#draw darkness: aurelio
yo-yo-yoshiko · 11 months
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Noodling with some looks for Band and Aurelio prior to their main story. Band with her edgy villain and anti-hero past, and Aurelio living normal life on the space station he was born on.
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unmeisenshi · 1 year
Solaris and Noel charged head first into the group of zealots in front of them, beginning to strike down the group. Most of their attacks were non-fatal, only incapacitating the group, but some had gotten more roughed up than others, with Noel even killing some by accident. The zealots would grow to overwhelm the pair, and Solaris and Noel were forced to fall back. Small gashes littered their bodies.
"Uncle Sol... What's the plan here?" Noel asked, handing the Charizard an Oran Berry to munch on. "They're getting a bit much for us to handle."
Solaris looked back at Noel. It was clear he was a bit out of his element, as he had more gashes and cuts than even Noel had. "I have an idea. Stand back. It's something I've been testing."
Noel did as instructed, and moved behind Solaris. The Charizard began charging a ball of fire at the hilt of his sword, it growing in size quickly. Once it was charged, Solaris seemed to punch the orb in front of him. Some of the zealots couldn't stop in time, and got caught in the orb. The others began running back the way they came.
"You aren't getting away that easily..." The Charizard placed his blade in front of him, holding it by the handle like a pistol. Another ball of energy began charging at the hilt, his blade growing more unsteady and shaky as it charged. "Big Blast... Sonic!"
The orb in his sword was fired, causing a massive amount of recoil that dislocated Solaris' right shoulder and knocked him to his rear. But the ensuing blast was large, and knocked out the rest of the zealots that were near them.
"Uncle Sol! Are you okay?" She looked at Solaris' arm, and grimaced. "I-I don't know how to-"
"It's alright... I knew the risk. I can get this fixed no problem. Go and help Dizzy and Aurelio. I'll get the group here we beat together so we can take them to jail once we're done here."
Noel didn't even need to travel far, as Dizzy and Aurelio came soaring back towards them. Jethro followed suit, appearing wispy and ghost-like before materializing. "Come now, little brother. Surely you and your friends can do better."
"Yeah, we have." Solaris gestured to his left, not the unconscious and some dead bodies scattered around the ground.
"Hmph. That's okay. I'm the only one you need to worry about. These followers are expendable. I can always get more." Jethro chuckled, and seemed to draw the life force out of one of the unconscious followers, grinning menacingly as he did.
Aurelio slammed his fist in the ground, turning into the Hisuian Variant of his species. "Enough, Jethro! You've killed enough people for this! Including Mom and Dad those years ago!"
Jethro chuckled. "Why stop when I can become God? As they say... What is God but the most powerful being in the universe?"
Aurelio growled in anger, motioning for Noel to join him. "You're going down, Jethro. And we're taking you in, whether it be dead or alive!"
The other Zoroark chuckled. "Very well, then! Come at me!"
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ms-nesbit · 1 year
Sugar and Spice
a jason todd x reader fanfic
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Rating: 18+ (minors dni)
word count: 5.4k
warnings/notes: mention of trauma and abuse, Jason Todd isn't Red Hood, explicit content, smut, panic attack
summary: jason is a baker with cake, and y/n a horticulturist with a chance to sow her wild oats.
“And would you like that for here or to go?”
The streets of Gotham buzzed with citizens despite the imminent crime, visitors entering and leaving famous Zia’s, a bakery home to Gotham’s finest breads and pastry sweets. Inside the confined space displayed an array of baked goods, its floor littered with customers clutching their tong and red plastic tray.
In a rouge apron dusted with crumbs and splotches of icing and egg, Jason tended to the confectionery inventory, carrying a large metal pan holding marranitos (Mexican cookies baked in the shape of a pig) on one hand, and a smaller metal pan containing sourdough bread on his other. The dark, robust waft of molasses and ginger filled the air, catching the attention of some of Zia’s more loyal patrons.
“That fresh?!” one blurted.
Jason vaguely smiled behind him before attending to replacing the pan on its designated shelf. “Always.”
As much as Zia’s advertised its pastries, certain Gothamites - single ones with more time than they should have been allotted - spread merry news of eye candy in the shop, drawing more attention than Zia’s owner, Aurelio, expected.
One, a man named Ed, passed a whisper to y/n, who worked nearby at the Gotham Nursery as a horticulturist: “You know, y/n, if you’re ever looking for a snack for your sweet tooth, you could just stop by.”
His expression faltered, as if he was holding something back, but y/n disregarded it as she loaded his plants onto the trunk of his 4x4, and sent him on his way with a brief, “I’ll be sure. As always, thank you for coming, Eddie.”
She hadn’t given the recommendation much thought until on her lunch, when she stopped by Zia’s and stepped into the bumbling bluster of business. Then, as Jason emerged from the kitchen of the bakery with hands full of crumbly tricolor polvorones and loaves of rye bread, his bottom lip tucked in between his teeth in concentration and tee shirt sleeves rising up just enough for all to see his toned biceps, y/n understood Ed’s undertones.
“Excuse me.” a voice from behind snapped y/n’s attention, causing her to turn around to a stern, tight-lipped woman blinking at her. “Would you mind moving over so I could go in there?” she pointed to the shelves y/n blocked, her question seeming more of a kind demand rather than an inquiry.
Nodding feverishly as she stepped aside, y/n bumped into a sturdy tall figure, a string of apologies leaving her lips before her eyes met a pair of hazel, a mix of greens and grays swimming in his irises.
“I’m-I’m so, so, sorry.” y/n was captivated, distracted by the baker’s face shape as he stared down at her with an understanding grin.
“It’s okay, it happens all the time.” the man swiped loose sugar granules from his apron, prompting y/n to take her gaze away from his face and onto the mess of cinnamon sugar on the floor.
“Oh, jeez, do you need me to—”
The man waved a hand in y/n’s direction to calm her down. “Again, it happens a lot. Are you new here?” He used his free arm to catch Aurelio’s attention, who passed him a broom and dustpan to begin cleaning the faint piles of sugar.
Y/n shook her head. “Yeah, I’m not used to this kind of foot traffic.” She squatted on the ground and helped collect particles off the ground with her hands.
Brushing her pile into the maroon dustpan, he glanced at her work uniform. “I didn’t know that Gotham had a botanical garden.” He looked at y/n, his thick, pearl strands of hair falling from his hair net. Y/n felt the stare, and had to bow her head to hide the passing blush tickling her skin.
“You should stop by sometime.” Y/n shrugged when she and the man stood on their feet, disregarding the crowd staggering impatiently around them. “I could analyze your soil’s pH, or even recommend some plants depending on your living situation.”
Y/n watched the man’s adam’s apple bob before he spoke. “And what about a five-hundred square feet flat?”
“There are ways to accommodate the situation if you’re willing. It just takes the right pair of hands and mindset.” y/n gave the man a smile, to which he reciprocated, his soft skin forming ripples from it.
She swallowed the warmth she felt in her stomach, an unfamiliar sensation she whisked away as she followed the man to the checkout counter. His back turned to her, y/n was able to take in his other features: his broad shoulders, appearing almost heavy on his torso, and the merlot tee shirt lazily tucked under the waistband of his washed jeans, which were partially ripped along parts of his left knee and right ankle. Y/n blinked away her urge to follow the natural curvature of his legs up to his ass, though she would admit that her id was pleased with the crumbs of image it viewed.
“Do you think you could show me what I could do? Doc has told me that I need to, uh, spruce up my space.” The man rested his hands on the counter, marginally leaning over it to inch closer to y/n in flirtation.
Y/n couldn’t meet his hazel eyes, unwilling to be enchanted by whatever undertones he was trying to communicate; though, to her dismay, he did attract her, even with the hair net clumping his seemingly soft hair in place, and the poorly executed pun. So she obliged, just a bit. “I work today till six, if you’re able.” one of her shoulders bounced, as if she felt apathetic about his advances.
But he, unbeknownst to y/n, was stubborn. “I can manage.” he wrinkled his nose playfully at her, eyes flickering between her blank stare and her suppressed grin. “My name is Jason, by the way.”
Jason. Like the killer. “Nice to meet you. Here’s the address.” y/n slid a business card across the counter in Jason’s direction, back beginning to turn. “I’ll see you there.”
“Wait, I didn’t catch your name.” Jason called out across the store to her, unbothered by the several customers stopping to look for y/n.
With a hand to the door handle, pushing the heavy door open, y/n looked over her shoulder, said flatly, “I guess you’ll have to find out.” and left with a few strides, disappeared from Jason’s sight.
“I’m gonna find out alright.” Jason murmured, a corner of his lips turning into a grin.
The Gotham Nursery began winding down in visitors, employees cloaking its temperature-sensitive annuals with thick tarp as they prepared for the chilly night ahead. Y/n checked her watch, then the nursery’s entrance, a habit she built as the day passed. Was I too passive? She thought as she hauled mulch across the store lot. Did he forget about me? She mused as she jotted down plant observations in the greenhouse.
Y/n indulged the information about her encounter with Jason to her coworker, Xoe, who was more than enthused about it. Each passing hour, Xoe would cross paths with y/n, bugging her about whether or not she had seen Jason.
It wasn’t until five minutes until closing when Jason arrived, parking his sleek, rumbling motorcycle in a compact spot. A couple of the employees noticed him, and rolled their eyes in frustration, mistakenly thinking that he was a customer, not y/n’s visitor.
Y/n locked herself in the nursery’s greenhouse with her choi sum mustard leaves, using a dainty stick to lift the heavy leaves of the plant. She wrote down the subtle changes in the plant’s behavior, noting the thickness of the leaves after incorporating iron-rich soil.
“Y/n?” Xoe asked, peeking through the polycarbonate door, evoking y/n to look up from her work. “Someone named Jared is here to see you.” Xoe then gave y/n a wink, intentionally mistaking Jason’s name.
“Sure, he can come in. Thanks, Xoe.”
“No problem.” Xoe said, opening the door fully for Jason to allow entry, before throwing y/n a suggestive look and shutting the door.
Distracted by the array of plants both on the ground and overhead, Jason tread carefully through the path of the greenhouse. He raked his fingers through his hair as he stopped to observe the vine dangling from a hanging planter, avoiding touching it in fear that he would somehow kill the plant. Y/n gawped at his actions, amused by the conscientiousness of his every move in spite of his tall, muscular frame.
Jason, appearing diverted, used his peripherals to glance at y/n, who sat on a wooden chair on the other side of the greenhouse. Her attire was similar to their first encounter, except she rolled up the sleeves of her forest long-sleeved top, and wore patterned leather gardening gloves. He admired the contrast of her head to the overhead vines coming down around her, the hearty heart-shaped leaves forming a convex halo. She was breathtaking in her relaxed state, and it was clear to him that the greenhouse was a sanctuary, a treehouse she escaped to when she sought solace. 
“Didn’t think you’d make it, Jason.” y/n held her notebook and pen in her hands as she spoke, still working at her scientific examination notes. 
“Uh, yeah,” Jason mumbled, peering at a distant crimson flower in bloom. “I had to clean up after close. This is where you work?” He looked up at the opaque ceiling of the greenhouse, in awe of the varieties of plants with which he surrounded himself.
Y/n nodded. “Most of the time, yeah. It’s my job to basically make sure the plants are at an optimal growing point so that we could use the info to pass on to customers or vendors.”
Jason sensed the formality in her tone, humbling his ego before he returned, “And you like it?”
Y/n crossed her arms at the question, obviously peeved. “Of course. I don’t know why I would be here, or go through all the schooling, if I didn’t.”
Jason pressed his lips together, remorseful of the offense she took at his inquiry. “Sorry, I should have figured.”
“No, I…I get it all the time, honestly. People are so surprised when I tell them I like it, as if it’s some boring thing.” Y/n rambled, full of thought as she flipped through vague memories of conversations she had with others. “I’ve always loved nature, but not aesthetically, if that makes sense. It’s a science to keep these plants alive and thriving after all the damage we’ve done, and I don’t think I have to keep justifying it.” she clicked her tongue at the end of her statement, eyes looking off to the side in vexation.
Jason rubbed the back of his neck in discomfort. “I get the same comments about my baking. I mean, don’t get me wrong - it’s not nearly as lengthy as the schooling you went through - but I find happiness punching the fuck out of air bubbles in the dough.”
The joke emitted a chuckle from y/n, breaking the tension in the space that could have been otherwise excused by the high humidity. Humor was a strength of Jason’s, and he used it to his advantage in times like these when he found his foot in his mouth, or his tongue in a knot. He wanted to start over, rerun his words smoothly through his head so he could properly express himself without offending y/n again.
Instead, he offered baguettes. “I brought something we could both have in here, if we can have it.” he pointed to the backpack strap on his shoulder, and began to maneuver his backpack to his hands so he could unveil the crispy logs of cooked dough. He handed one baguette to y/n, who removed her gloves to accept the gift, before he took a bite out of one himself.
“You make these?” y/n asked, chewing on a piece. Mouth full of bread, Jason simply nodded. “I have to say, as much as I like plants, I think I would gain a lot of weight if I could bake this well.”
The compliment made Jason beam, squirreling chewed bread in his mouth causing his cheeks to round. After he swallowed, he responded, “Yeah, I get that a lot. Though I don’t think you’d look any bit different with more.” his eyes scanned y/n’s body evocatively.
Y/n’s cheeks tinted, covering her mouth respectfully as she spoke. “It’s really fresh for stale bread.” she gestured to an empty seat beside her. “You wanna sit here?”
Jason shook his head, plopping himself down on the seat before he turned his body to face her. “Oh, I made it before I left.” Jason remarked nonchalantly, taking another bite out of the bread.
Y/n stared at Jason as he ate his workmanship, giggling at him. He gave her a doe-eyed expression, confused by her mirth. “What?” 
“Nothing, I’ve just never seen someone so passionate about eating bread.” Her eyes gleamed at him, smile radiant as she spoke. Jason’s chest burned when she passed him the look, mesmerized by her appearance. He grew accustomed to the constant comments about his looks from Gothamites - and the unfortunate harassment or assault that would take place by a select few - but he followed his instinct when he felt something different about y/n; whether it was the way she presented herself, or the way her eyes shaped into crescents as she smiled, he was absolutely enamored by her, and wanted to explore all that made her content so he could replicate it for her.
They sat together, knee to knee, gazing at each other. Y/n placed her bread on the table and her hands on her lap, drawing Jason’s attention away from her face. His eyes snapped up, though, unwilling to be perceived as perverted, or his intentions impure. Y/n suppressed her temptation to cave in to him, fingernails digging into the skin of her thighs as she desperately tried to keep them to herself.
But his skin was as firm as his voice, five o’clock shadow scattered across his cheeks and jawline; his skin creased as he grinned, even the slightest, a wrinkle forming along the edges of his mouth. Y/n wondered what his lips tasted like - were they as tender as they appeared? Or were his kisses all-encompassing, conveying what words couldn’t describe?
Y/n wanted to find out, but she hesitated: she didn’t want to hurt again; she didn’t want to wither at her roots like the neglected plants she studied, slumping over in her seat as she felt the remaining cells in her body seize. Had the encounter with Jason been years ago, y/n would have already been all over him, straddling his lap - she was much more daring then, naive of the darkness that could ensue.
Instead, she glued her hands to herself. Jason noticed her stare plummet from joyous to cold, her eyes glossy as she blinked away what dark thoughts laid behind them. He placed a hand over hers, thumb stroking the underside of her palm in an attempt to bring her back to the present.
“Sorry.” her voice sobered up, ignoring the display of affection Jason committed.
Shaking his head once, he responded, “Am I doing something wrong? I’ll scoot my chair back and keep my hand away if you want—”
“No, no.” y/n hastily said, unaware of what she presented with her response. “It’s not you, don’t worry.”
“Is it okay if I kiss you?”
The question caused y/n’s heart to rise, excited by the thought. She nodded and leaned forward, cupping his neck as they closed the gap between them and pressed their lips together softly, y/n’s nose filling with a mixture of the leather of his jacket and clean yeast from the bread. Jason instinctively brought his hands to y/n’s face, holding it as he sharply inhaled into the kiss. He was pleasantly surprised by the action, parting his lips as he wanted to deepen the kiss.
But y/n pulled away, and then turned her body from Jason, attempting to conceal the blush creeping up her neck.
Initially worried about crossing a boundary with y/n, Jason noticed the tint in her skin, and grinned, cupping her chin and turning her head to look at him. “You don’t need to hide from me, hun. I don’t know what you went through, but I won’t hurt you like that.” he assured y/n, tone warm and disarming. His thumb brushed her cheek, eyes distracted by her beauty.
“It’s y/n.” she informed him distractedly. “Sorry, I forgot to tell you.”
“Y/n.” he repeated, captivated by her eyes as she grinned softly at him. “I can make you a pinky promise that I won’t be a threat, but I’m not sure if a ten year-old’s logic resonates with you.”
It did. Y/n held her pinky out in between them. “I need something to ground me.”
Jason linked their pinkies, pulling them to his chest. “Y/n: I swear I won’t hurt you. Pinky promise.” y/n’s eyes searched for his other hand, which laid on his knee. No crossed fingers. Good.
 “Can we go back to kissing please?” her brows furrowed, slightly embarrassed by her request. It was Jason’s turn to answer with a kiss, this time heated and impatient. His lips nibbled on hers before dragging a tongue along her bottom lip, evoking a moan from y/n. Jason’s hand held y/n’s as they deepened their kiss, mouths opening in an attempt for Jason to draw another moan from her. He used his free hand to tangle in y/n’s hair, pulling her closer than she already was.
When y/n mimicked his actions, she tugged lightly at his hair, causing him to groan and shiver. She tore her lips from Jason’s, noticing how his were already swollen despite the little contact she had with them. “You like that?” She quirked a brow.
“A little more than I should.” Jason smirked back, biting his bottom lip. He hissed when y/n tugged at his hair again, this time harder and deliberate. “Keep that up, doll, and I’ll have you bent over on this table.”
Y/n chuckled, allowing her id to take over. “Oh really? And what else would I have to do to be blessed with that opportunity?”
“I don’t think you want to know.” Jason pulled his bottom lip between his teeth, biting down hard. His eyes ran over y/n’s body slowly, taking in the view as y/n uncrossed her legs. He wondered if he should just take her here - an image of y/n in pleasure, her brows knitted and mouth agape, clouded Jason’s attention, blood rushing to his dick. It took a moment for him to notice that y/n’s hand was trembling in his hair, and when he did acknowledge it, the corrupt thoughts disappeared completely. “Are you okay?”
Y/n stopped herself, pulling her hand away from his hair and chewing on her lip. “Yeah, sorry. Dunno what got into me.” she laughed humorlessly.
“You know,” Jason started, hand rushing back to her cheek, “we could just go to my place and talk. We don’t need to do anything sexual, if you’re not up to that.”
The proposition nearly brought tears to y/n’s eyes. It was eons since someone considered her that much - she usually had to hold her ground herself. All she could release from her clogged throat was a faltered affirmation, and she rose to her feet, collecting her work and returning them to their designated area.
Extending an elbow for her to take, Jason guided them through the greenhouse and back outside, holding the door open for y/n as she strolled through. His eyes were glued to her, watching her reaction to all of the plant life around them; he was in awe of how much knowledge she had of them, informing him of pieces of trivia about random plants they passed.
When they reached his motorcycle parked in the lot, his shoulders slouched. “Sorry, I forgot to tell you that I ride.” Ride, y/n thought to herself, eyes examining the vehicle. “Do you still want me to take you, or do you want to take your car, or…”
Y/n wriggled her lips in apathy. “I take the bus, so I think this would be the more logical option.”
Without skipping a beat, Jason offered y/n his helmet, lifting a leg over the bike seat to straddle it and waiting for her to secure her helmet before seating behind him. She snaked her arms around his waist, locking her fingers together over his navel, the touch producing heat on Jason’s stomach. He looked back, waiting for a response from y/n; when she gave him a simple thumbs-up, he turned the key to the ignition and shifted into neutral, manually backing out of the parking space with his legs before taking off from the lot with a thunderous roll, the reverberation heard from miles away.
Although it was y/n’s first ride as a passenger on a motorcycle, she was tranquil, snug behind Jason with her fingers barely tracing what she assumed to be muscle lines along his abdomen; although it wasn’t Jason’s first time having a passenger on his bike, he was particularly cautious, downshifting early and even stalling his engine trying to do so.
Once they arrived at y/n’s apartment - with directions from y/n - Jason parked the bike on the street adjacent to the complex. He helped y/n off of her seat, and held her hand as she led them to her space on the second floor.
“And this is it.” y/n announced half-heartedly when she opened the door, entering into the kitchen of the grand apartment. Jason was silent as he inspected the decor, stopping occasionally at framed anatomical prints of plants. As he wandered into the living room, he spotted a wooden tube radio resting on the nightstand beside the couch. He observed its specifications, murmuring incoherently as he studied the device.
“You like it?” Y/n asked, handing Jason a can of sparkling water before she sat down on the leather couch.
Jason nodded. “I haven’t seen one of these in forever. Makes me feel kind of nostalgic, to be honest.”
Y/n tucked her legs under her knees, taking a sip from her can. “That’s why I bought it. M’not much of an audiophile, but I like the crisp sound of these. Plus, usually when guys are over, they think I’m some old lady, and eventually leave me alone.” Her final comment made her chuckle, and Jason grin.
“I guess we’re both old.” he added, winking back at her. Y/n patted the empty space beside her, offering him to sit. “Do you listen to a lot of music on here, or just the AM talk shows?”
Y/n’s smile widened. “A bit of both. If I have the free time, I prefer podcasts or audiobooks, which I can project through there, but y’know.”
“But what?” Seated next to y/n, Jason nudged her playfully.
She shrugged. “I dunno. Kinda gets busy sometimes.” her response was sad, as if she had no control over the time she spent, but Jason understood that it was relatively normal for an adult.
He dropped his grin in response, acclimating to the shift in tone. “I’m like that too. Though I don’t remember a time when I didn’t have a lot to take care of.”
Y/n’s forehead creased in worry. “What do you mean?”
“Well,” Jason breathed deeply, contemplating whether or not he should elaborate. “I didn’t really have the parents of the year growing up, and once I was adopted, I still had a bunch of responsibilities. When I think back to it, it feels like I missed out on a lot.”
Y/n nodded in agreement. “I get that. I…something happened, and I basically had to grow up quicker than some other people my age. I can’t really…” her voice trailed off, drowning in emotion. “It’s hard for me to feel normal.”
Hands beginning to tremble, y/n balled them into fists. Jason placed his hands over hers, squeezing them lightly to draw attention away from her thoughts. “Hey, I’m here. It’s okay.” he uttered, lavender softness in his voice. “Is it okay if I held you?” he asked, to which y/n nodded. Jason wrapped his long arms around her, pulling her tight to his chest. There, y/n felt guarded, safe, as if his arms were hardy tree branches that couldn’t be easily torn; she detached his heartbeat, steady but firm. Each of his features soothed her, rocked her back to the present, as he’d hoped.
He kissed her head, watering her otherwise malnourished body; Jason’s face focused on her, a tall, broad sunflower in need of nutrients facing the sun. She replenished him somehow, something neither of them could quite pinpoint, but enjoyed nonetheless. 
Fingertips following the veins along Jason’s arm, y/n discerned a wanting similar to what she experienced at the greenhouse. She looked up at Jason, who was already gazing down at her, and gave him a look: please kiss me.
And for all that he could, Jason enthusiastically obliged, dipping his head to crash his lips to y/n’s. They both breathed into the kiss, hands fumbling to secure themselves in their embrace as their kiss rushed, tongues meeting briefly before disappearing again. Jason was the first to moan into the kiss this time, almost a whimper of desolate desire. 
Y/n’s fingers spread, palms flat against Jason’s chest as she pushed him down onto the couch, readjusting to straddle his lap without breaking the kiss. His hands slipped underneath y/n’s top, nails grazing against her skin. He pushed the top up to her chest, breaking the kiss to allow her to pull it overhead and toss it aside.
Before returning to the kiss, Jason gawked at y/n’s chest, surprised by her bare breasts. “Holy shit.” he whined, licking his lips. He tilted forward to flick his tongue on her sensitive nub before kneading her breasts with his hands, occasionally leaning in to suck and lick her nipples. Y/n relaxed her shoulders and let out a soft moan and grind her hips against his, causing Jason to buck his up instinctively.
Their movements were restricted by their clothing though, and y/n knew that as she hopped off Jason to shimmy her pants off, panties down with it, and shook Jason’s jeans off as well before returning back to her stance on him. “Condom?” she murmured nervously.
Jason pointed to his jeans. “Here, lemme put em on.” he reached over to his pockets, pulling one out and tearing open the wrapper. Y/n watched, eyes dark with wanton, as he rolled the condom onto his thick, hard erection.
Y/n repositioned herself on his lap, lowering herself on him. She hissed at the contact, unfamiliar with the girth stretching her walls. When her hips were flush with his, y/n remained still, acclimating to the sensation; Jason, however, tremored underneath y/n, using all of his strength to restrain himself from thrusting up into y/n. He craved the noises she emitted, and anything that would drive her to ecstasy, but had to wait. His hands moved to her thighs, grasping at them and awaiting her signal for him to move.
Instead, y/n’s hips rose and fell, rocking slowly. They both moaned at the motion, unsatisfied by the gradualness of her hips. One of Jason’s hands moved to her ass, guiding her hips to angle itself perfectly.
“Oh, god.” Y/n gasped, the different angle granting Jason’s cock to brush against the base of her cervix. Jason’s grip on her thigh and ass tightened, letting out a guttural moan.
“Can I…?” Jason asked between pants, self-control wavering. Y/n nodded feverishly, barely containing herself as she steadied herself on Jason’s chest. He began thrusting up into her in the same angle, both hands gripping her hips as his pace quickened.
“Fuck, you’re so good.” Jason whimpered, eyes laser-focused on y/n. The sounds of skin-on-skin slapping, along with pants and intermittent, pornographic moans, escaped them and into the room. Jason wanted more, more, more as he continued to pistol his hips up, quickly popping a thumb into his mouth to moisten it before rubbing it on y/n’s clit in hasty yet intricate circles.
The motion evoked y/n’s orgasm, her core hot as she let out a silent scream. Her nails dug into the fabric of Jason’s shirt, sharp enough to leave marks on his bare chest, as he guided her through her high. Before she could calm down though, Jason picked up his pace, this time chasing his own high as he relentlessly thrusted up into her pussy. In moments, y/n was thrown into another orgasm, body tingling as she whined loudly into the air.
Her walls, like velvety petals, tightened around Jason’s cock, which was already begging for release. Every moan and word barely leaving her lips was as gospel to him, bringing him closer, higher, until-
“Y/n, I’m gonna come, fuck.” Jason sobbed, neck red and forehead covered in beads of sweat. His hair stuck to his head, stray strands bouncing with his thrusts as they grew sloppy, desperate, frantic for him. “Y/n, y/n,” he repeated as hell broke loose, his vision blurring as he sharply thrusted up into y/n, coming with a loud cry. His hips stuttered, grip on her hips loosening.
Y/n rode the high with him, watching as his brows furrowed, eyes fluttered shut, and swollen pink lips form into an ‘o’ shape. Each profanity that left his lips were a secret he could no longer hold, and she was so happy to indulge in them.
Minutes passed before Jason picked y/n up, laying her on the couch as he stood up. “Do you know where the bathroom is?” he asked innocently, cheeks azalea. After y/n pointed to the nearest ajar door in the hall, Jason disappeared for a moment before returning, towel in hand and condom disposed of.
He kneeled beside the couch, gingerly patting the towel on y/n’s thighs, cleaning up any residual juices that were released. The sight of her wet pussy made his cock twitch again, but he knew better than to entertain the thought, gently wiping away the wetness on the crevices along her ass and thighs. Y/n glanced down at him, heart warm as he finished cleaning up. “Is there anything I can get you, hun?” Jason smiled, eyes glistening. If her legs weren’t tired, y/n would have sat up and smooched him right there.
But she shook her head. “I think I’m okay. Thank you.”
Jason took her hand in his, holding it up to his lips before he placed a tender kiss to her knuckle. “Of course, Princess. You’re a flower, too, y’know.”
The compliment made y/n blush, skin rising with goosebumps. She hadn’t been pampered like this…ever. It was foreign, and the realization triggered a sympathetic nervous response.
Y/n sat up in worry, drawing her hand quickly from Jason. He frowned at her, apprehensive that he caused any offense. “I’m sorry - do you need some space? I can get going, if you need to.”
First waiting for a response, Jason noticed y/n’s eyes darting from side to side, spiraling into the dark trench. He scooted closer, pulling y/n’s head to his, their foreheads pressed together. “Deep breath, doll.” he cooed, “I’ve got you.”
And he did. His hands held y/n’s delicately, thumb brushing her skin as they breathed together in the apartment, his voice shining light onto her focus like a spring sunrise after a seemingly interminable winter.
The words pollinated her soul, bringing her to life in ways she hadn’t felt before. Jason’s skin was calloused, wrinkled, with scarring near the knuckle and palms, but y/n felt comforted by them. And she emerged from the dark trench, opening her eyes to find the sunflower staring back at her with a soft expression and a softer grin to welcome her.
And y/n finally felt like she found home.
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theghostown · 1 year
if i was a singlet i’d travel the world, go backpacking across europe, dye our hair blonde and grow it out, get some flower tattoos, come out as nonbinary, join a dnd campaign, not take shit from anyone, and eventually become a film director (Tammy)
If Alex was a singlet, he’d grow his hair out too. He’d draw every single day and go to college to study art. Or maybe he’d skip college entirely, since their dream job is tattoo artist. They’d get an apprenticeship and learn to make amazing tattoos and they’d also probably learn how to give piercings too.
if Aspen was a singlet he’d have his fucking life together (unlike the rest of us). He’d have a beautifully curated closet of close that all go together and fit The Vibe (dark academia). He’d go to college and major in English/creative writing and minor in fashion design. Ze’d probably have a book published before ze turned 25
if Aurelio was a singlet they would get out of our town as quickly as they could. They’d move to England because they love the weather and beaches there (no, genuinely. I don’t get it either) and also because it’s where she grew up. She’d do voice training to get back her English accent and while she’s at it he might get into voice acting. He’d either make a living as a voice actor or a music composer or an artist.
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cornwithhorn · 10 months
Welcome to my Tumblr page!
Hello, hello, hello, the name is Corn or Cornelious. I'm Non-Binary going by They/Them. And I'm also Bisexual. I'm 18yrs old, and I generally prefer if minors don't interact with my blog considering I sometimes post drawings that lean more on the NSFW side of things, and I sometimes reblog stuff that's not meant for kids. So if you're a minor, I kindly ask you leave. For your safety and my own. On my Tumblr page, I post art, my hyperfixations, sleep deprived rambles, and all as such. I love these Movies/TV Shows: Doctor Who (9-12 fucking hate 13) Invader Zim, Trollhunters, Good Omens, Ghost Adventures, Darkwing Duck, Ash Vs. Evil Dead, The Dark Crystal, The Labyrinth, Star Trek DS9, Beetlejuice, Gargoyles, Rocky Horror Picture Show, The X-Files, The Addams Family, DBZ, MIB 1-3, Gremlins 1-2, and TMNT (2010 because it's the best version and you can fight me on that). I like these Movies/TV Shows: Star Trek Voyage, Edward Scissor Hands, Beetlejuice, The Lost Boys, The Neverending Story, Willow, Goonies, Critters 1-4, It old and new, Duck Tales, Astro Boy (The original), Inspector Gadget, Sweet Tooth, Angel, The Matrix, Back to the Future, Sailor Moon, The Witches (I fucking hate the newer one), The Pagemaster, The Nightmare Before Christmas, Casper (Live Action), Hook (Live Action), Jumanji (Old, I think the newer ones were alright), Hercules, Anastasia, Bartok the Magnificent, Matilda, Hocus Pocus (The old one, the new one was alright I guess), Ferngully, The Muppet Christmas Carol, The Brave Little Toaster, Wild Wild West, The Iron Giant, A Goofy Movie, Aladdin (Original one), The Lion King, The Jungle Book, Cats Don't Dance (Watch it if you can, it's so underrated), and I love these music artists: Forrest Day, Sub Urban, Will Wood and the Tapeworms, Imagine Dragons, Lemon Demon, The Correspondents, Venga Boys, Lady Gaga, Queen, Twenty One Pilots, David Bowie, Elton John, Neoni, Cg5, Missio, Layto, Unlike Pluto, Glass Animals, SAFIA, ck9c, AViVA, Aurelio Voltaire, Adam Jensen, updog, Jake Daniels, The Chainsmokers, Jagwar Twin, Des Rocs, YOHIO, NIVIRO, Depeche Mode, grandson, Weathers, Halsey, Icarus Dive, Dagames, FAKE TYPE., Cosmo Sheldrake, Lorde, Lewis Blisset, They Might Be Giants, Mia Rodriguez, UPSAHL, The Ready Set, Timmy Trumpet, Bronze Radio Return, Napolean XIV, and Conor Maynar. I love these video games: The Last of Us, PVZ, Psychonauts, Batman Arkham Asylum, Destroy All Humans, Little Big Planet, Infamous, Skyrim, Fallout New Vegas, Kingdom of Amalur Reckoning, Medievil, Dragons Crown, Bendy and the Ink Machine, Stray, Skylanders Spyros Adventure, Alice Madness Returns, Ratchet and Clank: Tools of Destruction, Astroneer, Minecraft, Terraria, Forager, Cookie Clicker, Grounded, Roblox SCP: 3008 Infinite Ikea, Roblox Bee Swarm Simulator, Ark: Survival Evolved, Sonic the Hedgehog, Pacman, Alex Kidd, Bonanza Bros, Death Jr. Root of Evil Wii, Coralina Wii game, Rabbids Rayman TV Wii, and Mario Kart Wii. DNI: P*dophile/MAP
Minor N*crophilia
Foot Fetish
Scat or piss fetish
Conservative/Republican/Far Righter/Libertarian
Transphobic, Homophobic, racist, sexist, and or misogynistic
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n-brio · 1 year
✨About Me✨
Thanks to @somethingusefulfromflorida for tagging me!
NICKNAME: I've had a few over the years but none of them are current. I've been Lefty, Stan, Tuna, and a secret fourth one I won't tell you all because it's derived from my actual name.
SIGN: I have had a semi-active contempt for astrology ever since I politely sat through an ex whinging about how his friends all secretly hate him and it isn't fair and he doesn't even know what he did wrong etc. etc. nonstop for an hour over Skype way back when. "Why don't you just ask them what's going on?" "I can't do that. Pisces don't talk about their feelings." Take some responsibility for your choices!!
HEIGHT: 5'4"… and a half!
LAST GOOGLE SEARCH: "i hope somebody got fired for that blunder"
SONG STUCK IN YOUR HEAD?: Dusty Dunes Desert, Earthbound
FOLLOWERS: 27, and it is indeed that many and not a bugged/inflated count. I try not to let the fame get to me 😌
LUCKY NUMBER: I also don't believe in lucky numbers.
SLEEP: I shoot for eight hours, but I can survive as long as it's more than seven. Any less and I get real stupid (well, stupider) real fast. I used to fast for days with no problem, but I need sleep and I don't fuck around with that.
DREAM JOB: Writer or voice actor for a Crash Bandicoot cartoon… I know in my heart I have neither the talent nor connections to make it happen, but I can dream! 🥲
WEARING: Black-and-white floral print yoga pants, novelty T-shirt from Mother Bear's pizzeria in Bloomington, Indiana, a city I've never been to. Notable for its mascot which made my high school teachers do double takes and gives Tawna a run for her money:
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FAVORITE SONGS: Too many to count, so I'll name just one from each of my playlists: Sloop John B by the Beach Boys Synchronicity I by The Police December, 1963 (Oh, What a Night) by the Four Seasons Animal Impulses by IAMX Useewa (Shut Up) by syudou Ekoroshia (Kill Command) by Masafumi Takada Cliff Town by Stewart Copeland Dive Remix by Mewmore
(Nobody is obligated to listen to these, just if you're curious. I'm not assigning anyone homework hahaha)
FAVORITE INSTRUMENT: Uhh, vocals? I took a couple years of choir and was the "weakest link", but I had fun… (´ᴗ` )
AESTHETIC: I'm not a fan of the "aesthetic"/"[x]core" style of self-expression. I think it's better to keep an open mind and try to find something interesting/appealing in all styles, images, art etc. You may notice patterns in the things I like/share, but I'm not fussed about putting names to them.
FAVORITE AUTHOR: I don't usually search out books by a specific author. I've recently enjoyed books by Khaled Hosseini (The Kite Runner and A Thousand Splendid Suns), Gillian Flynn (Sharp Objects), Douglas Adams (The Long Dark Teatime of the Soul), and Tara Westover (Educated).
FAVORITE COLOR: Individual colors are less important than the color scheme they are a part of. Any color can be beautiful if it is paired with the right complement. That said, any scheme that stars jade or olive green, pastel pink, burgundy, dark brown, or black tends to win me over.
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FAVORITE ANIMAL SOUNDS: Cat purrs. Frogs chirping on a summer night. Cicadas buzzing.
LAST SONG: The Night by Aurelio Voltaire. So I (like many others) learned about this song through the animated music video by Daria Cohen, but I just learned now that there's apparently an alternate version with an extra set of lyrics that the original lacks.
LAST SERIES: If you mean like TV, I don't really watch much nowadays. My sister and I are working through Earthbound and Psychonauts right now though (alternating between the two).
RANDOM: Anime Dr. Frankenstein lives in my room. I didn't draw him.
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Tagging @frostconebite, @mikey-putrid, @lesserbilboy, @worpworp, @sleuth-hounds, @rhadinesthes and anyone else who wants to do it \o/
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altar-and-hearth · 4 years
Offerings for The Morrigan
~ Red meat
~ Red beans
~ Red wine
~ Milk
~ Water
~ Chai tea
~ Peppermint Tea
~ Pumpkin-flavored things
~ Apple-flavored things
~ Any cow products
~ Coffee
Scents (Incense, Candles, etc.):
~ Sandalwood
~ Dragon’s Blood
~ Pumpkin
~ Cinnamon
~ Flowers: Snapdragons, red flowers
~ Herbs: Juniper, belladonna, mugwort, nightshade (Caution while handling! Do not consume herbs without proper research!)
~ Crystals: Obsidian, Ruby, Onyx, Amethyst, Bloodstone, Smoky Quartz, Clear Quartz
~ Hit and Run by LOLO
~ The Night by Aurelio Voltaire
~ Madness by Ruelle
~ The Morrigan by Heather Dale
~ you should see me in a crown by Billie Eilish
~ Black Crow by Girls Rituals
~ The Morrigan by Darkest Era
~ Queen by Stephen Jerzak
~ The Morrigan’s Call by Cruachan
~ Ravens in the Library by S.J. Tucker
~ Start a War by Klergy and Valerie Broussard
~ To the Morrigan by Taibhsear
~ Get What I Came For by The Phantoms
~ Dark Side by Bishop Briggs
~ Mórrígan, Pt. 1 by Children in Paradise
~ COPYCAT by Billie Eilish
~ Bird Song by Florence + The Machine
~ Morrigan by Trobar de Morte
~ Arsonist’s Lullaby by Hozier
~ My Love Will Never Die by AG and Claire Wyndham
~ Nearly Witches (Ever Since We Met...) by Panic! At The Disco
~ Warriors by League of Legends, 2WEI, and Edda Hayes
~ Any other song you associate with Her
~ Cows
~ Eels
~ Spears
~ Swords
~ Shields
~ Crows
~ Ravens
~ Triskele
~ Triquetra
~ Practice divination
~ Stand up for yourself and others
~ Practice magic(k) if you are a practitioner
~ Sing for Her
~ Take care of yourself
~ Read Her myths
~ Draw/paint something for Her
~ Write Her an prayer or hymn
*Feel free to add to this! Some of these are personal and others I’ve heard from others!
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sunsoothed · 3 years
Vincenzo loves.
bi vinny! | rated t | 1.5k words | pre-canon, canon-divergence | internalised homophobia, self-discovery
read on ao3
It is when he is nine that he has the stirring, growing suspicion of something different. An ad on TV, and the commercial break cuts, and there is a man with another man. And they stand together, but Vincenzo’s mind registers together, and he thinks the shriveled, suppressed excitement within him is indicative of something too similar to pride.
And then Papa changes the channel, a click to his tongue, and Mama keeps her gaze carefully away, and Vincenzo recognises that this is something he’s too young to understand.
Too young to understand. Thirteen and walking home, when the seniors from school have a new curse to hurl at him. So this is what Papa wanted to say.
Bitterly, at the back of his mind, he indulges himself. Eomma would never say that.
Vincenzo never does find out, for an hour later broken glass will make it to his list of allergies, and a strong, clasping hand will settle on his shoulder; he will forget until Fabio makes him sweat buckets, and bleed buckets, and sentences him to a communal shower.
Vincenzo knows his early rising will be seen as dedication. It is only to hide his shame.
Aurelio is from the Abruzzese Familia that Fabio has been trying to establish reluctant ties with. Aurelio singles him out with a look too knowing. One brush of his arm over Vincenzo’s arm, one answering shiver, one grin thrown over a callous shoulder.
A bad seed has sowed in his near-perfect sustenance. Hunched over the sink in the washroom, water dripping down his face, Vincenzo takes in his acne-marred skin, shudders, and pulls out a paper-towel. Why must all these events line up? Eomma’s abandonment is enough to stir a caucus of self-deprecation within him. He doesn’t need to be seen any more than he is already. And now he has to go face a caucus outside of him, of the children he already feels so distant from.
Did Fabio really have to transfer him here at the dawn of fucking high school?
It is fumbling hands and breaths too short. That is how he would describe it. Their shirts are unbuttoned. There is no air in their lungs. Vincenzo grasps for breath, finds it in holding onto Aurelio’s upper arm, who, much like him, is disarmed of light.
They hadn’t gone far.
Vincenzo sits up, some energy in him, puts his back against the wall. He stares at his open shirt.
“Are you okay?”
He blinks. Aurelio’s already buttoning up, wiping the corners of his mouth. “Vincenzo.”
“I’m okay,” Vincenzo says. There is a fogging christening his senses. “I’m fine.”
Aurelio seems somewhat suspicious, but he’s not one to be caught up in other people’s affairs. He stands, gives his companion a cursory once-over.
“I’m…” he gestures to the door, one thumb protruding out, and Vincenzo can tell he’s itching to uncover the packet of cigarettes from his pocket.
“Go ahead,” Vincenzo tells him. “I’ll see you in a minute.”
Aurelio leaves wordlessly. Vincenzo, watching the door scream shut in increments, waits for the silence to clear the fog. Light remains absent.
He plucks at his lowermost button, runs his nails over the ridges formed by thread, and slowly begins to button his shirt. Halfway up, he holds something heavy in his throat. By the time he reaches his collar, his eyes are red with strain.
An air of smoke will hang around him for the rest of the evening. Vincenzo will purchase a lighter. He won’t smoke until he remembers this fateful party again, until he remembers Aurelio’s grip again.
It will be years later that Vincenzo finds, out of primal desire, a craving for something dangerous. Him and Luca have an arrangement. It is nothing more than convenience sampling and convenience persevering, but once he will sit up in bed and think, lover, and once he will bake in smoke until his head rings fuzzy and thoughts come and go without intervention.
Luca, of course, notices. They don’t talk about it. They don’t sleep together about it, either. But they don’t cook together that day forward, and Vincenzo bids his leave before the sky can turn the indelible shade of dark it sometimes does, and eventually, even the air they breathe melds back into the distinction of you and me.
Which melds back into the distinction of business and brotherhood, in such vengeance that Vincenzo will forget until, years later again, he will note himself in a particular dilemma and only think, lover.
Lover changes and snaps. But lover is markedly known to be sass and self-preservation, and loved is known to be devoted and coveted. Vincenzo sometimes demarcates lover and loved so much so that nights of clairvoyance, under a stranger’s roof, tell him: loved. So much so, that a trap easily avoidable, will tell him: lover.
He scrunches his nose, picks up his cigarette, and draws a Venn diagram.
When Hong byeonhosa-nim suggests seduction, an allowance for Vincenzo to be in his element for an act, for a case — to weaponise the one thing he’s kept between his coronary arteries, Vincenzo feels a cold elation.
If this was the Vincenzo of five years past, the one who had come to see his mother served injustice, he would have considered a hotel-room night with Hwang Minseong, conveniently conventional in his preferences, conveniently attractive, convenient enough to push buttons and to shut up.
But Vincenzo knows who Hwang Minseong is, now.
“You’re on board with this, then?” Hong byeonhosa-nim asks.
Vincenzo nods. “What’s the plan?”
He lets his fingers dance over Minseong’s hand when he hears about his mother. He knows Hong byeonhosa-nim is watching him critically, Mr Nam even more so, but he lets the words and his anger channel themselves in his bruising grip on Minseong’s forearm, in his request to spend the weekend together. Minseong will take his barred teeth as an invitation. Vincenzo squeezes his neck when he gets up to leave, and Minseong will take that as an invitation as well.
Hong byeonhosa-nim accosts him at night, dragging him to the terrace of Geumga Plaza despite the overcast hour. She presents him with a tetra pack of banana milk and nothing else, and declares, as they sit opposite each other, “You were very much in your element.”
Vincenzo, plastic straw in his mouth, only blinks at her. He knows what she’s talking about.
She nods, somewhat at par with his thoughts, takes a sip of her own banana milk. Observing the skyline, marking a line of pollution, she observes as well: “Takes one to know one.”
They sentence Hwang Minseong the way they know best. He won’t be lonely in his jail cell. He will, Vincenzo supposes, have to come to terms with himself and what overt pleasures he serves himself as a means to cope. He doesn’t feel sorry. He is not Hwang Minseong, despite what similar depth they carry.
Takes one to know one.
Jang Hanseo, over a shared serving of makgeolli. Before he picks up soy sauce to drink, he says, Vin-hyung, and Vincenzo knows what will proceed. He’s known since he caught Hanseo’s eyes trailing after him when they first met, a gaze all-too-familiar.
“No one can take this from you, Hanseo-yah.”
And cue: Hanseo’s hand stills, an image of dried sobriety. “What are you talking about, hyung?”
“You know what I’m talking about,” Vincenzo says. He nudges Hanseo’s bowl up, and Hanseo gets the hint, downing the makgeolli. “Don’t feel sorry for your desires.”
Hanseo splutters. “Hyung.”
Yeorim. Five years ago, in the dazed streets of Itaewon. Yeorim, he had been introduced. Vincenzo had admired the drape of hanbok upon him, light pink and white, a flower adorning the delicate flush of his ears. He had read Vincenzo clearly, and Vincenzo had read him clearly, and the one-night stay at the Hyatt had been, to Vincenzo’s best knowledge, read and forgotten clearly. Upon the appearance of cream fabric and a white flower, he remembered Yeorim.
Yeorim had prefered his pleasure face-down with a hand on the back of his neck. In the negative space carved between their bodies, Vincenzo, lightened beyond grief and the events of the day, had felt a strange, subliminal connection to his homeland, where he is still expected to run under an industrial daybreak and fend for himself apart from his people. How homely. How comfortable.
At the end of the day, it isn’t perfection Vincenzo seeks; it is completion. In a restriction of childhood bedroom, over the brilliant idea of makgeolli in bed, he encounters Chayoung confessing.
She hadn’t loved me, she explains. She hadn’t loved me because we were good friends who just so happened to, ah, find solace in one another.
Is that what she told her parents?
And Chayoung shakes her head. That is what she told me.
He makes spaces for her to wipe her tears in his bare shoulder.
How about you, byeonhosa-nim? I have reason to believe you’ve been popular.
Reason being?
Chayoung wrings her hands to make an awfully crude gesture, which Vincenzo takes great offence to, because engaging with him in any activity of the sort is anything but crude.
I have… my fair share of experience.
You sound ashamed.
I used to be.
What changed?
I loved, Vincenzo finds himself saying. And no love deserves to be shamed, Vincenzo finds himself believing.
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notquitecanon · 3 years
With & Without // John Wick x Reader
This is very dramatic. It was gonna be a lot longer and fleshed out, but I kept it vague in case I wanna do a part two. 
Basically: Two idiots who don’t want to be apart but can’t admit that to each other.  break up fic ???? Should I have them make up???? 
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John Wick had rules. He had rules because he loved you, worried over you, and worked so hard to keep you safe. Never go anywhere alone without telling him. If you think you’re being followed call him, and then find a public business. Memorize his phone number, the continental’s, and Aurelio’s, as well as all their addresses. Always keep a couple gold coins on you. Only use his name as leverage as a last resort, he’s not exactly popular. Stay out of the basement. In case of emergency, do what he says, no exceptions. And so many more, because he loved you. You knew that. You fell into the routine of looking over your shoulder and watching his back, because when you would turn back around John would be waiting with a soft smile (because he’d already checked your surroundings multiple times). You adapted to being more comfortable with the curtains pulled shut to avoid snipers, because in lieu of the sun John would wake you up with gentle kisses. You taught yourself to stop answering unknown calls and only post on social media after you’d left a place, but you were more than happy to live in the moment with John. It was so easy to slip into that lifestyle. Not so easy to slip back, for you at least. John was a man of pure determination and discipline, the moment he decided it was over he seemed absolutely resolved. Which left you with… completely unresolved emotions. 
Maybe that’s why you were sitting in his drive way, knuckles white from gripping the steering wheel so tight as rain hammered onto the windshield while your engine puttered away underneath you. You weren’t even sure if John was home, it wasn’t like he was really open with his schedule when you were together, you particularly hoped he was out. He’d been very clear that you should keep your distance, suggested that you change your name as well. You sniffled a bit, angrily swiping tears away before pressing your knuckles to your lips hoping to suppress anything more than stray tears. Surely it wasn’t too pathetic to get misty eyed at what was once your home. Sobbing was pathetic and you were NOT sobbing. Okay, maybe your throat was a little thick. Movement caught your eye, a certain gray pit bull trotting through the rain. Your eyebrows furrowed as you watched Dog sniff at the door before he looked directly back at you in your car. Those big eyes pulled at your already frazzled heart strings. Surely, John hadn’t left Dog out in the rain, and the large man wasn’t in the yard. Before you could think about it, you were out of your car. The pitbull’s tail started wagging as you approached, whining quietly when you spoke, "Dog, what are you doing out here? It’s wet." Your hair was already starting to plaster to your forehead as your fingers traced through wet fur, water soaking through the knees of your pants as soon as you kneeled down. The dog leaned into your touch before turning around to lick at your face. You couldn’t help but smile even if it only made you miss what was even more. You pressed a kiss to the wet fur before standing up, "Sorry, buddy, I can’t let you in." Dog whined again, resting a heavy chin on your knee. A sudden, crescendoing engine caught your attention as headlights blinded you. You heaved a sigh, so John hadn’t been home, and now you were kneeling on his doorstep. The gun metal mustang sidled to a stop beside your car, engine cutting off as a familiar form unfolded, “(Y/N), Is that you?” You didn’t answer because you knew he already knew it was you, rain wouldn’t obstruct those sharp eyes. John fruitlessly shielded himself from the onslaught of precipitation, “What are you doing here?” You thought about it for a moment, focussing your eyes on the canine as you bit your lip and hoped the falling rain would hide any traces of tears lingering on your face. John stopped just short, hovering over you, “(Y/N)?” He kneeled down beside you, intense gaze burning holes in the side of your face. “It’s freezing outside. Are you alright?” Finally, you couldn’t take it anymore and turned to meet those dark eyes. “Yes,” You sighed unconvincingly, ripping your gaze from his, but John always had a way of dragging things out of you, “…no, I don’t know, John.” Out of the corner of your eyes, you could see John hesitate- his hand hovering over your shoulder but in the end it fell back to his side. His voice was strained, drawing out your name, “(Y/N)….” His pity crumbled what little resilience you had left, anger chipping away at the walls you’d carefully put up, “How are you ok, John? Because I’m really struggling to figure out how you woke up one morning and changed your mind about me.” John only nodded in response to your outburst, taking the cutting words in stride, “I didn’t-“ “But you did, John. And I genuinely don’t know why, I keep wracking my brain for something I could have done. And whatever I did, I can’t figure out how it was so bad you flipped this switch overnight.” Your voice was thick as you forced yourself up, standing to your full height before trying to make a break for your car. John’s taller (and much firmer) form was quick to intercept you- if it wasn’t for the situation, it would’ve amusing how you bounced off his hard chest.  He held you at elbow’s distance, carefully observing you, there was something in his eyes that you couldn’t place, but you were done trying. With embarrassment heating your cheeks, you attempted to shrug his hold off, “I’ll get going, I’m sorry for bothering you.” “(Y/N), you didn’t do anything, I-“ John stopped himself quickly when he saw you shiver, shrugging off his leather jacket so he could drape it on your shoulders. He was always so in tune with your needs. The warmth was immediate, as was the scent of his cologne that drifted around you, “It’s easier this way.” You scoffed, clutching at the well worn leather. Almost instantly, his white t-shirt clung to his torso. “What’s easier, John?” He shook his head, this time not hesitating to touch you this time, tracing wet hair off your forehead before his hands rested on your cheeks, as his eyes racked your face. “(Y/N), you gotta stay away from me. Move on, have a life.”   “You seem to be moving on just fine.”  You raised an eyebrow bitterly, jerking your head to the side but still allowing John to guide your face back to his. “Believe me, I’m not doing as well as you seem to think I am.”  He muttered, the only thing you could find on him to back up the statement was the slightly over grown scruff on his jawline. "Where is this coming from?” Your voice was tired, but you didn’t pull away from his touch.  He sighed, eyes closed as his thumbs swiped across your cheeks before his lips pressed gently against your forehead. “(Y/N), you’ll be so much happier, safer if you do.”  He promised (carefully avoiding answering your question) you after he pulled away, but kept his nose pressed to your forehead. You sighed heavily, your body naturally folding into  chest as if he wasn’t telling you to move on. “I don’t know how, John.” You whispered, close enough to hear his heart beat. His arms wrapped around you like they had done so many times before, cheek pressing against the crown of your head. Finally, you pulled away, forcing the distance he so desperately wanted between the two of you. “You taught me how to live with you,” You kept your voice steady as you met his eyes again. He was staring after you with sad eyes, but waited quietly as you continued. One deep breath to ground yourself as your eyes began to sting again, “And I was happy.” John began to say something, but you cut him off by holding up your hand. Sliding his jacket back off and tossing it to him, the assassin caught it easily. This gave you enough time to continue, even if your voice was so thick it was barely audible over the steadily increasing rain. “Then, you made me leave, so tell me how to live without you, John. Tell me how to live without you and I will, but I genuinely don’t know how to.”
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unmeisenshi · 1 year
Aurelio would be walking through Alstroemeria, a few weeks having passed from when Aster Drought had fallen. There were mumblings of a group who were preaching, and gaining followers. The Zoroark had found the preacher just outside of town, talking to an ever growing congregation during the early evening. Aurelio hid behind a large tree, his back facing the trunk, and listened in. He peaked around the tree, and who he saw made his fur stand on end.
"Brothers and Sisters!" Jethro's voice echoed and bellowed to the followers. The Hisuian Zoroark took a glance out to his followers, and saw Aurelio poking his head out from the tree. He smiled, and continued. "You all have done well, bringing new believers to us. For our new followers, know that the word of Arceus, our so-called God, is false! I am the vessel of our true God, Necrozma! Our God died for us so we could live!" Jethro pointed to the silver nebula that painted the sky. "And who killed Necrozma? Arceus! The False God sent Necrozma to their death!"
The congregation began to rile up, with shouts and profanities spewing from the crowd. Aurelio listened intently, grimacing when Jethro pointed to the nebula that was formed from Zane's death. After a moment, Jethro continued. "And so, I implore you all... Go out! Seek other Brothers and Sisters to join our cause! Make the non-believers believe... By any means necessary!"
The group of followers cheered, and dispersed slowly back to their homes in Alstroemeria and beyond. Aurelio's breathing was heavy, after hearing what he just heard. But as he turned to face forward, he saw the Hisuian Zoroark standing in front of him.
"Aurelio... Brother... How I've missed you so..." Jethro's voice was low, and he played with the curls on his mane with one claw. "It's funny I should find you here... I was going to find you myself..."
"Jethro... You were supposed to stay locked up... After what you did to Mom and Dad..." Aurelio's claws bunched into fists. "You think I don't remember what you did to them?"
"Oh, I know you remember, little brother. But don't you think it was for the better? Mom and Dad did abuse us."
Aurelio looked down. "You're not wrong... But we were family. Even if they were harsh on us... You broke the family apart."
Jethro chuckled. "Seems all these years of being with that rescue team has made you soft. Where is the scrappy little brother I remember?"
Aurelio would swipe his claws, purple energy trailing from their tips. The swipe did miss, though the Zoroark wasn't intending to hurt Jethro. "He's still here... I'm just more cooled off than you are."
Jethro chuckled. "Then let me give my cool headed brother an offer. Join me, and the other followers. Come, and I will guarantee your place in our new world once we achieve it." Jethro held his claw out for Aurelio to grab, but the latter simply knocked it away.
"Tch. Like I'd ever join anything to do with you. Besides... I heard what you were 'preaching,' and I don't want any part of it. That nebula up there is all that's left of my friend Zane... And I don't quite like that you're using that to get your followers all riled up."
Jethro scoffed and began walking away. "Fine. But do know that when Judgment Day comes... You and your friends will be the first to go. And I'll make sure to send you all to Hell."
Aurelio gave a gesture to Jethro, placing one hand into the fold of his arm and raising his fist up; what we would call the "up yours" gesture. "Fine. Once we send you there, tell your supposed God Necrozma I said hello."
Jethro turned to give an evil look to Aurelio as he walked away, staring at him menacingly for a few moments before being brought back to reality by some of his Zoroark buddies. "Father Jethro? Are you alright?"
"Yes, I'm quite fine." The Zoroark gave a reassuring smile. "Tell the followers to work double time. I want to catch Aurelio and his stupid friends off guard."
"Yes Father. We'll get to work on that." The Zoroark group dispersed, and Jethro soon disappeared as well, turning to a white mist and disappearing into the surrounding mountains.
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ms-nesbit · 1 year
Sugar and Spice
(baker!jason todd x reader) teaser
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Rating: 18+ (minors dni)
word count: TBD
warnings/notes: mention of trauma and abuse, Jason Todd isn't Red Hood, explicit content, smut
summary: jason is a baker with cake, and y/n a horticulturist with a chance to sow her wild oats.
“And would you like that for here or to go?”
The streets of Gotham buzzed with citizens despite the imminent crime, visitors entering and leaving famous Zia’s, a bakery home to Gotham’s finest breads and pastry sweets. Inside the confined space displayed an array of baked goods, its floor littered with customers clutching their tong and red plastic tray.
In a rouge apron dusted with crumbs and splotches of icing and egg, Jason tended to the confectionery inventory, carrying a large metal pan holding marranitos (Mexican cookies baked in the shape of a pig) on one hand, and a smaller metal pan containing sourdough bread on his other. The dark, robust waft of molasses and ginger filled the air, catching the attention of some of Zia’s more loyal patrons.
“That fresh?!” one blurted.
Jason vaguely smiled behind him before attending to replacing the pan on its designated shelf. “Always.”
As much as Zia’s advertised its pastries, certain Gothamites - single ones with more time than they should have been allotted - spread merry news of eye candy in the shop, drawing more attention than Zia’s owner, Aurelio, expected.
One, a man named Ed, passed a whisper to y/n, who worked nearby at the Gotham Nursery as a horticulturist: “You know, y/n, if you’re ever looking for a snack for your sweet tooth, you could just stop by.”
His expression faltered, as if he was holding something back, but y/n disregarded it as she loaded his plants onto the trunk of his 4x4, and sent him on his way with a brief, “I’ll be sure. As always, thank you for coming, Eddie.”
She hadn’t given the recommendation much thought until on her lunch, when she stopped by Zia’s and stepped into the bumbling bluster of business. Then, as Jason emerged from the kitchen of the bakery with hands full of crumbly tricolor polvorones and loaves of rye bread, his bottom lip tucked in between his teeth in concentration and tee shirt sleeves rising up just enough for all to see his toned biceps, y/n understood Ed’s undertones.
The final product will be out by May 1st! Stay tuned for more.
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paladin-andric · 4 years
Tag Catchup
Hey there everyone. I’ve gotten a few tag games recently on the backlog, so I’m gonna knock em’ all out in one post. S’ what happens when you’re not on the site for a while. Sorry!
#1: First and Last Tag Game
Rules: Post the current first and last lines of your WIP.
Tagged by @corishadowfang! Thank you very much. I’m excluding context, because it is the finished product.
The dawning sun streamed in through the window of a lavish bedroom.
“The sun has risen, and its light touches us all.”
These are pretty good, since they’re too vague to give any real spoilers. They’re also great first and last lines for a story.
#2: OC Theme Song Tag Game
Rules: Come up with the name of your OC’s theme song(s), were they to appear in a movie/show/game/etc. and tag one person per OC included! Musically-inclined participants can include how the songs would sound, such as what instruments or vocal parts would be included, but this is not required.
This one’s from @homesteadchronicles! Thank you, this tag’s really interesting!
Alexander: Great Awakening
Senci: Fantasy
Lexius: Journey’s End
Leianna: Holy Work (Atonement)
Wurie: Shoulder To Lean On
Tourthun: The Wounds Within
Razorwing: Burning Heart! The Mighty Razorwing!
Paul: Two Hearts (Alter Ego)
Charles: Mark Of The Beast
Andric: Et Lux In Tenebris
Eignach: A Place To Call Home
Clara: Martyrdom
Aurelio: The Black Soul Hurts No More
Basilrin: Shattered Memories
Julroul: Dance Of The Mad Dragon
Gira: Precious Memories
Helical: Paper Dragon
Ikon: Joy of the Hunt
This is my most comprehensive list of the characters of Blackheart yet. A few remain, but they’re ancillary characters mostly. This list is notable for being the first time where certain characters, including villains, are mentioned! These were on the spot. Some draw from events in the story (Alexander’s is a reference to his character arc, from a flawed and hateful knight still fighting for good, to a courageous hero worthy of his legend), some from character traits (Senci’s innocence and desire to be heroic, Paul’s past as a heartless bounty hunter driving him to help the citizens he put in this hellscape), and some were just really quickly thought up. Razorwing’s fits his overdramatic, super-heroic persona. Andric’s is actually the Latin version of the Bible passage John 1:5, meaning: The Light Shines in Darkness. Probably the coolest one, if I’m being honest.
#3: Last Line Tag
Well, this one might count in #1, but I’m doing the last line I edited.
The last one here is from @writer-candy! Good to hear from you.
It came into being out of nothing, and vanished as quickly as it had manifested. Things remained normal for a moment more, before another flash and an explosion of magic rocked the area. The burst of magic flowed over the knight, and it felt like he was being torn asunder invisible hands pulling his limbs in different directions. There was a great force as he reeled from the impact, teeth chattering and body flying backwards. 
Alexander always seems to be having a rough time. Maybe it’s karma for being a huge jerk for the first quarter of the book.
Well, that’s it! I’ll be dropping a couple tags, more just to say hello than for anything else. If you’re wondering about Blackheart, it’s...still just about done. I’m just waiting on some art and the book cover before I can publish it. Should be out soon, fingers crossed! You’ll be the first to know.
Tagging @lady-redshield-writes, @paper-shield-and-wooden-sword, @sheralynnramsey and @oceanwriter, along with the three taggers. Feel free to do all, any or none of these, whatever floats your boat really.
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ambitiousauthor · 4 years
I was tagged by two people for this!? @rhythm-and-blus, and @magicalwriting! Thanks guys! I’m not dead, I just had an essay to write! This is the Novel Prep tag game for Broken Nights.
First look:
1. Describe your novel in 1-2 sentences (elevator pitch)
Genevieve Price works with C.O.R.V.I.D ( Committee Of Righteous Victories In Defense) with her partner Aurelio Abbot against supernatural threats from Vampires to Dragons. But when they find a pregnant vampire named Solaris... things are going to get a little bit fuddled.
2. How long do you plan for your novel to be? (Novella, single book, book series, etc.)
A novella? Maybe 20-30 parts ( possibly longer), each roughly 350 words? ( so far the average word count per chapter is 348.6)
3. What’s your novel’s aesthetic?
Oh geez. There are a lot. Bright halogen lights, dark musty tunnels with a scent that’s just a bit too unworldly to be familiar.
4. What other stories inspire your novel?
It was actually a video of a dog and panther that inspired it.
5. Share 3+ images that give a feel for the novel.
I found some cool ones, but I wasn’t sure how to credit, so… oops?
Main characters
6. Who is your protagonist?
Solaris Birdwhistell. She’s a vampire, and- quite unusually for an undead creature of the night, she is heavily pregnant. She’s timid, still learning who to trust, and I really like her so far.
7. Who is their closest ally?
So far, her closest ally is Andres Jalas, the Chief of the C.O.R.V.I.D. Team. He’s very much a paternal figure, and Solaris is going to put most of her trust in him.
8. Who is their enemy?
A mixed bag of human ( C.O.R.V.I.D. Officials who want to ‘ neutralize’ Solaris and examine her) and vampires who are mad at Solaris for reasons I haven’t figured out yet.
9. What do they want more than anything?
To be safe, healthy, and happy
10. Why can’t they have it?
Solaris is pregnant, and as a vampire, this is unusual, so C.O.R.V.I.D. is trying to track her down to find the cause of her pregnancy. ( the possibility of the father being a factor never crossed their minds.) and by ‘ find the cause’ I mean probable dissection.
11. What do they wrongly believe about themselves?
She believes that she’s weak and unwanted, but she’s getting a group of friends whether she likes it or not.
12. Draw your protagonist! (Or share a description)
“She was petite, blonde-haired, ashen skinned. And very, very, pregnant.”
Solaris is petite, blonde, and scrawny. She doesn’t have access to regular feedings, so she’s lost weight over the course of her pregnancy. Her eyes are crimson, and her hair is tangled, thin, and hangs around her shoulders.
Plot points
13. What is the internal Conflict?
Solaris is very conflicted on whether she should trust Genevieve, Aurelio, Andres and Lissa.
14. What is the external conflict?
People trying to kill her and her baby.
15. What’s the worst thing that could ever happen to your protagonist?
Probably someone breaking her trust.
16. What secret will be revealed that changes the course of the story?
I have a few ideas, but I don’t want to give it away.
17. Do you know how it ends?
Again, I have a few ideas, but I don’t want to give anything away.
18. What is the theme?
Learning to trust
19. What is a recurring symbol?
Artificial lights? I don’t know what that would represent
20. Where is the story set?
I don’t know. Somewhere with a lot of tunnels?
21. Do you have any images or scenes in your head already?
Yeah! I have a playlist full of songs that inspired scenes!
22. What excited you about this story?
The pregnant vampire part. I find the concept of a vampire being pregnant very intriguing.
23. Tell us about your usual writing method!
I just kind of spew words onto a blank document.
So, for this apparently you’re supposed to tag 23 people?
@illythemadartist, @permissiontobreathe, @writing-in-the-grave, @akiwitch, @fusewrites, @screaming-in-french, @thegrimandsanguine, @mellie-alethea-writes, @borderline-storyteller, @insuperable-writing, @inarticulatedivine, @blitz-spirit-and-foray, @wordelixir, @melanthawip, @books-andbiscuits, @ajourneyofawriter, @skyfireflight-writes, @writethatrhythm, @writingscaroline, @shewrites-sometimes, @lukas-circus, @finicky-fledgling, @sharpdeer
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prophezeiung · 4 years
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@vorhersage​ said:    3, 12, 18 for all of them thanks​​   ›   oc creation questions ( accepting )
3. how did you choose their name? carter: i remember scouring baby naming websites for the most obnoxious sounding rich people names. i wanted something more ~modern frat bro-y but with a touch of old money™ too, so in the end i went with lewis montgomery carter which imo already sounds extremely annoying so i’m happy. lloyd was.. just a vibe... but also lloyd bank, no correlation but a vibe. marty: marty was acc a really stupid one, because i first made him on forums where you have to sign up with the character’s name... very funny story for a different day but i just wanted to make an account so i could work on the site, so i just picked any random name that i thought sounded cute. i think i was thinking of back to the future? only after that we came up with an rpg concept and i started creating an oc... who wasn’t very marty mcfly-ish at all? but i decided to stick with this fresh nickname and give him an eccentric real name...... that’s why it’s a stretch from artemis to marty when he literally could’ve been arty but that’s not a vibe at all. his middle name is aurelio bc it’s cute and lighthearted but i realized it’s almost a c/mbyn mood which .. puke.. also all his siblings have a. a. names so 8) graves just sounded nice and dark academia-y, plus because it was a fantastic beasts-ish rpg concept i was thinking of claiming p.ercival graves as a distant relative oop. when i removed marty from the hp setting i thought the last name still fit v well with his new lore so i yoinked it from fb and now it’s mine uwu pandora: i have no clue how i came up with pandora, i just thought it’s funny to give her the nickname bread bc ‘big bread’ was somewhat of an inside joke but i couldn’t make myself give her the last name grande... also all my central american friends have like 7 names each so i wanted to give her at least one middle name and two last names ... i went with belén like bethlehem because it doesn’t fit her AT ALL hehe and then for a last name i really liked olivar.. bc of plant imagery and it sounded like bolivar... anyway... holden: very non-deep i found it on a baby naming website and vaisey is a golden trio era side-side-character so i just thought i’ll make an ancestor ... stonks! 8) margaret: i really really liked the nickname muffy and so i looked up for which names it’s a nick name... mary and margaret just happened to be on the list, which perfectly matched her background hehe 8) barr is actually kind of an eva-ism, i asked her if i should name my character after a.aron burr or c.atherine parr and she said yes <3 so i did 8) conan: conan means little wolf babey!!!! r.emus l.upin who!!!!!!!!! irish werewolf all the way!!!! and hm mcloughlin just struck me as irish™ idk it sounds nice! sunshine: haha... i didn’t have a name for her for the longest time, i just knew she was a hippie gal with a pure heart and uwu attitude so eva and i just called her ‘sunshine rainbow baby’... and then when it came to actually naming her... i didn’t :) it’s just the right amount of tacky and in-your-face so i kept it ayyy emily: she just was emily .. i didn’t choose the name it was just there and i accepted it.. sorry... for her last name i looked at japanese name meanings that sorta fit her vibe and i liked all the kuro- ones bc kuro means black which... hello... and kurosawa just sounded really fitting!
12. what have you found to be most difficult about creating art for your oc (any form of art: writing, drawing, edits, etc.)? carter: the fact that he knows shit about american politics and icba to look that up for every reply. plus the fact that his political opinions disgust me .... also i changed carter’s fc once and that kinda messed up a little how i picture him physically, esp with art and edits i... still don’t know if he rly has curly hair or nah.. have stopped thinking about it... marty: the fact that he’s so cringey and his vocabulary is bigger than mine.. also he has read walden and i refuse to... generally his obsession with classic literature is a big yikes for me bc the canon is so str8 white cis male heavy oof pandora: her lore? i am very lazy with her lore... also finding the balance between whirlwind and Chill.. i know she’s there i just gotta find where exactly... holden: trying not to make every reply sound the same but he only has 2 emotions ( angry, a little less angry ) so it’s hard. muffy: not so much difficult as interesting but i find out more and more that muffy is actually... kinda dark? idk man i don’t wanna see her snap. ( but actually.. i do.... ) conan: it just hurts man.. everything about him.. i want happy endings for my characters so bad but i wonder if he can ever be happy without being sad :/ sunshine: her whole inner monologue lmaooo i have no idea what i’m writing i’m just winging it?? emily: i’m yet to find out babey 8)
18. what is the most recent thing you’ve discovered about your oc?
carter: how whiny he is rip :/ i knew he kinda was.. but oh boy he’s terrible... marty: his relationship with Evil people and that he actually... would rather follow charisma than ideology which is a big oof ://// .. not that he’s into breaking the law at all but his moral compass is so weak and he usually thinks about other things and he is so easily peer pressured that he could high key be manipulated into doing bad stuff :/ pandora: she’s a coffee person! holden: that he spits on kids muffy: that she’s kind of a slytherin? conan: he can’t sit with his back to the door.. sunshine: she could be kind of an adrenaline junkie? not in a dangerous way she just... is the person who says ‘ i wanna go again! ’ after getting off the roller coaster hehe emily: that she swears oop
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homesoutofhuman · 6 years
Daddy Issues: John Wick/Reader Part one- Pleased to meet you, hope you guessed my name
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Ever since the idea of John being a dilf happened I couldn’t get this idea out of my head. I’m so sorry @soft-angel-tears but also, as this was your idea, I can’t take any of the blame 😉
Yes I am going to hell welcome along for the ride.
Warnings: Age difference, eventual smut (of course), kidfic of a sorts.
Pleased to meet you Hope you guess my name Ah, what's puzzling you Is the nature of my game -Sympathy for the devil, The Rolling Stones
John opens the door to see you standing there, a lollipop between your lips. You pull it out abruptly and offer your hand.
“Mr Wick? I’m your new nanny.”
He gives you a sceptical look.
“How old are you?”
You roll your eyes “I get that a lot...I’ve finished college...relax...I’m legal…” You can’t resist giving him a cheeky wink and smile to see the colour rush to his cheeks.
“I...didn’t mean that. I just didn’t want a kid looking after my kid.”
“It’s fine.” you reassure him, giving his arm a comforting squeeze, you feel hard muscles under your fingers and lick your lips. Hmmm...daddy works out.
He nods curtly.
“Well i suppose we’ll have to see how we get on together. This is Connor.”
He introduces a little toddler with curly hair who has the same dark eyes as his father.
“Hi Connor!” You say, breezily, giving him a little wave.
The kid grins but then hides behind his father’s legs.
John chuckles, petting his head and introducing you. “Connor...this is y/n. She might be looking after you while I’m at work.”
John gives you another doubtful look and you pull colouring books and pencils from your bag.
“Hey little buddy, why don’t we go draw, yes?”
The boy agrees enthusiastically and you sit next to him at the table, commenting and encouraging.
John watches you together, his dark eyes mysterious and thoughtful. He walks over to you both after a while.
“So I suppose I should...interview you…”
You look up from Connor’s dinosaur drawing and nod. “Sure...what do you want to know?”
He moves to the couch and inclines his head that you should follow him. You obediently place yourself in the chair nearby, smoothing your skirt over your knees. John’s eyes drop to your legs for a moment before he shakes himself and returns them to your face.
“How long have you been doing this job?”
“Since forever. I’m the oldest of 5, I looked after my younger brothers and sisters, then I studied Child Psychology at college, I’m doing the nanny thing now to save up for my masters degree…”
John is staring at you so you stop talking. “What is it?”
“N..nothing, I’m just surprised…”
“I look dumb to you?” You ask playfully.
“No...it’s just...you’re so pretty...” he struggles and you smile quietly to yourself. Stunning this handsome man into stuttering makes you feel a little smug.
“You think i’m too pretty to be smart? That’s kinda insulting Mr Wick.” you say, hiding your smirk behind your hand. He thinks you’re pretty.
“Please call me John and you’re right. That was a piggish thing to say. I’m just...getting used to all this still.” He waves a hand towards Connor. “I’ve been off work since he was born so it’s an adjustment.”
“What happened to his mother, if you don’t mind my asking?” You shift forward in your chair and lean into his space.
John regards you with pained dark eyes. “No, sure, that’s fair. She was a woman I met on one of my...work trips. We were never really together, she just showed up here with him and then left.”
You are stunned into silence. You feel sorry for the little boy, and also for John, whose life must have been turned upside down by his arrival. You are impressed at his selflessness, to care for the boy, perhaps not even knowing if he was really his son. Then you glance over to see Connor watching you with dark round eyes and you know there is no doubt to his parentage.
John clears his throat, clearly a bit emotional. You wonder if he cared for the boy’s mother than he cares to admit, but then you see him looking at his son and you realise the emotion is all for him. You touch his arm again.
“You’ve done an amazing job, he’s a very bright kid.”
John returns his gaze to you, it’s intense, like looking at the sun for too long.
“Thank you. That means a lot.”
“Do you have any more questions?” You tilt your head and John’s eyes flick from your long neck to your collarbone then down to your cleavage. You feel his gaze like fire and okay, this could be a problem.
“John?” you prompt, when he is silent.
“I need to think it over. Can I call you later?”
You nod and pass him your card. “I know you have the agency number but here are my personal details. I hope to hear from you soon.”
John takes it a little hesitantly, but stows it away in the pocket of his jeans and you smile again.
“Goodbye for now Mr Wick, bye Connor!” You wave and the little boy waves back, holding up his drawing for you to see. You give him the thumbs up, then John guides you to the door, his hand on the small of your back. It feels firm, confident, and you are a little breathless as you stumble outside into the sunshine.
John shuts the door behind you then leans against it, taking a few deep breaths.
Well that was unexpected.
He checks on Connor, going to make them both a drink. Orange juice for the little guy and whiskey for the big one. He feels bad drinking alcohol with his son there but after that encounter he really fucking needs it.
He grabs his phone and dials his best friend.
“Hey John. I was going to call you, a great new Mustang just came in the shop if you want to come take a look…”
“I need your advice.” John interrupts.
“Oh sure, go ahead.”
John can hear the sound of Aurelio shutting the door to his office.
“I just interviewed a nanny for Connor and she’s great…”
Aurelio smiles into the phone “That’s good John, you need to get some of your own life back.”
John sighs “I know, I know you’ve been telling me that for years now but there’s a problem.”
“What? I thought you said she’s great?”
“She is but….I think I’m attracted to her.”
He can hear Aurelio’s suppressed laughter down the phone and feels offended.
“Hey..this is a genuine problem. All the other nannies I interviewed were either evil old crones or on drugs. I’m kinda desperate here.”
“And that’s the problem, John.” Aurelio continues, his voice barely disguising his mirth.
“You are desperate. You’ve not slept with a woman since Connor was born, you’re bound to get a bit hot under the collar for some pretty young thing who’s good with your kid.”
John downs his drink and welcomes the burning taste. “You think that’s all it is?”
“Sure...it’ll probably go away once you see her covered in toddler puke. Or until you go out and get laid...like I told you to.”
John slams the glass down on the table. “I will...when I’m ready.”
Aurelio’s voice softens a bit “I’m only looking out for you John you know that.”
“I know...thank you old friend.”
“And let me know how you get on with the hot nanny!”
John hangs up on him, shaking his head. Connor comes toddling into the kitchen to find his dad.
“Yes little one?”
“Will the lady with the fun crayons come back? I wanted to show her my drawing.”
John drops his shoulders, defeated. “She’ll be back, I’m going to call her right now, okay?”
Connor whoops with joy and runs back into the living room.
Well this isn’t my fault now, thinks John, this decision is not my responsibility.
He dials your number with this thought in his head, hope rising in his chest that will accept his offer.
What could possibly go wrong?
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heartsunholy-a · 5 years
if they had a kid // @voiceofmany​ // selectively accepting
Gonna put this under a read more since this is gonna get long oops.
Name: Chiara Rona Jacobs
Gender: Female
General Appearance: See face claim below. She takes mostly after Hotshot - tans easily, rounded face, big eyes. But her hair is much darker and more similar to Davey’s.
Personality: A confident, lively girl. She knows what she wants and she goes for it, very much “don’t ask for permission, ask for forgiveness.” She’s incredibly affectionate and flirtatious and is usually the one initiating physical content, even platonically. She’s bubbly, charming, and impulsive, but clever enough to get herself and her siblings out of trouble - usually.
Special Talents: She’s actually a very talented actress. And, given that in n.ewsies verse, she lives through a massive change in the film industry, she’s super fascinated by the craft. 
Who they like better: Davey has and always will be her biggest fan and major pillar of support and she loves him so much.
Who they take after more: Hotshot. She’s dramatic and impulsive and that’s all her mom’s fault.
Personal Headcanon: She 1000% said she wanted to be a bowery showgirl as a kid and Davey choked on his coffee while Hotshot just laughed at him like the supportive wife she is. (She’s absolutely referred to Medda as “Grandma Medda” and Belle as “Auntie Belle” growing up too, fight me.)
Face Claim: S.ofia B.lack D’ E.lia
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Name: Daniel Aurelio Jacobs
Gender: Male
General Appearance: See face claim below. Still quite similar to Hotshot but more similarities to Davey - particularly his nose and eyes and more angular jaw.
Personality: Much like his namesake Daniel Conlon, Daniel’s protective and loyal. There’s very little he wouldn’t do to protect his family and friends. He’s a bit more reserved than the bubbly Chiara - he doesn’t always initiate an interaction - but he’s just as warm and friendly. Just as personable as his older sister - and just as talkative when he gets passionate about a subject. He’s usually tagging along with Chiara, who brings out his more competitive and mischievous side. 
Special Talents: He’s got an excellent memory, particularly with names and faces.
Who they like better: Much like his namesake Daniel Conlon, Daniel Jacobs is a huge mama’s boy.
Who they take after more: A comfortable mix of both, though both Hotshot and Davey tend to say he takes more after the other.
Personal Headcanon: While his parents, siblings, and plenty of people call him Danny, Spot’s the only one that calls him Danny Boy - a nod to his own mother’s nickname for himself. (Uncle Privilege™)
Face Claim: T.homas M.cDonell
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Name: Vincenzo Elijah Jacobs
Gender: Male
General Appearance: See face claim below. Vince’s the one that takes most after Davey. From his longer face to his lighter complexion and dark hair. Hotshot’s most seen in his big eyes and in his smile.
Personality: A SOFT BOY. A mediator, a diplomat. Vince is thoughtful and almost always puts other people before himself. He needs to be reminded sometimes by the people he loves to take care of himself. He’s just got a lot of love to give. He’s kind and creative, but reserved - similar to Daniel. He’s a great listener and at ease with people and with conversation. He just prefers to observe and tag along with his sibling’s antics.
Special Talents: He loves to draw and was coached a lot by his Uncle Jack, even though Vince tends to just stick with sketches and doodles. He just enjoys letting his mind focus on something and bringing it to life.
Who they like better: Impossible to chose, he loves his folks so much
Who they take after more: Davey, a good soft boy like his father before him. Though Hotshot’s mentioned he reminds her of her youngest brother Leonardo.
Personal Headcanon: He sketched a family portrait for one of Hotshot’s birthdays and she cried almost immediately upon seeing it. It held a spot of honor over the fireplace after Davey got it framed.
Face Claim: N.at W.olff
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Name: Yael Bianca Jacobs
Gender: Female
General Appearance: see face claim below. Much like her older sister, Yael takes a lot after Hotshot but her eyes and lighter complexion are all Davey.
Personality:  Basically, a big ball of energy and excitement. Always moving, a bubbly, impulsive, sweet lil disaster child. But much like her theological namesake, Yael is passionate and decisive, often fighting tooth and nail for her beliefs. Despite being the youngest - or perhaps because of it - she’s the scrappiest and often most willing to throw herself into the line of fire if it means protecting someone else.
Special Talents: She inherited Hotshot’s skill with dancing. It’s not one she really practices but she dances often, given how she’s usually bouncing with energy more often than not. Plus, though she doesn’t practice, she’s usually able to replicate moves she sees done (looking at you, Uncle Specs.)
Who they like better: Her uncles Spot and Jack and Race. Nah, honestly, Davey’s basically her hero. She thinks he’s the coolest dude ever and as a kid, she used to love hearing Hotshot tell the story of the newsies rally. (She never called it “the rally story” as a kid either; she always referred to it as “the one where you fell in love with Papa.”)
Who they take after more: Honestly, Hotshot and Davey both think she takes more after Les. But her enthusiasm and energy are more reminiscent of Hotshot.
Personal Headcanon: None of the kids are opposed to being newsies, but Yael’s the most likely to do it. She’s not as naturally charming as Chiara but her energy is infectious and her earnest pleas would get her pretty steady customers.
Face Claim: O.deya R.ush
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