dianapopescu · 3 months
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26 februarie: Sfântul Ierarh Porfirie, Episcopul Gazei
Sfântul Ierarh Porfirie (Porphyrius), Episcopul Gazei, s-a născut în prejma anului 346 la Tesalonic. Părințîi lui erau avuți, ceea ce i-a permis să primească o educație aleasă. Având înclinația pentru viața monahală, și-a părăsit regiunea natală la vârsta de 25 de ani, și s-a îndreptat către Egipt, unde a trăit în deșertul nitrian, sub călăuzirea Sfântului Macarie cel Mare (19 ianuarie). Acolo l-a întâlnit și pe Sfântul Ieronim (15 iunie), care vizita pe atunci mănăstirile egiptene. A mers spre Ierusalim în pelerinaj la locurile sfinte și pentru a venera Crucea dătătoare de Viață a Domnului (14 septembrie). https://www.diane.ro/2024/02/26-februarie-sfantul-ierarh-porfirie.html
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gaynglican · 4 months
I work in an art gallery with some amazing works by Vincent Van Gogh, and I keep find myself defending his honor. People frustrate me to no end.
Some people look at his artwork, which is full of immense love for the world, and go, "Oh, how sad. He was crazy. Isn't this painting SAD?" And, it's one of the most joyful paintings on earth.
The worst people are those who mock his artwork because he was "crazy". Upon looking at a beautiful, delicate, loving, and meditative artwork, a father nudged his son. "Isn't this the crazy guy who cut off his own ear?" The son laughed. "That's disgusting," the son said, and they laughed together.
Vincent Van Gogh wanted to be a priest. He felt God's love in everything and everyone. The priesthood didn't work out, but nevertheless Vincent especially felt God's love in the unloved. He painted every breeze in the air, and the veins in the unnoticed laborer's hands.
I don't think Van Gogh's swirling spirals are crazy. I think they're meditations on God's love, breathed through all Creation. To me, these paintings are a prayer.
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citrussunrises · 4 months
Every time I have ever found God it has been from a group of outsiders.
Every picture of God that has ever looks like him has been made by people who never saw a Jesus that looked like themselves
I have never felt more at home than when listening to a gay person talk about God. I have never understood someone better than the lesbian Catholics who love to veil, or the transgender episcoples who see their transition as an opportunity to share in God's creation, or anyone who found God and then carved their own way to him.
When I sit in chapel, and the worship music feels like noise, I know there is a hymn being sung with a shaking voice that sounds just like Christ calling out for his father. When I see lessons written in script, I know there are sheets of construction paper printed in stock fonts on a family's kitchen table sent home from Sunday school teaching the same. When I get a hand out with Bible verses bought from Amazon, I know that someone has written the same verse in craft glue and collage and their blood.
I think God is present the most when the process of finding him is distinctly human; because I think he knows us, and makes the way he finds us human.
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onomatopoeia-core · 1 month
i'm not even sure that i believe in God, but i started going to this episcopal church recently bc there were just so many older gay people there and i felt like i needed that in my life and there was a gay priest. people were actually so chill about me being trans, which shocked me, but i figured there were just humoring me - but this past sunday the priest did a sermon on the story in acts about the Ethiopian eunuch. and like, i've heard a thousand sermons on this passage bc its like the first missionary story and people use it a lot to justify their colonization blah blah blah but like everyone glossed over the eunuch thing.
but the (straight) priest talked about how eunuch is a kind of stand in word for gender non-conforming person and actually literally said from the pulpit that we should be welcoming and accepting of all trans people and not ask them to change and !?!?!?! like i never expected to hear that preached in my lifetime, especially in fucking kentucky.
the world can seem so dark and being trans is fucking hard and you just come to expect so little from people ESPECIALLY chrisitans and i'm just so pleasantly surprised. it's just kind of amazing to see chrsitians live up to this loving their neighbor shit they are always talking about
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wgm-beautiful-world · 2 years
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Saint John's Episcopal Church, Edinburgh, SCOTLAND
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aprillikesthings · 7 months
There is something deeply funny to me about the fact that, of people who pray the rosary (at least in the United States); the Catholics tend to be super conservative, and the Episcopalians/Anglicans tend to be gay.
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heresylog · 2 months
I had a dream I was in an Episcopal Church and someone from my church was there and I was hiding from them so they wouldn’t see me.
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newyorkthegoldenage · 3 months
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St. Bartholomew's Episcopal Church on Park Avenue between 50th and 51st Streets, early 1920s. It is the burial site of, among others, Lillian and Dorothy Gish.
Photo: NY Historical Society/Getty Images/NY Daily News
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A Message to Queer People Hurt by the Church.
I don't know if I am in a place to do this, however I would like to apologise on behalf of Christians everywhere for our treatment, present and past, of the LGBTQ+ community.
I have faced homophobic discrimination at the hands of my churches under various justifications. None of it was okay. None of it will ever be okay.
Homophobia is hate. Transphobia is hate.
Jesus taught love. Jesus teaches love.
Love is love. Love comes in many forms. If you cannot see that, and choose to hate on those for whom they love, while still saying you're Christian, kindly, get your head out of your crusty asshole and read the bible.
LGBTQ+ Christians; I see you, I love you, and I am praying for you. Jesus loves you. God, in all their beautiful forms, loves you. You were made in God's image. You do not need to change for anyone.
Nga mihi
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dianapopescu · 3 days
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5 iunie: Sfântul Sfințit Mucenic Dorotei, Episcopul Tirului
Sfântul Sfințit Mucenic Dorotei a fost episcop al orașului Tir în timpul persecuției creștinilor de către împăratul Dioclețian (284-305). Urmând cuvintele Evangheliei, "Când vă vor prigoni într-o cetate, să fugiţi într-alta. Adevărat vă spun că nu veţi isprăvi de străbătut cetăţile lui Israel până va veni Fiul omului" (Matei 10:23), Sfântul Dorotei s-a retras din Tir și s-a ascuns de cei care-l căutau. https://www.diane.ro/2024/06/5-iunie-sfantul-sfintit-mucenic-dorotei.html
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gaynglican · 6 months
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I went to the Washington National Cathedral :)
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citrussunrises · 3 months
Ok folks raised or in the church, reblog this with your most insane church lore, drama, or scandal.
I'll go first. My church started out as a New England commune. They all shared one lawnmower.
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stpaulsdayton · 6 months
“Americans, steeped in the ideal of religious freedom, take it for granted that orthodoxy without room for heresy is dangerous. Think of the Inquisition, they say, or the trial of Galileo, or (a little closer to home) the Puritan witch hunts. Yet heresy without room for orthodoxy turns out to be dangerous as well. Many of the overlapping crises in American life, from our foreign policy disasters to the housing bubble to the rate of out-of-wedlock births, can be traced to the impulse to emphasize one particular element of traditional Christianity—one insight, one doctrine, one teaching or tradition—at the expense of all the others. The goal is always progress: a belief system that’s simpler or more reasonable, more authentic or more up-to-date. Yet the results often vindicate the older Christian synthesis. Heresy sets out to be simpler and more appealing and more rational, but it often ends up being more extreme.”
Ross Douthat, “Bad Religion”
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gwydionmisha · 11 months
Judge awards a Black church $1M over BLM banner burned by Proud Boys during protest
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jkrikis · 7 months
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camino frances / astorga
© 2023  Yiannis Krikis
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realbeefman · 7 months
i know chase obviously wins the religious trauma competition but can we please talk about how foreman was not only raised by a deeply religious father, but was most likely raised BAPTIST. no wonder he’s so repressed. the baptist experience is like. you’re in church every sunday listening to a man scream about how love is something that should hurt. you believe in a good, loving god - but to believe, you have to accept that true love is painful. that to be a good person, you must suffer. to love is to endure it, to work mercilessly. you’re not worthy of the love of The Almighty, and you never will be, and that sense of unworthiness is fundamental to having faith. when you sin, you don’t just hurt Him, you hurt everyone around you. you make the world worse because you have dared commit the sin of existence — to be human is to be sinful. to be loved is to feel unworthy and pathetic and hopeless. like YEAH no wonder foreman self isolates and is emotionally closed off. he was taught from BIRTH that he is fundamentally unworthy of love, and that in accepting love, he is also accepting that he truly is worthless.
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