#esteban sorrento gillis
tuppencetrinkets · 10 months
Sorted screencaps from The Expanse, S3.
Amos Burton - Wes Chatham: 7,000
Anna Volovodova - Elizabeth Mitchell: 9,800
Camina Drummer - Cara Gee: 7,500
Chrisjen Avasarala - Shohreh Aghdashloo: 5,725
Cotyar Ghaze - Nick E. Tarabay: 2,590
Diogo Harari - Andrew Rotilio: 380
Elio Casti - Brandon McGibbon: 900
Esteban Sorrento - Gillis - Jonathan Whittaker: 2,300
Fredrick "Fred" Johnson - Chad L. Coleman: 680
James "Jim" Holden - Steven Strait: 13,700
Josephus Miller - Thomas Payne: 2,300
Jules Pierre Mao - Francois Chau: 2,400
Julie Mao - Florence Faivre: 340
Klaes Ashford - David Strathairn: 9,000
Lawrence Strickland - Ted Atherton: 1,800
Maneo Jung-Espinoza - Zach Villa: 1,700
Mei Meng - Leah Jung: 1,000
Melba ie Clarissa Mao - Nadine Nicole: 7,000
Monica Stuart - Anna Hopkins: 1,900
Naomi Nagata - Dominique Tipper: 9,950
Praxideke "Prax" Ming - Terry Chen: 2,600
Roberta "Bobbie" Draper - Frankie Adams: 5,200
Sadavir Errinwright - Shawn Doyle: 2,500
Tilly Fagan - Genelle Williams: 1,300
This content is free for anyone to use or edit however you like; if you care to throw a dollar or two my way for time, effort, storage fees etc you are more than welcome to do so via my PAYPAL.  Please like or reblog this post if you have found it useful or are downloading the content within.  If you have any questions or you have any problems with the links or find any inconsistencies in the content, etc. please feel free to drop me a politely worded message via my ASKBOX (second icon from the top on my theme!)
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yumyumpod · 2 months
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lazzerot · 11 days
The Expanse has Christian lesbian moms and one of them is being used by her ¿childhood? politician friend - who is Earth's (evil, US-American-coded government) mouthpiece for the main evil Earth guy™ - to write a speech justifying the war of Earth's government.
(At least in the show, I'm not at that part in the books yet)
I don't understand why it's not more popular with the tumblr crowd... actually writing all that down to explain it to people who aren't familiar with the franchise just made me realize why: it's the politics, I think tumblr doesn't like politics. It's a shame, because it's such a good series and I'll create the fanart for it when my depression and workload lets me do it.
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zaffiri-saffici · 1 year
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That time Chrisjen said, “The man is the head but the woman is the neck, and she can turn the head any way she wants.”
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lowpolybread · 2 months
They have lost sight of our shared humanity and so they must be reminded.
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the-expanse-fashion · 6 years
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Secretary-General Esteban Sorrento-Gillis, The Expanse, Season 3, Episode 4
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tinykings · 4 years
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local future dictator of the galaxy is fine with this minor setback
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margarita-life · 6 years
"...War is an inherently unstable interaction with three things: Intense emotion, politics and luck..."
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welcometoyouredoom · 6 years
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tuppencetrinkets · 10 months
#2,351 icons of Sadavir Errinwright - Shawn Doyle
#922 icons of Elio Casti - Brandon McGibbon
#686 icons of Fredrick "Fred" Johnson - Chad L. Coleman
#1,773 icons of Maneo Jung-Espinoza - Zach Villa
#1,996 icons of Monica Stuart - Anna Hopkins
#2,387 of Esteban Sorrento - Gillis - Jonathan Whittaker
#1,858 icons of Lawrence Strickland - Ted Atherton
#380 icons of Diogo Harari - Andrew Rotilio
#1,300 icons of Tilly Fagan - Genelle Williams
200x100, slightly sharpened. Expanse season 3.
This content is free for anyone to use or edit however you like; if you care to throw a dollar or two my way for time, effort, storage fees etc you are more than welcome to do so via my PAYPAL.  Please like or reblog this post if you have found it useful or are downloading the content within.  If you have any questions or you have any problems with the links or find any inconsistencies in the content, etc. please feel free to drop me a politely worded message via my ASKBOX (second icon from the top on my theme!)
Previous Expanse resources can be found HERE and HERE. There are also some Expanse gif icon & base icon sets on my blog w/ more to come.
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thetruecaptain-blog · 6 years
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“Sacrifice literally means to make sacred. Do you think that’s what’s going on here?”
“Yes. Sacred losses.”
“You’re carrying a burden. I’m not going to lighten it for you.”
Episode 3x03 “Assured Destruction”
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ellestra · 6 years
Mutiny on Contorta
Everyone is getting upset about robbing graveyard but when you are wanted there it’s not easy to resupply. And it’s not like their evil. They save survivors. Every time. No matter how much trouble it keeps putting them into.
But of course the gratitude is in short supply in war. Those Martians soon recognise the famous James Holden and “Tachi” and realise they are not going home and then try  mutiny. Against people who patched them up and  fed them cat food. So disappointing.
Still they didn’t really stand a chance. Between Holden kicking ass of one and Bobbie disarming other with just her presence there was one left to talk down. By  Bobbie. I guess Avasarala has rubbed on her after all. But the best was how disappointed Amos was for missing out on pacifying mutiny.
Speaking of attitudes that rub on people -  Prax is starting to assimilate some of Amos’s. He might’ve much nicer upbringing but now he can push corpses out of the way with the best of them.
Still, no one got hurt too bad in the whole thing so they repaired the Martian vessel to send them back  to their Navy just like they wanted. Maybe you should’ve asked before risking getting spaced. And the most reasonable of Martians gets to have the Errinwright’s message the one in which he admits all his complicity in protomolecule experiments. She just has to convince his superior to send it enemy fleet admiral Souther. During war. I just hope it will get to Souther not Nguyen.
And back on Earth Anna got the same message. Because no one can refuse Avasarala things for long. And just as Anna was leaving after Errinwright hijacked her speech to make Sorrento-Gillis declare plans of annexing Mars. And now she can really shut him up. Not just stop him from talking to her ever again. Let’s hope she can make sure no one else will listen to him ever again either.
The only bad part was Strickland getting his project back. Once Mao realises Katoa is connected to all protomolecule his conscience gets put back on shelf. I’m afraid Mei is next after she saw Katoa disassemble that tech. Mao liking her is no longer guarantee of safety.
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kasseelian · 3 years
The secretary-general waved his hand in a lazy circle. He was in his early sixties and wore the decades with the elfin charm of a man untroubled by weighty thoughts... The slow, grinding wheels of power had lifted him to celebrity, and his ability to appear to be listening lent him an air of gravity without the inconvenience of an opinion of his own. Had a man been engineered from birth to be the ideal governmental figurehead, he still wouldn’t have achieved the perfection that was Secretary-General Esteban Sorrento-Gillis.
Caliban’s War, James S. A. Corey
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ibaimendi · 6 years
I hope someone does some art of Errinwright and Anna as the devil and angel on the Secretary General's shoulders.
Maybe a little too on the nose?
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Esteban Sorrento-Gillis
Secretary General, United Nations Age: 70
Sorrento-Gillis has been involved in the United Nations since he was young. He grew up in Mexico City, Mexico and volunteered with UNICEF when he was young, helping build shelters provided by Basic in his city. He is a former professor of economics, and he became the director of the UN’s Basic department after working his way up through volunteering and holding senior positions. He was selected as the Secretary General in 2346.
Sorrento-Gillis, along with the MCR’s President Sapan, called the Coalition together to investigate the Canterbury incident. Sorrento-Gillis believes that Mars is in some way connected to the attack. He sees the attack as Mars’s way of showing that it is ready for the escalation of war. Sorrento-Gillis believes that the Belt needs to be accessible to the UN if it wishes to compete against Mars, and argues that if Mars is truly attacking the Belt, the Belt needs Earth’s protection now more than ever. His main goal is to protect the citizens of the Belt, as well as the UN’s claim to the Belt. He also plans to dole out severe punishment to whoever is found guilty in the attack.
Powers:  From his days as a professor, Sorrento-Gillis has many contacts who are experts in the field of economics. At the IIC, he has access to security personnel. He can release media statements to The Epsilon. When committee directives sponsored by the UN are being introduced, he can hold press conferences with sponsors and signatories, and field questions from reporters, journalists, and other delegates. He has a considerable degree of influence over all UN delegates. Assuming the Chair approves it, the UN can pass private factional directives without a majority vote of the Coalition as long as it receives the approval of Sorrento-Gillis.
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the-expanse-fashion · 6 years
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Secretary-General Esteban Sorrento-Gillis, The Expanse, Season 3, Episode 3
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