#dyspraxia culture
wreckitremy · 4 months
Bc this trick is still working so well for me, I'm going to rant about the problems with positive affirmations, and why my trick is better.
You see the problem is, that changing
"I'm the worst!"
"I'm the best!"
When something goes wrong, doesn't solve anything. For several reasons
It's still lying to yourself
It's still reinforcing the idea of bad and good oversimplified into a binary
It's still internalizing that you were the main factor in whatever happened
Can be ruined by interpretating as sarcasm
So when something slips from your fingers, I suggest something much more fun.
Blame gravity
Something falls, bc of gravity. It literally wouldn't have happened if gravity didn't exist.
Now that is only part of the trick.
You also have to pretend that gravity is a trickster god. Bc for this to work, you need to see gravity as a trick.
Once it's a trick, it becomes impressive. Like a basketball bouncing around the rim for forever only to fall off the wrong side at the last moment.
Say you drop something after fumbling to catch it for a ridiculous amount of time. When it hits the floor, it's no longer you failed. It's, gravity was better at this game than you. But it was a close game, so close that you can't even be mad. Just impressed.
Anyways blaming your failures on gravity as if it's a trickster god has many better reasons for why it's my favorite coping mechanism
It's not lying bc gravity is heavily involved in more than just dropping things if you think about it
It takes you out of the binary bc trickster gods are neither good nor evil. If you want you can also thank gravity when something goes well
It's acknowledging that there were reasons outside your control that heavily affected the outcome
Cannot be ruined by sarcasm. In fact can often be improved with sarcasm. Sassing gravity is very fun. I recommend the GLaDOS slow clap.
Designed with a disabled person in mind (literally developed this bc of my dyspraxia)
Of course this is limited to things that are affected by gravity, but once you get creative, you can blame gravity for almost any physical thing happening.
So blame gravity today!
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ndcultureis · 2 years
Dyspraxia culture is being really excited for Halloween and having a great time, but also having it overshadow dyspraxia awareness month. :(
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altfaune · 7 months
Am I the only one who feel like sometime I'm more a feral thing and less a human ?
I mean let me rub my face for comfort , bite for play and growl It's my way to communicate
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fr3nchtoastcrunch · 1 year
Dyspraxia be like
"How the fuck do you write a curly bracket without summoning a demon?"
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aro-culture-is · 1 year
Aro culture is wanting to dance with someone but hardly knowing how to move your body into something that could be called dancing and never being in a situation where the opportunity to dance with someone arose (unlike most of your alloromantic peers)
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I find it ironic how I'm the only person who cooks in this house despite being the one person who should not be allowed in the kitchen. Sure it'll taste good but I genuinely have yet to cook something without getting hurt during the process.
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Buying literally anything while dyspraxic is stressful bc the only way to find out if it’s dyspraxia friendly is to fucking. Buy it
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shieldwife · 1 year
why am I always so shocked when the disability is disabling lmao
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blackholemojis · 3 months
Temporarily stopping requests!
Nothing is wrong, but I want to work through the requests I have so far before people submit more :) I'll make a post when all these have been filled, but for now, here's what you can expect:
self injurious actions, psychosis, paranoia, delusions, hallucinations, autism, dyspraxia, C-PTSD, PTSD, DPDR, dyslexia/dyslexic (in open dyslexic specifically), a punk jacket, something for emo culture (this one will be fun lol, not sure what I'll do yet), vinyl, and a vinyl player
There's some other one's I'll be doing that involve potentially triggering subjects, so I'll put them under the cut, see tags for what they involve
scars, scars on an arm, addiction, sobriety, harm reduction, HC-DID
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fantabulisticity · 2 months
I'm getting really tired of how, in Tears of the Kingdom, I can hit an enemy square in the middle of their face with arrows 10 times and not stagger them, but they can hit me with a meleé weapon without even touching me. In Breath of the Wild, which I played right up until starting Tears of the Kingdom, if I hit an enemy in their face, it staggers them, and I have to be in the direct line of their swing or very close to it in order to get hit with a meleé weapon. And there are no difficulty settings that I can find. I thought Tears of the Kingdom was going to be a fairly universal game, like Breath of the Wild was, but it is SO difficult in so many different ways (I have 25 hearts and am still dying a LOT, and the monsters got MUCH more difficult to beat MUCH sooner in the game, and I still am not finding very high-powered weapons, so it takes a LONG time and a LOT of arrows and weapons to kill enemies, et cetera).
I didn't grow up with video games, and I have dyspraxia. The type of rapid hand-eye coordination required to play a video game is already difficult for me, and I struggle to play most kinds of games -- and games that are very fast-paced or medium-difficulty or higher I can't play at all. (I would love to play Bloodborne but I could never complete it because it is physically impossible for me to coordinate movements in rapid succession like that. The ONLY rapid hand-eye coordination I have is catching bugs, and I've been doing that since before I have memories, and I STILL miss all the time.) Legend of Zelda games, from what I've heard, are supposed to be fairly playable by a lot of people. And I have had SO much difficulty with Tears of the Kingdom.
I never had to put down BotW out of frustration the amount of times I've had to in TotK. I am so, so tired. I truly love this game, but there are so many things about it that make it impossible for me to have fun. Some challenges I just straight-up can't complete, which would be fine in a game aimed at more experienced players, but I was under the impression that Zelda games were accessible to people like me. I LOVE BotW. I've played it for hundreds of hours. And I keep having to stop playing TotK because I'll try and try and try to complete the same task for over an hour with little, no, or negative progress. There was one time I even loaded up BotW again to see if I was just mistaken, but no, I can still stagger enemies in that game by hitting them in the face, and I so rarely die. I'm so tired.
I need more games to have difficulty settings. I'm so tired of this mindset of "get gud" that runs so rampant in video game culture and production. I physically cannot get gud. And I have fairly mild dyspraxia compared to a lot of people -- I can usually function in daily life with few or no accommodations. This is not a strictly me problem. Please have accessibility settings for those of us who cannot get gud, and also those of us who don't play video games as much or just want a more chill time.
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wreckitremy · 1 year
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Pretend the 2nd one is the back of the hoodie bc im lazy
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ndcultureis · 2 years
Dyspraxia culture is finally learning which side is left and which is right after breaking one of your arms as a teenager. (It's been over a decade since I healed from that accident I still can tell left from right!)
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dorianbrightmusic · 4 months
While playing Persona 2, I’ve flagged Maya Amano as some sort of neurodivergent, but it’s taken me a while to figure out which. Maybe the messiness of her room is meant to be highlighting how, in being very work-focussed and excitable, she’s going against traditional Japanese Yamato Nadeshiko-style standards of femininity, but I can’t help but read it as evidence of some measure of executive dysfunction. Supplementary materials would also indicate a degree of time blindness. Moreover, she’s a horrific, horrific driver, which could imply issues with either spatial sense or fine motor skills – in either case, these, paired with executive symptoms, could possibly indicate dyspraxia?
Basically, I’m not inclined to think she has any other major neurodevelopmental disorder, nor am I seeing any kind of mental health evidence (barring her canon pyrophobia in IS), but I think it makes sense to read her as dyspraxic: Coordination issues can make household tasks take substantially longer than they would otherwise; as such, an aversion to cooking and cleaning is quite reasonable when cooking and cleaning can take hours, especially once time blindness and executive issues start to kick in. Moreover, while not all dyspraxics struggle to drive, if you don’t have an internal spatial sense, then trying to work out how far the car is going to rotate with the wheel, or even gauging how far away a certain point is, is far more difficult. Again, I’m aware that many aspects of Maya’s character could be read as a commentary on femininity and culture, and I’m not meaning to detract from that. However, I can’t help but wonder what kinds of fun ways a dyspraxic reading of Maya could be used to explore her character.
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fdelopera · 2 months
I've been reminiscing about one of my teachers lately, Guru Sanchita Bhattacharya. She is a classical Odissi dancer, and she travels the world teaching Odissi dance, and teaching about Indian history and culture.
She came to my old town years ago, and taught a summer masterclass, and I was lucky enough to get a spot in her class (even though I have dyspraxia and two left feet lolsob). She was so patient with me XD
Guru Bhattacharya taught us part of the dance in the first video. And the second video isn't our class, but it looks just like it. We always looked so awkward compared to her! She makes extremely complex and intricate dances look easy. The third video is the same dance that she performed for us in concert, at the end of her summer masterclass.
I will always remember that when we were struggling with a particularly complex sequence in the dance, she would wink at us and say, "Ask Lord Ganesha, the one who removes hurdles!"
She is gorgeous, and so is Odissi dance. This is truly the preservation of tradition and culture against all odds!
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viscountessevie · 2 years
The ‘Whites’ Who Loved Me: Interracial Romance, Hollywood, and Bridgerton’s “Post-Racial” Fantasies
Written By Tré Ventour-Griffiths
Public Historian-Essayist | Poet | Speaker: race, whiteness, Black History, dyspraxia/autism and more
[Took me a couple days to write this up but we finally did it so enjoy reading yall!]
This article was sent to me and our group by Lav @sweetestviscount​ and it pretty much hits the nail on why POC fans - especially Black and Brown fans - of the show who came for the diversity and the respective seasons that repped their communities are so disappointed with the way these characters have been treated. I urge everyone to go read the whole article in full! It’s well-structured, very comprehensive with his sources cited and linked, drops a lot of great truth bombs in the most subtle yet blunt manner that had me gasping so many times because HE IS RIGHT!
Anyways click under the cut only once you’ve read the whole essay and enjoy these highlights and my fave parts of the article with me!
[Note: This became longer than I expected so you all may want to sit down and read this when you have the time!]
Right out of the gate, he explains the use of ‘whites’ in the title which I thought was employed perfectly but glad he gave an explanation still before anyone could get in a huff (and oh boy did people get huffy but more on that later)
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To reiterate the last line: the article is purely opinion as is my commentary of the article, that being said doesn’t it say something that this article resonated so deeply with my WoC fandom friends?
I also had a little giggle when he said it’s not research (though he probably clarified this for legal/academic reasons) when he really did put a lot of thought and research into this like I said above, there’s a lot of related links that I will definitely be going through when I have the time!
The Main Thesis of the Essay which is found at the top/sub-header once you click the article is essentially this:
There is a wider dominant media culture and narrative that situates Black and Brown people in interracial relationships only as worthy of love when in proximity to a white person and white families.
And in this article, the author essentially unpacks how and why Bridgerton feeds into this culture and narrative. To me personally, it feels more insidious coming from Bridgerton’s production because their very first and main selling point from Day & Season 1 was that it’s a very diverse show especially with casting actors of different races! This will be explained more in depth by the author and I’ll share screenshots. However now as the seasons go by, and the show featuring more white people thus making it like every other Regency show/movie from the 2000s which,,, what’s new?
I have also spoken about this topic before especially in regards to Mindy Kaling and Shondaland’s works. However, it’s important for me to share this point of view as well. This article to me was also the embodiment of “Ohmygod he put it into words!” So it’s definitely more thorough and in-depth compared to what I’ve said before. Especially since I come from an Indian POV while Tré, the author, provides the POV of a Black person.
Now to my favourite bits and lines!!
That being said, Bridgerton is not an anomaly, but part of an American film and television complex in Hollywood where whiteness dictates who is worthy of love on screen. Such programmes include Master of None, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Girlfriends, Dear White People and Modern Family — which ‘legitimise’ the desire of Black and Brown people as only possible in proximity to a white person — accredited their ‘human status’ via affiliations with ‘white others’.
I AM LOVING THIS SONG! Honestly, if you boil this essay down to these sentences and it relates back to the main thesis statement above: “whiteness dictates who is worthy of love on screen. [Whiteness] ‘legitimise’ the desire of Black and Brown people as only possible in proximity to a white person — accredited their ‘human status’ via affiliations with ‘white others’.”
[God I could write a whole other essay on Aziz Ansari & Master of None. I would do anything to put him and Mindy in a room and write something completely insane chock full of internalised racism against our Indian community kjhdkjas.]
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It speaks for itself and I have nothing to add, nor is it my place to do so!
[Also again yall please go give the actual article all the love because everything linked deserves a read too especially to give us a wider context and information of everything!]
Kate ends up married to Anthony, with Bridgerton reinforcing the Great White Hope of interracial relationships on mainstream television.
Mr. Tré I AM CACKLING!! ‘Great White Hope’ took me the fuck out because, he’s so so right. I love Anthony as much as the next person - yall know this. I am actually Show Anthony (with his book mortality issue and reckless with his life tendencies) but he is a whole clown and like Tré said, him and the rest of the other Bridgertons being white just fortifies the ‘Great White Hope’ narrative Hollywood has going on.
Okay so these two parts of the same para:
Every time people praise Bridgerton for its ‘diversity’, I am reminded how the ‘the diversity’ ended up being married into white families and thus ‘embodied property’ — as Aileen Moreton Robinson discusses in her 2015 book The White Possessive.
It’s the way THREE of the ‘prominent’ families of the Ton and show are all white - the titular Bridgertons, their foils Featheringtons and the villains, Cowpers. We couldn’t even get some adopted kiddos?? Complete blind casting like the Prince from Brandy’s Cinderella and his parents?
If Bridgerton aimed to do anything provocative, it would have been more useful to have been a Wakanda-esque regency fantasy world with a token white character (heck, Black Panther even has a token white man in Everett K. Ross played by Martin Freeman).
THIS would have been fun to see in Bridgerton. An example - other than Everett - that comes to mind is Nick in Wedding Season who was the token white character who was the butt of the jokes in the best way. He was also very endearing and respectful of his fiancee and their family but didn’t take focus away from the main characters!  All of whom were mostly Indian and Damian Thompson who played James, the main girl’s British boss which was brilliant! So refreshing to watch a story that was about my culture and it wasn’t centred on a white person and both of the leads were Indian!
Tré also calls out the show for never resolving Simon’s SA. Now there’s no reason to do so since Regé left and we saw how it was erased in S2 😭😭.
He then breaks down the roles each of the main Black characters played on the show in S1:
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He goes on to compare the other media that’s been doing better especially in terms of showing Black love, namely Sandition with Georgiana Lamb and Otis Molyneux and showcasing the Black Tudors in love in The Spanish Princess. He also cites more sources and academic articles to back up his previous points. 
I really want to play THIS song for everyone though: 
if the Bridgerton showrunners wanted to depict Desi women, where are the Desi men? Bridgerton is a show that has used the popularity of D&I to garner record viewing numbers and it has worked par excellence, while at the same it is a white show pretending to be a diverse.
Papa Sharma my beloved!! Lord Sheffield could have easily been an Indian man with a different last time, we could have just left the name Sheffields unmarred and in the old books. 
So not only did Mary’s classist parents and her marriage become a class issue, but it has an extra touch of xenophobia all because Papa Sharma was from India! The man was literally a ROYAL PERSONAL secretary to the King and was closer in proximity to a royal than Lord Sheffield himself ever will be AND THEY STILL had a problem with him? 
We could have also given Mary a hot brother or something, give the Sharmas girls a cool fun uncle to help them navigate the London season or something! 
And of course this is what we’ve all been saying for a while now: 
[Bridgerton] used the popularity of D&I [Diversity & Inclusion] to garner record viewing numbers and it has worked par excellence, while at the same it is a white show pretending to be a diverse.
That’s it. That’s the sentence, it speaks for itself. 
However, in a 2015 article, Kavita Bhanot writes that “The concept of diversity only exists if there is an assumed neutral point from which ‘others’ are ‘diverse’.” That default point is white.
Ms Kavita Bhanot is R i g h t! Unfortunately, the default IS white that's why that demographic always needs to centre themselves in conversations like these (more on that later - maybe a separate post on how this article was received on Tré's Twitter) and the majority always yell online about how "everything is woke nowadays" when talking about racial (and queer) diversity in media.
Why is the default white though? It's not as if people of colour just randomly materialised out of thin air in the 70s. If we put all of us together we certainly outnumber white people, so why is that not represented in mainstream media?
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For the first paragraph, let me be very clear, it’s not that we didn’t know or want Polin AT ALL. We knew from the start - especially those who had read the books before and after S1 - that Polin will be endgame and canon in S4. 
What we didn’t expect was for them to be the leads a season earlier than expected and to be heavily promoted across every season, take up space in Kathony’s season and already being centred in their own love story. It’s the unfair favouritism and treatment they are getting over Jimone and Kathony. Them being S3′s leads also completely sidelines a show fan favourite Benedict and the chance for us to see another WOC lead in Sophie being loved up by this incredibly charming Bridgerton that GA has fallen in love with! Because after Sophie, there wouldn’t be a WoC romantic lead til Lucy if we ever get to S8. 
We just thought we’d get one more season of ‘the most diverse’ Regency show before they turned it 70% white. [Also Bridgerton has officially lost that title when Mr. Malcolm’s List is right there but I digress, that’s a review post for another day!] 
It does not help that a big part of the extreme side of that sub fandom gloats every time something goes in their favour and are completely oblivious as to how awful they sound. You are literally gleefully celebrating in the fact that the cast of colour is being ignored and overlooked for your white faves. As if that doesn’t happen every fucking day of our real lives. 
Also let’s talk about this bit: 
[Black-ish] still feels like a series tailored to the delicate sensibilities of the white people who do not have any Black friends!
I can’t comment directly on Black-ish (I just couldn’t get into the show’s humour - Mix-ish was more my speed!) as I didn’t watch past the pilot and Tré knows best so I’m taking his word for it! 
I brought up this part because that’s exactly how I have been feeling about this show lately. Yes, I’m sure many fans of colour like myself signed up for the show to see ourselves represented in a world where we could be the leads when we couldn’t be before. But now the racial diversity rep feels so incredibly superficial and there just to fill a quota. I LOVE the Mondrichs, don’t get me wrong but why are they still there? They were very heavily tied to Simon. However what I was hoping for in S2, is that they could have made them friends with Kathony with the Simon-Anthony connection. Maybe Anthony visiting the boxing ring again to let off some steam but nope Will is gonna start a bar! Where Colin can commit a microaggression against him YAY /s. 
Because of this superficiality and most fans of colour leaving the fandom and no longer tuning in for S3, it feels like the majority of people left behind (note; I don’t mean ALL just a big portion) feel like those kind of people who only appreciate the racial diversity so that they can pat themselves on the back for watching something that has a diverse cast in it. It’s very much giving “I can’t be racist because I have POC friends!” While they turn around and either ignore microaggressions/racially charged attacks other people in the fandom commit.  Or worse: commit microaggressions themselves, don’t see ANYTHING wrong with what they did, get defensive and never learn when called out for it. It’s just exhausting to see these type of people on my dash and tags across social media. 
The next few sections of the article goes back to the thesis statement of the article and then Tre makes really great comparisons to If Beale Street Could Talk and Moonlight (both by Barry Jenkins) and how they are “so important — when leading white characters are absent from the story.” It’s really great how he breaks it all down! 
I want to bring light to this part since this has been a point of heated discussion in our fandom. Especially before they announced who S3 was actually going to be about and everyone was speculating once again who Sophie could be: 
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Simon didn’t come back cos of Regé’s departure (no one’s fault really) and they didn’t recast him (which as much as I wouldn’t have minded and I even have some fan casts in mind, it wouldn’t have flown with the GA) and now we know the Sharmas aren’t coming back with Chari doing her romcom and Shelley doing The Boys spin off - though they severely under-utilised Shelley as Mary anyways so I’m glad she just took the check and bounced.
So NaniCoolJ is ABSOLUTELY RIGHT. It IS a rotation of people of colour as if we are just interchangeable. 
With the Sophie casting speculation and fan cast, it felt like everyone was fighting for their lives to be represented in Sophie and as someone on here pointed out, it was starting to feel like the show and fans were trying do a racial Pokemon Catch It All with all the Bridgerton spouses (except Pen and Philip who have already been cast) and trying to fit as many different ethnicities as we can with the limited spots we have. Honestly it’s only 4 of them left - Sophie, John and Michael (though I imagine they won’t be adopted cousins) and Lucy.
If we ever get to see them, Gareth and his family are Black since Lady Danbury is. 
Do you see how incredibly fucked up it is, that out of ALL the three main families, we fans of colour are only represented as MAIN leads/characters by 7/9 of the spouses (including John)? That’s only 7 (potential) POC leads vs the current 18 white leads. As it stands, it’s only 2 against 18 are currently in the show - Regé as Simon and Simone as Kate. If we count Lady Danbury and Queen Charlotte, that’s 4 but still a HUGE disparity in numbers. I focused on Simon and Kate since they are the romance leads as this is a romance show even if production forgets that most times.  
Just some numbers to think about, next time yall wanna yell that the show is super diverse. Don’t even get me started on how some Polins use Nic/Pen’s weight as a ‘body diversity’ bargaining chip to completely invalidate what fans of colour are saying and using it to be against racially diverse casting. It just makes their body positivity activist come across as performative when you have to put down one form of diversity to uplift the other. This is more uncomfortable when you realise that Nicola herself has said multiple times that she doesn’t want people commenting on her body - positively or negatively and she DOES NOT want to be a body diversity activist. But more on that in another post since this is getting long enough!
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And now the racists are back, louder than ever, sigh. It was bad enough they were slut shaming and throwing racial slurs at Marina and whoever defended her post-S1 and I was even privy to some of it still happening during pre and post-S2. Not to mention how Simone and Charithra were treated in different ways after their castings were announced. Now with their favourites being front and centre, they have become more insufferable and horrible to the rest of the fandom thinking they are above consequences. It’s really vile the things people will say behind the shield of anonymity. 
Tré then goes on to reference the The Blindian Project which sounds super cool and established to build solitary with Black and Brown communities which is such a vibe. 
Honestly I feel like most of us on here do get along well and band together against the racists so that’s been a great support system for all of us. Just to say once again, I am always here for you guys. I know all of this is so frustrating to experience and now we have this author outside of the fandom validating our experience. It kinda takes the load off, for me at least. And any time yall need to vent about how its all going in the fandom, my asks and DMs are always open.
Tré goes on to say this, which becomes even more relevant with all the white ladies arguing with him that “fAt ReP iS juSt aS iMpoRtAnT.” Which to be clear I’m not discounting that having fat rep is important. It IS important. However, this is not the conversation happening in the article. As I said above, it feels EXTREMELY performative of them to centre the conversation on a fat white woman when the conversation is about race and how Black and Brown characters are being sidelined and we don’t even have other ethnicities represented at all (not in a leading role at least). 
whiteness must be discussed always, even in the politics of love on and off screen. With the breadth of romance on screen still necessitating white people, there is a problem that in a dominant culture of white supremacy it says: ‘Black and Brown people are incapable of love, unless when a white person is present, or if this text is a ‘race show’ or ‘race film’.
These ladies in his replies really read that paragraph (or maybe they didn’t wouldn’t put it past them to just read the title and argue with him for the sake of it.) and specifically the line “whiteness must be discussed always, even in the politics of love on and off screen“ and decided to go “Ah yes, I’m going to discuss my whiteness now.” 
Also to Elora, Julia and Tanya (idc I’m naming names): to hijack a necessary conversation on race in Bridgerton by discussing fat representation denies the very real history of racism in the television/film industry and is quite frankly a disgusting case of whataboutism. This isn’t about you and as my friend Triv said (who also helped me phrase this paragraph), “Remember, it wasn't the fat woman who got sat at a segregated table at the Oscars even as she won the award; it was the Black woman.”
It’s so incredibly insensitive of them to diminish what Tré and the fandom is saying by throwing weight in our faces. I bet you, these women wouldn’t blink an eye if a fat WoC was cast on the show, they would probably still overlook her for their favourite girlboss. 
And for the finale:
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Took us a while but we made it! Much like most of his article, this conclusion speaks for itself and so I shall leave it be. 
I have mostly said what I had to say in this commentary. Honestly, it got so long because it’s multiple conversations we’ve had all over the last few months all contained and condensed into one post. These concerns have also been a long time coming, it’s so good to let it out and try to move on now. Thank you once again to Tré for writing piece and vocalising a lot of the POC fans and our friends have been thinking for a while now. 
Thank you to everyone who read the article and this post all the way through, hope you enjoyed reading it and feel validated in other people sharing the same sentiments as you. Please know none of you who feel this way are alone and we’re all here for you and as I said earlier, asks and DMs are always open!
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1smolbean · 3 months
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