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"Druid House"
Concept art for The Elder Scrolls: Online
Art by Frewin Hu
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clayscence · 1 year
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commission of a human hunter, Pucker
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johhere · 1 year
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Yuan-Ti druid dood. He likes to work with animals that consume carrion - and his BFF is a giant roach.
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tosimornottosim · 2 years
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The Lady Anna pays her regards. As the Queen’s only living relative, and closest friend, this no doubt is an emotional moment for the both of them.
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schilllawgroup · 1 year
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Arrested? Our top criminal defense attorneys provide experienced and personal representation, and will aggressively fight to win your case. Call (480) 680-7432 for a free consultation to review your case and legal options with a trusted criminal lawyer today.https://schilllawgroup.com/criminal-law/er
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lusifernocturne · 1 year
Lilith sitting on the edge
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Her name is Lilith but most people call her Lili. She’s Lazarus’s twin.
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paexie · 8 months
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Day 28 and 29: Duid and Paladin
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atifadhilah · 9 months
Welcome back to my blog, wkwk. Masih di minggu pertama di negeri matahari, masih excited, masih oh ini oh itu. Meski masih banyak juga lupanya seperti hanya sekedar pencet tombol mesin cuci karena hurufnya keriting semua haha.
Masih terwah-wahnya dengan masyarakatnya yang tertib dan jujur banget. Misalnya di supermarket dimana kita self-service untuk bayar barang yang kita beli meanwhile di RS atau di sekolah aja kantin kejujuran suka ludes barangnya tapi ga ada duid baliknya wkwk.
Yang lebih kaget lagi, debit di sini ga pake pin, langsung scan aja wkwk, jadi gampang banget mau pindah tangan, tapi nyatanya engga, disini tetep cukup aman. Kalau ketinggalan dompet, hp atau laptop di suatu tempat, ya selama ga diambil, bakal tetep ada di tempat yang sama, ga berpindah, meski ga ada cctv sekalipun.
Semua mobil taat lalu lintas, ga ada nerobos, jarang ada motor, apalagi yang ugal-ugalan atau knalpotnya ngebul. Semua kendaraan memprioritaskan pejalan kaki, tapi pejalan kakinya juga tertib, meski ga ada mobil yang lewat, kalau masih lampu merah ya gak akan nyebrang. Secepat-cepatnya pace disini, kayaknya tetep cepetan pace di indo yang banyak serabat serubutnya.
Kadang bingung, kek mereka setertib ini, goal hidupnya apa ya. Hampa banget ga sih, bahkan kalau malem udah kek ga ada kehidupan, hening banget, sampe kita pun harus kayak mengendap-endap even di rumah sendiri. Di balik kehidupan yang keliatan masya Allaah, tetep aja mungkin di hatinya merasakan kekosongan.
Allahu a'lam, semoga banyak saudara disini yang diberikan hidayah islam, memeluk manisnya iman, biar combo, tertib dunia, bahagia akhirat. aamiin.
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rubbercasing · 5 months
ohhh duide my fucking art focus is bad on good days but let me tell u it is Super not good on my fucking period
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haveihitanerve · 6 months
here are some vines turned gregor the overlander for your enjoyment Gregor: it is wenzday my duides  Ares: *unholy wail* The bonds vibin Gregor: bop it Ares: uclck Gregor: twist it Ares: chcscsshhhhh Gregor: pull it Ares: eenegggeh Ripred: no off topic questions.  Ripred: Because I no.  Ripred: That’s an off topic question.  Ripred: Permission denied.  Ripred: Next.  Ripred: You have been stopped.  Ripred: I said whoever threw that paper, your moms a hoe.  Ripred: alright let’s tell each other a secret about ourselves. Imma go first. Alright; I hate you.  Gregor: hi my name is Gregor with a b and I’ve been deathly afraid of insects- Ripred: stop stop stop. Where’s the b? Gregor: there’s A BEE?!?!? Gregor and ares: *waddle away* Ripred: *sigh of disappointment* Henry: oh sorry I fell asleep while I was waiting on you to make me a sandwich Gregor: go back to sleep and starve.  Ares: *mixes together every drink* fuck you Gregor: *starts playing piano*  Ares: *dances like he’s in hell* Gregor: crawler rave. *starts beatboxing* Crawlers: *vibin* Twitchtip: what the FUCK is up Kyle. No what the FUCK Kyle. Step the FUCK up.  Luxa: bring the beat in Gregor: *sprinting across the castle holding a plate with a beet on it* anything for you Beyoncé Gregor: *making Mac n cheese* Ripred: *leans close. Intently* that’s what good pussy sounds like Ripred: hey Gregor, say ‘who want lasagne?’ Gregor: who- *trips falls, breaks head* Gregor: *falls elegantly from ares back* good evening.  Gregor: *falls from roof and lands on floor. Lays there a while* Howard: *walks in. Stares at him a second* h-hey Gregor Gregor: *without missing a beat, lifts hand* hey Howard.  Ares: *scares ripred* wah! Ripred: ahh! Stop. I coulda dropped my croissant Gregor: first let me hop out the Ares: *hits piano keys* Gregor: I don’t wanna hit the Ares: *hits piano keys* Ripred: shut the Aurora: *hits piano keys* Ripred: up.  Gregor: I’m on ares flying away. Brum brum Ripred: *screaming from the ground, sprinting* GET OFF THE BAT Gregor: aw.  Gregor: a potato flew around my room before you came.  Ares: let’s do the fork in the garbage disposal Gregor: DING DING DING DA DING DA DING DING Gregor: *goes into rager mode* Aurora: what the fuck Richard Gregor: Fuck this shit I’m out *jumps out window and onto ares back* Luxa: *does an array of flips* Gregor: weow  Gregor: *hits all the bloodballs* Luxa: yeah! That was legitness  Aurora: yeah it was.  Grace: let me see what you have? Gregor: a knife! Grace: no!!! Ripred: yeah! Boots: I smell like pee Boots: I smell like pee Boots: I SMELL LIKE PEEEEEEEE
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eebie · 5 months
hey do uoy have that one deviantart base that's like reaching out to the camera. or duid i just make that up in my mind
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HI !!!!! ive searchd my archives I have collegted 3 that might be the ones u r thinking of 🔥🔥🔥
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omtai · 7 months
what duid they put in this song
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kibblemode · 2 months
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pujapusvita · 3 months
Kenapa aku selalu tidak percaya diri?
Karena aku selalu dibentak, disalahkan, dipermalukan di depan orang banyak.
Seperti sepele tapi dampaknya tiga puluh tahun aku hidup belum juga sembuh, maaf ya adik kecil, yuk kita sembuh
Makanya sekarang aku merasa biasa aja belum punya anak, mungkin aku memang belum siap jadi ibu. Aku takut banget jadi ibu yang mengerikan, karena kayanya aku punya gangguan jiwa, salah satunya anger issues. Ga deng kayanya berlebihan, harus ke psikolog dulu tapi gapunya duid :((
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schilllawgroup · 1 year
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DUI & Criminal-The top criminal defense attorneys at Schill Law Group have decades of experience and will fight to protect your rights and freedom. Call (480) 680-7432 right now for a free consultation to review your case with an experienced and trusted trial lawyer.https://schilllawgroup.com/criminal-law/
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