ethical-omnivore-h · 3 months
The difference between a vegan and a vegetarian is that vegetarians grow up from the ground while vegans hang down from the ceiling
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practical-herbalist · 4 months
Hey there, I'm H (they/them) and this is my side blog focusing on (practical) herbalism and herbal medicine.
There's also a lot of content relating to: medical chemistry, foraging, healthy recipes, cultivation and harvesting, bushcraft, and hunting/fishing.
There will be some content relating to: ethical/humane omnivorism, locavorism, animal welfare, worker's welfare and rights, anti macro farm / intensive farming, land stewardship, and environmentalism, though my blog specifically for ethical omnivorism is ethical-omnivore-h.
My main is homo-adaptionem. My witchcraft blog is grotesque-grimoire. My youTube channel is H. adaptionem. You can see all of my playlists at h-adaptionem.tumblr.com/ytplaylists. Misc Series, including Practical Herbalism: h-adaptionem.tumblr.com/miscseriesytpl.
I'm a witch, a home cook, a novice herbalist, a novice forager, and a newbie ethical onmivorous flexitarian. I am NOT an activist, just a dipshit with opinions!
Currently researching: practical-herbalist.tumblr.com/research Currently growing: practical-herbalist.tumblr.com/garden Disclaimers: practical-herbalist.tumblr.com/disclaimers FAQ: practical-herbalist.tumblr.com/faq
Foraging in: the Ozarks of the USA Ontario of Canada
Stay safe and stay weird!
Blog info below; I recommend reading before you view the rest of the blog; definitely read before following. Enter at your own risk.
disabled, LGBT, an adult
EXCESSIVE TAGGER; most trigger tags have "CW" before them; tags all slurs
doesn't mind like/reblog spam
doesn't check mentions or replies; send an ask if you need to get my attention
OG tags: Answered - asks I've answered Face of H - pics of me pracitcal-herbalist - refers to this blog H. adaptionem - refers to my YT channel of the same name Homo adaptionem - all og posts
Like/reblog spamming is fine, I don't mind at all.
If you want my attention, you have a better shot if you shoot me an ask, as I rarely check my mentions/replies. I have a shit ton of stuff blacklisted, so I may not see your asks/mentions/posts if they include slurs, content triggering to me, etc. It's not that I'm ignoring you, I'm just trying to take better care of my mental health, Y'know? Gotta police my own intake of content, etc. etc.
Most things are tagged, so block what you need to using tumblr's own blocking function, Xkit, or Tumblr Savior. Slurs and triggering content usually have a CW before them, even if the OP doesn't consider the content triggering. I tag excessively, deal with it.
DNIs/DNFs are useless and performative; I just block (& report if needed) who I dislike/etc, and I block liberally, for any reason. I respect most other people's DNIs, if they're accessible. If I can't read it, I won't bother. Don't like me? Block me.
I block anti-vaccine, anti-science, anti-chemo, anti-recovery, anti-medicine types, and those who promote quackery and fake "treatments" or "cures" on sight. This includes: New Agers, starseeds/indigo children, crystal healers, energy healers, faith healers, etc.
I block radfems of all types (febfems, perfs, terfs, tirfs, twerfs, swerfs, etc.) because their underlying rhetoric & theory goes completely against our understanding of biology, neurology, sex, gender, and DNA. Also they're sexist and LGBTphobic lmao
I also block trad weirdos (not trad goths, you are loved here <3) for reasons I hope are obvious. I'm a bisexual tranny they/them who hates organized religion, hugs trees and despises big oil, loves weird ass porn & kinks, and loves bodily autonomy & thinks abortion, tattoos, piercings, & transitioning is cool. You like natural medicine because you're under the delusion that it's a part of your (bigoted) heritage. I like natural medicine because chemistry is cool and plants are neat. We are not the same.
Stay safe and stay weird!
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Hello professor! Do you have any general care tips for darkrai? They’ve always been my favorite Pokémon in general, and I was looking into having one in the future!
Hello! As it happens, I do and I'm happy to share them! Cut because long post, whoops.
Overall, Darkrai is actually a great choice for a Mythical Pokemon. I didn't put it on the Beginner Legendary list because of the whole nightmare powers thing, but that's not so bad if you have Lunar Wings and/or a good tolerance for scary dreams.
Lunar Wings are available online or from pretty much anyone with a Cresselia, as they shed pretty frequently. There are a lot of knockoffs, but a real Lunar Wing will last forever as long as it's not damaged - still, it's worth buying several. I wouldn't recommend shelling out for an unusually colored Lunar Wing, because those are more likely to be knockoffs and don't make any difference.
Don't put a Lunar Wing on a Darkrai. It will completely suppress their nightmare powers, but that's not healthy for it, and can cause illness, lethargy, or even pain. Only do it temporarily if you HAVE to, which should be rare.
Fun fact: Most Darkrai can't actually present nightmares that are frightening to the individual, but rather prey on common fears such as monsters, humiliation, the dark, death, and similar. Nightmares that target uncommon fears or an individual's personal fears are the mark of a well-trained Darkrai. This also means that if you don't suffer from the most common fears, you'll probably be unaffected!
Part of receiving an individual license for a Darkrai is being intentionally targeted by nightmare powers, both from a Darkrai with average and honed nightmare powers. Bringing a Lunar Wing to the exam, while technically cheating, is considered a sign of good planning and good humor unless you actually try to be sneaky about it.
Darkrai are naturally solitary, but quite like socializing with Pokemon that aren't of their own species (Darkrai shouldn't be kept together unless they're family or already get along well). Most Pokemon naturally avoid Darkrai but can be acclimated to them fairly easily.
For the safety of you/other Pokemon and Darkrai's comfort, having a dark spot they can retreat to, specifically for them, is great.
Darkrai tend to enjoy puzzle cubes/similar toys for Pokemon with simplistic but workable hands. They also have some degree of psychic power, meaning enrichment stuff aimed at Psychic Pokemon can be enjoyable for them.
The best way to train a Darkrai to be careful with its nightmare powers is not to scold them for using said powers, but to reward them when they don't - especially in a frightening or overstimulating situation. Most Darkrai won't have much trouble with this.
Darkrai don't like a lot of bright lights or noise, and tend to be nocturnal or crepuscular (active at dawn and dusk). The ideal Trainer to match a Darkrai's usual personality would be a fairly quiet, not overly extroverted night owl.
Thanks to not being huge, Darkrai don't need a ton of space as long as they have a quiet place to hang out in. Similarly, their habitat needs are fairly minimal and they're not territorial beyond the desire for a small space of their own. If I make a list of Legendary/Mythical Pokemon you could ethically keep in an average apartment, Darkrai would be on it.
Darkrai need an average of six to seven and a half hours of sleep per day, but this varies upward (rarely lower) depending on their health, age, diet, and other factors. They also nap frequently.
Darkrai love to observe things. They will stare at you. A lot. It can be creepy.
Darkrai are omnivorous, but also feed off of dreams and negative energy like Shuppet, Drowzee, or Munna do. This means that Trainers who work well with their Darkrai usually report a calmer, more relaxed mental state with the odd nightmare. That's not a reason not to be careful, Darkrai nightmares can be extremely upsetting to some people (I myself couldn't train a Darkrai because I don't handle that well), but overall Darkrai aren't a drain on mental health...contrary to popular opinion.
Darkrai get slandered hard in a lot of media and public opinion. While there was that fantastic movie set in Alamos Town a while ago, most portrayals of Darkrai paint them as unsympathetic at best and their nightmare powers give them an awful reputation. As such, prepare for scrutiny from your neighbors, friends, or family - or even strangers. People will absolutely try to make your Pokemon their business.
Darkrai are in reality quite relaxed, nonaggressive Pokemon and 90% of the time, if threatened, they will give you a nightmare and book it. Some people expecting a scary, dark Pokemon actually end up disappointed because the majority of Darkrai are so chill.
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homo-adaptionem · 4 months
Hey there, I'm H (they/them) and this is my tumblr blog.
"Homo adaptionem" means "the adapting human", because I felt "sapien" was a bit too generous for a dumbass like me.
Blog info below; I recommend reading before you view the rest of the blog; definitely read before following. Enter at your own risk.
My YouTube channel is H. adaptionem. I post roughly the same kinda stuff there, except you have to look at my face and hear my voice. You can see all of my playlists at h-adaptionem.tumblr.com/ytplaylists.
I have an Instagram, theadaptinghuman, but I mainly use it for looking at other's stuff rather than posting my own.
disabled, LGBT, an adult, witch, Weirdo™
personal interest blog w/ some potentially upsetting content like discourse, politics, nsfw, & gore (minors & squicked beware)
EXCESSIVE TAGGER; most trigger tags have "CW" before them; tags all slurs
doesn't mind like/reblog spam
doesn't check mentions or replies; send an ask if you need to get my attention
disclaimers: homo-adaptionem.tumblr.com/disclaimers
faq: homo-adaptionem.tumblr.com/faq
Side Blogs: (WIPs)
bone-asp-the-teeth, for food & recipes 🍕🍔🌯🥧☕📜
ethical-omnivore-h, for ethical omnivorism, locavorism, flexitarianism, animal welfare, etc. ☮♥🍽🐔🐮🐷🐝🌎
grotesque-grimoire, for witchcraft stuff 🧹🧿🕯💀 (solitary, eclectic, & non-Wiccan)
h-adaptionem, for my YouTube channel stuff specifically 🎬
h-a-reference-research-resources, for research stuff and source collecting 📝🔍
practical-herbalist, for herbalism stuff 🌿
stabbed-myself-with-a-safety-pin, for DIY & kandi shit 🧷✂🧵
Hauls (library, bookstore, thrift, dollar store, & sometimes dumpster dives; usually fashion, decor, & collectables)
Alt fashion (stuff that resembles goth [trad/romantic/mall/casual/nu/pastel/90s/2000s], emo, punk, etc.) & decor
The Worst™ music taste you've ever seen 🎵
Some fandumb shit; those Pokeman creatures, Monster High, Danny Phantom, Elder Scrolls, Beetlejuice TAS, and more
Creepy crawlies 🕷🦂🐛🦋🦟🐜🦗🐝🐞
Mycology, fungi, plants, & gardening 🍄🦠🌵🌻
Occultism, cryptids, urban legends, creepypasta, etc. 👻👽🧛‍♀️🧜‍♀️🧚‍♀️🧟‍♂️
Struggle & poverty tips ☠🏴‍☠️💸
Bisexual pride 🏳‍🌈 💖💜💙 ♾
Nonbinary pride, duosex/nullsex pride, & transsexual pride 🏳‍🌈 💛🤍💜🖤 🏳️‍⚧️ 💖💙🤍💙💖
Hermaph pride 🦪👤🍌
Disability stuff, mainly relating to psychosis, mental health, allergies (mainly food), accessibility issues, resources, etc.
Body neutrality (🤷‍♂️ w/e corporeality) & Ugly Pride
Ethical omnivorism, flexitarianism, & locavorism 🐝
The occasional Discourse™ (beware of 'pinions you may not agree with and potentially problematic content!)
❗ DISTURBING CONTENT SUCH AS: sex/kink/hornyposting, artistic nudity, gore, true crime, historical events, medical stuff, the aforementioned Discourse™, etc.
CRINGE (ye be warned; don't come to the circus and bitch when you see clowns)
Whatever the hell else I like lmao this is my house, you're a guest here
Like/reblog spamming is fine, I don't mind at all.
If you want my attention, you have a better shot if you shoot me an ask, as I rarely check my mentions/replies. I have a shit ton of stuff blacklisted, so I may not see your asks/mentions/posts if they include slurs, content triggering to me, etc. It's not that I'm ignoring you, I'm just trying to take better care of my mental health, y'know? Gotta police my own intake of content, etc. etc.
Most things are tagged, so block what you need to using tumblr's own blocking function, Xkit, or Tumblr Savior. Slurs and triggering content usually have a CW before them, even if the OP doesn't consider the content triggering. I tag excessively, deal with it. Tags relating to my OG content can be found at /ogtags.
DNIs/DNFs are useless and performative; I just block (& report if needed) who I dislike/etc, and I block liberally, for any reason. I respect most other people's DNIs, if they're accessible. If I can't read it, I won't bother. Don't like me? Block me.
Stay safe and stay weird!
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bone-asp-the-teeth · 4 months
Hey there, I'm H (they/them) and this is my side blog focusing on food! My main is homo-adaptionem.
My YouTube channel is H. adaptionem. I have an on-going series called Bone Asp the Teeth that's all about food and recipes.
You can see all of my playlists at h-adaptionem.tumblr.com/boneasptheteethytpl.
disabled, LGBT, an adult
NOT vegan or vegetarian, but uses a lot of vegan and vegetarian recipes
NOT an animal rights activist, but concerned about animal welfare
ethical omnivorous flexitarian & locavore
EXCESSIVE TAGGER; most trigger tags have "CW" before them; tags all slurs
doesn't mind like/reblog spam
doesn't check mentions or replies; send an ask if you need to get my attention
Stay safe and stay weird!
0 notes
el-im · 2 years
key ↻ = re-read ☞ = continuing (started previously) ✑ = for school ➢ = reading to ellum  ✏︎ = from the library  ☏ = others recommended and/or gifted to me
- measuring eternity: the search for the beginning of time by martin gorst - the holy bible (the revised standard version) - stiff: the curious lives of human cadavers by mary roach - the primeval atom: an essay on cosmogony by canon georges lemaître, trans. betty h. and serge a. koroff - ✑ the land ethic by aldo leopold - cyrano de bergerac by edmond rostand, trans. gladys thomas and mary f. guillemard - ↻ cyrano de bergerac by edmond rostand, trans. brian hooker - quantum leap: the novel by ashley mcconnell - deadeye dick by kurt vonnegut - the bean trees by barbara kingsolver - colossus by d. f. jones - war with the newts by karel čapek - ☏ animal dreams by barbara kingsolver - voices from chernobyl by svetlana alexievich, trans. keith gessen - love like water, love like fire by mikhail iossel  - cod: a biography of the fish that changed the world by mark kurlansky - the lathe of heaven by ursula k. le guin - ☞ special topics in calamity physics by marisha pessl - winter count by barry holstun lopez - galápagos by kurt vonnegut - the house of the seven gables by nathaniel hawthorne - the year of magical thinking by joan didion - ✑ modern architecture since 1900 by william j. r. curtis - ✑ introduction to recreation services: sustainability for a changing world by   karla a. henderson - ☏ the member of the wedding by carson mccullers - giovanni's room by james baldwin - the autobiography of f.b.i. special agent dale cooper: my life, my tapes by scott frost - the making of the atomic bomb by richard rhodes - too close for comfort by ashley mcconnell - isaac newton by james gleick - the myth of sisyphus by albert camus - the cosmic connection: an extraterrestrial perspective by carl sagan - starfleet academy by mike johnson and ryan parrott - time, love, memory: a great biologist and his quest for the origins of behavior by jonathan weiner - alaska bear tales by larry kaniut - the glass menagerie by tennessee williams  - ☞ waiting for godot by samuel beckett  - ☏ the tin drum by günter wilhelms grass - ☞ nine stories by j. d. salinger  - from both sides now: the poetry of the vietnam war and its aftermath, edited by phillip mahony - brave new world by aldous huxley - ➢ stuart little by e. b. white  - ➢ the lion, the witch, and the wardrobe by c. s. lewis - uncle tungsten: memories of a chemical boyhood by oliver sacks - hope: entertainer of the century by richard zoglin - my brief history by stephen hawking - ☞ solar perplexus by dean young - the omnivore's dilemma by michael pollan - ☞ log three by alan dean foster - the last thing he wanted by joan didion - still foolin’ em’ by billy crystal - kitchen confidential: adventures in the culinary underbelly by anthony bourdain - broken bow by diane carey - ☞ for the relief of unbearable urges by nathan englander - star trek: the motion picture: a novel by gene roddenberry - my incredibly wonderful, miserable life by adam nimoy - i am not spock by leonard nimoy - gentleman: the william powell story by charles francisco - myrna loy: being and becoming by myrna loy and james kotsilibas-davis - joy of cooking (6th edition, december 1986) by irma s. rombauer and marion rombauer - pulitzer: a life in politics, print, and power by james mcgrath morris - the sea by john banville - the all-new, all-purpose joy of cooking (7th edition, january 1997) by irma s. rombauer, marion rombauer, and ethan becker - ✏︎ the anatomist: a true story of gray’s anatomy by bill hayes - ✏︎ natural history by carlos fonseca, trans. megan mcdowell - ✏︎ the lamb's war by jan de hartog - ✑ evolution (second edition) by carl t. bergstrom and lee alan dugatkin - ✑ your inner fish: a journey into the 3.5-billion-year history of the human body by neil shubin - ✑ interactive general chemistry by jessica white, brian anderson, brandon green, and mildred hall - ✑ ecology (eighth edition) by manuel c. molles jr. and anna sher simon - ✏︎ the sirens of mars: searching for life on another world by sarah stewart johnson  - ↻ the man who mistook his wife for a hat and other clinical tales by oliver sacks - letters to véra by vladimir nabokov, trans. olga voronina and brian boyd - ✏︎ the history of tom jones: a foundling by henry fielding, illustrated by t. m. cleland - cactus hotel by brenda z. guiberson, illustrated by megan lloyd - ✏︎ tinkers by paul harding - ✏︎ the life and death of peter sellers by roger lewis - ✏︎ swamplands: tundra beavers, quaking bogs, and the improbable world of peat by edward struzik - ✏︎ far from the madding crowd by thomas hardy - a short history of nearly everything by bill bryson - the swamp: the everglades, florida, and the politics of paradise by michael grunwald - life signs: the biology of star trek by susan and robert jenkins -  ✏︎ dinner with dimaggio: memories of an american hero by dr. rock positano and john positano -  ☏ displacement by kiku hughes - reverence for life: an anthology of selected writings by albert schweitzer, edited by thomas kiernan - dean & me: a love story by jerry lewis and james kaplan  - steps in time: an autobiography by fred astaire  - seven brief lessons on physics by carlo rovelli, trans. simon carnell and erica segre - behaving as if the god in all life mattered: a new age ecology by machaelle small wright - ✏︎ leonard cohen: the mystical roots of genius by harry freedman - ✏︎ baggage: tales from a fully packed life by alan cumming - ✏︎ paul simon: the life by robert hilburn - ☞ masters of sex: the life and times of william masters and virginia johnson, the couple who taught america how to love by thomas maier - ✏︎ the flame: poems, notebooks, lyrics, drawings by leonard cohen, edited by robert faggen and alexandra pleshoyano - ✏︎ book of longing by leonard cohen - ✏︎ stranger music: selected poems and songs by leonard cohen - ☏ the beginning place by ursula k. le guin - selected poems by octavio paz, trans. g. aroul, elizabeth bishop, paul blackburn, lysander kemp, denise levertov, muriel rukeyser, mark strand, charles tomlinson, william carlos williams, monique fong wust, and the editor (eliot weinberger) - averno by louise glück - dance for two: selected essays by alan lightman - ✏︎ dostoevsky: a writer in his time by joseph frank - from sawdust to stardust: the biography of deforest kelley, star trek's dr. mccoy by terry lee rioux - ☏ the dead romantics by ashley poston - ✑ experimental writing: a guide and anthology by will cordiero and lawrence lenhart  - ☏ lessons in chemistry: a novel by bonnie garmus - ✏︎ eels: an exploration, from new zealand to the sargasso, of the world’s most mysterious fish by james prosek
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limetameta · 3 years
Tom and Abraxas go hunting? You mentioned it somewhere and I can't stop thinking about it XD
Abraxas explained to Tom that hunting had fallen out as a sport among mages ages ago. ‘’We have magic, as you know.’’
‘‘So we go hunting with wands?’‘
‘‘Unless you know how to shoot one of those contraptions the muggles use,’‘ Abraxas was up for anything and it was just that nonchalant attitude that got both of them in heaps of trouble. Trouble, Tom found, that could have been easily avoided if only Abraxas decided to be a level headed individual for once in his life. There was room only for one impulsive and catastrophically chaotic individual in this duo and that honour had befallen Tom Horcruxes Won’t Affect Me If I Keep Making Them Riddle. 
‘‘I have never shot one.’‘ 
‘‘But wasn’t there a war you lived through? They never taught you how to shoot one of those - what do you call them - pistols?’‘
‘‘My father pulled a pistol on me when I met him. My aim was quicker.’‘
Abraxas’ face twitched in horror. ‘’You know, mon chou, sometimes your life truly saddens me.’’
Tom did that slow blink that wasn’t necessarily confused, but sure looked it. Abraxas liked these moments when Tom allowed his guard to drop. If only briefly for a split second. Abraxas relished in each moment and vowed to remember them. 
‘‘Are there any hunting dogs?’‘
‘‘I have peacocks.’‘
‘‘You keep saying that...and I worry... that you trained them to kill.’‘
‘‘They are omnivores. It is ethical for them to eat meat.’‘ 
‘‘I am actively worried now.’‘ Tom announced. ‘‘I want it on the record that I fear for my life.’‘
‘‘Oh come on! I trained them very well!’‘ Abraxas draped himself over Tom in an attempt to let him know that he shouldn’t be so dramatic, when in turn he appeared to be the more dramatic one of the pair. 
‘‘If you trained them as well as you passed OWLs and NEWTs I am most definitely worried.’‘ Tom whispered, hating himself for how much he enjoyed Abraxas’ presence. He looked into his silver eyes and gave him a small, tiny, miniscule, blink-and-you’ll-miss-it smile. 
‘‘I am a professional peafowl trainer, thank you very much!’‘ Abraxas had a tendency to speak as loudly as his peafowls shouted at each other. Tom thought that this had to be a side-effect to growing up with Walburga Black. Anyone that was in her vicinity for too long had become a tad deafened. 
Tom adjusted his weight from one foot to the other. He was wearing what Abraxas had proclaimed to be a short hunting robe, with dragon scale boots. ‘’Shall we go or will you keep nattering about your endeavours?’’
‘‘You do realise, you don’t have to talk like you’ve eaten a dictionary for breakfast.’‘ Abraxas said. ‘’We don’t talk like that. Only at parties where the Twenty-Eight must appear regal. You are trying much too hard to fit in.’’
Tom only had this to say: ‘’If I start speaking how I normally do, your lot doesn’t understand me.’’
‘‘You don’t say the letter H, Tom.’‘ Abraxas explained in quiet horror. 
‘‘Neither do the French, but you all seem to covet that language!’‘
‘‘Yes, but the French are rich. East London is poor, therefore due to classism, we ignore their existence or we actively shun them.’‘ 
Tom thought that he might get away with shooting Abraxas in the foot on their hunting trip. Just for the sake of feeling the hunting thrill. 
Abraxas grabbed a hold of Tom’s hand and pulled him closer. ‘’Come, come, I need to show you our hunting grounds on the Estate.’’
Tom didn’t make a noise at the sudden touch, but he was more and more convinced that Abraxas’ theory of his being touch-starved was just a tad too on the nose to ignore. ‘’Fuck,’’ he whispered. 
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winterimbued-a · 6 years
WHICH  ANIMAL  ARE  YOU ? Take the quiz and post your results !
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C H A R A C T E R I S T I C :
Large size
Conflicting forces shape the bear's nature. Since it is a classic omnivore, this burly beast exhibits two distinct sides to its personality. The carnivorous component makes the bear gruff and powerful, while its herbivorous side reveals a sensitive and intelligent individual.
Spotting a Bear Personality
Their gruff, outgoing personalities, burly physiques and strong characters make bears easy to identify, especially when their natural confidence and swaggering gaits puts others on notice that a bear is present. Bears require a great deal of personal space and, when entering a room, the tension level rises immediately. As youngsters, bear personalities excel in sports, although their propensity for laziness relegates them to being an observer and fan in later life. Familiar with the seduction of the couch, their ability to sleep soundly is legendary throughout the animal world.
The Secret to the Bear Personality's Success
Although it is alert and intelligent, the bear mostly succeeds through the sheer force of its personality. Rarely challenged to reach its full intellectual potential, it dominates conversation with its intense single-mindedness. However, it is unwilling to argue from a position that it doesn't truly believe in, which makes it a lousy lawyer.
Bears routinely enjoy success in all aspects of their industrious lives and their large and capable frames elicit respect and admiration in the workplace. Their natural leadership talents make them suitable for jobs in management, academia and personnel training, but their physical prowess also makes them excellent physical education teachers, martial arts trainers or professional wrestlers. Most bears could also have a measure of success in politics if they were to put their mind to it.
Don't Confront 'em!
Two elements define the bear's style of debate: Never avoid an argument and never back down. Bears will batter their opponents into submission just for the endorphin rush -- there's nothing a bear enjoys more than pitting every drop of its intellectual juices against the mind of a worthy opponent.
The Wild Bear
Although bears belong to the order Carnivora, they are actually omnivorous and their diets vary greatly depending on where they live. Highly adaptable creatures, bears have a range that extends throughout Europe and most of North America, and are found in both forest and mountainous regions. Bears are well-armed for conflict. Equipped with sharp, non retractable claws, their powerfully built bodies are capable of defending against any aggressor. Although they do occasionally attack and kill small deer, their favorite foods are fish and fruit.
tagged by: @lynxclaws tagging: nah. steal it.
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oncexinxmyxdreams · 5 years
The Sorcerer and the Gardener
(I know I used something like this years ago, but since I can’t find the original, I’ll just use this one.) https://www.deviantart.com/catastrotaffy/art/Blank-Character-Bio-Sheet-90733420
Full name: Lilah Ashbrook Pronunciation: Reads as it looks.  Nickname(s) or Alias: She used to be called “Darling Girl” all the time by her mother, but she detests it. Other than that, if she let anyone grow close enough to her, she wouldn’t mind being called Li for short. Just don’t call her Redhead!  Gender: Female.  Species: Human.  Age: 32 (currently.)  Birthday: December 14th.   Sexuality: Straight.  Nationality: Immigrated to Enchancia, but won’t reveal where she’s originally from. (It’ll be revealed over time.)  Religion: Not sure. (Would there be a religion in Sofia the First? Not touching that.)  City or town of birth: Can’t tell yet. ;)  Currently lives: Outskirts of Dunwiddie in a cottage.  Languages spoken:  English (Simple Tongue I’d call it.)  Native language: Relationship Status: Single (and still recovering from a bad relationship.)   PHYSICAL APPEARANCE Height: 5′8′’ (At least two inches shorter than Cedric.)  Weight: 150 pounds.  Figure/build: Spoon shaped; defined waist, thick upper thighs, “shelf” hips; average chest; strong arms. She used to be lean and athletic in her late teens and early twenties. Has a snub nose, diamond shape face, and slender fingernails.       Hair color: Dark red.  Hairstyle: Waist-length and layered. Its usually pulled in a low ponytail, but she’ll do a low bun or braid too. She will use a dark green ribbon for design.   Facial Hairstyle: Eye color: Steel-blue.  Skin/fur/etc color: Tattoos: She has ones covering her arm; they’re in a foreign writing (Old English Runes) and detailed script. She has a dragon on her back; it nearly covers all of it. She dislikes these, but particularly hates the ones on her hands; they’re brand tattoos as punishment (used with a hot iron.)     Piercings: Scars/distinguishing marks: Preferred style of clothing:  Frequently worn jewelry/accessories: Three necklaces: an old fashioned key; a compass that was her brother’s and a locket that belonged to her tutor/father figure (Atticus.) She always wears these under her blouses.  HEALTH Smoker? Used to be in her late teens.  Drinker? Heavy drinker. Is trying to change that.   Recreational Drug User? Which? Addictions: Alcohol.  Allergies: Any physical ailments/illnesses/disabilities:  PTSD from after her brother’s violent death.  Any medication regularly taken: PERSONALITY Personality: Resourceful, hardworking, witty, modest and warm-hearted. Sometimes can be judgmental, but always willing to admit her mistakes. Struggling from insecurity thanks to bad decisions she made before and too nervous to admit them to anyone.   Likes: Nature, rain, books about flowers, sweets, and having a good night’s sleep.  Dislikes: Fancy gowns, being called “redhead,” animals ruining her gardens and sorcerers. (She’s improving on the latter thanks to Cedric.)       Fears/phobias: Nightmares, rejection and blood.   Favorite color: Its a tie between blue and green. 
Hobbies: Gardening and card games.   Taste in music: Fiddle music.  SKILLS Talents/skills: Wisdom about botany. Used to play the fiddle as a child. Skilled with living in the wilderness.    Ability to drive a car? Operate any other vehicles? EATING HABITS Omnivore/Carnivore/Herbivore (Vegetarian): Omnivore, but can only make stew, porridge, eggs, sandwiches and cookies.  Favorite food(s): Potato Soup.   Favorite drink(s): Early Grey Tea.  Disliked food(s): Broccoli.  Disliked drink(s): Prune juice.    HOUSE AND HOME Describe the character's house/home: Current home is a cottage outside of Dunwiddie. It’s white with a grey slanted roof and a dark blue door.  It has a loft bedroom which should’ve been made into a whole second floor by the original owners. the whole cottage inside is simple, but comfortable as Lilah appreciates that lifestyle. She has different flowers, three of her favorite being roses, daisies and lilacs planted in her huge yard. She also has pansies in little pots and croci along with a herb garden. The whole property is surrounded by a beige fence.      Do they share their home with anyone? Who? Just with her gerbil named Kipling. He’s not that bright, but he’s got a big heart and an even bigger appetite to go with it. .. Significant/special belongings: Has her brother’s old bows and arrows along with an old coat of his that she now wears. She also has an old book that belonged to Atticus’ wife. Her three necklaces are significant as well.
Level of education:
Basic mathematics, spelling, reading and writing. After a certain age, children in her hometown were given their jobs. However, Atticus taught her extra lessons because he knew she wasn’t going to spend the rest of her life with a low education. 
Work ethic, self-taught and determination.  
Current job title and description:
The Royal Gardener. 
Name of employer:
King Roland the II. 
Peaceful or aggressive attitude?
She will be aggressive if necessary but she hasn’t been in self-defense in years which was common in her hometown. She hasn’t had any problems since she left home.  
Fighting skills/techniques:
Was taught basic fighting with swords and arrows, but wasn’t good at these.  
Special skills/magical powers/etc:
Weapon of choice (if any):
She does carry a small knife in her boot if there’s danger or if she needs anything cut. 
Weaknesses in combat: Will become uneasy if there’s blood spilled. 
Strengths in combat:
Parents’ names:
Irene and Dunstan. Both ended up having a bad relationship with Lilah, particularly Dunstan always being so cold to her.   
Are parents alive or dead?
Is the character still in contact with their parents?
Even if they were alive she wouldn’t want to be in contact with them. 
Siblings? Relationship with siblings?
One older brother; Ephraim. He didn’t like being an only child and was excited to have a sister even if there was a ten-year age gap! They were close since their parents were always working so Ephraim pretty much took care of her. When Ephraim died, Lilah was shattered. She was told that he was mauled by wolves, but a decade later realized he was murdered. As an adult, her conscience comes as Ephraim’s voice and she’s especially weepy on his birthday and death date Sometimes she feels hurt and jealous to see siblings hugging each other since she still missed him. 
Other Important Relatives:
Grandmother: Jocasta a.k.a. Gran. She was a tough older lady that Lilah wasn’t close to, but she knew her granddaughter wasn’t being raised properly and insisted on getting her help. On her deathbed, she regretted not being kinder and wondered about her grandson’s death. Atticus: a tutor that came along to help Lilah after Ephraim’s death though her parents treated him like a babysitter. Being a widower and having lost a child himself, he grew to see Lilah as the daughter he never had. After seeing how he was a better father than her own, Lilah called him Dad.
Not yet...
Best Friend:
Cedric’s slowly becoming one. Other than that, she was lonely except for her brother.  
Other Important Friends:
Lilah and Calista already get along well which predicts a bond between them. 
A black gerbil named Kipling. 
Enemies? Why are they enemies?
Old hometown was ruled by a council that convicted her of conspiracy and treason. They left iron brandings on her hands for punishment. There was also a wicked sorceress that helped with dark magic to hypnotize people into crime. Lilah was forced under the dark magic to harm the enemies of her hometown and she never knew what happened until much later on. 
Describe their childhood (newborn - age 10):
Lilah’s childhood was happy. She was rambunctious, but affectionate. She had Ephraim to play with and even when he was off practicing archery, she would wait patiently for him. When her parents were around, her mother would coddle her while her father gave her treats so he could be alone. 
It all changed on February 1st when Ephraim died, changing the family dynamic forever. Lilah was only 10 years old. Months later, she met Atticus who was enlisted to be a teacher for her. Seeing that her parents and distant grandmother weren’t providing the best care for the grieving child, Atticus found himself taking full charge which Lilah hated. Slowly, she grew to like him and she started to improve emotionally and academically under his tutelage.  
Describe their  teenage years (11 - 19):
At this time, Lilah knew Atticus for about a year and considered him her friend. Even when given the chance to find another job, Atticus stayed because he was concerned for her. Also due the fact, he had lost a child, he was starting to see Lilah as his own. Some years later, at 14, Lilah was put in with the army as tradition, but survived. Afterwards, she was forced into work as a blacksmith where she grew stronger physically. Atticus made sure to teach her academics on the side to sharpen her mind since he thought she deserved a good education. She officially saw Atticus as a better father figure since her own emotionally and mentally abused her. She started calling Atticus Dad and called her biological parents Mother and Father, but not with much kindness. When Lilah was 16, her grandmother, Jocasta, passed away, leaving a seed of doubt in Lilah’s mind about Ephraim’s death. (Jocasta muttered on her deathbed about why Ephraim died because it didn’t make sense to her.) 
There’s other things that happened, something particular when she was 18, but that’ll be revealed in the story. What she didn’t know at the time was that the council wanted full power over all kingdoms, big and small and were willing to do anything to achieve it.      
Describe their  adult years (20+):
Around the age of 20, Lilah began to speculate more about Ephraim’s death thanks to the final words of Gran. She spent any spare time she had trying to piece together any theories and clues. Also she was put under dark magic from a sorceress to follow orders to attack neighboring cities who knew nothing about her home. Lilah wouldn’t remember a thing and would describe it to Cedric as being overly drunk after many stiff drinks. At 22, she found out Ephraim’s murderer was family friend who was hired by the council to kill Ephraim. Vowing revenge, she killed him with Ephraim’s own dagger. Afterwards, she was ashamed to realize that her brother never would’ve wished ill will to his murderer. Shortly after, she was possessed again by dark magic to attack a small village, but this time she realized what happened and was horrified. She even discovered that Ephraim was killed for not following orders to attack neighboring villages like her, but it costed him his life. She renounced her hometown and planned to leave. However,  Lilah was quickly arrested and tried by the council in her city for treason and conspiracy for the murder. She was punished with hot branding irons in different letters on both her hands. After that, she covered them with gloves in fear that she’d be discovered. Right when she left her home, Atticus died, leaving her heartbroken again, but encouraged by him to find a new life.  
She spent years wandering alone, knowing that her home had destroyed itself in another war. She went from kingdom to town looking for a new place and new life. She took an interest in gardening since it wasn’t common back in her old home and she was enjoying nature. Through trial and error, she learned how to garden and eventually found an abandoned cottage outside of Dunwiddie where she was found her gerbil, Kipling and would avoid people the best she could. Anyone who passed by, she would immediately send away due to fear of her past catching up with her. Yet that changed when she was 32 and Sofia showed up having heard about her and knowing her family was looking for a new gardener. Lilah begrudgingly decided to do it, but found that she liked it. She met Cedric and was quickly attracted to him despite her prejudice about sorcerers. However, she found herself growing more fond of him over the next months as a person. As of currently in the story, she’s debating on if she’s really falling in love with him and is certain he wouldn’t feel the same, especially since she considers herself “damaged” from her past. .    
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Gonad Somatic Index and Feeding Habit of Selected Fish Species of Lake Kalgwaiin Jigawa State, Nigeria- Juniper publishers
This study investigates gonado somatic index, food and feeding habit of selected fish species of Lake Kalgwai Jigawa State, Nigeria. Samples of fish were collected every fortnight (July 2012-June 2013) at three major landing sites of the lake. The weight of each fish was recorded, gonads were removed, weighed and the gonadosomatic index (GSI) calculated. Stomach was also removed and the content analyzed using frequency of occurrence and point method. Result obtained reveals GSI to range from 2.39±0.08% in Nile perch Latesniloticus [1] to 5.92±0.29% in Nile tilapia Oreochromisniloticus [1]. The stomach content analysis in this study distinguished the fish species into two major groups; Latesniloticus, Mormyrusmacrophthalmus Günther, 1866 and Bayad bagrus bayad Forsskal [2] were observed to exhibit carnivorous feeding habits and feed predominantly on crustacean, fish, fish parts, mollusks, insects and insect larvae, Oreochromisniloticus, African bony tongue Heterotisniloticus [3], Electric catfish Malapteruruselectricus, Synodotisnigrita and North African catfish Clarias gariepinus on the other hand were observed to have an omnivorous feeding pattern with plant parts, insect parts, detritus, crustaceans, snails, worms, fish parts, insects larvae, sand/mud, and algae dominating their diet. Many of the omnivores encountered in this study have good potential as future aquaculture candidate hence the need to further study their biology and their performance under captivity.
Keywords: Feeding Habit; GSI; Man-made lakes; Stomach analysis
Continuous declining inland water catches are indication of low fish yield in many water bodies, the reason for this reduction in fish yield has been linked to inadequate management of fisheries as well as continuous degradation of water bodies Solomon et al. [4]. Many fish resources in Nigeria are currently over-fished and continuous pollution keeps threatening aquatic life and natural habitats [5]. The continuous use of obnoxious fishing practice, deliberate disposal of toxic chemicals and lack of regulation on fishing activities of many aquatic resources of Africa are the reasons for significant reduction in fish yield, loss of aquatic life and habitats destruction Adeyemo [5].
In sub Saharan Africa where fishing is not regulated, domestication and culture of commercially important fish species remains the key to mitigating further decline and possible extinction of important inland fishes Umaru et al. [6], hence the need to focus research on some aspect of the biology of fishes with the aim of domestication. The gonadosomatic index as well a feeding habit are some of the important biological aspect of fishes that needs to be understood for a successful domestication program, gonadosomatic index plays a significant role in evaluating reproductive potential, maturity index [7] as well as gonadal state of a fish Saksena [8]. The food and feeding habits of fish on the other hand is necessary to understand the welfare and husbandry requirements in the wild and adopting same in captivity so as to make domestication of fish a success. Pius and Benedicta [9] reported that the assessment of the stomach content of a fish reduce intra and inter specific competition for ecological niche as it is vital in providing straight forward models of stomach content and feeding dynamics.
In the wild, nature offers a great diversity of organisms that are used as food by fish and these differ in size and taxonomic groups. Many studies have been in an attempt to investigate dietary requirements of fish through it feeding habit in the wild Hynes [10], however, depending on the diversity of the nature of food available in different environment, outcome of such investigations may differ due to environmental differences even for the same species. Studies on the biological aspect of aquatic organism such as food and feeding habits are bases for the development of successful fisheries management programme, hence the need for continuous research Oronsaye & Nakpodia [11]. This study therefore examines the gonadosomatic index, food and feeding habits of selected fish species in lake KalwaiJigawa State, Nigeria.
Materials and Methods
Study area
The study was conducted at the Kalgwai Barrage Dam situated in Auyo Local Government Area of Jigawa State, Nigeria (Figure 1). The dam was constructed in 1984 by impounding the River Hadeja for  the purpose of irrigation. The irrigation was a Federal Government of Nigeriaprogram (Hadejia Valley Irrigation Project) coordinated by the Hadejia-Jama'are River Basin Development Authority (H.J.R.B.D.A). The dam covers an estimated area of 3800sqkm2 Matthes [12]. This has brought an increased fishing activity especially in those villages surrounding the dam site. Currently the importantly exploited fish species of the lake based on economic return of fishermen are Latesniloticus, Mormyrusmacropthalmu, Bagrusbayad, Oreochromisniloticus, Heterotisniloticus, Malapteruruselectricus, Synodotisnigrita and Clarias gariepinus.
Collections of samples
Fish sample for this study were obtained from fishermen at three major landing sites of the dam, namely Marke (Site I), Dingare (Site II) and Kalgwai (Site III) respectively (Figure 1). The fishing gears used by the fishermen in this study includes; traps, seine nets, cast net, gill nets, clap nets, hook and line, while crafts was basically canoe and calabash. Commercially important fish species (as stated earlier) were randomly sampled at each site fortnightly over a period of ten months (July 2012-June 2013). Sampling time was between 6:00am to 8:00am when fisher men would be returning to landing site after fishing through the night. Collected samples were fixed in ice chest and moved to the college of Agriculture laboratory in Hadejia for observation of the stomach content.
Gonadosomatic Index (GSI) determination
The fish were sorted by species and record of the weight taken individually; the fishes were dissected laterally to expose the internal organs. The gonads were then removed and weighed. The GSI was calculated using the following formula as described by Shaheena et al. [1].
Stomach content analysis
The stomachs of the dissected fishes as stated above were removed and immediately preserved in sterile bottles containing 5% formalin. Individual stomach contents were emptied into separate petri-dishes. While some stomach contents were identified macroscopically, others were identified microscopically using a light microscope.
The component food items were identified using identification guide provided in the college of Agriculture laboratory at Hadejia. The food items encountered were analyzed using frequency of occurrence method Hynes [10] and point method Cortes [13] as stated in the formulae below.
Ethical statement
Experimental procedures involving animal handling is in accordance with the standard practice as specified in the guide for handling experimental animal in University of Agriculture Makurdi, approval for this study was obtained from the Senate standing Committee on Research on behalf of the Governing council University of Agriculture Makurdi.
Gonado somatic index (G.S.I)
The mean GSI for the selected fish species from the three major landing sites of Lake Kalgwai is presented in Table 1. The highest mean GSI recorded at site 1 was 6.05±0.52% for O. niloticus, followed by S. nigrita (4.23±0.16%) while the least value of 2.65±0.16% was obtained for L. niloticus. In site 2 also, mean GSI was highest for O. niloticus with the value of 4.97±0.54% and lowest in L. niloticus (2.40±0.12%). Similar trend was also observed for site 3 with as O.niloticus recorded highest percentage of GSI (6.74±0.24%) while L. niloticus also had the least value (2.11±0.07%). The average of the mean GSI for the selected commercially exploited fish species of Kalgwai dam is presented in Table 2. The result showed significant difference (P<0.05) in the mean GSI of the fish species with the highest value of 5.92±0.29% recorded in O.niloticus, followed by S.nigrita and C. gariepinus (4.50±0.14%) while the least value of 2.39±0.08% was observed in L.niloticus.
Means in the same row of species with different superscripts differ significantly (P<0.05).
Means with different superscripts differ significantly (P<0.05).
Food and Feeding of Selected Fish Species of Kalgwai Lake
Frequency of occurrence and percentage point of food items in the stomach of L. niloticus, O. niloticus, M. macrophthalmus, S. nigrita, B. bayad, H. niloticus, M. electricus, and C. gariepinus from the Lake Kalgwai is presented in Figure 1- 8 respectively below. In all of the stomach sampled none was found empty. The stomach content analysis in this study distinguished the fish species into two major groups; namely carnivorous (, M. macrophthalmus and B. bayad) and omnivorous feeding pattern (O. niloticus, H. niloticus, M. electricus, S. nigrita and C. gariepinus), feed isolated in the stomach of the carnivores in this study includes predominantly on crustacean, fish, fish parts, mollusks, insects and insect larvae while the spectrum of feed in the stomach of omnivore were plant parts, insect parts, detritus, crustaceans, snails, worms, fish parts, insects larvae, sand/mud, and algae.
The stomach content analysis in this study revealed that none of the stomach of the sample fish species was empty, this is likely an indication of the efficiency of the sampling method used in this study, more so it could be an indication of good feeding habit adopted by the various species which enable them utilize available food item within the environment. This is similar to the findings of Olele [14] on feeding habit of Hyperopisus bebeoccidentalis Gunther, 1866 caught in Warri River, the 98% gut fullness recorded in Olele's [14] study was attributed to the efficiency of the method of feed analysis which was presumed to have stop food digestion during sampling through the injection of formalin into the gut region of the fish. Furthermore Haroon [15] and Nwani [16] opined that the greater number of guts with food in their study was as a result of boththe feeding strategy adopted by the fishes and the abundance of food during the sampling. Contrary to these reports, Ipinjolu et al. [17] had earlier reported empty stomach in 48.1% of Mormyrusrume Valenciennes, 1847, caught in Rima River and Goronyo Dam Sokoto, also none of the species encounter had 100% stomach fullness, these observations were however, attributed to the poor feeding habit adopted by the species and also to sampling method adopted for the study. Similarly, the findings of Aramowo [18] for Citharinus species caught with gill nets in Kainji Lake revealed empty stomach in over 67% fishes sampled and was attributed to regurgitation and vomiting of the food by the fish as they struggled during their capture, he also linked result outcome to possibly inadequacy of food material during the sampling period, the differences and similarities in all of this study could be linked to differences in fish species sampled, environmental diversities and sampling methods as earlier explained.
The fishes examined in this study can be rightly separated into two distinct group based on their feeding habit, namely carnivorous and omnivorous feeding habit. Food items found in the stomach of L. niloticus, M. macrophthalmus and B. bayad shows that the species exhibit carnivorous characteristics feeding on a wide spectrum of food of animal origin (which includes crustacean, fish, fish parts, mollusks, insects and insect larvae). According to Hickley & Bailey [19] B. bayad is described as macro-predator in River Nile (Southern Sudan) with its diet mainly consisting of fish prey, aquatic insects, organic detritus and aquatic higher plants. Bakhoum & Samir [4] however, reported that B. bayad is carnivore, with food spectrum including cichlid fish species, insect, insectlarvae, crustaceans, amphipods and detritus. The study by Ogutu-Ohwayo [20] had concluded that larger sized L. niloticus (>100cm) are mainly piscivorous. Katunzi et al. [21] also reported that stomach content analysis of Nile perch shifted from zooplankton and midge larvae, to macroinvertebrates (shrimps and dragonfly nymphs) and fish, due to size increase. Hence the differences in this study and those of the cited literature for the same species may be as a result of size variations as this study randomly but carefully selected larger sized fish of all species to give an overview of feeding habit of adult fish in the dam, more so, differences observed could also be attributed to differences in study area, or change in food availability over time.
O.niloticus, H. niloticus, M.electricus, S. nigrita and C. gariepinus on the other hand had food items which included plant parts, insect parts, detritus, crustaceans, snails, worms, fish parts, insect's larvae, sand/mud, and algae, this indicated that they are omnivorous feeders. The results of this study is similar to findings of Olatunde [22]. Adeyemi et al. [23] and Adeyemi [24] on the food and feeding habits of Synodontisschall and Synodontisresupinatus Boulenger [24] from Zaria area and Idah area of River Niger respectively. Oso et al. [25] had earlier stated that the ability to exploit different varieties of food items makes O. niloticus and Sarotherodongalilaeus Linnaeus [1] in a tropical reservoir an omnivorous feeder. Fagbenro et al. [3] also established the benthic feeding nature as well as planktonic feeding habit of Heterotisniloticus Cuvier [3] in River Oluwa and Owena Reservoir/Mahin Lagoon respectively. Ejikeet al. [26] also reported the food of Clariaslazera Valenciennes, 1840 from Jos area to be predominated by crustaceans, immature insect, bottom deposits and diatoms, hence concluded they were omnivores, the influence of environmental factor and food availability are largely the reasons for the different food item reported for these studies.
Gonadosomatic index (GSI) as observed in this study agrees with the findings of Fryer & Isles [27] and Jhingram & Pullin [28] who reported GSI to be between 4-20% and 3.637.9% respectively (at the peak of season). Shaheena et al. [1] reported that GSI fluctuates from a minimum of 2.302% in June to 11.363% in March with decrease (especially between April to June) been indication of complete spawning. Furthermore, Alam & Pathak [29] and Mishra & Saksena [7] also reported that GSI is synchronized with the level of maturation of fish, hence it peaks at full maturity, they further revealed that its abrupt decreased indicates beginning of spawning, although the present study focused on providing preliminary data on mean GSI, further research are recommended to further understand monthly variation in GSI for these commercially exploited species. The fish species investigated in this study exhibited both omnivorous and carnivorous feeding habit, feeding on a wide spectrum of food. Most of the fishes with omnivorous feeding habit have good potential for culture in captivity than the carnivorous fishes due to the expected protein requirement of animal origin, currently only Oreo chromisniloticus and Clarias gariepinus are widely cultured as one of the aquaculture candidate among the omnivorous fishes identified in this study, It is therefore recommended that more research be done on other aspect of the biology of these fishes with a view to better understand them for the sake of domestication. Meanwhile, nutritional trials can be conducted using wild juveniles and fingerlings of these species to further assess their domestication potential.
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ethical-omnivore-h · 3 months
"Becoming Sam Manson" wasn't on my 2024 bingo card, but here we are
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Plate with a keto diet food. Fried egg, bacon, avocado, arugula and strawberries. Keto breakfast.
“Leaping and bounding toward a more peaceable world, this heart-centered book shows just how far our actions can go when we use love to fuel change.” —Jason Mraz, singer and songwriter
“An important and completely unique addition to children’s literature, Vegan Is Love is a gift for newer, greener, and more compassionate generations to come.” —Gene Baur, president and co-founder of Farm Sanctuary
“Roth’s work brings children a new viewpoint on animals that we desperately need in today’s world. Her message to stop attending dolphinariums is a great way to get children personally involved in making moral choices that are best for the animals. Dolphins belong in the sea, not in captivity.” —Richard O’Barry, marine mammal specialist, The Cove; campaign director of SaveJapanDolphins.org
“Children love animals, and Vegan Is Love helps to nurture their natural compassion. Please give this book to the teachers, parents, and children in your life, and you will do a world of good to create a compassionate world for all.” —Lorri Houston, founder and president, Animal Acres Farm Sanctuary
“Ruby Roth’s short, sweet, and beautifully illustrated book is a must for parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and babysitters, as is her message that ‘The choice to be vegan is especially brave.’ And that goes for grown-ups, too.” —Joseph Connelly, founder and publisher, VegNews magazine
“Vegan Is Love beautifully conveys compelling reasons to reevaluate the food we eat, clothes we wear, and entertainment we choose. Best of all, it offers children ways they can be part of the solution today.” —Brendan Brazier, professional triathlete, best-selling author of Thrive
“This book gives young people a comprehensive view of animal rights as a lifestyle in an easy-to-digest format. It is my dream that future generations will extend their compassion to all sentient beings as part of their daily practice. This book provides the tools they need to get started.” —Simone Reyes, Running Russell Simmons
“Ruby Roth is a magical truth-teller, artist, and conduit to kindness. If I had my druthers, every child in the world would have compulsory homework to read her work, as compassion should be the most perfunctory lesson we learn. My vegan son is so lucky to have Roth’s books to guide him—for every question he has, her books provide an answer.” —Chloe Jo Davis, founder of Girlie Girl Army
“Being a Wellness Warrior isn’t just for adults. Ruby Roth’s fabulous new book teaches children how veganism leads to personal and planetary health and happiness. Share your respect and compassion for our animal friends by reading Vegan Is Love to a little one you adore.” —Kris Carr, New York Times best-selling author, motivational speaker, and wellness coach
“Beautifully written and illustrated. …Vegan Is Love: Having Heart and Taking Action covers everything from why visiting zoos is not a way to support animals if we love them to why eating a plant-based diet is the healthiest thing for us and our world. … I read the book to my kids and they were totally engrossed in the story and the pictures. … The message Ruby Roth wants you all to take away from her new book is to ‘Love deeply, think critically, and act responsibly!‘” —Sarah Creighton, blogger, Veggie Kids
“Roth’s skillful paintings feature rich colors and stylized animals.” —School Library Journal
“Sure to provoke controversy and discussion, this illustrated introduction to vegan living occasionally leans too heavily on assumptions but generally offers a clear view of the topic. Presented in picture-book format, this nonfiction work features a different concept on each two-page spread. These concepts include clothing choices, animal testing and using animals in entertainment venues as well as eating habits, farming and environmental degradation. With each, Roth examines the impact of peoples’ choices on the Earth and the animals that live on it. … [Roth’s] main thrust—that our choices influence the world around us—will remain true indefinitely.” —Kirkus Reviews
“We hope that this book ends up on every library shelf because of its important and realistic message.” —Vegetarian Journal
“[Vegan is Love] is not only a beautiful book from cover to cover with gorgeous illustrations and truthful messages, but it gives children the encouragement that they have the power to take things into their own hands. … This book will captivate your child(ren) as it did mine.” —Catherine Love, RanVeganess
“[Vegan is Love] provides parents with an educational tool and vegan children with a rare opportunity to have a book that reflects their family’s life and values. In this visually lush follow-up to her first children’s book, That’s Why We Don’t Eat Animals, Roth introduces children to facets of veganism beyond the food we eat. Elaborately and beautifully illustrated, Vegan is Love teaches children that, small though they may be, they have the power to create positive change through the choices they make. …the message of love prevails.” —This Dish is Veg
“Talented children’s book author and illustrator Ruby Roth, author of That’s Why We Don’t Eat Animals, presents her newest book, Vegan Is Love. … If you have any kiddos in your life (or friends with kids), this would make a perfect gift!” —Vegan Break
“The book covers clothing choices, animal testing, and using animals for entertainment, but perhaps the most controversial component of the book is eating habits.” —The Today Show blog, MSNBC
“Roth’s message is direct but tactful, and she believes it’s an important one to communicate. She hopes to share what it means to ‘put our love into action’ with today’s youth, and even includes resources at the back of the book that provide children with ways to take action themselves and create a more sustainable and compassionate world.” —World News for Life
“Ruby Roth’s last book, That’s Why We Don’t Eat Animals, is a favorite of pre-teens and extra-smart kids nationwide, and she’s followed it up with an even stronger book—Vegan Is Love—brimming with magnificent illustrations and strong, brilliant messages.” —GirlieGirl Army
“Colorful clever drawings work in tandem with an interesting story to hold young readers’ interest. Cautious parents might think Vegan is Love may be too intense for children, but-as a humane educator for more than 20 years—I suggest adults should read the book before dismissing it. Shielding children from the truth behind circuses or rodeos may be more harmful than reading a book like Vegan Is Love. Some young readers may disagree with the book’s message; others will embrace it.” —Debra J. White, Animal People
“I really believe the overall message [Ruby Roth] is sending to moms, dads, and families across the globe is invaluable. … Whether you are vegan, vegetarian, or omnivore—we ALL need to become more connected to our food and to Mother Earth. As parents, we need to teach our children about proper nutrition, why healthy eating is a must, and how every decision we make influences our world.” —Lisa, Mommy Om
“[Ruby Roth] is hoping to show children that choosing a vegan lifestyle is not only healthy but brave.” —lilSugar
“Vegan is Love gently asks young readers to take personal responsibility [for making] the world a better place for animals. Children are not afraid to do that. They are not fearful. Adults could learn a lot from children.” —Freeheel Vegan
“The main aim of the book is to argue that kids should be raised vegan-eating nothing that contains meat, dairy, fish, eggs, or any other animal-based product-because it’s the right thing to do for the earth.” —The Baby Center blog
“Roth illustrates through the book how our daily choices in eating meat make an impact locally and globally; she explores the ethical decisions we have to make, such as refusing to go to zoos or animal races, refusing products tested on animals or made from animals, and choosing to buy only organic foods.” —Yahoo! UK
“Vegan is Love, by Ruby Roth, will undoubtedly make some parents and their children feel uncomfortable, but then again so have beloved classics such as The Lorax and The Giving Tree. … In addition to diet, Vegan is Love sheds light on other animal welfare concerns such as wearing fur, habitat loss, and animal-based forms of entertainment like horseracing or sea parks. It even demonstrates how a plant-based diet ties into ending world hunger, somethingany family can appreciate.” —Holistic Living with Rachel Avalon
“The book definitely brings up topics that should be discussed as a family.” —Glamour Magazine’s Health & Diet blog
“Parents have many talks with their kids as they grow up. There’s the ‘birds and the bees’ talk and the ‘sharing is caring’ talk, or even the ‘don’t be a bully’ talk. Now, author Ruby Roth wants parents to have the ‘If it’s too scary to talk about while we’re eating, it’s too scary to eat’ discussion with their children.” —CNN.com
“One of the most compelling aspects of this book is that it reminds children that everyone—including kids—can make compassionate, cruelty-free choices each day. The tone is empowering and will sit especially well with children who are motivated to improve their world. Parents, caregivers and teachers who practice or are transitioning to cruelty-free living will relish the fact that there is now another book available that buttresses their values.” —VegBooks
“Vegan is Love is designed to inspire children to adopt a vegan lifestyle at an early age. It’s aimed at kids ages 6 and up, and includes lessons on animal cruelty and the environmental consequences of eating meat, such as pollution emitted by animal farms.” —U.S. News and Worlds Report
“Roth offers a detailed description of vegan living in Vegan is Love, complete with information for children to make cruelty-free choices at home, in school, and in their communities.” —The Huffington Post “Once in a very great while a book comes along with such a strong, important message that I marvel over the courage and spirit of the author. Vegan Is Love is one such book. Ruby Roth is one of our most important teachers, bringing an honest awareness to the plight of the animals, the planet, and our own lives. With her focus being on a topic that has often, and for far too long, been considered taboo, Ms. Roth should be applauded and celebrated for her work.”—Erica Settino, Creations Magazine
“Inspiring book describing vegan philosophy… Vividly conceptualized.” —Midwest Book Review “With its child-friendly illustrations, Vegan is Love is a unique way to introduce children to the vegan philosophy. … Roth gently raises consciousness about the links between food, health, animals, and the environment. Best of all, she empowers children to make choices.” —Taste for Life
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About the Author
Ruby Roth is an acclaimed activist, artist, and author whose work has been featured in the San Francisco Chronicle, The Huffington Post, The Washington Times, Change.org, Glamour, and Wired as well as on The Today Show, FOX, ABC, CNN, and other major media outlets. She first discovered children’s interest in veganism while teaching art at an elementary school. Complementing her degrees in art and American studies, she has researched animal agriculture, health, nutrition, and the benefits of a plant-based diet for nearly a decade. Her first book, That’s Why We Don’t Eat Animals, was published in 2009. A vegan since 2003, she lives in Los Angeles.
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[amz_corss_sell asin=”1583943544″]
Vegan Is Love: Having Heart and Taking Action Hardcover – April 24, 2012 Review “Leaping and bounding toward a more peaceable world, this heart-centered book shows just how far our actions can go when we use love to fuel change.” —Jason Mraz, singer and songwriter…
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ethical-omnivore-h · 3 months
I hate you dairy industry. I hate you egg industry. I hate you macro farms. I hate you big ag. I hate you big oil. I hate you agave producers. I hate you slave-labor-harvested plants. I hate you tasteless vegetables designed to last through extensive shipping. I hate you "vegan" leather. I hate you militant vegans. I hate you ARAs. I hate you greenwashing. I hate you useless fearmongering labels that make first-world consumers feel better but do nothing to address the underlying abuses and issues. I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you
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ethical-omnivore-h · 3 months
I need to experiment with diy veggie burgers more.
My original attempt was/is mashed up black beans with quick oats, flour, and/or breadcrumbs, sometimes with backyard eggs to bind, and with spices and herbs. But I've tried a few other veggie/plant-based burgers since making that one that I want to try different things.
The problem is having the spoons for it.
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ethical-omnivore-h · 4 months
Hey there, I'm H (they/them) and this is my side blog focusing on ethical/humane omnivorism, locavorism, animal welfare, worker's welfare and rights, anti macro farm / intensive farming, land stewardship, and environmentalism. There's some content relating to: foraging, healthy recipes, cultivation and harvesting, bushcraft, and hunting/fishing.
My main is homo-adaptionem. My youTube channel is H. adaptionem. My cooking tumblr is bone-asp-the-teeth.
DISCLAIMERS: ethical-omnivore-h.tumblr.com/disclaimers
ETHICALLY EATING OUT MASTER LIST: ethical-omnivore-h.tumblr.com/ethicaleatingoutlist
FAQ: ethical-omnivore-h.tumblr.com/faq
Blog info below; I recommend reading before you view the rest of the blog; definitely read before following. Enter at your own risk.
disabled, LGBT, an adult
with, home cook, novice herbalist, novice forager, newbie ethical omnivore, newbie locavore
EXCESSIVE TAGGER; most trigger tags have "CW" before them; tags all slurs
doesn't mind like/reblog spam
doesn't check mentions or replies; send an ask if you need to get my attention
anti macro farm / intensive farming
pro animal welfare, pro worker's welfare & rights
NOT an ARA or activist of any kind
I'm a witch, a home cook, a novice herbalist, a novice forager, and a newbie ethical onmivorous flexitarian locavore. I haven't yet started applying ethical consumption to other products; I'm starting with food. Once I get a better hang of it, I'll continue with clothing, hygiene products, household products, etc. I am NOT an activist, just a dipshit with opinions! I share information and resources for other ethical omivores! I'm NOT here to convert or convince anyone! The info/resources I post are free for anyone to reblog! I WILL NOT debate anyone about anything. This isn't a debate blog. This isn't an activism blog. It's an info/resource (& sometimes vent) blog. I'm NOT a vegan or vegetarian, and I'm NOT an ARA. I'm NOT a part of the Ethical Omnivore Movement® and I don't share all of their views. Yes, I know there's no ethical consumption under capitalism; bite me.
Eating Ethically Resource Dump 1 Eating Ethically Resource Dump 2: Vegan Stuff
OG tags: Answered - asks I've answered Face of H - pics of me ethical-omnivore-h - refers to this blog H. adaptionem - refers to my YT channel of the same name Homo adaptionem - all og posts
Like/reblog spamming is fine, I don't mind at all.
If you want my attention, you have a better shot if you shoot me an ask, as I rarely check my mentions/replies. I have a shit ton of stuff blacklisted, so I may not see your asks/mentions/posts if they include slurs, content triggering to me, etc. It's not that I'm ignoring you, I'm just trying to take better care of my mental health, Y'know? Gotta police my own intake of content, etc. etc.
Most things are tagged, so block what you need to using tumblr's own blocking function, Xkit, or Tumblr Savior. Slurs and triggering content usually have a CW before them, even if the OP doesn't consider the content triggering. I tag excessively, deal with it.
DNIs/DNFs are useless and performative; I just block (& report if needed) who I dislike/etc, and I block liberally, for any reason. I respect most other people's DNIs, if they're accessible. If I can't read it, I won't bother. Don't like me? Block me.
Stay safe and stay weird!
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ethical-omnivore-h · 3 months
Yves Veggie Cuisine Chick'n Nuggets aren't half bad. They're not chicken, you can tell, but they're close. I like the texture and the flavor isn't bad. Will buy again.
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