#everett gray xoxo droplets
jeremywasriven · 7 months
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theyre the same guy in different formats. i love them so much
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gb-patch · 6 months
this is so embarrassing im so sorry help, but im curious. What are everett's honest feelings for the mc during his route like his character confused me whether he actually liked/(love????) her HELP
He likes her as much as a ridiculous high schooler with issues can seriously like his girlfriend, aha. He is honestly into JB but is also very self-absorbed. Still, if get them into a relationship they will stay together even after they graduate.
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Thinking ab if Baxter had been put in XOXO Droplets like he was going to be........ Stupidly pretentious musician. Probably gets along with Everett in a 'we both think we're cool and alternative' way. Similar to Shiloh in terms of popularity due to excessive people pleasing. Passes his classes with seemingly no effort (pisses off Nate). So many possibilities idk.....
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one12345two · 4 months
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valentines day art(LATE)
i love cringe
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covehearted · 3 months
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Can't lie to the Law, son
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j-nightingalesb1tch · 2 months
it's funny how each member of the xoxo droplets gang has an "enemy" but it just feels like they forced pran and shiloh to be enemies as it's only mentioned once or twice and just doesn't make as much sense as the rest of them.
also it makes me laugh how everett is basically the most hated one in the group and ends up being everyone's enemy despite jeremy being his TRUE enemy. i genuinely think he complains about shiloh just as much as he does jeremy.
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ofoceansandtombsanew · 2 months
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Hear me out, this probably isn't really too crazy to say but Step 2 would be a perfect fit for the Jerk Squad
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And considering how Frederick and Nichole are, tbh I can see them sending Tam to the boarding school in XOXO Droplets because of the prestige and wanting their daughter to have the best academics the US education system can offer (assuming they ended up taking her back when the originally planned)
Qiu would thrive but Tamarack would barely be swimming but damn now I'm out here trying to develop ships and shit. Are y'all seeing my vision here???
I can see Everett crushing on Qiu for sure honestly. He would like the way they carry themselves, one hot jerk to another.
Ngl I can see Nate and Tamarack becoming a thing once he gets over the emotional intimacy fear thing. I say this because in my head, I see NateTam being a childhood ??? to lovers type beat. Their parents all went to the same university and are all good friends, so they grew up knowing each other. He's known Tam since their elementary school days back when she was just an energetic wild child who got on his nerves and saw her transform into the shy, insecure person she is in Step 2. So he begrudgingly looks out for her, in his own Nate way, at their school. Part because his parents told him to and ask him about Tamarack incessantly and part because he kinda, sorta, lowkey, can quietly admit he cares about her. Kind of. You won't catch him admitting that shit out loud for a WHILE though
(JB calls Tamarack 'Candi with an I' because her eyes remind JB of candied apples)
And hear me out... Jeremy and Tamarack. Tamarack's autumn gold gamboge hair with its beautiful sparkles is what makes Jeremy stop hating the color orange. Like it would be rocky of course, especially since whether regardless Tam wouldn't be a Jerk Squad member, but I can see it still coming to fruition. Like I'm not sure what exactly the dynamic would be... but I still see it. She gets a job working at his parents' shop, he listens to her practice the cello and doesn't have much to complain about which is basically as much glaze as someone can get from the guy, so yeah. Pretty high praise. His parents would be all over setting him and Tamarack up because she's so sweet, they think she would be perfect for him.
Sweet as Tamarack is though, she's opinionated and is one to move forward even if someone else won't go with her. She's got some sass and spunk so she won't be so sweet that Jeremy wouldn't be able to stand being around her for long periods of time.
But I also think Jeremy and Qiu would be really good together too honestly. Not just aesthetically, but I think they'd get a kick out of each in their own way. Plus, Qiu knowing Pran already helps
Feed my delusions in the ask box. What's your OL/XOXO crossover thoughts?
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peachiseas · 1 year
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photodump of gb patch games meme bullshit i made (1/?)
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thatlittledandere · 8 months
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Have an XOD Evening I'm so good at jokes
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otomes-and-tears · 5 months
Wondering what your thoughts and opinions are on the rest of the jerk squad boys, especially Nate?
Know that asking me this was a mistake because I’m RABID for them. I’m FOAMING at the mouth and shaking just at being asked to ramble about my boys because I am plagued by thoughts of them that I’m absolutely going to unleash upon you now.
This is not going to be coherent at all. I apologise for that.
By the way— since I already talk about Shiloh way too much, he’s not going to have his little section here. If you want to see my rambles about him, please check my masterlist!
I’m probably going to talk about Jeremy separately because…. I actually haven’t finished his route. It’s the only one that’s left.
Since you asked about him first, Nate is one of my favourite boys. I have a special place in my heart for him because he kind of reminds me of my girlfriend, and I do think that his dynamic with JB is one of the most entertaining in the bunch. He’s always snapping back at her and it’s so fucking funny. Every time they’re out together I keep getting this mental image of JB being strapped in a baby leash with Nate trailing behind her like an exhausted parent.
Like Shiloh, he’s also a character that I think about a LOT, particularly about the way he handles (or does not handle) his emotions and his obsessive need to have control over everything around him.
I think it’s really telling that Nate continuously strives for perfection and frequently neglects his own emotional needs when he practically raised himself, admittedly saw the school as his home, and when we know for a fact that he was seen and treated as a mini-adult throughout his life.
Like, you cannot tell me he wasn’t praised endlessly as a child for being independent and self-sufficient and then when he grew older people were constantly exasperated that he was too independent and didn’t know when to ask for help when needed! Nate is probably endlessly confused as to why something that was touted as being such a good trait for a good portion of his life suddenly became a problem.
Anyways, I think it’s kind of tragic how he spent most of his life at that school and I legit teared up when they graduated. It’s also very sweet how despite being a perv and living to make him uncomfortable, JB is surprisingly respectful of his boundaries regarding physical touch and doesn’t push him to kiss or hug her. Yeah, she teases him about missing the perfect moment but she’s happy to let him decide when he’s ready to do all of that!
It’s also nice that she tries to support him, even if she isn’t exactly good at it. SHE’S TRYING HER BEST BC THEY LEGIT LIKE EACH OTHER EVEN IF THEY BOTH HAVE ISSUES!!
Regarding Everett… I didn’t expect to like his route as much as I did, but he has SO MUCH ANGST POTENTIAL.
Like, his whole relationship with Nate? The fact that he’s a momma’s boy?? HE WAS REJECTED BY PRAN In like, the WORST way possible??
It’s just, chef’s kiss. A whole lotta angst wrapped inside a tiny, hipster-shaped package. Pure perfection.
My only issue with his route is that the whole time, I felt like JB was getting in between him and Nate. This is my headcanon, but I feel like after high school, if JB and Everett don’t immediately have an explosive, dramatic breakup there are only two possible routes: either he leaves her for Nate or they add Nate into the mix.
I’m sorry, but no other alternatives compute for me, not after their conversation in the tunnel of love. That shit goes way past just a codependent friendship.
I think I’ve mentioned this once before but Bae is likely my second favorite jerksquad guy. I can’t really explain why his condescension is so funny to me, but it might be because my favorite parts of the game were the group meetings and Bae’s borderline paternalistic attitude towards the other characters (because he’s mAtURE and knows what’s best for them) and his sarcasm made for some really great dialogue and some of the funniest scenes in my opinion.
Just as a side note— I played xoxo blood droplets and Bae’s route made me realize how much potential he has to be a yandere in an au! And now that I’m thinking about this I NEED to write about it. Even if it’s just headcanons or something.
I love him in game. I’d probably throw hands with him three minutes into a conversation if he existed IRL. I sent my girlfriend screenshots of his sons of his scenes while I played and she said that I was a bit like him. It made me reevaluate my life LOL
Okay so, I’m going to be real with you: Pran is my least favorite of the boys. I’ll admit that when I played through his route last year I kept complaining about not having that much fun and not liking him a lot as a character. My view changed as I got to the end of the game:
Pran’s is still my least favorite route but he’s one of the most interesting guys to analyze.
In the end, even if it took me a bit to get into it, I still ended up enjoying it immensely anyway.
I think what made me dislike him at first was that, ironically, I think that Pran as a character works best in group scenes. He’s a contrarian and he’s very quiet most of the time, which makes his very occasional interjections some of the funniest moments in the meetings, but that’s also why I didn’t find his dates as fun LOL
I think that with the other characters I had a better time because how they played off JB during their dates, while with Pran it was funny to see JB trying so hard to engage with him or get a rise out of him just for him to barely react (and it makes the instances where she does manage to catch him off guard very rewarding) on the first few times, but it started to get old for me. There’s only so many times I can hear him say no, and that he doesn’t care before it gets annoying.
For me the highlight of his route was seeing Shiloh have a weird, one-sided beef with him. Shiloh pretends to like everyone but this is where he draws the line apparently 😭
Anyways, you might be wondering why I said he’s one of my favourites to analyse if I didn’t have much fun playing through his route. That’s mostly because of his backstory, which I genuinely find to be fascinating.
He’s basically a textbook example of avoidant attachment, which is due to the severe neglect he suffered as a child. Honestly, I could make a whole post about this alone if anyone is interested.
That coupled with having to adopt a mentality where nothing he ever did or said was ever right, because either his parents or grandparents would get upset, which led to him always being quiet or choosing the contrarian option, and you get a pretty fascinating character to think about. It’s interesting to examine his relationships through this lense: it makes complete sense that Pran has a difficult time engaging with JB and connecting to her emotional needs. The few relationships he has maintained exist out of necessity! And he tries so hard to push her away, in the same way he pushed everyone else away, but she just refuses to leave. Refuses to accept defeat. She’s fully determined to figure him out and make their weirdass relationship work and it’s something I admire JB for. That girl is a TROOPER.
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ghfdgdjtuyretdfhgjut · 7 months
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Since when did I start liking this guy, man
NO CAUSE HE LOOKS GOOD? RIGHT? listen. listen,,
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jeremywasriven · 6 months
the real reason everett has a mohawk
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gb-patch · 1 year
Hey! i’ve been a fan of your games for a while and i was reading previous asks and was just curious about something
one ask said that everett and nate could potentially get together when they’re older, and another ask said that the older jerks would react to news about eachother. so that made me curious as to how they’d react if they found out nate and everett dated
Honestly, there'd probably just be nods and murmurings of 'that makes sense'. No would be surprised or question it, ahah.
[Well, besides Shiloh. He has many potential grown up versions and some of them would be more teasing than others.]
The funnier side of the announcement reaction would be Nate/Eve responding with shock to people's lack of response. I'm glad you like our games!
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one12345two · 9 months
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Xoxo droplets and Ace attorney crossover finished
Pran got f#cking killed by Shiloh and JB became the suspect. NOW Nate “the law” lawson is about to DEFEND her and find the truth
not without the hinderance of Bae the prosecutor of course
Lynn is the judge because only he is sane
(I posted it on twitter AND discord AND tumblr cuz I’m so excited lmaoooo sorry)
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captainbaeremy · 2 years
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Afrolatino Everett Gray Real?!?!
Blacktober Day 2: Cozy
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