#face of oddyssey
faceofodyssey · 6 months
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[NPCS] the horne that is green
Wallace and Beatrice belong to @/justherefor000
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coralfoxheart · 6 months
IPTV Smarters Player: Redefining Your Viewing Experience
In the ever-expanding landscape of digital entertainment, the evolution of streaming platforms continues to reshape how we consume media. Among the innovative tools enhancing this experience is the IPTV Smarters Player, a dynamic application that has gained prominence for its versatile functionalities and user-friendly interface.
Understanding the IPTV Smarters Player
The IPTV Smarters Player stands as a testament to the convergence of technology and entertainment, providing users with a powerful tool to access and enjoy diverse multimedia content. This player serves as a gateway to a world of entertainment, offering a comprehensive platform for streaming a wide array of media.
Features Redefining Viewing
Intuitive User Interface
At the core of the IPTV Smarters Player is its intuitive user interface. Designed for ease of use, the interface allows users to effortlessly navigate through various content categories, enabling quick access to desired shows, movies, and live events.
Cross-Platform Compatibility
Versatility is key in the realm of entertainment, and the IPTV Smarters Player excels by offering compatibility across multiple devices. Whether accessed on smartphones, tablets, smart TVs, or computers, the player ensures a seamless and consistent viewing experience across different platforms.
Customization Options
Personalization takes center stage with the IPTV Smarters Player. Users can tailor their experience by creating customized playlists, setting up parental controls, and integrating electronic program guides (EPGs), empowering them to curate their entertainment environment.
High-Quality Streaming
The IPTV Smarters Player prioritizes quality by supporting high-definition streaming. With superior visuals and enhanced audio quality, users can immerse themselves in an engaging and immersive viewing experience.
Embracing the IPTV Smarters Player
Accessing the IPTV Smarters Player is a straightforward process. Users can easily download and install the application from authorized sources, ensuring a secure and reliable experience.
Pioneering the Future of Entertainment
The IPTV Smarters Player represents a leap forward in the evolution of entertainment technology. Its commitment to user satisfaction, coupled with regular updates and enhancements, positions it as a frontrunner in the ever-evolving streaming landscape.
The IPTV Smarters Player stands as a versatile and user-centric tool that transforms how audiences interact with digital media. Its feature-rich platform and dedication to delivering a seamless entertainment experience make it an essential companion for modern-day enthusiasts.
Embark on an exploration of the IPTV Smarters Player and unlock a realm of boundless entertainment options tailored to your preferences.
Whether it's catching up on your favorite series, enjoying live broadcasts, or exploring diverse content libraries, the IPTV Smarters Player promises an immersive journey through the captivating world of digital entertainment.
Note: Responsible usage of the IPTV Smarters Player in compliance with authorized content sources is crucial to support creators and uphold copyright regulations.
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matchamabs · 1 year
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i’ve sorta lost my best pieces for oddie through my blog somewhere but bc i’m gonna be scrapping the ENTIRE game that took me four years to make, and remaking it from the ground up starting in the new year, i thought now was good to repost some old bits from the original game plus the new poster
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lineffability · 5 years
Not With A Bang
The Bentley’s old engine purred, the same way it always had. The sound died away in the air-less space all around. Swallowed by silence and nothing. (Sound-less deep-dark empty-full nothing-space.) It was the first time in a long time that it had been taken out for a spin.
It would never feel asphalt again.
In the backseat, a book by Pamela Zoline. The Heat Death of the Universe. Aziraphale had found it weirdly appropriate.
Beneath them (far, so far beneath, so very out of reach), a burnt wasteland. Beneath them, Earth.
Up here, just them. It had always been just them. Here they were, the angel and the demon who had been here since the beginning: with front row seats to the end of the world. A real end, this time.
It was a Sunday afternoon—it would have been. Weekdays had long since ceased to hold any meaning (but they’d kept count).
Earth had become uninhabitable centuries ago (millennia? they hadn’t kept count of that—small time was sometimes much more easily measured than the greater scale of things); regardless, her true natural death would have lain millions of years ahead, still: the sun expanding and swallowing her up, hot-crisp fire, red and yellow and white and blinding, and incinerated organisms, cells, atoms; not even ash left to tell the tale. The sun, dying, dead, the solar system, too. That was the way it was prophesied by scientists, back in the day. And they would have been right.
But she had not died a natural death the first time (they say you die twice, right? The first time when you cease to live, the second when someone utters your name for the very last time—well, for Earth it was the other way around. Nobody had uttered her name in a long time, yet she was still alive. In a way.); she would not be granted a natural death the second time.
Perhaps that was a mercy.
A sun flare would do it, a little hiccup in the nature of things, a little irregularity barely noticeable (the humans would have been able to foretell it, to measure it with their clever instruments ahead of its occurrence though not much, had they still been around). A bit of fire in the vast nothing that would light up the darkness temporarily and would soon die out and be gone. And the earth with it. Millennia, with it. Histories.
The Edda, the Oddyssey, Milton, Platon, Nietzsche and his Dead God, the Bible, the Quran, the Torah and their live God(s), Recipes, Family Trees, Galileo Galilei, Rumi, Shakespeare, Fanfiction, Love Letters, Neruda, Confucius, Contracts, whispered nothings and screamed everythings. Testaments. (Who could ever count them all? Could have counted. Not anymore. All gone.)
Many lives had been lived, on this speck that once had been green and blue. (That was now brown and red and black and boiling, from the inside out and the outside in.)
Back then, when even the world’s leaders had had to admit at last, with grim faces, that the point of no return had long been left behind, somewhere in the 3rd Millennia AC, and then a little or long while later, they’d stopped counting from the past to the present—700 After Christ, 1492 After Christ, 2019 After Christ—they’d started counting towards a point in time. 3, 2, 1, to death. To the end. That had been after the official announcements, the accepting. The world had known long before. They had known before the rivers dried out and water had to be rationed, and then the food, too. Before people started dying and wars broke out. But they had done nothing. Not the people, not the governments.
Anyways, too long ago now. Long gone.
They didn’t speak, neither the angel nor the demon. Their minds were filled with memories.
They were here to say goodbye to an old friend. The one who had started it all, who had given the first life. The one on whose soft skin they had met, and lived and loved. The one whose skin was now hard and scorched and old, but not old enough to want to die.
The Earth was so very alone, in its last moments.
It filled them with a deep sadness.
(God had not spoken to the humans since Noah’s time. She had not spoken with the angels since the end of the world. The first End, the one that had turned out not to be an end at all. It had been a beginning. But every beginning has an end, in its turn.
And every end yields to a new beginning.
She had not spoken to anyone since the death of the last human on earth.
Was she watching now?
Ineffable Ineffability. Ineff-fucking-ability.)
There were tears in Aziraphale’s eyes. Crowley was wearing his sunglasses, so it was hard to tell. (His sunglasses, after all this time. They still had their purpose. The sun, and the glasses. Funny thing.)
And then the flare: a flash, an eruption, a light, light and heat, expanding, e x p a n d i n g, reaching, touching, burning, burning—
It had started with a Bang. It did not end with one.
It sounded like a whimper.
“This is how the world ends,” Aziraphale mumbled, quoting a long dead poet, one amongst so many long dead poets, so many long dead humans. “Not with a bang, but with a whimper.”
“He knew, huh?”
“I guess so. They had a penchant for knowing, and guessing, and prophecising, did they not?”
“Funny, ingenious creatures,” Crowley agreed.
They remained silent, after that, watching the Earth dissipate, and holding hands.
Earth had not been inhabited for millennia, was turning into a nostalgic memory more than a real thing. Now that it was truly gone, one day not too far from now, it would turn myth.
But myths need to be told, and remembered. Who was there to remember?
“Where to next?”
“Which of the colonies do you fancy?”
“Mars? The Pleiades?”
“The Pleiades? Don’t be ridiculous, angel. They just got there; you wouldn’t enjoy a life without luxuries. We’ll save that one for later.”
“Fine, then. Alpha Centauri?” There was a twinkle in the angel’s eyes.
Crowley grinned. “Sounds like a plan.”
The end of the world? Yes. The end of humanity?
Oh, they’d shown long ago that it would take more than that.
The Bentley drove on, through endless space, and endless possibility, towards the future.
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kawaii-kozume · 3 years
Soft asks: 5, 7, 21 <3
Ell!!!! Thanks for dropping an ask!! I hope your day is amazing!!
5: Do you have any hobbies, if so what?
I do! I write and I play vidya games. Mostly Minecraft at the moment but I like Overwatch, I'm in the middle of Assassin's Creed Oddyssey and I'll jump into Borderlands again sometimes too!
7: What song makes you happy?
This is actually difficult for me to pin down right now. I'm kinda in a music slump so all songs bring me the same levels of happiness at this point. I think, though, Dancin' by Aaron Smith(the Krono remix) is a bop that always makes me smile.
21: Do you believe in the paranormal?
YES!! Okay, funny concept: I have the ghost of a little girl in my car. I picked her up from a previous job(I worked at a summer camp for two years) and she hangs out with me/keeps my car running as best as she can. Her name is Baby Face and my irls absolutely get creeped out when I bring her focal item out.
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thebigladjake · 4 years
AX3001: Oddyssey - TV Show Research and Development: Giygas and the Intrigue of having an unexplainable villain
When it came to making a TV Show, I always had an idea for an Earthbound spiritual successor since 2018 and over this last Summer when we were briefed to make three TV Shows. I had to really think about what ideas I wanted to do. However, during my downtime, I suddenly remembered one specific thing about my Earthbound experience...
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The Embodiment of Evil, the Universal Cosmic Destroyer or the Almighty Idiot according to who you ask, Giygas is the main antagonist of Earthbound and appropriately serves as the game’s final boss before your adventure comes to a close. Granted, him being the very last thing you fight leads to you leaving with that boss fresh on your mind. But, I hadn’t played Earthbound for a few years... And Giygas just suddenly popped into my head. And a lot of the questions were “Why is he like this? This cute and friendly game has a boss that looks like a nightmare?” I was absolutely fascinated by this boss and it led to my second playthrough of the game.
Onett, the start of the Adventure
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This is the hometown of our main character, Ness and effectively our window into the world of this game. We see the town he lives in, it’s so bright and colourful with all the town essentials! A burger shop, a town hall, an arcade, hospital, police station and library, it’s familiar to us as our hometowns most likely have similar locations. The vibrant colours of all the buildings is eye-catching and welcoming! 
The music is also worth noting as it’s very peppy and upbeat, it feels like the theme of a small town with a nice community. Most of the music follows this formula.
Most of the towns in the game follow this design and it does feel like you’re exploring more and more of the world, like you’ve ventured further than you have ever gone before and you’re not going to stop because this world is so interesting and welcoming!
Some towns deviate from the formula, but the good people in the towns help to established the same welcoming energy that we’re used to.
Now, let’s take a look at the final map before Giygas’ lair...
The Cave of the Past, the end of the Adventure
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Complete contrast to what has been established this entire game. There are absolutely no colours, there are no buildings, no operations of Giygas’ in the background. It’s just a path to the end of the journey and it’s so simple... But, it’s super effective! The lack of colour helps to make it feel otherworldly, makes it feel alien to the world that you’re used to and that’s exactly what Giygas is, he’s not from the world. 
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Even our main cast of heroes could not be transported back in time without being transferred into robot bodies, all of their colour is gone too. All except Ness’ hat, showing a small bit of colour almost as if it’s that one bit of hope of beating Giygas.
At the end of games, usually going to the final boss’ lair will be some huge event where you see all of their plans, what they’ve built over time and will be accompanied by some epic score. Earthbound does things differently.
Just give that a listen, it’s a eerie, droning piece that doesn’t sound like a great confrontation theme. It sounds like ambience more than a score to me and I think that makes it scarier, like you are in the positions of the kids who are probably incredibly scared of what they are going to have to face once inside that cave. It’s so incredible and it’s a sample of the Beach Boys song, ‘Deirdre’.
It’s the opening note and I find it amazing how a single sample can do so much! There is another Earthbound track that I will link here which features a sample of the trumpet in the intro of the Beatles song, ‘All you need is Love’ and again, it sets up so much with just a tiny little sample.
This is used just before going to the Cave of the Past, instead being the Cave of the Present. It’s technically just two notes with a reverb, but the sample adds so much and it just feels uncomfortable. However, we don’t need to talk about this for long, let’s go right to Giygas’ lair!
Giygas Lair, the true contrast to Earthbound’s style!
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I apologise for the size of the image, but it’s pretty much a straight path but LOOK AT THIS! A trail of organs and entrails twisting and turning through this dark void until you find this uncanny monstrosity of a machine made of the same organic material you were walking on. This. This is what made me come back, it’s such a disturbing idea. 
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This is open to interpretation, but the way caves are represented in Earthbound is to only make sprites of the ground and walls. All the stuff you can’t see is black, just like how a cave should be. Giygas’ lair has this same motif, but there doesn’t really appear to be any walls around. So depending on your view, they’re either walking through a tunnel or entrails or walking through the void as previously stated. Personally, I think both are terrifically terrifying but I definitely see the void more.
The organs pulse as you walk up them, the only noise complimenting the atmosphere is the clanking of robo-feet and the breathing of Giygas which is what I feel gives it the whole void feeling. It’s so unnerving that this is the final confrontation, but the fact that it is actually puts us in Ness and his friends shoes.
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Getting to the Machine causes everything to stop, the ambience vanishes. Giygas’ intro music plays as the Machine changes to show the robots a picture of Ness’ face. Ness was prophesied to be the one who brings down Giygas and the first thing we see from the Machine is Ness, already suggesting to us that Giygas knows that we’re here...
Pokey, Ness’ childhood friend and eventual enemy over the course of the game, descends in a Spider Mech and just like that the Final Battle is about to begin!
The Final Fight
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Of course, the final boss begins with Pokey standing before you with Giygas’ number one thought right now... Ness is here and he’s come to defeat me. This is a pretty standard affair for a boss, only Pokey can be harmed and he is much more a threat in this Spider Mech than he was previously in battle. 
Giygas has a shield that is impervious to any kind of physical or psychic attacks and cannot be destroyed or disabled. He attacks using the special power that only Ness knows ‘PSI Rockin’’. His shield will always reflect your shots back at the character who attacks him and even when they have shield themselves, they will get hit regardless. The Machine is what keeps Giygas stable and alive, making him completely invincible...
However... He has one big idiot on his side...
Pokey can be damaged and the strategy of the fight is to focus on him and avoid any attacks that hit the both of them. Pokey, like the main cast, is a kid and he’s incredibly immature. So as soon as his mech is defeated, he taunts the main gang and turns off the Devil’s Machine... The one thing preventing Giygas’ defeat...
Giygas Released
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Once released, Pokey explains that Giygas isn’t even himself anymore. He became so powerful that his body was destroyed and had to be contained into a machine in order to maintain some sort of grasp on his thoughts. Without that machine, the four heroes are taken into a dimension of Giygas’ thoughts and since we play as Ness we hear his thoughts directed towards us the player.
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He reaches out with such thoughts as repeating Ness’ (The player’s) name, saying “I feel... Sad.” or “It feels good.” and added upon these thoughts Giygas’ attacks cannot be comprehended by our characters. It really helps to add a sense of hopelessness because we have no idea what is truly going on and we can’t fight what we don’t know. 
An Unconventional Resolution
Attacks don’t work, defending won’t work either, you can’t heal or save yourself. All hopes seem lost until you notice a certain act that Paula can do. Pray.
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When Paula prays, she reaches out to the world she left behind and the folks that are waiting for their return get the feeling that something bad is happening. So, they too pray from the bottom of their hearts...
If you watch the small clip above, once he feels the support from the Earth. The sound cue to signify that Giygas has been damaged and that Giygas is not okay.
Onward to his next form.
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Now I would like you to take a close look at this image, I’ve asked a few people about this and sometimes they get it without me saying anything and others don’t. So, just take a moment to find an image amongst the Giygas’.
Got it or have you given up? In the realm of Giygas, here in the black void is a pretty damn distinct shape of a baby. And this is what fascinated me about Giygas, there is a theory that this is symbolism for abortion as you go back in time to kill Giygas but that theory has been disproven by Shigesato Itoi, the game’s creator. There’s evidence that goes against this theory anyway, but this fetus imagery always stuck out to me. 
It’s said to be a coincidence that the Super Nintendo generated these sprites and in this pattern. But, it’s such a definite shape of a baby and I find it absolutely mental that it’s just a coincidence. And that curiosity is what brought me back to Earthbound, just this happy go lucky game where you make friends with a little monkey that chews bubblegum, make friends with a man who converts himself into a huge dungeon man and at the very end, you’re faced with this. 
It’s not only impactful imagewise, but storywise it’s just as impactful for the opposite reasons. As Giygas can now be damaged by feeling the love and support coming from the friends Ness has made across the world. Each time Giygas is hit, it gets worse, but the moment he really breaks down is when Ness’ Mother wakes up in the middle of the night and rushes downstairs with Ness’ little sister and their dog. They all feel uneasy and begin to pray for the safety of Ness and his friends.
This is the moment Giygas truly breaks down, feeling the support of a loving Mother looking out for her son is a feeling he had long since buried. It’s about time I talk about the backstory of Giygas, while it’s not touched upon in Earthbound/Mother 2, in Earthbound Beginnings/Mother we see Giygas as an alien and we learn about how he came to be.
Giygas and Trauma
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Giygas was an alien that was raised by Maria and George, a couple that was abducted by the other members of Giygas’ race. Maria adopted Giygas and looked after him while George studied their powers without their approval and eventually escaped with this knowledge, never being seen again. Once Giygas grows up, he was instructed to ensure that no human is capable of using PSI powers and not wanting to betray the people who raised him, he forcefully detached himself from Maria to prepare for the invasion.
Maria was sent back to Earth, but with amnesia and once the Eight Melodies are obtained, she regains her memory and explains that it was a song she used to sing to Giygas when he was young. This is very important.
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Giygas’ first attempt to take over the world. He comes down, looking upon the gang and the battle begins. Starting the trend of Mother/Earthbound games having a unusual way of defeating the final boss. This time, the group begins to sing the Eight Melodies which brings up emotions in Giygas that he thought he had long since repressed or even got over. Giygas has a complete mental breakdown and recalls his forces, swearing revenge on the planet and that he will return.
In Earthbound, Giygas has worked on himself and made sure that what brought him down before cannot bring him down again. However, he didn’t do enough since the feeling of a loving Mother reaching out to her son in his time of need still hurts him severely and it’s at this point where Giygas can hardly do anything. His sprite starts contorting, the colours shift and the audio turns into a droning whirring noise.
Ness’ Mothers love is one thing, but it’s not enough. Giygas is wounded, but he is still fighting. Paula keeps praying for one more person and with a few more attempts, that person is you. There’s a moment in the game where the fourth wall is broken and asks you to enter your name. It can even be your full name, my name is pretty long and my name fits into it perfectly. It’s emotionally engaging since it includes you and you feel like in a way you are defeating him rather than Giygas being defeated by the world of the game. 
After this Giygas loses control, the whirring increases, his sprite distorts further to the point where he is unrecognisable, the visuals cutting in with static occassionally. Static that appears at the very beginning of the game, suggesting the approach of Giygas and showing pictures of the invasion, and at the end of the game it suggest that he’s retreating, he’s getting out of reach and eventually he is gone.
And after all of that craziness, the robots are outside of Giygas’ lair. Everything is quiet, “The War against Giygas is over.”
What was Shigesato Itoi thinking?
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Shigesato Itoi drew inspiration from an event of his childhood, where he had walked into the wrong screen at the theatre. He walked in on a murder scene which as a kid he mistook for a rape scene which had such a potent effect on him. He drew inspiration from it for Giygas’ final battle and some of the things Giygas says. 
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In an interview, Itoi claims that there was a scene where a guy grabbed a woman’s breast which distorted it into a ball shape. He said “It all hit me really hard. It was a direct attack on my brain.” despite the fact that this doesn’t actually happen in the movie, which Itoi admits that his memories are a little fuzzy. It’s probably because it all happened so fast and his child brain may have created false memories or just failed to understand it. Itoi also goes onto say, "this sense of terror having atrocity and eroticism side-by-side, and that’s what Giygas's lines at the end are. During the end, he says, “It hurts,” right? That's... her breast. It’s like, how do I put it, a “living-being” sensation." and the purpose of the scene is to get the player’s mind working.
Another interesting part of this interview is when Itoi talks about typical villains and says this, “Well, you know, having a villain there who simply goes, “Wahahaha!” and the like would clearly be bad. But, actually, when I think about it, having villains go, “Wahahaha!” is a really intriguing pattern. But there’s no point in wondering all by yourself for days on end what it means for a bad guy to go, “Wahahaha!” at the climax of a game, you know? I get the feeling that there aren’t many people in the game industry who would do that sort of thing, though.” Which is something important to consider, Earthbound is such a colourful game bursting with personality, so having it end with just a standard final boss affair probably wouldn’t feel satisfying.
What the Earthbound/Mother series taught me about final confrontations?
Giygas’ character and what it taught me that even “Universal Cosmic Destroyers” can have trauma that they are trying to avoid and bury. It humanises them in a way and it can make the final confrontation that more powerful as it’s a problem we can all relate to. They’re not all evil for the sake of being evil, sometimes they don’t have a choice. 
I think this is a good thing to take on board and I have already begun planning on my main antagonist’s motivations on Oddyssey. It might be changed since it’s a sensitive topic for me right now, but these motivations won’t be brought up in Season 1 anyway
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vermiliondrug · 4 years
Poking my heard out to just say that I ain’t totally dead.
Been lurking and suddenly I got slapped in the face with a lot of work. And then everything was shut down and even more work hours for me. Good thing is I do it from home, so I don’t have to spend an hour going to work and be completely worn out.
I’ve had zero feels for doing any art. It’s been a competely *cricket sound*, but today I suddenly got the urge to do something but I am way too tired to even draw. Also, I am in the mood of drawing traditional, with markers and all that.
We’re still in the slow process of packing for when we have to move. We still don’t know when we’re moving and officially living in the new place, but we know it will happen soon since we got the info that our new landlord is working on fixing the apartment. (the entire bathroom is getting a makeover and a storage room is turned into an extra usable room).
I am hoping that I will have the energy to do art again, right now I am just spending my free time playing AC: Oddyssey and Animal Crossing, I’ve had a few ideas but nothing that I wanted to actually draw.
Hope everyone is doing okay, despite everything that is happening right now. <3
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borisbubbles · 5 years
Eurovision  2010s: 25 - 20
25. Francesca Michelin - “No degree of separation” Italy 2016
Man, we’re deep into the endgame and at this point every elimination starts to mentally hurt. 
“Nessun grado di separazione” is a fantastic song. it is a moody, melodic, genuinely touching showcase of palpable social anxiety, brightened up by frivolous jiggles and Animal Crossing-inspired staging. 😍 Its lyrics tackle the subject of “falling in love” with disarming accuracy and poetic justice. When you fall in love with somebody, it really is a question of resistance, of trying to stay level-headed and rational, of trying to not speak from the mind, not the heart, and then flare of emotion lights up from the inside, carving a path in your chest, until
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Hands down my favourite language shift ever. Each time Francesca delivers it, time stands still, as you take in the expanse of the universe, the beauty of love and the profoundness of life. 
Naturalmente, Francesca is also a fantastic performer for me. It really pains me that she was less good in the Grand Final, because her SF performance was genuinely worthy of a top five spot on this ranking. Yet, at the same time, Francesca is clearly upset at herself that she was worse and god my overthinking, underachieving perfectionist-with-a-crippingly-fear-of-not-being-good-enough self can RELATE SO HARD to that. 😭
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*YOU* ARE PRECIOUS, Francesca. Grazie.
Easily the best entry Italy have ever brought at Eurovision...
24. Mahmood - “Soldi” Italy 2019
...until “Soldi”. Alessandro is mah MOOD
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What a delight “Soldi” was. Shame on me though. Between, all the madness of Hatari’s assholery, Serhat’s qualification, ZalaGasper’s interview gold, Bilal’s revamp, Michela & Miki’s staging miracles, Sergey’s struggles to keep his homosexuality under wraps, Duncan’s staging disaster, Jurij’s bedroom eyes and 2019: A Kate Oddyssey, I had completely forgotten about Mahmood.
Which made the rediscovery of “Soldi” all the greater. 😍 THIS 👏 SONG 👏 FUCKING 👏 SLAPS. 👏 even the B-material things such as the snappy camerawork, the arabic middle-eight and rhyming “Ramadan” with “Jackie Chan” are mindblowingly awesome. 
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It hard to pick a favourite aspect though. The backdrop, the beat, the dancing, Mahmood’s vocals and miming all come together in a song that is supereffective in getting the pain across while also simultaneously remaining fun, addictive and highly energetic. Mahmood completely DISMANTLES bad parenting while also clowning the xenophobic pieces of shit that tried to bully him off Eurovision. It’s that combination of genuine emotional pulling, righteous ownage and let’s face it, a fucking amazing song that makes coming back to Mahmood for another listen the easiest decision ever. *CLAP*CLAP*, motherfuckers. 👏
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23. Lea Sirk - “Hvala, ne!” Slovenia 2018
[2018 Review here] (shared with ZiBBZ)
Best moment of 2018: Lea Sirk becomes the best shock qualifier of ALL TIMES. Honestly, a trash fairy with a trap song that she wrote in under two hours has NO BUSINESS being this good, but it is. 😍
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 Remember the Israeli’s that cheered for Hatari? “Hvale, ne!” is the jury equivalent to that. It’s a song that righteously calls out the FAKENESS of the music industry <3 THAT WAS ALSO LIKED BY THE JURIES <333332456 😍😍😍
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Besides this “Hvala, ne!” is a wild ride taking us to lands of cotton candy braids and trashbag couture with an impeccable, show-stopping choreography, an earworm of a beat and just general kick ass energy. Lea operates on a near-inhuman level of pure CONTENT. Every second she delivers something of value, be it choreography or a snarky note or a hilarious facial expression “Hvala ne!” is riddled with little nuggets like that, which are hard to list in text, so here are a  couple of gifs:
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and yes, of course, the “break”. 😍
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Being able to pull that off not ONCE, but TWICE and STILL making it look fresh and novel <3 “Hvala, ne!” is effortlessly sleek, unapolegetically non-conformist, shamelessly gimmicky and 100% pure awesomeness. Slovenia may be a tiny country geographically but they burst with raw TALENT. Obrigado sim! 
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ps: Slovenia reportedly hating Lea now because she was trashtalking ZalaGasper’s victory over RAIVEN <3  lmfao Lea <3 ANGELS <3
22. Who See - “Igranka” Montenegro 2013
💃 Vodim te na IGRANKU 💃 💃 Na na na na  IGRANKU 💃 💃 Ku ku ku ku IGRANKU 💃 💃 Vodim te na IGRANKU 💃
I should not get ahead of myself, but jesus fuck, what a TRIP. 
So anyway, are Who See dressed like austronauts to signal that “Igranka” isn’t of this fucking planet, or? “Igranka” a fun party song, in which Who See tramp about dressed like Armstrong and Lightyear, flanked by 2013′s ubiquitous dubstep. Good? Sure.🤔 Funny? Certainly. 😁 However, nothing superexciting so far.
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Who See go from a weird heteronormative rap effort that is lowkey fun to an utterly unhinged acid trip the SECOND Nina Zizic is lifted onto the stage by a dumbwaiter and then proceeds to collect every scalp in the gaylaxy. Remember how I said 2013 had EPIC female entrances? This is a top five entrance probably in the history of live performances. SLAIN, DECEASED, EVAPORATED every single time. 
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Europe’s cyborg seraph.
and I mean, you’d think this one-time gimmick would get stale over time, but “Ingranka” actually gets better with every listen. I’m at the point where I can NO LONGER resist the ululating siren call to don a visor and a pair of pvc wings, and make overdramatic shouty entrances everywhere just like Nina the few times I choose to leave my mother’s basement. VODIM TE NA IGRANKU. 
21. Cleo - “My Slowianie”  Poland 2014
CLEO... Donatan?
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Is this Donatan shade for not being there? GOOD! We at BorisBubbles (so basically, I) believe in gender equality and since the wymyn do all of the work here, I’ve decided to not credit him. 🤭
Anyway, let’s just JUMP right in because dammit “My Slowianie” is such a RIDE. It’s entire objective appears to be... to convince everyone that ~Slavic Women~ are better, at everything than non-slavic women and, well, being slavic myself this message speaks to me. Not to mention that Cleo teaches us this paramount interculteral lesson in the most hilariously blunt fashion ever. 
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and dammit Cleo doesn’t underdeliver, doesn’t she? Three minutes of loud in your face SUPERIORITY. 😍 One could argue that “My slowianie” is SOCIALLY REPRESSING WOMEN, like many terfs did but like... get over you -- Sophie Ellis-Bextor, BorisBubbles. I don’t think any of us have the right to tell (other) women what they can or can’t do because of their breasts and oestrogen. These ladies agreed to do this song/act and are completely facetious while doing it. It’s a spoof. Laugh. or don’t laugh, I don’t care, really. Be a humourless non-slavic frump if you must. As far as I am concerned, “My slowianie” is a thing of CHARMING BEAUTY :shakes what his momma gave him:/ :claps his hands to this music:
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and in this update we say goodbye to Italy, Montenegro and Poland. Read my thoughts on them below:
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Italy before their return is one of the biggest snoozefests in Eurovision and now look at that chart. They were near impeccable in this decade and hopefully can win a third time soon (honestly the fact that they came so close to winning four times in this decade and still didn’t is one of the biggest mysteries of 2010s Eurovision imo.)
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Montenegro are the Georgia of the Balkans: they often go for experimental shit, just cuz they can. Unfortunately, their shit often is just that: shit. 
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Poland at Eurovision is a big ball of meh, mostly because they can’t, at all, select songs or entrants that sound good. Cleo and Michal are forever though, so it’s not completely without merit. 
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nlgamingstuff · 6 years
A Creative Super Mario Masterpiece
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Here we go, off the rails, don’t you know it’s time to raise your sails? If the amazing theme song wasn’t enough to grab your attention, Maybe my review can!! Super Mario Odyssey is an outstanding piece of work, with an amazing atmosphere, outstanding details and graphics, great characters, and worlds that are jam-packed with secrets and content. Seriously, every nook and cranny of this game has some kind of secret. There are over 900 collectible moons to discover!
Super Mario Odyssey’s plot is similar to most Mario games, hence our beloved Princess Peach is kidnapped yet again by the infamous King Bowser and it’s up to Mario to save her. Only in this particular adventure, Mario is accompanied by a new face! Cappy is a citizen of the cap kingdom and Mario’s most significant ability in the game. With Cappy, you’re able to “capture” enemies throughout the game and use their abilities to your advantage. I found these new game mechanics incredible the first time I played the game, because I’ve always wanted to play as a goomba in a platformer Super Mario game. 
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One of my favorite things about this game however, is the boss battles. I cannot stress enough how great the bosses in this game are. Every boss has a unique way of showcasing the capture ability with specific enemies. For example, in the boss battle against the squid monster (Mollusque Lanceur) in the seaside kingdom, you have to capture a squid and use it’s water ability to defeat the boss.
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Unlike Super Mario Galaxy and Super Mario Sunshine, Odyssey has an online minigame mode called “Luigi’s Balloon World”. In the game, players from all over the internet can hide balloons in whatever world they want, and can get coins when other players look for them. You get the choice of whether you want to hide a balloon or search for a balloon, and you get coins either way. The game itself is fun, but it’s not the most exciting thing for an online game mode. 
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Super Mario Odyssey has 16 amazing, well constructed worlds to explore and over 900 moons to collect. It surpassed my expectations and I had a great time playing. Of course there were some challenging parts like that ridiculous 100 jump rope jump challenge that I still can’t pass for the life of me. But for me about 93% of the game is 100% enjoyable and filled with adventurous spirit. I loved everything about it; the Amiibo compatibility, the vivid levels and scenery, the fun races and mingames, and the fun costumes that I still haven’t unlocked. I give Super Mario Oddyssey a
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funhaversclub · 7 years
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NOTE: Check back to the fun havers blog original post for new updates to this post! new outfits!
Mario Odyssey trailers have been filled with mario in diferent outfits. Some are even throw backs to Mario's older games. Above are all the outfits I could find so far AND the comparisons to older games... Some are spot on and others are quite a stretch if not related really at all.
So Starting with Mario in white, It's Mario in his wedding suit. This is directly from Odyssey itself I'm assuming.
Next is Mario in the classic overalls from the Donkey Kong arcade. Red pants and a blue shirt. I think the way Mario's feet are facing out is a homage to his old Mickey Mouse-like stance
Then we have Mario in a buisness suit. The related image I don't think is it's origins it's just the only pic I could find of Mario in a suit. The suit from Oddyssey is just the same type of suit the donk city dwellers wear.
The next is obvious. It's construction Mario from Super Mario Maker for WiiU and 3DS
Then we have Mario in a cowboy outfit. The closest reference I could find is Cowboy Mario from Mario Party.
Mario in the Sumbrero is a reference from the credits of "Qix" where Mario wears a sumbrero and plays a guitar.
Next is the explorer Mario. This was featured in the Mario Picross game.
Then we have scuba diver Mario. This comes from the Club Nintendo Calendar.
The artist Mario seems to be Mario paint's Mario although the hat seems to be from Mario Artist 64.
Next the striped outfit is from NES Open Tournament Golf for the NES. This is the stars and striped outfit Mario wears in that game.
The chef's outfit comes from Yoshi's Cookie for the SNES
Next is Dr. Mario from the... Dr. Mario games
The next few comparisons are a bit stretched... but the first is the Football outfit that might be a reference to Chargin' Chuck from Super Mario World for the SNES
Next is what looks like a vacation/straw hat outfit. The only thing I could find even close was mario in a similar outfit from the Super Mario Show cartoon. lol. 
The cave man Mario could be based off of a caveman Mario from the german Mario Club comic. (found by https://cloudyskies17695.tumblr.com/) caveman Mario could also be a reference to the NES bootleg hack of a Flinstones game called "7 Grand Dad" where Mario's head is on Fred Flinstone's body. There are really not that many similarities but it's funny to think they did. (also really awesome how he's wearing a dry bones skull)
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Then we have the now famous swimsuit Mario (internet famous for his nipples being exposed) This is from new promo art made for Oddyssey.
The white, blue and red cap is from the pit crew Mario from the Famicom's Famicom Grand Prix II: 3D Hot Rally.
Top hatted Mario is from the boxart of Super Mario Allstars for SNES featuring Mario as a magician.
The snowsuit Mario is promotional art from the arcade game Nintendo VS. series: Nintendo VS. Ice Climbers (found by https://halloweenrice.tumblr.com/)
The second last Shirt shown is the bottom half of the outfit from the Kyary Pamyu Pamyu Nintendo 3DS commercial. Pretty snazzy! (found by http://pralinepowered.tumblr.com/)
and finally there's a pirate outfit... I don't think it's the Mario Party 65 pirate because the image looks more like a captain's outfit (found by http://pralinepowered.tumblr.com/)
Mario with a red visor comes from a Dutch Super Gameboy commercial from the 90's: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cCwpeXPKJ7Q
The next Mario we have seems to be the representative of the “Crazy Cap” shop!
The last Mario seems to be a clown! so far I have no idea where he comes from
ALSO some of the other images in the Club Nintendo Calendar art has a few strange Mario outfits. These two in particular I think would be really cool to see:
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Sooooo that's what I've found so far... after promising myself I wouldn’t watch any new trailers! I'M SO PUMPED!!!!!
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oberynmartell · 7 years
i have seen soooooo many posts giffing arya's struggles while managing to diminish sansa's own in the same breath. ive seen posts saying arya has survived "what sansa hasn't" including: beatings, starvation, being held hostage, threats of sexual assault and violence, witnessing murders and crimes. all of which sansa has faced as well. can we not just say both girls have faced oddysseys and both girls have been afraid and alone and hurt without diminishing the other. why does this fandom constantly tear down one sister to raise up the other.
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faceofodyssey · 2 months
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the filenames are well and doods respectively
that super cool /gen Amazeus design belongs to @/zombiepillar (ifykyk ig)
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twinkluffy · 7 years
Forgotten island [Fantasy AU]
Day 1 of the Zoluweek2k17, Fantasy Au: Merman Luffy and human Zoro.
Hi, i wanted to take part of this week so badly that I ignored how much I suck on english, bc is not my first lenguage and even when I can read it without trouble when it comes down to write long things I get a little nervous = a lot of failures. So, if there any misspelling i’m very very sorry ;_; and i hope this counts as fantasy
some facts about this one shot: Antemoesa was the place where mermaids habited (well virgilio, the poet, says so) and there is a the oddyssey reference too. Luffy is very old but look young, he is a fatalist (because he has seen so much and being in solitude for so many years tends to mold you in that way) but still is very hard too think about luffy like that so a very ooc luffy 
Warnings: ooc, and none other mayor warning, this pretty sane oneshot in my standars 
After several hundred years life in Antemoesa became boring. I’ts no wonder, after all it is a small island forgotten by the gods in the middle of the wide sea and whose exact location is only found in ancient texts in an already extinct language. He’s older than time but not as much as the creation, product of the boredom of the gods who sought to mortify the humans who had the audacity to sail the seas belonging to Poseidon.
 He can walk on land and breathe underwater; If he is hurt, his wounds bleed but his own tears are able to heal him; He can bring wisdom and knowledge to humans but can also destroy them for no reason at all. Luffy is no longer mortal, but a scourge of immortality, terrible, painful, wild and invincible but also doomed to spend the remaining time on earth in the flowery meadows of antemoesa waiting for new humans who seduce through his singing.
That is the price that Zeus demanded to pay to save the life of his older brother, whose face has forgotten over the centuries but whose warmth still remembers vividly. The conditions were simple, seduce with his singing the humans who listen but never approached near enough to be affected by them, according to Zeus, sometimes humans can be kind and this is painful for beings like him.
(Because Luffy is not a human nor a fish. He can walk on the ground and breathe underwater)
Not that it matters too much by now, hundreds of years have passed since the last time Luffy  saw a human and sincerely, he doubts to see one in the coming hundreds of years he has remaining.
At first, when he saw a deplorable ship floating in his direction, he thought it was just another unfortunate ship that had crashed against the rocks or an old ship whose crew died in the midst of the treacherous sea, but to his utter surprise he heard the sound of groans Coming from the ship, without even thinking twice he dived into the sea and swam until he was next to it, where a human man struggled to breathe.
Clutching the railing with all his strength, he began to move his fin quickly, dragging the boat with him to the edge of the beach where his tail turned into two legs when they make contact with the sand. He held the human in his arms and laid him down on the sand, knelt beside him and removed those strange clothes that covered his chest where now stands a brutal wound that comes from the right side of his waist to his left shoulder , From where the blood seems to have ceased to sprout but would end up becoming infected if it is not taken care of.
Luffy buries his nails in his arms until small drops of blood begin to slide down his arms and tears make his vision cloud, he leans over the human and let his tears fall on the chest of the man whose wounds begin to heal leaving behind a huge scar.
The first human who passes here after hundreds of years and is half dead," Luffy says in a sigh, sitting down next to the human whose once laborious breathing has returned to normal. "You can’t seduce a half-dead man.”
Luffy sighs again, defeated, while the human emits snoring sounds with both arms scattered at the height of his head, without any concern that he was about to die and that his salvation has been what many call the voice of the doom of the Seas.
When the human wakes up three days after his arrival he seems surprised to be alive and not that Luffy blamed him after seeing the serious wound in the man’s chest. When his dark eyes, black as night meet the intense green eyes sharp as a sword, that an epiphany hits him like lightning, leaving him breathless. He sees the bright future that awaits this man who was born to obtain greatness and a title that positions him above all the other swordsman in the world which falls comfortably on his shoulders, as if it couldn’t have been otherwise.
But noy yet - He still so weak, so fragile … that if Luffy were to press a little he would collapse completely along with all that awaits for him in future.
“You helped me?”  the human asks with a frown
“Yes, but I don’t really did that much”  Luffy responds easily taking away importance, as if it were a matter of everyday that a creature like him saves stupid sailors to die of an infection
“My name is Roronoa Zoro”  the human says, bowing his head lightly in a gesture of respect and gratittude “Thank you for helping me”
“How did you get that wound?” Luffy asks, curious to know how this man, Zoro, arrived in such a state to his domains
"Fighting for my dream," Zoro answers immediately, with a confident smile and a gleam in his eyes that the merman can identify, having already seen him before in a human. Like that stubborn man, Odysseus, which was tied to the mast of his ship so as not to succumb to the charms of his voice because he was fully convinced to return home.
“There you can find fruits to eat” says Luffy raising his arm to point the forest a couple of meters beyond
The human nods, placing a hand on the scar that crosses his abdomen to rise and walks lazily in the opposite direction that the merman points
“It's the other side, stultus!” Luffy shouts at Zoro, who looks embarrassed while now if he walks in the indicated direction  “I found a very troublesome human” Luffy sighs, defeated.
“Aren’t you a little too young to live alone on this island? Did you get lost at sea or something?” Zoro ask, hours later with his arms crossed under his head looking to the sky  
Luffy can’t help laugh, he doesn’t remember how much time has passed since the last time he did it and the human looks confused
“I have more years than you'd know count or you could get to have”  Luffy answered, taking an apple to bring it to his lips  “This island belongs to me, was created by Zeus himself just for me”
Zoro looks at him incredulously as he shakes his head, believing it to be a joke on the part of the black-haired man, Luffy does not bother to insist and simply shrugs.
With the passing of the days are installed at a comfortable pace of coexistence, where Zoro would offer to go find things to eat and return with Luffy on the cliff where the dark-haired sit for hours watching the sea while singing softly. Zoro usually remains silent, taking a nap or trying to annoy the merman to kill boredom
"Why are you on this island, Luffy?" - Asks Zoro, with both arms under his head while looking at the sky  “doesn’t get kinda lonely?”
"I'm on this island to sing," Luffy replies, not taking his eyes off the sea as he tilts his head slightly as if trying to see something beyond  “that's all.”
"You're a strange child," Zoro replies, looking at him out of the corner of his eye for a reaction that soon arrives
“I tell you, I'm older than you could imagine!”  answers Luffy annoyed, no longer looking at the sea but the man next to him “You’re a child compared to me!”
“I don’t know” says Zoro, sitting and putting a hand on his chin as if he was seriously thinking about something “I would say that you are definitely a child and a very short one”
“Don’t make me hurt you, brat!” shouts Luffy, completely forgetting his composure and pouncing on the human who only laughs at the hilarious reaction of the raven
There are times when Zoro joins him and makes him company while watching the sea, the eyes of the human acquire a nostalgic glow as he watches the distant horizon, it is then when Luffy remembers that the dream and goals of Zoro are not in A place as boring as Antemoesa, but on the open sea fighting against powerful enemies that help him develop his skills until he becomes the best but every time he is about to open his mouth to say something the human will simply watch him and start to annoy him about his height or age.
One night, meanwhile Luffy is looking at the sea, Zoro sits beside him and begins to talk.
The human tells him how left his home in search of his dream, how he lost his way back  and in a way that he couldn’t no longer get back and his only option would always be moving forward. He speaks of the places he has seen, the things he has eaten, of a drink called sake that is the most delicious of the nectars and about some kind humans and other not so much. He talks about a rival with empty cold eyes and sword handled as it were a extension of his rival body, about an humiliating defeat because of his arrogance and his newfound determination to become even stronger when he leaves this island.
He talks about a future together, both of them, out in the vast sea searching to make their names reach heaven together, because they can go anywhere… the sea is freedom when you want it to be.  
(that is what Zeus had mean, the painful but so warm gentle nature of humans)
but he can’t leave, not because he doesn’t wanna but because he made a promise so many years ago for a brother whose face he doesn’t remember anymore yet he’s still holding that promise, until he dies, until the whole world ends and he welcomes the final end singing.
Luffy makes a decision that night while he look the peaceful face of the swordsman.
When the sun comes out the next day and the swordsman wakes up, stretching his arms and yawning is that Luffy asks him to follow him, after walking in silence they reach the shore of the beach where Zoro seems confused to see his boat in good condition.
“You have to go now” The merman says, taking a step forward and taking the swordsman's face in his hands “Just follow right in direction of the sun for a few days and find dry land, your dream is far from this place... you say you want your name reaches so high to be heard in heaven, then make the name of Roronoa Zoro be heard on this island too when you become the best swordsman in the world”
“What about you?” Question Zoro “Will you stay here, alone?”
“I made a decision hundreds of years ago, which I do not regret, and if I left this island, I would be breaking my promise” Luffy explains, the human has a frown ready to argue when the merman interrupts him again “I have been hundreds of years alone… please don’t feel sorry for me”
Zoro seems to think what to say before a smug smile forms on his lips
 “When I become the best swordsman in the world I will come back and stay with you, so we will both fulfill the promises we have made” 
he says, wrapping him in an unexpected hug that lasts too little for Luffy's taste, the swordsman turns his back on him and begins to move away towards the ship on the shore, to climb and begin to row, without looking back even once while hile with every movement of the waves that move the ship, Luffy's heart sinks a little more because he knows that it is not a promise that Zoro can fulfill.
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harry-frampton · 5 years
‘First Man’ (2018) Review
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As a huge Damien Chazelle fan (with both 'Whiplash' (2014) and 'La La Land' (2016) being some of my favourite films of the decade, if not all time) I was going to see his next film regardless of what it was. Then I learnt it was starring Ryan Gosling, one of my favourite actors, and my interest was perked even more. The cherry on top that made my expectations incredibly high was the subject matter, space exploration; a subject matter done to death that seems to fascinate me every time (unless, of course, it gets ruined by Sandra Bullock barking). Despite having absurdly high expectations, 'First Man' managed to meet them - and I can say, without a doubt, it is one of the best depictions of space exploration to arrive on the silver screen.
The film explores the life of Neil Armstrong and the moments leading up to and including the infamous Apollo 11 mission that saw him and Buzz Aldrin be the first men to set foot on the moon.
First of all, to state the obvious, the film looks incredible - with some of the most convincing uses of both practical and computer generated effects I've seen. It is genuinely difficult to determine how much of the film is done practically and how much is CGI, to the point where my girlfriend was convinced they were using real footage of the launch. Other than being convincing through the Paul Greengrass shaky cam/zoom technique, the film has moments of stillness that are simply mesmerising, with a beautiful array of colours to feast your eyes on.
Damien Chazelle has an ear for music, clearly, and again delivers a film with an excellent score to accompany its visuals (though don't be expecting a jazz theme again). On top of this, the sound design all throughout the film is seriously impressive - with one of my favourite moments coming from the transition between the chaotic crescendo of spacecraft noise to the vacuum silence of space.
Throughout the film I couldn't help but draw comparisons to Kubricks '2001: A Space Oddyssey' (1968). The sterile tone and sleek production design seen in both is another strength of the film, but that being said; the film has a surprising couple of heartfelt moments, even if they are somewhat few and far between. The subtle performances from a glorious cast make these interpretations of infamous explorers feel all the more real, and a nuanced performance from Claire Foy is a showstopper. Ryan Gosling may be doing more of his straight-faced serious man routine, but it feels appropriate given the context of the character.
If you are interested in learning more about Apollo 11, this film is very informative and takes a more factual, unbiased insight into the mission (and those that came before) than the usual Hollywood depiction of U.S. achievements.
I highly recommend this film to most people, although before watching the film I saw that a lot of people found this film to be "boring", which I think is absurd. That being said, they are probably the type of people to think '2001' is boring as well... In that case I guess if you don't like 'A Space Odyssey' then it's very possible you wont like this film either.
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swipestream · 6 years
New Release Roundup, 2 June 2018: Fantasy and Adventure
The northern frontier of Britannia, a magical school, a conquered city, and Manly Wade Wellman’s Sgt. “Bible” Jaeger feature in this week’s roundup of the newest releases in fantasy and adventure.
Desperate Measures (The Valens Legacy #8) – Jan Stryvant
Things are starting to heat up for Sean and for some of his allies as well. The Sacramento Vestibulum council is starting to act in ways that no one had anticipated, and the Gradatim national council is by no means standing idly by either. When several of the councils decide to ban together in a move to eradicate Sean’s followers and remove him as well, Sean has no choice other than to try and teach them a painful lesson.
But those aren’t all the problems that Sean now has to deal with. More and more people are counting on him as the days go by and the burdens he must shoulder are quickly growing. Between the magical work he must do, the people he must lead, the battles he has to fight, and the money he needs to earn, Sean barely has time for his wives, much less himself these days.
And if dealing with the magic users isn’t enough, there are some very ‘mundane’ issues on the horizon that he may soon find himself dealing with as well.
Embers of Empire (Ava’s Crucible #2) – Mark Goodwin
America has fallen and Ava’s band of misfits is all that stands between freedom and absolute tyranny.
Political division in the United States has reached the boiling point and the Second American Civil War is well underway. Communist agitators have been successful in their efforts to intimidate voters from key states and steal the election. A far-left socialist candidate has seized the reins of power and his designs against the republic are absolute. With a sympathetic congress, he will sign in sweeping bans on firearms, criminalize free speech, and institute a new government agency to root out dissenters.
Ava’s group pledges to launch an insurgency campaign against the occupying force in Texas, but they’ll have to watch out for those who have been tasked with purging the patriots. Her team cannot fail in their mission to liberate Texas. If Texas falls, America’s demise is all but certain.
The Encircling Sea (Vindolanda #2) – Adrian Goldsworthy
Flavius Ferox, Briton turned Roman centurion, is charged with keeping Rome’s empire intact. But from his base at Vindolanda on the northern frontier of Britannia, he feels enemies closing in on him from all sides.
Ambitious leaders await the chance to carve out empires of their own. While men nearer at hand speak in whispers of war and the destruction of Rome.
And now new threats are reaching Ferox’s ears. Stories about the boat-dwelling men of the night, who have cursed the land and only come ashore to feast on men’s flesh.
These are just rumours for now. But Ferox knows that rumours stem from truth. And that no one on this isle is safe from the great, encircling sea…
The Family Shame (The Zero Enigma #4) – Christoper G. Nuttall
Isabella Rubén is a traitor – at twelve years old.
Disgraced, abandoned by her friends and shunned by her family, Isabella is sent into exile with scant hope of returning to her former home. Her destination, Kirkhaven Hall; a stone mansion miles from civilisation, inhabited only by a pair of older exiles. Existence as she knew it is over.
But as she tries to settle into Kirkhaven Hall, and a life far from the one she enjoyed before her fall from grace, she discovers that the hall has secrets. Intruders on the grounds, ghostly shadows moving at night …
… and a plot that may destroy everything she once held dear.
Hunted (The Oddyssey of  Nath Dragon #4) – Craig Halloran
Nath, Darkken and Maefon’s relationships grow stronger and they become quite the formidable band of heroes. Still taken in by the deception, Nath journeys with his new companions across Nalzambor to the town of Old Hen. It is there that they begin a desperate search in a bizarre gargantuan crypt guarded by the undead. Within, they hope to find the secret of Dragon Steel, that can be turned into a weapon, that can kill anything.
Brenwar, Slivver and Master Elween pull their forces together in order to track Nath down. Can they find him before Lord Darkken’s deception takes a complete hold on Nath? Will they be able to reveal the insidious Lord of the Dark in the Day’s deception? Or will Nath set his sights on taking over Nalzambor with his brother?
Hunter’s Oath (Changeling Blood #2) – Glynn Stewart
Jason Kilkenny is a quarter-human Vassal of the Queen of the Fae and the neutral arbiter of supernatural affairs around the Fae Court in the Canadian city of Calgary. He has spent half a year building relationships with the existing power structure–but all of that is thrown into chaos when the Fae leadership dictates that Calgary’s Court split into Seelie and Unseelie factions. Backed by the highest authority, the new Lord Andrell is there to build an Unseelie Court from nothing, and he will brook no interference, no challenges.
Meanwhile, a rogue Fae launches a vicious slaughter at Calgary’s largest public event, and Jason is dragged into an investigation and pursuit of a monster far more powerful than he is. The rogue’s Unseelie heritage brings him into conflict with Lord Andrell, and the city’s peace is threatened.
One wrong step could unleash civil war between the new Courts and Jason’s own secrets could lead to lighting the embers of a civil war amongst all Fae–embers that have slumbered since before his birth.
If only he knew what those secrets were…
Magna Carta (The Border Knight #4) – Griff Hosker
The Earl of Cleveland has managed to put himself in King John’s good graces just at the time when other barons decide to rebel. They seek more land and power. The newly appointed Earl is caught in the middle. When the Scots begin to raid once more Sir Thomas is forced to rally the loyal knights of the north and repel them. Following the actual history which led to the Magna Carta and beyond this fast-moving novel moves from Scotland to Wales and Northampton and Lincoln. It culminates in the battle of Lincoln 1217 when the French army attempted to conquer England.
So long as the Earl and William Marshal stand shoulder to shoulder with the boy king, Henry III, then England will be safe!
Party of Assassins – Steven Maurer
The thing about war is that life still goes on.
As rival princes ravage across Aeterna, mustering armies to vie for the throne of the Nutearean Empire, Xanthe’s main concern is getting a date for the upcoming Festival of Favors. Hard for a poor scholar’s daughter, who sees nothing in her looks that would ever attract a suitable boy.
Yet even in the relative safety of northern Thule, the southern interregnum brings danger. Fanatics rise when rulers fall. The Curate preaches that ancient technologies weren’t lost due to apocalyptic battles, but seized as divine punishment for mortals usurping the authority to shape life. Some schismatic zealots go further. Against the law, they murder ‘witches’ – girls with mysterious talents engineered into their bloodlines – hoping to cleanse mankind of its sins.
And Xanthe has a secret…
A Sellsword’s Wrath (Seven Virtues #2) – Jacob Peppers 
Aaron Envelar thought a sellsword’s life was as dangerous as any life could be. He was wrong.
Trapped in a conquered city with a reward on their heads, Aaron and his companions must find a way to elude the soldiers pursuing them while he struggles to understand his bond with Co, a magical creature of myth and the Virtue of Compassion. There is power within the bond, power that could help him protect his friends, if he’s lucky enough to master it before the darkness within the bond consumes him.
But luck, Aaron knows, is a blade reached for in the dark, the man who grasps it as likely to bleed for his trouble as find the handle.
Stalked by Belgarin’s soldiers, Aaron and his companions struggle to find allies before it’s too late. But Belgarin’s army is not the only danger they face, and even should they escape, even should Aaron master his bond with a legendary creature of magic, they may still fail. They may still die.
For there are other legends in the world, other magic. And not all legends are good ones. Not all magic is benign.
Tales of Anyar (Destiny’s Crucible #5) – Olan Thorensen
The Destiny’s Crucible series chronicles the incredible adventure of Joseph Colsco, a college student of no particular importance, who is thrust into an unimaginable fate by an accident that couldn’t happen—but did. Cast naked on the planet Anyar, he forges a new life for himself and rises to prominence and responsibilities he would otherwise never have imagined. However, much is left undone and uncertain. For readers who finished the first four books, many questions were left unanswered, and many stories left untold. This collection of short stories and novellas addresses some of the questions, expands previous books, and points to future directions. The anthology begins not on the planet Anyar but on Earth, with the aftermath of the improbable accident that starts Joseph Colsco on his new life.
Worse Things Waiting – Manly Wade Wellman
Available again for the first time in 45 years, Shadowridge Press is proud to present Manly Wade Wellman’s WORSE THINGS WAITING, one of the cornerstone short story collections in the fantasy and horror genres. Originally published by the legendary imprint Carcosa, Worse Things Waiting gathers 28 stories and two poems, selected from over 100 stories—the cream of nearly a half-century of fiction taken from the pages of Weird Tales, Unknown, Strange Stories and many other Golden Age pulps. Included are such classic tales as—
“The Undead Soldier”- featuring the original ending that Weird Tales considered too horrific to publish.
“The Devil Is Not Mocked” and “The Valley Was Still”- adapted for TV on Night Gallery and The Twilight Zone respectively.
“Coven” and “Fearful Rock”- Wellman’s two novelettes featuring Sgt. “Bible” Jaeger and his battles with diabolical evil in the Civil War south.
—and many more. The very best of Manly Wade Wellman, fully illustrated with over 30 ghoulish drawings by the legendary master of the macabre, Lee Brown Coye.
Cirsova #8 – edited by P. Alexander
For readers who want exciting tales of daring heroes up against impossible odds in exotic settings, the eight issue of Cirsova: Heroic Fantasy and Science Fiction is now hot off the press.
Featuring stories from Nathan Dabney, Jon Zaremba, J.D. Brink, Jim Breyfogle, Amy Power Jansen, Donald Jacob Uitvlugt, Jennifer Povey, Ken McGrath, and J. Manfred Weichsel.
New Release Roundup, 2 June 2018: Fantasy and Adventure published first on https://medium.com/@ReloadedPCGames
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faceofodyssey · 2 months
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old man yaoi but theyre in the 40s
plus a little animatic(?) and a redraw of this
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