#eris lynch
eridanidreams · 1 month
fanfic writer asks
🤡, 😈, 🛒, ❌, 💔
🤡What's a line, scene, or exchange you've written that made you laugh?
Sloane's gaze narrowed. “I can still throw you right off this roof,” she threatened, not entirely facetiously. He had an Icarus; it wouldn’t kill him.
Adam’s eyebrows went up, and his eyes creased in amusement. “Don't bother. I bounce.”
😈 Has there been a point in a story where you did something just to be playfully mean to your readers?
The two ways I'll tease my readers is a) with a cliffhanger--the cliffhanger in Chapter 11 of Odysseus Gambit was entirely deliberate--and b) with foreshadowing or a twist reveal. Admittedly, the fact that I tend to write slow-burn may also be 'mean', but that one's not intentional--I just really like slow burn!
🛒What are some common things you incorporate in your fics? Themes, feels, scenes, imagery, etc.
Themes: the unloved finding love. Found family. Finding or making hope in a fucked-up world. Characters that love very intensely and fiercely, no matter how much they struggle against it. Characters struggling with loneliness and self-image issues, touch-starvation… If a character has some sort of power or enhanced ability, it's never just beneficial. There's usually a cost or a struggle involved. I'm a big fan of characters discovering their own agency and finding ways to claim and reclaim it even against efforts to deny it.
❌ What's a trope you will never write?
Disposable Love Interest (specifically women, but men too). Fridges are for the safe storage of food and biological samples. …okay, that came out weird, but what do you expect when one of my OCs is a biowarfare specialist?
💔Is there a fic of yours that broke your heart?
There's a couple chapter sections in Odysseus Gambit and stars: the bit in OG Chapter 10 where Adam rips open Sloane's trauma, and later in 13 where she's being eaten by survivor's guilt… the hints at Cait's backstory in stars chapter 11… And there's stuff I've written the first draft of for both stars and OG that… yes. My heart will break some more.
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cyberpunkonline · 6 months
Unraveling Discordianism in David Lynch's Oeuvre
In the realm of contemporary cinema, few auteurs have embroidered their work with the esoteric thread of Discordianism as richly as David Lynch. Discordianism, a modern, somewhat satirical religion that worships Eris, the Greek goddess of chaos, offers a theological justification for embracing disorder, paradox, and the absurd. It's a cosmic giggle in the face of convention and authority, a sentiment that finds an echoing laughter in Lynch's filmography.
Non-Linear Narratives: The Discordian Storytelling
The traditional narrative arc bends toward order: a beginning, middle, and end where loose ends are tied, and moral lessons are gleaned. Lynch, however, splinters this arc, creating mosaics of narrative chaos. In "Mulholland Drive," he constructs a cinematic labyrinth without a Minotaur, leaving the audience to wander in interpretive circles. This film plays with the very fabric of storytelling, a move reflective of the Discordian principle of creative disorder.
Duality and the Illusion of Order
Lynch’s “Twin Peaks” serves as a beacon of Discordian themes, with the dual existence of its characters (and their secrets) juxtaposing the apparent tranquility of small-town life with a hidden, chaotic underworld. The Double-headed Eagle in Discordianism, symbolizing order and disorder, finds its echo in the duality of characters like Laura Palmer - the homecoming queen with a dark double life, embodying the Discordian belief that chaos and order are two sides of the same coin.
The Absurdity of Existence: Rabbits and Radiators
One cannot discuss Lynch’s foray into the Discordian without a nod to the unsettling sitcom featuring humanoid rabbits in "Inland Empire." Their disjointed exchanges in a nondescript living room, accompanied by canned laughter at non-jokes, invoke the absurdity of existence central to Discordianism. It's here Lynch’s work becomes an Easter egg of sorts, where Bugs Bunny could be the trickster archetype of Eris, albeit more likely to wield a carrot than the Golden Apple of Discord.
The Surreal as a Gateway to Truth
Lynch’s worlds are teeming with surreal elements that break the illusion of reality, a core principle in Discordianism that what we see is but a structured facade over the intrinsic chaos of the universe. “Eraserhead’s” Lady in the Radiator, singing in a dream sequence amidst giant spermatoid creatures, challenges the audience’s comfort with the familiar, urging a confrontation with the chaos that underpins existence.
Chaos Magick and the Artistic Process
Lynch’s creative process itself mirrors the chaotic magick intrinsic to Discordian practice. His reliance on Transcendental Meditation to dive into the depths of consciousness and emerge with the pearls of avant-garde storytelling aligns with the Discordian idea of tapping into chaos for enlightenment. Lynch’s films don’t just represent Discordianism; they enact it.
David Lynch's films are tapestries woven with threads of paradox, absurdity, and chaos, where the audience is often left to their own devices to make sense of the spectacle. While Lynch may not explicitly identify as a Discordian, the parallels are striking. From the double lives of "Twin Peaks" to the unnerving performances of "Eraserhead," Lynch channels the essence of Discordianism, proving that within chaos, there is a strange order to be found - and within his cinema, an unsettling enlightenment awaits the brave. Whether the rabbit hole leads to a hidden lodge in the woods or a lady living in a radiator, Lynch assures us the journey through chaos is never just a wild hare chase - sometimes, it's a pilgrimage to the heart of artistic truth.
- Raz
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pikahlua · 1 year
I was curious about your thoughts regarding the sidelining of Kirishima/Bakugo's friendship post-Kamino and how Hori chose to highlight Deku's emotional state during the handhold rather than celebrate the connection between Kr and Bk. Do you think the growing distance between Kirishima and Bakugo since then has been intentional? Or are the rumors true that Hori reduced their interactions bec of how some were preferring their relationship over Dk/Bks?
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Whew. Okay we all need to take a step back here lol. I'm going to say something I hope no one takes the wrong way, but it's important to understand.
Kirishima is not a main character. He is a secondary character, a side character. He's not a bit character or an extra. He's one of those characters who gets some decent focus for his growth, but the trajectory of his character arc is shorter than that of a main character.
I'm putting him in the same camp as Iida or Ochako or Kaminari or even Shouto on some level when I say this. These are all important characters, but when I call them "secondary/side characters," I'm referring to their functions in the story. You can divide the characters into tiers not based on their actual importance or excellence as characters but based on their functions. Izuku is the primary main character. He is the character through which the vast majority of the story is told. He is the lynch pin. There are other main characters who are more secondary in function to Izuku but still hold the story together. These are characters like All Might, Katsuki, and to some extent Shouto (so versatile!) and Tomura. It’s not as simple as just “main character vs side character,” but what I’m getting at is the way in which a character functions in a story varies depending on what type of character they are. Again, I don’t mean this in a disparaging way. Some of the best and most impactful and well-written characters in stories can be side characters or even bit characters. But their character arcs look different depending on which type of character they are.
Take Eri for instance. About 90% of her character arc is meant to be contained within the Overhaul and School Cultural Festival arcs. She’s still present in future arcs, but there isn’t much about her character that’s crucial to the developing story. She doesn’t have any personal growth questions to answer anymore either. But she is there to be cute and a nice window into the POV of the young children affected by the story. The story doesn’t need to focus on her, but it uses her as a quick window every so often to give us that POV or levity or cuteness.
I said all of that to say this: the lack of focus on the friendship between Kirishima and Katsuki doesn’t mean anything like what you’re all suggesting. The arc of their friendship was meant to serve its purpose in the story. The lack of focus on it means that the friendship arc has already occurred and done its job. Their friendship hasn’t changed or disappeared, it’s just not highlighted in the story because it’s not relevant to the current story--or rather it’s not AS relevant as other things happening in the current story.
So what was it relevant for? Well, it kind of ties into your question about the “Bakusquad,” which is really a marketing construct that stuck more in the west than in Japan. The thing is, small cliques within classrooms aren’t really a trope in Japan. Maybe they exist in real life, but that’s not the societal concept. Cliques in Japan are more like classrooms versus classrooms. You have your class you’re sat together with in most of your classes (with exceptions like some electives), and you’re treated like your class is your team that you’re a part of. The MHA story follows this trope. What you see from start to end is that Izuku and Katsuki are both struggling to become a cohesive part of class 1-A (both for different reasons). Kirishima is meant to be Katsuki’s initial entry point into class 1-A as a whole, where the whole class is a cohesive team and group of friends. Kirishima is the character who first takes the time and energy to try to understand Katsuki’s communication style. He bulldozes through Katsuki’s tough-guy posturing and makes that first important friendship connection with him to try to help Katsuki fit in. Their friendship is the rest of the class’ first window at who Katsuki is deep down, and they all slowly start to warm up to him and see through his bullshit. Kirishima is the reason Katsuki ultimately becomes one of the two central people holding the class together.
So I don’t see the lack of Kirishima in Katsuki’s story as a sign that something has happened between them. I see it as a sign that Kirishima has done his part helping Katsuki integrate into class 1-A. And just like with Eri, we don’t get any new development in their friendship because they’ve reached the endpoint of that particular story arc, and all we’re meant to get at this point are little nods here and there about the new homeostasis their friendship has achieved (e.g. Kirishima bantering with Katsuki while they force Izuku to take a bath). We’re also meant to take the presence of any in class 1-A as the presence of ALL class 1-A. So when Sero, Satou, and Mineta (yes, even him) visit Katsuki’s hospital room, they’re doing so on behalf of the rest of class 1-A who can’t be there right now including Kirishima. Class 1-A is splitting the work between all of them because there are multiple classmates in the hospital for them to visit and comfort.
Now, that’s not to say that people who enjoy Kirishima and Katsuki’s friendship should quiet down and be happy with that. If you like their interactions, you like their interactions. That’s totally reasonable for you to be clamoring for more interaction. I just don’t think we need to take what’s happening in the story to drastic conclusions about Horikoshi’s intentions. Ultimately, Horikoshi has to try to tell his story as efficiently as possible. He can’t depict every second of every character’s thoughts and actions, as much as we’d love for him to be able to.
And besides, whatever we’re craving more of is what fanfic is for!
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This is "Big Emma." When the Louisville & Nashville Railroad elected to seriously upgrade its freight motive power in the early '40s, it went whole-hog for a Baldwin-built variant of the Van Sweringen Super Power Berkshire. The engines would be mechanical cousins of the NKP, Erie, C&O and Virginian Berks--but L&N didn't call 'em "Berkshires." Eventually numbering 42 engines (20 by Baldwin in two batches, and 22 by Lima-Hamilton in 1949--among the last commercially-built steamers for the U.S.), the M-1 class were outstanding performers on coal, fast freight and even passenger trains (four of them had steam and signal lines for such service, and regularly handled Midwest-Florida passenger trains between Cincinnati and Corbin, KY on the L&N's heavy-haul "KY" double track main). They also operated down the EK Division to Fleming-Neon, KY, and on the CV Division to Norton, VA and Lynch, KY. Alas, all were scrapped, with the last one operating in early November 1956. Number 1952 from this distinguished fleet of locomotives is ready to head south with empty hoppers for the coalfields. Looks like the fireman should have the pressure up near the peg from the looks of all that thick coal smoke. DeCoursey, KY 1949
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pridepoisoned · 5 months
✘ do you hate me?
TELL THE TRUTH!! / accepting. (1/10)
"You are irritating, impulsive, and you always need to have the last snarky word," Eris tuts, counting idly on her fingers. "The first time we met, you threw a sandal at my head."
"Even so, I do not hate you. Doing so would be unproductive, and I cannot afford to waste any more time while here in Alola. My final wave of Mareanie spawn will be washing ashore any day now."
The visiting researcher smiles. Her glasses glimmer in the sun.
"Hm. I wonder what the end goal is behind your question--do you really care how I feel about you? Intriguing as always, Ree Lynch..."
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"You managed to attend the migration of my previous Mareanie sample without incident. If you can behave yourself, you're welcome to join me again. Maybe one of them will take a liking to you?" Eris laughs airily, shaking her head. "...What an ironic outcome that would be."
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chouncazzodicasino · 5 months
Ciao umile tatona,
Sempre quella della carta da parati. Oggi ho riguardato “Heriditary” per l’ennesima volta. Sapendo che anche tu sei una grande fan del film ti domando, come mai ad ogni visione mi sembra sempre di perdermi un dettaglio del film, come quando guardo Lynch. Hai la stessa sensazione? Buona domenica
Ciao Tatona, intendi dire che ogni volta che lo rivedi noti dei dettagli che ti eri persa alla visione precedente? Per me è così, per questo è un film che mi piace rivedere. Gioca tanto sui dettagli visivi, è impossibile notarli tutti alla prima visione, a me la prima volta ha fatto cacare, pensa te. Ora lo vedo per coccolarmi, anzi mo mi hai fatto venire voglia quindi domani o vedo lui o Goodnight mommy (che secondo me alla seconda visione sarà anche meglio).
Buona domenica, Tatò.
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(tu tu turututu Dubudebudubudubudua)
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xgoddessoffandomsx · 2 years
Updated Percy Jackson au
@wrasslin-kpop-and-bullshit @ozzypawsbone-princeofbarkness @swifteforeverandalways @axelwolf8109 @retro-rezz-the-est @dreamlesswonder86 @moxleyunstable
(Send in questions)
Camp Half Blood. First is the cabin leader/oldest unless the oldest of the cabin turns down the leader role. Demigods have become less frequent in recent years but every cabin has at least one occupant besides Hera’s cabin that is a tribute to the goddess.
Zeus: Cody Rhodes.
Zeus’ cabin is pure white, shadows appear to have lighting on them. Cody hates his father and regularly curses him, making a small camp away from a statue of Zeus to be able to sleep.
Hera: None, cabin is nothing more than a tribute. Constantly vandalized until Chiron told everybody to stop.
Poseidon: Roman Reigns, Mia Yim, Ava Grace
Poseidon’s cabin is much like a dock with walls built around it. A large fountain sits in the middle, one of many presents for Roman from his father. A small room appeared when Mia was claimed, to give her privacy. Roman has a trident from his father.
Hades: Malaki Black, Violet Giliath, Paige Bevis, Ruby Riott, Darby Allin, Rosemary.
The Hades Cabin is black with green flames lit on torches, the interior is also black, with beds lining the walls. Coffins used to be there but thrown out. Twins Paige and Ruby line their walls around their bed with band posters. Darby Allin had shelves installed for his skateboards. Malaki and Violet are co-leaders and as such each have private rooms.
Ares: Raul Mendoza, Santos Escobar, Joaquin Wilde, Elektra Lopez, Raquel Gonzalez, Leon Ruff, Adam Page, Dio Maddin/Mace, Keith Lee, Ember Moon
Ares cabin is painted dark red, the grounds alined with land mines, the cabin members usually like being paid in sharp things in exchange for being told where the mines are. Leon is constantly teased for being so small and skinny but his brothers and sisters defend him. Raul is the cabin leader due to Santos turning it down
Athena: TJ Perkins, Drew Gulak, Dominik Dijakovic/T-Bar, Sami Callihan, Jake Atlas, Mustafa Ali, Kay Lee Ray, Baron Corbin, Xia Li, Boa, Charlotte Flair, Adam Page
A white cabin, the walls are aligned with blue prints and all the beds have a private desk. TJ is in a constant battle over the cabin leadership with Charlotte who has grown selfish and wants to position for nothing more than it’s title.
Demeter: Aliyah, Anna Jay, Evil Uno
Aphrodite: Vanessa Borne, Zelina Vega, Andrade Cien Almas, Angel Garza, Ace Austin, Zelina Vega,
A pink cabin that smells like perfume and hairspray. The sons and daughters of the love goddess are beautiful and could pass as supermodels. Ace has the rare ability of charmspeak, though he never uses it
Apollo: Elias, Crazzy Steve, Trey Miguel, Charly Caruso, Dana Brooke, Adrian Neville/Neville, Humberto Carrillo,
A large cabin, completely gold, causing many headaches if looked at for too long. The children of Apollo are musically and athletically talented. Humberto happens to be the cousin of Andrade, Angel, and Zelina though their mortal side
Artemis: No one, the hunters of Artemis stay there whenever they visit the camp. Silver cabin that glows in moonlight
Hecate: Toni Storm, Bayley, Candice Lerae,
Iris: Mandy Rose, Xia Brookside.
Nemesis: Pete Dunne and Rhea Ripley (twins)
Eris: Liv Morgan and Jamie Senegal (twins)
Hephaestus: Becky Lynch, Jon Moxley, Wes Lee, Austin Flynn
This cabin looks a-lot like a factory, faded bronze and has smoke coming out of the roof twenty four seven. It is normal to see the children of Hephaestus covered in oil, dirt and cuts and bruises. The four occupants each made their bed, Austin’s has a radio stationed to Olympus and Becky’s has a waterbed for example
Hermes: Rohit Raju, Zachary Wentz,
Dionysus: Chris Bey
Hypnos: Fallah Bah
Tyche: Deonna Purazzo
Nike: Taya Valkyrie
Hebe: Tenille Dashwood
Arete: Indi Hartwell
Discordia: Johnny Gargano (nicknamed the shit stirrer)
A simple wooden cabin with the walls taken out to make sure Johnny isn’t planning pranks or worse. A force field is around the cabin to protect him from monsters. A purple sword given to Johnny by his mother hangs on a hook, cursed to cause bad luck to whoever steals it until it is given back to Johnny.
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sometownie · 2 years
I was thinking about naming sims. And how I am that person, who spends forever choosing names for my sims. It has to fit perfectly, and more often than not I name them after a theme, or it’s a tribute to the sims’ parents or old sims of mine. SO I was sort of reminiscing here, so here’s a list of all kinds of names I’ve had in my game ♥
Under a cut because I got carried away, like usual ♥
Themed ♥ Fruits: Lemon, Apple and Mango (children of Grace and Loren Farwood) ♥ Jewelry: Ruby and Sapphire, and their mother Jewel Lovett (in an old hood); also Opal and Jade Hogwood (twins in Sometown) ♥ Space: Star and Sky (alien twins in Green Valley) ♥ Weather: Storm and Sky (father and son, in Whitewave)
Same initial of the first name ♥ Kevin, Katy and Koral (children of Kirk and Dana Rogan) ♥ Emma and Elias (children of Lemon Farwood and Milo Lovett) ♥ Johnny and Jenny (children of Greta and Alan Mills) ♥ Greta and Grace (obviously) ♥ Rayna and Rosa, and Shane and Storm (children of Bea and Riki Limestone)
Alphabetical order ♥ Aada and Benny Puhto had children Carmen, Darcy, Eris and Flora (unfortunately Benny’s kids Willow and Harlow don’t fit into this, but they live with their mother, after all).  
Similar sounding names ♥ Willow and Harlow (children of Babette and Benny Black)
After parents ♥ Rayna, Oliver and Neil have kids called Rey and Olivia. There’s one child on the way still, who’s supposed to be named after Neil, but it remains to be seen if the child will ever be born with my new neighborhood project and all. ♥ Mia Lovett has a son called Milo. ♥ Valdemar and Toini have children called Viola and Titus.
Tributes ♥ OCs - Greta Mills, Grace Farwood and Rosanna Sherman are based on OCs from other video games. ♥ Johnny Mills - Sain/ts Row. ♥ Ron/an Lynch - THIS WAS AN ACCIDENT I had a sim Ronan because Ronan is a nice name and he fell for a Victoria Lynch and took her name because I liked the surname and. I realised it at their wedding lskdfjksdf
Sims from other (old) neighborhoods ♥ Jenny Lovett is an old sim who’s got name tributes in Mia Lovett and Jenny Mills. ♥ Willow Black of Whitewave is named after Willow Bigg of Green Valley.
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newdelosfm · 2 months
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newdelosfm is an appless group set in the fictional city of new delos. residents find themselves remembering past lives of being greek gods. can they survive getting back to glory or will they be hunted before their powers come back?
quick tags: mobile navigation, taken fcs/deities, plot, rules
current event: roleplay opening @ 13 muns (7/13)
pages update: n/a
reservations: n/a
current app count: click here or read more
admin taylor is currently online / offline / lurking
current application count:
sae itoshi as HADES + mackenyu fc
willhelmina "mina" parrish as HERA + florence pugh fc
hazel lynch as HECATE + lili reinhart fc
belen rodriquez as PYSCHE + bruna marquezine fc
carlota "lottie" acosta as IRIS + camila mendes fc
clover chen as CHLORIS + esther yu fc
kaia waverley as POSEIDON + madelyn cline fc
adrienne ryatt as ERIS + seychelle gabriel fc
cleo sinclair as TERPSICHORE + alexis ren fc
choi hyeon as HYPONS + song kang fc
devana geng as ARTEMIS + havana rose liu fc
rory chambers as PATROCLUS + justice smith fc
choi jeong as THANATOS + seo in-guk fc
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brookstonalmanac · 6 months
Events 10.26 (before 1940)
1185 – The Uprising of Asen and Peter begins on the feast day of St. Demetrius of Thessaloniki and ends with the creation of the Second Bulgarian Empire. 1341 – The Byzantine civil war of 1341–1347 formally begins with the proclamation of John VI Kantakouzenos as Byzantine Emperor. 1377 – Tvrtko I is crowned the first king of Bosnia. 1520 – Charles V is crowned as Holy Roman Emperor. 1597 – Imjin War: Korean Admiral Yi Sun-sin routs the Japanese Navy of 300 ships with only 13 ships at the Battle of Myeongnyang. 1640 – The Treaty of Ripon is signed, restoring peace between Covenanter Scotland and King Charles I of England. 1689 – General Enea Silvio Piccolomini of Austria burns down Skopje to prevent the spread of cholera; he dies of the disease soon afterwards. 1774 – American Revolution: The First Continental Congress adjourns in Philadelphia. 1813 – War of 1812: A combined force of British regulars, Canadian militia and Mohawks defeat the United States Army in the Battle of the Chateauguay. 1825 – The Erie Canal opens, allowing direct passage from the Hudson River to Lake Erie. 1859 – The Royal Charter Storm kills at least eight hundred people in the British Isles. 1860 – Unification of Italy: The Expedition of the Thousand ends when Giuseppe Garibaldi presents his conquests to King Victor Emmanuel of Sardinia. 1863 – The Football Association is founded. 1871 – Liberian President Edward James Roye is deposed in a coup d'état. 1881 – Wyatt Earp and Doc Holliday participate in the Gunfight at the O.K. Corral in Tombstone, Arizona. 1890 – Malleco Viaduct in Chile, at the time "the highest railroad bridge in the world", is inaugurated by President José Manuel Balmaceda. 1892 – Ida B. Wells publishes Southern Horrors: Lynch Law in All Its Phases. 1905 – King Oscar II recognizes the dissolution of the union between Norway and Sweden. 1909 – Japanese occupation of Korea: An Jung-geun assassinates Japan's Resident-General of Korea. 1912 – First Balkan War: The Ottomans lose the cities of Thessaloniki and Skopje. 1917 – World War I: Brazil declares war on the Central Powers. 1918 – World War I: Erich Ludendorff, quartermaster-general of the Imperial German Army, is dismissed by Kaiser Wilhelm II for refusing to cooperate in peace negotiations. 1936 – The first electric generator at Hoover Dam goes into full operation. 1937 – Nazi Germany begins expulsions of 18,000 Polish Jews.
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eriegaynews · 1 year
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Apr 17 (Mon) - General Marquis de Lafayette, Part II: French Revolution and Return to America. (Jefferson Educational Society, 3207 State St, Erie, PA 16508) 7 PM. Featuring Judy Lynch, Ph.D. and Richard Arthur, M.A. FREE lecture. Please register in advance by visiting our website at www.JESErie.org/events or by calling our office at 814.459.8000. Phone: (814) 459-8000. Browse to https://ift.tt/4PVcLHw. https://ift.tt/WLf4aMQ https://ift.tt/TZFkIbf
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thehollowrp · 1 year
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“when pain becomes pleasure and you show the world what you’re made of.”
× name: utp × age: utp × gender identity: utp × sexuality: utp × face claim: utp  (suggestions: Lashana Lynch, Poppy Drayton, Jai Courtney, Travis Fimmel, Meaghan Rath, Alexander Ludwig) × faction: the pact × element: water × district: utp × traits: mercurial, active, utp, utp, utp, utp
a girl is a gun but you feel more like a knife, pliable and ready to slip in between the ribs and pierce the heart. you were dangerous from the start but it only got more fearsome when you learned the power of the word no and the power of your own heart. you are no wilting flower in front of the blaze of the world's destiny, you are the answer to its question: what will break me today?
boreas ↪ a thief in the night you weren’t looking to be attracted to anyone, least of which someone like them, and yet there you stood with the knowledge that every time they were around your heart would skip a beat. it didn’t mean anything, though, because on the surface you loathe them; you’ve never quite understood why but you know that every time they speak to you you feel like lashing out. perhaps it’s because of the tug you feel in your bones any time they’re near, or perhaps you’re only attracted to that which can destroy you.
eris ↪ lingering if pain is weakness leaving the body you honestly think that their entire existence is there to destroy weakness in everyone. just being in the same room as eris feels suffocating, a void of space so chaotic and so noisy that you feel as if you are being beaten around the inside of a drum and left rode hard and put away wet. yet there you are, thick as thieves, the two of you whispering to one another. the odd couple, so to speak, as people tend to get hushed when they near eris in approach of you... why are they so afraid of them? you’re the dangerous one.
pollux ↪ a die long cast you tried — for a while, even! for a long time! — to be with pollux. you wanted them to be yours and everything to work out and be okay and yet... it didn’t matter, you didn’t like them anymore anyway. you don’t care if pollux lives or dies and yet you find your eyes on them as they move through the pact’s rank and file wondering quietly if maybe, just maybe, they think of you too. you hope so. you hope it burns them. you hope it consumes them... you hope it’s you.
pinterest — playlist
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hmgn3 · 1 year
23-January 散財記録
03(tue) ・Matthias Lindermayr / Sequence (2022, used LP) ・Peter Zummo / Dress Code (Don't Look at My Car) (2016, used LP) ・High Places / Original Colors (2011, used LP) ・The Notwist / Pick Up the Phone (2002, used 12inch) ・Indian Ocean / School Bell/Treehouse (1986, used 12inch) ・Serge Gainsbourg / Aux Armes Et Cætera (1979, used LP) ・Tony Snell / Medieval & Latter Day Lays (1973, used LP) ・Isaac Hayes / Theme From the Men/Type Thang (1972, used 7inch) ・Van Morrison / Blue Money/Sweet Thing (1971, used 7inch) 06(fri) ・AmmonContact / New Birth (2005, 2x12inch) ・The Ramsey Lewis Trio / Upendo Ni Pamoja (1972, used LP) ・Jerome Richardson / Going to the Movies (1962, used LP) 07(sat) ・Eri Nagami / どちらかというとそう思う (2022, cassette) ・ザ・なつやすみバンド / 風の谷のナウシカ (2022, used 7inch) ・TWIG EP for Hiraparr Wilson (2021, used 10inch) ・んミィ & ゆめであいましょう / ひかりのうた & おだやかにひそやかに (2019, 7inch) ・Jack Wilson / Spare Key (2013, used LP) ・João Bosco / Galos De Briga (1976, used LP) 09(mon) ・odd eyes / A love supreme for our brilliant town (2015, used 7inch+CD) ・Óbó / Innhverfi (2014, used LP) ・Loren Connors / Airs (1999, used LP) ・Solid Eye / It's a Salon (1996, used 7inch) ・Love of Life Orchestra / Geneva (1980, used LP) ・Maurice Jarre / Die Blechtrommel (1979, used LP) 12(fri) ・中村祐子 / 私を連れていって (2020, used CD) ・蓮沼執太 / CC OO (2012, used 4CD) 13(fri) ・Brian Chase / Drums & Drones II (2018, used LP) ・DATE OF BIRTH / AROUND+AROUND (1985, used 10inch) ・Bossa Combo / Ambiance D'Ete (1981, used LP) 14(sat) ・Stargaze / Deerhoof Chamber Variations (2015, used 12inch) ・Julian Lynch / Terra (2011, used LP) ・John Hughes / Scarlet Diva - Original Motion Picture Soundtrack (2000, used LP) ・The Silver Apples / Fractal Flow/Lovefingers (1996, used 7inch) ・Harvie Swartz / Underneath It All (1982, used LP) 15(sun) ・中尾勘二 / Record of Recording 1967-1978 (2022, CD-R) ・中尾勘二 / My Orver Dubbing Life 2019-2022 (2022, CD-R) 20(fri) ・David Byrne / Music For The Knee Plays (1985, used LP) ・Blood, Sweat & Tears / Lisa, Listen to Me (1971, used 7inch) ・The Firehouse 5 Plus 2 / The Firehouse Five Story, Vol. 1 (1955, used 4x7inch) 21(sat) ・Esperanza de OTO 音のエスペランサ (2013, used LP) ・The King Of Luxembourg / "Sir" (1988, used LP) ・Mama Cass / Mama's Big Ones: Her Greatest Hits (1970, used LP) 23(mon) ・Vicktor Taiwò / Joy Comes in Spirit (2018, used 2LP) ・Chick Corea, Miroslav Vitous, Roy Haynes / Trio Music (1982, used 2LP) ・Carmine Appice / Carmine Appice (1981, used LP) ・Nat Adderley / You, Baby (1968, used LP) ・The Monkees / Pisces, Aquarius, Capricorn & Jones Ltd. (1967, used LP) 24(tue) ・Justin Wright / A Really Good Spot (2022, used LP) 28(sat) ・Professor Brian Oblivion / The Dark Realities of the Moment (2011, used LP) ・Beneath Fire & Smoke / The Iceberg Waltz (2007, used 10inch) ・Sukpatch / Honky-Tonk Operation E.P. (1998, used 12inch) 29(sun) ・Errol's Compilation (2002, used 2x10inch) ・Chari Chari / Keep on Flowin' EP (1998, used 12inch) ・(Garden Of Delights Presents...) Seek Refuge... (From Your Intolerable Situation) (1995, used LP) ・The Helicopters / The Helicopters (1984, used LP) ・Manos Hadjidakis / Never On Sunday (Original Sound Track Music) (1960, used LP)
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wahqs · 2 years
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Basado en el dios del vino, la fiesta y la locura
Apodo(s): * A elección del usuarie
Edad: 20 años
Año: Segundo
Orientación sexual o pronombres: * A elección del usuarie
Tipo de personalidad: ESFP
Hobbie: * A elección del usuarie
Puesto de trabajo: Mesero en The Underworld
Carrera: * A elección del usuarie
Casa: Fraternidad Tri Kappa
Sociedad Secreta:  Wolf’s Head
Insights: Capitán del club de teatro Mask and Dagger.
Sugerencias de FC: Rudy Pankow, Ross Lynch, Gavin Leatherwood, Jonathan Daviss.
Status: Libre
*A desarrollar por el usuarie (mínimo 5 puntos detallando la historia del personaje).
Hefesto → Mejor amigo
Hermes → Mejor amigo
Poseidón→ Mejor amigo
Ares → Le desagrada
Zeus → Amigo
Eris → Lo intimida
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pridepoisoned · 1 year
@skullkxd [starter call.]
"Ree Lynch, the talk of the island..." Eris greets with smile, separated from the teen by a pane of reinforced glass. She sits alone in one of Alola's temporary holding cells, appearing unbothered as her steady amethyst gaze studies Ree with bemused curiosity. "You're quite the unexpected guest, though I suppose your company is better than those idiotic interviewers..." Her tone turns venomous for just a second before shifting back to faux sweetness. Another saccharine smile graces her lips. "Congratulations on your latest feat. I couldn't help but overhear..."
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"Would you say that I helped contribute to your victory? We had our little battle, and now look...you're a star, and I'm a prisoner, if only for the day. Once my questioning here is complete, I'll be free to go, lesson learned." Eris laughs lightly, shaking her head. "Life can be such a pendulum sometimes..."
She rises from her seat, extracting a loose Corsola branch from her coat pocket to roll idly between her fingers. The smile never leaves her face as the researcher stares down at Ree from behind the protective glass.
"One moment you're on top, and then..." Eris pinches down, and the dried trinket suddenly snaps, a little cloud of dust pluming over her grip. "...Rock bottom. Just like that. Don't let your guard down, okay?"
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iqbrokers · 2 years
Euronext FX chief departs after five years with exchange operator
Departing executive has previously served at Lehman Brothers, Bank of America Merrill Lynch, Eris Exchange and Viable Markets.
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