#everything’s usually one shot one kill or like 2 shots per kill max because people learn from their mistakes !!!
seraphicalsuccubus · 1 month
oh no I smoked too much weed and gave myself zoomies both from the excitement from my new peak pro and the excitement from the new weed itself and def smoked way more than I should have and probs will continue to smoke more than I should because of this double dose of excitement until I finally just pass out after days of hardly sleeping recently lmao
but ANYWAYS before that happens !!! I currently have the strongest urge to go wreck people in fucking battlegrounds to level one of my assorted disc priests and because like …. ever since I got 100k honorable kills achieve, I’ve wanted that goddamn fucking ‘the Bloodthirsty’ title from the 250k honorable kills achieve and I was farming that before I stopped having the drive to game a few months back.
so let’s see how queues go at 2am on a fucking Wednesday morning, I wonder if I’ll give up before I find a bracket with fast pvp queues tonight tbh. it’s more likely I’ll end up pugging a raid on my mistweaver main if it takes too long to get into a battleground just to preoccupy myself for a bit and try to get a chance at trinkets and shit lmao
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repulsivepangolin7 · 4 years
Fic: 31 days of whump (23/31)
And of course I needed to make a chapter regarding some of the general challenges we’re going through. And who’s the main whumpee in my universe? You guessed, it. Luca.
Word count: 2 516
 “You know, it would’ve been a lot easier if everyone just followed the quarantine rules.” Hondo sighed as Black Betty roared through the streets of downtown LA.
“So true, so true.” Deacon nodded as he strapped his helmet on.
“Evil never sleeps.” Tan shrugged as he made sure the laces of his boots were tucked in.
“Well, neither do we!” Luca grinned from behind the wheel.
“Ain’t that right!” Hondo chuckled as they turned into the block they were headed to, “Alright, you know the deal. Stay liquid!”
 It’s a heart-stopping moment when you suddenly know everything’s going to go wrong. When you know you’re screwed over. When you’re looking down the barrel of a loaded gun.
It wasn’t the first time in his career, and in a weird way he hoped it wouldn’t be the last one either. Last one sounded too, final.
“Please…” he attempted, “Don’t shoot, please.”
“Put your gun down!” the masked guy yelled.
Luca nodded and the gun tracked his movements.
He could feel his heart beating at his max limit. His mouth was dry as plaster wall, his hands were starting to get shaky.
Everything’s going to be alright, Luca… Everything’s going to be alright.
And everything was going alright.
-Until a car outside backfired, and the scared shitless masked guy who probably wasn’t used to holding weapons to people put a bit too much pressure on the trigger and fired.
At first it felt like someone hit him in the thigh with a baseball bat. And he had a couple of glorious seconds filled with that weird feeling when you know you’ve been hit hard by something, but it doesn’t hurt yet. Where everything is just stupidly numb.
He slammed to the floor, it was like his right leg just disappeared from below him.
“SHIT!” Luca almost barked a laugh when he heard the masked guy freak out, “Shit man! SHIT! I didn’t mean to!”
Then his brain started interpreting the signals his leg was sending him correctly, and lord it hurt. The pain was almost paralyzing.
Then his brain started decoding the severity of it all.
“F***!” he muttered to himself before pressing down on the radio button, “Officer down. GSW, right thigh. Making a tourniquet.”
Then he loosened his belt, and prepared to wrap that around high up on his thigh.
The masked kid was still freaking out five yards away. He had laid his gun down on the counter.
Luca looked down at the wound after he had tightened the makeshift tourniquet as much as he possibly could. It still bled too much.
He muttered another word of profanity.
“Kid! Hey kid!” it was a last ditch effort, he knew, but the others had gone upstairs because that was the information they had gotten. Fifth floor, two shooters. “Kid, I need help!”
The masked kid froze.
“Kid, can you find anything I can use as either a tourniquet or to press down on this wound?”
The kid looked at him. “What?”
“You know any first aid?”
The kid’s mouth fell open under the mask, then he nodded. “A little.”
“I need to put pressure on this.” Luca winced, “And-or something that works better as a tourniquet than my belt. Can you find that?”
The kid nodded and picked up his gun again, which Luca first took to be a very bad sign, before he saw the kid unhooking the strap from the assault rifle and placing the gun back where he had placed it earlier.
Then he jogged over to somewhere Luca couldn’t see, before he came back a few seconds later with a rolled up piece of fabric.
“I’m so sorry! I never meant to!” the kid apologized as he handed Luca the stuff, “I didn’t mean to shoot you!”
“Then why were you pointing a freaking gun at me?” Luca growled back, the pain setting him a bit more on edge than he liked.
“I’m sorry, I’m stupid.”
“Forget it, just help me with this…” Luca grimaced, pointing at his leg.
Rapid footsteps hurried down the stairs, Luca knew the team well enough to know that it was Hondo and Deacon.
“Luca, how bad is it?” Deacon asked.
Luca killed off a groan, before he called out for his two teammates, “Don’t shoot, we’re good here!”
Then he looked at the wound on his leg, it was still bleeding steadily. “Harder.”
The kid pressed down harder on the wound, causing Luca to collapse backwards with a long growl.
Deacon and Hondo ran over, taking in the scene.
“That’s not enough pressure.” Hondo noted, kneeling down beside the kid, who now had lifted his mask from his face. “Let me, alright?”
The kid nodded, but held pressure until Hondo was ready to take over.
Deacon secured the kid in handcuffs. Then he attempted finding better suited materials for a proper tourniquet.
 The next couple of days were a blur of pain, low hemoglobin, pain and his mind playing PTSD-like tricks on him. Oh, and pain.
The x-rays had showed that the bullet had broken his femur a bit above his knee, and as a result of his leg collapsing in a weird way, he had managed to break his tibia as well. And along with that, a lot of soft tissue damage followed.
Thanks to the way the world was going to hell in a hurry, this wasn’t like any other of his previous hospital stays.
For one, he hadn’t had any visitors. They weren’t allowed in. Which he took as a good sign, right now visitors would probably mean that he was on the fast track to leaving in a body bag.
The other main thing was that his pain was nowhere near managed. He was basically getting Tylenol for a gunshot wound.
He had gotten a couple of bags worth of fullblood and some saline or whatever drips to keep the effects of blood loss down.
And the nurses tried their best to keep up with whatever shitshow was going on outside of his room, and avoid infecting other patients. That kind of setup limited the number of different nurses who came in to him during a shift. Usually it was just one per shift, with another one stepping in if the main nurse was called to one of the isolation rooms for something urgent.
He had already been the assistant in one of his own dressing changes. Which had not been his favorite part of the day. Luckily lifting by the metal rod going between the four sets of pins was a practical way to move his leg without too much pain or hassle. It hurt less holding the bar than his actual leg. That being said, with the minimum amount of pain killers he was on due to the now national shortage, it hurt more than it should anyway.
 Luckily the internet still worked, and for the moment that would have to be his social lifeline to the rest of the world.
He was just about finished with his lunch when his phone started buzzing.
He picked it up and looked at it, seeing an incoming FaceTime call from Tuana.
He accepted the call with a grin.
“Hey there…” Tuana and Kelly grinned in unison.
“Hey girls!” he grinned back, “How’s quarantine life going?”
“It’s BORING!” Kelly frowned, “I can’t hang outside with my friends.”
Luca chuckled, “Well, this won’t last forever. Everyone just has to do their part until it passes.”
Kelly sighed, but nodded. “How are you doing Luca?”
He shrugged, he didn’t feel like admitting how bad it actually felt to her. He didn’t want this kid to see his weak side. “I’m holding up. It’s pretty boring here as well…”
“I wish we could come visit you…” she pouted.
“That would have been nice, but rules are rules…” he sighed, “I can barely wait for my leg to be good enough to get out of here and see you again.”
Kelly and Tuana nodded.
“Hey, Kelly… Could you give me and Luca some time alone?”
Kelly shrugged, “Oh, I could probably finish reading my book today!”
“That’s a GREAT idea!” Luca grinned, happy that Kelly had started finding joy in reading, “Talk to you later!”
“Yeah, later!” Kelly waved before she vanished from the screen.
Tuana followed her with her eyes, before she looked back at the screen, “Alright, she’s in her room.”
“Man, I miss you…” he sighed, “Both of you.”
“We miss you too…” Tuana replied.
“So, how’s self quarantine going?”
“Well, I’m bored as well. But…” she shrugged, “I think that’s mostly because I miss you.”
His chest felt warmer hearing that.
“So, how’s the hospital? How’s your leg?”
“Leg… My leg feels like it’s been shot.” Luca rolled his eyes, “It hurts.”
Tuana shot him an empathetic look.
“The hospital feels different. A bit middle-apocalyptic…”
She couldn’t help but chuckle.
“But are you good?” she asked, “Except the injured leg?”
“Yeah.” Luca nodded, “Except for the leg, I’m all good.”
“Can you show it to me?”
“The leg?”
Tuana nodded, “My mind kept providing me with all these worst case images ever since I heard you got shot.”
Luca nodded.
“I just need to see it so that my head doesn’t play it up worse than it is.”
Luca nodded, “I get it.”
“So, can you show me?”
“I can.” he nodded, “I’ve got some metal pins poking out of my leg and a bar or two linking them. And of course there’s bandage in between.”
She nodded.
“Just want you to be prepared, alright? And it’s pretty bruised. -And the bandage is partially soaked through.”
Tuana nodded.
“Alright, switching camera now.”
Tuana nodded, and Luca hit the icon to use the camera behind the phone instead of the front facing one.
“Ouch.” was all she said at first.
“Yeah, it… It looks how it looks.”
“Does they know if you’ll be back to normal?”
Luca shook his head a bit, but remembered that the camera was facing the wrong way. “No, they don’t.”
“What do they know?”
“That I won’t be putting weight on that leg for at least three months, or longer.” Luca switched the camera setting back, “And there’s no way of telling if I’ll be able to get back to work this time around, but they expect that if I make it… It’ll be at least a year before that happens.”
“And how long before you’re out of the hospital?”
“Not until my leg has stopped bleeding.” Luca sighed, “Might be anywhere from a few more days to a few more weeks.”
“You’re coming home to us then?” obvious hope in her eyes.
“Yeah, as long as you’ll have me.” Luca smirked.
“Always.” Tuana nodded.
 It took two and a half weeks before he was released from the hospital, with Tylenol and crutches.
He could barely move, barely manage to stand up with help of his crutches. But seeing Tuana come to pick him up outside the hospital made his will bigger than anything.
Tuana was standing outside the hospital when the nurse who had been looking after him that day rolled him down to the lobby in a wheelchair to make things easier for him.
“Well, look at you, handsome!” Tuana grinned as Luca and the nurse came outside the main entrance.
“Hey!” Luca beamed back, “You won’t believe how good it is to finally see you again!”
“I think I have an idea…” Tuana chuckled, “I’ve missed you too, you know.”
Luca grinned. Then he looked at his truck, which Tuana was picking him up in. His expression fell a little.
“Err, I might need some help.” He paused, pointing at the truck, “I don’t think it’ll be easy to get into the passenger seat.”
“Well, I figured your truck would be easier than my tiny car…” Tuana shrugged.
“Oh, you’re definitely right about that.” Luca nodded, “But… My leg…”
Tuana nodded, she knew what he was trying to say. It was painful. Every fractional movement hurt, didn’t matter if it was planned or unplanned. She had learned that through their daily FaceTime calls.
 They made it home to the apartment complex Tuana lived in, and up to the right floor. Luca was beading with sweat by the time she was about to unlock the door.
“Are you feeling alright?”
“A little lightheaded.” Luca answered honestly, “And that right there is the longest walk I’ve had in more than two weeks.”
“So, sit down?”
“Yeah. I need to sit down.” Luca swallowed, concentrating hard on keeping his balance.
“Can you make it inside to the couch?”
“Think so.”
“Try not to pass out on me, alright?”
“Yes Ma’am.” Luca nodded, keeping a death grip on his crutches.
She unlocked, and he made it in safely.
He hopped directly over to the couch, and started lowering himself onto the couch. Then he lifted his leg onto the couch with a grimace.
“Pillows? Do you need more pillows?”
“Nah. I’m good.” Luca grit out, looking nowhere near the vicinity of okay even.
“I’m finding more pillows.” She declared, “And a glass of water.”
As Tuana looked for pillows and a glass of water, the door to Kelly’s room clicked open, and she practically ran out to the living room. “Luca!”
He managed a brave smile, “Hey kiddo!”
She skidded to a stop a few feet away from the couch, her mouth agape. “Your leg…”
Luca nodded, “It looks… It doesn’t look good, does it?”
Kelly shook her head.
“It’s going to be alright.” He promised.
“It’s going to take time, but my leg is going to get better.” Luca shrugged, “And I’ll be more fun again. I’m not very fun right now.”
Kelly looked between Luca’s face and his leg. “Why don’t you have a cast?”
“Because the doctors thought fixing my leg like this would be the best option.” Luca shrugged as he contemplated moving his leg a little. Those pillows Tuana was looking for would be very welcomed after all.
Kelly was silent for a few seconds extra, then she took a deep breath. “Can I give you a hug? We’re not supposed to hug now, because the virus, but… I want to give you a hug.”
Luca smiled, “Sure. A careful hug, alright?”
Kelly nodded and stepped over to hug him.
“Hey, I want to get in on that one…” Tuana chuckled as she came back in the living room.
Luca grinned, “It’s been way too long since we had a proper group hug, right?”
“Yeah.” Kelly nodded on his shoulder and he held out an arm for Tuana to join.
“I missed the two of you a lot.”
“We missed you too.” Kelly said, squeezing a bit harder, “Promise you won’t get shot again.”
“I’ll do my very best.” Luca nodded, “Alright?”
Kelly shrugged a bit, “I guess.”
Okay, remember, this was written early on in this pandemic, and we had no clue how it was going to end up being (not on a national basis for my home country, or internationally). At the hospital I was a student at, we had some shortages early on. I no longer remember exactly what it was we were running short on because it got straightened out pretty quickly, but it was some kind of antibiotic. And we didn’t know how the supply for all the meds were going to work if things went real caca, so my brain made up a scenario which might have turned out realistic, but it didn’t end up that way over here at least.  And nationwide there was a shortage of paracetamol and ibuprofen because people bought it like they were getting ready for the apocalypse, and they planned on having a constant headache. Kinda like T.P.
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iamwhelmed · 7 years
For Whom the Bell Tolls: Chapter 2
That’s right! I’m planning to update this every other day! and you can punch me square in the face if that doesn’t work out! Break my nose!
Also on AO3 and Fanfiction.net!
Summary:  When monsters start to invade Mayview, the morality of the connection between a medium and their spirit comes into question. Is killing a spirit any different from taking the life of another human? Relationships between club members become strained, and if Max thought the club was coming apart before, it certainly is now.
Ed was going on about something, had been for the last fifteen minutes. Usually she would have been freaking out about his fight with him, maybe exaggerating his finesse a little to boost his ego, but tonight-- Isabel tightened her grip on her bag. Ed wasn’t her concern; the looming threat of the monsters were. She gazed down at her shirt, which she was sure was covered in dried ectoplasmic mixture. It wasn’t blood. She wasn’t going to let herself think that. Because then Spender had killed somebody, not a spirit, not a ghost--
“And it never saw me coming when I…” Ed trailed off beside her.
--somebody like them, a human, and there was no telling what path thoughts like that would lead her down. “Cool, Ed.”
Master Hashimoto looked the same as Spender remembered him. His beard still hung to his chest, grey like the warmest sweater, eyes deep and dark with knowledge Spender had never truly felt he’d inherited, even as well-read as he was. Hashimoto didn’t teach the way Guerra did-- when you failed, he always seemed to know why, but never would he tell you he knew, or what he thought the problem to be. He gave riddles, thoughts, and though learning from him had been mind-bogglingly irritating, it was also greatly satisfying, if Spender was remembering correctly.
Guerra raised a hand and stroked his beard. “BL must already know, right?”
“No,” Hashimoto caressed his beard just as Guerra did, who glanced at Hashimoto and scoffed to himself, letting his hand fall from his chin. “And we would be right not to tell her.”
“What? But, Master, that’s-!”
“We have no way of knowing how she may react.” Spender fell silent and Hashimoto nodded to the students in the yard, blasting spectral shots at each other. Usually Guerra would be out there with them, grunting to himself and yelling obscenities at the older students, but Hashimoto insisted they have the conversation inside. Now, Spender assumed it was to get away from eavesdropping ears. “BL is an unpredictable woman. Should she choose to go to war, I fear for my younger students.”
“Perhaps you fear for yours,” Guerra muttered, and Spender could see the growing grin, smug and malicious. “But my students are more than ready for war.”
“Including your granddaughter?”
Guerra fell silent again, eyes falling to the yard as though he hadn’t heard Hashimoto. Spender frowned and turned to the second floor, eyeing the doors he knew lead to Ed’s room, black paint coating the outside as a small child would use stickers, and the door to Isabel’s room, the more humble of the two. There was a small wooden plaque resting a few inches above the handle, reading “Isabel’s Room” in bolded, rounded font, a lighter red than her aura from years of hanging in the same spot.
“If the monsters have escaped, it’s because an agent set them free. It is her peers under suspicion.”
“BL does not have peers, Guerra, she goes unchecked, which is why we must keep this to ourselves.”
Spender sighed. “I suppose… but if she finds out-?”
“You will leave it to me.”
Guerra laughed and cocked an eyebrow in Hashimoto’s direction. “You think she will let you take all of the responsibility? When she is done with you, she will come for us, as well.”
Hashimoto’s dark eyes narrowed. “I said she is unchecked, not merciless.”
“Enough.” Guerra raised both hands before crossing them under the sleeves of his robe once more. “What did you originally wish to speak with me about? I know it disgusts you to step into my dojo. What is it you want?”
Hashimoto raised an eyebrow, and Spender thought that perhaps he hadn’t been done discussing the monster situation, but he nodded and smiled and said: “Your school is overflowing, Master Guerra. I would like to take a student off your hands.”
“You want an impressive one. You called for a negotiation.”
Spender scrunched his nose and stuck his hands in his pockets, balling them into fists; that was why he had to be there. Hashimoto wasn’t just asking Guerra, he was asking--
Hashimoto stood straight. “Isabel.”
Guerra glanced at Spender from the side. “My granddaughter stays here.” Spender frowned and shook his head from side to side. I swear I didn’t know that’s what he wanted. Still, he was thankful Hashimoto had asked for Isabel. Any other student Guerra may have been willing to part with…
“But I do have another idea…”
Spender froze.
“I just-- I don’t understand!” He wasn’t going to cry. He wasn’t going to cry. Isaac repeated the mantra in his head because, and he was sure of it, he was walking on the very thin line between sanity and losing himself in grief. “I was-- I was covered in blood! I was looking for help, for-- for something! And they all just turned away!” His hands wrapped around an old, dusty vase, and he could feel the dirt inching underneath his nails, sticking to his hand and coloring his palm black as he was feeling, black as the future he saw for himself, black as a home with no lights on--!
He tossed it across the room.
He wanted to see it shatter, wanted to see it hit the wall and break into thousands of pieces, fall to the floor like snow and sound like bells. Doorman caught it in one hand. “Young Master Isaac, perhaps it would be for the best you” he paused and set the vase to the side, on a table so covered with grime that what might have been wood once then looked like mud. “... you put some distance between yourself and the others for a while.”
Isaac blinked and took those words and juggled them around in his mind. The thought had occurred to him, so why…?
He scoffed and turned to the side, crossing his arms. “What? And be even more alone?”
“You must think, Young Master Isaac, what makes you feel more alone-- being alone, or being alone in a full room?”
Isaac faltered. Maybe…
Home versus School. Being alone versus feeling alone. The difference had always been there, he’d just never wanted to think about it. He always thought he’d look pathetic without the club, but he must have looked equally as pathetic clinging desperately to people he hated just to keep appearances-- just to pretend that he belonged somewhere. What self respecting kid would stick around where he wasn’t wanted?
“I’ll think about it.”
He’d lost track of how many days it had been since Isabel had walked to school with him. She’d intentionally started taking longer in the mornings, at least it sure seemed like it. At the beginning he always ask when she’d be ready to go, and time after time she’d wave him off and tell him to go without her.
Eventually Ed stopped asking.
There had to be a way to get her to talk to him again. They’d been friends since they’d learned to talk-- they couldn’t end over one small mistake, right? Their friendship meant something, maybe everything! It was supposed to transcend time itself, follow them to the afterlife! Carry them through the entirety of their lives, never faltering!
He had to become a man, he knew that, so he’d started talking himself up to her.
“Hey, Izzy, did you see that move earlier?”
“Hey, Izzy! That was pretty cool, wasn’t it?”
She’d been significantly less enthusiastic every time, if she acknowledged him at all. So he tried to protect her in battle, help her, but more often than not that only upset her more.
“Ed, get out of my way!”
“Ed, what are you doing?”
At this point he was starting to think she hated him, or was well on the way there. He just wanted things to go back to normal! She had to forgive him eventually, right?
Ed sighed and inched the door to the clubroom open. He was the first one in, per the “new” usual, aside from Spender. He’d walk in, wave, and Spender would wave back, and then they’d both sit there in silence for twenty minutes while they waited for the rest of the club to show up. The order in which that would happen was up in the air; sometimes Isabel and Max would walk in, and Isaac would walk in a good twelve minutes after, and other times Max and Isaac would come in with Isabel lagging behind by five minutes. Then on the rare occasion, like yesterday, all three would come in at the same time.
“Ed, please sit down.”
It seemed the routine was thrown off.
Ed raised an eyebrow and took a seat on one couch, sitting squarely in the middle. Spender stood at his desk, one hand raised to massage the bridge of his nose, glasses falling up and down as he did so. Ed tilted his head. “If you don’t tell me what’s going on I’m gonna tear these couches apart and eat them right in front of you.”
Spender huffed and finally met Ed’s eye, brows furrowing under unruly bangs. “I tried to stop this, but Master Guerra wasn’t listening…”
“I can already taste the cotton.”
“Ed,” Spender straightened up, but Ed could see his hands clenching the edges of the desk, as though he was debating breaking the white wood. “An old master of mine, Master Hashimoto, wants to take over as your Master.”
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ginsowblog · 7 years
Overwatch - Hero Guide
Genji -swiftstrike can be used to engange if you secure a kill -swifstrike does 50 damage, if you hit all rmbs in the head and swistrike you deal over 200+ damage -swifstrike gets reseted after a kill or a dragonblade -dragonblade should be used if you can secure two or more kills -swifstrike into the air -> ult -> swistrike again to attack -if you have nano boost you can kill targets(200hp) with just a slice and swistrike -farm ult on tanks, poke from behind -use agility -use rmbs up close, otherwise lmb -always deflect any damage -can deflect everything except: zarya beam, wisnton beam, flashbang over or underhead, explosives from junkrats ability, symmetra beam, aoe damage, mei freeze, -deflect can also block melee, eg reinhardt hits -has an easy time to destroy tps and get heros that are not with the team, eg widow
McCree -flashbang can be thrown over shields to stun rein, eg roadhog hooks him(extremely powerful) -flashbang kills 150 hp heros with a headshot, eg tracer(10+140) -flashbang doesent stun enough to kill 200hp heros safely -if possible fan the hammer is the best option(secures 100% kills even on reaper and mei if done right) -fan the hammer has a huge spread thats based on rng -fan the hammer does 270 damage if all bullets hit -mccree needs exceptional good aim -use combat roll to dodge attacks and gain distance vs danegrous threats or to reload fast -ult wont secure more than 1 kill usually, use it to zone them out or gain time or get them off an objective(create panic) Pharah -concussive blast can be used to gain speed(facing other direction) or to push people around, eg off the map -rockets do 120 dmg on body shots, you will need 2-3 rockets to kill a 200hp hero -hitscan heros(mccree, ana, soldier, widow) are your most dangerous threats -easy to destroy stationary stuff eg turrets -your ult deals a lot of damage but you are stationary and very easy to hit even for non htiscan heros, eg genji, zen, roadhog
Reaper -does insane damage upclose -do not try to fight even on medium distance -escape with shadow wraith in time, not when you are already losing at low health -ultimate is best used from top(most of the time) -is good vs most tanks -bait roadhog hook(dodge with ability) or go in when he hooked already or attack with a zarya(most safe one, as he can one shot you because you are almost at the same range) -flanking is brud and butter -shines on control points and close quarters
Soldier: 76
-easier to play than mccree, but very similar -most solid dps -most common choice for triple tanks dps -helix rockets deal 100 damage and splash damage -your ult reloads the mag and reloads 50% faster -ult works good with nano -you can rocket jump to reach certain locations(jump combined with shootin a rocket at the floor)
Sombra -niche pick -teammates should use hacked health packs to charge sombras ult -primary weapon has extreme spread -hacked health packs regenerate 3x faster -you make no sound when invisibile until you go visible(voice line) -ult must be used with the team at every time
Tracer -insanse burst damage up close -hard to hit -using blink to get out of sight and dodge threats is key -you can get hit during blinks in theory -counters are mostly hitscan dps eg mccree as soldier(only if they have good aim) -a tracer wont get hit by flashbang usually -extremely hard to counter a good tracer -recall realoads and you are at the max health from the previous 3 seconds -you get ult really fast, so just throw it out sometimes -you need to land headshots to be effective with tracer -the ult deals 400 dmg and some splash damage -ult works well with zarya ult -can easily break chokes by just blinking multiple times -you get one blink per second -manage your blinks, eg dont engage in a fight without blinks
Bastion -niche pick -extremly high dps -stationary and easy to kill without portection(poking around walls or flankers) -gets hard countered by genji(deflect) -extremly big hitbox, worse than some tanks -the blue square is your head hurtbox(in turret)
Hanzo -niche pick -extremely hard to play -requires good aim -can be tricky, because no hitcan -extremly slow and has no escape/movement option at all -inconsistent hits -sonic arrow is extremely powerful for your team -scatter arrow does a bit over 400 damage, eg one shots zarya -aim at the feet of enemys or rooms or walls to deal great damage -headshot deals 250 damage, eg kills mei and reaper on the spot -can wallclimb to get a better position or escape -not an actual sniper, stays with team at midrange(eg soldier and mccrees range) -spam your ult because it has one of the fastest ult charges in the game -use ult to deny a push, eg they used ults and try to walk in -ult works good at chokes, eg a small room/entrance -ult works great with zarya ult, doesent outdamage zenyatta ult though -ult deals 300dp/s while standing in it -if the origianl arrow gets blocked by dva the ult will not go off -the arrow and the whole ult can be redirected by genji (same as dva) -ult is best used if shot through wall(too obvious and slow otherwise)
Junkrat -niche pick -mine ability can be used to jump, eg reposition -traps can be destroyed but you get notified if someone destroys it or walks in it -good at close quarter chokes(rooms, small chokes) -feeds the enemy teams support, because often fails to get kill confirm -ult will get destroyed most of the time, dont be greed, eg go for 1-2 kill
Mei -niche pick -best used on chokes like hanamura and eichenwalde -use the wall to seperate the enemy team or to stopping them from shooting or to reach higher places quickly -you can freeze heros with right click and then headshot them(kills 250 hp heros) -freeze is really powerful vs tanks because they will get focused down and are much easier to freeze and have no portection, eg reins shield is down -powerful but very slow charging ult -headshots deal 150 damage, eg kill tracer on the spot -great at contesting(walling yourself up in a corner and ice blocking)
Torbjörn -niche pick -do not try to fix your turret if its already underfire -do not focus your gameplay completely around the turret, it should be 1/3 of it -turret should be placed so the enemy team doesent spot it fast, eg bushes -use the primary fire for distance fights and secondary fight for close range -you do a lot of damage up close with the secondary fire(smiliar to reaper) -your ult gives yourself 500 armor, faster shootin speed, and a turret that deals more damage at 800 hp -you can use the armor on yourself(275hp), eg you take damage and you dont have health->use armor for 75 health
Widowmaker -niche pick -requires great aim -hard to play -headshots deal 300 damage -positioning yourself high is key -even on distance, some heros can harm you(soldier, cree, mei, ana, pharah) -bad vs rein because he can block all your shots -winston, genji and dva all hard counter you
D.Va -extremly high health -hard to kill due to armor and 600hp -can easily get in and out with defense matrix and jump jets -can 1v1 almost any hero in the game -shuts down a lot of dps heros like mccree and especially soldier -defense matrix can eat up the damage of a whole time -use defense matrix to block certain ults such as reaper and soldier to completely shut them down -you can block zarya ults if timed well -you cant block wisnton or zarya beam -use jump jets to reach highgrounds with key targets positioned, eg reaper, genji, widow, winston waiting to engage -use your matrix to help out reinhardt with his shield
Reinhardt -almost must pick on triple tank comps -great to advance -shield my break quickly vs certain heros such as soldier, junkrat, bastion -try to move to the side with your shield as the shield breaks, to avoid dying by a team focus -spam firestrikes to get ult -extremly powerful ult -you can ult, then firestrike, and charge someone(the mob takes 100 from the firstrike and another 50 from the charge, often resulting dead) -your ult can only be blocked by shields -zarya can block your ult -when tryin to move in a choke, try to move in, not out or on the same spot -its your job to bait mei walls on chokes if you have no agile hero that can get out
Roadhog -can one shot with both rmb and lmb -deals extremly high damage up close with rmb -feeds ult from enemy team a lot as he takes a lot of damage -do not use your selfheal unless you are about to die otherwise, your supports ult are much more important -ult is not that good, often doesent kill -ult can push heros against the wall to kill them -you can deal with almost all damae dealers in the game, eg genji -your hook can still connect even if the target is around the corner or not visible(right now, soon hook 2.0) -80% of how well you do is decided on how well you land your hooks -you can keep pressing lmb after the hook so you dont miss the timing -hooked targets are stunned and cannot escape, eg tracer cant recall -hook combo: rmb/lmb(optional but secures kills for sure if it hits)->hook->lmb(always, never do rmb)->melee -one shoting certain heros with hook is tricky, because they bug to the side or even behing you
Winston -hits mutliple targets -has an easy time to kill squishy heros because you dont need to aim -good vs genji, widow, zenyatta, hanzo, mercy -your ult deals 50 dmg per hit -use your ult to disturb and push enemy heros off the map -you can use your ult to survive -avoid: mccree, reaper, soldier, roadhog -you only deal 50 damage per second, your primary goal is to annoy the enemy team -jump does aoe damage on landing -watch how miro plays winston to realize you suck on winston
Zarya -bubbles last for 2 seconds -bubbles give zarya charge if they get hit(dont shoot them)->higher damage output -if you receive a bubble try tanking hits for zarya/your team -try avoiding to shoot her bubbles -shoot the bubbles if absolutely needed, eg someone ults -the shields each asborb 200 hp but they can take single hits over 200 eg dva explosion -a fully destroyed shield(200 damage) gives you 40% charge -its key to shield improtant roles of your team -its important to decide which hero to shield, eg two are in danger->decide which one to shield because the other one is gonna die probably -giving a shield to an ulting hero will provide them with 2 seconds of free ulting whithout danger, eg genji, pharha, reaper -do not waste bubbles if nobody is actually getting shot -you must save your shields, eg roadhog hooks -you cant sleep because you need to react in under 0.5s for most damage
Ana -the grenade can heal herself for 100 -buffed targets get healed doubled, eg 160 per shot -debuffed targets cant get healed -must pick, even without triple tanks -spam ult as you generate ult really fast -ult works best on genji(with ult), rein, soldier(with ult), roadhog(with ult) -ult gives 50% resistance to the target and 50% more damage->almost impossible to kill tanks with ult on it
Lúcio -save amps for critical situations -speedboost + amp to push -keep speedboost most of the time -healing works great with ana grenade -use wallride often -learn to wallride -wallride is faster than normal movement and can reach highground easily -use boop to push people off the map or gain distance -you can finish off low health heros -spam your shots at all time
Mercy -niche pick -if you have res you should hide -damage boost while you have nothing to heal -you can fly with pharah
-easy to play -you can place turrets at the spawn to get some early charge
Zenyatta -does a lot off damage for a support -the target takes 30% more damage from everything -discord orb should be on tanks because it reduces 30% of their in theory -tanking ult on tanks is essential -hard counter almost every ult in the game -your ult can get stopped by a grenade from ana(no healing) -ult heals 300 per second, some heros outdamage that(nano genji, pharah) -you die to instant high damaeg eg headshots from hanzo, widow or a charge from rein -you can go for charge shots, fairly easy to hit tanks
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charley-warlzz · 7 years
He hadn’t seen her since the day they left High School.
A/N: Here is number two! I remembered! Also this was meant to be  super casual one shot set in one of my worlds that had only slight relevance to the plot but wasn’t necessary except now I’ve suddenly got a much clearer picture on why one of my charecter’s dislikes the other one and also how that comes out. Which is always interesting. 
Word count: 1405 words
Time taken to write: 1 hour, 9 minutes, 37 seconds.
words per second: 0.34 (well, 0.336, so slightly lower than yesterday)
2) He hadn’t seen her since the day they left High School
He hadn’t seen her since the day they’d left high school. Watching her navigate the crowds with ease, he could clearly remember why. Still, people changed, and he could hardly hold anything against her given his own reputation back then.
He downed the rest of his drink and plastered a smile on his face as she reached him. “Hey. Long-time no see.”
“Too long.” She hummed appreciatively as she took the stool next to him. He glanced over her shoulder to his friends who were staring at her in surprise. Her likeness to walking pheromones had apparently not changed. She tossed her blonde hair easily over her shoulder and smiled at the women who’d appeared to refill his drink. “I’ll just have a Sprite, please.”
“No problem.” The women – who’s name tag read ‘Enya’ – reached under the bar to pull out a can which she placed in front of them. He passed over a note before she could even ask and turned back to the conversation at hand while she moved to serve other customers.
“You know, usually when people buy me a drink it’s with an ulterior motive in mind.” Teased the blonde next to him, snapping open her can.
“I have no doubt about that.” He picked up his own drink. “Why did you want to meet me here?”
“Oh, straight to business. You have changed.”
“Allison.” Her name burned on his tongue after all that time.
“Chris.” She mimicked his tone, adopting an expression of mock seriousness before rolling her eyes. “Lighten up. We’ve got all night to talk.”
Chris paused for a second, before leaning closer so his lips were next to her ear – an action that was unnecessary given the pulsating music that made it hard to hear anything that was more than a foot away. “You called me, remember?” He murmured softly. “That means you need me, not the other way around. I could still walk out of here.”
He leaned back and felt a spark of satisfaction at her momentarily nonplussed expression before she smoothed her features back into her usual half-smile.
“Somebodies impatient.” She hummed lightly, before shifting so her back was blocking the view of them from almost any angle. “Fine. I need your help.”
“You need help?”
“Shut up.” She huffed, sounding mildly irritated. “Yes, I need help. And I think it would be in your best interests to help me.”
“How do you figure that?”
“Because I know Myra.”
He knew she was expecting the look of recognition that flew across his face, and sure enough it was her turn to look smug when she saw it, but he couldn’t be bothered resisting it. “What are you talking about?” He asked, finally.
“I met her the other week. I was surprised to find out that you’re working with her now. I was even more surprised that you were in the city and didn’t bother to at least call.”
“It honestly never occurred to me.”
“Good to see what I’ve been reduced to in your mind.”
“Were you expecting me to be gushing over you?”
“Maybe not.” Allison leaned back, a smile tugging at the corner of her lips. “But I was at least expecting my memory to somewhat burn you.”
“Your memory hasn’t burned me in a long time.” He didn’t bother trying to keep the scoff out of his voice.
“I slept with your best friend while we were going out. I let you walk in on us. That doesn’t bother you in the slightest?”
“Not anymore.” A smile tugged at his lips. “You guys went out for, what, a week?”
“And a half.”
“A week and a half. What’s the point of getting worked up about a relationship that can’t even make it to the one month mark? Besides, I figured out why you did it.”
“Did you now?”
“It’s all one big game to you, isn’t it? You just enjoy messing with people’s lives.”
“It can be quite a welcomed distraction.”
Chris paused, staring at her for a few seconds before finding a response. “You’re still the same person, aren’t you?” He realised finally. She pretended to look offended.
“I’ll have you know I’ve grown up a lot, thank you. I’m much more focussed now.” Her voice took on a flirtatious tone, and he rolled his eyes.
“I bet you have.” He took a long gulp off his drink before spinning the conversation back to its main point. “What kind of help do you need?”
Her expression became as serious as it could get. “Your silence.” She responded, peaking his interest.
“About what?” He asked suspiciously.
“About me, for now. In case anyone asks.”
“You called me out here, showing me where you were, to tell me not to tell anyone about you?”
She frowned. “It’s not as simple as that. I got into trouble with some bad people. Your little friend, Myra, is helping me with it. I just need to know I can count on you to help me.”
“You’re talking like you’ve killed someone.” He paused waiting for her to contradict him, but found he wasn’t all that surprised when she didn’t. He wasn’t exactly expecting the news, but he wasn’t shocked by it. He let out a long breath. “Jesus, Allison.”
She shrugged. “That’s kind of my life now-“
“So you’re an assassin?”
“So to speak, yes.”
“You’re… not kidding me. Okay.” He paused. “Sorry. Why are you telling me this?” He waited for a response but ended up speaking again after a full minute of silence. “Does Myra know?”
“I’d assume so. She’s certainly researched everything else about me.” The blonde shrugged. “She knows why she’s helping me, in any case.”
“And that’s because…?”
“Because some bad people heard about me and decided they want to shut me up.” She leaned forward, her green eyes sparking in the light. “She offered to help me.”
“Why would she offer to help with something like that without knowing the full story?”
“I don’t know. I don’t question the people helping me – not upfront, anyway.”
Chris paused for a secnd, his head reeling. “I still don’t understand why you insisted on calling me here.” He blurted finally. She raised an eyebrow.
“Well, you will. At some point.” She pushed herself off the stool, tossing her hair over her shoulder and glancing behind her. “Now, I assume those guys shooting us not so subtle looks are your friends?”
He leaned to glance around to see, true to her word, his friends glancing over in what was clearly meant to be an understated way. “Yes, but-“ He was cut off by his own phone vibrating in his pocket, and he fished it out to read the name ‘Myra’ on the caller id. Allison grinned.
“Duty calls.” She hummed, ignoring his stare as he turned back to her.
“I’ll call her back in a minute.” He responded immediately. “Look, I have no idea what’s going on, but-“
“You’re going to have to trust me.” She cut him off, glancing back behind. “Who’s the guy in the suit?”
“Max. But, seriously, if these guys are so dangerous-“
“I think your friend will be able to handle them, don’t you?” Something in her voice made him stop dead, and he stared at her for a second as she gave him a smile that told him she knew exactly what he was thinking and turned away.
Unable to think of a response, he redialled the number on his phone and brought it to his ear.
“Hey, uh… sorry if I’m interrupting something, but I just found something I think you should see. I was checking the-”
“Have you offered to help anyone recently?”
“Just, uh, possibly called Allison, possibly not.” There was a pause.
“Um… Someone called Allison, why? Do you know her?”
“Kind of. It’s not important.”
“…Okay. Is there a problem?”
“No, just… Why?” He couldn’t resist asking, and he could practically see her confused expression.
“Well, it’s kind of complicated really. But she’s having some trouble with these people… are you sure there isn’t a problem?”
“Yeah, I’m sure.” He turned to watch as the blonde leaned up to his friend, whispered something in his ear and then proceeded to lead him towards the back exit of the building.
Some people could change, but he doubted she ever would.
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