#the expanse resources
tuppencetrinkets · 10 months
Sorted screencaps from The Expanse, S3.
Amos Burton - Wes Chatham: 7,000
Anna Volovodova - Elizabeth Mitchell: 9,800
Camina Drummer - Cara Gee: 7,500
Chrisjen Avasarala - Shohreh Aghdashloo: 5,725
Cotyar Ghaze - Nick E. Tarabay: 2,590
Diogo Harari - Andrew Rotilio: 380
Elio Casti - Brandon McGibbon: 900
Esteban Sorrento - Gillis - Jonathan Whittaker: 2,300
Fredrick "Fred" Johnson - Chad L. Coleman: 680
James "Jim" Holden - Steven Strait: 13,700
Josephus Miller - Thomas Payne: 2,300
Jules Pierre Mao - Francois Chau: 2,400
Julie Mao - Florence Faivre: 340
Klaes Ashford - David Strathairn: 9,000
Lawrence Strickland - Ted Atherton: 1,800
Maneo Jung-Espinoza - Zach Villa: 1,700
Mei Meng - Leah Jung: 1,000
Melba ie Clarissa Mao - Nadine Nicole: 7,000
Monica Stuart - Anna Hopkins: 1,900
Naomi Nagata - Dominique Tipper: 9,950
Praxideke "Prax" Ming - Terry Chen: 2,600
Roberta "Bobbie" Draper - Frankie Adams: 5,200
Sadavir Errinwright - Shawn Doyle: 2,500
Tilly Fagan - Genelle Williams: 1,300
This content is free for anyone to use or edit however you like; if you care to throw a dollar or two my way for time, effort, storage fees etc you are more than welcome to do so via my PAYPAL.  Please like or reblog this post if you have found it useful or are downloading the content within.  If you have any questions or you have any problems with the links or find any inconsistencies in the content, etc. please feel free to drop me a politely worded message via my ASKBOX (second icon from the top on my theme!)
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porrigens · 27 days
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did my first life drawing session with agent 8 :D
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doghart · 1 month
i’m catching up on tsv, i think something that eskew prod does extremely well is using horror absurdism to capture the absurd horror of capitalism. it’s clear in eskew too, but i think it’s especially fantastic in the silt verses. the casualness with which sacrifice is discussed. how red lobster has a god that has and continues to take human sacrifice, and so do cereal companies, cops, and the grueling start up that has a “fun room”. it captures EXTREMELY well how it feels to live under capitalism, that you’re constantly bombarded with horrible things, discussed cheerily in a nice tone. the way it’s simultaneously numbing, hysterical, and horrifying. i think i was especially fond of how in ep 39, protest against sacrifice was taken as radical, a propostorus, idealistic thing that’s just so SILLY it’s not even worth considering, something that feels very real to revolutionary organizing/protest irl. i also liked how despite the face, when everything gets down to it, when everything is about profit, all people come down to are bodies. all capitalism is a gaping maw, and it eats the poor and marginalized first, but doesn’t STOP eating just there. the very literalized version of this, where the profit wheel (and all that includes— war mongering, the prison industrial complex, wage labor, etc) is given a very real literal set of teeth, but the body count is the same. so the electric company has a god, and so it takes humans sacrifice. do real electric companies not have a very real human cost? overworked and underpaid labors looking to make rent, or well off comfortable employees no less likely to get the axe under profit margins, or the blood shed when colonizing in the first place, in clearing the space for the electric company to move in. is that not also a very real human sacrifice? the commercial aimed at elderly people talking about “back in my day, we would just talk about all this human sacrifice and find a compromise :)” is so bleakly hysterical, but is that not very accurate? that you can put a good face on it, but in the end what it comes down to is that you’re being sold the chance to be human fodder? that there is no glory or honor on a battlefield or in working yourself to death, just mud and shit and bodies to throw at problems. idk! i’m rambling but it’s a deeply engaging podcast.
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vamprequiem · 2 months
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Octo Expansion - sanitized octoling themed graphics
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abacels · 2 months
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splatoon 2 octo expansion icons .ᐟ
f2u, ints appreciated
feel free to resize these as well! they’re kinda chunky lols
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nesurii · 11 months
i’m so excited for the horse ranch pack!! the world looks amazing & the horse gameplay looks great.
i kind of get why there’s a lack of other gameplay now: i can tell a lot of resources already went into making horses work and designing this world and i think they actually did well on that. the pack is really JUST about having a horse ranch, so if you are not interested in that, it’s not worth the money for an expansion pack.
i love it though, the horses are cute and i literally get to live out my wild dream now having a ranch lmaooo
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antirepurp · 7 months
i don't think sonic translates particularly well into open world environments so it probably would be for the best if future games didn't go the same route as frontiers HOWEVER. they should return to the formula of huge hub worlds to give us a space to run around and goof off in like in frontiers. i want them to take sa1 06 and unleashed and expand on what they did. maybe make seamless transitions from hub world into stage environments who knows!!
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silver-pieces · 2 years
Thinking about Cassian Andor killing people for his own survival, because he fears the empire, and Clarissa Mao's poem from The Expanse.
"I have killed
but I am not a killer
because a killer is a monster
and monsters aren't afraid"
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severalowls · 2 months
Now playing Tribunal for the first time since I was 13.
"Haha, I used to just do this with god mode on" I say, 10 minutes into the sewers
"Haha, 13 year old me was right" I realise, 50 minutes into the sewers
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dndsettingsinfo · 1 year
Rolling with Emphasis by RAINING_DAYS
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tuppencetrinkets · 9 months
Sorted icons, Season 4. The Expanse. 200x100 slightly sharpened
Adolphus Murtry - Burn Gorman
Amos Burton - Wes Chatham
Arjun Avasarala - Michael Benyaer
Bobbie Draper - Frankie Adams
Camina Drummer - Cara Gee
Carol Chiwewe - Patti Kim
Chandra Wei - Jess Salgueiro
Chrisjen Avasarala - Shohreh Aghdashloo
Clarissa Mao - Nadine Nicole
David Draper - Kolton Stewart
Elise Holden - Frances Fisher
Elvi Okoye - Lydie Greenwood
Esai Martin - Paul Schulze
Felcia Mazur - Kyla Madeira
Filip Inaros - Jasai Chase Owens
Fred Johnson - Chad L. Coleman
Jakob Mazur - Steven McCarthy
James Holden - Steven Strait
Josephus Miller - Thomas Jayne
Klaes Ashford - David Strathairn
Leelee - Dayle McLeod
Lucia Mazur - Rose Gilmore
Marco Inaros - Keon Alexander
Nancy Gao - Lily Gao
Naomi Nagata - Dominique Tipper
Thomas - Michael Xavier
This content is free for anyone to use or edit however you like; if you care to throw a dollar or two my way for time, effort, storage fees etc you are more than welcome to do so via my PAYPAL.  Please like or reblog this post if you have found it useful or are downloading the content within.  If you have any questions or you have any problems with the links or find any inconsistencies in the content, etc. please feel free to drop me a politely worded message via my ASKBOX (second icon from the top on my theme!)
Previous Expanse resources can be found HERE HERE and HERE. There are also some Expanse gif icon & base icon sets on my blog w/ more to come.
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capricornrph · 1 year
[[CLICK HERE]] and you will find 125 gifs of Wes Chatham in Season 6 of The Expanse. All of these gifs were made by me from scratch. Don’t repost, redistribute, or claim them as your own. You are, though, more than welcome to edit them for your own personal use as long as you give proper credit. Likes and reblogs are appreciated if you find yourself liking or using these gifs. :) If you like what you see or would like to support the page, consider commissioning me to make you something. :)
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DA: TTRPG Character Background Expansion Part 1
Based on the re-imaginings of Thedas, here's a collection of character backgrounds to add to your library.
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themonsterp · 19 days
The Universe, in some sense, must have known we were coming—Roger Penrose
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butchysterics · 4 months
i think “the palestine/israel conflict is complicated” gets utilized in a lot of violently dismissive ways that make ppl understandably wary. i still think it’s worth acknowledging as complicated, not in the sense of both side-ism (bro we have been watching the systematic genocide of civilians for 3 months but also 70+ years)—because israel’s actions, policies, and resources all originate from within the playbooks of the fuckin white supremacist exploitationist Imperial Core, bc the state of israel and zionists produce powerful propaganda and strategically tap into other discourses (like associating zionism -> the state of israel -> The Jewish People and therefore critique of israel is anti-semitism). did you know there are evangelical christians in the US who truly believe peaceful coexistence between jewish and palestinian communities in this region is a sign of the actual biblical rapture? that endless warfare is because groups of human beings are diametrically, existentially opposed to each other’s well-being?????? and the reality is just land grabs, and murder, and blood on israeli hands just like there is blood on american hands for a nation state shaped on violent colonialism. like the complicated part is this is a hyper visible atrocity and it’s not an isolated issue, not in time or space or anything :(
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ranger-kellyn · 2 months
sometimes watching or listening to speculative alien stuff is so fucking exhausting because whenever it's the question of, "if there is alien life out there why aren't they talking to us?" they never seem to take into account that we as humans literally have not stopped warring with our own fucking species. we have racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, xenophobia, and all other phobia's and isms, and yet y'all wanna bring in the green dudes with 8 eyes and proboscis into the conversation and act like humanity would just be Chill about it
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