokichi watches his motive video, and there's only one person he wants comfort from.
Words: 1746, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: New Dangan Ronpa V3: Everyone's New Semester of Killing, Dangan Ronpa Series
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Oma Kokichi, Saihara Shuichi, Iruma Miu, Hoshi Ryoma, Akamatsu Kaede, DICE (Dangan Ronpa), Tojo Kirumi
Relationships: Oma Kokichi/Saihara Shuichi
Additional Tags: Anxiety Attacks, Oma Kokichi Needs a Hug, Slightly OOC Kokichi, Fluff, Fluff and Angst, Character Study
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/ZnURLKD
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ryewi · 6 years
Ain’t No Time - kdh
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Summary: Donghan is a competitive person, ready to pull out a veni,vidi,vici whenever he has a chance to, but so are you. As the media announced the annual dancing competition between k-pop idols with their significant others, both of you were excited to begin practicing and be in it to win it.
Pairing: Idol!Donghan x Reader (y’all not an idol in this one, sorry)
Genre: fluff i guess? 
Words: 2,4k 
Warnings: Kim Donghan, that’s it, that’s the warning
AN: This is based off of a dream I had 2 nights ago that served as a casual reminder to not watch Donghan videos after 3am
For what felt like thousandth time, you shot hand guns towards the mirror, attempting to feel the outfit you were wearing. It was interesting, how mismatched colors or weird pairings didn't matter as long as they felt comfortable. Many would argue that the main priority is to feel snuggly, but is it really when you literally pair up a green top with red sweatpants?  
This time though, the colors matched perfectly, probably because both the top and sweatpants were black. Yet, even if they didn’t fit well together as an outfit, you felt amazing; hips swaying left and right, then proceeding to smile at how silly you acted when you were alone sometimes.
A silent beep shook the daze off, the screen of your phone lighting up, a small message notification popping up not long after. The wallpaper shone brightly, showing off a beautiful selfie your boyfriend took two months ago. If his picture wasn't enough to make you smile, the message sure was.
From ♡ Moon 'n Stars ♡ - 13s ago
If my respectful girlfriend is ready, I'd please her beautiful face to come over to the studio
Putting a hand over your mouth to stifle the sudden wave of uncontrollable laughter, you texted back a cute heart emoji. Standing up suddenly, your vision blurred for a moment, as if your body screamed "yo, what happened, calm down woman". Regaining balance on previously wiggly legs and shaky eyesight, you grabbed a bulky backpack resting on a king-sized bed. Your eyes caught on to a sparkly award placed on a shelf next to the bedside table. It was from a music show on which your boyfriend, Donghan, got his first win. Just looking at the award still sent chills of excitement and proudness through your body.
Inside of the bag, you never carried much stuff, although the carriage itself was slightly too much. Usually, a bottle of water, a towel, shower gel and spare t-shirt were the only things inside along with phone and keys. With more than sixty percent left free, the bag sometimes looked funny to you.
Outside, it was pretty chilly for the customarily burning August, with 23 degrees Celsius (73,4F), you felt better and ready to start dancing. Donghan was supposed to teach you a choreography to his song, called 'Ain't No Time' today. Reasoning behind that activity, was that there was a competition between k-pop idols and their significant others in dancing. Each official couple was supposed to learn one of idols’ choreographies and perform it together.
Exactly because of that, the k-pop community faced a huge wave of couples announcing their relationships. Fans were attacked from every angle by never ending reports, causing even more drama as they fought which couple is the OTP. Fortunately, you weren't one of the newly declared relationships. Donghan's company freely revealed it around a month after you two started dating, taking time to check if it wasn't a short-timed fling only. What made the relationship even more interesting was, you weren't an idol, just a girl he met on a bus ride home. The two of you began conversating casually about a passenger who caused drama two stops ago and exchanged numbers after enjoying each other’s company so much.
His fans were amazing. When the relationship was revealed, your instagram was leaked just as quick as a snap of one's fingers, but instead of hate comments, what you got was pretty different.
Take care of our Donghanie well!  
Thank you for making our baby happy!
What a stunning girl, our boy sure is lucky!
All of those comments people left made you feel happy. You weren't sure what was to expect, but this definitely wasn't a first thought that crosses one's mind. Fans were quick to make edits, although they weren't left hanging with just their imagination for long. Donghan made sure to post a selfie with you just two days later.  
Occasionally, your phone would buzz with notifications of them trying to contact you through dms and although you didn't have time to reply with a big paragraph to every single one, you tried to be as pleasant as possible. In the end, they were a powerful force you didn't want to awaken in a wrong way and neither was there a need to do so.
When you finally reached the dance studio, ten minutes later than expected, you made no effort to be undercover when entering. There were many employees swiftly changing their routes and mumbling quiet excuses whenever they bumped into each other. It made you giggle when Kyungjae, a dancer employed two years ago, entered the female's bathroom on accident, scared women screaming in unison back at him.
"Kyungjae!" You screamed, making him jump and nearly drop the drink he carried in his right hand. On the sight of such a cheerful creature, Kyungjae smiled, advancing towards you in long strides. Jae was a lanky person, with doe like eyes, pointy nose and plush lips, shy at first but extremely talkative afterwards. Whenever a company dinner was held and your dear boyfriend tagged you along, Kyungjae would be the main attraction of the night. Jokes, swearing, dissing the politician system, whatever there was to think of, he had his mouth already opened to talk about.
"Hey! I heard you were coming, how are you?" He replied, arm now thrown around your shoulders comfortably. It was okay, both of you were very comfortable around each other; he was most probably your favorite employee here too.
"I'm great, thanks for asking, how are you doing today, my kind Sir?" Your voice was serious, but the slight twitch upwards of your mouth gave away the soon to splash wave of giggles. Kyungjae himself was near the shore too, lips extending into a thin line to suppress his incoming laughter. Replying with only thumbs up and an enthusiastic nod, he pushed you towards the entrance door which had a big "DANCE PRACTICE ROOM" written on them. Many cheerful voices broke through the barrier of closed door and made you smile as Donghan began to shush down his dancers.
"Let's all be serious now, my girlfriend must be near and we have to be professional" From reasons unknown, his face just appeared in front of you while he said that. Nose slightly scrunched and point finger up in the air, trying to indicate a serious point while attempting not to laugh at his sudden change of demeanor.  
Suddenly, as if on que, you forcefully but playfully opened the door, arms opened as you ran towards Donghan's tall figure. He didn't have much time to react before caring arms wrapped around his waist tight, trying to express the fondness you felt throughout this simple, yet meaningful action. Donghan turned around in the little cage, wrapping his own hands around you too, receiving at least a thousand awws from around the room.  
To say that your face was now shining with happiness would be an extreme understatement. Every single emotion Donghan awakened was now present on your face, showing just how much love there was for him to take from you. He was also smiling, cheeks rising to impossible heights, cupping your face and leaning down to kiss your forehead. He wasn't someone who's content with a lot of PDA, satisfying himself with just holding hands most of the time. Yet, when your feet make a first step into the shared apartment, Donghan's hands would be all over you; not in a sexual way, just in a rather innocent and comfortable manner, as if your waist and cheeks were the only place his hands knew about.
"Well look who blessed us with their presence" Donghan joked, caressing your right cheek for a second too long. Noticing that indeed, there are way too many people watching right now, he turned around and clapped twice, indicating that the practice can start. You both made an agreement that he'll show the whole piece first, just to get a good in-detail look of what you'll be learning.
Hurry up to my side, give me a hug
Whenever your boyfriend danced to this song in particular, you were in a trance. Sunset was a song you enjoyed too, easily getting down to the beat every time it was played, but Ain't No Time was your most favorite ever. Donghan's body moved so smoothly, hands travelling flawlessly over his neck, arms, thighs as if they were touching pure silk. He danced with so much emotion. It might be because you were so close whenever he performed, but it's as if whatever he felt at that moment, came out through dancing. Whether it was frustration, sadness, excitement and happiness, his moves and aura changed each time, creating a unique and special experience. Often you wanted to ask was he controlling his emotions or were the emotions controlling him while performing.  
Even though your eyes left his numerous of times to focus on a certain part of his body, trying to remember pieces of choreography, his never left yours. They were locked on to your moving irises, displaying an unexplainable amount of fondness towards his one and only.
For the time you two have been dating, Donghan never felt his emotions change, especially when your angelic face was the first thing his eyes focused on in the morning. When you were his first good morning and smile of the day. He loved you to the point where his heart ached.
When his dance neared the end, you anticipated the hand heart he throws when I love you line finishes. Instead of doing just that, Donghan walked over in a few long strides, grabbed your waist and kissed you. The sound of obnoxiously loud clapping indicated an end to the performance, dancers present in the room already ready to help you with learning.
“The choreography will be the same, but you’ll be mirroring my moves” Donghan spoke up, ruining the balance and resulting in confusion overtaking your body. Mirrored moves? Seeing uncertainty painting your soft features, he moved to stand right next to you and explain what he meant.
“I move my right hand, you move your right” His hand moved flawlessly through the air, motion looking like a swift wave on calm water. You mirrored his actions, succeeding to time it perfectly the first time. But why?
“We will be turned back to back for our performance” Donghan continued to explained and you suddenly felt panic rise up to fasten your heartbeat. You weren’t going to see each other during the performance, that’s too risky. He noticed the way you slightly bit the inside of your cheek, an obvious action that gave away the current emotions of his girlfriend.
“We will introduce it as a ‘trust performance’,” it was only respectful to let him finish his introduction and clarification even though there were so many questions to be asked, “basically a dance in which we have to trust our partner to offer just as good of a performance as we do”. You weren’t so comfortable with the idea, in the end you really could miss the beginning beat start a second before him, you could accidentally push him or back up a moment too early. So many ways that it could go wrong...
But at the same time, you were extremely excited. If the plan went well, performing such an interesting and unique show could probably bring a lot to favor. Donghan and you often did covers and each time the timing of both was marvelous. Not even milliseconds early or late, just on time, for three or four minutes in which his camera managed to capture the hard and amazing teamwork of you two.
You could and you will do this.
“Let’s start then!”
2pm is when you walked in through the door of the studio, it was currently 8 and you were on your knees, head in hands, frustrating puffs of air leaving your lips. The next try would be 36th attempt of the same move and you were pretty sure It'll be the same as previous. Backup dancers have already began clearing up, going home to their respective families and you wished you could too, yet there was just so much more to do.  
Pushing exasperation and fatigue away, you stood up, approaching the huge mirror that took a whole wall of space. Turning on the music and getting into position, you began dancing, eyes fixed on to your figure that magnificently swayed to each beat and break. Donghan looked at you from behind, eyes hooded and arms relaxed on his sides, already too tired of trying to convince a stubborn child to go home. Each time he pleased you, reasoning and sweet talking, you brushed it off, saying that it’s a must to master this. The only problem is, it wasn’t possible. Even your mind was weary, already forgetting pieces of movement you thought was settled and learned.
Donghan was tired of seeing you beat yourself over, hands slapping the ground, palm outstretched on the smooth parquet floor, nails dragging over it lightly. You can’t and won’t give up.
“Darling, please,” Donghan cooed, approaching the tired figure in front and caressing tired shoulders with his tender fingers. Your body visibly relaxed on his calm touch, muscles pacifying from previously felt tension. Everything suddenly felt better, black cloth lifted from the cage, when Donghan’s arms wrapped around your figure from behind. “We can change the choreography if you’d like”
“No!” You replied, furiously shaking your head no, while holding tight onto the two hands that provided warmth. “No, I’ll learn it, I’m just...just tired”.  
“I believe, my sunshine, we will be back tomorrow okay? We will work on this together, we have plenty of time” He picked your hand in his, fingers caressing the top of it in a comforting matter. Donghan was just as tired as you were, if not more, but he used the remaining bits of energy to offer comfort to the most important being in his life.
“Let’s go home, hm? Let’s rest?” He tried again, although skeptical because of the replies he got the past hundred times that exact question was asked. You turned back to look at your boyfriend, squealing after noticing that his head already rested on your shoulder. Nodding and letting him help while sitting up, both of you finally made it to the changing rooms and out of the building.
That night, Donghan had to use his power of light repetitive kisses and hugs to lure you to bed and stop from practicing in front of the big bedroom mirror.
AN: This could and actually most probably will have a 2nd chapter but like you didn’t hear that from me
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duringday · 7 years
Best friends to lovers!Kim Donghan
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member: kim donghan genre: fluff requested bullet point style
• maybe it wasn’t such a good idea agreeing to go with your best friend named donghan, to a party • he kept holding on though and said it would be a lot of fun • that’s what he said • at 7pm he came over, but much to his dismay you weren’t finished yet • debating on what to wear • donghan sighed as he quickly grabbed a dress from your garderobe • ‘put this on quickly, I have to pick up longguo and shihyun as well.’ • who would’ve thought the youngest would have to pick everyone up • well not donghan • anyways donghan left your room after he threw the dress on your bed, giving you some time to change
• as soon as you came downstairs, donghan whistled at you • 'what a pretty best friend I have.’ you smiled as donghan locked his arm with yours, walking towards his car • he was lowkey regretting picking that dress for you, because you really looked gorgeous in it • and he’d rather keep you, looking like this, all to himself
• the car ride was pretty calm and donghan allowed you to play some music • that changed when longguo and shihyun entered the car • shihyun quickly mumbled an apology as he pushed longguo in the backseat • that boy already got drunk and the party hasn’t even started yet
• okay so remember donghan said that it was going to be fun • well, you couldn’t fully agree on that • in the beginning, it was pretty nice, donghan offered you a drink as he just talked to you normally as always • until longguo suddenly dragged him through the huge crowd of people to 'dAnCEeE’ • so you’d turned to shihyun to talk with him • but that boy disappeared as well
• eventually, you had found someone you knew • a boy from your english class named kenta • the two of you knew each other but haven’t really met properly • as if meeting during a party while having a few drinks is properly • but anyways you had a good time with kenta • he taught (or at least tried to teach) you some japanese • but instead of repeating the unknown words he said, your outcome sounded completely different • not that kenta minded because it was cute • oh and he also offered you a drink, or 4 • not that he was trying to get you drunk or anything
• but it sure wasn’t something donghan could accept as he saw you engulfing kenta in a big hug, thanking him for making you ’a japanese language master within 15 minutes, you’re welcome’ • clearly you were tipsy if not worse because donghan knew you wouldn’t just hug random strangers • as if kenta was a stranger I mean he helped you with japanese yo • but anyways donghan did not accept
• before you could even progress what was happening and why donghan looked very displeased you were dragged into his car • 'wHerE Are We Going You StrAnGe Man’ you giggled as he fastened your seatbelt • trying to suppress a smile at your drunk cuteness, donghan just sighed, fixating his gaze on the road • suddenly the car ride seemed extremely long • especially with you touching his hair • and his thighs • 'what are you doing’ he gulped as you patted his thigh as if it was an animal • ’peTtiNg THe Dog OBvIouSLy’ you looked at him as if he was an idiot • he wasn’t sure if you saying his thigh was a dog as an insult or compliment, but he just let it slide, he’d blackmail you with it later
• when he finally reached your house, he bent over you to unbelt your seatbelt • until he looked at you, his eyes meeting yours • big mistake • ’WoW WHO Are You?! YOU’re So HAndsome….’ you said as your hands reached up to cup his cheeks • donghan was quick to pry your hands off of him but he couldn’t hide the deep red blush that was now covering his cheeks
• he (carefully) dragged you out of the car, heading straight to your bedroom as he laid you down • 'donghan’ you whispered, catching his attention immediately • 'why won’t you love me?’ your voice sounding like you were close to breaking down • but in fact, donghan was the one who felt like breaking down • all these years of trying to hint that he liked you finally paid off • or they didn’t because you were drunk • realizing that, donghan instantly went from a huge happy adrenaline rush in his body, to a sad state in which he could only stare at you • after all you could just be talking nonsense, or even worse, talking about someone else • 'goodnight y/n.’ he smiled bitterly • you yawned as you closed your eyes • as soon as donghan was sure you were fast asleep and safe he left your apartment, but not before pressing his lips against your forehead
• the next day you woke up in your pyjamas in your bed • after a few minutes, you finally realized what happened last night • you went to a party and got drunk- you got drunk • you quickly shot up, trying to recall every moment in the hope you didn’t do anything embarrassing • at that moment you received a text from donghan • 'did you sleep well? I brought you home last night, you seemed a bit too tipsy, also I assumed what was laying on your bed were your pyjamas.’ • you quickly texted him back • 'I didn’t do anything embarrassing right?’ • you were beginning to get anxious as donghan didn’t reply • 10 minutes later you finally received a text back • ’well except for the fact you have said some things which pretty much look like a confession, then no you didn’t do anything weird at all.’ • oh
• donghan sighed as he draped himself over his couch, not sure if he should’ve confronted you with it, but he really just needs an answer now on whether you like him or not • after you didn’t seem to answer, he shrugged his shoulders, 'time to get rid of those feelings I’ve had for you for 5 years straight.’ • but then his phone rang • when he saw your name on the screen, he answered with a heavily beating heart • 'yes..?’ he swallowed loudly as he placed his hand over his chest • 'I don’t know what I’ve said yesterday, but if it is similar to saying I love you, then I mean all of it’
[I think this request has been in my inbox for 58 years Im so incrediyjbkljklgfdlkjs sLOW FJSKLFSDJLFJ but I sincerely, genuinely, truthfully, honestly, hope you like it, so please let me know!]
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chaeinedup · 1 year
Domestic WEi
You begged and begged for Daehyeon to be done with his work;
And it’s not like he wanted to leave you to boredom, he promised after many weeks apart that today was gonna be just the two of you;
But his computer got in the way;
When inspiration strikes you can’t let it runaway;
You of course understand but you really missed him and spending time with him.
So now there you were sitting on his lap while he types his thoughts away.
It didn’t take you long to fall asleep and when he noticed his heart clenched;
He felt so guilty, you only wanted one thing and he failed to give you what you wanted;
His work was finally done but he didnd’t want to wake you up, so he stayed on the couch holding you and caressing your hair making sure to whisper a “I love you” in your ear.
It was his turn to clean the dorm and let’s just say he wasn’t too happy about it;
Usually they clean in twos but they played rock paper scissors and Donghan just so happened to be the only who lost;
But lucky for him you showed up at his door an hour ago, asking if he was busy;
He told you that unfortunately he wouldn’t be available and explained he had to clean the dorms;
You went inside and immeaditely rolled up your sleeves as a sign of help;
Donghan didn’t expect you to join this tedious task but he was very happy he wouldn’t be doing this alone:
At the end of the day it took way less time and it was extremely pleasant for the both of you;
You had your dance breaks, singing duets and your own season of show me the money;
It’s safe to say Donghan wouldn’t mind losing a game again.
Avatar was all people were talking about and you never really cared that much, but your boyfriend certainly did;
He was so sad he couldn’t get tickets for the first screening of the movie, and you were so sad you couldn’t just tell him you got the tickets;
This is the downside of surprises, you have to make him suffer until it’s the right time;
The day finally came and you had asked Yongha to pick you up, you hadn’t specified why and he didn’t ask either which good for you cause you had no excuse prepared;
When he got to your place he called you and you stepped outside;
You got in the car and he asked you if you were okay, you said yes of course but you just wanted to see him;
He of course was extremely happy but when you showed him your phone he couldn’t believe his eyes;
“WAIT??!! YOU GOT TICKETS???!!!” ;
You told him you were sorry for not telling him sooner but you didn’t want to ruin the surprise;
He couldn’t care less if he was sulky for a week straight he was just so happy to have someone like you by his side, so thoughtful and loving;
Let’s just say he was like a kid with candy for the rest of the night.
He finally had some free time in his hands so the only logical thing to do was relax;
But he felt like staying in the same environment as always wouldn’t really give him the sense of free time;
So he called up a hotel and made a reservation for two people, you and him;
After getting off the phone with the receptionist he texted you;
“Tomorrow im picking you up, pack lightly”;
You were more than confused, what do you mean pack?? But you knew that if you made any questions he wouldn’t answer them;
So you packed not sure of the outfit choices but you also didn’t know what you had to pack for;
Tomorrow finally came and he did indeed show up at your door, dressed like an uncle going to hawai;
You were scared you didn’t have your passport with you and you asked him if you’d be needing it and he laughed;
“We’re going on a staycation dont worry”;
When you got there it was like paradise the place was so calm and pretty you couldn’t wait to jump in the pool.
But yohan had different plans, he layed on the bed and dragged you with him,
“Did you just come here to sleep??”;
“No but right now it’s the thing I want the most and I want to cuddle you”;
You were caught off guard with his sincerity but you quickly melted to his side.
Another day another parenting shift for Seokhwa;
And apparentely for you too;
You were both currently pet sitting cookie and dalli;
It’s not like you didn’t like it but it’s definetly not what you had in mind when Seokhwa called you to come over;
It was time for cookie’s walk so you briefly said goodbye to dalli telling her you weren’t going to take long;
And off you were for a little trip to the dog park;
Cookie is a little scared of crowed and loud places so you have to pick him up;
So it’s really just the two of you walking;
You didn’t mind it was kind of peaceful just stroling around with no places to be or anything to do really;
And of course no outing with Seokhwa would end without some silly or cute pictures;
If there’s not a picture, it never happened.
It was Yongha’s birthday and everyone was in charge of doing something for his little surprise bday party;
You and Junseo volunteered to make the cake;
So that led you to go grocery shopping and now you were in the kitchen reading the recipe;
“Are you sure we got everything we needed?”;
“Yeees, not only we double checked we triple checked Junseo you can breath”;
Everything was going well until one of you spelled the flour;
“Why would you do that?!!”;
“I didn’t it was you!!”;
As you were saying that he threw some flour in your face laughing at your now white casted face;
You didn’t let him win this war and you lathered some frosting on his face;
With all this laughing and screaming Daehyeon decided to check on what was going on;
Not only was he shocked at what he saw he had to break up “the fight” or you'd use all the ingredients on one another instead of the cake;
You both promised there was need for supervision and that you wouldn’t screw around anymore;
But stealing glances at Junseo you could tell this was far from over.
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seokmattchuus · 2 years
Drunkenly Confessing to Wei - Reaction
A/n: Can't remember if I proofread this but I wanted to write something else for them because I'm in my Yongha feels. Enjoy I guess?
Daehyeon: *Taken aback by the randomness of it all. Buffers when he tries to respond.*
"Well, are you going to say something?" You hiccupped with a pout.
"I-" He paused. "Same." He paused again. "I mean, yes. Wanna get coffee sometime?"
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Donghan: *A flirty drunk as is. You're never getting rid of him. You said what you said and meant what it meant.*
"You know you can't take that back, right?" He smiled at you. "You're stuck with me."
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Yongha: *His lips curve up at your mumbled rambling and can't help but laugh a little once you've finished talking.*
"Why are you laughing at me?" You pouted. "Is it that funny to you?"
"I'm not laughing at you, I just," He paused as he hid his face. "You beat me to it."
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Yohan: *Plans to bring it up when you're sober, so he doesn't really say anything. Lowkey thinks you're lying.*
"Are you going to say something or just stare at me..?" You trailed off anxiously.
"I-" He paused to clear his throat. "I just wasn't expecting it." He paused again. "Why don't we talk about this in the morning?"
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Seokhwa: *You both were going to say something at the same time, so he let you go first. Kicks himself.*
"You sure have perfect timing." He laughed as he watched you take another shot. "I was just about to say the same thing."
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Junseo: *Thanks to the alcohol, he's not even fazed. The confession makes him confident enough to get flirty.*
"If I say 'yes' right now," He smiled, taking another sip of his drink. "You better take responsibility."
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mywonuderful · 3 years
WEi reaction to you wearing their shirt
anon’s request: Hey hai! Idk if this is categorized as smut but I think it's not too explicit so I wanna try hehe. Can I request WEi's reaction towards us only wearing their shirt? Thank you! ><
a/n: sorry this took longer than expected I was finishing up with finals when I got this request but nonetheless, I did this in bullet point form instead so I hope you don't mind it! thank you for requesting anon!
main masterlist
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i just want to say how smol he looks when all the members team up to make fun of him
but regardless of that let's say he's over at your place to watching a movie together
"hurry up! the movie is going to start without you!" he yelled from the living room
you were in your room, changing into something more loose and cozier for the m o o d so you just grabbed whatever came into your sight without giving much thought
you walked out into the living room where Daehyun was sitting on one end of the couch, arm resting on top of the armrest
he glances over his shoulder as he heard your footsteps approached and did a double take as you stood in front of him. he doesn't move, eyes fixed on you and then the shirt you're wearing before you looked down, cheeks turning pink as you realized that you were wearing his shirt
"is that-"
"i just grabbed the first thing i saw" you said in a hurry as he tried to hide his smile and his blushing cheeks
the commercials were finally coming to an end as the opening scene started playing. You motioned him to scoot over but he doesn't budge.
"the movie is starting..."
"nevermind the movie, that can wait. let me admire you in my shirt for a moment." he reached for the remote, pressing pause before gently pulling you to sit on his lap as the both of you exchanged soft eyes and chuckles.
"you should start wearing my shirts more often"
you were at the boy's dorms as they didn't have any schedules for the day. everyone was scattered around the living room, doing their own things as they spend their time relaxing.
Yohan suggested to open the window because of how bright the sun was shinning but you couldn't help but to feel goosebumps on your skin as the afternoon breeze brushed your skin.
you stood up from Donghan's embrace as he was sharing his advice on some new device that Seokhwa wanted to get and headed to his closet. opening the door to his walk-in closest was racks of shirts from different style, colors and fabrics. you tapped your chin, deciding what to wear before you felt a pair of arms hugging your waist.
"welcome to Donghan's closet, what can I do for you today?" he rested his chin on top of your shoulder was in hummed, eyes scanning the line of clothes
"hmm, maybe something warm" you commented before the weight on your shoulder was gone as you were turned around to face Donghan. "it's a little chilly with the windows opened" you added in your defense before he gave you the 'i told you to dress warm yet you come here wearing a t-shirt' look
"I can't even tell if you planned this or not anymore" he sighed in defeat as your cheerfully smiled.
"Well I guess I would be lying if I said I didn't like you taking my clothes anyways." he confessed as the two of you laughed before he helped you picked out a sweater
I apologize for my lack of knowledge in (combat) gaming in advance as I only know super smash bros and street fighter
"what took you so long? I'm going to start the game without you!" was the first thing you heard from Yongha as you set foot into their dorm.
he was starting at the edge of the bed, legs crossed as he choose his characters, eyes not even taking a glance at you. you pouted at his actions as you purposely dropped you bag on his coffee table, making a loud thud
still no reaction from him :/
feeling disappointed, you sat beside him as the two of you went for a couple of rounds (?) of super smash bros
"c'mon Y/N, I swear you're not even trying" the screen showed your character in defeat as his won. He fell back on his bed, letting out a irresistible smile.
"okay okay how about this. next game, loser of 2 of 3 pays for chicken." he sat back up, hoping to get you some determination on actually playing the game when his eyes widen from taken notice of what you were wearing, his face changing from his smooth honey skin to a shade of a tomato.
"is that my sh-"
"finally someone is taking a notice." you grumbled as he placed his controller down before hugging you, nuzzling his nose on your neck to hide his embarrassment. "you know I can never back down on a deal. Let's get it over it." you picked up your controller, already knowing that you can't stand a chance from Yongha
but to your surprised, after 3 rounds, you won 2 of them, making Yongha the loser of his deal
"I won! Chicken is on you!" You cheered as you jumped on his bed. He sat there, staring at the screen dumbfounded from reality.
"thats not fair." he whined as you sat back down. he pouted his lips as you squished his cheeks. "I was distracted by you wearing my shirt."
"well now I guess I know what your weakness is when it comes to playing games"
he planned a little date with you to go strolling down the city streets. you decided to wear something causal and went with a pair of jeans and his t-shirt that you tucked in.
you were waiting at the spot that the both of you agreed on meeting as you glanced at your phone for the time. you were early by a few mintues.
from a distance Yohan was making his way over when he turned in and saw a familiar figure but couldn't tell if it was you since it was the back.
you hear light footsteps approaching before you lifted your head from your phone, turning around check who it was
*cue fading starlight by annyeong bada*
he stops at his steps as you stood in front of him, eyes widen from since he didn't expect it to be you
"ah, why is it so bright all of a sudden?" he squinted his eyes, trying to cover your brightly shining appearance as your playfully punched his chest from his cringe-worth line. he looked at your outfit as you did the same to him, before looking back on your own, seeing the same thing
"isn't that my shirt?" the both of you said at the same time before he raised an eyebrow at you as you were about to explain yourself.
"your shirt? I was looking for that shirt for the longest time!" he pointed at his t-shirt you were wearing. You looked down at it with guilt before he pulled you into a hug. "I'm just joking, love."
"hey, didn't you say you always wanted to try couple pairing?" you suddenly recalled him mentioning it as he looked down at you.
"well, I guess we truly are meant to be having that we wore the same thing without even planning it."
you promised Seokhwa to help take some photos for him for his Instagram post and so here you are, getting ready to head out to the shooting shot that he suggested. Since you were only taking pictures, you didn't try out on dressing, knowing that Seokhwa finds you looking effortless in anything you wear
you made your way over to the spot as he stood with a few of his members as they all finished their schedules today.
you quietly went behind Seokhwa before jumping in attempt to scare him. he turned around to meet you with a smile before pulling you into a hug his members pretending to throw up
"it's that-"
"that looks familiar"
"Seokhwa's shirt?"
"So she can wear it but not me?"
all the members started to take notice of you wearing his shirt as your unconsciously covered your body with your arms
"hey hey hey, but in all seriousness when you take it?" he turns to face you as you let out a cheeky smile
"last week when I came over and you were too busy fanboying over Apink, mister hardcare pink panda" you crossed your arms, narrowing your eyes at him as he looked away, pretending now to hear.
"I'm sorry love." he kissed your forehead "but you know i'll always be the biggest fanboy for you? Especially when you're wearing my shirt, it's making me hard to keep my fanboying to myself." He bent to whisper into your ear as a flushed creeps past your face and ears
"a little heads up but if I let my fanboy self out today, it's on Y/N" he confessed to his members as they all broke out into fits of laugh and teasing
my bias wreaker in WEi because he's t h a t handsome and my self confidence drops because of him
after 2 weeks of their recent comeback which meant hectic schedules and performances, you finally have Junseo for yourself as he was over at your place for a sleepover. You were cuddling in his arms as he showed you pictures of places and food he wants to try and visit in Jeju.
"We have to visit the Sunrise Park if we every get a chance to visit Jeju." you hummed in response as he took notice that your eyes were getting tired. "Do you want to sleep?" you nodded in response as he kissed your nose. He got up to use the washroom as you changed out of your loungewear into your pajamas before hopping back into bed. He got out and crawled onto bed before joining you.
you faced each other as you traced his features with your finger as he playing with your hair when he noticed you wearing his shirt, making him sit up.
"is there something wrong?" you followed and sat up as you saw his face tinting into red.
"is that your pajamas?" he pointed at what you were wearing before you feel into a shade of pink, getting caught red-handed for wearing his clothes.
"a-ah... I'll wash it and-"
"come here" he cut you off as he laid on his side, facing you as he patted the spot beside him, telling you to lay beside him. you silently followed. "you can keep it. I think you look better in it than me" you let out a muffled chuckle
"I only wore it because I missed you." You admitted into his chest, feeling regret as the last words left your mouth.
"what? I couldn't hear you clearly?" He lifted your chin for you to look at him. He has a smile that you knew you wouldn't escape unless you repeated your words.
"you were busy for the past 2 weeks... So this was the closest thing I could get from having a breakdown from missing you" you shyly mumbled as he stroked your back, making your eyelids get heavier and heavier.
"well, you can forget about that shirt because I'll be the closet thing to you."
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leejeongz · 2 years
I saw WEi requests so i’m here :) can i request their reaction to you saying “i love you” first? Thank You ❤️
wei reaction to you saying “i love you” first
pairing: boyf!wei x gn!reader
genre: fluff
warnings: y/f/n = your full name
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daehyeon ・:,。★゚
♡ you’re in public when you say it so he looks down shyly and giggles, grabbing the drink in front of him and sipping it
♡ but really doesn’t mind that you said it first, it doesn’t even cross his mind
♡ definitely tells you that he loves you more in the shyest tone of voice ever with burning red cheeks lol
♡ “stop it, y/n, i thought you hated pda?? you don’t? oh well in that case, y/f/n, i love you too.”
other members under the cut
donghan ・:,。★゚
♡ did you seriously just catch him off guard with the L word? and you expect to get away with it? no repercussions?
♡ he grabs your arm gently and pulls you to face him, forcing intimate eye contact that you’re too nervous to break at this point
♡ he starts to crack a smile under the pressure, eventually giggling and leaning in to press a kiss to your lips
♡ “i love you too, silly”
yongha ・:,。★゚
♡ literally didn’t even hear you so he just looks at you and gives you a passive confused laugh in response hoping that whatever you said was funny
♡ when you repeat yourself though, he’s kicking himself for replying in such a way
♡ he’s a little pouty that you manage to sneak it in first, but he’ll get over it
♡ “i thought you said something about my gloves, they’re kinda goofy, right?”
yohan ・:,。★゚
♡ drops everything to look at you and asks you to repeat yourself
♡ he’s just looking at you, the words aren’t going in, he cannot believe the situation right now
♡ gulps and stutters out a response, trying to hide his shyness but failing SO DAMN HARD
♡ “did you just say? did you really? i’m not laughing at you, no, i promise, i’m just in disbelief.”
seokhwa ・:,。★゚
♡ might cry, very close to crying, is perhaps only seconds away from crying
♡ has to laugh otherwise he most definitely will shed a tear
♡ “you love me?” he scoffs “and i’m supposed to be shocked by that?”
♡ a minute of painful silence and eye contact passes before he speaks again “actually it would be a bit embarrassing if you didn’t love me considering how much i love you”
junseo ・:,。★゚
♡ cuddling quietly, you nestled your head into a comfier spot on his neck and said the three words
♡ he’s kinda relieved that he doesn’t have to be the one to say it first, but hopes that you don’t pick up on that lmao
♡ so he feigns a pout and whines about how he planned to say it first, shooting up from his position on the bed and taking you with him
♡ “you stole my thunder, y/n” >:( “i still love you though.”
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minjiwritesstuff · 8 months
Hello!! I'd like to request a fluffy scenario in which Donghan kisses his s/o for the first time. Thank you!!
hi hi so sorry it took so long for me to write this! i hope you'll enjoy it and thank you for requesting!!!
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ddaehyeon · 3 years
— love should be mundane: wei's love gestures
not requested! ✧ ot6; | wei masterlist
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♡ jang daehyeon
a light peck on the lips and a tight squeeze in your hand before the morning goodbyes
♡ kim donghan
a silent yet adorable look on his face as he gazes at you from across your room before he walked towards you to give you a tight hug
♡ yoo yongha
a soft kiss on the cheek while a flush spreads on his face, the shy smile that appears on his lips carries an unspoken affection
♡ kim yohan
a cuddle session by the couch, a bowl of popcorn shared while the movie playing in front gets neglected as the two of you talk
♡ kang seokhwa
a call of your name among the crowd, his smile brighter than the sun when his gaze lands on you
♡ kim junseo
a shared earphone as the two of you sit next to each other on the bus while listening to the same song, the afternoon commuting less dreadful with him by your side
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markleeswatermelon · 3 years
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