#miso rambles
miso-magic · 2 years
Rewatching “Remember,” a Ranboo/Benchtrio animation, lead to a New L’Manberg era ramble...
Artist/Animator: @ariapmdeol Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VHpwV6OPjpU&list=PLcGW-pwh0PfrM_TV-IQLdsdFgV5atKUa0&index=6​ “Remember” is one of my all time favorite animations for the Dream Smp! I always come back to it over and over again because I love it so much! The New L'Manberg era is one of my favorites because of how interesting the dynamics are between the characters and all the events that take place. Benchtrio's dynamics are especially fascinating because of everything they go through with all the pressure they are under. Which I will briefly go into (because I have too many thoughts about this and they demand to be written): - Content Warning! Discussion of manipulation and its effects ahead! -  c!Tubbo - Tubbo’s striving to be the best president he can be for New L’Manberg after the prior two presidents harmful terms, but he is faced with all the difficult responsibilities/decisions that comes with that. The biggest/hardest one being whether to exile Tommy to protect New L’Manberg or keep Tommy and enter his country into another war with Dream. He isn’t even allowed a moment to consider his own thoughts/feelings about many issues because immediately Quackity and Fundy are throwing their opinions at him, and if he disagrees he is quickly compared to Schlatt. His self worth is already painfully low, but this comparison just adds a bucket of salt into that wound. Tubbo is under an excruciating amount of pressure.   c!Tommy - Tommy is trying to process and understand so many things during this era, but no one is allowing him to do that healthy because they keep adding more trauma to the pile (namely Dream of course). He recently lost his older brother figure in a devastating event by said brother figure’s own actions. Tommy’s still trying to understand all the complicated emotions that are tangled up with that event and those leading up to it. One of those feelings is betrayal, which he experiences again when Tubbo ultimately chooses to exile him. Lots of stuff happens during exile and I can’t go into all of it right now, but what I’m trying to get at is that Tommy isn’t allowed to process everything that’s happened/is happening to him in a healthy way because Dream is manipulating him.  c!Ranboo - Ranboo is a newer addition to the server at this time so he doesn’t have all the prior trauma that Tubbo and Tommy have with early L’Manberg, Manberg, and Pogtopia, etc. BUT he does not lack in his own struggles. Between his memory issues, enderwalking, being manipulated by Dream, his panic/anxiety, trying to help everyone out by not picking sides but people, etc. he is stressed. He is trying to maintain good relationships with everyone where he can support and help them as much as he can, but Dream (and other factors) are preventing him from achieving that. And it hurts. It hurts him to watch his friends hurt and not be able to do anything because of his own issues and/or because he thinks he might have caused that pain. ALSO let’s not forget that Tubbo, Tommy, and Ranboo are teenagers! All of them have so much pressure put on them as they try to navigate the hectic world around them. And they’re held to such high expectations to react to their traumatic experiences in a “grown up” way when they aren’t even adults. [Quick Disclaimer] I’ll be the first to admit that I need to revisit the original source material for this era because it has been awhile since I’ve watched it. Plus there are parts that I definitely missed in my watch throughs (because there is so much content), but I just had to share some of the thoughts I have stashed away about New L’Manberg. I’m sure there will be many more thoughts to come when I do revisit the streams for New L’Manberg because I’d love to expand on this even further! could potentially be another youtube video, who knows Anyways! New L’Manberg is such a fascinating era with SO much potential to be fleshed out even more by going beyond the limitations of Minecraft! We, as the fans, have the opportunity to give it more life and weight by filling in the quiet moments in-between all the major events we witnessed. Which is what I think @ariapmdeol​ was able to do with her wonderful animation “Remember.” She really captured what I love about the New L’Manberg era and I’m so glad I decided to revisit it tonight because it inspired me to share my many thoughts! Thank you for reading my ramble, I really appreciate it and I hope you enjoyed it! Have a lovely night/day everyone! Chat with ya later! <3
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oobbbear · 9 months
God I love soup it tells my brain to shut up whenever it starts thinking too much or get depressed
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woahitswednesday · 1 month
I really wish I was topless and barefoot in the kitchen making him breakfast right now
Curse my lack of buying breakfast foods since I'm not normally awake for it 😂
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todayisafridaynight · 9 months
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whatever //blasts your old man with the butch beam//
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karma-brainrot · 6 months
Karma character sheet for my extensive lore about him
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Has both too much and not enough info because that's how good at organizing info I am lmao
[Also the cat is named Miso, and provides emotional support. Very important info]
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ahalliance · 10 months
azi is so devastated when he thinks crowley actually killed the goats and will kill the children and is SO happy when he learns crowley has done and will do none of that . but it also fucks me up bc im sure this is where azi’s whole “oh he still has good in him, but it’s oppressed by his new nature as a demon” type of mindset he has going on comes from. and over the years he learns to kinda deconstruct that mindset and nuance it more but fuck, when the metatron, this figure of ultimate heavenly authority, offers him a chance to remake heaven to his will and to restore crowley to his angel status, he relapses into that old way of thinking because it would just be so much easier if things were just strictly good and bad, no? that crowley is a good person who does good things despite being a demon not because he is a nuanced, morally grey person, but because his holiness and goodness is trapped within a dark outer shell. and by restoring him to his prior angel status again, azi can validate that unhealthy black and white mindset of all angels good, all demons bad that has been hammered into him by heaven . and then crowley kisses him and his brain explodes and he freaks out and relapses even MORE into that cultish way of thinking by replying “i forgive you”. god he always says “i forgive you” when crowley confronts him with things azi KNOWS to be true to both of them but that he cannot bear to admit to
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hakusins · 15 days
uwehh im being fed so well with fics it makes me want to write !!!!!
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theygender · 5 months
My throat hurts like fucking hell and it's only getting worse and I really hope it's not fucking COVID
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tvrningout-a · 10 months
good morning 💜 i’m pretty tired, so i’m relaxing for now while my muses bang pots and pans in my brain. i’ll be around properly later. in the meantime, tell me if your muse is a breakfast person, and if so, what their favorite breakfast entails 👀
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feeling-kinda-sad-ngl · 2 months
guys i found these noodles at this supermarket i dont usually go to and theyre so good
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i added an egg white and green onion and it was so good and filling and not that many cals either so i think its a new safe food lol
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miso-magic · 2 years
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Grief Fractures - A c!Tubbo Illustration
How much loss can one heart take before it is crushed?
Speedpaint up on my YouTube! Link: https://youtu.be/kfTpllJBFbU I’m excited to share my first speedpaint video with you all! Come see how I made this illustration and listen to me ramble about c!Tubbo and his relationship with grief.
Oo I also have this nifty thing now: https://misomagic.carrd.co/
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starmagnets · 3 months
i should make those garlic miso buns again sometime
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0verhauled · 5 months
[Questions taken from the post on your other blog but! YEET-] 🐷 PIG FACE + 💘 HEART WITH ARROW + 🍝 SPAGHETTI!
🐷 PIG FACE — what is your oc's favorite animal?
Chisaki is a fan of the fox. He finds their agility, cunning and sly behaviours interesting. He finds their grace beautiful as they move and hunt.
💘 HEART WITH ARROW — what and/or who do(es) your oc consider the most important to them?
There's two people in the world who Chisaki considers important have very different reasonings. First, we have Boss. His parental figure who took him in from the orphanage when no one else would, he loved and cared for Chisaki. Second, for a completely selfish reason. Eri is extremely important to him. He needs her to complete his goal and rid the world of the quirks that plague it. He does not care much for Eri (unfortunately) however he considers her important.
🍝 SPAGHETTI — what is/are your oc's favorite food(s)?
Chisaki used to frequent this restaurant owned by an elderly woman, he liked it because it was quiet and not many people visited. He had a slight feeling of protection over the elderly woman who ran the place purely because she made the best miso soup he's ever had. Plus she never asked questions, he liked that.
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luxaofhesperides · 7 months
warm soup will fix me
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Getting Habatchi and some sushi right now
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meliohy · 1 year
why did I buy celery and asian radish and red cabbage. Idk what to cook with them. Help
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