#errornight kids
drawberry-cupcake · 7 years
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It’s funny how Error x Nightmare isn’t very well known like the more popular ships *cough* ErrorInk *cough* Error berry *cough cough* Crossmare *cough* but they already got 6 lovely and evil kids ready to fight for them.
I know I forgot many details like their tentacles and stuff and, there’s no bg but this was made in a hurry plus I’m terrible at backgrounds so please don’t kill me.
All of them (and their nicknames, courtesy of Lune) from left to right:
Rewrite (goopy eye) by @lunalight123 Insomnia (half and half) by @seiyuuramakoto-aoi Radier (fancypants) by @pepper-mint Tenpatch (eyepatch) by @kakimochi0820 Lune (princess) by me Crash (plain dude) by @jerupipa123
Those are just nicknames, you guys. XD Her brothers know that if she really needed help, she will call them by their true names.
That’s kind of a rule that their parents told them. Call each other by nicknames on casual and if they really need help, call them by the real names kinda like a secret code of sorts.
And that’s also a way of bonding for them. I think it’s self explanatory why she calls them that. I dunno how the others would nickname her, tho.
That’s all of them I think? Unless there are more errornight kids that I don’t know about. XD
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michimiart-blog · 4 years
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Now that I finished my shipkids for the Driller Family, I was planning on making some for CrInk and NightError/ErrorNight family!
Meet Skyer, she is an ErrorNight child!
Formerly, I planned for her to have the same ability as her cousins (Blenia/Celia) and/or her half-sibling (StringSun) of using magic hair to differentiate her gender instead of ecto-body like sometimes Blenia uses when not using her hair. But I thought that they were too many shipkids that I created (female ones) with magic hair, therefor Skyer is not able to create it, like Rohay and Dreirror.
She, however, can use her negative viscosity to create false eyelashes. Intelligent, isn't it?
Anyways, I will try to make three more shipkids (one more for ErrorNight ship and two for CrInk ship), so wait for more kids owo
Skyer: Me / @michimi-maidenvelekblog
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theuselesscucumber · 7 years
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This is Narcolepsy, Narco for short, and he's an ErrorNight ship kid.
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lina-lavanda · 2 years
Who's your favorite ink kid? And who's your favorite Error kid. That's not yours.
Also who's your favorite undertale/au ship?
My favorite Ink kid is a Palette.
My favorite Error kid is a Radier.
My favorite Undertale/AU ships : AfterDeath, Kustard, ErrorNight, Cream.
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( Smol thing i made. 
so my friend decided to call this ship Komadier sooo i went with it XD
and yes that is kommet agreeing with Radier about ink and dream being bad.
This is how thier relationship would start:
Kommet is an innocent, exitable, truthful, gullible child without a care in the world. Well except for the fact he doesn’t even know who his parents are. So one day when doing his own thing he comes across another kid around his age so of course kommet starts talking to them and the two quickly become friends. The kid Radier Starts telling kommet about his parents and how he would do anything for them and how there were these evil-doers like ink and dream he needed to stop. Kommet being as gulliable as he was belived his new friend and wants to help him, so he goes back. Radier introduces kommet to nightmare. And nightmare, wanting as many minions as he could get, quickly accepted Kommet and now kommet is like radiers playmate as they live happily in the castel and do anything they’re asked.
yeah that would be how they would meet
a little extra info on Kommets personality:
Although being 15 he acts like an 8 year old. (due to improper upbringing) He seems friendly and will do ANYTHING for his friends. The problem with kommet is his morality. his sense of right and wrong. Kommet will kill anyone he doesn’t know or care about like it’s nothing. If the person is of no use to him and can’t further his growth. he doesn’t care about them. His sense of right and wrong are :  useful to him and his friends = good. not useful is really just a regular monster/person = nuetral (won’t kill them but won’t help them either) Person who bring nothing to the table AND is a hinderance (or an enemie)= bad. it doesn’t matter how awful that person is or how many people they’ve killed if they are useful to kommet he lets them off the hook and will even call them a friend. How ever if another person just as bad didn’t bring anything useful kommet would attack them.  that’s how kommets brain works very messed up
hope u like it!)
radier @pepper-mint
dream and nightmare @jokublog
ink @comyet
(guess i should also add
Goth @nekophy
palette @angexci
error @loverofpiggies
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pepper-mint · 7 years
Before getting into Stage Two... (Info with badly draw pictures(?))
Before we start selecting the appearance of the new ship children, I’d like to talk a little about their personalities and powers, so you can chose the appearance that goes with their personality!
For the ErrorNight child I didn’t have to think much. He is a skeleton with two extra arms made of the same goopy thing that Nightmare has and his legs are separated from the rest of his body.
For his powers… anyone here is a Naruto fan? Well, if you are, you should know who Shikamaru is. His shadow jutsu is the perfect weapon for a child of Error and Nightmare. Also, does somebody know about Fairy Tail? If you do, well, do you know Rogue? His shadow powers are also perfect for him!
So, basically, this child will have the power of using the shadows to control somebody, to attack and also to move through tem. He will also be able to control sleepwalkers and, obviously will have regular bone attacks.
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His personality will be a little twisted, since, on his main story, he was made to help Error and Nightmare with their evil plans. Mostly to act like an innocent kid so the Star Sanses would trust him and fall into their trap. He doesn’t know that he’s doing a bad thing and only wants to make his parents proud. He will be 16-18 (like Blueprint).
Now, the RottenBerry child will have some of Death’s powers. He has the ability to see an aura around the people. This aura is always white, but can change to gray and then black and this represent their lives. Black means the person is going to die in that instant.
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Something like this!
He can make weapons like knifes and swords but he usually has a spear made of bones and with this; he can take the soul of an already dead being. He can kill people by touching them, but if he concentrates enough magic, the person will fall asleep or get sick.
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Why a spear? because I like them(?)
His personality is energetic like Blueberry, since he’s going to have like 12-14 and he’s a normal skeleton with star-shaped pinpricks/pinprick. The only part of his outfit that he likes to show is his cloak. Some people think that he’s not using anything under it(?)
I haven’t made his story yet. I had the basic story for all the fan children of the ships I did, except this. I only had cute Headcanons of him spending time with Blueprint o////v////o) andwithanotherreaperchildthatiloveandyouprobablyknowwhotheyare
And yes, Printy is older than Him. The will be like this: Rottenberry child < ErrorNight child/Blueprint
I already have some interesting stories for the three of them xD
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Now, some progress with the children.
Some sketches for the RottenBerry child outfit 
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Gotta love cloaks, mweh. 
I made the ErrorNight child too but I didn’t like his clothes ono) so I just have his basic appearance.
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drawberry-cupcake · 7 years
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Since I forgot dem tentacles in the last pic which I can't link because I don't funking know how, I decided to add it here. But! With a bit of a twist~ Same poses, different theme. Tagging time! Rewrite - @lunalight123 Insomnia - @seiyuuramakoto-aoi Radier - @pepper-mint Tenpatch - @kakimochi0820 Crash - @jerupipa123 Luna - me Enjoy these destructive nightmares.
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drawberry-cupcake · 7 years
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This is Lune! Daughter of Error and Nightmare!
So, a bit of info for her.
Appearance She wears a black sleeveless dress and a blue coat on top.
There is a dark blue belt with a gold crescent around her waist underneath the blue coat. It secures her dress.
The 5 blue lines are actually strings that she can control with her left hand.
Her outfit was designed by Nightmare and was made by Error. Though the gloves and stockings were not Nightmare’s idea. Error insisted on it.
Her blue scarf was also made by Error.
Her shoulders, knees, ankles, elbows and wrists are not actually connected by bones but by blue strings instead. That is why there are glitches on her shoulder and knees.
All the crescents in her outfit and body are gold, except for her right eye which is a magenta crescent that rotates depending on which direction she is looking at.
The three blue things on her head are also part of her . It corresponds to her emotions, changing its form.
The glitchy stuff under her eye appear at random places.
Personality She is very sarcastic to everything.
She revels in other’s suffering.
She gets along very well with her brothers.
She hates being touched by strangers.
When she’s angry, she just smiles with a hint of killing intent.
She’s playful once you get to know her.
She’s the youngest amongst the five Errornight kids.
She acts like royalty when needed.
She was inspired by @pepper-mint ’s Radier. I loved him the moment I met him. He was the first Errornight kid I knew off so that explains the floaty things on her head. I just found out about @kakimochi0820 tenpatch, @jerupipa123 ’s crash and @lunalight123 ’s rewrite afterwards while searching for Radier in the tags. The outfit was in my imagination. I mad her the youngest since, well, her brothers were created first before her. I really am gonna draw some pics on how I think the five will interact with each other and I want you to please tell me if I am wrong on their Personality.
I hope you’ll take care of her ^.^
Edit: I forgot her abilities! Abilities Like I said, the blue lines on her dress are strings she can control with her left hand. One string corresponds to one finger. Her right hand can summon her tail that looks much like nightmare's tentacle. Only, it is bluish purple. She's left handed. Cause why not? The blue things above her head changes form as stated a while ago. Like when happy it is sky blue with a gold crescent. But when getting angry the color blue becomes black and the crescent turns red. There are some black melty stuff dripping from it as well. When sad, it turns dark blue with a sky blue crescent. The edges will soften and would probably glitch out. Her right eye rotates around depending on which direction she is looking at. The 2 points of the magenta crescent will point up when looking up, right when looking right, etc. etc. It will just point left when looking ahead. It will stop rotating tho if she is too drained. The glitches on her face appear randomly. But it will line up vertically if sad, horizontally when angry and it will dissappear if she's just too emotional. That's about all I can still remember. Gosh, I'm a horrible creator.
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pepper-mint · 7 years
Mint! Ya know. I been wondering to asked u about ErrorNight kid. Can I make a lil comic of Nightmare "asking" one of his son, Shadow to babysit him. Although, that would only be the first time Shadow and his stepbrother ever met. After that is mostly history to them. Well, to errornight child that is not Shadow. °w°)
Sure! I’d love to see that!
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pepper-mint · 7 years
Just curious, but do you already have idea names for the rottenberry and errornight kids? Cause I have a friend that likes to refer to the errornight one as Reviere.
I have some names for them, but, giving them names will be part of Stage Three where you guys are going to tell me some names for them and I’ll choose the ones I like the most! 
I was going to post it earlier but I got sick and have high fever ono) I’m feeling better and since I don’t have anything to do, I’ll post the Stage Three later. After I make some drawings uvu)
You can tell your friend to comment their suggestion when I post the info! I allready like the name * v *
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