#ep: mayura
princessnoire69 · 7 months
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Shadybug broooo
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he's in love your honor
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purrincess-chat · 2 years
What was your quintessential moment where you fell in love with Adrienette? What was your awakening moment? very curious to hear this.
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For most of s1 I thought the LS was cute, MC became my favorite after Evillustrator, but then I also liked Ladrien after Simon Says. When I finally watched origins II (last) and saw the umbrella scene I was like no, yeah, okay I need these two together like yesterday. S2 added fuel to the fire with
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"You're our everyday Ladybug." Like bitch, I screamed. I know I defend Ladrien a lot bc MC stans don't know how to behave, but Adrinette is my favorite side 😅😅 And Adrien falling for Marinette is one of my favorite tropes to write for it, so this season has me by the throat.
But yes, to answer your question it was the umbrella scene that first won me over. It's one of the most beautifully crafted scenes in the show from the script to the animation to the sound design, and it's still my favorite scene in the show to date. ❤☔⚡
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laugtherhyena · 1 year
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These screenshots are kinda ass but hi this scene is where i imagine Hina and Mayura would have made their first appearance ♥️
Mayura and Beam in a silly competition to see who could kill more zombies while Hina tries to keep an eye on everyone while killing some too, i inagine she was put to be sorta in charge of the fiends and devils in this mission since she's good with them.
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amphibifish · 7 months
freyr giving the people he cares about taiyaki in their times of need is still sweet to me tbh
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spacedoutcowgirl · 7 months
🐞🐈‍⬛🤳 mlb online — part 15
a day in the life of chat noir
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< part 14 + the halloween ep part 15 >
📑valè’s note: fyi: when chat/adrien says “parents” he’s referring to gabe and nat, basement wife is still in her tanning bed. what do yall think is going on w/ hawkmoth & mayura?
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imthepunchlord · 4 months
What's your opinion about the temporary heroes?
I think they're VERY unnecessary,especially once the unification being introduced as literally as a way to use 2+ powers at the same time,not mixing the powers to create other one,some just have miraculous bc yes(half of them,actually),if there's going a actual miraculous i think it should be the top 5(7 at the end)to keep the things okay,season 2 baby,yk you are the best?
I do agree. Ultimately, they were pointless to do and were the wrong choice of direction.
A big part of it is that unification reveal, all those Miraculous Fu has could've been shared between Marinette and Adrien. Also, Hawk Moth is not a big enough threat to the heroes to warrant expanding the team. Why, the one time they did a "Miraculous Team" it fell apart in minutes. And it still came down to Marinette and Adrien to save the day.
By this narrative, there's no good reason to share Miraculous with others and do temp heroes as Marinette and Adrien are confirmed by the narrative is that they themselves are all they need. And a lot of the episodes with temp heroes getting focus, could be solved by the heroes doing a unify instead, like Pegabug could've appeared in... what Startrain? Marinette could've become Dragonbug to fight Hearthunter, there was no need for her to go out of her way to go get Kagami.
Also some temp heroes were pointless. You could cut Carapace out of Anansi and not miss much. He's also not the only solution to Anansi's web. A burning candle could've taken it out, or Chat could've Catacysmed the web. Ladybug's yo-yo could've been sharp enough to cut it.
Carapce wasn't really all that needed for Anansi.
From what I remember, Vesperia was also pretty pointless in her intro ep, especially as she got knocked out pretty quick. You take her out, only thing you miss is Chloe getting upset that someone else has the Bee, which isn't going to be exclusive to Zoe.
If they were to expand the team, they need to up the threat. And as HM himself doesn't cover that, that could've been done with Mayura.
The other factor is that, doing temp heroes, skips out on needed character growth, and skips out on kwamis being characters. Like, if Alya was a full time hero instead of temp, there's a lot you could do with that.
You can cover Alya struggling to juggle her now double life, cause she's living the dream as a hero! Why would she want to go back to the dull, drab civilian life? This could be a better way to work off Lila alienating Marinette at school cause Alya is living the dream as a hero and isn't paying attention to her civilian life too much. It could even explain her being dismissive of Marinette and her views of Lila cause she's not there enough to see the details.
You can also cover the risk vs reward of reveal vs secrecy, as both sides should have pros and cons to them. And it is a canon issue with Alya that she wants to unmask the heroes, and she's up for a reveal and share that she's a hero. If Marinette represents the pros and cons of secrecy, Alya can cover the pros and cons of a reveal.
And there are other aspects that canon has introduced to work off of. Like, Alya trying to pick the perfect hero name during an akuma attack, showing she's not taking things as seriously as she should. There's her eager for public attention. That being a hero is more for ego and glory, and she can learn that being a hero is a lot more serious and harder and to see if she has what it takes to step up to the plate.
And of course, what Miraculous and kwami she's paired with can influence how she could've grown.
Mindful, all Miraculous by default would work off that secrecy vs reveal, but Fox would specifically really cover that as it's tied to deception and secrecy. It's also set to be a struggle for Alya because she WANTS to be in the limelight, she aims for leadership and to be directly involved, and Fox isn't built for that, it's built to be in the background. Which can help her growth, but can also clash with where she wants to be.
Bee meanwhile has a good few similar appeals for Alya as it does for Chloe. Alya does have similar issues to Chloe in being literally pushy, taking over projections, pushing her agenda, aiming for leadership but not always being the best leader, and can be oblivious to others, their feelings, and any backlash she's causing. Bee ideally could help her learn to ease back, be a team player; and it has the bonus of allowing Alya to be where she wants to be, and can offer some leadership skills to develop, and work on communication and listening.
Over all, the temp heroes were a bad and pointless choice. The narrative doesn't warrant expanding the team as Marinette and Adrien hardly struggled against HM, and the s2 fianle actually discourages it. It skips out on needed character development and allowing kwamis to be characters. And, honestly, not all characters warrant getting a Miraculous.
Max I could get cause he did step up in Robustus. Juleka I can get cause she's set up to learn confidence, find her voice, and has a lot of bottled up emotions to let loose. I could even get Ivan as in Origins, everyone is kinda terrified of him because of his size, so there could've been an arc to change that view, someone who's feared to becoming a hero, become associated with safety instead.
But what's up with Alix to really warrant a Miraculous? Mylene didn't want one and yeah I don't think she really needed one. It's even more wild as I feel like the power to shrink down would just make her anxieties worse. What about Marc who's barely a character? Is the bar so low that you just have to be good at sports?
Yeah, temp heroes aren't worth it nor were they needed. They were a bad choice of direction.
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ML Plot Points: Fu and S3 Finale
After the Ladybug Replacement arc, Hawkmoth is recovering while Viceroy takes over the akuma business. They quickly realise that quantity over quality is no longer a viable strategy since they have to deal with 4 to 7 heroes in any given attack. As such, they take a break for a couple of days while waiting for an emotion they can get something useful out of.
The akuma in question is Sandboy. Which would be used to flesh out all the heroes and give Fu a more serious nightmare about his failures.
After that comes Feast. Starts the same, but Fu goes with Ladybug and Chat Noir into Feast and is the one to break the amokised object. Also, This ep is the one when Hawkmoth and MAyura figure out where Fu lives.
I’m not sure If I’d add any more akuma attacks in the time period between the Ladybug Replacement and Feast. Those two are the only really necessary ones, with Feast happening directly before the finale.
And thus, Love Eater happens. (Sidenote, instead of the floating head ballon, I’d have them be a gold and blue two headed snake with the get along shirt wrapped around them. Think a King Taijitu from RWBY). Hawkmoth tries to convince Chloe to get akumatised and it doesn’t work, she just tells him off and sneaks off to fight the akuma. Instead of that, Hawkmoth just gives Lila a butterfly and tells her to stay on standby until he says the word. Hawkmoth has purposefully has Love Eater be more difficult so that all seven heroes will have to be involved. Once all of them are there, he de-akumatises the Bourgeois coupled and akumatises Lila into Hoaxer with the goal of having her distract them for as long as possible.
As soon as Lila is akumatised, Mayura makes a tiny butterfly Sentimonster, has it go into the massage parlour and she changes it so it’s the size of the building. Horse!Fu makes it out with the miracle box, but barely and is immediately confronted by Hawkmoth, Mayura and the Sentimonster.
Fu has had it rough these past few episodes. The Ladybug replacement arc forced him to admit that he’s still making mistakes and that he’s clearly making things worse for the girl who he saw as a granddaughter. Sandboy forced him to accept that the Order was messed up from the beginning and that even if what happened was his fault, he can’t afford to keep punishing himself and everyone he chooses to isolation. Lastly, Feast forced him to face the literal embodiment of his mistake and the Order’s sins.
He can’t keep going the way he’s been going. Even if it’s what the Order would have had him do, it’s wrong.
So Fu just looks at them and apologises. He tells them that, truthfully, he doesn’t know how to help their loved one and that it was wrong of him to lead them on just to get their miraculi. They deserved better. Since Hawkmoth has literal telepathic powers, so they know he’s not lying. It’s a nice moment between a traumatised old man who is finally trying to do better and the two people he screwed over.
Alas, it’s too late for reconciliation. Fu waited too long and the two of them have done too much. Letting them have the miraculi is simply not an option, so Fu does the only thing he can:
He breaks the miracle box and makes portals beneath every miraculous, sending them to a location where he thinks the heroes will find them.
Thus begins the second most interesting fight I’ve foreshadowed in the posts about world building and powers.
-Hawkmoth has telepathy powers and can communicate his intentions to Mayura. This means he can predict what Fu will do and that his teamwork with Mayura and the Sentimonster near perfect.
-Mayura, since she has both the Amok and the peacock miraculous, can control and change the Sentimonster at will. Want to give it a snake head from it’s back that lunges at Fu? A bunch of insect limbs as sharp as swords? Wings? A fuckton of limbs/tentacles? Make it bigger or smaller depending on the situation? She can do so.
-Lastly, Fu with the horse can make portals. Since he had the miraculi since he was 8 and is now almost 200 he is the strongest current holder and he has absolutely no limits. He’ll feel awful afterwards, but it’s for the best. Favourite ideas include:
Launching himself through moving portals to pick up speed and lunge at them them from weird angles,
Throwing the horseshoe and when they parry it, sending it through a portal so it still hits them.
Portal-Cutting a building, making it go through a set of vertical portals so it builds up speed and sending it through a third portal to launch it right at them.
Portal-cutting the Eiffel Tower in specific parts so it collapses on top of them.
Canon had Fu go out like a bitch. HC had Fu go out like a bitch offscreen. I may not like the character, but I can let him go feral in his last moments. The man should have one cool fight scene.
Eventually, the heroes manage to beat Hoaxer and join the fight, at which point, Mayura just makes the Sentimonster really big and violent so they can flee. They at least got the grimoire, that’s. more than they had before.
Fu gives up guardianship and tells Ladybug where he sent the miraculi, since he can’t be sure they’ll find them. His last words to her are: “Don’t repeat my mistakes. Don’t be a Guardian, be a leader.”
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aguinhaac · 1 year
Marinette foolish lead Hawkmoth to Fu by not Isn't that the reason Queen Wasp 2.0 Happened
uh what mari you see episode miraculous oid
new s5 ep 14 is joke ??? Sus Thomas
Yep she did
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Ugh, do I need to show the print again?
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Perfect my ass. Ladybug Is selfish, that's what she is. She abuses her power, she is rude even to people she "likes" she Treat her partners as Wheapons or just as something she owns. Just like chat she don't care that there's people dying in the street or not,
So yes, ladybug did it, she exposed her master to hawkmoth. Ladybug is an idiot
Also about "derision" I am gonna review the other episodes first, The next is passion, but I will review it soon, and thanks for pointing this out again.
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kwamigirl-xy · 8 months
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What if Hawk Moth didn't get to Mayura in time? (Ep. Ladybug)
P.S. I might do a short story or even a book depending on what you guys would like. Let me know in the comments:)
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gayfraggle · 22 days
reciprocating the hc asks so i'm gonna tell you my maloki!heimdallr hcs !!!!! will specify if necessary whether it's for anime/manga since they develop diff
- heimdall secretly uses the fancy hair care freyr buys for himself. he also dyes his hair by himself -- he's naturally black haired (or some sort of darker hair color, according to one panel in some flashback to youth from lokis pov) this is why his hair smells so nice, according to freyr from the anime bloopers.
- his claws are actually bird talons. just because him having secret claws that just look like long acrylic nails is stupid. and also he has his whole bird motif anyhow so
- freyr drags heimdall along to wingman for him, even though he's like thirteen and frey is at least 18. (manga:) heimdall doesn't escape this even after he leaves asgard because it turns out his sadistic eye wand is just as much of a lovebird.
- (anime) after canon, whenever loki greets heim he makes kissy faces, mostly to mock him and his lie from ep 3 (in which heim kisses mayura and says it's a "casual greeting" where he's from, because he "just came back from living abroad")
- even though he's lost most of his power, his senses are still more keen than average. his internal clock is also still sharp, but thousands of years of sleep deprivation definitely caught up to him and he's become an incredibly deep sleeper.
Oooo those are really cool!!! :D
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scottpetersen · 11 months
What Food Do Some Of The Other Kwamis Like?
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Ok. Here I’ll be going over my thoughts on what food some of the other Kwamis might like. This post was inspired by a YouTuber called @spongeintheshoe who made a comment on @ASLB247’s Miraculous Ladybug Review: Ep. 1 The Bubbler Review video saying that: “Tikki likes baked goods because making them is a complex process designed to create something greater than the sum of its parts, and Plagg likes cheese because it’s made by deliberately having something rot in a specific way.” So, by that logic, Tikki likes baked goods because it has something to do with creation which is the power of the Ladybug Miraculous, while Plagg likes cheese because it has something to do with destruction which is the power of the Black Cat Miraculous. With that out of the way, let’s dive right in.
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First, I’ll be going over what food I think Duusu, the Kwami connected to the Peacock Miraculous, might like. I think that what Duusu might like is ice cream. As shown in the episode ‘Mayura (Heroes Day - Part 2)’, the Peacock Miraculous which is the Miraculous that Duusu is connected to works by manifesting and solidifying a person’s emotions into creatures called sentimonsters. And I heard that ice cream is made by freezing and thus solidifying cream among other things. And I know that this analogy might sound dumb but just like how ice cream comes in a variety of different flavors, there is a variety of different emotions a person can feel.
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Next, I’ll be going over what Longg, the Kwami connected to the Dragon Miraculous, might like. I think that Longg might like water. As shown in the episode ‘Ikari Gozen’, the power of the Dragon Miraculous is to transform the wielder into wind, lightning and water. And the fact that 1 of those 3 elements is water is the reason why I think Longg might like water.
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Now, I’m gonna go over what food Daizzi, the Kwami connected to the Pig Miraculous, might like. I think the food that Daizzi might like is cake. As shown in the episode ‘Guiltrip’, the power of the Pig Miraculous is to show the target magical gifts that show them their heart’s greatest desire. And birthday cakes are a dish served during birthday parties where people receive gifts. I think that’s why Daizzi might like cake.
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Finally, I’m gonna be going over what Roaar, the Kwami connected to the Tiger Miraculous, might like. I think that Roaar might like protein shakes. As shown in the episode ‘Crocoduel’, the power of the Tiger Miraculous is to unleash a powerful burst of energy that blows away anything in its path. And protein shakes help give a person protein thus helping them rejuvenate their energy. So, both the Tiger Miraculous’s power and protein shakes correspond to energy in some way. I think this is the reason why Roaar might like protein shakes.
Well, that’s all for this post.
See you all next time.
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taldigi · 2 years
I already asked @officialfanbug, and I thought why not get other opinions on (mostly because I like hearing various opinions on things) so here I am. So on to the questions, I heard someone say it's nearly impossible to make all the miraculous heroes look cohesive since all their suits ha e different themes, patterns, and color schemes. As an artist and character designer, what do you think about that statement? Also, do you think the miraculous heroes' lack of cohesion could work to their advantage? Like maybe it could be used to make them kind of like the justice league, a group of independent heroes that are all capable of working on their own but chose to work together to fight threats they can't handle alone. What's your opinion on this idea?
I'm glad! It's an interesting topic to explore. I'm always glad to share my opinion.
Now, I want to preface by saying that I'm no professional, and this is all from first hand experience.
I heard someone say it's nearly impossible to make all the miraculous heroes look cohesive since all their suits ha e different themes, patterns, and color schemes. As an artist and character designer, what do you think about that statement?
I think that's like.. false- but like, it's too late to change that. A good designer knows that you can have a variety of shapes, sizes, patterns, colors- and have them go to together as a group. Now, what's important is that- when you look at a character. you're able to glean several things: a strong silhouette, their personality, and how their body language expresses themselves.
To be a direct comparison to Miraculous Ladybug, I bring up DC Super Hero Girls. (Regardless of the show's actual quality since I've only seen ep 1 and 2, Lauren Faust is ALWAYS able to make a strong cast of characters-- looks SO INTENTLY at Milky Way and MLP) Even in resting poses, their character designs say SO MUCH about each of them, yet they all fit into the same group super easily.
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Canon ML's issue is that it's trying too hard to emulate other, more popular heroes, then trying to form it's own identity. It's a case of "These heroes wore skintight spandex, so Ladybug should wear skintightspandex. This is how a superhero SHOULD look." while completely ignoring it's own design pitch ("we want to make something uniquely Parisian/french") via trying to emulate already-popular and successful media (Marvel and DC, respectively) when those series THEMSELVES are breaking away from such trends, ignoring it's own in-universe lore (The suits reflect the user's inner self) and shows bias towards sexualizing the young charterers (Marinette alone has so many crotch shots and a focus on her legs, her signature pose has her hips thrust in an unnatural way, her ladybug model has been shown to have inflated "assets") all the while trying to claim girl-power as the reasoning.
it's a lack of cohesion that plagues the whole series (as it all runs on "Rule of Cool" and "rule of funny" instead of trying to form a good narrative) but I'll stick to character design exclusively. So in the end, what they do is "This is cool, lets do this" and fail to actually make characters that match each other, even though those those designs fail to.. reflect the character themselves (Marinette does not match ladybug, sorry to everyone who thinks she does, but you are all wrong) tell their story (Cat Noir's outfit doesn't match his personality very much- it looks very conventional- PV's propped collar worked great in this regard, and the wild hair doesn't translate well since Adrien's hair is fluffy and doesn't look too different. from Cats.) and a LOT of the body language that made the characters interesting in the beginning was LARGELY SAMG's doing, and prolly wasn't thought of much by the original story-boarders. Non-child characters get to have interesting designs (Fu and Mayura, notably. And hawkmoth's design is far more interesting than Ladybugs.) while some child characters have shitty or half-assed designs due to budget reasons (Ladybug herself, Miss Tracker/Hound, Ryuko)
It's like they have too much money, yet not enough at the same time. It's wild.
Also, do you think the miraculous heroes' lack of cohesion could work to their advantage? Like maybe it could be used to make them kind of like the justice league, a group of independent heroes that are all capable of working on their own but chose to work together to fight threats they can't handle alone. What's your opinion on this idea?
No. Not when they come from the same "Set" like the story they want to tell is saying. Characters like Ladybug, Ryuko, Queen Bee, Vipereon and Purple Tigress all wear skintight latex that dosen't match their personalities whatsoever... which works if they are meant to be in a themed set... which is the whole point. LB and CN are supposed to come in a pair- that's not like, fandom talking-- that's how the story presents it, even though they wanted it to be The Ladybug Show. you can't NOT have the characters mirror. But even with the color mirroring, the designs couldn't be more different. and thats bad.
but then that theming is offset by designs like Alyabug, Rooster Bold, Goatboy, Horse Glasses White Dreadlocks and Oxford, which have more complex and interesting designs, and Pigella, Mousegirls 1 and 2, and Catwalker which seem to match personalities better. (Multimouse is actually one of the best designs in the series, ngl. the jump rope tail and the twin buns are so good- and the pink complements Marinette SO GOOD ugh I cry.)
idk I got rambly. If you want more clarification, just go ahead and ask.
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sallertiafabrica · 1 year
I always found the idea that since the peacock miraculous is broken, the monsters it make are always in a berserk state and just rampage around and are unable to be controlled, or their forms are unstable and their are constantly shifting from soild to the smoke-like substance from the show and back again (or maybe taking on new forms entirely) to be cool
That’s a really neat concept!
I never reached the Mayura eps, but from what I know, the peacock being broken never factored into the powers, the holder, or even Duusu themself, and then it just got fixed? Which is laaaaaaame, Duusu should get to be an unstable menace.
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prim-peony · 2 years
I have a MLB theory:
So, what’s with all of the purple skin in Season 5? I’ve got a possible theory for it: the color purple represents madness. To begin, Hawkmoth’s always had purple in his costume because, let’s face it, the man’s always been a little off (I mean, the maybe-dead wife in the basement? Major red flag 🚩) But as he continues down the path, he gets more vibrant purple in his outfit.
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Now that the madness has consumed him, he is consumed with bright purple.
Also, Nathalie:
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As Mayura, she has hints of purple- which makes sense because she’s a little off too to be risking her health like that. However, when she akumatized? BOOM, bright purple. We’ve already seen what being akumatized does to her in her condition (ep: Ladybug), so allowing herself to be akumatized again is pretty crazy. However, she’s also got the power of THREE miraculous (goat, fox, and bee). She’s risking her life for “the cause.” She’s been consumed by some kind of madness too to be that dedicated. And who’s our last purple?
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Felix. He’s already started down the rabbit hole. He betrayed his cousin first, and then Ladybug (and all of Paris alongside her). I’m excited to see what launches him into his own madness, or if this theory is just a combination of having too many English papers and having too much time on my hands 😂
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amphibifish · 2 months
i don't talk about my maloki shipping opinions a lot because i really only have one strong one which is mayuloki is weird and sucks UNLESS it's my mutuals take on it where she's actually a sigyn reincarnation however as for other popular ships in the fandom.
heimloki is like second most popular (i mean, it's the name of the only eng maloki fandom group on livejournal) but if you think they have any chance of having a standard romantic relationship you are wrong. they are so awful for each other and it has to be a trainwreck. unless it's post ep 26 anime then i guess ? but i still think it would not be healthy.
freyura is underrated i think but i also only like it under certain circumstances (ie. anime frey) because. it gets weird if you take it with manga canon. but i do think it's sweet and ep 11 where mayura apologizes for enlisting his help is very cute imo <3
a lot of people don't like reiya(freya) which is understandable because they really give her zero personality except for loving loki which is partly why it leaves a bit of a bad taste in my mouth but if it weren't for that id love reiya/loki i think esp. with freya's episode about where she said she feels alone like. sorry im never immune to chars who deal with loneliness. unfortunately they drop it after that episode and i have words about that but thats a different post.
and finally. spica/loki. 10/10 no extra comments.
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