#duch problems
dukeoftheblackstar · 8 months
My extremely extroverted friend who often tells me "it's do or die" is about one more event in our interwoven lives from being yeeted off this planet because bitch, I am no 'it's do or die' girlie. It's the "do or don't" for me, you know?
I wanna sleep. Go away. But like pencil me in again next week.
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mateusz-joker · 11 months
Siedziała tak od kilku godzin - nieobecna, prawie jak duch. Nie odzywała się do nikogo, nie reagowała na zaczepki. Co jakiś czas ciężko wzdychała. Wyglądała na zmartwioną, jakby trapił ją jakiś problem. Pytałem, nie chciała rozmawiać. Zbywała mnie małym uśmiechem, mówiąc, że to nic takiego. Ale to nie mogło być „nic takiego”, skoro nagle cały świat przestał dla niej istnieć. Ludzie nie skaczą z mostów przez „nic takiego”, nie gryzą pięści z powodu błahostki, tamując słowom drogę. Nie stają się nerwowi ot tak i nie wypłakują sobie oczu przez „coś nieistotnego, małą nic nieznaczącą rzecz”.
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tanith-rhea · 11 months
That I may be weak with you
"Do you love me enough that I may be weak with you? Everyone loves strength, but do you love me for my weakness? That is the real test." - Alain de Botton Dorothea Delilah Darcy is a woman in her mid to late twenties, struggling to find her place in the world. A recent job opportunity as a guidance counsellor at Nevermore Academy seems like a godsend, and she could not miss it for the life of her. Still, perhaps more problems will arise than she expected. Between bubbly, extroverted students and an uncharacteristically reactive principal, she'll be forced to overcome the limitations of her abilities or separate herself entirely from the place she'll grow to call home.
Author's note: this is... something that I'm willing to share at the moment. I hope you like it, it certainly is more of an indulgence on my part than anything else. This and Honey, You're a Keeper are what's keeping me sane lately (although more fantasizing about both the stories than writing them)
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Chapter One
"There are times when I am convinced I am unfit for any human relationship" — Franz Kafka
You never thought you would someday get the chance to go to Nevermore. Being home-schooled was very common for kids in your community, and the boarding high school experience seemed to you like one of those unachievable dreams you only read about in the countless novels in your library.
You ended up not going, of course. At least not as a student. Now you approached the Nevermore gates in a car driven by a charming middle-aged man responsible for maintaining the campus surroundings nifty and, apparently, chauffeuring new professors.
A soft drizzle cast everything in a foggish autumnal setting. The term would begin in a week, so true autumn wasn't very far away, but the contrast with your parents' house was welcomed; it reminded you of Belfast, only warmer and sealess.
"What do you think, Ser Barnabas?" you petted the dark-grey tabby in your lap, "Will they be able to help us?"
"What was that, Miss?" the driver asked amicably.
"Oh! Nothing, Mr Duch, sorry to disturb you."
"Nonsense, girl, you've been nothing but nice the entire trip," he turned the car left and you saw the castle beyond the trees "We're here."
Nevermore Academy was a castle-like boarding school for teenage outcasts to learn how to control and develop their powers as well as a myriad of other subjects. You would do something along those lines, you would help them with their troubles. As it appears, their count had gone up considerably since last semester.
The building itself was a gorgeous piece of architecture. You remembered studying similar structures while going over the Gothic movement in college almost seven years ago but looking at pictures was never the same as visiting a cathedral. It certainly was not the same as stepping out of the car to a fairy-tale courtyard and mystical-looking archways. The grandiosity of the place brought you the nostalgia of reading The Secret Garden for the first time; childish curiosity meets fantastical hidden marvel.
"Everything was strange and silent and she seemed to be hundreds of miles away from anyone..."
"But somehow she did not feel lonely at all," someone interrupted your mumbling in a soft, amicable tone.
A tall blond approached you by the car, dressed in a long-sleeved, cream-coloured dress. She was easily a foot taller than you and quite intimidating, but contrary to her height, her warm blue eyes only invited you in. You felt a surge of emotion in your chest and slightly panicked at the thought of having an episode then and there, and out of nowhere too. You were certain no one was touching you, and you knew none of the people around you personally.
"Are you all right?" the beautiful woman asked, and a small crease appeared between her brows. She went to touch your arm, but you quickly composed yourself and stepped away to deposit Ser Barnabas on the ground.
"I'm quite all right, yes!" you tried to smile, "I was only surprised you knew Ms Hogson's words."
"Hardly an uncommon read," Ser Barnabas went to her and walked between her legs, rubbing on her quite uncharacteristically.
"But you knew them exactly, Pride and Prejudice is not an uncommon read and yet most people won't be able to quote it if asked."
"Quite the debater, I see, but you do have a point," she arched one perfectly designed eyebrow at you "Pleasure to meet you, Miss Darcy, I'm Larissa Weems, the principal of Nevermore Academy," she held her hand out to you and of course you were being unnecessarily prickly to the one person that could fire you and send you away at any time.
"Oh, my, I'm so sorry!" you hastily recovered from your previous scare, putting on a well-practised mask of serenity, "We only talked through e-mails so I'm afraid I didn't recognize you," you took her hand confidently "I didn't realise you would be meeting me quite so soon."
"I prefer to give the tour myself to any new staff member. I believe it to be a good bonding opportunity," she smiled easily. She was so effortlessly gracious, you had to admit leadership suited her like her obviously tailored dress.
You tugged on your glove ends to distract yourself from her overwhelming warmth and turned to look at the kind gentleman that brought you there, "Mr Duch, could you open the truck for me? I'd like to bring my things along to save time."
"Oh, don't worry, darling. I'll ask some of the staff to do that for you. You can go, Mr Duch, and have a rest before getting back to work, I believe Philomena made hot chocolate about half an hour ago and there still might have some."
"Thank you, principal, have a good day," the man left through a side pathway and quickly was out of view beyond the archways.
You were left with the imposing figure, and there wasn't much you could do aside from accompanying her. Somehow, she made you more nervous than you anticipated. Meeting new people was always a complicated ordeal, but with Principal Weems the hairs on your arms seemed more charged than usual as if her energy already knew you, which was impossible.
Ser Barnabas, the traitor, was nowhere to be seen. After nuzzling her ankles, he just skipped away to explore. You were relieved she didn't seem to realize or mind your cat's affections, after all, pets could not be prohibited but it didn't mean other co-workers or your boss had to like yours.
"I'll show you your private accommodations and we'll have a look around the school. Your office is near the astronomy tower, just before the Desdemona Hall communal area."
Your rooms consisted of a large bedroom and office area with an adjoining bathroom equipped with a bathtub and separate shower space. It was similar to what your last place of employment offered, but the stone walls and gothic feel were an entirely different level of appeal.
The principal showed you the dining area, the quad — which was a pentagon — the teacher's breakroom and your own classroom. The rest she said you'd be quickly acquainted with during the next few weeks. She explained some basic rules of the academy and advised you to be cautious of students trying to trick you into giving them a Jericho pass, especially Ophelia Hall girls. You found it all quite simple to understand, but that was only when you could actually concentrate on what the woman was telling you and not the movement of her lips forming words.
She had a very articulate way of expressing herself, something expected from someone in such a position of power, but it was understandably charming accompanied by her melodic accent, low voice and powerful stance. She commanded discipline by simply being.
"I hope to see you very soon, Miss Darcy," the woman concluded with a winning smile, "Dinner is served at seven-thirty, as I already told you. If you would like to dine out, please notify Mr Duch before five and transportation back is on you," she nodded one final time before turning on her heels and walking down the corridor.
You surveyed your office once more. Now that you were alone, a sense of calm finally made its way to your bones. Being near other people wasn't unpleasant most of the time, but the principal seemed to have a particularly powerful presence and keeping yourself in check all the time while paying attention to her was exhausting. Not that you paid all that much attention to her, instead just ogling like a creep.
Your files were already organized in the first drawer of your desk; all the documents you sent through e-mails to the school board were printed and put together in a leather cover binder. Very aesthetically pleasing and organized. You loved whoever did that for taking their time to sort through everything so carefully.
Leaving the office behind, you went back to your rooms for a shower and change of clothes. Ser Barnabas somehow was inside, sleeping atop a suitcase as if he was protecting your belongings.
"Someone had a busy hour," you scratched behind his ear and he stretched, meowing for being woken up.
You unpacked and put your things away in drawers and armoires, leaving Ser Barnabas' teacup by the enormous arched window overlooking the quad for him to hydrate whenever he deemed necessary — sometimes you were convinced he drank mentally because the water would disappear and he would be sleeping in the exact same position as the one before you left — before having a long-awaited shower.
You didn't go to dinner that day, deciding on a series of one-person games of draughts before bed.
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lekkotakworld · 6 months
Wtorek, 5 gru 23
Całą noc miałam koszmary, budziłam się nie wiem nawet ile razy, bałam się być sama w pokoju, przez te sny bałam się, że coś tutaj jest, jakiś duch czy coś w tym stylu, cały czas zakrywalam się cała kołdrą, no masakra. I obudziłam się chwilę przed 7 i tyle było ze spania.
Miałam też trochę wątpliwości i głupio mi było, że nie idziemy na te zajęcia dzisiaj (może też dlatego rano już spać nie mogłam). Ale naprawdę ta baba wykańcza mnie psychicznie, bo my się staramy a ta wiecznie ma o wszystko problem. Tak bardzo chciałabym skończyć już ten projekt a zarazem wiem, że pewnie będziemy się z tym tłuc jeszcze po świętach. Głupie babsko.
Cały dzień spędzony w Ikei nad projektem. Oczywiście wpadły tam kawka i obiad. Coś tam mamy na jutro, zobaczymy co powie prowadzący. Z rana poczytałam trochę Oppenheimera i mam jakieś przeczucie że jednak nie skończę tego czytać do końca miesiąca 😂 bo ja już mam mało czasu na czytanie, a za chwilę będzie jeszcze mniej.
Ogólnie dziwnie mi pisać posta (edytować go teraz, bo poprzednia część była napisana z rana, tak właśnie tworzę swoje posty, żeby nie pominąć moich myśli z całego dnia) po tym jak moja Pożarta straciła poprzednie konto.. znów pojawił się u mnie lęk, że swoje też stracę.. Ale no coś, wpadajcie do @pozartaa bo trzeba odbudować to wszystko, ja dalej nie mogę w to uwierzyć. Wspieram ❤️‍🩹🥺
Update wagowy: 65,50 kg ⬇️
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5. Zupełnie nie miałam pomysłu na te ciasteczka, ale coś tam wyszło. Chyba póki co to mój najmniej ulubiony rysunek z tego wyzwania 😅🍪
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muire-lo · 1 year
I wasn't able to find an image description for Baru's map, so here's one! Feel free to copy, paste, and share.
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[ID: A map done in black, sketched outline, featuring mountains, sea, rivers, major cities, and borders between duchies. 
The very north of the map at the top of the page shows a mountain range in a horizontal line across the top of Aurduynn, labelled Wintercrest Mountains. 
South of the mountains is the northern duchies, from left to right Erebog, Lyxaxu, Vultjag, and Oathsfire.
Erebog is rectangular shaped, with a river running from the Wintercrest mountains south into Duchy Nayauru. Baru’s point form note reads, “THE CRONE. Clay. Landlord problems. Probably going to starve.”
Duchy Lyxaxu is also rectangular shaped. Baru’s note reads, “DUKE HIGH STONE. Quarries. Smart man, write back!”
Duchy Vultjag is a thin rectangle, the second smallest duchy. A tributary of the river Vultsniada runs through the duchy, feeding Oathsfire to the east. Baru’s note reads, “DUCHESS OF COMETS. Nice scenery. Utterly unimportant.”
Duchy Oathsfire is rectangular in shape, bordered to the east by the river Inirein which runs south to Welthony, in Unuxekome. Baru’s note reads, “DUKE OF MILLS. Lots of money. River trade. Awful beards.”
The next row of duchies includes Sahaule, Nayauru, Ihuake, and Pinjagata. Next to Pinjagata is the Duchy Unuxekome, which runs fully south to the coast. 
Duchy Sahaule is a thin rectangle. It’s labelled, “THE HORSEBANE. Good soldiers. Client to Nayauru. What’s the name about?”
Duchy Nayauru is rectangular at the top and more round at the bottom. A river flows in from Erebog and ends in many dams. Baru writes, “THE DAM-BUILDER. Reservoirs. Cavalry. Stupid feudal marriage politics.”
Dugy Ihuake is the largest duchy, wide and broad, with Mount Kijune in the north (labelled “climb me!”). It includes a sketch of walled Freetown Haraeod, with one very large building in the centre. Baru’s note reads, “THE CATTLE DUCHESS. Herds. Cavalry. Huge!”
By comparison, Duchy Pinjagata is merely a slice of land, even smaller than Duchy Vultjag. Baru’s note reads, “DUKE OF PHALANXES. Best soldiers. Bad at names. Client to Ihuake.”
The last row of duchies borders the Ashen Sea: Autr, Radaszic, Heingyl, and finally Unuxekome.
Baru’s notes on Duchy Autr reads, “DUKE OF BRINE. Good salt. Large muscles. Client to Nayauru.”
Duchy Radaszic simply contains notes that read, “DUKE OF WELLS. Grain. Olives. Complete moron.” Bordering Radaszic and Heingyl is the city of Treatymont, right on the coast, and it is sketched to show a large walled city with many towers. Notes on Treatymont read, “Apparently Duch Lachta? Best port, federal capital. Naval base. Stay out of northarbor.”
Duchy Heingyl has notes that read, “THE STAG DUKE. Cavalry. Grain. Hates joy.” 
Finally, Duchy Unuxekome, at the bottom east (right) of Aurduynn, bordered by the Ashen Sea to the south and the river Inirein to the east. The south of the duchy is labelled Sieroch floodplain. Baru’s notes read, “THE SEA GROOM. Good seaport. Pirates. Seems pleasant.” Where the river Inirein meets the sea is the city of Welthony, which has many small buildings and one large building with a tower. Baru’s note of the city reads, “Unuxekome’s capital. Second-best port.”
Baru has made notes of the areas outside Aurduynn. 
At the very top of the map, north of the mountains, is a blank area with an arrow pointing up, labelled Stakhi Empire? With a question mark. 
To the west (left), a blank area labelled GRASSLANDS, TAIGA, AND DESERT. Baru’s note reads, “What’s over here? Look it up soon.”
South is the Ashen Sea. Baru’s note reads, “Sail only in summer!” There is an arrow pointing south/down and a note from Baru that reads, “south to Taranoke and Oriati Mbo. south to SOUSWARD and Oriati Mbo.”
East is an arrow pointing east/right. Baru’s note reads, “EAST to AWFUL MARSHLAND and NORTH FALCREST. Completely useless in winter.” 
In the top right of the map is a compass decorated with the silhouette of a cormorant. End ID.]
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swan-of-sunrise · 1 year
Taking Care of Business (Chapter Thirty-Nine)
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Summary: After Bo-Katan and Din uncover the culprit behind Plazir-15′s droid malfunctions, they are granted permission to access the Mandalorian mercenaries and (Y/N) does her best to encourage the Nite Owl.
Pairing: Din Djarin X Fem!Reader
Word Count: 3.3k
Warnings/Disclaimers: None
A/N: This one’s a little shorter than I originally anticipated, but I still had a lot of fun with it! Thank you for reading, I hope you all enjoy!
Chapter Thirty-Nine The Mercenaries (Previous Chapter)
When (Y/N) was a little girl, her mother would often regale her with bedtime stories about the elegant balls once held at Naboo’s royal palace in Theed, where beings of all shapes and sizes dressed in the finest clothing the planet’s seamsters and seamstresses could offer and danced all through the evening. She always dreamed of attending such a soiree but she never truly believed that she ever would, so it came as quite a pleasant surprise when she and Grogu were invited by the Duchess and Captain Bombardier to a ball celebrating the happy couple’s wedding anniversary. (Y/N), dressed in a beautiful sea-blue gown embellished with sparkling jewels and with her hair carefully styled into an elaborate updo, and Grogu mingled with Plazir-15’s citizens, the former learning all that she could about the planet’s unique culture and the latter practically preening under all the attention he was receiving from their gracious hosts and the other attendees.
As the evening went on and both Din and Bo-Katan were nowhere to be found, a worried (Y/N) decided to try contacting her husband through his comm and learned that the Mandalorians’ investigation into the planet’s malfunctioning droids had become more complicated than either of them originally anticipated; they’d visited the Ugnaughts that worked far below the city, chased down a rogue battle droid and gained some insight on the problem after a visit to a droid bar named ‘The Resistor.’ They were heading to the city’s morgue to examine the battle droid’s remains for more evidence when (Y/N) called, and Din confirmed that they were still far from solving the planet’s ongoing droid problem.
“I’m sorry that this has taken so long, alor’ad. I know I said we’d be back soon-”
“It’s all right, sweetheart, I understand,” (Y/N) soothed, glancing over her shoulder at the glittering assemblage inside the palace before leaning against the railing and watching Grogu play with a frog that hopped onto the balcony. “How’re you holding up, Din?”
She could hear Din quietly sigh on the other end. “It’s hard to not think about what happened to my parents, of course, but knowing that you and the kid are safe gives me piece of mind, helps me focus on the task at hand. We’ll get to the bottom of Plazir’s droid problem, and then we’ll finally have access to the Mandalorian mercenaries outside the dome.” The sound of a door sliding open echoed through the comm and Din muttered a quiet curse. “I have to go now, alor’ad, we’ve arrived at the morgue.”
(Y/N) fiddled with the sleeve of her gown and forced an upbeat tone as she replied, “All right, well…be careful, Din, and we’ll see you soon. I love you.”
“Ni kar’tayl gar darasuum, ner cyar’ika alor’ad.”
The next morning, Din and Bo-Katan were still busy investigating the droid malfunctions, so (Y/N) took advantage of her circumstances and asked the Duchess for permission to access the planet’s vast records in the hopes of finding any information on Jedi Master Kelleran Beq; while there was nothing in their records about the Jedi who’d saved Grogu’s life, there was still plenty of information on the history of the Jedi Order and their exploits throughout the Clone Wars, so (Y/N) spent her morning reading in the palace’s great hall while the royals and their guests played garden games.
“Okay, let me get that for you, m’lady. Your toss, lovely.”
Looking up from her holopad, (Y/N) watched as Captain Bombardier handed a furled pill-bug to the Duchess and when her gaze lowered to see Grogu sneakily peeking out from behind the folds of her elaborate gown, she giggled and hid her amused smile behind her hand. The Duchess sized up the glowing rings positioned around the artificial turf before tossing the furled pill-bug into the air; just as (Y/N) suspected, Grogu raised his clawed hand and used the Force to send the pill-bug flying, where it bounced off two crawling pill-bugs and through four rings. The crowd cheered and Grogu cooed in delight as the Duchess and Captain Bombardier clapped in happiness. “A Quadro-blast! I’ve never seen such a streak! Wasn’t that splendid, Captain (Y/L/N)?”
“It was a wonderful toss, Your Majesty,” (Y/N) complimented from her seat near the artificial lawn and gave Grogu a subtle wink when he looked her way.
The sound of the doors opening drew their attention away from the game, and (Y/N)’s brow furrowed in confusion when she saw Din and Bo-Katan escorting a handcuffed old man into the great hall. While (Y/N) slowly got to her feet, the royal couple cautiously approached the Mandalorians and Captain Bombardier tilted his head to the side in perplexity. “What are you doing with Commissioner Helgait?”
“We found the cause of your ‘malfunctions.’”
The guests gasped in shock and the Duchess held a hand to her chest. “Is this true?”
“I’m afraid it is, M’Lady.” Commissioner Helgait ducked his head in visible regret at the stunned tone in her voice.
Captain Bombardier shook his head in exaggerated disappointment. “Despicable.”
The old man let out a humorless chuckle. “If that isn’t the Quacta calling the Stifling slimy…”
“I beg your pardon?”
“This planet is unrecognizable since he arrived!”
“…I had a feeling you hated me.”
Ignoring the exchange between her husband and her head of security, the Duchess pursed her lips and fixed the old man with a saddened look. “I’m disappointed in you, Commissioner. You served my family well, but Captain Bombardier is the love of my life and I know his heart is true.” She rested a hand on her husband’s shoulder and flashed him a tender smile that he was quick to return; (Y/N)’s own eyes flicked over to Din, and she felt herself flush when she saw that the visor of his helmet was already angled towards her instead of the drama unfolding in the great hall. “Sure, he’s made some mistakes in the past, but who here among us has not? Is there no room for a little bit of forgiveness in a galaxy so vast?”
Commissioner Helgait nodded once and cast his gaze downwards. “I am sorry to have disappointed you, My Lady. Perhaps someday, I can earn such forgiveness from Your Grace.”
“Perhaps. As for now, you must live in exile on the moon of Paraqaat.” With a wave of the Duchess’ hand, four constable droids escorted the disgraced head of security from the great hall and after heaving a weary sigh, she turned to face (Y/N) and the two Mandalorians. “And as for you, Lady Bo-Katan Kryze, Din Djarin of Concordia and Captain (Y/N) (Y/L/N) of Naboo,” (Y/N) released the breath she’d inadvertently been holding when the Duchess used her preferred name instead of her legal one. “I grant you audience with our deployment of Mandalorian privateers. I also give to you three our highest honor, the key to Plazir.” She reached for an oversized key resting on a silver platter held by a servant droid and offered it out towards them. “You will always be welcome in our domed paradise.”
As (Y/N) moved to stand beside Din, Bo-Katan smiled and stepped forward to receive their honor. “M’Lady. M’Lord.”
“Captain (Y/N) (Y/L/N), I bequeath to you Plazir’s humble collection of Lomiya Corrik’s design sketches, personally commissioned by my family many cycles ago.” The Duchess smiled at (Y/N)’s stunned expression and handed her a leather-bound portfolio. “Although they held an honored place in my family’s collection, I hereby declare that they rightfully belong to the House of Corrik and its descendants.”
Swallowing the lump in her throat, (Y/N) clutched the portfolio to her chest and bowed her head in a sign of respect. “Thank you, Your Majesty.”
The Duchess looked down at Grogu, who was still standing at her side, and accepted the sword that one of her guards offered her. “And to this little one, I grant knighthood.” As she gently tapped the tip of the sword against his tiny shoulders, Bo-Katan fought back a smile and (Y/N) beamed with pride. “You are now a knight of the Ancient Order of Independent Regencies.” Both royals looked up at the trio and the Duchess’ eyes gleamed with thankfulness. “Go in peace, brave travelers. Until our paths meet again.”
“M’Lord. M’Lady.” Din stepped forward to scoop Grogu up into his arms and after resting a gloved hand on the small of (Y/N)’s back, they turned and walked out of the great hall. “A Jedi padawan, a Mandalorian foundling and now a knight; the kid’s collecting titles quicker than the galaxy can come up with ‘em.”
(Y/N) chuckled and while they stepped into their hyperloop pod, she reached over to caress one of the cooing child’s large ears and gave him an affectionate smile as Din placed him in his floating pram. “Of course he is, who can resist this cute little face?” He giggled when her fingers tickled the patch of skin just beneath his chin, and she looked over at her husband as the pod started moving. “So, did that head of security say why he was making the droids malfunction like that?”
“He was a Separatist.” (Y/N)’s smile fell as she watched Din shift in his seat and stare down at his boots. “He wanted to use the droids to disrupt the planet and collapse their society in the name of democracy.”
Exchanging a knowing look with Bo-Katan, (Y/N) rested a hand on the side on her husband’s beskar helmet and gently coaxed him to look over at her before placing her hand flat on the center of his chestplate, directly over his heart. “But you and Bo-Katan stopped his plan before anyone was hurt; you saved the citizens of Plazir, and you saved the innocent droids that Commissioner Helgait hijacked to carry out his bidding. I know that that wasn’t easy for you, sweetheart, and I’m proud of you.”
Din’s gloved hand moved to cradle her cheek and guided her closer to rest his forehead against hers in a brief but meaningful Keldabe Kiss. “Thank you, alor’ad.” After a long moment, he pulled away and looked down at the leather-bound portfolio resting on her lap. “I’m glad that you were able to reclaim a piece of your mother and had the opportunity to see first-hand the lasting impact of her artistry. Can I take a look at her design sketches?”
“Now approaching landing field three.”
(Y/N) opened her mouth to grant him permission but when she caught sight of Bo-Katan staring pensively out at the vibrant green fields surrounding the domed city, she carefully tucked the portfolio into her satchel and nudged her husband’s boot with her own as she replied, “Maybe later, after we…um, talk to the Mandalorian mercenaries.”
Din nodded and when (Y/N) patted his knee, he cleared his throat and addressed the troubled Nite Owl seated across from them. “They’re Mandalorians. You’re their leader. They’re going to follow you.”
The anxious look remained on Bo-Katan’s face as her eyes flicked down to stare at her gloved hands. “I’m not their leader anymore. Axe Woves is.”
“Then what’s your play?”
She sighed and glanced back up to meet their gazes. “I’ll know when I get there.”
“Well, no matter what you decide to do out there, Din and I believe in you; there’s no one who’s better equipped to unite both factions of Mandalorians, Bo.” (Y/N) gave Bo-Katan an encouraging smile, and her heart warmed in her chest when the Nite Owl slowly returned it with one of her own. The hyperloop pod came to a stop and after stepping out onto the platform, they descended the many steps and walked across the vast field to where the Mandalorians established their base camp at its center; dozens of helmetless warriors stared them down as they slowly approached, and (Y/N) mumbled under her breath to Din, “At least when your covert stares, you can’t see all the judgmental looks they’re giving under their helmets.”
The Mandalorian huffed out a quiet chuckle and when the three of them stopped a handful of yards away from the base camp, Axe Woves straightened his back but remained seated on his cargo box and took a sip from his cup as he exchanged a glance with Koska Reeves, the Mandalorian warrior who’d helped them rescue Grogu from Moff Gideon. “Have you come back to join the mercenaries?”
Bo-Katan shook her head. “I’ve come to reclaim my fleet.”
“It’s no longer your fleet, is it?” Axe chuckled, gesturing around at the many ships and warriors that surrounded them. “I’m now in command, and grown quite fond of it.”
“Then I challenge you, one warrior to another.” (Y/N) and Din exchanged a look and Grogu anxiously cooed as the grin slipped off of Axe’s face and the Mandalorian mercenaries murmured amongst themselves; the Nite Owl’s stony expression remained unchanged as she stepped forward and harshly continued. “Do you accept my challenge?”
Setting his cup down, Axe slowly got to his feet and clenched his gloved hands at his side. “I do.”
There was tension in the air as the two Mandalorians stared each other down and the helmetless warriors seemingly held their breaths as they stood completely still and waited in anticipation for the challenge to begin. In the blink of an eye, Axe fired a missile from his vambrace and while Bo-Katan used her jetpack to avoid the weapon, Din whisked (Y/N) out of the way and used his beskar-clad body to shield her from the small-scale explosion; (Y/N)’s eyes widened in awe as she watched the Nite Owl slam her Mandalorian opponent onto the ground with a powerful kick to his chest, and she could feel her husband’s arms tighten around her waist when Axe drew his vibro-blade and engaged Bo-Katan in hand-to-hand combat. Both Mandalorians were perfectly matched, slashing and twirling around one another with deadly precision, which made (Y/N) nervously bite her lip even when Bo-Katan managed to knock Axe down a second time.
“It’s okay, kid,” Din comforted Grogu after he hid his face away in his clawed hands to avoid watching Axe fly straight into Bo-Katan and slammed her into the hull of a Kom’rk-class fighter transport. “Bo’s got this.”
They slashed at one another with their blades and each managed to land several blows, the scuffle escalating when Axe fired another missile and Bo-Katan tackled him to the ground; she roughly dragged him to his feet and held her vambrace’s blade to his throat, spitting out, “Do you yield?” With a strangled yell, Axe ignited his jetpack and flew them both into the air, where they landed harshly on the top of another Kom’rk-class fighter transport. They exchanged more blows and Bo-Katan toppled over the edge, but she quickly ignited her jetpack and fired her whipcord to wrap around the Mandalorian mercenary’s ankles, pulling him over the edge and watching him land on the grass below. Axe rolled onto his knee and fired his vambrace’s flamethrower but again, Bo-Katan was quicker; she activated her shield gauntlet to block the flames and flew through the air, tackling Axe onto the ground and pressing the tip of her blade against the exposed skin of his neck. “Do you yield?!”
“You’ll never be the true leader of our people,” Axe spat out, his eyes flicking over to where (Y/N) and Din stood and his lips curled into a sneer. “You won’t even take the Darksaber from him. He’s the one you should be challenging.”
“Enough Mandalorian blood has been spilled by our own hands!” With one final shove, Bo-Katan stood and retracted her vambrace’s blade as she looked around at the assembled Mandalorian mercenaries. “Mandalorians are stronger together.”
Axe picked himself off the ground and let out a mirthless laugh. “But a misguided zealot possesses the blade. One, I might add, who has not one drop of Mandalorian blood in his veins.”
(Y/N)’s hands clenched into tight fists and she angrily started forward, but Din’s halting grip on her waist and Bo-Katan’s sudden words stopped her dead in her tracks. “Din Djarin took the Creed and chose to walk the way, just as our ancestors did. He is every bit the Mandalorian that they were!” Her husband shifted uncomfortably beside her and she placed a soothing hand on the unarmored part of his arm. “Certainly as much as any of us…”
Shaking his head in frustration, Axe held his hands out and scoffed at the Nite Owl’s argument. “But according to our ways, the ruler of Mandalore must possess the Darksaber.”
“Then she shall have it.” (Y/N), Bo-Katan and the Mandalorian mercenaries all looked over at Din in surprise; the Mandalorian stood tall as he patted (Y/N)’s hand and crossed the field to where Bo-Katan and Axe were standing and without a single ounce of hesitation, he unclipped the Darksaber from his utility belt and held it out for the Nite Owl to take. “This belongs to you.”
Bo-Katan, although visibly touched by Din’s selfless gesture, shook her head and gently replied, “It’s not a gift to be given, no matter how well intended.”
“It’s not a gift,” He countered before turning to address the assembled Mandalorian mercenaries, all while a confused (Y/N) exchanged a look with an equally-baffled Bo-Katan. “While exploring Mandalore, my wife and I were captured and this blade was taken from me. Bo-Katan rescued us and slayed our captor. She defeated the enemy that defeated me; would this blade then not belong to her?” The Mandalorian mercenaries murmured amongst themselves, but none of them spoke up until Din repeated his question. “Would it not belong to her?”
After a long moment, Axe sighed and gave him a relenting nod. “It would.”
A smile tugged on the corner of (Y/N)’s lips as she watched her husband turn back to face Bo-Katan and once again held the Darksaber out for her to take. “I return this blade to its rightful owner.”
The Nite Owl slowly lifted her hand and wrapped her gloved fingers around the hilt, the look of uncertainty etched across her face slowly morphing into self-assurance when Din made his way back to where (Y/N) stood with Grogu’s pram and the other Mandalorians followed Koska’s lead in deferentially bowing their heads. With the barest hint of a smile, Bo-Katan took a deep breath and ignited the blade, staring down at its luminous glow and recognizing the culmination of nearly a thousand years of Mandalorian history in that moment.
“And you claim that you’re not one for politics,” (Y/N) teased when Din reached them and placed her hands on her hips as she arched an impressed brow. “I have to say, that was a political maneuver worthy of the New Republic Senate.”
“Coming from a former Rebel, I’ll take that as a compliment.” The Mandalorian patted a babbling Grogu on the head and handed over his silver sphere. “I never wanted the Darksaber, or the right to rule Mandalore. Bo-Katan is the leader that can reunite both factions Mandalorians, and I’ll be satisfied doing anything I can to ensure that her quest succeeds and our people can live a more peaceful life.”
With a tender smile, (Y/N) looped her arm around her husband’s elbow and stretched to press a kiss onto the beskar covering his cheek. “We both will.”
Din nodded and the two of them watched as the Mandalorian mercenaries offered their respects to Bo-Katan and acknowledged her claim to leadership of their faction. They were one crucial step forward on the road to reuniting the divided Mandalorians, but it was clear to each of them that they still had much more work ahead of them. Now we’ve gotta convince the mercenaries and the covert to get along and resist the urge to kill one another, (Y/N) thought to herself with an inward sigh, but if anyone can successfully squash generations of conflict and infighting, I suppose it’s us.
Mando’a Translations:
Alor’ad-Captain Ni kar’tayl gar darasuum, ner cyar’ika alor’ad-I love you, my darling captain
A/N: Like I said last week, we’re having work done in the house and it’s been difficult finding time to write, but I’ll hopefully have the next chapter up on time! Thank you all so much for reading and commenting! Oh, and I’ve created a Spotify playlist of all my favorite music from the world of Star Wars, so if you’re interested in checking it out the link is down below!
Spotify Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2KuSKJhVOPPvxdJ9YHeo4M?si=2977ff31bf0c4bdd
Chapter Forty
Taking Care of Business Masterlist
Tagging: @remmysbounty @sinon36 @seninjakitey @thatonedindjarinfan @ginger-swag-rapunzel @mostclevermiss @momc95 @welcometothepedroverse @sarahjkl82-blog @elinedjarin @ccomandercody @crowleysqueenofhell​  @goldielocks2004 @wondergal2001​ @groovy-lady​ @impala1967666​ @fluffy-canada-pancakes​ @icee228​ @siimiasoi​
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trudnadusza14 · 6 months
Coś mi się śniło że gdzieś szłam w jakimś dziwnym miejscu i z kimś rozmawiałam
Najpierw z kuzynką która mi mówi że są tu duchy i my idziemy tych duchów szukać
Pojawia się kuzyn który patrzy w miejsce gdzie jest rzekomy duch
I on nas zauważa i mówi do mnie żebym się tą istotą zajęła
I ba. Zajęłam się. To była jakaś dusza która już dawno temu się zagubiła. Popełniła samobójstwo i każdego dnia zamiast odczuć ulgę o tym myśli i nie wie kiedy trafi w lepsze miejsce
Codziennie w godzinę kiedy to zrobiła przeżywa na nowo to samo od paru lat.
Wiecie w sensie tą śmierć i widzi jak zareagowała jej siostra na tą tragedię
I próbowaliśmy rozwikłać jak się dostać w lepsze miejsce. Po jakimś czasie rozwiązaliśmy problem i kobieta która pożegnała się z życiem mogła odejść w spokoju
I się obudziłam
Powiem wam nie wiem co ten sen miał znaczyć
Miał mnie odwlec od tego pomysłu jaki kotłował mi się w głowie od wczoraj ?
Myśli których nie byłam w stanie kontrolować ?
Cholera wie ale aż mnie zastanowiło czy tak wygląda los po udanym samobójstwie kiedy nie załatwisz czegoś istotnego a to zrobiłeś
Nie dość że ciężar tej sprawy to jeszcze czynu i brak możliwości dostania się gdzie indziej póki czegoś nie rozwiążesz.
Mówi się że tak to właśnie wygląda gdy są sprawy nierozwiązane ale bardziej to człowieka zastanawia kiedy zobaczy na własne oczy
Zdarzały mi się podobne sny. Zdarzają co jakiś czas. Aczkolwiek przyznam że dawno nie miałam tego typu snów
Nie pamiętam o której wstałam ale wiem że się męczyłam strasznie z myślami
W którymś momencie to było coś jak coś co mnie dosłownie dusi bo w pewnym momencie trudno mi się oddychało i myślałam że faktycznie zaraz to zrobię. Bólu nie czułam
Później jak udało mi się zasnąć to o dziwo nie miałam ochoty iść na zajęcia. Zebrałam się i poszłam ale okazało się że zajęć nie ma bo jest awaria prądu
Aha czyli naprawdę muszę ufać swojej intuicji. Jak się wręcz zmuszam by tam iść to znaczy że albo nie ma zajęć lub coś się zdarzy np omdlenie czy atak padaczkowy
Miałam plany tak czy siak wybrać się z mamą do parku gdzie są dekoracje świąteczne. Tak też zrobiłam bo wolałam nie ryzykować próbą w domu będąc w tym dziwnym stanie
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Jest tam bardzo ładnie aczkolwiek czułam się strasznie brzydka jak ktoś mi zrobił zdjęcie na świecącej ławce
To był zły pomysł
Bo jak wróciłam wzięło mnie że a zaraz przytyje do 100 kg itd
I mnie wzięło na liczenie
Ale totalnie się uspokoiłam jak ogarnęłam że jem normalnie a nie niewiadomo ile
Dowiedziałam się też że ja jak na rok 2002 to miałam chyba najszybszy poród
Bo trwał zaledwie 4 minuty i wtedy pielęgniarka nie wierzyła że nie była w szkole rodzenia i że to jej pierwsze dziecko
Ja z ciekawości potem sprawdziłam ile trwał najszybszy poród. I do 21 roku najszybszy poród trwał 24 minuty chyba
Bo w 21 roku był pobity rekord i jakiś poród trwał mniej niż minutę
Czyli można powiedzieć że moja mama byłaby w księdze rekordów Guinnessa gdyby poinformowała świat
Zabawne że pchałam się tak na ten świat a potem od 6 roku życia mam myśli samobójcze 😂
Paradoks życia
Moja kotka w ogóle ostatnio leży w kojcu mojego psa. Tak koło siebie leżą 😂
Jak siostry normalnie
I dowiedziałam się że wizytę tą pilną u neurologa mam w czwartek.
Więc muszę poinformować terapeutkę że na grupowej wigili może mnie nie być ale mogę jednak zdążyć
Zobaczymy. Tak czy siak poinformuje
Później kupowałam przez internet prezenty dla rodziny i przyjaciół. W tym roku ja chcę być Mikołajem 😆🧑‍🎄
A potem oglądałam swój serial i potem dowiadywałam się ciekawostek historycznych. Też trafiłam na artykuł że jedna kobieta z depresją w Holandii dostała eutanazję.
A więc można 🤔
Wybaczcie że na razie rano pisze ale te ostatnie wieczory były męczące
Na szczęście jest trochę lepiej tylko myśli samobójcze dalej mnie się trzymają
Także ten.
Do zobaczenia
I trzymajcie się kochani 💜
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jackiequick · 8 months
Star Wars OCs 💫
Astra Jade Cordage 🏹
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— Name: Commander Astra Jade
Age: 42
Relationship Status: Single (Taken later on by her Clone husband Captain Rex <3)
Planet Of Origin: Naboo but now lives on Coruscant
Specific Species: Human
Occupation: Pilot
- Works for the Jedi Knights and plenty of otherwise leaders in the outer rim of the space centers.
- Pilot, Commander Jade. She is always flying Jedi, Royals, Council members, Prisoners and etc to places. Astra tends to be on the field for work and or behind a panel on a ship calling orders if she’s told to stay behind. But she’ll always find a way to make her mark!
- Friends with Obi Wan Kenobi since they were younger, kinda like a little sister to Obi Wan. Partners in crime in a way!
- Anakin’s friend and mother figure to him. She is also Padmé good friend and works for her on occasions.
- Astra has had a crush on her friend Obi Wan Kenobi for a few years and I mean who wouldn’t??? I mean, hello?! The man is gorgeous and a very skilled Jedi! However it wasn’t in the cards and Astra believed attachment should be allowed for everyone. She agreed with Master Qui Gon’s idea on attachment very much that she figured out Anakin and Padmé were in love, and she quietly encouraged it. She smirked always seeing them smiling at one another.
- The female pilot moved up in ranks and explored her placement in the center of the Coruscant. One day she was told about the clones themselves and met some of them, they were kind, smart and determined. Two caught her eyes, Rex and Cody. Yes they were similar in factual statements and facial expressions but different in mindset. Cody reminded Astra of Obi Wan in a way a few ways while Rex reminded her of Anakin.
- She fell in love with Captain Rex after they saved each other’s lives and had to go undercover on a mission as spouses to return a few stolen items. Little did they know they would become spouses in real life, breaking a few rules and falling for one another. There are many ideas she loved about her husband, Captain Rex from his sass to his humorous way of telling a story and his loyalty to his crew. But one of the things she loves most of all is that he can be a bit of a bad liar, the type of under circumstances of course.
-> Astra in the animated shows and older movies/shows
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Sena Morgana 🫐
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Full Name: Kira Sena Morgana
Age: 34
Planet Of Origin: Alderaan
Specific Species: Human
Occupation: Ex-Jedi
Relationship Status: Single
- Kira was part of the Jedi for a while. She was gifted with being Force-sensitive, so it was given that she joined in on the world of it all.
- She was skilled.
- Partaking in adventures, teaming up with Ahsoka, Anakin, Obi Wan, Astra and the rest of the gang. It was a rather large group of people.
- She adored it. A lot. The people she met, the ones she saved and relationships she made across the galaxy. Being a rather gentle soul to many.
- Until she was met with the truth of the Jedi. They only carried about themselves and who they can save, not how they can save someone. Love wasn't ever the card for their line of work either, and it hurts
- It started with problems they had with Anakin and Ahsoka teaching abilities, with her having to defend both of there friends. It was a fought battle, she hated.
- Secondly was during a fight on Coruscant, having almost lost Astra in battle and the a lot of other Jedi didn't bat an eye.
- Thankfully she was alright!
- And lastly, when she met a certain rebel on Mandalore, he was an solider in protection of Duchess Satine Kryze. It was handsome, loyal and kind. Her heart fluttered, having not understood what that feeling once was until she realized it was..lust.
- One could say it was love she felt. But Jedi weren't allowed to love, they were never given that chance to do so. The part of made it harder to resist that feeling was, that he liked her too.
- Sadly, he died trying to save The Duchness..
- Sena was tired of fighting, feeling at odds with other people where she almost lost friends and never getting a break to go home. Just be herself..
- So that became to final thing, Sena was willing to take chance and make a change to put down Jedi rode in exchange for simpler set of clothes.
- In result, Sena made a deal with Sentor Organa a friend of her, to work with him and stay with leads. Still being near her friends and help out when needed. To her surprised, he quickly accepted to idea, having missed her and wanting her back home on their planet.
-> Sena in the animated series
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Thanks for read this! I hope you like it, it was sitting in my drafts for months now and I decided why not just post
Please like, share, comment and reblog
Tags:@gcthvile @msrochelleromanofffelton @meiramel @gaminggirlsstuff @sherloquestea @starkleila @mallowbee4 @thisgirlisonfayeeer @whitewiccan @rickb-chaos @rooster-84 and etc
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drifftingg · 10 months
Jedyna rzecz w tym procesie która idzie mi chujowo to jest forma w jakiej ja jestem... japierdole... bieganie idzie ok, odzywianie super, kontrola super a nic mi nie daje takiej DEPRECHY jak 10-15 min cwiczen brzucha z yt gdzie ja ledwo jestem w stanie je wykonać i to nie idealnie poprawnie bo mi doslownie cialo nie pozwala
jak jest czas na ulozenie sie do nowego cwiczenia to ledwo daje rade zdązyć tak zdycham na macie ofc mysle se wtedy ze daje z siebie ile moge i ta kondycja sie zmieni ale i tak to jest deresyjne w chuj bo ja bylem dzieciakiem co na wf zapierdalal i pomimo ze nienawidzilem wfu od liceum (3 lata grania w pilke nozna (nie umiem "podac' pilki ani niczego xD 3 lata chodzilem po boisku jak duch a oni grali 5v6) i siatkówki (nie umiem przebic serwisu xD ale to chyba na tle fobii spolecznej bo nie umialem napiac miesni reki (jak ktos ledwo oddycha przy ludziach to moze to zrozumie ...) no ale jednak mialem wf zdalny na studiach i mialem 1,5h cwiczen i dawalem rade jako tako (tam byla przerwa chyba w polowie albo dwie po 30min i byc mozeteraz tez bym dal rade po przerwie tylko jeszcze jestem tak zdziadziały że łapie zakwasy a chce robic cwiczeznia codziennie).
sprawdzilem sb dzisiaj czy zrobie 1 pompke!!! NIE ZROBIE XDDDD (nie wiem jak dojsc z 0 do 1 xD) kiedys chcialem sprawdzic czy mi przejdzie depresja od cwiczen fizycznych (xD wykluczałem rzeczy ktorych nie sprobowalem - zadna nie zadzialala od razu powiem) i cwiczylem w domu pompki brzuch i przysiady po 3 gimnazjum przez kilka miesiecy i dozeldm od 10 pompek do 40-kilku na raz zwiększajc ilosc w seriach takze wiem ze sie da ale jak kurwa zacząc od ZERA POMPEK...
przysiady to tez problem bo kiedys moglem robic po 100 na raz ale teraz biegam codziennie wiec wole nie ryzykowac ze nie wyjde biegac 2 dni z powodu zakwasów.
ktos by powiedzial ze calosc sie sumuje na rozsądne wprowadzanie aktywnosci fizycznej dzien po dzniu ale chcąc schudnac wolabym miec lepsza forme i od razu moc zapierdalac wiecej.
no nic trzymajcie sie w tym odchudzaniu widzowie
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botslayer9000 · 5 months
just watched the boy and the heron and i have thoughts?
loved the animation, it was gorgeous as always
music was great. joe hisaishi stays based
the atmosphere was incredible. there are so few movies i feel that really take their time and have quiet contemplative moments, which is why i usually leave the theatre with a headache afterwards, but not today! there were so many scenes with minimal music and just ambient audio and i liked that v much
the beginning was very interesting and really got me invested, like the part where mahito goes to fuck up the heron with his wooden sword and when he wakes up it breaks just like it did in his ''dream''? now thats what im talking about! downright cerebral
^^^^ i wish the movie had more of this particular avant garde direction tbh and was less. uh
what even was most of this movie? the best way i can describe the experience of watching most of the boy and the heron as watching someone else's dream. it makes sense as its happening, but you're detached from it. you just kinda have to roll with it as it happens. weird stuff happens but you don't question it, then suddenly the plot changes halfway through and you just have to accept it because its a dream, what are you gonna do? the problem comes in when you try to actually make sense of what happened the next morning/after leaving the movie theatre
like ???? im torn between liking the individual scenes/plotlines here (like kiriko the fisherwoman taking care of the weird little guys and dead people? based plotline. i would watch a movie about that. wait we're already moving on to the carnivorous parakeets. what. pls stick with one plotline pls)
what is happening with natsuko
why do we have this tangent involving the great grand uncle like 3/4s of the way through the movie...
man idk there are a lot of fascinating ideas here that i really like, individually, on paper, but jumbled together, it just kind of makes a mess. i wish there were some kind of narrative cohesion sticking all of these plots together. making a dream into a movie is great, but this just feels like me rambling in the morning right after getting up about that craaazy dream i had last night to my family while they don't pay attention because im talking total nonsense
just when i thought i was starting to figure stuff out, the ending kind of lost me. why is the parakeet king so important when we the audience became aware of his existence like 10 minutes ago
the more i think about it the less sense it makes and not in a good way
man idk. i wish i could love this movie more than i did but it was just doing too much
why were the parakeets holding up signs that said ''duch'' when tumblr has told me that they are nazi allegories... they should be holding up signs that say ''deutsch'' instead. plot hole alert folks you heard it here first
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stone-cold-style · 2 years
I don't believe in Fairy Tails, but I believe in you and me
Summary: this takes place immediately after the end of Duchess's diary, so if you haven't read it, I recommend doing so. Sparrow comforts the Duchess after her own failure makes the royal question her choices and even her role in Ever After High
Warnings: some swearing
Word count: 1360
@feline17ff Look! I'm writing fanfic too!
The Swan slammed the door behind her, throwing herself on the bed as warm tears full of rage ran down her face.
"Wh-what the hex?" A familiar voice exclaimed.
"Don't you say anything, don't you see that I'm devastated, you stupid bird?" Sparrow crossed his arms with a serious expression that didn't match him. It's not everyday that you see a crying Duchess invading your dorm in the middle of the day. 
"Yeah I have eyes, I just don't know what that has to do with going into my room out of nowhere. I could have been changing y'know, imagine if you saw me changing."
"I'm not gonna imagine that" she threw a pillow at him "Now can you please be a gentleman and ask me what's wrong?" Said, managing to sound even angrier. God, this probably was a mistake, she shouldn't have allowed Sparrow to see her in this vulnerable state. She shouldn't allow anyone, for that matter.
Sparrow tilted his head. On one hand, the Duchess was prone to temper tantrums and drama and this could very well be one of those. On the other hand… crying wasn't really her thing, especially not in front of others.
"What happened?" He asked then, sitting on the bed by her side. Satisfied, she sat up and cleaned some of her tears.
"Remember that presentation for The White Queen that I told you about?" The thief thought for a while.
"The one where you had to inspire people with your story?"
"Yes. I. I did this whole thing, I acted like a true white swan, I was kind and humble and everyone loved it and it was so nice" said, her voice full of melancholy.
"What's the problem, then?" He said, not understanding where she was getting at.
"Let me finish!" She exclaimed, but her eyes went to sadness again and she sighed.
"Apple, that stupid princess, did a ballet presentation right after mine and she knows that ballet is MY thing! She could've done absolutely anything but she just had to go with ballet it's like she was trying to be outshine me!"
"Well, White is a goody two shoes, I'm sure she didn't mean any harm"
"That's not the problem, Sparrow!" She said exasperated, turning to look him in the eyes. "It's that. It seems like it doesn't matter how much I try, I'm always forgotten, ignored, overshadowed! I'm not like them, I don't get a happily ever after, I don't get the guy and I definitely don't get the kingdom! All I get is a stupid legacy and my ballet, and now not even that I guess! I don't want to die just to be forgotten!" The words rushed from her mouth, as if they've been stuck in her throat for a long time, desperate to let out, to allow vulnerability and fear. "Hell, even a commoner like you gets a happily ever after in your tale, it's not fair" added, because she had to be at least a bit mean or else it wasn't the Duchess speaking. Sparrow, however, seemed to ignore that last part, too focused on looking for the right words.
"I know a thing or two about being forgotten" said, the softness in his tone a secret that would stay between the two, just like many others "But I won't forget you, Duch. It's hard to forget such a mean bitch" she hit him with a pillow again. And again.
"You're. Awful. At. Being. A. Gentleman" said, and with each word, she hit her friend again with the poor pillow. "And also an awful liar" continued as she calmed down, not looking him in the eyes "I know I'm just a forgettable, desperate swan for you, just like for everyone else"
"If that's what you see, then maybe you're trying to impress the wrong people" shrugged, laying down on the bed with his arms behind his head.
"What the hex is that supposed to mean?"
"You're trying to be remembered as a kind and nice princess and that's not really what you are. You're more of a…
"Black Swan" she concluded the phrase for him, looking down at her hands, feeling like crying again. "That's what Faybelle said. That I'm destined to be the Black Swan, the villain. Cruel and selfish, only able to get her prince by deceiving her way into romance" as the words left her mouth, realization hit and she looked down, a single tear tracing it's way down her face "That sounds exactly like me doesn't it?"
"I mean-"  Sparrow started, but she was quick to interrupt.
"I tried to be good, kind and humble and what did I get? Nothing!" she snapped, her voice full of uncertainty and frustration "So maybe they're right! Maybe I'll make a better villain!" She felt the urge to cover her mouth like uttering those words alone was an offense against good costumes, but instead simply allowed it to sink in. 
After a moment of tension, Sparrow opened a smile, excited and threw his hands in the air.
"Yeah! I could even make you a villain song! And you could dance to it!" 
"And I would finally have a happily ever after." Said, again with the feelings that those words where a crime, ignoring Sparrow's optimist perspective "But at what cost?" Added more to herself, to remember that as tempting as that sounded, she still had responsibilities.
"Hm… Basically none? Unless you care about befriending White and her crew" The Duchess's face immediately turned into a frown of disgust upon hearing those names, but she tried to remain composed.
"I- I don't know Sparrow. I just don't know. If I'm the Black Swan then people are right to hate me, and as much as I don't care for the people at this school, that would mean I'm destined to be despised. Then… I'll never have friends, I'll never be included, I-"
"That's stupid! You already have like a shiton of friends" he started to count on his hand.
"You have me, Faybelle, that one ballet girl-"
"I don't think Justine sees me as a friend, I would say rival at best"
"Doesn't matter, you also have… hm. Well, you don't have many friends but you have good friends" 
"You can't just self proclaim yourself as a good friend, Bird brain, that's not how this works"
"I'm trying to be nice here. Take the fucking compliment"
"Okay" she rolled her eyes, but with the smallest smile. He was right, like it or not, she didn't make much friends but she would do anything for the few ones that she had.
"Besides you can" he changed his voice to a poor imitation of Raven Queen "choose your own destiny" she gasped.
"Are you suggesting I become a Rebel?" Asked as if his words alone were a crime. 
"I am, but if that's too commoner for you, then let's just say no. I'm saying you still have time to decide if you want to be a white or a black swan. Or a bit of both, whatever"
"A villain and a hero…" she reflected on those words. As contradictory as it sounded it also didn't sound… wrong. "A bit like you then?"
"That's offensive" he exclaimed, a bit too loudly "I'm not a hero!" 
"Well you did save my mood" she playfully tilted his hat making it fall over his eyes "so it's a start" 
"Keep doing that and I'll tell everyone that I saw you crying" threatened as he fixed the green hat.
"Do that and I'm taking your guitar for a dip in the lake" joked with a mischievous smile getting back on her feet.
"You wouldn't!" Said, now sounding genuinely offended. 
"Try me, bird brain" replied, already on her way to the door "anyway, bye, I need to find some way to have my revenge for Apple, when I need you for the plan I'll let you know" and with those words she left, not before doing a gracious spin, showing that she really was in a good mood again. He rolled his eyes, but with a smile.
He was a good friend, the Duchess thought to herself. But it's not like she would ever say that out loud.
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zhongrin · 2 years
I feel like I'm in great minority that doesn't like Ayaka, mostly because of Inazuma archon quest, and expecting traveler to help them. Like I didn't want to get involved again in the political situation of archons, especially after what happened in Liyue.
I honestly heel like she wanted to guilttrip us in helping in literal civil war, probably only bc we are powerful (that dull blade do be stronk) with sappy stories of people with visions and how she can arrange meeting with shogun (like, that's a really big favour to become public enemy an for what?)
I just don't like that aspect, like I wanted there to be option to duch supporting the rebellion, since I just wanted to ask bout aether and then be gon, not solving political mess that was Inazuma
to be fair nearly everyone expects us to help them in the archon quests lol literally every single time the traveler is just there wanting to ask for help to find their sibling and they're always expected to jump thru several rings of fire despite not actually having to... but yknow. p l o t.
like the start of mondstadt archon quest is just jean, lisa, and kaeya being like. "oh hi yes i know you're new to the city and this is all totally unrelated to you but please help us solve this problem!"
i'm more irked at the fact that most of the time after everything is settled they get close to no useful information from the archons so far (not sure about sumeru as i have yet to finish the archon quest)... and the "oh we'll put missing posters" solution is both funny & frustrating for me bc like. hello??? can't you, idk, help organize a search party or something, we just saved your country??? lmao
but anyway - i think it's totally ok to dislike characters, as long as you don't shit on people who do like them!! personally, i'm neutral about ayaka. the whole hangout thing with her in the archon quest was endearing. her brother tho... *cough cough* ;))
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FNF Mod idea- Motorcity
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As the tittle says, i've been thinking lately about a mod of one of the forgotten series  from Disney XD: Motorcity
i don't have any kind of sprites or anything because of too much work, but i have the story for it and i will make some edits soon for showing a concept more or less, about the style, i will combine my own fnf style and of the series as well, for the icons, as the characters for interacting afar had their own kind of emojis, the health icons will look like that.
Week one- Texas and Jacob
Cutscene 1:
Bf and Gf end up because of Daddy dearest in a mysterious futuristic city, they explore around for a while and end up lost in the Burners home, Texas and Jacob were waiting for the rest of the team as they went on a small mision, they were talking until these too called their attention
Jacob: -what's the matter kiddo, you both are lost?-
He asked in a curious tone, Bf and Gf looked at them and nodded, Texas got up his chair and went to them examining up and down and then chuckled
Texas: because of your looks, i can tell you both are new in here aren't ya?
Gf talked in a soft voice
GF: yes we are sir, my dad used a spell to bring us here
Texas: hmm magic? not truly a fan or believer of it , but i guess it sounds logical.
Jacob: but don't you two worry, you can stay here until you find a solution.
Bf then looked at texas with a challenging look
Bf: are you  into rap battles?
Gf: sorry sir, he really likes them, he can't sleep if he doesn't have one
Texas: *chuckle* no problem dude, i accept your challenge, i didn't introduced myself, my name is Texas and this is Jacob
Jacob: nice to meet you too
Texas: alright kid, i don't go easy on challenges, so don't expect me to go slow on this
bf: bring it on!
Cutscene 2:
Texas: wow little dude, you really got some moves, that was AMAZING!
*Jacob was watching the duel from his place then he recieves a call from Mike*
Mike: hey Jacob, we have completed the mission, we're heading back
Jacob: that's really good to hear, guess what, we have new people in town and one of them is
a rapper,Texas accepted a challenge and now the're having a duel
Julie: sounds really fun,we hope to arrive fast, don't wanna miss anything
Chuck: just please don't let them fight literally please
Jacob: they won't on my watch
Texas: alright little dude, let's see if you can handle a bit more of speed on this one
Cutscene 2:
*the team arrives at the end of the song, Texas was catching a breath *
Texas: seriosly....how is it possible ...im out of breath?....what was just  two songs...and that high note!
Duch: you pushed yourself too hard, it could have damaged your vocal chords
Mike: you did your best, that's all that matters
Chuck: i know you lost but please, y-you don't need to be angry
Texas: no! Texas never surrenders!
Jacob: take a little breath, i can take it from here
Julie: are you sure Jacob?
Jacob: do not worry, i was so inspired , so i will give it a shot
Mike: wish you both luck
Cutscene 3
Jacob: you did good little man, that was great!
Mike: wow dude, you got some skills!
Duch: the speed of your voice is amazing!
Texas: im so much better now, i apologize for getting angry earlier, but do you think you can accept one last song?
BF: Yeah!
Texas: alright little man, get ready for this!
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sunabosi · 1 year
Eigentlich wollte ich nur nach Khowarib fahren, aber auf dem Weg dahin hat mein Luftfilter, später auch die Zündkerze und zuletzt die Batterie/Regulator (Problem wird momentan noch gesucht und behoben) Schwierigkeiten gemacht... Luftfilter und Zündkerze konnte ich bei einer Lodge fixen und mittels Starthilfe haben wir das Motorrad gestartet, damit ich bis Opuwo (die nächste "größere" Stadt mit Mechanikern) fahren kann. Zuvor auf dem Weg dorthin habe ich nochmals eine Giraffe gesehen und wurde später von reißenden Flussläufen eingekesselt, welche durch Sturzregen weiter nördlich erzeugt wurden.
Dadurch musste ich am Straßenrand mein Camp für die Nacht aufschlagen. Am nächsten Morgen ist das Bike natürlich nicht angesprungen... Anschieben ging auch nicht, also habe ich gewartet und ein Truckfahrer hat mir dann wieder Starthilfe gegeben und ich konnte duch tiefe Furchen vom Regen nach Opuwo fahren.
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German Audio Play, Episode 4 Translated
Thanks again to user Alarda on LadyLovelyLocks.org for posting this, and now I will bring their translation for Tumblr!
This episode is called “The Blue Stone”
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“And as the titles are always suggesting to what's going on, yes, the second blue stone is found in this story- finally! It starts with the Duchess being very angry because her magic mirror is broken and yelling at HairBall while the Lady and her friends are playing and celebrating the return of the chain and pendant in the castle's gardens and then they put it around his neck - where it belongs.Because he has heard so much about it and because he can feel it's magical power, ShiningGlory takes the pendant with the stone with him into his tower to find out more about it and to solve the riddle around Prince.Meanwhile, the Snake Lee has arrived in RavenWaves' castle. The Duchess needs her to help her get rid of her problems - meaning getting the blue stone from Prince's pendant. She tells her the whole story of what has happened: that her father had chosen the son of a king as her husband when she was young. But he refused to marry her, even with his family having lost all it's fortune only a little while ago.The witch Lazulila, the most powerful witch in the Blue Mountains, was in debt with RavenWaves's father (and she gave him half his money, which is something that she doesn't tell Lee, but we get to know it later on in the serie) and the witch cursed the Prince to be a dog. But because Lazulila's power isn't enough to make the curse last forever, Prince has to wear the counter curse with him all the time. (It is the blue stone inside of the pendant). But no one had found out until now how this could work.Well, the Snake promises to help her out, if the Duchess gives her the emerald mine which is in her possession at the moment - the only one in the entire land. The Duchess has agreed to do it (without the intention to keep it, of course). Therefore, as a favor and a sign of her "friendship" Lee gives her some advice and information too. She tells her that Moma gave the Lady the chain and that she should tell HairBall to get her the crystal globe of ShiningGlory. And with the promise to take care of Prince's curse never being lifted, she leaves.Lady LovelyLocks and her Friends Maiden CurlyCrown and Maiden Fair Hair accompany Tatzel and Matti back to the River. The weather is how its supposed to be for the crossing and so they have to part again, promising each other to meet again very soon.And while they are away, Prince is bitten by Lee in the castle gardens. At their return, they find him unconscious in the rose garden and send the Pixietails after Matti and Tatzel, to tell them to get them an antidote for snakes from Matti's grandmother.Meanwhile the Duchess RavenWaves and the Snake Lee have a bad argument, after the snake told the Duches that she bit Prince. And the Duchess wanted Prince to suffer of course, never being able to be human again, forever condemned to life as a dog and now, thinking Lee just killed him, she throws her out.While Prince is getting worse, the Pixietails have reached the middle of the Misty River - the magical border they can't cross. And the two kids from the Magical Forest have already past it some time ago and can't understand the Pixietails calling after them.It is again Moma who helps, pushing their raft back to the Pixietails - she is even able to get them an antidote for Prince right away. With the promise to visit her soon, the Pixietails leave for the castle and Moma agrees after talking a bit with Matti and Tatzel to push them to the shore of the Magical Forest.After the Pixietails have delivered the antidote and it is given to Prince, it helps very quickly. He is soon awake again - but very tiered. To leave him in peace to sleep, all leave the room. The Lady goes to ShiningGlory to tell him the good news - but he has some good news for her too: he has found out where the second blue stone is. So the two of them go to get it.It is hidden in a sugar box of a family that lives in the near village and has a magnificent garden. They buy the sugar box (knowing very well what's inside) and go back to the castle. But there is some bad news waiting for them: Prince has been kidnaped! HairBall, sent out to steal the crystal globe of ShiningGlory's, has burned his hands on the globe, and hearing from the Comb Gnomes that Prince is alive, he decides to take Prince with him to the castle of Duchess RavenWaves instead of the crystal globe.As he supposed, the Duchess is relieved to find out that Prince is alive - but she yells at HairBall, because the important thing about him - the pendant and the stone - aren't there! She tells him that Prince will have to be brought somewhere where he can't be found by the Lady and her friends, and that she wants to have the crystal globe any way!Back in Castle LovelyLocks, ShiningGlory has already seen that Prince is in the castle of Duchess RavenWaves, and the MC ends with the Lady's resolution that everybody shall go to bed now, for it is already very late. But they will go and get their Prince back first thing in the morning!”
Narrator: A new day has begun in the Country Of Light. In the wonderful farytale-land that is located beyond the blue mountains. The sun is shining here almos every day, but on rainy days it is a pleasure to live in this magical land, too. Many colored birds are singing in the trees and in the clear streams and lakes are more fish than the happy people can catch and eat. With one word: on can live very well in the land, that is ruled by the little Lady LovelyLocks.She inherited it from her grandfather, the old king, as he died in the year before. It could be really wonderful there, if there wasn't the evil Duchess RavenWaves who doesn't stop at any mean thing to take the rule from the Lady. And today she is especially angry. Her wispering magical mirror is broken, the one she could see everywhere with, the one who saved her so many watchful eyes.
Duchess RavenWaves: Hairball!
Hairball: Yes.
Duchess RavenWaves: Can you tell me where you are the whole day? You're never there when I need you!
Hairball: I was on lookout for the Snake Lee, like you ordered me to, ten minutes ago.
Duches RavenWaves: Well?! Is she still not here! Did you really give word to her through the Combgnomes or... did you forget that again!
Hairball: No...um...that means... eh.... yes!
Duchess RavenWaves: Don't put me trough the torture! What means yes, what means no?!
Hairball: What?
Duchess RavenWaves: What?! What?! You're driving me mad! Oh, tell me, dear Hairball, didn't you hear anything tonight, hu? While Matti and Tatzel escape from the dungeon?!
Hairball: No...um.... I thought the key to the dungeon was underneath your pillow.
Duchess RavenWaves: Don't talk nonsense! Rather go and see if the Snake Lee is coming finally!
Narrator: Now you've seen for yourself how unpleasant things are inside the bare walls of castle RavenWaves. Much, much nicer and friendlier it is in the Castle of Lady LovelyLocks. The Lady and her friends have met in the castle park to celebrate a special party. Prince's chain– thats the enchanted dog of Lady LovelyLocks – was dropped into the river by Matti and Tatzel after they found it again in the Magical Forrest. Moma, who lives in the river with her father, the Nebelmoog, has given it back to the Lady, later. But the evil Duchess RavenWaves put the two little ones in the dungeon none theless and the Pixitails, the kind spirits in the Country Of Light had to free them. But to do that, Prince had to pull the key to the dungeon from underneath the sleeping Duchess' pillow first. That has been a really complicated story. But now they're all yoyfull and happy.
(The friends are playing together with a ball while Prince in runningaround, barking.)
Matti: CurlyCrown, throw it over here!
Maiden FairHair: Over here, yes!
Maiden CurlyCrown: To me, no, to me! Here, Matti! Here! No, you catch the ball Tatzel!
Maiden Fair Hair: I want to have it, too, throw it overe here!
Lady LovelyLocks: So, come over here, everyone. Prince, you especially! We'll put you chain back on, the one you lost in the Magical Forrest while searching for me to accompany me here, in the winter. (She puts the chain around his neck again) Now Prince, you look just like in the old days.
Prince: (barks) I.... I don't know how I can thank all of you. You did so much for the Lady and me.
Matti: I don't understand that. We're all friends, and friends always help each other.
Lady LovelyLocks: (laughs) You're right about that, Matti.
ShiningGlory: It really is an exceptionally beautiful day, today. Um...Prince, let me have a closer look at your chain, please. I've hear so much about it already so that I've grown really curious.
Prince: One can open the pandant.
ShiningGlory: Oh! There is a stone inside. A blue stone. Something's scratched into it.
Matti: Yes. Owl Urda read it to us once in the Magical Forrest, but no one understood it, really.
ShininGlory: Find the second stone in the Country Of light. It will be the freedom of Prince.... what comes then, is missing.
Lady LovelyLocks: This can only involve Prince.
ShiningGlory: Yes, I guess so. This is really astonishing. Um, I've got to think about it. Lady LovelyLocks, please excuse me.
Lady LovelyLocks: Of course.
ShiningGlory: I'll go back to my tower, to consult the stars.... Um, well... Alas, as it is still briight morning, my crystal globe may help me for the time beeing.
Lady LovelyLocks: Do that, ShiningGlory. If someone's able to solve this riddle, it is you.
ShiningGlory: Do you allow me to take the pendant with me? Its magical powers are tingling very pleasantly. Surely they'll help my considerations.
Lady LovelyLocks: The second stone... The second stone? Just what does this mean? I'll summon the Pixitails, they shall help us look for it.
Narrator: In Duchess RavenWaves castle, the Snake Lee has arived, finally. While she slitered very quickly through the courtyard the times before, she moves considerably slowly around the corners.
Duchess RavenWaves: Snake Lee, there you are! I already thought the Combgnomes didn't inform you. It's such a upsetminded flock. Come on, we'll talk here, in front of the stables. The animals make such a noice, so nobody will be able to eavesdrop on us.
Snake Lee: An interesting place, Duchess. Well, I've come as fast as I could. Unfortunatly I had quiete a lot to do today. You know, one's got no choice, sometimes.
Duchess RavenWaves: Yes, yes. Imagine, yesterday evening I suddenly had to think about you, and that we haven't seen each other for so long. I thought: Hopefully nothing has happend to her, one doesn't see or hear anything.
Snake Lee: And besides you where surely thinking: now that my wispering magical mirror is broken to a thousand pieces, it is no wonder if I'm in need of the service of Snake Lee soon.
Duchess RavenWaves: You say it so reproachfully! What's there about it? But if we're just at it: how do you know the mirror is broken?
Snake Lee: Oh, one hears this and that, um... And therefor, dear Duchess, you want to claim my services, won't you? Eh, those pics make a hell of a noise!
Duchess RavenWaves: So, I won't deny that you have passed me some informations which i would have received far later without you.
Snake Lee:  But if I didn't like to help you, I wouldn't be here. Though, you will have to do me a favor, too.
Duchess RavenWaves: That goes without saying! What do you want?
Snake Lee: I was thinking about that piece of land on the moorway. Um... shortly ahead of where that little poplar wood.
Duchess RavenWaves: (gasps for breath in shock) But the only place in the entire land where they dig for emeralds!
Snake Lee: Precisely. (laughs) They befitting my eyes so well.
Duchess RavenWaves: (gives an unwilling snort) Now that we've agreed about your payment, we can talk about business.
Snake Lee: Sure. After all, the to of us haven't time to waste.
Duchess RavenWaves: I will reveal a secret to you, of which nobody knew, except me and the magical mirror.
Snake Lee: I love secrets.
Duchess RavenWaves: When I was a young girl, my father had chosen the son of a king to be my husband. But that idot refused, he simply said no, even though his father had lost everything he owned a short time ago. There was an ugly scene, but that is totaly unimportant. Well, the witch Lazulila owed my father a debt, and so she cursed the son of the king, turning him into a dog. But since her powers are not sufficent for an ever-lasting enchantment, he has to wear the countercourse with all the time. But just how it could work, nobody has found out, until now.
Snake Lee: You... you are talking about Prince, the dog of Lady LovelyLocks, aren't you? Um, your story isn't entirely new to me, though I didn't know some of the details.I will help you, um, so that the dog is never freed from the enchantment. Ad I have an idea already.
Duchess RavenWaves: Oh, I knew I can count on you to be a friend!
Snake Lee: Nice of you to say that. But I will prove it to you and tell you something interesting. I've seen Moma of the Misty River give the Lady Prince's chain back, the one with the pandent, with the blue stone inside.
Duchess RavenWaves: Huh?! Then I looked Matti and Tatzel, those little devils up for nothing?! They lost the chain?!
Snake Lee: And know I have a bit of good advice for you. Order your magician Hairball to bring you the crystal globe of ShiningGlory, let's say,um, here. It will be of use to you and he can't do us any more harm. We'll see each other again, Duchess. Bu next time, please, without a pic concert.
(Snake Lee leaves the Duchess alone)
Duchess RavenWaves: HAIRBALL!!!
Hairball: Yes?
Duchess RavenWaves: My dear, dear Hairball. I've just had a conversation with the Snake Lee. I have to tell you – sadly- that I can't trust her, like I can trust you, for example.
Hairball: So?
Duchess RavenWaves:  Now I have a huge favor to ask of you. Be so nice and bring me the crystal globe of ShiningGlory, yes?
Hairball: So? Nothing more thant that?
Narrator: A light wind from south has sprung up, that has made the skys clear and driven away all the clouds.. Lady LovelyLocks and her friends Maiden FairHair and Maiden CurlyCrown have accompanied Matti and Tatzel to the Misty River where they will start on their way home to the Magical Forrest – the crosing of the river is dangerous, and can only be savely  made on a day with wind from south. They all hug each other before parting and promise one another to be reunited soon. Then the raft pushes of and the three young girls look after it, until it is far out on the river. While they walk laughing and talking back to the castle, somethng dreadful happens there.
(Prince is still in the park, barking and obviously running about happily. We hear Snake Lees trademark sound, and Prince giving a whail before falling silent. Then we hear Lee again, as she leaves again. Shortly after that, the Lady and her two friends enter the rose garden.
Lady LovelyLocks: I love this rose garden.
Maiden CurlyCrown: Yes, the scent is wonderful.
Maiden FairHair: Look, what's that laying ofer there? Isn't that Prince?
Lady LovelyLocks: (gasps) Oh heavens, what may have happened here? Prince, dear Prince!
Maiden CurlyCrown: He is uncontious. What can be wrong with him?
Lady LovelyLocks: There. I've got blood on my hand!
Maidne CurlyCrown: Here, here's the wound!
Lady LovelyLocks: That looks like a bitining. A snakes biting! Lee! That was surely Lee!
Maiden FairHair: Than she really was it.
Maiden CurlyCrown: I thought I've seen her a short while back, but then I thought I was mistaken.
Lady LovelyLocks:  He isn't moving at all.We need help! I have to summon the Pixitails!    
Pixitails: Huhoo! Here we are! Yes, here we are! Oh! Has something happend? What's wrong?
Lady LovelyLocks: We don't know. FairHair assumes that it was Snake Lee who bit Prince.
Pixitails: Then we need a antidote now, quickly. We'll need one, I tell you!Yes! It may be best if we ask the witch Lazulila for one. Yes, she might have one that works. Yes, she's surely got one. But, if she'll give us the right one? That's right. Maybe she even send Snake Lee! Yeah, maybe she did that, yes.
Lady LovelyLocks: We need medicin from the Magical Forrest, that's the savest way. Mattis Grandmother knows abour healing herbs, like all trolls.
Pixitails: Yes, that's fore the best! And than we need to work something out to.... We can only fly as fas as the rivers middle. Yes, only as far as the rivers middle.
Lady LovelyLocks: There is no other way. You must catch up on Matti and Tatzel with the raft before they reach the rivers middel, so they can go and tell it at home. Hurry up! They have to be very far ahead already!
Pixitails: We'll do it! Yes, we'll do it! Don't worry, Lady LovelyLocks! Yes, don't worry! Prince will be all right again! Yes, he certainly will be all right again!
Narrator: As Duchess RavenWaves ist informed by Hairball that the Snake Lee want to have a  word with her, she is very astonished. What can the Snake have to report to her after such a short time? She admits the Snake into the conservatory, where she had withdrawn of a little nap.
Duchess RavenWaves: Snake Lee, what a surprise. It can't be longing that drove you here after such a short time.
Snake Lee: No, it isn't. I came here to tell you that I solved all your problems.
Duchess RavenWaves: What problems are you talking about?
Snake Lee: You have forgotten already? This morning they seamed to be huge.
Duchess RavenWaves: You can't mean said Prince?
Snake Lee: The very one. The little biting and the job was done.
Duchess RavenWaves: (almost hysterical) Does that mean you lilled him?!
Snake Lee: Few survive my bitings.
Duchess RavenWaves: It is unbelievable!! Who ordered you to do that!!! Are you out of your mind!!!!!
Snake Lee: How are you talking to me? I did you a favor!
Duchess RavenWaves: A favor would have been to destoy the countercurse on his chain! He shall live forever as a dog! That is his just punishment! Only that way he'll pay for what he did to me back then! And you can go away! I've got no use for servants like you!!! What are you waiting for, out of my sight!!!!!
Narrator: In the castles park, Prince is still unconscious. He still hasn't made the faintest sound.  But he is still alive – even though he is very close to death. Lady LovelyLocks and her friends pick him up carefully and carry him inside.
Lady LovelyLocks: Carefull. CurlyCrown, be mindful of edge of the door.
Maiden FairHair: I go and look for some blankets.
(ShiningGlory enters the room)
ShiningGlory: In the name of the knowing stars, what has happened to Prince?
Lady LovelyLocks: We suspect that Snake Lee bit him. Do you think he's going to die?
ShiningGlory: No, my dear Lady, surely not. That would have been a great misfortune for all of us, the stars would have announced it to me. But..... No, no,no,no. That occurrence is still very far away. Don't worry.
Lady LovelyLocks: That's really comforting to me. Now I see a sighn of hope for Prince, for the first time. ShiningGlory, did you find out about something about the second stone?
ShiningGlory: Until now I have been thinking about it in vain. I have to research in my magic boog. I don't like to do it. It exhaustes me very much. Um, but before I do that I'll go out for a little walk, so I might clear my head. I hope Prince will get better soon.
Lady LovelyLocks: (sighs) Yes, hopefully. And hopefully the Pixitails managed to catch up to those two.
Narrator: Matti and Tatzel don't know any of that. They worried much more about their reception back in the Magical Forrest. Actually, it wasn't very well behaved of them to go out to cross the dangerous Misty River alone without a real permission.
Matti: You know, Tatzelchen,with my mother, it isn't going to be so bad. She'll be glad when I'm back. But my father.... My Grandma can become really angry, too. 'You're walking on the edge of getting your ears boxed.' Oh man!
Tatzel: Sometimes I envy you because of your family. But sometimes I'm really glad that dragon are really lone animals.
Matti: You're sure? I mean, maybe it's just because there aren't so many dragons left. Apart from you, I don' know somebody who can breath fire. (laughs) And Owl Urda certainly, too. Or she wouldn't always be whinning about it: 'Dragonbrat! You're gonna burn the whole forrest down someday!'
Tatzel: Owl Urda! Do you think she told everyone where we went?
Matti: Surely. Wait a moment. Do you hear that?
Pixitails:Tatzel! Matti!We have to tell you something important! Come back! We can only fly up to the riveres middle!!
Matti: Man,Tatzel! It's the Pixitails!
Tatzel: Mh hm.
Matti: What could it be they want of us?
Tatzel: Come on, let's go back!
Matti: We won't manage on our own. We'll never manage to turn arount that havy raft!
Pixitails: Matti! Matti! You Grandma must send a antidote for Prince!! Or he will die!!! Yes, or he will die!!!
Matti: Did you hear that? They said, Prince is dying! Oh no, that can't be!
Tatzel: Yes, and that your Grandma must send an antidote.
Matti: Um... FOR WHAT ?????
Pixitails: For Snakes! Prince has been bitten of one! He is very ill! Yes, sadly, sadly....
Matti: Oh Tatzel, what do we do? I can't understand, the raft's got to much speed. We are going ever farther away from the Pixitails.
(In a bit of mist, Moma emerges from the waves.)
Moma: Hello, can I help you?
Matti: Who...Who are you?
Moma: (laughs) I am Moma, a mistnixie. My fahter is the Nebelmoog.
Tatzel: Alas, the one who's always laughing so loudly?
Moma: Might be, but he is very nice. He gave me the chain for a gift, the one you two threw into the river.
Matti: 'Threw'?! You're out of your mind!
Moma: (laughs) I just wanted to tease you. What do the Pixitails whant of you?
Matti: Sadly, be couldn't understand them very good. We where too far away already.
Moma: Shall I push your raft those few meters back?
Matti: Can you do that? I mean, you're just a girl.
Moma: Yes, but a Mistnixie-girl. A Mistnixie-girl can do that.
(Moma pushes the raft back to the rivers middle.)
Pixitails: Thank you, Moma. Thank you. That was very nice of you. Matti, listen. You need to go back home to the Magical Forrest very quickly. Yes, to the Magical Forrest. We need the Snake antidote from your Grandma. Do you think she's got it ready? Do you think?
Matti:  Phhh. I don't know. Some medicins she has to make first,cooking them and that kind of stuff. Then it's always smelling very badly.
Moma: I can give you a snake antidote. It heven helps with bitings of the black swomp-snake, the most poisonous of all. Wait a moment.
( she dives down into the river again)
Matti: Do you mean it is really so bad with Prince?
Pixitails: Yes, very bad. Yes, yes. He was still uncontious. Yes, uncontious. And such poisons are working very slowly. Yes, very slowly. That was certainly the false Lee! Surely the mean Duchess RavenWaves is behind all this. Oh yes, I think so, too.
(Moma  emerges from the water again)
Moma: I'm back again. I've got it. Here. Every hour 3 drops, until he wakes up.
Pixitails: Thank you very, very much, Moma. We'll come to visit you, soo. Yes, certainly! Bye!!
(The Pixitails head back to the castle)
Matti: Tell me, isn't it boring to be in the water the hole day?
Moma: (laughs) Sometimes yes. Sometimes no.
Matti: Just as it is with us, Tatzel.
Tatzel: Say, couldn't you push us back to the Magical Forrest?
Matti: Tatzelchen! That's a great idea! You know Moma, the thing is, that we've been away from home for very long.
Moma:Too long, huh? I understand.
(And indeed their new friend proceeds to push them back toe the Forrest)
Narrator: In Lady LovelyLocks castle, the mood is very low. They're still sitting around Prince's bedside and wait for a sighn that he's starting to get better. Every now and again a kitchen lad or a housemaid is looking into the room with a questioning look, but since they only get a shake of the head for an answer, they pull the door shut softly behind themselves. So passes hour after hour. Prince has not stired yet, nor has he made a sound. Only if one leans very close over him, you can hear his soft breathing. The entire castle is shrouded in silence.
Lady LovelyLocks: What is that? Dear heavens, it's the Pixitails!
Pixitails: Here we are. We have the medicine. Here. Here we are again. Three drops every hour, until he wakes up. The stuff helps even with bitings of the black tailed swomp-snake. And that's the most poisonous snake in the world. Yes, the most poisonous one. Mh hm.
Lady LovelyLocks: FairHair, hold his mussle open. ( she administers 3 drops of the antidote) Now it is waiting again.
Pixitails: We'll say here for a while, Lady LovelyLocks. Yes, I agree. Maybe we can still help, somehow. Yes, maybe. We wouldn't have any peace, anyway. Yes, no peace.
Lady lovelyLocks: That's very nice of you.
(In this moment,Prince wakes up)
Prince: What .... happened. Where am I?
Pixitails: So the medicine did help! Moma has given it to us! The girl from the Misty River.
Lady LovelyLocks: Wonderful!
Pixitails: How nice of her. Yes, it is. How good that Prince is feeling better!
Prince: I'm really feeling better. But ... I'm very tired. I want to sleep now.
Lady LovelyLocks: Of course, Prince. Sleep is now best for you. We'll all leave the room, so no one will disturb you. Come on, everyone.
Pixitails: We'll go then. But you know: if you shake your hair, we're with you as quick as a thought. Yes, shake your hair niecly. But it only works with you that fast. Otherwise we have to fly normally. And that takes time.... See you! Bye!
Lady LovelyLocks: A nice flock.
Maiden CurlyCrown: It's lucky we've got them.
Lady LovelyLocks: Right. I'll be going to ShiningGlory, into his tower. He has to hear the good news, too.
(She klimbs up the stairs to the tallest tower and knocks on ShiningGlory's door.)
Lady LovelyLocks: Master? Hello! Master! Master, wake up!
ShiningGlory: Yes? What is it?
Lady LovelyLocks:  You have fallen asleep. It is very uncomfortable here. Do you want to lay down instead?
ShiningGlory: No,no.Um, how's Prince? You look more happy than before.
Lady LovelyLocks: Yes. He will make it. The Pixitails brought an antidote and it worked very fast. He's asleep now.
ShiningGlory: That makes me happy. I have to tell you about my dream. I have seen the second blue stone.
Lady LovelyLocks: That's wonderful! Where is he?
ShiningGlory: Well, there is a little problem. I know now where he is, but I don't know where she is!
Lady LovelyLocks: What? Um... I don't understand.
ShiningGlory: The blue stone is in a sugger-tin. Somebody is hiding him in it. But unfortunately I don't know where that sugger-tin is!
Lady LovelyLocks: How does she look like?
ShiningGlory:  It is roundisch, white with a blue edge and it's got a pictue of a cat on the front side. Mh. I couldn't see the backside.
Lady LovelyLocks: Well, that's a very detailed description. Where could she be?
ShiningGlory: Wait. Just know the sun is breaking through the clouds. We'll push the crystal globe into the light. Maybe... maybe.....
Lady LovelyLocks: Can you see anything, yet?
ShiningGlory: Wait. Just a moment.
Lady LovelyLocks: Yes.
ShiningGlory: Almost... There! That's the house!
Lady LovelyLocks: Yes! I know that one! They've got wonderful flowers in the garden and around the house. The man digs for gemstones and the woman takes care of the little farm. Come on, ShiningGlory, we'll go there now to get the stone!
Narrator: In the park, hidden underneath some dark rhododendron bushes Hairball has watches The Lady and ShiningGlory leave and go down the path to the village. He waves his Combgnomes and they sneak into the castle quietly. Hairball is on his mission to steal ShiningGlorys crystal globe..
Combgnomes: Oh, how beautiful it is here! It is great! Oh, the paintings! Oh, that's the old king!
Hairball: Now come on, already! We have much to do today!
(Hairball reaches ShiningGlorys tower, first)
Hairball: Ah, there it is. The crystall globe. How it gleams shimmers. Now, I take you down from your stand....OW! OW! OW! Oohh! OW!
(The Combgnomes come in, laughing about him before they report to him, what they have seen in the castle)
Combgnomes: Hairball! Hairball! Prince! Prince! We have seen Prince!!
Hairball: I don't care at all! I have burned my fingers on that stupid crystal globe! And how much! Ow! Oh! ...... What did you say? Prince is alive?
Combgnomes: We opened every door. Yes, of course, just to have a look. And there he was, sleeping. He was there, laying in one of the rooms.
Hairball: The Duchess must be informed about that, immediately. Yes, but on the other hand, she wants the crystal globe. But it's too hot. One can't touch it. Instead of the globe, I'll bring her Prince. Mh. That will make her happy.
Combgnomes: Yes? Alas...
Hairball: Any you have the honour of organising the transport! And now,we won't discuss how you're going to do that. In a hours time I want to see Prince delivered to the castle RavenWaves! Move on!
Narrator: The Lady and ShiningGlory have arived in the village. At the end of the main lane they see the little house with the roove made of straw. In the garden around it grow the most beautiful flowers: sunflowers and aqueliegia, white and red peonys, mignonette and mariegold. The fence is almost complitly covered by colorful sweat peas and the gardenpathes are surounded by pansy and wallflower.
ShiningGlory: What a magnificent garden.
Lady LovelyLocks: Yes.
ShiningGlory: Alone for that sight, it was worth to come here.
Lady LovelyLocks: Of course, but that's not the reason why we are here today. I'll knock.
Woman: (opening the door) Yes? What do you want? Oh! Lady LovelyLocks! What an honour! Feel free to come in! And you must be ShiningGlory.
ShiningGlory: Yes.
Lady LovelyLocks: Thank you.
ShiningGlory: Yes, thank you. Um...
Woman: Santo, hurry over to your father, he should hurry home! Hurry along, boy!
Santo: Why is it always me?
Woman: May I offer you something? A little spirit from juniper berrys maybe? It is selfmade.
ShiningGlory: We won't refuse that offer. But only a little one, please.
(She gets a little glass with the juniper spirit for each of them)
Woman: To  good health!
Lady and ShiningGlory: To good health!
ShiningGlory: Kind woman, we have come here to ask you about your sugger-tin.
Lady LovelyLocks: The one with the cat's picure on it.
Woman: What is with the sugger-tin?
ShiningGlory: Oh, nothing, you don't need to worry about it.
Woman: But what if the Duchess gets word about what's inside of it....
ShiningGlory: Sugger, of course. What else?
Lady LovelyLocks: And we want to buy that sugger-tin from you with all the sugger that's inside of it, for the prize of to gold coins.
Woman: For two gold coins....?
Lady LovelyLocks: Here. Here they are.
ShiningGlory: Thank you, kind woman.
Lady LovelyLocks: We don't want to keep you from your work. Surely you must be very bussy.
Woman: Good-bye Lady LovelyLocks.
Lady LovelyLocks:  Goo-bye.
Woman: Good-bye ShiningGlory.
Lady LovelyLocks: Give our greetings to your husband.
Woman: Yes, thank you. Get home savely!
(she goes back inside)
ShiningGlory: So. We've got the second blue stone. Did you see how afraid the people are of the Duchess, now? There must be an end to this, someday!!
Lady LovelyLocks: Yes, you're right. Look, the castle! Every window is lit. Something mus have happened there!
Narrator: Hairball has gone to the Duchess an reported to her, that her worries have been in vain, that Prince is alive.
Duchess RavenWaves: My dear Hairball, you did really well.
Hairball: Yes. I thought it was best that way.
Duchess RavenWaves: But if you still allow me some criticism: Where is the golden pendant with the blue stone thats normally attached to his chain?!
Hairball: I don't know.
Duchess RavenWaves: I'm inclined to ask if you ever know something. The dog isn't important. The blue stones are! Will you ever realise that, slowcoach!
Hairball: I thought it would make you happy.
Duchess RavenWaves: Leave the thinking to me, next time, that would make much more sense!
Hairball: Shall I take him back, then?
Duches RavenWaves: Have you gone absolutely mad now? They've already noticed that he's gone. And here he has to disappear, too!
Hairball: Maybe into the secludes horse stable. Nobody goes there, ever!
Duchess RavenWaves: Och, you idiot! They're going to search every corner around here! Ever square inch! That reminds me of the hunting lodge in the blue mountains. And you, Hairball, will take care of him being brought there in the very next time! You're dismissed! But don't believe that I will go without the crystal globe because of your bravery!!!
Narrator: The Lady and ShiningGlory reach the castle totally out of breath, that fast have they been running. Portals and doors are open. Out of the nightly park the voices of Stableboys and kitchenlads can be heard and in the castle itself one can hear hurried steps and  doors hasily being opened and closed. Everything is in a great turmoil.
Maiden FairHair: Lady LovelyLocks!
Maiden CurlyCrown: Thank heavens, your here! We where afraid somethings happened to you, too!
Lady LovelyLocks: What do you mean? What has happened?
Maiden CurlyCrown: It is so awful!! Prince has been kidnapped!
Lady LovelyLocks: No. I can't believe it. He was still so ill!
Maiden FairHair: We have looked everywhere. He isn't here, anymore.
ShiningGlory: I will consult my crystal globe about that matter.
Lady LovelyLocks: Come on, FairHair. Let's go look another time.
ShiningGlory: Lady LovelyLocks, for once i have good news! I just needed to glance into my crystal globe, then I've already saw Prince.
Lady LovelyLocks: Oh.
Shining Glory:  Though he is in Duchess RavenWaves castle, he is unharmed, well and alive.
Lady LovelyLocks: This really are good news. Today it is already very late, and I guess all of you al really tired. But first thing in the morning, we'll all go over to Duchess to take our Prince home. Well then, good night!
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themildestofwriters · 12 days
I have a problem. Lod(e)wijke is a Dutch speaker in an academic setting. The academic setting uses Old Norse as the lingua franca for academic and religious texts and communication.
What language do I use when writing, though? Not the actual narration, but certain phrases, names, and terms? Dutch? Old Norse? English? Does she call Odin All-Father, Odin? Óðinn Alfaðir? Wo(d)en Alvader? Does she call Brimir, her Jesus figure, Brimir? Or do I have to try and “Dutch-ify” the name? Brimir? Brijmaar? I don’t know! Does Freyja become Vrouwe? What of other religious matters? Is the Night Sacrifice translated as Náttablót? Nachtbloot? What about realms and other cosmological terms? Is it Asgard, Osgaard, or Ásgarðr? How do I translate Skýlgarðr, which is Louise’s homeworld? Schuilengaard? Schuilgaard? What would be the English term for it?
For mundane terms, Germanic synonyms to Romance words works well enough. There’s a figure who, in English, would be referred to as Saint Alwijze. However, I call him Holy Alwijze, with “Holy” serving as a Germanic-sourced synonym to “Saint.” Only, how far do I take that?
There’s a lot of magical terminology that hinges on Romance-sourced terms. Transmutation. Arcanology. Those two terms are used in the first chapter. There’s no ready Germanic-sourced term to replace them. The Anglish project has ideas. Wistothering. Gecyrring. Shapelore. That’s transmutation, but it isn’t… right? Malmcraft was one I invented, though that’s more specifically to all Earth related magic, with “malm” coming from a term that refers to both metal and certain types of stone, and “craft” simply meaning “work.” Arcanology was tricky. Galderken. Siddenfrode—I currently refer to a building called Seiðfraeði House, which is the Old Norse term for Siddenfrode, which is created using the Icelandic translation for the “-logy” suffix, in the way of geology. It works, because the various courts within Holy Alwijze's Institute are referred to by the Old Norse names. Suðri instead of Southe(??? How would Suðri be rendered in English??? Sothri? Southre?) Oy.
And what about mages? What term does Lod(e)wijke use to refer to hersef, as a person who perform magic? I’ve been using “highborn,” but that’s also an imperfect term, traditionally referring to nobility itself—but because magic is so intertwined with nobility, they’re imperfect synonyms. Witch and Witcher could work. And what is their magic called? It’s not just magic, because, canonically, there are many different types of magic recognised. I ain’t talking about “potions” v. “spells,” I’m talking about “the elves perform their kind of magic, and the humans perform their own kind of magic, and then there’s vampires, and spirits and other such creatures with their own unique brand of magic.”
I wanna maintain the linguistic shit, but it’s so annoying to figure out a consistent way of referring to things. It’s going to be harder when I get to the Star Wars setting and have to go, “How does Lod(e)wijke refer to certain Star Wars things?” Sure, a lightsaber is a lightsaber, but would there be any language fuckery here? I have this idea that Louise conceptualises Hyperspace as the Bifröst, not that I know how to translate that into something… Duch-y, if I’m going to translate it as Dutch-y.
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