#dsmp tuboo
miso-magic · 2 years
Rewatching “Remember,” a Ranboo/Benchtrio animation, lead to a New L’Manberg era ramble...
Artist/Animator: @ariapmdeol Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VHpwV6OPjpU&list=PLcGW-pwh0PfrM_TV-IQLdsdFgV5atKUa0&index=6​ “Remember” is one of my all time favorite animations for the Dream Smp! I always come back to it over and over again because I love it so much! The New L'Manberg era is one of my favorites because of how interesting the dynamics are between the characters and all the events that take place. Benchtrio's dynamics are especially fascinating because of everything they go through with all the pressure they are under. Which I will briefly go into (because I have too many thoughts about this and they demand to be written): - Content Warning! Discussion of manipulation and its effects ahead! -  c!Tubbo - Tubbo’s striving to be the best president he can be for New L’Manberg after the prior two presidents harmful terms, but he is faced with all the difficult responsibilities/decisions that comes with that. The biggest/hardest one being whether to exile Tommy to protect New L’Manberg or keep Tommy and enter his country into another war with Dream. He isn’t even allowed a moment to consider his own thoughts/feelings about many issues because immediately Quackity and Fundy are throwing their opinions at him, and if he disagrees he is quickly compared to Schlatt. His self worth is already painfully low, but this comparison just adds a bucket of salt into that wound. Tubbo is under an excruciating amount of pressure.   c!Tommy - Tommy is trying to process and understand so many things during this era, but no one is allowing him to do that healthy because they keep adding more trauma to the pile (namely Dream of course). He recently lost his older brother figure in a devastating event by said brother figure’s own actions. Tommy’s still trying to understand all the complicated emotions that are tangled up with that event and those leading up to it. One of those feelings is betrayal, which he experiences again when Tubbo ultimately chooses to exile him. Lots of stuff happens during exile and I can’t go into all of it right now, but what I’m trying to get at is that Tommy isn’t allowed to process everything that’s happened/is happening to him in a healthy way because Dream is manipulating him.  c!Ranboo - Ranboo is a newer addition to the server at this time so he doesn’t have all the prior trauma that Tubbo and Tommy have with early L’Manberg, Manberg, and Pogtopia, etc. BUT he does not lack in his own struggles. Between his memory issues, enderwalking, being manipulated by Dream, his panic/anxiety, trying to help everyone out by not picking sides but people, etc. he is stressed. He is trying to maintain good relationships with everyone where he can support and help them as much as he can, but Dream (and other factors) are preventing him from achieving that. And it hurts. It hurts him to watch his friends hurt and not be able to do anything because of his own issues and/or because he thinks he might have caused that pain. ALSO let’s not forget that Tubbo, Tommy, and Ranboo are teenagers! All of them have so much pressure put on them as they try to navigate the hectic world around them. And they’re held to such high expectations to react to their traumatic experiences in a “grown up” way when they aren’t even adults. [Quick Disclaimer] I’ll be the first to admit that I need to revisit the original source material for this era because it has been awhile since I’ve watched it. Plus there are parts that I definitely missed in my watch throughs (because there is so much content), but I just had to share some of the thoughts I have stashed away about New L’Manberg. I’m sure there will be many more thoughts to come when I do revisit the streams for New L’Manberg because I’d love to expand on this even further! could potentially be another youtube video, who knows Anyways! New L’Manberg is such a fascinating era with SO much potential to be fleshed out even more by going beyond the limitations of Minecraft! We, as the fans, have the opportunity to give it more life and weight by filling in the quiet moments in-between all the major events we witnessed. Which is what I think @ariapmdeol​ was able to do with her wonderful animation “Remember.” She really captured what I love about the New L’Manberg era and I’m so glad I decided to revisit it tonight because it inspired me to share my many thoughts! Thank you for reading my ramble, I really appreciate it and I hope you enjoyed it! Have a lovely night/day everyone! Chat with ya later! <3
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cao-tick · 2 years
"What do you mean I cant writte a C!Tubbo parody of Fireworks from Katy Parry?"
–Some ramdom message from a tumblr fan dsmp dude.
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fenteii · 11 months
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( you're just a boy you are no man
and nobody you know will understand)
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foolsocracy · 1 year
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(field medic voice) I’m full grown.. I’m full grown I’m full grown..
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lov3-marks · 1 year
BOOM shackalacka..
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He has a nuke…
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mellorphic · 1 year
Tommy was the heart of L’Manberg.
He lived and died for it. He loved it longer than anyone else and was loyal to it regardless of the ways it failed him. He inspired the anthem and everything L’Manberg stood for, Tommy stood for too.
Tubbo was the body of L’Manberg.
He built L’Manberg. He built Manberg. He built New L’Manberg. Everyone else could give the nation everything they had, but it wouldn’t have existed without Tubbo. Not in the way that it did.
Wilbur was the mind of L’Manberg.
Without his ideas and without his dreams, L’Manberg never would’ve existed, and it never would’ve been a synonym for freedom or joy. There never would’ve been a deceleration or a war or an election or a nation without Wilbur to think of it. And he blames himself for its downfall because of this.
Fundy was the spirit of L’Manberg.
Fundy had lived in L’Manberg through all three of its administrations. He was born there. He pulled pranks on the nations people which made it what it was. And Fundy believed in L’Manberg and it’s message until the end of schlatt’s presidency. Then he lost all trust in it.
Niki was the soul of L’Manberg.
She fed the nation. She fought for it. She understood the vision of it. She loved the people inside of it for so long. She broke when it did. Niki gave up it lost its final life. Eventually she did move on.
All of them were L’Manberg. All of them lost L’Manberg. The country died, bit by bit, every time one of them lost faith in it.
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silmecicle · 1 year
this is old and i will never finish it
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keyslox · 2 years
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"Tubbo, I-" "Come sit down, Jack."
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theposeknowsart · 10 months
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08-06-2023: Day 6 of the First Try Techno Challenge!
For the All wheel, I got Technoblade and the Syndicate!
You may notice a distinct lack of Philza, but the story demanded it.
After eleven year old Technoblade discovers that Philza has forbidden the Syndicate (Techno’s awesome book club) from turning Technoblade into a vampire (they are all children), Technoblade revokes Philza’s membership with the Syndicate and maes a new rule: No Grown-Ups Allowed.
Now that he is a grown up himself, and immortal through his own means, he COULD lift the ban on Philza. If he wanted to.
Hope you like them!
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raychuart · 2 years
Now it's your turn ⚔️🌿
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Hi this is like a second part for the Tommy's art
Two tarot cards now
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OK fuck it I'll post it
C!Ranboo and the Tragedy of Belief
Note that I had an hour to write this so it may not be very cohesive.
Full thing under the readmore but tldr: c!ranboo is intwined so closely with the concept of faith and hope that it is impossible in dsmp lore to speak about one without speaking about the other.
Everything is obviously /rp, this is about the CHARACTER on the DSMP
Full disclosure this will be very poorly structured if at all
Ranboo's character is a walking talking example of a slave to faith. He represents hope (and the loss thereof) on the dsmp first and foremost and I think that's why he's such a hard hitting character
Now I do not claim to be a spectacular cranboo understander but I've had this idea boiling in my brain for a while and now I will share it.
We see it from the MOMENT he joins, seeking sanctuary from dream in a literal place of faith, but that exchange was granted mostly comedic so I should get down to brass tacks
Ranboo's centrism, his ideals of people not sides, everything he loves and everything he has, it is all based on faith. Literally all of his actions are based off of blind hope. A central point to his character is trust- in himself, in others, in the world. He admits to robbing George's house (after Tommy took all the blame in court mind you) because he believes it will help, because he has faith that tommy is not selfish, because tommy has given him reason to believe it. He goes along with the butcher army because he believes that tubbo is doing the right thing. He escapes doomsday because techno believes that it wasn't his fault. The panic room, and events within it, are based entirely on belief
We know that the dream voice is not actually dream himself, but rather ranboo's psyche taking his form as a stock "bad person", as someone who ranboo wholeheartedly believes to be The Villain. Trust is a HUGE theme in their conversation, it even all boils down to ranboo realizing he cannot place his endless faith into himself, but he KEEPS HOPING.
Despite everything, despite the horrors and the conflicts and the server falling apart, ranboo NEVER loses hope. He seems hopeless at times, but then he's faithful again- because that's how he survives. He can't believe in himself, so he finds people that he can have faith in instead, and those people can believe in him when he cannot. He survives off of faith, he lives and breathes belief.
And those people who he chooses to believe in... Unless they super duper fuck up, his faith in them is UNSHAKEN.
He puts his faith in tubbo in New L'Manburg and watches as tubbo exiles the man who took the blame for ranboo in a COURT OF LAW. sure, he visits tommy in exile, he KNOWS that was the wrong decision, but he unshakably believes that tubbo did what he thought was best. almost instantaneously afterwards, that faith leads him to assist in detaining philza and hunting technoblade, and even when that ends up biting them all in the ass, does he stop believing in tubbo after doomsday?? NO!
He MARRIES tubbo, someone as transient and listless as tubbo, and he puts his faith in his husband and in their child and in snowchester, even as tubbo compulsively moves to the next project and the next, even as tubbo drowns himself in his work
Emeraldduo put faith in him, allow him to live with them, and he puts his faith in them and in the syndicate and in that mission to prevent governments from rising again, even as he's MARRIED TO THE PRESIDENT. he goes with them to snowchester, guards tubbo's secrets, does everything he can to keep these people he believes in from fighting each other.
Even his refusal to choose sides is a blind, foolish hope - A vain faith in the goodness of his fellow players, that they will all realize that sides are useless, that it should be all of them against dream. And this faith gets spat on and trampled again and again, over and over, and still this noodle-spined coward continues to hope. He puts stock in the goodness of his fellow player even when that faith is betrayed CONSTANTLY
He lets Sam write in his book in big bold letters, "TOMMY'S DEATH IS SAM'S FAULT", and we know he doesn't believe it but he HAS to. He has to believe it to keep going, and keep going he will, because he has a husband and a child to come home to at night and a mansion for them being built that he blindly hopes tubbo will move into, even knowing how tubbo hates to stay in one place
They make the cookie outpost. Tubbo tells him about the green festival and tells him he doesn't trust Quackity. Tubbo sells the cookie outpost. Tubbo then tells him that he now trusts Quackity. Ranboo thought of that fort as something special that he and tubbo made together! Tubbo offhandedly signing it away to someone he told ranboo NOT TO TRUST should be a MASSIVE breach of that faith but does he stop trusting him? No! That's his husband! Of course he trusts tubbo.
Even when Wilbur came around, Wilbur who originally hated ranboo for not taking sides on anything, he decided he'd trust him. Against the history of everyone he cares for, he puts his faith in Wilbur because SOMEONE has to be there when he gets better. SOMEONE has to vouch for his improvement. SOMEONE has to believe in Wilbur when he can't believe in himself.
Someone has to believe in ranboo when he can't believe in himself.
Against the trust he put in Sam, against the words Sam wrote IN HIS BOOK, he's put in jail for conspiring with dream. Put in there because Sam needs leverage against dream. Sam who he trusted. Sam who trusted him. And when the breakout happens, and the leverage DOESN'T WORK, does he stop hoping?
Ranboo hopes to his last breath. He is full of hope as he falls to the ground, as he presses Michael's photo into Technoblade's hand. He trusts technoblade to find his son. He trusts technoblade to care for his family. He dies hoping. He dies faithful.
And on that grass block in the middle of that ocean, he is still hoping. Cowering and despairing but still believing. He has faith that the people he loves will come for him. He has faith that Mexican dream will tell his son how much he loves him. He sits on that grass block and hopes.
He writes in his book, and he hopes.
This turned out a lot more emotional than I intended ngl but those r my thoughts on the matter. Cranboo is all about faith and belief even after it lets him down time after time, and he keeps hoping because it's all he can do. That's it :P
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r3nrit · 2 years
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Cool dtiys I did over on Instagram by the user Demonadelem !!!! Go check his Instagram out to see the original !! :o]
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end3rboy · 2 years
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He’s suffering isn’t he?
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krinue · 2 years
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Dream n' Tubbo
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lov3-marks · 1 year
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mellorphic · 1 year
Alright guys. I’m in the editing stage of a 15 chapter fic that’s mostly focussed on Niki, Tommy, Wilbur, Puffy and Drista. Tubbo, Phil, and Eret are also important characters!
It’s an au based on the show House of Anubis. The plot is Niki moves to an English boarding school from Germany after getting a scholarship, and on the same day, Tubbo mysteriously disappears. While Tommy is looking for his best friend with nobody but Drista to trust, Puffy, Niki and Wilbur are uncovering the weird history of the house while on a treasure hunt. Soon, both of their adventures collide.
It features slow-burn Puffychu, Wilbur angst, Tommy angst, and Minecraft Steve as a relevant character. The events of the Dream SMP are treated like ancient mythology.
I am so excited to get this fic finished, and I’ll be posting a lot about it (I also have a planned sequel and a bunch of other oneshots and things that fit into the same universe)
My question is - would any of my followers like to be put on a Taglist for everything related to the fic?
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