#eric's salute
personinthepalace · 5 months
Eric's Shameful Salute - Taskmaster: Minnesota 2x07
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songofsaraneth · 1 year
u know we give belle from beauty and the beast all the disney monsterfucker credit but actually i think prince eric deserves some too
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tivajunkie · 1 year
The way Eric and Dani know each other so well!!
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rico-the-nicoo · 1 year
nicknames my candy gave each li
note; sorry cas stan, rico didn't like him in hsl so his nicknames are mean.
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twin, best friend, babes, robin ( doesn't like it ),
whore ( joking ) ( also doesn't like it)
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( only in hsl ) piece of shit, dick, stupid bitch
( only in ll ) bestie, bestest, my partner, cassy, cas
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officer eric, officer coffee, officer, 12, five - o
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sweetheart, sweets, boo, my plug
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kenny ( doesn't like it ), girl scout ( also doesn't like it)
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sander, ma, mama, pretty mama
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nath, nathan ( when rico's serious )
( only in ll ) officer nathan, officer, 12, five - o
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girlie, babe, hottie
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love, teach, professor, genius, sexy, handsome, baby
( only after they're married ) husband
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celandeline · 1 month
I'm thinking about Carl being insecure about his eye. y/n found a way to comfort him. Imagine what comic Lydia did, LOL. But just write whatever you like
i got a little carried away with this one, so it's going to be a two-parter (sorry)
also- comic Lydia sticking her tongue in his eye socket haunts me like the plague because i can't decide if it's disgusting, or i too, would do that given the opportunity
Believe Me
Carl Grimes X Reader [part two]
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You always make a point to see Aaron off when he’s about to leave to go recruiting. You know that he can handle himself, that he’s done this a million times before, that Daryl would never leave him behind, even if things got sticky - but you never know. Coming back alive is never guaranteed. 
You hold his bag for him while he fumbles with the car keys until it unlocks. “You’re sure you don’t want to take anything else? Another water bottle? More protein bars?”
He turns around to take his pack from you with a smile. “We’re only going to be gone for two days, I think I’ll be alright with just this.”
The rumble of Daryls bike announces his presence before he rolls up beside the car, stopping. “Y’ready?” He gruffs. 
“Almost.” He tosses his bag into the passenger seat before turning to back to you with open arms. “Give me a hug.”
You squish yourself into his chest, and squeeze him as tight as you can. “Bye Dad. Be safe.” 
You feel him swallow, and hold you a little tighter. Calling him Dad is still a little new, and it makes him tear up a little more often than not. He’s not your biological father - no, your biological parents died years ago at this point - but he has become a father to you, ever since you started living with him and Eric. 
“You too.” He says, pulling back to look you in the eye. “And make sure Eric doesn’t try the stairs alone again please. He’s not as good at maneuvering in that boot as he thinks he is.”
You grin, and jokingly salute. “Yes sir.”
He slips into the driver's seat, and then he and Daryl are pulling away, heading towards the gates. You watch them go until they round the corner, and try to put your nerves to rest. The sound of plastic wheels on the sidewalk is a welcome distraction, and you turn around to see Carl pushing Judith along in the stroller.
He smiles when you turn around, and you return the gesture. “They’re going out again?” He asks, nodding in the direction your dad and Daryl went. 
“Yeah.” You say. “Only for a couple days this time, but you know.” You never really know when you’re coming back. If you’re coming back. 
He nods, and Judith gurgles happily in her stroller, reaching for the hem of your shirt. “You wanna join?” He asks. “M’ just taking her around the cul de sac before I bring her home for her nap.”
“Sure.” You say, welcoming the distraction from worrying about if this is the time that Aaron doesn’t come back. You fall into step beside Carl as he pushes the stroller along, following the sidewalk, passing by the houses of friends and neighbors. It’s quiet, the middle of the day with most of the adults at work - whatever that may be. It almost feels like you, Carl, and Judith are the only people in this whole town. 
“You think you’re gonna do that?” Carl asks. “Go recruiting with Aaron when they decide we’re old enough for real jobs?”
“I don’t know.” You say, honestly. “I mean, I guess I wouldn’t worry so much if I was with him, but then Eric would worry twice as much. And I don’t have a whole lot of experience out there - I was only on my own for a couple of months before Aaron found me and brought me here. You’d be good though,” You glance over at him. “I mean, you’ve got loads of experience out in the real world.”
He shakes his head. “Nah- I mean, yeah I’m experienced, but I don’t think they want the kid with the mangled face being the one to go make first impressions on new people.” He grins, halfheartedly joking, “Don’t want to scare ‘em off.”
“Huh?” You laugh, looking over at him. “What’re you talking about?”
He rolls his eye. “C’mon.” He says. “I know what I look like. Sending the ugly guy out there to try and recruit people probably isn’t the best image for our group.”
“Carl.” You say, brow furrowing. “Do you know what you look like?” You’re so confused - sure, he’s missing an eye, but he’s still the prettiest boy you’ve ever seen. The eye that he still has is the kind of blue that makes you think of the sky on a sunny day, and you’d kill for hair like his - long and silky and a dark brown that makes his blue eye stand out even more. He looks like a fairy tale prince. 
He glances at you. “You’re looking at me like I’m stupid.”
You laugh. “I mean how could you not be, when-” 
“Wow, thanks.” He snarks, cutting you off. 
“Shut up.” You say, knocking your shoulder into his. “I was trying to say that you’re the prettiest boy I’ve ever seen, before you interrupted me.”
You words hang in the air, and he looks steadfastly ahead. The only sounds are the plastic stroller wheels rolling on the sidewalk, and Judith’s occasional little noises. You can see a blush rising to his cheeks, and bite your lip to stop yourself from smiling, lest he think you’re making fun of him. 
“You’re just saying that ‘cause we’re friends, and you’re trying to be nice.” He says. 
“‘M not.” You insist. “It’s true - you’re really pretty, Carl.”
He still won’t look at you. “Half my face is just a hole.”
“Which just makes you look cool and badass.” You say, trying to peer around his curtain of hair to get him to look at you. He still won’t look at you, and the redness on his face has only gotten worse. “You still don’t believe me.”
He shakes his head, slowing as you reach the steps up to the porch of his house. He walks around to the front of the stroller to unbuckle Judith and lift her out of the seat. She slumps against his shoulder, obviously ready for her nap. “Um.” Carl looks down at the stroller. “Could you-?”
“Gotcha.” You say, folding up the stroller and carrying it up the porch steps after Carl. He opens the door and you follow him inside, gently kicking it shut behind you. “Where-?”
“Uh, we usually just leave it by the door.” He says over his shoulder as he starts up the stairs. “Let me just put her down-” He disappears around the bend in the landing, and you prop the folded stroller against the wall next to the door. You loiter at the bottom of the stairs until Carl appears at the top again, still a little pink. 
He comes down the steps and leads the way into the living room, towards the couch. You plop down onto the sofa, turned to face him next to you. “So-”
“Can we talk about something else?”
“No.” You grin. “Not until you believe me.”
He rolls his eye. “Fine. I believe you.”
“I mean really believe me.” You say. “What’s it going to take?”
“I don’t know.”
“Fine.” You say. “Where’s the nearest mirror?”
“Are you serious?”
He pauses for a moment before responding. “I have one in my room.”
You get up from the couch and creep upstairs, careful to keep quiet so as to not wake Judith, Carl a reluctant half step behind you. He points you in the direction of his room, and you slip inside, holding the door open for him before shutting it quietly. The mirror isn’t anything special, just a rectangle of glass hanging above the dresser, but you grin at the sight of it anyway. 
Grabbing him by the shoulders, you steer him in front of the mirror, watching over his shoulder. “See?”
“Yup.” He says, unenthused. “I see this every day, actually.”
“Apparently not.” You say, moving a hand from his shoulder to gently play with his hair. “I mean, look at this.” You hold the lock up in front of his gaze. “Your hair is gorgeous. And-” You drop his hair in favor of softly holding his jaw, turning his head so that his jawline is more prominent. “This.” You run a finger along the line of his jaw. “This too.” You turn his head again so that you can sweep your touch over the bridge of his nose. “And of course,” You thumb over his cheek, tapping each of his freckles. Your hand still on his cheek, you grin at him in the mirror. “You’re blushing.”
“What are you doing?” He asks, soft. 
“Showing you.” You say. 
“Because you should know.” You say. “And it’s personally offensive when you say you’re ugly, because that means you think the guy I’ve been flirting with is a total dud.”
It takes him a minute to process it, and you can see it in his eye when he puts it together. “You’ve been flirting with me?”
“Maybe you are stupid.” You muse. 
You didn’t think it was possible, but he turns even more red. “I don’t- really? Me? Why?”
“Jesus Christ Carl, how far am I going to have to go before you believe that I like you.” You laugh. 
He makes eye contact with you through the mirror. “As far as you want.”
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rrcenic · 6 months
if they had tumblr on the lotf island simulator bc silly :))
🐚 thechief Follow
God I love him so much. Every time we kiss I feel so alive.
🔥 csharpmf Follow
🐚 thechief Follow
…this is literally about us
🔥 csharpmf Follow
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🦎 helloitssimon Follow
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found a ton of these beautiful leaves and made a flower crown!!
🦎helloitssimon Follow
so. piggy has informed me that the rash on my arms and head is due to the posion ivy ive been wearing for a week.
#everything itches :,(
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🐷 number1ralphstan Follow
Greetings and salutations! This is my first official Tumblr post. My name is Peter. I use primarily he/him pronouns but do not mind they/them.
If you’re a supporter of J*ck or The H*nters DNI!!! I am a Ralph supporter!!! You choir boys make me sick!!!
I have asthma and I am gay. If you insult me, or call me fat, YOU WILL BE BLOCKED!!!
If you are anti-Ralph, I’m not afraid to call you out as the CONCHPHOBE you are!
🐺 xX_RogerTheHunter_Xx Follow
lmaoooo kys piggy
🐷 number1ralphstan Follow
#I AM SO ANGRY RIGHT NOW #YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF YOURSELF #tw h*nters #tw conchphobia #tw j*cks tribe
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👬 sam-and-eric-the-twins-alt-account Follow
#we’re personally more ralph-leaning #but not picky
(15,326 notes)
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🔳 mulberry-boy-deactivated
t hebeasty i know it’s there i lnow the hel p help theyre is a beastie pleas
😭 PercivalWemdeysMadison Follow
hey op are you ok
😭 PercivalWemdeysMadison Follow
(40k notes)
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🤡 sillybillymaurice Follow
brooo my homies @xX_RogerTheHunter_Xx and @csharpmf were talking about their kill streaks and i said “do you play on an open server or a private world” and they just looked confused 😭😭😭 like bro did. were. were you not taking about minecraft????
🐺 xX_RogerTheHunter_Xx Follow
🤡 sillybillymaurice Follow
girlie help?????
#ur so silly like wtf
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🔥 csharpmf Follow
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bro check out this fire art i whipped up this afternoon 💪💪💪 nothin much just a quick doodle 💪💪💪
🐷 number1ralphstan Follow
Hey OP. Maybe do some research on famous art before attempting to plagiarize the Mona fucking Lisa. You disgusting credit thief.
🐺 xX_RogerTheHunter_Xx Follow
maybe you should learn what a joke is lmao
(31k notes)
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🐚 thechief Follow
This is your daily reminder to take care of yourself! Drink water and eat some pig! AND FOR THE LOVE OF GOD DONT LET THE SIGNAL FIRE GO OUT!!!
🔥 csharpmf Follow
…i forgor
🐚 thechief Follow
#literally so pissed /srs
(2,176 notes)
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🐺 xX_RogerTheHunter_Xx Follow
i am #strong. i am #emo. i listen to #mychemicalromance. i am #dark
*lifts black hair off face, revealing black eyeshadow* i cannot feel love. i care about no one. because i am #EMO!!!! /srs
🦎 helloitssimon Follow
🐺 xX_RogerTheHunter_Xx Follow
no!!! don’t be sad- *bites black lipstick covered lip and glances away* i… i love you
🦎helloitssimon Follow
🐷 ralphsnumber1stan Follow
Oh my God. And you call ME cringe.
#no hate on Simon even though he’s a weirdo #but Roger is like a different breed of freaky #tw h*nters #tw j*cks tribe #tw conchphobia
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lu-vin-it · 6 months
── ⋅⋅⋅ ────꒰ ୨ ♡ ୧ ꒱───────
Summary: You’ve never cared much for James Potter, but the universe knows best, right?
Pairings: James Potter x Reader, Cindy Hawthorn (oc) x Marlene Mcinnon
Pronouns used: None mentioned
Word Count: 2,403
Warnings: R and R’s friends are kinda mean to James at first.
A/N: Thank you to @lemkay-luminary for proofreading! Ily!!!
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They say you don’t actually live until you meet your soulmate, that the day you finally touch them for the first time the world stops and you magically start living. They say that before you’re on autopilot. You weren’t sure how much you believed that. You hadn’t met your soulmate yet, but you thought you lived a pretty full life.
You had a close group of friends— Cindy Hawthorn from Slytherin, Zachary Jones from Hufflepuff, and Michael Perez from Slytherin— you were in Ravenclaw just like your Mother, you were a prefect,you got mostly perfect grades. So how could you have not lived?
James was the opposite. He did every crazy thing he could think of to prove himself wrong, he wanted to believe his life was perfect as is, but it never worked. He knew he wasn’t living without his soulmate, he could feel it.
He had Sirius, Remus,Peter, Lily, Dorcas, Marlene, and Mary. He had a great set of parents, plenty of money, made fine grades and he was head boy. He had what seemed to be the perfect life, but he knew it was far from.
As a prefect, one of your duties this year was to help plan the winter ball. You were ecstatic, the winter ball was one of your favorite things ever.
You sat with Mike as usual at the prefect meeting. Mrs. Mcgonagall sat with James Potter and Lily Evans on either side of her, head boy and head girl. You hadn’t really ever talked to either one of them, the only class you had with them was astronomy and most slept during astronomy.
Though, you had an opinion on James Potter, who didn’t? Most people loved him, somehow finding him charming. You personally saw him as a childish boy disguised as a man.
You and the other Ravenclaw prefect, Eric Jonesy, were in charge of food. That was your favorite job since you got to taste everything the elves made to make sure it was good, and it always was. When you heard your name called, you gave Jonesy a polite smile, and he did the same.
“Well, I’d better go talk to Eugenia, how we’re to find music I’ve got no clue.” Mike says to you, standing up as the meeting ends.
“That’s fine, I’ve got to talk to Jonesy about snacks anyways. See you at breakfast?” He nods and salutes you as he walks away. You grab your bag and approach Jonesy. “Hey, do you have an idea on when we should talk about the snacks?”
“Oh hi L/N! Erm.. Are you going to the quidditch game on Saturday?” You scrunch up your face and shake your head. “Perfect me neither, would you like to meet up at twelve in the common room then?”
“That works for me. See you then.” You smile and wave before walking off. When you exit the meeting room, a boy runs into you, knocking you to the floor. You look up to see Sirius Black on the floor in front of you.
“I’m sorry!” You narrow your eyes at him.
“It’s past curfew, Black, what are you doing here?” I stand up and he follows soon after.
“Waiting for James.” You roll your eyes.
“Five points from Gryffindor. He’s inside.”
He grins. “Thank you!” He goes to hug you and you place your hand on his chest.
“Don’t push it.” With that, you walk off.
The next morning, you and Mike meet up with Zach, Cindy, and Cindy’s girlfriend, Marlene, in the great hall.
“Morning all!” You say, sliding onto the bench.
“Morning.” They chorus.
“How’d the prefect meeting go? Heard you took some points from us.” Marlene asks, taking a bite of her grits.
“It went well, I’m in charge of the food for the ball!” You smile proudly. “And yes, Sirius Black seemed to think that waiting outside a room full of prefects after curfew was a good idea.”
She rolls her eyes.“Course he did.” She turns to her girlfriend and smiles. “We’re going to the ball together right?” Cindy nods.
“I thought that was implied.” She says with a small laugh. Zach fake gags from beside her.
“I miss my best friend.” He says dramatically.
“I’m right here dumbass.” Cindy snorts, moving her blonde hair behind her shoulders.
“No you’re not. You’re on Marlene island. And you didn’t even get a ticket back.” She deadpans.
“Are you serious right now? I’m going to act just like this when you meet your soulmate and want to spend every second with her.” Zach grimaces. Mike wraps his arm around you.
“At least I have my stand-in soulmate still.” You smile and shake your head. Mike has been calling you that since you were 11 and witnessed two soulmates meeting for the first time.
“Agreed.” Zach opens his mouth to retort but is interrupted by four boys approaching you all. It’s James Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, and Peter Pettigrew. You sit up straighter. “Can we help you boys?”
“Heard you took points from Gryffindor last night. I asked Sirius to wait there for me so I’d like them back, thank you.” James replies.
“Does Mcgonagall know you, the head boy, are letting fellow classmates— not to mention your best friend— get away with being out past curfew?” No response. “You’re lucky I only took five. I could’ve taken ten. Fifteen even. And, Black, you’re lucky I didn’t give you detention.”
“Oh. Yeah thanks for that.”
“I would’ve revoked it anyways.” James murmurs.
“Dumbledore must have been feeling funny when he appointed you head boy.” You shake your head and start eating breakfast.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“It means that you’ve done nothing to actually deserve the honor of head boy. You’ve had more write ups than I can count on my fingers. Everyone else is just too blind to see.” Mike replies for you. “I mean, come on now, you barely even passed potions last year.”
“It’s a hard subject!” Mike rolls his eyes. “What have you all got against me anyways? Are you jealous?”
Zach turns around. “Potter, what could we possibly be jealous of? You didn’t even win the quidditch cup last year.”
“That’s because your beaters hit a bludger at him!” Sirius replied.
“Maybe that’s because that’s what they’re supposed to do?”
“If you all have some sort of problem with James, just say it.”
“I have a problem with James.” Zach and Cindy chime.
“I have a problem with James. Wow, that was actually really clarifying, thank you Sirius.” Mike says with a shit eating grin.
“I have no issue with James. I’ve got issues with rule breaking.”
“You must be fun at parties.” James says with a snort.
“I am actually.. when I’m not on duty. That’s the difference between you and me, I know when things have gone too far.”
“What are you talking about? I know when things are too far!”
“Really? Like in fifth year when you publicly humiliated Snape? That wasn’t too far?”
“I was fifteen!”
“So was Snape! You never even apologized.”
“What, so you don’t like me because of something I did two years ago?”
“Yes.. and the fact that you don’t seem a bit sorry for it, or any other prank you have ever pulled on anyone. James, don’t take it personally, I’m sure you just forgot or didn’t realize. At least I hope so.” You stand up, grabbing your things. “I’m off to class. Have a wonderful day.” You turn to your friends. “Whose common room are we meeting in later?”
“Yours!” Zach yells. He always preferred the Ravenclaw common room to his own. Especially since it’s a tower and, in his words, ‘The perfect landing pad’. He would open a window from the outside on his broom, and fly in.
“Alright. See you all then.” With that, you walk off.
The rest of the day goes by smoothly, your classes are great, seeing your friends is great, and you only had one more class. Astronomy. You were able to sneak in a small nap before heading up to the tower.
You don’t bother standing with anyone else, you’re far too tired to socialize. However, when James Potter walks in and sees you, he immediately goes to stand beside you.
“Evening, L/N!”
You deadpan. “It’s midnight.”
“How was your day?”
You glare at him.
No response.
“Fair. I’m quite tired myself. Head boy duties, you wouldn’t get it.”
“Shut up, please, for the love of Merlin, shut up.” You beg, stepping away from him.
“Wait—“ James reaches out and grabs your hand. Before you can realize it, everyone suddenly stops, it’s like you're frozen in James’ grip.
“What the hell?” You whisper, looking around at your frozen classmates. You glance at your wrist and finally realize that James is touching you. For the first time.
“You’re my soulmate.” He says, with the biggest grin you’ve ever seen in your life. You stare at him astonished.
“What the hell?” You repeat. You pull your wrist out of his grip and everyone starts moving again. “We will talk about this later.” You walk off, leaving the tower, completely disregarding the professor yelling at you.
Your first thought is to go get Mike, but you knew he was asleep, he was always in bed at 8 PM on days he didn’t have Astronomy. So instead you just went to your room, and slept.
The next morning, you’re woken by someone pounding on your door. You groggily get up and answer, no one should be there this early on a Saturday.
“What?” It’s Mike, grinning at you knowingly.
“James Potter is your soulmate?”
You groan. “How did you find out? It happened at 12 last night, do you have a mic on me or something?” You shake your head and let him in, closing the door behind him and then collapsing on your bed.
“I know everything. How are you feeling about it?”
“Out of all the people in the world, it had to be him? He’s so.. childish.”
“And you’re pretty uptight.”You look at him in shock. “It’s the truth! You are! I say it out of love, you know that. Opposites do attract, maybe you and Potter will be really good together.”
“How did he react?”
“He was pretty happy. I just brushed him off like he was nothing. Merlin.. what kind of soulmate am I?” You rub your face. “I have to go talk to him huh?”
“Yeah.” He pauses. “I know I’ve never liked him, but I think you guys will be great together. You have to be. Look at this as a good thing, will you?”
“I’ll try.”
“Okay, now get out of bed, and go talk to your soulmate. I’ve got to high five the entire student body.”
You laugh. “Use hand sanitizer.” He nods before leaving. You sigh, looking up at the ceiling wondering if James would even want to talk to you after last night.
After getting up and dressed, you go to the Gryffindor common room, asking the Fat Lady for him. You waited for five minutes, until the portrait opened and Remus Lupin walked out. He gave you a polite smile.
“Is James in there?”
“Er.. yeah. I should warn you, Sirius set up a prank in the common room. There’s a trip-wire at the end of the tunnel, don’t touch it and you’ll be fine.” You nod.
“You’re welcome.. And, for the record, James is happy it’s you.” He leans into the portrait and whispers the password, letting you in when it opens. You walk down the tunnel, hesitating, you are able to spot the trip wire and step over it.
It’s easy to find his dorm, “HEADBOY” is carved right above the door. You knock as soon as you get there so that you don’t overthink it and leave.
“One moment!” James calls out. You find yourself smiling at the sound of his voice. You can hear shuffling on the other side of the door before it finally opens and James meets your eyes. “Y/N!”
“Hi James. Can I come in?” He quickly nods and moves out of your way. His dorm is big, there’s a full sized bed, a couch, a few bookshelves, a desk, and two wardrobes. “You have a nice dorm..”
“Thank you! Perks of being Headboy I suppose.” You sit down on the couch and he quickly sits beside you.
“I apologize for running off last night.”
“It’s okay, I understand.”
“I shouldn’t have done that. I don’t know why I did that. I’m sorry.”
“Y/N, it’s okay. I understand that you were shocked.” You shake your head.
“More than shocked. We’re complete opposites, James. I was scared, I am scared.”
“Of what?”
“Of us hating each other!”
“Why would we hate each other?” You sigh.
“Because! You’re so.. loose. You’re brave. You’re the most Gryffindor-y person I’ve ever met. And I am not that. I am quiet, I’d do anything to stay out of trouble, I hate being in trouble. Meanwhile trouble seems to follow you wherever you go!” James just stares at you. “I don’t know how you could ever possibly be happy with someone like me.” You admit quietly.
“How could I not be?” He immediately replies. “You’re like sunshine. I’ve never seen you do anything other than laugh. You’re responsible, and I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but I could probably do with being a little moreresponsible myself. If anything, you’re perfect for me. I’m perfect for you. We balance each other out. You have half of my soul, don’t ignore that, please.” You stare at him for a second, trying to form a response. Instead you just grab his face and kiss him.
When you pull away from the kiss, James smiles at you.
“Don’t.” You say, glaring at him.
“What? I didn’t even say anything.”
“You were thinking.”
“I do that a lot.”
“Poor brain.”
“You like me.”
“You kissed me!”
“Shut up!”
“You fancy me!” You hit his shoulder playfully as you start to smile too.
“You kissed me back, you must fancy me too.”
“You caught me.” He leans in and kisses you again.
As you sat there with James, you realized that even though the relationship would definitely have its issues it was worth it.
── ⋅⋅⋅ ────꒰ ୨ ♡ ୧ ꒱───────
Taglist— @artvoyager
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roosterforme · 9 months
roosterforme's '80s Rocktober Playlist fic challenge
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For those about to rock, we salute you!
Let's rock 'n' roll the Top Gun way! Choose an '80s rock song (or pop or country or rap...), and write a fic about one or more of our favorite Top Gun characters! Just make sure the songs are from Rooster's favorite decade, the 1980s!
Or create a banner or mood board! Go with an '80s vibe or a specific song to inspire you and run wild.
Banner credit to @mak-32. Rock on, Mak.
Rules for fics:
Please use the #top gun rocktober hashtag!!!
Once you have your song selected (first come, first served, no duplicates), please send me an ask letting me know which song and character(s) you want to write about. If your song is not listed below, just let me know what you want with your ask and I’ll add it (as long as it fits the decade). If your song has been claimed already, I'll let you know so you can choose another one.
You can use the song in the fic however you would like. Use it as the title, use some lyrics, have the song playing in the background, use it as inspiration, anything you want!
There is no real time limit, but please try to post in September or October.
Please make sure you tag me (or send me a message) when you post your story so I don’t miss it. I can’t wait to read and reblog!
Please reblog and share this with anyone who may want to participate. And reblogging fics is always a treat for writers!
If you’re under 18, do not submit or read smut.
Rules for banners and mood boards:
Please use the #top gun rocktober hashtag!!!
If you want to use a specific song, please send me an ask letting me know which song. If you want to participate with the '80s vibe and no specific song, just send me an ask and let me know you'll be submitting an image or images.
Please make sure you tag me (or send me a message) when you post so I don’t miss it. I can’t wait to reblog!
Please reblog and share this with anyone who may want to participate.
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Songs and fics we are rocking out to:
1 @roosterforme What's Your Name by New Order (Bradley)
2 @beyondthesefourwalls Time After Time by Cyndi Lauper (Bradley)
3 @sylviebell Faithfully by Journey (Natasha)
4 @wkndwlff Love Walks In by Van Halen (Bob)
5 @desert-fern Jump by Van Halen (Bradley)
6 @yanna-banana Like a Prayer by Madonna (Jake)
7 @fanboyswhore9 Addicted to Love by Robert Palmer (Mickey)
8 @cherrycola27 Born to Be My Baby by Bon Jovi (Bradley)
9 @trickphotography2 Start Me Up by The Rolling Stones (Bradley)
10 @blue-aconite Every Little Thing She Does is Magic by The Police (Jake)
11 @roosterforme Do You Wanna Touch Me? by Joan Jett (Bradley)
12 @startrekfangirl2233 Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go by Wham! (Mickey)
13 @bradshawsbitch Hungry Eyes by Eric Carmen (Bradley)
14 @bellaireland1981 Can't Fight This Feeling by REO Speedwagon (Bradley)
15 @wkndwlff Lay Your Hands On Me by Bon Jovi (Bob)
16 @beyondthesefourwalls Jessie's Girl by Rick Springfield (Javy)
17 @thedroneranger Boys of Summer by Don Henley (Bradley)
18 @cottagecori Dancing With Myself by Generation X (Bob)
19 @sweetwhispersofchaos I Hate Myself For Loving You by Joan Jett (Natasha and Jake)
20 @sometimesanalice Straight Up by Paula Abdul (Bradley)
21 @lovinglyeternal Call Me by Blondie (Jake)
22 @roosterforme Adult Education by Hall & Oates (Jake)
23 @beyondthesefourwalls Your Love by Outfield (Bradley)
24 @mayhemmanaged You Shook Me All Night Long by AC/DC (Jake)
25 @topherwrites Love Shack by The B-52's (Bradley)
26 @ficsilike-reblogged Take On Me by A-ha (Bob)
27 @cottagecori Rock You Like a Hurricane by Scorpions (Bradley)
28 @jupitercomet Kissing a Fool by George Michael (Bradley)
29 @startrekfangirl2233 Don't You (Forget About Me) by Simple Minds (Jake and Bradley)
30 @topherwrites Just Like Heaven by The Cure (Jake)
31 @sweetwhispersofchaos As the World Falls Down by David Bowie (Natasha and Bob)
32 @inmyloveworld Open Arms by Journey (Bradley)
33 @thedroneranger Centerfold by J. Geils Band (Jake)
34 @gretagerwigsmuse Can't Hardly Wait by The Replacements (Bradley)
35 @bellaireland1981 Love is a Battlefield by Pat Benatar (Jake)
36 @blurredcolour Push It by Salt-N-Pepa (Jake and Bradley)
37 @blackwidownat2814 White Wedding by Billy Idol (Jake)
38 @keep-on-burnin The Look by Roxette (Bradley)
39 @cherrycola27 Secret Lovers by Atlantic Starr (Natasha and Javy)
40 @topherwrites Uptown Girl by Billy Joel (Bradley)
41 @jynxmirage If I Could Turn Back Time by Cher (Jake)
42 @notroosterbradshaw Edge of Seventeen by Stevie Nicks (Bradley)
43 @ficsilike-reblogged Hungry for Heaven by Dio (Beau)
44 @callsign-magnolia Who's Crying Now by Journey (Bradley)
45 @trickphotography2 Every Breath You Take by The Police (Bob)
46 @sarahsmi13s Pour Some Sugar on Me by Def Leppard (Jake)
47 @roosterforme Cover Girl by New Kids on the Block (Natasha)
48 @bobfloydsbabe Alone by Heart (Jake)
49 @ughthisisntright The Stroke by Billy Squier (Bradley)
50 @wkndwlff Special Secret Song Inside by The Red Hot Chili Peppers (Jake)
51 @sylviebell Thriller by Michael Jackson (Natasha and Javy)
52 @xoxabs88xox Why’d You Come in Here Lookin' Like That by Dolly Parton (Jake)
53 @paigewinchester67 I'm On Fire by Bruce Springsteen (Bradley and Jake)
54 @sarahsmi13s Fishin' In the Dark by Nitty Gritty Dirt Band (Bob)
55 @callsign-joyride Need You Tonight by INXS (Bradley)
56 @foreverrandomwritings Paradise City by Guns N' Roses (Beau)
57 @cherrycola27 Whoever's In New England by Reba McEntire (Bob)
58 @1234-angelika The Bluest Eyes in Texas by Restless Heart (Jake)
59 @decantedenchanted Right Here Waiting by Richard Marx (Mav)
60 @the-authoress-writes Black Velvet by Alannah Myles (Jake)
61 @withahappyrefrain Somebody to Love by Queen (Bradley)
62 @valhallaas Hold on Loosely by 38 Special (Javy)
63 @talktomegooseman The Chair by George Strait (Jake)
64 @foreverrandomwritings Master of Puppets by Metallica (Mickey and Bob)
65 @poetrieshouse Hungry Like the Wolf by Duran Duran (Mav)
66 @tongue-like-a-razor Poison by Alice Cooper (Jake)
67 @1234-angelika Real Love by Dolly Parton and Kenny Rogers (Bradley)
68 @the-authoress-writes The Flame by Cheap Trick (Ice)
69 @hangmanstigerlily Can't Fight This Feeling by REO Speedwagon (Jake)
70 @samsgoddess Hysteria by Def Leppard (Bradley)
71 @eternalsams Cherry Pie by Warrant (Jake)
72 @love-in-light Livin' on a Prayer by Bon Jovi (Bradley)
73 @thatdammchickennugget Summer of '69 by Bryan Adams (Bradley)
74 @whatislovevavy Everybody Wants to Rule the World by Tears for Fears (Jake)
Totally rad cover art:
@ryebecca She Drives Me Crazy by Fine Young Cannibals
@bettycooper Running Up That Hill (A Deal With God) by Kate Bush (Bradley)
@ryebecca The Power of Love by Huey Lewis and the News (Bob)
@mak-32 Get Outta My Dreams, Get Into My Car by Billy Ocean (Bradley)
@laracrofted I Love Rock 'n' Roll by Joan Jett (Bob)
@sebsxphia Come On Eileen by Dexys Midnight Runners (Bob)
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Need some song inspiration? Check out these bangers:
Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic - The Police
Start Me Up - The Rolling Stones 
Livin’ On A Prayer - Bon Jovi 
Eye of the Tiger - Survivor
Shout - Tears for Fears
You Give Love A Bad Name - Bon Jovi 
Every Breath You Take - The Police 
The Final Countdown - Europe
Angel - Aerosmith
Edge of Seventeen - Stevie Nicks
Uptown Girl - Billy Joel
Call Me - Blondie
Take Me Home Tonight - Eddie Money 
Free Fallin’ - Tom Petty 
Hysteria - Def Leppard 
I Hate Myself for Loving You - Joan Jett & the Blackhearts 
Just like Heaven - The Cure 
I Won’t Back Down - Tom Petty 
Magic - The Cars
Love Is A Battlefield - Pat Benatar 
Addicted To Love - Robert Palmer
Love Shack - The B-52’s 
Without You - Motley Crue 
Material Girl - Madonna
Legs - ZZ Top
Paradise City - Guns N’ Roses 
Can’t Fight This Feeling - REO Speedwagon 
Cum on Feel the Noize - Quiet Riot 
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shesthejukeboxhero · 1 year
Smart Alec
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Initiate!Eric Coulter x instructor!gn!reader
WARNINGS: violence, language
SUMMARY: You’re a first-year initiation instructor, and an Erudite transfer is making it his goal to get under your skin.
A/N: Please let me know if you want me to continue and make this a series! I know lots of people don’t know who Eric is (or don’t remember him) but if enough people want Eric fics I’ll definitely continue writing this!
The sound of combat boots walking on cement rings through the compound’s walls.
“Good morning, Y/N.” Your fellow initiation instructor, Lauren greets you as you approach the giant net.
“Good morning, Lauren.”
“You going to the top or am I?” She says.
“I will, I love seeing the shock on their faces when they see they have to jump.” You say with a laugh, waving to her and heading towards the stairs leading to the roof of the compound. You manage to get there just in time, as you can hear the train nearing. Taking your place at the edge of the hole, you watch the initiates jump from the train. Once they all make it off the train, you yell out to them, gaining their attention.
“INITIATES! I’m Y/N, and I’ll be one of your instructors. As you notice, we are about 10 stories off the ground. The only way to enter Dauntless is to jump. If you don’t want to jump, then you might not have the guts to be here.”
“Is there something to catch us down there?” A boy in white and black clothes says.
“Why don’t you find out for yourself, initiate.”
There is a wave of silence after that.
“Well? Somebody’s gotta go first. Who’s it gonna be?” You say, getting impatient.
“I’ll do it.” A male voice sounds out throughout the crowd. You look up and see a boy dressed in blue approaching the edge where you’re standing.
“Alright, Nose. Let’s see what you’ve got.” You say as you jump down from the ledge. He steps up, oozing confidence as he does so. He gives you a mock salute and jumps backwards, down to the net where Lauren is waiting. You shake your head in disbelief, and try to hide the smirk on your face. “WHO’S NEXT?” You yell out to the crowd in front of you.
After all the initiates make the jump, you jump down yourself. After Lauren helps you out of the net, the both of you approach the crowd in front of you. “Dauntless born, you’re going with Lauren. Transfers, you’re staying with me. Go.” You watch as the initiates separate, leaving you with just the transfers. “Now, before we start our tour of the compound, are there any questions for me.” You announce to the crowd. “Yeah, I’ve got one.” The same boy from earlier steps forward. “Alright Nose, what’s your question.” You say annoyed, knowing how this is gonna go.
“How is someone as young as you qualified to teach us? You look just about the same age as us.”
“Well for your information, I was ranked first in my initiation class.”
“Out of how many people?”
“Close to 25 people.”
The boy smirks at you, trying to stifle a laugh.
“Something funny about that, Nose?”
“Good, then shut your trap, Smart Alec.”
Without giving the chance for more questions, you start the tour. You notice the Erudite boy seems to be following close behind you. You try your best to ignore it and continue the tour. Leading them out to the open pit of Dauntless, you say, “This is the Pit. The life force of Dauntless.” You then lead them down a spiral staircase which leads to the initiates’ dorms. “This is where you’ll be staying for the next 10 weeks.”
“Boys or girls?” A different blue-wearing boy says.
“Both.” You respond sharply.
There are a few murmurs from the crowd. The girls complain about the lack of privacy and the boys are excited for the lack of privacy.
“If you like this, you’re going to love the bathrooms.” You say, leading them around the corner. As you walk into the bathroom, sounds of disgust ring out amongst the initiates. The bathrooms have no privacy whatsoever, with the toilets right next to each other in the open. A Candor girl says “Really? There’s no where else?”. You chuckle to yourself. “You’ll love this, Candor. Everything out in the open, just how you like it.” You say before walking towards the entrance, unzipping the bag of clothes set there. “Get changed. Dinner is starting any minute now.” And with that you leave them to change.
You find your normal table, usually sitting across from Lauren, the one true friend you maintained through initiation, but this time she wasn’t there. You shrugged it off and took a seat there anyway, but unfortunately that seemed to make some of the initiates think it was an open invitation to take a seat next to you. You try to tune out the group of initiates but they won’t stop talking.
“Did you hear Y/N actually transferred to this faction?”
“Yeah, from Amity, of all factions…”
“I find that hard to believe.”
That’s when you step in. “True or not, that’s not your business.”
“So you’re not going to tell us?” The Erudite that had been on your nerves all day says.
“Again, none of your business.” You say, sipping from your cup.
“I’m just genuinely curious of the quality of education we’re going to be getting here, that’s all.” He says again, with a smirk on his face.
“I told you I ranked first in my initiation.”
“I don’t believe you.”
You glare at the boy. “You better watch your step, Smart Alec. Talking bad about your instructors doesn’t look good when it comes to getting higher in the rankings.”
And with that, you leave the table and walk to the terrace with the rest of the leaders.
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aimeedaisies · 6 months
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The Princess Royal’s Official Engagements in November 2023
01/11 Princess Anne, the Duke of Edinburgh and the Duke & Duchess of Gloucester attended the Senior Serving and Retired Officers’ Briefing at the Army and Navy Club on Pall Mall in London. 🪖💼
As Chancellor of Harper Adams University, attended the launch of the University’s Strategic Plan at London Bridge Arches. 🎓
With Sir Tim As Royal Bencher of the Honourable Society of the Inner Temple, attended the Grand Day Choral Evensong Service at Temple Church in London. 🎶
With Sir Tim As Liveryman of the Worshipful Company of Engineers, attended a Dinner to mark their 40th Anniversary at Mansion House in London. ⚙️
02/11 Held two investiture ceremonies at Buckingham Palace. 🎖️
03/11 As Patron of the National Association of Citizens Advice Bureaux, visited Citizens Advice Malvern Hills in Malvern, Worcestershire. 👩‍⚖️
Opened the Specialist Operations Centre at the Gloucestershire Constabulary and Office of Police and Crime Commissioner in Cheltenham. 👮‍♀️
07/11 Alongside King Charles & Queen Camilla, Princess Anne in her role as Gold Stick in Waiting, was present at the State Opening of Parliament. 👩‍⚖️🪶
Opened the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service Museum of Scottish Fire Heritage and the McDonald Road Community Fire and Ambulance Station in Edinburgh. 👨‍🚒
The Princess Royal, As Patron of the Eric Liddell 100, attended the inaugural Lecture and Reception on board Fingal, Alexandra Dock, in Edinburgh. 🏃🏽🥂
Unofficial Sir Tim attended the memorial service for former university friend and newsreader George Alagiah at St-Martin-in-the-Fields church in London 🎓🕊️
08/11 As Honorary Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, presented Royal Medals and attended a Reception at the Royal Society of Edinburgh. 🏅
As Patron of Catch22, attended the National Leaving Care Benchmarking Forum in Birmingham ✍️
As Patron of the Wooden Spoon Society, attended a Reception at the House of Lords in London. 🥄🏉🥂
As Court Member of the Fishmongers’ Company, attended a Livery Dinner at Fishmongers’ Hall in London. 🐟🍽️
09/11 As President of World Horse Welfare, attended the Annual Conference at the Royal Geographical Society. 🐴
As Patron of the Butler Trust, visited HM Prison Wandsworth in London. 🚓👮‍♂️
As Patron of the Whitley Fund for Nature, held a 30th Anniversary Dinner at St James's Palace. 🦋🍃
10/11 The Princess Royal, As President of Royal Yachting Association, chaired the Annual General Meeting and presented Awards before attending a Luncheon in London SW1. 🛥️
Unofficial Announcement that Princess Anne will take over Presidency of the Commonwealth War Graves Commission, taking over from the Duke of Kent who Presided over the Commission since 1970 🌹🪦
~ Remembrance weekend ~
11/11 With Sir Tim Attended the Armistice Day Service of Remembrance at the National Memorial Arboretum. 🌳 🫡
With Sir Tim Attended the Royal British Legion Festival of Remembrance at the Royal Albert Hall with members of the royal family. 🌹
12/11 With Sir Tim Attended the National Service of Remembrance at the Cenotaph in London. Princess Anne laid a wreath whilst Sir Tim stood on the Foreign & Commonwealth Office balcony. 🌹
With Sir Tim Took the salute at the March Past of Ex-Servicemen and Civilian Organisations on Horse Guards Parade, London SWI. 🫡
~ End ~
14/11 As Patron of the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (UK), attended the 10th Anniversary Transport and Logistics Safety Forum Conference at the National Memorial Arboretum. 🚚
Visited the new Institute of Shipbuilding course at City of Glasgow College Riverside Campus in Glasgow. ⚓️
As Patron of the Royal Celtic Society, attended a Reception at Glasgow City Chambers. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿
Attended Interfaith Glasgow’s Scottish Interfaith Week Forum at Glasgow City Chambers. ☪️✡️✝️🕉️🪯
Unofficial Sir Tim attended a Kent Cricket celebration dinner at Lords Cricket Ground 🏏
15/11 Visited BAE Systems Submarines' Submarine Academy and the University of Cumbria. 🤿 👨‍🎓
Visited the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority in Barrow-in-Furness. ☢️
As Patron of the National Association of Citizens Advice Bureaux, visited the Barrow-in-Furness branch to mark its reopening. 🤝
As Patron of the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, attended a Dinner at St George's Hall, to mark its 125th anniversary. 🦜💊
16/11 As Vice Patron of the British Horse Society, attended a Coaching Career Insight Day.
As Patron of the Butler Trust, visited HM Prison Drake Hall.
As Patron of Transaid, attended a Reception at London Transport Museum.
17/11 Not Counted Departed Heathrow Airport for Gibraltar but was diverted to Madrid, Spain and arrived in Gibraltar later than intended. ✈️🇪🇸🇬🇮
With Sir Tim As Royal Patron of the Gibraltar International Literary Festival, attended the Literary Festival Opening Dinner at the Sunborn Hotel. 📚🍽️
18/11 In Gibraltar Princess Anne;
As Patron of the National Association of Citizens Advice Bureaux, visited Gibraltar Citizens Advice Bureau to mark its 20th anniversary. 👩‍⚖️
Opened the renovated premises of the Royal Gibraltar Regiment Association. 🫡
Met representatives of the Emergency Services and members of the Armed Forces at the Convent. 🚑🪖
With Sir Tim visited specialist vehicles provider Bassadone Automotive Group. 🚗
Unofficial Sir Tim visited the Royal Navy Gibraltar Squadron, 🇬🇮⚓️
21/11 As Master of the Corporation of Trinity House, presented Merchant Navy medals for Meritorious Service at Trinity House, London. 🏅
With Sir Tim Attended the State Banquet in honour of the President and First Lady of South Korea. 🇬🇧🇰🇷🍽️
22/11 Visited Retrotec Limited near Northiam, East Sussex. ✈️
Visited Focus SB Limited in St Leonards-on-Sea. ⚙️
As Commandant-in-Chief of St John Ambulance (Youth), attended a Reception for Young Achievers at the Priory Church of the Order of St John in London. 🚑
As Chancellor of the University of London, attended Foundation Day at Senate House in London 🎓
23/11 As Commodore-in-Chief of Portsmouth Naval Base, opened Alford Schools of Military Music. 🎶
Attended a Luncheon at Spithead House, HM Naval Base, Portsmouth, for The Princess Royal's Patronages based in Hampshire. ⚓️
As President of the City and Guilds of London Institute, presented The Princess Royal Training Awards at St James's Palace. 🏆
With Sir Tim As President of the British Olympic Association, attended the Team GB Ball at the Savoy Hotel. 🏋️‍♀️
24/11 As Royal Patron of the London Scottish Football Club, attended the 10th Anniversary of the St Andrew's Day Luncheon at the Sheraton Grand London on Park Lane. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏉
28/11 Presented The Queen Elizabeth II Platinum Jubilee Volunteering Awards at Fishmongers’ Hall in London. 🏆
As Chancellor of the University College of Osteopathy, attended a Graduation Ceremony. 🎓
As Royal Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering, attended a New Fellows’ Dinner. ⚙️🍽️
29/11 The Princess Royal, As Royal Patron of the National Coastwatch Institution, visited Canvey Island Station and attended a Reception at the Island Yacht Club. 🔎🏝️
Opened Huntingdon Fire Station and Service Training Centre. 🚒
Opened North Cambridgeshire Training Centre. 💼
As Honorary Member of the Smeatonian Society of Civil Engineers, attended the Annual General Meeting and Discussion Dinner. 👷🍴
30/11 As Patron of the Not Forgotten Association, held the Christmas Reception at St James’s Palace. 🎄🎅🏻🎁
Total official engagements for Anne in October: 58
2023 total so far: 458
Total official engagements accompanied by Tim in October: 11
2023 total so far: 92
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vgperson · 1 year
Vocaloid Highlights: March 2023
Traveling a thousand lightyears at the speed of sound. Highlights Archive
========== Stand-Outs ========== One Sheep Look, Look Drowned Corpses Want Love Venomous Snake Great Actress Hot Wind Mannequin Kardia Theater Recklessly And I Waved to "___" Makeup Breath Despair. Copyright A Thousand Lightyears Mr. Showtime Dust Trail Dyeing MOVING ON Blowing Raspberries at You Notorious Dinner Bell On Spring My and Your Otherworldly Reincarnation
========== Worth Your Time ========== Magical Girl Revolution Practical Usage Andromedanaut Clear Red Eyes Extermination Eric Bad Shark Paladin Swallowing Balancer So What Lonely Night Sky Don't Resolve Me Poisoning ROOK Lycoris Memoria Night-Talking Sleep-Blue Song Craft Soda Craft Clear Memory Imagination∞BLUE Fiction Nobody Was Here Goodbye Hairtie Light Club GLACIES Transformation Syndrome Future For Two I Wanted To Be a Vocaloid Producer Living. Song of a Flower Daydream Fantasia Taking Over Here The Person More Precious Than Me Night Revolves Float Planner Teleport Diverging-Together Zero Ghost Disco Reparody Amaryllis, Sunrise. Incomplete Egoism Short Hand Strong Wind Blown-Back TransPOP Retry Helter Skelter LIGHTNING Rust-Iron Rain and Bonfire Mid-Life Reincarnation Airy Cherry Bomb!! Original Whoopsie Funk Smile to Smile Secret Iris New Humanity call sign Beast Sensitive Ghost Apocalypse Tokyo Lamenting Shima Enagirl So Long As It's Changing Stardust Medley Anguish, Fans're a Fantasy Umbrella If You Say You'll Slay That Dragon Margaret My Speakers Broke Corrupt Heaven Uber-Cute☆Creature Who Am I ^^? Leon Shaka Brainwash Dance Deggee Drizzle Spring Song Offer I've Come to Hate Darkness The Finale to You. Trash Rule Chewing Candays Fantasy Theory Lastamberger Idea Roll I Laugh. Mare? shangri-la Brain Dead Monster blanc. Salutations Ni! Although It's Ironic Hyper Sign It Was a Definite Spring The Retina's the Silver Screen, All People Are Cinema Ethos Teacher, Hey The World is Part of Us Skew, Forget Reincarnation Instant Music Starflight Program Discovery The Love That Ended Today Deeds, not words!! See-Again Romanesque
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homomenhommes · 3 months
Après un jogging et une bonne douche, je pars chercher Charles- Edouard.
Tout le trajet en moto je lui cherche un diminutif, son prénom est trop long !! Charly, bof, je pense plutôt l'appeler Ed. C'est court et suffisant.
Je sonne à la porte, le petit frère ouvre, Ed en plus jeune. Il me salut très poliment et appelle son frère. Ce dernier dévale l'escalier et passe la porte en prévenant le ptit frère qu'il ne rentrera que ce soir. Je lui tend un casque. Il le pose sur sa tête. Je lui demande si il est déjà monté en passager moto. A sa réponse négative, je lui explique les règles de base. Bien s'accrocher au pilote, en cas de freinage, poser ses mains sur le réservoir et appuyer dessus pour éviter d'écraser le pilote (vu son poids, même avec l'effet freinage, il ne risque pas de me pousser jusqu'à ce que je m'écrase les couilles sur le réservoir !), se pencher dans le même sens que moi, autrement c'est le tout droit assuré !
La selle passager de ma Ducat est toute petite et il doit s'accrocher fortement à moi. Une fois ses bras autour de ma taille, je lui prends les mains pour les placer sur mon paquet. Il comprend vite et s'accroche fermement. Je bande, ça lui facilite l'ancrage !
Nous retournons à la maison. Je ne peux m'empêcher de frimer un peu et sur quelques passages pousse ma machine dans les tours.
A l'arrivée, après l'enthousiasme de la balade, il devient tout timide à l'entrée de la maison. Je le pousse dans le dos et nous franchissons le seuil. Du salon nous parviennent les voix de Marc et Eric. Je quitte ma combi et reste en shorty + Tshirt, Ed défait son blouson. Je lui demande si il et toujours partant pour de la baise hors normes. Il me répond d'un petit " oui ".
Nous pénétrons dans le salon. Marc et Eric sont encore en peignoirs dans les canapés (ils viennent de remonter d'une séance de muscu). Je présente Ed. Deux paires d'yeux le déshabillent. Il n'en mène pas large et quand Marc lui demande de se tourner, il obéit sans sourciller. Marc me demande alors de le préparer. Je sais ce qu'il sous entend par là, douche, épilation, lavement... Nous descendons au sous sol. Comme pour tous, la salle de muscu l'impressionne tout comme les sanitaires façon salle de sport. Je me mets nu et lui demande de se déshabiller. Je l'aide un peu. Il est imberbe naturellement et les seuls poils en trop sont sous ses aisselles, autour de sa bite et un peu sur les mollets. je le préviens que nous allons retirer tout ça. Crème épilatoire partout et 10mn plus tard l'eau de la douche se charge de la lui retirer. Je vérifie en passant ma main, il est lisse comme un bébé.
J'approche la canule en inox et lui explique le principe : remplissage, vidange, remplissage, vidange jusqu'à ce que l'eau sorte propre. Un peu de gel sur son anus et j'enfile la canule. Eau tiède, petit débit. Il me demande d'arrêter et cours sur le siège des wc. Au troisième lavage, il est tout propre, intérieur comme extérieur. Je lui fait mettre un jock strap (j'en ai fait acheté une bonne douzaine de taille S sur Internet). En noir, ça souligne l'extrême blancheur de sa peau et encadre ses petites fesses de façon très suggestive. Je le remonte aux mâles. Il a la courtoisie de rougir quand je le pousse devant les yeux des deux Hommes, ça lui va bien ce rose aux joues. Marc demande à ce qu'il se plante devant eux et tourne doucement. Quand il leur présente le dos, Marc demande à ce qu'il se penche en avant et qu'il écarte les fesses avec ses mains. Ed jette un regard vers moi, de la tête je lui fais signe d'obéir. Il se penche donc et dévoile son petit trou. Marc passe sa main et vérifie l'absence de poil. L'anneau frémit sous sa caresse. Marc me dit que j'ai l'air d'avoir trouvé une deuxième salope. En attendant, j'observe que deux mats sont en train de soulever le tissus éponge des peignoirs. Je demande à Ed de se retourner. Comme moi il remarque la chose. Je lui dis d'y aller.
Timidement, il s'approche de Marc et s'agenouille, écartant ses cuisses. Le mouvement ouvre le peignoir et découvre le manche de mon mec. Ed me jette un regard, d'un coup de menton, je l'engage à continuer. Il se penche doucement et pose ses lèvres sur le gland. Très très lentement, il ouvre la bouche et descend sur le pieu. Il ne le sait pas mais sa façon de faire est extrêmement excitante. Il en avale 12/13cm avant que ça butte contre sa glotte. Il commence alors un va et vient. Je surveille, je devine sa langue tourner autour du gland aux mouvements qui agitent ;ses joues, il salive bien et Marc me dit que la pipe est bonne à défaut d'être profonde. Il va falloir lui apprendre rapidement. Eric réclame son attention. Quand il a sous les yeux la " bête ", il s'effraye je le rassure et il commence avec appréhension par sucer le gland. C'est vrai que déjà il à presque la bouche pleine ! Eric pose ses mains sur la tête blonde et pousse régulièrement et un peu plus chaque fois. Ed émet quelques sons, protestations ? Appréciation ? Pas facile à dire car ils nous parviennent très déformés par le gland violet qu'Eric lui maintient dans la bouche. Quand Eric relâche la pression, Ed se dégage pour nous dire combien c'est bon. Ouf !
Il ré attaque la queue de Marc. Avec plus de facilité cette fois, il en avale beaucoup plus sans s'étrangler. Je me place derrière lui et le fait passer à 4 pattes pour pouvoir lui bouffer le cul. C'est la première fois pour lui et ça lui fait de l'effet. Il se tortille au bout de ma langue. Je sens doucement s'ouvrir son oeillet sous l'effet de mon léchage. Je change alors de braquet et pointe la langue pour la faire pénétrer. Elle se faufile et j'arrive à lui saliver dedans. Comme je suis le premier à l'avoir enculé et que la seule fois où il à fait l'amour c'était avec la mère de Jean et sous kpote, je décide de l'enculer à cru. Une bonne couche de gel et progressivement 3 doigts dans le cul pour l'étaler et le préparer. Je m'enfonce dans son cul de presque puceau. Pour entrer les derniers cm, je suis encore obligé de lui faire sniffer du poppers. Comme la première fois l'effet est immédiat. Reculant de lui même pour s'enculer plus fermement sur ma bite, avalant plus profondément, jusqu'à poser son menton sur les couilles de Marc, il se déchaîne. Après quelques 10 minutes, Marc me demande de le lui donner. Je décule, le fait pivoter et lui dis de s'asseoir sur les genoux de Marc. Il m'obéi sans protestation. La bite de Marc et ses 22cm entre sans problème dans le trou que j'ai bien graissé et préparé. Alors qu'Ed saute sur les genoux de Marc, je m'occupe d'Eric dont la bite n'a pas molli. Il me défonce la bouche jusqu'à ce que je me couche le dos sur la table basse pour pouvoir la prendre dans ma gorge. Ed n'en revient pas, il ne pensait pas possible d'avaler totalement un monstre pareil. J'entends Eric lui dire que tout à l'heure ce sera son tour. Moi , je profite bien, je dois avoir un peu de Maso en moi car la sensation d'étouffement me fait bander encore plus.
Marc se dégage avant d'avoir jouit, il veut garder des forces pour plus tard ! Nous couchons Ed à ma place et je lui place la tête comme il faut. Marc lui replonge sa bite dans la gorge et est rapidement remplacé par Eric. A l'oreille d'Ed, je lui glisse quelques conseil pour avaler plus efficacement la bite d'Eric. Il peine quand même et plusieurs haut le coeur ponctuent les tentative d'Eric. Ce n'est que deux fois que ce dernier arrive à faire pénétrer entièrement sa queue. Je lui demande de tempérer, il faut y aller progressivement si je veux qu'il me dure un peu ce ptit blond !
Comme son cul a l ;"air plus souple que sa gorge, Eric décide de s'y essayer. Je le kpote et re-graisse le trou d'Ed passant 4 doigts dans son fondement.
Eric lui relève les jambes sur son torse et pose son gland sur la rondelle préparée. Je lui demande d'attendre et à 4 pattes ma tête au dessus de celle d'Ed, je demande à Marc de me sauter. Marc et Eric nous pénètrent en même temps. Marc en moi c'est une promenade, même si je fais en sorte qu'il sente bien mon anneau. Pour Ed, c'est une autre histoire. Bien que correctement préparé, il sent passer la bite de cheval d'Eric. Je n'hésite pas à le doser de nouveau en poppers tout en lui disant de se détendre. Des conseils ou des vapeurs aphrodisiaques, je ne sais ce qui à été le plus efficace mais il finit par apprécier les 26x7 qui lui envahissent le trou. Nous nous roulons des pelles et ce n'est pas le dernier à faire tourner sa langue ! il apprécie cette baise un peu hard, ça devrait passer avec mes clients, à condition de ne pas commencer par les plus brutaux.
Il finit par se juter dessus une bonne quantité de " crème " blanche. Eric le suit remplissant sa kpote. Quand je sens Marc m'inonder le cul, je jute dans ma main. Je demande à Ed d'ouvrir la bouche et lui fait couler mon jus dedans. Surpris au début, il avale. Après avoir léché ma main, je lui roule une pelle. Ce vicieux me tête la langue pour y extraire mes dernières gouttes de sperme, ça promet !!
Après une bonne douche à quatre où nous avons pris soin de son corps peu habitué à une telle gymnastique, j'ai téléphoné à l'appart pour que Samir nous amène Jimmy.
Samir a bien compris pourquoi et il nous l'apporte juste vêtu d'un jock strap blanc. Intrigués, mes deux nouveaux poulains se regardent, se détaillent, s'examinent. Ils tournent l'un autour de l'autre. C'est amusant à voir, il sont physiquement très semblables hormis la couleur de peau et de cheveux. On dirait deux jeunes chiots qui font connaissance, c'est tout juste si ils ne sentent pas la peau.
Marc et Eric sortent pour me laisser seul gérer la situation. Je les fais asseoir cote à cote et leur explique ce que j'attends vraiment d'eux, le type de mecs qu'ils vont rencontrer et les trips sexuels auxquels ils vont participer. Ils m'écoutent gravement. A la fin de mon petit discourt, je leur demande si ils sont toujours d'accord (bien que je connaisse la réponse). C'est un oui franc de Jimmy et un autre plus discret d'Ed.
Je précise que Jimmy commencera dans 8 jours alors qu'Ed à encore besoin de formation. Il a beau se récrier, c'est un fait qu'il prend moins facilement la bite que Jimmy. Je lui dis que la semaine à venir, il passera son mercredi après midi et tout le WE (à lui de trouver une excuse pour ses parents) en formation accélérée.
Quand je le ramène chez lui, son ptit frère est tout seul. Il me demande si lui aussi il pourrait venir faire un tour en moto. Je lui souris et lui dit plus tard peu être.
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salmalin · 3 months
Can we talk about how perfect Barret's VA in FFVIIR is? Because there has yet to be a single line from him that hasn't been perfectly delivered. There are lines that are gruff, some that are perfectly clear without any gravel, and it's all delivered with the full knowledge and weight of the line. I'm literally sitting here in awe. The range this actor has contributed to this character helps make him extremely human, and perfectly complements Barret as a character. I can't help but think that the VA played the original game as a kid, and that he knows the lore better than half the staff.
I'm a picky guy about voice work. Anyone who's talked to me for three seconds about dub vs sub knows this. I understand Japanese so if I don't like the direction on a dub, I will play the game/watch the show in Japanese so I can expand my vocab. No skin off my back, you know?
I have some qualms about the English dub for VII, which I am not going to air because they're petty nitpicks that are ultimately stupid, personal, and don't contribute to any meaningful conversations. But I will say this:
I am playing Rebirth in English specifically to hear Barret's flawlessly delivered lines, because when I played it in Japanese I legitimately missed his voice so much that I turned it back to English as soon as the scene ended.
John Eric Bentley, I salute you.
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rico-the-nicoo · 2 years
mcl li's role in dangaronpa pt. 1
no explanation for this one. just wanted to do this idea.
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the piece of shit that fucks up every trial! the one character that for some reason can't seem to register that this is a life or death situation. or maybe they do and this is a trauma response. but somehow they're really good at solving the case. either way they see this game as a... well a game and they tend to annoy everyone with their attitude. yet, you can't help loving them (unless you're kokichi, then fuck you). e.g. byakuya togami, nagito komaeda, kokichi ouma
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the asshole that's not really an asshole! the one character that's so rude that you can't help but wonder if they will become the blackened due to how hot-headedness they are or if they will become the victim because of how hot-headedness. one things for sure, they're super intimidating and hard to get close to... at least at first. but the more you spent time trying to pry open their hard shell that is covery in poisonous thorns, the more they will show their true nature. maybe this will be the start of a beautiful friendship. e.g. mondo oowada, fuyuhiko kuzuryu, ryoma hoshi
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the one that dies first! the one character that you didn't really know well. you might've held a conversation with them once or twice, but at most you guys are just acquaintances. so imagine your shock when you find out that they died first after the promise you made with your group that you wouldn't be participating in this killing game. their death became the catalyst of all the horror you'd experience during your time at hope's peak. but maybe later, their death won't be completely meaningless. e.g. junko enoshima, byakuya twogami, rantaro amami
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the shy one who probably needs more than just therapy! the one character that is always so shy and reserved you can't help, but want to befriend them... until you find out who they really are. then you are stuck wondering what the fuck happened to them that made them this way. there is no way that just therapy will fix this. e.g. chihiro fujisaki, mikan tsumiki, tsumugi shirogane
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batmannotes · 11 months
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‘Batman: Mask of the Phantasm' 4K Blu-Ray
Celebrate the 30th anniversary of the most universally acclaimed film in the Dark Knight’s legendary cinematic history when the newly-remastered animated movie Batman: Mask of the Phantasm, comes to 4K Ultra HD for the very first time. From Warner Bros. Discovery Home Entertainment, the film will be available to purchase on 4K Ultra HD on September 12, 2023.
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The release will also include an all-new featurette Kevin Conroy: I Am The Knight, which takes a look at the legacy of Kevin Conroy, who voiced Batman for 30 years in film, television, video games and more.
Rooted in DC’s acclaimed Batman: The Animated Series and released theatrically on Christmas Day 1993, Batman: Mask of the Phantasm has not only been ranked by Time magazine as one of the 10 best Super Hero movies ever, but is also arguably the core fans’ all-time favorite Batman film. The movie has been rated at the top of the Dark Knight film franchise by such popular entertainment media as Empire, Screenrant and Paste. And in the ultimate mainstream salute for its time, Gene Siskel & Robert Ebert didn’t initially review the film during its theatrical release, but later dedicated a portion of their At The Movies weekly TV series to pay compliment to the film – and voice their regret for not giving it the attention it deserved during its original run – when Batman: Mask of the Phantasm was distributed for home entertainment.
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The 4K HDR/SDR remaster of Batman: Mask of the Phantasm was sourced from the 1993 Original Cut Camera Negative and was scanned at 4K resolution. Digital restoration was applied to the 4K scans to remove dirt, scratches and additional anomalies, but special care was given to not touch the film grain or the animation cel dirt that was part of the original artwork. This is the first time since its theatrical release that it is presented in its 1.85 aspect ratio. The original 2.0 mix and the 5.1 tracks were remastered to remove or improve defects such as pops, ticks, dropouts and distortion.
The animated film features an all-star cast headed by the quintessential voice of Batman, Kevin Conroy, alongside Dana Delany (Desperate Housewives, China Beach) as Bruce Wayne’s love interest, Andrea Beaumont, Mark Hamill (Star Wars franchise) as the Joker, Stacy Keach (Nebraska, Prison Break, Mike Hammer) as Phantasm/Carl Beaumont, Abe Vigoda (Barney Miller, The Godfather) as Salvatore Valestra, Efrem Zimbalist Jr. (The F.B.I.) as Alfred, Hart Bochner (Die Hard) as Arthur Reeves, Bob Hastings (McHale’s Navy, The Poseidon Adventure) as Commissioner Gordon, Robert Costanzo (Forget Paris, City Slickers) as Detective Bullock, Dick Miller (Gremlins, The Terminator) as Chuckie Sol, and John P. Ryan (The Right Stuff) as Buzz Bronski. Additional voices included Pat Musick, Marilu Henner, Neil Ross, Ed Gilbert, Jeff Bennett, Jane Downs, Vernee Watson, Charles Howerton, Thom Pinto and Peter Renaday.
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The Batman: Mask of the Phantasm filmmaking team is composed of the award-winning core group behind Batman: The Animated Series. Eric Radomski and Bruce Timm directed the film from a screenplay by Alan Burnett, Paul Dini, Martin Pasko and Michael Reaves, based on a story by Burnett.
Batman: Mask of the Phantasm will be available on September 12, 2023 to purchase Digitally from Amazon Prime Video, AppleTV, Google Play, Vudu and more. 4K Ultra HD Discs will be available to purchase online and in-store at major retailers. Pre-order your copy now.
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Batman: Mask of the Phantasm opens with the city's most feared gangsters being systematically eliminated, and assumed blame falling on the Caped Crusader. But prowling the Gotham night is a shadowy new villain, the Phantasm, a sinister figure with some link to Batman's past. Can the Dark Knight elude the police, capture the Phantasm and clear his own name? Unmasking the Phantasm is just one of the twists in this dazzling animated feature, which provides new revelations about Batman's past, his archrival the Joker, and Batman's most grueling battle ever - the choice between his love for a beautiful woman and his vow to be the defender of right.
Kevin Conroy: I Am The Knight (New Featurette) – For 30 years, Kevin Conroy defined Batman for multiple generations using only his voice, best exemplified in the landmark film Batman: Mask of the Phantasm. Conroy passed away in November 2022, but his legacy lives on in 15 films, nearly 400 episodes of animated television series, a dozen video games, and as a live-action Bruce Wayne in the Arrowverse’s 2019-2020 “Crisis on Infinite Earths” crossover event. Several of Conroy’s contemporaries – including animation legend Bruce Timm, Batman producer Michael Uslan and revered voice actress Tara Strong – pay tribute to the star who remains the Dark Knight for millions of Batfans.
Bonus episode of Justice League: Unlimited featuring a cameo from Phantasm.
*Special features are not available in 4K Ultra HD.
The Batman legend continues in this story that tells of Batman's most difficult battle, as well as his confrontation with a mysterious killer, who holds the key to Batman's secret past.
MPAA rating ‏ : ‎ PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)
Item Weight ‏ : ‎ 3.52 Ounces
Director ‏ : ‎ Bruce Timm, Eric Radomski
Run time ‏ : ‎ 1 hour and 16 minutes
Release date ‏ : ‎ September 12, 2023
Actors ‏ : ‎ Kevin Conroy, Dana Delany
Subtitles: ‏ : ‎ English
Studio ‏ : ‎ Studio Distribution Services
Country of Origin ‏ : ‎ USA
Number of discs ‏ : ‎ 1
Preorder now.
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Salute the Brave: RAF Ace; Flt. Lt. Eric 'Sawn-Off' Lock. DSO DFC* MiD. Top-scoring allied pilot of the Battle of Britain. A fast-scoring pilot who if he had lived may have gone on to be the top-scorer of the war.
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