#eddie roundtree edit
reasonsmandy · 6 months
Anytime Soon
Eddie Roundtree x Fem!Reader
✧.* requested by anon — Could you do prompt 22 “You're mine, all mine... But not in a possessive way, dammit, that sounded like an asshole, right? I was trying to be cute. Nevermind” where the reader says it to Eddie Roundtree?
✧.* summary — The band was growing, and with that, strategies on how to maintain this fame and use it to the band's advantage came. Which, unfortunately, became a hindrance to their relationship.
✧.* warnings — none
✧.* word count — 1.9k
✧.* 🎸 — Eddie's masterlist
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You hear a loud noise coming from downstairs, which makes you jump in fright and as soon as you pull yourself together, you run after what had caused it. As soon as you enter the kitchen, the image of Warren standing on the chair hugging a plate, avoiding Eddie for some unapparent reason.
“Get away from me!” Rojas protests, still protecting his plate from the bassist.
“Cami said it was one for each, give me my egg now!” He jumps to try to reach it, but he can't.
“What the fuck is going on here?” You say rubbing your eyes, trying to escape sleep.
“He lost the bet and now he doesn’t want to accept it” Warren says, adjusting the sleep shorts he was still wearing.
“Today of all days do you want to collect this bet? Seriously?” He rolls his eyes so hard you swear they could go through his skull.
You are intrigued by the statement, but decide to break up the fight before asking.
“Warren, can’t you bet on something other than food?” Tired, you say between a yawn.
“But I really like Cami’s special eggs.” He protests, almost like a sulking child.
“I’ll make a point of asking her for extra tomorrow, okay?” You help Roundtree who thanks you with a look.
Rojas jumps out of his chair, and you're shocked at how he can balance his food in one hand. He hands you the plate.
“Fine.” He sits on the chair he was previously standing on, and watches you, waiting. “But you cut it, to be fair! He always takes the biggest one.”
After calming down the drummer, he leaves towards the balcony to eat, leaving you and the bassist alone with just the sound of the wind between you. He cracks a smile, clearly happy to see you, to be with you.
“How was your night?” He says getting closer, you roll your eyes playfully, knowing that he was teasing you.
“Perfect, and you know it.” You say, getting closer to him, kissing his lips tenderly.
“Glad to know that…” He says, still close to you, which tempts you to kiss him again.
You sit together at the small table, watching each other and chatting idly. One of his hands caressed yours on the table, while the other held the spoon he used to eat his eggs.
“So what happens today?” You ask curiously, drawing inanimate things on his hand with your fingers.
“What do you mean?" He returns the question, in fact, lost.
“You told Warren ‘today of all days’” You mention what you remember from the phrase, observing the window.
“Oh that.” He seems to understand now, pausing to chew and then answer you. “Today a woman from the record company came to see us here at home, I think she's going to take care of our marketing... Something like that” He says shrugging.
“Do you mind that Cami and I are here?” You ask in a velvety voice.
“Of course not, pretty girl.” He says kissing your forehead, getting up to wash the dishes.
You go to him and wrap your arms around his waist, resting your head on his back, enjoying his presence and from time to time kissing his shoulder. When he finishes, he turns to face you, kissing you and holding your hands on your face, you feel his skin cold from the water.
“I need to go get ready” he says between kisses on your lips.
“I’ll see you when I’m free?” you ask, leaning your body against the doorframe.
“For sure.” He winks at you, turning to access the balcony when he shouts: “Hey Warren! Let's go.”
Eddie and the rest had been gathered in the living room in advance by Billy, everyone was talking waiting for the woman sent by the record company, you and Cami took advantage of the delay to spend more time with everyone. You sat on the arm of the couch, one of Roundtree's arms wrapping around your waist as the doorbell rang in every ear in the place.
“I’m on it!” Graham jumps up, heading to the door to receive the visitor. “Hey” He greets her.
“Hello Graham.” She says asking for permission to come in, he gives her space.
As the door swung open, Valentina entered with an air of authority. A strand of raven hair fell perfectly out of place, framing a face adorned with subtle yet commanding features. Behind her glasses, her piercing gaze assessed the room, exuding a sense of unwavering control. Every step resonated confidence, and her polished heels echoed a rhythm that seemed to march to the beat of her own rules. The clash between her poised elegance and the band's laid-back atmosphere hung palpably in the air as she crossed the threshold into their world.
She feels tension when she enters, but instead of feeling uncomfortable she feels powerful. You lightly squeeze Eddie's shoulder, saying silently that you would leave so as not to disturb the meeting, then you and Camila head to the kitchen.
“So Val, what have you got ready?” Billy asks, looking not so friendly.
“Don’t call me that, uh- I have some things to pass on to you.” She takes some papers out of the briefcase she had with her, causing curiosity.
Warren leaned over, getting in front of Graham so he could see what she was showing, repeating a push from the younger Dunne to get him to quiet down.
Little by little the small fight grows, and Eddie - who also shared a sofa with the two, pushes them both with the strength he had, little by little everything becomes alarmed. Karen rolls her eyes and sighs deeply, Billy tries to ignore it but the discomfort grows in him.
Valentina clears her throat irritably, in order to get their attention, "I don't have all the time in the world, gentlemen, and miss..." She says to Karen, as if saying that she doesn't understand why she was there at all. “Now, can we continue?”
Like children who had been scolded by their teacher (which was perhaps the situation) they fell silent, Graham looked down, Eddie tensed his body in silent protest and Warren shrank back.
Valentina unfolds her plans with an air of meticulous precision. Each document presented is accompanied by a concise explanation, her tone unwaveringly professional. The boys, seated on the sofa, exchange glances, picking up on the gravity of her intentions. The weight of her scrutiny makes them subtly shift in their seats, a collective unease settling in.
As she projects charts and graphs, she casts a discerning eye over the room. Her attention, like a laser, dissects not just the details on paper but also the nuances of their reactions. A sense of judgment, though unspoken, lingers in the air.
The atmosphere becomes almost oppressive, and the band members, despite their casual exterior, feel the weight of Valentina's expectations. Then, with a pause pregnant with implication, she breaks the silence, looking deeply in each one of their eyes.
“Another important topic.” She says gathering the papers. “I already know Billy has a daughter and a wife, but what about the rest of you? Do you have a relationship?”
Silence, as she seemed to already want a negative answer to that question. Karen and Graham look at each other, but no one notices.
“Uh, no.” Graham responds, looking at everyone. “I mean, Eddie?”
Roundtree exhales cigarette smoke, coughing a little as Warren looks at him with a smirk.
“Yeah, I have a girl actually…”
She clicks her tongue in disapproval, writing something down in her notebook. The bassist didn't understand anything, so he just raised his eyebrows, however, Rojas couldn't help but say "What?”
“It’s not good for your image, especially as a band on the rise.” She clarifies, as if it were obvious and they were idiots.
“Why?” Graham asks, his voice was so quiet that the woman had to adjust her glasses to see his lips better.
“Isn't it obvious? It breaks the connection with your fans, they want to be close to you, they want to delude themselves into thinking that they can be part of the band or date you.”
“I dont care?" Eddie is direct, and she seems to bubble with disrespect.
“Well, you better start caring.” she says, in an almost threatening tone. “If you want this, to get somewhere”
The silence is broken by the voice of the band's lead singer, he looks directly at Eddie. “She has a point Eddie.”
Eddie lets out an angry look, rolling his eyes tightly. “You've gotta be kidding me.”
“You have to think about the band...” Billy reinforces, and tension gradually sets in.
“Look who's talking.” He clearly rolls his eyes, filled with anger. “You're not going to break up with Camila, are you? So why do I have to do it?”
“He has a point Billy.” Warren comes to the bassist's defense. “I don't see how it affects us that much, I mean, everyone already knows from our songs that you're married. We're not hiding anything”
Valentina disapproves of Rojas' speech with a clear denial with her head. Billy doesn't respond, he was irritated at being contradicted.
"I'll discuss this with Teddy," she declares, her departure leaving Eddie seething. "I'll reach out when there's a decision. Think about what's at stake here, gentlemen."
As the door closes behind her, Eddie's frustration hangs in the air, the clash of personal convictions and professional expectations echoing in the room.
The bassist storms out the room without sharing any other look with the others, he heads to his room to find you peacefully drawing in your notebook, you look up at him to find his face tense until your eyes meet.
He comes to you almost as if begging for support, you welcome him into your embrace without questioning too much, you knew he didn't always experience good things in this band, especially with his devaluation.
“Wanna talk about it?” You mutter after a few seconds of silence.
“He's such an asshole, I'd punch him in the face now." He blurts out, and you already knew who he was talking about.
“What did he do this time?"
“The woman at the record company is an asshole, she basically said I needed to break up with you.” The information shocks you, you don't know how to react. “Of course, I protested. But that stupid Billy agreed with her. Of course he agreed, right? He's not affected, he's not the one who's going to break up with Camila.”
“Hey, breathe." You ask him, observing carefully you noticed that his knuckles were stiff with so much anger. “But what does our relationship have to do with the band?”
“The woman said that it breaks the connection with the fans, because they want to feel close with us and bla blá blá.” He says rolling his eyes, you frown.
“She wants you to be a single to deceive your fans?" Now, you adjust yourself on his lap.
He nods, and it's your turn to roll your eyes.
“There’s no way!" You protest, kissing him affectionately. You can feel him lose all his angry face under your touch. “You're mine, all mine... But not in a possessive way, dammit, that sounded like an asshole, right? I was trying to be cute. Nevermind”
He laughs, wrapping both of his arms around your waist to get you closer, he kisses you once again. Intensifying your kiss with a touch of need. You stroke the strands of his hair, and he smiles into the kiss.
“No matter how crazy this all drives me, as long as I have you... Everything will be fine.” He whispers against your lips, kissing you tenderly once again.
“I love you" you say, watching the bassist smile. "And fuck Billy and that woman, we're not breaking up anytime soon.”
Eddie Roundtree: And she was right, we didn't. *says showing his wedding ring*
Hi, I hope you enjoyed it... If you wanted to ask for something my requests are open, and if you want to ask and don't have any ideas check out my prompt list :) xoxo
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Taglist: @Jaidaschampagneproblems @boredshit-shadow @warrenrojaswife @o1iv3 @hopelessromantic727 @eddiesaurora
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camiladnne · 1 year
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Track 10: Rock 'n' Roll Suicide DAISY JONES & THE SIX (2023)
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nanstgeorge · 1 year
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you know when she had me? when i knew that song was fucking great? when she said, "when you think of me, i hope it ruins rock 'n' roll."
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fqvoritism · 1 year
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You don't believe me?
track 1 -> track 8
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im in total shock
from sebastian instagram
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ladystardust-thinks · 11 months
soul of a woman was created below - w.r.
pairing: Warren Rojas x Fem!Reader
Summary: You're strong, seductive and intimidating and Warren finds that very, very, hot.
word count: 2.4k
Tags/Warnings: She/Her pronouns, use of Y/N, oc's (reader's bandmates), reader being an absolute badass tease, bassist reader, there is a mention of Eddie and Warren being -not- discreet and checking the reader out, spice no smut, Karen and Eddie teasing Warren, smoking, drinking, reader feels like a good lana del rey song but looks like a hot 'I am the woman' Led Zeppelin song (hence the tittle), a lot of swearing, deeply inspired by a you can be the boss lyric, mention of reader's outfit. I think that's about it
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Warren Rojas (Drummer, The Six):
That woman. [sighs] They say women 'play' hard to get, she didn't play anything. Can't do a lot when you can't manage to get a word out when you see her. [chuckles]
Eddie Roundtree (Bassist, The Six):
Of course I remember her, I heard so much about her in the time span of 2 months I think she still haunts my dreams sometimes. Warren was head over heels for sure, I think he still is. [grins] I was the reason they got together in the first place.
KINGS OF DUST, the next big rock 'n' roll stars?
Her fingers brushed over the fresh ink of the tabloid, as she grimaced. She felt her her ears buzz listening to James mocking the paper's columnist with a shrieking voice.
"Are those newcomers, with the big attitude and a whole lot of talent to give, going to kick The Six off their throne? Does the good old McNasties band we all know and love feel threatened? Well Billy Dunne sure doesn't as he claims that he 'isn't scared of glam posers and cheap Zeppelin copies' and the sarcastic remarks reffering to him on James Madden's Rolling Stone interview did not help his rage at all. What bullshit! Little Mr. Lover Boy thinks he can just insult us like that just because his mellow, mediocre songs, that all sound the fucking same, hit some of the charts!"
"They aren't even anything special! Their name isn't original it's like the sex or something, very shallow, and they definitely are the posers of the situation, they do it for the fame and the chicks, we do it for the music!" James whined, dragging the 'u' in 'music' and throwing the paper on the couch.
"The Six" Y/N corrected her friend and drummer. She walked over to the leather jacket she wore in last night's gig, reaching in it's pocket for her cigarettes. "And they're pretty good, well their lead is an ass, for sure, but still pretty damn good." She added, lighting one of her cigarettes with her heavy, carved, zippo.
"Whatever! I don't like them!" The drummer exclaimed like a child.
"What's with the yelling? It's 9 a.m., you fuckers." Matt came in the kitchen, his words slurred as he was still hang over from last night's events.
He grabbed a handfull of cereal and stuffed his mouth, munching noisily on it while motioning to James so he can give him the paper. "What does he mean posers, he is the poser! That motherfucker!" He yelled gulping down his cereal.
"Who does he think he is? I mean just because he's got a couple of good singles he thinks he can screw our reputation up because he is scared!?" He now screamed full of fury. "Apparently so." Y/N answers his rhetorical question, with a sarcastic smile. "Where is Dave?" he asked, she shrugged, frowning. "Oh so you can't answer that one!" He runs off to the guitarist's room and James looks at the bassist with a look that screams 'I told you so'. Y/N rolls her eyes and she can hear the tempered singer bang on Dave's door.
They come back to the kitchen together, Dave picks up a mug and fills it up with some coffee as he sits down, scratches and marks visible around his neck and back. "What?" he asks, his tone revealing his annoyance. "That." James is quick to say pushing the newspaper towards him. "Who the fuck is 'Billy Dunne'? What do you want me to do?" He exclaims with his grainy morning voice. "Y/N are not saying anything about this shit?" He turns to the girl, hoping she would help with his friend's delusions. "Sorry." She said not really feeling bad that she couldn't do anything.
"Look man. We got a gig tonight and all of us in here, except for Muffin who's got weirdly a lot of energy for 9 a.m., have a hangover so just tell me what the fuck do you want me to do?"
Muffin was what they called James, he was the youngest of the four, the softest of the four and the only one that, as you can understand, was really energetic. He also seemed like he never stopped smiling. So, Muffin.
"You know what? fuck it. I don't want you to do anything I just thought you guys would care about the dignity of our band!" Matt stormed in his room, his door made a loud bang as he kicked it closed.
They were just finished with the gig, the guys were partying inside the dirty bar as Y/N was outside, trying to smoke. She reached in her pocket, searching for her zippo. She exclaimed a curse, disappointed. She thought she must have forgotten it at the kitchen counter this morning. Her eyes scanned around the street for someone who she could ask for a lighter from. Her gaze paused, falling on a curly haired man not too far away from her, smoking.
"Y' think you got a light for me?" She asked looking at him, smirking. "Oh, yeah sure." The man reached for his lighter, it wasn't as perfect as her good old zippo but it would do. He leaned in to the cigarette in her mouth and covered the flame with his palm. She was looking at him straight in the eye, smiling throughout the whole process. She could feel him leaving a shaky breath as he moved away from her. "Thanks pretty boy..." She took the cigarette out of her mouth, allowing the smoke to be visible through her mouth and nose. "Anything for a pretty girl..." He complimented her back. She turned her back to him, walking back in the bar and winking at him over her shoulder. He shook his head with a chuckle "Oh c'mon man..." he said quietly, putting off his own ciggarete. He also ran back inside the bar.
"I'm telling you man, out of this fucking world! She's got those huge sudective eyes and she knows how to bat her eyelashes just the way to scratch my brain in all the right places for sure, because if she asked me to jump off a cliff, I'd do it. And I mean, I didn't wanna make it sexual but dude if she screams sex-appeal.
I wanna see her smirk like that on top of me the next time I see her."
Warren describes the woman to Eddie who thinks his friend is just overreacting. "Alright then where is she?" He asks the drummer. "Huh?" He says, distracted looking for her around the bar. "Where is she? You said she came back in here."
Warren grabbed Eddie's arm, when he finally spotted her, extending his pointer finger and lining it towards the young woman's position. "There..." Warren whispers, thrilled to see her dreamy face again. His eyes fall to her attire, which wasn't visible before, as it was hidden behind her large leather jacket. Her denim butterfly top, tied around her neck and revealed her bare back. Her low waist bell-bottom jeans were wide towards her knees and tighter higher, towards her waist, giving Warren a great view of her thighs and the red stars on the back of her pants.
"Boys!" Two fingers snapped right in front of their faces. Eddie woke up from his haze to see Karen, her arms crossed like a disappointed mother. "Would you like a tissue?" The woman asked the only person who had his interest on her as Warren was still concentrating on the beautiful mystery woman before him with his mouth agape.
"What?" Eddie asked Karen. His eyebrows scrunched up in confusion. "To wipe the drool of your faces...f' God's sake." She sighed leaving the two men alone again.
Eddie hit Warren in the back of his head. "C'mon wake up." he said. "Huh? I'm awake." Warren moaned, scratching the back of his head in pain. "No. No. You were basically sleeping with your eyes open."
"She hypnotized you. She is a witch." he says, with so much confidence, one would expect he doesn't hear his own words. "What? No she's not you idiot." Warren disagrees as he laughs at his friend's assumption.
"Matt, Y/N! Darlings! Come with me! I've got someone for you to meet."
Their friend Steve said dragging them to the booth where the one and only Billy Dunne sitted with his brother and his keyboardist.
Y/N wasn't very happy about the whole situation. She had two irritable singers that had a problem with each other on the same table. The guitarist and the keyboardist whose names she learned were Karen and Graham had snuck off to do god knows what and she was left bored out of her mind while Billy and Matt talked business.
Until sooner or later she saw her saviour on a white horse, he was gonna save her of absolute, boredom. He was with this other guy too, but that's besides point. The curly haired man from earlier. He was approaching the table. It was her chance to have some fun, all she did all night was hold Matt down so he wouldn't kill Billy.
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Y/N Y/L/N-Rojas (Bassist, 'Kings of Dust'):
I'm glad he made a move that day. It was a fun night... [laughs]
Yeah, right. [scoffs]
If it weren't for Eddie I'd still be in the bathroom of that bar having a full on panic attack.
But she doesn't need to know that.
Y/N Y/L/N-Rojas:
Of course I knew...but I had fun with it. You don't have such man on his knees for you, holding his broken ego, every day. Well I did but you get what I mean.
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And she just seated there. Her legs crossed, looking like a good action movie soundtrack. She made him go crazy and she knew it. She was enjoying it.
Eddie took the spot next to Matt on the booth before Warren could, leaving him sit on the other end, next to her. She let the smoke of her cigarette out, looking over at him with a smirk.
"Hey, lighter buddy." She said slowly, a smile growing on her face, he was staring at the way her lips moved softly the whole time, thinking how rough they could be on his, imagining the colour of her lipstick all over him.
"Hey...I see, you found a lighter though." He says, nervous, you'd think someone was pulling the words out of his throat forcefully. "Yeah.." She smiled.
"I was stupid, really, it was just on the table I was sitting before."
With four people on the small couch booth they were really physically close and that killed Warren. Smelling the smoke and liqour on her, he thought he'd die any second now. Somebody had to pinch him before he could get used to this dream.
Her heel stroked his leg under his wide pair of jeans and she really thought she heard him gulp. She suddenly got right off of him. Leaving him confused when she reached for her cigarettes on the table. "I think I'll get out of here." She said now grabbing a cigarette out of the mat, black, leather cigarette case. She extended it over to him and looked at him."I have cigs, thank you." he said looking between her and the item in her hand. She bends over to him. "Well you don't have this one. Do what you want with it, your choice." He could feel her breath on his neck as she spoke while she carefully placed the slim filter on his lips.
They where lightly parted as he admired her. She tapped on his cheek twice with the palm of her hand then grabbed her jacket and left as soon as the conversation between the two singers got heated.
Warren looked up, the cigarette still in his mouth as he whispered "Fuck." He took it in his hands, coming out of the daze she put him in, there was a number of it. He looked at the number on the white paper of the Malboro. He shook his head, putting the cig back on his lips and leaving the bar. He had to go home and call her.
Eddie watched him as he speeded out the door and chuckled.
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Eddie: Especially after the band, Warren was a ladies man. Always flirty, always witty, so much you'd think it was just his regular attitude. He was never nervous around women before so it was really amusing getting to see the situation.
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Warren sat on the balcony of the band's house in Canyon, rolling the cigarette around his hands, fidgeting.
Eventually he got inside the house getting the phone and balancing the receiver between his head and shoulder while he pressed the number in.
The buzzing sound of the phone filled his ears as he lighted the cigarette and took a puff of it. "Hello?" he heard her voice ring through the telephone. His eyes widened, not expecting her to pick up. He took the cigarette out his mouth as soon as he heard her.
"Uh, Hey! Hi. I'm Warren." He said squeezing his eyes shut once he realized she doesn't know his name because he never told her. "Oh, Warren. From the bar right? Dunne's drummer." She said and giggled.
He was shocked she knew his name. She managed to learn everything about him in a single night and they hardly even talked. "Yup, thats me. Uh, you gave me your number. So I just thought I'd-" He was interrupted by the woman. "You thought right...So, got any other plans for tonight?" She asked and he believed she was joking. She had to be. He thought. There is no way she fell for his stuttering and his anxious antics. "I... never got the chance to catch your name." He breathed out, waiting to hear it.
"Y/N. I play bass for Kings Of Dust."
Her outfit hadn't changed since the last time he saw her.
Her eyeliner smudged under her eyes and her vibrant lipstick was now slightly faded. It was admirable, how you could never catch her looking down, she'd walk in a place she hadn't ever been before like she owned it, her chin always high and she always looked around, not in amusement, more like she was taking the place in.
She saluted him and sitted in the barstool next to his.
The bar was quiet in comparison to the one they were before with all their friends.
His mind wandered having all the thoughts it shouldn't.
Billy would probably kill him but it's worth it.
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Any feedback, is good feedback!! I wanna read your thoughts. Have a gorgeous day. Mwah!
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elsaqueenofstress · 1 year
some djats fans are very very insufferable when it comes to the whole "unreliable narrator" aspect of the story. an unreliable narrator is a character who lacks complete credibility or accuracy in their retelling of the story, which is what you get in the book. however, it's not because Everyone Is Lying All The Time On Purpose: it's because they all have literally different perspectives on each moment. warren and graham are convinced that "the six" sounds like "the sex" because it's what they felt at the time, but billy and karen disagree. daisy and billy think that the aurora cover is gorgeous and iconic because it spotlights them, while everyone else rolls their eyes at how predictable it is. warren still believes, forty years later, that karen was hooking up with one of the roadies because graham and karen's relationship was a secret, so his stories are sometimes completely false. graham can't view karen's choice to get an abortion as hers, and emphasizes his own betrayal over the feelings she expressed to him because they hurt too much. things like that!
"unreliable narration" doesn't just mean lying all the time, and it gets a little lame to watch people (most of whom are d/b shippers) claim that's the case. the book's opening lines aren't "they could have been making this shit up!" – they're "some [interviewees] were more forthcoming than others...on matters both big and small, sometimes accounts of the same events differ. the truth often lies, unclaimed, in the middle." there were probably details that characters left out on purpose, but why would everyone, especially after having not spoken in years, have agreed to completely lie about everything? billy tells his grown, adult daughter about cheating on her mother repeatedly, about missing her birth during his addiction, about the deep attraction he felt for daisy. people are so desperate for their ship to have been physically canon that they disregard these details and claim that he was just protecting julia's feelings (again, she's like forty at this point??) or that he and daisy agreed to leave out their apparently torrid affair (which especially falls apart after tjr released the bonus pages, where camila explicitly tells daisy "don't try to sugarcoat anything on my behalf" and daisy promises to do so). it does a disservice to whatever shreds of nuance or subtlety the book had, all traces of which the show decided to throw out the window in favor of cw-level drama and clunky character arcs
anyway the show's reasoning that "this is what really happened!!!" technically doesn't even hold up bc they changed too many random details lmao. like no matter how strong whatever they were smoking during the seventies was, i don't think it was enough for them to mass hallucinate the twins and pete, collectively forget what month they played chicago stadium, and all pretend like graham and karen didn't tell them about their relationship...? loved the casting loved some of the songs loved simone's plot but that was Not a good show methinks
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jesstasticvoyage · 1 year
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Daisy Jones & the Six (2023)
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saintlopezlov3r · 1 year
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reasonsmandy · 4 months
You matter to me
Eddie Roundtree x Fem!Reader
✧.* requested by @itzajeanspears — Hi!!! Love your writing so much!! Not sure if you’re still doing requests lol, butttt I have a really specific one so if you’d be able to do this I’d like actually die omg. Okay so I’m a fashion student from LA and I was thinking, the reader is like basically siblings with billy and Graham, (her dad and their mom started dating when they were kids so they were practically raised together) but she’s closest with Eddie in particular. They’re best friends. They’ve basically been attached at the hip since they were kids. They’re both secretly harboring feelings for each other and everyone knows it but themselves. She’s been there for them since the band started, like Camilla, making them outfits for gigs and stuff. and Eddie even takes her to prom when her date ends up being a jerk to her. Butttt the reader ends up moving to LA to go to fashion school (maybe eventually she can be their costume designer for the aurora tour 🙏) and Eddie slowly stops talking to her god knows why. Fast forward- The band moves out to LA and they stay with her until they’re stable enough to be out on their own. The tension is super high between her and Eddie and EVERYONE notices. Super Angsty. Ends in fluff and love confessions 🫶 maybe angry billy lol. AGAIN THANK YOU!!! I know that was super complicated. YOUR WRITING AND EDITS ARE AMAZINGGGG !!
✧.* you're reading part two, here's the part one — A letter?
✧.* summary — Eddie was waiting for your response, and when it never came... A wall was built between you.
✧.* warnings — none.
✧.* word count — 3.5k
✧.* 🎸 — Eddie's masterlist
✧.* mandy's notes — I know it took me forever!!! I'm so sorry, please enjoy! And let me know your thoughts about it :)
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I have no idea how to start this, my head has been a mess since our last conversation. I'm sorry for the way I left, I should've been more polite involving all we've been through in the last couple of months. I confess that I don't understand why you thought I couldn't support you in this situation, I've seen you dreaming about this day since I was ten years old, where we chatted about school and unattainable plans for the future… Seeing you achieve everything you dreamed of is like being hit by a ray of sunshine, I am deeply proud of you.
I wish you all the best on this new journey in your life, you are great and your talent is not left behind! Know that you wouldn't be there if it weren't for all your extraordinary talent. There is something in everything you do that exudes originality and no one can take that away or dispute it from you.
I decided to respect your choice and not go to see you on the day of your departure, I confess that this is demanding a lot from me, but I do everything to see you well. I hope you have a great trip and a great life there too.
I don't want to lie to you, I really hope you write me back, I have a huge hope that you'll give me another chance and we can work things out... I'll understand if you don't want that, I just want you to keep in mind that I love you. Fly towards your dream, and when you miss home, maybe my words will warm your heart.
Yours, Eddie Roundtree.
The bassist seals the letter with trembling fingers, he knew you would leave tomorrow and he still had his doubts about what he was going to do.He wanted to come see you before the match, kiss you gently, hug you as if you were going to escape at any moment... But he couldn't, if that was your choice he would respect that.
He knocks on the Dunne house three times, his hands trembling as he waited impatiently with the letter in hand.
"Eddie? What are you doing here so early my dear?" Mrs Dunne's sweet voice asks, she was quiet, probably because she was the only one awake in the house.
"I— I came to give this to Y/N." He extends the paper to her, confused, the older girl takes the object.
"Do you want to come in?" She asks, opening the door for him.
"No no, thank you." He seemed nervous, afraid that you would show up at any moment. "I really just came to leave this"
The madness was crazy the morning you were going to leave, you waited in secret for Eddie, a hope that he would appear was growing in you even though you wanted to kill it. Everyone else had made a point of saying goodbye, even Warren had stopped by to leave you some chocolate for the flight, but nothing from your boyfriend.
That's what you were, right? After all, there was no ending, not formally in so many words... Anxiety made you fear that when he left that had been your final point.
You open your arms to hug your considerate mother, Mrs. Dunne had been very present to you since she came into your life and saying goodbye was harder than you thought.
"I'll miss you so much." Her choked voice says, and you hold her closer.
"Oh honey, I'll miss you too." She answers, still holding you. "Anytime you need us, you just have to call. You have a family here."
At this point you were already in tears, and you let the hug go to wipe them away.
"Look." She starts to say, opening her bag to hand you something. "Eddie asked me to give you this."
Your eyes widen, you take the letter in your hands and leave for your new life.
You open the drawer of the nightstand next to your bed and return the letter to the place it always rests still not being able to open it, a sigh leaves you as you relive the night you had just had. Now that you were in the same city everything was more vivid, it was like living your teenage years again and it was frustrating. Of course you missed your friends and your brothers, but feeling Eddie's look at the back of your head was a huge distraction that kept increasing many questions in the same.
Eddie let the air out of his lungs as his body collapsed onto the bed he had fought for hours with Warren for, He lights a cigarette while staring at the ceiling and gradually sees the smoke draw your face, He hated how all the feelings he had put so much effort into hiding returned like the tide flooding over him, it was frustrating how you could make his heart race in a way no drug could ever manege to.
He knew that maybe all he had to do was just get over it, and that's all he was trying to do since you left Pittsburgh and him. Eddie was never the kind to get attached to relationships easily, he was used to having one night stands or just casual dating, so when his heart was captured by your gaze and the funny feeling of falling in love... He didn't know what to do.
The cigarette had come to an end and sleep had not even threatened to arrive, Roundtree sits on the bed regretting it before even finishing what he planned to do. He might not have talked to you during the party, but he was a good listener, something he didn't know if it was a blessing or curse until then.
He puts his leather jacket over the blouse he had worn to the party he attended hours ago, also grabbing some cigarettes before going down the stairs of the new house towards the keys to Rojas' van. He considers going to the drummer's room to tell him that he had borrowed the vehicle, but settles for writing a note in letters large enough for him to notice while he looks for it.
He let in his breath once again, shaking his head as he starts the van and heads towards what haunts his mind.
The three rings on the door make you lazily get out of bed, your arms go to the blouse thrown on the table before answering.
"Eddie?" You say between shock and yawn, your hands fix your hair automatically.
He avoids your gaze, looking directly at the ground as if he is very anxious. You wait for an answer, but nothing comes out of his mouth, you take a step forward taking his hand and leading him inside.
"Is everything okay?" You ask, after you both sit at the table in your living room.
"I don't know." He lets it out, wondering if he should actually do what he had planned. "I wanted to talk to you about everything."
"In the middle of the night?" You let out a weak laugh, trying to lighten the mood.
"I couldn't sleep, sorry I woke you up." He looked embarrassed, but it was as if being there was more comfortable than anything he had been doing before knocking on the door.
"We can talk, no problem.”
"With us moving here I imagine we'll see each other more often than we have over the years." He looks you in the eyes, the red of the cigarette in them. "And I don't want there to be a fight between us, I don't want there to be things that aren't clear."
You let the air out, trying to look as if you were mature for this situation. "What do you mean by that?"
"Even with our history, is everything ok between us?" He wanted to tell you that the answer was no, that he hadn't forgotten you, but it stayed in his throat just like the growing knot.
"For me yes, but for you I'm not sure." You are honest, letting the frustration go with your words. "You were the one who ignored me the whole party, I felt seventeen again."
"You don't need to be sarcastic." He says rolling his eyes.
"Since when do you call the truth sarcasm?" He arches his eyebrows at your response, you click your tongue against the roof of your mouth. "What I meant is that I'm over it, I just don't know if you are."
"You know what..." He gets up, adjusting his jacket on himself. "I think we've cleared that up, let's just be polite to each other and that's it. I see you around."
"You're kidding right?" A mocking laugh is let out by you, disbelief shines through. "Is that what you consider resolution?”
"I'll see you around." He says, you get ready to close the door. "Let's just keep things between us, like before."
Your eyes roll back and you slam the door shut, anger and confusion rising in your chest. How can he just show up in the middle of the night to turn your life around like that? You only feel the tears when they fall on your arm, was it frustration? You preferred to believe so, but seeing him treat you with so much indifference was painful.
Still angry, you go to the nightstands and open the drawer to take the letter in hand. Your vision blurred with emotions growing, you tear it apart and as soon as the first cut is made the rest are just a trigger for the pieces on the floor. You cry, regretting it and at the same time wanting to disappear... It hadn't even been twenty four hours since he had returned to your life and everything was chaos.
You collect the pieces and place them inside the box you found, trying your best not to glue the pieces together to read something that could be your answer.
You had done a good job of trying to forget about Eddie Roundtree, you had gone out with a few people and avoided running into him as much as possible when you met the band. But that became impossible when his brother went to rehab and his niece was born.
You moved into their house to help with the baby, Camila had never been so vulnerable and you couldn't feel more angry at Billy than in those first few months. Of course, you knew he wasn't one hundred percent to blame, addiction wasn't easy and it made you very sad to know he was like this.
Your move wasn't complete, you slept there some nights and other nights you went back to your house or studio to create some pieces of clothing. It was hard to face Eddie every day, but you two made a point of avoiding each other as much as possible.
It was hard to remember why you didn't like Eddie much when he was being so kind every day by your side, you start to remember why you fell in love with him in the first place. He was kind, funny, he helped everyone, but he was still the one that left you. And that was certainly the impasse for you to sympathize with him once again.
Night fell on the horizon as you leaned over the counter, a cigarette between your lips as you thought about everything at the same time.
"I see you still like the sunset, sunshine." The nickname makes your spine shiver, you don't turn around, you just let him get closer to you. "It always reminds me of you."
The chill comes to your belly, you turn away in disbelief. "What are you doing?"
He rolls his eyes, “Trying to get along with you, is it that hard?"
You let out a sigh, avoiding his eyes. "You want us to be friends?"
"What's the harm on that?" he asks, resting himself.
You shrug, trying your best not to ask every single question that haunted you over the years.
"You made yourself pretty clear that day in my place." That's all you say.
"Why are you acting like I'm a bad guy?" He's confused, upset in his eyes.
"You can't just keep doing this to me, appearing in my life and just leaving me!" You let out your frustrations, he looks at you without understanding. His gaze fixed on your eyes was overwhelming.
"What do you mean?" His voice was trembling, he took a deep breath. "Look, I know I acted childish that night, I shouldn't have just popped at your place and said those things. But I mean what I'm doing right now, I made one mistake... You're really going to blame me for the rest of my life?"
"One mistake?" You tried your best to hold back your urge to cry. "Look Eddie, it's been a long time. I understand if you forgot everything we've been through, I don't want to..."
"You're acting like I didn't care for you. Like I don't care." His voice was calm, it left you disconcerted.
"How can you say that you care for me if you haven't even reached for me all these years?" You turn to face the sky, trying to keep calm.
"I was respecting you!" He avoided coming closer, even though he wanted to take your hand in his. "I told you that! I—...
He stops when he sees your confused eyes, concern takes over his.
"You didn't read the letter, did you?"
You swallow hard, he waits for your answer but you open your mouth and close it without saying anything.
"Did you receive it?" He asks, you nod your head. "I don't understand..."
"I never read it." You confess, looking at your feet.
"Why?" He felt exposed, hurt.
You don't answer, he seems devastated.
"Fuck." He says passing his hands through his hair. "I can't believe this."
He left, leaving you alone with the sunset.
You made a point of coming home that day, there was no way you wouldn't go back to read that letter, your heart was aching with all the emotions that came up this afternoon. You were overwhelmed and feeling guilty, but at the same time confused... You needed answers.
When you managed to put the pieces together it was difficult to tell what was there, but your body softened and your heart tightened. There was your answer.
Daisy Jones was responsible for the band's growth after Billy's relapse, 'Honeycomb' was a masterpiece and the whole world knew it when those chords sounded on the radio. You were happy and proud for all of them, it was great to see them all achieving a dream that you followed from the beginning.
You were really excited to go on tour with them, You had already made many different pieces and I'm really looking forward to seeing them using what you created for them from the beginning. Today was the day of the first show, if you weren't even going to be on stage, you were nervous, you couldn't imagine how they were.
You couldn't contain the tears of emotion when you saw them there, the fans screaming excitedly and a long-time dream coming true, it was an amazing feeling and you were so happy to be part of this somehow.
It wasn't easy to deal with the information about the last situation you had with Eddie, of course, Billy had returned and you had spent less time together but that whole scene never left your mind. You tried to expel the flashes as much as possible while pretending to listen to what Camila was saying.
"Swetie, are you paying attention to me?" She says between a laugh, the music from the celebration party made it hard to hear her.
"Aham." You lie, watching Eddie talk to Warren and another girl you didn't know a few steps away. Camila follows your gaze, and turns with an arched eyebrow.
"What's going on?" She asks, her voice softly.
"I feel like I'll never be able to leave what we had behind me." You felt the words leave your mouth with honesty for the first time in a while.
"Have you told him that?" She asks, looking between you and him.
"I'm pretty sure he hates me, so..." You let out a breath, trying to hold back your tears.
"Eddie could never hate you Y/N."
"How can you be so sure?" You take a sip of your beer, avoiding looking at the distant group.
"Oh honey, if you only knew how many times he told me how he felt... How many songs I heard—
"Songs?" You cut her off, holding her arm. "He wrote songs about me?"
"Many." She responds, stroking his hand with a motherly affection. "You should talk to him."
You gather all your strength to follow her advice, and little by little you get closer to them. Warren is the first to notice you, waving in a comical way for you to come closer, Eddie avoids your eyes, the girl greets you with a small smile.
"Hey guys, the show was amazing." They smile at your congratulations. "I'm really proud of you guys."
"Thank you sunshine." Eddie says, almost regretting using the nickname. "I'm sorry..."
"It's okay." You say under your breath. "Look, can we talk alone for a second?"
"Sure." He turns to Rojas and the curly-haired woman. "I'll be right back."
Automatically you take his hand and guide him to a more private place, it's a few seconds of silence before you know how to start. He doesn't rush you, he just waits for you to feel good to begin with what you had planned.
"I read your letter." That's all you can say, he swallows hard. "I'm sorry it took me so long..."
"It's okay, it doesn't matter anymore." He tries to say, but you cut him off.
"It does! It matters and you know it." Tears manage to fill your eyes. "We matter for each other, you matter to me... And I don't know about you, and I know it's probably too late but I can't forget you."
He takes a step closer to you, never taking his eyes off of you. "What are you saying?"
"I'm saying I love you." A choked laugh comes out of you, it was impossible to contain it all longer.
"Fuck." He holds your face in his hands, touching your foreheads together. "Please, don't mess with me." He jokes.
"I'm done building this wall between us." Her voice was honest, her eyes never stopped staring into his. "I just want to be with you."
He kisses you, a kiss you've missed for years, a connection of souls, an inexplicable feeling. His hands cupped your cheeks and caressed your skin, you pulled him close to feel him after so long. He would always be your point of comfort.
"I love you too." He whispers against your lips, your eyes closed. "I love you so fucking much."
"I know it took a while but I kind of want to stay with you." You joke, he lets out a laugh.
"We can tell our children that we've been dating all this time, they don't need to know about this hiatus" He says while caressing your hair.
"Children?" Rojas' voice made you jump in fright. "Damn, you guys are emotional, huh?"
Hi, I hope you enjoyed it... If you wanted to ask for something my requests are open, and if you want to ask and don't have any ideas check out my prompt list :) xoxo
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camiladnne · 1 year
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So, uh, everything's just back to normal with you guys? I mean, just like that? Sorry, I just, I don't know how could you... DAISY JONES & THE SIX (2023-)
1K notes · View notes
bloodynereid · 1 year
this warren edit on instagram has got me in a chokehold - thought i'd share
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kimpossibly · 1 year
THE CHAIN -> e. roundtree PART ONE: drummers' curse
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PAIRING: eddie roundtree x fem!reader WARNINGS: mentions of minor injuries (NOTE: some warnings for this story include MAJOR spoilers for this series down the line, so I'll put those beneath the cut. If you don't want to get the story spoiled, then just ignore it ― but I did want to provide the chance for you to get an idea of how the story will go later down the line if you have any sensitive topics you'd like to avoid. please prioritize your mental wellbeing!)
AUTHOR'S NOTE: Apologies in advance for making Y/n the drummer and putting Warren on rhythmic guitar. I just loooooooove female drummers. Also can you tell that I love Karen and Camila? Because I love them with alllllll my heart and soul. Another sorry in advance because this one may break your heart a little ― it sure broke mine. NOTES ON THE WORK: I used the timeline from the book, mostly because I couldn't keep track of it in the show haha. I read the book twice before watching what episodes of the show were out, so the lines may blur between the two. For your convenience (and mine, tbh), I'll put the year all the characters were born underneath this note so you can reference it when you need to. I just couldn't keep track honestly. I think in the show they start the band when Graham is fourteen, but in the book he's around 18 when they add Warren on, so it's kind of confusing?? I decided to stick with the book because it was a more physical timeline. Anyways, enough talking, here's your guide! ― YEARS BORN (in order of age) Billy Dunne -> 1947 Camila Dunne -> 1949 Graham Dunne -> 1949 Warren Rhodes -> 1949 Eddie Roundtree -> 1949 Daisy Jones -> 1951 Y/n L/n -> 1951
WARNINGS (SPOILERS INCLUDED): reader has a terminal illness. Discussions about death and loss, depictions of grief, hospitals
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It's no secret that the renowned 1970s band Daisy Jones & The Six went through its fair share of ups and downs. Until their inexplicable split on July 12, 1979, they were undeniably one of the biggest bands in the world. While a more detailed account of the band's history will be recounted in a more thorough transcript, this advanced edition will focus specifically on two of the band members: Eddie Roundtree and Y/n L/n. More specifically, it will focus on their individual and combined roles they played in the band's eventual downfall.
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THE RISE OF THE SIX (1965 - 1972)
GRAHAM: Y/n grew up next door to us. She was a little younger, two years or so, so we never really gave her a second look. Until the day she wandered into our garage during band practice out of nowhere. She practically ripped the drum sticks out of Chuck's hand and just started...wailing on 'em. I mean, she could make your head spin. Here was this thirteen, fourteen year old girl next door, this kid, and she was the best fuckin' drummer we'd seen. I mean, in the neighborhood. She wasn't Mitch Mitchell, but she was the closest thing we had. And she was too good to be shoved in the back with a tambourine. But we couldn't just take Chuck's spot away and hand it over to the new girl.
CHUCK: I knew right then and there that they wanted to give my spot to the new girl. There was no doubt in my mind. And, you know what? I got it. This chick was good. Way too good. Did I feel threatened by her? Hell yeah, I did. And at the time I probably wanted to tell her to screw off, but now...now I get it.
EDDIE: She was good. Amazing, actually. Graham and I looked at each other and knew that she was something we'd be stupid to pass up on.
BILLY: When Chuck told us he wanted out, we were pissed, of course. We were heading off to open for Winters that week. It felt like things were going to look up, just like I always knew they would, and he was ditching. I know now that that wasn't really what it was ― he'd gotten into college, fan-fucking-tastic. It was a good opportunity for him, a sure thing. But right then it felt like a betrayal.
WARREN: So he ditched, and Billy just turned right to Eddie and said, "Go tell Y/n she's in." And he was just...terrified.
EDDIE: I said, "why me?" You know? It wasn't my band, it was Billy's. And here he was, ordering me to tell some new girl she was in. I was fifteen and could barely ask a waitress for ketchup. At the time, that was probably the last thing I wanted to do.
GRAHAM: He asked why it had to be him, and I told him the truth: he was the least intimidating. Billy, you know him. He had a tendency to get too focused on the task at hand and could get a little...harsh. And Warren? He had one of the biggest personalities you could find. He'd scare her off before we had a chance to offer her the spot...[Pauses] I probably could've done it, in all honesty. I just didn't want to screw it up. Eddie was better with words than I was, and we needed her in our band. Badly.
EDDIE: And I remember thinking, "Here goes fucking nothing."
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The doorbell ringing was what got her attention. No one ever used the doorbell. It was always a knock ― that, or someone just walked in. The L/n's front door was hardly ever locked back then. Y/n's mom was a nurse, formerly a school nurse. She didn't want to risk the chance that some kid took a spill and had to limp home on an injured leg. So all the neighborhood knew, if you got hurt playing outside, you could march on over to Miss L/n's place to get yourself fixed up.
Y/n had her own share of walk-ins, too. By the time she was ten, she had seen her mom help out enough kids that she was practically a nurse herself. She could disinfect and bandage and stitch up any old case that walked through her front door. And if someone who was too busted up for first aid? She knew where the keys to the family Winnebago was and how to drive herself and them to the local hospital. She was only fourteen and didn't have a license, but it didn't matter. She was a safer driver than most everyone else on the road.
So when someone rang the doorbell, she assumed that it was someone too injured to knock. She grabbed the car keys and made sure her suture kit was within reach.
When she opened the door, she didn't see the blood and broken bones she was expecting. Instead, Eddie Roundtree stood on her front porch, hands shoved anxiously in his pockets. He looked all right, but that didn't stop her from asking: "You're not hurt, are you?"
"Um. No," Eddie said quickly, taking his hands out of his pockets.
"Okay," she said slowly, eyes narrowing. "Do you want to come in?"
"Yeah, sure."
Y/n turned and walked further into the house, prompting him to close the door and follow her. She led him to the kitchen. "Lemonade? I made it this morning," she offered, already opening the fridge.
EDDIE: That jug of lemonade was bigger than she was. [Laughs] I could barely watch her get it down. I was afraid she'd drop it on her foot. But she just took her time getting it from the fridge to the table. I found out later that her mom bought a pound of lemons a week because Y/n wanted something to offer every kid that came through their front door. [Pauses]. She was just like that.
He gave a nod. Y/n stood on her toes to grab two glasses from the cabinet. She poured one glass, hands shaking from the weight of the jug, and Eddie realized that this awkward silence was probably the best time to transition into his real reason for visiting.
"Chuck left the band."
"Oh," she said simply. "Sorry."
"Don't be."
She paused, looking confused. And Eddie, who's will to live was slowly draining from this conversation alone, raced to finish what he had (awkwardly) started.
"I just mean that...you're in. The band. If you want to be our drummer, you're in."
Y/n paused mid-pour, setting the pitcher down on the counter carefully. She turned around until her back pressed into the kitchen counter, arms crossed over her chest. "And you thought I'd jump at the chance to join?"
"No. No," Eddie said quickly. "We just wanted to offer you the spot if you still wanted it."
"Did I say that I wanted it?"
"No, but―"
"Okay, just making sure," she handed him a glass and hopped up onto the counter, crossing her legs underneath her. "So you need a drummer?"
"Yes. Badly."
She took a sip from her glass and paused, as if weighing her options in her mind. She swallowed. "Are there any other girls in the band yet?"
EDDIE: Yet. Like she knew it was going to happen. It was just a matter of time.
"No, not yet." he replied.
"Then be honest with me: are you guys sleazeballs?"
EDDIE: Sleazeballs. She didn't sugarcoat things. She wanted to know if we were creeps or if we'd let her play drums in peace. I get that, one hundred percent. but back then, it felt like she was trying to accuse us of something.
"No," he said quickly, "Well...Warren can be a little much, but he means well."
She took another slow sip, once again weighing her options in her mind. "When's your next gig?"
"We play pretty much every night, wherever we can find. It might take us a bit to teach you the songs, but―"
"I can learn them," she said confidently. "How soon do you need someone?"
"Soon as possible."
EDDIE: By then, I was terrified she'd say no. All these questions and never once did she seem really interested in joining. I was already trying to figure out which of us would be the least shit at the drums.
"Okay. I'm in."
EDDIE: And that was it. She said yes. I didn't appreciate how much she'd saved our asses right then, but I was relieved. That was for sure.
GRAHAM: Eddie came back, told us she said yes. She couldn't join practice until her mom got home ― she didn't want the house to be empty if some injured kid wandered by ― so we had about an hour and a half to teach her every song.
BILLY: She picked 'em up like [snaps] that. Never doubted it for a single second, either. Once she knew it, she knew it.
EDDIE: She showed up to the first gig in overalls and sneakers. She let Camila put a little makeup on her, too, but we could all tell she hated it.
CAMILA: She was sweet. And, surprisingly, a little shy. I could tell she was a little scared of the boys. That's why she was a little cold to them at first. But she was just the coolest kid. I mean, fourteen years old and joining a rock band? She was a little rockstar, right off the bat. She asked me to put some makeup on her before her first gig with the band. When I gave her a mirror after and asked her what she thought, she said, "I like it, but it makes me feel like a doll. Not a drummer." She liked the glitter the most, though. It became her trademark. She put it on her cheeks, in her hair, everywhere that would catch the light. She'd come off stage and you'd see a little pile of sparkles behind the drum set.
EDDIE: Right off the bat, first gig. It was enough to freak anyone out. She joined the band six hours ago, learned the songs three hours ago, and now she was playing in a club to a couple dozen people. It seems so small now, but back then? It was like starting at Wembley.
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Y/n shook out her hands for the eighth time. It wasn't about loosening up for the gig anymore, she just needed something to do that didn't involve throwing a punch or screaming at the top of her lungs. She looked up at Billy, standing at the front of the group, cool and calm as ever, and she had the distinct urge to kick him in the shin. Why did he get to be so calm when she was right behind him, on the verge of throwing up?
She turned to anxiously twisting a single drum stick between her fingers, around and around, faster and faster. Eventually it became so mindless that she barely noticed as the stick slipped from her fingers, clattering to the floor. She bent to retrieve it quickly, hoping no one had noticed.
But, of course, someone did.
"Hey," Eddie said, looking back at her.
"Warren knocked it out of my hands." she said quickly.
Eddie glanced over at Warren, who was a solid two feet ahead of her, physically unable to have knocked a drum stick out of her hands. Y/n knew from that glance that he could see right through her lie. Now she really wasn't in the mood to talk.
EDDIE: She was terrified. And she was lying her ass off about it. I didn't want to run the risk that she choked up in the middle of the show and screwed up our set. So I figured I'd just, talk. And if she wanted me to screw off, she'd tell me. She had a way of saying exactly what she wanted.
"You've heard of the Drummer's Curse, right?" he asked.
She frowned in a way that told him no, she did not.
"First, there's the obvious stuff: drummers have to lug around the most shit out of anyone in the band. Drums sets are heavy and expensive, so there's that. But the worst part is that they're easy to overlook, you know? They're at the back of the stage behind all this shit, everyone stands in front of 'em. Drummers can fade into the background real easy. The best drummers can outshine anyone else onstage. You'll do that one day, but if you're freaked out now, just let yourself fade a little. You'll play better than anyone up there and the crowd'll know it, but you can let them focus on someone else if you want. You get what I'm saying?"
EDDIE: For a second, I thought she was going to punch me.
But then she nodded, wiped off some of the pink lipstick Camila had put on her with the back of her hand, and pushed her bangs to the side. "Drummers' Curse, huh?"
"Some people believe in it, some don't."
"And you?" she asked, turning to him. "Do you believe in that kind of stuff?"
Eddie paused. Shrugged. "Sure. Seems true enough to me."
Y/n nodded. "I don't. It sounds like bullshit to me."
Eddie frowned. She looked up at him. "I'm not going to let myself fade because I'm scared. I signed up for this, you know. The least I can do is own my place. If I outshine you, it's just because I'm that good," she said matter-of-factly. "I will need help carrying the stuff, though."
EDDIE: I didn't know what to say. I mean, [laughs] what the hell do you say to that?
He felt like he'd had the rug pulled out from under him. And then, he surprised himself: he laughed.
And Y/n surprised herself then, too ― she smiled.
EDDIE: That was just...[Shakes head. Smiles.] I don't know.
"I think we can manage that." he said with a smile.
"Ladies and gentlemen...The Dunne Brothers!"
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WARREN: If I were still the guy I was back then, I would completely undersell her to you right now. I'd tell you she was an average drummer who was more in it for the thrill than the craft. But that wasn't it at all. She got up there and she just...shined.
GRAHAM: We all knew she'd be scared before the first gig. In fact, she looked about ready to throw up when they announced us on stage. But the second she hit those lights, it was like she was a different person. She waved and smiled like she'd done it a hundred times. The only other person I'd seen do that ― I mean really become another person on stage ― is Billy.
BILLY: That first show with Y/n was a little bit of a trainwreck. We were at least a half beat behind the entire show. And I'm not saying I blame her, but she was new and shiny. We got through it just fine, but I think we all felt it wasn't our best show.
WARREN: That show was bitchin'.
GRAHAM: It was a great show.
WARREN: Back in those days, we'd get off stage and start cheering for ourselves like we'd just won the goddamn lottery. Somewhere along the way, that stopped. We'd just pat each other on the back, say 'good job,' and that was that. But when Y/n got backstage? She was screaming and yelling like it was the best night of her life. And all of us joined in without a second thought ― well, maybe all of us except Billy. He was kind of a hard ass, even then. None of us had ever heard this girl talk louder than a glorified whisper, and then she came out of nowhere with this full-body scream. And who did she run to? Well, I think you can guess.
CAMILA: She just about jumped into Eddie's arms.
Adrenaline is a funny thing. For one, the effect is had on different people can be vastly different depending on who it was. Some people mellowed out, some people amped up. Y/n fell into the second category.
The second she got off the stage, a giddy laugh ripped from her chest, turning more into a scream of triumph halfway through. She was buzzing. Literally. Her hands felt numb ― or, more accurately, they felt like they felt more. Everything she touched was sharp and blinding.
The next person to join in on the screaming and jumping around was Warren. Then Graham. Then Eddie. And then, reluctantly, Billy. Eddie was the last to come off stage, slinging his guitar off his shoulders, and Y/n, without thinking much about it, ran straight to him, leaping directly into his unsuspecting arms.
The others were too hyped up on their own adrenaline rushes to notice that anything out of the ordinary had happened. She wrapped her legs around his waist hanging onto him like a koala. And Eddie, who couldn't deny adrenaline, held onto her back without a second thought.
After a moment, she leaned back, arms still wrapped around his neck, faces inches apart. "Drummers' curse, huh?"
EDDIE: She didn't fade. She couldn't, not even if she tried.
Eddie just smiled and shook his head. "Sounds like bullshit to me."
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ssweeterthanfiction · 3 months
Wait for your love.
Content Warnings (for throughout the story not much this chapter tho): Mentions of alcohol and drugs, mental health issues, parental issues, age-gap, billy dunne being toxic but we love him��🏼
↳ currently playing ;
New Girl - 1976
0:56 ——•——��————— 3:24
↺       <<          ll          >>     ⋮≡
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In the spring of ‘76, a new face emerged on the music scene. With a unique, angelic voice, it didn’t take long for her song “supernatural” to blow up. And now, freshly off a plane from New York to L.A, she was ready to take a chance at stardom.
Karen: “Oh yea, we had all heard of her. She has a great voice, a great look, personality, she’s just a really good person.”
Eddie: “Hm? Oh, her…yea she was great. Talented singer, yea…”
Graham: “Warren said he had known her as a kid, no one believed him of course.”
Warren: “I’ve known her since forever. Our moms used to be really good friends. Met in college I think. But yea, really talented girl.”
Daisy: “Fucking amazing. Super talented, and just such a beautiful person to be around.”
Billy: “She’s great, talented, pretty. There really isn’t enough words to describe her. But she is…something.”
Graham: “We were working on the new album, and with Daisy as the new edition, things were going…semi-smoothly. Til the label said we should add a feature. Billy of course didn’t think we needed another edition, but everyone else as always went against what he thought. And Warren said he knew someone that would be perfect. After one phone call, he said we had our feature, and that she would be arriving in a few days…That next afternoon she walked into the studio…and I’m not going to lie…I thought Priscilla fucking Presley had walked into our studio.”
‿︵‿︵୨˚̣̣̣͙୧ - - ୨˚̣̣̣͙୧‿︵‿︵
It was a warm spring day. The skies were clear and the sun shined brightly. You stood outside of the studio, your future in the industry relied on this feature. At least that’s what you told yourself.
Taking a deep breath, smoothing out your dress, you walked in. Looking around for a second you took in the new environment. Then you saw the band. Daisy Jones and The Six. Shaking off your nerves you walked over to them. Right as you were about to say something. The guitarist looked at you. “You lost sweetheart?” he said as he put his guitar down.
“I don’t think I am. This is the Six’s studio right?” you say looking around again. “I’m (y/n), Warren called me for-“
“(y/n)!” Warren called out, walking over to you and giving you a hug. “I didn’t think you’d be here so soon.” laughing as he ruffles your hair. “Well when you called it sounded urgent so I hopped on the first flight out.” you say, nudging his arm away.
Warren rolls his eyes and laughs. “Well let me introduce you to everybody, this is Graham, that’s Karen, Eddie, Daisy’s over there, and Billy…is somewhere around here.” You smile at everyone. “It’s so nice to meet you all, I can’t wait to work with you guys.”
It all felt right to you. This feature is what was going to bring you to fame.
“You’re the girl that wrote ‘supernatural’, right?” you hear Karen say. “Yes, yes I did” you say proudly. “It’s a great song, you’ve got a great voice” she says with a smile.
You felt happy. This. This is what you’ve wanted your whole life. To be known for your music. And right as you were about to thank her, a man in an all denim outfit walked into the room. It was clear he was hungover or something.
“Look who finally decided to show up.” you hear Eddie mumble under his breath. “Fuck you say Roundtree?” the man says as he glares at Eddie. Eddie scoffs and rolls his eyes, clearly not wanting to argue. “That’s what I thought.” the man says. Finally, he acknowledges your presence. He looks at you up and down, going from your white gogo boots to your eyes. You felt a weird feeling in your stomach. You couldn’t tell if it was butterflies or if it was something else, you felt drawn to him. But some little voice in your head was screaming that this was bound to go wrong.
“(y/n), this is Billy Dunne, Graham’s brother. Billy, this is (y/n)(l/n), our new feature.” Warren says as he lights a cigarette.
Billy looks you up and down again. “This is our new feature?” he says, skepticism filling his voice. “We’re writing a rock album, not pop.” He walks closer to you, the smell of alcohol, cigarettes, and cologne radiating off of him. Warren takes a drag of his cigarette. “Give her a chance, she has a great voice.”
Billy looked irritated, he already had to add Daisy as an official member, and now here you were. He rolls his eyes. “Fine whatever” he mutters under his breath.
Just like that, you were officially going to be a feature for their album. And now you were a part of the life of Billy fucking Dunne.
Finally the first chapter is up!! I hope u guys liked it, (ik it’s not the best but i’m going to get better trust🙏) took me a while to get it up because I just kept trying to figure out how to like set the stage but I figured this would be the best way. Anyways apologies for it being so short and for taking so long to upload it but next chapter should be a tad bit longer since you guys will get to see the interviews from reader :) but yea hope u guys enjoyed 🫶🏼
btw does anyone have any idea at what kinda nickname to give reader? i cannot think of anything😭 if u guys have any ideas send me them through my asks! (i think it’s open)
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this girl comes up to me and unbuttons her shirt and says "sign me" so I signed her.
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swiftgreatest · 1 year
my next work with eddie roundtree will be my favorite of my all works, i really hope u guys like. inspired by a taylor swift song because i love this woman so much
edit: GUYS IT'S DONE!!! hope u like
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