#edit: his hand was too big and it was bugging me
faygos · 4 months
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john doodle in my car this morning
312 notes · View notes
samandcolbyownme · 3 months
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Summary: Reader gives Colby the cold shoulder for something that happened years ago, only to come to terms with what they want to do about it.
Warnings: SMUT18+, strong language, reader is kind of snippy with Colby, alcohol consumption, slight name calling, use of pet names, hair pulling, choking, oral (f rec), unprotected slightly intoxicated sex, just filth
This honestly did go the way I wanted it to, so might rewrite it later on or something. I don’t know, but there's going do be a point in this one shot to where I add more warnings. You'll understand when you come to it. Enjoy! 🖤
Word count: 6.3 | not edited
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"You rented out a club?" You raise your brows, "Wow, you really do plan on celebrating." You put the straw of your iced coffee between your lips.
"Yeah, well this is a big thing to be celebrating." Sam laughs, "I just.. I know you and Colby don't really get along.. so I just-"
You put your hand up, "I can tolerate him for you, Sam. So, no worries. It's just when he-"
"Well, well, well, look who we have here."
You roll your eyes, pointing behind you, "That."
"Hey." Sam says leaning back into the couch, "Where were you?" Colby sits down on the arm of your chair, knowing that it will bug the shit out of you, "I went down to the club, talked to the owner."
"Without me?" Sam tilts his head, "I figured, since you and Princess here-" he nods towards you and you roll your eyes, "-were busy planning this, I would take the liberty of going down and paying the down payment."
"Oh shit." Sam looks at you and you nod, "I totally forgot."
"See. Don't worry. I'm not just worried about partying." He winks at you and you slowly look towards Sam, "Can I strangle him now?"
Sam laughs, "Can you wait until after the party's over?"
You nod, "I guess I can strangle him with a streamer or something."
Colby laughs, "Don't threaten me with a good time." You scoff, standing up, "I'm going shopping. I need a dress for tomorrow night."
"Oh, can I come, too? I need to find a nice shirt." Sam leans forward and you nod, "You can. But he can't."
"What did I do to be punished by staying home?" Colby raises his hands and you laugh, "By Colby being Colby."
You were actually surprised when Colby didn't follow you guys out the door.
"So what's your deal with Colby, really? You never really filled me in on that. All I know is that you just hate him." Sam asks as he buckles up.
You laugh, "I know he's your friend, brother, bestie, whatever, but he just gets on my last nerve. Every single time he's around me."
Sam laughs, "Have you ever thought that maybe he likes you?"
"Did he say he likes me?" You glance over at Sam as you drive and Sam shakes his head, "No. I'm just asking if you ever thought about it."
"Now I'm thinking maybe you should have joined him." You mumble with a laugh, "No, I mean. I guess I never really thought- no. No. I don't. Next subject please."
Sam laughs, shaking his head, "Oh yeah. You guys like each other. You just don't know it yet."
You roll your eyes, "Yeah, tell that to the multiple girls in his phone."
Sam sighs, "Colby isn't what you think. Now, I'm not sticking up for him when he constantly picks on you, but at the same time, he doesn't act the way he acts with you when he's with other people."
"Other girls, you mean." You smirk slightly and sam nods, "Well, yeah."
You sigh, "It's like he knows he annoys me and he just uses that to his advantage at really getting under my skin."
"You let him."
You look at Sam, "No I don't."
"Yes you do."
"Do fucking not."
He laughs, "Do fucking to."
"I'm done talking." You lay your hand over your mouth, "Actually- no. Nevermind."
Sam laughs, "As I said. You guys like each other. You just don't know it yet."
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
"I think I'm just going to settle with this mesh romper style looking dress." You hang the other dresses up and Sam tilts his head, "Do you like that one?"
You shrug, "I mean it's com-" your phone ringing catches your attention and you roll your eyes when you see it's Colby.
"Out of me and Sam. You had to call me?" You say as you bring the phone to your ear.
"Yeah, because I knew it would bug you." Colby laughs, "Can you do me a favor?"
"It depends." You look at Sam and he tilts his head, "What's up?"
You shrug, holding up your pointer finger.
"Can you pick me up a shirt? Like a nice button up or something? You know what I like to wear."
"Really. Why didn't you just-"
Colby cuts you off, "Now before you finish that sentence, remember who banished me from coming along. So consider this.." he hums, "I don't know, payback?"
You fight back laughter, "Go to hell, Colby."
"Hell with you sounds like heaven to me. See ya when you get back, Princess."
And with that, Colby hangs up.
You look at Sam, "I guess we have to pick up Colby a shirt for Saturday, too." He laughs and sighs, "I knew that was going to happen."
"And you didn't say anything before?" You say as you walk back over to the dress section. Sam shrugs, "I like to see how things play out."
You roll your eyes, "I hate you sometimes."
Sam slings his arm over your shoulder, "We both know that that isn't true."
You laugh, "Whatever you say." You look through the dresses and gasp slightly when you come across a navy blue dress with chain straps that cross in the back, "Nevermind. I like this one better."
You put the other one on the rack, picking up the blue one, "Alright, now to find you and douche bag a shirt."
"You can be so nice sometimes." Sam laughs and you look at him, "I know, right."
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
"Yo Colby. We're back." Sam yells as you walk into the house.
You close the door, looking around to find the house empty, or so you thought.
"Colby?" Sam yells again and you point to the steps, "I'll run up and put his shirt in his room."
You dig through the bag and pull out his shirt. You sling it over your shoulder as you move up the steps.
You let out a sigh as you reach the top, turning to walk down the hall. You twist the knob, pushing the door open and you freeze when you see a shirtless Colby sitting at his computer with his headphones on.
After a few seconds, you blink, breaking your stare and you clear your throat. You throw the shirt at him and he jumps, whipping his head over to look at you.
"Jesus Christ, y/n." He laughs as he pulls his headphones down around his neck. He pulls the shirt off his shoulder and the back of the chair.
"Sam yelled for you twice." You lean against the door frame, "Does that reach your standards?"
Colby holds up the split, two tone skull button up, "I knew I could count on you." He looks back at you and you roll your eyes, "Uh huh. You're welcome."
As you go to close the door, Colby stops you, "Hey, wait a second."
"Yeah?" You blink slowly, looking at him.
"Why don't you hang out with me for a while? I can promise I'm not as bad as you think." He spins towards you and you suck air through your teeth, "Something tells me that sticking my hand in vat of acid would hurt less than being alone with you."
"Um.." he tilts his head, shaking it slightly, "Ouch?" He laughs and raises his hands, "Why do you despise me so much?"
No one knows the real reason, you refuse to tell anyone why. It felt silly, but at the same time.. it felt like it was best to keep it between you and only you.
Younger you, the one that Colby, unknowingly, broke the heart of, was holding a grudge, to say the least.
So you put up a wall.
You made Colby the enemy so you wouldn't fall for him like you did years ago.
"I just.. have better things to do than g-" you stop yourself, "I have plans, dinner plans with friends."
"Yeah? Where at?" Colby smirks and you roll your eyes, "Kris, Celina, and I are going to that new place that opened on Fifth."
"Hmm. I see. Well you three have fun."
You nod, turning around and pulling the door shut, and you mentally curse yourself because Sam was right.
You do, infact, allow him to get under your skin because a part of you, a big part, is still madly in love with him.
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
As you walk into your apartment from dinner with friends, your phone chimes in your purse. You let out a sigh, closing the door before setting your purse on the stand and digging out your phone.
You smirk slightly when you see it's a text from Colby, So, how was dinner? Is that place worth going to?
You kick your shoes off, walking over to the couch and plopping down, I mean.. yeah. It was worth it I'd say.
You set your phone down, switching on your tv, but your mind can't focus on what's playing. Instead, it focuses on what Sam said earlier on in the day.
"You two like each other, you just don't know it yet."
You start questioning everything, Was he implying that Colby liked you? Could you be able to open up to him again? Why didn't he seen that you liked him before? Was there something wrong with you back then?
Colby was the first person you ever felt love for. When you seen him with, not just another girl, but with your friend that knew you liked him - it shattered you.
That first heartbreak was the worst, and since you were friends with Sam, it followed you.
Haunted you for all these years.
You phone dings and you blink, looking over at it. You pick it up and laugh weakly as your eyes scan over Colby's texts.
We should drag Sam there before we head to the club on Saturday.
So now I'm getting radio silence?
Come on, Princess. You can't ignore me, we're so in love, remember?
You bring your phone down, resting in your lap as you type, you know that I hate you right?
You start to type out a message, Actually, Colby. I take that back. I don't actually hate you I-
You stop once you see Colby's message pop up, you know, I once heard that enemies make the best lovers.
You delete your half written text, replacing it, oh yeah? Where did you hear that from? The little voice inside of your head.
You laugh slightly and toss your phone down, getting up to go get a drink. By the time you come back, you have two new messages.
Of course from Colby.
Hey, that man is smart. At times. Don't judge me.
Listen, can we hang out? I think we can get along just fine.
You read his message, debating on what you should do. Of course you want to hang out with him, but that little piece of you wants to keep pushing him away.
By the time you start typing out a lie, there's a knock on your door.
You walk over, looking out of the peep hole and sighing as you open the door, "You're relentless, Brock."
"Yet.. you still open the door for me." He smirks as he walks in, "I always forget how small your apartment is."
You close the door, "You know you can leave at any-"
"Relax, princess. I'm joking." He smirks as he shrugs off his black leather jacket, "So whatcha have good for dinner?"
You watch as he walks over to the couch, sitting down, "Um. I just had.. the pasta."
Fight it.
No, tell him. Tell him how you really feel.
No. You have to fight it. He's your enemy. He broke your heart.
He doesn't know that.
You shake your head, huffing as you get the little angel and demon on your shoulders to shut up.
"What did you say?" You tilt your head, "Sorry. I'm just really tired."
"Mhm." Colby hums, "I asked how fancy the place was."
You walk over, sitting on the opposite end of the couch, "Eh, I mean it's more like a business casual type place? I don't know. We just showed up how we all normally dress and no one batted an eye, so I don't really think it matters."
Colby stares at you and you look at him, "What?"
A smile grows on his face a slowly, "That's the nicest you've ever been to be."
"Oh fuck off." You laugh, "What are you doing here anyway?"
Colby leans back against the couch, extending his arm over the back, "I told you I wanted to hang out."
Your eyes scan over his ring covered fingers, "Yeah, I was going to tell you-"
"A lie." He says cutting you off, "yeah. I figured that's why I didn't give you an option." He laugh, "I know I can be hard to deal with sometimes, but I think if we can work whatever your issue is with me, we can be decent friends."
"It's not.." you sigh, "I just.." you struggle to come up with something and Colby calls you out, "It's not.. you just.. what? What?" He laughs, "Do you like me? Are you nervous and you try to cover it up with being mean to me?"
You laugh, "You're ridiculous." You look at him, "Me.. liking you? Please."
"Would that be such a bad thing?" He shrugs, "I mean, honesty is the best policy, right?"
"I thought you came here to hang out, not interrogate me." You roll your eyes, fighting back a smile. Colby raises his hands, "Yeah, right. Sorry."
"So this party." You lean back and look at him, "Who all is going to be there?"
"Usually the same ones who are at the others. Me, you. Sam. Jake and Johnnie. Tara. Oh." He snaps, "We got the triplets to come."
You raise your brows, "You guys Nick, Chris, and Matt to come? Wow. Look at you. Moving up in the world." You tease with a laugh, "so I'm sure it'll be fun."
He nods, "I'm hoping."
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
A few hours later you wake up, blanket over your body and the end credits to the movie rolling on the tv screen.
You sit up, looking around, but Colby is no where to be found.
You reach for your phone to check the time, but see a message from Colby. You click on it, opening the text to see a picture of you asleep on the couch, you look so pretty when you sleep.
Although it was a sweet gesture, your wall is still up around yourself, you'll look pretty after I stab you.
You set your phone down, standing up to go change into comfier clothes.
As you come back, your phone dings, but it's not who you think.
It's from Sam, So how'd it go?
You instantly respond, Did you tell him to come here?
Sam answers, I'm not telling you anything until you tell me how it went.
You sit back down, laughing, He's alive isn't he.
You go back to Colby's thread and read what he sent, Again, don't threaten me with a good time.
You roll your eyes, laughing slightly as you lay back down to go to sleep.
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
It's been, radio silence, all day.
Nothing from Sam.
Nothing from Colby, which is actually kind of surprising.
"Hey." Tara calls out, "I'm here. Where are you?"
"Bedroom." You yell from the comfort of your bed, knowing that that's going to get destroyed once the door opens.
"What are you doing in bed still?" Tara asks walking over, "Come on! Time to get ready to par-tay!" She walks over, opening your curtains and you groan, "Five more minutes."
You roll over but Tara climbs onto you, "Hey."
You look up at her, "What."
She tilts her head, "What's going on with you?" You roll your eyes, shaking your head, "Nothing. I just didn't sleep well last night."
"Why?" Tara whines, shaking your shoulders slightly and you groan, letting out a sigh, "If you get off of me, I'll tell you."
She moves off, sitting next to you and she pushes her glasses up onto her nose, "Okay. Spill."
You sit up, "You can't tell anyone. I haven't ever told anyone this before, not even Sam."
"Yeah, okay whatever. Now tell me."
"You know how.. I've always given Colby the cold shoulder?" You look up at her and she laughs, "Yeah, I think it's funny."
"Well, it's.."
"Come on, spit it out. We're losing daylight here. I still need to try on dresses." Tara pushes your leg and word vomit spills from your mouth in a non stop string.
"Colby broke my heart a few years back and I don't think he knows and ever since then I've been holding a grudge against him. I basically made him my enemy so I didn't get close to him again and it's all because I love him and I really don't want to feel the heartache I felt the first time around."
Tara stares at you, blinking as she processes everything you just spat at her.
"I haven't said anything because it just felt... silly? I don't know. He came over last night and all I wanted to do was keep pushing him away but that other part of me wants to tell him but I just.. can't. Do. It."
"Well.." Tara leans back and you know something bad is going to come out of her mouth, "what."
She purses her lips, "I think this is a bad time to t-"
"Just say it."
"Colby has a date tonight."
You feel your heart sink, but anger rises up quickly.
Mainly at yourself, but some towards Colby for the way he made everything feel different in the course of a day.
It feels like a repeat of what happened years ago.
"Oh." You purse your lips, "Hmm."
"I don't think it's anything serious, I-"
You just Tara off, "No. it's okay." You get up, "I'm fine. Just.." you sigh, "Please don't tell anyone. I'm serious."
She holds her hands up, "I promise. But you.." she points to you, "..missy, you need to handle this yourself."
You nod, "Yeah. I'll just.. let the alcohol do the talking." You laugh, grabbing your things for a shower.
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
You hear the music growing louder as you walk closer to the club from the car.
Your heart racing harder the more you anticipate seeing Colby with his hands all over his date.
You smile to the bouncer as you walk in, laughing as Tara dances next to you. You greet people, smiling and saying hey as you make your way around.
"Oh there's Sam!" Tara waves her hand at him, and as people in the crowd move, you see Colby standing next to a brunette at the bar.
Your jaw clenches, "Can you get me a drink?" Tara looks at you, "Yeah, what do you want?"
"Whatever, just make it a double." You watch as she walks away and you move into the corner of the club, sitting down on the chair.
It's not long after that Sam walks up to you, "That doesn't look like the happy face of someone who helped me plan this."
You look up at him as he sits on the small table in front of you, giving him a slight laugh, "No I'm happy about this."
"But you're not happy about.."
You tilt your head, "You were right."
A small smirk grows on Sam's lips, "Do you want to clarify exactly, or.." he laughs as you glare at him, "Sam."
"Yeah, I don't know why he's hanging out with her tonight. We both agreed to just come together."
"Really? Tara told me-"
"Here you go, y/n." Tara hands you or drink and you immediately suck half of it down, "Oh god, I needed that." 
You look back up at Tara but she's gone, already dancing with people on the dance floor.
Sam reaches out, punching your knee, "Do you wanna go somewhere and talk?" You put your straw between your lips and nod.
You get up, following Sam to a room on the side and he closes the door.
Little do you know, you have Colby's full attention.
"Alright, gimme the tell all." Sam rubs his hands together and you laugh slightly, "A few years ago.. something happened with Colby and it stuck with me."
Sam's face falls slightly, "What happened?"
"I.. liked Colby. A lot. Like, he was my first love, basically. I thought he liked me too, and then he got with-"
Sam cuts you off, "Stella. I remember that." He nods, "Why didn't you say anything?"
"I didn't think I had to." You blurt out, sucking down the rest of your alcohol, "God. Now I'm mad that I'm out of alcohol."
Sam chuckles, "Alright. Let's go get you more and you just .. enjoy the party you helped me plan, okay?"
You take a deep breath, nodding as you look at him, "I'm sorry."
He shakes his head, "It's fine. Come on." He walks over, opening the door and the loudness floods in. You walk out, heading straight for the bar.
The bartender points to you and you lean in, "Can I get a double captain and coke please." He nods and walks away to make it.
You tap the bar as you wait and you feel someone walk up next to you, "What'd ya order?"
"Double captain." You say, eyes glued to the bottles of alcohol on the shelf across from you.
"Going heavy from the start, huh?" Colby asks leaning down, "Are you okay?"
You look at him, "Yeah. I'm great." You force a smile and look away from him, taking your drink and bringing the straw to your lips.
"Slow down, you'll get-"
You cut Colby off, "Don't you have a date to worry about?"
Colby cocks his jaw, "Mm. I see."
"See what?" You snap and before Colby can answer, you feel a hand around your wrist and you're pulled from the bar.
"Come on, tiger. Now's not the time." Tara says looking back at you. You bring your drink up, sucking as much down as you can before you stop.
"Dance. You need to settle." Tara starts to dance and you can't help but laugh, feeling a bit looser from the first drink settling in quickly.
You force yourself to not look at Colby, keeping your distance because your anger wants to lash out.
You were pissed all over again from him being so oblivious the first time around.
You were pissed about him coming over last night, making things feel like they could be alright.
You were pissed you even thought about letting your guard down.
"Another double captain and Coke." You slide your empty glass on the bar and look behind you as you hear the music die down.
Everyone starts to cheer when Sam walks up on to the small stage, followed by Colby.
"Thank you guys so much for being here." Sam starts out, "You know, I want to say a huge thank you to someone who's here tonight. Without her, we couldn't have planned this party like this. Y/n." Sam pauses, looking around, "Where are ya?"
You raise your hand and Sam starts speaking, "There she is. Everyone please give y/n a hand because she's the one who made this party happen."
You smile, looking around and you take your drink as soon as it's sets down on the bar.
The music starts to play loudly again and Sam makes his way through the crowd, "Hey. You doing okay?"
You laugh, "Oh yeah. Feeling much better."
He laughs, "I think you should talk to Colby." You take a deep breath, "I've moved past it." He raises a brow, "Have you?"
You groan, "No."
Sam leans in, "Tara made that girl leave, per Colby's request."
You turn your head, looking at Sam, "Really?"
Sam nods, "Mhm."
You found yourself wanting to kiss Sam, but you knew that wouldn't be a good thing, "Um.." you lean back, "Yeah.. I.."
Sam tilts his head, "What's up?"
You shake your head, "N-nothing. I think.. after this one.. I'm done.." you laugh, looking down at your full glass.
Sam laughs, "I see. Well, whenever you want to talk to Colby, just text me."
You turn towards Sam, placing your hand on his arm, "Can you be there? Just in case things.. get out of hand?"
He nods, "anything for you." He winks and smiles before he walks away.
You turn to the bar, staring down at the dark wood and now there's even more questions.
Why do you suddenly feel attacked to Sam?
Why did you want to kiss him?
"Fuck." You groan lowly, "What the fuck." You push yourself from the bar and walk to find the bathroom.
You walk in, taking a deep breath as the loudness drowns out, giving you a moment to think.
You pull out your phone, clicking on Sam's name. You try to type out a message, but nothing seems to sound right.
Your head starts to spin as more thoughts roll in and you lean against the wall.
The only way you were going to get any answers to the questions you have, is by talking to them.
You unlock your phone, sending a text to Sam, Okay, where do I have to go?
You hold your phone to your chest as you wait for an answer, which doesn't take long, Meet me by the stage.
You put your phone in your purse and pull open the door, walking down the small steps and around to the stage.
As you're looking around, you run into someone and when you look up, you see Sam smiling down at you, "Hey."
You smile forgetting all of your emotions for a split second, "Hey."
But it's all brought back when Sam nods, "Come on, follow me." You follow him past the bar, in through a door that leads you to a small corridor with three doors on either side.
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Sam walks you to the last one, pushing the door open.
You follow him in, the room is lit red and Colby is sitting in a chair, chin rested in his palm, "About time."
"Sorry. I gave her time to be ready." Sam says as he closes the door behind you.
Your eyes stay on Colby and he looks at you, "What's up, Princess?"
You tilt your head, a billion things you want to say first racing through your mind.
You feel hands on your arms, gently rubbing up and down, "Just tell him." Sam whispers, "Tell him everything you told me."
If your heart could beat out of your chest, it would be on the floor right now.
"I'm.. so mad at you." You start, "I'm so fucking, unbelievably mad at you for breaking my heart and not even caring that it stuck with me all these years."
Colby nods, allowing you to continue, "You were my first love, and my first heartbreak. How did you not notice that I was head over heels for you?"
You pause, taking a breath, Sam's hands still on your arms, "I built a wall. Treated you like an enemy all because I fucking love you, but you made me too scared to even want to get close to you again."
Colby stands up, walking over to you, "What do you want, princess."
You lean back into Sam, his head resting on the back of yours, "I-I want.." you look up at Colby, "You."
A smirk grows on his lips and he pulls his lower one between his teeth. He brushes a strand of hair from your face, "Just me?"
You stare at him, kind of nervous to tell him about how you felt about Sam just a little bit ago.
Colby tilts his head, "You sure about that? I seen the way you were looking at him at the bar.." his hand travels up and down your bicep, "The way you're leaning into his touch right now."
You think about pulling away from Sam but you don't want to.
"Why do you think you've always been the only girl in my life?" Sam asks as he rests his chin on your shoulder, "Why do you think I'm always asking you to move out of that small ass apartment and into the spare room at our place?"
"Y-You.." you think for a moment, "You both want me?"
Colby nods, "Why do you think Sam was so persistent on getting you to be okay with me?"
"You talk?" You laugh slightly, "of course you do."
"We want you." Sam whispers, lips brushing against your cheek, "Do you want us?"
You bite your lip, eyes staying on Colby's for a few seconds. He leans in, inches away from your face, "What do you say, princess?"
You reach up, pulling Colby in to close the space. Your tongues dance together in a passionate motion before he leans back, "Atta girl."
"Now that we got that out of the way." Sam spins you towards him, cupping your cheeks before he plants his lips onto yours.
Your hands move to the sides of his neck, pushing your body against his. His hands slide down, gripping your waist, "I can wait my turn." He mumbles leaning back, "I wanna watch you and Colby make up."
He spins you around and Colby lifts you off the ground, your legs finding their way around his hips.
"Is that okay?" Colby asks as he walks over to the long couch.
"Is what okay?" You question and Colby chuckles, "That Sam watches me fuck you?"
You nod quickly, "But what about your party?"
Colby shakes his head and lays you down on the couch, "Fuck the party. We're having more fun in here."
You smirk and tilt your head as his lips connect to your neck, biting and marking up your skin with deep, purple marks.
You let out a moan, fluttering your eyes closed as you feel him grind against you through the thin layer of your panties, "Colby." You whimper, "Please."
He lifts his head, "Please what, princess?"
You grip the collar of his shirt, the one you bought for him, "I need you."
"All in good time, my love." He pecks your lips, reaching back to unhook your leg from around him, "I want to see what you've been withholding from me for all these years."
He grabs your hands, pulling you up so your back is now against the back part of the couch. He moves down to his knees, in between yours and his hands slide up your thighs.
You glance over at Sam who's intently watching the scene unfold.
You bite your lip, smirking slightly as you turn your head to look down at Colby. You lift your hips as his fingers hook in between your skin and the band.
He drags them down and you pull your one leg out, letting them hang off your high heel covered foot.
He lifts your legs onto his shoulder and you scoot down slightly, biting your lip as you anticipate his lips on your clit.
You tilt your head back, letting out a moan as he sucks and flicks his tongue over it, groaning against you as he tilts his head down to lick in between your folds.
"Fuck." Sam whispers off to the side.
You reach your arm out, lifting your head to look at him as your breathing quickens and you grip the cushion with your other hand.
Sam moves over, sitting down next to you. His arm goes over the back of the couch, behind your head and he grips your chin to plant his lips on yours.
He swallows your moans that are caused by Colby, "You look fucking beautiful like this."
You smirk against his lips, sliding one hand to the back of Colby's head and the other into Sam's hair.
You and Sam both look down at Colby.
You grip their hair, pulling as you pull Colby closer with your leg, "Fuck, Fuck, fuck." You arch your back, whimpering out as you feel so, so, so close.
Colby leans back, licking his lips before moving up and leaning against your body. His lips attach to yours and you groan at the taste of your pussy on his lips.
You turn your head, connecting your lips to Sam's and he groans, "Fuck, I can't wait to have my way with you."
You smirk, "Good thing I know where you live." He chuckles, nodding as he leans back. He gets up, returning to the place he was sitting in before you called him over.
"Lay on your stomach for me." Colby mumbles as he kisses your neck. You slide over, rolling onto your stomach and you lock eyes with Sam.
You feel Colby push your dress up to pool around your waist and you hear the clinking of Colby's belt being undone.
You look over your shoulder as Colby straddles your legs. His hands caress your ass and he brings one up to drop it down with a hard smack.
You whimper, dropping your head a little as you wait for him to do it to the other.
And he does, leaving matching handprints.
You gasp, whining out as you move your hips side to side, "Colby."
You feel him lean down, one hand on the back of the couch, the other guiding his cock go where you both want it to be most, "I'm getting there, princess."
You hear him chuckle and you bite down on your lip as you feel his cock glide between your folds and into where you both want him to be most.
You let out a moan, eyes rolling closed as you feel his hand slide up and over your shoulder to wrap his fingers around your neck, "That what you wanted baby?"
You nod slightly, opening your eyes, "Y-yes."
Your eyes meet Sam's, moaning from Colby's strokes of his cock, and everything is coming together, quite quickly actually.
You were cursing yourself, wanting to smack yourself around for not realizing how clear the answer to everything really was.
You were so blocked by the walls you built around yourself, and you were consumed by your own thoughts, you left yourself clueless to what they were trying to do.
It was all because I love them both, you think, smirking because you know that it's okay to.
You feel Colby's head rest against yours, his cock thrusting deep into your core, "mine." He groans lowly, "Ours."
"Yours." You breathe out, "So fucking yours."
"Tell him." Colby says lowly, a moan slipping from his lips, "let him hear you, princess."
Colby's grip tightens on your neck as he pulls your head up to look at Sam. Your eyes lock onto his and he tilts his head, "Tell me, baby."
"I'm yours." You whimper and Colby slides his hand around to grip your hair, pulling harshly, "Louder."
"Yours.. I'm.." you swallow, moaning loudly, "Yours!"
"That's our girl." Colby presses his lips to your temple before leaning up to withdrawal his cock from you, "Come here."
You roll over, sitting up and Colby's lips crash onto yours. His hands pull you onto him so you're straddling him.
His hand holds his cock steady and you sink down onto you, allowing him to swallow your moans.
His hands slide down to grip your ass, groaning as you grind your hips into his, "C-Colby." He slides a hand up, gripping the back of your neck as he presses his lips to yours.
Your hands slide up his chest, digging into his clothed shoulders as you moan against his lips, mind racing about what's in store for when you get back to their place.
I love them both, you think over and over again, they love me.
The thought alone was enough to get you off.
Colby's hands slide up to pull the top of your dress down, exposing your boobs. His hands inch up, gripping and kneading as you bounce up and down.
Your head falls back, moans escaping your lips as you're sucked into an orgasmic state.
Your walls squeeze Colby's cock as you lean forward, body melting into his as your hands tangle within his hair and pull to earn a groan.
His hands tighten on your waist and you feel him twitch inside you. He lets out a slight chuckle, "Sorry."
You relax onto him, letting out a sigh, "It's okay." You laugh slightly, "Nothing is stopping it from doing it again."
He slides his hands up your back, "You're right, well.. I mean there's one thing.. we should probably get back out there, people are probably looking for us."
"Is it bad I kind of forgot about that for a second?" You laugh leaning up to move off of him. You stand up, pulling your panties up and he shrugs, "I'd rather be with you, trust me. We both do."
Sam walks up, his arms sliding around to fix the top of your dress, "So does it all make sense now?" He laughs quietly and you look from him to Colby, "oh yeah. It's all crystal clear now."
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
I'm sorry if this is all over the place, I've been picking up writing it as much as I could. I've been sick the last couple of days and it's been rough.
As always, let me know how you liked it. Thank you so much for reading! Love you all! 🖤
Likes and reblogs are majorly appreciated!
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ssahotchnerr · 2 months
girl dad aaron AMUSEMENT PARK EDITION!!!!!!!
he would spend all his money at the ring toss just to get his girl the prize she wants. he would hold her hand on the swings. he would give into her begging to go on the big drop ride. he would ride in her bumper car, whispering, “c’mon. let’s bump into mommy. it’ll be funny.” he would make sure to smear her in sunscreen. he would let her wear his sunglasses. he would buy her dippin dots and funnel cakes and cotton candy. he would carry her on his shoulders. he would get wet on the water rides with her. he would guarantee they get to sit in the back or front carts (it’s only appropriate to sit in the front on some rides. other rides, it’s only appropriate to sit in the back. he would know which ride requires the back seat and which requires the front because he’s asked around because he wants his girl to have the best experience on the rollercoasters she can.) he would pack so much water to make sure everyone stays hydrated (he’s also got a fanny pack. i don’t make the rules.) he would pose for the cameras with her on the rides (silly faces, bunny ears, kissing her cheek, etc.) and he would obviously buy them and hang them on the fridge until the entire fridge is covered in them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
aw aw awwww are you trying to make me cry?????? 😭💞💞💞
baby girl's his ride buddy of the day 🥹🥹🥹 it works out perfectly too. i feel like aaron's not too keen on rides - he gets nauseous easily and can only take so much 😭 whereas you're still okay - so you'll go on the more extreme rides with jack. as the two of you are doing that, aaron's on the more tame rides with baby girl, or standing on the sidelines with her in his arms, pointing out you and jack on the ride 🥰 and for the kiddie rides that don't fit an adult, jack happily goes on those with her hehe <3333 best big brother
aaron's hand is always in hers, she's in his arms, or in a stroller, just always accounted for. he's terrified she'll somehow wander away (although she knows not to) or he knows how easily someone could come swoop her up and take her far away (mosley lane 😭😭😭😭) and STOP the visual of her on his shoulders, in his sunglasses that are far too big for her, gripping onto his hair or his head as she chatters away - pointing out what she sees, what rides she wants to go on, what snacks smell yummy, or simply talking about anything <3333 sobbing
when it comes to the prizes, aaron's definitely paying way more than what that item probably cost to make, and knows it's 'lowkey' a waste of money 😭 but there's no price when it comes to baby girl's happiness, he'll do whatever it takes 🥰 the smile that forms on her face when she finally gets the plushie she wanted??? priceless and it's a memory they'll both hold onto forever - aaron takes full advantage of those type of memories 🥺
the bumper cars!!!!!!!!!!! the true highlight of the day 😭 aaron's with baby girl, you're with jack. hehe you peer over as aaron's sneakily whispering to her and eyeing the two of you👀, you know what he's scheming and tell jack the very same thing 🤭 "we gotta get dad and your sister". the laughs that erupt from both of them as they bump into each other 😭😭😭😭 it's contagious, you and aaron are equally as giddy and are loving every second of it 🥰 they even both insist on riding multiple times just to crash into each other LOL
and omg aaron's prepared and stacked for every scenario possible. extra clothes, shoes, socks are in the car (for each family member) for after the water rides. he packs dramamine, ibruprofen, bug spray. he also strategically plans out when to eat snacks or food - to prevent upset stomachs after eating and going on rides 🥴 he brings a tonnn of sunscreen and applies frequently. omg the four of you are pulled off to the side, drinking water and taking a break - you unscrew the top of a water bottle for jack, simply turn your head, and are met with aaron's hands on your face - applying sunscreen generously for you too 😭😭😭🫶🏻 he also brought hats for extra coverage - jack has a baseball cap, baby girl has a cute lil bucket hat 🥰
and AWWW the pictures 🥹🥹🥹 aaron's sure to get multiples too - one for the fridge, for baby girl's room (a pic of them on her bedside table 😭😭😭😭 especially useful when she misses him when he's gone on a case and she just wants her daddy🥺) and his office 😭<3333
as the four of you leave the amusement park when night falls, baby girl is absolutely zonked 😭 her face is smushed into aaron's neck, arms around his neck, maybe even drooling a bit, completely out. hehe so aaron veryyyy carefully places her into her carseat as to not wake her up 🥹 ugh she had the best day <333
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wonwooslibrary · 2 months
svt as boyfriends ♡ chan edition
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member: lee chan (dino) x gn! reader
genre: fluff, established relationship, bullet points
word count: 714
summary: channie's boyfriend things <333
warnings: mentions of menstrual cycles & insulting in a loving way
author's note: hello! normally this is where i would be oops i'm getting back into writing but i'll be completely honest this time and say that i am completely falling out of love with it and i genuinely haven't opened a wip in so damn long. if i wasn't so far into this series, I definitely would not have finished it....i want to write more but it just might take me a while to find my love for it once again...thanks for still reading though <3 sorry this is so late, and I hope you enjoy reading!!!
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Socially stupid bf <3 
If anyone sees you, they will always know that Chan is close behind 
Is so madly in love with you and doesn’t know how to live without you
Quality Time 
Loves taking you anywhere he goes, including dance practices or shopping 
Dinner dates are his thing - he’ll pull off the roses and candles and everything 
Constant texts when you can’t be together because of work or visiting family 
Such as hey i managed to find that sock that went missing in the laundry last week !! or how long do i put 12 pizza rolls in the microwave for 
Loves just being with you when you take part in your hobbies, even if he doesn’t particularly enjoy them himself 
Gets worried that you’ll get angry with him because he’s always with you and knows that you need your alone time once in a while 
Words of Affirmation
Compliments you through jokes or insults type of boyfriend 
You’re all like “I love you,” and he’s like, “You wouldn’t if I was a worm though :(“ and then you roll your eyes because come on, how could someone not love Lee Chan
Always apologizes for things he doesn’t need to apologize for because he doesn’t want to upset you :((( 
I don’t think Chan would be a big fan of pet names, to be honest, but if he was, I think they would just be versions of your name :3 
Melts into a puddle when you compliment him because !!! you are complimenting him !!!! 
Basically he can dish out all the compliments, but the minute you try saying them back, he turns into a literal tomato because he’s embarrassed but also so madly in love 
Physical Touch
I think he is secretly one of the biggest cuddle bugs in svt and nobody can change my mind
When he laughs, he always manages to fall into you some way, whether that be resting his head on your shoulder or crumpling into you
Loves holding hands (especially in public) but not in a possessive way, more of a I constantly want to be around you kind of way 
And of course you love it because it’s Lee Chan and you love everything about him 
On the other hand, there are definitely days that he doesn’t feel confident in himself or that he deserves the love you give him :((( 
You know on those days that you need to show your affection and make the first moves yourself,,,he likes loving you, but sometimes he just needs to be shown that he can be loved too
Acts of Service 
I’m not going to lie, I struggled a bit with this category, because I feel it’s easier for Chan to say things rather than show it
He’s just not sure whether him making tea for you says “i love you” or “sup bro” and wants to make sure he gets the right message across 
Because of this, your relationship took a while to form because both of you cannot take a hint and were so convinced you didn’t like each other 
Absolutely loves helping you with literally everything: doing chores, studying, getting ready in the morning, as long as you are there with him, he doesn’t care and will do anything 
He doesn’t realize that what he does shows how much he loves you, he just thinks its normal to help you, and vice versa 
Sometimes you protest against his help but he’s just a BOY WHO IS IN LOVE let him do what he wants :( 
Gift Giving 
A huuuge fan of gift giving 
Will buy anything that you could ever want or need
Stuffed animals and snacks galore !!!! 
If you have menstrual cycles, he would totally be the type of boyfriend to go to the store and buy whatever products you need and surprise you with a bunch of snacks and treats throughout the week 
You of course also spoil him to the best of your ability and he loves it, but also always feels bad when you spend money on him in any way
Loves matching and customizable gifts !!! He likes to give you things that can make you laugh and remember a specific moment with him because he thinks it’s cute (and you think it’s sappy and adorable)
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standfucker · 1 year
Finding Out You’re Stronger Than Them - Logia Edition (Smoker + Ace)
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Feeling very stuck with my WIPS lately, so I decided to try my hand at a bullet-point style drabble. Ace’s and Smoker’s went fine, but Crocodile’s and Kuzan’s immediately grew into something too big for a bullet point list and will be posted separately, if I can get them to a point I’m happy with. Have these two for now.
CW: Just a little bit of violence
Ao3 Link
You’ve been rising quickly through the ranks. Smoker’s heard that you’re strong, but by the time you get assigned to him, he has yet to see it for himself.
You’ve followed all of his orders thus far, and past reports on your behavior are generally positive, so when you block him from chasing a pirate one day, he’s taken by surprise.
“This one’s innocent. I saw it for myself. He’s trying to support the village.” You get into stance, eyes blazing with defiance, fully ready to take on your captain.
“It doesn’t make a difference,” Smoker says. “He’s still a pirate.”
“He only stole from nobles. People who wouldn’t miss the wealth. It makes every difference.”
“Get out of the way.”
He turns into smoke to go around you, but you grab at where his ankle would be, your haki forcing his body back into shape, and swing him into the ground with such force that stars dot his vision as the wind is knocked out of him.
No one told him you could use armament haki.
“I’m stronger than you. Don’t get a big head because you’re my superior. I’ll surpass you soon.”
“I could have you court-martialed for this,” he gasps.
“Then do it. See if I care. That person was innocent–I know I did the right thing. I don’t give a shit about your opinion,” you pause, then add, “Captain.”
You crouch next to him as he struggles to sit up, still dizzy from the brutal impact. Picking up his cigars that have fallen, you dust them off before sticking one back in his mouth and putting the other in yours. You take an experimental puff, wrinkle your nose at the taste, and deftly twirl the cigar between your fingers. He finds himself staring as you exhale, smoke curling around your profile.
“I requested to be transferred to your unit because Tashigi told me you were different from the others,” you say, and pop the second cigar into his mouth as well. “So don’t disappoint me, Captain.”
The blush on his face is from indignation, or that’s what he tells himself. It’s the audacity. You have some nerve to talk to him that way. To lay your hands on a superior, to obstruct the law.
And yet. He shouldn’t, but a part of him–a big part of him–can’t help but admire your conviction. Enough so that he doesn’t report your insubordination.
It’s always refreshing to find a soldier who thinks for themselves, but it’s also dangerous if you cross the wrong superiors. (God forbid you talk back to someone like Akainu, which Smoker knows you would do without hesitation.) 
Smoker will have to keep an eye on you, to make sure you don’t get into trouble you can’t get out of…
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One day, Ace realizes that in all the months since he’s officially joined the crew, he’s never seen you fight, not even to spar.
When he asks Marco about it, he says, “Oh, that’s because of the collateral damage, yoi.” Ace thinks Marco is joking and laughs. Marco does not.
But can you blame Ace? You’re one of the gentlest pirates in the fleet. You’re the kind of person who stops crewmates from squishing bugs, and who’s so stricken by the dead dogs at the end of your novels that you cry for days afterward (getting to hold you when you seek him out for comfort rules, but why you keep reading those, he does not know.)
After a battle with an enemy crew, one in which you don’t participate, Ace asks some crewmates why you abstained.
“Same reason Pops doesn’t join the small fights,” Haruta says. “Too messy, you know?”
“Wait, just how strong is Y/n?” Ace says, now realizing Marco was being serious earlier.
“Don’t worry about it, Ace,” you say behind him, making him jump. “Just know I’m stronger than you.”
That stings his pride, enough so that he challenges you to a friendly match while crewmates exchange glances.
“Sure, after you’ve rested from this fight. I’d hate to have a handicap.”
“I’m not tired! I can take you right here, right now.”
“Right now?” At Ace’s nod, you shrug. “Well, okay then. Here I go!”
You vanish.
He can’t sense you anywhere. By the time he figures out you’re behind him, it’s too late. One of your hands wraps around the back of his neck, the other on the hem of his pants. When he can’t escape by turning into flames, he knows you’re using haki.
You proceed to slam him face-first into the deck so hard he breaks straight through it, stuck upside down in the wood. The crewmates on the floor below blink up at him.
“You challenged Y/n, didn’t you,” one of them says.
Once his head stops swimming, Ace pulls himself out. His nose is broken and bleeding and he’s covered in scratches and splinters, but he’s looking at you with a newfound sense of awe.
“Logia types,” you shake your head, lip curling, “always so full of themselves.” Then you look stricken. “Oh, I hurt Moby again... Pops will scold me…”
And, look.
Ace knows what he likes. He’s not ashamed to say he found the whole thing extremely hot, but he has the decency to keep it to himself. (Literally the entire crew could tell, but no one tells Ace that either.)
He can’t stop thinking about the fight (if it could even be called that.) He stays awake at night, picturing the way your mouth moved when you said ‘Logia types,’ the little smirk afterward. He had always liked you, but now there’s a newfound aspect to his attraction, and he’s down bad.
Ace wants to know even more about you after that, asking you about your history and how you learned to fight. Luckily, you don’t mind the attention, and your humoring him feeds into his ego until he’s practically following you around in his free time. The rest of the crew takes notice, teasing him about being your shadow–but you never complain, so why should he care?
You've been spending lots of time together since then. He keeps fantasizing about saying “my partner can kick your ass” to people, but he hasn’t actually asked you out yet. It’s unlike him to be so gun-shy, yet every time he works up the nerve to ask, he only gets as far as “Hey, Y/n?” before your sparkly-eyed, saccharine “Yes, Ace?” crumbles his confidence to dust. But he’s Fire-Fist Ace, damn it! He faced Pops alone to save his crew, so why is this so difficult?
If he asks the other Division Commanders for help, expect a Looney Tunes style sequence of each one suggesting a courting method and it failing spectacularly and going up in literal flames, until he finally gets so frustrated with the whole thing he ends up just shouting his confession.
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“There, there,” Ace says, patting your back while you cling to him and sob into his shoulder. “It’s just a stupid book.”
That was the wrong thing to say. With your emotions already running high, your misery shifts to rage in an instant.
Ace wisely decides not to point out the food scarcity of his home island. There are better times, and at least you’re holding him tight...
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(Not At All) Secretly Into You
Pedro Pascal x Reader
Summary: Pedro thinks the best way to be slick about his crush on you is to be 100% unabashed about it. Ha ha! No one will expect that he has feelings for you if he's outright about it!
Word Count: 1k+
Warnings: gender neutral reader, Actor/Actress!reader, the use of y/n T_T, dummy!pedro, fluff, crackfic, typos, etc.
A/N: i cant help myself. i just head empty only pedro look at this gif people. take a good long look at him. what is it about him that has us in such a chokehold? i think this is the tipping point of humanity. what is it about him that has us like this? 😩 HES SO STUPID AND DUMMY HELLO?! he needs to be stopped. he needs to be jailed. or better yet SOMEONE MARRY HIM SO THAT WE INHERETLY GO OH SHIT ITS OVER SOMEONE WON T_T thank you for reading my little rant Tagging: @pinksirensong @aralezinspace @sloanexx @amis-love-bugs @top1bbgloak
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Let me set the scene for you It's a cold, rainy day. There's a person all alone in their bedroom. They're bored AF. They look up, 'movies to watch 2023', and finds a film they're interested in. It's staring Pedro Pascal & [Y/N]. It's good. So good. Too good. It becomes their personality. They begin to hyperfixate. They look for other related content. Behind the scenes. Interviews. Interviews. They fall in love with the dynamic of the main characters IRL. They hyperfixate on them. They're not the only one in this boat. They search for other content. They stumble across a fan edits. Fan edits. Their mouth waters at it. They watch it.
Here's how one of them starts:
After watching the movie of Pedro Pascal and [Y/N] and going absolutely feral (GO WATCH IT WIMPS) I have taken it upon myself to do a thorough investigation of their relationship (because I am CERTAIN they smashed and BY THE POWER OF ANIME I'm going to make it certain YOU think it's certainly so) so-
Without Further Ado, I present:
They Smashed, And Here's The Evidence.
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You and Pedro are doing an interview answering questions while eating snacks from your respective hometowns. This is a snippet from that interview.
Cut scene, the question, which is read by a staff member off camera, is 'what is your favorite thing about the other?'
"You know, what my favorite thing about you is?" Pedro asks, albeit somehow rhetorically, as he chews on something. He was looking at you when he asked this. He watches with crossed arms as you struggle to open the snack packet.
His eyes dart to the small, plastic wrapped cookies as you sigh in defeat and hand it to him. He grins to himself, dramatically rolling his neck before he takes it from you and begins to open make his attempt to open it. Because of your lack of response, he asks as he rips at the package, "do you want to know what my favorite thing about you is?"
"Not really, no," you say, crossing your arms, knitting your brows, shaking your head.
Pedro makes a face looking out to no one in particular. He turns to you, just as he opens the wrapper, "meanie."
You beam, claiming the treat he hands it to you, "thank you."
He watches as you carefully get a cookie for yourself. Pedro looks at the camera, "as of this moment, I rescind any positive feelings I may have ever felt for-GRFF-"
You shove a cookie in his mouth as you excitedly moan and speak half-muffled with a full mouth, "it's still good!"
Pedro chews on the cookie.
"I used to love these when I was like," you raise your hands, "this big."
It takes a few moments for you to merit a response.
"You're literally still that big, what do you mean?" Pedro says.
You give him a second's glance as you clear your mouth, "talk to me like that after you retire your heels to join the 6 feet and above club."
Pedro shakes his head and rolls his eyes, "You're not even getting anywhere near the entr-"
You shove another cookie in his mouth, effectively cutting him off.
"My favorite thing about Pedro is when his mouth is shut."
Pedro's chews viscously, rolling his eyes all over again. He looks into the camera with a wholly exaggerated look. He then scoffs loudly, throwing his head back, crossing his arms all over again, mouth half-full, "you better pray you can keep your mouth shut later tonight."
Cut the cameras.
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Did yall hear that?
"You better pray you can keep your mouth shut later tonight."
Later Tonight
Later Tonight.
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Now, ok, if you're some weird puritan that got mixed up in this mumbojumbo for lolz and you're thinking, 'oh maybe they're going to play Uno. Uno is pretty intense.'
you're wrong
get the fuck outta here /:
I raise you some out of context clips that give off domestic energy.
Clip #1: In the subway
Quite literally, it's a video post on your Instagram of you and Pedro riding a slightly packed metro in New York. You're holding your phone closely to you. It's showing both yours and Pedro's double chin. The only reason why you're recording is because he's singing a children's song from Barney, 'And The Green Grass Grows All Around' under his breath. You ardently hold back your laughter as he begins to do the gestures.
>>>COMMENT SCREENSHOT: @ pascalispunk : it's a bop, fam. 😔 why'd you have to play me like this @yn_000 replied: literally no one said it wasnt a bop my love @ pascalispunk replied: i love it when you call me your love 💗
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Clip #2: The Breakfast Person
"I'm not really a breakfast person," you casually admit, mid-interview.
Pedro audibly gasps, "you're not a br- Wait, no, suddenly that makes so much sense. You stuff your face so quickly during lunch."
You slap him on the chest, "hey!"
Pedro snorts, "it's okay, baby, I gotchu," he begins to cook on his imaginary pan, "bacon and eggs, pancakes, oatmeal, whatever, I gotchu."
"You make oatmeal in a pan?" you ask, furrowing your brows.
"Only for the people I love," he smiles and leans towards you. He begins to make a weird laughing noise that sounds part motorcycle, part massive idiot who's so damn annoying.
You take a seconds look at him before smacking him on the face.
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Cinematic parallels.
Clip #3: Our Fridge
"There," Pedro holds up the portrait of you that he had been completing the entire interview.
You look up from your own paper and break into hysterics. You lean into your knees from where you sat, nearly toppling forward. Pedro chuckles as he reaches out to you to keep you from falling. You lean back in your seat and wheeze, "what IS that?"
"What do you mean," Pedro grins, "don't you recognize yourself?"
You make a face as you catch your breath. You point to the top area of his paper, "is that supposed to be an eye?"
Pedro looks at his creation, "no, that's... that's that-- but this is your eye."
"You mean to tell me you drew me one eye?"
"I took creative liberties."
You chuckle in disbelief, "this man just told me he thinks I look like Mike Wazowski."
"Mike Wazowski wishes he'd look half as good as you, mi amor."
You turn to the camera, "I don't know how I feel about that."
"Which part?"
"Every part!"
"Well," he rips the page off the sketchpad, "better put this on our fridge."
"We are not putting this on our fridge."
"Why not?" he whines.
"Well, besides the fact it's ugly-"
"WOW," he trails off loudly, "just because it doesn't meet twisted societal beauty standards doesn't mean it's ugly."
You simply shake your head, "that is not going anywhere near our fridge."
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Also, they really said
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And I think that's beautiful.
And now quite possibly, the most damning evidence of all.
You and Pedro are sat next to each other on a sofa across an interviewer during one of those fan meet interview sort of segments. It's a fan cam, and from the angle in which this particular audience member is sat, its very much visible that Pedro, with his arm slung on the top of the back rest, was drawing circles onto your back. You do not outwardly react to his touch at all. [THIS RAT SO USED TO IT FFS]
You turn to Pedro and ask on through your mic, "what do you think?"
He says 'huh' off mic, then straightens up and brings his mic to his lips, only to give you a confused look.
"What do you think of that scene?" you repeat, brushing his brows with your thumb in affectionate annoyance. [BOO 👎 PDA BOO TOMATO TOMATO TOMATO 🍅🍅🍅🍅]
"Oh," he says, "that scene," he nods his head and widens his eyes at you, hoping you'd help him out.
The crowd laughs. [SIMPS smh]
You only mimic his wide eyes and offer a raised brow.
Pedro and you stare for a moment. Ultimately, he sighs and rubs your nape with his fingers, "fine-" the person recording says 'WTF' "-I have no idea what you're talking about."
There is a chorus of laughs.
"I'm still on the part where you said I was hot when I was covered in blood."
The crowd screams. You roll your eyes. Pedro laughs as he literally grabs your neck and pulls you into him, crushing you against him.
The crowd goes wild. The person who is recording is cursing.
Deep breath. FIRST OF ALL-
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The person recording's a real MVP for managing to keep (relatively) calm while witnessing the gall of those two to do that in front of EVERYONE'S SALAD.
Second of all, aint no way, aint NO WAY you let someone like tHIS-
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-with his itty bitty tiny waist and manhandle you like THAT in, and I can't stress this enough, FRONT OF EVERYONE'S SALADS, and not do anything further. It's science.
You're honor, the ruling, please.
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100% Guilty of ✨Smashing✨
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ali-r3n · 1 year
Eddie has never caved so fast
Eddie’s girlfriend is not a fan of his facial hair and gives him a choice, sex or the goatee
Fluff & Suggestive Content
{Thank you @eddiemunsons-missingnipple this wouldn’t exist without her input and her amazing editing skills. Goatee!Eddie edit was made by her so go give her some love 💜}
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Eddie had grown out a goatee and his girlfriend despised it. 
“What’s wrong, Sweetheart?” he asked as he ran his ringed hand over his face with a smoldering look. “You don’t like my new look.” 
“No. You look like a pirate.” She pouted.
He walked towards her and slid his arms around her waist. “Well then, how about I shiver your timbers.” He wiggled his eyebrows as she rolled her eyes. 
He leaned in to kiss her and was stopped by her finger on his lips. “No kissing,” she stated. “Or sex, until you shave it off.” 
“You’re kidding, right?” 
“Sweetheart,” he whined. 
“I said what I said, Eddie. Shave it off and get laid or cockblock yourself.” 
Eddie lasted two days before he gave in. If you asked him, he would say that he endured a year of no physical affection. 
He tried to get her to break first… 
His lovely girlfriend stood at the counter as she made lunch. Dressed in his shirt and a pair of short cotton shorts, his favorite outfit. The front of his sweats began to tighten as he walked up behind her and slid his arms around her waist. He rested his chin against her shoulder and pressed himself against her. 
“Hi Sweetheart,” he purred into her ear and nuzzled against the side of her face. 
She winced away from the tickling of the coarse hair against her skin. 
“I missed you.” He ground his hips against hers. 
Y/N swallowed as she closed her eyes. She felt herself get wet and subtly clenched her thighs. She wouldn’t admit it, but she missed him too. 
“Sweetheart,” he sang. “You miss me too, don’t you? I know that you do. I can practically smell that perfect pussy.” 
She almost gave in. She turned around and came face to face with that infamous goatee. With a triumphant grin, he leaned in to seal his victory with a kiss and was promptly stopped by her finger on his lips. Eddie froze in shock. 
“Shave and I am all yours,” she stated and wormed out of his arms. 
He tossed his head back with a long groan. "Sweetheart, you're killing me here."
"THEN SHAVE!" she yelled from the hallway.
Y/N had gone to the mall with Nancy and Robin for a girl’s day. She walked into the trailer and looked over at her stubborn boyfriend who sat on the couch, that goatee still on his face. 
“Still not shaving?” 
“No.” He pouted. 
She shrugged. “Okay.” She made her way to the bedroom with a sway of her hips. 
Eddie watched with wide eyes. He looked away when she stopped mid step and looked over her shoulder at him. 
“By the way. This bag…contains lingerie,” she stated as she held up the pink bag by the silk black ribbons. . 
Eddie swallowed and squirmed as a bulge formed in his jeans. His neglected cock springing to life. . 
“I was hoping you changed your mind so that we could have some…fun.” 
He covered his mouth with his fist and bit into his hand to muffle his groan. 
“I guess not.” 
The next morning Eddie woke up to a most welcomed surprise. His eyes bugged out of his head. Y/N stood at the counter, dressed in her pretty new lingerie with a sheer robe over it. The fabric slipped down one of her shoulders. 
“Good morning, Baby.” She batted her eyes at him. 
“Meet me in the bedroom, Sweetheart!” he exclaimed. “I’ll be there in two minutes.” 
He tripped over his feet as he booked it to the bathroom. With a triumphant smirk, Y/N walked into the shared room and took a seat down on their mattress. 
Now clean shaven, Eddie entered the room. His shirt was already being pulled off of his head and tossed to the side. She giggled as he dove onto the bed and scrambled to his knees. 
He clapped his hands and said, “Alright. Show time.” 
“Well, what are you waiting for, Ed?” she teased. “Come here, Big Boy.” 
Y/N squealed when he wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her to lay underneath him. Now that he finally had her in his grasp, he did not let her leave until the early hours of the morning.
Eddie Munson Taglist:
@seros-bitch @eddiemunsons-girl @m-i-1-0 @lunar-flwr @winchester-angel @angelbbygrl @madnessismylover @cherrybean1116 @edwardjamesmunson @3ternalreal1ty
@meaganjm @sweetpeapod @eddiemunsonsfavbitch @fangirling-4-ever @zzokks @mattymurdocksbitch @fillechatoyante @luvbug4728 @doll-in-the-walls @ches-86 @shenevertricks1831 @urlocalhippie2029 @celestair @ruinedbythehobbit @purple-storm
@sarai-ibn-la-ahad @livslifeonline @strangerthingsstories5255 @becca-alexa @aactuaaltraash @wren-2-d @mordechaisworld @spacedoutdaydreamer @warlockwithfrogs
Stranger Things Taglist:
@valeriiecameron @maruushkka @rainbows-dreams @april-foolish
Stranger Things (Billy excluded) Taglist;
896 notes · View notes
babydollmarauders · 11 months
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liked by jackhughes, nicohischier, and 115,725 others
y/ndevils00 missed my swiss 🧀 (and got to see his family! it was a win-win!)
tagged nicohischier
y/ndevils00 and i did!
trevorzegras for what? a day? before you hopped on a flight to SWITZERLAND?!
y/ndevils00 ehhh more like 8 hours, give or take a few
jackhughes tell cap i say hi!
y/ndevils00 tell him yourself?? expecting me to give him messages from you— tf do i look like, a cell phone?
y/ndevils00 cap says hi back 😒
nicohischier i love having you here, bug ❤️
y/ndevils00 so grateful nina was able to help me surprise you <3
john.marino97 ME NEXT?
y/ndevils00 gimme a reason
john.marino97 because i’m your best friend number 2?
y/ndevils00 ehhh not good enough
john.marino97 because i love you and i miss you and i don’t know if i’ll survive without you until september?
y/ndevils00 did dawgson tell you to say this?
john.marino97 sorry the number you are trying to reach is no longer in service 🫣 🏃🏻
jackhughes i hope you’re having fun, my love! LSH and i miss you ❤️
y/ndevils00 awww you miss me? 🤭 (sap)
jackhughes yeah yeah 🙄 just come home
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liked by nicohischier, siegenthaler34, and 112,521 others
y/ndevils00 went to a fancy shmancy wedding with Neeks and look who i found!
tagged nicohischier and siegenthaler34
y/ndevils00 my 2nd favorite swiss man! uncle siegs!
lhughes_06 what is this, a devils reunion? without jack and i?!
y/ndevils00 yes! timo is next! so glad you understand 🫶
y/ndevils00 I AM, BEST FRIEND (1)
dawson1417 i’m so glad! NOW COME VISIT ME NEXT
jackhughes smoke show 😮‍💨🔥💨
y/ndevils00 beloved, please never use those emojis again
jackhughes okay, understood
jackhughes that’s mine! 🔒❤️
y/ndevils00 who? ME?! 🤭
nicohischier thanks for being my plus one! i could’ve done without you telling everyone that i was your “whore on the side” though
y/ndevils00 is that not what you are??
nicohischier no?
y/ndevils00 could’ve sworn that title was in the friendship contract we signed
nicohischier once again, that was an NDA
siegenthaler34 it was lovely seeing you, y/n/n! can’t wait to see you again in September ❤️
y/ndevils00 you’re the sweetest swiss of them all <3
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liked by tmeier96, jackhughes, and 108,492 others
y/ndevils00 is this what timo time really means? i think i love it
tagged tmeier96
lhughes_06 it’s like you guys are twins
lhughes_06 it’s creepy
y/ndevils00 that’s my big brother!
lhughes_06 …he’s not actually though, right?!
y/ndevils00 no? i thought you would’ve known by my lack of accent?
lhughes_06 look, i’m just trying to make sure there’s no risk of my brother getting his ass handed to him
jackhughes do you not have ANY faith in me?!
lhughes_06 @/jackhughes no
jackhughes switzerland, italy, back to michigan now please!
y/ndevils00 i’ll be home tomorrow, honey bun 🤍
jackhughes can’t wait to see you, my little honey nut cheerio
jackhughes “sheesh” - trevor zegras
y/ndevils00 oh.. no…
tmeier96 lovely to be annoyed by you again, little sis!
y/ndevils00 you didn’t expect me to NOT come and celebrate your contract signing, did you?!
tmeier96 well, it certainly wasn’t a possibility i had thought of
tmeier96 but i’m glad you did!
y/ndevils00 nice coverup 🤨
john.marino97 LOOK AT YOU
y/ndevils00 LOOK AT ME
jackhughes back off Maraschino Cherry
y/ndevils00 @/jackhughes just think of John as my gay best friend!
john.marino97 i’m not gay?
y/ndevils00 but you’re also not trying to fuck me <3
john.marino97 very true. you’re not my type
y/ndevils00 BITCH???
nicohischier did you make him sing taylor swift too?
tmeier96 no?
y/ndevils00 🇨🇭 AND 🇮🇹 HAVE DONE ME WONDERS
trevorzegras ITALIA ☀️🛵🍝
y/ndevils00 TREVOR 🐀🥱🗣️
trevorzegras i am nothing but nice to you
y/ndevils00 who do you think you’re fooling?
451 notes · View notes
inevesgf · 4 months
TOUGH LOVE ⠀,⠀ chrismd.
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synopsis ✩ what it’s like dating chrismd!
warnings: mentions of sex.
authors note: had to whip up a lil bit of chris content <3 trying to do some headcanons in between publishing fics, so i hope this makes up for my weird uploading schedule. in the mean time, if you haven’t already please go check out my lux fic!
• a bloody sucker for psychical touch
• probably clingy ( clingymd all the way )!!
• i imagine you having to get out of bed earlier than normal in the morning and him pulling you by the waist back into bed.
• begging you to stay in bed just a little longer all groggy in his morning voice.
• when you do, he kisses your neck and jawline all lazy, pulling you in closer by the waist.
• actually the BIGGEST cuddle bug ever.
• “i was thinking for date night we could just stay in, watch a show and cuddle”
• loves to go out for dinner with you, but would definitely choose a night in over that anytime.
• not too big on pda, but isn’t afraid to show everyone you’re his with little bits of affection.
• when you’re out at party, he’ll snake his arm around your waist, making sure all the men there know you’re taken.
• definitely loves to hold hands while walking next to each other. he’ll lock his fingers between yours and massage his thumb slowly over the top of your hand.
• most importantly he loves to show you off!!!
• will make you do football videos with him because footy is your secret talent.
• “that’s my girlfriend!” after every single shot.
• “my girlfriend and i are the best football players on all of youtube, let’s be real!”
• also low key leaves little love marks on your neck to make other guys who fancy you jealous.
• actually THE number one golden retriever boyfriend! bonus points if you’re his black cat girlfriend <3
• shows his love in sososo many wonderful ways.
• like i mentioned earlier — he definitely loves to leave hickeys.
• will sneak up behind you and kiss your neck while you’re editing, cooking, etc.
• showers you in kisses EVERYWHERE and i mean everywhere …. if yknow what i mean
• besides your lips, his favorite places to kiss are your cheeks and forehead.
• will tell you he loves you at random moments.
• you could seriously just breath and he’d be like “i love you so much”
• definitely praises you during intimacy with little “i love you”s.
• FOR SURE would call you princess or darling.
• makes little date nights for you to go on every week.
• alternates every other between staying in and cuddling or going out for dinner or to the cinema.
• all of his friends love you.
• especially if you play football and are at least a bit decent at it.
• they always ask how you’re doing when you’re not around, and chris always answers happily.
• he loves to talk about you to the boys.
• will tickle you any chance he gets because he knows you hate it.
• just his revenge for you slapping his ass all the time smh
• loves to play with your hair. he probably even tries to braid it sometimes but always ends up knotting it
• LOOOOVEES when you tangle your fingers in his curls.
• probably loves to have his hair pulled slightly i won’t lie..
• makes for the best boyfriend ever.
• gets you flowers at least once a month and you don’t even have to ask.
• “i know you like white roses, but this time i thought id get you tulips because they remind me of you”
• definitely associate the song “mirrorball” by taylor swift to him.
• “work song” by hozier is YOUR song. i imagine he would love to slow dance in the kitchen after you two just enjoyed a nice home cooked meal.
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pricescancerstickk · 8 months
Platonic! Simon Ghost Riley x Young! Child reader
(Took a tiny break, this idea is a bit tw) *edited*
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Your parents were never available or present ever since you were as young as a baby, it was very cruel and unfair and you were forced to grow up too fast for someone your size, Screaming yelling, bottles breaking and things falling over piercing and deafening your ears, the shouts from your father when you didn’t bring beer fast enough. The sound of the slap and your moms hand connecting to your little cheek after you didn’t clean the dishes. It was a dark world and you knew it all. It didn’t matter where you went Via school or home there was never a safe place for you except for Your Neighbors Home. Simon knew your parents as the three were childhood friends. Seperating in high school, Your dad was simons best friend. Your father was a hunter when he was in his youth and it was why he had a shotgun on display in his home, Simon was a lieutenant. Serving in military. A remarkable soldier of the SAS. Why was simons home a possible safe home? Sure he had only seen you once when you were 3 years old. A delicate cute baby. He missed rubbing your chubby red cheeks, he missed you secretly. Still having those pictures of you and him. Simon holding you in his arms, a Polaroid picture.
But when going back to the thought of school and your parents was unfair. They never bought you toys, never provided any comfort whatsoever and doing as much as looking or acknowledging you in their presence. Looking at you like a bystander examining a bug. The way they beat you after you made one little mistake…Awful. Your other relatives weren’t any better. You tried telling any staff or calling the police on how you got harassed and groped even by your older relatives. Nobody believe a word from you? Why? They just assumed you were spoiled or lying to get something that you wanted..You really weren’t, but alas. They couldn’t see that. Despite your little body all battered and bruised, coming into school in a weak state and all bandaged. Nobody batted one singular eye!
Eyes fluttering open as the alarm clock rang. Waking you out of your dazed and sleepy state, you rubbed your eyes and slipped your feet into the slippers. Walking to the bathroom, Grumbling softly. “I don’t wanna go to school today…” your hand rested atop the sink. Turning on the water. Washing your face, spreading toothpaste onto the tooth brush before brushing your teeth. Tilting your head making sure to clean thoroughly. Spitting out afterwards and washing up. You changed into your clothes and brushed your hair. Taking the pink flowery school bag with you. It was cheap. Small. But enough for you and it fit your school books and all that was necessary and important for you to bring to school. You tried to ignore your parents arguing, as always. Both drunk and hung over. Sparing you a glare as you walked to the school.
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(A little of the pictures I found to describe what it’s like for little reader to be playing alone)
You opened up your locker and set some of your stuff inside. Taking a book but a foot connected to your back and you fell to the floor wincing. But catching a flash of your reflection on the metal handle of the lockers. Red puffy eyes, you’d been crying the entire night, forced to suck it up and bear with it while you can. You couldn’t understand why life was so cruel. You were only in the first grade. You heard laughing. But didn’t realize it’d been going on for a while as you zoned out. They chanted cry baby as witnessing the sight of those round eyes filling up the brim like a river with all those big round clear, Tears. “It’s not funny! Stop it!” They kept kicking you over and over as you cried. They couldn’t get anymore childish than hanging that ‘kick me’ sign onto your back. Snagging it off and grunting. Crying softly wanting the day to end already but hearing the bell ring after so many hours your eyes widened in relief. You left the class as fast as you could. Snatching the bag onto your back and rushing outside. Shaking in fear knowing coming back home wouldn’t be good either..What could you really do though? You couldn’t run away. You didn’t know where to go.
“Sweetheart?’ A voice called out shaking you and snapping you back to reality, turning around and seeing it was Simon. What was he doing here? “Daddy will be mad at me I-if he saw you with me si” you gently spoke up, voice shaky. Eyes about to tear up, His blue eyes filled with concern. His hair blonde and short. He gently took a knee. Kneeling infront of you and taking that flowery bag of your back and hoisting it over his shoulder. Taking you into his arm. Careful not to trigger anything, “How do you carry that bag darling? It’s a bit heavy ain’t it” Gently he murmured as you clung onto him like your entire life depend solely on Simon. “Can we go to your home?..” whispering caught him off guard but he recently found out what had been happening at home, he loved you too much to let it happen longer. He nodded along and his long legs moved around the floor. Walking you to his home. Hand in hand, seeing your outfit. It was childlike and innocent, matching your personality exactly, Blue hoodie with those pink like suspender pants it seemed, (idk how to describe but it’s gonna be similar to the picture idk???)
Setting you down gently on his couch as he sat beside you and wrapped you in a warm blanket easing all of your worries. Slowly wrapping you in a blanket burrito before putting you on his lap. Watching your eyes look into his pale-like ones, They softened further he looked at you. Long finger tracing your cheek, touching the scar on it with a gentle touch like a baby’s caress. A light graze “they’re monsters. You’re never going back to them, your staying with me. Sweetie” he reassured as you couldn’t hold back tears anymore and your tears stained his shirt. Hands clutching on the dark shirt. Eyes wide and sad. “T-thank you” crying sweetly and heart easing as his hand went to the back of your small head. Pushing it into his broad chest and stroking your hair back. Pushing the bangs away from your eyes. The height difference was massive. You couldn’t grow up fast. Never eating well and being starved and at the age of 7 you were really short, about 4 foot something. But Simon was one of those blokes. His British accent gruff. Phlegmy like but soft and stern. He was on the phone as he ordered the pizza later after letting you decide what you wanted to eat. He took it and set the box on the table. Offering a slice to you, you took it and gently stuffed it to your mouth. His finger wiping off the cheese that sprinkled onto your face. A light giggle emitting from you. “It tickles..” you murmured softly and ate. As you watched the cartoons on tv in pure bliss it wouldn’t be long before those shitty parents came to haunt you
Simon placed down the slice of pizza. Standing up and pulling his phone out his pocket. Seeing it was your dad calling and his heart sank tiny his stomach as he answered it he argued with your father on the phone violently. There was no way in hell Simon was giving you to those so-called ‘parents’. He hung up and sat next to you again, seeing you already finished eating surprised him. You were sitting there a second ago. You must’ve been really hungry. He panicked, as he didn’t see you? “Y/N sweetheart? Where did you go?” His voice raised lightly, startling you,
“I’m over here si!” You answered back softly. But he found you on the floor next to the table with the colorful plates and toy kitchen. Sitting on the floor. Eyes looking into his, and that he forgot to mention he bought you toys before you came here. He had thought this through and planned thsi without knowing. He kneeled next to you on the floor “Don’t scare me like that again Y/N” he ruffled your hair a bit, Simon’s blue eyes were sincere. His face was chiseled and you always called the jawline ‘lines on his face’ because you didn’t know the word ‘chiseled’, you yawned soflty after a while of playing, tired. He was on his phone checking the time, he looked up and saw you laying on your side. Asleep, throughout the day after he picked you up from school. “Will mommy be mad at me?” Those words echoed in his head. Reading him of mid day when he gave you a little bubble bath to wash the wounds and dirt off your body. You were really skinny and he took note to feed you more than you need to at times. In a good, healthy way. He hated how you shied away from his touch, how your eyes filled with fear if he almost walked to you too fast. He didn’t want to hurt you in any way. He’d feel like a monster. The way you flinched or shied away broke his heart and shattered it like no other. Despite his entire family dead and haunting Simon, he could cope with you. He had a terrible past aswell. And you were a ball of sunshine in his life. The ray of light and the little angel that saved him after his heart was too dark to let anyone in to love. He shed tears for you. A sign how much he cared for you. Your tiny peck on his cheek and your hands wiping away the tears and your compliments to him were sweet gestures showed how you were comfortable and safe with him melted his heart like no other. He was a giant teddy bear to you,
Not a while after you fell asleep in his arms. His chin resting atop your head and listening to the soft snores and head buried in his chest. Wrapped in the blanket. On his lap. Resting like a baby, finding the empty pizza box you both ate together laying on the floor. The tv playing cartoons you were watching earlier. He carried you to his bed. Laying you next to him, snuggling you and planting a kiss on your head before shutting his eyes. Falling asleep with you, making sure you were safe before he slept next to you, both nuzzled up.
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thecapricunt1616 · 11 days
BlueBell (c.b. one-shot)
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♡ O/S Inspo: Bluebell - Luck, truth and friendship. Incorporate into rituals to comfort those left behind and ease their sorrow. ♡ Summary: Your childhood best friend comes back to Chicago to take over the restaurant that had caused a rift in your friendship, and wants to make it better. ♡ W/C: 4.6K ♡ Posted Date: 05/26/2024 ♡ A/N: Heyyyyy!! Here is my technically second request for my 200 follower celebration that can be found ♡ Here ♡ based on this request from an anon :) please get your requests in folks! This celebration will be running Today (05/26/24) to next Sunday 06/02/24! I am still working on my first request (First date w/ Carmy) the writing bug just bit me in the butt for this one and I haven't ever written for childhood best friend Carmy it was very fun!!! Anyhoot- I hope you enjoy :D ♡ Warnings for BTC: Angsty (but comfort too!) Not edited, No use of y/n (reader is referred to as 'squish'), No use of skin colors / descriptions for reader (pics are for purely vibes!), Typical TW's that come w/ TB (speaking of suicide and all that), reader feels nauseous but never throws up!oh and not all that edited woopsieee haha sorry yall know the drill btp
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♡ 𝐌𝐲 𝐋𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐬 ♡ ➵ 𝐂𝐡𝐞𝐜𝐤 𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐦𝐲 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭 ♡ ➵ 𝐂𝐚𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐦𝐲 𝐨𝐧𝐞-𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭 𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐩𝐚𝐠𝐞 ♡ ➵ 𝘊𝘭𝘪𝘤𝘬 𝘮𝘦 𝘵𝘰 𝘳𝘦𝘲𝘶𝘦𝘴𝘵 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 / 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘵 ♡ ➵ 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐬 ♡
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You had known Carmy a long time. Too long, was what you’d have said when he first moved back to Chicago. He kept in touch with you up until he left, and then it was simply every time your google search alert went off, you got a warmth in your chest knowing he’d accomplished something else. 
It felt strange, not talking to him every day. You'd had a huge fight before he’d ran off to Paris all alone. That was what baffled you, Carmy and alone - didn’t go in the same sentence usually. All middle school, all high school - he was glued to your side. Any time he needed a new assignment because he lost his, you’d go up for him and ask the teacher for a new one. When he needed to return an overdue library book, you’d face the librarian, claiming he’d forgot it at your house and you were too lazy to bring it in until then. Even going up in the fucking lunch line - he literally gave you his lunch pin so he didn’t have to face anyone unnessisarily. 
He’d meet you in the back of the football bleachers, cigarette between his lips that he’d throw out as soon as he saw you (he took to heart how you despised the habit- and he strongly disliked disappointing you) but with a mother, older brother, father, and older sister that smoked nearly a pack a day? He was doomed to pick it up himself. 
“I heard this mornin’ it was-“ 
“Chicken patty’s” you grimace handing him over the foil covered sandwich. “I didn’t get the fries - the geese are gonna have heart failure cus’a’you” you teased, opening your own and digging the 6 crumpled ketchup packets from your pocket, handing him 2 (you got the extra to wolf down the public school garbage because you made the walk up to the line, and all the way outside for him) 
“They deserve a little happiness y’know?! N-no worse than bread- vegetables are healthy!” He teased, taking the sandwich and muttering a little “Ugh” as he unwrapped it and smeared the 2 packets under the bun before closing it. “After school you wanna go T-T’the restaurant w’me?” He took a big bite. It was shit but it was something that got us through the grueling, sticky Chicago spring schoolday. 
“Mmhm” you hummed “parents outta town- Y’can sleep over if you want after. “ you nudge his hip with your own playfully. He’d been content with staying home lately, for whatever reason, but you wanted your Carmy time back. You’d figured you’d give it one more try 
“Uh-“ he started and you took a deep breath, eyes fixed on your dirty old black and white converse “N-Nat needs help w-with-“ 
“Save it” you snip, leaning against the bleachers and staring out at the pond next to the soccer field. He’d been doing this for the past months, when he used to be at your house every day, making up stupid games together and showing you how to cook his family's favorite recipes- lately, he’d just been going straight home after school and didn’t tell you why. 
“H-Hey-“ he reached out, touching your arm gently and you jerked it away. While his touch used to be comforting, now it felt like it burnt. You’d been having a crush on him for years and it felt like the ultimate knife to the gut he couldn’t see it, and didn’t reciprocate it. It hurt even worse it felt like your best friend in the whole wide world (and your only friend) had recently started ignoring you.
“Just don’t, Carmen.” You muttered, taking another bite of your sandwich. “Gotta get t’health.” You said after a few beats of silence, heading back to the school. It was one of the 2 classes once a week you didn’t have together due to your last names, and usually the worst periods of the week. But this time, it felt like a relief. 
That was the last time you’d ever met him for lunch. 3 months before the end of your senior year, and 7 years of being attached at the hip somehow fizzled to nothing more then longing glances in the hallway, and staring eachother down at graduation. 
Your mom and dad were ultimately confused when you told them you wanted to leave as soon as you’d walked the stage, not caring in the least to go to Carmys grad party - and that confused them even more. It just turned into a bratty screaming match started by your teen self, telling them how they had to ‘butt out of your life’ and to ‘Mind their own stupid business!!!’ Even though they were just concerned you were now completely ignoring the boy they had taken in as a son, and were giving him the cold shoulder when since the sixth grade the two of you had been nothing short of inseparable. 
Then - when you had started working at The Beef - as a favor for Mikey, when he had called - asking if you needed a job your first summer off from college, of course you said yes. And then Carmy took that news…. Worse then you could have ever thought. 
The fight you had the night he’d found out in the back alley of The Beef was burned into your memory since it happened. The angry accusations of you ‘having a crush on his older brother and wanting to fuck him since you were in school’ or ‘trying to weasel your way back into his life when he’d made it clear he hated that you were so ‘obsessed’ with him’ it had literally made you throw up in frustration and sadness and utter disbelief when he stomped off, face red and veins bulging in anger. 
The 5 words though that were seared into your brain ‘How fucking could you?, squish?!’ nearly choking on your childhood name, Tears streaming down his flushed pink cheeks. You never knew it would hurt him so badly that you worked at The Beef, you truly thought you were just doing a good favor for a man who was a big brother to you. Not betraying your best friend in the world, the boy you’d loved for so many years. 
You’d tried calling Carmy, only to be met with the generic voicemail message each and every time. Tears rolled down your cheeks as you wished him well, told him how much you missed him, missed your stupid inside jokes - you missed your bear. 
When Mikey killed himself.. it was easy to say you were a mess. Mikey was the one who coaxed you through Carmys leaving, letting you know it was ok, that he was just ‘bein’ a lil’ bitch’ and he’d come to his senses soon enough. But he didn’t. And Mikey got sicker. And no matter how much you tried, how many times you called Carmy after a hard shift, or after stumbling into Mikey in the back freezer with a fucking disposable tourniquet tied around his arm, nodding off, begging Carmy to come home through your tears. Pleading, sobbing into the phone for minutes at a time that his brother was fucking killing himself - you never got a call back. 
The day Carmy had come home, well - the day he started working at the beef. You were there early, per usual. You liked the 6-3:30 shift as you were out before the busiest time of day, and had maintained this shift since college. You had your degrees, you were going to be leaving after you’d graduated to start a real adult life instead of slinging stupid beef sandwiches for less-than-favorable pay - and then Mikey died. And you were the only one who knew how to do the books at the beef, before you taught Natalie. 
It wasn’t a surprise that Mikey was laundering money through the place, but what was a surprise was he left the place to his idiot little brother who’d abandoned his whole entire family to go do his stupid Executive chef-de-bullshit while everyone drowns in Chicago without him. You highly doubted that he would be able to manage the moving of money Mikey had taught you, but Nat was the only sister you’d ever known- so when she sobbed to you after mike died and she found out it was left to Carmy, and begged you to teach him how everything works- you couldn’t deny your big sis.  
“S-squish?” You heard behind you, and you nearly dropped the entire pan of beef you’d chopped into the large pan you were holding to marinate for the day. Your heart felt like it had been replaced with a hummingbird and its wings were beating so hard against your chest you were sure if you turned he would see it in your throat.
“Uh-“ you started, deciding it was better to not look at him, since tears would likely spring to your eyes. What did he look like in real life now? Was he really so…big? Was he really no longer that skinny, awkward little bear you once knew? “N-no one really calls me that- anymore…only Richie.” You grabbed the bowl of pre chopped onions that you’d grabbed from the fridge, tearing off the plastic wrap that had yesterdays date written on it, crumpling it up and dumping the vegetables over the meat before grabbing the bowl of chopped green peppers and doing the same. 
“So I can’t call y’the name I gave you?” He chides, that old edge of playfulness to his tone you missed so much. It made your heart clench. 
“The last person to use that regular was your brother” you said and that quickly shut him up as you mixed together the meat and veggies with a large spoon after adding the pre made spice mix, the last of the pre made spice mix that Mikey had left, tears brimming your eyes at the realization, shaking your head a bit hoping to will them away. 
“Fuck” he said, barely audible. There was a sadness to his tone, easily picked up by you. This was your first love. How could you not remember every single thing about him?! “Squish I’m-“ 
“Just save it. You’re here to work, right?” You looked back at him finally, and your breath nearly got caught in your throat. He was so… tall. You always teased him that he was just a late bloomer, and would grow into himself just like Mikey did - but he would constantly deny it and tell you he’d just be stuck being ‘a shrimp’ forever.
But fuck had he grown. And he has grown well. He finally grew into his nose, which you wanted to immediately poke fun at him for, his lips were still the same pouty thin ones you’d remembered - but his body. It made your mouth water. 
You’d seen it once, as he’d seen yours. You were sophomores in high school, awkward, fumbling teens that agreed to lose your virginity together. But back then he was lanky, hairless, soft. Now? He was a full grown man. 
“Mmhmm” he hummed, sounding like a child scolded but you could barely recognize the tone of his voice now that you’ve met his face. A man. 
“Carmen” you said softly and his eyes met yours again, recognizing the tears in them 
“Don’t cry, squish” he said just above a whisper, “M’sorry…” he admitted, carefully reaching up and thumbing away your tears. 
“Oh Carm” you broke down, dropping the spoon you were holding onto the bowl and practically collapsing into his arms in choked sobs. 
“I know” he said quietly, gently petting your hair just like he did when you were little. 
“He’s dead Carm, where were you? Where the fuck were you? I called you, Bear! He was sick!” you sobbed mercilessly into his shirt, letting everything out you held in at the funeral to maintain your cool for Donna and Sugar since they were blubbering messes.. You could hear the thick tears in his voice when he whispered a strained 
“I’m so fuckin’ sorry, Squishy- So sorry” 
Your little moment was interrupted though, by a small voice - 
“Hi! Hey- uh..Hello- sorry- I was um…I got a call - yesterday, about an interview, for an um- a Sous position?” your head shot up from Carmys shoulder, seeing a tall brown-skinned girl with braids smiling awkwardly,  eyes flickering between you and Carm, clearly looking uncomfortable. You would be too, you realized - if you walked in to your supposed-to-be interview, to see your potential boss being cried on by one of his employees.
“Shit- uh” he pulled away quickly, walking up to her and extending a hand. You decided to go to the back of the kitchen to the changing area to have a few swigs from your water bottle and calm down. You didn’t need to relish in the sting that was him dropping you so fast for another girl, even if you were short staffed and you did need the help.
You shook your head, wiping over your tears and taking a few large gulps of water. Teach him how to move the money, and quit. Thats all you have to do, easy right? 
Not at all, actually- fucking impossible. 
Carmen had been bad at math, horrible at it  - actually, so teaching him how to run the books - with Richies explicit instructions to not make him aware his Uncle and Brother were washing blood money through the restaurant - so to try and explain why the electric costed 120K a month for a hole in the wall like The Beef was getting frustrating, because when Carmy didn’t understand something- he asked never ending questions until he got it. Thats what had you and Carmy, sitting in the back office together at nearly 8 PM, going over the books for what felt like the millionth time.
“So - so the General electric, lets go over one more time squish - I’m still.. Why would Mike have done that? An-an’ why we payin f’r a system that y’say isn’t workin’ anymore? Cant we just like- negotiate? Ask uncle jimmy t’fix it?” he tapped his pencil on the desk absentmindedly as he looked over the spiral notebook you’d written the monthly ‘bills’ on, trying to explain it to him without giving away anything he didn’t need to know like Richie instructed.
You groaned, rubbing over your face frustratedly and rubbing your temples. He was gonna give you a migraine asking these same god-damn questions. “Bear- i’m tired- my shift ended like…four hours ago! I was supposed to be on a facetime date” you groan, dragging your hands down your cheeks dramatically.
“The hell is a facetime date?” he asked, that gigglyness in his voice he’d take on when he was making fun of you when you were little.
“You lost the privilege of fucking with me when you ran away” you look over at him, a frown unknowingly etched in your features.
He met your eyes, biting at his lip the way he did, blinking a few too many times as he looked down at your lips before meeting your eyes again. “I never was running from you, squish” he said, his voice taking on that softness you fucking hated because you loved it so much.
“Yeah? Sure fucking felt like it- and for your information, a facetime date is a date you do when someone isn’t close enough to go on a real date. So…yeah. Anyway- like I said - the arcade costs-” he cut you off
“So…where’s this guy live?” he questioned. “You really can’t date a guy in Chicago? Y’gotta go f’r long distance?” he asked, a little smirk on his face. The kind that would have had you wanting to crash your lips into his when you were teens, but now it just made you want to cry at all the lost time, what you could have been if you just told him you’d loved him that night, that the reason you accepted the job was so that hed fucking look at you again. 
“Why the fuck does it matter to you? You stopped giving a fuck about me - what, Tell me fancy pants CDC? How long has it been since you gave a fuck” You got up, grabbing your jacket. “Like I fucking said, Carmen, My shift ended hours ago. I’ve explained this to you multiple times. If you’re still too focused on Paris, or- or Copenhagen - Or fucking Noma- to not understand how to run your familys piece of shit? Isn’t that what you called it- huh? Why don’t you go and ask the fucking sibling you have left how to do it, yea? She’s been trying to call you, We all were- but it’s not like you give a fuck- like I said- figure it out, Bear- and consider this my formal fucking 2 weeks. I’m done in this shithole” you threw your wadded up apron at his chest and slammed the office door shut behind you, stomping off to the lockers to gather your things and go the hell home. 
The next week and a half of work felt much like high school. You and Carmy were in the same exact room, forced to work together most of the time - but not a word was exchanged that wasn't absolutely necessary between the two of you. It wasn’t until the night before your last day, he was brave enough to say something to you. It was after closing, you’d picked up a double since 2 line cooks had called out and you already knew how to hold up pace without any training. You could use the money anyway, the pay was absolute garbage - the only reason you ever put up with it was because Michael was family to you. “So uh…” Carmy starts as he put on his plaid coat, shoving his work clothes in his backpack “How was y’r um… facetime date?” he asked, shoving in his chefs clogs last before zipping the bag shut.
You bit your lip, continuing to fill your tote bag with the remainders from your locker. You wanted to just leave as soon as the clock struck 3:30 tomorrow and never look back, forget Carmen was ever a part of your life. Being around him again brought back that sharp ache deep in your chest that you’d picked up in school when you began ignoring eachother, for why? You cant even remember- other then him shrugging you off to hang out that one last time, and you ignoring him the rest of that week, and it just kept going. You realized the first you’d spoken since then was his first day back, and you couldn’t get that fact out of your head. 
“He never texted me back so- yeah” you folded up a pair of work jeans, shoving them in the bag
“Oh- shit- m’sorry, squish. Guys can be real assholes” he replied. And while you know it was supposed to be friendly and him just trying to console you, It really just pissed you off. 
“Yeah- You would know” you grate quietly, continuing to pack your bag. He frowned in that cure Carmy way, shutting his locker and putting his backpack on his shoulder. Luckily the two of you were the only ones there tonight, so no one had to be present for you unpleasant bickering.
“Are you ever gonna hear me out? Er’ you’re just gonna freeze me out forever?” he asked, his voice laced with genuine hurt. But you couldn’t help but laugh coldly, shaking your head.
“Freeze you out? Freeze you out? Well if this week has been anything like the past few years? I hope it feels half as shit as I’ve felt. Glad you’re finally getting the message, I want nothing to do with you. I don’t stay where i’m not wanted, plus- aren’t I just a whore who took a job to make passes at your older brother- who by the fucking way was literally nearly 10 years older then us? That is just…gross Carmy! Mikey was as much an older brother, a fucking protector as he was to you, and to Nat- as he was to me- I loved you! I fucking loved you, Carmy! And you-” You took a shaking breath, turning to look at him and he was pale as a ghost at your admission.
“And you froze me out first, you- you stopped calling, in school carmen all those fucking years ago? You stopped, and - and when I didn’t come to the bleachers you didn’t try to find me! You just-” you met his eyes once again but couldn’t find them as they were squeezed shut and that 17 year old was right back in front of you, nervously shaking his hand and tears streaming down his cheeks. “Fuck- Bear I didn’t mean t-” 
“D-Don’t” he brushed past you, the familiar smell of smoke and pine and sandalwood hitting your nose, the same Cologne Mikey wore. 
“Carmy” you rushed after him as he made a b-line for the office. 
“You’re right, Squish- go home” he rasped, his voice thick with tears and regret. Your heart broke in that moment. Your chest also bubbled with anger, because - you were right?!
“I’m right?” you asked and he sniffled, attempting to shut the door on you but you shoved it open “Look at me - Look at me and fucking tell me that you meant what you said Carmen!” he sat at the desk, burrying his face in his hands and rubbing over it. 
“Just fuck off Squish! I mean it- go!” He was getting louder now, but there it was again, Squish.
“If you meant what you said- call me by my name” You challenge, nudging his sneaker to get his attention, just how you did when his head would be down in english class when he didn’t want to be noticed so he wasnt picked to read out loud.
“What?” he looked up at you finally, his big blue eyes red and tear stained, rims watery and long sandy colored lashes clinging to stray smaller tears. He looked so sad, and you thought again for the first time since he left that night all those years ago, that you wanted to kiss those tears away.
“You- you keep calling me squish” you shrug a bit “If you really mean what you said - if- if you think I got this job to whore around with Michael?! Call me by my real name. The name the rest of the staff call me- the name people who aren’t a fuckin’ Bear call me.” you challange, a lump growing in your throat as he stared you down.
“Did you mean it?” He asked, voice just barely above a whisper. You knew exactly what he meant, and you were pretty sure your heart was gonna fly out of your throat any second- or you were gonna throw up all over the floor and embarrass yourself - 50/50 
“You- you go first, I asked first” You said and he ran a hand through his hair, greasy from the day before digging in his pocket and pulling out a spare quarter 
“Heads er’ tails?” he asked, and you couldnt help but crack a tiny smile. This- this was normal. In high school, when you’d both ask eachother a question and neither wanted to answer first - even though technically the person who asked first should be the first to get an answer, you both decided to let the universe decide who’d be the first to get an answer.
“You gotta be kidding- you remember that?” You leaned on the desk and he looked up at you, panic mostly gone from his eyes and you knew you still had your bear-taming charm as Mikey called it when you were kids, since you were the only other person to be able to calm Carmy down.
“Are you kidding? I remember everything” he retorts “I call heads then” he flipped it and you gasp, smile growing a bit and you nudge his knee with yours, the gesture causing warmth to flood his cheeks as he flips the coin 
“I thought it’s always ladies first?” you teased and he flipped it on to his hand, keeping it covered. 
“Y’re too slow” he cracked a small smile, before revealing the quarter was heads side up and looking up at you expectantly. That heartbeat that could also be vomit reappeared, and your chest got tight. 
“Yes” you said simply, realizing you’d said loved - not love, not a current state of being, even though it never really went away. When he came back that first day, and you were right back to using all your old coded language and laughing over old jokes - you’d realized the love never really died, you’d just shoved it down as deep as it could go.
“Of course I didn’t mean that bullshit, Squish. I was….so fuckin stupid- I was - I am a fuckin idiot. I- I changed my fuckin number and I didn’t bother to load my contacts cause…I thought you hated me - But I- I never stopped…” he met your eyes again. 
Oh god, your heart was really coming out of your throat right now
“Never stopped….loving me? You- you loved me?” you asked bravely, feeling as if you might pass out - or die - or both if he said no. 
He nodded silently, his gaze fixed on the floor ever so shyly, Classic Carmy, the Cowardly Bear
“Well- which- which is it?” you asked, you weren’t going to let his shyness cheat you out of a real answer.
“I- um…I never stopped” he finally met your eyes.
You felt as if you still may pass out, or die, or both at this admission. 
Instead of that though, you leaned in, cupping his stubbly cheeks. His breath hitched, so did yours - you weren’t even sure you were breathing, the last time you’d been this close was - well, Sophomore year of high school , when you both vowed to never speak of it again, since you were both unsure how the other felt - and much too shy to say anything about it in case of rejection or being viewed as ‘weird’ by one another. You leaned in, the smell of cigarettes and mint on his breath from the gum he would chew instead of eating on meal breaks after a cigarette. 
His eyes fluttered shut “I’ve thought about this every day” he whispers, breath fanning your lips gently. You rest your forehead on his, closing your eyes and your noses bumped sweetly. “Can I please kiss you?” he asked, his voice soft and wanting. 
“You don’t have to ask” you said and leaned in, finally meeting his lips. He pulled you closer, you were practically on his lap. It felt as natural as falling into bed at the end of a long day moving your lips with his, your fingers easily finding his curls and combing out the little knots from the day, causing him to groan softly into your mouth. You smiled a bit, straddling his lap and wrapping your arms around his neck. 
You sighed in relief as he wrapped his arms around your waist, slipping his tongue over your bottom lip, you hummed- opening for him and moaning softly as he ran his tongue over yours, enjoying your taste as well as you were enjoying his. He was the same as you remembered, you’d fantasized about doing this with him again every time you got off - or just every time you were daydreaming in general. You weren’t sure who broke the kiss first, but you both needed to breathe, so it was for the best.
“I still love you, too”
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fandomfucker · 6 months
Judgement Day x reader Where the reader is an absolute cuddle bug, but is afraid they might be too clingy. So Judgement Day assure them that they love how cuddly they are?
Word Count: 2,053
Reader's POV
Ever since I was a child, I was extremely touchy. I always felt the need to be not only emotionally close to all my friends and family but also physically close.
I would hug each of my friends at least twice a day, along with my teachers and parents and my usually unwilling siblings.
I was able to calm down a bit by the time I got to middle school, restraining myself from hugging just my family members and my friends who were used to it by now. High fives and wrapped arms around shoulders and waists became a norm for anyone interacting with me.
In high school, I had better learned to keep my hands to myself, only occasionally hugging my friends. But, my friend group was also a bunch of pretty touchy people so sitting next to each other with our legs touching, or laying down with our head in the lap of the other while they finger-brushed our hair was a norm for us within our friend group.
I had accepted long ago that my love language was touch but that it wasn't for everyone. One potential partner in high school even broke things off because of how touchy I am. They said it was suffocating and just 'way too much'.
Touchiness has never been an issue with my four wonderful partners now, though. Rhea, Dominik, Damian, and Finn all seemed to appreciate my touches and would even go out of their way to be closer to me sometimes.
And I love and appreciate them all for it.
My partners are all very aware of my need for touch. So, on days when I get home from work, both physically and mentally exhausted, they'll center me a a big group hug until I feel better.
When I wake up in the morning, Dominik smothers me in hugs and kisses, usually ending in hours-long cuddles until we're forced to move.
Damian often has me sit in his lap, no matter where we are. A party, backstage at a WWE show, or just hanging out in the living room of our house.
Whenever I had a particularly bad day Finn would shower me with affection, figuratively and literally. He would help me take a shower, giving me small kisses on my shoulders all the while, before giving my shoulders a massage in our bedroom.
Rhea was surprisingly the most touchy out of all my partners. She constantly had to have a hand on my waist, shoulder, arm, thigh, you name it she was touching it. She's very protective and always had to make sure that not only was she giving me what I needed, but also making sure everyone else knew I was hers as well.
The doubts didn't start until about six months into our five-way relationship when I had been at home on the couch scrolling through social media while the four of them were at Monday Night RAW.
My for you page had decided to randomly show me a video of someone who had compiled a bunch of videos and pictures of me with my partners. They had all zoomed in on my partners' faces whenever I specifically was touching them and not the other way around. The person who made the video was saying "Look at how uncomfortable the Judgment Day looks. Y/n needs to stop fucking touching them and leave them alone."
The video instilled a spark of fear in me as I read all the comments agreeing with the original poster and for the next three hours I went down a rabbit hole of TikTok videos through the search from the original video; "Y/n Y/l/n being clingy".
There were at least a hundred different TikTok videos talking about it, with tons of comments throughout. I found videos so long that they had to post them on YouTube in which what they said about me was even worse because guidelines are a bit more lax.
For those three hours until my partners got home, I watched all the mean videos, read all the mean comments, saw all the mean posts, tweets, edits, etc, and sobbed as I realized that my partners probably were just doing it all because I wanted to and that they actually just hated me.
A little after midnight I heard the garage door open and Rhea's truck as they pulled into the driveway. I threw my blanket off my lap and sprinted up the stairs to our master bath. I needed to make it look like I hadn't been crying the entire time so I threw myself into the shower, making the water as hot as possible.
3rd Person POV
The four members of the Judgment Day walked through the door, into the house doing their best to stay quiet as with all the lights off they figured their partner was probably already asleep.
Hearing a noise coming from the living room, Dominik curiously made his way towards the couch, beginning to move around blankets and pillows.
Y/n's phone fell out of a blanket and bounced onto the thick carpet floor, it's face glowing up at the ceiling as a TikTok video played on a loop.
Hearing the clunk from the phone hitting the floor, Dominik tossed the blanket he was holding back onto the couch before bending down to grab the phone.
Mention of The Judgment Day along with Y/n's name made Dominik pause, focusing on the video playing. 
"I mean, just look at their body language whenever Y/n touches them. They all always just look so uncomfortable."
Dominik watched in disbelief, as he beckoned the other Judgment Day members over to him. The group has always been pretty out about their relationship and some of them about their sexualities so haters were a norm but it was beginning to cross a line by hating their partner, who wasn't in the spotlight at all.
He beckoned the other three JD members over as the video began to play from the beginning again, holding the phone out for them all to watch.
They all watched the video in concern, Damian took the phone out of Dom's hands once it was over and began to backtrack, looking at what had previously been watched before that video.
There were several more videos about this particular topic at hand which the four of them scrolled through with growing disgust.
After several minutes of this, Rhea had a thought. "Where's Y/n?" She asked the group in a small panic.
They all looked at each other in concern before Rhea bolted up the stairs, yelling their partner's name, the boys quickly following suit.
Reader's POV
I was still in the shower about ten minutes after I had heard the garage door open and my partners come in when I began to hear Rhea screaming my name as four sets of footsteps thudded up the stairs, becoming louder as they got closer to the bathroom.
Banging soon began against the door as they all reached it. I heard each of my partners distressedly shouting my name, Rhea, however, being the loudest.
I turned the water off in a rush, wrapped my towel around myself, and got out of the shower. I fumbled with the lock, unlocking it before swinging the door open in a rush. I was met with the four panicky faces of my partners.
"What's going on, is everything okay?" I asked, genuinely confused.
Rhea rushed forward, pulling me into a tight hug. My face was squished into her chest (not that I'm complaining) and was squished even further when my other three partners came around to join the group hug.
"Guys?" I asked nervously, tilting my head up and resting my chin on Rhea's collarbone so that I could see all of their faces above me.
Finn spoke aloud for the group from my left, "Love, you left your phone open downstairs. We saw what you were looking at."
The blood would have drained from my face had it not all rushed there as the tears began to fall again.
I dropped my chin off of Rhea's chest and covered my face with my hands, the top of my head now resting against her chest instead. The four of them hugged me tighter in attempted comfort which only made me feel worse.
They hated me hugging them and just generally being all over them all the time and were now hugging me to make me feel better.
"I-I'm sorry. P-please don't be m-mad," I managed to get out through the massive sobs. I began trying to push away, out of the hug barricade they'd created around me but I wasn't able to turn around very well with how tight it was, and Rhea's way too strong to move when she doesn't want to be moved.
"We're not mad, Princesa," Damian spoke gently from behind me. That just made me cry even harder.
I was crying so hard that I was struggling to breathe. My four partners kept me close and I could feel someone stroking my hair before someone gripped my hips and turned my body to face them. 
I dropped my hands from my face to my partner's waist, realizing who it was.
Looking up, my wet, red-rimmed, eyes were met with Dominik's wide brown ones. "Hey, hey." He shushed me softly. "Those videos are fake, mi amore. Okay? We all love how touchy you are. We love your hugs and kisses and all your little touches. If we didn't we wouldn't reciprocate them."
My sobs turned to sniffles at his sweet words. He gave me a small smile as he brought a hand up to my cheek, wiping away any remaining tears from my face with his thumb. 
I closed my eyes in acceptance, another tear or two slipping out at the action which Dominik was quick to swipe away. "We mean it, Cariño," Damian spoke up again, now on my right. "We love you and your cuddliness," He reassured me, his lips kept close against my hair as he gently pried me away from Dominik and tucked me into him.
"Promise?" I questioned faintly. It was directed generally towards all four of them.
I felt Rhea's hands snake around my waist, gently swaying me towards her a bit, "We promise. We love you so much and nothing and nobody will ever change that." She gave my temple a lingering kiss, squeezing my waist before turning me towards Finn.
"Don't listen to those morons on social media, love. We're just constantly uncomfortable on camera, especially around you just because we're worried about you. There's a lot of people and a lot going on and it can get overwhelming so we're a bit on edge trying to protect ya'." He explained smoothly as he brushed a few stray hairs off of my forehead and back behind my ear.
With their protective natures, this explanation did make a lot of sense. I mean, one time Rhea actually almost fought a fan at the airport because of how close he was to me despite, me telling him to get away. I guess them being my own personal bodyguards would make them a bit tense.
"Come on, as much as I hate to say it, let's get some clothes on you and put you to bed," Rhea ordered, shoving the boys out of the way to lead me back into the bathroom. I giggled at her statement, flushing bright red as she winked at me before closing the door to the bathroom, leaving me alone again as I quickly dried off and threw on some of my partners' clothes I'd stolen.
Coming out of the bathroom I saw all four of my wonderful partners seated on the edges of our giant bed, waiting for me to get into the middle for cuddles.
I grinned and got a running start, jumping full force onto the bed. Dominik made an exaggerated 'oomph' sound as I landed, causing Damian to swat the back of his head.
Laughing at my partners' antics, I crawled under the covers before opening my arms, signaling that I was ready for the puppy pile of cuddles I was about to receive.
I made my own 'oomph' sound as Dominik flopped on top of my chest, grinning wickedly as he playfully glared at me before sticking his face into my neck.
With all four of my partners now lying on top of me or next to me to some degree, I'd never felt safer or more comfortable.
Drifting off to sleep I only had one more thought.
"I love you guys."
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wonwooslibrary · 7 months
svt as boyfriends ♡ jihoon edition
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member: woozi x reader
genre: fluff, bullet points
word count: 878
summary: jihoon’s boyfriend things
warnings: a very small mention of periods, and that's it
author’s note: hahah i actually forgot to write this time!!! but hey i'm on break from school now so I had time to whip this out and post if for all the woozidans who are about to knock my door down for forgetting abt our precious jihoonie's day anyway please enjoy !!! <3
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Jihoon is the epitome of a quiet bf 
He just kinda exists and so do you and you both love it like that 
He’s also the (obvs) producer bf 
Quality Time
I think that Jihoon’s favorite thing to do with you would be to teach you how to write or produce music 
Or even accompany him at the gym because even if you don’t work out too, this man cannot, for any reason, miss leg day
He likes showing you what he is interested in, and of course, you love listening to him talk about his hobbies
I think he would also be the type to just…enjoy whatever you like, too
For example, you would have a show that you both specifically watch together, and maybe even read a book together and talk about the characters in them you liked or something 
Also !!! coffee dates !!! Y’all would totally have a specific date night on like Thursdays or something and you would always so to a coffee shop or a cafe or something and sit together and talk aaa he’s so sweet 
Cringy movie scenes like a large milkshake with two straws is the perfect way to summarize these dates too 
Words of Affirmation
Surprisingly, I don’t think Jihoon would be big on pet names or nicknames…he’d just stick with your name or a nickname you like being called 
He says it makes it easier to not call you something embarrassing in front of his friends, but we all know its because if he makes nicknames, you will too and he refuses to be called something cute in front of other people 
Always compliments you!!! And encourages you!!! 
“Y/N-nie, you’re working so hard, of course you’ll do great on that exam” 
Or even “Y/N-nie you’re such an amazing person and I am glad that you’re with me” 
Jihoon cannot physically or mentally take a compliment so if you compliment him back he’ll just be like “thanks…?” before destroying you in a compliment war 
Mans likes words so ofc like his quality time, he would write the most perfect songs ever for you and they would perfectly express his love for you in ways he would otherwise not be able to comprehend 
Physical Touch
We all know this man is a cuddle-bug on the inside, so of course that means that Jihoon has his needy time aka he must be the little spoon: no ifs, ands, or buts
I think Jihoon would appreciate a good back hug from you if you’re taller than him, and if you’re shorter, he loves when you rest your head on him :( 
I don’t think Jihoon is one for PDA, obviously (poor Hoshi) so there would be barely any proof to an outsider that y’all are actually dating to begin with 
Likes to keep hand-holding to a minimum, especially when in the studio, but he doesn’t mind when you sit with him and put your legs over his lap 
Or even play with his hair while he is working !! He likes soft things just only when you guys are alone together 
He’s just a shy baby fr 
Acts of Service 
When he comes home late, he makes sure that the apartment is tidy and clean before showering and going to bed because he knows it stresses you out seeing a messy place as soon as you wake up 
Cannot make food for the life of him please do not allow him in the kitchen unless he has a very specific task (he has zoned out while humming new melodies too often and burnt food is not a pleasant smell for your apartment) 
Always makes sure that you’re phone, watch and computer/tablet are plugged in at the end of the night, because you need them to be just as prepared for the next day as you
He would totally get sad if you do all the cleaning by yourself because he says that you work too hard making the messes, you don’t need to be cleaning them too 
You say the same thing to him when the boys make a mess in the living room when they are drinking and you offer to help clean up 
If you have periods, when you are getting close to it starting, he makes sure that your products are always stocked up so you don’t have to worry about getting anything 
Gift Giving 
Two words: Spotify playlists 
Jihoon would be over the moon with both making them for you and also receiving them from you 
I feel like Jihoon is also the type to just randomly show up with something and hold it out to you and just say “this make me think of you so I got it” 
Is super embarrassed when he does so but you love it so he’ll get over it when he sees how happy you are 
Is definitely not one for huge and expensive gifts like jewelry, cars and all of that stuff, but loves getting little trinkets and stuffed animals for you because let's be real: who doesn’t like a really cute and soft plushie? 
Doesn’t like receiving gifts because he feels bad when others spend time and money on him but >:( how dare he!!! He needs to be appreciated!!!
188 notes · View notes
fandomgirlz01 · 1 year
It’s Just A Little Bug
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Colby Brock x Reader
Imagine on my fandom instagram?: No
Prompt?: No
Request?: Yes By: @Bug_B01_bl3h on Wattpad
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Requested prompt?: No
Warnings here
You can listen to the story be read out loud here.
Post Date: March 3rd 2023
Post Time: 1:06 pm
Edited: Yes
Word count: 6,051
Summary: Colby has an important meeting to go to, but he gets a really bad stomach bug. He insists that he’s fine, but needs the reader to convince him he needs a much deserved break. Will he listen to her and take the break? What will happen if he doesn’t? 
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PSA: This is mostly just fluff with a little 🤏🏻 bit of angst and by a little bit I really mean a good section of it, other then that it’s mostly just fluffy.
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Y/n’s Pov:
I wake up to the sound of the toilet flushing and blink a few times to let my eyes adjust. I frown as I feel Colby’s side of the bed and it’s cold, meaning he’s been up for a bit. I wait for a few minutes for him to come back, but when he doesn’t I push the duvet back with furrowed brows and get up. 
I shiver lightly when my feet hit the floor, even if it is carpet, but keep walking. I walk over to the mostly closed bathroom door and knock on it. 
“Babe, you ok?” I ask as I slightly push the door open to peer in. 
“Yeah. I’m fine. Go back to bed, I’ll be there in a few, nug,” Colby groans out from the floor next to the toilet. 
“You don’t seem fine, Colby. Baby, are you sick?” I ask him as I fully walk in and over to him. 
“No. Babe, I’m fine, really,” Colby tells me and I give him a hum of disbelief as I sit down on the tub right behind him. 
“I don’t believe you. You’re sweating and by the looks of it, puking. Nobody pukes when they feel fine, babe,” I point out as I run my hand through his hair and he groans, laying his head against the porcelain of the toilet. 
“Not to mention you feel a little hot too,” I tell him as I use the back of my hand to feel his forehead lightly before running my hand through his hair again. 
“You think I’m hot, huh?” he asks with a tired smirk and I scoff playfully. 
“I definitely think you are. If I didn’t I wouldn’t be wearing this ring, but that’s not what I meant and you know it,” I tell him with a roll of my eyes as I hold up my hand, letting the ring glitter in the light of the bathroom. 
He smiles softly at me for a moment as he reaches his hand out to me and I grab onto his. He plays with my ring —that he'd given me a few weeks ago— for a moment before he lets out a groan as he leans over like he’s going to puke again, but he doesn’t. As he sits up a little more I rub his back. 
“It’s ok if you aren’t feeling well, baby. You can just take a day or two from work,” I tell him as I move my hand to scratch and run my nails over his scalp, making him sigh as he closes his eyes for a moment. 
“I can’t… I have that big meeting in the morning, remember? I have to get better,” he groans out before sitting up and puking again. 
“Oh, baby…” I coo at him as I rub his back for a moment.
“Babe. I’m sure Sam will be fine taking the meeting,” I tell him as he sits back on the floor. 
“I don’t wanna make Sammy do that. He took the meeting last week and the one the week before that,” he groans out, leaning his head against the toilet still, but now he looks up at me with sad eyes. 
“Let’s just focus on getting you better right now. If you're better in the morning, you can go, ok?” I tell him just to try to appease him so he’ll listen, and to my surprise he nods tiredly. 
“Here. I’ll be right back,” I inform him and he nods as he slumps against the side again. 
I quickly rush down to the kitchen and pour him a glass of water. I look in the pantry to see if we have crackers or something, but see nothing so I close it and decide I’ll make a trip to the store when I get a chance. I grab the glass of water and walk back up the stairs to our room. 
I walk back through our room and to the bathroom where I see him now half asleep by the toilet. I frown and set the water down before walking over to our linen closet. I grab a washcloth and get it wet with slightly cold water. 
I then walk back over to him and put the washcloth to his head, making him jump awake. He looks up at me and I smile softly back at him as I now dab the cloth to his neck. 
“Sorry, baby. I just thought the cold might help you a bit. There’s also water here for you. You think you’re ready to go back to bed?” I ask him and he slowly nods in his half sleepy haze. 
“Ok. Come on then. Let’s get you up,” I tell him and he grabs my hand. 
He flushes the toilet before slowly getting up with my help to steady him. Once he’s standing, I hand him the water and he shakes his head. 
“I want to brush my teeth first. Get this nasty taste out of my mouth,” he tells me and I nod before setting the water back on the counter. 
“Ok. You do that and I’m going to see if I can find some kind of bucket to keep by the bed, ok?” I ask him and he nods in agreement. 
I walk back out into our room and see his trash bin. I quickly go over to it and take the bag out before tying it closed and leaving it by the door to take out later. Just as I stand up straight, he shuffles back out with a small groan. 
He shuffles over to the bed and I follow behind him. He slowly gets back into the bed and when I’m sure he’s in, I pull the covers over him. He sighs when he finally feels comfortable and I smile softly at him. 
“Go back to sleep, honey. I’m going to run down to the store and get a few things. I’ll be right back,” I tell him before leaning down to leave a kiss on his forehead. 
I stand, ready to leave, but he pulls me back as he shakes his head. He holds me in place and I arch a brow at him. 
“Don’t go. It’s not safe for you to go out alone. I’ll be fine. Really, nug, stay,” he practically begs me, playing with my ring again, and I sigh. 
“Colbs, you need fluids, hon. You need to stay hydrated, not to mention foods that you can eat,” I try to make my point known and he shakes his head. 
“Don’t go,” he reiterates himself, shaking his head and I sigh. 
“Colbs. Baby. I have to,” I reiterate myself this time and he huffs, crossing his arms while pouting at me. 
“Please don’t pout. You know I’ll agree if you pout,” I tell him and run my hand through his hair as he tiredly smirks at me. 
“Kinda the point, nug,” he tells me with a playful eye roll and I sigh once again. 
“Look. Will it make you feel better if I wake Sam and ask him to come with me?” I ask and he sits up a little more as if it intrigues him. 
“It’d make me feel a whole lot better at this hour in Vegas, nug, but are you sure you wanna wake him?” he asks as he once again sinks back into the bed. 
“I guess I’ll have to if it’ll make you feel better about it. Go to sleep, I’ll be back soon,” I promise him as I scratch at his head and he sighs, sinking even further into the bed. 
“Ok. Go to sleep. Bucket’s right here if you need it. I’ll be as quick as I can,” I promise again only to smile when I get a soft hum back. 
Once I’m sure he’s asleep, I walk to the closest and put on a pull-over. I grab my purse and put on some easy slip-on shoes. When I’m done grabbing my stuff, I quietly walk over to my side of the bed and grab my phone before heading to the door. 
On the way out I grab the garbage bag to take out and when the door is shut quietly, I start walking towards Sam’s room. I knock on the door lightly and it takes a minute, but soon he’s opening the door. 
“Oh, you're already up. So I didn’t wake you. Good,” I comment and he nods. 
“Yeah, me and Kat decided to watch a movie tonight. What’s up?” he asks and I peek in to see Kat sitting on the bed, playing on her phone. 
“Hi, Kat!” I shout to her and she smiles while looking up at me before giving a small wave. 
“Hi, y/n,” she replies and I wave back at her. 
“So what’s up?” Sam asks and I giggle. 
“Oh, yeah. Colby’s pretty sick and we have nothing in this new house for sick people. I was going to run to the store to get stuff, but-” I start to explain and Sam shakes his head. 
“Colby told you not to go alone, huh?” he asks and I nod. 
“Yeah. So I promised him I’d ask you to tag along,” I agree with him and he chuckles. 
“Babe," he says to Kat. "Do you care if I go to the store with y/n?”
“No. Go ahead. Can you get me a Hickory sticks please?” Kat asks him and he nods as he picks up his keys. 
“Alright. Let’s go then,” he tells me before stepping out of the room and closing the door behind him. 
“How sick exactly is he?” Sam asks as we walk out of the house and to his car. 
“I think it’s a stomach bug. He went to bed not feeling too well, but was convinced it’d go away. I just woke up like maybe fifteen to twenty minutes ago to him puking,” I explain as he unlocks the car and I open my door to slide into the passenger side seat. 
“I’m going to need to get us a new thermometer too. I have no idea where ours went after the move,” I comment as he starts the car up and pulls out onto the road. 
“Let me guess, he’s insisting on going to the meeting tomorrow?” Sam asks quickly, looking at me for a moment before looking back to the road and I sigh. 
“Yeah. He won’t listen to reason. I told him I was sure you’d be ok with taking it if he’s sick, but you know Colbs,” I tell him and he hums in agreement while turning his blinker on. 
“I told him that we’d see in the morning, but I’m definitely not letting him go,” I finished and he nods in agreement. 
“I wouldn’t be letting him go either. It’s ok, I’ll take it,” he promises me and I sigh in relief that he’s on my side. 
“Thank you, Sam,” I tell him and he nods, reaching down for my hand to give it a soft squeeze. 
“You’re welcome. I know Colby can be a little difficult when he’s sick. He just sometimes doesn’t get when he needs breaks. I’m glad he has you to make him take them,” he tells me as he parks the car and turns it off. 
“Well, I did agree to in sickness and in health, or at least I will be in a few months,” I tell him with a shrug and Sam grins, nodding before unbuckling himself. 
“And I’m excited for you guys. I bet you’ll look super beautiful in your dress. So beautiful, Colby may cry,” he jokes and I giggle. 
“Colby, cry? Whatever are you talking about?” I joke back and he rolls his eyes as he lets out a groan. 
“Oh, he’ll cry alright…” he adds on and I giggle smiling. 
“Thank you, Sam. I’m sure he will,” I tell him and he nods as he pushes his door open. 
We both get out and walk over to the store. 
“Wanna split up then meet back at the till’s?” I ask him and he purses his lips as I grab a basket. 
“It’ll get us done quicker and home sooner, Sammy,” I tell him with a giggle as I walk a little further into the store and he shakes his head. 
“Deal, but meet back in exactly ten minutes,” he tells me, pointing a finger at me and I giggle. 
“Fifteen minutes tops,” I playfully tell him and he rolls his eyes. 
“Fine, fifteen minutes, but right back here,” Sam says and I nod in agreement, smiling at him. 
I then quickly turn and start to walk to the aisle I know the thermometer will be in. I walk down to the whole wall of medicines, quickly looking over them just to see if there’s one that could help Colby, but unfortunately find none. 
“He’s just going to have to ride this one out,” I think to myself as I move a little further down the aisle to look for the thermometer. I look over the many different options and read through the information on the back of some of them before deciding which I want. 
I grab one and quickly set it in the basket before fully standing up from where I had crouched down. I quickly look at my watch and see I have about ten more minutes till I have to meet up with Sam. I decide to go over to get him crackers and some soup. 
I also get him some cold and hot therapeutic ice packs, some 7up and Gatorade, as well as some jello and pudding. Last I grab a multi pack of toothbrushes, knowing he’ll probably want a new one after it’s last use. 
Once I’m sure I have everything, I head back towards the tills only to find Sam already paying. He looks up just as I walk up to the self checkout and smiles, making me giggle. I quickly scan the items and pay, then put it all in the bag I keep in my purse. 
Sam finishes before me and waits at the end of the self checkout. I quickly grab the receipt and my bag of stuff before walking over to meet him. 
“Ready to go?” he asks and I nod. 
“Yeah. Let’s go,” I tell him as we start to walk. 
We walk out of the store and start down the aisle he parked on as my phone starts to ring. I look at Sam in confusion and he shrugs as I move the bag from my right hand to my left. I pull my phone out to see it’s Kat calling and answer as we continue walking. 
“Hey. What’s up?” I ask her and I hear her huff. 
“So, I went in to check on Colby just because I thought I should, and he’s like really burning up,” she explains in a rushed tone and Sam takes the bags from my hands. 
He opens his trunk and puts the bags in before turning to look at me as I talk to his girlfriend. Sam arches an eyebrow at me for a moment as he waits to know what’s going on. 
“How hot is his forehead?” I ask and she clicks her tongue as Sam stands up a little straighter at the sound of her panic. 
“Too hot. I couldn’t even really touch his forehead. I don’t know what to do. He’s really out of it too. Thought I was you,” she explains in a panicked, rushed tone. 
“Colby, no! Put it back on your head!” Kat shouts and I look up at Sam in a panic. 
He nods at me before rushing around his side and I rush to mine. Sam quickly gets in and lets me in. I buckle in while Sam starts the car up and quickly starts to pull out of the parking space. 
“Kat. Do you think you can get him in a cold bath?” I ask her in my calmest voice. 
“I have him keeping a cold cloth on his head, but I may need Sam’s help to get him in the tub,” she tells me and I nod, biting my lip. 
“Ok. Well keep him drinking water and keep the wash cloth as cold as you can. We’re just down the street. Should be home here in a bit,” I calmly explain what she needs to do. 
“Ok. See you in a bit,” she replies and I let out a sigh. 
“See you in a minute,” I agree before hanging my phone back up. 
“How’d you know to do that?” Sam asks as he continues to drive and I start to fidget in my seat. 
“How’d I know to do what?” I ask him as I fidget with my ring while sitting up as straight as I can. 
“To put him in a cold bath?” Sam clarifies and I bite at my lip. 
“Ahh… when I was little, I’d get really bad fevers and it’d get to the point where I’d almost start seizing. So when I got super close the first time, my dad rushed me to the bathroom and held me in an ice cold bath,” I explain and Sam’s eyes widen a little. 
“Oh. Shit. Y/n, that’s crazy. Did they ever stop?” he gasps in shock before moving onto his question and I sigh. 
“The cold baths help get the fever down most of the time. They usually happen in kids, but the occasional adult can seize with no signs of problems. I haven’t had one since before meeting Colby,” I continue to explain and Sam shakes his head. 
“Does he know about this?” Sam asks and I puff out a breath. 
“Yes, Sam, he knows. I told him in case I do indeed have one when he’s around so he’ll know what to do,” I tell him in an anxious tone. 
“Ok. He’ll be ok, ya know,” Sam says and I jump. 
“If he starts to seize while we’re away, he’ll need a hospital, Sam,” I tell him and he shakes his head. 
“And he won’t. Kat's got him, she'll keep him good till we get there. Plus, we’re almost there,” he tells me in a reassuring tone and I shake my head. 
“You can’t know that…” I tell him and he sighs. 
“Y/n. I do know that. It’s Colby,” Sam replies and I sigh, nodding. 
“Let’s just get home, please,” I practically beg and he nods back. 
Soon before I know it, Sam is pulling up to the house and he doesn’t even get a chance to park as I throw my door open. I quickly get out and head inside, rushing to our room. 
“Oh, y/n! You're here, good. He’s a little out of it,” Kat tells me as I walk in. 
“Nugget! Where you been, huh? Come cuddle?” Colby shouts excitedly, holding his arms out for me. 
“Not right now, hon. First we gotta take your temperature, ok?” I ask him as Sam walks in with all the bags. 
“Oh my gosh. I’m sorry, Sam. I completely forgot,” I tell him as he sets the bags down. 
“It’s no problem, y/n. You're good,” he tells me as he walks over to me. 
“Go run him that cold bath. I’ll help Kat carry him into the bathroom. Do you think you’ll need my help actually getting him into the tub?” Sam asks and I shake my head. 
“I think I can possibly coerce him in. If not, I’ll let you know,” I answer and he nods before I walk off into the bathroom. 
I quickly turn the water on and turn it to the coldest it’ll go. I test it for a second, nodding to myself when it feels nice and cold. The door opens as Sam and Kat walk in, each with one of Colby’s arms wrapped around their shoulder. 
“You got him from here?” Sam asks as I take the arm he’s holding. 
“I should. I’ll shout if I need you,” I tell him and he nods. 
“Ok. We’ll go put your cold stuff away for you,” Sam informs me as he picks up the bag of drinks. 
“Ok. Thank you,” I agree with him, nodding and he smiles softly at me. 
“It’s no problem at all, y/n. Call me if you need anything,” he says one last time and I nod before he and Kat walk out. 
“Colbs. Baby. I need you to start undressing please,” I tell him, and he smiles, confusing me. 
“Baby! You're home,” he says and I sigh. 
“Yes, hon. I’m home. Now, help me undress you, please?” I ask him and he smirks lazily. 
“You wanna get me naked…” he says as he slowly bounces his eyebrows at me and I groan. 
“No, baby. Not right now. We need to get your temperature down, so you need to get into the bath,” I try explaining to him, but he seems to zone out. 
“Colby?” I ask with a frown and he starts to sway a bit. 
“Ok… woah. Woah. Woah. Let’s just sit you down, baby,” I tell him as I softly guide him back to the closed toilet. 
I set him down on it and look down at him for a moment before playing with his hair. He still looks distant for a second before his eyes close and I sigh softly before reaching down to the bottom of his shirt. 
“Arms up, babe,” I command gently as I tap his side. I smile softly as he does as I ask before I slowly and carefully pull his tank off. 
“Ok. Now your pants, baby,” I again command as I tap his leg before reaching for his waist. 
He continues to space out as I pull his sweats off his legs. I look up at him and it seems he starts to sway. 
“Ok, baby. We need to get you in. I’m leaving your boxers on. I promise I’ll get you a new pair after,” I tell him and I expect him to make another joke about me getting him naked, but he doesn’t, making me frown. 
“Ok. Come on,” I lightly command as I pull him up off the seat. 
We walk over to the tub and I quickly make sure it’s still cold. I then pull him a little closer in hopes he’ll step into it. 
“Colbs, honey. You need to get in,” I tell him and he finally lifts his left leg. 
“Damn, that’s cold,” he points out and I let a small smile fall on my face. 
“I know, my love, but you have to get in farther,” I tell him, but he doesn’t reply as he slowly starts to sway. 
“Colby, please get into the tub. You have one foot in, now the other one,” I coach him softly and he listens, putting his other foot in. 
“Ok. Now sink down, baby. The water should bring your temp down significantly,” I command him and he slowly does with my help. 
Once in, he sits back for a moment before he shivers lightly. He finally seems to clear up as he looks over at me. 
“Oh hi, baby,” he comments and I giggle, lightly shaking my head. 
“Hi, hun. How you feeling?” I ask him as I now smooth back his hair. 
“Cold and like I’m sick,” he groans out and I giggle lightly. 
“Well. I think your temperature has gone down. I’m going to check just in case though,” I tell him and he nods as he starts to shiver a little more. 
I walk out of the bathroom and over to the bags Sam had left before rooting through them. It takes me a moment, but I soon find the thermometer I’d bought and take it out of the bag. Once I have the box, I start back to the bathroom while trying to open it. 
“Uggh. Dumb box,” I mutter as I walk back in and Colby smiles softly at me before lifting his hand out of the water. 
“Give it here, baby,” he opens and closes his shaking hand as a way of telling me to give it to him. 
“Are you sure?” I ask him and he chuckles again. 
“I may be cold and sick, nug, but I can still help you even then,” he jokes, rolling his eyes playfully and I smile, glad he’s back to somewhat normal. 
“Okay. Here you go then,” I tell him as I set the box in his hand. 
His hand closes around it before he’s pulling it back towards himself. His other hand comes out of the water and he effortlessly pulls the tab of the box open. With a smirk, he hands it back to me and I giggle as I take it from him. 
“Thank you, my love,” I tell him as I stand and leave a kiss on his head, making him cringe. 
“Baaaaabe!” he dramatically groans and I giggle as I quickly start to pull the thermometer out of the box. 
“What?” I ask, pretending I didn’t do anything and he rolls his eyes as I walk up to him. 
“You’re lucky I want to spend forever with you or I’d be gone after that,” he tells me and I playfully gasp. 
“Over a forehead kiss?” I dramatically ask as I put a hand to my heart. 
“Yes. Over a forehead kiss. Nug, you know what I always say…” he trails off and I hum in fake agreement. 
“Open your mouth, Colbs,” I tell him as I flick the thermometer lightly like the instructions tell me to and he does. 
“Ok. Under the tongue, babe,” I tell him and he rolls his eyes. 
“Those are the worst thermometers…” he comments and I giggle. 
“But it was the best one there,” I explain and he rolls his eyes again in exaggeration. 
I put it in his mouth and leave it in for a moment. After the moment is up, I lean back over to take it out of his mouth and look over it. 
“Says you're down to at least 102 now, so you should be good to get out,” I tell him and he sighs, throwing his head back. 
“Thank God. That shit was cold,” he exclaims as he stands up and I pass him his towel. 
“I know. I’m sorry. We can go cuddle in bed and warm you up now, though,” I tell him and he smiles tiredly at me. 
“That sounds wonderful, nug,” he tells me and I nod. 
“Ok. Then get out of your wet boxers and get changed into some other clothes, then we can,” I tell him and he nods. 
I go to walk out of the bathroom, but he pulls me back and I giggle when I see confusion on his face. He gives me a light pout and I poke his stomach. 
“What?” I ask him and he flicks my hand playfully but tiredly. 
“Where are you going?” he asks as he frowns again and I giggle. 
“I am going to get you some crackers and 7up. I promise I’ll be right back for those cuddles, but you need food in your system,” I explain to him as I poke at his stomach again and he shakes his head. 
“Ok, but hurry back… I want cuddles…” he agrees with a puppy dog look and I giggle. 
“There’s my sick cuddle bear. I was worried about him there for a moment. You were pretty out of it,” I admit as I put a hand on my hip. 
“Honestly I don’t really remember getting in,” he admits back and I sigh. 
“Symptoms of a very high fever, babe. I’m just happy you didn’t start having a seizure,” I tell him and he sighs. 
“I’m sorry you even know that, baby girl,” he apologizes and I shrug. 
“Don’t be sorry. Not like you ever made me get high fevers,” I tell him with a soft smile. 
“Ok. I’m going to get the crackers and 7up. I’ll be right back,” I promise him and he smiles at me. 
“You better be!” he jokes as I walk out, shaking my head. 
I walk down to the kitchen and grab a 7up along with a pack of the crackers. Once I have the stuff, I walk back up to our room and set it all down on Colby’s side table. I frown when I hear the toilet flush and Colby groan again. 
I quickly walk back to the bathroom only to find him where I’d found him earlier on. He once again sits with his head leaning against the toilet. 
“Oh, baby,” I coo as I go over to him, making him look up at me. 
“You feel like you're done?” I ask as I crouch down and rub his back soothingly. 
“Yeah, I might be,” he groans out before he sighs, leaning his head against the side of the toilet. 
“Ok. Let’s get you up and back to bed then,” I tell him as I rub the top of his back. 
“Come on, baby. Let’s go cuddle,” I comment as I help him stand up. 
“Do you wanna brush your teeth again?” I ask him and he shakes his head. 
“Just water, I don’t have the energy to brush right now,” he sluggishly tells me and I shrug, nodding. 
“That’s perfectly fine, my love,” I reassure him as best as I can before starting the walk to our bed. 
I guide him slowly over and help him sit down before he moves to lay down. He cuddles into his pillow and sighs. I smile softly before standing straight and taking a step over to the door, but Colby grabs onto my hand. 
“Nug, where ya going? I thought we were gonna cuddle?” he asks as he holds my hand so I won’t leave. 
“We are, honey, I promise. I was just going to get the 7up and crackers. I’ll be right back. They’re just on the table by the door,” I tell him and he nods, letting me go. 
I give him a soft smile before continuing over to our bedroom door. I quickly grab the two items and walk back over to place them on his bedside table. I then walk around the bed and pull the covers back before getting in. 
Colby smiles sheepishly at me as he holds his arms open and I giggle, laying down as he wraps them around me. I reach up and start scratching at his scalp and he lets out a sigh with his eyes closing. 
“I’m going to watch some tv. You ok with that, babe?” I ask him and he just tiredly hums. 
I grab the remote and turn the tv on and just watch mindless tv for a bit. Before I know it, my eyes start to slowly close and I’m lolled into a deep sleep. 
~Time Skip~
I scrunch up my face as I wake up to a light turning on in our dark room. I sit up and sigh when I don’t find Colby in bed again. I look over at the clock to see it says eight o’clock. 
With a sigh, I look over at where the light is coming from and see that it’s the closet light. I shake my head before getting up and walking over to the closet. I lean against the door frame with my arms crossed, watching as Colby gets dressed, but he doesn’t notice me and continues on. 
“What do you think you are doing?” I ask out loud and he startles, jumping ever so slightly. 
“Babe! You scared me,” he comments before going back to what he was doing. 
“I’m sorry, that wasn’t my intention. But what are you getting dressed for?” I ask him with a raised eyebrow and he gives me a sheepish look as he rubs at his neck. 
“Nothing…” he tries and I shake my head, making him sigh. 
“Fine… I was getting ready for the meeting…” he admits to me like a scared child would. 
“Oh no, you are not. You are not going anywhere. Change back into your sweats because you're not going anywhere,” I sternly tell him and he sighs. 
“Nug. I have to go. I can’t let Sammy take it again,” he practically pleads with me and I shake my head. 
“Colby. Sam already told me he’d take it. Now I’m not asking, I'm putting my foot down, babe. You almost had a seizure. I am not letting you out of the house until this bug passes,” I inform him in as stern of a tone I can. 
“Ok. Ok. Nug, I’ll change…” he agrees before coming over to me and wiping a tear I didn’t even realize fell. 
“I won’t leave. Sam can take it. I’m sorry,” he apologizes as he pulls me into a loose hug and I nod. 
“Thank you. I’m sorry, too. Just seeing it rather than being the one going through it…” I try to explain and he nods. 
“And it was you going through it… it just… it scared me, I guess,” I finish and he nods softly in understanding. 
“I’m so sorry I scared you, nug. I promise, I’ll stay right here with you until this bug is gone,” he tells me and I tighten my arms around him in thanks. 
“Ok. Go lay down, I'll be right there. Let me just change outta these jeans,” he says as he pulls back from our hug to look at me and I nod softly. 
He lets go of me and I sniffle lightly as I walk back to our bed. I get in and lay there for a few minutes, waiting for him to join me. Soon he comes back into our room, turning off the light of the closet before coming over and getting into the bed with me. 
He pauses as he sits before bending over and grabbing his trash bin. He pukes into it and I quickly jump to a sitting upright position to rub his back. 
“It’s ok, baby. Let it out,” I tell him and soon he finishes, picking his head up to look at me. 
“Give me the bin, babe,” I say, holding my hands out. 
“No. I can take care of it, nug,” he groans out and I sigh. 
“Colby, just give me the can. You don’t have the energy to take care of it. I’ll just go dump it and rinse it. I can handle it,” I tell him and he sighs, nodding tiredly before putting it into my hands. 
“Eat some of those crackers while I’m gone. I’ll be right back,” I promise him as I stand and head to the bathroom. 
As I walk over, I smile softly when I hear the packaging rustle, meaning he’s opening them before fully walking into the bathroom. I quickly dump the contents into the toilet before rinsing it in the bathtub. Once that’s done, I walk over and wash my hands of the germs before grabbing the bin and walking back out. 
“Ok. Here’s the bin, babe,” I tell him as I pass it back and he sets it back on the floor. 
“Thank you for taking such good care of me, nug,” he says as we both lay back down. 
“Always, Colby. In sickness and health in a few months, right? Why not start a little earlier,” I say with a playful shrug and he chuckles. 
“Are you done eating your crackers? Think you wanna get some more sleep now?” I ask him and he nods, cuddling me a little closer. 
“Sleep sounds wonderful, nug,” he mutters before sighing tiredly. 
“Then sleep, my love. Sleep,” I tell him as I rub at his belly. 
“Alright. Good night, nug. I love you,” he tells me and I smile softly as I continue to rub his stomach. 
“I love you too, Colby. Sleep,” I whisper as I cuddle ever so slightly closer. 
I wait till his breath evens out and pull the blankets up a little higher. Soon my eyes slowly start to close as I listen to his heartbeat and I fall into a peaceful sleep. 
The End. 
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empressgeekt · 2 months
Trolls - Accidental Knight Branch AU (Field of Forget-me-nots part 1)
My hyper fixation continues and for some reason I got this idea while watching a Bug's Life. And i"m thinking of linking this to my Keith and Branch Brother hood Au (link to that post if interested - https://empressgeekt.tumblr.com/post/744629825487126528/trolls-branch-and-keith-brothers-au). I think I'm going to re-name it A Field of Forget-Me-knots Au. If they end up linked that is.
The Au would start before the first movie. Branch is still grey and on his own, with the exception of his little stalker. Keith had been following him for the past year, and branch had taken a reluctant liking to the kid. Pretty much becoming a big/little brother duo that no one in the village gets. Keith's habit of story telling, is encouraged by Branch, who buys the kid notebooks to put his idea on paper. During the summer evenings, Branch would help edit his grammar and spelling, while working on a latest trap as Keith read his latest chapters. The trolling's current story fixation, being one about a trolling knight who protects his village and wears a suit of armor in the brightest green leaves. Branch askes Keith where he found the inspiration for it, and Keith explains that it came to him when he was helping Branch with the alarm systems and predator preventions he made for the village. Branch is flattered when he learn that the kid thinks of him as a hero, but doesn't admit it.
When Keith's birthday rolls around. In addition to another note book, and some custom made drawing pencils, Branch decides to bring Keith's character to life. With all the mechanical know how, he learned from making traps and weapons, (and sewing skills thanks to Grandma), the grey troll can pretty easily fashion together a suit that is both functional and how Keith described it. With room for all the Gadgets that Keith gave his character. Which on the weapons side Branch kind of cheats due to him already having multiple back up bows and spears. He just paints those to match the suit. Keith is ecstatic to see Branch in the suit, and insists on Branch wearing it while they check the traps that day. Branch allows it, partially because it makes the kid happy, and partially because he wants to show off his gadget re-creations. Keith even calls Branch, "Forest Guardian" all through the walk. At some point, Branch falls into a flower patch, and pollen gets all over his hair making it turn into a maroon color.
Their on the last of their safety checks, this one just outside of the village borders, when suddenly the alarm strings go taunt and screaming is heard in the direction of the village. Branch tells Keith to run back to the bunker using their escape tunnels, and keith says that, "Forest Guardian is needed". Branch rushes off, completely forgetting that he's in a ridiculous looking suit, finding a rabid wolf charging through the middle of the village. Most the pods are too high for the predator to reach, but the trolls on the ground are done for...Branch grabs hold of the spear tied to his back.
Poppy is on the ground, trying to get as many trolls away from the wolf, but she's at a lost of what to really do. A predator like this had never gotten this close to the village, so she's scrambling. All she knows is that everyone is screaming and running, their afternoon song is ruined, then suddenly out of nowhere the wolf is taken down. Poppy looks up, and finds a troll with maroon colored hair, clad in armor of the brightest green, their hands gripping a spear that was impaled in to the base of the wolf's skull, killing it. In the corner of her eye, she sees one of the trollings, Keith, Call out "It's Forest Guardian!"
Branch is very uncomfortable with all the people suddenly staring at him, once the wolf is down. Then he hears Keith call out, and suddenly remembers he's in the costume. They don't know who he is. Still he doesn't like being the object of all there attention. Branch rushed back into the woods before Poppy has the chance to thank him.
Keith meets Branch back at the bunker. Branch immediately takes off the suit, and confronts Keith as to why he was in the village and not safe in the bunker. Keith said he wanted to see Forest Guardian in action. Branch retorts he's not Forest Guardian. Keith said he could be, and gets upset, because he based a the character off of branch, but the grey troll doesn't want to be a hero. Branch said he wasn't a hero. Keith says that he is, and recounts all he does for the villages protection and no one sees it! And they are all mean to branch. It makes the trolling frustrated, and this way they can be nicer to branch without Branch having to deal with them invading his personal privacy.
Eventually Branch gives in, after all the armor stopped him from getting hurt by the wolf, and it would make it easier to carry needed essentials. So when ever he goes after predators that get too close to the village he wears the suit. Keith promises to be Branch's man on the inside and reports to the grey troll on all the rumors that were spread about them. They have a good laugh over it.
Meanwhile, the village is set on fire with news of their new hero. People are gossiping and word of the "Forest Guardian" is spreading fast. And one troll in particular has become engulfed by the flames. Poppy has become obessed with the Forest Guardian. She wants to thank him, know who he is, and become his best friend. No she is totally not fangirling over him, like the twins tease. The snackpack is equally enthralled with the new village hero. Cooper, Biggie, And GD are impressed with how cool he looked, The twins have been making fan wear based on eye witnesses on the armor, Fuzzbert and DJ Suki want to know who his gear works, and Smidge wants to know where he learned how to take down a wolf. They are all willing to help Poppy find the Guardian. Creek is grateful for the new hero, but he is a little apprehensive about Poppy wanting to find him. After all he could be dangerous, and what kind of troll would use violence before friendship.
Nothing could stop Poppy's hunt. She askes everyone in the village what they know about the Forest Guardian. She sadly doesn't get much information. Until she asks Keith. The little trolling tells her all about how the Guardian lives out side of the village in the forest, and that he's been defending the village from predators for years, the wolf had been a rare instance when they snuck passed his defenses.
Poppy: Keith how do you know about this?
Keith: I see him. I go into the woods sometimes, he's always looking out for us.
Poppy: And no one knows? No one's thanked him!
Keith: He's shy and a little different. He doesn't think the village will accept him.
Poppy: He's our hero, we'd always accept him
Keith: he doesn't think so. He's seen how you treat other people who aren't like you.
Poppy: We aren't mean.
Keith: not actively.
Poppy: Look Keith Sweetie, you think you can get me meeting with him?
Keith agrees and leads poppy out into the woods. And calls out to the "Guardian". Branch and the trolling had come to an agreement that if he was refered to Guardian or Forest, then someone was with th trolling and Branch needed to play the part. Branch just didn't think Keith would bring the princess of all trolls. Poppy excitedly begins to ramble, until Branch clears his throat. In a deeper voice he sends Keith home, and asks what Poppy wants.
Poppy: We'll first to say thank you
Branch: I don't do this for thanks your highness
Poppy: Well, we're going to give it to you now that we know about you! Especially since you've been protecting all of us for so long.
Branch: How do you know about that?
Poppy: Keith told me.
Branch: Of course.
Poppy: Now, to show you how grateful the village is for all your work, we're throwing a party for you and officially inviting you-
Branch: Pass.
Poppy: WHat?
Branch: Apologizes for my brashness Princess, but I do not enjoy big loud parties.
Poppy: Why not?
Branch: You're larger celebrations attract a lot of attention from Predators your highness. Any part you through means a lot of work and stress for me. After years of this, I've lost my taste for such gatherings
Poppy's thrown by this, but in some form understands. The Forest Guardian's work is dangerous, he could've gotten hurt many times over while they partied. She had no idea that their parties attracted predators. She asks if their was any way to prevent that
Branch is shocked, all he had to do was save the village and put on a mask and suddenly people wanted to listen to him?! Taking advantage of this new found respect. Branch takes Poppy around the forest explaining how he keeps everyone safe from the forest, and just how vulnerable they all are. And that he deosn't want them to stop their fun, he just doesn't want anyone to get hurt or worse.
Poppy takes all this information, back home to her father, and suggests a few changes to make life better for both their guardian and the village. Peppy says that some of these suggestions would need to be consulted by the council however one of them they wouldn't need approval for. When talking with Keith the trolling had offered a less explosive way of thanking the Forest Guardian. Peppy agrees to knight the hero.
Word spreads quickly as troll village hadn't had a knight since before bergen town was established. So everyone is really excited. When keith tells Branch about the knighting thing, it's really surprising to the grey troll. After all he only took down one wolf their acting like he conquered the sun for them. Still the kid talks branch into going to the ceremony.
The ceremony goes smoothly although branch doesn't stay very long at the after party. Keeping up appearances is hard. Not to mention Poppy is all over him wanting to dance and find out his real name. He doesn't give it. Still some how rumors fly about hiw the princess and the new knight are smitten with each other. Keith teases branch about when ever they meet up. Branch is just worried about Poppy getting too close to him. After all in reality he isn't the hero they all think he is.
Life goes on, Poppy tries to reason for more safety measures but the council won't allow them. She goes to branch as the forest guardian for help. Shockingly its easier to standup and reason his ideals while in costume. He gets them to think about it, and Poppy offers lunch as a thanks. She disappointed that he won't take off his mask to eat, which leads to a conversation over why he hides his face. Once more rumors about the knight and princess pick up pace.
When the 20th freedom anniversary rolls around, Poppy trie to invite the knight but Branch declines saying that such a party 2as too big of a risk during predator season. Poppy doesn't head his word as Guardian or normal branch and goes trhough with it. You all know how this ends. Poppy goes to the bunker and asks Branch if he has seen Forst Guardian any where worried about if the Bergan had already gotten to him as he didn't show up to fight the bergen. Branch said he didn't know. As in canon Poppy stuffs the village in his bunker. Keith tells Branch to go after her as Guardian. They both know Poppy has 0 to none on survival skills, and this way no one will stumble onto his secret while in the bunker.
Poppy is at first thrilled when Forest Guardian joins her, however her excitement dwindles as she realizes that he's more of a grump then she thought their hero was. He doesn't join in on her songs and she's desperate to hear his voice. So also probs him on his back story, which Branch lies and says, "I don't have any."
Poppy: what how?
"Leta just sya that the story of the escape isn't as happy as everyone makes it out to be princess."
Cloud guy pissess him off as usual. And they can't spare Creek from getting "eaten". When freeing the snack pack, some of them ask for his autograph which, branch thinks their crazy for. Not the time and who has a pen on them at the moment anyway.
Branch still refuses to sing, with Bridget, and when cornered all he can say is that it tore his family apart. With a mix of truth and lies forest guardian says that he used to sing all the time with his family, but that made them prime targets for bergens. He became silent that's what saved him. "So forgive me if I'm not comfortable with singing in bergen filled town. I stay silent so that others don't have to."
The date goes the same, only Poppy is more giggly than in canon when Branch says she has a nice smile.
They both choke creek
True colors happens
then when confronting the chef, she doesn't react for Branch when she tries to for feed gristle. She reaches for Poppy. Branch jumps in and stabs the chef in the hand protecting the princess. Chef would then pull out a knife and with it smach brnahc into the far wall. Severally injuring him. Gristle orders for Chef to be captured. While Poppy runs over to Branch. She pulls off the mask and reveals the identity of the village hero. Shocking everyone.
Brnach remains unconscious for weeks afte the event. Poppy and Keith at his bed side. The village is rebuild. Peppy announced his retirement. And Poppy planns to create a team of well trained trolls to help bench protect the village.
When he does wake up, Branch is welcomed back home and offered the position of head of village security. If he wants it. With peace with the bergen established. Branch accepts the job. Creating the Forest Guardian's. Pop villages own defences force.
Not sure what will happen in the othe movies yet, but branch is definitely sporting a new scar that JD will freak out about.
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jinuaei · 8 months
Yandere!Siren Hybrid!Roach x Reader
OFC I can't make a random ass idea without making it a Yandere x reader LMAO Edit: edited to make it gender neutral :D
Inspired by Bluegiragi's Monster au
Warning: As always 18+ MDNI, Its yandere sweetheart, dub-con, somnophilia, hypnotization, being brainwashed ish? NSFW under the cut
Word count: 870
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As the new rookie of 141, you've become somewhat of a precious little member of the team. Considering that you're the only human amidst the big burly hybrid men, it's no wonder they treat you like you're fragile, because lets be honest you'd probably die within seconds if you go against one of them. With that, Captain Price chose a less intimidating member to be your handler, which you're actually glad about since the others are too much for you, well, other than Gaz. Soap is too energetic and rowdy and is always trying to rub up on you. Ghost scares you as well as Konig, they keep glaring at you as if you murdered their dogs. Horangi's eyes-- well, sunglasses keeps following you, but his tail, standing up and all, whips about aggressively so you'd rather not become the tigers next meal. Although Gaz is nice, and never did anything to make you nervous.
Your handler is not as intimidating as you thought, considering his other teammates are. Gary Sanderson is his name, codename Roach as introduced by your Captain. You were curious why he didn't introduce himself instead of Price but you were informed that he cannot speak, which you were understanding of at first but then became awkward as soon as Price leaves because this man is just standing there, staring at you while you try to catch his attention, which eventually worked after a few minutes of waving in front of his face. But oh, if you could only see his expression the moment he saw you, would you have ever thought that your first friend would be such a pervert?
Even with the lack of communication you hit it off pretty quickly. At first he had to use pen and paper to talk to you, but when you expressed how you wanted to learn sign language he was pretty excited, as evident by his shaking and tight grip on your hand. So within a month, you learned enough to have a basic conversation with him. He's always so kind when you do it correctly, patting your head, nodding in pride, or caressing your cheek if he's bold enough. You thought nothing of it other than friendly touches.
But then you started to become more and more tired as the days pass, every morning you would have a pounding headache and sometimes your body also hurts but you thought it was the lack of sleep or the rigorous training the day before. However, red marks start to appear on your body, at first on your arm, but it quickly spread to your chest and more specifically, your neck. You told your concerns to Roach but he would only sign to you that it must be bed bugs, or mosquitoes. So as the kind friend he is, he offered his room and bed for you to sleep in while maintenance cleans out your room.
That night, you lay in his bed, yawning a goodnight as you start to pass out. Humming is heard before your body becomes relaxed and pliant, you're confused, trying to pin point where the noise is coming from but your thoughts are muddled, all except one, submit to me. Submit to who...?
You try to open your eyes but your vision is blurred. The bed squeaks and you feel weight bend the mattress close to your right thigh, and another on opposite side. The humming becomes louder when this happened, as if the noise is now on top of you.
"Relax..." The voice says, scratchy but soft, and against your wishes your body turns to mush, compliant to the man above you.
You can feel the vibrations when he kisses you, you can feel it when he nips at your neck, and you can feel it when his tongue licks at your wet opening. Every time he stops humming your mind becomes clearer, but then you get pulled under again as he whispers commands in your ear. Remove your clothes, open your legs, submit to me. Submit to him, submit to Roach.
Soon the humming turns into moans and whimpers, your body jerking in pleasure when you feel something hot and thick enter you. Roach moaning your name makes you quiver so deliciously, his voice and body making your mind blank. Not even noticing that your drooling now, eyes rolled back, whimpers and 'please please please' coming out of your mouth like a prayer. Finally the crescendo abruptly stops into a wet climax, and the siren falls next to you, still muttering your name.
Without him speaking, your mind clears enough to realize what happened and see the mess that you both are. Bites and marks litter around your neck and torso as a sheen is covering it, as if he was drooling as he tasted you. Warmth is oozing out of your abused hole and you gasp in horror when you registered that it was cum that was coming out of you. That gasp jerked him awake and he's pinning you down with his body, his mouth close to your ear as he hushes and consoles you.
"It's okay... you wanted it didn't you? Yes you did... now go to sleep darling."
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