thgfanfictionlibrary · 4 months
Authors On THG Writing Hiatus Masterlist (6)
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 /
***Active (on this blog) is defined as a blog/writer who has updated within the past year. Inactive (on this blog) is defined as a blog/writer that has not been updated at all in the past year+. On THG Writing Hiatus (on this blog) is a blog/writer who has updated within the past year but has not posted a fanfic in the fandom in the past year BUT they may return to writing in the future. Lists will be updated as needed based on activity. ***
Created: November 17th, 2023
Last Checked:----
Dropsofarainbow219-ao3, ff.net, tumblr
Popular Fic: Before Dawn A growing together post-mockingjay fic. Katniss struggles with loss and overcoming depression with the aid of Peeta.
Dyce-ao3, tumblr
Popular Fic: The Avalanche And Little Pebbles What if someone else caught the eye of the public and the revolution before Katniss? When a boy from District Seven wins the Games and captures hearts everywhere, the revolution comes when Katniss is only fourteen. Tiny, poor District Twelve may be an afterthought for everyone during and after the revolution, but to Katniss, it's all that matters.
eatsnightlockforbreakfast-ao3, ff.net, tumblr
Popular Fic: A Promise That Can’t Be Kept Not everything that Peeta told Caesar was a lie. A Catching Fire AU written for Prompts in Panem March 2014 Day Four: Hyacinth.
everhutcher-ao3, tumblr
Popular Fic: Drill and Fill Katniss Everdeen has never enjoyed visiting the dentist... until now.
everlarkrealornot (sherlollyandspoilers)-ao3, tumblr
Popular Fic: The P.A.N.E.M Initiative The Human Race is experiencing issues with the birth rate. Women are having multiple miscarriages and a large percentage of the population can’t even get pregnant. By percentage, the population is growing old. The number of births keeps declining and something has to be done. Several decades have passed since The PANEM Initiative was established and now its Katniss Everdeen's turn to meet her match.
EverllarkingJoshifer-ao3, tumblr
Popular Fic: A Different Way Katniss a divorced single mother meets her old Neighbor Peeta after many years, What happens when you think the person you thought you knew is the opposite of you initially thought he was? Why is everything so confusing? Why are her friends such perverts and what's going on with the kids?
evolvingthedandelion-ao3, tumblr
Popular Fic: Back To You The Hunger Games, the war, and the torture. All things that have deconstructed Peeta Mellark until he felt nothing but pain and resentment. In this post Mockingjay story, we take a look at the world through his eyes. He wants a life again. One where he can be around Katniss and find love again with her while fighting the demons that The Capitol engrained into his very being. Being the old Peeta is important to him, but so is evolving from the mistakes he's made.
evvykurler-ao3, tumblr
Popular Fic: Fluffaccino Katniss is supposed to meet up with Johanna for coffee, but meets someone else instead…
ForFutureReference-ao3, ff.net, tumblr
Popular Fic: Vox Libertas A chain of events in the final minutes of the Quarter Quell causes the victor rescue to go a bit differently than expected. Will Peeta be able to handle his role as the face of the Rebellion? And how will this effect the course of the war and beyond? Canon-divergent "Mockingjay" and Peeta POV.
gigi256-ao3, ff.net, tumblr
Popular Fic: What Happens In Vegas A business trip to Las Vegas introduces Katniss to many new experiences that she never expected including drinking, dancing, and a blue-eyed stripper who makes her blush way too easily. That last one, in particular, leaves a mark that she can't forget. Will the old saying hold true? Will a single night be left to the neon-lit memories will what happens in Vegas become more?
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everhutch · 10 months
0 notes
everlark-interviews · 7 years
Interview with Everhutcher!
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It’s been a while, but we have more interviews lined up, and we’re ready to tackle 2017 and get you the inside scoop on all your favorites, plus some newbies coming into the fandom! Reblog, follow, and get connected with the lovely folks in the HG community. Read on for all the juicy deets about @everhutcher!
Describe yourself like your friends would describe you.
Silly, weird, funny, compassionate. Honest. Loyal. Raunchy. A ball-buster. Someone with zero personal space. Good with details.
Raunchy? That’s interesting… How so?
Oh wow. I’ve just never had a filter. I think it’s a family trait. I’m from a large, loud Eastern European family where everyone speaks their mind, sarcasm is the norm, etc. As far back as high school, my friend and I would read smutty romance novels (mostly Jude Deveraux’s books) out loud at the lunch table just to make our male friends cringe. Totally juvenile, I know. I suppose if I psychoanalyzed myself I might see it as a way to explore sexuality in a safe way or something. Because I’m not nearly so bold in my actions in that way. But even now, I’ll see a double entendre in anything and won’t hesitate to point it out. Cards Against Humanity gives me life. I blame the inner 10-year old boy in me who giggles at inappropriate times. My own 10-year old son is far better behaved than I am in that aspect.
LOL! At some point our inner teen makes a reappearance. 
What Eastern European country is your family from? Have you been there?
We’re Ukrainian on both sides of the family. I’ve never been there but it has been fun to connect with cousins from over there through social media. Some of them grew up in the Soviet days, so when I was a kid, we never really had contact with them.
Give me an example of everhutcher as a ball-buster…
It’s sort of just who I am… again, the no filter thing. I will say I don’t ball-bust in a super-aggressive or antagonistic way, because I know that’s how some people interpret the term. My brand is more teasing. My husband is 14 years older than I am, so the old man jokes are abundant. I’m always telling him at the store to ask about the AARP discount or I’ll remind him that when he was 18, I was in preschool. Just often enough to creep him out.
How did you end up in THG fandom?
That was definitely not a straight line between two points. I knew of the books for a long time, but never read them. I’d also seen THG and CF on DVD at the time they came out, and was entertained enough, but didn’t love them in the way I loved other fandoms like HP or Star Wars.
Then my stepdaughter sort of made me read the books right before MJ1 came out in theaters. She promised I’d love them. And she was right. I loved them and then my love for the whole franchise grew from there.
I can relate to that! It definitely ‘snuck up’!
Have you written for other fandoms?
To be honest, nothing has grabbed me the way THG has, so no.
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I get it! Same here.
I guess one exception is that I took part in a RPF Secret Santa thing for JHutch fans. I was really satisfied with how the story turned out but I’m not as comfortable writing about real people, so I have not been compelled to do that since. Kudos to those who can, though.
So what drew you into writing fic?
The ending of MJ just left me unsettled and unsatisfied. 
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And although I understand that in a way, it was likely written in the way Katniss would have genuinely told it (i.e., not dwelling on details), as a reader I wanted more. So, I went in search of some insight into Suzanne Collins’ choices as a writer. Instead, I stumbled across fan fiction. I started looking for some good “growing back together” fics. And my love for the entire genre was born. Eventually I felt brave enough to dive in and write some of my own because I couldn’t get enough of Everlark in just about any setting.
What was it like for you when you posted your first fic for all to see?
The same as it is now: I hit “post” or “send” and I squeal and do a panic dance in my home office. I feel like I’m jumping off a cliff or something. 
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You never know how it’s going to be received. You don’t want to look or sound stupid (the story or yourself). You might think it’s the best work you’ve done but it’s a load of shit. You just never know what will resonate with people and what won’t. I mean, ultimately you can’t worry about that during the writing process; you have to go with your gut and let the story take you where it wants to go. But you just have to hope people will see something in it that they can relate to as well.
It really never gets any easier, does it? What was a pivotal moment for you in the books?
Arghhhhhh. I think there are so many people who are so much better at noticing details of the book. So many moments. I don’t know if I can classify anything as “pivotal” but I do think some parts resonate with me more than others. The entire sequence of Peeta’s time with the Star Squad in Mockingjay was particularly important to me as a reader, as I think it lends a whole sense of hope, which is so central to the series. In particular, I think the moment Peeta realizes the lizard mutts are coming and he chooses to protect Katniss by yelling for her to run... that, to me, is it. He has already chosen Katniss over Snow in that moment.
Such a good one! What was the hardest moment for you in the series?
I would probably say Everlark’s separation at the end of Catching Fire. I’m such a sucker for those two. Throughout that book they’re connecting in a way they never had before. And unlike the film, Katniss and Peeta are both aware of the other’s presence somewhere around the lightning tree in those final moments in the arena. They can each hear the other calling out. They’re desperate to save one another, and are so close to achieving that. You know, as the reader, that it’s not going to end well for either of them. And, of course, it doesn’t.
What’s the moment you hold onto from the series? That ‘Yes! This is why I love this series’ moment…
That has to be Peeta’s return to 12. As I said earlier, you have these pivotal moments in Mockingjay where Peeta chooses Katniss, in defiance of his hijacking, sometimes without really even being conscious of it. I always wonder what happened to Peeta during his time in the Capitol after Katniss’s trial. Was it a deliberate decision to return to 12? Or was it just instinct driving him to where he felt he belonged? Either way, he returns to Katniss and his first thought is to help Katniss heal. To show Katniss some beauty in the world. He yet again creates a thing of beauty - a simple flowerbed to celebrate Prim’s life - and says “I thought we could plant them for her.” Not me, but we. Even though Katniss isn’t involved in his project, he includes her. They are a team. He is with her, in whatever way she needs. It’s unconditional and pure and lovely to see this reborn in him. Wounded but not broken.
I think you did a lovely job of picking out the details! 
What do you enjoy writing most? (Trope, canon/AU, etc)
I think modern AU is probably what comes easiest to me. For one, it’s fun to imagine Peeta Mellark alive and well and walking amongst us in the modern world just waiting for love  - and who doesn’t want that? LOL. I’m a fairly open book emotionally, more like Peeta, so writing Katniss is a fun challenge for me. And in modern AU, there’s the added challenge in presenting Katniss as someone who stays in character, still finds it hard to open up, without the details of her life in canon District 12 at play. You have to get into the psychology of a modern young woman and the things which might affect her life.
Where do you get your inspirations?
Oh, man. So many places. I suppose, now that I think about it, a lot of of my fics start with real-life events. Some are sad, like the circumstances of a friend of friend which inspired my PiP fic Promise. Others are often inspired by the random convos I have over chat or text with other bloggers. Like, Drill and Fill started with me complaining to another writer about having to go to the dentist but that thank goodness, at least my dentist was cute, and the rest unfolded from there. I also love that there are so many prompt ideas out there, whether on Tumblr or elsewhere. I’m so grateful that someone might not feel comfortable enough writing a fic on their own, but still has a great idea they want to share with others to make the story a reality.
That’s a really great observation. Give me an idea of yours that you will never write, but you would love to read.
Oooooh. That’s so tough because I think, never say never. If it’s something I’d want to read, and it doesn’t already exist, then I generally wouldn’t hesitate to at least attempt to make it a reality myself. That’s why I started writing fic, not just consuming it. I had ideas that I wanted to share. So I’d have to dig deeper to find something I’d read but not also write.
What has been your favorite fic to write?
No fair! My fics are my kids! I love them all for different reasons LOL.
If two of your fics were drowning… see where I’m going with this?
Well, if I have to choose, I’d probably say Under His Wings. I wasn’t sure where I was headed with it at all. Usually I have a strong idea to jump start the process, and my struggle is to keep the momentum of the story going later on. In this case, I had a hard time starting this story, and it picked up steam as I went along. It sort of took on a life of its own very quickly. I think it’s probably my most moving story.
What is the most challenging fic you’ve written?
I tend to write very quickly once an idea hits me, so anytime I end up with a WIP it’s because the mojo isn’t there. I’m currently on the third version of a story that I haven’t published yet. It’s supposed to be part of @papofglencoe’s clearance condom series, which she started after I took a trip to Target while chatting online with her. Her Pumpkin Spice story was such a treat, and I really want to do something fun and sexy with all that inspiration. But if I force it, I know it won’t be as good as it might have been. So WIP it remains.
If you were stranded on a desert island with any THG character, who would you pick? Just one, now!
Peeta. Hands down. Or wherever the hands want to go. See what I mean about raunchy?
HA! Down is a start in the right direction, though, yeah?
We all have that fic that’s our go to - whether it’s our own or someone else’s - that we return to because we love it and know exactly what we’re going to get. What’s yours?
If we’re talking Everlark fic, I’d probably say The Bucket List by Meadowlark27.
Faith constructed such a beautiful and heart-wrenching story that made me cry several times. If Everlark fans haven’t read it yet, it has it all. Humor and angst and sorrow and friends to lovers, all my favorite elements. And the ending. Ughhhhhh. All the feels, for sure.
What’s your writing process? Some people like to write their stories all at once, then post weekly, while others like to take it one chapter at a time, where posting is more random. Where do you fall in that spectrum?
I’d like to have the discipline to be the former, but I’m definitely the latter. Once I finish a chapter I want people to see it right away. In theory I always think it’s going to force me to work more steadily, because then I can tell myself that people have read it and want more. In reality, life always seems to fill up my time. The older I get, the more of a procrastinator I seem to become.
I get it. Why is that??
Favorite Book? (non THG)
Probably the Lord of the Rings trilogy. 
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I first read it in sixth grade, not understanding the historical context in which Tolkien crafted it. At the time I just knew it as a cool good versus evil kind of story. Now I have a much deeper understanding of the historical context, and as a history teacher it speaks to me on that level, for sure. Beyond that, the immense time and energy and effort Tolkien put into creating that universe is just astonishing. The man crafted an entire mythology that the world has embraced as readily as anything mythology of ancient times.
It is incredible. I completely agree, and I love the series!
What do you like to do in your spare time?
I have to think about what spare time is these days lol. I suppose beyond work and family (my husband, son, two stepkids, daughter-in-law and any day now, a stepgrandbaby!) 
My fandom activities have filled most of my free time. Otherwise, I definitely have a love for genealogy. I’ll go through spurts where I’ll spend hours a day scouring records to add to our family tree. And I enjoy traveling. I wish I had more resources for that, but I try to get out of town every couple of months, even for just a night or two. Living in the Northeast helps, being so close to so much. I’m basically halfway between NYC and Toronto; I have a ton of family and connections in Philly so I’m always there, too. I just spent my birthday in Vegas and I really want to get back out to L.A. soon. Been an East Coast girl my whole life but I love California.
Favorite thing about Tumblr?
The friendships. They’ve gone so far beyond fandom it’s sort of astonishing. The ladies I connect with the most are just about the most open, take-me-as-I-am group of people I’ve ever had the pleasure of knowing. I have my group of girlfriends here in “real” life, particularly my friends from work. But my blogger friends are a constant presence as well. Maybe even more so, because you can always shoot off a text or a group chat throughout the day, come back and find someone three time zones away has weighed in on whatever was on your mind. We throw story ideas at each other, talk about our jobs and kids, nothing is off limits. And when you know most of you write Everlark smut you can’t really hide anything after that lol. They’ve become some of the best friends I’ve ever had.
Can you give some advice to new writers?
Just don’t be afraid to jump in and try something. Challenge yourself. There is a vast community of writers out there with a huge array of talents and strengths and styles. If you are worried about how your work compares to someone else’s, and allow it to make you hesitate to write, you’re bound to hold yourself back due to fear of failure. The only failure is to not let you idea come to life in one way or another. Put it out there and share it. Audiences are always going to be better off for it.
Thank you for taking time to talk to me!
You can find Everhutcher’s stories on AO3. Don’t forget to leave a comment! And stop by her ask box to say hey! 
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little-lynx · 3 years
Fic recs! This ask is just for you so you can answer it if you want or just take the links and leave it lol, its up to you 😉 ALL are complete and HEA. If I put a * it has smut...
The mating games* by ktface3 (heard this is very good, but havent read it. Peeta POV)
A simple favour* by @jlalafics (fake date for wedding that fall for each other, AU)
A simple plan* (sequel to 'a simple favour' but has some pregnancy, babies and ofc toastbabies, AU)
The language that lives between words* by @titaniasfics (language difference, a bit hurt/comfort, has minor pregnancy and toastbaby at ending, AU)
One need in the night* by msdisdain (mutt!Peeta smut, rough sex, PWP)
Stacked odds* by sponsormusings (mentor!katniss, tribute!Peeta, in-Panem)
Love in twelve nights* by @mega-aulover (shakespeare play based, minor pregnancy and babies at end, a little angsty, AU)
In season by seamaree (farmer!Katniss, baker!Peeta, AU)
the twelve months: a midwinter's tale by @ghtlovesthg (I know you said no fantasy but this is so so so so SOOOOOO AMAZING!! december!Peeta, immortal!Peeta, mortal!Katniss, AU)
P.R.I.M: Pranks resulting in matrimony by @ghtlovesthg (in-panem, prankster!prim, matchmaker!Prim, fluff and humour)
The lottery* by @isarnicole (arranged marriage, in-panem, a lil bit of angst, toastbaby and pregnancy towards the ending chapters but not too much)
Three names* by girl_aflame (in-panem, Katniss is the one with a crush)
At the peak* by maddmaddworld (snowboard instructor!Peeta, insecure!Peeta, badass!Katniss, AU, Peeta is simply adorable)
Le cirque de feu* by purplehedgehogskies (circus AU, performer!Katniss, awkward!Peeta)
Magic Mellark* by prisspanem (magician!Peeta, assistant!Katniss, AU)
Have your cake and eat it too* by c_r_roberts (overweight!Peeta (wont stay like that), AU)
tumblr User singingmockingjay by @katnissdoesnotfollowback (fluffy, AU)
Inked* by Jenye (tattoo artist!Peeta, AU)
The coffee shop series by @jlalafics (barista!Katniss, fluffy, AU)
By the moonlight side* series (i know you didnt want fantasy but Peeta in this is so damn adorable and its pretty funny too, werewolf!Peeta, jealous!Peeta, jealous!Katniss, AU)
Sacrifice* by zury (goddess of hunt!Katniss, sacrifice!Peeta, AU)
Just close your eyes, you'll be alright by @alliswell21 (soulmates AU, in-panem, has child abuse though, more than canon)
Third to speak by jakobamy (princess!Katniss sort of arranged marriage, AU)
Cheese by ahungryhungryhippo (soulmates AU)
More than gold by savvylark (olympics!Everlark, ex-legend!Peeta, minor angst, AU)
A muse by savvylark (writer!Katniss, artist!Peeta, fluffy, AU)
Train tracks by annieoakley1 (role-reversal, seam!Peeta, merchant!Katniss, in-panem, minor child abuse)
Love is...* by annieoakley1 (best friends to lovers, AU)
Something red* by @taylerwrites (PWP, tattood!Peeta, humour, AU)
Drill and fill* by everhutcher (dentist!Peeta, patient!Katniss, AU)
Drabble away* by oakfarmer (drabbles)
Dream come true* by HPfanonezillion (older!Katniss, AU)
Cheese buns and bad puns* by HPfanonezillion (vloggers!Everlark, AU)
Someday my prince will come by merciki (prince!Peeta, princess!Katniss, arranged marriage sort of, AU)
The need for speed* by @peetabreadgirl (race car driver!Peeta, AU)
Oh, dear! You are amazing! Of course I need to share this with the others! I’m sure it will be useful!
I already read some of this fics (I read everything from c_r_roberts I think lol 😅, also P.R.I.M. (soooo fun!), this perfect one from @katnissdoesnotfollowback (this kind of fics always made me want MORE, that’s why I prefer long fics), Train tracks too (very good!)).
Also I’m very intrigued by the “twelve months” one, because “twelve months” is Russian (slavic?) fairy tale and one of my favorite from childhood. And I actually had plans to draw some Everlark based on this fairy tale (veeeeeeery loosely based), I even searched for references some time ago ;) wow. I need to check this fic.
So many fantasy/fairy tale fics, that are your favorite? ;)
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everhutcher replied to your post: my best friend sinus infection has returned....
They’re the worst. Antibiotics, neti, decongestant, Mucinex. That’s my go-to combo.
Yeah I have my advil, flonase, augmentin, and mucinex d lined up on my counter - I look like a pharmacy lol
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thgdiscovery · 3 years
THG Discovery: Discover Wednesday
Welcome to week 6 of THG Discovery!
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Remember, if you’d like us to showcase another work of yours (or if you have any questions), put it in an ask, and we will answer it with a link to that work. Thank you!
Writer: @lovelizziekins— Sweet Child of Mine (Rated E); Muffled Expletives (Rated M)
Writer: @beanfromdistrict7— Pas de Deux (Rated E); Sometimes You Get What You Need (Rated M); Bean-Shidh (Rated T/ Gadge)
Writer: @peetaismybatman— Birthday Dinner Surprise (Rated M); So Easy To Forget (Rated M); Unappreciated (Rated M)
Writer: @themiffywrites— Of Elves and Eggnog (Rated T); Turnin’ into a Lilac Sky (Unrated); The Grey Where We Live Between Wrong and Right (Rated M)
Writer: @silvertaenia— Thing I Didn’t Know (Rated E); You Didn’t Need Me After All (Rated E/ No Pairing); Here is the Place Where I Love You (Rated M)
Writer: @anglinni— It Begins (Rated M); Lessons in Trust (Rated E); Games we play (Rated E)
Writer: @everhutcher— Unalienable (Rated M); Father’s day (Rated T); The Dance (Rated T)
Artist: @dreaminginpencil— Untitled
Writer: Way_Out_There— butterfly (Rated M)
Artist: @archervale— Visiting District 4
Blogs/ Mutuals:
@historyinbooks (Everlark); @eeveelou; @everlarking12​ ; @kdtniss​
THG Discovery Admins
@eiramrelyat @mrspeetamellark
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hutchhitched · 4 years
17 Asks, 17 People
Thanks for the tag @endlessnightlock!
Nickname: Ang, Ding, Auntie Ang
Zodiac: Taurus (Strong like bull!)
Height: 5′ 6″
Last thing I googled: fall premiere release dates for several shows
Song stuck in my head: Baby, I Love Your Way by Peter Frampton (every day, yeah)
Followers: 2,785 (Thanks, all y’all!)
Amount of sleep: Last night I went to sleep at 4:30 am and woke up at noon. Normally, it’s 2:00 am to 10:00.
Lucky number: 21 and 22
Favorite Song: Misery, by Maroon 5
Favorite Instrument: French horn
Favorite Author: James Baldwin
Dream Job: Professor or life skills coach
Aesthetic: If I could live a world of velvet and silk and furs and all other soft things in pretty pastels and jewel tones and metallics with soft, fluffy kitties, I would. (If Bucky Barnes or Sebastian Stan lived there, too, that would make it even better.)
Favorite Animal Sound: the little meow of acknowledgement I get when I pet my cat’s head
Random: I spent a few hours last night watching videos of Shepard Smith on youtube. I used to watch him back before FOX News and Republicans made me ridiculously angry. Now that he’s on CNBC, I’ve rediscovered my love of him, and it’s like I’ve come home.
I’ll tag @xerxia31, @joshs-left-earlobe, @everhutcher, @sweets-for-my-sweet, @deinde-prandium, @jennagill, @stjohn27, @wendywobbles, @girliegirltm, @mandelion82, @javistg, @niki39, @musette22, @greyhoundsgirl, @lokihutchersonmellark, @pirateherokillian, and @awhiskeyriver. (Seventeen is a lot of people. Feel free to ignore. Hi, y’all!)
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everlarkbookclub · 5 years
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The Everlark Book Club would like to nominate the following fics to @everlarkficbackfriday as part of the Fic Back Friday community challenge:
The Ashes of District Twelve by @silvercistern
Canon compliant. Post-MJ. Rated T (part 1), then E. Five-part series (complete).
"The list that Dr. Aurelius and I had made together was burning a hole in my pocket. A list of triggers. A list of things I should avoid." Peeta comes home after the war. 
The Mockingbird by @jeeno2
Modern AU. Rated M. Multi-chapter (complete)
Peeta Mellark, idealistic young attorney, gets the case that changes everything.
Unalienable by @everhutcher
Historical AU. Rated M. Multi-chapter (WIP).
Katniss Everdeen is willing to do whatever it takes to save her country. She doesn’t realize that Peeta Mellark is just as willing to do whatever it takes to save her.
Rebel by HGRomance (@andshewaits)
Modern AU. Rated E. Multi-chapter (complete).
Peeta is a bad boy. Katniss is a good girl. Neither are interested in changing. But when Peeta's sent to work on the Everdeens' Amish farm during the Autumn harvest, two very different worlds—and hearts—collide.
The Other Side of Hate by slagheapwhore (@supersudzissecretlyamellark)
Modern AU. Rated M. One shot. 
Hating Peeta Mellark became easy over the years for Katniss Everdeen. Who knew hating him would bring so much pleasure??
Image source
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kakiross · 5 years
10 Minute a Day Tag List!
I’m ecstatic to see so many people joining in on this and tagging your friends! I thought I’d make a tag list just for a daily nudge. If you don’t want in, just let me know and I’ll take you off! 
@papofglencoe @mareebrittenford @itsatimeforwolves @lovelytothebone @awkwardeverlark @safeinpeetasarms @savvylark @dandeliononfire @alliswell21 @princessoftheworld85 @justajifan @peetaspikelets @567inpanem @deinde-pradium @everhutcher @maxwellandlovelace 
Did you do your 10 minutes today? #tenaday 
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Sunday Stumped Day 27
It’s another Sunday Stumped Day.
Sometimes we straight out get stumped.  So each week on Sunday we’ll post of a list of asks that we need your help on.
If you have an answer to any of these shoot us a message/ask/reply with the Post number and the fic number and we’ll add it and give you a shout out with our thanks. Any links you can provide will also be super helpful.
Post 1 , Post 2 , Post 3, Post 4, Post 5, Post 6, Post 7, Post 8, Post 9, Post 10, Post 11, Post 12, Post 13, Post 14, Post 15, Post 16, Post 17, Post 18, Post 19, Post 20, Post 21, Post 22 , Post 23, Post 24, Post 25, and Post 26 can be found here - and there are still fics we need your help with.
434.  kyloknightren said to everlarkficquestions:
this is very vague but any fics where they discuss having kids? obviously post mj i tried looking through lists but it was hard to narrow it down
435.  redhoodhungergames said to everlarkficquestions:
I’m looking for a fic where katniss and peeta have sex in a closet and peetas grandma opens the door on them
A Year of Firsts by redheadedflame
Thank you @nat11901!
436.  redhoodhungergames said to everlarkficquestions:
Fics that K and P do it in public?
Bros Before Ho!Ho!Hos! by papofglencoe
Mile High by papofglencoe
Bullseye by Everylark, papofglencoe
Thank you @papofglencoe!
437.  redhoodhungergames said to everlarkficquestions:
Sorry this is my third ask today 😂. Looking for a fic where katniss use to date gale and then dates peeta. She’s kind of a bad girl. They break up at the end but meet again like 10 years later
A Year of Firsts by Redheadedflame
Thank you @lovely-tothe-bone!
438.  bdoajdbfjfksnsnsk said to everlarkficquestions:
hi! im looking for a fic where katniss has a dream that she and peeta had kids and peeta has just dropped them off at haymitch’s(?) then peeta came back to their bedroom to find katniss rummaging in a box that they keep their sex toys and sexy times ensue including a vibrator and maybe a blindfold(?) then katniss wakes up. i think the fic was miltichapter in Panem, pre-epilogue. i’d be really grateful if u guys can help me find it. thanks!
Stockholm Syndrome by ohalaskayoung
Thank you @lovely-tothe-bone!
439.  lionheartedgirl542 said to everlarkficquestions:
Are there any everlark fics based on The 100? Or a similar premise?
Forsaken by TheMaryScribbler
Thank you @everlarkarchive!
440.  severelymaximumllama said to everlarkficquestions:
Hello!. I`m looking for a Fic. Peeta returns home. He's a chef and will to build a new restaurant with his friends Cinna and Finnick. Katniss is a photographer. Thanks and continue with his great job!
441.  redhoodhungergames said to everlarkficquestions:
Hey. I wanted to ask if there any of the stories that were turned into original works(such as Lovesick) had any references to Everlark?
The Guardian trilogy by @mareebrittenford (who wrote for Everlark as @iamseemaree) has roots as Everlark. The trilogy is completely finished, and you can purchase it on Amazon.
Thank you @papofglencoe!
442.  joshifer4everyone said to everlarkficquestions:
Hello there, Could you please post any fics, where prim is smart, funny or sarcastic or central to the story! I have read few fics, but unable to recollect the names! Appreciate your time!! Thank you!
Outside Chance Universe by Katnissdoesnotfollowback
Thank you @alliswell21!
443.  mmarie20050013 said to everlarkficquestions:
so I think this is a long shot but do you know of a fic where I think Peeta and Gale are friends in college and they go abroad (I think to the middle east?) and Peeta meets Katniss and they get married or something and she comes back to the US with him?
Desert Blossom by Dustwriter, but it has been removed to make into an original screenplay.
Thank you @norbertsmom!
444.  avengers4s said to everlarkficquestions:
hi! i'm looking for this smut fic on fanfictionnet that i read a while ago. it had different AUs in each chapter, e.g. katniss is a singer + peeta is an actor + they're friends with benefits when gale isn't in town, and one where peeta is a werewolf and katniss is the only one to come close and be his friend. i don't remember anything other than i think i read it on ffn and the AUs but it's never specific enough for me to find on google :( can anyone help? thank you!
101 Ways to Say "I Love You" by papofglencoe, sirrah_sirrah
Thank you @papofglencoe!
445.  thisisfunsoenjoy said to everlarkficquestions:
Hi! I’m trying to find a certain wip and had 22 chapters but maybe more by now and it was about how katniss entered a drawing and was paid for by peeta (who lives in the capitol) to be his wife. I only got 8ish chapters in but up to that point they moved to the capitol and they do go back to 12 to visit her family and they were coming closer together by then
Just Like Heaven by lesbianophelia
Thank you @everhutcher and @alliswell21!
Do any of these fics ring a bell? Please let us know! 
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bandathebillie · 7 years
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Hello my loves! My blog recently reached an incredible milestone of 6k followers so i just wanted to take a moment to say a huge thank you to every single one of you.
Shoutout to those lovely people who have made this experience so fun for me. Thank you for following me and liking & reblogging my gifs and recipes.
Also I’m thinking about making a traveling journal/notebook that will travel around the world from one person to another and at some point will be send back to me. Anyone would be willing to help the girl out with that?
*drum roll*
I present you with a bunch of these incredible blogs that I highly recommend you to follow.
A - E 
@akai-echo @alliswell21 @abrahamsdaughter-raisedherbow @absnow @arbyeatscheesebuns @awhiskeyriver @areyouserial @appleblossomgirl0305 @arabeth-thea @badnovels @buttercupisbrainless @bulma201 @burkygirl @b-boop5 @booksrockmyface @beautifulpaxiel @chele20035 @captainpoe @captainpoe @colourso @deinde-prandium @drivebyanon @doctorkepner @dianaflynn22 @demetera @eala-musings @everlarkedalways @everlarkficquestions @everhutcher @everlarkingjoshifer @everybirdfellsilent @elfincreature 
F - J  
@freedvictors @futturman @gentlemama @greetingsfromthenorthernsea @gwenom @geekymoviemom @hellenacro @hgamesfan @historywriter2007 @hiccupbuddies @hutchhitched @hutcherette @herainab @imaginatvytitle @jlalafics @jennagill @jeeno2 @jajiparty @jhutchmyanchor @javistg @jobanana7
K - O  
@katnissdoesnotfollowback @kleeklutch @kanamadis @loving-mellark @lostmyselfinparadise @louezem @madamemarquise @mtk4fun @muttpeeta @mega-aulover @maxwellandlovelace @mieczyslyds @notanislander @norbertsmom @ombradellaluna 
P - T
@peetamellarkthebaker @peetabreadgirl @pachipachiko @papofglencoe @que-sera-sera88 @reinecoeurs @smartalexy @starveinsafety @starsmahogany @shesasurvivor @sfcbruce @sagittaria-sagittifolia @thegirlfromoverthepond @titaniasfics @thegreatorangedragon
U - Z    
@underthedesertstars @vivere-militare-est-1991 @xerxia31 @youarebeingridiculous 
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everhutch · 11 months
0 notes
papofglencoe · 7 years
Last Sentence Meme
I was tagged by @jeeno2, @pookieh, @peetaspikelets, @deinde-prandium, @maxwellandlovelace, @jennagill, @thelettersfromnoone, @eala-musings, and @ambpersand to post the last sentence of my current WIP. Thanks for thinking of me!! <3 It was awesome to read what you guys have been working on, even if it was sometimes just a snarky email or something you unburied in a dusty draft folder. ;) 
I used to only work on one thing at a time, but lately I’m trash, so I have a fuckton of WIPs, some more current than others, that I toggle among as the mood strikes. Here’s what I’ve got for them. 
A Modern Love:
He smiled at her, either because he noticed the way she was eyefucking him or because he didn’t, and ordered, chatting with her about something for a moment before making his way over to the pick up counter.
Mrs. Mellark sits at the head of the table, Mr. Mellark at the opposite end.
Against the Wall:
“So the blonde from the diner—Delly, I think you said her name was (she knew goddamn well what her name was)—how do you two, ah, know each other?” 
Untitled Feysand/ACOTAR Drabble:
And night— She is its sensual kiss, its cool secrets and hushed promises.
In The Sun (I Feel As One):
Later, when he painted this, he’d make her eyes the color of shale, the rabbit’s liver a deep, rich aubergine, and he’d stroke himself to the memory of this, imagining her brows were knitted from the force of him thrusting inside her.
What Is Past Is Prologue:
Fifty yards or so behind them, through the haze of the tear gas, I saw a Molotov cocktail go flying, landing uselessly in the middle of the street to burn itself out.
Untitled RomZomCom:
As long as their wounds weren't too ghastly and the rot hadn't set in, their teeth could be knocked out, they could be collared up, and presto! Your beloved, belated family and friends could become your new guard dog. 
I fill in the blanks myself: we should find other partners, divide the work now to minimize contact, fuck and marry and have a million babies. 
I dunno who has already done this or what, but I’m tagging: @ohmakemeahercules, @alliswell21, @tomshollandss, @badnovels, @absnow, @wildlyglittering, @muttpeeta, @mareebrittenford, @roseymama, @herainab, @lvfics, @inloveinwonder, @the-peeta-pocket, @andthisisthewonder, @dianaflynn22, @drivebyanon, @everlylark, @peeta-pit, @everhutcher, @pinksnailsaver, @everllarkingnewtina, @hutcherette, @lovesbiggerthanpride, @awhiskeyriver, @que-sera-sera88, @thetruthisinthetooth, and @appleblossomgirl0305. No pressure, but I’d love to see something from you guys. <3c
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10 Facts Game
“Oooook girls, I think we all have to get to know each other a little more. That’s why I decided to start this game. Write ten facts about you and tag ten people!”
Tagged by @dmarie1985 (thanks girl, this was fun :) )
10. I like to sleep with my matress (sp?) on the floor, but that requires some work, bc if you leave your mattress on the floor too long, it starts to mold. So everyone night, I get it down and every morning, I put it back up on my bed again. I shouldn’t even have a bed, it’s a waste of money. 
9. I have way more summer clothes than winter clothes, even though I live in Belgium and it’s never really hot here. I just hate shopping for winter clothes and I think summer clothes are way prettier. So I always wear the same things in winter and in summer I have a different outfit each day.
8. In addition to that, I like wearing summer clothes all year round and I adjust myself according to that. If it’s freezing outside, I’ll still wear shorts and a tank top inside, but I’ll cover myself with blankets (and yes, I’ll still complain it’s cold)
7. I still can’t hook up a bro in my back, so I still do the old hook it up in front of you and then twist it around- trick
6. I travelled a lot to countries I have no memory of. My parents are huge travellers, so even when I was a little baby, they took me to Germany and Austria and I have no memory of that whatsoever.
5. I have a very strong connection with New York for as long as I can remember. I don’t know why, but I’ve always felt it was the perfect place for me to live. Belgium’s cities are nothing like that and I feel it’s something I need.
4. I find a lot of people attractive. Put me in a room, make me watch a show, show me ten people, I will always find someone that I find attractive for whatever reason. 
3. But, contrary to 4, my absolute type of guy is the opposite of the standard Belgian guy, so there’s that. I love men with black hair, scruffy beards, dark eyes and that manly look. You don’t find that a lot in Belgium, I assure you. You can usually spot those guys in Israel or around Turkey :p (yeah I know my guys)
2. I don’t like taking a lot of pictures when I’m travelling, because I have the feeling it breaks the spell of the moment. But afterwards, I always regret that I have so little memories in picture, so I always bug other people if I can have their pictures. And my dad loves taking pictures, so there’s that, I always have him :)
1. This one is maybe embarrasing, but I also don’t care. I’ve never had a boyfriend. I don’t know why, I guess I do (stereotype) have high standards. I’ve been in love, but it never worked out. On the other hand, I also don’t mind. I’m young and I have the feeling I know myself better than other people my age since I could spend time on me during my young years and others were caught up in relationship drama that’s way too extended for our age. I’ll just wait for the right guy to come along, I don’t care if I’m 20 by the time that happens :)
This was fun! I tag @vega-sheliak @reinecoeurs @boomboom80s @iseesparksflys @hutchhitched @hutchercougarwife @jobanana7 @everhutcher @rilmody @pizzamellart
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everlarkficupdate · 7 years
2016 Year In Review Reblog
That’s the end of our reblogs for the 2016 fic updates.  I’ve got to tell ya - when I reached the end of the queue and realized that we had queued up over 110 fics to reblog for the week, I was amazed!  The talent of our writers - wow - just wow.  I hope you all enjoyed seeing some old fics appear on your dash!  
Now, are you ready for the author list?  It’s a long one and we appreciate them all so much!
@hutcherette @@mega-aulover @jennagill @thesnowyangelwriter @herainab @hpfanonezillion @appleblossomgirl0305 @lifeisshiny @hutchhitched @alatarielgildaen @chele20035 @burkygirl @peetamymuse @thelettersfromnoone @arabeth-thea @gobletgirl @alliswell21 @papofglencoe @safeinpeetasarms @peetaspikelets @eala-musings @andthisisthewonder @deinde-prandium @booksrockmyface @badnovels @muttpeeta @geekymoviemom @everhutcher @katnissdoesnotfollowback @historywriter2007 @sothereff @starveinsafety @rosefyrefyre @fanficallergy @notanislander @peetabreadgirl @titaniasfics @javistg @maxwellandlovelace @ghtlovesthg @drivebyanon @louezem @shesasurvivor @jlalafics @dianaflynn22 @the-peeta-pocket @thegirlfromoverthepond @mtk4fun @victors-mockingjays @xerxia31 @que-sera-sera88 @imperio-peeta
Here’s a few without blogs or blogs that I cannot locate:
Everlarklover1960  lizzyvb  twilightcakes  court8191  maisoncoeur  katiac
Last but not least, the stars and inspiration for our fun, imaginative, angsty, and smutty fic recs:
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I hope everyone who updated a fic last year is represented in some way. We’ll be back tomorrow with our regular weekly list.  
Happy Friday and Happy 2017! 
Love ya, mean it! 
Dee and Kate
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hutchhitched · 4 years
Attach gifs from 10 of your favorite movies without naming them and then tag some people to do the same.
I was tagged by @jennagill, @acpoe82, @thehopefuldandelion, @michbigbagofweird, and @stjohn27. Thanks for the tags, ladies. It was hard to come up with only ten.
I tag @lovely-tothe-bone, @thegirlfromoverthepond, @musette22, @everhutcher, @smartalexy, @wendywobbles, @ragamuffin--child, and @ldyglfr62​ if y’all haven’t done it already.
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