#elijah asks
http-byler · 11 months
what proof do you have that Mike is bisexual? because there is so much contextual proof of Mike being gay and I seriously can’t think of any narrative reason why the duffer brothers would make him bi as opposed to just gay.
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proof! 😍😍
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peachy-panic · 19 days
50) Share one of your happiest moment of freedom for us!
Elijah shoots a sideways smile at Grayson, who raises an eyebrow in turn. “Do you know what I’m going to say?”
“I…” Grayson thinks about it. “Maybe?”
“What’s your answer?”
Grayson blushes. “They asked you.”
“They actually did not specify who they asked.”
“Well, you go first,” Grayson sputters.
“Fine.” Elijah’s smile stays sly and teasing for only a few seconds more, before it slides into a grimace. “There weren’t a lot of happy memories in the first few months of freedom. It took a while for me to even feel free at all. But… when things finally started to look up, there was this night, at the end of last Summer. Grayson called me late in the middle of the night, and he came and picked me up and we—”
“I don’t think they know that part of the story yet!”
Elijah throws his hands up, exasperated. “Well, what are they waiting for?! Get to the good part!”
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http-tigerteef · 1 year
tomato sauce is tomato moon will be on the wrong side of history
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eesirachs · 25 days
How do you reconnect with God when you don’t enjoy reading the Bible?
god is in appetites, in sex, in folding napkins, in the bible (read it again, this time with tenderness), in death rites and in mourning, in killing parts of yourself, in the bible (read it with violence now), in the sun on your face, in the man in your lap, in the bible (it is its turn to read you)
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potato-lord-but-not · 4 months
CAN WE HAVE SOME ELIJAH DOODLES MAYBE⁉️ I love your design for the goog and seeing him in your artstyle
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yes yes yes it’s me the picrew guy hellooo anyway did someone say Elijah doodle ??
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volturissideslut · 5 months
I think I worded it better lol
How you think Rebekah Mikaelson would react to the girl she keeps rejecting (who always gives Beks princess treatment and her undivided attention) suddenly being super nice to Elena
𝕽𝖊𝖇𝖊𝖐𝖆𝖍 𝕸𝖎𝖐𝖆𝖊𝖑𝖘𝖔𝖓
"Hi, Bex" you grin, sitting next to the blonde. It was history class, first period, and the only seat next was the one left next to her because she glared at everyone else that dared to try. Not so secretly, you want her, and also not so secretly, she wants you. But Rebekah likes to be chased, she likes to be pampered, and she likes to make life hard. So though she also wanted you and enjoyed any previous advances you had given her, she was going to play hard to get.
"You again? Won't you ever learn to bugger off?" she huffs, turning away to hide her small smile at your presence. You catch the smile, though, and decide to play along despite the small pang in your chest.
"Never. What would i do without my favourite original by my side to talk to, hm?"
"Oh shush, Mr. Saltzman's starting his lesson, now let me borrow a pen"
This same back and forth continued between Rebekah and yourself for a few more days now and you stupidly began to think she would start being nice back. You shared your lunch, met when she called, watched her cheer leading try outs like she requested, even tied her laces for her once. And yet, today it seemed like it was going backwards.
"Oh go away, would you. You and-" Rebekah started, about to rant about the 'bloody Salvatores' and 'whiney Elena' but when she turned around to give you a practiced scowl she was met with the sight of you actually walking away.
The smile hidden under her grimace disappeared, wiped cleanly off of her face. Instead, a blank expression laid there, with eyes wide in surprise.
What was more surprising, though, was when you didn't show up for her practice. She no longer felt the need to show Caroline up, and slunk to the back of the group to peer at the stands.
Even more so, when she didn't see you sat next to her usual spot in history class. Instead at the front, doodling in your notebook.
Okay, so maybe it hurt a little. But she got what she asked for, right?
But what actually made her react was getting to the bonfire, expecting to speak to you and bicker - to hash it all out and move along - only to see you laughing with... Elena??
The two of you just looked like peas in a pod, giggling together and reminiscing about when you were closer as kids, when it was all less complicated. And then... and then you shared a smore. Like actually bit into the same one as that - that bitch!
And Rebekah was seething. Not that she really had any right to be.
And so she marched right up there, arms crossed in discontent, "A word, please?" and yet her tone indicated the 'please' was more of a 'get your arse up now'. And so, with a huff of annoyance and a shrug from you, Elena stood up to follow Rebekah. "Not you, you pest" she glared. Elena only looked to you with worry.
Brushing it off, you stood and followed Rebekah.
"What on earth has gotten into you lately? You've-" The blonde girl begins after sputtering for a few seconds
"I thought you wanted to be left alone bex, isn't that what you always tell me? To 'bugger off'?" and she has to hold back a wince at the way her own words are thrown back at her. "You asked to be left alone, and im leaving you alone. Is that all?"
"No that's not all!"
"Then what, hm?"
"Then... then-" she surges forward, kissing you deeply. "That, that's what!" she says angrily. "I'll see you Monday, in your normal seat, thank you very much" she turns to storm away, pointedly ignoring the hammering in her chest and the butterflies in her belly
"Okay" you whisper, fingers ghosting over your lips, mouth still tingling from the feel of hers. "See you Monday"
And that Monday she decides that maybe it's time to switch the narrative. Maybe its time for her to be attentive to you.
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teecupangel · 9 months
Behold! A crack fic idea!
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Extra point if each time one of the Desmonds does something that goes against the timeline we get a flashforeward to the present day, and it's a different kind of post-apocalypse each time.
Extra extra points if the post-apocalypses get increasingly absurd and ridiculous as the story goes on.
Okay, so for this one, we have:
The Reader
which means I can do this:
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How the Desmonds met cat!Desmond:
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I kinda like the idea that we never learn who sent cat!Desmond into the past. Hell, we never learn he’s actually a Desmond as well. He just keeps following them and likes to use his claws to get a ‘piggyback ride’. XD
A visual representation of how the Desmonds are tackling every major events of their ancestors:
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(not part of the visualization: the dude in charge of the Templars in Cyprus because the Desmonds actually forgot about him and thought he was just one of the mooks)
And then we have Elijah who tries to act all serious and kinda like a dick (it's the Aita genes) but can't help but lean into any kindness and gentleness the Desmonds show him.
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The poor modern gang:
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(It would be funny if they didn't realize that there are multiple Desmond running around at first so they assume they only have one Desmond to worry about)
Rebecca updating her notes every few weeks:
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The modern day gang's relationship with the Desmonds (that the Desmonds are unaware of)
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Also... this was the first ridiculous 'apocalypse' I thought of XD
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What the structure of the idea would probably be:
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miralyk · 3 months
i know you're leaning more into supernatural mythical designs now, but how do living people like elijah, delsin, or aiden factor in your au?
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okay this is kinda mean to joke about kjsdhfgjksdf, real answer under the cut though in case people don't want to hear me ramble
jokes aside, elijah, delsin, and aiden are fine if i were gonna draw them for the ghosts in the machine ""au"" too, just simply not drawn as angels, demons, spirits, etc! like any other "blorbo acting as an impromptu art muse", they'd be the same thing as my previous doodles of alex and desmond crawling out of my screen before i started to toy w drawing supernatural/spiritual details on them.
i just,, haven't really thought of a good way to include them in my current doodlings since My current art muses atm (and thus who i draw in the "artist haunted by her ""art muses""" shenanigans) are primarily desmond, alex, and sometimes the ac brotherhood/desmond's ancestors barging in to fight for my attention/hyperfixation too...! if i were hyperfixated and drawing the others though, i like the idea of elijah and desmond being modern menaces to the brotherhood (Especially giving them shit for not acknowledging elijah beyond the comics), delsin can karma-switch back and forth Acting like an angel/devil (depending on how he feels/acts in the moment) to play off of or annoy des and alex, and aiden,,,, aiden's still just an old man fighting over the remote w me, idk lmao
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homecomingvn · 8 months
Hey everyone, long time no see! Apologies for the months of silence - but I’m back now! I needed to take a much needed step back from HOCO and focus on some other projects of mine (as well as play a ungodly amount of BG3 hehe).
On my break, I also decided to kinda tear down HOCO and rebuild it from the ground up. I wasn’t really pleased with how the story was going and I think that really contributed to the burnout I felt with the project. I still would like to include the premise of the various life stages, but may go about it in a different way than I had initially planned - things to think about more I suppose!
Anyways here’s some behind the scenes of what I’ve been up to - starting with revisiting the cast’s (+ Nico’s) main outfits and updating them :3
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http-byler · 11 months
it isn't byler but would you possibly do el & lucas for 3c? i just love them!! but if you're not feeling it, dw about not doing it!!
here you go!! hehe :3
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for this drawing meme!! <]:3
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peachy-panic · 2 months
Place a few characters in a karaoke bar. Describe the scene and what songs they choose to sing.
For Elijah and Grayson
First of all, both Elijah and Grayson would be VIOLENTLY outside of their comfort zone in a karaoke bar, especially if they're the ones on stage.
But given some liquid courage, here is what I think they would sing:
Elijah would surprise everyone by getting up onstage in his all-black attire, black nail polish, little smudges of eyeliner... and then pull out some classic gay shit like Tiny Dancer.
Grayson would also pull a wild card by whipping out some old country music—think Tim McGraw core—and start slurring his words into a southern twang that he absolutely does not have.
Elijah would find it endearing on a level that would require him to down two more shots to keep the feeling at bay.
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http-tigerteef · 8 months
i see we are both falling back into our vld phases .....
OHMYGOD… MOON… YOU TOO?? this is the worst good news that has ever been relayed to me, ever. I am physically restraining myself from making vld art and reading fics. 🧎‍♂️ I haven’t even rewatched but my brain keeps drifting to them… AND I keep seeing them on my social media… it’s calling me. it’s calling you… vld…………
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andreal831 · 3 months
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H: Not too many pregnant casket girls, I guess. E: I think you look lovely. H: You okay? E: I'm better now.
Haylijah in every episode -> 1.10 The Casket Girls
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klonnieshippersclub · 3 months
Do you think if Bonnie was the one to become pregnant with hope instead of Hayley that Elijah would’ve fell for her? I honestly think it’s possible because how could you not? But It would be so much different especially cause klaus would be in love with her too which would make things more complicated and Bonnie would probably not want to go through what elena went through with the Salvatore’s😭 platonic Elijah and Bonnie would be a cool duo but based on the originals, Bonnie is also his type.
Elijah has 3 types
Bad bitch WOC
Women who have been with Klaus
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Who wouldn’t fall in love with Bonnie? How can you not fall in love with her! I’m in love right now. Elijah does have a track record of dating women of color too when you consider TO. He doesn't fall in love with them solely for being women of color. This isn't fetishization. He just has a diverse taste in women which is very different from his history with Petrovas.
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Elijah has a tendency to betray people when they don’t fit in with his agendas. Elijah has betrayed Bonnie twice. Once after he sought out Bonnie to fight his brother. Then again with Abby’s death. Elijah is to blame along with the Salvatore’s. Exploring that distrust Bonnie had with Elijah would be very interesting in a Klonnie sense. How can she trust him after he’s shown he does not value her the same way the Salvatore’s has done.
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Klaus loves knowing that Bonnie doesn't like Elijah. He is fully aware that his brother might yearn for or pine for Bonnie but she would never be interested in someone so two-faced. For as destructive and evil as Klaus is, he's never pretended to be anything but himself. He knows who he is. Elijah masquerades as a noble gentleman. Bonnie naturally gravitates towards a more "sensible" brother (e.g. her early friendship with Stefan), but Elijah lacks the remorse that the Ripper does.
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Final thoughts I’ve always found this an interesting parallel whether this was intentional or not because of how undervalued Bonnie is. Bonnie has been wronged by many people including her friends which people do not acknowledge. Yes, the MFG does cause Bonnie pain just as much as the enemies in the show including both of her love interests but Bonnie is just as deserving of being explored. Keep in mind how intertwined the Bennetts are throughout TVDU.
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ari-leah-arts · 3 months
How does Phox deal with being Vader’s PCP? I can't imagine he's the most...cooperative patient, to say the least.
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“If my Master hadn’t placed him on the ‘no kill’ list, I’d have snapped his neck day one. Misplaced or not, his arrogance was very irritating — still is. We did not get along well, though he gave back almost as good as he got. He’s given me mild LCD and programmed my suit’s neural network to shock me depending on my bpm.”~Vader.
“He started taking me seriously after the feeding tube. Also, the question wasn’t for you.”~Phox
Vader’s and Phox’s relationship is two decades in the making. Despite Phox’s showboating here, he did suffer. Bruised throat, broken bones, abrasions, cuts, Elijah’s suffered it all the first few years till Vader discovered that Phox deliberately disobeyed Palpatine in favor of ensuring Vader didn’t suffer unnecessarily. Now? He still gets stuff thrown at him, but he’s gotten really good at dodging and he’s rarely grabbed by the throat—if he is, his oxygen supply is never tampered with.
The two share a mutual respect for one another and Vader grew to trust Phox. If he didn’t, he would not have assigned him to Piett.
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teecupangel · 6 months
I'm almost sorry to add another story idea to your backlog pile, BUT:
Elijah finds out what his dad went through, manages to break into a parallel universe, time travels to the 3 eras of the main ancestors, and tries to change things enough to save Desmond. Altair, Ezio, and Ratonhnhake:ton ask this tiny, angry, sarcastic, cactus of a child why he's doing what he's doing, and he eventually explains it over time.
Desmond, on the other hand, is watching all of this through the animus: a son he didn't know existed was trying to save him. An infant who he had never met, and who had never met him, was fighting time and reality itself to save him from a fate that still hasn't been explained, was showing more care and love and compassion for him than anyone Desmond had ever known before. And it hurts, because Desmond just grows to love him more and more, but thinks he'll never truly meet him outside of a Bleed.
Elijah never seems to age, even though he spends like forty years picking on Ezio. There's a statue of him in the Monterrigioni sanctuary, and he hates it with a passion.
Just... Elijah trying to fuck up time enough to save his dad, and Desmond watching all of it both touched and heartbroken, because if he's going through all of this anyways, it was all for nothing.
Then Elijah comes out of nowhere in the Grand Temple and sucker punches Juno with a data virus he had hardcoded into their lineage's DNA over nine centuries lmao
Please never be sorry for sending me an ask. Pile as much as you want as long as you guys understand that it would take a while for me to answer them (a month or so at this point XD)
Okay, but can you just imagine if Elijah was just a teenager in this one? That would give more of a sucker punch vibe to Desmond once he learns who Elijah is.
He has the ability to time travel but he can’t control where he gets sent. His goal had been to save Desmond Miles but he made the mistake of tying his time to Desmond Miles and not to someone more stable like Rebecca Crane or Shaun Hastings.
Hell, William Miles would be a better choice.
Desmond Miles’ ‘time’ is connected to the memories he watch in the Animus, making Elijah slip in and out of certain ‘times’, following the memories Desmond watches.
Desmond assumed Elijah was one of the informants in Altaïr’s memories. It’s only when Altaïr began to see him as an annoying child who always got in the way of Altaïr’s missions that Elijah told the truth.
Because Elijah has nothing to lose from telling Altaïr the truth. He was a prisoner of time itself, being yanked time and time again. He has a theory that he was being yanked to the time in Altaïr’s life where Desmond was watching him so he figured he could give Desmond information as well using Altaïr.
It would be funny, after all.
The Isus have chosen Ezio Auditore to be their prophet.
Why couldn’t Elijah make Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad his prophet then?
And he’ll take Ezio Auditore from the Isus as well.
Maybe it was Aita’s selfishness and desire for power.
Maybe it was his very own selfish desire to have something that was truly his.
“Shall we make a deal, Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad?”
“A deal?” Those golden eyes seemed to pierce his very soul.
But it didn’t matter what he saw.
He cannot begin to fathom the truth.
Not yet, anyway.
Right now, Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad was a man lost in a vicious snowstorm threatening to swallow him whole and pull him to his frozen grave.
He still haven’t found the warmth he was meant to have, given to him by the Calculations.
“My name is Elijah.” He said, “I am a child of Time itself.”
“What nonsen-”
“I will correctly tell you what will happen when you confront Garnier de Naplouse.” Elijah stated, making Altaïr stop from walking away from him. Altaïr turned just enough to stare at him with one of his golden eyes as Elijah continued, “And I will tell you the future you are meant to have.”
“And what do you want in exchange?”
“From you? Nothing.” Elijah admitted, “All I want is a bit of your time.”
“My time?”
“To talk to Desmond Miles.”
Altaïr frowned as he said, “I do not know anyone by that name.”
“I know.” Elijah answered with a nod, “But he’s watching you. The Templars are forcing him to watch you right now and it is because he is forced to watch you that he comes to care for you so…”
“I will help you save yourself, Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad.” Elijah said, “To change your fate to whatever you desire, instead of what has been laid out in front of you. In exchange…”
“All I ask is you listen to me so I can take to my father.” Elijah’s lips curved into a small smirk that felt more Aita than him, “And to commemorate my first message to my father, I believe I should tell him an important truth.”
“Lucy Stillman is a Templar who betrayed the Assassins.”
(I feel like in this case, Elijah would provide more information and let Altaïr do what he wants. He only starts to actually have a more active roll once the memory seals from ACR starts and he grows close to Altaïr’s children. By the time he gets to Ezio and Ratonhnhaké:ton, he’s more ‘fuck the backseat, I’m driving’ and actively helps. This ends up with Elijah finally ‘returning’ to Desmond Miles’ time just as Minerva and Juno told him what will happen if he lets the world burn and, by that point, Elijah had already completed a device that would force Juno’s consciousness to operate the device in Desmond’s stead).
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