#enypen niki
sultrybaby · 1 year
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💞Synopsis: The kindest hearts are the softest, and yours was no exception. And soft hearts were never meant to be burnt till exhaustion. Luckily, the cold, annoying Sunghoon will be there to thaw the pain in your heart, breathing in the smoke of your troubled lips.
💞Warnings: Smoking, overworking, mentions of calluses, self doubt, anxious thoughts (no anxiety disorder), overthinking, crying (i dont think its as bad as I make it seem, its more on the comfort side), Reader banters a bit with sunghoon in the beginning and describes him with a multitude of adjectives 💞 Word count:2k+ 💞Pairing: Sunghoon x gn!Reader💞 Genre: Comfort, Angst, Lil fluff (academic rivals to implied lovers)
You've never understood group projects.
Surely, cooperation is not THAT important in real life, and if it were, then why would one pile up so many team projects that make it impossible to socialize at all. And to make matters worse, or better, depending on your mood, you were partnered with *shudder* Sunghoon.
 It really is peaceful working diligently on a project knowing that you could put in half the effort and score more then the magnificent annoying ethereal idiotic beautiful dumbass that you are working with.
 Nothing in this world maximises productivity like ignoring your academic rival. You never understood why you felt threatened by him- his successes were the maximum of his academic capability, whilst the school's highest requirements were the least of yours; you knew you could end him the second you all left school. Additionally, the number of talents he had never bothered you either- you always found visual arts (your area of interest) to be much more entertaining and elegant than the absolute physical bafoonery he sweats out every Thursday for inter school performances. In all honesty, you told yourself, if being head designer was not beneficial to personal statement, you would have ditched the big guy and his stupid friends a long time ago. Deep down you felt like you were lying to yourself, but who cares.  'It's not like a beautiful young senior is writing my brain process right now and posting it on tumblr as a boyband fanfiction or anything' you thought. 💀
'So why do I feel the need to compete with him?' 'Why do I want to perform better when he is in the test room?' 'Why do I want to dress better if I know he's there?' you ask yourself, desperately ignoring the influx of warmth coating your cheek, as if the light from your bedside lamp had quantum leaped onto your face with a gentle 'plop.'
 'I must really hate Park Sunghoon,' you concluded.
 You shifted your focus to the gentle hug of your soft, light bedspread (it was way more deserving of your brain space then 😒sunghoon😒). Your threw your head back as if thinking of him were such a chore, relaxing into the comfortable depths of your bed. If you cared enough, you might tell the magnificent oaf next to you to shift his buff arms a bit (does he inject pediasure into his bloodstream??), but you decided to focus on the work at hand, since the blushy feeling on your face is a clear indicator of your deep rooted hatred. Little did you know that this 'magnificent oaf's' arms were a part of the wonderful bedspread you were practically sleeping on.
Blissfully unaware of the fact that his right arm was nestled into your neck, you turned to him.
"How far along are you?" you asked in the sweetest voice you could muster, trying to be the bigger person.
"A lot farther than you, minnie mouse," he snickered, pushing his annoyingly perfect nose way too close to your face. You couldn't help but notice how gracefully the higher ends of his nose blended into his thick, strong eyebrows; your gaze unconsciously shifted from his eyes, to his lips, and then back to his eyes (you want to stab him).
"I'm sorry for trying to be nice," you rasped, "but I just want to remind you that you're not as smart as you think, and this is kinda individually grade-" you were interrupted mid-monologue by the sound of your 'Lovesong' by TXT playing at full volume. It was your phone.
Rolling your eyes all the way back to hell in order to hide your embarrassment, you picked it up. And your heart sunk to your knees. Without a second though, you ran to the bathroom, leaving Sunghoon and his unconsciously puckered lips to stare at your fleeting figure in concern. Fingers trembling, you stared at your phone screen.
It was your boss. From your part time job.
The rest of the world casually faded into oblivion as the thumping of your heart numbed out the noise, enveloping you cozily, juxtaposing the crippling panic you felt. The simple act of choosing whether to answer with your thumb or index finger seemed to drive you crazy as it seemed as if your phone were about to fall off.
Scared out of your wits, you answered the call.
"Hey boss," you started, absolutely embarrassed at how close to crying you were, "I thought you knew I am so sorry I sent an email but clearly that wasn't enough I have a project right now and I took the day off for that I am so sorry-"
"Wait ___, you sent an email?"
Absolutely convinced that his tone was nothing short of cynical, you could feel yourself getting lost in your own mind.
'Why wouldn't you call to ensure this?'
'Shouldn't you let someone know that you wont be coming? '
'Dont you know how much work we have to get done here?'
'You think a job is like school, where an email fixes everything?'
"Hello, ___?"
"Y- Yes?" you answered, breathless from the effort taken to quieten the devil in your brain for at least a fraction of a second.
"I said I found the email. I'm sorry for the inconvenience. You may return to your project. Thank you."
If only his words could bring the relief you hoped it would.
All you felt was anger. Anger, fear, and an overall pathetic. 'It's over, the call is over, everything is fixed' you tried to tell yourself- but in vain. The fear had taken over, and then it feels like you're fighting something.
'But nothing is threatening you. You're okay' you tried to tell yourself. But in vain, for once the mind wants peace, it will desperately cause you pain till you force it onto yourself.
Heavy shoulders hunched over, an attempt to hold yourself failing as your hand shied away just inches from the shower handle you reached for. Giving up, you allowed the fear to take over; your soul took solace in the familiar bathroom tile, as if embracing the cold floor would dissipate the freezing panic inside.
Sunghoon genuinely believed that you knew that he was just pretending to hate you. You were the smartest person he knew so he was just convinced that you knew he cared and that you were just doing this whole 'academic rival' thing to mess with him, a mode of flirtation.
Despite his few minute misconceptions, Sunghoon knew you pretty well. He knew how much you cared about the small things, he found it absurd. 'Why focus so much on the details when you can do it perfectly with your eyes closed?' was the most common thought in his brain as he not-so-discreetly observed you while you did pretty much anything. He knew that you considered being able to do everything perfectly all the time to be the absolute goal, and despite knowing how unrealistic that was, he thought you were silly to worry about those things; in his eyes you were the definition of perfection, so obviously you couldn't do anything not perfectly (😿logik).
He also knew that you weren't yourself when you were stressed. And not the 'hungry-eat-a-snickers' kind.
When everyone congratulated you on being the only person scoring a 100% outside of middle school, he was the only one whose eyes shifted past your beautiful smile and noticed the calluses on your middle finger's joints- a result of your unique way of holding a pen, with the pen resting on your middle finger, perpendicular to the paper, barely touching the index. Everyone talked of how lucky you were to land a well paying job, but only he saw the hundred lists scribbled on the margins of your notebooks- one for all the family members and when to give them money, one for the rent of your apartment (which, according to sunghoon, is immensely saddening because with the way you take care of yourself you should be the last person to live alone), and one for all the things your friends wanted and the price, filled with a specific doodle for each of your friends. But he was yet to find a list where it was just about you, for you.
If he had his way he would move in with you, cook for you, kiss you goodnight at 10. He would individually travel to each of your stingy relatives' houses and ask them to stop ripping you off. But in his heart, he could hear you tell him "Hoon they didn't have my childhood, let me give them a good one now."
And it was this good heart of yours that resisted him from feeling impatient as he waited for you on the bed, the crater that you filled now cold and empty. Sunghoon decided to just wait, knowing how much you cared about your job.
Until a thud from the bathroom resonated through the room, followed by the crisp, smoky scent he hated.
Jolting out of the bed, Sunghoon ran to the bathroom. He raised his hand to knock and brought it to the door, but you had accidentally left it unlocked, making the door sway aside, revealing your figure. Sunghoon felt his heart crack, small bits of the essence of his soul dribbling out.
The ghost of your soul barely lingered in your spaced out eyes as they lifelessly stared into the distance, hardly acknowledging sunghoon's presence. You hadn't even seen him come in. Single tears flowed swiftly down the gentle, beautiful slope of your nose; at the tip of your nose the droplets fell fearlessly to your open palms that weakly held on to a lit cigarette. Your lips screamed slightly, or attempted to, but you bit it back, teeth digging deep into your lips- but they were too chapped for you to care. You carelessly lifted your arms, bringing the cigarette to your lips.
With one clean, swift motion Sunghoon swat the cigarette out of your hands, the slap echoing loudly in a room that was dead silent for too long.
The slightest bit of life creeped back into your eyes as they widened, finally realizing sunghoon's presence. He could feel them trail his movements, watching closely and fearfully as he knelt down till he was at eye level with you.
He hated seeing you like this.
"I thought you..." Sunghoon paused, trying to rephrase his concern,
"You think it will be okay if you told me why you relapsed?"
His heart breathed a sigh of relief as he saw your shoulders release a bit of tension. Hesitantly, he brought his hand over to your shoulder, rubbing over your shoulder blade as gently as he possibly could. You lifted your trembling hands, clasping them onto his; the cold sending chills through Sunghoon's body.
"I...I wanted to stop," you said, your tone nasally. You sniffed, "But I just couldn't bring myself to. I thought if I tried harder at other things I wouldn't give myself time to, you know, smoke..." you paused, shifting your eyes to the floor.
"But it felt as if the harder I tried, the worse I became at something...and everything just feels so unfamiliar- but lighting up a cigarette and smoking? It's easy, and I can just, forget things. It's become so addictive, you know? To feel really...really sad."
Sunghoon held your face on his fingers, gently lifting it back up, hoping his eyes didn't reflect how heart-wrenching it felt to see you cry.
"Now," he started, "I would tell you how I think there is nothing more perfect in this world than you are-"
"I'm not Sunghoon, I'm not perfect at all- I want to be, so so bad but as much as I can do something it feels like I'm barely holding on and I want to let go but I can't-"
Your cries were cut off, falling into the depths of Sunghoon's lips as he locked his lips onto yours. The initial shock started to wear off, and comfort set in as you moved your lips in rhythm. Hands rested gently on his neck, on your neck, upwards, ruffling hair. It was simple, it was comforting. The tears mixed into the taste of your lips, and he drank your sorrows till all you felt was peace. It was messy, it was salty. It wasn't perfect. It was peace. You let go, falling into his arms, nuzzling your head in the corners of his neck.
And he caught you, balancing himself on his knees.
He cradled you in his arms, gently, till the numbness melted to warmth. He lifted your arms upto his face, kissing the hand you held the cigarette in, in prayer, asking for forgiveness for hurting you.
"You don't have to be perfect all the time, ___" Sunghoon whispered against the skin of your palm. "You don't have to be kind, to be working, to be loving," He said as he rested his lips into your forehead, trailing kisses to the centre of your eyebrows.
"You can just be lying against my chest, humming, sleeping. You're allowed to be free. You deserve to be peaceful, baby," he said, pecking the tip of your nose.
"You should let people love you, ___" he said, trailing his ways down, wedging his lips into yours.
"Please, ___," he said, breathing into your lips, "just this once, let me love you."
You looked at him, laying in comfort, feeling at peace for what felt like the first time forever. It wasn't perfect- you were literally crying on the bathroom floor. It wasn't perfect, he was in a bright green shirt and you were snotty and in your sweats. It wasn't perfect, nowhere close to it.
Somewhere deep in your heart you felt this to be right.
You smiled. And then he smiled. And you guys just sat there, grinning, chuckling even. This was the sound of love, you thought.
"Sunghoon..." you whispered,
"Can you kiss me again?"
For whatever reason, the two of you laughed, together. It wasn't harmonious, more comical. And then he leaned downwards, pressing his lips onto yours.
Permanent all works
@gloomysunny @thomas-the-tank-engene @goldenhypen
Permanent kpop
@soobin-chois @one16core @hoonsmarsbar
@yogurteume @annoyingbitch83
@kflixnet @enhypennetworks @the-k-neverland
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luvleeknowie · 10 months
Enhypen: Ni-ki making coffee.
Niki: Here you go hyung. A nice, hot cup of coffee. Jay: Oh thanks. Jay: Niki, the coffee is actually a bit cold. Niki: A nice cup of coffee. Jay: And it tastes disgusting. Niki: A cup of coffee. Jay: Jay: It doesn't really taste like coffee either... Niki: A cup.
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xo-lesserafim · 10 months
Enhypen as Kiss of Life songs.
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DENI♡ — thank you to my pekpek quad/ people in @k-neighborhood for the plot/ideas, or helping me out! ily fam😊☝️ notes for the specific fic will be added under the notes. and synopsis might change for all of them!
Enha masterlist
All of these fics are fake, and not ment to describe the following idol’s irl😊 some might be drabbles, some might be fics! It kinda depends on when i write. But i think hoons will be a smau.
NIKI — Shhh
synopsis: it was your friend’s birthday, and she decided to go to a club. While waiting , you saw a guy, who was just your type! Inside, you took a few drinks here and there, and found the same guy. Let’s just say, you’ve said something you shouldn’t had. A few days later, you see him as the other instructor for your dance class. What do you do during those classes? You try to one up each other, of course.
pairings : coach!niki x coach!yn
genre: e2l, love at first sight (well, for the reader,) fluff, possible angst😊 comedy
warnings: swearing, mentions of club, mentions of alcohol, more will be added! Everything in the fic is not the following idols mention life’s, it’s purely fictional!
ft: enhypen, minji and hanni; newjeans, and yunjin and chaewon from le sserafim
word count : ??
note — everyone in this fic is 22+
read teaser read fic
JAKE — Bye my neverland
synopsis: All ago, you’re family has always been archrivals with the sim family. They’ve been fighting for the top spot for best company. But you’ve always had a crush on Jake, and finally confessed him when you were in high school . Neither of your parents accepted it, and you haven’t seen him since. You’re finally 25, and happened to see Jake again. Will you guys be in a relationship, with your parents accepting? Or lovers who will never get to be with each other?
pairing: crush/lover!Jake x fem!reader
genre: e2l, forbbidden love, fluff, angst, more to add.
warnings : swearing, yn's and Jake's parents have an obesseio for being on top, parents no excepting their children's so, mentions of alcohol.
ft: hyung line from enypen, and unnie line from new jeans
word count: ??
note — I suck at angst so be aware :)
read teaser read fic
HEESEUNG — sugarcoat
synopsis: Heeseung, always seems to sugarcoat his words, even tho its always bad. This time you’ve had it, leaving him. Somehow he persuaded you into staying with him. Will he stay true to his word, or sugarcoat it once again?
parings : boyfriend!heeseung x fem!reader
genre : established relationship, fluff, angst
warnings: swearing,breaking up, toxic relationship?
ft: jungwon, jay, and sunghoon; enha. 04 line from
word count: ??
note: do we make this have a angsty or fluffy ending? (only my pekpeks get to know🥰)
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JAY — Before the “countdown”
synopsis: You’re done with him and his bullshit. Him always manipulating you to come back to him with, a sweet tone, carefully picked words, and a shopping spree. But he always cheats on you? Or makes comments on your weight, saying you’re too fat, too skinny, or what you’re eating every single time you guys are out. Or could it be he makes comments on what you wear out in public, or flirts with other girls infront of you.
pairings : verbally abus1v3!cheater!jay x fem!yn
genre: lovers 2 exes, angst with no comfort, lmk if im missing anything
warnings: swearing, fighting, verbal abuse, mentions of cheating, mentions on your weight, on what you eat, or wear. lmk if i’m also missing something pls😭🙏
ft: mentions of yunjin from le sserafim.
word count : ??
note — jungwon’s fic is pt.2 to this! The yn is the same😊
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JUNGWON — Countdown
synopsis: Crying at a park,late at night, Yang Jungwon notices you crying. Not knowing what to do, he decides to comfort you. Helping you feel happier in many different ways, and helping you make a “kickstart” and live your life.The only thing you guys didn’t know, the relationship awaiting.
parings: stranger!jungwon x heart-broken!fem!reader
genre: strangers 2 lovers, fluff, angst(?)
warnings: swearing, mentions of stuff from jay’s warnings, comfort.
ft: mentions of jay and yunjin(?)
note — thank flo for making me not do angst…😊☝️
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SUNOO — Kitty Cat
synopsis: You’re in college, living your best life! Going to partys, getting good grades! While at a party with Sunoo, a guy keeps on hitting on you, while you keep on rejecting him, luckly Sunoo protects you.
pairings: best-friend!sunoo x fem!reader
genre: college au! best friends, fluff
warnings: swearing, a guy non-stop hitting on yn, mentions of alcohol and drinking (readers doesn’t drink any.)
ft: mentions of enhypen members, and yunjin from le sserafim, and keeho from p1harmony.
notes : i actually think sunoo fits this so well!
read teaser read fic
SUNGHOON — Play Love Games
synopsis: On a game called “Love games”, you were a pro gamer, being high level, until your account gets terminated. On a new your new account, you were leveling up quickly, until user @/ppenguin_101 asks you for tips to level up. Over time, you guys became gaming best friends, becoming so close! Telling each others your age, and glimpses their voice. On the day you guys we’re doing a face reveal, you found out the worst news of your life, @/ppenguin_101 was Park Sunghoon, your worst nightmare (who also has a girlfriend.)
pairings: enemy!gamer-best-friend!sunghoon x gamer!yn
genre: e2l, fluff, angst(?)
warnings: swearing, mentions of raging at love games, horrible humor, more to add.
ft: all enhypen members, mankae line in le sserafim and newjeans.
note — probably my favorite one…
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enha perm taglist : @wonfied @misokei @cherrysvng
all works perm taglist: @sobun1est @sureogi
taglist: @cha3w0n-hearts @neighborhae
send a ask or comment to be added to taglist or for specific work!
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Copyrights © 2023 xo-lesserafim. All rights reserved. do not copy, translate, or repost anything without my permission. 080923
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daawxi · 3 years
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𝚂𝚞𝚗𝚐𝚑𝚘𝚘𝚗 𝚡 𝙹𝚊𝚔𝚎
𝚂𝚞𝚗𝚘𝚘 𝚡 𝙹𝚞𝚗𝚐𝚠𝚘𝚘
𝚂𝚞𝚗𝚐𝚑𝚘𝚘𝚗 𝚡 𝙹𝚞𝚗𝚐𝚠𝚘𝚘
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sugaminawallpapers · 2 years
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ENHYPEN Blessed-Cursed Silver (220113) Mnet Stage Wallpapers
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kpophubb · 3 years
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Eɴʜʏᴘᴇɴ’s ᴄᴜᴛᴇsᴛ ᴍᴀᴋɴᴀᴇ - ɴɪᴋɪ sᴀɴ ♡︎
❥𝚕𝚒𝚔𝚎/𝚛𝚎𝚋𝚕𝚘𝚐 𝚒𝚏 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚜𝚊𝚟𝚎. 𝙳𝙾𝙽’𝚃 𝚁𝙴𝙿𝙾𝚂𝚃!
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binniewon · 3 years
Enhypen MTL be shy around their crush
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Requested: No
-Baby let’s go-
1. Niki
3. Jake
7. Jay
1. Niki- So our baby boy would be so nervous around his crush, he would probably stutter and would melt at any little thing his crush said to him. Stutter. You got it. Running off in the middle of a convo. You got it!
2. Heesung- Heesung is so awkward around his crush like he would do random things at random times for no reason and it would be because he was nervous but he would make the situation awkward lol.
3. Jake- Our Angel this baby would be nervous to talk to his crush and he would be smiling (not that anyone is complaining) like crazy, at any word his crush said it would be an instant smile on his face. (our cute baby)
4. Jungwon- I feel like baby would be so straight forward and just like Heesung would make the situation awkward. He would make the most random noises because he would be so nervous (CURRYYY!!!) ughh so cute!
5. Sunghoon-This Prince is more bold than the others the only reason I didn’t put him last is because I believe he would falter in his coolness. He would act like his crush didn’t bother him but inside he was dying and I think he would falter easily if his crush did the right thing or said the right thing BOOM his done for!
6.Sunoo- Our sun this dude would literally be so carefree like anything his crush did, didn’t bother him and he would be so good at it too. He would probably say things like “I’m cuter than you” or “My hair looks better than yours today” even though it seemed like he didn’t like his crush or thought his crush was competition he was absolutely in love with his crush.
7. Jay- Ohhh Jay I can’t even start with this guy, he would treat his crush so much like a friend (enemy) that when his members found out that he liked his crush they would be so shocked
Jungwon “You literally just yelled at them yesterday for taking your controller our of your hand as a joke”
Sunghoon “I seriously thought you hated them, you always told them they needed to change their style because it looked like trash..”
If you become Jay’s crush Goodluck!
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kpopmultifan · 4 years
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New boy group ENHYPEN has released a 2nd set of solo preview cuts for their 2021 Season’s Greetings.
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daawxi · 3 years
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